The World of Tomorrow


The Za'ha'kya commander had been getting reports of distaste and hostility towards his troops. He wasn't mad of course, he expected such a thing by the inhabiting species after they had fought off an alien invasion. He also knew that his move to send in troops would be met by some hostility, but was surprised by how many were supporting the Za'ha'kya's effort. He was in his office, or what humanity might call an office, when he received a much anticipated package for him. In a secret deal with an entity known as the Eclipsians, a device that was first used during first contact with the Serpens, arrived. After testing it, he confirmed reports that the programming in the device was capable of scanning any other foreign language and translate it into their language. After putting the device on, and having it scan a sizable portion of the Za'ha'kya's language, he sent a broadcast that would be picked up by every outlet on Earth.

"To the inhabitants of this beautiful planet, i am the commander of the Za'ha'kya's force stationed just above your world. My name is Furwa'kto and it alone is a pleasure just for you listening to this message, no matter how long. I just want to extend the most sincere sorrow and condolences to your people, the Grenshu Empire should have never attacked you world, and now the course of your history shall be forever changed. I would also say we are not like those who have wronged you, as they have also wrong us. Our forces are merely on your planet to aid you in the rebuilding of areas devastated by the Grenshu attack and rid of the remaining ones on your world. Afterwords i will have my forces depart from your surface, unless your leaders wish otherwise. I have sent this message to ease the minds of those who believe we are to do harm, but we wish no such thing to your race. It is now i bid farewell. May the Goddess of Harmony, one who brings peace, friendship, and growth, watch over our twp races and protect us from any further harm."

Rio de Janiero, United States of Varmandr Vestan

President Chris Cordoba sat in his chair, watching as the "Christo Redeemer" was being rebuilt to be a statue of Thor stabbing the snake-god Jorgumandr, with a Viking runic inscription, which translates to 'Hlodyn's Children will not fall to any Power, man or otherwise.'

After deliberation with the representatives from House of Odin's People and the Hall of Life, he sent back a transmission.

"I, leader of the United Odinic States of Varmandr Vestan, invite you to a meeting 10 miles East of the capitol of the State of Peru, where we can discuss matters... I am sorry to admit that there will be a military presence at this meeting, but we can't take chances since the Grenshu invasion..."

They waited for a reply.

Other Stuff

Droid force reaches 200,000 droids and rising as factories keep pumping them out

The Varmandian Space Exploration Program gets increased funding, making plans for moon re-taking.
Rio de Janiero, United States of Varmandr Vestan

President Chris Cordoba sat in his chair, watching as the "Christo Redeemer" was being rebuilt to be a statue of Thor stabbing the snake-god Jorgumandr, with a Viking runic inscription, which translates to 'Hlodyn's Children will not fall to any Power, man or otherwise.'

After deliberation with the representatives from House of Odin's People and the Hall of Life, he sent back a transmission.

"I, leader of the United Odinic States of Varmandr Vestan, invite you to a meeting 10 miles East of the capitol of the State of Peru, where we can discuss matters... I am sorry to admit that there will be a military presence at this meeting, but we can't take chances since the Grenshu invasion..."

They waited for a reply.

Other Stuff

Droid force reaches 200,000 droids and rising as factories keep pumping them out

The Varmandian Space Exploration Program gets increased funding, making plans for moon re-taking.

Furwa'kto was able to answer the message with a quick reply. "I'm afraid to say i will not be joining you. My forces are currently on planet to aid in reconstruction of your infrastructure, resources, and rid of any remaining Grenshu in this system. I have been ordered personally by my king that once all of that is completed most of my fleet will be stationed back towards the front line with a small scout force to remain here in the event of another Grenshu assault. However that can all be changed if your world's leaders request me to meet with all of them at the same time. However i am curious, what matters did you wish to be discussed?"
Furwa'kto was able to answer the message with a quick reply. "I'm afraid to say i will not be joining you. My forces are currently on planet to aid in reconstruction of your infrastructure, resources, and rid of any remaining Grenshu in this system. I have been ordered personally by my king that once all of that is completed most of my fleet will be stationed back towards the front line with a small scout force to remain here in the event of another Grenshu assault. However that can all be changed if your world's leaders request me to meet with all of them at the same time. However i am curious, what matters did you wish to be discussed?"

"We wish to talk about needing help from you, and the inter-galactic conflict you mentioned… Also, you talked about the Goddess of Harmony, which we call Eir, the Valkyrie…"

United States of Varmandr vestan

The Vestanians ordered two super-stealth pilot droids to follow the Grenshu fleet to wherever they were… They were in a mass exodus, and they didn't know where. Soon they found out.

Transmission from the pilots.

>"Droid Pilot 275-1 reporting… Followed enemy: Grenshu across the Pacific. Report: a advanced complex set into the Siberian lands… Possibly 100 million life-forms in 100 miles alone. "

/Robotic Noise/

>"DP 276-1 reporting. Operation Close Follow is successful. Entering complex now… Feeding live stream. Sticking close enough to the ships that we hopefully won't be noticed…"

/A minute of flight, with a video of the horizon spread into a military complex, then gunfire/


Random Events: Aftermath


Za'ha'kya Participation and Arrival

Alien Ship3.jpg

(The Za'ha'kya Capitol ship just out of Earth's orbit, as seen by one of few surviving satellites)


Due to the arrival of the Za'ha'kya, the Grenshu in the Sol System are now on the run. A good portion of Humanity supports and thanks them for ridding of the Grenshu in the system. While there are some who believe this is a passive occupation, they are in the minority. As of late the commander of the Za'ha'kya, Furwa'kto, has announced that his species does not intend to interfere with human conflicts, however he has expressed that if a majority of the world's leaders request it a meeting between them and him shall happen. In other related news the Za'ha'kya have begun to mass troops around the Grenshu lines in Siberia. The have landed in the Red-line Empire, Eclipsian Federation, and the Kingdom of the Rockies. Furwa'kto has sent his apologies to the heads of state to each entity if violating their borders has offended them, but has expressed this is the only way to expel the remaining Grenshu force that poses a threat. In return he has offered to every human military to send members of their armed forces to aid in the operation, if they so please.


