The World of Tomorrow

Naval project: 15%.

The heavier warship class vessels were worked on the most, and got past hull construction. Two of these vessels would hold heavy guns like the red October, except with somewhat less armor plating. Ragnite would be used to coat the preexisting steel of the bow, and the stern only. The radiators/generators would also be inserted into the smoke stacks, which would allow more than one to power the ship but unlike a tank the ships would require larger ones. Which would make certain parts of the ship heavier.

The soon-to-be pillboxes on the sides would be armed with long range artillery, unlike the red October which only have machineguns inside of them. The cannons would all be armed with two long barrels. The hulls of the ships were nearing completion, and the guns and innards would be constructed next.


Ragnite munitions project: 10%.

The engineers and scientists have made some improvements on ragnite propellant. This would thus mean backs inside of the Lances would not have to be hallowed out, as they could make a launch system and then the propellant activates after detaching. It would also mean that the small missiles from them would be only somewhat lighter, and more hallow. Allowing more to be added inside of the missiles. Testing would commence.


Nuclear warhead repairs project: 77%. [Yes I am aware this project is overdue by two months.]

The painting and coloring of the nuke was completed. And so was most of the rewiring and maintenance. All that was left to do was to put even more power into the silo to operate it, modify targeting coordinates, and some minor modification. While a team was sent out to find more or bring more generators, Some yggdists including Jennifer arrived and approached the lead engineer misa, which returned from a unknown location in the empire. They had crates of ragnite ore... "We demand that these are inserted into the nuke itself, and it's side ordinance." Misa turned around and given a box. "This will give it more destructive power I'd imagine, including gas. It will give our enemy a taste of the wrath of the valkyrur." After leaving the crates behind, the priests and monks would leave, but Jennifer would stay to watch the final stages. "Very well then. I do not recommend this but i will do it." Misa would leave and have her team open the nuke back up.


Infantry machinegun project: 66%.

The recoil was fixed by increasing the barrel length and size and thus the caliber of ammunition went up. As a precaution, they would only use slightly larger rounds instead. As a side precaution, the weapons would be recommended to be mounted. And the overheating problem was solved by replacing the inner barrel with a ragnite coating. Which would possibly still overheat, but it could last longer on rapid fire before doing so. Thus the gun could shoot a rapid burst of 66 rounds before overheating would be noticeable on other parts of the weapon, and 107 rounds before the overheating would become a legitimate problem if you didn't pause rapid firing for a few minutes. Far ahead of the intended goal. The gun was also meant to be used by infantry so not all of it was made out of ragnite. As it'd be thought too heavy to carry quickly. No more testing was needed, and the gun was fine as it was. They would begin mass producing it, and no more modifications were needed. This would be used immediately on the front lines should a legitimate war with the nords occur. It was expected that fifty could be made in three days. 


Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Byron stepped out onto a podium and looked down at the papers. Previously when he was Emperor he wore a robe-like outfit, but now he was in a suit and tie which is something he wasn't to fond of. However he pushed aside his personal opinion to look the part as President. He had come out into the public, something he rarely did in the former empire. to give a public speech. He had been taught these things before, but never had to use them that much. He took a calm breath and began to speak.

"To the citizens of the new Eclipsian Federation, i would like to say what an honor it is to be this new nation's first president. I know this still extends my former rule as the last emperor of the old empire, but i promise to uphold this office with dignity, honor, and integrity. Recently we have come out of a deadly civil war, in fact the deadliest conflict since the world became a new, and now we have the perfect opportunity to eradicate the remaining militant Summaists left in the world. Despite all the changes the Ministers Summit made our military is still the most advanced, most largest, most capable, and most strongest force in the world. These Summaist think they could take us down? Well they were ill prepared to fight the full Eclipse war machine that it activated, even though that activation nearly cause a Third Canadian War. However i want to use my forces to finally rid this Earth of militant Summaists by formally declaring war on the Fascist/Summaist Government of the CAF. They can soon expect a rain of hell onto their followers and soldiers as the full might of the Eclipsian Federation bears down on them."

