The World of Tomorrow

Siberia, Manchuria, and Korea

Thanks to the Za'ha'kya's heavy bombardment of the complex and it's first wall, the wall closest to Eclipsian forces was beginning to crack. The military had basically taken it's own agenda, while still remaining within it's own [SIZE= 16px]jurisdiction, and had begun to relentlessly attack Grenshu positions. Thanks to the defectors, the EFAF was able to strategically strike enemy weakpoints within defensive fortifications with their artillery and air power. In fact almost all of the Grenshu's air superiority was completely negated after the Za'ha'kya, so allied air forces were able to swiftly put down any enemy air power and field fortifications. Within two days, through concentrated fire and strategic bombarding, a portion of the wall had collapsed and EFAF troops were able to enter within the wall and gun down any remaining Grenshu forces nearby. Following them were a small Za'ha'kya force, who set up a small base of operations. On their and EFAF radios it appeared that other portions of the wall being assaulted by the Eclipsians have also collapsed, which were immediately flooded with troops. Despite being vastly outnumbered, the Za'ha'kya numbers tipped the balance in their favor and millions upon million of troops poured into the fortification. The three defense platforms within the Eclipsian assaulted portion of the complex were being relentlessly bombarded by both species. After about a week the last platform was rendered useless and captured by allied troops.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In Korea the force from Chile had finally arrived approx. three days before the last platform fell and had landed in southern Korea. The only external aid they got were from Za'ha'kya air forces as the front lines was still in northern Korea. Facing the force was a defensive platform that, while small, was positioned in a way that prevented encirclement. As such the troops had to hold out relentless Grenshu assault day after day until reinforcements arrived. Then, five days after landing in Korea and losing nearly 80,000 men, allied forces arrived from the north and struck the platform so hard with airstrikes and missiles that multiple levels exploded. Two days later the platform eventually was captured and scrapped, leaving Korea in the hands of the Eclipsians. All that remained in Grenshu hands was their Fortress and drone centers, however the Za'ha'kya fleets began to bombard the area. When the day was over most of the bases around the Fortress were destroyed along with the drone centers, which Eclipsian and Za'ha'kya forces swung around and captured, effectively encircling the Fortress. The Fortress itself maintained light to low-medium damages as it's defense shield around it took most of the damage but it eventually fell as it was cracked by the intense bombardment, which enabled the final volley to damage the structure itself. Furwa'kto informed the human forces participating to wait for Za'ha'kya bombardment when they encounter a Fortress, as that is the only thing currently one hand that can crack their defense shielding, before assaulting the structure itself.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Oort Research Station[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Horizon, despite being enacted by the Council, was deemed important enough by the staff to continue it's progress. The project's minor details were released, which revealed that it encompassed reverse-engineering alien technology and creating something called the M.S-A.A.U. The station didn't reveal the whole of the acronym but said that it would give the Eclipsians an edge in fighting against orbital, high and low altitude, and possibly even ground targets. Within the station itself, in a secret lab, a reddish-black material was within a glass both and it was changing shape, albeit very slowly and immaturely. On the monitors in the room showed things like a molecular image of something, different angles of the material, and what can only be described as a heart monitor-like indicators on one of the monitors. Most of the papers were closed in a file, but one of them showed this area of the projects name: S.C.R.E.E.N.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Indochina[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the fall of the Singaporean Federation and the failure of the Districts of Asia the Eclipsian Home Defense, who mainly consist of civilian volunteers and military conscripts, launched an invasion of most of Indochina. With almost all heads of government gone, with the exception of the Pro-President leaders of the Heylik, Great North, and Chinese Republics, the nation was organized under a civilian council until Byron's return. This council, however, hadn't or couldn't control the military branches but even then most of them remained calm and did nothing, except for the EFAF's main elements of course. The Home Defense invaded Indochina citing that since the area had fallen into disarray and collapsed it is responsible as the former nation's ally to administer the territory for the Singaporean people until a responsible and stable government could retake control of the control. The invasion was swift and encountered little resistance, most of Indochina fell under the Home Defense's control and all land exchanged in the Shanghai Agreements were also taken. However the former 7th District had the most resistance as anarchists and others took over the area. However with the arrival of some Coastal Defense ships the coast was secured and the Home Defense took over most the district. The only places not captured by the Home and Coast Defense are Singapore and Hong Kong, as they were still secure and had stability. When Shanghai fell the Eclipsian Defense Force Invasion's ended.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Alteras[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Portland[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Before all of these events happened, Byron landed in Portland with plans to return home within a month. He wanted to return sooner but Sao convinced him to extend it so everyone could relax and ease stress. Byron stepped off the plan with Sao walking next to him and with Draco, Io, Frios, Hayden, and Umberion walking behind them in that order.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It's that time, viewers. That's right, elections are now in progress, you all now have a chance to vote. OSRP, OCP, OFP, and ODP candidates are holding rallies around the nation. This election is going to be a close one. Just a reminder to all our foreign viewers, you are allowed to vote. Results will come in next month."

United States of Varmandr Vestan

Some voters in the Ordanian election turned up, but only a few thousand. Most voted for Order Democratic Party, but a handful still butthurt over the Varmandian Fascist Order falling voted Fascist.

Presidential Building, Rio de Janeiro 

President Chris Cordoba sent a proposal to the following nations on how to regain better relations and build a trusting relationship, and invited them to discuss matters at the Amazonian Institute of Technology, the best in the nation.

Eclipse Federation (Byron, not the council) @Loyal Guardian

Order Empire @Agent141

Cascadia @RIPSaidCone

Rising Empire @Wickedkent

Varmandian Siberia

After 125,000 Droid troops (The total number of Droid troops made by the VV is now at 400,000, although most are in storage) reached the Nunligran Outpost, an attack was ordered...

Only 75,000 Droid troops and 3 Super-Droids were to help with the invasion of Grenshu lands, but the rest started re-claiming cities once occupied by the Siberian Nation. They eventually grabbed up a good chunk of land stretching from Nunligran to Nutepelmen, and six former cities once occupied by Siberia, finding in them still a large population of people in terrible conditions. In finding this, Varmandian Droids and Human Forces started handing out water and food, and also started setting up makeshift hospitals.

One of the most interesting finds was a group calling themselves the "Nation of The New North", that controlled two of the cities and temporarily fought Varmandian forces before negotiations let USVV forces occupy the city. Many meetings with the leader of the New North was scheduled with General Hindz, and are being held for the next month.

All around the nation of VV

A vote is currently being held because of the rising popularity of Extremely far-left Communism and Socialism. It is a proposed 7 month 'State of No Currency', where no currency will exist and everybody will get what they deserve according to how long/hard they work, putting into affect the Marxist view of "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs"

Early Polls (not a final result) show that "No" is in lead, with No-3% Yes-1%, but only 4% of the population has voted.
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-Jeremiah Gottwald-
"So, you are miss natasha" He said "a pleasure to meet you." He thought to himself that these russians would not just easily accept trade partnership and alliance with a stranger country. They had to do something and the royal family would do everything for this to be successful.


-Cleo Smirin-
He opened his eyes. He woke up in his bed at his room in a five star hotel.. He just read the latest news about the death of the Minister of Finance and Economy. He knew Nonnette, she was a friend from his childhood. Cleo has been out of the grid for a couple of years, he was enjoying his life. In the royal family, he was the most irresponsible child of the former emperor, but he was still loved dearly. Cleo sighed and figured that  his family would try to locate him and make him take up the vacant position. He chuckled on the fact that a job that would require a huge responsibility be given to an irresponsible man. He got off his bed and prepared himself.  He took a bath, brushed his teeth, clothed himself and then ordered breakfast. Nobody really recognized him, he tried to avoid the media and refused to have his picture be public. After he ate, he went to the ground floor and decided to finally head back home. The doors of his elevator opened when he saw that the people in the floor was taking cover. 
"What has happened" He asked himself. He then saw masked people pointing his gun at one of the hotel staff.
"Crime at the empire?" He was shocked. There was almost little to no crime at the empire. He approached the man slowly. The robber noticed him and pointed his gun at cleo, he warned him to not get any closer or he will get shot. He ignored the robber and charged for him. The guy was shocked and tried to fire his gun, it wont shoot. Cleo punched him in the face and took the gun. He looked at it and smiled. He pointed it at the guy and switched the safety off.
"Seems you forgot about the safety switch" He said. The guys friend tried to approached him while their gun is pointed at him.
"One more step and you wouldnt have any head." Cleo warned with a proud smirk. The 5 guys stepped nearer when they were shot right in the head and was now lying on the floor lifeless. His fun was ruined, Cleo sighed.
"Damn snipers" He muttered to himself. Swat forces were rushing inside the hotel and helicopters were everywhere. The media was all around him and he did not like it. He dropped the gun and used the hotels backdoor to get outside of the hotel. He took a taxi when it was stopped by two black cars.
"That was fast" He thought to himself. Guy with black suits stepped out of the car and knocked at the drivers window. The guy handed the driver payement.
"Heres the fee" The suited guy said. Cleo stepped out of the car and smiled.
"I figured you would find me" He said "I caused such commotions and I dont like such things." The guy nodded.
"Dont worry, the media got none of it" The guy said "You were not there." He then tapped on his ear comms.
"Pendragon, we have Prince Cleos." He said.
((I totally made a new member of the family popped up and covered the reason why he was absent all the time))

-Rising Empire- 
The Imperial Aerial Fleet's new ship, the Ikaruga has been completed. Two Has been made, the original and it's sister.  