  Technological Advancement of the Human Race


[SIZE= 18px]( Self-replicating Nano-sphere's under microscope, extremely zoomed in. Source from Oort Research Station, only image of current nanotechnology)[/SIZE]


The Grenshu invasion and Za'ha'kya arrival has forever changed the course of humanity, even answering one it's greatest questions: Are we alone? In most cases, the alien invasion has brought disaster and death to humanity. Those combined make the Grenshu Invasion of Earth make it the second deadliest and destructive conflict in humanity, second only to humanity's own near self-extinction. However one positive factor of the invasion is the fact of gaining new technology to further advance humanity. With it's help, current projects and rebuilding efforts are going at a faster rate. While most countries are keeping secrets, some have come out and are giving a very small peak on what they are working on. One such example comes from a few researchers in Eclipsim announcing a huge breakthrough in nanotechnology, which they say could have many applications.


Economic Crisis


(A Graph representing current economic trend. Even though the graph is somewhat outdated, it is about to show a huge economic crash)


With build of military forces, loans being taken out, and entire countries and even a stock market collapsing in effect of the Grenshu Invasion, it can only lead to a disaster. And it has, as the world's economy appears to begin a freefall the like of which has never been seen before. The economies of all nations are affected, and the crisis seems to strike despite the best efforts each country has been able to produce. The Eclipsian Kar [EKR], Ordarian Euro [OEU], and Cascadian Dollar [CSD] are losing their monetary value fast and entire stores and businesses are beginning to close. As such prominent politicians from all around the world have voiced an opinion that the world's leaders should convene is a emergency session to discuss current issues facing humanity as a whole.


Eclipsian Coup d'etat


(A building affected by the coup, however this is the most devastated building of the event as all other structures were lightly to barely damaged)


Last night as reconstruction crews had headed off on a rare break, as Za'ha'kya presence in the city was lowest, and when guard was let down most, a coup d'etat has occurred in Eclipsim. The Council and its military allies stormed Eclipsim and began to push to seize important areas. By mid morning all action in the city has stopped. Due to the coup's sudden swiftness, many of the target buildings were captured and almost all resistance had been effectively shut down by very early the next day. However early on in the coup it's main objective was not cleared: Assassinate President Byron and his most loyal followers. This was the case until they were found and cornered in a building, the picture above, and Pro-Council troops began to fire at the building. Inside was President Byron and Pro-President troops. However the latter was outnumbered and just as Pro-Council troops entered the building, a Pro-President soldier shot President Byron, Vice President Draco, and the president's assistant. The remaining troops surrendered and by the beginning of the afternoon, the Council had complete control over the country.

The economy has unfortunately stopped growing, stagnating instead. The workers in the saharan farms are making quick work of it and unemployment has dropped a percent and a half instead of increasing due to the high quantity of people working on government projects.

Random Events: Aftermath


Za'ha'kya Participation and Arrival

(The Za'ha'kya Capitol ship just out of Earth's orbit, as seen by one of few surviving satellites)


Due to the arrival of the Za'ha'kya, the Grenshu in the Sol System are now on the run. A good portion of Humanity supports and thanks them for ridding of the Grenshu in the system. While there are some who believe this is a passive occupation, they are in the minority. As of late the commander of the Za'ha'kya, Furwa'kto, has announced that his species does not intend to interfere with human conflicts, however he has expressed that if a majority of the world's leaders request it a meeting between them and him shall happen. In other related news the Za'ha'kya have begun to mass troops around the Grenshu lines in Siberia. The have landed in the Red-line Empire, Eclipsian Federation, and the Kingdom of the Rockies. Furwa'kto has sent his apologies to the heads of state to each entity if violating their borders has offended them, but has expressed this is the only way to expel the remaining Grenshu force that poses a threat. In return he has offered to every human military to send members of their armed forces to aid in the operation, if they so please.


  Technological Advancement of the Human Race

( Self-replicating Nano-sphere's under microscope, extremely zoomed in. Source from Oort Research Station, only image of current nanotechnology)


The Grenshu invasion and Za'ha'kya arrival has forever changed the course of humanity, even answering one it's greatest questions: Are we alone? In most cases, the alien invasion has brought disaster and death to humanity. Those combined make the Grenshu Invasion of Earth make it the second deadliest and destructive conflict in humanity, second only to humanity's own near self-extinction. However one positive factor of the invasion is the fact of gaining new technology to further advance humanity. With it's help, current projects and rebuilding efforts are going at a faster rate. While most countries are keeping secrets, some have come out and are giving a very small peak on what they are working on. One such example comes from a few researchers in Eclipsim announcing a huge breakthrough in nanotechnology, which they say could have many applications.


Economic Crisis


(A Graph representing current economic trend. Even though the graph is somewhat outdated, it is about to show a huge economic crash)


With build of military forces, loans being taken out, and entire countries and even a stock market collapsing in effect of the Grenshu Invasion, it can only lead to a disaster. And it has, as the world's economy appears to begin a freefall the like of which has never been seen before. The economies of all nations are affected, and the crisis seems to strike despite the best efforts each country has been able to produce. The Eclipsian Kar [EKR], Ordarian Euro [OEU], and Cascadian Dollar [CSD] are losing their monetary value fast and entire stores and businesses are beginning to close. As such prominent politicians from all around the world have voiced an opinion that the world's leaders should convene is a emergency session to discuss current issues facing humanity as a whole.


