The World of Tomorrow

Lelouch vi Risea

"The nords kidnapped one of your women?" He asked. He was curious. Lelouch would do everything to please this woman and that would certainly inclhde rescuing another woman for her "Can we do anything about it?" 


She just stared blankly at the table, thinking. She wanted her god to be happy so she just went through with it. "Well... if you are willing for it, I suppose there is one thing.." she then looked back at him, "knowing where they are kept would be nice to know."


Since people were allowed to undergo surgery to fight for their nation, It has been known by them, the science team, the medical personnel, and the emperor of the consequences some of them face if using too much of their power, or through years. And due to the the science team also being aware of the absurdly quick time, and for said consequences to affect mostly males specifically including several reports of strange creatures throughout Russia, the head scientist decides that it was time to deal with the situation, while also being capable of having multiple facilities over time. She had themselves be called a company to not make citizens afraid, and requested to the emperor that she have her own 'company' and a large plot of siberia, mainly away from civilization. To make and do as she wishes with.

At a council meeting, with the emperor, Joseph huxinfold, hunter, Dimitri, Valerie, and the goddesses. She discussed in great detail of why she requested for a large plot of land within siberia. It was simply for further scientific advance and to contain foreign, domestic, lethal, safe, unknown persons, lands, and objects. She said that she would pay everything herself, But requested a team of 5,000 engineers, 500 guards, 300 janitors, 700 plumbers, and the empires greatest developers to help her and her science team create the facility. They would also require shovels, Construction equipment, the valkorov for deep digging and construction, and some of the empire's greatest spies to act as intelligence and to keep the facility secret.

After a hour of debating, the emperor, kiyoshi, Joseph, and hunter agreed, while the rest didn't enjoy that some of their own people might be heading there permanently. The location the facility would be built at would be a random ass jungle to the south of central siberia, nearly besides the old socialist republic and only a few hundred kilometers away from eclipsian land. the surface facility would have 300 acres of land in the middle of nowhere, in a perfect square. It would have four corner watchtowers, various other watchtowers in and outside of the facility, outer fences, parts being up to five stories high, and walls of approximately 8 meters high on all sides. The walls being formed from steel beams and concrete. The towers would also be composed of those materials, but also including glass. The fences would also be powered with electricity, and the facility would have 8 surface generator rooms, and currently a innumerable amount below ground. The facility itself however would be at its finest from below.

Despite most questions left unanswered, and some muttering unrelated to the situation, she left the room abruptly after getting backed. The next day, it was a sight to behold, as hundreds of vehicles, thousands of people, and a innumerable amount of supplies were sent east. Half of it for the complex, the other half for the scientists. With the majority of people being seen being those in labcoats. The project would be helped by both the empire and gallia. 


Principality vehicle repair: 75%

50 T-34 1941 models were repaired by this time.


Ocean goddess project: 72%

The pillboxes were all finished except for one on the left side of the stern. The insides of the ship would continue to be fleshed-out, with watertight doors added in multiple key sections, and a few for crew quarters areas. One specific room of interest aboard the ship was the primary barracks, which would hold a armory, room for military personnel and some vehicles, and a firing range in a specifically designed room deep within the ship. The bridge started construction, after all of gallia's original month stock of ragnite was fully refined for construction purposes.


Helghast project 95%

The heavy armor would begin the final phases, which are:

Human conditions,

Adjustable for height,

Weapon designations,


And minor add-ons.

This update of the suit saw most of that filled out, with the suit insides being capable of adjusting inner plating for taller users, A person actually being capable of wearing it without it collapsing on the user, the helmet capable of having night vision and a voice amplifier/modifier, and some fire-proof padding and miniature tubes to vent exhaust if the suit is on fire inside. Weapon designations would primarily be any weapon created for it, but also any large heavy weapon which already exists for infantry... It would be capable of carrying at least two anti-tank Lances, Large crates of ammunition, and the newly crafted Daskm-87U heavy repeater/Minigun. The Daskm-87U heavy minigun is a modified version of the already existing "metro Gatling gun" with the ability to have large boxes attached to it. The only difference being that it can withstand constant use, is made out of ragnite from Imperial storage, and unlike it's lighter equivalent It can have three box-mags attached to it. Having 1500 rounds to fire if fully reloaded. 

