The World of Tomorrow

Random Events


Remaining Movements


(A large scale rally in Scotland for its independence. Since it's beginning its movement has only grown bigger)


Since the beginning of the Independence/Merger Wave, many large scale protests have happened and some movements have been diminished. Out of all of the original movements, only a handful remain out of the original pot. Independence movements like Scotland's have so far been successful in spreading its message peacefully, however others like Australasia's have erupted into all out war. All other independence movements have been diminished thanks to governmental negotiations and civilian interference. Now there are more merger groups than independence. Movements in Karelia, Western and Southern Poland, Singaporean Africa, and the Canadian Isles are still so far abundant. In Poland it is expected that both of their merger movements will end up in success, in Africa it seems as though the movement may be successful as well due to current governmental talks and support, and the Canadian Isles are heavily split on who to chose. In the latter of which there has even been some small scale firefights between opposing protesters, but nothing major has been reported.


Eclipsian-Rockian War


(A Cascadian Naval Strike group moving in to aid in the prevention of Eclipsian naval invasions)


Ever since the onset of the war, many crises and events have nearly sparked something bigger. A notable, and current, one is the current Great Barrier Reef Standoff where Eclipsian and Rockian-Cascadian naval forces are at a standstill where a large scale naval battle can happen any second. The front is South America has ended in Eclipsian victory so far, the Russian front has also ended in Eclipsian victory. However the main reason for the war, and the most important position, is still mainly in Rockian control, Australasia. While Australia is predicted to fall under Eclipsian control for the time being, New Zealand will remain under Rockian control due to the naval support of the Cascadians. The Eclipsian Council has sent a message to the Cascadians in response for their maneuvers. They have stated that the Eclipsians were a superior ally to them economically, militarily, and socially. They have also stated that Cascadia is in the NWA, while the Rockies is not, therefore their actions, while "somewhat reasonable" as the council said, are unfair and strictly bias towards the Rockies compared to the more allied Eclipse.


Eclipsian Internal Crisis


(A protester in the middle of a street in the Eclipsian Federation, where a current crisis in brewing)


Ever since President Byron's speech and the onset of the war, there has been a divide in the populous. At first over 90% of the Federation's population supported the war since they thought that it would help a region gain independence. Now, in the aftermath of the President's speech, support dropped down to 65% of the war. In the numerous protests all across the Federation, there are two clear camps: One supporting the Council, and one supporting the President. Even before the speech, there was violence between protesters, but now more incidents have happened. Even the armed forces itself is divided on who to follow. On one hand they are loyal soldiers and follow their orders, on the other the President is the commander of the armed forces and he is mainly against the war. With all of these factors, and the fact the crisis is escalating, many people inside and outside of the Eclipsian Federation are fearing and predicting the worst: a Second Eclipsian Civil War.


Confirmation Delta: We're Not Alone


(A beautiful view of Earth via satellite image. The scale of the African Empire and Eclipsian Federation can be seen in view)


News outlets, social media sites, politicians, military figures, religious figures, and some world leaders are scrambling to find a solution. Approx. three hours ago a Cascadian satellite has confirmed the most unlikely scenario: What appears to be a large scale alien fleet is en route to Earth. Now that fleet is stationed between the Earth and the Moon, giving off strange and unintelligible signals. Small ships that appear to be scouts are approaching Low-Earth orbit at fast speeds. The crafts number about a hundred or so and are heading towards major population centers. The main fleet itself appears to be landing its own elements on the Moon while the others slowly approach Earth, stopping just outside of her atmosphere. All of the world's military's have been put on complete and full alert, preparing for a worst case scenario. Many of suggested the cancellation of the upcoming World Congress meeting and the Eclipsian Moon Expedition. Some other international figures, that are non-world leaders, have asked the world's leaders to meet in a video conference call if possible.

Main Communications Center, Oxford, British Province

"Greetings President Otto, Minister of Diplomatic Affairs Alastair responding to your transmission. I regret to inform you that we cannot sell Denmark to you, but we can grant you observer status in the NWA. If you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to go to. Contact us again if you need anything else."

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

Minister Council Meeting Room, Oxford, British Province

The Minister Council, consisting of Prime Minister Kord, Minister of the Armed Forces Torrad, Minister of Diplomatic Affairs Alastair, Minister of Research and Development Axel, and Minister of Infrastructure Arran, had been called to a meeting to discuss the Eclipsian-Rockian War and the alien fleet. The Cascadian and Singaporean representatives/diplomats are welcome to join.