The crowd roared with applause and as he left the stage he thought that being President might not be half bad. Soon afterword he sent 1.5 Million soldiers and appropriate amount of equipment through the Hamuis border and on the way they swiftly defeat the Summaists on the countryside. Soon afterwards they reached the near middle of the former CAF and flooded forces through, killing every Fascist and Summaist they encountered. The Eclipsian army soon already had split the CAF in two and began to push East and West and hope to end the Summaist Revolt very soon.

Not only that but 1 million men sailed from the Bohai Bay and through Singaporean waters towards the Philippines. They then landed forces all over the archipelago and the massive army, led by Admiral Umberion, quickly captured its objectives and meet with small elements of the Singaporean force. The army within days was able to accomplish what the Singaporeans couldn't do, secure much of the archipelago and push forward deep into Summaist held territories. Umberion knew that permission was most likely needed to have his army enter Singaporean territory, however he figured they wouldn't mind and plus Byron's order to "Eradicate them all" still applied until the Summaist Revolt ends. Eclipsian analysts predict both the interventions in Africa and the Philippines will end quickly in favor of Eclipsian and allied forces.

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The head scientist was looking over the current project details. He pushed up his glasses and sighed. He knew that the country had the capability of doing this on it's own, but the project's mission was a long shot at best. An intercom came on in his office requesting that he come to the lab to look over new elements. He put the papers on his desk and walked out the doors towards th lab. The papers read Solas Drive-Experimental Prototype.

Helios Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio officer had been ordered to release details of requirements to the international bodies if they wished to join the ESA on the new Moon Expedition. He then opened up the channels and sent the message.

"To the international bodies who wish to aid the ESA in the upcoming mission, we would like to release the requirements for said mission so you can chose the appropriate astronauts. These men or women must have extensive knowledge in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture for building constructs a space-like atmosphere. They also must have 20-20 vision and a high reaction speed. Some prescriptions are allowed, but must be sent to the ESA for it to evaluate the eye sight of said persons. They also must have high physical and mental durability. If potential candidates have a history of vertigo, sleep-related illnesses, and mental issues like PTSD they shall not be considered even if they fit all the previous requirements. That is all and i hope the international governments accept the Eclipsian invitation to join this mission."

After he was done he changed the communications channel towards the Cascadians and sent them a message directly.

"To the Cascadians, film and entertainment leaders around the Eclipsian Federation have agreed to the Cascadian proposal to extend your film and entertainment industry towards us however the government of the federation would like for us to do the same with you, but in a more minor form."

@Alteras @Albion @Kazami42 @Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Charlie12520   

Valerie would think for a few minutes before informing the emperor. "So how about it?" She asked afterwards. "Very well, we have nothing to worry about so it will give our people something to do. Gather some scientists and second generations. But only a few. They may be needed some other time." Valerie would then put up the phone and go searching for scientists and claymores. She would also send a radio communication to poland asking if they could access "star city". @JJKab


The ceremony was nearing completion. [It will continue to be halted until svalbard is taken. Which unless Mr. Vade replies before the "midday" of Sunday, It will be. I was really hoping for a fair fight. Come on man, please come back. @Lordvader59].

A variety of dishes was served, ranging from peking roasted duck to steamed dumplings. As the dinner continued, the Singaporean Shanghai Engineer Team resupplied the Serpens' Ships for voyage again. A nearby inn was also prepared, although with much confusion. While Ven'Ren and Gov Chun talked to each other, they were interrupted by an aide informing Gov Chun of some changes. "If you'll excuse, I must take leave. Your fleet should be ready to set sail at any time. You're welcome stay for the night." And with a slight bow, she left.



As Gov Chun got into her chair, her aide listed the changes in the Eclipse Empire. "... Eclipse Federation... President Byron... Shanghai Arrangment..." "Wait, what about the Shanghai Arrangement?" "They've been fulfilled ma'am." "So..." "The Singaporean Federation has gained Guizhou, Henan, Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi, Anhui, Zhejiang, Shangdong, and Jiangsu." Gov Chun was stunned. To think this much was gained because of some things Zeph decided need to occur a few year ago was shocking. "... Be-begin a census." "Yes ma'am." The aide turned around and started walking to the door. "Wait! Does Singapore know?" "They do." The aide left the room. 5th Gov Chun slumped back into her chair.