The next project would be the research and construction of a next generation Knightmare frame for the commanders and then a next gen mass produced frames to replace the old ones.

The Range of the FLEIJA warheads was now changed back to the smaller one therefore it cannot be considered a WMD.

The government also approved on the construction of new and advanced satellites to replace the old ones that were destroyed by the aliens. It would be a variety of satellites.

A new project was also put to place. It includes a more advanced radar and sonar system.

The druid system off each ships of the Imperial Aerial Fleet would be improved to make sure that it would not be detected by RADARS.

A new project was also put to place, but was put on hold. The project was to convert electricity into a weapon and make a cannon that would launch a bolt of electricity. The project was hold until all the other projects are done and the RE's economy would stabilize.
[SIZE= 14px]Central line:[/SIZE]

The central line would continue their advance and battering the enemy once getting in range. However some were sent to the south temporarily to reinforce them, this was due to not having enough to make the enemy defense in the south plummet. And by a radio call. This did not prevent the regular large military from attacking.

Southern border:

The retaliation forces would continue onwards to the enemy. All the claymore units, some vehicles, and all but a single valkyrur reinforced the south. They would eventually meet the southern-most Grenshu line, and would heavily bombard the walls. Claymores would be used as very long range snipers, as very little can district them once they focus onto something, Some came from gallia and would thus be armed with GSSR-42s. Those of which [5] would snipe anyone near, on, or in range of the gun, At the wall. In the same time, Katyusha launchers, the batomys super heavy tank, And any other heavy weapon in the area would be blasting away at the wall and any defense in range.

Most of the valkyrur units were ontop of tanks, even going as far as surfing ontop of them. They would fire at their usual targets, and abandon the tank they stand upon if necessary. However the rest of them were running around the field like the FT-40s at the wall. They kept moving around quickly to prevent being shot at easily. 1,000 were killed approaching the wall, but eventually they made it. The batomys would be one of the more prioritized targets due to the heavy environmental damage it is capable of. With some shots removing more of the outer layer, Temporarily disabling the machineguns, and Overall pissing it off. 10 claymore units would of been killed outside the wall but, not before providing a distraction for other units by using more power and becoming seemingly more of a threat. This allowed some valkyrur to rush up the walls and their beams having even more of a devastating effect besides severe burning. Two at a time would gang up at different areas, even miles away and would fire their beams at the parts of the wall as the others.

With more vehicles and soldiers coming, more heavy bombardment would occur for their defense. With only some tanks being disabled in the process due to environmental damage, Or surviving splash damage. The crews of said vehicles would only arm themselves before exiting and becoming infantry. Which was how they were trained. However some would be taken to other vehicles to replace dead or injured crew members. Most of the valks below would attack their defenses, while dodging or staying away from ones capable of faster firing if any. Another valkyria, Taller than most here. Would of appeared in front of the wall, "Grenshu cowards, We will tear down this wall!" And then would proceed firing at it. 14 of them making it to the wall and literally tearing parts of it down, and allowing the horde to break in. Thousands of infantry, several vehicles, and the batomys would just slide through that walls DMs like a boss. "FOR THE HOOOORRRRRRDDDDEEEE!!!!" A soldier yelled out. The batomys heavy machineguns on both the left and right sides clearing out Grenshu infantry, and the back cannon clearing out any further defense. The batomys two front cannons would clear buildings, and the main gun would fire at further defenses ahead.

Eventually they halted from going further east, but most continued attacking the north and south. With the wall being already infiltrated, It'd be pretty easy to get around. "Sir, we can't proceed. There is a shield facility." A tank driver said. "And why do we care about their sci-fi nonsense? Send in the aliens and the valkyrur!" The emperor ordered. The Za'ha'kya would continue to attack the fortress in the area. A day later fighting was still occurring, but the fortress was busted through. The various valkyrur, and all the Za'ha'kya broke through the shield and had started massacring the facility. In the same time the batomys was heading north to help clear out that wall. The south was easily cleared with Za'ha'kya infantry and some of the vehicles and gallian soldiers. They would leave some to occupy the area, a few dozen. But would primarily keep a large military going further north. Taking the wall, part of the first line, and the Grenshu there. 1,500 died then.

The northern edge:

They would charged the northern walls with all of their force. They spent two days on bombardment, firing hundreds of heavy missiles, and other heavy armaments they owned at the walls before requesting reinforcements for a final push. After the third day of bombardment, The original central line which invaded the south would return. Some of them went up north, such as the batomys. The Za'ha'kya was left to their own devices in the southern edge for now.

Once reinforcements arrived, they spent another day of bombardment while other systems were reloaded. "Alright comrades! We must fight for our lives, and for our future! Bring only death to these fuckers!" Kurt yelled. "Yes sir!" Pavel xerath said, having been forced into the war. The tanks engaged. After it hit night moments later, They attacked the Grenshu wall. There were 50 valkyrur this time around, and far more claymores and infantry. They rushed the walls yet again. 5,000 gallians, 15,000 redline, 71 claymores, 5,000 imperials, and 50 valkyrur attacked the Grenshu, with all the heavy vehicles including batomys and Russian queen.  With another movement planned back to the central line the Russian queen and a few dozen vehicles. "Open fire!" The batomys main gun fired along with a IS-0 at enemy defenses and the wall. Occasionally hitting and damaging it. "Keep rolling! FOR THE MOTHERLAND!" Kurt said. "Large battery ahead!" Xerath said. They kept going. "FIRE!"

700 gallians, and 300 redliners died during the rush. The IS-0 and APCT convoy kept going. The same battery they missed moments earlier aimed. "SHIT, INCO-" the tank was hit and instantly destroyed and burning. The valkyrur would of rushed the walls again after some time and begin firing into it. However 2 weren't lucky and actually died in the process. However with Za'ha'kya bombardment, the additional bombardment time, and far more heavier vehicles ripping into it, the wall was ripped open even quicker. The Za'ha'kya were the first this time to rush in due to attacking first. Thousands rushed the ruined walls, and hundreds of vehicles blast apart anything on the other side. Letting the Za'ha'kya attack anything they normally couldn't, or couldn't due to range limitations. With a rare few left behind to mourn the dead before being pulled back into hell again. The crew of the original IS-0 was entirely killed besides Kurt. Who had been thrown out by his lover when seeing it aim for them. She was killed in front of him and he was thrown away by the blast. He was knocked out for thirty minutes before slowly sitting up again. "GGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH" someone would approach him to help him up before looking back at the wall. "COME ON!" The person would pick him up and run off with him before another shot was directed at them.

The next day they would continue assaulting the Grenshu. The emperor had found the Imperial goddess, Yuma. she was with Amanda heart. He directed them both to go ahead of the army as powerful as they can go without quick exhaustion. Yuma was at 40%, and Amanda 30% now. Along with the other valkyrur at 10%. Filling the night with their bright flames, constantly dodging Grenshu fire. the Za'ha'kya would help heavily obliterate heavy structures in the area, as infantry and more easily destructible facilities were destroyed or burned in seconds. The claymores would all be used as front line snipers, or have the new MP-4s. They would harass and murder Grenshu. "I WILL FIGHT FOR MY EMPRESS!" One yelled while killing one, before another shot her repeatedly. Another valkyria would of gotten up to a defense platform but was heavily wounded. "GAHH! Damn you!... ughh.. I... I wished to see my daughter again.... If I die... I'm taking you with me!" She grabbed a grenshu soldier during a tackle, and went to full power, 100%. "Remember me... Emilia." She would look at the Grenshu and smile deviously. "FUCK YOU, AND EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!" She said laughing, before she exploded into a nuclear explosion due to her being near death. "OH SHIT!   GAHHH!" Some soldiers were in the area, and they were instantly obliterated along with her. The nuclear explosion killed 123 redliners, 3 claymores, and 2 FT-40 tanks. However unlike a actual nuclear warhead, there would be no radiation. Instead the area would be filled with a ragnite cloud which was harmless. The northern edge was finally taken after five and a half days. [I am pulling my nuclear trap card.]

Overall map:


@Loyal Guardian 


-Jeremiah Gottwald-
"So, you are miss natasha" He said "a pleasure to meet you." He thought to himself that these russians would not just easily accept trade partnership and alliance with a stranger country. They had to do something and the royal family would do everything for this to be successful.


