The World of Tomorrow

Random Events


Royalty Has Arrived

Alien Flag Other.png

[SIZE= 16px](The Za'ha'kya flag, the four stars on the sides represent their four gods and the symbol in the middle is the mark for the royal family)[/SIZE]


With the[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]Grenshu Empire defeated at the Battle of Earth and the Battle of Saturn, their fleet that rushed towards this area of the galaxy has took a crippling blow. Now Za'ha'kya forces are pushing the Grenshu out of their kingdom, achieving in turning the tide of the war and finally going on the offensive. Now with the Grenshu out of the system, Furwa'kto sent a report about the order of battle and the discovery of the human race. The report was taken with delight by the royal family and citizens of the kingdom, so much so that the king of the Za'ha'kya has come out to Earth wishing to speak with the race that so successfully fought off the Grenshu. When his ship arrived in system Furwa'kto asked humanity if they could hold a international meeting, with the king as a honorary guest.



Entertainment Flourishes



[SIZE= 16px](A screenshot from a moving and touching documentary that recently premiered in theaters world wide. Lead by a Cascadian team, the film shows the story of the plight of a gorilla and her baby as they survive in a world where very, very, few of their kind exist)[/SIZE]


Despite the Grenshu invasion the entertainment business is booming, becoming more global by the second. Companies like Apollo Institutes, based in Eclipsim, and the CFC, or the Cascadian Film Company, have global outlets that are not only booming the countries they are based in but everywhere else in the world. Despite these outlets these two, and others like them, have not grown apparently corrupt and are respecting many international laws set in place. With all of this, the global economy is seeming to recover a tad and the brewing economic crisis may have been dealt with. Recent examples of this thriving industry is the documentary The Last of Their Kind and the upcoming video game Battle: Earth, which depicts multiple soldiers from multiple countries fighting against the Grenshu invasion.

@everyone (i to lazy to tag everyone)


The ESA Lives On


(New design by the team behind the Moon-Mars Expedition, the project has recently been reactivated now that the Grenshu have been defeated)


With the upcoming arrival of the Za'ha'kya king and that the Grenshu have been expelled from the system, the ESA (Eclipsian Space Agency) has announced that the Moon-Mars Expedition has been reactivated and invites the same astronauts to participate plus two more. In total there will be twelve astronauts comprising of four Eclipsians, three Cascadians, two Rockians, two Risers, and one Gallian. The ESA hopes that this mission will propel humanity further in knowledge, advancement, and peace.

Order Empire

An entertainment company, calling themselves MEGA, has been founded. MEGA is a video gaming company that develops and produces gaming consoles, along with the occasional video game. This new company has announced their first console, titled the Mega Station, is being developed. The Mega Station is based off of the Pre-War console, the Playstation 4.

Communication Center

"We control all of Western Europe, except the territories Germany and Austria. We also control the territories of Italy, Japan, and the former US state territories of Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, and Rhode Island. How long have you known of humans still alive on Earth?"


Hearing the Za'Ha'Kya message, the Minister Council proposed to the International Community that a World Congress session to occur with the Za'Ha'Kya king as the honorary guest.


Research Centers

Project Calrissian and Alien Tech Analyzation are progressing well. (Not that much to say here)


Integration of the country is going well. Citizens from the empire are moving there and start rebuilding major cities such as Tokyo and Yokohama.


MEGA founded

Mega Station is entering development

Martian Communication

World Congress Session Proposed to the International Community

Alien Tech Analyzation: 30%

Project Calrissian: 18%

Integration of Japan: 28%

2/6 H-Missiles Built
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United States of Varmandr Vestan


The USVV announces a USVV-Rockian Space Program merger, and a full alliance with the Rockians. President Chris Bagota praises the Alliance and the Merger, calling them "Some of the greatest things that has happened to the Varmandr Vestan"

@Fishman Lord

First Asgardia main piece goes up in geo-synchronous orbit above Rio de Janiero. 50,000 people selected random and deemed able have been sent up with it to be used as workers/protection. This has been praised by many scientists

The String Theory today has been proved a law, scientists around the world buzz as scientists from the State of Peru see the first Strings of Electricity through the first Super-Scope, named Vor, after the Goddess of Wisdom.


(Pictures of the first seen String)
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Lelouch vi Risea

"The diplomat we sent to moscow and the other russian diplomat agreed on a marriage between our two nations. They asked conscent from my brother, the emperor, which to my surprise he agreed and decided to make me the one to marry somebody from russia." He said.

