The World of Tomorrow

Infantry machinegun project: 100%.

The machineguns were produced for the infantry. They were given to a new soldier class known as the gunner, The gunner would be a person trained in the use of the heavy machinegun. Although it wasn't as big or accurate as the empress's personal version, it was still valuable. It was modelled after both her, and the MG-42 machineguns. They would not be produced further at the moment, so Imperial factories can aid with engineering projects of the redline and gallia. Work would continue after the projects were concluded, or if need be. And if so, all work would have to be halted.


Ragnite munitions project: 15%.

The anti-hallow launcher platform idea was a complete bust. In fact, a hole in the back of the Lance would be needed, or at least until further improvement in munitions occurred. Thus, they continued work on lancer missiles. Attempting to create a multi-layered rocket the Lance could fire. They attempted to make it more accurate for medium range, as a lancer would have to get absurdly close to a enemy vehicle to fire previously.


Naval project: 24%.

Difficulties with the hull extension on one of the ships has caused the project to be delayed. The project has also been further delayed by a fight between some claymores that were sent to help with construction. They got into a fight with a few others, and a single valk'. And this caused a strange event which ended in a horrific slap and kick-battle. 12 engineers were sent to the medical ward, and two nurses had to use extreme force to render the fighters unconscious for medical attention. The project would require an additional month.


Nuclear repairs project: 89%.

The minor maintenance was completed, and the ragnite ore were inserted, the silo would be powered up. However a paranormal event, causing a widespread blackout of that area caused the project to be delayed for a month. Five man squads armed only with flashlights and the Bible were sent to negotiate, to regain power, and to say "Stay the fuck away" from the silo. To no surprise, They weren't replied to.


Jennifer would be seated on a throne in a large empty room. She would be bored until a maid walked by. She was a form of secretary. Jennifer's brother asked that the citadel would get maids, so Jennifer was a bit forced into making some of the royal guards wear fancy old time-y maid dresses. The guardsmen weren't very happy with that decision... but at least not every single one of them had to, But along with it they would have to act like one. Even when real maids were hired, at this point it was very difficult to establish which was which. The majority were successfully brainwashed into being servants.

For entertainment purposes they would be allowed to fight each other in the courtyards, usually training or dealing with petty affairs with brute force. It was a bit costly but he said maids were maids... "Maid, What is currently happening in gallia?" Jennifer said bored as the maid stopped. "Nothing queen. Gallia is just as friendly and peaceful as when it was founded. Why? If you don't mind me asking." Jennifer would sigh. "Nothing, It is just boring today. So tell me what is happening outside of gallia, Anything worth to note?" She said to the maid, which was now just standing in the middle of a hallway. "Internationally my queen? Well the redline communicated with the eclipse about a space program, and the imperials are still quiet... But something called the nordic union appeared again." The maid was thinking. "The nords? You mean the paranoid regime? Very well what's with them then?" 

Jennifer said in annoyance. "We did hear one message which was apparently broadcasted internationally." She said. "And what was it about, I am going to get a laugh out of this won't I?" The maid shook her head. "Apparently my queen, they believe we invaded svalbard and are asking the world for military aid. That is all I could understand from it." Jennifer would only laugh. "HA HA HA HA HA!" She would then go blank. "How paranoid are these people? They accused one nation, and now they're accusing us now. Are they really so desperate that they would want to murder innocent people? Imbeciles. Well ignore it for now, Inform the city guard and the royal guardsmen to look out for insane maniacs. This is very petty. You may go now." Jennifer said amused. "Very well my queen." The maid would leave. Jennifer thought about something.


After a few minutes of thinking, Jennifer would go into the citadel tower and walk up the spiral steps. After several minutes she entered the radio room and turned it on. Moving some knobs, and flipping a switch. She would put on the connected headphones, sit down in a chair and roll back to the wall looking out the window, and then the static would clear. She would then try talking to a neighbor outside of Russia. 

"Hello eclipse federation was it? It is the queen of gallia. One of my secretaries told me that the redline spoke to you about some kind of space event? If you do not mind me asking, Can you tell me about it?" Jennifer asked. Not knowing if they could actually hear her or not. @Loyal Guardian

Pendragon, Rising Empire

The Singaporeans left Pendragon and headed to the main city, after a while, they have sent a message that they have fully evaluated the stock market and has now agreed to open trade with the Rising Empire. The Royal Family gladly accepted the trade proposal, which resulted in the Rising Empire having a new trade partner.



Schneizel was dismayed when he heard that the Eclipse Empire has suddenly terminated their alliance with the Rising Empire. He also received news that the Eclipse Empire is now the Eclipsian Federation and Emperor Bryon is now President Bryon. He nodded and looked at Lelouch.

"We cannot change this" He Said "It is their decision and we will respect it." Lelouch nodded and smiled.

"The Rising Empire will now focus on improving it's economy and it's relation towards other nations specifically the Kingdom of Rockies" He Added "Wasting our resources in war is pointless, why not use it to help and improve our nation?" 

"Then let us request for a peaceful talk with the rockians" Lelouch Replied "and try to establish trade partnerships with other countries."

"I Agree" He Said "Also send a message to Suzaku to return to the Rising Empire, but let our troops stay at the Eclipsian Federation so they may aid them in repairs."

"I will relay that to the com officers later" Lelouch Replied "We must also construct more facilities like research centers and factories so it may aid in hastening our other future projects. I have a list of projects here to do." Schneizel took the folder and scanned through all pages. He smiled and looked at Lelouch 

"Very well" He Said "Have them all done, if there are nothing else, then you are dismissed, brother."

@Loyal Guardian(Tagged you because I had my men make an action whilst inside your territory) @Fishman Lord



After relaying the orders of Schneizel he went to his office and contacted President Bryon.

"Greeting President Bryon" He Said with a smile "We have received news that you are hosting some kind of moon expedition. The rising empire would like to participate in this event, if you would so agree"



The Singaporean Federation and Rising Empire is now a trade partner.

