The World of Tomorrow

The Rising Empire

The royal family made a reply to the cascadians stating that the Rising Empire agrees to their proposal.


Lelouch vi Risea

"I apologize, your highnesses" Lelouch said "I just had no comment to the choices you gave me, or was just simply gathering up my thoughts. Honestly, it is not up to me to decide, it is up to you."


She thought for moment while the other two girls just continued staring at him, kiyoshi being the only one upset due to what transpired a few seconds ago. "with that being said, you do realize if I was a lesser, I would of just shipped you with a pet badger or something." She said to him, but still sounding stern. "I apologize for having a lack of women, but I wasn't told someone was sent here to marry... These two are lesbian so the only real option left to you is me." She deviously smiled. "WHAT???" Kiyoshi screamed. Heather just looked over to the side at the queen, giving her a very annoyed stare. "Well you two are very loud at night." She continued to troll. She only crossed in arms in response, pouted, And then gave her the middle finger. Heather remained silent, but started to glow even more due to a visible aura.

"The only requirements are two things:

You have to take me on a date, and you have to pay for the wedding." Jennifer said.



Nepcom was hard at work for a entire month writing and developing the novel. It was so far 450 pages, and nearing the completion date. Tons of advertising about it would of circulated for over the last few weeks of the month.


Principality vehicle repair: 65

5 of the kind of tanks the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired. [I need someone to seriously fucking answer me.]


Ocean goddess project: 50%

The engine was completed, and the decks could be continued. It was so far one of the biggest ships in history if not the biggest, and the longest project ever done. Due to the size of it, multiple pillboxes were built on the sides like a warship, except one would house two - three heavy long range artillery pieces, as the ship would be capable of handling it. If using smaller artillery batteries, it could possibly house five. The artillery pieces to be used would be mainly coastal guns. As the purpose of the pillboxes were to hold the largest equipment possible to it. The pillboxes would have their frames made out of ragnite, and the rest of it out of steel and concrete. 


Helghast project 80%

The new heavy armor would begin to be further developed. the same tests as last time were commenced, 60% of their large caliber ammunition would still penetrate the armor itself, but old prewar bullets were tested onto it. The effect rendered the user to somewhat feel it for some bullet types, but otherwise were bent or bounced off. The larger calibers left small dents. Testing would continue.


Alien tech analysis:

19%. [Don't really know what else to say.]
Lelouch vi Risea

"Very well" Lelouch said. "I shall pay for the wedding. As for the date, I think it should be done at my country, as I am incapable to do so here and there are not much to enjoy other than this palace."

Lelouch vi Risea

"Very well" Lelouch said. "I shall pay for the wedding. As for the date, I think it should be done at my country, as I am incapable to do so here and there are not much to enjoy other than this palace."


"Not true, considering all you've been in is the citadel and not the actual city. But fine. We can have the date in your country." She said while looking bored.
Lelouch vi Risea

"Very well then" He said as he held out his hand."Will thy queen accompany me back to my country?" 

Lelouch vi Risea

"Very well then" He said as he held out his hand."Will thy queen accompany me back to my country?" 


Jennifer would of stood up and walked up to lelouch, she took his hand and he could feel how smooth hers was. "Yes I will." She looked back at the girls. "Now don't slack off again, I don't want to return and find out my home was entirely obliterated again." She would look back at him. "Now, shall we leave?"
Radium Hot Springs

With the announcement from Cascadia and their new trade organization, the traders of the city were very wary. Were they trying to seize the Pacific trade? Were they trying to halt the growth of the Kingdom? Did they simply mean well as they said? Eventually the government had to respond and sent a message to Cascadia. "This is the Kingdom of the Rockies. While we understand that your recent creation of an organization for trade enforcement was done with the best of intentions, Cascadia has no right to force other nations to follow your trade regulations. If this organization were to be run by the World Congress and have equal representation for all nations, we may think differently, but even as our ally you are not allowed to force us to follow one nation's agenda."



The Pacific Trade Act was repealed, instead being replaced with a series of tariffs and tolls that were more forgiving. These applied to any ship going through Rockian waters, which now covered a very large part of the Pacific thanks to Project Posiedon and the Rockian islands.


