The World of Tomorrow

In Southern and Western Poland the protests were only growing larger as the government was still in disarray after the Summaist Wars. Many people chanted German sayings and singing German songs for their support over a German Unification resolution. In Karelia the movement was largely successful as it was the northern most portion of the Polish Republic. And even though hey were most likely going to succeed, they faced a internal issue of themselves. The movement was split on either joining the Nordic Union or the Redline Empire. Even though the members of the movement know that the two nations didn't really have good relations, they had to decide on who it was they were to unite with. After much deliberation, the Nordic Union was chosen by a very narrow majority.

To help the Poles, the VV activated 50,000 Advanced National Guard to be flown over to Poland, to help monitor the protests and to help get the government back on it's feet.

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(Why? Actually? You know, it seems a little unfair that my comparatively smaller independence movements immedeatly become violent while much more prevalent independence just shrug their shoulders in other countries. I'm kind of getting sick of your bias against me. Also, it seems awful convince the that yours just magically go away, ooh @Loyal Guardian)

Viceroyalty of Australia

The rebels currently only controlled Perth, and the Rockians knew this would need to be put down swiftly. A blitz campaign was launched, with 400,000 troops rushing in and easily overpowering the less equipped rebels. Because the actual amount of New Zealanders fighting was very small(because independence movements don't just pop up and immedeatly become violent, that's not how that works), they were quickly destroyed. However, the Australians in Perth were still holding out, but would soon fall.


As the Chileans had been recently conquered and were in disarray, their rebellion was even easier to put down. Rockian troops who had been placed there to do exactly this quickly stomped it out before the populace could truly rise up. The Chilean "President" was quickly assassinated by a teleported agent and rebel-prone areas were put on lockdown.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Work continued on project Posiedon. The colonists had been selected, and other things were being prepared.


Rebellion mostly crushed.

Rebel areas put on lockdown.

Project Posiedon 15%.

As the Chileans had been recently conquered and were in disarray, their rebellion was even easier to put down. Rockian troops who had been placed there to do exactly this quickly stomped it out before the populace could truly rise up. The Chilean "President" was quickly assassinated by a teleported agent and rebel-prone areas were put on lockdown.


Immediately the Varmandr Vestan disapproved of the attack, stating it was a freedom-driven movement and the people clearly didn't want to be owned by a foreign power.

(Why? Actually? You know, it seems a little unfair that my comparatively smaller independence movements immedeatly become violent while much more prevalent independence just shrug their shoulders in other countries.

((Well, i did give them 50-100 million...))
Many have begun 'hopping the fence' between the two nations of Singaporean africa to join the protests for unity.

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Socialist Republic of California

Bloody battles at the frontlines required a heavier movement of troops. About  100,000 troops were moved into each frontline and 2,000 "Honey-badger" armored trucks were moved into the front lines, pushing them back another two miles.

Meanwhile, during a speech in Holguin, Cuba an assassination was attempted on President Romanov. He is alive and well and is currently sitting in his presidential mansion, making decisive moves in the war. 
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

In response to the recent treatment of people in Australasia by the Rockians, President Byron has denounced the kingdom. He also declined their invitation to the NWA and announced that he would recognize the region as independent. Byron also order his naval forces to embargo the Rockian holdings in the pacific and asked the Cascadian president for either a personal or video meeting.

@Fishman Lord @RIPSaidCone 
Ragnite munitions project: 60% 

Ragnaid, a medical device made a long ass time ago. Would be used for grenade testing. It was simple enough than attempting to recreate the regular grenade editions. This would mean that resources could be saved more, and the medical tools to as easily become weapons of war. Considering mainly medics had more than one or two of them, This would thus make them into a unit capable of fighting in a war. Of course the majority would still have pistols or use knives. The grenade was simple in construction. Make the ragnite piece unstable by deactivating any and all systems within the medical device.

This meant turning the small handle of the lid on the top fully clockwise, Open it as if trying to use it, and then throw it. This however wasn't exactly that simple and easy, as alot of them actually failed to deploy, or healed their targets. This was a unacceptable condition, and it would be further looked into.


Naval project: 60%.

The next ship would become the next participant of being created, while work on the larger ship would slowly continue. The keel would begin being made of ragnite, though not all of it. The stern, middle, and bow is the only parts not framed or constructed. The insides would also become inserted. It was the final destroyer-class warship-class to be constructed at the current generation. This would thus mean that there would be three of them.


Mass expansion project: 30%.

500, including 300 reinforcements from the redline would March into both vanavara, and Krasnoyarsk Krai, Russia. With 300 going to kras, and the rest to vanavara. This means they would be inside of previous siberian principality lands. Survivors found would be screened for illness and disease, and those infected by the plague years ago would be burned alive and executed. They would however be given a proper burial when deemed safe. However there would be little to no people in Krasnoyarsk, and however those going there would be met with hundreds of dead bodies. Most sections would be deemed uninhabitable and be burned - destroyed immediately.