@Alteras @RIPSaidCone


Citizens loyal to the Ordarian Government start leaving the country, finding homes and jobs somewhere else. However some still remain, still forming counter protests.

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

French and Italian Independence Movements

The Minister Council grants more autonomy to the French and Italian Provinces, as requested.

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

Main Research and Development Center, Oxford, British Province

Scientists continue to work on Project: Entwicklung, producing a few experimental model planes, tanks, weapons, and armor to use in testing.

Project: Entwicklung 60%
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The men left and continued east, far, far east in the search of other nations.
Socialist Republic of California

The Revolution would rage on with full force, and the Socialist Republic of California aswell as the Democratic Union of Californa has sustained large amounts of casualties. Although the war is a terrible bloody mess, the Socialist Republic is making a little leeway despite the Democratic Union receiving support from the VV. Because of their support, the Socialist Republic of California has declared war on the VV and threatened the use of WMDs which by doing so, has revealed that they have WMDs. 

President Romanov

The president gathered a secret meeting with his major generals to determine what to do about the aliens. "Use the full force of our army and blow them out of the sky!" "No! We should make peace with the extraterrestrials, so they can help us crush our enemies!" "We should research defensive weaponry and defend ourselves if they plan to attack." All options were considered. But it was overall the Presidents decision. "We shall research defensive weaponry and technology and build our armies, but we will offer peace with the beings. If they decline, then it is war." The President would walk out of the meeting room and get his top scientists working on defensive weaponry.

Plasma AAA 1% progress

Operation Failsafe 1% progress

(Operation Failsafe is the building of 3 nuclear devices over the course of 2 years. If any country should take over the lands of the Socialist Republic, the nukes will be set off by the active President. This will destroy the lush landscape. Turning it into a radioactive wasteland.)

@Domini Regum
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Intrigued by this, the African Empire has issued a formal DOW upon the SRC, and the fleet is moving to blockade their ports while the Valkyries prepare to be dropped in via VTOL on their lands. (Whats your capital, picklesoldier?)

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The Socialist Republic of California

War has been declared upon the Socialist Republic by the African Empire.  The use of WMDs will be determined by President Romanov. Romanov would accept the declaration and order a mass building of defenses around Cuba. Havana being the most heavily defended as a last stand, and the army reserves would be on full alert. Meanwhile, after the movement of Rattler Tanks into revolutionist territory. The Socialist Republic would take back the Dominican Republic and Puerto Rico, while the fights in Jamaica still rage on.

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Unfortunately for the Havanans, the Valkyries fittingly arrived in their flying chariots, and began quickly to drop into Havana. @Picklesoldier the fleet was also arriving, though only the vanguard in truth. Peppering the defences with machine gun fire and a few hits of artillery, quite a few patrol boats and motor boats arrived on a beachhead in East Cuba, with the forces numbering 5000 veteran sentinals and 400 Valkyries. However, it appears the SRC still has numerical advantage, at least gor the time being.
200 Raven Fighter jets and 50 Nightowl bomber jets would launch from the expanded Guantanamo Bay military base and "The Baja Californa", an aircraft carrier near the Guantanamo bay area. The fighters would launch rockets at the incoming VTOLS  and the bombers would pepper the beachead with cluster bombs. Meanwhile, any soldiers that survived the drop from the VTOLS had to deal with heavily armed Peacekeepers and death squads. Aswell as rattler tanks arriving from Guantanamo. Also, the citizens were using whatever they had to defend themselves. Women and children were throwing kitchen knives and fruit at the enemy soldiers. The SRC had 20,000 men women and children defending their homeland. There homes were taken from them by the Cascadians, they weren't gonna let the African Empire take their homes from them aswell.


(Im gonna go to bed, feel free to post once more and then I'll respond in the morning)
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Thankfully for the valkyries, the VTOLs were armored enough to keep casualties low, and since the valkyries were quite heavily armed with both laser rifles and the best armor the AE could afford, the men managed to hole up in an apartment complex, slaughtering many civilians, though the peacekeepers casualties were lower. Many of the SRC men were attacked by artillery, though most of the damage was to the buildings. The force that had landed began to move swiftly west, armed to the teeth with laser rifles and good armour, numbering 5000 veteran sentinels, 30 artillery, 40 anti aircraft and quite a few IPVs, and, if naval superiority held, 20000 more sentinels and the rest of the fleet would arrive in a month.

