The World of Tomorrow

Rising Empire

Riser-Eclipsian Border

The guard first took out his phone And called somebody. After a few minutes he hanged up and looked at the driver. He nodded and let them through. A military jeep was leading the way to the military base.

@Loyal Guardian
Riser Poland

Umberion was still driving the van, he quickly looked in the rear view mirror and saw that Draco was still reading his book and Byron and Sao were still sleeping peacefully, with Sao's head now on his shoulder. He laughed a little at the sight at continued the drive. He and Frios looked at each other for a split second and smiled, confirming that they were thinking of the same thing. It was about another hour later when they arrived that the base, where a high ranking guard came up to them.

Rising Empire


A guard came up to the driver and nodded.

"I have informed Commander Suzaku about the cargo you have for us" He said "He will he coming in shortly." After a few minutes, Commander Suzaku approached the van.

"What kind of pack-" He looked at the Driver "Um- Umbrerion?" He said in a shock. Suzaku knew him, they once fought side by side.

@Loyal Guardian
Riser Poland

"Can we use your facilities, it'been quite the drive. Also do have the proper equipment to make a world wide broadcast here?" Umberion asked. At the same time Byron woke up with very sore and tired eyes. He glanced down to find Sao's head resting on his shoulder, to which he he covered his mouth with his free hand and even blushed very slightly. (best plot if i've ever seen one)

Rising Empire, Poland

Suzaku smiled and nodded.

"Use whatever you want" He said "Yes, follow me to the Comms room." He took a glance and saw a couple people, he noticed someone familiar then immediately recognized him. It was the former Eclipsian President. He smiled at the fact that they were still alive.

@Loyal Guardian
Riser Poland

Byron lightly tapped Sao's head and she slowly lifted her head. "Come on, we're getting out." He said as she was still rubbing her eyes, she then looked at him. "Yes Mister President." He wanted to say something but didn't. Umberion and Frios opened the back of the van and let the three out while the other two got out from the front. They started heading inside, leaving the Riser soldiers around them in shock and some with joy that the Eclipsian president was still alive.

Rising Empire, Poland

An officer approached Suzaku. They were talking while heading towards the comms room.

"Contact WS, EMC and the Pendragon" He said "Inform them that President Byron and his company is here and well and that we wish to make a world-wide announcement." The officer nodded and rushed to relay his orders. 

They arrived at the communications room. Two guards opened the doors for them. They went inside and then Suzaku looked at the President.

"It is ready" He said as a blank interface appeared infront of him "All yours mr. president."

@Loyal Guardian
Riser Poland

Byron nodded and walked towards the interface. It turned on and the frequency was sent all across the globe, with millions of people watching. He remained silent for a moment, not knowing how to start. He looked over at his company and saw Sao nodded her head at him while smiling. He smiled back and began to speak.

"Nearly a month ago my country was attacked not by outside forces, not by terrorists, but by our own council. They have become warmongers and only wish for death and destruction. Their coup attempt a month ago aimed to take over the country, government, people, and assassinate me and my most trusted and closest people i know. Well, as if it wasn't apparent now, they have failed on the latter. They may have taken over the government, but they have failed in killing me, Vice President Draco, and my dearest Assistant Sao. By failing on that end they no longer have the country to themselves no more, and have zero room to act. I want to say to the world that i am alive, i want to say to my citizens that i am alive, and i want to say to the council that their days are numbered. I urge my citizens and military to usurp the council, they are getting rid of good men and are responsible for thousands of lives lost in a needless war. I also want to say this, to the people i care about and the person i hold dearest, that i have returned from hiding from my own people and i am willing to fight any enemy that would dare challenge the will of our people." He then waited a moment and nodded before turning off the interface.

He walked over to his company and grabbed Sao's shoulders and smiled before looking at Suzaku. "Thank you Suzaku, i really appreciate it."


@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Kazami42 @Lordvader59 @Albion @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87
Ordarian National News Channel; Being Broadcasted Worldwide

"Good Evening, ladies and gentlemen! Now I'm sure you have all heard about the recent economic crisis going on all over the world; the Eclipsian Kar, Casacsdian Dollar, and our very own Ordarian Euro losing their monetary value. Our economy grinds to a halt. Unemployment rates are steadily increasing. The OSRP leader and Prime Minister of our nation has not yet come up with a plan for this, but his opponent, Jonathan Rene the leader of the OCP, recently announced his plan at a rally, let's have a look." The screen switches to video footage of a Communist Party Rally. "Now I'm sure you all are worried about the economy, unemployment, and the aliens. But, I can assure you that once you swerve me into office, you won't have to worry any longer. You see, me and my party, have a plan, unlike my opponent. We plan to build more nuclear plants, increasing our power output as well as providing more jobs for the people. Further more, we would like to introduce a Selective Service System, as the one used in the prewar country, the United States." The screen switches back to the news station. "What a plan they have there; the OCP is rapidly gaining popularity; this is going to be a close election indeed. A shout out to all our foreign viewers, you are allowed to vote in our elections; if you wish to vote, then you must register within a month."

@RIPSaidCone@Alteras@Wickedkent@Fishman Lord@Domini Regum@Albion@Lordvader59@Loyal Guardian@Kazami42@LoneSniper87@Picklesoldier

"In other news, the former President of the Eclipsian Federation, Byron, sent out a transmission describing the recent events in the Federation, let's have a listen." Byron's message played. After the message, the news reporter speaks again. "The Minister Council has announced in a press release that it denounces the Eclipsian Council and the government they imposed onto the Federation, making it clear that the Ministers support the old Eclipsian Government under President Byron. Well, that's all for today on ONN, have a nice day, and be safe."