Engineering project for ragnite missiles: 42%.

242 would be constructed by this time. The only types of missile types would be Flame shells and armor piercing as per usual. The only difference being flame shells. Flame shells would usually just be shells which act like a somewhat nerfed ragnite mortar shell. For those close by to its destination would be intended to burn alive, and the vast amount of fragmentation would ensure that nearby units would not be capable of escaping if hit.


Seed Project: 10%. [Should be 9 months.]

Work would begin on the seeds. The first stages of modification and reactivation would be trying to find conditions of which the seeds will survive at. Once the climate it can survive in is found, it would then attempt to be replicated, and far later at the end of the genetic process modified to more reasonable standards if necessary. So far they have achieved no results whatsoever.


The red October hunt would proceed by the Natalia while the Belarus would return home to randgriz to be looked over. Some crew stayed aboard the Natalia and would spend their time fishing. They would also spend their time fighting storms washing up against the ship, as the water which would jump up upon the deck would be in a on going battle with the crewmates who chose to remain outside. The Belarus would eventually return within mere hours to her destination, and after further investigation no possible errors, malfunctions, or other took place within or outside the ship. The broadcasting systems would be recorded and sent to the gallians to review later. 

After a few kind hearted but joking words by the queen, and then giving some spare parts. The Belarus would be returned into the kara seas, she would remain in contact with the Natalia, but would be exploring the north. 


The squad would continue travelling about the forested area. They traversed for a day to no avail. It was as if whatever was there disappeared. "Goddamn it, we haven't found a single damn thing for miles, and we are expected to continue hunting down a fucking witch. What a great way to spend Saturday!" A sentry said while on a patrol with two others. "I know, It is as if they wanted this to happen. So then they would force us all to experience the totally great idea of hunting women. I believe they took that saying too seriously..." another gallian said, which was part of the mixed-nation-squad. "Do not worry comrades, everything will be fine! I guarantee it." A Russian soldier said to the Americans.

"Yeah, sure. I will believe that when I see i-" The second soldier disappeared. "Bob?" They stopped and turned around. "Bo- OH SHIT WHAT THE FUCK IS THA- GAHH" the soldier would of had a small log tossed at him, smacking him in the face and making him fall over and bleeding. He would quickly get up after a few disorienting seconds, stumbling about before picking up his gallian nagant 42. Except without the scope. The russian soldier would just take out a MP-4 and report their situation "Under attack by unknown forces! Requesting full support!". "Affirmative Delta, hold the line." Shortly afterwards, the bush behind him would rustle. "LOOK OUT!" before anything could be done, he was grabbed by the right leg and dragged away into the distance. It was clear: They had fucked up. The remaining soldier would just sprint away and picked up the walkie talkie the russian soldier dropped. "HELP MEEEEE!!!!" He would continue sprinting for a entire mile before being hit with a blunt object directly from behind, rendering him unconscious. While he had started to be dragged away, the horde sprinted in from the trees, bushes, and paths. Charging at whatever or whoever was causing this. Whatever did would then begin sprinting away into the forest, only to be met by non-lethal gunfire by riflemen. They sent in the scouts to quickly go chase after it. A medic would attend the wounded American soldier.


The broadcasts from earlier would be listened to frequently by multiple operators at once, very carefully. They would also document any and all discoveries, misc, static, and interruptions detected. After a day of listening, modifying, and comparing, the results were sent to the queen.

The queen would listen to the broadcasts, and afterwards would place her hand on her chin, grasping it in a thinking manner while rubbing it. "This is a broadcast which was discovered in the middle of the kara seas while searching for the red October... it was heard during 4:00 PM - 8 area, and then could be heard in the distance. Thus the operator believed the ship was sinking and caused an evacuation. In which some of the crew even jumped off of the boat into the cold waters. They are still being treated for hypothermia by medical personnel sent aboard the ship." A maid in military helmet said. "What is the source of the broadcast? Where did it originate from and how?" Jennifer asked. "We do not know, however it did exist. The kara seas have been acting strange recently, and it could be from that. But the lack of scientific investigation prevents a direct answer." She replied. "Very well, notify fishermen heading out to sea about this predicament. I'll go get someone that might actually have time to investigat-" the sound would designate again, but only lasting shortly and being very faint. "Carry on. I'll prepare a speech soon." She said.


Jennifer would walk up the many seemingly endless amounts of stairs in the citadel tower. After awhile, she would flip two switches down, spin a knob clockwise, and then take a seat. She would then proceed to send a message again after waiting for the static to die down. "Hello, It is me again." She said. "I have come to ask of two simple things, would you be willing to send some spare radio technology? This station is utterly useless outside the city and I can't even use it to contact the redline. We can pay it in gold, rubles, or materials. 

