The World of Tomorrow

Ryan looked at the tank the scavengers hauled in, rust spots everywhere, the tracks were damaged, the barrel needed new rifling, computers updated and all electronics as well. "How long?" He asked the lead enginner, "A month, maybe two tops depending on the extensiveness of some of the damage, sir." The engineer replied. Ryan nodded and left back for his office. He sat down and sighed, looking out at the already growing buisness of the city. Hopefully the area south of them could be taken, more land could never hurt, and judging by what the scav team said, it was up for grabs. He would send a team out soon

T-34-85 repair: 0%

Land Expansion team: 0%
The process of warring continues. many plans are made, with multiple offensives and an attack  on the Suez Canal, which will stop any Hamui ships entering the Red Sea. some 50,000 men have died, many Sentinels, while the Hamuis have lost about 600,000 men, many of them Militiamen raised to halt the advance. The main army is gathering in Cairo and preparing for one last defense.


Reactors: 7%

Farms: 16%

Research: 8%


Project Industrialization: New Factory Technology to make the assembly line more efficient. 6%

Project Dragon: 5%

New Arms Factories: 7%

Magrails: 7%

Self Driving Cars: 19%

There is a new Project as well; The mass industrialization of the Urban cityscape. Almost no pollution. Estimated 500 factories in the first year, many in the new Hamui territory. hereforth referred to as Project Workforce. 4%

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Main Communications Center, Oxford, British Province

"Minister of Diplomatic Affairs Alastair responding to the Republic of Cascadia. Order Airlines have accepted your requests, flights should begin shortly. As for our territories in the former United States, I'm afraid we can't do that at this time. Some of our important research facilities as well as industrial zones are located there. Perhaps we could sell the territory to you another time."


Main Research Center, Oxford, British Province

Many researchers are working hard on Project Entwicklung. New propultion systems are being tested, as well as new weapons of warfare and digital technology. Most of the research budget is focused on this project

Order Space Program Launch Sites, British Province and American Province

Rockets were set up at the OSP launch sites in the British Province and American Province. A few minutes later, the British Rocket took off, followed by the American Rocket a few more minutes later. They were both carrying surveillance satellites, bound for the Moon and Mars. They would orbit each celestial body and monitor them. Stage 1 of Project Virgo is complete.

Project Virgo: 25%

Project Entwicklung: 30%
Ragnite munitions project: 40%.

There was a breakthrough in testing of ragnite mortar shells. In the recent series tested, The mortar shell would explode as normal. However a blue flame would span in a 360 degree zone for twenty feet. They would then begin to attempt making them able to fire from larger tank barrels like the EDELWEISS tank for a distance. They even use the tank as reference and testing with the permission of the gallian army.


Naval project: 42%.

They added in emergency procedures and piping, And found another suitable captain. All that was needed now, was to add some defenses to the ship such as a baftery with three barrels. Then the ship would be capable of being released and to set sail, and work can move on to other ships.


Mass expansion project: 10%.

The expeditionary force moved eastwards to Yenisei river. Keeping some soldiers there and 30 volunteers. Some of the expeditionary force would remain in the area to make camps and tents, and then once camp is completed they would follow with the rest of the unit further into siberia. Reinforcements from underground population zones would be sent at another month. They didn't find any people so far to take in, so they had to use their own. 


Engineering project for ragnite missiles: 10%.

The missiles developed earlier by the science core would finally have their blueprint ts reviewed, and then attempt to be replicated. They expected to have 500 in 6 months produced. Some would-be easier to make as they wouldn't be using ragnite. But the majority would. 150 wouldn't have ragnite used in their construction.
owever during one of these blood tests an irregularity had come up in one of the refugees, a young girl by the name of Star supposedly had been noted as having an irregular biology to the majority of the refugees. Upon further testing it was noted that whatever the irregularity was, it was presumably manmade, further investigation by the National Intelligence Agency showed that her mother had been liberated from a somewhat shady experiment in Colombia. Star was detained by CDF personnel and sent to a holding camp to be examined further, this holding camp was a former VV military installation that had been modified by the CDF to become a temporary research post on captured Vestan technology as a sort of payback to the Vestan hack. The Department of Defense was informed of Star's existance and their interest had been peaked, discussions were held soon after on how to proceed.