Rising Empire


"Madness!" Schneizel Exlaimed "Aliens?!? Invading us?!" Schneiz was experiencing both anger and nervousness, the fact that there were aliens stationed at moon and are ready to invade earth in billions. This is gonna turn to a disaster not only to the Rising Empire, but to the whole word. They will crush the other countries while their resources are spent on their useless wars. Lelouch was sitting at a couch in Schneizel's office, his expression was calm.

"What shall we do?" He asked.

"It is already obvious" Schneiz replied with a stern voice "Put the empire in it's highest alert and get the military to be deployed at moments notice. Also charge up every Blaze Luminous force fields in each city and government facility and prepare the civilians for immediate evacuation to the civilian bunkers." 

"In addition to that, I will also contact the other nations" Lelouch said "it will include the reproduction of WMD's just for this situation and nothing more"
The Socialist Republic of California

The SRC would retaliate by sending 200 rattler tanks and 54 M-1000 Artillery guns to the front lines. Meanwhile, the eradication of the last of the Democratic Union of Californa out of Jamaica has begun. First Raven Fighter Jets would pound the beachhead with volleys of rockets and cluster bombs non-stop for an hour. Peacekeepers and soldiers would andvance into DUC territory pushing them back a half mile in before coming to a stalemate. In an attempt to gain naval superiority the SRC would launch torpedoes from a submarine at the blockade hitting one of the many African vessels, while the trapped battleships, destroyers, and cruisers would fire their cannons at them.


(Sorry I havent posted, my internet was out for pretty much the wole day)
The AE has retaliated by instead sending as many aircraft as they can afford in a mass bombing run, hoping to desolate the entirety of the SRC and bring them to heel. Most of the Valkyries, finally having cleared a way to the docks, have managed to slip by under cover, and are now attempting to board the SRC fleet and capture it. in the meantime, the Sentinels are fighting hard, most of them veterans of the civil war and the Hamui war and armed heavily are still causing quite a few casualties, althoguh they have begun a retreat to the beachhead and are preparing to fortify the hilly area nearby until the numerous reinforcements arrive. The aircraft are mostly good against conventional AA, though the air force might cause a few problems. 50 Valkyries have quickly made their way out, though they lost a few men to the surprise attacks of the citizens, they have escaped and are trying to take the Airbases, in an attempt to disable the airforce and allow the air force to have their way with the SRC/ Finally, the vanguard of the men's transports have arrived, bringing with them another 5000 Sentinels, anti tank, anti air, and 15 artillery, while the artillery already in use has stayed on the beach defended by a skeleton crew with anti tank and laser gatlings to help stave off the attackers, constantly bombarding any enemy positions they can.

Socialist Republic of California

The Revolution would rage on with full force, and the Socialist Republic of California aswell as the Democratic Union of Californa has sustained large amounts of casualties. Although the war is a terrible bloody mess, the Socialist Republic is making a little leeway despite the Democratic Union receiving support from the VV. Because of their support, the Socialist Republic of California has declared war on the VV and threatened the use of WMDs which by doing so, has revealed that they have WMDs. 

President Romanov

The president gathered a secret meeting with his major generals to determine what to do about the aliens. "Use the full force of our army and blow them out of the sky!" "No! We should make peace with the extraterrestrials, so they can help us crush our enemies!" "We should research defensive weaponry and defend ourselves if they plan to attack." All options were considered. But it was overall the Presidents decision. "We shall research defensive weaponry and technology and build our armies, but we will offer peace with the beings. If they decline, then it is war." The President would walk out of the meeting room and get his top scientists working on defensive weaponry.

Plasma AAA 1% progress

Operation Failsafe 1% progress

(Operation Failsafe is the building of 3 nuclear devices over the course of 2 years. If any country should take over the lands of the Socialist Republic, the nukes will be set off by the active President. This will destroy the lush landscape. Turning it into a radioactive wasteland.)

@Domini Regum

Skies above Santiago de Cuba

With the Drone found and the official war declaration, the VV officially declared war back, sending 50,000 Mouse drones over the sky of Santiago de Cuba, targeting military personnel and other bases of operations. The sun was nearly blocked out by the swarm, and many got shot down, but 25,000 made it to their targets, making it a devastating blow to the military factors in the city. Civilian buildings that were not seen to harbor soldiers were not bombed, although many holes in buildings existed because of drones being shot down and not fully killed.