[SIZE= 14px]Also for something of a more important matter: The north is acting stranger than it usually is, and migration isn't that great. The water is experiencing changes which cannot be explained, and there is a strange sound originating from the north which has recently somewhat budged in here. It is unidentifiable even by us." She commented.[/SIZE]

"Would you be willing to send someone over who would be interested in hearing what this ungodly broadcast is? I would of sent it here, but again this communications station is horrible. Sorry that I can't remain here, but I have a speech to conduct." She would then leave it on voice mail for later, and then leave. @Loyal Guardian


A while later, the queen would have arrived on stage for a speech. Everyone settled down and she didn't even have to bother trying. She would have a maid test the microphone for her before continuing. "Hello my fellow people. I have come to you today about the absurdly recent divine nature you probably heard minutes ago." She said to the people. "I know that some of you are annoyed with the nordic union for blaming us on something we didn't do. I know you hear rumors of a secretive project occurring somewhere in Russia, and I know that the majority of you must be frightened by the divine sounds that filled the skies faintly. But I am here to confront that, and tell you that everything is fine." She commented.

She then quickly thought of how to explain the sounds. "Those barely audible sounds are nothing to be worried about. In a matter of fact the large majority of it is our very own lone-valkyrur Heather, experimenting with music in the citadel tower. She is singing of her mother and the future victories of gallia and it's allies." 

Meanwhile during her speech, various priests from the yggdist religion sneaked around past the stage and being covert. "Alright come on let's go." Some would appear from allys, inside of barrels supposedly filled with fish, and emerging from a single house as if it was a large clown car. They would use the unidentified sounds to increase the members of their religion. However they would compete with their rival sects, and even with their heretical ones in this endeavor. She would be given a thumbs up by a elderly gentleman with a dark robe and hood, before disappearing in one of the cities many ally ways.



Attempting to be able to weaponize medical supplies to save on resources, despite having alot of them.

The fourth ship to be constructed is beginning it's initial stages of completion. Soon it shall be released with its mother to wreak havoc upon the ocean.

More major amounts of land in Siberia is taken, and this time it reaches deep into the old principality. Disease survivors are separated and saved, while the dead or diseased are burned alive and later given proper burial. Still no sight on the officials encountered prior to their destruction.

Around half of the lancer missiles are completed, with the additions of a new "flame shot" and the classical lancer missile.

The seeds from Svalbard begin to be tested. The project is named: "End World Hunger."

The hunt for red October continues, with a harsh storm and the unknown broadcast.

The hunt for the escapees continue on, with a lone patrol of three being ambushed and rendered unconscious.

The broadcast would be reviewed with none scientific methods, and then sent to the queen of gallia. Then a very faint live edition occurs near the capital. 

A broadcast would be sent to the EF about radios and the broadcast.

The strange sounds in the skies are currently blamed on Heather experimenting with absurd music, and then ends with the sounds being declared as Heather singing about the future victories. While meanwhile the gallian sect of the yggdist religion covertly springs up to the surface, and out of dark places to use the divine sounds as a recruiting mechanism. They intend to bring people in on their modified Norse religion, and even using Heather as a example to gain members. 

As the elections were underway, it looked like Zeph Jeanes would win again with the recent expansion and wealth he has brought to Singapore. Most of Singapore's territories have returned to order and the Singaporean Africa seems to be maintaining the law.

Fullerton Hotel, Singapore

1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei and 2nd Gov Kristen Jeanes have arrived for a meeting with the Serpens.


Grand Port Authority of Singapore, Australia division.

Many officers were alarmed by the recent embargo being imposed by the Eclipsians. Singapore has many interests in Australia and Pacific Islands held by the Rockies. They served as way points and sources of industry for their investors. Singapore's Ability to influence the sea was directly connected to how effective they can maintain the sealanes. The 9400 nymph mines that are still constantly being produced proved that. A message was sent to the Eclipse Federation to reconsider their actions and find a better solution.

At the same time, military leaders called upon the Port Authority to begin the production of a grander fleet.


- Generator 70%

- Leidenfrost Effect 65%

Portland, Cascadia

The Department of Commerce halted the 200 million transaction to the Cascadian independence movement from Varmander Vestan, holding the money in a private account owned by the Cascadian government for situations such as these, all money flowing from Vestan has been taken by Cascadian authorities as to not promote funding of an anti-Cascadian movement. President Jefferson has denounced Vestan's attempts of blatantly provoking Cascadia as nothing but them not being able to take a loss in a war they brought on themselves. The Republic of Cascadia has publicly condemned the Vestanian attempts to promote independence movements in both Rockian and Cascadian territories simply so that they can invade those independent regions in the future or lure them back into Vestanian control, Jefferson's Administration has openly mocked the fact that the Vestanians don't know how to use the little money their country has by wasting it all on pointless endeavors for territorial gains.