Peace talk extended to the Rockians.

Multiple projects that would aid the Rising Empire in it's Economy,Industry, Security,Etc.


*Construction of Multiple Research Centers, Factories, Communications tower/centre, Government facilities and Sakuradite mines

*Additional funds for the law enforcement and other government agencies


*Rising Empire working on having everything in it's nation to be powered by Sakuradite


*Multipe projects for health and education


*Establish a budget for Domestic and Foreign Affairs


*Improving and constructing multiple roads,bridges


* Improve Government Performance


* Develop and Renew Impoverished Communities


* Expand Job Training and Placement


* Advance Human Rights and Provide Humanitarian Relief


*Reduce Crime


*  Increase the Stability of Financial Institutions and Markets


* Promote Scientific and Technological Research





Commander Suzaku Recalled to the Rising Empire

Remaining Rising Troops remained at Eclipsian Federation to aid them in any way.
The CAF agrees to give the VV the military base in the area which is also a naval base where they can resupply.

President Henrik thanks the CAF, and immediately 5,000 troops are staged there and 1/10 the entire VV navy, plus 100 bombers and 50 fighters. Construction to expand the base commences.

In other ways, all dead VV troops are given a Viking Funeral off the West coast, after a few-day ceremony to the Gods.
Rio de Janiero

After a two-hour long debate by the Council of Thousand, the newly-found element was put into play in two super-computers, making them 500x faster than any other before it. 

But this wasn't what they were debating about...

They knew the VV was falling behind in the tech race, and although the experimental Hover Tanks and Intelli-skin was going nicely, they wanted to initiate the second wave of Project Endgame, Advance.

The 5,000 coders were at work stealing information from 4 other nations... The only thing left was a accidental trace of VV coding in the Eclipse Federation's tech-system...

@Loyal Guardian


Defense General Izzod formally reached out to the Cuban nation in an offer to join the VV peacefully, stating the old form of Latinism and that they could be a autonomous region.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Byron was in his office, laying in his chair relaxing. He had finished all the paper work needed to be done. He liked being President, but sometimes it was boring and hard. However it was not something he could not handle, so he pushed through it. Just as he was about to take a nap in his own chair from how comfortable it was and how tired he was, General Io walked in along with two agents. "What is it Io?"  "Mr. President we have found a trace of code that match VV code scanned from the Vestan War."  "What were they doing?"  "Stealing information on our technology and state kept secrets."  "This puts us at a complicated situation. We con't just ask them to stop, as history shows us that doesn't work. And they can't forget what they have already seen."  "What do you propose?"  "The only thing i can think of is an apology, however they may still steal and spy." Byron made a sigh and looked at Io with a serious face. "Activate 2.5 million reserves and issue a formal declaration of war to the VV. Send a message to the Singaporeans asking permission to use their holdings in Africa as a launching point. Send the same to the Cascadians, although i doubt they'll accept. I also want an announcement to the world that the VV have been spying on us and possibly on other nations."  "Very well Mr. President."

@Domini Regum @Alteras @RIPSaidCone


  • Eclipsian Federation declares war on Vadmr Vestan
  • Over 5 Million troops and appropriate number of equipment are put on alert and plan for an invasion
  • Eclipsian Federations security system is heavily increased
  • Byron tells the world of the VV's spying
  • PROJECT: Everest is at 14% completion
The New Emperor,  Abayomi Chahine, has now decided that, with what remains of the cash reserves, he will greatly imrpove the economy with two projects; The First, the farming of the Sahara by using the vast aquifers beneath it, heretoforth referred to as the Sahara Project, and the Second, a vast project in which 5 fusion reactors will be built over the course of two years alongsde 375 thousand kilometers of new railroad tracks (expected to be completed in 1.6 years if all goes well) Along with numerous smaller projects to better the nation; Census Reforms, a new code of law to be applied to all regions, a reworking of the military to ensure no Summaists are left, and the researching of various oddities. When all of these projects are finished, the CAF will be far better off than before and stronger than ever, with a much better GDP, a much more rapidly growing populous, and a slightly better technology level.

(what are the rankings now, anyways?)
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Republic of Cascadia



Los Angeles, Cascadia

The Department of Commerce, which is the supervising authority for the entertainment industry when it comes to international dealings has agreed to both the British and Eclipsian offers. With a World Cinema being opened up in Los Angeles, this cinema will solely show international movies, attracting more tourism to Los Angeles whilst other cinemas in Cascadia will have to pay for the right to show the foreign movies. Meanwhile in the Eclipsian Federation, Kingdom of the Rockies and the Order Empire, Cascadian blockbusters have began showing in their cinemas, with these movies having incredible life-like CGI, great, intriguing plotlines and compelling acting for the vast majority of the time. As Cascadians are incredibly diverse and ingenuitive when it comes to culture and entertainment, always having a hobby for making stories and pieces of drama, comedy or action, the Cascadian people pride themselves on being people of great and healthy culture which is why these movies being shown abroad have proved to be very finely made with high quality production value, proving to be very popular with audiences and critics alike. Video games and consoles have also been selling very well in these countries due to the gaming industry lacking globally, with the Cascadian gaming industry being just as diverse as the film industry in terms of genres, characters, gameplay and plotlines. Cascadian made music has had to compete with the music artists of these other nations but so far has been recieved well with the music savvy population.


Portland, Cascadia

"The Eclipsians have reported that Vadmr Vestan has been stealing some of their important information." General Mayhew of the Cascadian Defense Force: Cyber Division said to President Jefferson and Secretary Gates of the Department of Defense as the three important officials made their way through one of the Presidential Residence's many long, well furnished hallways. "I'm aware, what kind of information have they attempted to steal?" Secretary Gates asked as they entered the President's office, Jefferson sitting down behind her desk as the two men sat down on the other end of it, their chairs facing her desk as the three sat and spoke. "Various, intelligence information all the way to scientific and technological research. We believe that it's to advance their own civilian infrastructure and military technology." General Mayhew answered as Gates and Jefferson both nodded, "The Eclipsians requested that we allow them to use our Mexican territory as a staging point for their invasion of the VV." President Jefferson suddenly spoke up with, the two men turning their attention to her.