The subject 'Star' was found to have advanced biological experimenting done to her, as scientists found out at only one month old, she was seen having the cognitive ability, growth, and muscular strength of a six-month-old. No traces of VV government experimentation were seen on her, though causing confusion.

In a scan of her brain, it was a firestorm. the Memory sector was getting increased chemical flow and the quick, split second decision (Cerebrum) was advanced as a 7 month old.

The scientists still failed to obtain any Vestanian connection, as the facility was empty as they liberated it, and the mother had no memory past 10 days.
Varmandr vestan

1. The economy starts moving up again, as Katrina Corporation re-centers and starts moving factories again.

2. A trade deal is offered to the CAF, stating that the VV needs the support and will be back on our feet before too long, and that Katrina Corporation could help. @Albion

3: Project rebuild is started, planning at the end to have a normal economy (1.1 trillion) at phase one, and at phase two rise it to 2.3 trillion. (2% completion)

4: The end of the militaristic policy of Expansion.

5: The VFO slides behind of the USVV by two points as the results of polls are now going to be not released.
The cae agrees. They need more money and resources for their projects.
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The CAE has offered to the Singaporeans to buy all land north of Namibia for 122 Billion NAD (New African Dollars, the currency of the CAE, which i have never mentioned.)

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The CAE has offered to the Singaporeans to buy all land north of Namibia for 122 Billion NAD (New African Dollars, the currency of the CAE, which i have never mentioned.)


A meeting was requested by the Governor of Singaporean Africa at Capetown to try to understand this proposal.
The CAE agrees readily and sends a civilian type Stryker jet, the fastest jet available. within two hours, the plane has touched down and the Diplomat readily steps off. 
The CAE agrees readily and sends a civilian type Stryker jet, the fastest jet available. within two hours, the plane has touched down and the Diplomat readily steps off. 

Capetown, Singaporean Africa, 7th District

The diplomat was guided to a conference room. There sat 7th Gov Chang Yu Hong. "Welcome to Capetown. Please have a seat. i understand that your nation would like to buy everything north of Namibia, please explain."
The Diplomat nods and smiles. "We Central Africans, as you know, are taking the north of africa by force from the Hamuis. We hope to Unite Africa. However, we have had historically friendly relations; it would be foolish to attack your nation. As such, we wish to instead buy these lands. He pulls out a current map on his large tablet and shows it to the Governer. "All Lands north of the blue line. Our starting offer is 155 billion NAD. @Alteras

The Diplomat nods and smiles. "We Central Africans, as you know, are taking the north of africa by force from the Hamuis. We hope to Unite Africa. However, we have had historically friendly relations; it would be foolish to attack your nation. As such, we wish to instead buy these lands. He pulls out a current map on his large tablet and shows it to the Governer. "All Lands north of the blue line. Our starting offer is 155 billion NAD. @Alteras

View attachment 169609

One of her aides did some math and came back with a exchange of about 130 Billion Sing Dollars. Gov Chang sighed. "We currently have assets in that territory. We can accept this now but it'll take us another month to vacate the land. We would also like to keep Sao Tome and Principle."
The Diplomat considers this and agrees. "You may have continued fleet basing rights and military acess in Sao Tome and Principe, while we shall have economic and political control over them. Deal?"

The Diplomat considers this and agrees. "You may have continued fleet basing rights and military acess in Sao Tome and Principe, while we shall have economic and political control over them. Deal?"