Eclipsian Coup d'etat

(A building affected by the coup, however this is the most devastated building of the event as all other structures were lightly to barely damaged)


Last night as reconstruction crews had headed off on a rare break, as Za'ha'kya presence in the city was lowest, and when guard was let down most, a coup d'etat has occurred in Eclipsim. The Council and its military allies stormed Eclipsim and began to push to seize important areas. By mid morning all action in the city has stopped. Due to the coup's sudden swiftness, many of the target buildings were captured and almost all resistance had been effectively shut down by very early the next day. However early on in the coup it's main objective was not cleared: Assassinate President Byron and his most loyal followers. This was the case until they were found and cornered in a building, the picture above, and Pro-Council troops began to fire at the building. Inside was President Byron and Pro-President troops. However the latter was outnumbered and just as Pro-Council troops entered the building, a Pro-President soldier shot President Byron, Vice President Draco, and the president's assistant. The remaining troops surrendered and by the beginning of the afternoon, the Council had complete control over the country.

Nunligran, Siberian USVV territory

Nunligran had managed to stay off the radar of Grenshu troops by staying underground during days, only going out when needed, and literally almost being right under thier noses... A total of 7,000 VV troops and engineers lived in cramped basements and damp, quickly built bunkers. 

That all changed when they got an unexpected package... Plenty of food and water, 50,000 Droid soldiers, including two Super-Droids had been flown in with D-1 drone transport ships... They immediately starting taking surrounding areas, and preparing to assist in an attack on Grenshu positions...

Rio de Janeiro, USVV Capitol

"This is a very interesting thing, the Eclipsan Revolution... The former, greedy, evil incarnation of the VV lost our glory by doing very bad things, and probably would strike at them now..." He said as he looked at his leading advisors

"But we won't. The USVV will be peace-loving, and will only intervene if the Eclipsans want us to...

Send a transmission to the Eclipsans asking what the heck just happened, and offer to start good relations..."

@Loyal Guardian

"Also… For the first time in Vamandr Vestan history, which is mainly tainted by people doing bad things for the right reasons, The Council and Hall of Freedom both agreed to start trying to get good relations with our northern neighbors, Cascadia. Send them a message that an offer to start talks between the nation and us would be respected"

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The Rising Empire

The aliens have left the RE, they retreated back to their Forward Base at siberia. If they have stayed much longer in the RE mainland, they would be forced to abandon europe and gather all the troops at the mainland to retake the other captured areas. The troops were quickly ordered to secure the areas that were taken by the aliens. 

The Rising Empire has it's economy depleted, they could not spend more resources on another major war. Emperor Schneizel promised that they will not join another way until the economy of TRE stabilizes. The RE would focus on it's internal affairs. Construct more factories, research centers, hospitals, etc. 

The Royal Family has received news that President Byron of Eclipse Federation has been assassinated along with his Vice President and his assistant. The Family was dismayed, Byron was a very close friend of them. He aided them in the canadian wars even though they backed out. They sent their condolence to his friends and families.

The RE also thanked the friendly aliens for helping them against the Grenshu.

@Loyal Guardian

The RE also deployed more troops into poland to contain the chaos there. The engineers are also working to repair the damaged areas. 

The remaining drafted civilians were undrafted. They returned back to their homes and families.They were given medals for their service.

A Grenshu destroyer headed to the Pendragon and fired all of its remaining ammos at it. The Blaze Luminous tried to hold the shells, but finally gave up as it was not fully rechargd. It was still weak due to the first attack of the grenshu at their capital. Shells has hit Pendragon, many staffs were killed and some parts of its forest burned. A shell has hit the office of the Minister of Treasury and Commerce at the Treasury Section. Minister Nonnette was at her office at the time, the Destroyer arrived in a surprise. Officers and response teams were sent at her office, she was found dead. The people of RE has been saddened by her death.
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The African Empire has begun the building of a larger navy to provide more jobs to the people of the Empire. Projected ship increase is 450 new destroyers, 26 new battleships, and 2 new carriers in the first six months and in the next six 700 destroyers and 13 more battleships. In addition, the AE has declared war on the Mensa Nation, calling forth any who wish to join the war and offering some land to them. The soldiers have already begun dropping into Sardinia. @Agent141 

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Order Empire

With the Grenshu dealt with, the Order Empire is hosting their first election. The OSRP (Ordarian Socialist Republican Party) is expected to lose most of their seats. The OCP (Ordarian Communist Party) is gaining support from the citizens due to the recent economic crisis. The OFP (Ordarian Fascist Party) and the ODP (Ordarian Democratic Party) are expected to gain very little compared to the OSRP and the OCP. Expat voters are allowed to vote in the election.

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian@Albion@Wickedkent@Lordvader59@Domini Regum@Fishman Lord@Alteras@Everyone else who knows my nation

The Ministers have received the news that President Byron of the Eclipsian Federation, along with his Vice and Assistant, have been assassinated. Flags around the nation are flown at half mast and the Ministers send condolences to their families.

The Prime Minister agrees to meet Gov Khey Lim.


The Ordarian Empire sends 1.3 million soldiers to Siberia, along with 5k Blackwatch soldiers, 23k Tanks, and 22k Aircraft.

@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42@Anyone else in the area

The Order Empire sends an transmission to the African Empire. The Order Empire will join the war if they gain Corsica.


In other news the new national budget has been announced.

The National Budget:

Ordarian Budget.png

Military Spending: 20%

R&D: 25%

Infrastructure: 30%

Agriculture and Industry: 10%

Healthcare: 10%

Energy Production: 5%
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Order Empire

With the Grenshu dealt with, the Order Empire is hosting their first election. The OSRP (Ordarian Socialist Republican Party) is expected to lose most of their seats. The OCP (Ordarian Communist Party) is gaining support from the citizens due to the recent economic crisis. The OFP (Ordarian Fascist Party) and the ODP (Ordarian Democratic Party) are expected to gain very little compared to the OSRP and the OCP. Expat voters are allowed to vote in the election.

@RIPSaidCone@Loyal Guardian@Albion@Wickedkent@Lordvader59@Domini Regum@Fishman Lord@Everyone else who knows my nation

The Ministers have received the news that President Byron of the Eclipsian Federation, along with his Vice and Assistant, have been assassinated. Flags around the nation are flown at half mast and the Ministers send condolences to their families.