As more and more troops started coming into the district, more gunfights occurred. Eventually, almost every house had a soldier in it, patrolling their towns in a tight schedule. Any movement into and out of the region was strictly prohibited. More weapons and contraband was seized and their owners arrested. Those who surrendered was given free passage to Africa, although those who veered off course were immediately killed. Major cities were fortified and prepared for attacks, having setup machine gun nests and artillery. Islands were searched, looking for secret hideaways. A yamato-class battleship was brought into the region. The army combed through the entire district and have push many summaists to Dumingag and Leyte.

@Loyal Guardian

Central African Federation

The commander of the SIngaporean Forces approved of the Tactician's Plan.

With the assistance of the Singaporeans and Risers, the CAF is nearly at the old capital. A swift march and battle was fought, and within the week their capital was retaken.
Central African Federation

Eclipsian troops had pushed greatly into the territory. Some people within the international community somewhat condemned the move to invade land that belongs to another nation without permission. However the military and government ignored these calls and continued their campaigns. In the CAF Eclipsian troops had already reached and captured much the West African coast and the navy issued a blockade on the aforementioned coast. Not only that but the coastal city of Lagos soon was quickly captured by Eclipsian forces and the inland was mostly captured, with the Gold Coast and some inland areas being on of the few pockets remaining under Fascist and Summaist control. The Eastern portion of the army soon encountered Singaporean and African forces, fully capturing the eastern portion of the CAF.

Philippines, Singaporean Federation

The Eclipsian army had begun to aid the Singaporean defenders in quelling any rise ups in the island chain. They had reached the island where it all started, Davao. In a swift yet fierce battle the Eclipsians emerged victorious thanks to the naval bombardments and Singaporean air support. The Philippine Summaist Rebellion is soon to come to an end.

@Albion @Alteras


(What the progress should look like)
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The next item of Nordic concern was founding a navy. Air patrols over the North Sea were now almost constant, but to prevent another naval invasion, a navy was a must. Luckily, the Union still had some pre-war shipyards intact. Several small ships armed with .50 caliber machine guns and miniguns were completed, about 20 in total. Some 10 others also had rockets that could be used on other ships or ground targets. However, the Navy's main project was restoring 3 old Destroyers that had been found. Work on their propulsion, missile, and CIWS systems were still underway, but it could be used in desperate times, as it's 5" guns were operational. Talks of an aircraft carrier hadn't come to fruition due to the ability of land based craft to cover the entire North Sea. 15 ships, including 5 rocket ships, were to be stationed at a makeshift port on the Svalbard island. More coastal artillery was also added, as 20mm miniguns to sink small ships. Radar was used now both to spot large ships at a distance and smaller ships up close. Other similar coastal defense systems were being set up along the West coast.

[Mercy is now denied. I also quoted this comment from page 51 to see the defenses. As said I want a fight and not just take the island.]

The landing parties proceed to svalbard. The smaller ships arsenal were made ineffective by the shields. Bouncing or destroying the rounds fired at lead ships. Sword would be nearing even closer to the island and the coastal artillery would bomb a few ships. The main killer of the men aboard them being the cold water.

The rockets from smaller ships did in fact hit three ships, before they were targeted and obliterated. The destroyers were capable of firing at the party, but their ships would be moving too quickly for larger batteries to be capable of hitting. As by the time it could fire, the ships it would target would be a minute or more away from where the shells would hit. But some ships in the back that went slower were hit and destroyed.

The valks or claymores on the ships would by this time jump aboard larger ships if any in the south south-east locations. If not simply just targeting their large batteries and blowing off the cannon barrels. [Because you didn't say you fixed them or got rid of rust. Which would mean the ship isn't very durable as it would be otherwise.] 

7 more ships overall were hit with 2 being airforce hits killing 100. But that wouldn't be enough...

[I also realize I'm convoluting the timeline because I originally had heather here. Well shit. ]

Sword would break through the defense as they would be nearing their final destination.

The only enemy left was the coastal defenses in the south. The speeches would continue one last time:

"Into the heartland of svalbard comrades! Once we hit the shores give the defenders hell and no mercy! Only capture those on the other side. We shall avenge the temporary lose of our people and destroy their morale! FIGHT ON! You dogs of war. We are the only hope and our own salvation. And only with the blood of these tyrannical bastards should we survive. The fighting will be fierce, and many of you will die. But together we stand as one..." Once the ships hit land and the doors of the larger craft opened, they D-day'd the nords. "GO GO GO! GLORY TO THE MOTHERLAND!" Several ships would land, tip over, or nearly fly onto land from how fast they were going and ramping the land. Doing more land-gliding than actual flying. Several ships were blown up before they landed, or any machineguns the nords set up gunned down some.

