The World of Tomorrow

Any ships that were shot down over SRC territory has been taken. Scientists are attempting to reproduce such advanced technology and weaponry. Codenamed Operation E.T. Tech, the project is very secretive. The SRC has increased scientific research funding by 1 million dollars.

Operation ET Tech 1%

Operation Failsafe 10%

Operation Homeland Security 20%
Order Empire

The Grenshu Commander, seeing the heavy resistance put up by this other Human entity, has labeled them another threat to the invasion. He never thought that a species who has not appeared to leave their home world could put up such a resilient, valiant, and formidable defense. He could call in reinforcements from the main empire, however until all of his resources are nearly depleted, then he won't do such a thing.

[SIZE= 16px]Back in the Order Empire forces in France and forces in Britain have encountered heavy resistance. In response the forces in France, more Grenshu forces were deployed and now began to outnumber the defenders 2 to 1. Elsewhere the Grenshu deployed forces in Southern Iberia and Central Italy in a effort to divide Ordarian forces. However in Britain the story was different. Even though Grenshu forces outnumbered them 3 to 1, the heavy resistance and positions nearly made numbers obsolete. Then without warning a large amount of missiles hit the Destroyer above, which was preparing for a bombardment, struck and targeted the weapons of the ship. Thankfully the Humans missed the weak-point of the shielding, but the strikes were just strong enough to cancel the bombardment preparations in the ship. In the end the strikes did really damage the ship but it did a enough damage to the weapons where bombardment was stopped,  however all other weapon systems were still functional.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Siberia[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Seeing as how Human forces were putting up such a defense, the Grenshu commander and his military advisers analyzed that these inhabitants may actually force them to use much of their resources. So they decided to create a base of operations in a uninhabited area of the planet, Eastern Siberia. They landed four billion troops there along with many Werobatar for the creations of shipyards, bases, drone-hubs, defense platforms (aka a defense base), and large defense rings. At the same time five Fortresses were landed, in a somewhat triangle formation, across Eastern Siberia.[/SIZE]

Grenshu East Siberia.png

(Grenshu East Siberia Complex or the GESC)


  • Line: Defense Ring (including the one in the middle)
  • [SIZE= 16px]Circle(ish): Infantry bases[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Star: Defense Platform[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Hexagon: Shipyard[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rectangle: Drone-Hub[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Triangle: Fortresses[/SIZE]
Order Empire

The Grenshu Commander, seeing the heavy resistance put up by this other Human entity, has labeled them another threat to the invasion. He never thought that a species who has not appeared to leave their home world could put up such a resilient, valiant, and formidable defense. He could call in reinforcements from the main empire, however until all of his resources are nearly depleted, then he won't do such a thing.

Back in the Order Empire forces in France and forces in Britain have encountered heavy resistance. In response the forces in France, more Grenshu forces were deployed and now began to outnumber the defenders 2 to 1. Elsewhere the Grenshu deployed forces in Southern Iberia and Central Italy in a effort to divide Ordarian forces. However in Britain the story was different. Even though Grenshu forces outnumbered them 3 to 1, the heavy resistance and positions nearly made numbers obsolete. Then without warning a large amount of missiles hit the Destroyer above, which was preparing for a bombardment, struck and targeted the weapons of the ship. Thankfully the Humans missed the weak-point of the shielding, but the strikes were just strong enough to cancel the bombardment preparations in the ship. In the end the strikes did really damage the ship but it did a enough damage to the weapons where bombardment was stopped,  however all other weapon systems were still functional.



Seeing as how Human forces were putting up such a defense, the Grenshu commander and his military advisers analyzed that these inhabitants may actually force them to use much of their resources. So they decided to create a base of operations in a uninhabited area of the planet, Eastern Siberia. They landed four billion troops there along with many Werobatar for the creations of shipyards, bases, drone-hubs, defense platforms (aka a defense base), and large defense rings. At the same time five Fortresses were landed, in a somewhat triangle formation, across Eastern Siberia.

View attachment 176473

(Grenshu East Siberia Complex or the GESC)


  • Line: Defense Ring (including the one in the middle)
  • Circle(ish): Infantry bases
  • Star: Defense Platform
  • Hexagon: Shipyard
  • Rectangle: Drone-Hub
  • Triangle: Fortresses

Varmandr Vestan

Soon, the war was on the ground, and fighting was fierce. The VV had pushed the Grenshu forces across the continent into north-western Vestania, spilling over the border to Cascadia, with many losses.

However, the first 2,000 of the Battle Droids had rolled out on the battlefield, causing havoc and chaos towards the grenshu, and they were armed with experimental A5 Plasma Rifles. 9 out of 10 of them worked, but the 1 that didn't work caused lives to be lost, causing the Droids to be given regular Katrina Kholt rifles.

In an unexpected twist, the government secretly offered to start negotiations to end the war with the Grenshu, stating that the VV would offer a trade deal and not get in the way of other conquests, and that Human lives should not be squandered.

Until then, the VV started modifying the Mouse drones to be more explosive, and able to fly in Space-conditions.

@Loyal Guardian
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Nevada Offensive, Cascadia


Two F-38's flying high above Nevada during the Battle of Henderson


Upon federally mandated order, CERA was authorized to begin a full evacuation of the entire state of Nevada as to prevent civilian casualities, due to the slow pace of the Grenshu advance all civilians in the state were able to evacuate and clear out into neighboring states where state governments have begun setting up additional Evacuee Camps in their territories. In the fighting the CDF was able to not put an end to the offensive entirely but to heavily stall it, with the Grenshu forces loosing far more men and equipment per mile than the CDF on average, as of now the Grenshu still outnumber the CDF in all fronts but are loosing at least 4 troops for every one Cascadian soldier, the F-38 has proved to be a complete nightmare for Grenshu air forces with the ratio being 1 F-38 shot down for every 14 Grenshu fighter aircraft shot down, the M1A3 Abrams has also proved it's worth on the frontlines, a good part of this being due to the high level of skill employed by Cascadian tank crewmen, many of the tanks being sent into the fighting in Nevada have survived the first few weeks and have quickly become veterans, the same has gone for all CDF forces stationed in Nevada, the Grenshu tactic of attempting to split the Cascadian defensive line in two has in-fact backfired as it gave the CDF the ability to allow them to believe that their plan had succeeded, splitting their forces in half only to reinforce both halves with another 500,000 troops each and flank the main Grenshu battle group from both sides, locking them in and forcing them to retreat. Sending the Grenshu advance back by 124 miles in a single day.


During the Battle of Henderson a task force of F-38's were able to take down one of the Grenshu destroyers after a few gun runs of the bridge and engines. Having had to go near the F-38's top speed to not be hit by the destroyer's defensive weapons, in the end it had worked and the destroyer had gone down just outside the city of Henderson, the majority of the other Grenshu ships sent to aid the offensive had also been taken down across the battletorn Nevada desert upon which the Grenshu offensive had slowly come to a halt only around 35 miles outside of Las Vegas, Pastor had been deployed to multiple locations around the affected areas, destroying valuable equipment to the Grenshu from ammunition depots to vehicle repair centers and communications towers. Pastor had also been the same one to single-handedly take down an entire Grenshu field base and steal one of their communications servers, the entire machine taken straight from the base and carried to the nearest CDF outpost, it has so far not been a concidence that at any battle where the Cascadians are losing, Pastor will show up and turn the tide in little more than 3 or so hours. Grenshu intelligence has only managed to capture one or two video frames of him in battle as of now, but even these images have been distorted due the speed that Pastor goes in the heat of battle.


Portland, Cascadia

From an undisclosed location, President Jefferson brought up a new proposal to both the CDF and House of Representatives to reorganize the National Guard, after little discussion it was agreed upon due to the current global conflict and preparations were made. 21,000 M1A3 tanks, 9,600 F-38 fighter jets, 60,000 humvees, 23,000 AHL-77 Hawk transport & gunships, 13,400 M10 Bradleys, 8,700 IAV Strykers Mark 5's, 6,800 AH-94 Alsin attack helicopters, 2,300 A-12 Thunderbolt III's and 3,500 PAC 4 PATRIOT anti-air systems have all been ordered for the newly formed National Guard. All of these are to be built in undisclosed locations across a wide array of areas around the country as to prevent Grenshu intelligence from finding out about it, as of now over 4,459,000 people have enlisted with the National Guard in their respective territories, with many more to follow, surprisingly a large number of these people are enlisting from Southern America as the entirety of Cascadian territory there are now fully in favor of the Republic as they see the Vestanian government's attempt to force the Grenshu into their homes as reckless and aggressive. The mass enlistment into the National Guard won't hamper the economy of Cascadia in any major way due to the flexibility that the Guard provides, the entire point of it being so that people can serve part-time in the military whilst living their regular lives, IE still doing their full-time jobs but being fully trained soldiers at the same time.


Meanwhile the four new naval fleets ordered for the CNDF have been completed, consisting of 85 ships and 4 aircraft carriers each, these new aircraft carriers being the Jefferson class. As of now the Department of Defense has been pouring hundreds of millions into the research of Grenshu technology to reverse engineer it for both civilian and military purposes, the newly formed National Guard has also been activated by the federal government under the now known Federal Defense Act of 3256 which was put into law to allow the massive expansion of the CDF and to entitle the Department of Defense to all realms of authority over wartorn areas, giving them authorization to enact martial law, mandatory evacuations and even arresting civilians if required, however this only extends to areas within 100 miles of a major conflict zone or the zone itself as to prevent civil disobedience during evacuations or movement of supplies. Emergency services in affected areas of evacuation and war have also been put under the command of the Central Emergency Response Agency, the spiritual successor to FEMA, and the Disaster Relief Fund has been replenished by 12 billion dollars to aid in evacuation and rehousing efforts for evacuees from Nevada.


Southern America, Cascadia

The Vestanian attempt to push the Grenshu forces into their northern territory and Cascadian southern territory at the same time has not gone unnoticed, a sizeable military force responding to the fighting and fortifying the southern border with Varmander Vestan, forcing back any Grenshu forces that attempt to retreat or regroup near Cascadian territory, CDF forces in the area have been welcomed kindly by the local inhabitants on the Cascadian side and many civilian militas and armed groups have come to their aid in doing what they can to help, whether it be protecting their own towns and villages to helping guard the border. Minor evacuations have taken place along the southern border to ensure that if the worst case scenario does come into play that there will be no civilian casualities and the local government has been given additional federal funding to temporarily house the residents of evacuated areas, F-38's have begun regular patrols of the border to check for any intrusions and drones are currently doing reconaissance on the border to ensure that not even the smallest groups move through the border, the Border Security Agency has been put on full alert as of now and the Department of Homeland Defense has been given authorization to begin the production of armed drones, these drones having long been a controversial debate in both Congress and public opinion, however due to the situation they have been allowed.