The Prime Minister agrees to meet Gov Khey Lim.


The Ordarian Empire sends 1.3 million soldiers to Siberia, along with 5k Blackwatch soldiers, 23k Tanks, and 22k Aircraft.

@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42@Anyone else in the area

The Order Empire sends an transmission to the African Empire. The Order Empire will join the war if they gain Corsica.


In other news the new national budget has been announced.

The National Budget:

View attachment 183435

Military Spending: 20%

R&D: 25%

Infrastructure: 30%

Agriculture and Industry: 10%

Healthcare: 10%

Energy Production: 5%


Gov Khey Lim met with Prime Minister Kord. "It is good to see you again. I have important business that I must discuss, as representative of the Singaporean Federation to the New World Alliance, and as Governor of the 5th District of Asia."

Gov Khey Lim met with Prime Minister Kord. "It is good to see you again. I have important business that I must discuss, as representative of the Singaporean Federation to the New World Alliance, and as Governor of the 5th District of Asia."

"Hello, Gov Khey Lim. Nice to see you again too. What's this business that you've come to discuss?" PM Kord asked Gov Khey Lim.
"Hello, Gov Khey Lim. Nice to see you again too. What's this business that you've come to discuss?" PM Kord asked Gov Khey Lim.

"I must inform you that the Singaporean Federation has disbanded. Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes died months ago in the battle of Singapore. I am now one of the seven rulers of the Districts of Asia. We would like to reestablish our treaties and agreements and commitments to the NWA."
"I must inform you that the Singaporean Federation has disbanded. Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes died months ago in the battle of Singapore. I am now one of the seven rulers of the Districts of Asia. We would like to reestablish our treaties and agreements and commitments to the NWA."

"Well... that's saddening to hear. I'll send my condolences to Zeph Jeanes's family. Anyways, yes, that will probably be for the best given our situation with the Grenshu and Economic Crisis."
"Well... that's saddening to hear. I'll send my condolences to Zeph Jeanes's family. Anyways, yes, that will probably be for the best given our situation with the Grenshu and Economic Crisis."

"I have to inform you that the Districts of Asia is an oligarchy. It was designed to be a system of policies to give the descendants of Singapore full control over Asia against outside forces. As such there will be a bit more restrictions than before, but regardless, 1st Gov Zhang wishes to bring Pacific Asia back into the world. Now, we would like to agree to nonagression pact, total control over ships in the Pacific Ocean, Southeast Asia, and in the Indian Ocean. We would like to open trading in your ports. Our stock market has been cut off from the world since the battles began, so we believe we should limit it to only pure trading and no stock trading for the moment."
"I have to inform you that the Districts of Asia is an oligarchy. It was designed to be a system of policies to give the descendants of Singapore full control over Asia against outside forces. As such there will be a bit more restrictions than before, but regardless, 1st Gov Zhang wishes to bring Pacific Asia back into the world. Now, we would like to agree to nonagression pact, total control over ships in the Pacific Ocean, Southeast Asia, and in the Indian Ocean. We would like to open trading in your ports. Our stock market has been cut off from the world since the battles began, so we believe we should limit it to only pure trading and no stock trading for the moment."

"Yes, I believe that would be for the best. Our economy isn't doing so well either, the Ordarian Euro is losing monetary value fast. I hear the same thing is happening with the Eclipsian Kar and the Cascadian Dollar. The damn communists are taking advantage of that, gaining support of many of our citizens. Our elections are coming up soon, I just hope we could beat the communists in the Parliamentary elections. Not too worried about the other two parties though, very little support from the citizens. Expat voters will be allowed to vote in our elections, I would like to see your citizens vote in the ballot." 
"Yes, I believe that would be for the best. Our economy isn't doing so well either, the Ordarian Euro is losing monetary value fast. I hear the same thing is happening with the Eclipsian Kar and the Cascadian Dollar. The damn communists are taking advantage of that, gaining support of many of our citizens. Our elections are coming up soon, I just hope we could beat the communists in the Parliamentary elections. Not too worried about the other two parties though, very little support from the citizens. Expat voters will be allowed to vote in our elections, I would like to see your citizens vote in the ballot." 

"I will see what I can do, although our nation has turned on the war machine and is about to make an attack on Japan and Korea. I hope that your election goes well. The world has only just took its first few breaths before being bombarded by outside forces. In any case, I must take leave. My district needs me." Governor Khey Lim bowed and walked out toward his... borrowed plane from one of the grounded Singapore Airline Planes.
The Rising Empire

Navy Headquarters, Iceland

The Navy is still on it's highest alert status despite the aliens leaving the Rising Empire. They ensure that they would be ready for an attack by either the aliens or man. They would be ready to be deployed in moment's notice. The Rising Imperial Aerial Fleet has also arrived at Iceland and is now at a standby. It was sent by the Emperor himself to provide aid to Europe if needed.Minister Clovis and Commander Anna also arrived at Iceland along with the Fleet.

The Royal Family also approved a defense plan suggested by Minister Max. It was to deploy mines at Strategic waters near iceland.and some parts of eastern greenland.

Poland, Rising Empire Europe

Additional reinforcements were sent to Europe under the orders of the Royal Family. More Knightmare frames, tanks, artillery, aircrafts, soldiers and a couple of FLEIJA Warheads were sent to Poland. Along with the reinforcements, Commander Suzaku and Commander Kallen also arrived at Poland, they are known to be the best Knightmare Frame pilots. Most anti-aircrafts including the Goliath was placed on strategic locations to ensure it's safety in battle while it is still able to fire it's weapons at enemy aircrafts.

Pendragon, Rising Empire North America

The Royal Family reserved it's right to redraft if their Empire would be ever attack again which the citizens agreed too. They were willing to fight for their country and family.