Rising Empire, Pendragon Communication Room

An officer stood up and reported his readings.

"Sir, we intercepted a transmission" The officer reported.

"From where?" Asked the chief

"Its strange" The officer replied "It's coming from mars."

"Patch it." The chief ordered. They then listened to the transmission sent by the martians.

"How could we have not noticed them?" The chief said in surprise "Alert the royal family."


The Emperor was then briefed about the transmission they received from mars. He then made his reply.

"Greetings, Martians" He said "I am Emperor Schneizel from the Rising Empire. Why did you hide? How long have you been existing? What are you?"


She just walked across the room to one of the thrones, took a seat, then looked back at him. "Very well then. You want some tea or vodka?" She asked while getting a maid to bring her coffee. A few seconds later kiyoshi just entered the citadel, walking past lelouch. Since he wasn't dead, she did not bother questioning him being there. "Hello." She simply said to the queen before leaving down one of the hallways.


Random Events


Royalty Has Arrived

[SIZE= 16px](The Za'ha'kya flag, the four stars on the sides represent their four gods and the symbol in the middle is the mark for the royal family)[/SIZE]


With the[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]Grenshu Empire defeated at the Battle of Earth and the Battle of Saturn, their fleet that rushed towards this area of the galaxy has took a crippling blow. Now Za'ha'kya forces are pushing the Grenshu out of their kingdom, achieving in turning the tide of the war and finally going on the offensive. Now with the Grenshu out of the system, Furwa'kto sent a report about the order of battle and the discovery of the human race. The report was taken with delight by the royal family and citizens of the kingdom, so much so that the king of the Za'ha'kya has come out to Earth wishing to speak with the race that so successfully fought off the Grenshu. When his ship arrived in system Furwa'kto asked humanity if they could hold a international meeting, with the king as a honorary guest.



Entertainment Flourishes



[SIZE= 16px](A screenshot from a moving and touching documentary that recently premiered in theaters world wide. Lead by a Cascadian team, the film shows the story of the plight of a gorilla and her baby as they survive in a world where very, very, few of their kind exist)[/SIZE]


Despite the Grenshu invasion the entertainment business is booming, becoming more global by the second. Companies like Apollo Institutes, based in Eclipsim, and the CFC, or the Cascadian Film Company, have global outlets that are not only booming the countries they are based in but everywhere else in the world. Despite these outlets these two, and others like them, have not grown apparently corrupt and are respecting many international laws set in place. With all of this, the global economy is seeming to recover a tad and the brewing economic crisis may have been dealt with. Recent examples of this thriving industry is the documentary The Last of Their Kind and the upcoming video game Battle: Earth, which depicts multiple soldiers from multiple countries fighting against the Grenshu invasion.

@everyone (i to lazy to tag everyone)


The ESA Lives On

(New design by the team behind the Moon-Mars Expedition, the project has recently been reactivated now that the Grenshu have been defeated)


With the upcoming arrival of the Za'ha'kya king and that the Grenshu have been expelled from the system, the ESA (Eclipsian Space Agency) has announced that the Moon-Mars Expedition has been reactivated and invites the same astronauts to participate plus two more. In total there will be twelve astronauts comprising of four Eclipsians, three Cascadians, two Rockians, two Risers, and one Gallian. The ESA hopes that this mission will propel humanity further in knowledge, advancement, and peace.

The imperials sent back the gallian claymore to eclipse lands, they didn't bother checking and thought she would know where to go. So they left her at the border and disappeared.


Nepcom was still hard at work, throwing ideas, settings, and characters for the novel. They decided to continue using the real world, and would continue the war against the reich.


Principality vehicle repair: 60% 

One of the kind of tanks the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired. [I need someone to seriously fucking answer me.]


Ocean goddess project: 45%

80% of the engine was installed. Piping would be added with every new deck added. The engine room was nearing completion, and thus more decks could be added. Sections of center would be resealed due to the engine in said sections being completed and tested.


Helghast project 70%

The new heavy armor would begin to be further developed. The armor is still bulky, and nobody can really enter it still. But vast improvements otherwise were had. They inserted a "fake person" inside of it. They started shooting their ammunition into it. The majority of their heavier caliber rounds did in fact pierce it at medium range and didn't bounce off, and thus after removing the subject and cleaning, they resumed testing.


Nuke modifying 100%.