Classified Location, Cascadia

The progress of subject Sierra, also known as Star was allowed for a long period of time to go undisturbed to see the effects. However due to the unsettling mental development of her asking rather personal questions and ones involving fear, this had been changed, the books and all forms of media she recieved now largely revolved around items that were pro-Cascadian in one way or another, even things that weren't directly in support of Cascadia but popular within it, such as popular items and clothing brands. Dr. McAlson saw it as unethical to teach the child to grow up immensely patriotic but had to go along with it due to government order, the girl despite having a rapidly growing intellect wasn't able to understand the change of media as it had been discreetly done, a Cascadian flag hung in her bedroom which had now been nicely decorated but to that of a young boy rather than a young girl, more masculine attitudes had been promoted as the Department of Defense was clearly interested in exploring a military career with Star despite McAlson's protests.


Further research conducted revealed more insight to the changes done to Star by the Vestanians and it was worked on, the girl was finally allowed social interaction with other children her own mental age, these children being brought in from the orphanage system as members of the facility still didn't trust the girl around their own children. Friendly behavior was encouraged between them as they played games amongst themselves, ten year old children had been the ones brought in so that Star could successfully connect with them on a mental level rather than a purely physical and age based one, so that they were of the same intelligence and could cope playing the same types of games and studying with one another, eight children had been brought in overall with McAlson watching over the study.


Meanwhile in Honduras the CDF and NIA team stormed the building only to find the suicide of multiple men inside, their bodies were examined and kept in place as to not spoil the scene for investigators, fingerprints were done and pictures taken of the entire building multiple times over, the house was ransacked entirely to find anything of importance to the investigation and anything at all, even going as far as to rip wallpaper off and pull floorboards up, pull furniture apart and check the ceilings, no stone was left unturned in search for anything once the investigation on the scene had been done and the bodies had been taken away for further study and possible identification.

Pendragon, Rising Empire North America

The Command Room was so busy, officers rushing everywhere, thousands of calls being answered. Max came inside an approached Schneizel, who was sitting at the Command Chair next to Lelouch. He pointed his hand at a large interface and looked at them.

"Check this out" He said and then waved his hands. A live video then popped up and displayed poland. Cities around it were being under sieged by the aliens again, the EMC did their best trying to hold it.

"The shields are weakening" He said "Warsaw's shield integrity is now at 60%.. Any further bombardment on the shield will make it fall" Schneizel stood up and looked at him.

"Do not worry" He said "We will be sending reinforcements." Max nodded.

"How many frames and soldiers do we have at EMC?" Max asked. Lelouch then stood up and replied.

"When we sent the military, there were about 50,000 Soldiers and 1,250 Frames, all vincent ward class."

"And we will send in 600,000 Thousand troops, 5 thousand frames and 10,000 in total each for vehicles and aircrafts." Schneizel added "That will surely make Poland stand it's ground"

"We also got reports that the Grenshu has established a base at Eastern siberia" Max reported.

"We will just wait and see" Schneizel said.

Poland, Rising Empire Europe

The RE forces were fighting back the aliens, remaining EMC forces were holding the aliens off until the reinforcements from mainland arrive. The shield integrity were now at 40%. 

So far the Battle of Earth has been relatively indecisive. So far multiple factors have affected how the current situation looks. On one hand humanity has suffered many defeats yet some strategic victories, like the Battle of Portland and Battle of Eclipsim, while in the meantime inflicting decent casualties to Grenshu forces yet still taking in many of their own. On the other Grenshu forces had gone into this completely unaware of the full capabilities of humanity, severely underestimating them, and even after their defeats they still feel as though they will come out on top.

Now Grenshu forces are launching new offensives all across the planet, in a effort to get humanity out of major populated areas and force them into more rural ones. Two most major offensives were aimed at the two entities that the Grenshu commander considered to be a threat, which we know as the Eclipsian Federation and Republic of Cascadia. In the Eclipse the Grenshu launched the Steppes Offensive that aimed to take over the area around Solaris and move into Siberia, and in Cascadia the Nevada Offensive was launched in a effort to split their forces. On both ends the Grenshu deployed forces that outnumbered the defenders 3 to 1 and sent in numerous Scout Ships, Frigates, some Corvettes, and two Destroyers on each offensive. On both offensives they have sent in fighter-like drones controlled via by one of the Capitol Ships near the Moon to aid in aerial combat.

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian

[SIZE= 16px]Elsewhere the Grenshu launched other attacks on major cities. In Poland, now controlled by the Rising Empire, multiple ships attacked major cities throughout the former country, including the recently attack Warsaw. The multiple battles opened up on the Polish Offensive was just enough to split Riser forces, even the shielding set up by the Risers was beginning to crack. In Varmandr Vestan the Grenshu laucnhed multiple offensives across the country side in an effort to capture the country and take over Cascadian South America. In the African Empire multiple cities were attacked and bombarded, leaving African forces split on where to go efficiently. The situation also worsened for the Africans after the complete take over of Singaporean Africa by the Grenshu and they began to push from there. In the Order Empire the Grenshu began to push out of Paris and London in an effort to take down another threat they feared could do damage. With the recent failure at Oxford, Grenshu forces decided to deploy more troops and craft into Paris and London. The Destroyer in London was then ordered to be sent over Oxford to destroy the city, while Paris forces began to take over the areas around Paris. However the Destroyer sent to Oxford got stuck in between by determined Orderian/British forces when they attacked them with numerous anti-aircraft fire, once again unknowingly, hitting its weak-point in the hanger/belly of the ship. And in Russia Grenshu forces were sending in more troops to fight the determined humans (I tried reading your post, but like Alteras i need a summary)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion @Domini Regum @Agent141 @Wickedkent @Alteras @Kazami42[/SIZE]


Grenshu Invasion of Earth; Battle of Earth; Terran War of Independence

July, 3256 - Ongoing


Belligerent 1:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • [SIZE= 16px]Order Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Singaporean Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Varmandr Vestan[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Cascadia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Autocratic Redline Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rising Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]African Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Socialist Republic of California[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]2nd German Republic[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nordic Union[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Nordlam[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Mesa[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 2:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)[/SIZE]




The remaining offensives upon the coasts of the island by the aliens would be retaliated against by the surviving 50,000 eclipsian soldiers, and whoever else was in the area. With the bulk of the svalbard invasion entirely removed within eight hours of constant fighting, that would make defending the island much easier. Some valkyrur were sent to these locations and easily destroyed the aliens there. Most couldn't even approach them before being obliterated. The technology would be sent back to the imperials, who have the most advanced equipment to conduct research on this. A rare few survivors, three. Would also be sent back under guard by CMs and a valkyria.




The redline would continue assaulting Grenshu invaders. The west could only be held off with a stable border, and the east couldn't be reinforced whatsoever. The north had been defended and still remains held by a few dozen heavily armed soldiers who remained in the area. The same could be said for the east. The main military would be fighting to the south to reach back into glazov, and get supplies from there. A large majority of land was controlled by the Grenshu south, however since the area was mostly not developed, or was a desert due to nuclear war and constant radiation/nuclear waste. The Grenshu did not have alot of troops in the southern regions.


The redline, and their goddess would easily plow through the infantry to the south. Some units would remain in the areas they retake as scouts, or to hold the area for them to return to the palace. After entering glazov and taking some ammo, guns, and some people for war effort, their goddess commanded them back home to defend it. 




The horde of gallians, imperials, and soviets quickly erased alien infantry off the face of severny island. The technology would be sent back to the imperials. There were no survivors.



Considering the aliens only sent in infantry, especially to currently one of the most defended locations they possibly could. They would be attacked by various camps which would have hundreds or thousands of people stationed in them including heavy vehicles for plague. Tanks, heavy machinegun fire, and ragnite mortar shells would obliterate, burn, or maim the aliens. The armor after being hit repeatedly for a few minutes by even hundreds of soldiers and vehicles, would expose the occupants due to the heavy caliber of each weapon and the tanks firing absurdly large shells. Some aliens would even be thrown on their backs by large tank shells. Some ragnite mortar shells however had poor conditioning of the ragnite ore within, and or was over mature. Thus when exploding when fired and hitting a target, a large ragnite gas cloud would appear up to fifty feet away of the detonation. Any unprotected foe or those without masks inhaling it would be ripped apart from the inside due to the gas capable of carrying small shards. Others with protection might have it damaged, burned through over time, or be perfectly fine.



The boarding party would eventually find a way into the ship, and the numbers of them counted to 300 spetsnaz units from the destroyers, 1,000 from the rig, and 100 from the frigate. Counting exactly up to 2,000 infantry. Some infantry even took the machineguns from their ships with them. The many zodiacs would group up around the ship, personnel entering holes in the corvette and fighter(s). They would enter the ships and slowly walk about, usually in a line formation like in Vietnam. The would be on the lower levels of the corvette and would proceed to walk down the alien hallways, sparks from disabled equipment, wires, and anything else exposed filling most of it. They would proceed to walk until a turret appeared and gunned down three of the soldiers, with one of them surviving. "Shit, pop grenades!" Two soldiers would throw grenades towards the turret. After they detonated, they would perform the helmet trick. Since the gun didn't fire back, they went to make sure. "Sorry buddy." They would pickup one of the dead soldiers and wave his arm towards the turret. Since it didn't fire at the corpse or the guy behind him, they gently lowered the body and proceeded on. They would fire into the turret just to make sure. The riflemen would load a single AP caliber round into the chamber and fire it into the turret. They would then proceed through the ship, and some alien corpses.



The capital city of gallia was under attack from every side, and evacuation by this point for anyone else outside the city is impossible. Everyone in the first and second districts were evacuated to the harbour. There, they would be placed inside of boats, and sailed off into god only knows in the kara seas. Besides a few ships already above, there were vastly more infantry. Some would be destroyed by the barrage of thousands of bullets, others would be thrown if outside of armor and or killed by ragnite mortar shells or lancer missiles. The high up 10 - 15 M high walls surrounding the city giving off a wide view. [It was somewhere around those two numbers. Haven't referenced the wall in quite awhile since the guys who killed themselves with a nuclear reactor.] They would continue firing down at the aliens, including any which decided grouping up next to the wall was a great idea. The goddesses down below at ground level would be firing their ragnite weaponry into the skies at Grenshu vessels. Those without shields would be done for, and Corvettes would take longer to destroy.


[After update]


Order Empire

The Grenshu Commander, seeing the heavy resistance put up by this other Human entity, has labeled them another threat to the invasion. He never thought that a species who has not appeared to leave their home world could put up such a resilient, valiant, and formidable defense. He could call in reinforcements from the main empire, however until all of his resources are nearly depleted, then he won't do such a thing.