"And what will our reply be?" Secretary Gates asked curiously, as Jefferson shook her head. "I'm not sure, General Mayhew. I want a scan done of the Defense Network, if you see one thing out of place inform me immediately if, and this is a big if. If they think they can take our technology and get away with it they've got another thing coming to them, I will not allow the Republic of Cascadia to be robbed by people who still believe in mythical beings." Mayhew nodded as he stood up and put his CDF beret back on, nodding firmly to the President. "Right away, ma'am. I'll have it done within the hour." The General then left the office, leaving Gates and Jefferson to their discussion. "And what if Mayhew finds that the VV have in-fact attempted to steal information from us?" He asked. "If he does, we will defend ourselves as we pledged we would to our people. We'll have public and international support in this scenario as there's no way they'll simply let another country attempt to steal from us. For their sake I hope they haven't tried it." She answered confidently and with a commanding presence about her. "I'll put the ACS on high alert, ma'am." Gates said as he stood up and nodded in respect, then leaving soon after.


Cascadian Aerospace Defense Command, [Classified]

CASDC, the Cascadian equivelant of the old American NORAD. The intelligence and monitoring hub of the CDF, being highly classified in location and built to withstand any form of attack with complete and utter ease. It has been known to be one of the world's most impenetrable locations, if one can even find it which is a nigh impossible task on it's own. Upon Defense Secretary Gates' orders, the CASDC put the Attack Characterization System on it's maxmimum readiness setting, with a large number of military satellites pointing towards South America now, just in the event that they attempt anything. The Attack Characterization System was strictly unique to Cascadia in the sense that it could detect an invasion force before it even left it's base, it used Cascadia's large number of satellites in space to pinpoint large troop movements in foreign nations, any movements that were significant in size were monitored and categorized by the automated system and sometimes by personnel into a threat level. Movements such as the Eclipsian invasion of the CAF were put as 0 due to the fact that that was an allied nation attacking a completely other country, whilst the Canadian War was put as 3 as it was a somewhat unpredictable conflict that was near Cascadia itself.


The Defense Network was thoroughly scanned by the National Intelligence Agency and the CDF Cyber Division, it was then scanned again, and again. By the end of the hour it had been scanned in it's entirety around 37 times, nothing could have evaded or kept itself hidden from the foreign entrance scanning, the Defense Network being so highly sophisticated and well tuned that it could detect if even the smallest thing was out of place, no matter how well disguised. Upon detection it would immediately alert the CDF high command which would then order an appropriate response.


If Cascadia was indeed one of the nations that Vadmr Vestan was stealing information from, then whatever presence it had in the Defense Network would be wiped and irreversibly banned from entering ever again. To take it once step further the location of the hacker would be tracked and bookmarked for government review, the stolen files would automatically wipe upon fail safe activation and a warning would appear on the screen of whatever coder accessed the Network informing them that Cascadia would retaliate.

@Domini Regum (This last part is only if you actually did try it against me)


Portland, Cascadia

The commencement of two CDF projects, Project Alpha Mike 1 and Project November Charlie, these projects are to be defense orientated once again and will further increase the CDF's military strength. As always they have retained their secrecy and will be completed in due time, however the National Intelligence Agency was more than pleased to announce that the discovery of a new element has been done, it has been named Arcadite and the properties of it have so far been kept from the public as it has been taken away for further research and study so that it's purpose and uses may be found and perfected.


Cascadian-Rockian Message

"We are most interested in your offer. However as we are currently reconstructing the cities of St. Louis and Nashville we would have a difficult time in offering you any assistance as of now. In the future we could be able to, we are interested still as to what you would be willing to offer us in return?"

Cascadian-Eclipsian Message

"We appreciate your service of informing the world of Vadmr Vestan's lowly tactics however until we are absolutely certain on whether or not we have been affected by this we cannot give you an answer. We would not be willing to let you station troops in our country, even as a staging area however if it is confirmed that the VV have indeed attempted to steal our information then we would be more than willing to assist your invasion."


Scan for VV hack done [Hackers will be wiped out if found on the system]

Cascadian films and games becoming very popular overseas

Arcadite discovered, taken for research

CDF put on readiness setting

World Cinema opened in LA

St. Louis and Nashville Reconstruction: 25%

Project AP & Project NC: 10%

Communication with Rockians and Eclipsians
The CAF has also sent out messages to the major nations they know of requesting trade deals.

Gov Samson was slightly confused. Admiral Umberion has spent the past 10 minutes admiring the Ice Lemon Tea. With a slight cough. "Admiral Umberion, I can send a package of it back to your homeland if you want..."

@Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore

The serpens fleet and escort was nearing high volume sea lanes. A message was sent from the Port Authority. "This is the Grand Port Authority of the Singaporean Federation and the Port Authority of Singapore to Patrol Ship S-107 of the Shanghai Fleet. Please follow our instructions. We are aware of your guests and have open a separate sea lane for you." "This is S-107 to Singapore, Thank you, we'll notify our guests." Kanzaki them tested the radio that he gave to Ven'Ren. After plugging in the translator, he said, "Testing, testing, this is Officer Kanzaki to Captain Ven'Ren. Please follow us."


Kagoshima, Japan

The team from a few years ago was still stationed in the area. They've gotten use to the locals and have notice a lack of United Japan's control. One of the commanders got hot headed from all the waiting and decided to lead his team to take the Fukuoka. In a large panic, the other commanders tried to figure out what was happening. Some in their confusion aided in the capture of Fukuoka. The others informed the Okinawa Naval Base. The base was also in confusion. The operators assumed it was a counterattack against what might've been the last of the Manchurian Empire. The Head Operator thought it was a provoked attack. The commanding admiral decided to go ahead and take the rest of the island of Kyushu.