The armor will still be developed to add additional minor things, or helmet changes. And the weapon research team will be developing two more weapons, one being a form of grenade and the other being a rifle. However due to it going to mainly be a elite-elite-elite unit, It is unknown if the rifle idea will be carried out.


Alien tech analysis:

30%. [Don't really know what else to say.]


Nepcom has opened business above ground officially, and begins to ask permission to modify the cities highest tower. The goddesses gave them permission but under supervision, and they would begin to modify it to become a better communication system. They would use the technology taken from svalbard to do this. It was expected to cover a larger portion of the world like a regular high tech communication post, but a small majority would still be out of reach. It was expected to be three months.
Santiago de Cuba

After a 15-minute-warning, the first blitzkrieg started in Cuba with 1.4 million troops (taken from Siberia) and 500,000 Droids. After an intense bombardment of outside areas, the USVV forces pushed out of Santiago de Cuba (Which they were still occupying, but the grenshu stopped the invasion) and towards Palma Soriano and Guantanamo, in which they captured Palma Soriano and put under siege Guantanamo.

A force from the navy also started heavy shelling on military operations in Nueva Gerona, while blocking any ships from going through the waterway between the Mainland and the Island.


The Katrina Corporation also asked for a copyright on all Katrina products

( I have permission to do this)


After weeks of intense fighting, the SRC surrendered unanimously, and USVV Troops automatically spread across the nation and set up Community Stations, where help could be given to the once-neglected populace. Dealings were done with the rebels, and it was agreed that Haiti and the Dominican Republic would become autonomous regions of the USVV, and that all other lands would be annexed.

And within days, the USVV started filling in the gaps of the old society in the Islands, and the State of Cuba was announced, with the election for Governor coming next month with the Presidential election.


Flag of the Great State of Cuba


In Siberian USVV territory, there was a census done to see what people from the Siberian Nation still were alive, and the amounts were high. 500,000 Citizens, not including convicted criminals that would be sent to prison, and a referendum was given to the Siberians to ask if they want autonomy, or to become a state of the USVV. After the results came in, it was a 70% majority vote to become a state of the USVV, and the election for Governor was set up, along with fair amounts of Workers and Droids to start setting up factories and other things to get the Siberian Economy going. Many of the same things that were done in Cuba were done in Siberia, handing out aide and giving people work and such.


Flag of the Great State of New Siberia (The Northern Territories)

Both plans were approved by the Senate and House of Representatives, and the Supreme Law-decipherers saw it as good, so they allowed it.

Order Empire

The newly-formed Democracy and Freedom Parties of Varmandr Vestan, has racked up enough funds to send elsewhere. They chose to try and sway the future elections in the OE by donating 15 million to the Order Democratic Party. They sent the message asking if they'd like that to them and waited until they replied...


Franz Josef Land

After a long week's flight, Varmandian Jets scouted the islands, and found most of them to be desolate of life. Soon afterwards, the Ships arrived, and started unloading colonization supplies. The USVV flag was raised on all the islands, and the construction of a military base was started... Until they found a unknown force in the smallest island in the middle, with an unknown flag raised. A radio signal was sent to them, and a corvette was sent to patrol near there and a few low-speed jets were to circle the area.

"Unknown force, identify yourself... This is the United States of Varmandr Vestan Armed Forces, and we would like to meet you..."
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Lelouch vi Risea

He clapped his hands "Good, we will do exactly that" He looked at her and smiled. He has to spy and infiltrate a country in order to please this woman, "I will have my agents attend to that, this will not take long, I assure you."

Lelouch vi Risea

He clapped his hands "Good, we will do exactly that" He looked at her and smiled. He has to spy and infiltrate a country in order to please this woman, "I will have my agents attend to that, this will not take long, I assure you."


She just smiled. "Oh, alright then. How gentlemanly of you." She said to lelouch, before she started drinking her beverage.

"Well, Byron, that apology might be enough for you and I to end hostilities, but as your country continues to commit injustices, it will not suffice for them. I trust you are aware that Eclipsian troops are refusing to leave Rockian territory in Sakhalin? If that situation were to be fixed, we may approach the path of peace more openly." Under his breath, he muttered, "Why do we have so much trouble with cold islands?"

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone

Indian Ocean

The underwater city of Avalon was completed. All further underwater cities were put on hold to prioritize the Project Julius colony.