-Cleo Smirin-
He opened his eyes. He woke up in his bed at his room in a five star hotel.. He just read the latest news about the death of the Minister of Finance and Economy. He knew Nonnette, she was a friend from his childhood. Cleo has been out of the grid for a couple of years, he was enjoying his life. In the royal family, he was the most irresponsible child of the former emperor, but he was still loved dearly. Cleo sighed and figured that  his family would try to locate him and make him take up the vacant position. He chuckled on the fact that a job that would require a huge responsibility be given to an irresponsible man. He got off his bed and prepared himself.  He took a bath, brushed his teeth, clothed himself and then ordered breakfast. Nobody really recognized him, he tried to avoid the media and refused to have his picture be public. After he ate, he went to the ground floor and decided to finally head back home. The doors of his elevator opened when he saw that the people in the floor was taking cover. 
"What has happened" He asked himself. He then saw masked people pointing his gun at one of the hotel staff.
"Crime at the empire?" He was shocked. There was almost little to no crime at the empire. He approached the man slowly. The robber noticed him and pointed his gun at cleo, he warned him to not get any closer or he will get shot. He ignored the robber and charged for him. The guy was shocked and tried to fire his gun, it wont shoot. Cleo punched him in the face and took the gun. He looked at it and smiled. He pointed it at the guy and switched the safety off.
"Seems you forgot about the safety switch" He said. The guys friend tried to approached him while their gun is pointed at him.
"One more step and you wouldnt have any head." Cleo warned with a proud smirk. The 5 guys stepped nearer when they were shot right in the head and was now lying on the floor lifeless. His fun was ruined, Cleo sighed.
"Damn snipers" He muttered to himself. Swat forces were rushing inside the hotel and helicopters were everywhere. The media was all around him and he did not like it. He dropped the gun and used the hotels backdoor to get outside of the hotel. He took a taxi when it was stopped by two black cars.
"That was fast" He thought to himself. Guy with black suits stepped out of the car and knocked at the drivers window. The guy handed the driver payement.
"Heres the fee" The suited guy said. Cleo stepped out of the car and smiled.
"I figured you would find me" He said "I caused such commotions and I dont like such things." The guy nodded.
"Dont worry, the media got none of it" The guy said "You were not there." He then tapped on his ear comms.
"Pendragon, we have Prince Cleos." He said.
((I totally made a new member of the family popped up and covered the reason why he was absent all the time))

-Rising Empire- 
The Imperial Aerial Fleet's new ship, the Ikaruga has been completed. Two Has been made, the original and it's sister.  

The next project would be the research and construction of a next generation Knightmare frame for the commanders and then a next gen mass produced frames to replace the old ones.

The Range of the FLEIJA warheads was now changed back to the smaller one therefore it cannot be considered a WMD.

The government also approved on the construction of new and advanced satellites to replace the old ones that were destroyed by the aliens. It would be a variety of satellites.

A new project was also put to place. It includes a more advanced radar and sonar system.

The druid system off each ships of the Imperial Aerial Fleet would be improved to make sure that it would not be detected by RADARS.

A new project was also put to place, but was put on hold. The project was to convert electricity into a weapon and make a cannon that would launch a bolt of electricity. The project was hold until all the other projects are done and the RE's economy would stabilize.

"Yes, but I would appreciate it if you didn't side-step my question." She would only stare at them, while the guards would remain so motionless that they seemed to be like statues.


Heather would of stopped working, she had finally had it with the Grenshu bullshit, missing her sister, and all the suffering she has gone through. She stole a car and speeded for three days to Imperial land. She reentered as she was instantly recognized and allowed in. She would take another two hours to reach the dungeon and saw the spy sitting there. "Out of the way." She ordered. "No, The-" Heather just picked her up without a problem and threw her into the wall. "I SAID FUCKING MOVE." She looked inside of the cell at the nordic prisoners there. "I have a simple question, Those bitches you took at that fucking island, where are they?" She demanded. @Lordvader59


Principality vehicle repair: 35% 

10 more BTR-82As were repaired. 6 were given to gallia, and 2 were sold to the redline. The rest, like the other 12. Were kept by the regular branch of the Imperial military.


Ocean goddess project: 30%

The main hull was only a quarter away from being completed. The only thing remaining was the bow, and then the hull would be completed... All the watertight rooms were finally added before being sealed in, and the decks and engines would begin to be placed before the deck.


Helghast project 30%

More officer uniforms were created. Just like the "basic" uniform, It was given to the more elite Imperial military branch.


Nuke modifying 0%.

The primary nuke would have minor addons being added, and more ragnite would be put into the clusters. The clusters would also have the addon of the equivalent of napalm. This would be achieved by locking large clusters of ragnite and ragnite liquid into various compartments of the weapon, and their original warheads. 


Gallian capital repair 70%.

The damaged gate retractors and frame was replaced by one made by ragnite. It would ensure that such a problem does not arise again. The main tower is still being worked on, and most eastern district ruins were literally mowed down to be replaced.


Alien tech analysis:



SUMMARY: [keep in mind, this summary is a troll. I'm only adding in things I thought were funny or to remind myself.]

The south, and north of the Grenshu line is breached or fell.

The first case of me killing off a character that I have had for quite awhile.

The first reported case of a valkyria self destructing for her people.

Alien tech analysis is 10% fucking remember it this time zam.

Gallian capital reconstruction is 70%, remember it zam.

Nuke modifying ain't got shit done to it yet.

Helghast project is 30% as of this post kaz.

Ocean goddess reached 30%.

Principality repairs is 35%. [Damn, alot of 30%s.].

Doing more stuff with the nords in the mainland.
Japanese Islands

Ordarian forces continue to charge the Grenshu forces until every last one of their infantry bases were occupied. They stopped at that point and waited for the Fortress to come down, or rather, if it will come down. At the same time, Ordarian forces landed on Hokkaido Island. There, the Grenshu Defensive Platform faced the full wrath of the Ordarian Airforce. The Airforce bombarded the platform until it came down. The army would then occupy the island.

Grenshu Siberian Complex.png

@Loyal Guardian

The Election

All around the nation, all political parties are holding rallies. At said rallies, they would discuss various issues about the nation and their opinions on certain things, such as the strength of the military, the economy, etc. So far, many citizens are voting for the OSRP and OCP. A decent amount voted for the OFP and a very small amount voted for the ODP. Votes from the United States of Varmandr Vestan have been counted in the ballot and any other foreign votes will be counted too.
The Work continues with a great feeling of pride amongst the people of the AE. All is well under the Emperor, thankfully.
One prisoner looked up at her. "You mean the people who attacked the island? I don't know, I haven't got the clearance. However, I have been informed by various sources that our President is willing to release them in return for the withdrawal of your forces in Svalbard.


(Also, anyone having Discord issues? My big post is coming soon.)

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Aaron was addressing a session of the Union’s congress.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    “Ladies and gentlemen. Our nation is coming together quite well. However, we are quite lacking navally. So, I propose a massive building programme. [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]First of all, a Nordic Marine Corps will be founded, with a goal of 35,000 Nordic Marines within the next month. We will also build 35 prewar[/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px] 35 prewar Fridtjof Nansen class destroyers, modified for some extra firepower. (Called Frigates by the Norwegian navy for some reason, even though… they’re destroyers, look at the stats.), 15 Visby class corvettes, 40 Tapper class minesweepers and 12 new Oslo class amphibious assault ships, the first domestic Nordic Union design. We will be building a navalized variant of the JAS 40 for these assault ships. We will also commence production of three new helicopter designs, the Patrai A-1 Eagle, the Patrai T-59 Mjolnir, and the H-27 Giant. (The specs of which will go to Agent). I believe we have built up the economic power to do so. Especially with our new economic programmes, which I will speak about to the Committee on Economic Development, the Nordic Union is set to become a superpower.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]With that, the Congress broke up and the committees went off into their varied side rooms. Aaron followed the Committee on Economic Development into theirs. “Well, ladies and gentlemen of the committee,” Aaron began as a few diagrams popped up on a large screen. “Our economy is about to multiply. I have finalized a plan to more effectively manage the nation’s resources for the continued survival of our nation. The Minister of Industry is glad to report that widespread production of consumer goods and infantry equipment, as well as artillery, MBTs, and aircraft, have begun.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“This is great news, we’re playing catch up, this will help us close the gap.” The Committee head, Fredrick Jensen said. The Committee passed the plan unanimously. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Good day, Gentlemen.” Aaron walked out of the room and to that of the Department of Research and Development. “Hello,” he began as he walked in. “I have an important announcement to make.” Everyone stood up, and waited. “At ease.” They then sat back down. First, the specifications of the new designs (to be PMd to Agent) popped up. The committee was very impressed. “Those helicopter designs were offered to us by the Patrai corporation, thank them for that. The Oslo class was my boy’s work. Onto… the important topic.” A hologram popped up in the center of the room displaying the schematics of Grenshu power armor. “This is the results of Project:Exonaut. We have determined the makeup of Grenshu power armor and we have adapted it to fit humans. We are ordering special factories in Lapland to being construction of 500 suits. Good day, gentlemen.” It was kind of a signature phrase from him. [/SIZE]
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Chicago, Cascadia

"I certainly appreciate your people's willingness to provide such information with us. It certainly shows a healthy trust between our countries, however I do have to ask about this last city. Here." He said, pointing towards the location of Avalon, off the coast of Chile. "How come this one doesn't have any of the statistics that the others do?" He questioned curiously.


Imperial Territory, Siberia

The Cascadian delegation had looked confused at first back at the boy, having expected them to send someone who could at least speak a little English. Considering they'd had some contact with the Eclipsians, the diplomat bringing up the translator who had been brought along for obvious reasons. Translating into Russian the diplomat's previous sentence, asking the boy who he was, his name and if he was there to greet them.