More boats would land.

"FORWARDS! CRYSTAL LEFT, VECTOR RIGHT!" Two ships that landed would have groups of claymores leave and eclipsians. Among the group of the left ship was Heather, [I'm just gonna say this was before she got pregnant and stuck in the citadel. Which would thus mean that inconsistency is fixed.] Which ran up to a wounded claymore healing her with ragnite. The valk-shields being enough to create a defense. With some running up to each other, and soldiers including claymores using them as mobile cover. But there would be too many to help them all.

Any artillery fired directly infront of valks would prove highly ineffective. They would also by this time of enabling their power a bit more to a 10%. The flames engulfing an area around them. Valks which didn't use their power before landing would fire ragnite beams at the closest defenses, which would destroy weaker or instable defense, or burn them. They would halt over using most of their power as the lot of them would tire quickly from it, due to never using it before as much. When they got close enough, the claymores and eclipsians would spring into action and charge the positions. Claymores jumping over valks because it'd be faster. 

The positions after a few minutes would be quickly overrun by hordes of claymores, whether they get shot, stabbed, or taken by them. It was still sunlight but the sun was leaving. There would of been only one gunner that successfully mowed down two claymores and injured a valk, with 30 eclipsians dead, and 4 soviets. After the machinegun fire stopped, it was free reign.

On the east coast Juno would make it to a few islands, but the majority going past to reach actual svalbard. With all parties except for sword to meet at the vault. One of the included islands is Kong Karl's island. Since no defense were held on the eastern side, The eclipsians and claymores would easily rush the east. Claymores disappearing in treelines and other hard to spot through locations, surprising any infantry patrols and as easily drag them into the unknown.

On the east, they would attack like sword, with sword taking the entirety of the south ocean of svalbard. From the lack of militaristic action, they would all get closer to svalbard and closer to the vault. They would be the first to fire, and they would disable the ships or destroy other ships if need be. The artillery would be safe, but any defenses with machineguns would be easily destroyed or burned out. They would land whereever possible as quickly as possible and form there. Sword would proceed north and take more people as Juno would continue breaking through. However all teams would regroup near the location of the seed vault before attacking it. They would all wait at night, so the claymores could as easily sneak in and capture the occupants without notice, while more militaristic forces would continue fighting elsewhere. The selv team in solely the east would be the only ones having a hard time and not of landed yet.
Radium Hot Springs

The message from the Cascadian film companies was recieved. After some consideration, their offers were accepted and the Kingdom was opened up to them. However, they were required to pay taxes like everyone else.


Construction was going well, but it could be going faster. The Kingdom decided to contact Cascadia for help. "Hello, this is Duke Richard of Edmonton. I am in charge of the Canadian Rebuilding Initiative, and our crews would benefit greatly from your help. We request use of your more experienced crews and your equipment. We are willing to offer something in return."


Satellite Base, Australia

All of the Kinetic Bombardment satellites had been disassembled long ago, but several other satellites remained. The King decided that these would be fitted with observation equipment and be launched, as they were doing nobody any good by just sitting in the middle of Australia. The new observation satellites were situated over the Rising Empire, Australia, and Siberia.

Communications Base

The Rockians sent a request to the Eclipsians to be allowed to assist with their space program. "We know that our relations have been very strained, but we believe that this could help defuse that and bring scientific gain to us both if we are allowed to help."

@Loyal Guardian


Cascadian film companies allowed in.

Construction of Calgary.

Request for support sent to Cascadia.

Several observation satellites launched.

Request to join the Eclipsian moon program sent.

Following intense fighting and a few strategic bombings, the VV forces spread from Abidjan to the last major stronghold of the Summaists, Accra. 

After a few shots between forces, a perimeter was set up outside the city and a siege held, with mortar fire coming from both sides. 

At the dead of night, two weeks after the siege started, 15,000 VV forces stormed the city, taking it within two hours.