@Loyal Guardian


"Ma'm we need to get to the rest of Russia, we're here to help with the Grenshu threat." A soldier said to the border officer. "What's the hold up?!" an officer yelled from behind. "Border officer, sir, she won't let us pass." "Ah, no problem then, command gave us a Plan B if things don't go as planned; come on boys! Let's get out of here!" The dispatched Ordarian forces moves out of Russia and moves back to the homeland, where they rendezvous with the Ordarian Navy. The Ordarian forces take some landing craft to the Japanese island of Kyushu, where they would attempt to push the Grenshu out of Japan. They were escorted by 250 destroyers, 230 cruisers, 100 battleships, and 5 submarines.

@Kazami42@Loyal Guardian

Research Centers

Alien tech analyzation continues. Project: H is nearing completion, as scientists prepare to test a hydrogen missile by launching it into the Atlantic Ocean, far away, but in proximity, of the French and Iberian coastlines. Launch is expected to happen in a few days.


Alien Tech Analyzation: 10%

Project H: 90%

(I haven't done my projects in 2 months game time.)

Elections will occur in one month

Rebuilding of Oxford: Complete in 1 Month
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The red goddess would only continue her nation wide changes into her favor. She this month made the populace build theatres, Statues, sculptures, And to reform the eastern half of the palace main hall into a opera -esque setting for singing and such other forms of entertainment. 



The Imperial goddess after returning home, and relaxing for several weeks straight would return back to exploring Imperial lands. Yuma would help anypne in actual need, but would mostly spend her time watching movies as there wouldn't be much people in need.



The alien internal systems appeared to be similar to humans. Except they also discovered part of the body that strangely enough "hid" away their gentilia. [There is no escape.] The redline were the first to discover this, the red goddess gossipped the results to the gallian goddess, who in turn talked about it to the gallian queen.

At the end of the day, there was a total of 30 recorded rape attempts, 17 Murders, And 42 cases of government officials ripping open some to literally rip their balls off, or crush them after having medical equipment tear their bodies open. With 20 of those resulting in death.



The attempts with the Grenshu were concluded with the brutal physical torture by Leila, with half of those interrogated ending up dead.



The Imperial spy Vanessa entered the dungeon. She would walk up to the cell and she would be carrying a fold up chair, a strange sports hat, a bag filled with random food, and a bottle with a straw in it. She would unfold the chair down in front of the cell and sat down, while also leaning back into it and sipping from a tube. The tube connected to another drink bottle connected to her hat. After a long and loud sip to intentionally get attention, She would begin. [SIZE= 14px]"So how has you people, and the tied up reptilian fucker on the ceiling been doing? I hope you don't wish to try and feed that thing."[/SIZE]



Rising Empire

Warsaw Settlement, Poland

-Jeremiah Gottwald-

"The former Republic of Poland or RoP for short has collapsed due to the summaist. We were to move then and aid the people, but then decided to wait. The aliens then arrived and attacked multiple cities over the former land of the RoP, we the Rising Empire were forced to take action and has taken the territories of the RoP in order to help them. The claiming of the territories were however not aggresive, the people itself even praised us because we took action and saved their lives." He said with pride"And I forgot to mention, the Rising Empire had it's European Military Command base at moldova, a former territory of RoP."

"Oh, well then. That Is sad to hear, but shit happens." She said. "But if you mean what you say, you have to work for it. So go here where we met with the eclispians, and if you don't die then we can continue from there." She would then have a radio operator just slowly say numbers for the rest of the duration. [If you were here for page 14, and saw the map I drew for loyal. Then you already know it's in old polish lands.]




[SIZE= 14px]Principality vehicle repair: 25% [/SIZE]

[A BTR-82A]. 12 BTR-82A APCs from the siberian line were repaired and in working condition. Besides the change of fuel and engine, Everything is normal. It still has fire ports, it can still carry seven soldiers including three crewmen, And they all retain their original armament. If it wasn't for changing out the engine and adding another fuel type, far more could of been repaired. Miscellaneous changes are:

The original Russian flag was painted onto it.

Each vehicle are either grouped up, in their own squad, or sold to the other nations. Which means their colors, flags, and other are placed upon them.

The tires were given a refit, and their axels were coated in ragnite. Thus it could remain stable at speed and be capable of crossing over more forms of terrain.

Wasted room would be have a gun rack added for the crew which would contain high caliber rifles and or a machinegun.


Ocean goddess project: 25%

The center hull was half completed, and more watertight rooms were added.



The next generation was concluded. Instead of the regular number of claymores, this batch had 147 instead that survived. They also had 12 more valkyrur ready. They would be given the last of the ragnite weaponry and more would have to be produced. They were put in the squad: "Hell's valkyrie" with the rest. The rest of the month was used to help deal with trauma. Before the generation was completed, there were a few people ushered in in different periods of time. Some of which being a gallian royal guard named Emilia, Nonna, and otherwise mostly being people with nothing else to live for that volunteered.


Seed Project: 100. [Should be 9 months. -9.]

The project was completed. The varying plants began to spread. They spread a bit too much in fact. With glazov overrun with tree-sized plants. They would be moved to a large empty area of central siberia, where they would be able to spread rapidly as they pleased and then be maintained later.


Project: Helghast, Phase one: 25%. [Military.]

There was another uniform created. The supreme branch of the military was thus reinvented, and completed. There were 8 of the current uniforms, but they were for officers+. So in the next month there would of been plenty. Afterwards, construction would begin on two things, new weapons and a new devastator heavy armor.

The uniform

The uniform is similar to the light edition of the "basic" infantry uniform. It doesn't really have a vest except if those wearing the uniform have one to wear, And the mask is a upgraded copy of the previous. Except it works both like a rebreather and a advanced gas mask. It is the only thing coated in ragnite. The uniform itself however contains the same fabrics as the previous, and as such it can survive on its own from some smaller weapons like handguns.


Gallian capital repair: 60%.

