The World of Tomorrow


"We are known as the Serpans Empire, and a resupply would be nice."

The officer smiles despite having the face of a cobra.

With a smile of hesitation, the two sailors returned to their patrol boat. The captain radioed back to shanghai. "This is S-107 and S-108, escorting Serpans Empire fleet to Shanghai. Please prepare for resupply and contact 5th Gov Chun." "This is Shanghai Fleet, entry has been confirmed. Safe travels." The two patrol boats began to make their way to Shanghai, with the Serpans Fleet behind them.

General Secratary Ak-ool had returned to Kyzyl as soon as posible after the World Congress and now was overseeing construction of a new Coal mine.''The Five year plan is going well Comrade Kök-ool,soon we will have enough coal to heat all the Apartment complexes in our Glorious nation.'' said the Old Leader to his second in command.Then they heard the sound of a car engine,and since working cars were a rarity this would mean some one important was old Lada car had came to a stop at the construction site and Two Soldiers along with a foreigner exited from it.''Comrade Ak-ool!'' The Soldiers Saluted.''At ease Comrade.'' said the Old Leader.''This trespaser claims to have been sent by the Red Liners.'' The soldier informed.''Red Liners? by Lenin unhand the man.Detaining our fellow Comrades is not...polite.'' said Ak-ool,and the Two soldiers relased the man.''You see this Comrade?'' he said pointing at the construction site.''This is the future of Tuva,coal to supply homes and factories with heat and energy,but for that we need to expand our mining Industry.and we lack the materials to do so such as steel and eplosives,and ofcourse we need more metal to repair the Vein of Siberia,the Trans-Siberian Railroad.Tell me Comrade,do you get where I'm going?'' he asked to the Redliner.


"a railway in southern Russia, extending from Moscow to Vladivostok. Length: 9335 km." The courier said. As couriers are sent from the scholar association thus know things about the prewar world. Not alot like a actual scholar though.

[And since it's page 60 I'm going to use this for my projects.]

@High Moon


Nuclear repair project: 42%.

The Soviets finished readding or adding plating to the boosters and engines. They would now begin maintenance on the warhead and more sensitive locations of the nuke.


Project batomys: 110%.

The batomys tank was sent up to the surface and sent to izhevsky. There was a report that a neighboring summaist movement entered gallian land, and then took over izhevsky. The snipers had fun using them as target practice, but they started to become a nuisance when travelling at night and evading snipers. After the gallians allowed them through their land, the super-heavy tank was mobilized. The occupants was the emperor, Jennifer, and Heather, the event was recorded and known as: "Annihilation Sum." A squad of troops commanded by hunter outside ontop of the tank were ready for deployment, Should any summaists survive.

They rolled through the streets and crushing everything underneath the tracks, for irony a picture of a snake saying "don't tread on me" was placed on the track protection plates. The four machineguns on the sides of the tank would then fire into the remaining standing up buildings, the back cannon would fire fragmentation mortar shells into Windows, The two front weapons on the plow would push heavier things out of the way like rams, The front machinegun would fire at incoming targets. The main cannon would power up,  "preparing the cannon." A gunner said. "Cannon powered." "Fire." The cannon would aim up and fire a shell at the only remaining-standing building in the city, it exploded and blew the entire front and parts of the side of the building off. It collapsed a few seconds later... the radiators would raise out of the tank and exhaust steam for a short period of time before concealing themselves again.

The tank was considered a success, the hunting party failed to find any survivors, and the tank returned home. After they returned, the tank had the flag of the empire placed upon its front and sides, the emperor then got a scientists attention and requested that ragnite shells be tested and created. The project would take a year-and-three months to complete, as a scientist said and another manufacturer and scientist requested to have naval potential. The emperor also requested that shorter, More normal-infantry-friendly variations of the empress's machinegun also be crafted. A scientist asked if they should develop a new Imperial tank, but it was denied. After that, he returned to his quarters.



Talking with the socialist republic.

More maintenance.

The batomys tank is tested on a new summaist hideout, it effectively put another end to the russian summaists. It was returned home, and is having symbols and flags placed upon it.

More projects, including one which will take a entire year.
Burma Province, Eclipse Empire

Centauri looked at Jain and spoke. "It's fine, i would redeploy forces there to. To be honest i heard rumors in the general's cabinet that Io and Frios, our high generals, are planning an invasion of the CAF in the event of a full blown Summaist take over. It seems that very well may happen." As Centauri said this portions of his army had reached elements of the invasion force, signaling the near retaking of Eclipsian Europe. Not to mention that Eclipsian Middle East and Eclipsian Europe are also about to be retaken, further signaling the end of the civil war. Military analysts not predict that the war will end within months.