"Can we just get to this dinner?" The King was getting impatient. "I just want to have a civil discussion with Byron. I am already wary of him, this mounting tension helps none."


The diplomat was beginning to get annoyed. "Then please let us sit around the fire or something? We are here to contact your nation...s, and we really would like to get that done, so if you can't help us with that, we'll have to move on."


Research Facilities

Project Julius continued to progress. The droids had been fitted with new insulation and cold protection to help when they were on Ganymede, and the modification of the colony city, now nicknamed Asgard, was also going quite well. The Battlesuit Upgrades also progressed, with new targeting and gun technology enhancing their use.


Message sent to Cascadia about new trade organization.

Pacific Trade Act replaced with new, more fair tax and tariff laws.

Albert in Portland.

Talks in Siberia.

Project Julius: 45%

Battlesuit Upgrades:40%
Lelouch vi Risea

Jennfer's hand were soft and warm. Lelouch took it with a big smile. Lelouch escorted her back to his Transport plane. They arrived at the plane and Lelouch had Jennifer settle down. The Plane then took off and headed back towards Poland. Lelouch chose poland for this date and perhaps europe, as the other places do not have much romantic places. As soon as the plane entered the Rising Border, 6 fighter jets arrived and escorted it back to poland, 3 on each side. the plane landed in the warsaw settlement landing platform. Red carpets were set for them as this was a special occasion. Knightmare frames also were lined up. Viceroy Jeremiah and Commander Suzaku and a couple of Royal Guards greeted them.

Lelouch looked back at jennifer and smiled.

"Welcome" He said.

Radium Hot Springs

With the announcement from Cascadia and their new trade organization, the traders of the city were very wary. Were they trying to seize the Pacific trade? Were they trying to halt the growth of the Kingdom? Did they simply mean well as they said? Eventually the government had to respond and sent a message to Cascadia. "This is the Kingdom of the Rockies. While we understand that your recent creation of an organization for trade enforcement was done with the best of intentions, Cascadia has no right to force other nations to follow your trade regulations. If this organization were to be run by the World Congress and have equal representation for all nations, we may think differently, but even as our ally you are not allowed to force us to follow one nation's agenda."



The Pacific Trade Act was repealed, instead being replaced with a series of tariffs and tolls that were more forgiving. These applied to any ship going through Rockian waters, which now covered a very large part of the Pacific thanks to Project Posiedon and the Rockian islands.


"Can we just get to this dinner?" The King was getting impatient. "I just want to have a civil discussion with Byron. I am already wary of him, this mounting tension helps none."


The diplomat was beginning to get annoyed. "Then please let us sit around the fire or something? We are here to contact your nation...s, and we really would like to get that done, so if you can't help us with that, we'll have to move on."


Research Facilities

Project Julius continued to progress. The droids had been fitted with new insulation and cold protection to help when they were on Ganymede, and the modification of the colony city, now nicknamed Asgard, was also going quite well. The Battlesuit Upgrades also progressed, with new targeting and gun technology enhancing their use.


Message sent to Cascadia about new trade organization.

Pacific Trade Act replaced with new, more fair tax and tariff laws.

Albert in Portland.

Talks in Siberia.

Project Julius: 45%

Battlesuit Upgrades:40%

She got audibly annoyed, and narrowed her eyes. "Don't get angry when you're the ones who decided to come to one of the coldest parts of russia, and didn't even bother to bring protection. here are your options: Either be civilized and you will be able to enter, or you will be ignored and will have to send someone else. I won't have upset people enter my, or my friends homelands and possibly break something. I already lost most of them due to this fucking alien scum, so I won't just listen to your petty scrabbling."


Lelouch vi Risea

Jennfer's hand were soft and warm. Lelouch took it with a big smile. Lelouch escorted her back to his Transport plane. They arrived at the plane and Lelouch had Jennifer settle down. The Plane then took off and headed back towards Poland. Lelouch chose poland for this date and perhaps europe, as the other places do not have much romantic places. As soon as the plane entered the Rising Border, 6 fighter jets arrived and escorted it back to poland, 3 on each side. the plane landed in the warsaw settlement landing platform. Red carpets were set for them as this was a special occasion. Knightmare frames also were lined up. Viceroy Jeremiah and Commander Suzaku and a couple of Royal Guards greeted them.