A quarter of the buildings in the first district were either repaired or replaced. The tower was half rebuilt. Hunter himself has started helping with the reconstruction efforts.
Rising Empire, Poland

Suzaku nodded and smiled back.

"You and your country has always been a friend to the rising empire" he said "and always will. Do you need transport back to your Nation or will you stay here? "

@Loyal Guardian

Warsaw Settlement

Jeremiah nodded and turned his interface off. He had his officers search where they met with the eclipsians. After a couple of minutes an officer approached him and gave him the directions to moscow then to a tunnel where they will be able to access an underground city. Jeremiah then immediately boarded a transport chopper towards the place, his chopper was escorted by 2 combat choppers.


Pendragon, Rising Empire

"Byron is alive?" Schneizel said in shock as he received word from Lelouch.

"Yes, he is at one of our base in Poland" He replied. "Suzaku is with him right now."

"Thats good" He said with a smile "Very good."
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[SIZE= 20px]Imperial airpsace, Siberia[/SIZE]

Within the last few weeks, discussions between Eclipsian and Cascadian leaders, both military and civilian have led to an opened line of communications between the Imperials of the Autocratic Redline Empire and the Republic of Cascadia, a team of diplomats being flown out to the coordinates provided as preparations were made for the plans drawn up, as per usual a CDF escort was provided consisting of four attack helicopters and a small team of 18 soldiers who would be providing security for the diplomats, this wasn't due to the Imperials however, but more because of the rumors that had been heard of the creatures in Siberia themselves, along with the presence of Grenshu forces in Siberia, despite it being relatively far away to where the team of diplomats would be heading. Could never be too safe after-all, AMG Transport Dynamics has recieved multiple blueprints from the Pentagon of an undisclosed description to begin preparations for manufacturing as well, however no further information has been disclosed as of now.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

In response to the news that former President Bryon and his staff were alive, President Jefferson had made an official comment declaring that if desired, official asylum would be allowed to Bryon and his followers in Cascadia, this includes pro-Bryon supporters in the Eclipsian Federation as well and airports have been opened to political refugees from the country who are against the Council's rule. However at the same time the Department of Foreign Affairs has stated that it does wish to establish a healthy and equally beneficial relationship between both countries and that it'd cause more harm than good to split apart due to political tensions within the Federation, the Department of Commerce has called for a meeting to begin discussions with various different Congressmen to decide on whether or not to begin trading with the Eclipsians once more.


Fort Henry, Colorado

Meanwhile at the prestigious Fort Henry military base deep within the Rockie mountains, two different projects have begun research. Project November Whisky and Project Sierra Papa have both begun development and will remain classified until such a time when the Department of Defense clears them for public knowledge, the Southern Militia in Southern Cascadia has been fully reformed to act as the nation's first military branch solely purposed for power projection, which the CDF is looking to expand, being reorganized as Cascadia's first marine branch, to act as a widely variable and highly mobile elite force capable of carrying out a multitude of missions with the utmost proficiency, the RCMC, Republic of Cascadia Marine Corps has offcially been formed, with a starting force of around 760,000 marines total, with higher and advanced training to begin immediately, this force is to cooperate highly with the Cascadian Naval Defense Force to assist with amphibious operations of any nature. The National Guard, having refilled it's numbers from the Grenshu invasion has replenished to full strength in southern Cascadia and is operating normally once more.


It is expected that the RCMC will be issued slightly different equipment to the rest of the CDF, the marines expecting to be given less bulky armor that allows them to be more agile and faster in the battlefield. Unlike the power armor of your regular CDGF soldier which although grants immense protection against most if not all projectiles and laser fire, limits movement to a degree. Their uniforms are to be different, coming in two different layouts depending on whatever environment they are fighting in and their training will be more difficult compared to the already breaking training that the CDGF has to offer. For security reasons further information on the development of the RCMC is to remain within DoD hands only, but it is expected to bring a whole new array of opportunities to the CDF as a whole and in a greater sense Cascadia and it's allies.


Two military projects begin

Cascadian Marine Corps formed

Asylum granted to Eclipsian political refugees

Cascadian diplomats arrive in Siberia to talk with Imperials

Cascadia looks to repair Eclipsian-Cascadian relations
Radium Hot Springs

When Byron's transmission was recieved, the entire country was shocked. It was all over the news and was all anyone had on their minds, as it had significant implications for the Rockians as well. Eventually, King Albert made a response and televised it. "Hello, to President Byron, to the Rockian citizens, and anyone else who may be watching. A recent transmission by you, President Byron, has shocked the world after your apparent death, and while I should say I am glad that you are alive, that simply isn't true.  Byron has hurt my country in many ways, as both Emperor and President, and his actions have caused thousands upon thousands of Rockian deaths. However, we must sometimes make the choice between the lesser of two evils, and as much as I dislike you, President, it pales in comparison to the menagerie of inbred chimpanzees you call your council. You have hurt my people, but they seem to wish to eradicate us, to force us into your false utopia. Byron, if no third option presents itself, we will support you, despite all you have done against us. We wish for peace just as much as you do, and we haven't ever declared war on you for it. Please, Byron, learn from the past, and if you ever try to hurt us again, we will kill everyone you care about, and then you."

@Loyal Guardian


Australia had been heavily fortified, with troops deployed all along the coasts in case the Eclipsian council tried to attack. The same went for Polynesia and Chile. The Rockians were still unsure of whether the Puppet War, so named due to the idea that's the Eclipsians wanted to puppet Chile and Australia, was still going on.

Research Facilities

Project Posiedon would be complete shortly. Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, and Frisland were all ready to launch, and Aeaea would soon be joining them. Meanwhile, the Alien Translation was also going well, with the language about halfway deciphered and only more complicated terms being left.