The nuke had finally finished being modified again. Making it the most bulky-ass nuke to exist thus far. The silo it was held in had to have all catwalks and other human-use items removed, just for it to fit properly. 


Alien tech analysis:

17%. [Don't really know what else to say.]
Lelouch vi Britannia

"Do you have water?" He said "I'll drink water" He then begun to circle the throne room observing the interior.

'This place really need to be modernized' He thought to himself as he continued walking.


The Lancelot of the lake has been fully research and will now be undergoing construction, it took 3 months to complete the research. It would then again take 2 months to construct it and another 2 to install the other special features on it, including the atmospheric flight and other.

The Royal family ordered the construction of naval bases on the islands captured in the northern siberia and military and airforce base on the little land they have taken.
Lelouch vi Britannia

"Do you have water?" He said "I'll drink water" He then begun to circle the throne room observing the interior.

'This place really need to be modernized' He thought to himself as he continued walking.


The Lancelot of the lake has been fully research and will now be undergoing construction, it took 3 months to complete the research. It would then again take 2 months to construct it and another 2 to install the other special features on it, including the atmospheric flight and other.

The Royal family ordered the construction of naval bases on the islands captured in the northern siberia and military and airforce base on the little land they have taken.

A maid 5 minutes later would of left from a room in the hallway with a bottle of cold water, she gave it to the man but only spoke in Russian. "Here you are sir, a cold bottle of water. Made from ice cubes in the freezer." She then shrugged and left.
Lelouch vi Britannia

Lelouch understood many languages, he also understood russian. He has studied the languages of the nations that are a superpower before the war. It was intended for diplomatic purposes, which has been proven really useful. He then accepted the bottle of water and nodded in thanks.

"How long are they gonna make me wait" He thought to himself as he walked around the room.

Helios Communication Center

[SIZE= 16px]Having received a message from the Orderians asking if a world congress should be held, the operator replied. "I can assure you the Eclipsian Federation agrees to holding a World Congress, it has been to long." He then reported to his boss, who then reported in to the civilian council, who then asked the operator to send a request out. Hours after the acceptance by the Eclipsians, he sent the request. "To the potential participants of a possible World Congress, the Eclipsian Federation request it be held in our country. We ask it not be in a major city, but rather at the former main Fortress in Siberia. We mean this as a symbolic and respectful gesture to those who served and fallen in the Grenshu Invasion."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@everyone[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Oort Research Station[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The scientists at the research station working on Horizon announce that the alien tech analysis has been completed and that the project itself is at 35% completion.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 28px]Fort Mass, West Virginia[/SIZE]


In light of the Grenshu's invasion, it was agreed both in the Pentagon and in Congress that the CDF needed to be bolstered in-order to ensure Cascadia's security and continuing stability. As such 85% of the CDF's strength was mobilised across the country to begin training exercises in combined arms, territorial and municipal defense. Civilian evacuation, peacekeeping duties and direct enemy contact. The newly formed Marine Corps, in conjunction with the Navy began a large scale amphibious assault exercise, consisting of around 120,000 Marines and 6 entire Fleets at seperate times, these exercises involved establishing beachheads and pushing through enemy lines, fortification destruction and more Combined Arms exercises. These exercises will be on a schedule with all Marine and naval personnel, going in groups at a time as to ensure that the entirety of both the Navy and Marine Corps have this new experience. Along with this the Ground Defense Force has begun development on a new project of an undisclosed nature, Mike-Alpha which is said to give the CDGF an edge on the battlefield in both technology and firepower. In a joint-statement the Department of Defense, Department of Communications and Cascadian Aeronautics and Space Administration [CASA] all disclosed the plans to send an additional 160 civilian and commercial based satellites with 145 government sanctioned and military owned satellites. This new Space Communications and Detections Agenda had been authorized by Congress a week before, with the satellites being sent up for stronger and quicker internet connections across all of Cascadia, particularly southern Cascadia which had been somewhat lacking in internet connection after the Vestan war. Military communications and detection equipment will also be sent into orbit, no specific timeline has been given however all satellites are supposed to be in orbit by the end of the year, putting Cascadia's overall satellite count at 1,336, fulfilling the country's need for the equipment after countless launches, commercial and federal in nature.


