The World of Tomorrow

Cascadian 3rd Fleet, Carribbean Sea


In response to the Grenshu invasion of southern America and Central America, the CNDF has been mobilized in bulk to begin a series of devastating aerial and naval bombardment campaigns on all Grenshu forces and encampments in the area. The 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th Fleets covering the entire western coastline of Central America and the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th Fleets covering the eastern coastline of Central America. Despite this mass contribution of forces, the rest of Cascadia's coastlines remain defended due to the intense size of the CNDF, within two weeks of constant, neverending bombardment due to how well supplied the CNDF is, an incredibly large percentage of Grenshu troops have been killed from these campaigns alone, along with 5 frigates, 7 corvettes and 2 extra destroyers. Any and all attempts of another offensive into Cascadia have been crushed by a reinforced line on the Mexican border, due to the deaths of two million Cascadian troops in southern America, a mass recruitment surge has been reported. An additional 3.2 million signing up for the National Guard in honor of those that have died, meanwhile another industrial surge has been ordered by the federal government. To replace lost equipment, 14,500 new M1A3 Abrams have been ordered alongside 8,700 new F-38's. Cruise missiles from all eight fleets along both coasts of the bottleneck area have destroyed 80% of all Grenshu bases and installations set up in Central America and 77% in South America, this is for Cascadian territory only however. Bombing runs from B2 Spirits, too high for Grenshu AA and other weaponry to target accurately have destroyed an additional 5% of both in less than a week, leaving the Grenshu invasion force vastly disorganized and undersupplied as attempts to resupply them have been foiled by an overwhelming air superiority from the CNDF's carriers, multiple Grenshu attempts to sink the aircraft carriers in both oceans have failed disasteriously, resulting in even more aircraft loss for the Grenshu. Only 15% of remaining Grenshu installations in total still exist, with these being the victim of daily air raids as well, forcing the main Grenshu forces into hiding for the most part.


Cascadia has publicly celebrated these campaigns, titled Operation: Freedom's Strength and the population has rejoiced as the Grenshu are subject to a series of revenge attacks over the occupation of Cascadian land and murders of two million Cascadians, in Grenshu occupied territory they have been harrassed consistantly by rebel cells, a majority of the population has taken arms against them. The Southern Milita has reformed and surfaced as an organized resistance movement, being well supplied and with around two thirds of their personnel being well trained, these troops training the other third as they continue ambushing Grenshu convoys and conducting guriella warfare style attacks on them. The entirety of the population in occupied territory is in great support of the Southern Milita, which has taken to setting up various installations, outposts and bases within the thick and incredibly large Amazon rainforest, shooting down any Grenshu aircraft in the area as a warning and a sign that it is incredibly dangerous. Cascadian airdrops have kept them constantly supplied as the CNDF and CADF ensure air superiority over large quantities of occupied territory.


Close monitoring and surveillance of occupied territories has begun, the NIA seeing attempts of Grenshu forces using cities as cover so that the CNDF won't bombard their forces. Only to inform the CNDF of this and for the Grenshu's retreating forces to be pounded into the ground before they even reach the cities to use them as hostages essentially, so far they have ceased attempting this tactic as it has only led to more Grenshu deaths and equipment destruction. The Pentagon, after seeing how devestating Grenshu forces can be when fully prepared and supplied have given standing orders to all CDF forces to immediately engage any supply vehicle or aircraft approaching occupied territory and so far the Grenshu have gone 2 weeks without resupply. Artillery near the border has destroyed all Grenshu fortifications along the Mexican border, ensuring that no further advance can be made into Cascadian territory. As of now, around two and a half weeks after the inital Grenshu occupation and invasion of south and central America, not only has the CDF successfully stalled any form of advance or resupply from the Grenshu for the time being, but have vastly weakened their forces and secured air dominance once again over the majority of occupied territory.


Northern Amazon Rainforest, Cascadia

"Matthews, you got anything?" Sgt. Davis asked quietly as the young militiaman went up in-front of the main group, holding his hand up in a clenched fist to signal them to stop. Which they did, the other 18 militiamen and their armed jeep stopping as they kept their weapons raised and knelt down, flashlights on as they searched the surrounding area. It was a usual boiling night in the jungle, the ground was damp and muddy as their boots squelched against it, the jeep had no problem in traversing the terrain however as the gunner kept his eyes glued to his surroundings, a wet, thick sound emitting as multiple pairs of boots pressed down on the soft surface below. They'd all been supplied with less advanced Cascadian armor and equipment but well known for it's incredible effectiveness, weapons and armor included as the soldiers kept their eyes open. "Matthews?" Davis asked again, a little louder but still in a whisper kind of shout as the young millitaman turned around to the rest of his team and nodded slowly, giving the all-clear with his hand as the group continued moving. />"Python Actual, this is Central. Do you have the enemy encampment in sight, over?"</ Sgt. Davis' radio went off as he held it, the group stopping again as he gave his answer, still looking around for any signs of Grinch, the given nickname for the Grenshu. Due to their names' similiarity with Grinch and how ugly they looked underneath their armor. />"Affirmative, Central. We appear to be on the outer perimiter of the facility, requesting permission to advance and engage. Over."</ Davis replied, the squad turning off their flashlights as they awaited the signal, the moonlight had kept their lights relatively unnoticeable but given how close they were to the base now. It was deemed dangerous to keep them on, all the militiamen switching to nightvision as they went onto their bellies and hid in bushes, weeks of fighting Grinch had made them rather adept at jungle based warfare. />"Only engage when Python 1-1 gives the all-clear, over."</ Central replied, Davis nodding to his men as they readied their weapons, their Sargeant giving one last response. />"Copy, Central. We'll check in with 1-1, Davis, out."</


/>"1-1, this is Actual. What's the status of the enemy patrol, over?"</ Davis asked quietly as a Grinch drone flew overhead on it's usual routine and landed at the relatively small but important enemy facility, it was the headquarters of the Grenshu's anti-insurgency operations for Cascadian occupied territory. The biggest threat to the Militia's own operations and so it had to be taken out. />"Actual, this is 1-1. Their switching the guards, it's go-time." The other unit on the opposite side of the facility reported in as Davis gave one affirmative nod to his men, the militiamen preparing their big surprise as Python 1-1 began attacking the main entrance of the facility, gunfire lighting up on the other side, filling the previously quiet jungle with sound as birds flew away in every direction as two militiamen prepared the M990 Javelin, one of the more high-tech pieces of equipment they'd been supplied. Firing the rocket launcher as the missile went high up into the air before crashing down onto the base, destroying the drone that was parked on it's roof, eliminating the base's air support as it's alarms went off. The other militiamen firing their assault rifles and machine guns onto the guards below. "Gentlemen, I don't care if these god-fearing, delusional Grinchies throw their shit at you, you will not show them anything else other than your warface. Have you got me!?" Davis yelled over the fire in his usual gruff, commanding tone. The squad firmly replying with an enthusiastic, "Sir, yes sir!" More militiamen approached from the south as Python 1-2 moved in for the kill, until the entire base had been surrounded. Davis leading the charge with his own team as they ran down the small, muddy, bush covered hill that overlooked the Grenshu base. Some soldiers nearly slipping as they ran down it, sprinting to cover as they continued firing.


The firefight had lasted for over an hour, even later into the night as Python reported 9 casualities, 11 wounded with one jeep needing immediate repair. However the Grenshu's anti-insurgency headquarters had been knocked out along with all their records on the rebellion, the Militia and it's supporters. Two high-ranking Grenshu officers has also been taken prisoner in the attack, being taken for questioning by the Militia as they took all they could from the base, information, technology, weapons and everything that wasn't strapped down before destroying the base and disappearing back into the jungle. Upon arrival at the Bird's Nest, the Militia's main headquarters in the Amazon. Extending deep underground, it being a former Vestanian military bunker that had been found and repurposed after the war, Python was given great applause and a feast was held due to the success of the mission. The CDF was informed and a congratulations was given, alongside additional rations being airdropped in for them, Sgt. Davis was given a medal for Outstanding Leadership and Python unit itself was awarded the Significant Group Achievement trophy which is given for great tasks accomplished by an entire unit in the middle of a battle or operation.


A Southern Militiaman


United States of Varmandr Vestan Military Base, Peru

General Jameson stood by the edge of a table, looking at a map. Word had recently reached that the Cascadians had severely weakened South American Grenshu forces, now being called Grinches by troops.

He nodded to his second-in-command and he walked off, getting ready the transmission...

USVV Capitol Building, Rio de Janeiro

President Chris Baldr prepared and sent two transmissions, one to the Cascadians, and one to the entire VV nation.

the first was the Cascadians

"I know we haven't gotten along, but the Alien threat is too great for any pride to be held… I am proposing a joint-attack on Grenshu forces. You from the North, and us from the South. We shall start a battle on the Southern front, and you on the North. If all is successful, South America should be free of Grenshu. We will eagerly await your reply…"


The second was to the VV nation...

It was an hour-long transmission, calling for a Draft and raising patriotism, and that the Grenshu forces will not win now, will not win EVER. days after the transmission, the Vestanian military was raised to 3.9 million troops, although 1/3 of them only had a weeks's training. Also, as much as 50 million citizens were in armed militias, ready to fight back in case of invasion.

The more dramatic sections of the speech.

"This may be history's greatest moment, where either Humanity will die, or Humanity may survive…

But we will not just survive as the world crumbles...

We will rise like a fire, with ferocity and tenacity unlike any had ever seen. Like when our forefathers first came out of the jungle after the Day of Odin's Cleansing. We will show our might and do whatever we must, for this is not for us… This is for our children, our grandchildren. This is for our Ancestors in Valhalla, who we will ride with into Ragnarok's chaos someday, and with who we will cheer Frigg's Cheer one day, for all the gods are watching us, from Hlodyn , mother of the Earth, to Odin, the All-Father.

So find any way to help Mother Hlodyn, whether it be in factory, producing Droids, weapons, or supplies, or in the battlefield, defending our homeland… Already five million Vestanians had died, and many more children of the earth elsewhere… Do not let them die in vain...