[SIZE= 16px]Back in the Order Empire forces in France and forces in Britain have encountered heavy resistance. In response the forces in France, more Grenshu forces were deployed and now began to outnumber the defenders 2 to 1. Elsewhere the Grenshu deployed forces in Southern Iberia and Central Italy in a effort to divide Ordarian forces. However in Britain the story was different. Even though Grenshu forces outnumbered them 3 to 1, the heavy resistance and positions nearly made numbers obsolete. Then without warning a large amount of missiles hit the Destroyer above, which was preparing for a bombardment, struck and targeted the weapons of the ship. Thankfully the Humans missed the weak-point of the shielding, but the strikes were just strong enough to cancel the bombardment preparations in the ship. In the end the strikes did really damage the ship but it did a enough damage to the weapons where bombardment was stopped,  however all other weapon systems were still functional.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Siberia[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Seeing as how Human forces were putting up such a defense, the Grenshu commander and his military advisers analyzed that these inhabitants may actually force them to use much of their resources. So they decided to create a base of operations in a uninhabited area of the planet, Eastern Siberia. They landed four billion troops there along with many Werobatar for the creations of shipyards, bases, drone-hubs, defense platforms (aka a defense base), and large defense rings. At the same time five Fortresses were landed, in a somewhat triangle formation, across Eastern Siberia.[/SIZE]

View attachment 176473

(Grenshu East Siberia Complex or the GESC)


  • Line: Defense Ring (including the one in the middle)
  • [SIZE= 16px]Circle(ish): Infantry bases[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Star: Defense Platform[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Hexagon: Shipyard[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rectangle: Drone-Hub[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Triangle: Fortresses[/SIZE]

[And not reinforce the land in gallia? Trololollolololol. Also you do realize parts of the first defense ring are literally in one of the most defended areas the gallians, some imperials, and redline took during their expansion into eastern siberia right?]



The remaining first and second generations would be gathered into a silo, mobile radios, Imperial soldiers, Television cameras, a studio audience to write this down on paper, and some freelance painters would also be gathered there. Previously, the order was given to invade the surface to the north. This would be recorded and also broadcasted, And letters were sent out in areas without communication whatsoever... Some generals and other high ranking personnel meant to be elsewhere, but couldn't be due to this invasion and goddesses were also gathered. Everyone was everywhere in the silo, on the gtound, on higher levels, or standing/sitting down on jutting out parts of the silo in the dark. Once the emperor got there, a speech would commence.


"People of the empire, Gallia, the redline. Last night, we were invaded by a unknown force from all sides imaginable... They destroyed many others across the globe, but we had enough time to prepare for their imminent invasion of russia. We defended our people and our land, and our allies lost all of theirs. Many wars across the planet ended abruptly because of this horrific event, and many have suffered to the hands of our enemies. Such as the terrorists known as the nordic union, or the foreign invaders. But today, that will change forever...

Soldiers, Sailors and goddesses of the Allied Expeditionary Forces:

You are about to embark upon a Great Crusade, toward which we have striven these many months. The eyes of the world are upon you. The hopes and prayers of liberty-loving people everywhere march with you. In company with our brave Allies and brothers-in-arms on other Fronts you will bring about the destruction of the Foreign war machine, the elimination of tyranny over oppressed peoples of Europa, and security for ourselves in a dangerous world. [SIZE= 16.1292px]Your task will not be an easy one. Your enemy is well trained, well equipped and battle-hardened. He will fight savagely...[/SIZE]

But this is the year 3256. Much has happened since the foreign triumphs of 3255-6. The eastern alliance have inflicted upon the enemy great defeats, in open battle, man-to-man. Our sea offensive has seriously reduced their strength in the air [nords] and their capacity to wage war on the ground. [Both] Our Home Fronts have given us an overwhelming superiority in weapons and munitions of war, and placed at our disposal great reserves of trained fighting men and women. The tide has turned. The free men and women of the world are marching together to victory.

I have full confidence in your courage, devotion to duty, and skill in battle. We will accept nothing less than full victory. [SIZE= 16.1292px]Good Luck! And let us all beseech the blessing of the empress upon this great and noble undertaking." As the speech was concluded, the emperor informed the citizens of changes, and the scientists to equally conduct them. making project helghast into a reality. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16.1292px]The emperor kept some CMs and a valkyria with him that wanted to fight with him. They entered the advanced engineering deck and approached their long hidden away experimental tank. "You wanted to fight for your empress, you will have to fight for your life today." He pressed a button opening a heavy blast door which slowly raised up, as a alarm then went off. The tank crewmen would appear running about the facility decks, operators getting in redline made Imperial vehicles, IS-0s, other Imperial vehicles stored away down here.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16.1292px]Eight crewmen, of different origin. Redline, gallian, Imperial would appear. Them being yuri frost, 'Nonna', katyusha, Yuri's wife Kelsey peron for engineering and not the actual tank operator, Amanda heart, Leila peron, theimer, and Leila's brother Dimitri. "What the hell is happening?" Dimitri asked as he was walking down the bay. "Alien invasion." 'non' said. "What the fuck? Aliens? I thought those fucking nords were invading." He would begin getting his gear on, and soviet-era tank helmet. The soviets wore stereotypical soviet tanker clothing. They would then begin approaching the batomys tank. When noticing the emperor they saluted to him. "Hello emperor!" Theimer said to him. "At ease engineer. Is the tank in working condition now?" He asked. "It is. It was difficult getting some of the guns to turn quicker however, but we got it done." They would then enter the storage room and begin climbing up the long ladder. "The ragnite should help protect the tank from being destroyed by bombs from above. So do not fear about enemy aircraft." He said to everyone. They would eventually get to the top and begin turning the blast door, similar to those on naval ships to seal off areas or close them. They would enter the tank and take their positions. The two engineers remain inside the engine room, but Kelsey would be next to the engine. Since it would be extremely hot, the two of them would have to be shirtless to prevent overheating. Though Kelsey would have a tank top/wifebeater on which was white.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16.1292px]The emperor would take control of the tank, 'Nonna' and katyusha would arm the main battery, the back cannon would be controlled by Amanda heart, and the five machineguns would be manned by the rest of them. Yuri would be a backup driver but otherwise would man the primary controls of the tank, including the built in comms system. [The tank being so big that you can literally walk around in it. It is the closest thing to being on a naval ship or a space craft essentially.] And the others be on the top of the tank. The lights would be turned on, and they would then begin rolling out of the bay. Eventually, with the Russian queen, and various other Imperial vehicles. They would get to golden heart's revolving platform and be raised slowly up to the surface. After getting there, they would split off across russia, but the northern direction of the platform saw enemies in the desert. "OPEN FIRE!" The emperor yelled out, as every single gun and the main cannon would fire at the enemy infantry not being any wiser to what is behind them, along with several other Imperial vehicles, and redline trucks, APC-Ts, and hellcat jeeps speeding about everywhere. The sight of the humongous ass tank filling any summaist while they were alive with fear, and possibly the same done here. It was official: Operation: Valkyrur! Was in full effect.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16.1292px]SIBERIA:[/SIZE]

It was already too late for the alien forces, the occupied lands and some deep lands by the principality when it existed would still be in control. The pre-setup camps and defenses be held except for those furthest into the ring. [Next to the defense platform.] And survivors would regroup in other camps, adding more onto their vast numbers. They were incapable of assaulting the enemy, but they were capable of holding the line. They used their radios to request reinforcements and exactly what they were experiencing. Thus the appropriate units could be sent in to help reinforce. The broadcast would only be heard from the imperials due to a system of radio operators throughout the land receiving and then repeating the broadcast further west. Some vehicles, and some infantry from Western lines within the newly conquered territory of siberia would be moved in to reinforce the line. Increasing the infantry total to over 40,000.




Ragnite munitions project: 90%

They concluded their ragnite documentation and observation. They had tested a large cluster of over-mature ragnite and it near instantly filled the testing chamber seconds after being cracked open. The results were saved, and they would begin trying to create three categories of these weapons: low grade. Easiest to test and build. Consisting of bullets, shells such as artillery, and grenades. Hunting grade: specifically designed suits and weapons, Canister tubes. And finally apocalypse grade: tank smoke shells, Bombs, and landmines. Once researched and if successful, immediate construction would ensue.

Most things, such as smoke shells, artillery shells, etc would be much easier due to their size and all which would be needed would be to add the ore into them.


Ocean goddess project: 5% [lol, over a year for this big bitch.]

The construction upon the hull would begin, including the keel, and bottom hull. All work forces would be kept in the secret location to work on the ship.


Mass expansion project: 90%.

The southern lands of siberia would be taken and some land further east to gather the plague. All aliens wouldbe dealt with.


Seed Project: 50%. [Should be 9 months. -5.]

One plant was successfully genetically modified to be asexual. The steps were carefully documented by researchers watching, and the process could then be easily done once other seeds were prepped.


Ragnite weapon construction: 0%. 

This project would mass produce, or modify existing equipment to be used for ragnite purposes once the munitions testing is complete.


Project: Helghast now in operation. 0%. [for new armor, and projectile weapons for the imperials. It would also add new uniforms, and would transform the government into a full-blown presence. 1 year 6 months.]

This project would begin the initial stages of transforming the Imperial government. It is a project which would span into three stages. Government and military, additional flags and citizen life, and surface colonization. Not exactly in that order.



Here is your summary, but as always: it is more recommended to read the actual post. As the summary may not even have critical information of some events.

Svalbard [well, the parts owned by the imperials.] Would be saved from alien invasion. Their technology and alien survivers would be sent back to the imperials in Russia.

The redline goddess, and their military would successfully go south into undeveloped land the Grenshu failed to use. This in turn allowed them to eventually make it into glazov, and resupply their military. The route back would also be defended by a military presence.

Severny island would succumb to the same victorious fate as svalbard. Except they wouldn't have any alien survivors, but technology would be sent back to the imperials.

Pre-update siberia would continue winning their fight against the Grenshu. Their large caliber weapons and bullets, and the tank absurdly sized shells would even throw some armored units on their ass when hit. Ragnite mortar shells would also help with destroying unarmored targets by burning, fragmentation, or the heavy explosion killing them or damaging them. Some ragnite mortar shells would have cracked open ragnite due to over-maturity and poor conditions, and thus gas the area they hit. The gas spanning for 50 feet away from where the shell detonated, and anyone without a helmet or proper protection get ripped up by the ore in the clouds, or the gas and ore get inhaled by unprotected foreign beings and their lungs/insides get ripped apart.

The kara seas would see the aliens being boarded by 2,000 spetsnaz personnel. Three would be gunned down by a turret, but it would eventually be destroyed. They are currently in the lower decks of a downed corvette, and currently attempting to go through the levels to capture it from within.