Hueing Aerospace Defense Systems, a subsidary of the massive Cascadian based defense and aerial company; Hueing has won the DoD's contract for the construction of a new batch of the AN/FPS-357 Advanced Early Warning Radar in multiple locations across the country, primarily military installations along the coastlines but with new radar stations being built deeper in the country for reasons undisclosed. The only real difference with these Radars being that they now have the ability to directly monitor as far as the Moon with the resurgence of space programs and a new Space Race forming, the Department of Defense has began funding these new surveillance and early warning projects that are now looking towards space. As Cascadia has also ensured its own total awareness of all current and potential threats to its national security on Earth, they now look to space as a result of the Grenshu invasion and other alien existence. Refeon, one of the other large defense contractors in Cascadia has also been contracted to begin development and testing of Kilo-Echo-India, a classified military project designed for nationwide defense purposes against both terrestrial and extraterrestrial threats, the Aerospace Defense Agency has announced its plans to begin construction of 2,400 land-based anti-ICBM and anti-spacecraft interceptor missiles, 240 naval based missiles of the same type and 3,980 air-based missiles. This is all to become integrated into the Attack Characterization & Early Warning System which currently spans the entirety of the globe as the CDF returns to its roots of national defense on a much wider scale. As part of the Navy's new power projection reform, 50 Amphibious transport docks, 45 Dock landing ships, 30 Amphibious assault ships, 15 Afloat forward staging bases, 56 Prepositioning vehicle ships, 10 Expeditionary transfer docks, 35 Expeditionary fast transports, and 6 Amphibious command ships. To be built as part of a long-spanning Navy plan.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

"Well, President Bryon is staying in Portland currently. He is set to leave soon and he was wanting to see if he could join our formal dinner to discuss things with yourself and I. What would you think of the idea?" She asked curiously, the two heading down the hallway still.


At the same time, a brief session of the Senate had been called to discuss the African Empire's trade proposal. After a quick vote, it was voted in favor of and trade would commence as soon as possible with Norfolk and Miami being the two main ports of access, the Panama Canal also being used if the Africans wished to trade with the West Coast directly.


[SIZE= 20px]Fort Collins, Colorado[/SIZE]

The message from the Martian based nation had been recieved, being relayed to the President and her cabinet. A quick decision being made to respond as they seemed relatively peaceful from what they had. "This is the Republic of Cascadia, the successor to the United States of America, we currently control the mainland US, Mexico, Central America and the north of South America."
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"Oh. My... acquaintance, Byron. Yes, I was aware that he was in the city, although I was not expecting to meet him here today. I suppose... yes, I will join you two for dinner, perhaps something of importance can be discussed."

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian

Varmandr Vestan

The deal was sealed, the message sent. An official alliance had been brokered with Varmandr Vestan, and the space programs of the two had been merged into the American Cooperative for the Exploration of Space, or ACES. Varmandarian and Nordic research was incorporated into Project Julius, providing a boost. Hopefully these nations could put all their past hostility behind and enter a golden age of pan-American cooperation.

@Domini Regum@Lordvader59

Alice Springs Facility for Space

With the merger, many Rockian scientists were sent to Vestan and the Nordic Union, and many Vestanian and Nordic scientists were brought here. This was a place where scientists of all kinds worked together, and research benefited from it. This was the place where the world, and the solar system, would be changed. One new advance was the modification of Vestanian droids to work in conditions with different gravity, pressure, and atmospheres, making colonization much more possible. The Battlesuit Upgrades were also going well.


"Both nations own the same land? I'll make a note of that. I guess we're here to contact both nations! Can you let us in? It's getting freezing out here!"


King in Portland.

Cooperation with Varmandr Vestan and Nordic Union.

Diplomats in Siberia.

Project Julius: 40%(temporary boost from space program merger, will go back to 5% a post after this)

Battlesuit Upgrades: 30%

Also I do accept the World Congress, no time to include in post.
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Lelouch vi Britannia

Lelouch understood many languages, he also understood russian. He has studied the languages of the nations that are a superpower before the war. It was intended for diplomatic purposes, which has been proven really useful. He then accepted the bottle of water and nodded in thanks.

"How long are they gonna make me wait" He thought to himself as he walked around the room.


Jennifer just looked at Heather, in return she shrugged. Neither of them really knew what he wanted besides to marry someone, she was thinking for a moment. Kiyoshi had returned in a formal dress that was black and the bottom nearly touched the floor. "What does he want?" She asked to Jennifer. "To marry someone." She responded before thinking again. The goddess only walked to the remaining throne and took a seat. Now the man had both her, and Heather staring at him while the queen was still thinking.