So do this, brothers and sisters, for Odin, For Our ancestors, FOR VICTORY!"

Other Stuff

Industrial Plans:

Droid Manufacturing: Droids are now manufacture-ready, with 500 factories being devoted to work on them, each able to put out 100 common ones a month. Five Super-Droids are already produced.

Tech Research:

Project Cauliflower: (55%) (75% predicted on page 82)

Now the scientists started working on automated Turrets, AA guns, Mortars, and stationary defense weapons. Turrets and AA guns were easier to figure out how to put a computer in it, but the Mortars and Stationary Defense Weapons were hard to do. Project is ongoing.

Project Future: (0%) (Ended)

As the VFO fell, so did this project, although some interest was taken by the USVV
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Portland, Cascadia



Despite the Grenshu invasion, the Republic of Cascadia has seen it's usual healthy growth in public and private sectors of business and operation. The economy has risen in value by 2.4% since the invasion's start due to the mass production of weaponry and vehicles for the war effort. Many defense companies have seen a tremendous rise in profits and the drastic growth of the Defense Industry has had positive knockback effects on the rest of the Cascadian economy, with Singapore's collapse. PSX, the Portland Stock Exchange has become the world's most influential international trading center and handler of currency, international tourism has seen a drastic decrease to nearly 0% since the war began however this is highly expected to only last until the Grenshu threat is eliminated, minor tourism between the Rockies and Cascadia still exists however due to a lack of danger. Cascadian population rise has increased ten folds since 3254 and has risen from 7.8 million a year to 10.2 million a year as family welfare programs initiated by the government to persuade families to have more children begin working to great extents. Cascadian Airlines hasn't suffered as badly as economic experts predicted it to due to a lack of global tourism, due to nationwide flights in Cascadia itself remaining high in demand as the country continues to expand it's urban centers.


With a large scale exodus of Central America prior to the Grenshu invasion, resulting in 13.4 million people moving into homeland Cascadia. This has allowed the federal government to push plans of city rebuilding, so far the city of Chicago which was recently rebuilt before the Grenshu invasion has seen the largest growth in population due to the new housing project installed by the House of Representatives to give these millions of people new homes, raising from a population of 340,000 to 2.7 million in just two months, Miami, St. Louis, New Orleans and Austin have also seen similar growths in population. Miami's population raising from 139,000 to 417,465 in the same time span, New Orleans' from 98,000 to 378,000, St. Louis' from 230,000 to 459,000 and Austin's population hitting 892,000 in the last week, with a new surge of workers from these evacuated areas down south, the reconstruction of Cinncinati and Atlanta have been authorized to house 452,000 and 987,000 each respectively, these numbers only count for the metropolitan areas of these cities however and do not include the greater city area. The public sector has greatly supported the mass development of these cities as they expand to their pre-Great War sizes and statuses as many factories and defense companies begin employing hundreds of thousands of eager workers in these new cities.


In order to support this massive economic, urban and population boost. Vice President Underwood in conjunction with the Senate and approval from President jefferson has begun a new program known as CasWorks. A federally instituted jobs program designed to put the entire 13.4 million displaced people from Central America into work and into homes all across these newly rebuilt cities all over Cascadia, it has recieved a good deal of critism from those whom believe that it will not work but the Democratic Party has pushed it's agenda to combat the rise of the Republicans due to a surge of nationalism and xenophobia as the Grenshu invasion continues. New congressional elections are being held in Chicago, Austin, Miami and new Orleans to represent their new increased populations and so far the Republican and Cascadian-Only Parties have both seen a great increase in support, the Democrats have begun to worry that an alliance between the Republicans and CO parties may remove them as the House Majority which would be a great defeat for the Jefferson Administration, with the President not being in the House Majority party whilst in a successful term, it was a difficult political situation and so far VP Underwood has been given his assignment to fix it as the Democratic Party needs their position as top dog in Congress as the country expands and continues to grow at a rapid, nearly unmanagable rate, a stable political situation is required to continue this healthy growth and leadership and President Jefferson has begun working on uniting the two parties as to how to run the country.


Chicago, Cascadia


As part of a new government succession program, apart of the Jefferson Administration's plan to ensure that the Cascadian government is ready to operate in any crisis. Central government departments and agencies have been spread out around the country, Chicago being the new home of the Department of Foreign Affairs main building. Simmons of Foreign Affairs stepped out of his green and yellow taxi cab as the driver leaned over from his seat and said, "That'll be $5.40, pal." Simmons reaching into his pocket and plopping a $5 bill and some random change into the cab driver's hand as he walked off, suitcase in hand. The streets were busy as always, the sound of construction, immense amounts of traffic and constant chatter from the many other businessmen and women making their way from place to place on the street, Simmons manouvering his way past the crowds as to not bump into anyone, living in an urban area got people used to doing that. He looked down at his phone seeing the latest update from South Cascadia, the Vestanians had reached out to them for a joint operation, that was a pretty big surprise for the suited man as he sent a text to his assistant to bring the car round. Minutes later a sleek black sedan pulling up and Grace hopping out and happily opening the back door for him, she was of Singaporean decent. Having been on holiday in Las Vegas when the Grenshu had invaded and her home had been embroiled in conflict, she'd been lucky to find such a high paying job. She was a younger woman, early twenties with a bright enthusastic attitude and tone, dressed formally in a suit and skirt as Simmons got into the back and she closed the door behind him. Hopping in the front again and driving off.


Despite the resentment still held against the Vestanians by a majority of the Cascadian population, both the Pentagon and the Foreign Affairs Committee in Congress agreed that it'd be a very wise decision indeed to conduct a joint-strike against the Grenshu forces to successfully eliminate them. A reply was sent to the USVV government in a positive manner, however the Department of Defense had insisted on keeping strict boundaries of engagement, and that constant surveillance on the Vestan forces would be needed to ensure that the CDF could trust them during the operations. Vice President Underwood had encouraged Jefferson to authorize the deal, which she had eventually done so upon advise of her cabinet, however there were limitations put in place.


To the Vestanian Government,


"To the United States of Varmander Vestan's government. The Republic of Cascadia would be delighted to remove the Grenshu menace from both our continents as soon as possible, and we would be willing to conduct a joint operation with your forces. However strict limitations will be put in place to ensure that no wrong doings are done on either sides behalf, if the Grenshu are removed. Varmander Vestan will not recieve any Cascadian territory as a repayment and your forces will remain inside Vestanian territory before, during and after this offensive, if your forces spot an enemy that crosses the border into our land, inform our Surveillance operatives and we will handle it. Do not pursue them. In return Cascadian forces will not intrude on your land and will not request anything from your nation afterwards either. The plan will be to force them into a bottleneck and crush them from all sides whilst respecting pre-war boundaries. We hope you find these rules agreeable and if you have anything that you would wish to add then feel free to propose it."


The African Empire has seen large scale growth in cities from the fleeing families. The government, seeing the appeal of Cascadia's rebuilding of cities but having never had any grand cities except Lagos has begun a project in the largely unaffected north, Called 'Project Kuzaliwa Upya,' Also known as Project Rebirth. The remaining 100 billion in the funds have been appropriated there, with 31 billion remaining for any other projects needed.

In other news, the Africans have renounced their alliance with the VSVV, claiming that they are usurpers to old Vestan and all Sentinels and soldiers in the joint program have been withdrawn, instead moved into the south of Africa. @Domini Regum
Order Empire

The troops at the Oxford Wall soon received reinforcements in the form of 25k G-72 tanks and O-12 planes, the other 25k G-72s and O-12s were sent to France to help the forces there. With the reinforcements, the troops at the Oxford Wall went on the offensive, attacking the alien frontlines with the tanks while the planes provided air support. The Ordarian navy continues to pound alien occupied London.

In France, the Ordarian navy bombards alien positions close to the coast. The Ordarian army, which recently received reinforcements (read above), pushes against the Grenshu forces in Brittany while the Ordarian airforce provides air support.

@Loyal Guardian

Research Centers

Project Entwicklung is now complete. With the tech analyzed so far, scientists were able to create the D-20 Laser Rifle. The D-20 is the first weapon produced that has been fitted with alien technology, although very little was analyzed so improvements on the D-20 is expected as more alien tech are analyzed. The D-20 has improved recoil, fire rate, and battery capacity than the D-15. It can also burn halfway though titanium, which the D-15 couldn't do. The D-20 includes a scope, which can be attached and removed at will by the user.

Scientists have also developed the E-5 Combat Armor. It is the first armor produced to be fitted with alien technology. Same as the D-20, the E-5 is expected to be improved on as more alien tech gets analyzed. The E-5 is stronger than the combat armor used by Ordarian soldiers when it comes to resistance against lasers and projectiles. Both the D-20 and E-5 are being mass produced and being handed out to the troops. Troop maintenance cost is expected to double. The National GDP is now 1.315 Trillion.

D-20 and E-5:

Laser Rifle 3.pngStar Wars Stormtrooper.jpg

The researchers, disappointed with the results, performed another experiment. The same 3 groups were used in the new experiment, in which they would be exposed to lethal doses various nerve agents. The first group was exposed to VX, the second to Soman, and the third to Cyclosarin.

@Loyal Guardian

Project Entwicklung: Complete

Project H: 45%

Alien Tech Analization: 7%

Alien Experimentation: Ongoing

Tank and Aircraft Production: Complete
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[besides some parts, and the siberian line, I don't think this really relates since it is the aftermath of the Grenshu second wave. But tagged ya anyway.]