Philippines, Singaporean Federation

The Summaist underground organization have been avoiding patrols and if they were seen, they acted like normal citizens living under martial law. The martial law was strict, but somehow the balck market thrived and the Summaist took advantage of this and armed themselves. Soon after they raided prisons all across the archipelago and freed prisoners in exchange for allegiance, they hurriedly accepted. They hide for over a week as patrols and house checks grew more serious after the prison raids. Then after gaps within the schedule struck, they launched attacks on patrols and minor outposts. Not only that but in and around the city of Davao the Summaist struck and began attacking the city.


Greek Province, Eclipse Empire

The Golden Dawn Republic was about to experience the true might of the Eclipsian military. Suddenly the allied army of Eclipsians, Risers, and British pushed forward and caught many of the Greeks off guard. Multiple T-99 Tanks and Bombers went over the rebels and some looked up in awe as they saw a in-flesh Jovian Sky Platform, but for many that was the last thing they saw. Then an allied Eclipsian-Riser army, led by Suzaku and Io reached New Constantinople and began a complete and total siege once a naval invasion force approached from the East. After two days of fighting the city was captured and so was much of the Greek Province. Soon Athens would be recaptured and the rebel leader killed. With a joint Eclipsian-Redline force taking over the Caucasus, the war should end soon.

 @Wickedkent @Agent141

Eclipsian Civil War

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing (Predicted to end in Spring or Summer 3255)

Eclipsian Civil War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic Redline Empire

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers
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He nodded and smiled. He then approached the Chairman.

"Welcome to Pendragon" He said "May we know the reason of your visit?"


Eclipsian Empire


They are marching towards Athens. The capital of greece and where the Rebel leader is. The Rising Empire had siezed many rebels and handed them to the Eclipsian Government. Their simple guns ans bullets could not even leave a scratch on their armors.

@Loyal Guardian
''Right Comrade,The vein that carries life into the Siberian Wastes.It has fallen to disrepair unfortunately.'' Said Ak-ool.''Now come you would not want to be here in the open when...the next phase starts.'' he added as he started walking towards his Presidential Car.(A more fancy Lada) along with his aides.''Let us Continue this in my Office back in Kyzyl.'' he told.


''Comrades! Today we have been tasked with taking down these anti-revolutionary tratiors who call themselves Sumaists.Every household will be searched.Anyone found with Illegal items and affiliated with Sumaists will be sent to Re-Educuation Centers in the Altaic Mountains!'' Yelled a Man wearing a Coat decorated with Medals it looked like they were in a Truck.''Now Comrade Ak-ool wants minimum lose of civil life so do not shoot unless necesary.Good Luck comrades.'' he added as those who listened to him started to get out of the Truck,they did look a bit like soldiers but those who lived in Tuva would know they were the feared Secret Service of the Communist Party.
''Right Comrade,The vein that carries life into the Siberian Wastes.It has fallen to disrepair unfortunately.'' Said Ak-ool.''Now come you would not want to be here in the open when...the next phase starts.'' he added as he started walking towards his Presidential Car.(A more fancy Lada) along with his aides.''Let us Continue this in my Office back in Kyzyl.'' he told.


''Comrades! Today we have been tasked with taking down these anti-revolutionary tratiors who call themselves Sumaists.Every household will be searched.Anyone found with Illegal items and affiliated with Sumaists will be sent to Re-Educuation Centers in the Altaic Mountains!'' Yelled a Man wearing a Coat decorated with Medals it looked like they were in a Truck.''Now Comrade Ak-ool wants minimum lose of civil life so do not shoot unless necesary.Good Luck comrades.'' he added as those who listened to him started to get out of the Truck,they did look a bit like soldiers but those who lived in Tuva would know they were the feared Secret Service of the Communist Party.

[Sorry I was busy editing my overview and fixing errors like the pictures. I'm back now.]

The courier nodded his head and followed Ak-ool to his car. The courier was impressed at how such a vehicle survived the war.
(Now that made me Laugh! Lada!)