Lelouch looked back at jennifer and smiled.

"Welcome" He said.


She looked around and was actually surprised by something in two years. She just looked at the mecha, and the people lined up. "What in the empress's nam-" she got interrupted despite being somewhat silent. "Oh yes, this is...Interesting and...... What are those?"
Lelouch vi Risea

"Those mechs are called Knightmare frames, they are the pride of the Rising Empire" He said "and you will get one soon." He then took her hand as they walked down the stairs of the plane. Jeremiah and Suzaku smiled and shook her hands. They welcomed her to the Rising Empire. They then walked towards the Palace. Fighters jets flew past them and powdered fireworks blew up in the sky. It was like a festival even though it was just a welcoming ceremony for the gallian queen.

The entered the palace. Government officials of poland greeted them inside. Security was very tight. The government kept the arrival of Lelouch and the gallian queen confidential and used a military exercise as an excuse for the jets and tight security. As they entered the palace, large framed photos of the royal family came into view. It then showed Lelouch with his royal outfit. 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Nordic Intelligence Agency had been fully trained and equipped, and the agents were ready for this first assignment. They have a special mission (see PM). Meanwhile, in civilian aspects of the Union, the Entertainment industry flourished. The main domestic console is the Djalskar Valkyrie, which is VR compatible. Most Nordic games, however, and being developed for the PC. Everything from RTSes to puzzle games are resurging in suprising numbers for the PC. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Furthermore, based on prewar stories and the Africans prior failed attempts, the Nordic new gaming titan Massware has launched their new game sharing software, Mjolnir. It is an online system of game publishing and purchasing conducted 100% legitimately. One particular game has exploded. Scandinavian Aces is a flight sim that depicts JAS 40 pilots going through various sims and mock training battles before engaging in a final dogfight with the Grenshu over Stockholm. It, as well as many of the most popular new games, are VR compatible. Virtual Reality games have exploded in the Union. Many game devs are calling it the future of gaming. Things are looking up for the union.[/SIZE]
Lelouch vi Risea

"Those mechs are called Knightmare frames, they are the pride of the Rising Empire" He said "and you will get one soon." He then took her hand as they walked down the stairs of the plane. Jeremiah and Suzaku smiled and shook her hands. They welcomed her to the Rising Empire. They then walked towards the Palace. Fighters jets flew past them and powdered fireworks blew up in the sky. It was like a festival even though it was just a welcoming ceremony for the gallian queen.

The entered the palace. Government officials of poland greeted them inside. Security was very tight. The government kept the arrival of Lelouch and the gallian queen confidential and used a military exercise as an excuse for the jets and tight security. As they entered the palace, large framed photos of the royal family came into view. It then showed Lelouch with his royal outfit. 


[Was a bigger reply, but rpn crashed.]

"Ok." She said before following him down the stairs and meeting the two, shaking their hands kindly. "Thank you." Is all she said in reply to them before following him again. She didn't question all the security because the same was a everyday occurrence in the citadel, especially before everyone was forced into being a maid. She continued to follow and they entered the palace, she started to instantly notice the pictures. She looked at the picture of lelouch mainly, "interesting" being all she muttered. 
Rising Empire

The Government has called for a meeting with it's security council. Everybody was present besides Lelouch who was having a date with a foreign queen. They discussed about the security of the Rising Empire and that they must be more strict about it. They decided that the empire is in danger of infiltration and that they must take actions. They talked for hours for a possible security system that is foolproof and is impossible to bypass. After a couple of hours they finally came up of a plan. This was to be implemented as soon as possible.

Cerberus Security System


Description: An advanced Security System used by the Rising Empire for further security among it's government and military. It is specifically made to prevent any spies or other foreign people to infiltrate it's military and gain information from it's database. This security system is one of the main security system used by the empire.


The Security system would be controlled and monitored in a room of a building or place which is also then controlled and monitored in a room in the Pendragon. This was to ensure that infiltration in the the Control room would be pointless as the Pendragon could just deny the room access to everything or override their systems. Infiltrating the pendragon in also impossible as it is in the middle of nowhere and is surrounded by fences and mines.



The Government and Military personnels will each be given a code. This code would represent their identity in the system. Their code must be kept to themselves and must not be shared with others, if ever shared the personnel would face court martial.