The fighting continued on, but it reached into a stalemate some of the drones were destroyed by running directly into a path of a katyusha launch, and or having a destroyer fill it with shells. The remaining one was ignored and was otherwise a priority for vehicles to shoot down. Several Grenshu bodies littering no man's land, But they couldn't even go near them without being shot at. Amanda was still in a locked room the alien from hours ago, a large build up of troops appeared to the door. One of them wearing the imperials new armor. [Explained in the imperium part.] He knocked on the wooden door three times. "Hello? Crazy god lady?" He put his ear to the door but couldn't hear anything. He just turned around at the 20+ soldiers standing there and shrugged. "Yeah I Don't kno-" The door would of busted down by Amanda throwing the alien through it. Surprising everyone. "YOU FUCKING ALIEN INVADING SCUM BASTARD MOTHERFUCKING DICK SUCKING GOAT FUCKER!!!!!" She walked out and picked up the alien again. "What?" Some of the soldiers only backs away as she walked past. Several of them looking into the room, Everything including various tables were destroyed, glass and other items destroyed and covering the floor everywhere, blood sprayed upon the walls, ceiling, and floor, and the light which was reinforced and hard to break was flickering and swinging around. They would look behind them when they heard a explosion, the valkyria having destroyed the final drone due to it somehow avoiding constant barrage from multiple sides.



Kiyoshi just put away her weapon, medics already attended to dead and wounded so there was not much else to help with at the moment. She wanted to help rebuild immediately, but the guard had sent her back home instead while the queen did it. Though she would still be credited anyway. She sat down in her personal throne/royal-chair. The Imperial goddess would walk in unexpectedly with a grenshu she captured by herself in the middle of their territory. She had rendered it unconscious. "Hello again zaki" she said. "That still is not my name!" She pouted. "Nonetheless, I brought you a present. It is already wrapped up in a nice suit for your audience." She picked up the alien when he or she woke up, and quickly threw it on the ground. Rendering it beat. "Sorry that I can't stay, I have to get back and return to doing goddess stuff again." She sighed and then started to leave. "Though I'm not going to fix your tower, That is a you problem." She left the citadel, kiyoshi was just annoyed further.



After the Grenshu were wiped out of the redline, They started to bury the bodies. Crystal would return to the palace with her younger sister, and the Grenshu bodies were used for their own autopsy. The rest were thrown into a closet underneath the palace until they figured out what to do with them. The goddess was in the office with Valerie, and sitting down relaxing with a fan blowing in Crystal's face. It was locked in place to prevent the fan from rotating. "So crystal, What are we going to do with the bodies of the invaders?" Valerie asked. "Strip the worthless bastards of their clothing, and commit to conducting a autopsy on them. I want to have fun the next time I murder one of them..." she said casually. "Err.. haha.... that is so, 'imperial'..... Of you." She was obviously uneasy by the comment. "I do not care, for they have tried destroying our people and possibly worse. In return they will only receive hell from me while in my lands. If I know they can survive without intestines, I will be more than happy to rip them out of their body and present it to them." Crystal said, looking over her shoulder next to her at Valerie. Her expression being unamused. "I also want full control over these lands. I'm getting tired of just being here, with the thought of existing for possibly hundreds of years watching others advance." She looked amused then. "But sis-" she was interrupted while crystal turned to her, her eyes now glowing blue. "You heard me perfectly. Give me these lands, or I'll let it burn and take these people elsewhere. A land of my own, shaped in my own way." She said annoyed. "Fine." Is all that was muttered silently, but crystal still heard. "Excellent!" She just smiled and seemed cheer-y. "Wait I di-" she was interrupted again. "Tell everyone here! Yay!" Valerie just sighed and left the room, she called the imperials about this instead. In the meantime, crystal had used a landline to call a yggdist priest. She told the priest to grow throughout the redline. Considering it was basically a religion about what she is, she considered it to be about her.



The imperials would quickly retake the surface, and sent their soldiers to the east with the destroyer and devastators. They would then go and recover the bodies for stockpiling. The glazov front was easily won by sheer numbers and kinetic force by constant shotguns and devastator heavy rounds if nothing else. They did take 15, survivors and they were sent to the dungeon with the rest of them. This time they had bothered to actually interrogate them like those at the siberian line, though they didn't much really care. They also took the gallian lands south, but glazov would remain controlled by gallia as well. The glazov front would then move south to patrol the lands for Grenshu. Some siberian line reinforcements would also be sent.


The emperor would use his cellphone when getting a call. "Yes?" He asked. "It is about one of your goddesses or whatever.... I believe my sister is power hungry, she just took the nation, and then made some of the military amuse her!" Valerie complained. "I see..." he hanged up on her. "Well, then. This is why we need a empress." He looked at the claymores besides the tank which were looking at the tank, one climbing around it trying to see what is wrong, and another one that was helping repair but was jumping about. She would be hit in the head and fall down to the ground with a large wrench, the wrench being wielded by a bored looking valkyria. "When is the tank going to work again?" He asked. He only got a shrug in response. "Very well then." He opened his flip phone. "Hello? Death korps automotive association? Our tank broke down. We squished too many aliens." He called them jokingly. After several hours, a single Imperial reaver drove by next to them. On the side of it was a Imperial soldier dawned in the new armor. He would jump down from the right side and look up at the track. He only remained silent as he looked at it. He put a tow on it and they tried moving but failed. He called for some friends, and half a hour later ten more Imperial reaver tanks appeared with 20+ people on them. They all towed the tank, it was enough to get it moving but it was considerably slow. Victor would return into the tank, and rest with the crew until they got back. Yuri and 'Nonna' was playing cards.

Earth and Surrounding Space

[SIZE= 16px]Around the world an unprecedented move has occurred. The numerous battles being fought around the world are coming to an end as Grenshu forces are retreating from the battlefield and are being redirected towards the East Siberian Complex and the countries occupied by the Grenshu. Many ships retreated from Earth's atmosphere and went into orbit. However a good sized fleet has positioned itself at the Siberian Complex. In a move to seize more land, the Grenshu stormed the Rockian colonies of Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Despite the defensive measures put up by the Rockies, the Grenshu numbers overwhelmed their forces and took over the area. The Grenshu in South America and Arabia also took all of their equipment and destroyed the bases they built to prevent any of their tech falling further into human hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu have also begun to build more facilities in the area, greatly expanding the complex. They built more defensive measures and infantry bases. They also landed all of the remaining Fortresses and built infantry bases around them. The remaining Grenshu fleet not on Earth appeared to be put in a defensive posture. The activity on the Moon also increased.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However despite this massive exodus of Grenshu troops and ships, they went for one last simultaneous attack on the world. The remaining Destroyers, which numbered nine in total, suddenly appeared over large cities. Portland, Eclipsim, Oxford, Radium Hot Springs, Randgriz, Lagos, Helsinki, Pendragon, and Berlin. Without warning the Destroyers bombarded the cities with half of their munitions and left entire city districts in ruin. Some shells even dug into the ground and exploded there, damaging some underground structures if the cities had them. And just after they fired their rounds, they retreated towards open space, save for three which went to the complex.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Fishman Lord @Kazami42 @Albion @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

Greater Grenshu Complex.png

(Greater Grenshu Complex or the GGC)


  • Line: Defense Ring (including the one in the middle)
  • Circle(ish): Infantry bases
  • Star: Defense Platform
  • Hexagon: Shipyard
  • Rectangle: Drone-Hub
  • Triangle: Fortresses
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Radium Hot Springs

The second Grenshu offensive did a good amount of damage, killing many and destroying several buildings. However, the city was still mostly secured, and the Grenshu eventually left. However, due to the fact that the Kingdom was still relatively safe compared to the rest of the world, immigration had spiked, and the city now had several immigrant communities, including Little Eclipsim, Singaporetown, and a few others. These communities were benefiting the city and making it grow.

Communications Center

A message was sent to the Cascadian government. "Greetings from the Kingdom. We have recently heard about the rebuilding of Chicago, and while we applaud your good work, we were under the impression that the Rebuilding Project was to transfer to the Rockies to rebuild Old Canada. We have complied with all of your terms, and simply wish to remind you that our country needs to be rebuilt as well."



Tensions were still very high in the city, as the Eclipsians were still seen as cowards and traitors. However, this ended when a Grenshu force crossed the Andes and opened fire on the city. Rockian and Eclipsian alike worked together to fight the invaders in a battle that lasted for a full night. Eventually at eight in the morning the following day, the last Grenshu was captured and sent to the Grenshu Facility in Sydney. The two forces, once opposing, now shook hands and retreated into the city to relax and celebrate, and also to mourn the many people who had died against the Grenshu.

@Loyal Guardian


The Rockian troops fought valiantly, shooting ten Grenshu for every Rockian lost. Yet, in the end, the Rockians simply didn't have the numbers to fight off the alien force. The men were slowly pushed until they were at the frozen coast, and they were soon crushed between the water and the Grenshu. As her force was overwhelmed, the general screamed her last words: "CALL THE BOATS! SAVE YOURSELVES! FOR THE MOUNTAINS OF HOME!" Then, she and her most trusted troops managed to hold off over two thousand Grenshu while her troops escaped. Unfortunately, the general was killed in the attempt, but the words "for the mountains of home" has become a wartime slogan.

Research Facilities

Both Project Posiedon and the Alien Translation continued. Scientists continued to make breakthroughs despite the Grenshu Invasion.


Attack on Radium Hot Springs survived.

Immigration spike.

Request for Cascadian crews to be sent to the Kingdom.

Battle of Santiago: Rockian/Eclipsian victory.

Battle of Kamchatka: Pyrrhic Grenshu victory.

Project Posiedon: 75%

Alien Translation: 30%

[SIZE= 22px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

After the Grenshu destroyer's attack on Portland, it had been shot down before it could make a getaway. Crashing 24 miles outside of the city where it is now being picked apart for technology as the others are, the city of Portland itself suffered little casualties as as the Early Warning System had given CERA limited time to begin an evacuation from downtown Portland which was predicted to be the area of attack, and it had been. Around 43 people were killed in the attack and 1,987 were wounded. Two buildings had collapsed and 8 were immensely damaged, accounting to around 11 billion dollars in property damage overall, however it had come as a relief to the Cascadian government that had predicted far more damage prior to the attack. Emergency services from all over Portland and the surrounding towns had been sent in to help with the rubble clearing and searching for the missing, 12 people had been found under the rubble all together. With the Grenshu in full retreat from all land that wasn't in Siberia, President Jefferson has so far returned to her Residence in Portland, making a speech over Cascadia's tactical victory against the Grenshu, the nation being in celebration over their victory over the alien invaders and the liberation of southern Cascadia from the now retreating alien forces, the affected areas of downtown Portland are already being rebuilt as the companies housed in those collapsed and damaged buildings have relocated across the city. A ceremonial victory dinner was held at the Presidential Residence for the Senate, Congress, CDF command and important Millitia figures who were awarded for their patriotism and acts of rebellion against the Grenshu.