Classified Location

Meanwhile Subject Sierra, also known as Star has continued to be watched, studied and cared for by the Department of Military Innovation & Research in a secure and very much classified location. The security and quarantine measures put in place have still remained in effect as to not put any personnel at risk, the CDF having advised the research staff to not lift any security measures indefinitely as they cannot know what they are dealing with when it comes to a biologically engineered or modified human, especially one of government origin. Star has been given regular tests to record her rate of intelligence growth and where she is currently at, she is being taught by personnel on how to read and form more coherent, more-child less-toddler like sentences although the staff have been impressed with the rate of intelligence growth. She is being fed twice the amount that a normal 4 month old would be fed as her internal structure is growing at twice the rate, as to not malnourish her and keep her in a healthy state.


The National Intelligence Agency has dispatched a small team of agents, 8 in total to Honduras to track down any possible evacuation locations, a large company of CDF troops have joined them just in-case. Meanwhile the NIA has begun investigation on the eagle symbol, doing a cross-reference with the Vestanian government's known logos and insignias along with their religion to see if there is any connection. President Jefferson has been briefed on Subject Sierra by Dr. McAlson, the head researcher on Sierra's case study.


Mexican & South American Cascadia

The peaceful independence movements in these regions were somewhat angered that the money that was going towards them had been taken by the government. However the Department of Commerce had sent officials to their headquarters to explain that it was nothing to do with the independence movements themselves, but the fact that it was a foreign and subtly aggressive attempt to destabilise the country, the majority of the movement's supporters understood this as a national security concern and not an internal one. Cascadian loyal citizens have been moving from Southern America to mainland Cascadia in fear of becoming part of an independent country or apart of Varmander Vestan again, around 4.2 million people have begun moving further north, out of the independence movement's reach with more set to follow. The Border Security Agency and Department of Housing have began cooperating on housing projects to hold all of these new people moving into the homeland of Cascadia. The reconstruction of St. Louis and Oklahoma City have helped house these people and the economies and industries of inner Cascadia have boomed from the new influx of workers and spenders.


Meanwhile the government has begun pro-Cascadian advertisement and advise, giving all the benefits to living under the Republic of Cascadia and all the benefits to come whilst stating that becoming independent or apart of another country would be highly dangerous, unpredictable and damaging to the people there. Cascadia has reminded the Cascadians in Mexico of the fact that their former government did claim to be pro-United States, and that Cascadia was the spiritual successor to America and it's values, also the fact that Mexico already had a large percentage of representatives in both Congress and the Senate due to their population and that their region was already very well spoken for in the federal government, the fact that jobs have been given to over 11 million people in Mexico since Cascadia's peaceful takeover after the Mexican government's collapse and that cities such as Mexico City, Ecatepec, Guadalajara and Puebla had all been rebuilt and repopulated since Cascadia's arrival, not to mention the fact that the people living in Mexico have already accepted being Cascadian and in-fact have greatly enjoyed and praised it, these people being the overwhelming majority with South America following the same path now.


The Pacific

In response to the embargo on the Rockians, the Cascadian Naval Defense Force was authorized to go on readiness alert, being ready to deploy at any given moment if Cascadian trading in the pacific was threatened in anyway, the CNDF has most certainly rose as the world's most powerful navy, combining both advanced technology and numbers and so the Department of Defense was confident with it's position in the region, President Jefferson has accepted the invitation from the Eclipian President and has chosen to fly out to Eclipsim as it would be her first time in the city. Cascadian media has made a big deal out of the historic event as it was the first proper arrival of a Cascadian political figure onto Eclipsian soil, minus the diplomats at the Cascadian Embassy in Eclipsim, a president however was quite different.


Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Around a day and a half after the invitation was agreed to, President Jefferson was flown out to Eclipsim on Air Force One, with the usual high amount of Secret Service security that she usually had. Landing at Eclipsim Airport, she had brought a small team of advisors including Mr. Simmons of the Department of Foreign Affairs, Rear Admiral Riggs of the 2nd Fleet in the Pacific and the Secretary of the Department of Commerce, Hailey Mallins, to discuss both military and economic issues if need be, with Simmons providing personal advise to Catherine on how to proceed with the meeting.


Singaporean-Cascadian Communication

At the same time the Department of Commerce and the Department of Port Authority have both reached out to the Singaporean Federation to work out a new deal for the safety of Cascadian ships in the area, the CDF has been aware of the presence of underwater mines around Singapore for a little while now although has taken no issue with it, seeing it as national defense. However to ensure an accident never occurs Cascadia has proposed that both nations cooperate on a task to fit Cascadian commercial ships heading to Singapore and that operate in the area with devices that point them out to Singapore's underwater mines, the randomly moving minds then automatically moving away from the Cascadian ship to prevent a collision and explosion, or something similar to that idea at the very least.



Cascadia has also raised a proposal that a World Congress Headquarters be built in Portland just like the UN headquarters in old world New York, with President Jefferson stating that the plans and blueprints of what said building would look like having already been drafted in the proposal was agreed upon, the Republic has proved it's abilities to provide excellent security for world leaders at these meetings, that the country is stable and prosperous. That it is peaceful with the vast majority of countries around the world and that it's a 1st world country with plenty of luxuries to provide if so needed.

Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore, Marine Development Division

The call was accepted and Chaiman Arthur Wang invited the heads of the department to Grand Port Authority's research lab to better understand how the mines work.

Socialist Republic of California

Bloody battles at the frontlines required a heavier movement of troops. About  100,000 troops were moved into each frontline and 2,000 "Honey-badger" armored trucks were moved into the front lines, pushing them back another two miles.

Meanwhile, during a speech in Holguin, Cuba an assassination was attempted on President Romanov. He is alive and well and is currently sitting in his presidential mansion, making decisive moves in the war. 

After hearing of this, the VV commissioned the first test of Mouse bomb drones (Pretty much a advanced Hunter-Killer drone) and airdropped 3,000 into rebel territory, with more guns and tactical equipment.

One transport drone was shot down behind SRB lines, and although it was a tangled mess, they eventually made out the Varmandr Vestan flag….
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

President Byron arrived at the airport and walked to the terminal where President Jefferson landed. He brought with him Vice President Draco, his Assistant Sao, and High Generals Io and Frios. He had also extended an invitation to Rear Admiral Zhao, but couldn't make it due to family issues in Beijing. He instead opted to bring the Hero of Solaris, Major Hayden. When they arrived he greeted her with a warm smile. "Miss Jefferson, it's great seeing you again. How did you enjoy the view of the skyline from the air?"

Changi Airport, Singapore

With Secretary Mallins of the Department of Commerce being in Eclipsim, Secretary Hall of the Department of Port Authority had came instead, with a small team of engineers, and officials from both departments. The Cascadian plane landing not long after at Singapore's major airport, with accompanying escort as always, the Cascadian group was then taken via convoy to the Grand Port Authority's labs where they met the Singaporean group sent to greet and discuss the plan with them, Secretary Mallins sent her apologies to the Singaporeans via mail from Eclipsim for not being able to be there but that her staff would keep her informed and she would give her input shortly.


Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Jefferson extended her hand with the same warm smile in response, Riggs, Simmons and Mallins all sharing handshakes and welcomes with Draco, Sao, Io, Frios and Hayden. "Great to see you as well, Mr. Bryon and it's a very beautiful city that you have here." She complimented, the press getting plenty of good photos of their handshake for front page covers obviously, typical of the media and all. "And you must be, Mr. Hayden. I was very impressed with the reputation you got during the battle of Solaris, it's good to know that my country's allies can produce such fine soldiers." Shaking hands with Hayden soon after. "Now, shall we get going? I assume we have a lot to discuss." She offered, secret service agents gathering around again as they kept the photographers and reporters at a safe distance, the group heading out of the terminal now and to the convoy that was waiting outside.
@Loyal Guardian

Perth has been captured, and all that remains are pockets of freedom fighters in the countryside. Captured rebels have been forced into prison or deportation, and most are in prisons on small pacific islands. New Zealand is totally under control, and propaganda promoting the Kingdom is now commonplace. Non-rebels have been rewarded with pensions or other benefits, and work on bringing a Rockian identity to Australia continues.


The Viceroyalty of Chile has been granted to a Chilean, to support local identities. Santiago is being built up to prove that the Rockians are a good force that will improve the life of the average citizen. Rebels in Patagonia have been fighting fiercely, but have almost been eliminated.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Breakthroughs in a mass air production device have allowed work on other things, like large, advanced airlocks and food production. Ten new ships have been built to counter the Eclipsians.

Pacific and Indian oceans

The Rockian Navy has begun blockading Eclipsian ports, claiming that the Eclipsians have made an aggressive action towards the Kingdom and they are simply returning the favor. Only Rockian, Cascadian, and Singaporean ships are allowed through.

@Loyal Guardian


Rebels almost completely crushed.

Integration in Rockian colonies.

Project Posiedon: 20%

Counter-Blockade of Eclipse.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"Thank you miss. Hearing that from a world leader such as yourself is an honor." Hayden said giving a large smile, even making the scar on his right cheek look happy. "Thank you Miss Jefferson, and your right we do so lets get to out meeting area." They walked outside, where a team of men in Ganymede suits were awaiting and opened the doors of the convoy, which consisted of two cars in the middle of a set of hoverbikes. They stepped in and the team of soldiers got on the bikes and ordered the convoy to move. Their destination was the Eclipsian Council building, where a private board room was set up for the meeting.

Sulawesi Island, Port Authority Research Lab

The group was brought to the building by the coast, buried into the hillside. After passing several inspections, they entered the lab conference room. Chairman Arthur Wang was sitting inside. To the left, blast proof windows overlooked the testing area, where scientists and naval officers were adjusting large sphere.

"Welcome to the Federation. I trust that you had a safe trip. You should try Singapore Airlines next time. They have excellent service." He paused to gesture to the sphere beyond the room. "The nymph mine. Tell me, what do you know about colonial Singapore?"