The Personnel would also then be required to register their fingerprint, retinal and facial patterns for scan. The said requirements would be needed to be given access by the system. 


After all the things mentioned above are done, the personnel would be given an access card that contains their secondary identity and identity outside the system. This card is needed so that they can input their access code and have their fingerprint, face and retinal scanned. After all of these are done, they would be given access to a certain level in the security. Each personnel vary in what level they are given access. They would temporarily gain access to everything on that level until terminated by Cerberus.


Each personnel would also have a chip planted on the back of their neck. Each chip would be used in monitoring each personnel. It can be used for keeping track on where a person go. It could also keep track of their heart beats.


Any access can be terminated by using override in pendragon or in the control room of the place. Each building or settlement is controlled by different Rooms as what they call it. So you cannot have access to multiple settlements at once as the system only allows you to be given access in one place. 


The royal family and a few selected persons are given unlimited access to the system.


Guests are only given temporary access codes and cards. They are exempted of other things like the facial,retinal, and fingerprint scan as it is only for the government and military personnel. Guests are only given level one access.

Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch approached her.

"Pictures of every single one of the family is a must." He said "You can also be there soon, if that is what you want" He then took her hands again. They walked towards the dining room. Lelouch looked at Jennifer and smiled.

"It is small compared to the one in Pendragon, but it would suffice to hold a beauty such as yourself." He said. 

The African Entertainment company has sued the Massware country due to stolen parts from the digital game buying platform of Watersnake, a domestically successful platform from which the Nords stole parts. @Lordvader59

Also, the launch of three new games - Invaders of Steel, in which you fend off invading Europeans in the 1800s, African Kings, in which you attempt to unite Africa while dealing with internal politics, and finally Africa Imperialis, in which you play as an African Kingdom starting in 40 AD and you unite Africa while driving off enemies from Europe and the Middle East, colonizing, trading, and building armies. All of these games are domestically selling well, and gaining some ground in foreign markets.
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After various weeks, the novel is at 551 pages and at the end chapter. It will be done soon, as they have said.


Rising Empire

The Government has called for a meeting with it's security council. Everybody was present besides Lelouch who was having a date with a foreign queen. They discussed about the security of the Rising Empire and that they must be more strict about it. They decided that the empire is in danger of infiltration and that they must take actions. They talked for hours for a possible security system that is foolproof and is impossible to bypass. After a couple of hours they finally came up of a plan. This was to be implemented as soon as possible.

Cerberus Security System


Description: An advanced Security System used by the Rising Empire for further security among it's government and military. It is specifically made to prevent any spies or other foreign people to infiltrate it's military and gain information from it's database. This security system is one of the main security system used by the empire.


The Security system would be controlled and monitored in a room of a building or place which is also then controlled and monitored in a room in the Pendragon. This was to ensure that infiltration in the the Control room would be pointless as the Pendragon could just deny the room access to everything or override their systems. Infiltrating the pendragon in also impossible as it is in the middle of nowhere and is surrounded by fences and mines.



The Government and Military personnels will each be given a code. This code would represent their identity in the system. Their code must be kept to themselves and must not be shared with others, if ever shared the personnel would face court martial.


The Personnel would also then be required to register their fingerprint, retinal and facial patterns for scan. The said requirements would be needed to be given access by the system. 


After all the things mentioned above are done, the personnel would be given an access card that contains their secondary identity and identity outside the system. This card is needed so that they can input their access code and have their fingerprint, face and retinal scanned. After all of these are done, they would be given access to a certain level in the security. Each personnel vary in what level they are given access. They would temporarily gain access to everything on that level until terminated by Cerberus.


Each personnel would also have a chip planted on the back of their neck. Each chip would be used in monitoring each personnel. It can be used for keeping track on where a person go. It could also keep track of their heart beats.


Any access can be terminated by using override in pendragon or in the control room of the place. Each building or settlement is controlled by different Rooms as what they call it. So you cannot have access to multiple settlements at once as the system only allows you to be given access in one place. 


The royal family and a few selected persons are given unlimited access to the system.


Guests are only given temporary access codes and cards. They are exempted of other things like the facial,retinal, and fingerprint scan as it is only for the government and military personnel. Guests are only given level one access.

Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch approached her.