Southern Cascadia has returned to normal in a decent amount of time, minor rebuilding efforts have started in some damaged cities during the initial invasion however the National Guard had been given strict orders to evade civilian casualities or property damage wherever they could and so damage was kept to a minimum, VC Day celebrations are being held all over the country, Victory in Cascadia day and approval in Congressional districts has spiked for the Democratic party due to Jefferson and Underwood's leadership in the war, a mass economic effort is being pushed across the country to benefit from the war as part of CasWorks' program, in-order to buy more approval for the Vice President the Democratic party has gone in favor of his jobs plan, with 10 million people having immigrated from southern Cascadia to homeland Cascadia, these people are still in need of a place to live permanently so they can contribute to the economy and so the rebuilding of two major east coast cities, Philadelphia and Pittsburgh have been authorized under Congressional approval along with Indianapolis in the Midwest. Since the war this economic plan of urban expansion has been bolstered by both political and nationwide approval alike.


Denver, Cascadia


Whilst Cascadian coastal cities have been experiencing major growth over the past few years, this growth continuing strong even now with more international trading. In the aftermath of the invasion, cities deep in Cascadia have also been experiencing great economic and social growth, Denver has become the world's leading city in the field of bioscience and healthcare. With new medical technology being researched at an increasing rate, the city's population has risen from 647,000 in 3254 to 1.2 million as of now and has begun international flights from the newly renamed Denver International Airport, when before it had only taken flights from within the nation itself. The University of Greater Colorado, one of the world's most prestigious universities has begun a 280 million dollar expansion to it's campus, this being a new and improved medical research and studying center for students. In Kansas City, with the 10 million refugees from southern Cascadia in the aftermath of the Grenshu invasion, has given the heartland city a population boom from 467,000 to 897,000 within a few months, the city has been somewhat struggling to cope with these new hundreds of thousands but a new grant given by the Kansas state government to the city has made it easier, with new housing projects being put in place to expand the city's urban zones and the city's main industry, farming and overall food processing and production booming. CasWorks has focused it's sight on the agricultural industry, looking to create as many as 550,000 jobs in the heartland states alone within the next 3 months.


Chicago and St. Louis have begun major transportation hubs as Cascadia expands it's large urban centers further east, with Chicago in-particular becoming it's own large financial center and St. Louis taking a lead in aviation industries and electronic utilities, contracting many large Airline companies to build their passenger planes for them and establishing many new processing plants on the outskirts of the city to begin increased production of electrical utlities which can range from everything from lightbulbs to entire electronic advertisement boards and holotechnology. The largest job provider so far however has been in the major Cascadian industry of construction, rebuilding various large cities all over the country has put as many as 4-5 million people to work, the majority of which being refugees of the invasion. Reconstruction on Las Vegas has been authorized under the FD Act and it is set to be open for business as usual by summer, the Nevada state government pushing for it to be open in time for the summer tourism rush.


Senate Building, Portland

President Jefferson headed down the long, marble corridor with her usual escort of guards. The woman looking busy enough on her phone as she continued with her conversation, "What do you mean there's no available assets to give them?" She asked, an underlying anger threatening to form at this unexpected news. "We had plenty of crews to give them just a month ago, you can't expect me to believe that they're all busy?" Jefferson was on the phone with Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Simmons who was still in Chicago for the time being. Simmons was sitting in his office at the Foreign Affairs building in midtown, the immensely large Chicago skyline being entirely visible from where he was sitting, leaning back in his seat as he replied. "It was Underwood, his CasWorks program took up all the available workers we had to give the Rockians because they're all busy reconstructing our own cities, he told me about his plan in advance but he very conveniently decided to leave out the part where we wouldn't have anything to give them left." He replied, the President back in Portland sighing angrily as she stopped at a corner inside the Senate building. "Well we're going to have to siphon some workers from one city or another and redirect them to Calgary." She told him, only for Simmons to chuckle as he spoke. "You do not want to do that, the Republicans will take that as an opportunity to paint you in a negative light in Congress, people'll see it as you hindering progress in favor of a foreign nation, and given the recent invasion people are more content knowing that their country is focusing on itself."


Jefferson continued with her walk through the building, heading outside and into her limousine, the door being closed behind her as she sat down. Rubbing at her forehead, "Well what do we do then? We can't just not do anything, that makes us look like we're pulling out on a deal, I don't want our reputation with the Rockians being spoiled because Underwood wanted to get his approval ratings up." Her convoy started up as the line of vehicles made their way to the Residence, Simmons speaking up again. "Our only real option is to wait for the reconstruction of Las Vegas to finish up so we can send them those workers. That'll be the least amount of time for them to wait, a few months at most. We can soften things up with them by having a meeting or something similar, I'll invite their foreign representatives to Chicago for a dinner and a meeting on our relations. The media will eat it up positively, both Cascadians and Rockians will see it as some kind of progress and I'll explain to them in private why we can't send crews to Calgary for the time being." Jefferson nodded despite it being a phone call, just a habit she'd grown over the years. "Good..good, blame Underwood if you have to. It is his fault after all, I'm gonna have a word with him later today about that stunt, thank you for your imput, Simmons. I'll speak with you later." The two then exchanged their goodbyes and hung up.


From the Department of Foreign Affairs to the Kingdom of the Rockies

Foreign Secretary, Henry Simmons


"We appreciate your kind thanks on the recent success that Chicago has had as a city. However it is to my displeasure that I must inform you that we cannot spare any construction crews to the city of Calgary for the time being, for political reasons I cannot disclose why over letter. However I am more than willing to disclose this information privately if you would accept my invitation to your diplomats to the city of Chicago for a formal dinner and meeting with myself. Rest assured however that within the coming months, three at the very most. You will have all the construction expertise that you need to rebuild the once great city of Calgary, together we can rebuild your nation and establish a brighter future for our relationship. But for the time being it is the will of the Cascadian people to focus on rebuilding our own nation first, I know you will understand as politicans yourselves. The people's desires come before anyone else's, I thank you for your time and hope that you will accept my invitation."

The war is won. A fourth of Lagos destroyed, and 12 million civilians dead. Religious fervor grips the country as bantu religions surge once more, though the phoenix is the figurehead of the religion. The government has paid the conscripts and laid them off. They've begun to rebuild Cairo, Tunis, Marrakesh, Lagos, and Addis Ababa in massive public work projects. Former soldiers who are healthy are put to work on these projects, building houses, hospitals and commercial stores or laying down roads, railroads and building airstrips in the first part of rebuilding the nation. At the head of this nation is Abayomi Nahide, and he plans for greatness.
Unfortunately for Abayomi, a heart attack claimed his life, leaving his son Musa Keita III in his place to rule. Though awful at military matters, he is an administrative and diplomatic genius. All hail the Emperor!

in other news, the Emperor has cut back funding from all projects but the Saharan Farms, with a plan in place. We will now list the plan.

The Emperor is hiring all former conscripts to help construct the Saharan Farms, providing a valuable six million workmen to the constructions. The emperor claims that once all of his people are fed well, which his father did not care about, he will start a public works program for the poor and the unemployed in which you will work on infrastructure, new housing, new shops, skyscrapers, railroads and roads. If you join this workforce, you will be rewarded either a college scholarship or a paycheck for your work. 

Once this is done, the president will then begin the transferal away from Oil and Coal based factories, power plants and cars, instead favoring a new solar project on the vast swathes of untouched saharan land, where he will build large solar farms. This will be a part of the public works program, of course. The power will be used for the large quantities of new housing districts the cities they are building will use, which will also use large quantities of timber. The emperor plans to prospect these lands and begin the production of large quantities of steel, rare earth minerals, and other valuable minerals in the earths crust which will further be used for new factories and skyscrapers.

The Emperor plans then to build more mines. If all goes well, all the projects will be done in three years, speeding up gradually as the country improves.  The Country will be a superpower that might even contend with the Eclipsian Federation or Republic of Cascadia.

This was Tej News, reporting to all the people in Addis Ababa. Please have a safe night.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Alteras @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord
Minister Council Bunker

"Hey, the aliens are on the run! Looks like we've-" MAF Torrad was interrupted by a series of large explosions. Those explosions shook the entire bunker complex. Multiple pipes and pieces of equipment fell out of place during this. "Bloody Hell! What was that? Everyone alright?" PM Kord said. "I think so." "Yes." "Yep." "Yea." "Great. Let's go up to the surface and see what the hell happened there."

Oxford, British Province

When the Ministers got to the surface, they went to the roof of the capitol building, which was probably the most intact building in the city right now. They saw half of the city in ruins, the cries of multiple citizens could be heard. "My god..." "Fucking aliens." A general approached from behind. "Sirs, the aliens are on the run. France, Denmark, and London have been liberated. The aliens are retreating to Siberia." "Have the army put on standby. Oh, and start rebuilding Oxford." PM Kord said. "At once sir." The general saluted and then left.

Rebuilding of Oxford: Estimated Time of Completion 3 months
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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The Great Western Offensive had suddenly ended with all of the Grenshu forces retreating towards the recently expanded Siberian Complex. At first citizens thought that it was all over, and the country can start rebuilding and forget the past. However the sudden appearance of a Grenshu Destroyer over the city shocked the civilians. Even though the warning system was able to get most of the citizens underground, some didn't make it when the Destroyer bombarded the city. Some iconic buildings were destroyed, entire city blocks gone, and other buildings severely damaged. In total about 66% of the city was effected in some way, but only about 15% was completely devastated. Byron and his two most trusted advisers walked out from the underground and saw the destruction. He was able to convince the wavering Council to initiate OP Mercy Two, which would once again see a surge in civilian volunteers. The city's reconstruction is expected to be completed within three months.