Although VV forces occupied the lands between Abidjan to  Accra, Summaists still waged guerrilla warfare, causing a much more harsh Martial Law to be put into effect.

Rio de Janiero

The first phase of project Endgame was set into place, the massive industrialization of VV, with new factories being propped up and more production. 
After the invasions from the east and south succeeded, they marched forwards towards the vault with the advanced soldiers going up first. Night has fallen now, and it was time for this operation to have someone else shine. While the eclipsians were still entirely human as far as they knew, they probably needed rest and were allowed to. Some valks would proceed north. However the claymores would take the advantage of night for their militaristic deeds and continued sprinting about.

At 4:37 AM, They were still in a national park area. The claymores would of course use this as more of an advantage. Taking out multiple patrols with either smacking them against trees, hitting them with branches, separating their arms or legs with their swords of the same name and dragged away, and a few reported cases of a valk' and single claymore using a technique similar to the Vulcan nerve pinch. Throughout the night, the claymores would take turns trolling the nords until eventually an hour later. Where they would come into contact with heavy coastal defenses that made the selv team be stopped. However some of them did land in the south east and lower west...

One by one the claymores would storm the defenses and render their victims dead, unconscious, or severely maimed. Destroying enough guns, while using a few surviving batteries to bombard others or the ports. It was dawn and the assault was completed. Selv landed some climbed the cliffs. They all went towards the global seed vault, and fighting on other ends were by now over. The nords at the vault would be assaulted by eclipsian soldiers, and now claymore units using bayonet charges or firing at a distance. Mopping the floor with them, and one even doing so literally with her foot.

They would fill the air with the screams of their enemies as their limbs, guts, or other insides are ripped open to the ground. Only a few eclipse-troops and weaker claymores would be killed by the nords if not by natural events. Such as war-torn trees collapsing upon them earlier. A offensive type claymore, with a defensive one directly assaulting the vault. Would lose a arm from nord explosives and machinegun fire. Withering in pain until a valk' would eventually walk through remaining treeline setting it on fire, She would blast heavy positions with her Lance. The defensive claymore fighting with the former would cut off her own left arm to give. Attaching it manually to the former as she would close her own wound and slowly regenerate her arm back. Continuing to fight on, but her stump would take at least a day to regenerate and lots of radiation to be administered.

"ADVANCE! NO MORE MERCY WILL BE GIVEN TO THE TERRORIST THREAT!" One of the CM commanders said before having a sniper round go through her chest. It wouldn't of been a big deal if it didn't rip open a few stitches. Another comrade fell to the same fate but couldn't hold herself together, eventually ripping open and dying on the ground. It wouldn't matter if she would be attacked now, as other forces would advance onto the vault and take it after three hours. The assault was a success, the seed airlifting was halted, and a team was gathered to hunt down lead operatives. After four more hours a few claymores, eclipsian soldiers, remaining soviets, and valks would have gathered all survivors from the east, south, and the rest of the west. One of these included naval commanders, A few hundred soldiers, and garrison units. "We have gathered the terrorists from their hiding places." A claymore said. "Perfect." The main valk' and CM would look at the commanders/officers, simultaneously speaking. "Where is the rest of your operation? I need to know so I can horrifically kill them." After moments of silence, they would slap the ones they spoke to as hard as they could. Knocking one out, and breaking the neck of the other. "Send them away, blindfold them, knock them out, and imprison them. We shall use them for our own gains as they did us." A CM commander said. "Alright battle bitches, to the north we March. Kill every single motherfucker you come across. Show no mercy, strangle them with their own intestines if you are able." The lead valk' ordered. 

The team took the new captures besides a few commanders and officers back home blindfolded and knocked out. Kept under sedation to prevent them from awakening early and closely monitored. While the rest of the officers+ and the original captured soldiers in the beginning stages of the svalbard assault, were locked away inside of the global seed vault to be used later. Along with the team going back to the motherland, were the vault seeds and Heather. While the north assault on svalbard would take a few days to reach enemy positions. All airforce would be shot down by valk' units or on-island anti-aircraft weapons. While some would troll the aircraft in a attempt to starve them of fuel. Which this would work on only two of the aircraft and one of the pilots would be captured, while soviets were sent north to find the other(s). The valk' units would rest with some CM and eclipse units as using their powers constantly heavily tired them. The battle results and casualties would be stated after taking svalbard. @Lordvader59
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The following day, a messenger approached Ven'Ren and her crew. In a shaky voice, he said, "A message from 5th Gov Chun:... Due to unforeseeable circumstances, I am unable to bid you farewell. Nonetheless, the crew of S-107, Officer Arthur Lee and Officer Kanzaki Ren, will continue to escort you to Singapore. It should take at most two months. Be careful, those are busy sealanes. In anycase, safe travels. - Chun Shun Liao, Governor of the 5th District." He lowered his paper and looked up. After a moment of terror, he slowly said that her fleet is ready for departure.


