The World of Tomorrow

"Go ahead, you can do it in front of me. Unless you're embarrassed of a woman listening in to your manly conversation."

He smiled and turned his back and pressed his ear comms. He hoped that the Emperor was not gonna cut his head off or have the guards shoot him, but this wasnt the past where they do gruesome stuff.

"Pendragon, this is Viceroy Jeremiah Gottwald, requesting a call with the emperor" He said.

"Vice-roy Jeremiah, we are patching you to the Emperor's ear comms." The officer on the other side replied. 

"Hello, Jeremiah" Schneizel said "Is everything well on russia?"

"Everything is fine, your majesty" He replied "I have made a proposal to the russians. I was in no position to propose this, but-"

"Speak, Gottwald" Schneizel said with a commanding voice.

"A marriage proposal. Marriage between the two countries, this is how monarchists work each other out." He said. Schneizel chuckled.

"I was thinking of that myself, none in the Royal Family is married, but I hower cannot, not yet." Schneizel said. "Lelouch however can." 

"But, will he agree?" Jeremiah asked. 

"He will" Schneizel said "He must. If there are nothing more, then I guess this transmission is over."

"There are nothing more" Jeremiah said and the transmission was cut. He turned his back and looked at the lady infront of him.

"We got ourselves a deal." He said.

He smiled and turned his back and pressed his ear comms. He hoped that the Emperor was not gonna cut his head off or have the guards shoot him, but this wasnt the past where they do gruesome stuff.

"Pendragon, this is Viceroy Jeremiah Gottwald, requesting a call with the emperor" He said.

"Vice-roy Jeremiah, we are patching you to the Emperor's ear comms." The officer on the other side replied. 

"Hello, Jeremiah" Schneizel said "Is everything well on russia?"

"Everything is fine, your majesty" He replied "I have made a proposal to the russians. I was in no position to propose this, but-"

"Speak, Gottwald" Schneizel said with a commanding voice.

"A marriage proposal. Marriage between the two countries, this is how monarchists work each other out." He said. Schneizel chuckled.

"I was thinking of that myself, none in the Royal Family is married, but I hower cannot, not yet." Schneizel said. "Lelouch however can." 

"But, will he agree?" Jeremiah asked. 

"He will" Schneizel said "He must. If there are nothing more, then I guess this transmission is over."

"There are nothing more" Jeremiah said and the transmission was cut. He turned his back and looked at the lady infront of him.

"We got ourselves a deal." He said.


"Alright then." She giggled. Which was strange. As was evident by the strange faces one of the CMs made at her, which was visible. "Alright then, here is the capital." She gave him a GPS to the gallian capital, which was being used by all the nations as both a capital, and a place to see if "shit gets lit". "Anything else?"

"Excellent. I shall return and inform the King of the good news. Together, our nations shall bring the world into a new golden age." With that, the diplomat said his goodbyes and boarded a plane back to Radium Hot Springs.



The Kingdom, seeing the Eclipsians use this to gain more territory, have joined the offensive against the grenshu. Kamchatka was assaulted and captured with the requested help of the Za'ha'kya, and the unclaimed area up to the Lena river was claimed, up to the former settlement of Yakutsk. A message demanding the Eclipse Federation to return control of Sakhalin to the kingdom was also sent.

@Loyal Guardian

Alice Springs Satellite Facility

Seeing as this was the closest thing to a spaceport the Rockies had, the Grenshu ships were brought here for reasearch and engineering. Hopefully, control of the technology used in these ships combined with the environmental technology from things like Project Posiedon would allos the Kingdom to become an interplanetary nation and take the next step in human history.


Talks with Cascadia conclude.

Rockies join the attack on Siberia.

Territory up to the Lena river until it hits Yakutsk claimed and begun to be assaulted.

Kamchatka retaken.

Message sent to Eclipse Federation demanding the return of Sakhalin.

Project Julius: 5%
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Siberian Front

[SIZE= 16px]The men had camped for the day, earning a hard fought rest. They were talking to one another and some were even speaking to the Za'ha'kya, through the language trasnlators they had of course. The leader of the army was the sole remaining general in the field, General Centauri, and he was informed that he received a message from the Rockies. He sighed a little. He had no real ill will towards them, it's just that he was in the middle of organizing his troops after suffering some 300,000 casualties. For this he decided to answer it personally.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"To the Rockians who receive this I am General Centauri of the Eclipsian Federated Armed Forces. I apologize for not being a political official who can properly give you a proposal and proper response, but as of right now i am the best you have besides the civilian council. And i would rather you listen to my response rather than there's, as most civilians still have a little, as some here might put it, Rockiaphobia. However i promise to keep my response as neutral as possible, even though that may be dubious. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Now as for your issue i am afraid i can not simply return control over the island as we currently have engineers and a small military presence on the island, if i handed it over it would create a complicated situation. Not to mention the fact that when we landed and took over the island all signs of Rockian settlement and presence were gone, so why take something that has no longer has value to you. Now if there was a small town still left then i would be more inclined to give it to you. Now if you say that the Grenshu positions there hold value, then i go back to the engineers and small presence. So i am sorry to say that i won't be returning control over the island, as we currently have a presence there and all of your assets there have been eradicated. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However this is just me and President Byron may have a different opinion, but until he returns to the country i am afraid the chance of the island returning to your hands are zero. Now, and in a larger sense this does not matter at all, but rather an opinion of a general. Demanding territory that is currently in possession of another nation, no matter the situation, can and will be considered by some to be an act of war and aggression. And by no means am i saying i want to fight or kill your countrymen, as that would be bad for both nations. I am merely stating my opinion, as i am inclined for being a human."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord  [/SIZE]
Order Empire