Jennifer stopped and looked around, she then looked back to him. "Why not one of these two? Or me." She asked. "What????" They both said after a moment of silence.

Appearances: [Will be added into, or back into the overview at some point.]

Heather, normal:

 [found this from the wiki. It was hell getting the link.]

Kiyoshi, normal:

[was the best I could find.]



"Oh. My... acquaintance, Byron. Yes, I was aware that he was in the city, although I was not expecting to meet him here today. I suppose... yes, I will join you two for dinner, perhaps something of importance can be discussed."

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian

Varmandr Vestan

The deal was sealed, the message sent. An official alliance had been brokered with Varmandr Vestan, and the space programs of the two had been merged into the American Cooperative for the Exploration of Space, or ACES. Varmandarian and Nordic research was incorporated into Project Julius, providing a boost. Hopefully these nations could put all their past hostility behind and enter a golden age of pan-American cooperation.

@Domini Regum@Lordvader59

Alice Springs Facility for Space

With the merger, many Rockian scientists were sent to Vestan and the Nordic Union, and many Vestanian and Nordic scientists were brought here. This was a place where scientists of all kinds worked together, and research benefited from it. This was the place where the world, and the solar system, would be changed. One new advance was the modification of Vestanian droids to work in conditions with different gravity, pressure, and atmospheres, making colonization much more possible. The Battlesuit Upgrades were also going well.


"Both nations own the same land? I'll make a note of that. I guess we're here to contact both nations! Can you let us in? It's getting freezing out here!"



King in Portland.

Cooperation with Varmandr Vestan and Nordic Union.

Diplomats in Siberia.

Project Julius: 40%(temporary boost from space program merger, will go back to 5% a post after this)

Battlesuit Upgrades: 30%

 She thought for a second before continuing. "This land in Siberia, especially the land we are currently in are battlefields/war-torn. They are now where the nations military reside, and due to joint operations they own both of it." She said. "Besides, there aren't any houses, tents, or cars here for hundreds of kilometers. There is no heat besides the tank radiators, tanks, and campfires." She pointed around at the vast emptiness beyond the land. Her expression remained bored. The aura around her entire body would of kept her warm.
The Martians thank the Cascadians for their message and greet them as the successors to the US, and thank them for the message.
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipisian Federation

The officer at the communications center had finally just got back to work. Things had finally been organized and become stable in tbe country, and all of Eclipsim is full operational. After a few hours of just sitting back he got a startling message from Mars. As he listened to it over and over again, the more and more baffled he was. After getting over this, he answered in a professional manner.

"Grettings to those who sent this transmission. We are the Eclispian Federation, formerly the Eclipse Empire. It is a honor and pleasure speaking to those who survived the war some thousands of years ago. Although i am shocked that the Grenshu or the Za'ha'kya didn't detect you one but, it is a good thing you did not encounter the former."  (I don't like to re post, but my transmission was ignored so....)

The same broadcast was sent back to the eclispians yet again, waiting for any response. Now instead of a single guy, a room, and another room of 15 people, some economic officers got involved and waited as well.

@Loyal Guardian


Nepcom proceeds to write the novel. The historians grab documents for use from the library, and exploration missions to the surface before and during the reich war were included. Detailing the mutants, bears, and various demon attacks and outcomes.
(My original post didn't save and I'm working on this at night, don't judge if this seemed rushed)


MEGA's first console, the Mega Station, is making progress. The Mega Station shares the same design as the pre-war console. It, allegedly can run games like an average gaming PC would. The Mega Station, to many, was designed to rival the Eclipsian counterpart, The Apollo. The Mega Station is expected to hit store shelves in around a month.

MEGA's game designers are making their first game, titled Warfare: The Italian War. This game is based around the Italian War that occurred in the early days of the empire, formerly known as the SRB. The game will have 3 campaigns, a British/Ordarian campaign, a Vestanian campaign, and an Eclipsian campaign. In either one of these campaigns, you will play as either a soldier on the ground or a pilot in the air. The game will also have a multiplayer feature. The game is expected to hit store shelves around the same time that the Mega Station is to be released. MEGA has announced that during the first few weeks of release, the Mega Station will include a copy of Warfare: The Italian War.

Communications Centers

MDA Alastair and the rest of the ministers agree on the notion that the Eclipsians would be the next World Congress host and that it takes place in the former main Grenshu fortress.