The gallian capital of randgriz would continue to thrive. The high up walls. [Again, between 10 - 15 M high.] Would grant the thousands upon thousands of soldiers stationed upon them easier visibility or attack range of any infantry below. Group ups would be stopped immediately especially by lancer missiles, and katyusha's and tanks on the walls would destroy anyone they could hit. The surrounding oversized moat surrounding the entire city would also help with preventing infantry movement. The two goddesses inside of gallia would begin firing upon enemy vessels, and those without shields would be quickly taken down. Larger craft like Corvettes would take critical damage, but would survive for longer periods of time.

After the second post appeared:

The imperials begin project: helghast, and Operation:Valkyrur!

The emperor did a long speech [a parody of the normandy one.] Demonizing the nordic union and the Grenshu. The speech was conducted in a silo, where thousands of soldiers, militiamen, camera men, radio men, document writing men, several claymores, and several valkyrur being there for the party. Afterwards the emperor took some of the valks and CMs with him to the lower decks of the advanced engineering facility the imperials own, and entered the batomys tank. They would go to golden heart, use the revolving platform to get to the surface en-masse, and split up with others to gallia, redline, and siberia. The emperor and some Imperial tanks went north, and surprised the Grenshu. 

Once the aliens made their defensive lines in plague infested eastern siberia, some minor outposts stationed next to a defense platform would be destroyed. Survivors would notify other camps and join them. A radio broadcast would be transmitted to another outpost, where another radioman would continue sending the broadcast west. The siberian line was formed and the line was reinforced making their numbers up to around 40,000. The broadcast would continue to spread east to be heard by the imperials.

The progress of subject Sierra, also known as Star was allowed for a long period of time to go undisturbed to see the effects. However due to the unsettling mental development of her asking rather personal questions and ones involving fear, this had been changed, the books and all forms of media she recieved now largely revolved around items that were pro-Cascadian in one way or another, even things that weren't directly in support of Cascadia but popular within it, such as popular items and clothing brands. Dr. McAlson saw it as unethical to teach the child to grow up immensely patriotic but had to go along with it due to government order, the girl despite having a rapidly growing intellect wasn't able to understand the change of media as it had been discreetly done, a Cascadian flag hung in her bedroom which had now been nicely decorated but to that of a young boy rather than a young girl, more masculine attitudes had been promoted as the Department of Defense was clearly interested in exploring a military career with Star despite McAlson's protests.


Further research conducted revealed more insight to the changes done to Star by the Vestanians and it was worked on, the girl was finally allowed social interaction with other children her own mental age, these children being brought in from the orphanage system as members of the facility still didn't trust the girl around their own children. Friendly behavior was encouraged between them as they played games amongst themselves, ten year old children had been the ones brought in so that Star could successfully connect with them on a mental level rather than a purely physical and age based one, so that they were of the same intelligence and could cope playing the same types of games and studying with one another, eight children had been brought in overall with McAlson watching over the study.


Meanwhile in Honduras the CDF and NIA team stormed the building only to find the suicide of multiple men inside, their bodies were examined and kept in place as to not spoil the scene for investigators, fingerprints were done and pictures taken of the entire building multiple times over, the house was ransacked entirely to find anything of importance to the investigation and anything at all, even going as far as to rip wallpaper off and pull floorboards up, pull furniture apart and check the ceilings, no stone was left unturned in search for anything once the investigation on the scene had been done and the bodies had been taken away for further study and possible identification.

Subject Sierra had taken immense interest in the other children, taking immense time to play with them, always watching them with a gleam of something nobody quite understood in her eyes. When she wasn't playing, she sat in her room silently, either reading books or just sitting down "Meditating" as she described it. She was seen once or twice intensely staring at the Cascadian flag, but quickly pulled out of it, saying nothing.

In Honduras, the dead men were identified as normal humans. They were former Siberian mecenaries hired to defend something, but whatever it was it wasn't there, only a note...

"Dear Men,

Defend this place with your lives, as it very well may come to it.

Also, remember your obligation to the Falcon of Fate, and after two weeks of waiting, meet us in the old Vestan nuclear factory in Cordoba.


Ordo Bellicus Procellae"


Varmandr Vestan

With the Grenshu now trapped between the Cascadians and the Vestanians, they quickly tried to retreat to the ships, but very few reached the ground. Minimal Grenshu troops survived, and whatever survived were kept in the maximum-security prison named "Hel's Pit", and controversially tortured for information.

Other Stuff

Project Cauliflower: (45%)

The droids were complete, but factories needed to be refitted to create them efficiently. Estimated time: 6 months.

Project Turn: (2%)

The Alien technology was advanced for the combined force of Vestan and AE scientists. It would take a long time for them to get a alien ship going

Large News!

(Litterally larger)

The Varmandr Vestan, with the vote of 45/50/5 was split east-west between the Varmandian Fascist Order and the United States of Varmandr Vestan, with a small country calling itself the Katrina State forming in the direct middle.

In the Interim President's decree, the leaders of the three nations will form the Council of Three, making the independent nations basically be still united. This is to surely cause unknown chaos between the three states.

Each nation inherited half the military, beside the Katrina State, which declined.
Last edited by a moderator:

The Singaporean Federation Parliament began a series of total disintegration. Due to the near destruction of Singapore and the loss of contact with Shanghai and Governor Chun, the Governors of the Federation were given exclusive and unlimited power over their own territories. With the fall of Singapore, 1st Governor Zhang decided to join Sulawesi Island.

The Singaporean Federation is effectively dissolved and is now the Seven Districts of Asia.

With this dissolution, Governor Chang and Singaporean Africa began their campaign to integrate the territory with the rest of Africa, effectively dissolving the 7th District from the Districts of Asia.

Sri Lanka, Maldives, and Kyushu Island fell into 1st Governor Chang's domain, which with Sulawesi Island is now the 1st District of Asia, the leading research force of the Feudal Districts. They have been given exclusive rights to Singapore and Kuala Lumpur.

With the loss of contact with Shanghai, under PM Zeph Jeanes final decree, all territory north of Fuzhou shall be split into a separate District, forming the new 7th District. Right after this decree, he was killed by falling debris.

The Kyushu Forward Fleet, Taiwan Military outpost, Sri Lanka Naval Base, Sao Tome and Principle Naval base, Mauritius Naval Base have been recalled to defend the seas. Hanoi, Bangkok, and Ho Chi Minh began to refortify their cities. Jakarta, Manila, and Hong Kong began to do so as well.

The skipper research was complete and will begin production in the 6th District of Asia, Southern China. The Skipper is capable of reaching 120 Knots. Production is predicted to be 300 per month as of now.

In Singapore, there were those who refused to leave the former city of luxury. Many instead retreated to the Fullerton Hotel, Marina Bay Sands Hotel, and the Raffle Hotel.

Crappy image of skipper that I was lazy to go find:



Skipper - Complete

Production Methods - Complete
Pendragon, Rising Empire

-Emperor Schneizel-

He was sweating, he looked at a picture of the world, it displayed the locations taken and retrieved. Many popped up green, which meant the place has been retaken from the aliens, but many popped in red, which meant that places were being lost to the alien more than we are retaking from them. He also received news that Singapore has been taken and the prime minister killed, the federation was at chaos, people were clueless on what to do. Schneizel sighed and stood up.

"Secure the Rising Empire North America, make sure no alien ships passes the territory, Stand grand at Europe and send immediate reinforcements if need be, and for singapore.. Send the 1st fleet,2nd fleet and 3rd fleet to support the coastal areas and the 7th, 4th, and 2nd battalion to aid in land... put the Prime Royal fleet in a standby." He said "Our cause is noble and our power is pure! For humanity!" He shouted the last words with determination, which the officers repeated.

Lloyd along with Rakashata approached Schneizel and passed  him a folder. He looked at them before opening it, he flipped through the pages carefully reading the details. He then closed it and hand it back to Lloyd.

"So, this is an Aerial Carrier that is just like the Avalon, but is more efficient in Direct battle" He said.

"Pretty much it" Lloyd replied

"Do it then" Schneizel said

Rakashata looked at Lloyd with a happy face and then both of them left the room.


RAS Warsaw-Class



In Siberia, general Joseph huxinfold was stationed in a camp titled: "AMR-1" closest to the siberian line. He had control over Soviet troops since no redline officer was in the area, and that the imperials had eventually integrated their leadership into most of the redline prior. He had formed, and given the order to maintain the "siberian line". A massive line in central siberia, russia. He had ordered his soldiers to begin making infantry emplacements among the line, including trenches. The trenches would be easily made by the infantry using their shovels, and the general idea was to form a system of trenches along the line to keep infantry in. The trenches would mostly be closed, but when fully constructed the barriers holding it together would be built somewhat above the ground to prevent it from easily flooding back in. However most trenches built so far would be two - three man foxhole type holes in the ground, with the earth being the only thing holding it together. Some other emplacements would be using the terrain to create barriers for vehicles, to protect them against incoming fire but also allow them to fire back. A storm which occurred disabled one of the further back outposts in the West, and thus preventing radio communication again.




The city would continue holding. 44 people were eventually wounded, and 70 overall died. Some had been rendered unconscious and fell off the wall, some fell off the wall and were unconscious or incapable of swimming and drowned, or from enemy aircraft. Some personnel from glazov would of been sent days prior to the capital before it was sealed. One of the soldiers sent back would be the officer Kurt. Before he could finish his personal journal the city was attacked and then he was sent to the western wall. He would be moved constantly about, until ending up at the southern wall where the entrance to the city was. As all enemy infantry attempting to land in the city would be instantly fired upon with ragnite weapon systems, destroying parts or all of the environment around them, but the first district was already evacuated. Thus the collateral damage was given full permission by the garrison and royal guard. Which most soldiers were confused as to why the majority of them were in maid outfits. Kurt would be firing down from the walls at the invading infantry units which started grouping up towards the gate. He hit them several times but the ones in full armor wouldn't die by his rounds. He then looked around until seeing someone with a anti tank rifle firing into the aircraft. He would go up to him and grab the rifle. "I need this more than you do!" He would then trade guns without the others say and mount the gun on part of the wall, he would aim down and fire into one of the Grenshu soldiers, Obliterating his/her skull. He would then proceed to reload and continue the process seventeen times, and every five times someone next to him would of been hit by rocket shrapnel or enemy aircraft.


He was beginning to run out of ammunition, but 9 shots he did would of actually of killed something. He would of continued by a rocket would hit a weakened portion of the wall he was next to, causing parts of it to collapse and he would also fall down along with it. "SHIT" However before he would probably fall to his death, some of the soldiers would of noticed and grabbed him by his arms and try bringing him back up. "I gotcha!" One of them said. Some would of been hit by rocket shrapnel or enemy aircraft again and fall off the wall themselves. They would of pulled Kurt back up and return firing. "You'll need this comrade." A soldier would of given him a pistol, the only thing else they had. Some who lost their weapons would instead begin throwing rubble down below.