Manila, Philippines

The head operator stood before General Qi, Admiral Hummel, and Gov Samson. It was days after the final battle. "... 500 dead, estimated 2000 civilian casualties. The Philippines Rebellion is over." The room was stiff silent. The head operator bowed and walked out. Governor Samson stood up and returned to her desk. General Qi and Admiral Hummel stood up and faced her. Gov Samson spoke, "This was a failure, leave." The two men saluted and walked out. Gov Samson lifted up the telephone. "Get the University. I want a complete reform of this District."

Pendragon, Greenland

It was a few days after the Chairman and his advisors visited the stock exchange. They were sitting in a restaurant. Chairman Shi started talking. "Well, any thoughts?" "Their economy has been developed for some time now." "But their stock market is new." "True, it is an emerging market, and a stable one at that with a consistent mining industry." "It will serve to be the Rockian's Rival Market." "Not necessarily, If they agree to Cascadia's proposal, we could see a trifecta of a North American Super Economy, something similar to the Four Asian Tigers of Old." "Ah that is right. Prime Minister Jeanes is trying to revive the Tigers I heard." "Really?" "Why else would we go so far as to take Taiwan and Hong Kong?" "Then all that's left is South Korea..." "Please, return to the task at hand." "Yes Chairman. I vote in favor of opening stock trading." "I as well." "Same Here." "Mmhmm." "Then it's settled! Now, back to this meal." A message was sent to the Imperial Family informing them that Singapore will open stock trading with Rising Empire

(I think casualty rates would be high amongst your non-advanced troops.)

The seeds had successfully been evacuated ahead of the assault. The Nordic Union still controlled the skies. Radio  messages  that Svalbard had been overrun reached the capital. Jens was greatly upset. He had been right. The Gallians must be destroyed. They would be. He called the Chief of Ordinance. "Is Project Fuglen ready for production?"

"Yes, mr President."
"Provide the factories with it's blueprints and begin production immediately." Jens rested into his chair. Nodding, he knew how to strike back against the Gallians.
Ryan was at the makeshift range set up from conveyor belt parts, carboard boxes and tin cans. He aimed down the sight of his pre-war M1911, firing shots one after another at a slow rate, each hitting the target, he then quickly got word that with thier ally's troops to help they roadways would be finished by weeks end earliest. Ryan smilied and holstered his M1911, taking another walk around the capital, imagining it and other citys filling up with peopleto barter crops and other goods that are useful.

Internal Roadway Progress: 75%
(I think casualty rates would be high amongst your non-advanced troops.)

The seeds had successfully been evacuated ahead of the assault. The Nordic Union still controlled the skies. Radio  messages  that Svalbard had been overrun reached the capital. Jens was greatly upset. He had been right. The Gallians must be destroyed. They would be. He called the Chief of Ordinance. "Is Project Fuglen ready for production?"

"Yes, mr President."
"Provide the factories with it's blueprints and begin production immediately." Jens rested into his chair. Nodding, he knew how to strike back against the Gallians.


[Indeed. Before any got on the island you succeeded in killing over 100 people. There would be far more dead after they landed I'd imagine, like several thousand.]

The majority of valks and claymores were still resting or tired, and kept back. But a few were still active and commanding eclipse squads.

Over a radio on svalbard, a CM would respond over the island.

"This is vockterina kelserovna of the Atlantic federation supreme military, it has come to my knowledge that your hostility ended up in one of our officers and a diplomat being taken from us. In retaliation we had encircled and now have taken your people, taken your structures, And taken your island. You will surrender our people for your crimes or you will all be killed. This is your first warning." The eclipsians would hold the line, while the east side would still be heading north, taking a hour at least to reach any enemy position.