Meanwhile Subject Sierra, also known as Star has continued to be watched, studied and cared for by the Department of Military Innovation & Research in a secure and very much classified location. The security and quarantine measures put in place have still remained in effect as to not put any personnel at risk, the CDF having advised the research staff to not lift any security measures indefinitely as they cannot know what they are dealing with when it comes to a biologically engineered or modified human, especially one of government origin. Star has been given regular tests to record her rate of intelligence growth and where she is currently at, she is being taught by personnel on how to read and form more coherent, more-child less-toddler like sentences although the staff have been impressed with the rate of intelligence growth. She is being fed twice the amount that a normal 4 month old would be fed as her internal structure is growing at twice the rate, as to not malnourish her and keep her in a healthy state.


The National Intelligence Agency has dispatched a small team of agents, 8 in total to Honduras to track down any possible evacuation locations, a large company of CDF troops have joined them just in-case. Meanwhile the NIA has begun investigation on the eagle symbol, doing a cross-reference with the Vestanian government's known logos and insignias along with their religion to see if there is any connection. President Jefferson has been briefed on Subject Sierra by Dr. McAlson, the head researcher on Sierra's case study.

1. In a small town in central Honduras, a small house was found with the Eagle symbol beside the door. Nobody seemed home as a scouting agent approached...

2. The only reference with the eagle was the Katrina Corporation logo, an independent corporation that operates with VV govt. benifits, although the similarity was small.

3. Star was already starting to speak like a normal child, and could write crude words. The scientists soon found out her metabolism was the shining star of her organism, with it being similar to a fish's , able to slow down or speed up if needed.

Perth has been captured, and all that remains are pockets of freedom fighters in the countryside. Captured rebels have been forced into prison or deportation, and most are in prisons on small pacific islands. New Zealand is totally under control, and propaganda promoting the Kingdom is now commonplace. Non-rebels have been rewarded with pensions or other benefits, and work on bringing a Rockian identity to Australia continues.


The Viceroyalty of Chile has been granted to a Chilean, to support local identities. Santiago is being built up to prove that the Rockians are a good force that will improve the life of the average citizen. Rebels in Patagonia have been fighting fiercely, but have almost been eliminated.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Breakthroughs in a mass air production device have allowed work on other things, like large, advanced airlocks and food production. Ten new ships have been built to counter the Eclipsians.

Pacific and Indian oceans

The Rockian Navy has begun blockading Eclipsian ports, claiming that the Eclipsians have made an aggressive action towards the Kingdom and they are simply returning the favor. Only Rockian, Cascadian, and Singaporean ships are allowed through.

@Loyal Guardian


Rebels almost completely crushed.

Integration in Rockian colonies.

Project Posiedon: 20%

Counter-Blockade of Eclipse.

The Varmandr Vestan asks that any rebels that wish to be will be allowed to come to the VV, either from Australaisa or Chile.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"It's no real problem and you can call me Catherine." Jefferson smiled, herself and Bryon leading the rest of the group outside to where the convoy was, getting into the car in the front as another 6 cars pulled up to the convoy, these were black SUV's with tinted out windows and Cascadian flags hanging off the front of them, they were Secret Service vehicles no doubt, they still had wheels as Cascadian manufacturers had never seen the benefit of hover vehicles, with flashing police lights on the back windows and tops of them as they joined the convoy. Jefferson looking over to Bryon as she spoke up, "So you never stated what this meeting was actually about?" She asked curiously.

@Loyal Guardian

Sulawesi Island, Port Authority Research Lab

The Cascadian engineers had a field day inspecting the lab as they were led in, always being interested in technology that was different to their own. Seeing how other countries operated and did things, the political advisors had more interest in the deal themselves as always. As they were led into the room containing the sphere in it's testing area, Secretary Hall spoke first.

"Thank you for being so hospitable for us. Our trip was most pleasant, and only if you try Cascadian Airlines first." A casual joke was made as Hall focused on the sphere with curiosity. "Well I'm not big on history but it was owned by the British, they didn't see much of a point in it at first but when they found out how profitable it was as a trading post they decided to keep it, the Dutch didn't like it but they eventually signed a treaty. As a trading post it flurished and became a major center of commerce, your nation certainly has an interesting history I must say."


Honduras, Cascadia

The agents and CDF troops kept a safe distance from the house, not trusting it for obvious reasons. Deciding to conduct multiple scans on it, electronic, thermal, radiological and for any traces of chemical or biological activity, a request was made for special equipment to be dropped in, 6 hazmat suits, 3 geiger counters, a small decontamination tent and two flamethrowers. Apart from that the expedition had come readily equipped, a line was set up around the house to ensure that nothing got out or in if there was anything around it in the first place and a close eye was kept on it, needless to say they wouldn't be lured into a false sense of security easily given the situation.