All Rising Empire Military Assets and Arsenals were refitted. New armors were installed. The new armor was based on the armors of the alien soldiers and their ships. Along with the armor, the Logres Class,Avalon-Class, and Carleon-Class ships were fitted with an EMP.

Orders were also sent nationwide that they would immediately recharge their blaze luminous to it's full status to prevent anything like the surprise attack on Pendragon to ever happen.

Security was also increased in Pendragon, even thought the city is at the middle of nowhere and is a hundred miles away from the nearest populated area. The Pendragon also is prioritizing the repair of the city. The Defense were improved and more defense systems were installed. Only soldiers with the rank of lieutenant and above are able to enter pendagon. Any rank lower than it would require special permission from the Royal Family.

Unknown Location

The Ikaruga-Class Air battleship was nearing completion. It would be completed in the next month or so. It was designed and built to be superior than the regular avalon. The Absolute defense territory system of Shinkiro and the Hardron cannons of Gawain was also installed at Ikaruga.


The 3 Fleets were at a standby and was awaiting orders of the higer-ups from the former Singaporean Federation. They would not set sail for Japan without authorization. 

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Aaron Solberg stood on the steps of the Nordic Parliament Building, a large crowd had gathered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Ladies and gentlemen. Myself and the others in our Provisional Government have decided that, with the Gallian and Grenshu threats both gone, the first Nordic Union elections are set to be held in 2 months time. The Provisional Government will, within the next 2 weeks, be transformed into the Nordic Democratic Party, with myself running for President in that party.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Thus, the race had begun. Two major parties arose, the Nordic Democratic Party, and the Scandinavian People’s Union. The latter is a communist party, and it pushes for an annexation of Denmark and Gallian lands “for the good of the people” They have rallied around their presidential nominee, Anders Havingslaw, and they are campaigning strong. So they think. In almost every poll, the Democratic Party and Aaron Solberg are winning by a landslide, they are up 50% or more in most regions. Aaron’s approval rating is at 82%, and he is loved by nearly the entire nation.[/SIZE]
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

[SIZE= 16px]With the take over of the nation by the Council, the nation was split into what side they should choose. However the Council initiated a large propaganda campaign and if there were any prominent opposition speakers in government they would be "replaced". The latter of the solution was primarily kept secret as to what exactly happened, with convincing reports on why they were fired or "resigned". As for the military, more bonuses were put into the armed forces to give more incentive to stay, be loyal, and join. Speaking of which the Council officially created more than just the main three armed branches. The Eclipsian Army, Eclipsian Air Force, Eclipsian Navy, Eclipsian Coast Defense, Eclipsian Home Defense, Eclipsian Marines, and the Eclipsian Core were founded under the Eclipsian Federated Armed Forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In an effort to increase trust with the public, the Council nominated Alexander Stella as the interim president to lead the nation. Immediately he revealed documents the would specifically tarnish Byron's name as well as his reign and cabinet. He also fully disclosed the Eclipsian Budget to the world, which has been kept silent to the outside world.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Military Spending: 39%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Research & Development: 23%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Agriculture & Industry: 12%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Education: 11%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Infrastructure: 10%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Energy Management (Wind, Solar, Currents, and Tide): 4%[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Healthcare: 1%[/SIZE]

In one of his first acts as president, Alexander also announced that he would greatly expand the arsenal, air force, navy, home and coast defenses. He also has initiated PROJECT: Horizon, stating that the Grenshu threat may come here once again. Alexander has also expressed his willingness to hold a World Congress, as soon as possible, with the meeting place still being in the Nordic Union. With all of this, after just only a week, most of the nation and military are on Alexander and the Council's side.

Somewhere in the Republic of the Great North

[SIZE= 16px]Posters, billboards, signs, and ads on TV screens were all expressing support for Alexander Stella and his office, which was being well received by the crowd. Even though there were still some news reports about the coup, they were being outnumbered by the propaganda for the new government. In the country side, almost a hundred miles to the border of now Riser lands, is a cabin that is 7 miles away from the nearest sign of civilization. This cabin holds importance as it was a secret area only known by the former emperors of the old empire. Inside the wooden building were seven figures.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]These figures were Io, Hayden, Frios, Umberion, Draco, Sao, and a bandaged Byron. The latter of the three are thought to be dead by the entire nation except for a select few. Io, Hayden, Frios, and Umberion were all either fired or resigned themselves from their positions. Draco and Sao only had a few scratches and gash marks, but Byron was worse. Most of his head and arms were bandaged, with his right arm and a small portion of his head still having blood marks on the bandages covering the wounds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]As to how they got out, well it was very difficult. The soldier who "shot" them used fake rounds and were able to make their bodies appeared to be dead and lifeless, the latter of which they had to act out. After the Pro-Council soldiers left and the Pro-President soldiers were taken away, Byron and the others were able to sneak away through service tunnels and help from civilians. However when they encountered those civilians they were able to successfully pretend to be people leaving the capitol, as some did during the coup. They later meet up with Io, Hayden, Frios, and Umberion at the border of the Eclipse Republic to begin heading for the cabin. After which they would begin their journey to escort themselves to the Riser-Eclipsian border safely.[/SIZE]

Dallas, Cascadia


With the sudden, almost unexplainable economic stall of the Cascadian dollar and a global freefall which hadn't been predicted at all. Construction plans in the East had slowed down but continued nonetheless, a few Cascadian companies suffered from the random economic drop but the federal government remained stable. Taking drastic but well-informed precautions of stationing police officers at large supermarkets and other shopping areas to ensure that crowds didn't work themselves into a frenzy and panic buy everything in sight in fear of losing their jobs or whatnot, unemployment did rise in southern and eastern Cascadia, the West Coast remained mostly untouched however due to it being the most stable economically, Chicago had for the most part been spared however there was discontent about the Chicago city government lowering funding towards transportation maintenance during the crisis to ensure that funds were being appropriated to the sectors that needed them most. The government had to bail out one or two large companies but less than what had been expected at the start of the crisis. Dallas has stood out among not just Cascadian cities but cities around the world as it has for some reason began growing despite the economic pause in most other cities. This is due to a healthy number of people deciding to flee to Dallas from their temporary housing camps, these people being the refugees from the Grenshu invasion, Dallas' population has risen from 989,000 to 1.2 million since the move, however local law enforcement has ensured that no others enter as the city has reached a stable population level.


