The World of Tomorrow

"Hell yeah! Haven't had this kinda fun in ages?" He yelled at the thumping of the tank turret. Ruan leaned out frim the tank and fired the other 24 shots from his mag into them stragglers hitting 5 and killing 3 of the 5 he shot. He reloaded and stayed behind cover as he did so. @Kazami42
"Hell yeah! Haven't had this kinda fun in ages?" He yelled at the thumping of the tank turret. Ruan leaned out frim the tank and fired the other 24 shots from his mag into them stragglers hitting 5 and killing 3 of the 5 he shot. He reloaded and stayed behind cover as he did so. @Kazami42

Scouts would run around the vehicles to constantly shoot raiders at different angles. Submachinegunners would constantly fire as long as they had ammo. A raider only shot one scout in the leg, but was immediately shot through the heart by the same scout. The scout was dragged away for medical reasons, a person just took out a large canister and turned a dial on the top of it. It would begin glowing blue before the soldier jammed it into the scouts leg, it beginning to heal the scout visibly, but a large wound still remained. It would probably heal in a day and a half.

The tank was reloaded again, and Kurt would aim at another raider, firing, and then obliterating the raider, and some cover that was being used. Exposing three more, and one of them being mowed down by various submachinegunners.
(Since Domini hasn't replied in over three days @Alteras)

Varmandr Vestan

After a quick resupply via fleet support, Eclipsian forces launched another offensive. Thanks to the AA Campaign, much of northern Vestan had little areas that were capable of anti-air strikes and significant pockets. Alongside Cascadian forces, Eclipsian troops pushed towards the limits that the AA Campaign could allow. The line the Cascadians had created barely changed while Eclipsian forces made significant advances, capturing a factories and cities alike. The factories were important as they were creating tanks for the Vestan war effort and some cities help military installations were rooms that could have held their hacker core was. After only five days much of northern Varmander Vestan was under allied control.

Just before the second Eclipsian offensive ended, Rockian and Eclipsian troops landed on the beaches of Chile and Peru. Numerous beachheads were created that allowed further reinforcement. When portions of the Eclipsian fleet arrived, including an aircraft carrier, the pockets grew further thanks to added air support. While on their way to reinforce the beachheads, Eclipsian troops landed on the Falklands and captured it, built military installations, and effectively claimed it for the Federation. Finally after a nearly a week of fighting allied troops had captured the Chilean coast and a bit more, effectively cutting the Vestans from the Pacific.

Just after the Invasion of the Coast, allied command realized that one of the difficulties the ground forces experienced was the determined forces of the enemy and their air power in the area. The Eclipsians realized that the best way to secure southern Vestan would be a air campaign, which would be followed by more naval invasions. And so the Patagonia Air Campaign was launched and Eclipsian forces, along with other allied air force elements, began to strike important enemy position just like the AA Campaign did. Even though enemy anti-air was much stronger than previously thought, resulting in a few more aerial casualties, the campaign was proving successful in taking out enemy positions. Soon afterwords allied command planned for another offensive.

The Eclipsian commanders replied to the Rockies message on what their gains would be. Frios would reply with that the Eclipsian Federation would be looking for War Reparations (Using EU4 logic there) and for territorial gains they would be taking Patagonia, the Falklands, and a little plus but not much more than that.

@Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @RIPSaidCone

Second Vestan War

December, 3255 - Ongoing

Vestan War 2.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Republic of Cascadia
  • Kingdom of the Rockies

Belligerent 2:

  • Varmandr Vestan
Varmander Vestan

With the Eclipsian push going well and the invasion as a whole going without much fault. The CDF saw little concern in pushing their forces deeper into Vestan territory even more so, pushing past where the Eclipsians had held to rearm and organise before their next push, and going deep into Vestan territory. Taking multiple cities and industrial centers in the process, not to mention thousands upon thousands of acres of farmland. The Cascadians met resistance from armed civilians who knew their surroundings very well but with the advancement of their technology, the CDF found very little difficulty in finding all of their foxholes and bombing them out group by group. The Vestan civilians had organised their own militas in response to their military's continuous defeat but these militas were crushed by a far more advanced and well trained force, despite having the advantage of hometurf it simply didn't compete against a force that had the advantage in literally everything else by a significant margin. The civilians in these captured cities were treated well and for the most part simply left to go about their daily lives undisturbed by the Cascadian presence there, cities that were damaged in the fighting were being repaired by those who lived within it and the Cascadians are treating the Vestan population in captured territory with generosity and kindness, much like their forgiving nature would have people expect them to.