[SIZE= 16px]In Santiago, the battle was exhausting but won. A Eclipsian Corporal was walking down a street and noticed a Rockian soldier, one of very few who had stayed behind without the Eclipsians noticing, sitting against a partially destroyed wall. The Corporal walked over to the soldier and sat next to him, knowing that he was in all technicality his enemy. The Corporal decided to speak first. "So..... this alien invasion concept actually happened huh?" He said nervously, not knowing how to start the conversation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord  [/SIZE]

Oxford, Order Empire

The Grenshu experimented in the chambers were still under experimentation. Their suits, once again, yielded no results with the exception of VX, but ince again that was quickly snuffed. As for the three groups, the gasses seem to have little effect on them, except for the VX. The VX Gas showed signs of temporary paralysis lasting twenty seconds, and the aftereffect was described as short vomiting sessions that lasted about fifteen seconds.

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Earth and surrounding Space[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Humanity thinks that they successfully made the Grenshu retreat themselves, when in reality they were the opposite. Suddenly a Za'ha'kya fleet arrived in system and quickly began engaging the Grenshu fleet. This resulted in a very large space battle that was happening right next to Earth. The shots fired by both fleets and their ships destruction could be seen by the surface of the planet by day and by night, where it became more visual. The battle lasted only a day or so, and resulted in a Za'ha'kya victory. However the Grenshu Capitol ship retreated to Saturn along with a Destroyer and a few Corvettes, and the Grenshu Lunar Base was still intact and heavily defended. The Za'ha'kya also noticed the deployment of large quantities of Grenshu on one section of the planet in a massive defense complex, which is a typical tactic for them in the event of a apparent last stand. The Za'ha'kya also noticed something that made them smile with joy, this planet did in fact have intelligent life and it appears that they have been fighting the Grenshu invasion themselves. The Za'ha'kya began to land troops in what appeared to be major settlements and ordered their men to learn the native tongue, as well as aid them in any endeavors they face. These cities would turn out to be Eclipsim, Solaris, Portland, Las Vegas, Oxford, London, Paris, Radium Hot Springs, and Lagos (I chose these cities as they were effected by the war and they are the largest). Before hand they sent symbols of peace and harmony, to show that they were not like the Grenhsu.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Fishman Lord @Albion   [/SIZE]
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Earth and Surrounding Space

[SIZE= 16px]Around the world an unprecedented move has occurred. The numerous battles being fought around the world are coming to an end as Grenshu forces are retreating from the battlefield and are being redirected towards the East Siberian Complex and the countries occupied by the Grenshu. Many ships retreated from Earth's atmosphere and went into orbit. However a good sized fleet has positioned itself at the Siberian Complex. In a move to seize more land, the Grenshu stormed the Rockian colonies of Kamchatka and Sakhalin. Despite the defensive measures put up by the Rockies, the Grenshu numbers overwhelmed their forces and took over the area. The Grenshu in South America and Arabia also took all of their equipment and destroyed the bases they built to prevent any of their tech falling further into human hands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu have also begun to build more facilities in the area, greatly expanding the complex. They built more defensive measures and infantry bases. They also landed all of the remaining Fortresses and built infantry bases around them. The remaining Grenshu fleet not on Earth appeared to be put in a defensive posture. The activity on the Moon also increased.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However despite this massive exodus of Grenshu troops and ships, they went for one last simultaneous attack on the world. The remaining Destroyers, which numbered nine in total, suddenly appeared over large cities. Portland, Eclipsim, Oxford, Radium Hot Springs, Randgriz, Lagos, Helsinki, Pendragon, and Berlin. Without warning the Destroyers bombarded the cities with half of their munitions and left entire city districts in ruin. Some shells even dug into the ground and exploded there, damaging some underground structures if the cities had them. And just after they fired their rounds, they retreated towards open space, save for three which went to the complex.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Fishman Lord @Kazami42 @Albion @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

View attachment 180497

(Greater Grenshu Complex or the GGC)


  • Line: Defense Ring (including the one in the middle)
  • Circle(ish): Infantry bases
  • Star: Defense Platform
  • Hexagon: Shipyard
  • Rectangle: Drone-Hub
  • Triangle: Fortresses

[Now they fucked up.]


The city was fine and well. The Imperial goddess had just left the citadel, and the batomys was at the Imperial homeland finishing it's repair. The surviving and returning maids and royal guard would all be in the main hall relaxing. Heather had returned before the Grenshu invasion and been sleeping in the citadel ever since, not even recognizing that a alien threat even occurred. She had grown extremely tired after her child birth, and only a woke whenever hungry, or having to use the restroom. Otherwise she would appear as if she was in a hibernation state. She when awake would often appear to look like she was sleep walkinf when she actually wasn't, and at times would unknowing be using a very unnoticeable amount of power, But was enough for her to glow in the dark. She would often be walking down the halls at night trying to find the refrigerator by herself, As she wasn't given anything to communicate to the maids with. Because of this hibernation state, Jennifer would have to look over the children, as she usually wouldn't stay awake long enough to feed them, often passing put every hour and no matter the time she would wake up at night.


After a month of this strange behavior, and having a doctor and a scientist stalk her. She would of gotten out of her hibernation state. Not knowing what day, year, or month it was. She would also have to be dressed manually during her sleep by the maids. However she hasn't had a shower in a month, and thus she took one. After that she would walk put to go to her throne in the main hall, only to be greeted with the gallian goddess kiyoshi. "WHO THE HELL ARE YOU? INTRUDER!" She would go into her valkyria state and her appearance had changed, and have her flame engulf the area around her. The main hall not being affected. She would show her teeth, and since she had no weapon, that would be one of her ways of attacking. She would dash around the room repeatedly. "What??? Aren't you supposed to be in a coma?!?!?" She was surprised. Heather just dashing up to her and slapping her as hard as she could, before she grabbed her by the neck collar and threw her to the other side of the room. She would begin staring at her kiyoshi. "I am your goddess, I-" she was interrupted. Heather would of quickly appeared in front of her, and started choking her out. "IF ANYONE IS A GODDESS HERE, IT IS ME. I HELP THESE PEOPLE AND YOU JUST WALKED IN HERE! I SHOULD HAVE YOU KILLED SIMPLY FOR IMPERSONATION." She would continue choking her out to the point that kiyoshi's face started changing color due to the lack of oxygen. Not even her going into her form helped her at all.


Jennifer would of walked in from a side room. [SIZE= 14px]"What is going on her-....." She asked. "Don't worry! Everything is perfectly fine, I am just getting rid of trash." Heather said. "That isn't trash Heather, That is the city guardian..." Jennifer then stared. "I thoufht I was supposed to be the city guardian?" Heather looked at Jennifer, she was still choking kiyoshi out and she slowly had her eyes close. "You were in a coma for a month. Now unhand her." She then crossed her arms. "Fine." She let go of kiyoshi, she was struggling to breathe but seconds later she passed out. "What happened?" Heather asked everything was later explained. Heather only responded in a sad sigh before walking outside, Jennifer attempting to wake up kiyoshi and it worked.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]A hour later, Heather was in one of the side portions of the citadel. She kept her Lance which actually looked like a Lance with her, especially since the plants act in a strange way to it. A destroyer would of appeared over the central district [as otherwise it'd need to be higher in the air or it wouldn't be capable of doing as what your post detailed.] And bombing everything. "Damn it." She walked up to the citadel wall and jumped to the top of it, walking on the roof and then raising her Lance with a annoyed expression. "I am not in the fucking mood for your bullshit!" She then aimed it at the destroyer and started firing a constant Beam into it. In the same time the Imperial goddess saw and sighed, before attacking it as well. Kiyoshi would look out a window. "GAH! It's THEM again? They realize they are not anywhere near as powerful as us right?" She would then sprint around until going through the front door. The destroyer was still firing and the shield was still protecting it, However kiyoshi fired a beam into it as well. Downing it's shields. [Because two goddesses, and a descendent from the strongest valkyria is capable of inflicting far worse on none alien technology.][/SIZE]


[SIZE= 14px]It would begin trying to escape due to the shields collapsing, the ragnite chewing it away. They would fire all over the underside of the ship, the engine area included. With a constant Beam and a power of 30 for the goddesses, The underside of the ship was as they say scientifically: Screwed. The wall defenders and any ground vehicle capable of firing into the air would begin doing so, and hit random parts of the destroyer. Before it could escape, it started to instead plummet to the ground. But they wouldn't let up the fire until out of view, The Grenshu had pissed them off for far too long. The ship would eventually crash into the harbour, and Jennifer and a mechanized army of 1,000 including 5 APCTs, and 10 claymores would be sent to investigate. The Imperial goddess would also be interested and go hunting with them... [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]The citizens being both amazed and terrified that there was actually more than a single valkyria. K[/SIZE][SIZE= 14px]iyoshi would have to commit a speech about the Grenshu again, and Heather would return into the citadel, she would be writing on a document. The document was 28 pages, and demanded that more valkyrur, Claymores, and vehicles be sent to the siberian line, and throughout gallia. After a hour, 40 APCTs, 3,000 gallians, Hell's valkyrie Squad, Squad 422, And 5 gallian Rex's would be sent to the siberian line. The harbour was fine besides some storage houses, The eastern district was already destroyed so the bombardment proved irrelevant, and the main district was 60% damaged. Besides that everything else was fine. The royal fleet/navy had returned with a fighter and corvette, and technology would begin to be overseen by scientists.[/SIZE]





The redline would continue to go down a strange unknown path. Their goddess now leading the military, And having them paint portraits of her. She didn't do much else than that, but she did make the military reinforce the palace and the city it resided in. However after hearing of gallia being attacked again, the goddess was pissed again. As they were allies. "WHAT? GRENSHU? Alright..... alright..... sure.... I'll do something about it." She hanged up before calling in her sister. "Valerie.." she said. "Yes? What is it?" She asked. "Those idiots invaded again. I thought they would of learned when they got thwarted the first teo times, but apparently not. They tried to perform some absurd stunt to destroy the entire city, but the goddesses took it down before it could do so. I am going to need you to send 30,000 to the siberian line to prepare for an retaliation strike when I command it, And 10,000 to gallia to help rebuild it. I also want someone to look at that technology they left so gratefully gave to us free of charge." She said, preventing Valerie from asking or being fully surprised as her questions were already answered. She only shook her head. "It shall be done my lady..." she left.