- Kyushu Island, Got

Kuala Lumpur, 2nd District, No Entry Zone

It has been over a millennium since the city of the great ASEAN state was nuked. In a standard biannual radiation test of the city performed by the National University of Singapore, some students were playing around. The Geiger counter still went off in small hidden pockets, but for the most part, it was safe. The University refuses to acknowledge it's safety for some unknown political reason. But in any case, these students stumbled into a small hole near the center of the blast. There, melded into support beams and rebar, they found a red glowing metal. When the rest of the research team got there, the students were boiling cups of ramen on the metal. They were instantly taken by the medical team, but the red metal was also brought with them. A few days later, the University came back with construction vehicles and started digging up the place, discovering more it. The metal was brought back to the lab at Sulawesi.
The Imperial and eclipsian units in svalbard would wait for a response from the nords. @Lordvader59


In the east, the joint gallian-Redline detachment would continue aiding the nordlam republic. Any location where raiders were spotted from would be invaded and gunned down, combat engineers would help with creating roadways for the nords, and raider parties nearby would be mowed down like a unruly lawn. This was the easiest thing they have done in quite awhile. Any survivors would be rendered unconscious and held prisoner. @LoneSniper87


The courier left the socialist republic and after a few hours of getting home, Would enter a cold and grey hallway in redline territory, the territory recently given to them by the gallians. Pavel would knock on the door, and after hearing a buzzing sound the door was opened. "Yes what is it?" Valerie asked while still writing paperwork on the communist deaths a year ago, finishing them up. "I met someone named Ak-ool. The SRTA have asked for enough steel and iron for the other half of the trans-siberian railroad." He said. Valerie paused then continued. "How much of it is there, that we don't have already?" She asked Pavel. "novosibirsk to the far east towards the peninsula." 

Pavel would begin to calculate it. "And how much would be needed to fix the rest?" Valerie asked after finishing the papers. "Around 317 tons if the majority of track isn't rusted away. Minus another few hundred tons of steel and iron ore due to most of the lands being taken from randoms." Pavel concluded. "Very well, send 17 151's out every week, and have some of the trains we captured transport it by rail there. Where is the pay?" She asked looking around. "They said multiple times they'd pay for it. Didn't say when." Valerie thought for a moment. "Very well, we have enough to spare after the discovery of ragnite saved alot of it. Send the Imperial Vanessa on a train there, so after work is concluded we can get paid for it. We can't just give alot of it away. We should also send a shipment to the gallian stockpile to use for the joint naval project. Now be gone with you, I have a book to write." She said as nicely as she could. Pavel just saluted and left.

Over a loudspeaker and in Russian, forces were required for ore transportation. While at night the trucks would begin sending small shipments outside the border and notifying the gallians, they would have their cargo train be ever so slowly loaded up. They asked the imperials for use of the Russian queen to do this, as it could reach them in a short period of time.

The trucks would just proceed driving through gallian territory to get to the socialist republic. Only seven of the other 10 arrived, with the others taking longer. They wouldn't make it with the rest for another day. @High Moon


4 ZIS 5 trucks were sent into randgriz with some steel, and various other supplies. After entering the city gates, and driving straight down the road of the first district for 15 minutes, they would cross the the drawbridge in 5 minutes, and stop at the citadel. All done in 44 MPH. They would begin the process of uploading resources, and was beginning to leave after a few minutes... Pavle being with them would be approached by a skinny guy in white-blue armor. He would pay for some of the resources with a single bar of gold. Then left, only returning seven minutes later with a wheel barrow of some machineguns. Used to pay for the rest. "What is this?" Pavle asked confused. "Machineguns. This will be the repayment of the rest and protection." The guard said. "Protection from what? We're perfectly fine?" He said as the guard would stop behind one of the trucks and just place guns inside of it. "Some group called the nordic union, they want to invade gallia for no reason as we have been told. This annoyed the queen and thus parts of the outer city is blocked off despite being away from both the coast and outer lands. Thus anyone entering the city that is a allied force has to be notified." The guard then put two heavy crates of ammunition into the truck after a soldier helped him, as he wasn't strong enough for it.

A few gallian soldiers would walk by marching about. "You mean the same people from congress which accused two nations without evidence?" "Yep." The guard would reply while placing the last gun inside the truck. "But do not fear, gallia is still fine. You should begin departing now, This area isn't safe at night unless you want to be used as target practice." The guard would then leave with the wheel barrow as the trucks would drive off.


The redline and imperials would continue exploring their new territory, after a few weeks they found a old Soviet locomotive. Age has caused it's break systems, and some wheels to corrode. It is the only salvaged train from the surface which was capable of still working and there was only one of them known of. The only current way to power it was coal, and there was not alot of it still in use by any of the three parties. The Soviets would use a combination of metro vehicles, and imperial tanks to move the train back. Once it would get back, it wpuld be looked at and repaired if possible. But first they would have to transport it back in the first place.


The queen would continue waiting for a response if any to her question. @Loyal Guardian


Jennifer had requested that the medical ward reserve a single operation room for Heather. She also asked for the necessary equipment be prepared should it be needed early. Thus this would allow any early, or the majority of any future problems to be prevented. This was not brought to her knowledge however. But it was all for good intentions. Despite her rivalry with her sister, and she being close to her.


Unconscious nord prisoners taken from Svalbard earlier which weren't stored away inside of the seed vault would be taken to severny island. After checking their bodies for anything strange, or making sure they were continued to be sedated to remain unconscious. They would go to no man's land between the polish border. Into unoccupied lands and eventually entering the underground prewar metro. They would continue to be sedated and or rendered unconscious until eventually being taken to a dark empty room in abandoned territory. They would continue to be kept unconscious. Far far FAR away, in imperialist territory the emperor would be notified by a CM leader and a valk'. "We have took svalbard and brought back some supplies. we kept some prisoners such as high ranks for barter in the seed vault making it cramped, but we have brought back a high rank, and several regular troops." They said. "Excellent. Throw the terrorists into my dungeon, and send Leila in. Do not kill them however, or it will be you thrown down into the abyss instead." The emperor said as they left.