[Black line: the edge of the line proposed line. (Once mass expansion hits 100% it'll be completed.)

Black circles: expanded outposts.

Blackish-blue: The lands abandoned.

Dark blue circle: AMR-1

Small X: Small vehicle encampments.

Large X: prewar railway stations, Large defenses, Or both.

Green lines: Northern expanded trans-siberian railroad-Other railroads.

Red lines: Trans-Siberian Railroad.]


After several days of the line being formed under orders of the general, Huxinfold had ordered them all to begin constructing trenches throughput the main line. However those would require resources and time to fully construct, so he also had them construct two-thirds man foxholes in the ground for use for cover against fire. The siberian line had three positions, and three stages. The northern edge, the central line, and the southern border. The three stages include the main line, if it fails there is the mid-line which is where the railroad begins connecting and can thus supply the line quicker, and then the defense wedge inbetween the socialist republic and republic of nordlam. There would still be some Grenshu infantry in the central line but they would be disposed of. Survivors would be sent back to the AMR-1 base. The base was behind two of the three lines, and thus would be more "protected" for the purpose.




To the west, 5 Is-0s, 3 Panzer-7s, and 30 Imperial owned redline vehicles such as hellcat jeeps and trucks. Since those and parts of the north heading towards the redline border were empty fields, and the Grenshu didn't reinforce the land there. It was very simple to retake. With all which was needed was a occupation force. Some units would proceed north after helping Imperial troops enter and hold the area, to help with the redline.

In the north east the imperials sent two cargo trains, the Soviet train which they had in their railroad preparing to be sent to the redline prior, and the Russian queen going down the rails heading for the siberian line. The two destroyers would be carrying one or two cargo freight cars filled with either soldiers or supplies, and could be used as a heavy anti-aircraft weapon due to the back mounted heavy machinegun-like battery on the ass end of it. The Russian queen would be long range artillery if needed, but would first be sent towards gallia. The Soviet train would be coupled with three freight cars with them all loaded with infantry, and the last car would be a makeshift armored coal car with the same heavy gun as a destroyer. The conductor could be noted as saying: "Chu Chu motherfuckers!"




[The batomys tank with a panzer-7 in one of the desert locations in Siberia.]

[That's right, I am stealing your picture ideas. Fear me!]

[SIZE= 14px]In the north, there would be the batomys tank, 4 panzer 7s, and 7 IS-0s. The tank regiment would be nearing central land of gallia. They were in one of the more war-torn areas of siberia from the quick summaist war. Being caused by the first generations on their way to yamburg. The fighting an hour earlier was quickly ended in the Grenshu being mowed down by heavy machineguns which firelarge rounds at them, some could say they were like miniature tank shells. That and either being crushed under the tracks or obliterated from the heavy cannon. Survivors would be taken by some, but others would be finished off by the tanks rear gun while they left. Nothing else other than that happened today, and they took a break to allow the other vehicle crewmen to change positions or sleep. Some slept in the gunners position. They were nearing the gallian capital, and would be arriving there when the sun begins to rise.[/SIZE]



In the ships boarded in the kara seas, Especially inside the corvette. Teams would be assembled. 500 would go down different directions of the ship, and should they find more areas they would sent 100 off to them to investigate. After fifteen minutes one team would of found two more turrets and would of been surprised by them appearing behind them, killing 10 people and wounding 5 more before being spammed with their explosives. a team would of ran by several minutes later. Considering the admiral wanted the ship or at least as a memento, they would return for the bodies later. The wounded would be injected with ragnaid and then forced back up to their feet to proceed. Despite some of them being more hurt and of been laying there for quite awhile, and thus would appear zombie-like in their movements with one of them actually needing help just to move about correctly. The turrets positioning tactics would be told through radio to other teams, or if impossible by sending someone to warn them. Then when entering open rooms, long areas, or peculiar areas they would be even more wary.



Again, when possible you should read the actual post. These summaries might leave other things out. And yes, I shall make every summary repeat this.

A general commands the siberian line to begin creating trenches and foxholes. The foxholes being used as cover while others build the trench systems.

The gallian capital would continue fending off the Grenshu. A few rockets would damage part of the upper wall due to how weak part of it was, and cause more people than what should of to die. The airforce from the invaders are still annoying, and since the first district of the city was evacuated long ago, complete use of ragnite weapon systems and wide effect barrages were allowed to be used there should enemy infantry try landing inside the capital city first district. [The capital being a reference to attack on Titan. Except instead of walls inside of the city blocking districts off, it is entire bridges and oversized expanded waterways.] Some throw parts of the wall itself down upon the invaders, and others begin using weapons they still own such as anti-armor rifles for anti-infantry and air purposes.

Surviving aliens that invaded the siberian lands before the line was created would be moved into AMR-1.

The imperials continue taking the more less occupied lands, some going to the redline, some heading to gallia's capital. They also sent two destroyers [the trains.], A soviet train, and the Russian queen to go to the siberian line. Some freight cars having soldiers or supplies.

The alien ships boarded in the kara seas would again gun down more people, but this time they would communicate any way they could to the other parties about turrets being everywhere.

And that is pretty much it at the moment.
Radium Hot Springs

The ships that were taken down are in relatively good shape due to the fact that they were sabotaged from the inside instead of being shot down. However, the Rockians do not have the time or resources to fully study them at the moment, and so they have been offered to Cascadia if, in return, at least three repaired ships are returned to the Rockians.


Communications Center

Another message was sent to the Eclipse Federation. "It is extremely urgent that this war must end. Please, end this conflict so that we may focus on the much greater threat to both our nations."

@Loyal Guardian


The cities have managed to fight off the Grenshu thanks to their preparedness for another conflict. Although the Teleportation Agency was too busy defending the Capitol to help out here, several different alien species have been captured. While their language is not understood, they mostly act just like a scared human prisoner, acting fearful and such. Work on deciphering their language has begun.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Work on Project Posiedon continues. Surprisingly, parts from the spaceships have proven quite useful, as they allow for the generation of an artificial atmosphere and breathable area.


Captured ships offered to Cascadia in return for their use once they are finished.

Another call to end war with the Eclipse Federation.

Grenshu in Australia fully fought off.

Alien Translation: 10%

Project Posiedon: 60%
(Sorry for not responding to the first, didn't see it at that time. Also the ships can't be repaired, they have to be reverse engineered first, the rest i'll ignore for now like how the hell did you get them from the inside?)

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio operator had gotten the second Rockian message, the first was most likely scrambled in the Battle of Eclipsim. He directed the message to the Eclipsian Council who decided to put it to a vote. While a complete cession of hostilities was voted down, a vote for a ceasefire was passed. In a statement the Head of Council said this: "Even though the majority of the Eclipsian Council bares hatred for the Rockies, we all agree that an even greater affects not only us, but them, and the whole world. That is why we are willing to commence an indefinite ceasefire until we have won this war and maybe, as a person who sympathizes with President Byron, we can truly end both of these wars."

@Fishman Lord

Eclipse Republic

Despite the defense of the area, the Army of Solaris failed to contain the Grenshu forces in and around Solaris after the arrival of two more Destroyers. The army was then being pushed further back into the Eclipse Republic, with Grenshu forces moving in and taking land outside the Eclipse Republic. After half a week of retreating, the Eclipsian army found themselves at the Aral Basin near Eclipsim. Even though most of the satellites in orbit had been destroyed or rendered useless, very few did remain. Combining a few grainy satellite images and a very dangerous scouting operation, it was found that most of the Grenshu forces were approaching the Aral Basin. People in the area fled in fear of a possible takeover, however the Eclipsian command thought otherwise. Instead of retreating soldiers into Eclipsim for an all out defense, they ordered the men to stay put and set up defensive networks. After receiving reinforcements from the Persian Republic, defenses were set up all around the basin and fortifications were set up. The ensuing battle would define the war for the Eclipse, and quite possibly the rest of the world.

The Battle of the Basin first began when Titan-AA Systems fired at approaching Grenshu forces. This would begin a three week long battle that would decide the fate of the country. Soon after the Eclipsians fired, Grenshu forces deployed suit and numerous infantry men were deployed from the ships above. When they pushed forward they encountered heavy Eclipsian resistance and a massive infantry battle followed, with the results inconclusive as Grenshu ships arrived to relieve the force. While the Destroyers hanged back and provided as a "command" center for the battle, the other ships were being sent in to assault the Eclipsian positions. However every assault failed as very, very few Titan-AA's were incapacitated while many Grenshu ships and infantry were shot down.

Battle of the Basin.png


  • Blue: Eclipsian

    Blue Circles: Eclipsian Defense Positions

[*]Red: Grenshu

  • Red Circles: Grenshu Formations
  • Red Rectangles: Grenshu Destroyers

[SIZE= 16px]However a Destroyer came in and began to assault the central positions, another went to the South, and another went to the North. Following them were other Grenshu ships and infantry that began to press against Eclipsian positions. The multiple attacks began to weaken the defenses in the basin. Hayden, who had been granted honorary generalship of the army, was in the middle of it all. Despite some of his fellow officers pleading him to stay behind and command, he went out anyways and began to aid his fellow men in the battle. He was in the center group, the group who was attack first and the heaviest. For over eight hours his Titan-AA Station was falling apart, with men being picked off left and right. He soon found himself as the lone survivor of the area and having to protect himself and three Titan's against waves of Grenshu, Grenshu ships, and a Destroyer. After a further three hours of fighting Hayden single handed killed hundreds and hundreds of Grenshu, destroyed a few Scout Ships, some Frigates, three Corvettes, and successfully defending the Titan-AA's. However as the Destroyer approached he decided to aim all three Titan's at the Grenshu's belly, where he had noticed some days ago that the ship seemed to be affected there, and ordered the remained Titan's to do the same and launch their most powerful rounds. The volley had launched at the same time as the Destroyer launched its weaponry at the Titan positions. The volley hit the underbelly of the ship, creating a massive explosion that was powerful enough to send shock waves through the air, causing the ship to begin crashing into the Earth below. At the same time the Destroyers rounds hit the Titan positions and the area became filled with ruble and debris. A search party quickly went out to see if Hayden was alive, but there was no sign of him, which in turn he was declared MIA presumably KIA.[/SIZE]