The Ordarian Election has concluded. The Majority of the Parliament seats are possessed by the OSRP and OCP. The OSRP still is the biggest party in the nation, but the OCP is behind them by just 6 seats. The ODP is the smallest party, only having 18 seats. The OSRP still remains in power, but the OCP candidate, Jonathan Rene, was so popular, the Ministers were forced to create a new Minister spot for him. Jonathan is now the Secundus Minister. The Secundus Minister is basically the Vice President.

A visual representation of the Ordarian Parliament:

Ordarian Election Diagram.jpg

OSRP(Blue): 111

OCP(Red): 105

OFP(Black): 36

ODP(Yellow): 18

Following the elections, the parties will be discussing four bills; the Grenshu Rejection Bill proposed by the OSRP, the Grenshu Integration Bill and the Selected Service Bill proposed by the OCP, and the Rejection of Fascism Bill proposed by the ODP. The parties will be discussing them and voting on them in a few days.

All around the empire, the people are celebrating Remembrance Day, honoring those who have fallen when the war with the Grenshu. The Armed forces stationed at home are now marching down the streets of major cities playing marches such as the  Königgrätzer Marsch, The British Grenadiers, The Lorraine March, and Los Generales among others.

R&D Centers

A decent amount of alien tech has now been analyzed. In other news, MRD Axel has commissioned a new project, named Project Calrissian. This project will focus on the development of 'Cloud Cites' which are, obviously, cities in the sky. These cities will also be used in the future colonization of Venus.

Pacific Theater of War

Ordarian forces attack the fortress after the Za'ha'kya bombarded it after the Ordarian forces' request. After the attack, the Ordarian Airforce and Navy engaged the Defensive Platform in the Sea of Japan, as a sort of preparation for a future engagement with the group of Defensive Platforms to the North. Clearing those Platforms will pave the way for Ordarian Forces to invade Grenshu Occupied Siberia.

Grenshu Siberian Complex.png

@Loyal Guardian

Results and Other Stuff

The Election has concluded

The Parties will be discussing and voting on 4 bills

Alien Analyzation: 20%

Project Calrissian: 1%

Ordarian Forces take down the Japanese fortress; Japan is now under Ordarian control

The Ordarian Airforce and Navy engage the Defensive Platform in the Sea of Japan

1/6 H Missiles completed
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"Alright then." She giggled. Which was strange. As was evident by the strange faces one of the CMs made at her, which was visible. "Alright then, here is the capital." She gave him a GPS to the gallian capital, which was being used by all the nations as both a capital, and a place to see if "shit gets lit". "Anything else?"

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

Jeremiah took the GPS and looked at the location of the gallian capital. He nodded and smiled.

"Nothing more is needed" He said as he turned his back. He tilted his head back a bit. "A royalty will arrive there soon, better pick your pair." He then walked back towards the door with his right hand raised as a sign of goodbye.

"She was a cool lady" He muttered to himself as he boarded his transport plane back to poland

The Royal family also approved the research and then construction of a tenth generation knightmare frame to replace the ninth generation knightmare frame, Lancelot Albion. The plans for the frame was to make it a FLEIJA strategic knightmare frame while maintaining it's superior combat abilities. The frame would be called 'Z-02/A or simply Lancelot of the Lake. As soon as the frame would be complete, the government would then mass produce new knightmare frames to replace the old ones.

Along with KMF Z-02/A, the royal family also approved of the research for anti-hardon shields and propulsion systems capable of atmospheric flight for the knightmare frames. The research division is still incapable of creating propulsion systems capable of flight in space, but atmospheric flight would suffice until they do so. This would also be then installed to the KMF Z-O2/A.

The Research department also requested to create two new divisions called Asplundh and Chawla that would primarily focus on the knightmare frames.

The navy also performed a large navy exercise a couple of miles away from iceland. The exercise was the biggest navy exercise the Rising Empire has done. 


The Emperor was about to make his speech. He has not yet made a proper speech since the grenshu invasion.Scheizel walked towards the Imperial podium. He took a deep breath.

"Greetings citizens and fellow countrymen. I am here to address you the state of the nation. First of all, the Grenshu. They killed many of our people. They were friends to you, families, but we stood strong. We defended our country, our home. We apologize for the rash decision of having a draft, even though it was voluntary. It was the first draft the Rising Empire had since it's first creation. I, however will reserve the right to do it again if our Mainland is under threat of a major attack, that nothing our military could fend off alone. We must thank the good aliens, the Za'Ha'Kya for aiding us against the grenshu, without them we and the other countries would have collapsed. Our economy is about to stabilize and everything is going back to the way as it was before the grenshu attacked. Some of our men along with our alien friends are fighting of the last remaining grenshu's at siberia. We will crush them and make them pay for what they have done. The invasion also gave us the opportunity to expand, not on earth, but towards space, this however will not be instant.