DoFA, Chicago

In response to the Vestanian message surrounding how to improve relations between their nations. The DoFA, or Department of Foreign Affairs had agreed to send either the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or the Secretary of State depending on who the other nations' offered to go. However the overall answer was that Cascadia was willing to participate in these talks.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]


As Bryon and his group arrived in Portland, they were taken from the airport in a rather unusually subtle way. Not wanting to draw too much attention to them out of decency to how tired they must've been, they were given casual clothing and quietly escorted out the back entrance of the airport, and put into Portland taxi cabs, which were driven by Secret Service agents dressed as cab drivers of course. The cars themselves bulletproof and heat resistant just in-case, they were the same vehicles that Jefferson used now and again to get around the city without being swarmed or with all attention being on her. The cabs were taken to the Willard International hotel in downtown Portland, a well known five star resort and given the top floor penthouse. Large enough to accomedate all of them with little to no difficulty. After having some time to settle in, President Jefferson had arrived to speak with them all. Meeting some of them for the first time, but knowing most of them for military reasons primarily. Talking with Bryon about the revolution and the Council's treason against his country and reassuring him that the Cascadian people were on his side, and that it was just the Council that they'd turned against, moving onto his generals and various military matters both domestically and internationally, the usual political and military discussions that were usually held in meetings and such. But as it wasn't a meeting it'd been some downtime, some casual talk and friendly banter.


A few hours later and Jefferson had left to return to the Presidential Residence, to do some 'Presidenting' as she had called it, taking the motorcade home under the excuse that she'd been visiting a Congressman from North Carolina who had flown in one the same day and was staying in that hotel over some infrastructure planning for the east coast. As to not have the media banging down the hotel doors in an attempt to get to the Eclipsians within for interviews and all the rest of it. Arriving home only to be greeted with more piles of unread emails and letters and whatever other ways people could find to message her, one of these emails however being from Vice President Underwood surrounding CasWorks, and a new plan to bring up in Congress to jumpstart the economy again. -- Well it was safe to say that after discussion with the Vice President and prominent Congressmen from California, Texas and southern Cascadia to gather a wide array of thoughts on the subject, the plan was brought up and it was voted on in Congress to begin normal construction of the east coast for CasWorks to progress at a more efficient rate, employing more people, bringing more housing, bringing more jobs and taking the CSD from it's stagnated state.

Chicago, Cascadia

"I certainly appreciate your people's willingness to provide such information with us. It certainly shows a healthy trust between our countries, however I do have to ask about this last city. Here." He said, pointing towards the location of Avalon, off the coast of Chile. "How come this one doesn't have any of the statistics that the others do?" He questioned curiously.


Imperial Territory, Siberia

The Cascadian delegation had looked confused at first back at the boy, having expected them to send someone who could at least speak a little English. Considering they'd had some contact with the Eclipsians, the diplomat bringing up the translator who had been brought along for obvious reasons. Translating into Russian the diplomat's previous sentence, asking the boy who he was, his name and if he was there to greet them.


DoFA, Chicago

In response to the Vestanian message surrounding how to improve relations between their nations. The DoFA, or Department of Foreign Affairs had agreed to send either the Secretary of Foreign Affairs or the Secretary of State depending on who the other nations' offered to go. However the overall answer was that Cascadia was willing to participate in these talks.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]


As Bryon and his group arrived in Portland, they were taken from the airport in a rather unusually subtle way. Not wanting to draw too much attention to them out of decency to how tired they must've been, they were given casual clothing and quietly escorted out the back entrance of the airport, and put into Portland taxi cabs, which were driven by Secret Service agents dressed as cab drivers of course. The cars themselves bulletproof and heat resistant just in-case, they were the same vehicles that Jefferson used now and again to get around the city without being swarmed or with all attention being on her. The cabs were taken to the Willard International hotel in downtown Portland, a well known five star resort and given the top floor penthouse. Large enough to accomedate all of them with little to no difficulty. After having some time to settle in, President Jefferson had arrived to speak with them all. Meeting some of them for the first time, but knowing most of them for military reasons primarily. Talking with Bryon about the revolution and the Council's treason against his country and reassuring him that the Cascadian people were on his side, and that it was just the Council that they'd turned against, moving onto his generals and various military matters both domestically and internationally, the usual political and military discussions that were usually held in meetings and such. But as it wasn't a meeting it'd been some downtime, some casual talk and friendly banter.


A few hours later and Jefferson had left to return to the Presidential Residence, to do some 'Presidenting' as she had called it, taking the motorcade home under the excuse that she'd been visiting a Congressman from North Carolina who had flown in one the same day and was staying in that hotel over some infrastructure planning for the east coast. As to not have the media banging down the hotel doors in an attempt to get to the Eclipsians within for interviews and all the rest of it. Arriving home only to be greeted with more piles of unread emails and letters and whatever other ways people could find to message her, one of these emails however being from Vice President Underwood surrounding CasWorks, and a new plan to bring up in Congress to jumpstart the economy again. -- Well it was safe to say that after discussion with the Vice President and prominent Congressmen from California, Texas and southern Cascadia to gather a wide array of thoughts on the subject, the plan was brought up and it was voted on in Congress to begin normal construction of the east coast for CasWorks to progress at a more efficient rate, employing more people, bringing more housing, bringing more jobs and taking the CSD from it's stagnated state.

"Who?" After giving a expression of uttermost confusion, the teenager took out a gold whistle from a shirt pocket and blew it. Moments later twig snapping could be heard from behind them, then more to their left, and then various other directions. Imperial elite soldiers wearing the new uniforms walked from besides or behind trees. There were fifteen of them. The first thing noticed is the orange-red glowing eyes from the advanced helmets.nthey were all armed with shotguns and MP-3s. Five of them were literally hiding inside the top of the trees. They were camouflaged due to not wearing the armor, instead those were the spetsnaz.

"So you have come to my land and did not even ask permission first. You realize that would of been a great way to of been shot down, if you had payed attention to the no fly zone initiated..." a guy in a trenchcoat walked from behind a tree in front of them, with his hands behind his back. After appearing he just stared at them. "I will allow you to speak of what it is you want, Instead of outright shooting you for hostilities."


One prisoner looked up at her. "You mean the people who attacked the island? I don't know, I haven't got the clearance. However, I have been informed by various sources that our President is willing to release them in return for the withdrawal of your forces in Svalbard.


(Also, anyone having Discord issues? My big post is coming soon.)

"Good boy, I won't have to destroy your body now.. However I am not falling for your games, how would you even know that from being locked in here all day? Now, enjoy eating while that alien chained up above you continues to starve." And she smiles and sounds innocent. "And if you lied to r, you'll suffer and won't have the mercy of death." She left to a communications room, But she was denied from using any radio systems. She was tased 30 times until passing out for resisting.
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Nordic Department of Foreign Relations[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The Secretary of State, Jens Pederson, was transmitting a message to the Order Empire. “Greetings, great Order Empire. I feel like an alliance between our nations would be hugely beneficial. Shall we ally?”[/SIZE]

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"Oh, of course. Avalon is currently under construction, and so has no population or anything at the moment." The diplomat pulled out a document. "There was one more thing that we should discuss today. Our nations have a special bond, and while we have cooperated and worked together as allies, there is still no official alliance between us. We believe it is time to change that, and that we should form an official alliance."



The Alien Translation was complete, and all of the Grenshu language was known. This brought the ability to begin integration, and so a small amount of Grenshu were allowed into the kingdom as citizens. While some were met with hostility, it overall was going quite well. The species would be fully integrated in good time.


While the locations of Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis were in secure enough locations to be kept private, Aeaea and Frisland were close enough to their nations to possibly cause trouble. Thus, the Rising Empire was made aware of the location of Frisland, and the Order Empire and African Empire were made aware of Aeaea in the Mediterranean.



Talks with Cascadia.

Begin integration of Grenshu.

Several nations made aware of several underwater cities.

Alient Translation: Complete.
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Rising Empire

The RE has been made aware of a nearby underwater city of the rockians. They were to further observe it, but no huge action were made.

@Fishman Lord

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"Ah, I am sorry about that" He apologized "The Rising Empire would like to offer Military Arsenals and materiald. We could provide you with next generation equipments." If they would be an ally of the Rising Empire, it would be best to arm them so that they can fend for themselves if necessary.

Rising Empire

The RE has been made aware of a nearby underwater city of the rockians. They were to further observe it, but no huge action were made.

@Fishman Lord

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"Ah, I am sorry about that" He apologized "The Rising Empire would like to offer Military Arsenals and materiald. We could provide you with next generation equipments." If they would be an ally of the Rising Empire, it would be best to arm them so that they can fend for themselves if necessary.


'hmmm.... Free shit... Excellent. And they do not know we have advanced tech either... We could sell it all to the gallians and redline for absurd prices!.' she thought. "Oh yes, we do need that! Ahh Yes..." she said. "Now what about the other thing?" She asked.
"Who?" After giving a expression of uttermost confusion, the teenager took out a gold whistle from a shirt pocket and blew it. Moments later twig snapping could be heard from behind them, then more to their left, and then various other directions. Imperial elite soldiers wearing the new uniforms walked from besides or behind trees. There were fifteen of them. The first thing noticed is the orange-red glowing eyes from the advanced helmets.nthey were all armed with shotguns and MP-3s. Five of them were literally hiding inside the top of the trees. They were camouflaged due to not wearing the armor, instead those were the spetsnaz.

"So you have come to my land and did not even ask permission first. You realize that would of been a great way to of been shot down, if you had payed attention to the no fly zone initiated..." a guy in a trenchcoat walked from behind a tree in front of them, with his hands behind his back. After appearing he just stared at them. "I will allow you to speak of what it is you want, Instead of outright shooting you for hostilities."