The diplomat recieved another message. "Ah, yes, I almost forgot." He pulled out a small holographic projector. "The King also wanted me to show you something that we've been working on for a while." He pressed a button on the projector and it showed a large domed city, with many descriptions and notes coming out of it. "This is Project Posiedon. It is a technological and architectural marvel, and will greatly expand the amount of space to live on our globe. It is an underwater city, or more accurately five at the moment, each with the capacity for up to three million people. Of course, they shall only start with one million each. Each of the five will be placed in different locations around the seas. Atlantis will be in the central Atlantic, Mu will be in the south-central Pacific, Lemuria will be in the Indian Ocean, Frisland will be in the North Atlantic close to Greenland and Iceland, and Aeaea will be either in the Mediterranean or near the Galapagos. We also have plans to possibly produce more. As our allies, we wished to show you this, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask."



Transmission to Byron and the world.

Kingdom fortified for war.

Cascadia told about Project Posiedon.

Project Posiedon: 95%

Alien Translation: 80%
Rising Empire, Poland

Suzaku nodded and smiled back.

"You and your country has always been a friend to the rising empire" he said "and always will. Do you need transport back to your Nation or will you stay here? "

@Loyal Guardian

Warsaw Settlement

Jeremiah nodded and turned his interface off. He had his officers search where they met with the eclipsians. After a couple of minutes an officer approached him and gave him the directions to moscow then to a tunnel where they will be able to access an underground city. Jeremiah then immediately boarded a transport chopper towards the place, his chopper was escorted by 2 combat choppers.


Pendragon, Rising Empire

"Byron is alive?" Schneizel said in shock as he received word from Lelouch.

"Yes, he is at one of our base in Poland" He replied. "Suzaku is with him right now."

"Thats good" He said with a smile "Very good."

[Might of ruined her name earlier, will have to check later on if that is the actual family name. Also sorry about not making this earlier hours ago, I was watching anime on TV.]

after arriving and entering the tunnel, It was simply dark and broken down. Primarily of age and not because of a giant hole the size of all of moscow being outside. They would continue walking [because it is just a straight line.] And going through a blown open rusted blast door from the eclipse, and then into a large cross section with another blast door on the other side. All there was were skeletal corpses of mutants littering the ground everywhere.


After 8 minutes, there would be a bell heard from a unknown direction, mainly due to the fact of there being an echo. There would be a yellow light and a alarm which turned on, and after 5 minutes the door would of opened.  In the same time there would be someone which couldn't be seen lurking about, mainly because of both not being in view nor Actually in the tunnel directly. The use of night vision would only see empty tunnels. Three people would of walked past the half opened door, with black uniforms with large shoulder plates and swords. Then someone else walked out. "Do you speak Russian," she said before changing to English. "Or English? Because I'm not going to spend my time trying to find a translator." She asked. 



[SIZE= 20px]Imperial airpsace, Siberia[/SIZE]

Within the last few weeks, discussions between Eclipsian and Cascadian leaders, both military and civilian have led to an opened line of communications between the Imperials of the Autocratic Redline Empire and the Republic of Cascadia, a team of diplomats being flown out to the coordinates provided as preparations were made for the plans drawn up, as per usual a CDF escort was provided consisting of four attack helicopters and a small team of 18 soldiers who would be providing security for the diplomats, this wasn't due to the Imperials however, but more because of the rumors that had been heard of the creatures in Siberia themselves, along with the presence of Grenshu forces in Siberia, despite it being relatively far away to where the team of diplomats would be heading. Could never be too safe after-all, AMG Transport Dynamics has recieved multiple blueprints from the Pentagon of an undisclosed description to begin preparations for manufacturing as well, however no further information has been disclosed as of now.


[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

In response to the news that former President Bryon and his staff were alive, President Jefferson had made an official comment declaring that if desired, official asylum would be allowed to Bryon and his followers in Cascadia, this includes pro-Bryon supporters in the Eclipsian Federation as well and airports have been opened to political refugees from the country who are against the Council's rule. However at the same time the Department of Foreign Affairs has stated that it does wish to establish a healthy and equally beneficial relationship between both countries and that it'd cause more harm than good to split apart due to political tensions within the Federation, the Department of Commerce has called for a meeting to begin discussions with various different Congressmen to decide on whether or not to begin trading with the Eclipsians once more.


Fort Henry, Colorado

Meanwhile at the prestigious Fort Henry military base deep within the Rockie mountains, two different projects have begun research. Project November Whisky and Project Sierra Papa have both begun development and will remain classified until such a time when the Department of Defense clears them for public knowledge, the Southern Militia in Southern Cascadia has been fully reformed to act as the nation's first military branch solely purposed for power projection, which the CDF is looking to expand, being reorganized as Cascadia's first marine branch, to act as a widely variable and highly mobile elite force capable of carrying out a multitude of missions with the utmost proficiency, the RCMC, Republic of Cascadia Marine Corps has offcially been formed, with a starting force of around 760,000 marines total, with higher and advanced training to begin immediately, this force is to cooperate highly with the Cascadian Naval Defense Force to assist with amphibious operations of any nature. The National Guard, having refilled it's numbers from the Grenshu invasion has replenished to full strength in southern Cascadia and is operating normally once more.


It is expected that the RCMC will be issued slightly different equipment to the rest of the CDF, the marines expecting to be given less bulky armor that allows them to be more agile and faster in the battlefield. Unlike the power armor of your regular CDGF soldier which although grants immense protection against most if not all projectiles and laser fire, limits movement to a degree. Their uniforms are to be different, coming in two different layouts depending on whatever environment they are fighting in and their training will be more difficult compared to the already breaking training that the CDGF has to offer. For security reasons further information on the development of the RCMC is to remain within DoD hands only, but it is expected to bring a whole new array of opportunities to the CDF as a whole and in a greater sense Cascadia and it's allies.