Battle of the Basin2.png


  • Unit's that re lined out are destroyed/eliminated

[SIZE= 16px]With the supposed death of the Hero of Solaris, men's morale began to flicker a little. The Grenshu saw this and pressed a massive counterattack to destroy the Eclipsian defense once and for all. However a unknown soldier began to rally the men with the battle cry[/SIZE] "For Solaris's Hero!" [SIZE= 16px]which in effect caused a counterattack towards the Grenshu and their offensive was suddenly halted. This unknown soldier began to relay positions of enemy movements and projected ships positions for the army to strike and Titan-AA's to fire at. However the Southern force of the Grenshu were able to launch one last attack, which nearly saw the fall of the Southern defense. The unknown soldier, who was deployed there, was able to direct many of the Titan-AA's against the incoming Destroyer. Before the Titan's could fire though, the Destroyer fired its rounds and practically shattered the center line. However this soldier was able to fire the remaining Titan-AA's  and just like with the first, the Destroyer's belly was targeted and once again created a large explosion that sent it crashing to the ground.[/SIZE]

Battle of the Basin2.png

So far the Battle of the Basin has been devastating for both sides, with two Destroyers being eliminated for the Grenshu and two defensive lines practically falling for the Eclipsians. With the fall of the second Destroyer though, the Northern Grenshu forces began a massive attack on that area's defensive line. Once again the counterattack was large and devastating, looking like it would be the final death blow for the Eclipsians. However through their rallying cry and sheer determination to fight for country and men, the Eclipsian Northern Line was able to fend off the attack which nearly destroyed them. The remaining positions in the Southern line was being assaulted by the remaining Grenshu forces and while their numbers were much thinner, they still were pressing a deadly attack on the positions. Finally, after four days of fighting, much of the Eclipsian positions were slowly being shredded away. The unknown soldier and a battalion in each defensive station then directed all the remaining Titan-AA ammo towards enemy ships in an last ditch attempt to save their positions. When the rounds launched and hit the targets, much of the remaining Grenshu air was shot down. However much of the numbers were dwindled and the Grenshu ground forces launched one last attack on the positions. The northern most position of the Southern Line ultimately fell, but not before explosives were set off in the area that killed all troops, Eclipsian and Grenshu. The remaining position of the line nearly suffered the same fate, however the unknown soldier and the remaining five men were able to kill off the last of the Grenshu ground forces. With all forces on both sides in the Central and Southern eradicated, the remaining six men entered a small boat and drove towards the Northern line. It was their that the soldier revealed himself to be a facially disfigured Hayden, who had many scars on his head from the downing of the first Destroyer.

Battle of the Basin2.png

[SIZE= 16px]When Hayden and the surviving men arrived at the Northern Line, things were a mess. Grenshu still outnumbered, the Eclipsians were having fleeting morale, and the Destroyer was still in the sky. However after Hayden showed himself the remaining army had their morale slightly increased, as they thought with the Hero of Solaris they could potentially win. During this the Grenshu conducted a massive counterattack with the Destroyer, which was the very original Destroyer from Solaris, actively fighting. As such many areas of the defensive positions were beginning to fall and break apart, but once again Hayden was able to rally the men to fire every single Titan-AA, rocket, and A.M.I.R Rifles at the belly of the ship. After the constant barrage, and the expelling of all remaining Titan and Rocket ammo, the Destroyer at first appeared to be unaffected, After two hours, in which the men were still fighting for their lives and preparing for the worse case scenario, the Destroyer's belly finally exploded and it began its forced descent into the ground and crashed. The remaining Grenshu forces then launched an all out attack which nearly worked, but through the men's perseverance and Hayden's leadership, all remaining Grenshu forces were eliminated and the last Eclipsian position held strong with the nations flag, tattered and torn, still flying in the air. In the aftermath of the battle Hayden, even though he had the title before, was labeled a hero and has been hailed by citizens as the Hero of the Eclipse. He has since then been promoted to the rank of High General[/SIZE]

Battle of the Basin2.png

Battle of the Basin

September, 3256


Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation

Belligerent 2:

  • Grenshu Empire


[SIZE= 16px]Outcome: Narrow (Possibly Pyrrhic) Eclipsian Victory[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]All Grenshu forces eradicated or captured[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]All three Destroyers brought down[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nearly all Eclipsian forces (Two Million) are killed[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Many Titan-AA's are destroyed[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Hayden labeled Hero of the Eclipse and made High General [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Raises any possible fleeting morale across the world[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Largest battle in history[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Deadliest battle in history[/SIZE]
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The AE has been holding off the Grenshu somewhat, with the battle of Victoria Lake and the Southern border of the AE is heavily contested, with large quantities of mechanized infantry AA Artillery and other troops attacking any other forces attempting to move north ,while the Victoria Lake battle is a testing ground. There is also mass deployment of AA in many strategic cities, to shoot down any ships possible. The resolve of the people of the AE remains high, having survived a civil war and an economic crises. They refuse to give in, and many citizens in border towns are being massacred by the Grenshu, but the people north continue to fight on and a small boost of 1.5 million men are beginning to volunteer. Thankfully, like the Nuclear War, Africa is being largely untouched. The AE has offered volunteers for the Eclipsians, the border guards on suez numbering 60000 men, as well as access to the Suez Canal.

@Loyal Guardian

The AE is preparing to give the ships that are being rebuilt to the SDF between them and the VV's remnants for a last chance attack.

@Domini Regum

Lake Victoria Battle and Large Troop Placements below. AA not shown on troop placements.


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The siberian garrison would continue to hold their three lines. The aliens at AMR-1 would be thrown into holes in the ground shaped like boxes, a storage room without a ceiling and the doors blocked off. The garrison would attempt using several different languages to communicate and interrogate them with. Despite possibly being futile, they hired the best man for the job. To either get answers, or annoy them as much as possible. So much to the point that it could be considered a war crime.



The imperials would of recaptured the invaded halve of gallia, and the redline would of got back their territories besides the northern islands. The northern force would of proceeded and east and continue through the night. Also through the night, four trains would of reached the siberian line, and given 128 infantry, and several cars of resources for the line. 



They would continue holding the capital city. They massacred uncountable amounts of close by infantry, and successfully prevented a large group of Grenshu from infiltrating the city. However one of them were smart enough to have multiple units direct rocket fire into the gate. "THEY ARE TRYING TO SHOOT OPEN THE GATE, KILL THEM!" a officer yelled. 40 soldiers would then aim their rifles down and begin firing at them, killing ten of them but another ten had remained. [I'm guessing their rocket technology is VERY more powerful than ours, so.] After ten more soldiers reloaded their weapons they would fire again, however most of the Grenshu rocketeers fired two rockets beore being killed. Damaging the ability for the gate to even open or close. 


They would continue firing at the Grenshu but they fired again and destroyed all four pulleys and dropping the bridge down. "SHIT" several people could be heard saying at once. Upon many other things and such profanity. "FUCK THIS!" A soldier and five of his friends would back away from the edge of their position, and begin walking down the wall to get to a position to get down off the wall. "Where the fuck do you think you're going?!?!? You die in your position damn it!" The officer started shooting at them, and killed two of them. But he was shortly repeatedly beaten, and presumably fell off the opposite side of the wall. Some soldiers would of stayed to kill 40 Grenshu storming the gate as if it was a dramatic fraternity party. Two different radio operators asked for help, one to bomb the "goddamn bastards!" And one for the royal guard. They were both in front of the gate, and the Grenshu storming in were halted by a line of fifteen FT-40s. "Artillery, Is in.... position! Open fire! Make these bastards rot in hell!" In the far background, presumably the citadel and the eastern district. Heavy artillery, mainly katyusha launchers and tanks using the ragnite mortar shells would continually bombard the gate for ten minutes. Killing 400 of the enemy, and 15 in friendly fire.


Everyone at this point which was alive, would be retreating from the massive district and some who sneaked away would be guarding the primary bridge. A very large/long drawbridge and the only way to the other side of the city, into the other two larger districts. [Basically long enough to where on foot you'd be walking a really long time, or if you looked on one side to the other, the other side would appear like a far away coastline for example.] A group of 30 FT-40 would hold the enemy at bay for 300 soldiers to of retreated to the bridge. The majority being soviets, some of which from the embassy there. They would defend the bridge for seven hours, While some more troops retreated and brought their wall defenses with them. One guy and a girl even somehow took a entire machinegun and three crates of ammo with him and her by him and herself. [Damn that sounded weird.] The bridge couldn't obviously hold, so the infantry ran for a hour and a half to the center of the bridge and held it there.


The Grenshu forces also invaded the eastern district where much of the other soldiers evacuated to. However soldiers on the eastern wall would be able to aid them by firing at the Grenshu from above. Ignoring enemy aircraft, and letting the goddesses and the heavier units deal with them.



The redline would continue holding the southern fields. Their goddess was wiping the floor with the survivors, and even did so literally with one of them. She was enraged so much that it failed to die down, and thus she kills any Grenshu she comes into contact with. She would return to the palace after she had calmed down, but on the way she heard of one of them still alive lurking in the palace. Several Soviet guards would of scouted out the place, but would only find traces of blood in some areas. The goddess would then become annoyed that there was something lurking in her home. She would proceed walking down the halls mocking and belittling it. "Come out now, maybe I'll let you live... We offer a fine variety of services for invaders! Cooking, painting, Torture. It is a wonderful time!" She would continue to do this for twenty minutes until she walked by a wall and knocked on it. "Hmmm?" She would put her ear on the wall but hear nothing. "what the hell..." she would close her eyes and remain calm, trying to sense whatever presence was nearby. She would sniff the air twice before stopping. She then quickly open her eyes wide, and begin looking around. Her vision went into a strange color. Talking in her head. «Where are you motherfucker?»


She would quickly look to the left beyond the walls, and just see some soldiers guarding a room. They were highlighted green due to the light above her messing with how she receives light. She would then look to the right and see two more guarding a room, with another walking by. She would then finally look at the wall from earlier, and just see a strange color on the other side. «found ya, ya little slippery bastard!» she would then face opposite to the wall and somewhat walk away. "Well I guess I won't the able to-" she would quickly turn around and punch through the wall. "SURPRISE MOTHERFUCKER!" She would kick the alien repeatedly , bashing it into some broken pipes in the wall before throwing it on the ground and stomping it. "HIGH MUTHAFUCKIN-" she would raise her hand in the air and quickly force it down and lowered herself as well. "YAAAAAA!" She would hit the alien in the face. Some of the military however couldn't contact any of their forces at the gallian capital for whatever reason. But they kept trying nonetheless.