The Cascadian soldiers who had been sent as part of the security detail raised their weapons in a defensive stature. Being better equipped than the advancing Imperial soldiers, giving the diplomats a confidence boost although they hadn't expected such a response, it was clear that the message that Cascadia had sent to the Imperial Council hadn't gotten to this boy or his forces yet. So the translator replied. "And declaring war on a nation far more powerful than yourselves? Not a wise move. No, we have come here in peace and with a proposition that would greatly benefit both sides. We did inform your Council of our arrival beforehand however it must've gotten lost due to how busy your government must be at the moment." The translator said on behalf of the lead diplomat. "We wish to begin supplying your armed forces as a sign of goodwill. Infantry equipment, training, vehicles, aircraft and weaponry. We only ask in return that you sign and convince the other two factions in Russia to sign an alliance with the Republic of Cascadia and act as our regional ally." An unarmed soldier stepped forward with a suitcase. Opening it slowly to not spook the Imperial soldiers and taking out a paper. Extending his hand with the paper in it out to the teenager. It was written in Russian and had the Cascadian coat of arms on the top. "This is the paperwork. All we need is a signature from either your head of state or the closest thing to an ambassador that you have."
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The use of a Hamui Booster - one of three remaining - for a recon satellite has been approved, and the development of the recon satellite has begun, estimated to take one month to complete. Drills have begun for the entire army to increase experience, though this does cost quite a bit, it will make the troops more efficient, should the grenshu or any other threaten the nation.
The Cascadian soldiers who had been sent as part of the security detail raised their weapons in a defensive stature. Being better equipped than the advancing Imperial soldiers, giving the diplomats a confidence boost although they hadn't expected such a response, it was clear that the message that Cascadia had sent to the Imperial Council hadn't gotten to this boy or his forces yet. So the translator replied. "And declaring war on a nation far more powerful than yourselves? Not a wise move. No, we have come here in peace and with a proposition that would greatly benefit both sides. We did inform your Council of our arrival beforehand however it must've gotten lost due to how busy your government must be at the moment." The translator said on behalf of the lead diplomat. "We wish to begin supplying your armed forces as a sign of goodwill. Infantry equipment, training, vehicles, aircraft and weaponry. We only ask in return that you sign and convince the other two factions in Russia to sign an alliance with the Republic of Cascadia and act as our regional ally." An unarmed soldier stepped forward with a suitcase. Opening it slowly to not spook the Imperial soldiers and taking out a paper. Extending his hand with the paper in it out to the teenager. It was written in Russian and had the Cascadian coat of arms on the top. "This is the paperwork. All we need is a signature from either your head of state or the closest thing to an ambassador that you have."

Dimitri only continued staring at them, being unamused. 'ahh Yes, underestimation. Wonderful people we got here... And knowing of the council? I'll be sure to sue the bastard who leaked that out.' he thought. "We have a council?" The teen said before being interrupted. "Na, I'll just steal that from you." The general said to the teen before taking the paper away. 

He changed to English. "So let me understand this properly, You entered a random country, Found a still developing nation, Risked everybody else which may exist coming here due to arriving, and played Mexican stand off, To give away free technology?..." he said with a WTF-esque expression.  "Hold on please." He walked slowly back to the tree and got on a radio, being inaudible. "Yeah, more visitors, again. Average Friday evening. Wanting to give away technology. I'll deal with it, just tell the goddess... Oh, and get her to find a guy to find who leaked our information or something. One day it is the council, the next it is step-by-step example of how to create ragnaid. Yeah, bye." He walked back. "You understand that even if this is in fact, true. It is very suspicious."
United States of Varmandr Vestan, VTA (Vestanian Technology Agency)

President Chris Cordoba and Vice President Denise Stein walked in the planning room of the VTA, guided by the VTA head, Jacob Dria. They walked up to a big holo-screen, and the room darkened.

Jacob cleared his throat. "We... Have collaborated with General Hiragh, and the Vestanian Space Agency to unveil this."

Chris looked curious, and stared at the holo-screen, which had started to glow. "What, exactly?"

Jacob smiled, and pressed a button on the holo-screen. "Just watch."

The screen started up to see a picture of space, and a proud female voice came on the screen.

"Space... The new frontier. With the introduction of the Alien conundrum, we must expand. Not towards land, and not towards sea. Towards the sky. That is why we are proud to introduce Asgardia, the city in space... With government funding, one year, and 100 billion dollars, projections and multiple simulations show that we could have a self-sustainable station up and able to hold 200,000 citizens, and ample military supplies to hold back another invasion... And within five years, we could have as much as 10 space stations up, and every one getting easier as we put each one up..."

The screen dimmed to space again, and the lights went back on. Jacob looked at the president and smiled. "So?"

Chris looked emotionless for a second, and then smiled. "You have your wish. I can have the funding to you over the course of a year, approximately 8 million a day."

Jacob was ecstatic. "Good, then. We will have the parts for it produced in six months, and have it up in a year."

"Good." Denise said before Chris

Pleasantries followed before they dispersed, and other things.

Off the coast of the state of North Brazil

A massive coastal warfare test was underway, to prepare for invasion that could happen. Coastal defenses were deemed older than necessary, and soon to be replaced. Thousand of jets, bombers, and other things were used, and scared many citizens.
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Dimitri only continued staring at them, being unamused. 'ahh Yes, underestimation. Wonderful people we got here... And knowing of the council? I'll be sure to sue the bastard who leaked that out.' he thought. "We have a council?" The teen said before being interrupted. "Na, I'll just steal that from you." The general said to the teen before taking the paper away. 

He changed to English. "So let me understand this properly, You entered a random country, Found a still developing nation, Risked everybody else which may exist coming here due to arriving, and played Mexican stand off, To give away free technology?..." he said with a WTF-esque expression.  "Hold on please." He walked slowly back to the tree and got on a radio, being inaudible. "Yeah, more visitors, again. Average Friday evening. Wanting to give away technology. I'll deal with it, just tell the goddess... Oh, and get her to find a guy to find who leaked our information or something. One day it is the council, the next it is step-by-step example of how to create ragnaid. Yeah, bye." He walked back. "You understand that even if this is in fact, true. It is very suspicious."

"It's not exactly underestimation. Even if it is, it's not by much I can bet you." Was the response. Listening to the response as this talk was becoming to grow very tedious and very dreadful to be apart of. "It's not free technology, we're offering a large quantity of pre-war Russian equipment. Nothing compared to what we've got but enough to make you a regional power in the immediate area. Enough hopefully to ensure a friendship between our nations. We understand that its suspicious, yes. Its reasonable to think that we have ulterior motives and we do to an extent, but its nothing that'll negatively affect you or your people. I can assure you that much."


Brazilian Waters

In response to the Vestanian coastal warfare test. Cascadia has officially condemned it as intentionally provocative by doing it so close to Cascadian territory and waters, instilling fear in many of the civilians along the coastline. To ensure security for that region, the CNDF has deployed the 6th and 8th Fleets to counteract the test, Cascadian submarines have been following Vestanian navy ships in the area, allowing themselves to be seen by the Vestanians as a show of strength. Cascadian fighter jets have been flying over the Vestanian coastlines and in the skies following Vestanian jets and bombers. Not saying or doing anything apart from following them, whilst a force of 450,000 troops has been assembled in southern Cascadia in the event of a hostile response. No official comment has been made by the CDF or civilian government to keep their thoughts unknown on the topic.

@Domini Regum

Chicago, Cascadia

"Ah, I understand." Simmons said as he listened in to the Rockian diplomat, showing an interest in the document that had been pulled out and paying attention as the Rockian continued. "I certainly have to agree on that. There is quite a special bond between our two nations." He nodded at what was said with a smile. "An alliance between us sounds very inviting, and if I had the authority I'd agree to it right now. I'll have it passed through the Senate first, they'll do a quick vote on it and we'll get back to you. I wouldn't worry though, they'll definitely approve of the alliance."

@Fishman Lord
Brazilian Waters

In response to the Vestanian coastal warfare test. Cascadia has officially condemned it as intentionally provocative by doing it so close to Cascadian territory and waters, instilling fear in many of the civilians along the coastline. To ensure security for that region, the CNDF has deployed the 6th and 8th Fleets to counteract the test, Cascadian submarines have been following Vestanian navy ships in the area, allowing themselves to be seen by the Vestanians as a show of strength. Cascadian fighter jets have been flying over the Vestanian coastlines and in the skies following Vestanian jets and bombers. Not saying or doing anything apart from following them, whilst a force of 450,000 troops has been assembled in southern Cascadia in the event of a hostile response. No official comment has been made by the CDF or civilian government to keep their thoughts unknown on the topic.

@Domini Regum


In response to this, head General Hiragh laughed, and sent a personal message to Cascadia.

"The USVV Armed Forces officially mean no harm to Cascadian positions, and are doing our defensive military tests only in international waters. I hope you all understand, given the recent aggressions of the Grenshu and the recent unrest in the world, we cannot take chances. Back down your military presence, please, before something bad happens… Also, remember, this is NOT a threat, Thank you, General Daniel Hiragh."

Until then, a strict watch was put up on the coasts that any plane in USVV territory was to be given a warning shot, but not attack until attacked.

(I didn't make it clear before, but the forces were still on USVV territory, on a rather uninhabited area in our northernmost state, North Brazil, and the ships were just outside USVV international waters, not Cascadian waters, sorry)


United States of Varmandr Vestan National Technology Fair

The spokesman for Katrina Corporation smiled as the light shined on him, knowing millions were watching.