@Loyal Guardian

Research Centers

Alien Tech Analyzation is going well. Project Calrissian is progressing very well due to analyzed Grenshu tech.


Integration into the empire is going well. (Nothing else to say here)


The government is forced to reform, as many people believe that due to the amount of capitalist ideals. The nation changes from a social republic to a social democracy. The ministers will still remain in power, but elections now occur every 4 years instead of 6 years. The OSRP is reformed into the OSDP.


MEGA's Mega station is expected to hit store shelves in a month, as well as MEGA's first game, Warfare: The Italian War

The Ministers agree that the Eclipsians should be the next WC host and on the next location

Alien Tech Analyzation: 36%

Project Calrissian: 24%

Integration of Japan: 59%

Government change from Social Republic to Social Democracy
Rising Empire

The Rising Empire has approved the establishment of it's Entertainment Industry. It would be called the 'RisingHub'. It would surely entertain and satisfy the citizens. 

When the empire heard of the Cascadians conducting military exercises nationwide, they decided to do so too. It however excluded the navy, as they have already finished theirs some time ago. The ground and air forces were put to work including the knightmare frames and the Aerial ships.

The Empire also approved the construction of Planetary Artillery. The shells of the artillery would be able to reach space, thus making it very efficient against space ships from invaders. This project was approved due to the fear of another grenshu invasion. This project would however take months to a year to be completed. The Estimated research time for this weapon would be 5 Months. The Construction time would still be unknown.


Cleo vi Risea

He arrived at Pendragon via one of the royal family's Transport aircraft. His family and a couple of royal guards greeted him at the landing platform. As Cleo was walking down from the aircraft, Schneizel approached him.

"Hello, brother" He smiled "It has been a long time. You have done good in hiding, but not too good. It was easy to locate you, but we decided not to,yet. You needed to escape the responsibilities and have the time of your life, yes?" Cleo then sighed.

"Yes, brother, Yes" He then noticed his other siblings. He smiled. "I already figured you would find me, but why put such me on such a responsible job?"

"That's the point" Schneizel replied. "A job that needs responsibility will make you responsible." 

Maximillion vi Risea

After meeting and greeting with his brother, Cleo. He went back to his office to resume on his job. He then got a call from the Communications Department about a message sent by the eclipsians regarding the World Congress. He then decided to agree with the proposal and to send back a reply to the eclipsians.

@Loyal Guardian

Lelouch vi Risea

He continued pacing around the room, bored. The ladies in the room just sat in their throne and the other people just ignores him. The only people he could talk too was his guards, but he doubt that they have anything to talk about. He can't just approach his guards and talk about politics, they know none about it.

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Rising Empire

The Rising Empire has approved the establishment of it's Entertainment Industry. It would be called the 'RisingHub'. It would surely entertain and satisfy the citizens. 

When the empire heard of the Cascadians conducting military exercises nationwide, they decided to do so too. It however excluded the navy, as they have already finished theirs some time ago. The ground and air forces were put to work including the knightmare frames and the Aerial ships.

The Empire also approved the construction of Planetary Artillery. The shells of the artillery would be able to reach space, thus making it very efficient against space ships from invaders. This project was approved due to the fear of another grenshu invasion. This project would however take months to a year to be completed. The Estimated research time for this weapon would be 5 Months. The Construction time would still be unknown.

Cleo vi Britannia

He arrived at Pendragon via one of the royal family's Transport aircraft. His family and a couple of royal guards greeted him at the landing platform. As Cleo was walking down from the aircraft, Schneizel approached him.

"Hello, brother" He smiled "It has been a long time. You have done good in hiding, but not too good. It was easy to locate you, but we decided not to,yet. You needed to escape the responsibilities and have the time of your life, yes?" Cleo then sighed.

"Yes, brother, Yes" He then noticed his other siblings. He smiled. "I already figured you would find me, but why put such me on such a responsible job?"

"That's the point" Schneizel replied. "A job that needs responsibility will make you responsible." 

Maximillion vi Britannia

After meeting and greeting with his brother, Cleo. He went back to his office to resume on his job. He then got a call from the Communications Department about a message sent by the eclipsians regarding the World Congress. He then decided to agree with the proposal and to send back a reply to the eclipsians.

@Loyal Guardian

Lelouch vi Britannia

He continued pacing around the room, bored. The ladies in the room just sat in their throne and the other people just ignores him. The only people he could talk too was his guards, but he doubt that they have anything to talk about. He can't just approach his guards and talk about politics, they know none about it.