The Patagonia Air Campaign had little effect on the CADF's overall fighting capabilities, with the entirely F-38 made force that was deployed to South America going without a single casuality, despite the significant enemy anti-air in certain parts of that area. The CDF treated this campaign as a sort of testing ground for their new fighter jet and this testing went very well, the F-38 proved it's worth as the world's dominant aircraft and not a single one had gone down. Although there had been one or two complaints of issues with the electronic displays but this was taken into consideration and the DMIAR has begun working on what might be causing the slight issue.

Naval Strike Recon, the Cascadian equivelant of the marines had been deployed via aircraft carrier and helicopter carrier to Vestan's Pacific coastline, the 95,000 strong force of highly trained marines being more than enough of a shocking power to break a good amount of the Vestan lines through sheer firepower alone, their advance had been swift and almost without flaw which is what they were made to do and Cascadia ended up making significant gains in western Vestan as the CNDF and it's fleet in the Atlantic began bombarding the remaining Vestan naval elements on it's eastern coast, many naval battles taking place in which the CNDF proved victorious in most due to their prowess at sea, highly trained crewmen and advanced technology on-board the ships. It is expected that the CNDF's atlantic fleet will break through the Vestan naval line within a week.

Vestan War - Ongoing

December, 3255

The last of the raiders died, the snow stained red with blood of both friend and foe. One of the men, Cpl. David Tomlin, died of multiple wounds to the chest and abdomen. Two more from Nordham were injured, one a mortal wound to the stomach the other shot in the shoulder. They were carted off in a Jeep. That left Ryan and one other from Nordham, minus the work crew, who immediately double-timed the effort, constructing the road in a few hours time. Everyone was on guard on the way back to the Capital, but no trouble was found. Ryan and the other soldier put away weapons while the dead were examined and wounded treated. With roads now complete they could start sending out patrols and salvage teams more often.

Internal Roadways complete
Shanghai, 5th District

The census was complete. A large increase in population and a large GDP with it. Transition was smooth since Singapore had a lot of influence in the region to begin with. Large groups of people began applying to Singaporean health benefits. Gov Chun caught the common cold trying to work on the large number of handovers.


As the ships came into dock. News outlets crowded behind the chain link fence trying to capture the people of the wooden ships. As the Serpens came down the ships, many were in shock. The port went quiet as civilians and workers alike paused to stare at the newcomers. A limo pulled up before the pier. Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes climbed out of it, followed by 1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei and 2nd Governor Kristen Jeanes. Officer Kanzaki Ren ran forward to their aides and handed them his translator. Soon, they were equipped with earphones and microphones. Officer Arthur Lee walked up to Captain Ven'Ren. Gesturing to the trio, he said, "This is Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes, 1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei, and 2nd Governor Kristen Jeanes." "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, Captain Ven'Ren." PM Zeph said.


Makasaar, Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore

The metal had undergone multiple tests. The students who ate the ramen noodles were okay. The metal exhibited interesting properties of generating large amounts of heat, glowing at a constant red that can only be best described as blood red. The Dean called a meeting of the Department Heads. During the talk, several themes came out of the discussion. They will continue to test its properties. They will attempt to create a generator out of it. They will attempt to synthesize it as they continue to mine it out of Kuala Lumpur. And they will attempt to make an alloy out of it. In the final minutes of the meeting, one of the department heads, a young engineer from the former Japanese fleet decided to call it Hihi'irokane. When asked, he cited the attempts his old college in japan made in trying to create an infinite power source based on old books from far before the war. A search through University Library yielded one book that also called a hot glowing metal as Hihi'irokane. The other heads and the Dean didn't have much care and decided to let it be called hihi'irokane.

At the end of the meeting, each department was given a sample of the metal. Thus began a series of tests to figure out its properties.