Two military projects begin

Cascadian Marine Corps formed

Asylum granted to Eclipsian political refugees

Cascadian diplomats arrive in Siberia to talk with Imperials

Cascadia looks to repair Eclipsian-Cascadian relations

[Welp I found some place.]

They would of gone to a forest. After some time a branch would of been intentionally snapped off a tree. A teenager would of appeared out of the treeline. A guy wearing glasses, black pants, Has short hair, a green T-shirt, and a arm bracelet. "Uhhhhhh err. Hi."
-Jeremiah Gottwald-

The smell from dead mutant corpses made jeremiah nauseous. He had to borrow an extra mask from one of his escorts. A woman approached him and asked him a question, which he immediately responded to.

"English" He said.

@Kazami42(idk why my post earlier didnt get posted)
Kyushu Island, Japan

Ordarian Forces land on the Japanese island of Kyushu and occupy it. They were unopposed, as the Grenshu haven't occupied the island yet. Ordarian forces set up multiple military bases and shipyards around the island, also rebuilding the Japanese cities on Kyushu. They now wait for the order to attack the Grenshu forces on the Japanese island Honshu.

@Loyal Guardian

Grenshu Siberian Complex.png

Blue: Ordarian Occupied Zone

Missile Launch Complex, British Province

Personnel gather at the control room of the complex, readying the Hydrogen missile for launch. A few minutes later, the missile was launched at the designated site (read my last post). The missile launch went as planned, the missile went of in the Bay of Biscay, yielding 50 megatons, equivalent to the Tsar Bomba. The missile was detonated far enough off the coast that the nuclear fallout carried by the wind won't do any harm to anyone on the shores of Iberia and France. After the detonation, MAF Torrad ordered the construction of 6 hydrogen missiles, covertly of course. Each missile will take 2 months to produce, which means it will take 1 year to complete the construction of all 6 of them.


Ordarian forces occupy Kyushu Island

Project H is complete

Hydrogen Missile test was successful

6 Hydrogen Missiles are being produced, 1 missile taking 2 months to be constructed
The African Empire has managed to capture Sardinia and the Balearic islands from the Mensa with the assistance of the Nords and the Ordarians, and the Mensa nation has capitulated. With this, the African Empire has announced that they will not join any further wars and are instead focusing on expansion of the already owned territory. 
-Jeremiah Gottwald-

The smell from dead mutant corpses made jeremiah nauseous. He had to borrow an extra mask from one of his escorts. A woman approached him and asked him a question, which he immediately responded to.

"English" He said.

@Kazami42(idk why my post earlier didnt get posted)

She changed to speak English. "Good. With that put out of the way, who are you and what do you want?" She asked. She didn't take them to the silo simply because it was taken by the redline.
Riser Poland

[SIZE= 16px]Byron responded to the Cascadian message about his asylum privately. He has stated that he will stay in the country until his people make the right actions. As such he was able to arrange a private and undisclosed flight to Portland, having all of his company go with him. In the cabin he would normally sit next to either Draco, Io, or Frios as they were high ranking officials. However he chose to sit next to Sao further in the back of the cabin. On the way to Portland, as Sao slept on his shoulder, he received news from the Rockies. He listened to the speech, but he wasn't appalled or angry, because King Albert made very good points from his point of view on Eclipsian actions against his country. He sent a message to the kingdom in response to the speech.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"To the people and leaders of the Rockies. Before i start i should say that this response is not out of anger or out of spite, but simply a response. I shall be honest, i disagree on many things you do, however that is merely from a political point of view. On a personal level your people are honorable and your king seems like a respectable man if he so does chose so. However i should note that i am completely against the council, every decision they have made, i disagree with for the most part. I never wanted war, no bloodshed, and no death on both of our nations committed by both nations. However, and this is a small issue, but i shall return the favor if you commit a hostile action upon us, even though the chance for that is low. In my life i only i have one person i hold close now, and i intend not to lose them anytime soon."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]After typing that and sending to the Rockies a tab came up on his device, news that made him smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the news of President Byron still being alive, the nation has now done a near 180 and nearly all of it's citizens are on Byron's side. They mainly cite that the Council has lied to them and, now that they have gained confidence to say so, they have also been ridding of people against their rule illegally. Two days after Byron's transmission nearly all of the capitol's citizens revolted and aimed to take back the city and usurp the Council. The Council and President Alexander ordered the police and military personnel to protect the city from these "rebels" who are "trying to destroy peace". However no military personnel responded as the sole Eclipsian commanders, General Centauri and Rear Admiral Zhao, ordered his men to mass at the border of the Grenshu Complex and ignore all Council orders to which they all obliged. Even the soldiers from Chile left to join the army. Even the police force itself didn't help, with only a small portion participating but even then they were split in half on each side. Within hours, with little to no resistance, the mob reached the Council Chamber and broke down the doors. They stormed and flooded the building, with a few dying from Pro-Council police, and began to overwhelm the building. They broke into the meeting room where all of the Councilmen and President Alexander were and beat them senselessly. After ten to twenty minutes of fighting over half of the Councilmen were beaten to death and Alexander was mauled beyond recognition but was still alive. After the Eclipsim Revolt, in fear of their own and the fact they had no military or police support, all other major cities surrendered immediately when their own mobs formed in their streets. With all of the republics now in Pro-Byron controlled hands a day later, the Eclipsian Revolution came to an end, putting the Council's rule to an end.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Effects: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Byron accepts asylum to Portland[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Byron responds to King Albert[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Revolution starts and ends, effectively ending the Council's rule[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Military Occupation of Chile ends[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]All of the Eclipsian Armed Forces masses at the Grenshu complex[/SIZE]

