The World of Tomorrow

The expedition was surprised to see the detachment, but the ygreeted them warmly and asked where they were in relation to Russia.


The vehicles would stop in front of them and then one of them would ask that. A woman would be sitting down on one of the tanks, and then get up and walk up to them. She was taller than the others visible, and had blonde hair with silver eyes "Who are you, and what is it that you want?" She asked.
The captain of the crew stopped for a moment before replying, "We are the African Empire Exploration Expedition, we're here to find, uh, Russia, and then greet the locals."

The captain of the crew stopped for a moment before replying, "We are the African Empire Exploration Expedition, we're here to find, uh, Russia, and then greet the locals."


She would stare at the captain.

"Welcome to the motherland, a land of the proud, the land forgotten, and the land continually accused." She would continue to stare at the captain.
The captain thoughtfully looked at them and then nodded to one of his men, who quickly set up a radio communication back to Egypt (amplified by the special antennae attached to the truck built for the expedition) and reported back. The captain, in the meantime, asked, "Might we see your capital?"
The captain thoughtfully looked at them and then nodded to one of his men, who quickly set up a radio communication back to Egypt (amplified by the special antennae attached to the truck built for the expedition) and reported back. The captain, in the meantime, asked, "Might we see your capital?"

"Which one? For safety reasons, I'll take you to one of the other nation's capital. As there are multiple of them. The other nations probably wouldn't take outsiders kindly at this point in time." She said, as she didn't have any fear. "I just need you to keep your weapons away during the process."

Secretary Hall was brought to Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes's Office. "Welcome to Singapore. Now, I understand that you are talking to me about the recent war for Australia." He has finished watching Byron's speech and would like to try to force the Eclipse out of the war.



(For your entertainment)

"Mine #5078 has detonated, awaiting satellite confirmation." "All mines in sector 30A5C has detonated or lost contact, awaiting satellite confirmation." "Shanghai Fleet and Kyushu Forward Command is reporting Eclipsians vessels headed for Kamchatka." "Mines in Sector 12J2B have detonated, awaiting satellite Confirmation." "Mine #3029 has detonated." Shouts were being made as the war room was lit up by the massive screens displaying a map of all the mines. So many signals were coming in that other naval bases had to be called in to aid in the processing. The head operator herself joined the others to help process the information. "Patrol Ships from Christmas Island have spotted a convoy of cruisers." "More mine detonations in sector 50L3D." "Cascadia has mobilized their fleet!"

MWE Chen and the admirals sat high above the scene of chaos. "I don't care who it is, they must be taking heavy casualties because of those mines." An officer walked up. "Sir, reports that the AE is withdrawing from the war." "Good, start moving the mines from Mauritius to the Maldives." "Yes sir!" The officer ran back to the operators.

Capetown, Singaporean Africa

A response was made. "We will revisit this topic after the war is over."


Changi Airport

Admiral Hummel leaned back. "Is this your one request that you've been hanging over my head?"
@Fishman Lord

Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore

The research into Hihi'irokane for generator and Leidenfrost Effect usages. The department head met together. The generators could replace many of Singapore's preexisting gas generators, furthering the PAP's city in a garden initiative. The Leidenfrost Effect yielded test results of vehicles able to achieve 70-120 Knots. They began by trying to create a vehicle centered around it, the skipper. Information about a possible method to speed water vehicles was sent to the Ministry of Transportation and the Ministry of War and Expansion.


Production Methods - 50%

Ship Design - 40%

Generator Complete

Generator Implementation - 10%

Leidenfrost Effect Complete

Skipper Production - 10%
The captain told one of them to stay behind and keep watch while they followed after.


[I'm just going to skip us there than realistic time would allow, because some land here is just open empty fields.]

They would continue driving away to the north. They would leave the border into the outer-polish border to avoid glazov from being seen, but it was said to be heavily irradiated. At a extent that was actually true. They would shortly return to seemingly empty gallian lands and continue north.

After a long time, they entered the redline border and past the makeshift immigration checkpoints. They entered one area which was filled with industrialization, dull grey block houses, occasional military posts, and statues of premiers. Ranging from stalin - The new premier. "Ignore the statues, alot of the nation's people are from a community of the same name that were stalinist-communists, and were allowed free reign."

They would then exit the vehicle(s) and walk down a road which was not meant for vehicular transportation. After some time they were still walking and would walk past the apartment block, and into a checkpoint area. She would only speak Russian at this point towards the guard. " Random people that entered a different country, took them here for safety reasons." The guard would then look at her then lean forwards to look at the rest standing there. Then looked down on to see her passport. After a few minutes he returned it. She would then continue. And look at them gesturing forwards as she still didn't know if they could understand Russian or not.