Eventually they would return to abandoned lines and escort them manually there. They ran out of sedatives and other knockout chemicals, which was originally used for them to keep perfectly calm until getting used to the horrors of war. They would spend a hour heading underground until eventually making it to the dungeon. At this point they would of awoke naturally but they wouldn't be rendered unconscious. Once finding a few large dark and empty cells they would be thrown in. Some would be chained up to the wall, but the majority would be put into the cells with free reign. The special surviving troops would leave to locations unknown, and sealing away the heavy doors blocking the way into other parts of the dungeon. While any high rank would have a single cell, and be chained up in the middle of the cell and suspended there. There would only be one of them out of the various in svalbard and the rest were regular troops that imperials thought looked suspicious. A woman outside the cell in the near darkness would smack some form of object against the bars. But there was enough light caused by torches to see her. They would see a blonde with a strange cap on her head that appears to be perfectly round. "Wake up, wake up and smell the ashes." She would say in a creepy tone in English. @Lordvader59



A trade stalemate continues in svalbard.

The gallian and redline squad 422 inside of the republic of nordlam continue aiding with their roads, and erasing raider camps.

Steel and iron ore was brought up to the redline premier, and after a somewhat short conversation, 17 trucks were sent while a single large train is being loaded. The the Imperial spy would also be taken there only to ensure that payment isn't false.

The redline sent more supplies to gallia, in which in the process a lengthy conversation between a guard and pavle about the recent nord scare took place. The redline were paid with a single gold bar, and some of the new heavy machineguns.

The exploration team from the redline and imperials from earlier, which took the north. Had after some months come across a single old Soviet locomotive. It has some wheels and all of its breaks corroded, but it is currently being slowly transported back to a Imperial engineering bay to have someone check it out and repair it if possible. Due to the large train and some additional modifications to allow it to be powered by ragnite, as it is coal operated and there isn't alot of it owned. It would take a long time to repair and modify. Including the expenses done to transport it.

The gallian queen would wait for a response to her question, about the eclipse space program. ESP.

Jennifer reserved a surgical room for Heather with all necessary equipment, to have her already prepared for child birth. But Heather was not notified whatsoever. It would still be several months she expected before anything happens.

The prisoners not stored in the seed vault, were taken back by some CMs and valks to the deep underground Imperial dungeon. The majority of them being regular troops. The nords inside a single cell made for those near high ranks, or is for high ranks would be awoken if they weren't already, to Leila acting creepy, and speaking English. The imperials continued try at proving the validity of the "Atlantic federation.". As Leila was taught English before her native language of Russian. She was meant to become a spy but never was or would be. [As was explained or was in her profile in my overview.]

Added the summary.
Ryan went out with the engineers at one point to oversee the last trip of making the roadways, it was a stretch of 5 miles. Logan wore his old uniform when he was in the army, arctic camo jacket, faded and spotty, black gloves, black pants and shoes, black undershirt, a beaten but still useable Kevlar vest between the shirt and jacket. He held an AK, he grabbed the side of a supply truck and hauled himself in, then they were off. @Kazami42

Gov Samson was slightly confused. Admiral Umberion has spent the past 10 minutes admiring the Ice Lemon Tea. With a slight cough. "Admiral Umberion, I can send a package of it back to your homeland if you want..."

@Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore

The serpens fleet and escort was nearing high volume sea lanes. A message was sent from the Port Authority. "This is the Grand Port Authority of the Singaporean Federation and the Port Authority of Singapore to Patrol Ship S-107 of the Shanghai Fleet. Please follow our instructions. We are aware of your guests and have open a separate sea lane for you." "This is S-107 to Singapore, Thank you, we'll notify our guests." Kanzaki them tested the radio that he gave to Ven'Ren. After plugging in the translator, he said, "Testing, testing, this is Officer Kanzaki to Captain Ven'Ren. Please follow us."


Kagoshima, Japan

The team from a few years ago was still stationed in the area. They've gotten use to the locals and have notice a lack of United Japan's control. One of the commanders got hot headed from all the waiting and decided to lead his team to take the Fukuoka. In a large panic, the other commanders tried to figure out what was happening. Some in their confusion aided in the capture of Fukuoka. The others informed the Okinawa Naval Base. The base was also in confusion. The operators assumed it was a counterattack against what might've been the last of the Manchurian Empire. The Head Operator thought it was a provoked attack. The commanding admiral decided to go ahead and take the rest of the island of Kyushu.

- Kyushu Island, Got

Kuala Lumpur, 2nd District, No Entry Zone

It has been over a millennium since the city of the great ASEAN state was nuked. In a standard biannual radiation test of the city performed by the National University of Singapore, some students were playing around. The Geiger counter still went off in small hidden pockets, but for the most part, it was safe. The University refuses to acknowledge it's safety for some unknown political reason. But in any case, these students stumbled into a small hole near the center of the blast. There, melded into support beams and rebar, they found a red glowing metal. When the rest of the research team got there, the students were boiling cups of ramen on the metal. They were instantly taken by the medical team, but the red metal was also brought with them. A few days later, the University came back with construction vehicles and started digging up the place, discovering more it. The metal was brought back to the lab at Sulawesi.

Ven'Ren nods and barks out orders to her men to follow the ships.

"Thank you Sir, I'll be sure to keep my men from diverting course. What can we expect once we're docked at the port?"
Ryan went out with the engineers at one point to oversee the last trip of making the roadways, it was a stretch of 5 miles. Logan wore his old uniform when he was in the army, arctic camo jacket, faded and spotty, black gloves, black pants and shoes, black undershirt, a beaten but still useable Kevlar vest between the shirt and jacket. He held an AK, he grabbed the side of a supply truck and hauled himself in, then they were off. @Kazami42

They would proceed to escort them as per usual. @LoneSniper87
Nordic Airfield, Northern Sweden.