The area that was most affected however was the political structure of the country, the Republicans using this to gain ground over the Democrats. Saying that it was their fault that Cascadia was involved in this economic crisis, and that if they had maintained the strictly isolationist policies that the Republicans had voted for in the first place back in the 3220's that the country would never have gotten involved into any of the petty arguments around the world and most importantly wouldn't have been affected by the sudden economic drop. President Jefferson has reassured the public that the government is working 24/7 to return Cascadia to its previous economic boom, with these issues facing the nation, the government has turned more towards it's interior once again. Focusing on it's own issues rather than those around the world, public opinion is divided between continuing foreign interaction and getting rid of it, with isolationist policies being more favorable now. Jefferson's Administration has begun to combat this new rise in xenophobic behavior with advertisements on the benefits that trade had brought to the country, however it has so far been a tough battle as the Republicans and other right-wing groups begin gaining support, unlike other nations however there is no Communist party in the Cascadian political system however to the greater benefit of the nation.


[SIZE= 18px]Chicago, Cascadia[/SIZE]

"The Republic of Cascadia does send its most sincere apologies for not being able to act on our half of the deal as quickly as you'd have liked. However we shall as soon as this wave of cities are built and our economy returns to it's regular state, you have my word. As for the Eclipsians landing in Australia, we highly disagree with their actions, they landed on the territory of another nation without even notifying you first? Or requesting permission like any other nation would do, it's a clear sign of disrespect and I'd go as far to say even warmongering, I believe they may be looking for a harsh reaction from your people so that they may have a reason to go to war with you. President Bryon and his associates were good men, however the Eclipsian council is full of warmongers and incompetent idiots who care not for diplomacy, only bloodshed. And they've put some kind of puppet in Bryon's place so they can get away with it as well, you have Cascadia's support, my friend. And if you so wish, we would be happy to take your Royal Family into our lands if they ever feel endangered in your own."


[SIZE= 22px]Miami, Cascadia[/SIZE]


Cascadian life continues as it always has minus the unfortunate families who had been affected by the economic situation, cities boom with life and business. Highways and railroads are built to connect them all, airports are busy with hundreds of thousands of passengers every day travelling all over the country to do business, Hollywood premieres and red carpets are always filled with celebrities and eager press ready to take their pictures. Comics and video games entertain millions of children and online gaming is as big as it ever was, renewed websites like Youtube provide countless hours of entertainment every single second, rural towns and communities live their usual quiet life, with little happening and little ever happening at all really. Just how they like it. Quiet coastal towns with their small populations and beautiful scenery hog dozens of nature loving tourists and are welcomed settings for TV shows and books. Miami has become one of the country's many centers of living the high life, with downtown Miami, the beachside section of the city having an average GDP per capita of $549,850 dollars. Small businesses have been affected little by the economic crisis for the most part, being supplied by dozens of regular shoppers from around their neighborhoods, the majority of big businesses have also remained unaffected due to their lack of participation in overseas trading, however the overall structure of the economy has shifted slightly due to a disruption in the food chain of corporations and how they deal with one another.


The media has turned on the Eclipsian Federation fully this time however, with the government not attempting to persuade them otherwise and the President not making any comment against the negative portrayal of the Eclipsian government. Most if not all news stations have been constantly reporting on the situation in the Federation, calling it similar to that of the Soviet Union and how Stalin had anyone he didn't like killed off, others comparing it to how Nazi Germany first began, a slow build up of disappearances and convienent resignations, so far it's been made clear that the Cascadian media isn't easily fooled by propaganda, the media turning on them has turned the population against them. The Eclipsian people are still seen as good and wellmeaning people in the public eye however the Eclipsian government is now seen as more of a borderline dictatorship than anything else and as a result Cascadia has officially ceased trading with the Eclipsian Federation, the Department of Commerce releasing a press statement. "Unfortunately it is our duty as the central Cascadian authority on trading and commercial business, both domestic and international to inform the Cascadian people and their businesses that trading or dealing with Eclipsian companies or people is now restricted by federal order due to the current economic crisis the federal government has deemed it necessary to cut down on international trading to protect Cascadia from further damage."


[SIZE= 20px]Summary:[/SIZE]
Cascadian economy stagnates

Construction slowed down

Dallas expands due to increased population

Cascadia agrees to support the Rockies

Republicans gain ground

Cascadia ceases trading with the Eclipsian Federation

Public opinion turns towards isolationism

Public opinion turns against the Eclipsian government

Radium Hot Springs

Interestingly enough, the economic crisis has actually helped the Rockies in many ways. Due to their lesser involvement in the Grenshu invasion, they were less hurt by wartime-related economic downfalls, and their infrastructure was damaged much less than in other nations. The crisis has also continued to boost immigration into the country even after the Grenshu war, bringing in workers and such. However, inevitably, the RSE was still very hurt, and after a decision was made in the capitol, was mostly disbanded, moved and redistributed to Calgary, and renamed the CGX. This move was made to attempt to soften the blow and to move the market to a more modern city.


The movement of the CGX to here has greatly boosted prosperity, and many immigrants have moved here. The recently reestablished University of Calgary has been enrolling many students, and the new subjects of Xenobiology and Xenopolotics have helped spread public understanding of our new galactic neighbors. The city has also spawned a strong agricultural movement in the surrounding area, helping to boost it's already booming growth. The King himself has praised the Duke of Edmonton on his excellent reconstruction, and has chosen him to lead the Vancouver Reconstruction as well.