"How rude" kiyoshi intentionally said out loud  due to the queen being ignored. "She asked you something and you ignored her. Congratulations, You win the award for being rude." She scolded. Jennifer only shrugged and Heather just continued to stare at him.
United States of Varmandr Vestan

CVNN (central varmandian news network) NEWS ALERT (Transcript)

Jill: Today, we just heard from the Minister of Science himself that the government is CUTTING most military spending, and putting it into science, including Scientific Education. What does this mean, well, we'll bring it to the Meeting-room where we have Minister of Science Jamie Red And the Head General Hiragh themselves sparring on the issue.

Switch the camera to a active newsroom, where a small woman in a Scientific Union jacket and a large man with decorated military wear, and a small newsman sitting in-between them, Jake.

Jake: So, the USVV government officially cut most military spending, how do you both feel about that?

Hiragh: Clears his throat This, my friends is a blatant display of the loss of basic Vestanianism, and the object of our nation. President Chris Cordoba, who used to be the Head General of the original Varmandr Vestan, is leaving his belief of the basic Manifest Destiny of South America that the Vestanian people have had for the last fifty years! Stands up. I can't believe how a president can go completely against Odin's way! It's idiocy!

Jamie: Laughs. Sit down, and let me explain. The Manifest Destiny was when the Cascadian Threat wasn't up above us constantly, and the Eclipsan threat to the South. If we had your way, we'd declare war on both and be destroyed in a month. And I don't know about you, but Science has helped us already, and can keep doing it. The 500,000 Droids you commanded and took most of Siberia? That was the product of Science.

The debate goes on for hours, and eventually 2/3 of the populace ends up seeing it, and many taking sides, and with the Election coming in five months, questions are asked whether they'll run or not. Both answer with different tones, but say that they might.

USVV Science Center

The second piece of the five-piece Asgardia station has went up today, along with 5,000 Soldiers and plenty of weapons. The Asgardia Station is fitted with defense-only Railguns and an experimental Coilgun. The total number of people on the station so far is 30,000 Citizens and 5,000 Soldiers.

Industry Alert

The Katrina Corporation officially releases the NSM, a computer gaming thing, and re-forms Steam and Valve, both Pre-war game companies. The Corporation hopes to salvage as many games as it can from the old Steam servers and start selling immediately. Until then, the NSM's are flying off the shelves in light of the first announced Steam Sale.

Also, two new games are being developed, one being "Warfront: Varmandia", a game based off the pre-war Battlefield games and the game "Brave Souls, the Reckoning", a sad puzzle game about the First and Second Vestan war and the horrors, disappointment, and non-achieving things of each.

Southern Cascadia

In response to the Vestanian decision to weaponize their 'Asgardia station' the CDF was deployed to Southern Cascadia, around 80 miles from the Cascadian-Vestanian border. Deploying 110 MIM-05 PATRIOT missile systems, specialized in anti-aircraft, anti-missile and anti-satellite warfare. With clear capabilities to fire on the space station if required to, along with a small Expeditionary Force of 35,000 troops, 270 M1A3 Abrams, 65 F-38s and 230 AHL-77s. Primarily for security of the new missile platforms and as a gesture from the Cascadian government of a strong disapproval of the Vestanians' decision to arm their station. Vice President Underwood said in a statement on behalf of the Presidential Residence, "This is a clear spit in the face to the Cascadian stance against weapons in space. Varmander Vestan has intentionally provoked the Republic of Cascadia as a means of getting some sort of reaction, possibly out of spite for the War. They claim that their weapons are for defensive purposes but I and most sane-minded individuals would beg to differ, these types of weapons being in orbit give the Vestanian military the advantage of having weapons in space and a civilian meatshield to go along with it. Which is why Cascadia is officially demanding that they strip this space station of all weapons and military personnel otherwise they will face the consequences."