A colonel was out on the strip, inspecting the newest Nordic innovation. The weapon that would take the fight back to the Gallians. They were... majestic. The Fuglen would bring death to the Gallians!

Nordic Capital:
"Mr. President," an aide ran into Solberg's office. "the first Fuglens have rolled off the production line, further production is underway."
"Great news!" The President was overjoyed, "so our research staffs are available?"
"Yes, Mr. President."
"Great, tell the Minister of Research to commission Project Stein at once. He will see to it that our staffs are informed."
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Helios, Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio operator replied to the queens question. "Our current objective is to find capable astronauts to send into space to build a permanent research center and possibly a colony on the Lunar surface. That is why we also requested someone who knows architecture and construction. I should warn that training for the astronauts begins soon, as we want to launch the mission when we can. We predict that the launch will happen within a few months. Now for our longer term objectives. We also want to build a launch pad on the Lunar surface to begin commencement of a manned research, colonization, and possible terraforming of the Martian surface."


Manila, Philippines, Singaporean Federation

"That would be good yes. Also it was no problem, and sorry for the lack of talking. I had to respond to communications from our capitol and troop movements." He said with a smile. "As for our meeting here i want to discuss some terms. I know you don't have the authority to authorize this, but the recent declaration of war on the VV has put us in a tight situation. While we can invade without your holdings in Africa or invade from Mexico, it would be much more difficult and tedious. So i would like to ask you if you could convince your PM to allow Eclipsian forces deploy into Africa so we can use it as a launch point to invade. Oh! And also i would like to keep half my forces here along with Eclipsian engineers to help rebuild the Philippines."

Helios, Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio operator replied to the queens question. "Our current objective is to find capable astronauts to send into space to build a permanent research center and possibly a colony on the Lunar surface. That is why we also requested someone who knows architecture and construction. I should warn that training for the astronauts begins soon, as we want to launch the mission when we can. We predict that the launch will happen within a few months. Now for our longer term objectives. We also want to build a launch pad on the Lunar surface to begin commencement of a manned research, colonization, and possible terraforming of the Martian surface."


Manila, Philippines, Singaporean Federation

"That would be good yes. Also it was no problem, and sorry for the lack of talking. I had to respond to communications from our capitol and troop movements." He said with a smile. "As for our meeting here i want to discuss some terms. I know you don't have the authority to authorize this, but the recent declaration of war on the VV has put us in a tight situation. While we can invade without your holdings in Africa or invade from Mexico, it would be much more difficult and tedious. So i would like to ask you if you could convince your PM to allow Eclipsian forces deploy into Africa so we can use it as a launch point to invade. Oh! And also i would like to keep half my forces here along with Eclipsian engineers to help rebuild the Philippines."


"Do you have the training facilities or is that the individuals issue?" Jennifer would ask them.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Byron was in his office, laying in his chair relaxing. He had finished all the paper work needed to be done. He liked being President, but sometimes it was boring and hard. However it was not something he could not handle, so he pushed through it. Just as he was about to take a nap in his own chair from how comfortable it was and how tired he was, General Io walked in along with two agents. "What is it Io?"  "Mr. President we have found a trace of code that match VV code scanned from the Vestan War."  "What were they doing?"  "Stealing information on our technology and state kept secrets."  "This puts us at a complicated situation. We con't just ask them to stop, as history shows us that doesn't work. And they can't forget what they have already seen."  "What do you propose?"  "The only thing i can think of is an apology, however they may still steal and spy." Byron made a sigh and looked at Io with a serious face. "Activate 2.5 million reserves and issue a formal declaration of war to the VV. Send a message to the Singaporeans asking permission to use their holdings in Africa as a launching point. Send the same to the Cascadians, although i doubt they'll accept. I also want an announcement to the world that the VV have been spying on us and possibly on other nations."  "Very well Mr. President."

@Domini Regum @Alteras @RIPSaidCone


  • Eclipsian Federation declares war on Vadmr Vestan
  • Over 5 Million troops and appropriate number of equipment are put on alert and plan for an invasion
  • Eclipsian Federations security system is heavily increased
  • Byron tells the world of the VV's spying
  • PROJECT: Everest is at 14% completion

Rio de Janiero

President Henrik was outraged at the turnout. Recent hacks with the Viriduim powered super-computers have turned out with a 2% chance of leaving any traces. 

He looked at his most trusted General, and sighed.

"Put the nation in Total War mode, have every factory churning out either tanks, planes, guns, or other military essentials... We might have to activate the Dark."

"The Dark? Isn't that the last stage of Project Endgame?"

He nodded. "yes... But for now lay responsibility on the Hacker that was in charge. Say he falsely blamed the Government that we did it, and point out his Veteranship from the Vestan-Eclipse war, apologizing and telling them that we will background check all military persons  ... Also, from what we got from the Singaporeans, Cascadians, and Eclipsans, have every Special Forces taught in the layout of all important cities in those nations, and teach all high-ranking persons to capitalize on the weaknesses we found... We don't want a repeat of the New Vestan War..."

The General gave a quick "Yes sir" and left...

Other Stuff

A draft is put into place, raising the military to 3.5 million. 1 million Reserve troops not activated yet.

The Economy drops to 8 trillion, although the Total War mode keeps it from dropping.

Extremely heavy coastal defenses being made, satellite watch on the borders at all times.

(Might not be on all weekend, please wait for me to respond to any attacks)

Republic of Cascadia


Portland, Cascadia

"My fellow Cascadians, it is my greatest sorrow to announce to you that we have been attacked. But not with weapons or ships, with keyboards. General Mayhew of the Cascadian Defense Force Cyber Division informed me this morning that our suspicions were proved correct and that the nation known as Vadmr Vestan has attempted to steal information from us via the use of hackers. This has been seen as an intentional act of war and a disgusting, cowardly attack on a nation that has done nothing to them prior to this incident. They have attempted to hide their involvement with this hack with their so called "Super-computers" I believe it is my duty to inform them that these are primitive machines compared to the technological might that we and our allies possess and did very little to prevent us from tracing the location of the hack to an official government facility in South America. In the wake of this lowly attack and blatant breach of our nation's security. The Republic of Cascadia officially declares war on Vadmr Vestan and we will be in close contact with our allies overseas to coordinate an efficient and devestating response to these cowards. Thank you."