Radium Hot Springs

Whispers began to grow throughout the city as something had been noticed. The Northern Canadian Islands, unjustly stolen by the imbecilic cutthroats of the Rising Empire, were now shown as Rockian territory on all official maps. While no true mention of it had been made by the government yet, it was certainly enough to get people talking.


Research Centers

Project Julius continued to break new ground. A technique to break through the ice of Ganymede was being perfected, and the colonists on the Asgardia station were going through training quite well. The Battlesuit Upgrades also continued to go quite well, and they would soon be a cutting-edge military system ready to fight any man well.


"Oh, thank you!" The Rockian delegation hurried to the trucks and began making their way to Gallia.



King in Portland.

Avalon completed.

Northern islands added to Rockian maps.

Communication with Redline.

Project Julius: 55%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 60%

[SIZE= 16px]"Yes i have heard, however right now i am in no position to declare that the island is yours. Not to mention the fact i most likely can't to anything about it until the upcoming election is finished, and i have read that the polls are tight between the Citizen's Party coalition and the Liberal-Democracy Party coalition. Right now the Citizen's coalition are at forty-four seats in total while the Liberal-Democracy's is at fifty-nine seats, however those numbers are expected to shift even closer. Basically what i am saying is that with the recent revision of our country by adding new republics and territories, which was headed by the Citizen's decision, that unless my party prevails as the front runner i can't change that fact. It also doesn't help that the Citizen's Party stance is that what ever territory was captured by participating countries in the Battle of Siberia rightfully belongs to that country, something about the alien occupation or whatever. Look Albert if i could then i would give you the island, however as of now that is not possible, but note that if the coalitions are neck and neck after this then expect either a delayed resolution or no resolution at all."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord [/SIZE]
With the launch of the first AE sattelite, the next step is a small mining ship with the same booster as the sattelite, which will mine some asteroids.
Lelouch vi Britannia

"If you have finished your meal and drink then allow our maids to escort and attend to you in your chamber" He said. He was still sitting and would only stand if the lady infront of him would do so.



Schneizel was informed about the map change of the risers. He decided to ignore it as the world acknowledges them as the true and only owner of the canadian island. Even with their uneasy relations, if any rockians visited the rising empire they would treat them equally as if they were their own. It was a sign of good gesture and that both countries should have a much more friendly relations.

@Fishman Lord
Lelouch vi Britannia

"If you have finished your meal and drink then allow our maids to escort and attend to you in your chamber" He said. He was still sitting and would only stand if the lady infront of him would do so.

She nodded her head and stood up after she was finished drinking. "Then I would not like to keep them waiting."



"Well, Byron, that apology might be enough for you and I to end hostilities, but as your country continues to commit injustices, it will not suffice for them. I trust you are aware that Eclipsian troops are refusing to leave Rockian territory in Sakhalin? If that situation were to be fixed, we may approach the path of peace more openly." Under his breath, he muttered, "Why do we have so much trouble with cold islands?"

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone

Indian Ocean

The underwater city of Avalon was completed. All further underwater cities were put on hold to prioritize the Project Julius colony.

Radium Hot Springs

Whispers began to grow throughout the city as something had been noticed. The Northern Canadian Islands, unjustly stolen by the imbecilic cutthroats of the Rising Empire, were now shown as Rockian territory on all official maps. While no true mention of it had been made by the government yet, it was certainly enough to get people talking.


Research Centers

Project Julius continued to break new ground. A technique to break through the ice of Ganymede was being perfected, and the colonists on the Asgardia station were going through training quite well. The Battlesuit Upgrades also continued to go quite well, and they would soon be a cutting-edge military system ready to fight any man well.


"Oh, thank you!" The Rockian delegation hurried to the trucks and began making their way to Gallia.



King in Portland.

Avalon completed.

Northern islands added to Rockian maps.

Communication with Redline.

Project Julius: 55%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 60%

[Just going to time skip for ya.]

After days of driving, having soldiers stare at them, and passing the 5,000 kilometer wide siberian line, they would continue. A single truck had left for the redline, but it was unrelated. After another night had passed, In the far off distance 10 meter high walls would be seen in a circular fashion, with a gatehouse on one of the sides. Since the vehicles had the gallian flag on them, they wouldn't need to bother searching it. With the drivers just detailing it over radio before the gate opened, and a large bridge over the "moat" could then be passed as well.