They would continue into the ship, they had eventually made it up another deck. They were successfully warned about random turret placement. "Thanks Natasha, alright let's proceed carefully. We must take the ship back to the mainland after we find the red October. We will drag it across the goddamned ocean floor if we have to." The admiral said. They would continue until finding armed survivors, and would take cover behind anything away from their fire path. There were five aliens which were in the following corridor, and grenades would most likely prove ineffective. They would continue returning fire, but besides one alien they didn't harm them much. "Arm AP rounds!" Three riflemen and the admiral would unload their gallian nagant-42s [without scope.] And load a single oversized round into the chamber. They would then push the bolt forwards minutes after the other. "Alright, light em up!" They would then quickly go past cover, the trio of three would be standing in the open and fired into them, the barrage killed three more but they had to return.


One of them were shot in the arm, and was being tended to by one of the medical personnel which were on the ships prior. The admiral then nodded his head when the wounded soldier raised a single finger up, and pointed to the left. The admiral then would back up a few feet and then go into a short sprint, before he would slide across the floor and then fire the rifle at the alien. It completely busted a hole into its face, to the point where the head was literally only held together by outer layers of skin and muscle. The admiral would then stand up and reload. "Don't worry, I got him for ya. Alright men, let's proceed!" They would continue on, as three were left with the wounded soldier and the medic.



The overrun islands before were the redlines priority while their goddess returns home. 10,000 would be sent to the island north, they would wear the heaviest armor they had and would go under the cover of darkness...

In severny they would begin burying the dead, 400 defenders were killed when the island was attacked, but the 700 rest would continue occupying the island.

The valkyrur and claymore units stationed in severny island would be returned into the mainland, and sent towards the line.


[Meh, I'll upload a randgriz/nizhnevartovsk battle map later.]

Rising Empire Europe


Knightmare Frame Pilots being briefed by Lelouch


[SIZE= 9px]Rising Commander and Viceroy of Poland Jeremiah Gottwald making a speech towards the citizens of the former Republic of Poland[/SIZE]


A Logres-Class Aerial Battleship along with 4 Carleon-Class Aerial cruiser deployed to Poland.

It was the biggest military deployement in the history of The Rising Empire. The Civilians at poland were briefed on the situation and that they remain in their assigned undergroumd bunker for protecting, which they complied. The sent army was given a code name which is ' Human Alien Resistance and Suppression Army' in oher words H.A.R.A.S.A. The army is led by Commander Suzaku 

As soon as the Advanced Division of  H.A.R.A.S.A. Arrived at Gottwald, they immediately begun their forward to the front lines. Thousands of planes, tanks, and soldiers were sent forward. The Advance division were tasked in setting up a Forward Operation Base/ F.O.B and set up artillery positions to bombard the aliens until the main forces arrive.

((Cant do the map thing rn, sorry))
Nordic Union

Aaron Solberg had been moved for his safety out of the Presidential Palace and into a bunker within Helsinki. He had a meeting of his defense council.

"Ladies and Gentlemen of the Defense council, this is bad. We have lost Olso and Stockholm , and we have no way of knowing how the aliens are treating the civil populations that couldn't escape."
"We all know the situation, Mr. President, now what can we do to best halt the Alien's offensive."
"We will use the territory they gain against them, order all units behind Genshu lines on a secure channel to implement the Solberg plan.*"

"Yes, sir!" One member of the council turned and shouted something to an offscreen aid, who ran off to do the deed.

"Now, we must turn our focus to the front. Is there any position through which we can launch a knockout blow, and how tenable is our position."
"Well, for one, we have a great position, our Northern flank is in a mountain range, and the south behind a river. Our center is a weak point, but we've formed a fortified salient. Scouts have done a great job probing their lines. We have identified an opportune point to break through. That, is where I propose we commit our armed forces."

"You are proposing we commit our forces to a conventional battle with these... things?"
"We believe there isn't but a few thousand over a few miles, a breakthrough could be achieved."

"I will have to take that into consideration. However ,more pressing matters await us. Cancel all research projects, I want these done ASAP." He put two files onto the table. One was called Project 1 and the other Project Blackout.
"I will push my department towards completion immediately, mr president."

Suddenly, a general gasped. "Sir! We have news from Stockholm!"
He pressed a button, and a videoscreen in the back of the room flickered to life. It was a still shot, but it's message was all too powerful. A squad of Nordic Army troops standing on the top of a building in Stockholm. At their feet lay a dead alien with his power armor still mostly intact, save a hole in the chest where a Carl Gustav had gone in and killed it's wearer.

Aaron was speechless. He turned slowly to the Commandant of the Nordic Air Force, Jens Garland "Commandant Garland, we need to get that armor back here. I have a plan, I want you to take a Super Gripe, attach an electromagnet to it's underside, and get it to fly out there and retrieve that armor asap."
"Yes, sir! We should have it up in a few hours!" He ran off to make the necessary calls.

He turned once more to the Minister of Research "I want that power armor in the Black Lab of Lapland as soon as it touches down. I want your boys to pick it apart, find out how it works. We could reverse engineer it into Next Generation Power Armor."
Then, he called the Minister of Production, Frederick Catsoff still in the Capital building.

"Frederick, listen, I want you to dedicate 3 of our factories right now to sole production of the Carl Gustav and it's ammunition. I want our units equipped with them asap."
Frederick ran out of the room, hanging up, into his office, where he sent the blueprints out to 3 factories in Karelia and ordered production.

Aaron spoke once more to the meeting "One more thing, I have decided to commission a new award for valor and bravery within the Nordic armed forces." A picture appeared on the screen once more, of a metal Nordic cross with the head of a Griffon in it's center. "This," he spoke "is the Griffon's Cross, the new award for Nordic military valor. I want the squad who downed that power armor to be it's first recipient."

Rising Empire Europe

View attachment 178077

Knightmare Frame Pilots being briefed by Lelouch

View attachment 178078

[SIZE= 9px]Rising Commander and Viceroy of Poland Jeremiah Gottwald making a speech towards the citizens of the former Republic of Poland[/SIZE]

View attachment 178079

A Logres-Class Aerial Battleship along with 4 Carleon-Class Aerial cruiser deployed to Poland.

It was the biggest military deployement in the history of The Rising Empire. The Civilians at poland were briefed on the situation and that they remain in their assigned undergroumd bunker for protecting, which they complied. The sent army was given a code name which is ' Human Alien Resistance and Suppression Army' in oher words H.A.R.A.S.A. The army is led by Commander Suzaku 

As soon as the Advanced Division of  H.A.R.A.S.A. Arrived at Gottwald, they immediately begun their forward to the front lines. Thousands of planes, tanks, and soldiers were sent forward. The Advance division were tasked in setting up a Forward Operation Base/ F.O.B and set up artillery positions to bombard the aliens until the main forces arrive.

((Cant do the map thing rn, sorry))

(HEy, can I have some of Northern Poland? ) @Wickedkent

*The plan developed by the original Nordic Freedom Army to wage an insurgency against Poland had they not allowed the country to go free.

Summary: Develop a plan to conduct guerilla operations against the Genshu in occupied territory, commission Projects 1, Black Widow, and the reverse engineering of captured Alien power armor. Retrofit a JAS 40 Super Gripe to go back up said armor, and issue the new Griffon's Cross for Military Valor to the men who captured it.

scandinavia_map - Copy - Copy.jpg
Order Empire

Ordarian forces are doing somewhat well in Britain, using guerrilla tactics to combat the aliens. The forces in France are also implementing guerrilla tactics to combat the aliens. Forces from the Communists and Fascists are giving speeches to Government soldiers, inspiring them and raising morale. The Ordarian airforce around the nation are bombing important alien infantry positions and targeting any alien aircraft.

In Iberia and Italy, the Ordarian Navy bombard alien positions close to the coast. In related news, The Ordarian navy is bombarding London. The infantry also formed defensive lines to keep the aliens from moving further inward.

The Ordarian army and airforce surrounded alien occupied Paris and began bombing/shelling the city.

Alien corpses and technology continue to be taken to the labs. Additionally, Genshu prisoners are also being taken to labs to be experimented on to try and find a weekness that they could exploit.

Battle Maps:

UK Battle Map.jpg

France Battle Map.jpg

Iberia Battle Map.pngItaly Battle Map.jpg

@Loyal Guardian

Minister Council Bunker

"Alright Chaps, we're managing to hold them back for the time being." PM Kord said to the others. "Any suggestions on what we should do next?" "I suggest that we check on everyone else, and see how they're doing." MDA Alastair said. The others agreed to this. "Alright then, Alastair open communications with all other nations." Alastair walked to a console and opened coms. Microphones appeared at each of the ministers' seats. Kord was the first to speak. "Hello, Prime Minister Kord of the Order Empire speaking on behalf of the minister council. Are you chaps alright?"

@Loyal Guardian@Alteras@Albion@Lordvader59@RIPSaidCone@Domini Regum@Kazami42@Wickedkent@Fishman Lord@Everyone Else
The AE replies quickly. "All is well. we are largely holding our own. Some troops free, if anyone needs reinforcements."

Pendragon, Rising Empire North America


[SIZE= 9px]Pendragon Authorities holding a meeting[/SIZE]

Schneizel was discussing important and classified things with his council when the Intercace Screen popped up and the logo of the order empire appeared. Schneizel looked at Lelouch who waved his hands to patch with the transmission of the order empire. They listened and looked at the message sent by the OE.

"Everything is indeed well" Schneizel said "The Rising Empire North America and Europe has been cleansed of the Alien scums. We have dispatched a large army towards poland and then towards siberia to suppress and put pressure to the aliens."

[SIZE= 14px]@Agent141[/SIZE]


Warsaw Settlement, Warsaw Poland, Rising Empire

Situation in Warsaw has been contained, the aliens were either dead or captured by the Rising Army. Those captured were sent back to the Mainland for further research.


H.A.R.A.S.A. Advance division moving towards siberia

The Advanced Division were moving past destroyed towns and cities, they were to stop a couple miles away from the nearest Alien settlement and establish a Forward Operating Base and then immediately bombard the aliens with artillery until the Main Army arrive.
Helios Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio operator responded to the message. "To Prime Minister Kord, are men have just fought an extremely important battle. We shall send you the details in hopes that the information may help your nation."

Eclipse Republic

Despite the defense of the area, the Army of Solaris failed to contain the Grenshu forces in and around Solaris after the arrival of two more Destroyers. The army was then being pushed further back into the Eclipse Republic, with Grenshu forces moving in and taking land outside the Eclipse Republic. After half a week of retreating, the Eclipsian army found themselves at the Aral Basin near Eclipsim. Even though most of the satellites in orbit had been destroyed or rendered useless, very few did remain. Combining a few grainy satellite images and a very dangerous scouting operation, it was found that most of the Grenshu forces were approaching the Aral Basin. People in the area fled in fear of a possible takeover, however the Eclipsian command thought otherwise. Instead of retreating soldiers into Eclipsim for an all out defense, they ordered the men to stay put and set up defensive networks. After receiving reinforcements from the Persian Republic, defenses were set up all around the basin and fortifications were set up. The ensuing battle would define the war for the Eclipse, and quite possibly the rest of the world.