I also thank you citizens, for keeping faith in us, even though in the times when hope was almost lost. We again hope and ask that you put our faith in us in what ever situation, we will aim to solve it. To the once citizens of the Republic of Poland, one of our dearest friend. We thank you for accepting us and we are sorry for annexing your lands. We could not just watch the citizens die, with the republic's government collapsed it was the only thing we could do before the aliens took over the lands. Again we are sorry and we thank you. We the government will also offer relief goods,shelter, and clothes to the ones who are needing it.

The Empire is also aiming to improve it's military so that it can fend off other major attacks like the grenshu invasion more efficiently. other than the military, Part of our budget will also be going to the research and development, infrastructure, healthcare of the people, which I am sure all of you will be needing, agriculture and industry, internal affairs, and lastly, foreign affairs.

I will be ending the speech here. I want all of us to remember, we will always be a citizen of the Rising Empire and we must keep faith to it's government, we must not let any other foreign things sway our faith and belief. We are christians, we are Islams, we are buddhist we are hindus, we are believers of different religions, we are one, we are together, we are family." And with the last word the live broadcast to the whole country then ended.

Prince Lelouch vi Risea

Schneizel approached him earlier before his speech and told him on what they talked with Viceroy gottwald. He was to be married to some royalty in russia to establish alliance, Schneizel told him that this alliance is crucial to the empire. Lelouch was shocked, but did not show any signs of it. He thought about it and decided to agree, his main objective was the prosperity and advancing of the Rising Empire. Schneizel was proud of him and then gave him the coordinates of the gallian capital which Gottwald sent him.

Lelouch then bid farewell and immediately went to his Royal Transport Aircraft and headed to the gallian capitol. The aircraft made no stop at poland.


Eastern Siberia

The troops went south east from the recently occupied islands to take out the other remaining island the grenshu has. They got a report that it had another fortress on it, which they then messaged the Za'Ha'Kya troops in advanced so that they can bombard it from orbit as soon as they reach it. The navy first took out the defensive platforms on the seas around the islands. They did not use the Aerial Fleet for this operation as wasting the fleet's resources would not be a viable option. As soon as all defensive platforms were wiped out, they ground troops advanced towards the fortress. The Imperial Aerial Fleet and the airforce were effectively blowing up grenshu drones in the sky. The Rising Empire has air dominance over the island. They cleared their way to the fortress which they stopped a couple of miles away from it. They then sent a message to the Za'Ha'Kya to bombard the fortress, which they immediately did. As soon as it's shields were down. The Air and ground forces went it. They received orders that they must only incapacitate the fortress and kill or capture the aliens inside it. They were to use the fortress for additional research and information. 

They moved southward from the island and into the mainland siberia. They encountered heavy resistance which resulted in the lost of some men and vehicles. They encountered a shipyard which they immediately destroyed as keeping it for long would be a threat. 


@Loyal Guardian
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-Jeremiah Gottwald-

Jeremiah took the GPS and looked at the location of the gallian capital. He nodded and smiled.

"Nothing more is needed" He said as he turned his back. He tilted his head back a bit. "A royalty will arrive there soon, better pick your pair." He then walked back towards the door with his right hand raised as a sign of goodbye.

"She was a cool lady" He muttered to himself as he boarded his transport plane back to poland

The Royal family also approved the research and then construction of a tenth generation knightmare frame to replace the ninth generation knightmare frame, Lancelot Albion. The plans for the frame was to make it a FLEIJA strategic knightmare frame while maintaining it's superior combat abilities. The frame would be called 'Z-02/A or simply Lancelot of the Lake. As soon as the frame would be complete, the government would then mass produce new knightmare frames to replace the old ones.

Along with KMF Z-02/A, the royal family also approved of the research for anti-hardon shields and propulsion systems capable of atmospheric flight for the knightmare frames. The research division is still incapable of creating propulsion systems capable of flight in space, but atmospheric flight would suffice until they do so. This would also be then installed to the KMF Z-O2/A.

The Research department also requested to create two new divisions called Asplundh and Chawla that would primarily focus on the knightmare frames.

The navy also performed a large navy exercise a couple of miles away from iceland. The exercise was the biggest navy exercise the Rising Empire has done. 


The Emperor was about to make his speech. He has not yet made a proper speech since the grenshu invasion.Scheizel walked towards the Imperial podium. He took a deep breath.

"Greetings citizens and fellow countrymen. I am here to address you the state of the nation. First of all, the Grenshu. They killed many of our people. They were friends to you, families, but we stood strong. We defended our country, our home. We apologize for the rash decision of having a draft, even though it was voluntary. It was the first draft the Rising Empire had since it's first creation. I, however will reserve the right to do it again if our Mainland is under threat of a major attack, that nothing our military could fend off alone. We must thank the good aliens, the Za'Ha'Kya for aiding us against the grenshu, without them we and the other countries would have collapsed. Our economy is about to stabilize and everything is going back to the way as it was before the grenshu attacked. Some of our men along with our alien friends are fighting of the last remaining grenshu's at siberia. We will crush them and make them pay for what they have done. The invasion also gave us the opportunity to expand, not on earth, but towards space, this however will not be instant.