"We truly appreciate how good the Cascadians have been throughout all of our tough times. We hope that the warmongering council will see reason, but if I have learned anything through history, it has been that the Eclipsians are not forgiving of us. And if the royal family is ever in true danger, we may send them here until the threat passes."



Another message was sent to the Eclipsian fleet and their high command. "Please, for the sake of all of our nations. This constant cold war must end, and an end through conflict will hurt us all. We are willing to forgive all you have done to us, if you simply leave us alone. And, if at the end of the day, you still choose war, know this: we will make you pay for every Rockian life taken by an Eclipsian tenfold."

@Loyal Guardian

Research Facilities

Project Posiedon was nearing completion. All that was required were a few more tweaks and changes and it would be ready to deploy. The two products that had been produced so far had been nicknamed "Atlantis" and "Mu", with a third and a fourth, "Lemuria" and "Frisland", being near completion. A fifth, "Aeaea", is midway to completion. Meanwhile, the Alien translation is working well, getting several people to basic conversational level in the Grenshu language.

Communications Center

A quick message was sent to the Districts of Asia. "We are sorry to hear of your collapse. We hope our alliances and trade deals can be upheld. Also, Queen Caitlyn Roscoe was in Singapore when the invasion began. we would like to see her return to the Rock Palace as soon as possible."



Economic effects on the Rockies.

Immigration continues to spike.

Calgary growing excellently.

Talks with Cascadia.

Communication with Singapore.

Another message to the Eclipsians.

Project Posiedon: 90%

Alien Translation: 70%
Rising Empire
Warsaw Settlement,Poland

Vice-roy Jeremiah has contacted Pendragon about their status. 
"Capitol, this is Viceroy Jeremiah sending transmission from Warsaw settlement." He said waiting for someone to appear in the interface.
Minister Max appeared.
"Hello Jeremiah" He said "Been a long time, what do you need of us?." 
"I want to thank you for the reinforcements you have sent." Jeremiah replied. "This will surely help us contain the chaos here."
"It will sure do" Max said "Remember those Imperial,gallian and redline people from russia?"
"Yes, I sure so" He said.
"I want you to contact them" Max said "Only poland is capable of contacting them. State that we want a trade deal and an alliance, aid them if needed, all this under the authorization of His majesty, Emperor Schneizel."
"Okay, will do" He said with a smile. Max nodded and the transmission went off. Jeremiah sighed and called for an officer to relay his orders.

"Hello, this is the Rising Empire. The transmission is being sent from Europe, Poland" Jeremiah said. "I am Jeremiah Gottwald, Vice-roy of the european sector of the rising empire. We wish to establish trade partnership and alliance with you. We are sure that you have recognized our empire from the last world congress."



They would continue rebuilding, and sending soldiers out. Various people including the goddess voiced their agitation from the Grenshu plague, and the constant work. They would be so annoyed in fact that just like what Heather did to the Grenshu earlier, they'd punish them to work constantly for them. And should they not comply, they would in every sense of the word: Be destroyed.



The redline would have all of its military back to its highest number after the Grenshu invasion. They would be tallied, further trained, and Multiplied through various recruitment methods. The methods ranging from a recruiter walking the street, to constant stalking of those recommended for it.



The imperium, taking some of the principality survivors in as population. Would recruit previous military members, Or would begin a recruiting program. Giving them 1 million soldiers as well. Most of them would be capable of getting the new military armor.



The siberian line defenders besides a few would be capable of returning home at this point. With 30,000 gallians, 7,000 imperials, 200 heavy vehicles, and for initial assault the batomys super-heavy tank would be the only forces that went further east to prepare killing off the Grenshu.



[I have a feeling I'm never getting a reply here am I?...].








The attempts only got more violent as promised. Leila moved on from throwing rocks at them, to starving and belittling them. Using the most shameless, yet most offensive terms possible. From racist slurs of them, to mocking them, all the way to mental manipulation.




The economy of all three nations didn't fall, but it did halt from growing. The gallians employment rate would help their economy begin the initial stages of attempting to reboot it. The vastly rich nobility would pay for businesses which couldn't survive for themselves.


The redline would take manual labor for their projects and begin having their economy supervised. They would have economic specialists monitor their economy, and their goddess would sneak out at times to rob traders. Performing loan shark actions like the first premier did. They are the only nation with a economy which was very slowly going down 1% every 12 weeks. This being halted every two months however.


The imperials, now named the selvarian empire. Would stabilize their economy due to opening the last of their economic reserves. [Which has been stated before.] The reserves were to be used in the event the Nazis resurfaced and invaded their homes. They would also have longer mining times, and other industry projects such as farming continue. They would have the generals pay for businesses which couldn't thrive on their own, and the rubles currency would somewhat be technically dead again. With all of them primarily now uses coins and bullets as before, until the economy would get better. They would also lower spending on ragnite refining, as they had plenty of refined ore already.



The assassination would of been heard of from the imperials. They performed a self-funeral for the young emperor, and patriotic war songs would spam the entirety of russia. Though the gallians once told were the only ones to 100% believe it.





Eastern siberia:



Red = redline.

Blue = gallia.

Dark gold = the selvarian empire. [Imperials.]


GallIan chart:

Light green: Research. [Largest.]

Blue: Military. [Second largest.]

Purple: agriculture and industry. [Third largest.]

Orange: Infrastructure. 

Red: ragnite mining and refining. [Basically energy and such.]..

Green: healthcare.

Redline chart:


Blue: Military. [Largest.]

Light green: Research. [Second largest.]

Purple: healthcare. [Third largest.]

Orange: infrastructure.

Red: Agriculture and industry.

Green: ragnite mining and refining.

Imperium chart:


Blue: Military. [Largest.]

Red: research. [Second largest.]

White ragnite mining and refining. [Third largest.]

Grey: Infrastructure. [The largest of the small budgets.]

Green: Agriculture and industry.

Orange: healthcare.