View attachment 9_1_16_World_map.png
Shanghai, 5th District

The census was complete. A large increase in population and a large GDP with it. Transition was smooth since Singapore had a lot of influence in the region to begin with. Large groups of people began applying to Singaporean health benefits. Gov Chun caught the common cold trying to work on the large number of handovers.


As the ships came into dock. News outlets crowded behind the chain link fence trying to capture the people of the wooden ships. As the Serpens came down the ships, many were in shock. The port went quiet as civilians and workers alike paused to stare at the newcomers. A limo pulled up before the pier. Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes climbed out of it, followed by 1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei and 2nd Governor Kristen Jeanes. Officer Kanzaki Ren ran forward to their aides and handed them his translator. Soon, they were equipped with earphones and microphones. Officer Arthur Lee walked up to Captain Ven'Ren. Gesturing to the trio, he said, "This is Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes, 1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei, and 2nd Governor Kristen Jeanes." "Selamat Datang! Welcome to Singapore, Captain Ven'Ren." PM Zeph said.


Makasaar, Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore

The metal had undergone multiple tests. The students who ate the ramen noodles were okay. The metal exhibited interesting properties of generating large amounts of heat, glowing at a constant red that can only be best described as blood red. The Dean called a meeting of the Department Heads. During the talk, several themes came out of the discussion. They will continue to test its properties. They will attempt to create a generator out of it. They will attempt to synthesize it as they continue to mine it out of Kuala Lumpur. And they will attempt to make an alloy out of it. In the final minutes of the meeting, one of the department heads, a young engineer from the former Japanese fleet decided to call it Hihi'irokane. When asked, he cited the attempts his old college in japan made in trying to create an infinite power source based on old books from far before the war. A search through University Library yielded one book that also called a hot glowing metal as Hihi'irokane. The other heads and the Dean didn't have much care and decided to let it be called hihi'irokane.

At the end of the meeting, each department was given a sample of the metal. Thus began a series of tests to figure out its properties.

View attachment 166181

Yen'Ren respectfully bows, a small smile on her face.

"Greetings Prime Minister. It's a honor to meet you, your city is as beautiful as the pictures."

She has the sailors start offloading their supplies and the crates of ancient knowledge.
The progress continues, albeit slowly.

Reactors: 4%

Farms: 9%

Research: 4.5%

New Arms Factories: 3%

Magrails: 3%

New Self Driving Cars: 7%
The last of the raiders died, the snow stained red with blood of both friend and foe. One of the men, Cpl. David Tomlin, died of multiple wounds to the chest and abdomen. Two more from Nordham were injured, one a mortal wound to the stomach the other shot in the shoulder. They were carted off in a Jeep. That left Ryan and one other from Nordham, minus the work crew, who immediately double-timed the effort, constructing the road in a few hours time. Everyone was on guard on the way back to the Capital, but no trouble was found. Ryan and the other soldier put away weapons while the dead were examined and wounded treated. With roads now complete they could start sending out patrols and salvage teams more often.

Internal Roadways complete

A medic would help heal with ragnaid after explaining that the insides are of a healing nature. She would of used the ragnaid to heal the mortally wounded soldier and keep him alive, but they carted him off before being able to do anything. Instead the medic would just help stitch anyone they left around. Afterwards they said farewell, and started leaving back home. And thus began the real battle: To survive being put into camp.


Locomotive repair project: 100%.

The Soviet locomotive was repaired. It was tested only for a short duration as steam would begin filling the tunnels and heating them up. A person in fire resistant attire would just give a thumbs up, despite being blasted in the face by steam. It was sent up to the surface and sent to the redline for Soviet purposes.


Ragnite munitions project: 25%.

While they were still testing ragnite mortar shells, they had faster improvement on the grenades. However effects were not quite achieved as the grenade would still act as a regular grenade. Testing would continue.


Naval project: 39%.

The warship destroyer class vessel was completed. It owned the same armament as the red October, except the primary bow gun would have a somewhat longer barrel, and four artillery pieces inside of the pillboxes. The aircraft guns however, like the red October. Would be placed ontop of the pillboxes, and additionals would still be placed on the sides of the ship. It was sailed off after a suitable captain was found, and sent into the kara seas with the red October. Work would then continue on the longer ship, the rig version. Which was essentially the same size as the destroyer class but with a longer hull, but was designed to carry supplies and be for transportation. Once completed work then would continue onto the other two ships, then finally the "larger" ship. While internal piping, engines, the bridge, the bow, and the hull were still in its first stages of completion. The only completed work on it was the frame. It would take far longer than other ships.