They would continue walking down the road and there would be a large building on the other end. however back farther away the guard would of looked at the party and picked up a red phone. "yes hello?" He would ask. "yes," he would look back at the party. "we have some unknown visitation."

The building on the end was 7 stories high and the sides of the building spanned for longer lengths. There would be pillars on the front of it, and flags of three different countries/nations on it but primarily of its own. They would walk up the fleets of stairs and go inside. They would be met with random redline politicians discussing around in groups or walking, several guards, and busts - paintings of the Soviet Union literally everywhere. The floor/door Mat alone had the combination of the Soviet Union on it, and the redlines flag on it. They would walk down the middle hallway as everything went quiet and even the politicians stared at them silently. They would walk for five minutes before turning left to another one, then another one on the right after six minutes. the girl would see another one leaving the area they were going to. they would briefly speak to each other in old northern, a unknown language. "hello Isara, met with the premier again?" She asked towards the woman with blackish hair. "yes, the imperials wanted their coins back." she would then leave. Then another turn right into a office.

The office would be primarily dark, there was two flag banners hanging off the back wall behind the office desk one being soviet, a small in-door flagpole with another flag, a small desk lamp being the only method of illumination. Besides the desk would be a soldier with a AK-744 as they called it, wearing a telogreika and other stereotypical Soviet Union attire. His face couldn't be seen due to darkness but the red star on his hat glowed in the dark.  The chair behind the desk however was illuminated and it would turn to face the visitors. There was a woman sitting down in the chair, her legs were crossed, she had her hands in a scheming gesture, and she was smiling. Her eyes couldn't be seen as the lamp's light was being reflected off of her glasses. "Hello, we have been expecting you.." the woman said eerily.
Most of the men had been following along, quite confused, but the linguist, who had practiced extensively in polish and bits and pieces of Russian was quite confused at all of it. First attempts at translating went poorly, so the captain resorted to using sign language to try to communicate. The captain replied back with a greeting.

Most of the men had been following along, quite confused, but the linguist, who had practiced extensively in polish and bits and pieces of Russian was quite confused at all of it. First attempts at translating went poorly, so the captain resorted to using sign language to try to communicate. The captain replied back with a greeting.


 She would look at the woman that brought them here, but continues to smile. "Who sends someone into russia, and not even know the native language?" She asked her. She would accidentally respond in old northern rather than Russian. "I don't know." She said. "Goddamn it Clare, speak Russian. I can't understand that alien gibberish." Valerie said. The woman would only shrug in response to her.

Valerie would then look at the unknown guests, and then go under her desk, pull up a globe, place it on the desk, and then made it spin. She was the only one in the room that knew sign language due to years of being a librarian, scholar, and researcher. But Valerie would find it more amusing to get a response through action rather than direct conversation. She would only use it to make them use the globe to tell her where they originated, only then would she bother to continue.
The captain pointed at each of his men, pointing out the various areas of africa they were born. Addi, from Mauretania. Dikembe, from deep in the Kongo. Abaeze, from Nigeria. Kungawo, from the south of Africa.

And he, from Somalia. @Kazami42
The captain pointed at each of his men, pointing out the various areas of africa they were born. Addi, from Mauretania. Dikembe, from deep in the Kongo. Abaeze, from Nigeria. Kungawo, from the south of Africa.

And he, from Somalia. @Kazami42

There were possibilities of too many languages to be spoken. And since they didn't point anywhere of hostile threat, she would continue the conversation. She would only use sign language as communication, as it was the only advanced communication there.  She would ask what they wanted.
The captain did his best to explain that he was trying to find Russia and explore it to find potential trade partners. He showed them some of the goods they had taken along with them, including a sweet black fruit native to Africa as well as a few rare earth minerals. @Kazami42
The captain did his best to explain that he was trying to find Russia and explore it to find potential trade partners. He showed them some of the goods they had taken along with them, including a sweet black fruit native to Africa as well as a few rare earth minerals. @Kazami42

She was interested in the food more than much else. She took out a glowing blue crystal ore which glowed in the dark with a blue light, and put it on the table. Saying how great it is. Not explaining how to obtain or where it exists, but only explaining that it can power things for a long time, and works for anything related to fire. The only things she said about it anyway. She wanted the fruit because none existed there anymore, they couldn't just keep buying it from the imperials.
The captain nodded and turned to speak to one of his men. He thended signed that they could trade somewhere around 50000 tons of fruit from the farms each year, if the harvest was good.