The imperials would not allow them to pass in any direction south, and central of siberia, with anyone north of that being denied by the redline. Old gallian outposts outside of any of their territory would of spotted them first. Wherever in Siberia they went, there would be at least a single man there seemingly appearing out of nowhere to deny entry. Entry was denied worse than a kolechian trying to enter arstotzka. "Sorry comrade, but you are not allowed to enter the rest of russia and beyond. The country is entirely shut down, and moving through it would only hinder the process." One of the various random female border officers would state.


Rising Empire
Warsaw Settlement,Poland

Vice-roy Jeremiah has contacted Pendragon about their status. 
"Capitol, this is Viceroy Jeremiah sending transmission from Warsaw settlement." He said waiting for someone to appear in the interface.
Minister Max appeared.
"Hello Jeremiah" He said "Been a long time, what do you need of us?." 
"I want to thank you for the reinforcements you have sent." Jeremiah replied. "This will surely help us contain the chaos here."
"It will sure do" Max said "Remember those Imperial,gallian and redline people from russia?"
"Yes, I sure so" He said.
"I want you to contact them" Max said "Only poland is capable of contacting them. State that we want a trade deal and an alliance, aid them if needed, all this under the authorization of His majesty, Emperor Schneizel."
"Okay, will do" He said with a smile. Max nodded and the transmission went off. Jeremiah sighed and called for an officer to relay his orders.

"Hello, this is the Rising Empire. The transmission is being sent from Europe, Poland" Jeremiah said. "I am Jeremiah Gottwald, Vice-roy of the european sector of the rising empire. We wish to establish trade partnership and alliance with you. We are sure that you have recognized our empire from the last world congress."


A random radio guy looked at another. "Who's that?" The other guy only shrugged. "Alright." Instead they would put them on hold while they went through a repetitive loop of constantly looking for someone, and what government to do it. Then after fifteen minutes, General Natasha from the imperium was gotten instead. There wasn't even a explanation given as to why they were put on hold. "Hello, Gottwald. I am the Imperial heavy general Natasha aynsleyovna. So you want to trade here, and ally yes?" She said. "Then tell me what happened to the polish first, and then maybe I'll consider it?[SIZE= 14px]" She asked.[/SIZE]



Principality vehicle repair: 20% a line of siberian principality vehicles were moved into repair chambers. Repairs would commence.


Ocean goddess project: 20%

The center hull would begin being made with ragnite like the lower and bottom hull. And 10 watertight rooms were created. Construction was not halted, especially since some of the supplies to make the ship were already where it was hidden.



The applicants went through training as like with other generations. They went through the same hardship, and the same apocalyptic manner. However unusually, there were more of them due to how many were accepted. This time, veterans would come and help them. They would also train them in how to control their power. Scientists would observe this to reuse on later generations.


Seed Project: 95%. [Should be 9 months. -8.]

The seeds besides two would begin showing the same effects as the first.  They would thus be declared finalized, and the entire imperium will have a asexual food source.


Ragnite weapon construction: 100%. 

This project would mass produce ammo or misc for ragnite purposes. It would also repurpose/modify rounds in the arsenal.


Project: Helghast, Phase one: 20%. [Military, Government change,]

The government had finally come up with a new name. It was agreed upon that the empire would take the empress's middle name. And thus the selvarian empire was created. The "basic" infantry gear would of been reproduced ten-fold. Half and a quarter of the Imperial army would be equipped with it. Some people however when wearing it would combine it with their previous prewar military gear. Especially so they wouldn't need to pay for a vest. The new vest could easily have a substitute, it being the metro/prewar heavy vest. However such units would be drafted to a more practical military branch, as the heavy vest would make movement somewhat slower than usual for fast moving regular infantry.


Gallian capital repair: 40%.

The goddess, 10,000 redline, and anyone else [which I may of forgot due to being busy.] Would have started repairing the eastern district, and the first district. The tower would also begin being rebuilt. Heather would of moved on from the eastern district to the tower.
A random radio guy looked at another. "Who's that?" The other guy only shrugged. "Alright." Instead they would put them on hold while they went through a repetitive loop of constantly looking for someone, and what government to do it. Then after fifteen minutes, General Natasha from the imperium was gotten instead. There wasn't even a explanation given as to why they were put on hold. "Hello, Gottwald. I am the Imperial heavy general Natasha aynsleyovna. So you want to trade here, and ally yes?" She said. "Then tell me what happened to the polish first, and then maybe I'll consider it?[SIZE= 14px]" She asked.[/SIZE]

Rising Empire

Warsaw Settlement, Poland

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"The former Republic of Poland or RoP for short has collapsed due to the summaist. We were to move then and aid the people, but then decided to wait. The aliens then arrived and attacked multiple cities over the former land of the RoP, we the Rising Empire were forced to take action and has taken the territories of the RoP in order to help them. The claiming of the territories were however not aggresive, the people itself even praised us because we took action and saved their lives." He said with pride"And I forgot to mention, the Rising Empire had it's European Military Command base at moldova, a former territory of RoP."
Riser-Eclipsian Border

[SIZE= 16px]As Alexander Stella was enacting economic, military, social reforms that were fitting to the council, like increasing the interest taxes and creating new businesses, Byron and his allies we at the former Polish border. They were in a van, driving through grass and snow. They were all tired, the past few days they had been avoiding any patrols and towns. In the front were Umberion and Frios were in the front, with Hayden and Io behind them. In the back were possibly the three most important Eclipsian people right now. In the back Draco was reading one of Byron's books, which debates how humanism and knowledge of oneself and others surpasses the thoughts of a greater power and predetermined fate. Across from him was a sleeping Byron and Sao wrapped in a blanket, with Sao resting her head on Byron's.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]After a further hour of driving, they had reached Riser lands and soon they were pulled over by a Riser military patrol. The leader of the men, not recognizing who the driver was, asked them who they were and why they crossed the border. "Sir, we have important cargo. Do you mind taking us to your military command base nearby?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Wickedkent[/SIZE]

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