The train was loaded up and had various subway, and freight cars attached to it.  The train would eventually leave the station and go down the western TSR, and started its journey. It would take a day to get to the other end of the gallian-owned land past the border.


The queen of gallia would by now have gathered 20 people, ranging from scientists and engineers. She would have her lead engineer and scientist ask them questions and test them on certain standards. The process would go on without break.

However Valerie was given a few claymores and a valk'. She would have the same thing done to them as the gallians, except she would use cosmonaut techniques during the cold war. Even locking them up in a room where they would pump so many drugs into them so they could call asleep. They would have the training program go on for a entire day, and eventually in the locked rooms, once the intercom would say a color the now asleep subjects would slap a piece of paper with a color on it, with a large stick. Actual space testing couldn't be done because the polish still didn't respond.jn


The occupants on svalbard would still continue to wait on the nords.

"Are you going to do it or are you lying? You should realize that lies are not tolerated and will be retaliated against thoroughly..." the CM said over a radio again. @Lordvader59
Varmandr Vestan

The Rockian troops continued to push inwards. The soldiers marched forwards across Argentina until they reached Buenos Aires, where they set up a siege. Rockets were fired back and forth, laser fire flashed, but no side could gain victory. This was an important strategic area, as it was the last major point between the Rockians and São Paulo and Rio di Janero. The siege was in the Rockian's favor, but could still not quite be won.

A message was sent back to the Eclipse Federation, stating that the Rockies wished to take Chile, excluding Tierra del Fuego if the Eclipsians wanted it, Ecuador, Panama, and the Yucatan peninsula.

@Loyal Guardian@Domini Regum@RIPSaidCone
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Random Events


Eclipsian Space Agency


(Current model of the spacecraft that will send the international team of astronauts to the moon.)


The Eclipsian ambitions to send men and women to the lunar surface to set up a permanent research station, launch pad, and potential colony is starting to mold. With increased funding from the government and international community, the expedition is predicted to happen in the near future. The selection for the astronauts has also been completed, consisting of a team of ten. Three Eclipsian, Three Cascadian, Two Rockian, One Riser, and One Redline astronauts have been selected to participate in this historic expedition. All ten astronauts have begun training and it is scheduled to be perfectly timed to comply with the launch date. With these announcements, the international community and citizens are excitedly awaiting to once again see human walk on the Lunar surface.


German Prosperity


(Current German Architecture. Buildings like these are common place throughout the German nation, which are new and ambitious.)


After Germany was able to gain its independence from Poland and the Order Empire, it began to rebuild its core. Thanks to economic policies enacted by their president, the nation is experiencing a period of rapid economic growth and an increase of their standard of living. Domestic and social policies enacted have also seen an improvement of the German mindset and a decrease in hate related crime and just crime in general has done down significantly. Many of their cities have begun to experience a renaissance of sorts with some looking like the other great cities of the world, especially Berlin which is now classified as a world class city. The German Armed Forces has also shown itself as a strong force that have weaponry on par with some of the other nations in the world. Also in a effort to increase its prosperity and grow population, Germany has moved in to settle the remaining, unclaimed land in Europe. With this their population is bound to increase and cause further prosperity.


Unknown Object(s)


[SIZE= 18px](An Artist Impression of the outer Kuiper Belt)[/SIZE]


In the midst of the much anticipated Moon Expedition, Eclipsian astronomers have detected a intriguing object from the Kuiper Belt. Normally this would have been considered just as another object in outer space and would've been largely left alone until further analysis. However the movement of this anomaly, and the fact that their appeared to be more of them moving in sync and that their was a mysterious signal coming from them, is what led the astronomers to quickly publish their findings to the international community. They noted that the speed and trajectory of these objects were not normal at all, stating that while the speed changed frequently and the signal they gave off also periodically changed their trajectory is still always the same. They believe that these objects are on a inbound course to Earth, although it is unknown what these objects are. At the end of their article they asked other international astronomers and space agencies to look into these unknown objects so they could help confirm what they were and what they are. Not to long after this article was published some of the public quickly asserted that these were of alien origin, but others claimed that they were just a group of Trans-Neptunian objects caught by the sun's gravitational pull. Until these objects reach their projected target, which is still Earth, within a month or so or further study is conducted on them then it will remain unknown of what they are.