They stopped on the other side of the large gatehouse, and the delegation was left to their own devices with the only advice being to follow the tower. They would be in the first district, A city sized area full of currently apartment buildings, Random businesses and companies made by citizens everywhere in certain sectors, And after a long while being transported further through, they would then cross a absurd-length drawbridge which was so long that the other side was basically fog, if it wasn't seen at day or under regular conditions. After a dozen or so minutes crossing it, they would be in the center aka third district of the capital. In front of them would be a single building, more than 35 meters high from just the ground to the roof not counting the tower. It basically filled the entire district, with only a few small buildings outside of it which are for military purposes.

[Going to have to continue rushing this, so you will have to continue. Here is a picture for reference.]



( I have permission to do this)


After weeks of intense fighting, the SRC surrendered unanimously, and USVV Troops automatically spread across the nation and set up Community Stations, where help could be given to the once-neglected populace. Dealings were done with the rebels, and it was agreed that Haiti and the Dominican Republic would become autonomous regions of the USVV, and that all other lands would be annexed.

And within days, the USVV started filling in the gaps of the old society in the Islands, and the State of Cuba was announced, with the election for Governor coming next month with the Presidential election.

Flag of the Great State of Cuba


In Siberian USVV territory, there was a census done to see what people from the Siberian Nation still were alive, and the amounts were high. 500,000 Citizens, not including convicted criminals that would be sent to prison, and a referendum was given to the Siberians to ask if they want autonomy, or to become a state of the USVV. After the results came in, it was a 70% majority vote to become a state of the USVV, and the election for Governor was set up, along with fair amounts of Workers and Droids to start setting up factories and other things to get the Siberian Economy going. Many of the same things that were done in Cuba were done in Siberia, handing out aide and giving people work and such.


Flag of the Great State of New Siberia (The Northern Territories)

Both plans were approved by the Senate and House of Representatives, and the Supreme Law-decipherers saw it as good, so they allowed it.

Order Empire

The newly-formed Democracy and Freedom Parties of Varmandr Vestan, has racked up enough funds to send elsewhere. They chose to try and sway the future elections in the OE by donating 15 million to the Order Democratic Party. They sent the message asking if they'd like that to them and waited until they replied...


Franz Josef Land

After a long week's flight, Varmandian Jets scouted the islands, and found most of them to be desolate of life. Soon afterwards, the Ships arrived, and started unloading colonization supplies. The USVV flag was raised on all the islands, and the construction of a military base was started... Until they found a unknown force in the smallest island in the middle, with an unknown flag raised. A radio signal was sent to them, and a corvette was sent to patrol near there and a few low-speed jets were to circle the area.

"Unknown force, identify yourself... This is the United States of Varmandr Vestan Armed Forces, and we would like to meet you..."

Due to them being only part of a larger settlement team, and thus wouldn't have radio communications, they would not of received the broadcast.
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Due to them being only part of a larger settlement team, and thus wouldn't have radio communications, they would not of received the broadcast.

Franz Josef Land

The USVV was confused about the encounter, and deemed that Military Action would ensue for not responding, for they thought that they were just trying to provoke them. Within five minutes, Droid troops surrounded the area, and they played it over a loudspeaker now. "This is the USVV Armed Forces, please respond"
The Martian Federation has begun the first Grande Dome. It is a very large dome that is being designed for more farms, allowing other domes to be used as population centers. The Grande Dome will first farm barley, wheat clover,  and turnips to increase the nutrient content of the farms while allowing the still controlled cattle to gain feed. The production of more 'Martian Glass' has allowed for a good amount of the dome's material to be prepared, with the mining of titanium and iron to create the beams required for the dome prepared as well. The hardest part will be the acquisition of the oxygen and nitrogen required. One scientist has considered the possibility of pumping nitrogen into the atmosphere to increase the pressure. This has been approved, though it will take years and years to increase the atmospheric pressure by much.
Franz Josef Land

The USVV was confused about the encounter, and deemed that Military Action would ensue for not responding, for they thought that they were just trying to provoke them. Within five minutes, Droid troops surrounded the area, and they played it over a loudspeaker now. "This is the USVV Armed Forces, please respond"

"The fuck is that?" A random gallian asked. This was followed with hunter raising binoculars, zooming into the maximum setting, and viewing droids. He lowered them after spotting one. "A guy in a robotic suit? Nonetheless, the whistle must be blown and the bells rang if needed. Keep your eyes on them as much as the snipers, and keep your whistle closer. They won't be able to shoot you since you are in cover." After that he kept his MP-4 in hand, But otherwise continued regular island expansion. 