The captain nodded and turned to speak to one of his men. He thended signed that they could trade somewhere around 50000 tons of fruit from the farms each year, if the harvest was good.


They would be given two small crates with 42 in them, making 82. Everytime she said. 
The captainew nodded and stroked his beard, before nodding affirmative and sticking his hand out for a handshake to confirm the deal. @Kazami42
In celebration, the mauretanian man brought out many fruits, ranging from oranges, watermelons, and apples to mangos, pineapples, and plums. The africans offered the fruits to the Russians. @Kazami42

The Rockian Navy joined in the Cascadian barricade. A message was sent to the Eclipsian admiral. "We will not fire unless it is in defense. You have the opportunity to leave. If you attempt to move any farther in our territory, we will fire."

@Loyal Guardian


The troops in New Zealand were moved to Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane. These cities were fortresses, armed to the teeth with weapons to fight of attackers. Any attacker would have an immense struggle to try and get their way in, and even then the men within would fight to the death.


Santiago was made a priority for defense. Most troops were sent there, killing the Eclipsians who were besieging it and setting it up for the long haul.


"I suppose it is." Caitlyn continued to walk. "I fear this war. I fear the Eclipsians. I fear for my son. If the Eclipsians capture Radium Hot Springs, they may be merciful, but if they are accompanied by independence rebels, we will all die. They will have no qualms about murdering a child for their cause. I pray it will never come to that, but we need the help of others if we want to ensure that that never happens. The Cascadians have helped us, but I still fear that the Eclipsians will ignore their ally just to get revenge for wrongs we never committed against them."


Vancouver Island Shipyard

Despite the war, work continued. Colonists began their true training, and mass water and air production were being worked on. Work was also done on a secure airlock.


Australia and Chile heavily fortified.


Project Poseidon: 35%
Rockian Russia

After a further few days of fighting the island Sakhalin and the Kamchatka peninsula fell under complete Eclipsian control. With the territory captured and Rockian airfields captured and destroyed, the closest threat of invasion and bombings to the Eclipsian mainland was eliminated. Surviving Rockian troops were given full transport back to their homeland, as an act of mercy and respect by Eclipsian soldiers.

@Fishman Lord


Rear Admiral Zhao heard the incoming transmission and replied. "I can assure you of two things admiral of the Rockian fleet. Firstly, thanks to the skillful Cascadian blockade, there is almost a zero percent chance that we will invade with naval forces. However my fleet and current forces in Australia are here to stay until a further event happens." He then focused the next transmission to the leader of the Cascadian fleet. "To the head of the Cascadian fleet, first off i would like for you to know i heavily respect your forces, people. and country. So my request to you is one not out of fear of escalation, but fear of losing a sacred brotherhood we hold and safety for your men. In the event of the case that a naval battle occurs between my and the Rockian fleets, i would like to request for your vessels to retreat to the nearest safe area until such a battle concludes. I thank you for taking the time to listen to this transmission."



The current deployment of Eclipsian forces have been able to keep a steady, albeit slower to their standards, push into Australia. They would continue to push further towards the coast, which they are somewhat near, however intelligence reports indicate that the three major settlements in the colony have been heavily fortified. While the troops along with their rebel allies could maintain a very prolonged siege until the cities fall, unless further reinforcements arrive, but that would take to long and current supplies weren't enough. After consideration in the council it was voted in a 152-17 margin that more supplies and manpower be sent to Australia. Some homeland forces were detached and sent into Australia along with the proper number of equipment. These men numbered 500,000 in total and a massive aerial drop was conducted and they were landed into friendly held Western Australia. After driving through miles upon miles of desert in tanks and transport, they arrived at the front line in a few days and began to assist the push.


Some of the Eclipsian soldiers were impressed at the Rockies resolve to hold onto the remaining major city of Chile. Despite the slight casualties of Eclipsian troops, many of the Rockian men were mainly untrained and have never experienced true war before. So despite the Rockians resolve and new troop deployment, the numbers and experience of the Eclipsians alone was enough for them to push deeper into Santiago. After the next few days, all of Chile was captured and defensive measures were set up on the coastline. The remaining Rockian troops and citizens were permitted to leave and return home or to another front.