Greater Siberian Complex

They day had finally come. With seven billion Za'ha'kya now deployed on the complex borders and their ships above waiting for orders, Furwa'kto ordered the assault. All of a sudden the Za'ha'kya, who were relaxed and calm, became sharp and aware of everything and were fully prepared for battle. Like the sound of thunder, Za'ha'kya fighters and frigates bombarded the walls and infantry positions to begin weakening their defenses. As they were doing this the Za'ha'kya fleet in orbit fired their rounds all over the complex which, even though they were spread out far, caused heavy damage to non-Fortress structures. After that the Grenshu fleet once again left the complex and battled the Za'ha'kya fleet, with much of the fleet being destroyed and only two Destroyers survived which headed to Saturn. Within that fleet though was one-third of all of the Grenshu troops at the complex. With the destruction of most of the Grenshu fleet, death of nearly one-third of all of their remaining troops, and the first defensive wall about to surrender and be defeated, the Grenshu are on their last legs.

@Agent141 @Kazami42 @everyone else who sent troops

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]
She changed to speak English. "Good. With that put out of the way, who are you and what do you want?" She asked. She didn't take them to the silo simply because it was taken by the redline.

-Jeremiah Gottwald`

"I believe I already stated that when I sent the message" He said "But nonetheless, I shall repeat it. I am Jeremiah Gottwald, Viceroy of Poland. I have came here for a diplomatic reason which is establish trade and alliance with you russians."


Chicago, Cascadia

"Well, myself and my country appreciate you doing the kind favor of informing us of this project and these cities. All I'd have to ask is if you could possibly give us the coordinates of these cities. Just for peace of mind mostly, the CDF tends to get paranoid if they don't know where these types of major things are, you understand how those military types are. Not as level headed as us diplomats I can assure you. But to recap, we'll certainly be sending you the help you need in rebuilding once everything stabilizes and the remaining cities in Cascadia are rebuilt, and once all Rockian cities are rebuilt, we'll begin increased trade between our cities and yours. Like a pre-war Canadian-American relationship. I'm sure it'll greatly benefit both nations."


[SIZE= 18px]Imperial Land, Siberia[/SIZE]

The helicopter carrying the diplomats would land as the group of suited men got out, their escort guarding them as they went towards the forest, the other helicopters in the convoy keeping an eye overhead as they approached closer to the woods. Eventually arriving at the coordinates and meeting the teenage boy, the diplomats and soldiers alike being confused at such a young person's presence. "Uhm..good morning, my name's Joe Debbens and I'm with the Department of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Cascadia, these are my associates. We're here to meet with the Autocratic Redline Empire? May I ask who you are?" The diplomat questioned.


(Short post cause I'm tired af and I didn't want to keep those two waiting)

Chicago, Cascadia

"Well, myself and my country appreciate you doing the kind favor of informing us of this project and these cities. All I'd have to ask is if you could possibly give us the coordinates of these cities. Just for peace of mind mostly, the CDF tends to get paranoid if they don't know where these types of major things are, you understand how those military types are. Not as level headed as us diplomats I can assure you. But to recap, we'll certainly be sending you the help you need in rebuilding once everything stabilizes and the remaining cities in Cascadia are rebuilt, and once all Rockian cities are rebuilt, we'll begin increased trade between our cities and yours. Like a pre-war Canadian-American relationship. I'm sure it'll greatly benefit both nations."


[SIZE= 18px]Imperial Land, Siberia[/SIZE]

The helicopter carrying the diplomats would land as the group of suited men got out, their escort guarding them as they went towards the forest, the other helicopters in the convoy keeping an eye overhead as they approached closer to the woods. Eventually arriving at the coordinates and meeting the teenage boy, the diplomats and soldiers alike being confused at such a young person's presence. "Uhm..good morning, my name's Joe Debbens and I'm with the Department of Foreign Affairs for the Republic of Cascadia, these are my associates. We're here to meet with the Autocratic Redline Empire? May I ask who you are?" The diplomat questioned.


(Short post cause I'm tired af and I didn't want to keep those two waiting)

He was dumbfounded as he didn't speak English nor understood it whatsoever. He did not understand a single word that was said. [Did you expect him to? Lol.]  His expression only being of extreme confusion.


-Jeremiah Gottwald`

"I believe I already stated that when I sent the message" He said "But nonetheless, I shall repeat it. I am Jeremiah Gottwald, Viceroy of Poland. I have came here for a diplomatic reason which is establish trade and alliance with you russians."


"Ahh, then you are the guy from the radio. I am Natasha." [Not adding her last name because I still gotta figure out which one is her real one.] "I am the woman who replied to you then. I am still not sure of where you come from, nor what trade you want. So I'd like the idea of it not being cryptic..."