I also thank you citizens, for keeping faith in us, even though in the times when hope was almost lost. We again hope and ask that you put our faith in us in what ever situation, we will aim to solve it. To the once citizens of the Republic of Poland, one of our dearest friend. We thank you for accepting us and we are sorry for annexing your lands. We could not just watch the citizens die, with the republic's government collapsed it was the only thing we could do before the aliens took over the lands. Again we are sorry and we thank you. We the government will also offer relief goods,shelter, and clothes to the ones who are needing it.

The Empire is also aiming to improve it's military so that it can fend off other major attacks like the grenshu invasion more efficiently. other than the military, Part of our budget will also be going to the research and development, infrastructure, healthcare of the people, which I am sure all of you will be needing, agriculture and industry, internal affairs, and lastly, foreign affairs.

I will be ending the speech here. I want all of us to remember, we will always be a citizen of the Rising Empire and we must keep faith to it's government, we must not let any other foreign things sway our faith and belief. We are christians, we are Islams, we are buddhist we are hindus, we are believers of different religions, we are one, we are together, we are family." And with the last word the live broadcast to the whole country then ended.

Prince Lelouch vi Risea

Schneizel approached him earlier before his speech and told him on what they talked with Viceroy gottwald. He was to be married to some royalty in russia to establish alliance, Schneizel told him that this alliance is crucial to the empire. Lelouch was shocked, but did not show any signs of it. He thought about it and decided to agree, his main objective was the prosperity and advancing of the Rising Empire. Schneizel was proud of him and then gave him the coordinates of the gallian capital which Gottwald sent him.

Lelouch then bid farewell and immediately went to his Royal Transport Aircraft and headed to the gallian capitol. The aircraft made no stop at poland.


Eastern Siberia

The troops went south east from the recently occupied islands to take out the other remaining island the grenshu has. They got a report that it had another fortress on it, which they then messaged the Za'Ha'Kya troops in advanced so that they can bombard it from orbit as soon as they reach it. The navy first took out the defensive platforms on the seas around the islands. They did not use the Aerial Fleet for this operation as wasting the fleet's resources would not be a viable option. As soon as all defensive platforms were wiped out, they ground troops advanced towards the fortress. The Imperial Aerial Fleet and the airforce were effectively blowing up grenshu drones in the sky. The Rising Empire has air dominance over the island. They cleared their way to the fortress which they stopped a couple of miles away from it. They then sent a message to the Za'Ha'Kya to bombard the fortress, which they immediately did. As soon as it's shields were down. The Air and ground forces went it. They received orders that they must only incapacitate the fortress and kill or capture the aliens inside it. They were to use the fortress for additional research and information. 

They moved southward from the island and into the mainland siberia. They encountered heavy resistance which resulted in the lost of some men and vehicles. They encountered a shipyard which they immediately destroyed as keeping it for long would be a threat. 

View attachment 189936

@Loyal Guardian

[I quoted before making the post, so I'll have to blend it in. "Will it blend?" Is the question.]


The military would have another train sent over for supplies, they would also begin using their heavy batteries and katyusha launchers to spam-bombard the walls. Due to a attack being halted off for another week, The queen returned to gallia without her tank for a few days. She left the goddess of gallia to command her tank. Heather followed her as a guard. They returned home by the same train that sent more supplies to them than was needed. Kurt was taken to a makeshift hospital, injected alot with ragnaid, and more severe wounds would be manually handled. He was told before surgery that he would need to visit the Imperial medical labs, as to fix any internal damage fully. 


After returning to gallia, she had the anti air shut down for a day before leaving. She went to go manage the redline military training.


After they arrived, the queen visited the bar in the first district. Which surprisingly enough, was the only building in its area for a 40 KM radius which wasn't destroyed.  Heather just returned to the citadel frightening the royal guard within, as she yet again was literally covered in blood everywhere. She would spend her time taking a bath, and having Hazmat troops help wash her afterwards. "Hey boss, what do we do with her bloody clothes?" One of them asked. "Take them back to section twelve, have the science team burn the blood off and wash the clothing. Place them in a reinforced box to prevent possible infection." He said. "Yes sir." And off they went in separate directions. After some time, she was given new clothes and returned to the main hall. After the queen was done helping the bar, She returned to the citadel and took a shower. After she was done, she got dressed in her white uniform, Left her hair unbraided, and left to the cafeteria.

Thirty minutes later the RE's transport would of entered the city, and since the royal guard was informed by Natasha, nobody attempted to shoot at it with anything. 
[for reference of the capital building/government building.]



The royal navy scouts would see that Grenshu islands were already populated with a unknown force. Instead of attempting to go in further they just sent out a broadcast, saying they are just moving through to attack the Grenshu.



Principality vehicle repair: 50% 

42 more BTR-82As were repaired, those being the last of them all. 15 were modified to have ragnite engines, and ragnite coated armor on the top, front, and sides.


Ocean goddess project: 35%

The hull was completed, and 35% of the engine was installed. The engine/engines were larger than even the ones used in dumptrucks, But this wouldn't be a problem of installing due to the ships size.


Helghast project 50%

More infantry machineguns, MP series weapons, Some ragnite lances, Some anti-tank lances, and as shown at gallia,-The GSSR-42s. Were reproduced. 1,000 MP-3-4s were made, 700 more anti-tank Lances were made, 100 ragnite Lances of various shapes and sizes were made, and 70 GSSR-42s but primarily their ammo was made. 20 of the rifles [GSSR-42s] were sold to the redline, the rest were kept by the imperials. Most of the ragnite Lances were claymore swords.