[SIZE= 22px]Philadelphia, Cascadia[/SIZE]


Further celebration for CasWorks today as the three major cities of Atlanta, Cinncinati and Philadelphia were all finished in their construction. Now being home to populations of 452,000 for Cinncinati. 987,000 for Atlanta and 1.5 million for Philadelphia, the three cities being connected to each other and the rest of the country via the ever growing transportation system around the country, now extending to include the East Coast as it begins reaching its former glory. President Jefferson visited Independence Hall in Philadelphia to congratulate the workers who had rebuilt the city, the people of the city themselves and to pay respects to the United States and its founding fathers. As the now rescheduled election approaches, Jefferson begins rallying up guaranteed supports from new congressional districts and voting areas. As there is no doubt that the Republicans will try to use the 3258 election as a way to install one of their own into the Residence and given the actions of other countries and global interaction, there is a slowly growing support for more isolationist policies. Something which the Democrats have seemingly forgotten as they open the country up to trade and tourism, whilst all good and benefical for the country have also placed Cascadia onto the global stage where wars and tension are common place. Something which many Cascadians aren't a fan of due to the centuries long peace Cascadia had had prior to opening itself up to the outside world. Cascadia Works has stalled Republican support for the time being due to its success and value in the leadership, with Vice President Underwood being a strong backbone for the Administration and President Jefferson's approval ratings at 98.9% with her only real critics being political extremists on the opposite side of the bench.


As construction continues and many of the 13 million displaced people from the War are housed in these new cities. Populating the East Coast and building up its infrastructure, the Jefferson Administration announced its plans to begin the hefty task of rebuilding New York City, America's most prized city from before the great war. Along with this the cities of Boston and Richmond are also cleared for rebuilding. With NYC itself being able to house the remaining 8 million displaced people, Boston and Richmond to be populated by eager home-searchers from the south of the country. Construction has begun on the three cities immediately and Vice President Underwood has visited the sites of construction in New York personally for the media to interview and take photos of, Congress and the Senate are doing their own part by beginning the process of setting up state governments for the new reforming states in the East. West Virginia, Pennsylvania, Kentucky, Georgia and South Carolina have all had their state governments and governors chosen by Congress, the Senate and President Jefferson after long periods of discussion. These new governments beginning their own statewide programs to begin reconstruction of smaller cities and towns to boost their state economies rather than on a federal level. Making the reconstruction and population of the East Coast much more sustainable and efficient as the pressure on the federal government lessens as eager Governors look to boost their approval ratings and reputations of their states.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

In an announcement to the World Congress and international community in-general. Cascadia has also formed the International Trade Organization, or ITO for short. This Organization will act on behalf of all companies and countries that trade with one another around the world, formally setting up trading regulations, routes and regulating price standards and currency exchange rates like the world pre-war. Allowing for easier, more efficient and faster trading between companies and countries on a minor and major level.


[SIZE= 20px]Summary:[/SIZE]
Atlanta, Cinncinati and Philadelphia rebuilt

New York, Boston and Richmond in construction
State governments set up in East Coast states

CDF deployed to southern Cascadia

Cascadia issues a demand to VV

Cascadia forms International Trade Organization

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The Rising Empire

The royal family made a reply to the cascadians stating that the Rising Empire agrees to their proposal.


Lelouch vi Risea

"I apologize, your highnesses" Lelouch said "I just had no comment to the choices you gave me, or was just simply gathering up my thoughts. Honestly, it is not up to me to decide, it is up to you."


CEO Augustin was in his office in MEGA Headquarters. His VP, Elicia, walked into the room. "What is it, Elicia?" Augustin asked. "Sorry to interrupt sir, but the Vestanian corporation of Katrina Corp is developing a gamsimilar to ours. Shall we sue?" she said."A single game, Elicia? Seems a bit unreasonable." "Yes, but it's very similar to ours, both are about the Italian War and they even ripped off our series name. Their series, titled 'Warfront' is obviously a copy of our series, 'Warfare." If we don't give them a warning now and stand our ground, they may rip off our future games and take profit away from us." "You know what Elicia. I you may be right; file a lawsuit for Katrina Corp immediately." Augustin said to Elicia. Elicia left the room for her office and started filing a lawsuit. She had it done in a few hours. MEGA has also copyrighted the Warfare franchise. (If you're wondering, the Italian War is what my people call the First Vestan War.)

@Domini Regum

The developers of the Warfare game franchise are starting to develop another game, titled 'Warfare: The Iberian Rebellion.' It follows the same game mechanics as in 'Warfare: The Italian War', but this time the game takes place in Iberia, during the Summaist Wars. There would be only one single player campaign, the Ordarian Campaign. The Iberian Rebellion also has a multiplayer mode, allowing players to play as both Summaist and Ordarian forces. The game is expected to be on store shelves a month after the release of the Mega Station and Warfare: The Italian War.

Communications Center

The Ministers agree to the Cascadians' proposal.

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