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Vestan War

After a minute of preparation, the Tsar Bomba scenario was approved... and it was fired a little ways off the Cascadian front, defended by five experimental railguns and 20 fighters. ...

The problem was, it wasn't aimed to hit any ground.

It exploded up in the atmosphere north of the Cascadian troops, causing radioactive material to float down below, and a EMP effect was created. (Which is a real.

Soon after, an attack was ordered with 1.5 million troops and half of all tanks, planes, and resources, Troops having instructions to exploit weakness that were found in the Hacking endeavor and stay cautious in invasion.

Varmandr Vestan

The Rockian troops continued to push inwards. The soldiers marched forwards across Argentina until they reached Buenos Aires, where they set up a siege. Rockets were fired back and forth, laser fire flashed, but no side could gain victory. This was an important strategic area, as it was the last major point between the Rockians and São Paulo and Rio di Janero. The siege was in the Rockian's favor, but could still not quite be won.

A message was sent back to the Eclipse Federation, stating that the Rockies wished to take Chile, excluding Tierra del Fuego if the Eclipsians wanted it, Ecuador, Panama, and the Yucatan peninsula.

@Loyal Guardian@Domini Regum@RIPSaidCone

In a quick decision, 400,000 Vestan troops were parachuted all over the Andes with instructions to use the passes and the home field advantage to create Geurrilla warfate, although only 325,000 survived. 

All other troops were told to create a defense line where possible, and dig in for a fight.
Varmander Vestan

Upon seconds of the Vestan nuclear launch. The CDF was aware of it, the ACS had picked it up as an irregularity in the front, notifying the Allied Command in South America of it as the Cascadian forces were warned of the incoming nuclear strike. Due to the fact that 2.4 million troops are very spread out over a much larger area than the nuke even had a chance of reaching in blast yield and therefore EMP interfierence range. The overwhelming majority of Cascadian forces were not affected by the atmospheric burst, 27,000 troops' equipment had been slightly damaged by the EMP and had to be sent to the CDF Materials Command in Texas for repair and examination, with replacement equipment already being sent down, 373 M1A3 Abrams had to be sent back to Mexico for repairs and apart from that no other CDF forces had been affected by the nuclear blast, however the presence of radioactive products in certain areas of the front had forced the CDF to go around a large part of Varmander Vestan, taking a longer route to push their advance now.

With the 1.5 million troops and other vehicles and aircraft on the approach, the ACS had had little problem in picking their presence up via live satellite feed, the CDF knowing their movements for the most part. The technologically superior, better trained, weller equipped force, not to mention with more troops and equipment had little difficulty in setting up a strong defensive line which the Vestan forces found extreme difficulty in even getting past the first mile. The Vestan forces had only found one weakness in the Cascadian line which had quickly been covered up upon realizing the Vestan forces gathering on it.

The Cascadian front overall has been for the most part unaffected with some small inconveniences here and there from the nuclear blast and fallout. But the Vestan counterattack has kept their advance at bay as the CDF begins slowly wiping out the Vestan force sent to fight them, however it has most definitely slowed down their advance from before and is working well as a way to hold them off but at a presumably great cost for the counterattack force as the Cascadian defensive line was well prepared by the time the Vestans had arrived and far stronger than the force sent to fight, in terms of numbers, technology and training.

(Nuclear weapons for EMP purposes are vastly overrated and wouldn't work nearly as well as one might assume it would from playing MW2. 2.4 million troops wouldn't be closely put together and so even if it did work to a devestating degree it'd only affect a fraction of that force given how far apart it is, the so called weakness wouldn't be found in Cascadian formations or troop movements in South America because at the time of the hack those files on where CDF forces were wouldn't exist as it was pre-war and the defense network locked out Vestan use as soon as the hack was found.)