Nuke modifying 66%.

The primary nuke would have minor addons being added, and more ragnite would be put into the clusters. The clusters would also have the addon of the equivalent of napalm. This would be achieved by locking large clusters of ragnite and ragnite liquid into various compartments of the weapon, and their original warheads. 


Gallian capital repair 90%.

The eastern district was rebuilt, and so was another half of the first district. All that remained were the citadel tower, to repair the wall, and build one more house in the eastern district. They would also need to repair a room in the citadel.


Alien tech analysis:

12%. [Don't really know what else to say.]
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[I quoted before making the post, so I'll have to blend it in. "Will it blend?" Is the question.]


The military would have another train sent over for supplies, they would also begin using their heavy batteries and katyusha launchers to spam-bombard the walls. Due to a attack being halted off for another week, The queen returned to gallia without her tank for a few days. She left the goddess of gallia to command her tank. Heather followed her as a guard. They returned home by the same train that sent more supplies to them than was needed. Kurt was taken to a makeshift hospital, injected alot with ragnaid, and more severe wounds would be manually handled. He was told before surgery that he would need to visit the Imperial medical labs, as to fix any internal damage fully. 


After returning to gallia, she had the anti air shut down for a day before leaving. She went to go manage the redline military training.


After they arrived, the queen visited the bar in the first district. Which surprisingly enough, was the only building in its area for a 40 KM radius which wasn't destroyed.  Heather just returned to the citadel frightening the royal guard within, as she yet again was literally covered in blood everywhere. She would spend her time taking a bath, and having Hazmat troops help wash her afterwards. "Hey boss, what do we do with her bloody clothes?" One of them asked. "Take them back to section twelve, have the science team burn the blood off and wash the clothing. Place them in a reinforced box to prevent possible infection." He said. "Yes sir." And off they went in separate directions. After some time, she was given new clothes and returned to the main hall. After the queen was done helping the bar, She returned to the citadel and took a shower. After she was done, she got dressed in her white uniform, Left her hair unbraided, and left to the cafeteria.

Thirty minutes later the RE's transport would of entered the city, and since the royal guard was informed by Natasha, nobody attempted to shoot at it with anything. 
[for reference of the capital building/government building.]



The royal navy scouts would see that Grenshu islands were already populated with a unknown force. Instead of attempting to go in further they just sent out a broadcast, saying they are just moving through to attack the Grenshu.



Principality vehicle repair: 50% 

42 more BTR-82As were repaired, those being the last of them all. 15 were modified to have ragnite engines, and ragnite coated armor on the top, front, and sides.


Ocean goddess project: 35%

The hull was completed, and 35% of the engine was installed. The engine/engines were larger than even the ones used in dumptrucks, But this wouldn't be a problem of installing due to the ships size.


Helghast project 50%

More infantry machineguns, MP series weapons, Some ragnite lances, Some anti-tank lances, and as shown at gallia,-The GSSR-42s. Were reproduced. 1,000 MP-3-4s were made, 700 more anti-tank Lances were made, 100 ragnite Lances of various shapes and sizes were made, and 70 GSSR-42s but primarily their ammo was made. 20 of the rifles [GSSR-42s] were sold to the redline, the rest were kept by the imperials. Most of the ragnite Lances were claymore swords.


Nuke modifying 66%.

The primary nuke would have minor addons being added, and more ragnite would be put into the clusters. The clusters would also have the addon of the equivalent of napalm. This would be achieved by locking large clusters of ragnite and ragnite liquid into various compartments of the weapon, and their original warheads. 


Gallian capital repair 90%.

The eastern district was rebuilt, and so was another half of the first district. All that remained were the citadel tower, to repair the wall, and build one more house in the eastern district. They would also need to repair a room in the citadel.


Alien tech analysis:

12%. [Don't really know what else to say.]

Rising Empire

-Lelouch vi Risea-

The plane landed on a flat surface in the palace. The doors opened and he stepped down from his aircraft, he was followed by only 2 guards for security purposes which he was against of, but Schneizel insisted. He looked around the area and was impressed by the palace, it was good looking. He looked around the area for the person he was supposed to talk, Schneizel forgot to brief him about that.

Northern Siberian Islands

The admiral of the fleets at the islands sent back a reply stating that they can go ahead, any human is an ally against the grenshu and because he got word that the higher ups are trying to establish an alliance with them.

Rising Empire

-Lelouch vi Risea-

The plane landed on a flat surface in the palace. The doors opened and he stepped down from his aircraft, he was followed by only 2 guards for security purposes which he was against of, but Schneizel insisted. He looked around the area and was impressed by the palace, it was good looking. He looked around the area for the person he was supposed to talk, Schneizel forgot to brief him about that.

Northern Siberian Islands

The admiral of the fleets at the islands sent back a reply stating that they can go ahead, any human is an ally against the grenshu and because he got word that the higher ups are trying to establish an alliance with them.


[Switching the comment up a bit for this time only.]

The Navy of five ships would just sail past the northern island peacefully. They would eventually end up in distance to begin heavy bombardment of the Grenshu occupied wall. With the Natalia using the two side mounted artillery pieces to also fire at the occupied lands. They intentionally fired indirectly, as hitting the wall itself wasn't their intention.