Gov Chang smiled. "Very Well, deal" She extended her hand.
The Diplomat shakes her hand and the moment is captured by a nearby photographer.
The Diplomat halts for a moment. "Ah, I forgot! I was sent here to also offer a trade deal and defensive pact. We believe this would be good for both of our countries."
The Diplomat halts for a moment. "Ah, I forgot! I was sent here to also offer a trade deal and defensive pact. We believe this would be good for both of our countries."

Gov Chang chuckled. "Well, if Africa is to be united as one, we might as well accept."
The Diplomat grinned and nods his head. "I will send forward message to my country of this deal, and then, I will return home tomorrow."
The CAE has managed to extract the Hamui King from his Palace in a surprising move; 3 of the men were killed, but the other 2 extracted and with the Hamui King captured, the Hamui's have capitulated. (Is this ok? Or do you guys want me to continue the war?)
Camp would be horrific for squad 422 stationed outside glazov. There wouldn't be any beds. And makeshift beds would have to be made from pillow cases and ammunition crates, Served food was usually some form of alien looking substance which smelled like it was taken from a toilet, they were given some hardcore vodka to down it all, constant training from a 10K run to 100 push-ups a day, One of the issued officers could be said to of been "entirely fucking insane", constant random inspections which usually ends in their beds and gear thrown on the floor, And every lacking soldier being dragged away for even two days. It is not known what exactly happens to them, but when they return they have small scars and wounds. Probably from a ungodly advanced training regime as punishment.

As documented by the squad commander, Kurt: "This place is a fucking hell hole where people go to die inside. Random inspections and harsh training procedures, the training officer being a brute of unknown magnitude, and having to share beds or declare a war just to sleep is common. It reminds me of the underground ghetto in the Northeast. The officers are even harsher than the trainings are, and Clarice deserted three days ago under the cover of darkness. That wouldn't be a problem to escape into glazov, only if it didn't take more than that. The new temporary commanding officer has enforced a landmine law and some fencing around the camp. Everyone seems to act like the previous redline premier in handling training and other. It seems more like a military prison than it does a defense protocol... Just fantastic. We are indeed in the hands of fucking madmen."




In the few days after writing of the last journal entry, Kurt did it again.

"After the last training session, number 28 and counting. Someone else tried to leave. It was some guy not even from here. He was from a military party a decade ago or so and he didn't like being forced into here either. So at night he tried escaping and somehow pried through the fences, past the guards, and crossed over past a few mines before being unlucky and falling ontop of one when he fell down the hill. Everyone woke up, some not even wearing any clothes and grabbed their guns. Hordes ran through the barracks doors, others through the wide windows, or others climbing on the roof. There was some flame which only lasted a second before dying out quickly.

There was no medical team called in because all that found that remained down the hill was not even half of a lower torso, part of an arm with a dangling string of hand attached, and a part of a brain. Small enough to fit inside of a watch. One doctor was sent in to investigate if it were accidental or not, but nothing came up. The death was said that the poor bastard literally fell down the hill perfectly, Landed face first into a mine, and was otherwise in a position in which the head and upper body is lowered with the ass in the air. Which definitely would of resulted in an event like this. Even if it was just a fragmine it would of shredded his body into an unrecognizable hunk of flesh, only identifiable if a dog tag or patch was found. He was scheduled to leave hours prior, but a block happened at the gate and nobody was able to leave without taking a risk to do so."

Another two days later.

"Another two deserted, of course just a single person as everyone here has probably faced worse. A night and a half ago the sister of the first deserter, and then a recruit taken from the prison left. They already were picking which one of us to hunt her down, but now they have forced a hunt-and-recall procedure. Me, and seventeen others were sent out at night in redline hellcat jeeps, modified for surface use to hunt them down. However we were told to gun down the prisoner if seen at any time in what they call a hunt."