After a few hours of barrage, a group of 120,000 soldiers stormed the city, taking it with 5,000 casualties to VV troops. Immediately defenses were being prepared again, getting ready for an attack.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"It's no real problem and you can call me Catherine." Jefferson smiled, herself and Bryon leading the rest of the group outside to where the convoy was, getting into the car in the front as another 6 cars pulled up to the convoy, these were black SUV's with tinted out windows and Cascadian flags hanging off the front of them, they were Secret Service vehicles no doubt, they still had wheels as Cascadian manufacturers had never seen the benefit of hover vehicles, with flashing police lights on the back windows and tops of them as they joined the convoy. Jefferson looking over to Bryon as she spoke up, "So you never stated what this meeting was actually about?" She asked curiously.

@Loyal Guardian

Sulawesi Island, Port Authority Research Lab

The Cascadian engineers had a field day inspecting the lab as they were led in, always being interested in technology that was different to their own. Seeing how other countries operated and did things, the political advisors had more interest in the deal themselves as always. As they were led into the room containing the sphere in it's testing area, Secretary Hall spoke first.

"Thank you for being so hospitable for us. Our trip was most pleasant, and only if you try Cascadian Airlines first." A casual joke was made as Hall focused on the sphere with curiosity. "Well I'm not big on history but it was owned by the British, they didn't see much of a point in it at first but when they found out how profitable it was as a trading post they decided to keep it, the Dutch didn't like it but they eventually signed a treaty. As a trading post it flurished and became a major center of commerce, your nation certainly has an interesting history I must say."


Honduras, Cascadia

The agents and CDF troops kept a safe distance from the house, not trusting it for obvious reasons. Deciding to conduct multiple scans on it, electronic, thermal, radiological and for any traces of chemical or biological activity, a request was made for special equipment to be dropped in, 6 hazmat suits, 3 geiger counters, a small decontamination tent and two flamethrowers. Apart from that the expedition had come readily equipped, a line was set up around the house to ensure that nothing got out or in if there was anything around it in the first place and a close eye was kept on it, needless to say they wouldn't be lured into a false sense of security easily given the situation.

Meanwhile Project Sierra's status continues to improve, with the appropriate social accomedations being given to her including toys designed for children 1-5 given her advanced intellect, educational television shows and one or two simple cartoons. Dr. McAlson had given his staff orders to make sure that Star developed into a normal child mentally, and that she didn't grow up not knowing how to socialize or interact with people, the staff were given authorization to begin speaking to her, treating her kindly and friendly, Dr. McAlson specifically going out of his way to act as more of a parental figure now, to ensure a steady mental development and not just an advanced intelligence.


The house seemed empty and devoid of anything but a small sense of the same chemical in Star's body, until a tall bearded man came out of the door, smoking a cigarette. He looked around for a second, and quickly put his cigarette out, running back inside. indistinct shouting was heard, and then gunshots, then silence...


Now practically 9, Star was starting to develop faster than predicted, asking strange questions and forming a very eccentric personality. She ignored the cartoons mainly, and spent most her time reading books all the way from "The Old Man and the Sea" to "The Communist Manifesto" to "Oscar the Grouch's day off" . Soon, she started to see Dr. McAlson as a parental figure, but soon asked questions about him that made him feel very odd, such as what were his fears and who his parents were.

Confirmation Delta: We're Not Alone


(A beautiful view of Earth via satellite image. The scale of the African Empire and Eclipsian Federation can be seen in view)


News outlets, social media sites, politicians, military figures, religious figures, and some world leaders are scrambling to find a solution. Approx. three hours ago a Cascadian satellite has confirmed the most unlikely scenario: What appears to be a large scale alien fleet is en route to Earth. Now that fleet is stationed between the Earth and the Moon, giving off strange and unintelligible signals. Small ships that appear to be scouts are approaching Low-Earth orbit at fast speeds. The crafts number about a hundred or so and are heading towards major population centers. The main fleet itself appears to be landing its own elements on the Moon while the others slowly approach Earth, stopping just outside of her atmosphere. All of the world's military's have been put on complete and full alert, preparing for a worst case scenario. Many of suggested the cancellation of the upcoming World Congress meeting and the Eclipsian Moon Expedition. Some other international figures, that are non-world leaders, have asked the world's leaders to meet in a video conference call if possible.