"You might know of the new Droids that the government is using for fighting, and we do because we make them… But today, the power of the big-wigs is now to the citizens, with the brand new commercial droid, for use as a worker or personal droid. Now for sale for 2,000 Verrannos, for making life easier."


(A un-painted droid, ready for sale)

He went on for an hour highlighting the infinite learning capabilities, and the user-friendliness. Questions were raised by people about safety, and the robots rebelling, but he replied that the government had created a special 25 law system, where they would not harm humans directly or indirectly.

Within two weeks, 100 million had already been pre-purchased, and within three, for every one VV citizen there was 1 and one half droids in the nation ordered...


Project Asgardia; stage one: (1%) (Finished on page 91)

Asgardia was made public throughout the nation, and candidacy for citizenship was already underway as Katrina Scientists worked on building parts. 
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Siberia and Manchuria

[SIZE= 16px]The Eclipsian forces were pushing hard, striking at the Fortress with everything they had. Alone they almost stood no chance, but with the Za'ha'kya aiding them their victory was practically assured. Soon enough their fleet bombarded the Fortress and a large crackling and ripple could be heard before a wave of energy burst out of the Fortress, sending the structure down to the ground causing the very ground to shake. Almost immediately after this the entire Za'ha'kya fleet arrived and began sending more troops to the ground. The next day Za'ha'kya fighters and orbital ships began to take out targets on the second wall and beyond, including targets left within the first wall. Soon enough the immense bombardment onto the remaining Fortress between Gallian and Eclipsian forces was brought down. With the downing the wall in front of them, Eclipsian forces surged into the wall and began to attack main second wall. Within a few days it to fell and all forces began to push further into the Complex, now beginning to encounter heavy resistance. However through sheer numbers and the fact that they had secured air domination, their offensive was assured. As they pushed deeper into the complex later that week they encountered another Fortress and defense platform. They first off secured any infantry bases nearby before assaulting the two structures. Eclipsian artillery took care of the Defense  Platform while the Za'ha'kya fleet bombarded the Fortress. The Fortress fell after Za'ha'kya artillery strikes and the Defense Platform was seized by the Eclipsians.[/SIZE]

Greater Grenshu Complex occupied.png
Rising Empire

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"As for the other thing, which I presume is the alliance. Well, if we should establish a trade partnership between our countries then why not an alliance? We can aid each other in certain things, like when one of us in under attack, the other would come and aid or perhaps just supply the needed materials if the other one chooses not to fight. It also comes with special benefits like supplying each other with special military arsenals which our empire would most likely do." Jeremiah said with determination that he could establish this alliance. "Both of our countries are ruled by monarchs. I however, have no rights to say this, but nevertheless I shall. We can have a member of our royal family marry each other." He could not make the decision, only the emperor can. Of course, he knew that the Emperor could not marry somebody right now, but someone in the royal family can. He thought of prince lelouch,clovis,cleo, and cyrell. He could atleast agree a marriage deal with the russians.


-Northern Siberia-

The Imperial fleet received news that the eclipsian federation has retaken korean and the order, japan. The admiral was decided that it's job has been finished when the capitol called in and ordered them to capture the northern islands of siberia. They immediately obeyed and set sail. The Imperial Aerial Fleet from Iceland and a couple of troops from poland rendezvous with them. Together they struck the aliens. They first took out the defensive platforms in the nearby waters of the island. The destroyers fired their missiles at the platforms. The platforms got destroyed. The platforms only took a couple of jet fighters and two destroyers with them. It was now up to the airforce and the ground troops to retake the islands. They pushed and destroyed the last remaining defense platform. The fighters fought with the drones and blew up almost all of them. The aerial fleet did well too, destroying most of the drones with it's weapons and defending itself when needed with it's blaze luminous territory shielding. The moment finally came, they were to face of the grenshu fortress. It was said to be the strongest ship the grenshu has. It would be hard to take it down and they expected a few ships to go with it, but they were very determined to be able to put it down.

The jets went in advance and provided cover for the avalon ships to recharge their hardon cannons. The carleon class and logres class ships were providing cover for the avalon. The ground troops fired at the fortress from the ground effectively dividing it's focus. The hardon cannons became fully charged. Before the avalon fired their hadron cannons, they waited for the orbital bombardments of the Zah'Ha'Kya to the fortress which effectively dissipated their shields All the present avalon then fired their hardon cannons simultaneously. It hit directly at the fortress.

@Loyal Guardian

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The destroyed Grenshu bases were reused as planning areas, hospitals for those which have severe wounds, and Refueling. Due to the Grenshu being more troublesome than expected, more reinforcements were called in by train. After a week, more gallians, vehicles, ammo, and more ragnaid were supplied, and the south was taken during said time by all heavy vehicles, and special units. The rest of the south was taken by 50,000 imperials with their new highly advanced equipment. Armed with MP-3s, officers armed with MP-4s, all Imperial anti-tank Lances were with them, all the FT-40s, and more radios. Among those sent here for a "quicker campaign", were Heather, the other gallian goddess kiyoshi, jennifer, the Imperial goddess Yuma, hunter, the redline goddess crystal,  and the Edelweiss tank. Damaged vehicles were sent back to be repaired, destroyed vehicles would be returned to be salvaged, destroyed and reformed, and used as parts. It was common to see some Grenshu prisoners being executed on live television, or live and interactive torture.


The royal navy was sent out by the gallians to the north, they were to head to the other northern islands and populate them. After sending 300 people to the island closest to svalbard in the far north, mostly soldiers. They would head towards Grenshu islands.

The south:

After the imperials captured the south, and the 28th shipment of reinforcements arrived. They continued east into the Grenshu. They had more valks and claymores due to them having either came with the goddesses, or the north shipping them there. They had more heavy tanks due to also being redirected. They would attack the next wall, but it took longer than a single day this time due to the valk' units not being capable of reaching the walls. They decided since no one could really get up to the walls, they would let the Za'ha'kya just bomb the fuck out of it. After 5 days, the wall actually broke and the military yet again charged it. As the now usual plan, the "specials" would go first. Not because of being the meatshields except for being able to take more hits, but because of how powerful they were and their speed compared to even the light infantry, and FT-40 tanks.

They would rush the walls, and literally begin killing absolutely everything that didn't emerge from them. Even if there were civilians still alive, at this point it would be allowed to ignore their presence. Allowing the military a better effectiveness since they wouldn't have to worry about shooting an innocent person. This would also allow the Imperial elite military, and the "specials" a greater allowance/tolerance of their abilities. Valkyrur would set anything flammable on fire, claymores would use their swords to cut through trees like butter, and the Imperial elite military with their new uniforms would be allowed to use ragnite weaponry. They would often even use the Russian queen to fire canisters, and gas everything beyond the wall. But not only gas would be used, but for areas during invasion, they would fire canisters that would emit flame. Which would ignite the gas and burn everything else as well. It would also force the gas to spread over a greater range before dissipating. The gas was fired over the wall from the south, all the way to the north. To guarantee that anything and everything is disabled, and they would set it aflame moments before the invasion. Thus the areas would possibly still be alight, but it wouldn't destroy the infantry. They eventually ended up near a defense platform and the valkyrur all ganged up on it, quickly afterwards taking half of it before halting the southern invasion.

The north:

The Northside would commence another invasion of the east. After conquering and wiping the floor with the Grenshu up north, and sent some vehicles and troops further south. They begin the end of the ground-campaign of the north. They waited for reinforcements and during the process would begin bombing the walls. Once they got reinforced, they started to gas the other side. Soldiers were in hospitals getting new ragnite, or buying the ragnite ore to replace the burnt out one for canisters not destroyed. Some even bought more, one for healing and one to act as a additional grenade. They quite enjoyed the ragnaid, which is also the name for the grenade due to being the same thing. The explosion went a bit further than their own grenades, and had a chance to pour gas out after the explosion. Though it would of been mostly ignited due to the explosion and thus be what spreads even further. Though for others they were absolutely terrified of it.

They would then proceed hammering the walls for another day, and a day before the south "rised again " they attacked, The valkyrur units weren't needed as all the bombardment already bombed the wall into disrepair. They assaulted it, it did still stand but at the sight of this huxinfold just asked a valkyria over, it was amanda. "So yeah, you see that wall over there?" He asked. "Yes sir." She gave him her attention. "I don't wanna see that wall anymore." He ordered calmly. "Yes sir." And off she went walking up to the wall casually, after walking past a line of soldiers. She entered the "no man's land". She was targeted by the heavy Grenshu guns once she stopped moving. In a troll-esque display, she survived the multiple blasts of the heavy guns, and started dashing about the field until eventually reaching hug-distance. She wanted to make sure she would rip down the wall, and that is exactly what she did. She blasted down the wall like many others before, Surprising those soldiers again, but they regained composure and then charged at the Grenshu wall. She would also enter the wall begin causing all forms of chaos. Even stabbing through a grenshu just to get past the armor and set it on fire. Five minutes later the primary military entered the wall, and fired upon all Grenshu. Among them were Jennifer, and the gallian goddess kiyoshi. Once they arrived on the scene, they were the MVPs of the campaign. The Queen's tank would fire it's missiles upon large groups of Grenshu and their structures, while the goddess would use 30% of her power, and destroy most of the heavy emplacements that would harm infantry. The other claymore and valkyrur would spam the Grenshu, not with bullets, but their beams. Obliterating multiple of their units should they be lined up together. The claymores would use their GSSR-42s, ragnite swords, or even using their power to become stronger and modifying their muscles. After 7 hours, the northern line fell.