After the imperials had spent five hours repairing the right track, they could continue. "The tank is ready my lord, you are all set to spread your glory to the world." A engineer said. "Excellent, Now we must head to the siberian line as originally planned. Farewell." They would part ways and the tank would be started up again with the crew. "So where are we going now?" Katyusha asked. "We are going to the siberian line. There we can hold siberia, And eventually route out the invaders. But we must perform various scouting missions.... which is why I've brought a box of cameras with us." They would be on their way. The Russian queen by now already having reached the line, and providing itself as a artillery/oversized howitzer against remaining infantry invading the line.

They would also begin analysis upon the alien technology, mostly from the weapons and armor.



The radio station would begin being dismantled, the parts would return to the mainland after everything was dismantled. Making svalbard a communication deadzone for anything outside of it. Parts would also be taken from the damaged radio stations, and the stations such as isjford and the svalbard satellite station. All data not destroyed would be taken by any means possible that were there already, and any satellites still in orbit of the planet without being destroyed by the Grenshu, appearing as debris would either be transferred to the Imperial communications headquarters. Some more important things there which needed repairs or could be moved would also be taken. Besides that, the invasion rendered it near-useless for other tasks. Anything controversial that existed there would be completely destroyed afterwards. Small amounts of ships at a time would be transporting them back to the mainland. As for the ships which could be saved or were not destroyed during the initial invasion, a a few dozen ragnite powered infantry ships would drag them away as well. For any ships which obtained some form of flooding, several eclispians were stationed upon the ships to deal with the problem upon the way. 



The line was held, and the wounded being healed with ragnaid. It healed most of their wounds except for those with severe injuries such as a broken and dislocated leg, which ragnaid would only heal them but not fix the actual problem. After the batomys arrived, the emperor got out of the tank and went to AMR-1. He would personally visit Joseph Huxinfold. "Hello general." Victor said. "Hello!" He saluted. "Yes, at ease. Anyway, I have brought cameras. 42 to be exact. I just need them attached to something mobile and connected back to a computer live." He instructed. "We can do that, Also we have taken 7 of them prisoner here. There may of been more beyond the line." He responded. "Try to interrogate them, Get them to tell us whatever they know. I'll give you Leila peron to make the job go faster." He left. "Uhh... thank you sir." He said confused. Three hours later, half of the cameras were attached to either small RC cars, or very quick hellcat jeeps which were very light and made expendable. After they were connected live to a series of computers victor was informed over radio. "We have the cameras up Lord victor, they are recording live as we speak." He would look at one of the screens. "Victor would be playing with a camera before fixing it's position. "Alright, send them east, record whatever you find." He said to the camera before the vehicles throughout the line would then proceed east. They would await for any kind of result.



The Imperial autopsy is still underway. [Waiting on any results.]



The attempts continue. [Still waiting for results.]



The redline autopsy has entered it's second day. [Waiting on any results.]



Just started. [Ignore this for a page or two.]



They started bringing in people to recover and analyze the technology from the various Grenshu air-vehicles.



The imperials started beginning to analyze the armour and the weapons of the grenshu.



The redline had begun analyzing both armor, weapons, and the ship technology.

[Will ask agent for these things and how long.]



Rebuilding randgriz: [0% Will take 4 months due to mass help from the redline.]

The city would be started to be under repairs. The eastern and first districts have to be rebuilt first.



Unfortunately for Abayomi, a heart attack claimed his life, leaving his son Musa Keita III in his place to rule. Though awful at military matters, he is an administrative and diplomatic genius. All hail the Emperor!

in other news, the Emperor has cut back funding from all projects but the Saharan Farms, with a plan in place. We will now list the plan.

The Emperor is hiring all former conscripts to help construct the Saharan Farms, providing a valuable six million workmen to the constructions. The emperor claims that once all of his people are fed well, which his father did not care about, he will start a public works program for the poor and the unemployed in which you will work on infrastructure, new housing, new shops, skyscrapers, railroads and roads. If you join this workforce, you will be rewarded either a college scholarship or a paycheck for your work. 

Once this is done, the president will then begin the transferal away from Oil and Coal based factories, power plants and cars, instead favoring a new solar project on the vast swathes of untouched saharan land, where he will build large solar farms. This will be a part of the public works program, of course. The power will be used for the large quantities of new housing districts the cities they are building will use, which will also use large quantities of timber. The emperor plans to prospect these lands and begin the production of large quantities of steel, rare earth minerals, and other valuable minerals in the earths crust which will further be used for new factories and skyscrapers.

The Emperor plans then to build more mines. If all goes well, all the projects will be done in three years, speeding up gradually as the country improves.  The Country will be a superpower that might even contend with the Eclipsian Federation or Republic of Cascadia.

This was Tej News, reporting to all the people in Addis Ababa. Please have a safe night.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Alteras @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord

[Unrelated because I can't actually respond to you at the moment.]

The fruit shipment to the redline would of been met with the red line's goddess, a tall towering woman with white - silver long hair and a scythe bigger than her entire body on her back. She would of been made aware of Valerie's trade and given them the crate of ragnite.
Mansa Keita was quite surprised to learn that new aliens had not only wrecked most of the Grenshu fleet but also are now assisting the people rebuilding. He therefore decides to see these aliens for himself and meet with them, as he is ever the diplomat. @Loyal Guardian

the shipment of ragnite is received and the scientists are now beginning to test the qualities of this mineral.

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Mansa Keita has sent a diplomatic message to the Order Empire.

"My father... he was not a bright man with diplomacy. He joined a weak alliance and did little to assist his allied. But I am not my father. I wish to join the New World Alliance. I assure you, I will be a valuable asset. My nation has vast quantities of minerals, oils, and we have much food and coffee. I will be a valuable part of this alliance if my nation can join." @Agent141

The soldier looked straight ahead for a while before responding. "Grenshu, Risers, Vestanians,... Eclipsians... what does it matter. The King tells us where to point our guns, and we shoot. Same with you, I suppose." He sits in silence for a few more moments before speaking again. "Grenshu probably have people that they love too. They probably have friends, family, all the stuff. It's no easier to shoot one of them than it is too shoot one of you or me, at least from my perspective."

@Loyal Guardian


After receiving the reply from Cascadia, a diplomat was put on a plane to Chicago. After arriving, he went to meet up with the Cascadian representative. "Ah, you've built a wonderful city here. It is as beautiful as if there was never any war here to begin with. But, I must ask for the sake of my nation, why were the workers here instead of rebuilding Vancouver or some other Rockian city? While we know you must focus on your own nation first, settlers in our cities find it... irritating to see Cascadia build marvelous cities such as this while they are forced to live and work in partially collapsed buildings using infrastructure out of date by a thousand years."



Due to the long delay from Cascadia, Calgary had been completed without their help. It was now a thriving city outfitted with all modern conviences. Almost 50% of the population are immigrants thanks to the safety from the Grenshu Invasion, and it is a hub of cultural diversity. The agriculture in the area is booming, and all of the workers to farm it have made agriculture a major business here. (Also, if anyone says this is coming out of nowhere, I did start this project a while ago, I simply didn't have the time to include it when I wrote, so just say it's been going on in the background.)

Research Facilities

Both Project Posiedon and the Alien Translation continue steadily along. In the Vancouver Island Shipyard, a dome strong enough to withstand undersea pressure is finally complete, as well as a mass air production device, so now focus has been moved to an undersea dock to transport people and other kinds of underwater architecture.


Soldiers in Santiago: A film about men in the depths of war.

Diplomat sent to Cascadia.

Calgary rebuilt.

Project Posiedon: 80%

Alien Translation: 40%
Communications Center, Oxford

Many of the Communication Stations were damaged but the main communicator was intact. MDA Alastair noticed that there was an incoming message from the African Empire. After listening to the message, Alastair turned opened communication channels and replied. "We would like for you to be in the NWA. We believe that your nation's materials will be a valuable asset for the NWA. But, that's not for us alone to decide. I'll inform the others of your request. We'll get back to you soon." Alastair then hailed the Eclipsians, Cascadians, and Singaporeans of the request.

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone@Alteras


Citizens all over the empire celebrate the victory over the Grenshu. They are also cheering on the Za'Ha'Kya troops for aiding humanity against the Grenshu. After the festivities, the citizens go back to working hard rebuilding the nation, any Za'Ha'Kya help is welcome.

Research Centers

Alien Tech Analyzation continues. Project H is gaining traction. Alien Experimentation is halted for the time being.