"Pictures of every single one of the family is a must." He said "You can also be there soon, if that is what you want" He then took her hands again. They walked towards the dining room. Lelouch looked at Jennifer and smiled.

"It is small compared to the one in Pendragon, but it would suffice to hold a beauty such as yourself." He said. 


"That is nice of you say, Mr. Lelouch. But I am not 'wooed' yet. You will have to try much harder than that."
Rising Empire

A new Gaming Company has been created in the rising empire. It has been named OSIRIS and it's sales has been skyrocketing due to the release of it's game called 'World at War'. It is a game where you rule over a nation and decides whats best for your country. Either you will be a warmonger and seize lands from others or solve everything diplomatically. This is a massive multiplayer game where you can also play with people online or your friends.

Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch just chuckled. They were seated on the table. Foods were being brought to their table. The finest cuisine the chef could make were prepared. 

"Do you still have an appetite, mi'lady?" He asked the queen. "If you do not like the food, then please request anything and we shall bring it."

The African Empire has sued the Rising Empire for stealing the premise of Africa Universalis, Invaders of Steel, and African Kings by stealing mechanics and concepts directly off of the games. @Wickedkent
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The satellites proceed scanning. There was a entire command room in golden heart station, 150 people running it with 30 being the minimum. After the Grenshu war was finished with, with a ultimate steamroll of godly proportions. Joseph huxinfold was stationed there. Huxinfold monitored other nations communications, military operations, and inner-infrastructure from within it. for a week they had been using the recently acquired satellites for recon purposes. So far viewing empty useless lands, or unimportant regions. They had thus started scanning the coasts and the outer borders. 

Joseph would be standing in the middle of the room, staring at a large screen which had multiple views upon it. Dimitri would of returned and entered the room. "I thought you were dealing with some intruders?" Joseph asked when he noticed him. "They decided to leave hastily after what they have done did not make any sense. They wanted to Ford over technology. How is the spying operation?" He would of also looked at the screen. "We are currently surveiling coast regions, outer borders, and rechecking areas which appeared as black spots. Nothing so far of interest except the occasional Grenshu sighting. We also have some viewing russia, which has also detected Grenshu presence and forces were sent." He would of replied to Dimitri in a calm yet stern tone. "How about the broadcast? Anything of importance?" Dimitri looked at him. "Not yet, We have sent it again. If something worth mentioning appears, I will call for an emergency council meeting." After that, Dimitri gave his farewell and left back to his original post in gallia.


A new broadcast was sent back to the eclipse again, this time it was set to constantly repeat until answered, and be resent every week. This was a attempt to actually get their attention. "If you hear this broadcast, It is urgent. Anyone who hears it is urged to reply immediately." Being all of what was said. @Loyal Guardian


The redline goddess has not heard from the socialist republic in some time, and has asked the empire if they knew what the problem was. They had stated that despite the people being happy, and the military presence there having survived the Grenshu invasion, Some of the government leaders were in a coma or killed during the invasion. After crystal heard of this tragedy, She had sent military assistance, supplies, and her sister Valerie to head to the socialist republic.


After the Grenshu war was over and those returning had slowly recovered, the emperor decided that all of the complex that the other nations claimed was Imperial territory. after some minor arguing but overall just civilized negotiation, the walls and insides of the complex was Imperial land. With whatever land outside remaining theirs, and the first wall remaining in control of gallia. After this was settled, the technology there would be moved back to golden heart and settlers sent. The settlers would of consisted of what the imperials thought were important people. Mainly politicians, Military officers+, some scientists, and engineers were in the settler party. The settler party would be escorted by the batomys tank, a marching army of claymores, a valkyria, and snipers.


After some scouts had returned to AMR-1 from trying to find who was north of them, it was discovered nobody was there. After largo was informed of this, he reported it to varrot, which reported it to her commander. They were told to send soldiers there, and keep them there until told otherwise. When scouts surveyed the area, there was nobody around and all Grenshu take was taken by whoever was here.


Rising Empire

A new Gaming Company has been created in the rising empire. It has been named OSIRIS and it's sales has been skyrocketing due to the release of it's game called 'World at War'. It is a game where you rule over a nation and decides whats best for your country. Either you will be a warmonger and seize lands from others or solve everything diplomatically. This is a massive multiplayer game where you can also play with people online or your friends.

Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch just chuckled. They were seated on the table. Foods were being brought to their table. The finest cuisine the chef could make were prepared. 

"Do you still have an appetite, mi'lady?" He asked the queen. "If you do not like the food, then please request anything and we shall bring it."


"No it is fine." She took out a handkerchief from her shirt pocket, put it in her collar, and started eating. She would then pause. "So Mr. Lelouch, What is it you do?" She asked.
Rising Empire

The RE Company, OSIRIS under the ownership of Minister Cleo has reacted to the lawsuit the africans filed.

-A couple of hours ago-

Cleo's assistant walked inside his office and placed a folder in his table.

"The africans has sued us" The assistant said "They stated that we copied their game by stealing mechanics and concepts directly of the game." Cleo looked at her and frowned.

"Are they mad because we are getting more sales than them?" He said "They did not even compromise with us." He was surely mad, but he made no sign of it.

"They did not register copyright on their games" The assistant said "And World at War is based on the world not africa."

"We do not deal with aids and ebola" Cleo interrupted. "File a counter claim and tell them we reserve the right to sue them back and then prepare my lawyers." The assistant then nodded and proceeded to do her assigned task. The company defends itself and insists that they are innocent. Worlds at war was created independently and was not copied fro the africans otger than that no copyright was registered on those games. After this trial, the company will countersue them for falsely accusing them of copyright. OSIRIS also registed a copyright on Worlds at War.


Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch smiled.

"I do many things" He said "You see, I am the prime minister of the Rising Empire, I am also a prince and I am the chief of staff of the army. So, basically, I aid and help the people, and lead our military, politics also never disappears.


Rising Military

Due to the lost of a million troops from the war with the grenshu, the Government decided to train more soldiers. 500k soldiers were trained in order to fill the gap left by the fallen soldiers. The government also ordered the deployement of mines in the waters between the nordic union and poland. The government also ordered for the construction of approximately 2,000 tanks and 2,000 fighter jets. This was due to the damages done by the aliens.

International Trade Organization HQ, Los Angeles


The recently constructed ITO Headquarters in Los Angeles had quickly been put to work by the sudden surge in legal action taken by multiple companies across different countries against one another. The case they seen most being ones to do with technology and gaming, the ITO is currently run by a group of legal and commercial experts from around Cascadia, chosen for their largely non-bias opinions and more logical approach with phone lines open to the trading authorities and major companies of every nation as to discuss these issues, get their sides of the story and gather their opinions on different subjects. The ITO is under the supervision of the Department of Commerce for legal reasons which in turn files reports to the World Congress annually to show the ITO's progress and to show it as a real international organization and not a Cascadian one like some countries have suggested, as of now the Organization is based in downtown Los Angeles and employs 2,700 people in its office building, it has also set up Liason offices in the Order Empire, African Empire and Rising Empire as these three countries have openly engaged in legal action and have so far agreed to the Organization's set up.


Case 01: MEGA vs Katrina Corp

This case has proven to be somewhat difficult due to a lack of information on the details of both games, the ITO has agreed that the immediate similarities between the two games are noteable but that most generic FPS games are similar by default. As a result it has requested that both MEGA and Katrina Corp send demo copies of Warfront: Varmandia and Warfare: The Italian War, along with a summary of their games' plotlines so that the Organization can test-play both of them and see the similarities for themselves. Although it has warned that the Warfront game isn't copyrighted and legal action against MEGA from Katrina wouldnt be likely if that remained the case.


Case 02: Watersnake vs Massware

In this case's situation however, the African claim was dismissed due to the fact that there was no real proof of a direct rip off or violation of any copyright laws. As making a game distribution platform isn't a copyrighted idea and is solely a concept that any company can use, ITO has stated however that if the Africans can provide concrete evidence of Massware taking their assets or exact ideas and implementing them into their own platform that legal action will be taken.


Case 03: African Entertainment vs OSIRIS

As in Case 02's result, the ITO hasn't taken this additional claim very seriously either as Strategy games are a very well known genre that has been used in countless games before, both in the pre-war world and modern day one along with the fact that their games hadn't been copyrighted. And that unless the Africans could provide evidence that mechanics from their game had been stolen directly that the case would also be dismissed. As in Case 01's circumstances, the ITO has requested demo copies of World at War, Africa Universalis, Invaders of Steel and African Kings to test the games themselves.