@Domini Regum
Varmandr Vestan

Eclipsian forces had been just been resupplied and recharged when their attempt to EMP the allied forces struck. This didn't affect the main Eclipsian force at all, as they all were just behin the front lines resupplying and preparing for another offensive. However with the EMP source coming from a nuclear device, a weapon of mass destruction, violated the international law passed by the 1st World Congress. Wanting to uphold that law the Eclipsian forces once again launched a massive offensive with increased fire support. The Patagonia Air Campaign had now resulted in showing no casualty rates for allied forces and all targets had been dealt with. With the targets dealt with Eclipsian and Rockian forces were given the go to once again push forward. However there 375,000 Vestan troops deployed to the Andes mountains to contain and distracted allied forces. Despite their conviction they had no supply, no reinforcements, and no way to retreat as allied forces swiftly surrounded them. Within a wekk the army of 375,000 was dwindled to just 25,000. They were soon either captured or killed as the allied force began to push forward.

In a operation to end the war in faster time, much of the Eclipsian force deployed to Southern Vestan lands and conducted a very swift operation to take Patagonia and further. They were aware of the Rockies beeline push to Buenos Ares, but didn't really aid them all that much until they reached their line. When they reached Buenos Ares the Eclipsian Navy and Air Force bombarded the city and stormed it, quickly capturing it. A few days later, their push found themselves at Rio and they besieged it. Surprisingly the enemy surrendered after only three days of fighting as they had little manpower to protect the city. After the capture of the city and outlying areas, the Eclipsian push stopped.

Before those events happened though the Vestan counterattack in the northern half of their country had stalled the Cascadian troops. With the Eclipsians fully rearmed and prepared, they pressed a huge counterattack themselves. A million Vestans versus over two million Eclipsians, who are better trained and technologically advanced, was easy for the Eclipsian force. Within just a few days the Eclipsian forces had completely routed the enemy army and began tp push forward, however most were deployed to the south to aid that advance.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum

Second Vestan War

December, 3255 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Republic of Cascadia
  • Kingdom of the Rockies

Belligerent 2:

  • Varmandr Vestan

"Thank you. I hope to be able to see your nation as well." He then looked towards the crates. The other two governors looked as well. 1st Gov Zhang Qi Wei spoke up. "Gov Chun has informed me about your goods and has requested that I take them to the National Museum of Singapore. If you'll excuse me." He lifted his hand and a few Port Officials walked forward to carry the crates onto a truck. He turned to face Zeph and Kristen and bowed. Then he faced Ven'Ren. "Have a pleasant stay." He climbed onto the truck and was driven off. 2nd Gov Jeanes smiled kindly at Ven'Ren. "If you'll please follow us, we have a hotel and conference room prepared for you." She gestured to the limo.


Nordic Union

Gov Khey Lim shook the man's hand. "Thank you, I am Governor Khey Lim of the Singaporean Federation. I have heard about your nation and decided it was time to meet the people who the polish have granted freedom."


Makasaar, Sulawesi, NUS

After much testing, a report on hihi'irokane was compiled and presented before the department heads. It was extremely durable, with the strength of steel. It doesn't seem to lose its heat over time and retains high heat in cold water. Well more accurately it seemed it couldn't touch water. It boils the water so quickly that a massive Leidenfrost effect occurs, creating a thin bubble from the vapor on the surface of it. It was found that since it generates heat naturally, the only way to create an alloy out of it was to superheat it. They were able to cut it with a laser, but massive force should also force it to break. A generator was created effectively from it. The university decided to create two teams to find uses of the hihi'irokane. The first would try to make the generator more efficient. The second would try to explore methods to exploit the rare Leidenfrost effect.
Ryan watched as his first team of scavengers left to explore, which consisted of a Humvee with .50 cal turret, and a Pre-war troop truck, part of it rust stained and the paint splotchy, carrying 10 men, the Humvee 4 including the gunner. They all were armed with AK-47's, a few with Dragunovs, and one with a recovered submachine gun, found to be the Pre-war Soviet PPSH-41, if it survived the trip perhaps it could be taken apart and be learned how to engineered.

Scav mission: just started

Random Events


Eclipsian Space Agency

(Current model of the spacecraft that will send the international team of astronauts to the moon.)