Project H: 55%

Alien Tech Analyzation: 8%

Alien Expirimentation: Halted

[SIZE= 16px]"I guess you're right. Hell i bet after this is all over my country is going into another civil war, and the military has o choose between the president or the council. In a way you guys are lucky, you haven't had to face those problems all to often. I guess those are the consequences of being called 'the strongest'." The Corporal said with air quotes. He then took off his helmet and breathed in some air. "Well..... considering those guys are sentient beings as well, i wouldn't be surprised if they had friends or some kind of family." He stopped for a moment, took in a breath, and spoke again. "However there are substantial differences between us, the Grenshu, and these Za'ha'kya that have been going around. We're divided, we're stubborn, and most importantly we hate one another. That's the concept of man i guess......" The Corporal said putting his head against the wall.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord[/SIZE] (btw you forgot about the Za'ha'kya in your post)

[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]At first the Za'ha'kya were met with hostility, however images they were sending was enough to convince the city that they were friendly and meant no harm to humanity. They had begun to aid in the rebuilding of the city, aid the military for strategy, interrogating the Grenshu who show signs of defection, and some of their higher ranks are learning English to increase communication with us. With their aid Eclipsim is now expected to be rebuilt within a month or two. Through their interrogation, they have been able to confirm that not just ten but over thirty Grenshu wish to defect to humanity and so they did. And so far a Za'ha'kya officer, who's name we no know is Ju'lua, has learn't enough English to start a simple conversation.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In the President's Building a transmission was picked up by the Order Empire, asking if they were fine with the African Empire joining the NWA. Thankfully this was a presidential matter and not a council one, so Byron was able to make the call himself. "To the Order Empire, you can tell the Africans that i am in full support of their joining."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Australia[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the Grenshu invasion practically over, the Council has authorized 500,000 troops to once again begin deploying to Australia, as well as putting up a official draft to gain 1.5 million soldiers to compensate for the ones lost. They claim the deployment to Australia is so that 'We can aid the Rockians and the people of the region rebuild if necessary'. However political analysts and former military men say this is only going to increase tension between the two nations, after they may very well have increased them due to the invasion. A audio recording of a prominent Councilman was released to the public, where he says that the Council only put the ceasefire in place so the aliens could be dealt with. This not only turned more of the public into Byron's favor, but also increased tensions between the Eclipsians and Rockians.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord [/SIZE](sorry for doing this, i really am, but this is to progress things further)[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]

Portland, Cascadia

With the arrival of this new alien force, it was met with a great deal of hostility and distrust. Due to the recent Grenshu invasion of course, the space battle had been a spectacle across the entire nation with news outlets, social media and entire cities booming up with talk about it. The CDF paid close attention to the battle and it's events in-order to see if either force made an aggressive move towards Earth, however it had been solely focused on one another rather than the planet below. With the Za'ha'kya's arrival in Las Vegas and Portland, they had instantly been assigned a large military detail to watch over the personnel they sent with the orders that they are to be unarmed for the entirety of their stay in those cities and on any Cascadian soil. The Department of Foreign Affairs has sent a team of diplomats to attempt opening lines of communication with the Za'ha'kya, with the Cascadians being distasteful at other nations' eagerly giving away the English language for them to learn, the overall opinion being that they would've thought after being invaded by aliens that they wouldn't so easily give them our language to learn the next time aliens show up. However that hasn't been the case and there is fear in Cascadia that history will repeat itself immediately after the invasion, with peaceful protests about the alien presence in Portland.


President Jefferson gave an address to the nation involving the newest alien arrival, encouraging the Cascadian people to remain content with the situation for the time being as the Za'ha'kya have so far shown no ill intentions, but has reassured people that the government will be closely monitoring them to ensure that their intentions are pure for national security reasons. The nation has so far had a mostly positive response to her speech and has mostly become less bothered by their appearance on Cascadian soil, Pastor has been sent back to training exercises whilst his Nanosuit has been taken in for upgrades, primarily for one specific upgrade however nothing has been disclosed to anyone lower than a Classified security clearance for obvious reasons.


Meanwhile tensions rise in Congress and the Senate between the two dominant and so far warring parties, with the Republicans putting increased pressure on the Democrats to deny the Za'ha'kya access to Cascadian soil due to how insensitive it is to the survivors of the Grenshu invasion, allowing more aliens onto the country's soil after fighting off an invasion. Their more xenophobic policies have been gaining support in Southern Cascadia due to them being the primary victims of the invasion, however the Democrats have been largely defending their stance on the Za'ha'kya's appearance by reminding them that it is a completely different faction than the Grenshu. Congressman Carosa, the primary Democratic nominee for head of the South Cascadian Caucus and the Hispanic Caucus has been fighting a tough battle against rising right wing political parties in southern Cascadia but has recieved a large amount of funding from the DNC to support his campaign for election of head of the Hispanic Caucus, putting him up against the currently sitting chairman, David Hallianso, a Republican. Vice President Underwood's approval ratings have gone up by as much as 24% over his new CasWorks program, which has continued putting more people in jobs, primarily in construction of new major cities in the East whilst the Jefferson Administration focuses on expanding the nation's positive statistics.


Chicago, Cascadia


Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Simmons himself had chosen to greet the Rockian diplomat as a way of showing respect after failing to uphold their end of the deal, the Jefferson Administration has recieved some flak in Congress from other parties over them failing to maintain integrity with their neighbor, and President Jefferson had personally reprimanded Vice President Underwood for diverting important construction resources and workers to other cities rather than the Rockies which need it more so than the East Coast does. However this had started the argument between them of what was more important, solving a Cascadian housing issue with 10 million people still requiring a permenant home to live in after evacuating from Central America during the invasion or relations with another country. For the sake of the Democratic Party's stability though, both leaders decided to cool down about it and have some time apart professionally. Chicago's population had recently hit 2.9 million, nearly hitting the 3 million mark but having slowed down to a more stable, substainable rate of growth, with the city now being a major economic center and manufacturer of internationally sold goods. As the Rockian diplomat's plane arrived at Chicago Intl. Airport, Simmons greeted him, the two heading to their limousine in the convoy as it drove towards downtown Chicago, traffic being cleared along the way to make it as quick as possible to their destination, the Department of Foreign Affairs' main office building. The convoy arriving there in around twenty minutes and the two heading inside, the meeting was held on the top floor of the skyscraper, as always giving one of the best views of the city. As the two began speaking.


"I appreciate the compliment, it is a rather fine city indeed. We use the pre-war blueprints of the city's buildings, infrastructure and street layout to replicate it perfectly, a little funfact for you." He chuckled, before returning to the serious matter of discussion. "I understand that your people must be irritated to say the least to see their neighbors living in luxury and whatnot, and I can assure you that they too will be able to live in that kind of high living soon. However due to a current political situation, a difficult one at that between the President and Vice President, we've not been able to send any resources your way to assist, Vice President Underwood, in a publicity stunt to boost his approval ratings decided that it'd be a good idea to implement a new jobs program with rebuilding major cities in Eastern Cascadia, CasWorks, I'm sure you've heard of it on the news or internet. It's working very well I'll give him that but prior to that he'd been given clear instructions by the President to refrain from any more construction projects whilst resources and workers were being gathered to be sent to your nation and so when he intentionally went against her instructions, well you know. She wasn't a fan of it, Jefferson sends her most sincere apologies for the lack of assistance and once these five new cities have been rebuilt, which at current progress will take a little over half a year. You'll have as much assistance as you need." He explained, the two sitting on the balcony of Simmons' office high above the city, certainly not a paradise for someone who had a fear of heights.


[SIZE= 16px]The Za'ha'kya commander had been getting reports of distaste and hostility towards his troops. He wasn't mad of course, he expected such a thing by the inhabiting species after they had fought off an alien invasion. He also knew that his move to send in troops would be met by some hostility, but was surprised by how many were supporting the Za'ha'kya's effort. He was in his office, or what humanity might call an office, when he received a much anticipated package for him. In a secret deal with an entity known as the Eclipsians, a device that was first used during first contact with the Serpens, arrived. After testing it, he confirmed reports that the programming in the device was capable of scanning any other foreign language and translate it into their language. After putting the device on, and having it scan a sizable portion of the Za'ha'kya's language, he sent a broadcast that would be picked up by every outlet on Earth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"To the inhabitants of this beautiful planet, i am the commander of the Za'ha'kya's force stationed just above your world. My name is Furwa'kto and it alone is a pleasure just for you listening to this message, no matter how long. I just want to extend the most sincere sorrow and condolences to your people, the Grenshu Empire should have never attacked you world, and now the course of your history shall be forever changed. I would also say we are not like those who have wronged you, as they have also wrong us. Our forces are merely on your planet to aid you in the rebuilding of areas devastated by the Grenshu attack and rid of the remaining ones on your world. Afterwords i will have my forces depart from your surface, unless your leaders wish otherwise. I have sent this message to ease the minds of those who believe we are to do harm, but we wish no such thing to your race. It is now i bid farewell. May the Goddess of Harmony, one who brings peace, friendship, and growth, watch over our twp races and protect us from any further harm."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Kazami42 @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @Albion @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87 [/SIZE]

[before and after post.]


[SIZE= 16px]The Za'ha'kya commander had been getting reports of distaste and hostility towards his troops. He wasn't mad of course, he expected such a thing by the inhabiting species after they had fought off an alien invasion. He also knew that his move to send in troops would be met by some hostility, but was surprised by how many were supporting the Za'ha'kya's effort. He was in his office, or what humanity might call an office, when he received a much anticipated package for him. In a secret deal with an entity known as the Eclipsians, a device that was first used during first contact with the Serpens, arrived. After testing it, he confirmed reports that the programming in the device was capable of scanning any other foreign language and translate it into their language. After putting the device on, and having it scan a sizable portion of the Za'ha'kya's language, he sent a broadcast that would be picked up by every outlet on Earth.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"To the inhabitants of this beautiful planet, i am the commander of the Za'ha'kya's force stationed just above your world. My name is Furwa'kto and it alone is a pleasure just for you listening to this message, no matter how long. I just want to extend the most sincere sorrow and condolences to your people, the Grenshu Empire should have never attacked you world, and now the course of your history shall be forever changed. I would also say we are not like those who have wronged you, as they have also wrong us. Our forces are merely on your planet to aid you in the rebuilding of areas devastated by the Grenshu attack and rid of the remaining ones on your world. Afterwords i will have my forces depart from your surface, unless your leaders wish otherwise. I have sent this message to ease the minds of those who believe we are to do harm, but we wish no such thing to your race. It is now i bid farewell. May the Goddess of Harmony, one who brings peace, friendship, and growth, watch over our twp races and protect us from any further harm."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Kazami42 @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @Albion @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87 [/SIZE]


The queen during a break would of been given a copy of Heather's military document. Jennifer would be slightly annoyed, but would of allowed it. The goddess and Heather would be constantly working on the city due to 60% of it being destroyed entirely besides the walls. This causing Heather to be quite pissed off as she couldn't she her own children because of it. She made her anger quite clear to any grenshu she found, as she would let a random media crew record her live. She would shove her foot literally up its ass before forcing rubble down its throat.