Meanwhile Project Sierra's status continues to improve, with the appropriate social accomedations being given to her including toys designed for children 1-5 given her advanced intellect, educational television shows and one or two simple cartoons. Dr. McAlson had given his staff orders to make sure that Star developed into a normal child mentally, and that she didn't grow up not knowing how to socialize or interact with people, the staff were given authorization to begin speaking to her, treating her kindly and friendly, Dr. McAlson specifically going out of his way to act as more of a parental figure now, to ensure a steady mental development and not just an advanced intelligence.

@Domini Regum
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"Ah yes, that might explain you confusion." Byron said in a friendly manner, but quickly put on a serious face. "As you may know the recent surge of independence and merger movements has taken the world by storm. Most of them i can see why, they do have their own culture and geographical region and they are simply seeking for what they think is best for their people, and i honestly respect that. However as we all know a country wants to keep its land intact, for as long as possible, and of course we're no exception. However i do feel as though that some movements do deserve their independence, like the Scots and Australasia who have a unique cultural difference compared to their rulers, even though the former has been apart of that region for thousands of years. However i think an independent Australasia is deserved, although that opinion is most probably bias." He stopped for a second, taking in a short breath, before continuing further. "Catherine i would like to ask if our forces could work together once again to combat the Rockians. Let's be honest they only joined our war against the Vestans to gain land from them, at least that's how it seemed. If you refuse that's fine, i understand where your coming from, but i wanted to ask you as an ally and a friend." As he finished this, they arrived at the Council building.

Sulawesi Island, Port Authority Research Lab

"haha, very well. When I retire for Las Vegas." Chairman Wang readjusted himself. "Yes, Britain controlled Singapore until WWI and WWII. During that time, the Japanese began their conquest to take all of Asia. In response to the growing threat that they posed to the invincible Royal Navy, they laid underwater mines. This was also placed to prevent German ships and pirates, who also ended up placing underwater mines of there own. They still exist to this day. One of the reason why we limit travel here."

He stood up and walked up to the window. "Those mines represent our defense. Our politicians refuse to believe that there are navies far stronger than us and believe that mines should do, but we know better. Anyway, back to main point. Our mines travel the seas, adjusting depth to catch different moving currents. They actively attempt to negate or disrupt sonar detection. We have a central database with every mine's position and predicted cone of movement, updated twice a day."

He turned to face Secretary Hall. "They only disrupt trade by an estimated .5% since the port authority has full command in where a ship sails. Sealanes shift to different seasons, and so do the mines. To better protect our assets, we don't let anybody except our patrol know where they are. As you can probably guess that .5% error comes from ships who tend to ignore the Port Authority's orders. As such, the Port Authority has considered releasing information about mine location to other control centers operating in the pacific. Of course there are problems with releasing national defense details, but are considering releasing predicted area of danger map every few hours."
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"Indeed it might." Catherine replied, seeing his expression change and resting one leg on-top of the other as she listened closely. "It has, although the independence movement in Mexico is certainly surprising, considering how pro-American values their last government was. But it hasn't gained that much support thankfully, a country does want to keep its land intact, which is why we have to talk about Varmander Vestan in a little while. They've been funding the independence movement in some of my territory." She spoke, letting Bryon continue with what he was saying and taking it in with a thoughtful expression. "I would agree respectfully that your opinion is most certainly bias given the fact that you and the Rockians haven't had the best of relationships." Her phone buzzed, quickly looking at it only to see that it was Secretary Hall from Singapore informing her of the meeting that they were having, putting it away again as Bryon continued, her expression turned to an almost shocked one, she hadn't expected that so soon but she kept her composure, thinking for a a few moments.

She sighed and rubbed at her forehead. "I don't like disappointing people, it's not in my nature. Obviously I want to help an ally of my country's and a friend of my own, but I can't authorize our assistance in that. Even if I was for it, which I'm not. I would never be able to get it through Congress or the Senate, we simply have too much connection to the Rockies, we trade with them, tourism between our nations has been renewed and they're like the old Canada to us. My people are in favor of them despite the fact that they are already in support of the Eclipsian people as well. I have a re-election coming up and although it's basically in the bag for me I can't risk damaging the public view on me by starting a war against the Rockies. I hope this doesn't hurt things between our two countries but I'll have to decline, and I hope that you won't take action against the Rockies. They're simply overprotective of their own land, and you can hardly blame them given the Canadian War." As the convoy pulled up to the Council building the group got it and walked towards it. "I know you'll understand, but was there anything else that you wanted to talk about?" She asked.