The center:

They waited a week, and when they got reinforced they started gassing the other side. They never bombarded the actual wall however. Then after the north completed its campaign, everyone there bled-into the central line. With that half of the invasion, it consisted of the batomys super heavy tank, the gallian queen, the Russian queen, the gallian goddess, the emperor's daughter, the redline goddess, the Imperial goddess Yuma, emperor Maximilian, and various more including Amanda heart. Valkyrur and claymores were becoming a somewhat more normal occurrence and thus jot alot of people even went as far as spite them. Especially since most of them were lead by them. New claymores or a new valkyria would be comforted by the others, which helped their mental state. The emperor joked about the wall, saying "This wall looks slightly more intimidating than the others." And thus sent in all the valkyrur units.

The entire military than proceeded to charge after the valkyrur were out of sight. They dodged all the heavy guns of the Grenshu and large amounts bunched up to 3 parts of the wall, and they all blasted into the wall. Instantaneously destroying it. "Onwards comrades! Through their lines and into our stolen soil! Display no mercy, KILL THEM ALL!" Yuma, Heather, Amanda, crystal, and Nonna yelled out before them and eventually the claymores rushed in. They didn't use bullets, but rather their beams, Ragnite swords, Or the claymores using more of their power to increase their strength in some way. In one broken down section, infantry would only find a single goddess, and a handful of scattered claymores inside. With all buildings, Grenshu, and everything else destroyed entirely. They having been dead long ago. The Russian queen would of destroyed structures and large groups of Grenshu units in other parts. If Grenshu were lined up in any angle or direction which could be aimed with the other in sight, The beams would of obliterated both targets at once. Which is what had happened five times already. The wall was overtaken. They, and the other sections would group up and destroy the enemy. The more they grew, the quicker it was to destroy the Grenshu infantry and emplacements. The batomys rolling through with its heavy machineguns which also had great kinetic power, would mow through squads in seconds. "Gah! What the fuck was that?" Two of the radiators would of been destroyed, with one damaged during the fighting. Taking even 45 minutes before the main cannon could be fired safely.

They all formed up, and marched slowly towards the remaining Grenshu infantry base. Once they came into view, The Grenshu would of probably pissed themselves. Firing at the marching horde. Despite being fired upon, they only continued marching. The batomys tank nolonger had a outer layer and thus Grenshu hitting it would cause zero damage at all, The horde just simply continued marching while over 40+ valkyria were, and their area, set aflame. With occasionally catching small pockets of grass on fire as well. As all of them were using 30% of their power, and thus their flame would of engulfed a larger area besides themselves. They could of fired at the Grenshu already, simply killing them all with severe heat. But they didn't this time. Instead after the marched into their base, and the batomys mowed down five squads. They decided to destroy absolutely everything around them. Obliterating entire buildings, soldiers, and other with little resistance. They would halt the invasion again, and start to recover. As a normal valkyria in a constant use of 30% of her power, would definitely slowly drain her energy. Some were in the form during the beginning of the invasion and had somehow not passed out yet. This would allow them to recover, and thus be continually effective. They started planning, and the batomys would be used as a mobile command center. As no buildings in the area were still standing. The Grenshu line had yet again fallen.


@Loyal Guardian


"It's not exactly underestimation. Even if it is, it's not by much I can bet you." Was the response. Listening to the response as this talk was becoming to grow very tedious and very dreadful to be apart of. "It's not free technology, we're offering a large quantity of pre-war Russian equipment. Nothing compared to what we've got but enough to make you a regional power in the immediate area. Enough hopefully to ensure a friendship between our nations. We understand that its suspicious, yes. Its reasonable to think that we have ulterior motives and we do to an extent, but its nothing that'll negatively affect you or your people. I can assure you that much."


Brazilian Waters

In response to the Vestanian coastal warfare test. Cascadia has officially condemned it as intentionally provocative by doing it so close to Cascadian territory and waters, instilling fear in many of the civilians along the coastline. To ensure security for that region, the CNDF has deployed the 6th and 8th Fleets to counteract the test, Cascadian submarines have been following Vestanian navy ships in the area, allowing themselves to be seen by the Vestanians as a show of strength. Cascadian fighter jets have been flying over the Vestanian coastlines and in the skies following Vestanian jets and bombers. Not saying or doing anything apart from following them, whilst a force of 450,000 troops has been assembled in southern Cascadia in the event of a hostile response. No official comment has been made by the CDF or civilian government to keep their thoughts unknown on the topic.

@Domini Regum

Chicago, Cascadia

"Ah, I understand." Simmons said as he listened in to the Rockian diplomat, showing an interest in the document that had been pulled out and paying attention as the Rockian continued. "I certainly have to agree on that. There is quite a special bond between our two nations." He nodded at what was said with a smile. "An alliance between us sounds very inviting, and if I had the authority I'd agree to it right now. I'll have it passed through the Senate first, they'll do a quick vote on it and we'll get back to you. I wouldn't worry though, they'll definitely approve of the alliance."

@Fishman Lord

He in appearance didn't seem to react, however on the inside he was just thinking about shaking his head to the sound of that alone. He decided to just go with it, as he had better things to do rather than to speak to a random diplomat team in a forest. "Fine fine, I'll accept your 'deal'. Just don't try and pass off on selling us faulty equipment, because we can detect that. Do not speak of what you know outside of yourself. Do not write it in a book, do not speak of it in public, do not even reference the existence of what you know whatsoever. It might come out on its own like the rest, And halting progress of a entire country is not ideal. Nor is the consequences that transpire from it, with anyone." He said to the diplomat, with a death stare he had kept the entire meeting. He signed the paper and gave it back. "And don't try learning government secrets again, will you? It is already a mountain of paperwork to handle with the amount of dead aliens here."


After the cascadian incident, the local nations known were contacted. A simple short message was sent in a kind tone: "do you know who is cascadia?" It was also sent to the gallians and redline, which both denied.

@LoneSniper87 @Loyal Guardian [didn't tag the socialist republic because he said he wasn't rejoining. And do not get any ideas, I am taking that land and probably making alot of it autonomous.]


Rising Empire

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"As for the other thing, which I presume is the alliance. Well, if we should establish a trade partnership between our countries then why not an alliance? We can aid each other in certain things, like when one of us in under attack, the other would come and aid or perhaps just supply the needed materials if the other one chooses not to fight. It also comes with special benefits like supplying each other with special military arsenals which our empire would most likely do." Jeremiah said with determination that he could establish this alliance. "Both of our countries are ruled by monarchs. I however, have no rights to say this, but nevertheless I shall. We can have a member of our royal family marry each other." He could not make the decision, only the emperor can. Of course, he knew that the Emperor could not marry somebody right now, but someone in the royal family can. He thought of prince lelouch,clovis,cleo, and cyrell. He could atleast agree a marriage deal with the russians.


-Northern Siberia-

The Imperial fleet received news that the eclipsian federation has retaken korean and the order, japan. The admiral was decided that it's job has been finished when the capitol called in and ordered them to capture the northern islands of siberia. They immediately obeyed and set sail. The Imperial Aerial Fleet from Iceland and a couple of troops from poland rendezvous with them. Together they struck the aliens. They first took out the defensive platforms in the nearby waters of the island. The destroyers fired their missiles at the platforms. The platforms got destroyed. The platforms only took a couple of jet fighters and two destroyers with them. It was now up to the airforce and the ground troops to retake the islands. They pushed and destroyed the last remaining defense platform. The fighters fought with the drones and blew up almost all of them. The aerial fleet did well too, destroying most of the drones with it's weapons and defending itself when needed with it's blaze luminous territory shielding. The moment finally came, they were to face of the grenshu fortress. It was said to be the strongest ship the grenshu has. It would be hard to take it down and they expected a few ships to go with it, but they were very determined to be able to put it down.

The jets went in advance and provided cover for the avalon ships to recharge their hardon cannons. The carleon class and logres class ships were providing cover for the avalon. The ground troops fired at the fortress from the ground effectively dividing it's focus. The hardon cannons became fully charged and the avalon ships fired them simultaneously. It hit directly at the fortress, it's shield was already down because of the constant barrage from the other troops. The fortress however took tons of planes, tanks, soldiers including 3 carleon class ships and 1 logres class.

@Loyal Guardian

View attachment 189421

"Wha-what?!?!?" She said confused, before just deviantly smiling. "Ohh? So your leaders are horney yes?" She asked before she laughed. "Are you quite sure? There isn't turning around after that, if you really are then give me a written document promising it." She deviously smiled again.
The destroyed Grenshu bases were reused as planning areas, hospitals for those which have severe wounds, and Refueling. Due to the Grenshu being more troublesome than expected, more reinforcements were called in by train. After a week, more gallians, vehicles, ammo, and more ragnaid were supplied, and the south was taken during said time by all heavy vehicles, and special units. The rest of the south was taken by 50,000 imperials with their new highly advanced equipment. Armed with MP-3s, officers armed with MP-4s, all Imperial anti-tank Lances were with them, all the FT-40s, and more radios. Among those sent here for a "quicker campaign", were Heather, the other gallian goddess kiyoshi, jennifer, the Imperial goddess Yuma, hunter, the redline goddess crystal,  and the Edelweiss tank. Damaged vehicles were sent back to be repaired, destroyed vehicles would be returned to be salvaged, destroyed and reformed, and used as parts. It was common to see some Grenshu prisoners being executed on live television, or live and interactive torture.