Department of Defense





"Upon further inspection of subject designate; Sierra, civilian designate; Star. Unsettling experimentation on deep psychological and physical levels has been revealed, Cascadian Defense Force officials ranked Major and higher in the immediate vicinity of the research post have been briefed on the transfer to more secure holding grounds. Complete discretion of existance of subject Sierra is ordered via commanding officer, General Wyoming, Mark. Detailed analysis of the subject indicates advanced mental and physical growth and development, months ahead of what a child of her age should currently be at, this will be studied further upon transfer to new facility. No direct traces to Vestanian involvement have so far been found, however we can confidently state that due to the evidence of the facility's existance in Vestanian territory, the advancement of the technology within it and the clear amount of funding invested into it and it's experimentation that it was indeed a Vestanian government ran operation. National Intelligence Agency agents on scene have confirmed through thorough investigation of the site that the likelihood of it being a rogue group or terrorist organization is nigh impossible. Further tests will be ran on the subject to ensure that she does not pose an immediate security threat to the Republic of Cascadia and it's allies. Doctor. Bradley McAlson has been drafted from San Francisco to work on site in the new facility, NIA officials will be briefed at 07:00 tomorrow morning."


With arrangements made, Star was transferred from the research post in Central America to a highly secure research facility in a classified location. National Intelligence Agency officials were put in-charge of investigation on the facility and have taken everything that remained in the facility for intense study and investigation, the mother was taken into NIA custody for brief questioning however her memory failed to be of any use and she was transferred to a Psychatric hospital for psychological evaluation and care if needed. The utmost caution was taken when handling the child, all personnel in contact with the child were to wear hazmat clothing and decontaminate themselves before and after contact with Star. Monitoring equipment of all kinds, biological, radiological, chemical and so forth were all set up in Star's room to keep a track on anything that might be emitting from the child, with such experimentation done to her, there couldn't be any risks taken. The CDF very well anticipated that this could be a trojan horse and have taken the liberty of setting up strong security wherever Star is at all times, no important equipment or personnel were allowed near her for safety purposes and she was put in a soundproofed room. Star was still cared for like an ordinary baby would be but with much more caution for obvious reasons. Star is now currently being tested to determine how advanced her intelligence is via basic puzzles designed for 1 year old children.


Norfolk Communications Relay, Virginia

"Well we can't say that we're not disappointed, we did have plans for that area. But we respect your decision as a friend and ally. However we would like to offer assistance in possibly moving your reseach centers and factories across the ocean, so you would not need to waste the money in doing so and we can get the land if that would be an acceptable idea?"


Portland, Cascadia

The Jefferson Administration was now in a cabinet meeting, discussing various domestic and international issues and topics to respond to, domestic for the most part however. President Jefferson sat at the end of the table with her advisors and cabinet members, including Secretary of State sitting up and down both sides of the long, wooden table. A newcomer was present however, Antonio Carosa, the newly elected South American caucus in the House of Representatives, due to the 106.5 million people now living in the large area of newly gained Cascadian land, the process of involving those millions of people into the Cascadian political process has been long, having to set up votes for congressmen and senators to represent their voice in the Cascadian Senate and Congress, to ensure that the democratic ideals of Cascadia are maintained. Along with the Black and Republican Caucus' the South American Caucus has proved to become a large party and have begun interacting with the other parties in the political system as south American Cascadians begin voting for the first time under their new nation, Antonio Carosa had come out as the most popular.


"I'd like to welcome Mr. Carosa to the cabinet meeting and to congratulate him for his big win over the south American caucus elections. He'll make a fine addition to the House of Representatives I'm sure." President Jefferson said with a smile as she gave a nod to the mixed race man, he was around average height, just under 6,1 and a blend of hispanic and caucasian. "Thank you, madam President." He responded with his own nod to the kind gesture. "Now moving on to business, the discussion involving South America, Mr. Carosa, we invited you here to ask one simple question. What do your people want most from their government." She asked him, the man barely taking a few moments to respond. "There is a lack of major hospitals in some areas, some additional funding into education, more books for the children." His answer was confident and well spoken, Jefferson nodded. "Well, we'll get on that. Becca, note that down." Her secretary nodded, the young redhead scribbling it down on her notepad. "As for the dispute in Congress about the allocation of military funding and the DoD budget?" Senator Breitman spoke up at this. "Indeed, the liberal-democrats and republicans are both standing their ground on this one, the democrats think our military is strong enough as it is whilst the republicans still think it could be improved. They're both being stubborn."