@Loyal Guardian


((Jefferson's appearance for reference))
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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"Oh no it's completely fine, i expected it to be a long shot anyways." He said as they walked towards the building. "And to be honest i do know that they are protective of their land, any nation would be. However our values have never aligned, he is a fiefdom and we're a newly founded Federation with democratic ideals that support humanism. And even though i know we started it first, their embargo on us is something our nation doesn't really tolerate. Catherine i'm sorry to say this but the council and our military leaders have already agreed to war and with this new government my vote, even though i have some backing, isn't enough to stop the declaration. I support their independence, but not like this." Byron then opened the door and as they walked into the room he sat down and spoke. "Greetings representatives of the Republic of Cascadia, it is an honor to have you here. Eclipsim is glad to have you in her presence. Now i have called you here for a multitude of reasons, however the primary point is militarily. I have discussed this in detail with Miss Jefferson, and even though we have come to an conclusion, i still thought i should bring it up. As you know the Rockians are fighting the Australasian independence fighters, and that the Eclipsian Federation is in full support for their independence. I asked for military assistance, however as President Jefferson has said, that is very likely out of the question. Therefore i won't pursue the topic further, but i should note that a declaration of war will come sadly. The remaining issues i would like to talk about involve trade and commerce." As Byron was speaking of this, a very large incident happened.


Emperor Byron.jpg

((Byron's Appearance for Reference)) 

Open Seas

Admiral Umberion and General Centauri had been in charge of overlooking the embargo. After hearing word that the Rockians had blockaded Eclipsian ports, and the fact that the majority of the council and even civilian populous support war, they decided to activate their forces. As such, they ordered all defensive measures and aerial assets to be activated at blockaded ports to attack the Rockian fleet. The Jovian Naval Platforms also aided by firing their salvos at the Rockian fleets, which proved to be very effective. The Battle of the Ports was a quick, yet eyeopening, battle that quickly drove off the Rockian Navy from Eclipsian port cities. At the same time Eclipsian naval forces began bombarding major island chains and land forces on minor islands. Targets like Hawaii and the Galapagos were left alone except for precise naval bombardment on important targets. Land forces deployed in Patagonia then began to push into Chile, quickly taking over Rockian lands. Even though the Rockians were the most technologically advanced foe they had met, Eclipsian equipment still surpassed theirs numerically and effectively. Even though there was no issue of war, the councilmen of the Eclipsian Federation said that the war would have passed in debate anyways so the action was inevitable. To them it was a Informal-Formal Declaration of War. They also asked the Order Empire and Singaporean Federation for assistance or remain neutral. They said that it was in their opinion that the Rockies had not allowed the freedom of speech, expression, cultural spreading across the regions. As such, the Eclipsian-Rockian War began.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

Eclipsian-Rockian War.png

(Note i made this through the Eclipsian perspective, to the Rockies its vise versa)

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Rockian Loyalists
Communications Center

Only one word was sent to the Eclipsians in response.


@Loyal Guardian


A meeting was held, and it was decided that the Australians and Chileans would both be de-feudalized and turned into vassal republics. Instead of a hereditary sub-monarch, they would elect a leader to serve under the Kingdom. New Zealand was turned into a Demense Province, directly owned by the King, giving them much more say in government. However, they would all still be members of the Kingdom. This agreement got rid of most of the remaining rebels, and as an added bonus all rebel prisoners who had not committed war crimes were allowed to immigrate to Varmandr Vestan. The rebellion was almost completely gone, and only radicals remained. 

@Domini Regum


A plane circled and a message was sent down. "Good day, this is Caitlyn Roscoe, Queen of the Rockies. Do we have permission to land?"



The diplomat paused as a message came through. "My apologies, I cannot stay any longer. We shall provide you a teleportation suit, as well as tracker information on all the other suits currently in service. We hope this repairs wrongs done, for which we apologize.


Vancouver Island Shipyard

The navy was rallied, and was deployed along the Canadian and Chilean coasts, as well as throughout the pacific. Work continued on Project Posiedon.

Military Headquarters

The Royal Levy and all vassal levies were raised, bring the army to 4 million. They were deployed to defend Canalaska(the main area) and Chile, as well as a 200,000 man offensive on New Zealand, where Auckland was recaptured.


Screw Loyal.

Waaaa... A.. Eh, who cares.

Project Posiedon: 25%


Teleportation info sent to Cascadia
Singapore, Changi Airport

The plane was given permission to land. Admiral Hummel came to greet her. "Welcome back Lady Roscoe! Welcome back to Singapore!"

@Fishman Lord

Headquarters Signals and Command Systems, Singapore

The room was in total chaos. Screens across the war room lit up showing the mobilization of troops and ships being prevent passage. MWE Jimmy Chen once again sat at the head. "This is outrageous!" cried one of the admirals. "We control those waters! We control the Indian Ocean, the South China Seas, Arafura Sea, Solomon Sea, And West Pacific!" "We must prepare for war ourselves to defend out sealanes." "But which side? Join the eclipse and risk losing our mining rights in Australia. Join the rockies and risk total annihilation!" The head operator walked up before the table. "Politicians have finally agreed to Defensive Act." All the men relaxed. MWE Chen spoke, "BEGIN PRODUCTION."

Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore

Marine Development Division was in total chaos. The computers to the grand library are all being used to bring out old production and ship schematics.


Production Methods - 30%

Ship design - 20%

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