President Jefferson made her speech on national television this morning to a shocked country, the Cascadian public not expecting something such as this to happen to a nation such as theirs. However this shock quickly turned into hatred and pure patriotism as people took to the streets in support of the government's declaration of war, burning VV flags and dummy models of their leader whilst chanting slurs towards the people of that nation. The CDF has seen an unprecedented rise in recruitment, with an additional 2.4 million recruits in a very short period of time, raising the CDF's total personnel to 8.1 Million, the highest it has ever been in Cascadia's history. These troops are all being equipped with the latest ML-199 power armor and railgun rifles, an order for 5,600 new M1A3 Abrams has been placed alongside 11,000 new F-38 fighter jets. The first order of F-38's has arrived, all 9,450 of them and they are being deployed to airfields and aircraft carriers all over. Meanwhile 450,000 new troops that had been recruited months ago have finished their training and are being shifted into their new units.


Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The Cascadian Embassy in the capital city of the Federation had been given direct instructions from the Department of Foreign Affairs to inform the Eclipsian government of a newly reviewed decision to allow them temporary access to southern Mexico and strictly southern Mexico, a set boundary has been given to the Eclipsians on where there troops may go whilst in Mexican territory and if they go out of these boundaries without informing the CDF first it will be seen as a hostile act. However to put it simply Cascadia has given the Eclipsians permission to use southern Mexico as a staging ground for invasion.


Dallas, Texas

The CDF Southern Command was recently given full reign on operations to defend against possible VV attack and to assist the Eclipsian military presence in anyway they saw fit. General Wyoming has been given command of the southern CDF forces for the time being and has ordered approximately 560,000 troops, 8,900 M1A3 Abrams, 540 MIM-4's, 980 M1010 Paladins, 4,500 F-15A's and 2,300 F-38's to Mexico to defend it from attack. Meanwhile the only remaining VV land in Mexico has been annexed by Cascadia, to prevent them from using it as a staging ground, the CNDF has deployed 4 entire naval fleets to the Gulf of Mexico and the Californian coast on watch duty whilst F-38's begin roaming the skies over Mexico. Being far, far more advanced than any aircraft the VV could ever hope to deploy they will totally ensure Cascadian air dominance in any battlefield, the CNDF being one of the world's most powerful navies with only the Order Empire's navy to compete against it in terms of strength has all but guaranteed naval dominance for the Cascadians whilst the sizeable troop presence to the south, a superiority in numbers, training and equipment for the soldiers themselves of Cascadia has all but beat the VV in all aspects of military.


The Border Security Agency and National Intelligence Agency have both been put on high alert for any other cowardly tactics from the VV. The Cascadians quickly learning that the Vestans, in-order to stand any chance in a war resort to unconventional, below the belt and lowly tactics. The supposed plans of "important" locations in major Cascadian cities were already publicly available and are simply maps of trainlines, water mains and public transportation and should prove very little use to the VV. Meanwhile they have blown their only chance to steal any further information from the Republic, the combined intelligence capabilities of all Cascadian agencies and military departments has made it essentially impossible for any foreign operatives to breach or cause any disturbances within mainland Cascadia.


Cascadian-Rockian Message

"To the Kingdom of the Rockies, we have rethought our decision with the knowledge that we have been attacked and have offered our help in the reconstruction of Calgary in return for Rockian participation in North America's defense against the Vadmr Vestan, we are aware that this would also greatly improve relations between your Kingdom and the Eclipsians. We hope to see a response soon, kindest regards - The Department of Foreign Affairs."



Cascadia declares war on Vadmr Vestan

Cascadian Defense Force is mobilised

Eclipsians granted access to southern Mexico

Rockians contacted with offer involving the war

Cascadian intelligence mobilised, borders secured

2.4 Million new troops in training, 450,000 finish training

[Cascadia doesn't fall for a blatant lie xD ]
Manila, Philippines

"We would be delighted to have our reformation efforts supported by your men. As for Singaporean Africa... well, that might be tough. Prime Minister Jeanes is about to begin campaign season again, so he'll be looking to avoid another war. However, Federation Parliament would still be in session and would probably aid you in attempts to increase popularity and ties with your nation. 7th Gov Chang would probably let you in, under the pretense that you're aiding in the redevelopment of Africa. Well, she'll probably let you station there anyway considering what happened last time you were there." Gov Samson stifled a laugh. "Sorry, my sister was the counterweight to Gov Chang, stopping her at every turn. To see her in this current position is something Kasey would've liked to see. Ah, well, in any case, if all those fail, I can certainly move somethings in Parliament." She said with a smile.

@Loyal Guardian

Singapore Sealanes

"A lot of ships. A lot of people. A lot of cameras. Our Prime Minister will probably be there as well." The fleet was suddenly flanked by other patrol ships, guiding the fleet into port.



The chairman and his advisors boarded a plane to Cascadia.


Nordic Union (Its time for Khey Lim's Search for the Greatest Vodka)

4th Governor Khey Lim's plane landed in the Nordic Union's capital.

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Radium Hot Springs

The news from Varmandr Vestan was in, along with the declaration of war. The King walked into the conference room that had gathered, and began to speak. "My friends, this war is as dangerous as it is unexpected. If the Eclipse Federation wins, it establishes them as a superpower that can police the globe however they please. If Varmandr Vestan wins, it damages the world's strongest nation and sends ripples of economic downturn across the globe. Now, the world has known us to be unpredictable, even warmongering, but I say that we are simply opportunists. We must join a side, as those who stay neutral are the ones who lose the hardest. As the King, I must say this. We cannot face the Eclipsians. We recently made peace, and they would only fall if at least three nations worked to topple their might. This leaves us one other option. We shall join the NWA and declare war on Varmandr Vestan. We shall seize the Galápagos, Chile, the Yucatan, and Panama. We shall take these lands, and in return, support the Eclipsians." The king smiled and shrugged his shoulders. "If you can't beat em', join em'."