Copyright Request: World at War

The ITO has officially given copyright to the OSIRIS made game, "World at War"


Copyright Request: Warfare Franchise

The ITO has officially given copyright to the MEGA made game franchise, "Warfare"



The International Trading Organization in cooperation with the Department of Commerce and Portland Stock Exchange have also come together to make an official list of world currencies ranked in order of most valued to least valued based on supply and demand of these currencies, tax regulations and quantity of trading between countries. GDP, inflation and interest rates have also been taken into account.


1. CSD

2. OEU

3. NAD

4. RSD

5. RKC

6. EKR

7. RCM

8. VAD

9. NUC

10. RUB


Portland, Cascadia

"The Republic of Cascadia is not forcing anyone to follow our trading regulations as it is completely optional to join and we are sorry you see it that way. Yes, Cascadian trade regulations are being used for the time being but as a placeholder until the next World Congress meeting. Then we will present our format to other world leaders and allow them to comment on it and give feedback. This is an international organization, it being created by Cascadia doesn't mean it is a Cascadian organization We simply formed it because no one else had done so and the world economy was in desperate need of supervision, even so with your complaint. We appreciate the concern but this isn't a masterminded plot to undermine your Kingdom, it is merely a way of organizing world trade and we hope you will join in with the rest of the international community."

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The African Emperor has sent a trade deal offer to the Ordarians, with one of the parts of the trade deal being that they gain access to the Suez Canal. @Agent141

As requested by the ITO, MEGA sends them a copy of Warfare: The Italian War. The game has 3 campaigns, a Vestanian one, British/Ordarian one, and an Eclipsian one. In each of those campaigns, you play as a soldier in their respective armies and eventually all 3 campaigns will culminate into one final mission, where the Vestanians are having their final stand in Rome while being attacked on both sides by the Ordarians and Eclipsians. It can be compared to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare, but with a Battlefield look. The Multiplayer mode is especially comparable to Battlefield. In both singleplayer and multiplayer the player can operate tanks and planes, although multiplayer has more freedoms compared to singleplayer. 


In similar news, the Mega Station and Warfare: The Italian War have been released. Both have been received well by critics and the populous, and quickly becomes popular throughout the nation.

Communications Center

After much deliberation, the ministers decide to accept the African trade deal.



Japan has been fully integrated into the empire.

Research Centers

Alien Tech analyzation is going well. Project Calrissian is making good progress.


MEGA sent a copy of Warfare: The Italian War to ITO, along with a summary of the game

The Mega Station and Warfare: The Italian War is released and quickly gains popularity throughout the nation

The Ordarians accept the African trade deal

Japan has been fully integrated into the empire. The National GDP grows by 984 billion

Alien Tech Analyzation: 44%

Project Calrissian: 38%
The African Empire is pleased with this and sends thanks. In a show of pride for Unification Day, the newly built navy form up off of Lagos and show off with gun volleys and shooting fireworks into the air. The peopl celebrate and cheer, and the next day return to work. The continued process of the Federal Works Programme has allowed a vast amount of people to keep jobs and the progression of the work is moving swiftly. The Africans are also buying more Cascadian goods, as they do not have the technological level to produce such things but they can still understand the technology. Business booms as trade deals are opened, and the executives of Lagos National and Addis Ababa Retail decide to open the African Stock Exchange two weeks later, with the christening party attracting many businessmen. In all, the African Empire has entered its Golden Age.

Case 01: MEGA vs Katrina Corp

This case has proven to be somewhat difficult due to a lack of information on the details of both games, the ITO has agreed that the immediate similarities between the two games are noteable but that most generic FPS games are similar by default. As a result it has requested that both MEGA and Katrina Corp send demo copies of Warfront: Varmandia and Warfare: The Italian War, along with a summary of their games' plotlines so that the Organization can test-play both of them and see the similarities for themselves. Although it has warned that the Warfront game isn't copyrighted and legal action against MEGA from Katrina wouldnt be likely if that remained the case.