[Indeed. Before any got on the island you succeeded in killing over 100 people. There would be far more dead after they landed I'd imagine, like several thousand.]

The majority of valks and claymores were still resting or tired, and kept back. But a few were still active and commanding eclipse squads.

Over a radio on svalbard, a CM would respond over the island.

"This is vockterina kelserovna of the Atlantic federation supreme military, it has come to my knowledge that your hostility ended up in one of our officers and a diplomat being taken from us. In retaliation we had encircled and now have taken your people, taken your structures, And taken your island. You will surrender our people for your crimes or you will all be killed. This is your first warning." The eclipsians would hold the line, while the east side would still be heading north, taking a hour at least to reach any enemy position.

"Attention Gallian military force. Do not attempt to deceive us. Our government is willing to release your officers, if you allow us to return to the mainland under the honors of war. "
"Attention Gallian military force. Do not attempt to deceive us. Our government is willing to release your officers, if you allow us to return to the mainland under the honors of war. "

She would pick up the radio's version of a microphone, attached to the radio and responded. "Deceive? Heh. If I wanted to deceive you, I would of said we would have a airforce arriving, with help from gallia. There will be no escape for you... This is how this is going to work, You bring them first and send them in, and then we can see if they're actually real. Then we will give your people back and to leave. Otherwise, you're not going anywhere at all. This is a trick done by many prewar, And it is not one that will be fallen for. Do you understand?" She said nonchalantly.
She would pick up the radio's version of a microphone, attached to the radio and responded. "Deceive? Heh. If I wanted to deceive you, I would of said we would have a airforce arriving, with help from gallia. There will be no escape for you... This is how this is going to work, You bring them first and send them in, and then we can see if they're actually real. Then we will give your people back and to leave. Otherwise, you're not going anywhere at all. This is a trick done by many prewar, And it is not one that will be fallen for. Do you understand?" She said nonchalantly.

"We will not trust you. We will send you footage of the leaders, then they will be dropped off as we leave."
Once more, Jens addressed the public. "The Nordic Union is now truly in Dire Straits. We are aware of the Summaist threat, but, to those still unaware, I have grave news. The Gallians have assaulted the Nordic outpost on Svalbaard. Surprisingly, they are treating our men with the honors of war, and for this we thank them. However, this attack still came with no prior declaration of war, and even still they attempt to disguise their identities, to no avail. To combat this dire threat to the Union, we would like to announce we will send troops and material to fight the Summaists in return for international support against the Gallians. The offer for the nations of the world to send us military equipment is still open to all."

(OOC: Please, if your mentioning me even in he slightest, @ me, that's the reason I'm not seeing trade requests)
Central African Federation

The last battle in Africa was the Eclipsian offensive in the Gold Coast pocket. With the seas blockaded and the land under siege the Summaists were on the wire and close to defeat. The allied forces had captured the Congo pocket and now were on their way to the Eclipsians. Before they could arrive however the army launched a quick and devastating offensive that completely caught the remaining Summaists off guard. Within three days the entire pocket was captured and almost every Summaist was killed, the rest captured. With this last act the war in Africa came to a swift and decisive end and the last major Summaist stronghold was disestablished and all remaining land was returned to the new provisional CAF government.

@Albion @Domini Regum @Alteras

Philippines, Singaporean Federation

With the last Summaist killed in Mindanao, the Philippines were secured. The Philippines Revolt was now over and much of the Eclipsian army had left. However a few stayed behind to aid in the rebuilding of the archipelago and in the meantime Admiral Umberion requested a meeting with the governor of the district.


Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

President Byron was in his office signing the last of the economic reforms. His aid, who he had decided to keep after the country's reform, Miss Sao walked in. She informed him on both the Nordic and Rockies messages.

"Tell the Rockies that their request is more than accepted. As for the Nords tell them that they should have aided in the Summaist issue from the start and not do it after they are the ones in trouble, especially since the Summaists have been dealt with." With that Miss Sao was off to report the messages.

@Fishman Lord @Lordvader59


  • The African Campaign ends in total victory for the Eclipsian Federation
  • Eclipsian invasion of the Philippines ends in success alongside Singaporean forces. Umberion requests a meeting with the governor.