"What about the allocation of funding?" Jefferson asked, Breitman responded. "The democrats think it should be invested more into Veteran Affairs, the republicans suggest it's fine the way it is." The table started murmuring as conversation erupted between the various government figures, Jefferson silencing them with a single gesture. "Put the bill to the Senate then, increase military funding to both Veteran Affairs and research & development. We have the budget to please both parties here so why not use it." Breitman nodded with a thoughtful expression. "I was thinking the same thing, especially with the new work force we have from south america. We can raise new reserve and frontline units for added defense capabilities whilst we put research into more advanced equipment to improve the worth for cost ratio. I like it." The rest of the table seemed to agree as murmurs of agreement came through, nodding widespread. Jefferson stood up. "Well then, put the bill of an increased DoD budget to the Senate and then the House of Representatives and we'll have a success."


San Francisco, Cascadia

"Good morning, San Francisco. This is 104.1 KHN bringing you the latest morning news for your drive to work. The President along with support of Senator Breitman and newly elected Congressman Carosa took a new bill to the floor yesterday in the Senate, with overwhelming support from both sides the latest increased to the Department of Defense's budget was authorized, allowing for increased allocation of spending to both Veterans Affairs and research and development, the Director of the Department of Military Innovation & Reseach came out with a statement showing his sincere gratitude to the valiant efforts of the Senate to bring more funding to the what he calls vital projects for national defense, in weather today it is expected to be another cold, early year day with temperatures as low as 4 celcius for the most part of the day. Light rainfall is also to be expected, in sports the Los Angeles Strikers came away with a clean victory from the Chicago Rifles today in what fans call one of the most spectacular games of the season, Don Manson of the Rifles put out a press release late last night saying that he was most impressed with the performance of some of the Strikers' lastest players."


Elections in Cascadian South America, Carosa elected for SA caucus

President Jefferson and Senator Breitman succeed in bringing military spending bill to Senate

Additional funding to research & development along with Veterans Affairs given

Classified Cascadian research on Star continues and she is transfered
The CAE has chosen a new flag after three months of debate. Since they rose from the ashes of the Summaist Civil War, the new flag will be a Phoenix.


The New Hamui countries have been reorganized into three countries: Sudan, Egypt, and Mauretania.

In other news, word is brewing that the newly renamed African Empire is planning a war with the Madagascar-an Nation to take them over for the further unity of Africa.

And finally, the AE has prepared a convoy of cargo ships with a few patrol boats to guard them from attacks by small bands of Summaist Pirates. This small convoy is one of many preparing for the expected trade with the many nations nearby.

 A message has been sent to the Cascadians, Order-ians, Polish, and Eclipsian requesting trade deals. @Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @JJKab @Loyal Guardian

Also, many advanced technologies have been taken from the Hamui Data Archives, though some scientists were in the process of deleting them, many technologies were snatched up and new work is being done on introducing these new technologies.

Also, the work on the new miners has been sped up quite a bit by the Hamui space research.


Reactors: 9%

Farms:  24%

More farms in Hamui Territory: 1%

Research: 11%


Project Industrialization:  11%

Project Dragon: 9%

New Arms Factories: 9% Decommisioned

Magrails: 9% decommisioned until gdp is higher.

Self Driving Cars: 25%

Project Workforce. 7%

Implementing New Technologies: 1%

Project Driller: 24% (15% boost from Hamui technologies, plus been working on for 4 months)
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