A royal guard still forced into wearing a maid uniform but had a war helmet on, with black hair and dark blue highlights, would approach them. "Hello, I am Sasha of the royal guard. Follow me royal one?" She would just continue walking.

[Switching the comment up a bit for this time only.]

The Navy of five ships would just sail past the northern island peacefully. They would eventually end up in distance to begin heavy bombardment of the Grenshu occupied wall. With the Natalia using the two side mounted artillery pieces to also fire at the occupied lands. They intentionally fired indirectly, as hitting the wall itself wasn't their intention.


A royal guard still forced into wearing a maid uniform but had a war helmet on, with black hair and dark blue highlights, would approach them. "Hello, I am Sasha of the royal guard. Follow me royal one?" She would just continue walking.


-Lelouch vi Risea-

"Hello Natasha, I am Lelouch of the Rising Empire" He said as he and his guards followed her.
-Lelouch vi Risea-

"Hello Natasha, I am Lelouch of the Rising Empire" He said as he and his guards followed her.

She paused in confusion. "Sir? My name isn't Natasha?" She only shrugged and then proceeded on. Walking through the gate under the tower [because you weren't exactly clear of which flat surface. That and some still lead to it anyway.] And into a large and long hall. With statues of the Imperial goddess, other leaders of the gallian line and gallian empire, and portraits of all the leaders, and the Imperial empress. The inside did have alot of rooms at certain places, but they were all closed at the moment. With one of them being a gift shop.

The floors, walls, and ceiling were decorated with banners of the flag, the being shiny, or being ridiculously white with some gold and red carpets scattered around. After opening another set of large doors, they would of entered the main hall. It was much we larger and wider than other parts of the citadel, and had pillars to the side. There was no different color than white anywhere in the large room, and there were tall statues to the side as well. Primarily of heather, the Imperial goddess, the redline goddess, the gallian goddess, the queen, the Imperial empress, and Alexander. There would be three thrones far ahead overlooking the entire area, There was a constant echo, and through a window one of the outer hallways could be seen. 


The thrones were also white, but they were mostly crystal-like in appearance. With the middle one being bigger than the others. [They don't have pictures of the interior, you will have to just go on my word.] Heather was sitting down in it, Her hair still white/silver and her eyes still glowing red. Ever so slowly returning back to her regular pink hail, and eye color but it was not visible. She also was holding a Lance made out of ragnite besides her like a staff, and it was blue. After she saw a random person enter, the Lance would only begin glowing but nothing much else happened.

"The queen is off in a different area of the citadel, Please wait here while I get her." She said as she started to leave.

The Rising Empire

-Lelouch vi Risea-

He sighed and chuckled. He mispoke a lady's name after she just said it.

"Sasha" He said with a smile. He looked around the interior of the palace, it was beautiful.

"More fancy the Pendragon" He muttered to himself "why can't we have statues?" He

chuckled with the thought of Schneizel having a statue.

"Okay, I can wait" He said. He then looked at the lady with a lance. The place was strange.

"Russians" He thought.


General Hiragh didn't announce the attack, and it was unexpected. Now, with the USVV controlling all land East of the Grenshu Positions, a mass troop movement was ordered and a light draft was raised up... Currently, 500,000 Droid troops, 7 super-droids, and 1.5 million trained troops were on the ground fighting grenshu, not to mention the majority of the navy and air force. In a month, the USVV would have 1.5 million more trained troops in.

The VV troops, now armed with D-51 Semi-Auto high-power Coilguns, and mass Za'ha'kya help, smashed through the first grenshu line with 50,000 losses, but stalled halfway through (at the two stars and the triangle). A two-week long front was established, but after a mass bombing by Mouse Drones, Za'ha'kya orbital bombings, and sacrifices of two super-droids and 20,000 men, they reached the second defensive line. Troops roared with fervor as the siege of the second line was underway, calling in Za'ha'kya help as needed...

View attachment 189936

(My comp. won't let me save anything, but imagine my green as controlling everything (Except Kamchatka) east of the second line)
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The Rising Empire

-Lelouch vi Risea-

He sighed and chuckled. He mispoke a lady's name after she just said it.

"Sasha" He said with a smile. He looked around the interior of the palace, it was beautiful.

"More fancy the Pendragon" He muttered to himself "why can't we have statues?" He

chuckled with the thought of Schneizel having a statue.

"Okay, I can wait" He said. He then looked at the lady with a lance. The place was strange.

"Russians" He thought.


Heather could hear him just by the echo alone if nothing much else, but she didn't say anything. She just continued to stare at him. The guard from before continued roaming around the citadel.

General Hiragh didn't announce the attack, and it was unexpected. Now, with the USVV controlling all land East of the Grenshu Positions, a mass troop movement was ordered and a light draft was raised up... Currently, 500,000 Droid troops, 7 super-droids, and 1.5 million trained troops were on the ground fighting grenshu, not to mention the majority of the navy and air force. In a month, the USVV would have 1.5 million more trained troops in.