The royal navy was sent out by the gallians to the north, they were to head to the other northern islands and populate them. After sending 300 people to the island closest to svalbard in the far north, mostly soldiers. They would head towards Grenshu islands.

The south:

After the imperials captured the south, and the 28th shipment of reinforcements arrived. They continued east into the Grenshu. They had more valks and claymores due to them having either came with the goddesses, or the north shipping them there. They had more heavy tanks due to also being redirected. They would attack the next wall, but it took longer than a single day this time due to the valk' units not being capable of reaching the walls. They decided since no one could really get up to the walls, they would let the Za'ha'kya just bomb the fuck out of it. After 5 days, the wall actually broke and the military yet again charged it. As the now usual plan, the "specials" would go first. Not because of being the meatshields except for being able to take more hits, but because of how powerful they were and their speed compared to even the light infantry, and FT-40 tanks.

They would rush the walls, and literally begin killing absolutely everything that didn't emerge from them. Even if there were civilians still alive, at this point it would be allowed to ignore their presence. Allowing the military a better effectiveness since they wouldn't have to worry about shooting an innocent person. This would also allow the Imperial elite military, and the "specials" a greater allowance/tolerance of their abilities. Valkyrur would set anything flammable on fire, claymores would use their swords to cut through trees like butter, and the Imperial elite military with their new uniforms would be allowed to use ragnite weaponry. They would often even use the Russian queen to fire canisters, and gas everything beyond the wall. But not only gas would be used, but for areas during invasion, they would fire canisters that would emit flame. Which would ignite the gas and burn everything else as well. It would also force the gas to spread over a greater range before dissipating. The gas was fired over the wall from the south, all the way to the north. To guarantee that anything and everything is disabled, and they would set it aflame moments before the invasion. Thus the areas would possibly still be alight, but it wouldn't destroy the infantry. They eventually ended up near a defense platform and the valkyrur all ganged up on it, quickly afterwards taking half of it before halting the southern invasion.

The north:

The Northside would commence another invasion of the east. After conquering and wiping the floor with the Grenshu up north, and sent some vehicles and troops further south. They begin the end of the ground-campaign of the north. They waited for reinforcements and during the process would begin bombing the walls. Once they got reinforced, they started to gas the other side. Soldiers were in hospitals getting new ragnite, or buying the ragnite ore to replace the burnt out one for canisters not destroyed. Some even bought more, one for healing and one to act as a additional grenade. They quite enjoyed the ragnaid, which is also the name for the grenade due to being the same thing. The explosion went a bit further than their own grenades, and had a chance to pour gas out after the explosion. Though it would of been mostly ignited due to the explosion and thus be what spreads even further. Though for others they were absolutely terrified of it.

They would then proceed hammering the walls for another day, and a day before the south "rised again " they attacked, The valkyrur units weren't needed as all the bombardment already bombed the wall into disrepair. They assaulted it, it did still stand but at the sight of this huxinfold just asked a valkyria over, it was amanda. "So yeah, you see that wall over there?" He asked. "Yes sir." She gave him her attention. "I don't wanna see that wall anymore." He ordered calmly. "Yes sir." And off she went walking up to the wall casually, after walking past a line of soldiers. She entered the "no man's land". She was targeted by the heavy Grenshu guns once she stopped moving. In a troll-esque display, she survived the multiple blasts of the heavy guns, and started dashing about the field until eventually reaching hug-distance. She wanted to make sure she would rip down the wall, and that is exactly what she did. She blasted down the wall like many others before, Surprising those soldiers again, but they regained composure and then charged at the Grenshu wall. She would also enter the wall begin causing all forms of chaos. Even stabbing through a grenshu just to get past the armor and set it on fire. Five minutes later the primary military entered the wall, and fired upon all Grenshu. Among them were Jennifer, and the gallian goddess kiyoshi. Once they arrived on the scene, they were the MVPs of the campaign. The Queen's tank would fire it's missiles upon large groups of Grenshu and their structures, while the goddess would use 30% of her power, and destroy most of the heavy emplacements that would harm infantry. The other claymore and valkyrur would spam the Grenshu, not with bullets, but their beams. Obliterating multiple of their units should they be lined up together. The claymores would use their GSSR-42s, ragnite swords, or even using their power to become stronger and modifying their muscles. After 7 hours, the northern line fell.

The center:

They waited a week, and when they got reinforced they started gassing the other side. They never bombarded the actual wall however. Then after the north completed its campaign, everyone there bled-into the central line. With that half of the invasion, it consisted of the batomys super heavy tank, the gallian queen, the Russian queen, the gallian goddess, the emperor's daughter, the redline goddess, the Imperial goddess Yuma, emperor Maximilian, and various more including Amanda heart. Valkyrur and claymores were becoming a somewhat more normal occurrence and thus jot alot of people even went as far as spite them. Especially since most of them were lead by them. New claymores or a new valkyria would be comforted by the others, which helped their mental state. The emperor joked about the wall, saying "This wall looks slightly more intimidating than the others." And thus sent in all the valkyrur units.

The entire military than proceeded to charge after the valkyrur were out of sight. They dodged all the heavy guns of the Grenshu and large amounts bunched up to 3 parts of the wall, and they all blasted into the wall. Instantaneously destroying it. "Onwards comrades! Through their lines and into our stolen soil! Display no mercy, KILL THEM ALL!" Yuma, Heather, Amanda, crystal, and Nonna yelled out before them and eventually the claymores rushed in. They didn't use bullets, but rather their beams, Ragnite swords, Or the claymores using more of their power to increase their strength in some way. In one broken down section, infantry would only find a single goddess, and a handful of scattered claymores inside. With all buildings, Grenshu, and everything else destroyed entirely. They having been dead long ago. The Russian queen would of destroyed structures and large groups of Grenshu units in other parts. If Grenshu were lined up in any angle or direction which could be aimed with the other in sight, The beams would of obliterated both targets at once. Which is what had happened five times already. The wall was overtaken. They, and the other sections would group up and destroy the enemy. The more they grew, the quicker it was to destroy the Grenshu infantry and emplacements. The batomys rolling through with its heavy machineguns which also had great kinetic power, would mow through squads in seconds. "Gah! What the fuck was that?" Two of the radiators would of been destroyed, with one damaged during the fighting. Taking even 45 minutes before the main cannon could be fired safely.

They all formed up, and marched slowly towards the remaining Grenshu infantry base. Once they came into view, The Grenshu would of probably pissed themselves. Firing at the marching horde. Despite being fired upon, they only continued marching. The batomys tank nolonger had a outer layer and thus Grenshu hitting it would cause zero damage at all, The horde just simply continued marching while over 40+ valkyria were, and their area, set aflame. With occasionally catching small pockets of grass on fire as well. As all of them were using 30% of their power, and thus their flame would of engulfed a larger area besides themselves. They could of fired at the Grenshu already, simply killing them all with severe heat. But they didn't this time. Instead after the marched into their base, and the batomys mowed down five squads. They decided to destroy absolutely everything around them. Obliterating entire buildings, soldiers, and other with little resistance. They would halt the invasion again, and start to recover. As a normal valkyria in a constant use of 30% of her power, would definitely slowly drain her energy. Some were in the form during the beginning of the invasion and had somehow not passed out yet. This would allow them to recover, and thus be continually effective. They started planning, and the batomys would be used as a mobile command center. As no buildings in the area were still standing. The Grenshu line had yet again fallen.

@Loyal Guardian


He in appearance didn't seem to react, however on the inside he was just thinking about shaking his head to the sound of that alone. He decided to just go with it, as he had better things to do rather than to speak to a random diplomat team in a forest. "Fine fine, I'll accept your 'deal'. Just don't try and pass off on selling us faulty equipment, because we can detect that. Do not speak of what you know outside of yourself. Do not write it in a book, do not speak of it in public, do not even reference the existence of what you know whatsoever. It might come out on its own like the rest, And halting progress of a entire country is not ideal. Nor is the consequences that transpire from it, with anyone." He said to the diplomat, with a death stare he had kept the entire meeting. He signed the paper and gave it back. "And don't try learning government secrets again, will you? It is already a mountain of paperwork to handle with the amount of dead aliens here."


After the cascadian incident, the local nations known were contacted. A simple short message was sent in a kind tone: "do you know who is cascadia?" It was also sent to the gallians and redline, which both denied.

@LoneSniper87 @Loyal Guardian [didn't tag the socialist republic because he said he wasn't rejoining. And do not get any ideas, I am taking that land and probably making alot of it autonomous.]


"Wha-what?!?!?" She said confused, before just deviantly smiling. "Ohh? So your leaders are horney yes?" She asked before she laughed. "Are you quite sure? There isn't turning around after that, if you really are then give me a written document promising it." She deviously smiled again.

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"My leader is not horney" He said with a chuckle. "I still need conscent from the Royal Family, I cannot make such decisions. If you want I shall contact the royal family right now." He is either gonna get praised by the emperor or court martialed. 
-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"My leader is not horney" He said with a chuckle. "I still need conscent from the Royal Family, I cannot make such decisions. If you want I shall contact the royal family right now." He is either gonna get praised by the emperor or court martialed. 

"Go ahead, you can do it in front of me. Unless you're embarrassed of a woman listening in to your manly conversation."

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