Back in gallia, the redline and gallia are loading all their ships up to transfer the rest of the settler-infantry. The first two ships were redline troops, they would of been used for dealing with any possible mutant threat on the island. The other two ships were loaded with gallian workers, and scouts/riflemen for island recon. The last ship, the red October, would of been filled with both gallian and redline personnel primarily workers, and ten claymores to remove trees, and a single valkyria to give the claymores orders. After the ships were done repairing minor damage, and done being loaded, they would sail to the island.
Lelouch vi Risea

He stood up as the lady infront of her did too. The maids led her towards her chamber and assisted her at anything. Lelouch told her to ask anything. Lelouch then went towards the viceroy's office. He found Jeremiah sitting on his chair and just casually doing what he does. He looked at Lelouch and smiled. He stood up.

"How did it go?" He asked. He was hoping for something romantic when Lelouch replied.

"Prepare our finest agents. They will infiltrate the nordic union military and government, access their database and get the needed information then get out. I want this operation to be CIAA's top priority."

"What exactly did you discuss?" Jeremiah asked.

"about rescuing another lady from the nords." Lelouch smirked "We only need to find out where she is hidden. Rescuing comes later. Also make sure that those agents will come back home alive, use any necessary resources on this mission and strictly no engaging with the nords." Jeremiah nodded. Lelouch then left the room and walked towards his own chambers.

Lelouch vi Risea

He stood up as the lady infront of her did too. The maids led her towards her chamber and assisted her at anything. Lelouch told her to ask anything. Lelouch then went towards the viceroy's office. He found Jeremiah sitting on his chair and just casually doing what he does. He looked at Lelouch and smiled. He stood up.

"How did it go?" He asked. He was hoping for something romantic when Lelouch replied.

"Prepare our finest agents. They will infiltrate the nordic union military and government, access their database and get the needed information then get out. I want this operation to be CIAA's top priority."

"What exactly did you discuss?" Jeremiah asked.

"about rescuing another lady from the nords." Lelouch smirked "We only need to find out where she is hidden. Rescuing comes later. Also make sure that those agents will come back home alive, use any necessary resources on this mission and strictly no engaging with the nords." Jeremiah nodded. Lelouch then left the room and walked towards his own chambers.


She would get attention from a maid and would begin asking a question, "So what happened to the polish? Did they change their name or something?" 
Some random maid

"The old republic of poland has collapsed mi'lady" She said "The Rising Empire moved in to save the citizens and prevent the total obliteration of the polish"

Some random maid

"The old republic of poland has collapsed mi'lady" She said "The Rising Empire moved in to save the citizens and prevent the total obliteration of the polish"


"Well I suppose that is better than everyone dying. The aliens must of killed their leaders first... anyway, Thanks." She said before leaving. She told the maid to wake her up if lelouch needed something, otherwise she was going to sleep.

Portland, Cascadia

As international interaction becomes more and more daily for the people of the world themselves, Cascadian magazines and media outlets have turned to reporting on not just Cascadia but the world itself. Taking advantage of the interest of the outside world, many large Cascadian news networks, magazine companies and other media sources have set up offices in cities such as Oxford, Eclipsim, Lagos, Radium Hot Springs, Helsinki, Berlin and Pendragon. Fast-food chains have also began expressing their interests in establishing a presence overseas, Burger Town, Pizza Palace, Coffee Shack, Waffle Hut and Cluckin' Chicken have all taken the initative and sent out commercial request forms to the nations of the Eclipsian Federation, Order Empire, African Empire, Kingdom of the Rockies, Rising Empire, Germany and Varmander Vestan to begin setting up their restaurants there. Burger Town being known for their high-quality burgers and fries. Pizza Palace their fine almost Italian-authentic like pizza, Coffee Shack a modern place to relax and drink, Waffle Hut being extremely popular among early morning commuters and Cluckin' Chicken with its highly sophisticated quality of chicken and preparation at an affordable cost.