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

Eclipsian-Rockian War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Republic of Cascadia

Belligerent 3:

  • Varmandr Vestan

Cascadian 2nd Fleet, Pacific Ocean


A deck crewman gave the final wing flap checks for the fighter jet on-board the RCS Independence, the latest innovation of futuristic aircraft carriers that the CNDF had produced. The Pentagon had approved buzzing nearby Eclipsian vessels and ground units as a show of determination that Cascadia wouldn't back down if aggression to the Rockies continued, buzzing being the act of flying a fighter jet close by another nation's military asset, in this case it was their naval vessels and paradropped troops in Australia, the 1st and 2nd Fleets had begun training exercises to prepare for immediate confrontation if required as even though President Bryon was not in support of the war, it was clear his Council was and the Republic of Cascadia was determined in preserving peace in the Pacific, the Ordinance crewmen in the red jackets fixed on the missiles and gave the thumbs up after double checking them on the jet and ran off to the side as the rest of the deck crew stood off the runway, the jet then taking off upon getting to the go ahead. Cascadian naval crews were by far the most well trained and disciplined in the world, being able to launch any aircraft from an aircraft carrier in 20 seconds or less, being able to launch an F-38 in 10 seconds or less due to the fact that it is a VTOL aircraft. Cascadian naval technology was only the tiniest bit behind the Eclipsians and that small gap was quickly growing smaller and smaller as the CNDF gained more funding, that along with having vastly superior numbers gave the CNDF and Department of Defense a pretty confident view on how to handle the crisis in the Pacific.


Due to the Eclipsians using aerial methods to get their troops into Rockian territory, the DoD had given the navy permission to deploy interceptors to any and all Eclipsian or even Vestanian aircraft that were caught heading to Rockian territory and to escort them away, given the F-38's air superiority that was the most common aircraft to be used in interception and escort, to solidify Cascadia's dominance in the oceans of the world, President Jefferson and Congress authorized the Naval Defense Act of 3256, allowing for emergency funding of the CNDF whenever it was needed in times of great uncertainty, as so the construction of 4 new naval fleets has been allowed, two for the Pacific and two for the Atlantic. Each fleet containing 85 ships and 4 aircraft carriers, an order for 1,440 new F-38's has also been placed for these jets to occupy the new aircraft carriers in construction. Blueprints for a new design of aircraft carrier have also been drawn up, to be titled the Catherine L. Jefferson class in honor of the currently serving president who has led Cascadia into a new era of prosperity, this is the first military asset constructed by the CDF to have been named after a living person, with a new influx of hundreds of thousands of skilled factory workers from South America these ships are to be built in record time, however all details surrounding their launch date have been classified.


Response to Rear Admiral Zhao:

In response to the Rear Admiral's message, Rear Admiral Riggs gave his response. "I am here on behalf of my nation, government and military. All three of which believe that this war is uncalled for and a waste of lives, resources and money. However we are here to protect our friends from our other friends, you. We do not wish to get involved in this war and we will stay out of it for as long as possible, however if your fleet engages the Rockian fleet despite them giving you the opportunity to leave and be the better man, then we will have no choice but to retaliate and defend the Rockian fleet. If the Rockian fleet engages first then we shall leave and allow both fleets to engage in a naval battle, if you attack first we will join on the side of the Rockians. As of now we have no concern over your ground forces in Australia already, however we will not allow additional ground forces to be sent, we will allow for evacuations of injured troops to occur and if you decide to pull your troops out we will allow them safe passage back to your homeland."



The Secretary and Prime Minister Jeanes would then shake hands, before sitting down on opposite sides of the Prime Minister's desk, Hall fixing his suit as he nodded at the question. "Thank you for having me, and yes. My President informed me that it would be necessary for us to discuss the Eclipsian-Rockian conflict and a way to solve it, if we've learnt anything from President Bryon's speech then it appears as if this was solely his Council's decision, we're not even sure if the majority of his population support the war, we're trying to find out. I believe that Singapore should openly condemn the war and move in opposition to it, we've already deployed two fleets to act as a barrier to the invasion for the most part."


Portland, Cascadia

In response to growing tensions in the Pacific and an unknown presence approaching Earth, the CDF has begun two new projects to advance military technology, Project Zulu and Project Yankee, nothing has been said about these two projects as usual with Cascadian developments for security reasons and both have been sent to two different research facilities as to speed up development and ensure quality in both projects. Meanwhile 8,700 new M1A3 Abrams have been ordered for construction alongside 4,500 additional MIM-04 anti-air systems and 2,300 M1010 Paladin artillery vehicles, these new military productions have created thousands upon thousands of jobs for the unemployed in Central America and have greatly spurred the local economies of those areas, with 89% of the population in Cascadian owned south america now identifying as Cascadian citizens with that percentage rising drastically, infrastructure construction has been mostly completed, new hospitals and schools have provided well needed utilities and necessities for people there and support for the Cascadian government has skyrocketed.