All around the VV

Lamentations were heard as the grim news was announced: The flying crafts were not the gods, but aliens possibly bent on destroying and enslaving Earth. The results of this were lukewarm at best with the VV people.


(Protest in Lima, district of Peru)

Protests soon started around the VV about the govt. not discovering this sooner, and the Interim government soon answered with a somewhat pleasing response, stopping the protests. the summary of it is this;

"We will officially try to start start a coalition with our friends, the African Empire, and start building more defensive weapons.

We will prepare for the worst, but hope for the best. For now, we all must come together and start building in the name of the All-Father and the defense of Hlodyn. We urge every citizen to stock at least 3 to 10 weeks of food, water, and basic necessities... We hope it will not come to that, but we need all the help we can get..

Also, as we vote for the next new government, please consider what group could defend us from the worst... 

Lastly, all soldiers and equipment in the VV military not in the Californian war will be put on standby, including 200,000 Mouse drones... If any strike from the Aliens hits us, the ship would be ultimately destroyed.

Thank you, Vestan citizens."

Later, a few transmissions were sent to the off-world ships.

First, A video/audio transmission detailing the history of the VV and many other things, including other nation's unbiased history and information are sent to the Alien ships.

Second, a Video/Audio transmission the the Ships of a English picture dictionary to try to get them to communicate, pointing out the words "Peace" and "Friendship" and "Happiness" to the ships.

Third, a map of a landing spot on the Western Coast of the VV, and words saying "Land here to speak peace with our people, You will be treated greatly"

The VV awaited a response from the Alien ships.

@Loyal Guardian

Other Stuff

A white peace is settled with the Rockians as the VV draws out of the war.
@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian

Project Cauliflower (50% completion) produces it's second drone, this one a bit more complicated. The D-2 Military Attack/Transport drone. Capable of flying at very fast speeds and carrying heavy equipment in and out of warzones silently and, if being shot down while carrying equipment, will not have as much casualties. It is predicted to be a crucial part of future Vestanian military operations because of those reasons.

The drawback is the overworking of the CPU in combat situations. To resolve this, a tiny Viridium chip is inserted into each one, making it fast enough to withstand the most complex variables.


(One of the first Vestanian military tests of the D-2 drones, proving very successful)

The next test of Project Cauliflower is the testing of a decently cheap robotic troop, although getting the AI right is proving hard so far.


(An early test bot, physically largely successful but getting the AI right is proving hard)
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the brief reprieve of the mouse bombings lasted only 12 minutes, until the entire capacity of the air force's attack planes and bombers sending a massive wave of destruction over the SRC. Casualties are high, though quite a few planes were lost to AA. The economic devastation is immense.
Radium Hot Springs

"Aliens." The King was speechless. In fact, the entire court was, and it was a few moments before the King spoke up again. "Well then. Aliens. I guess that's a thing that happens." He was silent a bit longer before speaking again. "I don't think that they are hostile. At least, I hope that they aren't. We must attempt communication before we do anything else. However, if they are hostile, we will have to transfer to the bunker cities of the east. We can survive there."

(I still think this is really stupid and doesn't make sense.)


The brilliance of the general who fought here would be remembered for a very long time. As the Eclipsians took over the city, he disguised his soldiers as civilians, sent them to the sewers, hid them in bunkers, and anything else to hide them. Then, after two days, when the Eclipsians felt secure, the troops erupted from every nook and cranny and retook the city. It was chaotic, but the Rockians eventually won, and now the city is fully prepared for an assault. All these troops now know how the Eclipsians fight, and the entire Chilean defense force is here, making it very hard for the Eclipsians to take this again.


The cities were fully fortified and ready for an attack. Many of the troops here were veterans, and all were well trained. They were well equipped, and the citizens here were almost all Kingdom loyalists. Even if the Eclipsians managed to eventually take a city, they would receive fierce opposition from the populace.


The Rockian admiral sent one more message. "You have the opportunity to save your own men. Leave now, for all our sakes. If you move further into Rockian seas, we will fire."

@Loyal Guardian



Santiago recaptured and prepared for assault.

Australian cities further fortified.

Another opportunity is given for the Eclipsians to leave.
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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Very tough times were brewing for not only the Federation but the world. A Second Eclipsian Civil War was on the horizon, but the military still had its forces out in the Pacific. A large unknown fleet has positioned itself from between here and the moon, and on the moon directly. While no satellites had a visual, it can be easily assumed that these unknown beings were construction something on there. The Eclipsian Council sent a visual message of all of the Eclipse's accomplishments, as well as the accomplishments of other nations, and the history of the world before and after the old world ended.