The African Empire has agreed in 12 of the thirteen governerships with the exemption being the egyptian region due to the pork products in the food not being halal. @RIPSaidCone
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Rising Empire

CIAA Headquarters, Kiev, Ukraine

The Central Operations Room was busy, they were preparing for their espionage operation. They were to both send an agent inside the nordic union military and government while also attempting to hack their database. The CIAA Computers were protected by a strong firewall and walls upon walls of encryptions. If the nordic tries to trace them back it would appear is if they have hacked themselves. The CIAA has taken extra precautions. 

Multiple teams has been prepared for this operation. Team Alpha consists of 6 agents, they were the primary team and would be tasked in -Classified-. Team Bravo consists of 4 agents and would be tasked in -Classified-. Team Charlie consists of 5 Agents and would be tasked in being the inside man. Team delta consists of 8 agents and would be tasked in providing support to any team. Team echo consists of 3 agents and would be tasked on being the sleeper agents. 

Team Charlie and delta are already inside the nordic union. Team Alpha and Team Bravo are in separate Carleon-class air cruisers. They were using the carleon class as it has a special feature called the 'Druid System'. Radars like the nordic union possesses cannot detect the air cruisers. They would be able to move in and out without being detected. 

For quick extraction, the Carleon-Class Air Cruisers would take spot in some mountain range. An Aircraft carrier and 2 destroyers will also be positioned a couple miles away from nordic waters. They made sure that the ships would not trespass the nordic waters. The Navy announced that the ships were just there for regular patrols, but they were to provide aerial support and transport to the agents. Lelouch also strictly said that they must no engage with the nords. 

The mission progress will be sent live to the Office of the Polish Viceroy and to the Pendragon Operations Room Delta. The Agents will bewearing civilian clothins, but were equipped with concealed handguns that cannot be detected by Nordic Security. They will also carry a bag that contains all of their needed equipments. The Satellites that were positioned above the nordic union were now being used for this mission. 


The Rising Empire has accepted all forms sent by the Cascadian Fast-Food Chains. 

While some nepcom employees were off on other projects, the majority were left with just estimating sales. At the end of the month, the entire Imperial population, 57% of the gallian population, and so far 50% of the redline population had the book. They gained 73,000 profit from it, and it overall had 8/10 - 8.1/10 ratings. But this was expected for something with historical accuracy.

Once completed, they started to design a dress. Something practical, but could be easily added onto if wanted. With 50% of the profit earned, they would buy the softest yet warm fabric they had access to with that budget.


Mysterious reports near outposts in recently conquered siberian land, depict strange creatures lurking about the land at night. All attempts of investigation by outpost personnel rendered no results, and most of the original mutant population such as lurkers were already domesticated. Further reports in gallia was rendered as uncertain improbability.

MEGA has released the newest installment in the Warfare franchise, Warfare: The Iberian Rebellion. The game only has one campaign, which is the Ordarian campaign, in which you play as a soldier fighting against the Summaists in the Iberian Province. There is also a multiplayer feature, which is the only time players can actually play as the Summaists. Players also have the choice of piloting vehicles from both sides. The game has been received well by the populous and critics, although to a lesser extent. MEGA is also releasing their products world wide.

Research Centers

Alien tech analyzation is going well. Almost all of the Grenshu tech has been analyzed. Project Calrissian is going well.

Alien Tech Analyzation: 72%

Project Calrissian: 64%

Other Stuff

The wine brand named simply as "Franco-Italian Wine" is now being released to the global market.