The Battle of the Basin first began when Titan-AA Systems fired at approaching Grenshu forces. This would begin a three week long battle that would decide the fate of the country. Soon after the Eclipsians fired, Grenshu forces deployed suit and numerous infantry men were deployed from the ships above. When they pushed forward they encountered heavy Eclipsian resistance and a massive infantry battle followed, with the results inconclusive as Grenshu ships arrived to relieve the force. While the Destroyers hanged back and provided as a "command" center for the battle, the other ships were being sent in to assault the Eclipsian positions. However every assault failed as very, very few Titan-AA's were incapacitated while many Grenshu ships and infantry were shot down.

View attachment 177792


  • Blue: Eclipsian

    Blue Circles: Eclipsian Defense Positions

[*]Red: Grenshu

  • Red Circles: Grenshu Formations
  • Red Rectangles: Grenshu Destroyers

[SIZE= 16px]However a Destroyer came in and began to assault the central positions, another went to the South, and another went to the North. Following them were other Grenshu ships and infantry that began to press against Eclipsian positions. The multiple attacks began to weaken the defenses in the basin. Hayden, who had been granted honorary generalship of the army, was in the middle of it all. Despite some of his fellow officers pleading him to stay behind and command, he went out anyways and began to aid his fellow men in the battle. He was in the center group, the group who was attack first and the heaviest. For over eight hours his Titan-AA Station was falling apart, with men being picked off left and right. He soon found himself as the lone survivor of the area and having to protect himself and three Titan's against waves of Grenshu, Grenshu ships, and a Destroyer. After a further three hours of fighting Hayden single handed killed hundreds and hundreds of Grenshu, destroyed a few Scout Ships, some Frigates, three Corvettes, and successfully defending the Titan-AA's. However as the Destroyer approached he decided to aim all three Titan's at the Grenshu's belly, where he had noticed some days ago that the ship seemed to be affected there, and ordered the remained Titan's to do the same and launch their most powerful rounds. The volley had launched at the same time as the Destroyer launched its weaponry at the Titan positions. The volley hit the underbelly of the ship, creating a massive explosion that was powerful enough to send shock waves through the air, causing the ship to begin crashing into the Earth below. At the same time the Destroyers rounds hit the Titan positions and the area became filled with ruble and debris. A search party quickly went out to see if Hayden was alive, but there was no sign of him, which in turn he was declared MIA presumably KIA.[/SIZE]

View attachment 177806


  • Unit's that re lined out are destroyed/eliminated

[SIZE= 16px]With the supposed death of the Hero of Solaris, men's morale began to flicker a little. The Grenshu saw this and pressed a massive counterattack to destroy the Eclipsian defense once and for all. However a unknown soldier began to rally the men with the battle cry[/SIZE] "For Solaris's Hero!" [SIZE= 16px]which in effect caused a counterattack towards the Grenshu and their offensive was suddenly halted. This unknown soldier began to relay positions of enemy movements and projected ships positions for the army to strike and Titan-AA's to fire at. However the Southern force of the Grenshu were able to launch one last attack, which nearly saw the fall of the Southern defense. The unknown soldier, who was deployed there, was able to direct many of the Titan-AA's against the incoming Destroyer. Before the Titan's could fire though, the Destroyer fired its rounds and practically shattered the center line. However this soldier was able to fire the remaining Titan-AA's  and just like with the first, the Destroyer's belly was targeted and once again created a large explosion that sent it crashing to the ground.[/SIZE]

View attachment 177819

So far the Battle of the Basin has been devastating for both sides, with two Destroyers being eliminated for the Grenshu and two defensive lines practically falling for the Eclipsians. With the fall of the second Destroyer though, the Northern Grenshu forces began a massive attack on that area's defensive line. Once again the counterattack was large and devastating, looking like it would be the final death blow for the Eclipsians. However through their rallying cry and sheer determination to fight for country and men, the Eclipsian Northern Line was able to fend off the attack which nearly destroyed them. The remaining positions in the Southern line was being assaulted by the remaining Grenshu forces and while their numbers were much thinner, they still were pressing a deadly attack on the positions. Finally, after four days of fighting, much of the Eclipsian positions were slowly being shredded away. The unknown soldier and a battalion in each defensive station then directed all the remaining Titan-AA ammo towards enemy ships in an last ditch attempt to save their positions. When the rounds launched and hit the targets, much of the remaining Grenshu air was shot down. However much of the numbers were dwindled and the Grenshu ground forces launched one last attack on the positions. The northern most position of the Southern Line ultimately fell, but not before explosives were set off in the area that killed all troops, Eclipsian and Grenshu. The remaining position of the line nearly suffered the same fate, however the unknown soldier and the remaining five men were able to kill off the last of the Grenshu ground forces. With all forces on both sides in the Central and Southern eradicated, the remaining six men entered a small boat and drove towards the Northern line. It was their that the soldier revealed himself to be a facially disfigured Hayden, who had many scars on his head from the downing of the first Destroyer.

View attachment 177828

[SIZE= 16px]When Hayden and the surviving men arrived at the Northern Line, things were a mess. Grenshu still outnumbered, the Eclipsians were having fleeting morale, and the Destroyer was still in the sky. However after Hayden showed himself the remaining army had their morale slightly increased, as they thought with the Hero of Solaris they could potentially win. During this the Grenshu conducted a massive counterattack with the Destroyer, which was the very original Destroyer from Solaris, actively fighting. As such many areas of the defensive positions were beginning to fall and break apart, but once again Hayden was able to rally the men to fire every single Titan-AA, rocket, and A.M.I.R Rifles at the belly of the ship. After the constant barrage, and the expelling of all remaining Titan and Rocket ammo, the Destroyer at first appeared to be unaffected, After two hours, in which the men were still fighting for their lives and preparing for the worse case scenario, the Destroyer's belly finally exploded and it began its forced descent into the ground and crashed. The remaining Grenshu forces then launched an all out attack which nearly worked, but through the men's perseverance and Hayden's leadership, all remaining Grenshu forces were eliminated and the last Eclipsian position held strong with the nations flag, tattered and torn, still flying in the air. In the aftermath of the battle Hayden, even though he had the title before, was labeled a hero and has been hailed by citizens as the Hero of the Eclipse. He has since then been promoted to the rank of High General[/SIZE]

View attachment 177833

Battle of the Basin

September, 3256


Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation

Belligerent 2:

  • Grenshu Empire


[SIZE= 16px]Outcome: Narrow (Possibly Pyrrhic) Eclipsian Victory[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]All Grenshu forces eradicated or captured[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]All three Destroyers brought down[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nearly all Eclipsian forces (Two Million) are killed[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Many Titan-AA's are destroyed[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Hayden labeled Hero of the Eclipse and made High General [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Raises any possible fleeting morale across the world[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Largest battle in history[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Deadliest battle in history[/SIZE]
(That's bullshit and your nation is OP. Give Baltics plz) @Wickedkent

Aaron spoke to the meeting "We think we have halted their advance, and we have active guerilla operations behind their lines. We don't know how many we have lost."
@Loyal Guardian (check discord)


So far the war the Grenshu has launched hasn't exactly been in their favor. An entire army, including three Destroyers, in a single battle. The Grenshu commander then authorized the massive deployment of troops and ships to the onto the planet. Three billion of the force was deployed to defend East Siberia. 100 Million were sent to the Nordic Union. The African Empire, and Redline Empire 250 Million troops were sent. In the Order Empire and Rising Empire 300 Million troops were sent. In Cascadia and the Eclipsian Federation 500 million troops deployed onto their lands and began massive offensives. Manchuria, Korea, and Japan were all swiftly invaded and quickly dismantled after a detachment force from East Siberia conquered them. The Kingdom of the Rockies, Districts of Asia, SRC, and Germany so far have been left relatively alone but soon they may be attacked as well. Varmander Vestan hasn't had any new reinforcements sent in due to their country falling.

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu landed in already occupied territory in the Nordic Union. In the African Empire and Redline Empire they landed in the southern most portion of each countries. In the Order Empire a force of 50 million deployed to Denmark, 100 million to Britain itself, and the rest in France. In the Rising Empire 200 million landed in Poland while the rest landed in the Canadian Isles. In Cascadia they landed Mexico, Central America, and received support from the Grenshu already in VV. In the Eclipsian Federation they landed in Arabia, Anatolia, and the Balkans.[/SIZE]

@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian @Albion @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @LoneSniper87 @Picklesoldier
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The attack came at a massive surprise but the soldiers continue to fight on bravely and heroically, many of the sentinels leading suicide charges against the attackers, eliminating at least fifty for every man that dies, though the estimated casualties now are 400k soldiers and another five million civilians. @Loyal Guardian

The battle for Victoria Lake has been won, freeiing up a large force of men. The soldiers oft assault convoys in the jungles, rocket launchers being fired, destroying many supply lines. The soldiers fight bravely and do not give in, and once the first suicide charges are complete the soldiers will then use huge scale offensives to wipe out large army groups.

The odds, wtih air force, valkyrie support, and the military genius of Abadomi Nahiwe are roughly 75 men for every soldier killed.
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So far the war the Grenshu has launched hasn't exactly been in their favor. An entire army, including three Destroyers, in a single battle. The Grenshu commander then authorized the massive deployment of troops and ships to the onto the planet. Even though three billion were deployed in East Siberia, the remaining five billion were deployed elsewhere in the planet. In Poland, the African Empire, Nordic Union, Redline Empire and the surrounding Russian lands, and Order Empire 500 million troops were deployed to battlegrounds, the latter of which was given less forces than desired. In Cascadia and the Eclipsian Federation 1 billion troops deployed onto their lands and began massive offensives. Manchuria, Korea, and Japan were all swiftly invaded and quickly dismantled after a detachment force from East Siberia conquered them. The Kingdom of the Rockies, Districts of Asia, SRC, and Germany so far have been left relatively alone but soon they may be attacked as well. Varmander Vestan hasn't had any new reinforcements sent in due to their country falling.

@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian @Albion @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @LoneSniper87 @Picklesoldier

(That is not a beatable number. 8 billion+? I know you think that's okay, but that is actually physically unbeatable. You need to retcon that to be lower.)
Nordic Union

Meanwhile, Aaron received the reports of recruitment. Things had gone quite well. Within weeks, the Nordic Army's ranks had swelled to 750,000. These men had at best a few weeks of training, but a decent amount were kept back for more training, and they were to be trained by the veterans they served with. The Aliens were so far kept at bay along the front, as they had a large open expanse to attack across, where they were devastated by Nordic artillery.

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