Katrina Headquarters, Rural Amazonia

The Katrina Corporation sent a copy of Warfront: Varmandia to the ITO, and the basic plotline. It has three different stories, the Italian War, the Siberian War, and the Second Vestan war.

In the Italian War, players play as either Khristian, a SRB Soldier, Jakob, a Eclipsan Soldier, Henry, a Vestanian soldier, or Bernito, a citizen of Italy that is forced to flee his home and fight on the "Trail of Italy" when 300,000 Italians had to go from across the country to escape the Eclipse Empire's Imperialism and the SRB's Socialist ideas and make it to the Vestanian Escape Ships (Yes, this actually happened). The soldier's stories all revolve around how they work up the lines and end up questioning the horrors of war, eventually possibly meeting eachother in the end and hiding together, eventually forming a secret group called "soldats sans frontières", the precursor to the Summaists. The gameplay is more similar to Call of Duty while the storytelling is Mass Effect, with interactivity of Skyrim or the Fallout 4. In many parts it is open world, and the story unfolds based on how the player interacts, and people die and live based on the player's decisions. All vehicles are intractable, and made to be semi-realistic.

In the Siberian War, you play as either KD16-U1-5 (A.K.A Johnny 5), a experimental test droid given sentience to see if sentient robots would still follow orders, Honshu, a Japanese Citizen fighting the Grenshu, James, a Eclipsan Soldier, or J'kall, a Grenshu Fighter questioning the Grenshu ways, and eventually (Possibly) turning on the Grenshu during the Vestanian invasion where they dug underground. Gameplay is the same as the first one.
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Case 03: African Entertainment vs OSIRIS

As in Case 02's result, the ITO hasn't taken this additional claim very seriously either as Strategy games are a very well known genre that has been used in countless games before, both in the pre-war world and modern day one along with the fact that their games hadn't been copyrighted. And that unless the Africans could provide evidence that mechanics from their game had been stolen directly that the case would also be dismissed. As in Case 01's circumstances, the ITO has requested demo copies of World at War, Africa Universalis, Invaders of Steel and African Kings to test the games themselves.

Rising Empire


The company OSIRIS has provived the ITO a demo copy of their game. Worlds at War is a nation building game in which it also has a massive multiplayer platform where you can play online with other people. You will have to wait it up in the lobby until everyone is loaded. After everyone is loaded, you are given a choices of country in which you shall choose. After the country is chosen, you need to select a couple of options on what religion and Government type your country will be. Each religion and government type has it's own benefits and downfalls. You would also be able to choose your leaders, customize their name and appearance. Approximately 2 minutes is given to the players to select and customize their nation. The game would have a maximum of 12 players and a minimum of 4 players in every lobby.


After every other thing is done, you will now then be given a view of your countries and those of your neighboring ones with an overworld perspective. Every decision you make will affect your country. The main objective on this game would be to make your country prosper and grow. You could conquer other countries and take over their economy or just sinpky be peaceful and work everything out diplomatically. It is war and diplomacy. Make the right move and live or make the wrong one and fall.


The game also has a campaign in which you play as a country and aim to take over the world. Peace is rare and war is a must in order to achieve your goals. You could also take countries in diplomatoc ways without bloodshed. This will be easy or hard due to the fact that the other countries are played by bots.


The company has also released a new game named 'Winter Warfare' where you play as a soldier from either the rockians or the risers. The objectives from both side is the main, it is to help your military conquer the canadian islands and defeat the enemy forces situated in the area. OSIRIS filed a request to the ITO to copyright their game prior to its release. The sales has been coming and the game then quickly became famous in the country and some places international.


The Risinghub company an entertainment company made a launch of it's film series named 'The Dead Walks'. The plot of the story is that a couple of people must survive against the dead and even the living.


RisingHub also announced that in the future they will launch another film seies named 'War for the throne" where the lands were peaceful until trouble arises. A house seeks to claim the throne and rule the land and will not stop until they do so. 

The risinghub sent a request to copyright the newly released 'The dead walks'.

The African Empire has recreated the Book and Tv series of A Song of Ice And Fire

The Series is called The War for Westeros and the TV Series is called The Iron Throne. They have requested copyright for both series and related ideas. The Book series is similar and with new perspectives like the kings and the Tyrells. The TV series continues after the events of the TV series of Game of Thrones.

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