The VV troops, now armed with D-51 Semi-Auto high-power Coilguns, smashed through the first grenshu line with 50,000 losses, but stalled halfway through (at the two stars and the triangle). A two-week long front was established, but after a mass bombing by Mouse Drones and sacrifices of two super-droids and 20,000 men, they reached the second defensive line, and Kamchatka. Troops roared with fervor as the siege of the second line and Kamchatka was underway...

View attachment 189936

(My comp. won't let me save anything, but imagine my green as controlling a small part of Kamchatka and all through

(Sorry kid, I already took Kamchatka)

General Hiragh didn't announce the attack, and it was unexpected. Now, with the USVV controlling all land East of the Grenshu Positions, a mass troop movement was ordered and a light draft was raised up... Currently, 500,000 Droid troops, 7 super-droids, and 1.5 million trained troops were on the ground fighting grenshu, not to mention the majority of the navy and air force. In a month, the USVV would have 1.5 million more trained troops in.

The VV troops, now armed with D-51 Semi-Auto high-power Coilguns, smashed through the first grenshu line with 50,000 losses, but stalled halfway through (at the two stars and the triangle). A two-week long front was established, but after a mass bombing by Mouse Drones and sacrifices of two super-droids and 20,000 men, they reached the second defensive line, and Kamchatka. Troops roared with fervor as the siege of the second line and Kamchatka was underway...

View attachment 189936

(My comp. won't let me save anything, but imagine my green as controlling a small part of Kamchatka and all through

[Using your post to get around the "can't post unless replied to, or two post" rule I made myself. Anyway: like fish said, he already got it. That and you not only need Za'ha'kya to bomb the Fortresses before taking it etc, as it is the only way to blow it up, But it has been stated before that the far east of siberia, the still controlled by Grenshu parts. Are the most challenging. I doubt you could just blow through that line that easy.]


After twenty minutes, the guard found Jennifer in the cafeteria. "My queen, You have a visitor." She said. Jennifer only looked to the side at Sasha. "Who is it, and what do they want?" She asked. "I don't know, but it appears to be royalty of some sort." She responded with as much confusion as his existence to her. "Alright, let's go." She stood up and while she walked down the many hallways, the guard would just sprint through them. Another twenty minutes later she walked back into the main hall again. "The queen will be here shortly." She said. Three minutes the silence was filled with the sound of walking. The echoing making it difficult to decipher where it was coming from.

The queen would of entered the main hall. She kept her unamused expression, with her fist on her hip. "Welcome to gallia, I am the queen. Now, what is it that you have come here for?" She asked in perfect English without any accent. Assuming that the person spoke English.


Exactly this, but a white version of this uniform and unbraided hair.

Radium Hot Springs

"Again? The Eclipsians never learn..." the King let out a heavy sigh. "They had better return it. If they try and keep it, it means war." The King prepared a return message. "Please understand, you are trespassing on our territory. I hope that once Byron returns, he sees reason, but until then, we shall send some troops to Sakhalin to make sure you do nothing to establish yourselves permanently there. You have no right to stop us from entering our own territory, this is non-negotiable."

@Loyal Guardian


1,000 Rockian troops had landed on the island, and were deployed all around the island. They were instructed to try and stop any attempts by the Eclipsians to make the land their own. They flew Rockian flags and made sure to be watchful.


The Za'ha'kya were once again called for help, and the Rockians began pushing once more into Siberia. With several large battles, the Rockians made it to the Lena river, and made sure to fortify the land heavily against potential invaders, specifically the Risers and Eclipsians.

Lena River

This far into Siberia, the influence of the other nations of Russia could be felt. It was decided that a delegate would be sent westward to a contact a nation that strangely had three reported names. Eventually the border was reached. "Hello! We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We have been instructed to find a nation called 'Gallia' or 'Redline'. Is this it?"


Alice Springs Satellite Facility

The research was going well. Study of the Grenshu technology revealed many insights, and the technology used in Project Posiedon were proving quite useful.


Message sent to Eclipsians.

1,000 troops sent to Sakhalin.

Area up to River Lena taken and fortified.

Representatives sent to contact the whatever-it's-called in Russia.

Project Julius: 10%
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[SIZE= 16px]After a break the Eclipsian machine went back to work and pushed the Grenshu towards the main wall. This wall was the most heavily defended with it's only weakness being the coasts, which was easily exploited by the Risers. With aid from Za'ha'kya reinforcements and aerial support the Eclipsian section of the wall, it broke after a few day siege. Afterwards the EFAF stormed through the wall taking the first few infantry bases with ease. However the two defense platforms were causing so trouble, so with a minor bombardment from the orbital fleet and Eclipsian artillery. In the Okhotsk Sea the Eclipsian Navy stormed in and took over the naval platforms there with only Za'ha'kya fighter support. Afterwards Eclipsian Marines stormed the beaches and took the coastal defense platform after receiving aid from the Za'ha'kya. The Eclipsians have even reached a portion of the command wall, where behind it is the main Fortress and the most defended location the Grenshu have. Not even a full one Za'ha'kya bombardment would destroy it as the wall around there has a shield above it. Currently the Eclipsians have taken a large portion of the complex, and are ready to split the main area of it in two. However this attack came at a cost as about a million Eclipsian casualties were suffered (OOC: Guys note that you can push into the main area, but take a large hit of casualties).[/SIZE]