Riser Poland

[SIZE= 16px]Byron responded to the Cascadian message about his asylum privately. He has stated that he will stay in the country until his people make the right actions. As such he was able to arrange a private and undisclosed flight to Portland, having all of his company go with him. In the cabin he would normally sit next to either Draco, Io, or Frios as they were high ranking officials. However he chose to sit next to Sao further in the back of the cabin. On the way to Portland, as Sao slept on his shoulder, he received news from the Rockies. He listened to the speech, but he wasn't appalled or angry, because King Albert made very good points from his point of view on Eclipsian actions against his country. He sent a message to the kingdom in response to the speech.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"To the people and leaders of the Rockies. Before i start i should say that this response is not out of anger or out of spite, but simply a response. I shall be honest, i disagree on many things you do, however that is merely from a political point of view. On a personal level your people are honorable and your king seems like a respectable man if he so does chose so. However i should note that i am completely against the council, every decision they have made, i disagree with for the most part. I never wanted war, no bloodshed, and no death on both of our nations committed by both nations. However, and this is a small issue, but i shall return the favor if you commit a hostile action upon us, even though the chance for that is low. In my life i only i have one person i hold close now, and i intend not to lose them anytime soon."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]After typing that and sending to the Rockies a tab came up on his device, news that made him smile.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the news of President Byron still being alive, the nation has now done a near 180 and nearly all of it's citizens are on Byron's side. They mainly cite that the Council has lied to them and, now that they have gained confidence to say so, they have also been ridding of people against their rule illegally. Two days after Byron's transmission nearly all of the capitol's citizens revolted and aimed to take back the city and usurp the Council. The Council and President Alexander ordered the police and military personnel to protect the city from these "rebels" who are "trying to destroy peace". However no military personnel responded as the sole Eclipsian commanders, General Centauri and Rear Admiral Zhao, ordered his men to mass at the border of the Grenshu Complex and ignore all Council orders to which they all obliged. Even the soldiers from Chile left to join the army. Even the police force itself didn't help, with only a small portion participating but even then they were split in half on each side. Within hours, with little to no resistance, the mob reached the Council Chamber and broke down the doors. They stormed and flooded the building, with a few dying from Pro-Council police, and began to overwhelm the building. They broke into the meeting room where all of the Councilmen and President Alexander were and beat them senselessly. After ten to twenty minutes of fighting over half of the Councilmen were beaten to death and Alexander was mauled beyond recognition but was still alive. After the Eclipsim Revolt, in fear of their own and the fact they had no military or police support, all other major cities surrendered immediately when their own mobs formed in their streets. With all of the republics now in Pro-Byron controlled hands a day later, the Eclipsian Revolution came to an end, putting the Council's rule to an end.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Effects: [/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Byron accepts asylum to Portland[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Byron responds to King Albert[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Revolution starts and ends, effectively ending the Council's rule[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Military Occupation of Chile ends[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]All of the Eclipsian Armed Forces masses at the Grenshu complex[/SIZE]

Greater Siberian Complex

They day had finally come. With seven billion Za'ha'kya now deployed on the complex borders and their ships above waiting for orders, Furwa'kto ordered the assault. All of a sudden the Za'ha'kya, who were relaxed and calm, became sharp and aware of everything and were fully prepared for battle. Like the sound of thunder, Za'ha'kya fighters and frigates bombarded the walls and infantry positions to begin weakening their defenses. As they were doing this the Za'ha'kya fleet in orbit fired their rounds all over the complex which, even though they were spread out far, caused heavy damage to non-Fortress structures. After that the Grenshu fleet once again left the complex and battled the Za'ha'kya fleet, with much of the fleet being destroyed and only two Destroyers survived which headed to Saturn. Within that fleet though was one-third of all of the Grenshu troops at the complex. With the destruction of most of the Grenshu fleet, death of nearly one-third of all of their remaining troops, and the first defensive wall about to surrender and be defeated, the Grenshu are on their last legs.

@Agent141 @Kazami42 @everyone else who sent troops

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]

[Lol. Irony is, is that we are the only two who sent anyone lmao. Your economy post prevented anyone else from combatting. Took me so long to make this post because I was still calculating everything there. Let's proceed.]

A speech for their own soldiers would occur before their attack.

"Today, we will defend the motherland from the alien invaders. Many of you have died from their cowardice, and deserved far better than being obliterated. Today, your safety is not guaranteed. In fact some of you may die in the face of battle against our foes. But you will not be forgotten... Today we fight to survive, and ensure the future of the empire. There will be a future, and it shall be as bright as our hellfire upon our enemies! I guarantee it." After that the emperor put on his helmet. "FOR OUR FUTURE, CHARGE!"



50 APCTs, [pretty sure that is the name.] 30,000 gallian soldiers, 40,000 defending the siberian line, 10,000 imperials, 12 heavy katyusha launchers, 100 ft-40s, 5 IS-0S, 120 tiger-X's, 10 gallian rexes, 20 gallian reavers, 20 Imperial reavers, the batomys tank, 50 valkyrur, 141 claymores,  and the Russian queen have now attacked the Grenshu after the alien forces went first. The Russian queen would lob heavy explosives several KM away into the lines, the new ragnite shells. Forming a large crater for 50 feet, and the blast radius reaching 2 acres. With ragnite gas and due to the detonation, flames. Reaching 10 feet outside of that. 

The APCTs would fire some missiles at the Grenshu, and due to so many vehicles, there would be entire missile swarms across the border. The FT-40s speed and longer barrel would fire at the defensive line, and speed like madmen around the field. The gallian Rex supreme wider and longer barrel could act as heavily armored artillery, and would fire at anything within its 35,000 yards range. The heavy katyusha launchers would attack anything that seemed like a threat against the batomys tank. 

Most of the infantry were riding on or in the vehicles, behind them, or by themselves. They were spread out to prevent splash damage. 15,000 gallians, 5,000 redline, 5 katyusha launchers, 5,000 imperials, 30 FT-40S, 1 IS-0, 10 APCT's, 30 claymores, and 10 valkyrur invaded from the southern border, 20,000 gallians, 20,000 redline,  30 FT-40S, 5 katyusha launchers, 30 APCT's, 3 IS-0S, 15 gallian reavers, 15 Imperial reavers, 50 tiger-Xs, 5 gallian Rex tanks, the batomys tank, 40 claymores, and 30 valkyrur invaded from the central line, and 5,000 gallians, 15,000 redline, 71 claymores, 5,000 imperials, the rest of the vehicles, and 20 valkyrur attacked from the northern edge.  There were a few mutant handlers which had packs of demons with them, having tamed and started training them for two entire years. There were 20 demons, and they were set loose into the skies, to rip to shreds anything against them. The demons were comprised of a single rider, which was a devastator and would have a tight rope around the rider and the demon. So if minigun/Gatling gun recoil threw him/her off, they would still be attached to the demon. The skies were filled with their terrifying roars.