Byron saw this as an opportunity to preserve national unity and a way to end the war with the Rockies. He addressed the Council and pleaded for them to end the war and to preserve the nation as an unknown threat may attack. The council has since gone into deliberation, as a bigger threat may actually be enough for them to sign a white peace with the Rockies.

@Fishman Lord

Santiago, Chile

(Ya know i can technically ignore this, but i'll amuse you)

There were some pockets of Eclipsian troops at the edge of the city fighting on. Despite the defensive measures set up by the Rockian troops, the Eclipsians far outnumbered them, not to mention the fact the Eclipsians had air superiority. A large operation was conducted to retake the city. After a few days of fighting the Rockians, while putting up a valiant and brilliant defense, surrendered to the Eclipsian troops. All surviving Rockian troops, including the General, was rounded up and sent to the shores of Chile. There they were met with boats and all of them were put on the boats, some of them forcefully, and were sent back to the Rockian homeland.

@Fishman Lord


The offensive had gone well. The Eclipsians were able to capture the hearts of most of the citizens they passed, they were able to arm some of the Australasian rebels, and they had pushed the Rockies back severely. However there were three pockets remaining in Australia that would prove to be very difficult. The cities of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane were heavily fortified and it would take great sieges to capture them. Even though the Eclipsians had the numbers and some of the populations favor, almost every other factor they were outclassed in. This especially went towards Air and Naval support, both of which was highly achievable due to the Cascadian blockade.

@Fishman Lord


Zhao once agaon responded to the Rockian admiral's message. "I'm afraid to say that my forces are here to say, we are willing to continue this standoff until the war concludes or something bigger has happened."

@Fishman Lord

Grenshu Fleet

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu commander was receiving multiple transmissions from the inhabiting race of the planet. After ordering his deck to look at them and give him the basic summary. After seeing this world's inhabiting race's accomplishments and its history, he simply ordered them to reply in the same method. As such they sent back a transmission to all over the planet showing pictures of the races belong to their empire, ships they possess, their ships in battle, a picture of one of their Fortresses, one of a small moon cracked with the culprit most likely being them, a picture of the Grenshuorn home world, and their flag.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87 [/SIZE]

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

Eclipsian-Rockian War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Republic of Cascadia
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The convoy, having spotted an abandoned town, decided to stop to resupply, scavenge, and possibly set up a base of operations.(sorry for length kinda strapped for time)
Grenshu Fleet

The Grenshu commander was receiving multiple transmissions from the inhabiting race of the planet. After ordering his deck to look at them and give him the basic summary. After seeing this world's inhabiting race's accomplishments and its history, he simply ordered them to reply in the same method. As such they sent back a transmission to all over the planet showing pictures of the races belong to their empire, ships they possess, their ships in battle, a picture of one of their Fortresses, one of a small moon cracked with the culprit most likely being them, a picture of the Grenshuorn home world, and their flag.

The VV gladly gave pictures of their cities and technologies, with the exception of secret technologies.  Again, an offer was extended for the Leader of the Alien fleet to land and speak with the leader of the VV, and a landing site was proposed on the East coast of the VV

Other Stuff

The African Empire is asked to start a joint-program to study alien technologies and explore space, especially when the new fleet was involved. It would be named the ECF ( Earth Caution Forces). 100,000 troops are requested, 50 billion, and the AE's brightest scientists and theorists, and the VV would give 150,000 troops and 55 billion and their brightest scientists as well. @Albion
The AE has agreed to instead give 200000 of the sentinels, agreeing on all other terms. @Domini Regum

Also, the africans have sent pictures of the two most advanced cities they own, cairo and lagos, and request a meeting 200 miles from tunis. @Loyal Guardian
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Pendragon, Rising Empire


He was informed of what the VC and the AE was planning to do. He chuckled and sighed.

"Requesting a meeting with the aliens?" He said "Madness. We are unsure of what their intentions are, we dont even know when they are gonna invade and if they are good or not". Lelouch nodded in agreement.

(Short post, lel)
quite a few sentinels have now landed on cuba and the dominican republic, many armed with flamethrowers to burn down the forests. in the meantime, the mass bombing runs and attacks continue.


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