700 Grenshu overall on the ships would be killed, 400 captured, and two captain's saved. The queen ordered the live execution of the others. Citizens were relocated to live in surviving warehouses, storage facilities, and military areas... crime if any, would be dealt with by being instantly murdered by the military if persisting in the military zones. The Grenshu prisoners would of been sent down into various ragnite mines with zero protective measures, one of the mines being 12,500+ M below the surface. Heavy doors blocking them getting in or out. The doors only opening when ragnite is mined and transported. If the Grenshu crack and then flood the tunnel with ragnite gas, a new tunnel would be made or they would wait until flamers got rid of it. The bodies wouldn't even be removed unless blocking the carts. Others which would of been more accepting of their fate, would be instead thrown into indefinite community service under military watch. The rest would be in indefinite prison in the citadel brig.


The new alien broadcast would be heard, and it was accepted due to a similar event happening in the past with dark ones. It would be questioned, but accepted. It couldn't be replied to however due to communications being destroyed. [The same result for others, except they do have communications.]



The red goddess has effectively had parts of the palace converted for her religious purposes. The population has now heard of it, and accepted it due to their goddess being evidence. She also had the Grenshu she had large majorities of despite primarily killing them all, and even recreated the running man to create entertainment. They would also be sent down for ragnite mining. She wanted to know how to break them as badly as the empire, and believed that their autopsy would give her a answer. She had a large majority, live. Be tortured, and like the red room, by viewer choice. Torture would go from mild beatings, to scarring, and even beyond breaking their bones before letting them die.



There was a group of people which were helping come up with a name. The Grenshu captured alive would have no real harm come to them besides indefinite prison in the dungeon. They were put in the cell besides the nordic prisoners, which still wouldn't have harm done to them besides that one guy, from long ago. One of the aliens would also be put in their cell, but chained up to the ceiling. It would be done for irony, as the Nordics would be able to eat regular food, while the alien would be starved. @Lordvader59



After scouting uninhabited lands, the emperor had several teams with five people go into the territory. They would make very small camps, and all principality survivors would be taken to AMR-1 for screening/processing. The camera scouts would then be sent further east.



All three autopsies would proceed. [I either need a time, or a reply please.]



3%. The technology analysis would continue. [Since I got neither.]



Leila would continue attempting to interrogate the Grenshu. She had made it clear that the more they don't respond to her questions, the more she was going to discipline them. She would start this by throwing rocks at the Grenshu below, and continued to have her cheerful tone and Devious smile.




Mansa Keita was quite surprised to learn that new aliens had not only wrecked most of the Grenshu fleet but also are now assisting the people rebuilding. He therefore decides to see these aliens for himself and meet with them, as he is ever the diplomat. @Loyal Guardian

the shipment of ragnite is received and the scientists are now beginning to test the qualities of this mineral.


The current tests concluded that it was a strange ore which also appeared to be a crystal in some cases. There was no specific color, and there were no patterns of shape or size. So!e were see through with a liquid inside of it being visible, and the ore would glow blue in the dark, and even light the surrounding areas.

It would generate a unknown type of radioactivity/radiation signature which would only effect those with weak immune systems, or females with specific genes primarily consisting of warrior genes being prominent. The results to them instantly would be nausea, ignorable itching, and the urge to either investigate it or run away from the ore. There was also a very short, but cryptic letter with a single sentence warning about the ore. Not being specific at all. Any one near the ore which did not have the above would be perfectly fine and wouldn't have any side effects.
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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Aaron Solberg stood on the steps of the Nordic Presidential Residence.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“People of the Nordic Union, and of the world. Today, we stand united in victory against a threat unlike any humanity has ever faced. The loss of life in this conflict has succeeded that even of the nuclear conflict which plunged us into darkness centuries ago. The strain of the Grenshu has taxed the Union in a brutal and unthinkable way. Oslo and Stockholm, two of our greatest cities,  fell, as well as half of Norway and Sweden. However, due to the extreme and commendable efforts of the armed forces of the Union and of the world, the aliens have been put on the back leg. Defeated, they have been reduced to their last enclaves around the world. Alien forces in the Union will be mopped up and crushed. Soon, their forces around the world will suffer the same fate. We have won this war! Humanity lives on![/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Before I end, I must make one more point. I was hoping to establish a private channel for this, but I think now a public statement would be better. To the Za'ha'kya, and do excuse my pronunciation if I am incorrect. You have the greatest thanks of the world, and no doubt the Nordic Union. Your efforts stopped a destructive invasion of our country, and for that, you have my personal gratitude, a sentiment I am sure is shared by every man, woman, and child in this great nation."[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Stockholm. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Kenneth stood, with Delta Squad and a large contingent of Nordic troops, on the steps of Stockholm City Hall. The mayor stood at the top of the steps, and a jubilant crowd of civilians gathered in the square, only parting to make way for the Tyfons rumbling through the streets as Super Gripes boomed overhead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]    [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“People of Stockholm. This invasion as seen us suffer like perhaps no other city on this planet. The invaders occupied us. Our city was almost lost, if not for brave men like those before you, who held the line and fought the Grenshu back building to building. These men are all national heroes, and shall be remembered as such for all time. Some of them are no longer with us, and those men, those whom made the ultimate sacrifice, are legends amongst men.”[/SIZE]

@loyal guardian
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Radium Hot Springs

The Za'ha'kya were let into the nation under heavy guard. Although it seems likely that they mean well, after recent events it is simply natural that any more aliens would be held in deep suspicion. However, the Rockians have been mostly accepting to these new saviors, and although the Kingdom was comparatively unaffected by the invasion, they were still helping in what rebuilding was needed. Hopefully, this would lead to a greater friendship in the future.


A message came through the soldier's earpiece. "Well, it appears I'm off to Australia to deal with the 'friendly assistance' your government has sent our way." He grabbed his gun and began walking. "If you ever meet your nation's council members, tell them to eat shit for me." With that he walked towards the port to leave.

@Loyal Guardian


"Ah, don't worry. We understand political delay. If you think that your system is tangled and confusing, try getting heard in a feudal court." As he spoke, a message came through. He paused for a while, then spoke. "It appears our... friends in Eclipsim have graciously sent half a million troops to Australia to 'assist' us. How kind." Another pause, then a sigh. "We truly appreciate your support in this conflict, but it still worries us. The Eclipsians would kill all of the Royal Family if given the opportunity, and would force our citizens into their so-called 'utopia'. We know you have pacifist tendencies, and I respect you greatly for that, but I fear for my people and my nation. The Eclipsians do not listen to reason."


Communications Center

A message was sent in the direction of Singapore. "Hello, this is the Kingdom of the Rockies. We are checking in on the status in Singapore after the invasion. Please respond as soon as possible."



The Rockian navy blocked Australia from the Eclipsians. "We appreciate your 'help', but we are recovering quite well, thank you. We will not grant you permission to land 500,000 troops here, or any other amount. Please return to your own waters."

@Loyal Guardian

Research Facilities

Project Posiedon was making very good progress, and would soon be ready to be deployed. This would finally, truly solidify the Rockies as the dominant navy of the world, as well as even possibly bringing them to true superpower status. Meanwhile, the transmission from the new aliens had helped a lot in the Alien Translation, which was boosted.


After the construction of Calgary, this was the next city to be focused on. It would most likely be complete by the time the Cascadians came, so current plans and predictions put the Cascadian crews to work on Ottowa, Honolulu, Montreal, Anchorage, and Saskatoon, as well as perhaps others.


Za'ha'kya recieved with moderate suspicion.

Soljahs in Sandyeggo.

Talks with Cascadia.

Check in with Singapore.

Blocking Eclipsian landing in Australia.

Project Posiedon: 85%

Alien Translation: 60%

Begin reconstruction of Vancouver.
Makasaar, Sulawesi Island, 1st District

Many things happened at once. The Kyushu force was forced off the Island and regrouped at the Okinawa Naval Base. A 7th governor was elected, Yahui Kevinson. The skippers and the research on larger applications of Hihi'irokane were completed. Most of the 7th district was brought back under control.

The message from the Kingdom of the Rockies came in. A reply was made. "The Singaporean Federation has disbanded. Under the articles of the People of the Federation's Treaty, in the event that the Singaporean Federation disbands, the Districts of Asia shall replace it, under the complete control of the former governors of the districts. As such, no former treaties, laws, or agreements made with other nations shall be upheld until the governors agree in unison. Right now we are preparing a counterattack to take back Japan and Korea with the Rising Empire."

@Fishman Lord

Oxford, Order Empire

"Fuck you! Fuck you! AND FUCK YOU!" Gov Khey Lim shouted getting off the jeep. He was pissed. He was unable to get his vodka, the world congress didn't happen, Norway was suddenly attacked by aliens, and his ride back was a 6 month long trip because they accidentally ended up in Canada. Like how does that happen on a motorboat?!?! How do you miss England like that?! Well, he didn't care anymore, he was back in his offi- wait... why is the airplane in ruins? why is there ruins everywhere? Goddamnit! Aliens?! He was pissed. He walked over to the communication center to see a message from the Federation. He began to read it over as his face dropped. He ran to the nearest soldier/guard/civilian he could find, and asked to meet with the Prime Minister.


Taiwan University, Branch of the National University of Singapore (Pending name change)

Scientists ran back and forth. They successfully applied the Leidenfrost effect to larger ships, including motorboats, yachts, Cruise Ships, and Cargo Ship. They believed that they can do it for battleships, cruisers, and destroyers and was approved to begin research and production for each of them.

Hong Kong University, Branch of the National University of Singapore (Pending Name Change)

Hong Kong was excited as well. They were given approval by Governor Chun to begin research in producing a series of massive weapons for use along the Pacific Coast. They begun as well and is expected to finish in 12 months time, using Eclipsian tech left over from the Shanghai Agreement as their basis.


Cruiser - 0%

Battleship - 0%

Destroyer - 0%

WMD - 0%

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