The claymores and valkyrur on the front lines that weren't on the batomys tank, would constantly dodge enemy fire as if it were nothing to them, and then striking when in maximum damage-range. However two claymores did die from being obliterated. In the central line, the batomys tank would take some hits, but besides the outer layer there wasn't much damage inflicted. The main gun would fire and hammer away at any infantry, while the various amounts of valkyrur units everywhere would destroy anything flying in the skies.

[I would of gone into further detail, but then it'd take far longer and people waiting couldn't post.]

@Loyal Guardian
Vancouver Island Shipyard

It was finally done. Atlantis, Mu, Lemuria, Frisland, and Aeaea were all complete, and had all been deployed. These cities worked very well to solidify Rockian ocean dominance, and their early success prompted the construction of a sixth, Avalon. The cities had underwater agriculture, industry, and entertainment, as well as well-designed air production devices with many backups and failsafes. Large new transport submarines docked and transferred goods at the cities' subports, and overall they thrived under the sea. Project Posiedon was a resounding success so far.


"No, my government is perfectly willing to provide the location of all the aquatic cities." The projector switched to a world map, with five dots around the globe, each showing some basic info like population, income/expenses, name, and other such things. A sixth dot near Cape Horn read "Avalon", and all data was at 0 or N/A. "Anything else we can help you with?" (Will try to make a map later, on my phone)


Sydney Facility

Two people were now fully fluent in Grenshu, and soon many more would follow. The Alien Translation project was nearly complete.


5 aquatic cities deployed around the world.

Cascadia informed of locations of all of these cities.

Project Posiedon: Complete

Alien Translation: 90%
Districts of Asia

As ships carrying Cascadian diplomats and Lady Roscoe returned to their respective nations, riots began to occur across the districts. The fatal battle in Shanghai left much of the law enforcement in disarray, leading to more radical groups and anarchists to takeover the 7th district. The Shanghai Fleet, under new command, was sent back to Makasaar to aid the University. The 6th District, Philippines, fell back into disarray as the Sentosa-battleships traversed the area. One of the battleships was sunk due to leftover equipment from the Philippines Rebellion. The second Battleship mistakenly fired the Laser under sub-optimal conditions, causing a mass explosion in the central islands.

The Hong Kong University Branch and the Taiwan University Branch was removed and combined with The University on Sulawesi Island after much unrest in the 5th District occurred, sending Guangzhou, Taiwan, and mainland Hong Kong into chaos. The island of Hong Kong remains under Gov Chun's control. The mass fleet headed to Japan and Korea returned back to Sulawesi Island. There still remains a naval base on Okinawa Island, and Sri Lanka, but nowhere else. The 2nd and 4th Districts also fell into complete anarchy as lack of support from the Singapore's former economy failed their industries. The 3rd District has begun to erode and only a few small Islands accept the Governor's Control.

The only functioning governments are the 1st District (Controlling Sulawesi Island, Singapore, Okinawa, Sri Lanka, Kuala Lumpur), the 5th District (Island of Hong Kong), and the Descendants of Singapore (Those who refuse to leave Singapore). All computing power was moved to the University, so the only people who still know where all 16,000 underwater mines are belong to the 1st District. Needless to say, underwater mine production has ceased. Likewise, the Skipper production has discontinued, after yielding 1800 skippers, all of which has been stored at Sulawesi Island. The ongoing research on other ships still continue.

Gov Khey Lim returned to Sulawesi and after realizing the failure of the Districts of Asia, agreed with the other Governors to form a new Government, Khey Lim and the Alcoholic Band of Swig Swaggity Pirates. He was quickly punched in the face and a more accepted name was formed. The University. Those who were still loyal to Singapore but did not reside in Sulawesi was given the identifier of The Mafia. This signifies the complete collapse of the Districts of Asia and any semblance to the former powerhouse of the Old World, Singaporean Federation.

The University and the Mafia now exists as a final coalition in Asia, attempting to retain Asian Culture, Knowledge, and advance research with the hopes of restoring Singapore. From this point forward, The University and the Mafia should be considered an operating faction within Asia. They do not have International Status and only operates to keep Asia (and parts of the Pacific) out of Western Hands.
Japanese Islands

Ordarian forces on the Japanese Islands have gotten the order to engage Grenshu forces on the Japanese island of Honshu. The Ordarian forces land at the Japanese island of Shikoku and southern and northern Honshu. Ordarian forces attack Grenshu forces from all sides, the army engaging them on land while the navy and airforce bombards them by sea and air.

Grenshu Siberian Complex.png

Blue: Ordarian Occupied Lands

@Loyal Guardian

Ordarian National News Channel; Being Broadcasted Worldwide

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen! It's that time, viewers. That's right, elections are now in progress, you all now have a chance to vote. OSRP, OCP, OFP, and ODP candidates are holding rallies around the nation. This election is going to be a close one. Just a reminder to all our foreign viewers, you are allowed to vote. Results will come in next month."

"In other news, a massive explosion rocks the Bay of Biscay. There is not much information about this event as of now but the Ministers claim it was a massive naval accident, involving multiple ships colliding, resulting in a massive explosion. Well, that's the price to pay for using fusion energy in our vehicles."

"New news from the front! Ordarian forces engage Grenshu forces on the Japanese islands after the recent Za'ha'kya bombardment of the Grenshu Siberian complex. Casualties on both sides are climbing. And now for the weather."

@Anyone watching

Research Centers

With all other projects now complete, Ordarian scientists can now focus on analyzing alien technology. Progress is expected to speed up.


Ordarian forces invade Grenshu occupied Japan

Elections are now in progress; Foreign voters are allowed to vote

The Ministers claim the explosion in the Bay of Biscay was a massive naval accident

Alien Tech Analyzation: 14%

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