    With these two combined the worldwide Summaist Rebellion ends, with some coming out forever changed.

[*]Rockies request to join in the Moon Expedition is approved

[*]Eclipsians basically deny to aid the Nords

Patrol ship S-107 left the Shanghai Fleet headed towards Singapore. 

(I'm just gonna let you decide when you want to show up near Singapore. Feel free to rp whatever you want back in your empire)



News that the summaists were defeated and that the CAF was restored caused mass celebrations throughout Singaporean Africa. Troops began making their way home with minimal loss due to the brilliance of the CAF's military tactician.


Intellects of all kinds from the university were running around, trying to reform and establish a more stable district.

Gov Samson agreed to the meeting and held the meeting in her office. They sat across from each other at a small snack table in front of her desk. A pitcher of ice lemon tea was set out with some local delicacies. "Thank you Admiral Umberion for your support in the Philippines rebellion."

@Loyal Guardian
"We will not trust you. We will send you footage of the leaders, then they will be dropped off as we leave."

"Oh yes, so thus you can leave and not even try. Gonna need more than video as your evidence sonny. Otherwise it's still a stalemate." The CM said.

[The summaist threat was annihilated awhile ago. There may still be some in Africa if Albion didn't kill them off.]
The CAF Is now reforming their government to disallow this to happen again by turning into a Constitutional Empire. The CAF has opened a generous deal with the people who have assisted them in retaking their lands as well.
The CAF Is now reforming their government to disallow this to happen again by turning into a Constitutional Empire. The CAF has opened a generous deal with the people who have assisted them in retaking their lands as well.


Vestanian General Drake sent a audio message from President Henrik directly towards the new leading body of the CAF.

"Now... The Vestanian Army has heard of your reforms and we will publicly state that we would recommend reforming into a Democratic Republic, with Executive Authority as a safegaurd for corruption, although we have no say... 

On to other matters, For our involvement in the war, we would request the city of Bereeda to be a site for military base. If not, we wish you to pay war reparations."


Once more, Jens addressed the public. "The Nordic Union is now truly in Dire Straits. We are aware of the Summaist threat, but, to those still unaware, I have grave news. The Gallians have assaulted the Nordic outpost on Svalbaard. Surprisingly, they are treating our men with the honors of war, and for this we thank them. However, this attack still came with no prior declaration of war, and even still they attempt to disguise their identities, to no avail. To combat this dire threat to the Union, we would like to announce we will send troops and material to fight the Summaists in return for international support against the Gallians. The offer for the nations of the world to send us military equipment is still open to all."

(OOC: Please, if your mentioning me even in he slightest, @ me, that's the reason I'm not seeing trade requests)

The council of 1000 announced he would support the only other Norse Religion country with the most advanced weapons, and 200 tanks.

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The CAF agrees to give the VV the military base in the area which is also a naval base where they can resupply.

The nation's citizens are celebrating over the victory over the Summarians in Iberia. In other news, another national holiday is taking place; Culture Week. In the Order Empire, Culture Month celebrates all cultures that came before in their land. Culture Month celebrations start off with the current Order culture, and the singing of the national anthem.

(The Anthem):

Following up, taking place the next day, is British Culture, and the singing of 'God Save the Queen'. The rest of the cultures will follow, along with the singing of their national anthems.

(The Celebrations Schedule):

Culture / Anthem

Order: Ode to Joy

British: God Save the Queen

Irish: A Soldier's Song

French: La Marseillaise

Swiss: Swiss Psalm

German: Das Deustschlandlied

Danish: Der er et Yndigt Land

Spanish: La Marcha Real

Portugeuse: A Portuguesa

American: Star Spangled Banner

Italian: Fratelli d Italia

(The schedule is organized by when said country's land was claimed, fully, partially, or formally, except for the Order culture, which is the overall culture in the Empire.)

Research Labs

Scientists were hard at work on Project Virgo. Meanwhile, the government ministers issued a new project to be done; Project Entwicklung. 

Project Virgo: 15%

Project Entwicklung: 1%

Main Communications Center, Oxford, British Province

"Greetings Cascadian Friends, the ministers, along with the film and entertainment sectors, have accepted the your proposal to extend your film and entertainment industry to us. We would also like to extend our entertainment sector to you, in a minor way."


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