The Eclipsian ambitions to send men and women to the lunar surface to set up a permanent research station, launch pad, and potential colony is starting to mold. With increased funding from the government and international community, the expedition is predicted to happen in the near future. The selection for the astronauts has also been completed, consisting of a team of ten. Four Eclipsian, Three Cascadian, Two Rockian, and One Riser astronauts have been selected to participate in this historic expedition. All ten astronauts have begun training and it is scheduled to be perfectly timed to comply with the launch date. With these announcements, the international community and citizens are excitedly awaiting to once again see human walk on the Lunar surface.


German Prosperity

(Current German Architecture. Buildings like these are common place throughout the German nation, which are new and ambitious.)


After Germany was able to gain its independence from Poland and the Order Empire, it began to rebuild its core. Thanks to economic policies enacted by their president, the nation is experiencing a period of rapid economic growth and an increase of their standard of living. Domestic and social policies enacted have also seen an improvement of the German mindset and a decrease in hate related crime and just crime in general has done down significantly. Many of their cities have begun to experience a renaissance of sorts with some looking like the other great cities of the world, especially Berlin which is now classified as a world class city. The German Armed Forces has also shown itself as a strong force that have weaponry on par with some of the other nations in the world. Also in a effort to increase its prosperity and grow population, Germany has moved in to settle the remaining, unclaimed land in Europe. With this their population is bound to increase and cause further prosperity.


Unknown Object(s)

[SIZE= 18px](An Artist Impression of the outer Kuiper Belt)[/SIZE]


In the midst of the much anticipated Moon Expedition, Eclipsian astronomers have detected a intriguing object from the Kuiper Belt. Normally this would have been considered just as another object in outer space and would've been largely left alone until further analysis. However the movement of this anomaly, and the fact that their appeared to be more of them moving in sync and that their was a mysterious signal coming from them, is what led the astronomers to quickly publish their findings to the international community. They noted that the speed and trajectory of these objects were not normal at all, stating that while the speed changed frequently and the signal they gave off also periodically changed their trajectory is still always the same. They believe that these objects are on a inbound course to Earth, although it is unknown what these objects are. At the end of their article they asked other international astronomers and space agencies to look into these unknown objects so they could help confirm what they were and what they are. Not to long after this article was published some of the public quickly asserted that these were of alien origin, but others claimed that they were just a group of Trans-Neptunian objects caught by the sun's gravitational pull. Until these objects reach their projected target, which is still Earth, within a month or so or further study is conducted on them then it will remain unknown of what they are.

The redline and imperials would say farewell to their astronaut/cosmonaut.


The train reached the SRTA, it would stop before reaching any unrepaired tracks, and all the freight cars and subway cars were opened which had varying tons of iron and steel in them. There was only one person on the train besides the operators and she stood inside one of the many freight cars. @High Moon


After the squad returned from nordlam half were taken by gallia. They would consist of 20, Kurt, and their tank. A messenger gave them a letter once they returned home, stating they were needed at glazov. They were indeed, sent to a camp. They were given a truck filled with sandbags and some other things, and after preparing randgriz they sent out to glazov to look after it. There they woukd spend the entire day making a small camp outside the city, and setting up defenses. The redline would not take the nords lightly and believed they would be invaded. Thus they had sent scouts to the coasts to look over them with a radio and binoculars. 
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Socialist Republic of California

After the last of the Summaist soldiers surrendered, the Socialist Republic of California focused on military might. The government issued a mandatory service draft and huge armies were formed. Although plenty of them were hired mercenaries who didn't live in the country, most were citizens fighting for their people.

President Romanov

Romanov did not take a war happening so close to his country well. He feared for his country and it's people. He ordered a mass movement of troops to the western border of his country, and ordered that half of the hired mercenaries (About 700,000) were to aid the attack on The Varmander Vestan. Although he hated the fact of fighting along side the Republic of Cascadia, it had to be done in order to finish the war that Romanov was so afraid of coming to The Socialist  Republic of California.

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord
Ven'Ren softly nods and gets in the Limo, struggling to fit her body all the way in due to her size.

"How can your people stand being in such small spaces? It's like I'm being put in a tin."

She finally fits in, her tail taking up half of the back.

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Socialist Republic of California

After the last of the Summaist soldiers surrendered, the Socialist Republic of California focused on military might. The government issued a mandatory service draft and huge armies were formed. Although plenty of them were hired mercenaries who didn't live in the country, most were citizens fighting for their people.