''You see Comrade,Tuva has made much progress in the last Fifteen years.From a few Waring Tribes we created a functioning Goverment and a Industry base capable of Supplying addequate goods to the common folk.'' he said to the Redliner.''But while we can satsify the needs of the people,The Red Army needs more,we need to build more Factories for Military Purposes but we lack the necessary materials for that.'' he added as they were passing by a line of people that were faced towards building while Communist Agents searched them.''Could I get your name by the way Comrade?'' asked the Elder Leader.''We have arrived Comrade Ak-ool'' came the voice of Ak-ool's second in Command Kök-ool,outside there was the Old Tuvan Assembly,rebuilt from it's ruins into the Fortress of Communist Party,The flag of Tuva flied high and proud in every corner as Countless Soldiers patroled the area.''Good.'' said Ak-ool as he got out of the car.''Fallow'' he added looking at the Red Liner.

(Now that made me Laugh! Lada!)

''You see Comrade,Tuva has made much progress in the last Fifteen years.From a few Waring Tribes we created a functioning Goverment and a Industry base capable of Supplying addequate goods to the common folk.'' he said to the Redliner.''But while we can satsify the needs of the people,The Red Army needs more,we need to build more Factories for Military Purposes but we lack the necessary materials for that.'' he added as they were passing by a line of people that were faced towards building while Communist Agents searched them.''Could I get your name by the way Comrade?'' asked the Elder Leader.''We have arrived Comrade Ak-ool'' came the voice of Ak-ool's second in Command Kök-ool,outside there was the Old Tuvan Assembly,rebuilt from it's ruins into the Fortress of Communist Party,The flag of Tuva flied high and proud in every corner as Countless Soldiers patroled the area.''Good.'' said Ak-ool as he got out of the car.''Fallow'' he added looking at the Red Liner.


The courier got out of the car as well. "Pavel koshkov is my name." he would proceed to follow him, Looking around the environment. He would wait to talk about much else until arriving in the office as told.

[Also gonna need to use this post again for something else. I keep forgetting something.]


Catherine, the spy. Returns to russia from Poland, she erased her name from the records she could and then returned to her home. She gave a report on the polish to the emperor, and then after being dismissed she went home, took a shower, and then went to sleep. She slept with the light on, and after consuming some sleeping agent to cause her to fall asleep faster.
Radium Hot Springs

The Eclipsian message was recieved and a reply was sent. "The superpower usually got the last laugh? Perhaps you should have read the histories slightly more carefully. The Vietnam war? Superpower lost. Korean War? Superpower failed to eradicate the threat. War in Afghanistan? Lost. Iraq? Created instability in the region and really just lost a bunch of troops with no real positive change. Plus, those were much smaller nations with less equipment. We are an ocean-spanning kingdom, armed to the teeth with dangerous weaponry. We know our lands, and why attack us over a burned island with no casualties when it would cost so many lives? A landing where your troops would fight wet and weary uphill against fresh battle-hardened soldiers, then had to cross both the Coastal Range AND the Rockies to reach us? An attack on the east, marching through miles of marsh and misery, while trying to assault heavily fortified bunker cities? An assault on the north, where your tired, freezing troops would face men who had spent years learning winter combat and had experience in two wars there? An attack on Australia? What a joke, few have even managed to get tiny parties of a dozen or so people across that desert, and our cities are ready for sieges that last years. Don't underestimate us. Numbers aren't everything, my friend, and we have troops within your borders at this very moment who fight loyally for your civil war now and will enter their tactical positions if you even dare to threaten us like this. We didn't destroy any buildings, we didn't kill any Rising Empire scum, and unless you expect us to actually pump resources back into the earth, what's done is done. An alliance isn't an excuse. I think you know deep down that what they did was aggressive and wrong, and you don't want to lose your credibility. Our kingdom is ready, and if you truly believe this is worth a war, then just remember all the people you're killing when you let that happen."

@Loyal Guardian

(This whole thing is basically becoming a whole Cold War between us. Don't make jt a true war.)


The troops who had just finished fighting the Summaists were ordered to stay in the field. If the Eclipsians were truly as dumb as they were acting, then Australia was in a dangerously close position and had to be protected. More recruits were trained to supplement this.


The entire kingdom was prepared. The navy was boosted, huge fortresses dotted the country, men were stationed throughout the nation, and supply routes were established. All men prayed the Eclipsians would let this go. Still, the levies were raised to gain as many troops as possible.


A plane circled the city. "We request an immedeate conference with the Singaporean Federation. It is very urgent, there is a very serious threat to our safety."



The suits were nearing completion. The Non-Newtonian elements were reacting more predictably, and almost all tests were successes. They would soon enter production.



20 new battleships built.

150,000 men recruited.

Nation fortified and prepared for war.