@Loyal Guardian@Domini Regum

Vancouver Island Shipyard

The Rockian navy was deployed and ready for action. Ships that had been built to kill Eclipsians were now off to join them, and the majority of the fleet was ready for war. Two thirds of the fleet traveled towards the Galápagos, while the other third traveled towards the Indian Ocean to join the Eclipsian navy. Across the nation, the entire Royal Citizen Levy was raised, bring up the army by 4 million.


An elite force of 50,000 Battlesuit troops had landed on the islands. Due to the element of surprise, the troops were able to capture the islands. They were quickly fortified and prepared for use as an advance base. Special care was taken to preserve the local wildlife, and many specimens are being taken back to Radium Hot Springs  for conservation.



Claimed Chile, the Galápagos, Panama, and the Yucatan. May also take Ecuador.

Raised a giant levy of citizens.

Invaded the Galápagos.

Gov Samson was slightly confused. Admiral Umberion has spent the past 10 minutes admiring the Ice Lemon Tea. With a slight cough. "Admiral Umberion, I can send a package of it back to your homeland if you want..."

@Loyal Guardian

Port of Singapore

The serpens fleet and escort was nearing high volume sea lanes. A message was sent from the Port Authority. "This is the Grand Port Authority of the Singaporean Federation and the Port Authority of Singapore to Patrol Ship S-107 of the Shanghai Fleet. Please follow our instructions. We are aware of your guests and have open a separate sea lane for you." "This is S-107 to Singapore, Thank you, we'll notify our guests." Kanzaki them tested the radio that he gave to Ven'Ren. After plugging in the translator, he said, "Testing, testing, this is Officer Kanzaki to Captain Ven'Ren. Please follow us."


Kagoshima, Japan

The team from a few years ago was still stationed in the area. They've gotten use to the locals and have notice a lack of United Japan's control. One of the commanders got hot headed from all the waiting and decided to lead his team to take the Fukuoka. In a large panic, the other commanders tried to figure out what was happening. Some in their confusion aided in the capture of Fukuoka. The others informed the Okinawa Naval Base. The base was also in confusion. The operators assumed it was a counterattack against what might've been the last of the Manchurian Empire. The Head Operator thought it was a provoked attack. The commanding admiral decided to go ahead and take the rest of the island of Kyushu.

- Kyushu Island, Got

Kuala Lumpur, 2nd District, No Entry Zone

It has been over a millennium since the city of the great ASEAN state was nuked. In a standard biannual radiation test of the city performed by the National University of Singapore, some students were playing around. The Geiger counter still went off in small hidden pockets, but for the most part, it was safe. The University refuses to acknowledge it's safety for some unknown political reason. But in any case, these students stumbled into a small hole near the center of the blast. There, melded into support beams and rebar, they found a red glowing metal. When the rest of the research team got there, the students were boiling cups of ramen on the metal. They were instantly taken by the medical team, but the red metal was also brought with them. A few days later, the University came back with construction vehicles and started digging up the place, discovering more it. The metal was brought back to the lab at Sulawesi.


She soon docks her ships at port, the gangplank being lowered so the crew could get off
In svalbard:

They continue waiting. 

Where last left off:

The woman opened the cell door and entered. She would slam a crop against one of the occupants chained up. "You will reply when spoken to." She said smiling. "How do you feel?"

In svalbard:

They continue waiting. 

Where last left off:

The woman opened the cell door and entered. She would slam a crop against one of the occupants chained up. "You will reply when spoken to." She said smiling. "How do you feel?"


"Like crap." The man bluntly responded. "You know what will happen to your country, right?"

Manila, Philippines

"We would be delighted to have our reformation efforts supported by your men. As for Singaporean Africa... well, that might be tough. Prime Minister Jeanes is about to begin campaign season again, so he'll be looking to avoid another war. However, Federation Parliament would still be in session and would probably aid you in attempts to increase popularity and ties with your nation. 7th Gov Chang would probably let you in, under the pretense that you're aiding in the redevelopment of Africa. Well, she'll probably let you station there anyway considering what happened last time you were there." Gov Samson stifled a laugh. "Sorry, my sister was the counterweight to Gov Chang, stopping her at every turn. To see her in this current position is something Kasey would've liked to see. Ah, well, in any case, if all those fail, I can certainly move somethings in Parliament." She said with a smile.

@Loyal Guardian

Singapore Sealanes

"A lot of ships. A lot of people. A lot of cameras. Our Prime Minister will probably be there as well." The fleet was suddenly flanked by other patrol ships, guiding the fleet into port.



The chairman and his advisors boarded a plane to Cascadia.


Nordic Union (Its time for Khey Lim's Search for the Greatest Vodka)

4th Governor Khey Lim's plane landed in the Nordic Union's capital.


A Nordic diplomat with a military escort meets him. "Greetings, Welcome to the Union."
"Like crap." The man bluntly responded. "You know what will happen to your country, right?"

A Nordic diplomat with a military escort meets him. "Greetings, Welcome to the Union."

"Well considering you all think the gallians did it, you have a shitstorm prepared. I know you already threw blame on two different nations, But I didn't think the claim of your paranoia would be true. That just proves to me that you need a little bit more training." She would laugh maniacally before hitting him with a crop three times. 
"Well considering you all think the gallians did it, you have a shitstorm prepared. I know you already threw blame on two different nations, But I didn't think the claim of your paranoia would be true. That just proves to me that you need a little bit more training." She would laugh maniacally before hitting him with a crop three times. 

He would scream in agony. "Please, just let me go home! Why are you sick Gallians doing this!"

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