President Romanov

Romanov did not take a war happening so close to his country well. He feared for his country and it's people. He ordered a mass movement of troops to the western border of his country, and ordered that half of the hired mercenaries (About 700,000) were to aid the attack on The Varmander Vestan. Although he hated the fact of fighting along side the Republic of Cascadia, it had to be done in order to finish the war that Romanov was so afraid of coming to The Socialist  Republic of California.

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord

President Henrik was confused, and announced a statement to the SRC

"Why fight us, your Latin American brethren, when you could gain greater power through fighting with us..."

He also secretly offered to share the stolen tech plans from the Cascadians, Singaporeans, and Eclipse.

Vestan War

On the last onset and the taking of Buenos Aires, President Henrik had no choice...

"We, the Varmandr Vestan, formally surrender. We wish to keep most our land, aside from Chile for the Rockians, and the rest of the Mexican land for the Cascadians.

Another term, To never let this happen again, I wish to have a peace-treaty for the next 10 years for all nations.

And for a extra deal, for the trade of all land claimed by all of you, a one-way defensive pact and 800 billion in debt to all of you, to be payed off slowly in the next 10 years, with the exclusion of the SRC"

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone@Fishman Lord
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Manilla, 6th District

Reconstruction and reformation has proceeded well. The Port Authority of the Philippines was restored and given support by the Grand Port Authority of the Singaporean Federation. Local governments were reformed and better public services were built. Business slowly came back to the archipelago, bolstered by an influx of financial investors looking to ride the bubble. As eclipsians began leaving the district, one quick meeting was called upon by Gov Samson to Admiral Umberion.

@Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore, Singapore

Gov Kristen Jeanes stifled a laugh as the two climbed in as well. The limo began moving. Zeph lifted a cover on the floor and pulled out a pillow. "This might help a bit." Kristen looked outside. "Singapore has always been a small island. As for the limo, any bigger and it might as well be a Hummer Limo and continually block traffic." The limo pulled to a stop before the Fullerton Bay Hotel. Doorman ran forward to open the door and was in shock to find a large tail. On the other side of the vehicle rose Kristen and Zeph. With a bit of help, Ven'Ren was eventually brought out. The manager of the hotel walked forward and with a bit of a startle began to speak. "Ahh... Welcome to the Fullerton Hotel. We'll provide housing for you and your crew here. Thank you Prime Minister and Governor for choosing us." With a bow, she turned gestured inside. There was a line of maids and servants. "If you have any problems, feel free to let us know."


Hihi'irokane Research

Leidenfrost Effect 15%

Generator 20%
Varmandr Vestan

The Eclipisan generals listened to the Vestan surrender. This had been the second time the Vestans had surrendered to the Eclipse, the first being when they took Rome and the threat of invading their homeland. After listening to the terms of surrender, it was mostly agreeable to them, however they would have liked to added one thing.

"This is General Frios, commander of the Eclipsian Federation forces and the arbitrary leader of the combined efforts of out forces. Your peace terms are mostly agreeable to us, however you invaded our land through cyberspace which is something we don't tolerate. As such we would like to take Patagonia, the rest of former Argentina, the Falklands, Uruguay, and Rio de Janeiro. To clarify we won't be taking the land between Uruguay and Rio, simply the city and its surrounding areas. Beyond that we accept your terms of surrender."

@Domini Regum @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord

Manila, Philippines

Umberion's forces had begun to leave the district and all had pretty much left except for him, his guard, a set of crewmen, and a ship. He walked into the Governors office and sat in a chair facing him. "Greetings Ms. Samson, what owes me the pleasure of this meeting?"

Second Vestan War

December, 3255 - January, 3256

Vestan War 3.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Republic of Cascadia
  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Socialist Republic of California (minor)

Belligerent 2:

  • Varmandr Vestan
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Nordic Union:
The Diplomat shook his hand. "Greetings, Mr. Lim, I'm sure our President will be delighted to meet you. Would you like us to bring a car for you and your company?"

Meanwhile, in Helsinki

Aaron Solberg received a message from one of his chiefs of defense. Fuglen production was going on ahead of schedule, soon the Gallians would pay.

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