Greater Grenshu Complex occupied.png

[SIZE= 16px]Sakhalin[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]General Centauri saw the message and troops from the Rockians and responded with his own. "I understand your distrust towards us, however i can ssure you we are not here to harm you. The only presence we have on the island is strictly in the two Grenshu bases where our engineers are working diligently to get out everything the Grenshu built off the island. The only military presence are small posts built around those bases and in between them to guard the engineers while they are working from any threat. As a high ranking person from my nation i give you my word that we will not pull a move on you or your troops. All that i request is that they do not interfere with us and we will not interfere with you, afterwards once we have removed the bases the island is yours."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord [/SIZE]
[Using your post to get around the "can't post unless replied to, or two post" rule I made myself. Anyway: like fish said, he already got it. That and you not only need Za'ha'kya to bomb the Fortresses before taking it etc, as it is the only way to blow it up, But it has been stated before that the far east of siberia, the still controlled by Grenshu parts. Are the most challenging. I doubt you could just blow through that line that easy.]


After twenty minutes, the guard found Jennifer in the cafeteria. "My queen, You have a visitor." She said. Jennifer only looked to the side at Sasha. "Who is it, and what do they want?" She asked. "I don't know, but it appears to be royalty of some sort." She responded with as much confusion as his existence to her. "Alright, let's go." She stood up and while she walked down the many hallways, the guard would just sprint through them. Another twenty minutes later she walked back into the main hall again. "The queen will be here shortly." She said. Three minutes the silence was filled with the sound of walking. The echoing making it difficult to decipher where it was coming from.

The queen would of entered the main hall. She kept her unamused expression, with her fist on her hip. "Welcome to gallia, I am the queen. Now, what is it that you have come here for?" She asked in perfect English without any accent. Assuming that the person spoke English.


Exactly this, but a white version of this uniform and unbraided hair.


-Lelouch vi Risea-

"Hello, your highness" He said with a slight bow. "I am Lelouch of the Rising Empire, I was sent here to confirm establish the  an alliance between the three countries located here to one of it's royaltt. The redline,gallians and the imperials. This has already been agreed to in moscow by a friend of mine and a friend of yours named natasha." 
Pacific/Siberian Theater of War

The Ordarian Airforce and Navy have successfully taken down the defensive platform in the Sea of Japan. The group of defensive platforms to the north have been destroyed by the Eclipsians, so that was out of the question. Instead, the army boarded transport ships and head to the Laptev Sea, escorted by the Navy and Airforce. They land on a Grenshu controlled shoreline and they begin to assault them. Once they seized the shore, they would begin to land more forces. Once they have landed, they would begin pushing even more inward. They would take out a couple of infantry bases, 2 drone-hubs, and a shipyard, seizing alien technology found on those sites, which would be sent to the R&D Centers. Forces would also engage the Grenshu defensive line from behind (this will make more sense when you look at the map I put below). Ordarian losses total at 439k regulars, 3000 tanks, and 2400 planes.

Grenshu Siberian Complex.png

@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42

Ordarian Parliament Building

The parties' representatives have been called to the Parliament Building to discuss the bills proposed after the election. The ministers would be supervising the discussion. The OSRP representative stood up and spoke. "The Grenshu have massacred our people, no, the entire human race. They destroyed half of Oxford. Do we really want them running around? The people wouldn't be too happy with that." After he had finished, everyone applauded. The OCP representative then stood up.  "Let's not be irrational here. We can put the Grenshu to use in our society. We can put them to work in our factories, power plants, research labs, you name it. We can use them to our advantage here; we could double our production, research output, and economy." The rep paused as the others applauded. The rep then presented his party's next proposal. "Moving on, our party believes that having a Selective Service System, similar to the one in the pre-war country of the United States, would be beneficial to our nation. Times like these have been hard on our people. We would like to have a system like this would help us in times of war and help us defend our great nation." Applause once more. The OCP rep then sat down and the ODP rep stood up and presented the Democrat's proposal. "Fascism has been one of those mistakes in human history that cannot be reverted. The atrocities of the Nazi regime has been one of those black marks in human history. We believe we should ban the OFP before it's too late." A OFP rep aggressively stood up. "Really? If I remember correctly, your party did nothing when the Grenshu invaded. No wonder a very small amount of the population voted for you. The foreign voters saved you, don't forget that; you guys may be popular abroad, but very unpopular here." The Fascists and Democrats then began yelling at each-other. "Democratic and Fascist parties, return to your seats!" PM Kord yelled as he banged the gavel. They returned to their seats, and voting now commenced.

Grenshu Rejection Bill: 147 Yes / 123 No (Passed)

Grenshu Integration Bill: 123 Yes / 147 No (Not Passed)

Selective Service Bill: 270 Yes / 0 No (Passed)

Rejection of Fascism Bill: 18 Yes / 252 No (Not Passed)

R&D Centers

Alien tech analyzation is slowing due to Project Calrissian, but still making decent pace. Project Calrissian is progressing well, thanks to the analyzed alien technology.

Alien tech analyzation: 24%

Project Calrissian: 7%

The VV forces gave way to more heavy Za'ha'kya bombings on key positions, and a larger push was made. Little ground was made, but it was worth killing many G forces. In a highly expiremental plan, the USVV started to drill a deep-down tunnel directly towards the main Grenshu Base. How it will work, nobody knows...


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