Meanwhile the Election Season draws closer as the Jefferson 3256 campaign begins rolling out it's new advertisements and mottos to encourage voters, reelection for President Jefferson is already in the bag due to her approval ratings yet support continues to rise due to the build up to the voting. However an interesting turn of events has occured and Vice President Hughes has resigned from his position due to a possible scandal that hasn't been confirmed by his staff as of now. Forcing Jefferson to sign on a new running mate and Vice President, with the choice being successful Congressman and Congress Majority Whip for the Democrat party, Frank Underwood, formal name being Francis. President Jefferson said in a press release that she was more than delighted to have such an experienced and veteran member of her party at her side in such a time of crisis and uncertainty, Vice President Underwood added on that he was honored to be the President's first choice in the decision. Congressman Carosa has been elected as the South American Caucus leader in the House of Representatives as a new battle between the Democrat party and Republican party breaks out in Cascadian owned South America.


Response to the Speech:

As of now the Jefferson Administration has stated in response to the Eclipsian President's speech that; "The words of President Bryon mean plenty to us, and we appreciate his stance on the unneccessary war against the Kingdom of the Rockies which has only resulted in more death and destruction towards good people. But actions mean more than words, and although the Republic of Cascadia and her people support President Bryon for his decision to speak out against his Council's vote, practically. Our government cannot pull away from our commitment to the Kingdom of the Rockies because of a speech, we require action to be taken. Action to stop this war and to hold those who are responsible for all this death and suffering responsible, we are formally condemning the Eclipsian Council for it's reckless decision to declare war. This is not a condemnment of the Eclipsian Federation, it's people, it's president or it's military. But the idiotic politicans that have taken advantage of their people's patriotism and turned it into hatred for a nation that has done little to deserve it."
@Loyal Guardian


Cascadian aircraft buzz Eclipsians in Australia

Rear Admiral Riggs responds to Zhao

Four new fleets authorized for construction

Mass military construction allowed

New Vice President sworn in

Election Season rolls in for Cascadia

Cascadian Government responds to Bryon's Speech

Singaporean-Cascadian talks

Democrats and Republicans clash in South America
Last edited by a moderator:
In celebration, the mauretanian man brought out many fruits, ranging from oranges, watermelons, and apples to mangos, pineapples, and plums. The africans offered the fruits to the Russians. @Kazami42

Valerie would have some, but would mainly just drink milk. Any fruit lying about which didn't have someone looking over it, which would be used for this semi-event would of been quickly eaten by Clare. If looked at, she would only appear to seemingly not of moved except several inches in random directions from where she originally stood.


Ragnite munitions project: 80% [for the lack of a message for two months.]

Last month: They experimented with liquid ragnite for use of flamethrowers and similar weapon systems, but resulted in self annihilation.

This month:They succeeded in making a very potent flame thrower with ragnite, and even made a flamethrower which doesn't actually throw flames, but instead fires it at the target and then could be ignited. They would then continue to research in gas caused by ragnite maturity.


Naval project: 79

Last month:

The piping, hull, engine, and inner deck was constructed.

This month:

The bridge is half and a quarter completed, along with a smoke stack, with the only things left to do is complete the bridge, add the guns, and finish the stern.


Mass expansion project: 60%.

Last month: Deeper into original siberian territory they went. They would also go south east into uninhabited lands and then begin setting up camps there. Any infection would continue to be combated, and more infected would be found.

This month: some of the camps fell to infection, but not much of anyone was taken down along with it. The camps that did remain would be finished, and more people would further expand into original siberian lands. They would mainly however take all uninhabited land they left behind in the west.


Engineering project for ragnite missiles: 100%.

All lancer missiles were constructed.


Seed Project: 30%. [Should be 9 months. -3.]

Last month:The irradiated plant grew larger than the others did, but alot of it was considered harmful to people with average immune systems. And thus consuming anything from affected sides would render radiation sickness. The overheated plant would be withering on the right side. The irradiated plant in the other room would be "put down" and replaced with another one but in normal conditions.

This month: The normal plant would of succeeded in growing a pear. While the second one didn't grow anything as it was a tree, and the third under the same conditions grew a carrot. Conditions and plants would be documented and put under the same circumstances. Now they would begin to genetically alter them.

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