4 out of the 6 Hydrogen missiles are done

The Ministers approve the Cascadian Fast Food Chains requests


[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Naval and Marine forces landed on the island of Tasmania and set up a small military presence there. While their reasoning for doing this is unknown some presume it to me used a future military installation like the Falklands, which entails that it would be turned into a giant fortress that would be much more guarded compared to the Falklands during the Grenshu invasion. Another theory is that this could be used as a future launch point for a invasion of Australia or it is going to be used as a larger research hub. Either way all theories have no backing as little evidence is there to provide why the Federation took over Tasmania.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord (Just so you know)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]African-Eclipsian Border[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Home Defense personnel have began to mass at the Sinai border, with numerous tanks and fighters gathered there and along the Red Sea. The commanding officer sent a message to the nearest African base with reasoning for their actions "We would like to take control over the Sinai Peninsula and the Suez Canal, the rest of your territory is yours and hols no value to us. Our claim on the Sinai is older than your conquest of the old Hamuis, so we feel as though it should be rightfully ours. We will await response and depending on what it is, hostile action may take place depending on how said response is worded."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The first election in the Federation is coming up, with polls and early voting showing a very tight race. In the new system whatever party gains the most dominance in the Council, that party can put up it's presidential nominee as the head of the Eclipse Republic and head of the Eclipsian Federation. So far two parties and their allies are in a very tight race, the Citizen's Party and the Liberal-Democracy Party. So far the nation seems to split fifty-fifty on who to chose, with the outcome being a deadlock. As such the Eclipsian Federation has allowed voters outside of the country to vote in the election. The hope is that citizens of these countries will be able to stop the deadlock projected in the nation. With Byron returning, the election is expected to happen soon.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Domini Regum @Wickedkent @Lordvader59 [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In other events the Eclipsian entertainment giant, Apollo Institutes, has released the first two DLC for Battle: Earth. These two DLC are packaged as the "Summaist Rebellion", mainly taking place in the Eclipsian Civil War and the Central African Civil War, with two special missions taking place in the Philippines. In the Eclipsian Civil War you play six missions as an Eclipsian soldier, one as a Orderian soldier, and for the first time you play as a civilian in the war-torn city of Atyrau for two missions where you and a family try to escape the city. In the Central African Civil War there are two Eclipsian missions, two Singaporean, and two African, along with another civlian story where as a African civilian you must survive the Siege of Lagos. In the Philippines there is one mission each for the Eclipsians and Singaporeans. After the release of the DLC, Apollo Institutes filed a official copyright claim on Battle: Earth and all following DLC to the ITO, as well as copyright for their specific modeling and engine programs.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Effects: (haven't done this in a while)[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian forces take over Tasmania[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Home Defense gathers at the Sinai Border and Red Sea[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation allows other nations to vote in the election[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Apollo Institutes releases the first DLC package Battle: Earth and puts an official copyright claim on it and future DLC[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Horizon reaches 55% (Not really going to post about it much just updating the progress)[/SIZE]
The African Emprie is displeased by this prospect. The emperor has sent a call to all nations requesting that they send aid to a nation who is about to be attacked by warmongers who claim that they are no logner warmongers. he famously called them hypocrites to their own morals. He has pleaded for help, as his nation is pacifistic but must stand up for itself or face continued bullying by 'the Hypocrite Nation' (he never referred to their nation's actual name.) @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @Lordvader59 @Agent141 @Wickedkent 

He has begun production of more railgun anti-aircraft, making 15 a month. He has placed the current two ten miles off the border manned by 5 valkyries each. He has placed all the Sentinels along the border, entrenching them while placing anti-tank guns, anti aircraft, anti-personnel, and all other manners of guns there. He has moved his fleet east and begun producing mines similar to the nymph mines at a rate of 400 a month. In all, he is prepared for war, so it came as no surprise whe he sent a message to the attacking nation. 'To The Hypocrite Nation.  I will not give up my people, their sovereign freedom, and their way of life for your despicable warmonger nation. You claim you have rid yourselves of the warmonger Council, and yet you still wish for war. You are a ruthless and disgusting people and I will not go easily into the night, no matter what.'

He has also drafted three million soldiers and begun training them. @Loyal Guardian

With the Eclipsians on their way, the island was heavily fortified and prepared. When they arrived a message was sent. "You are trespassing on Rockian territory. Leave immediately or prepare for battle." All guns were loaded and the island was ready to fight..

@Loyal Guardian


King Albert stood up as he recieved the news. "Goddamnit, Byron, what is wrong with your country? You are trying to invade Tasmania, what the hell? If this does not stop, it's war Byron, and I don't think that even a person like you would want that."

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone


A delegation was sent to speak with the Africans about an alliance against the Eclipsians. "These hypocrites have exercised power for too long. We must stand and say that we will be bullied no longer, and strike a blow that will not soon be forgotten." Vestan and the Nords were also called to war.

@Albion@Domini Regum@Lordvader59

Eclipsian Elections

Rockian citizens were voting en masse for the Imperial Party, hoping to get monarchy restored and get another nation with similar values on the earth.

@Loyal Guardian

Research Facilities

Research continued. (everything is short, i know, just trying to get something out)


With the Rockian delegation finally in the city, they were ready to get this diplomatic meeting done with.



Project Julius: 60%

Battlesuit Upgrades:70%

(everything else is so short that there's no point in including it here.)
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