Teleportation at 80% completion.
Iberian Province

The Defending Order troops had dug in and fortified their positions against the Summarists. The battle was long and full of bloodshed, the sound of exploding proton tank shells and proton bombs filled the air throughout the battle. When the battle was finally won, the summarists were pushed back, but at a price. 500k Order soldiers lie dead on the fields, along with 400 tanks destroyed and 200 planes shot down. MM Torrad orders the factories to produce 400 tanks and 200 planes to recoup the losses, it is estimated to take about a month to complete.

@Loyal Guardian

Order Empire Tacticle Map.png


Parades and festivities are being held all across the Order Empire, as today for them is Founding Day, the day the nation's leaders found Oxford and rebuilt it, turning it into the capitol of the nation. A few years later, on the same day, the entirety of the British Isle had been claimed. For the Order People, this a truly a momentous occasion for them. In similar news, the military is patrolling the major cities and local police force in smaller cities have increased in presence, in order no attacks happen during the celebrations.

Research and Development Center, Oxford, Britian

Without having a major project to do for a while and having new ideas springing to mind, IM Arran orders the commencement of the Virgo Project. Not much details released about the project, only that it has something to do with the Order Space Program (OSP).

Main Communications Center, Oxford, Britain

Seeing the militarization of the Rockies from the surveillance satellite orbiting the Earth, DM Alastair sent the news to MM Torrad who then, in turn, requested a meeting with the Minister of Defense/Military of the Rockies.

@Fishman Lord
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Schneizel,Max, Lelouch and anya was at the Pendragon Landing platform when an officer rushed towards Max and whispered something. Max nodded and the officer ran back. His smile turned to a serious face. He looked at schneizel then at the Singaporean Chairman.

"Excuse me" He said "I have to do something very important." He then walked away. Anya looked at him and sighed. She then followed him back inside.

Max went inside the Surface Command Room if the Pendragon. Sattelite showed that the Rockians were ready to mobilize their army. An unbelievable amount of soldiers were ready for a Large scale war. Max was alarmed and ordered the officers to relay his commands. The number if border guards were to be tripled at once and have all Soldiers ready. Prepare the defenses and recharge all blaze luminous across the empire. The police were at high security and ready to act in order to protect the citizens. Max called for an Audience with the Eclipsian Empire emperor. Max feared that something big would happen.

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Alteras
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Byron received a message from the Rockies, he decided to answer it.

"To be honest your not worth my time as i have a civil war to end. However i'll answer your replies as you have done with mine. If you think our troops are weary and exhausted then think again, their blood is boiling with rage and are battle-hardened form the many battle environments they've experienced. They fought in arctic, forest, desert, plains, swampland, mountains, and urbanized areas throughout this civil war. If anything they are more prepared to fight a war thanks to actual experience on the battle field, not to mention the training all of them went through during their time at the bases. As for the number of troops you have deployed, while i am grateful, are few. From what i believe only about two hundred or so are in my borders. Nothing a five million man army can stop. As for those wars you listed let me tell you why the superpower got the last laugh. In Korea the northerners were eventually hated enough, even by their own ally, to the point that nobody cared about their threats and when they did they were swiftly defeated. In Vietnam you're right the superpower did lose due to unfamiliar terrain, however the eventual winner realized that pure communism was impossible and implemented democratic ideals. Not only that but once their economy was starting to go under and their former ally would barely help, they turned to that superpower for trade. In Afghanistan the objective was accomplished and the superpower was victorious in their goal, not to mention that region has been at conflict with itself and its neighbors for multiple decades before the superpower came in. In Iraq the goal was accomplished as well, however you are right to say more instability came to that region as a consequence. And even though that instability erupted into civil war, that group was defeated and the superpowers actions allowed an entire ethnicity gain back its own nation. I originally sent my message to inform you that you broke the peace treaty by not allowing the Risers, no matter what your opinion is of them, the full opportunities of those lands. That in essence breaks the terms of the treaty and it needs to be undone before the entity that brokered it acts upon it. So i will ask you once more before the situation gets worse: Aid the Risers in repairing the land, issue and apology to them, and pay compensation for the land you razed. In return i might eb able to get the Risers to issue an apology for unknowingly claiming land you've already claimed."

After Byron finished saying all of that to the Rockies he was notified that the Risers want an audience with him. Instead of having either parties fly out to their respective capitols, he decided to have a video call with them. He opened the channel and began speaking.

"Greeting Max, what brings me the pleasure of your call?"

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

"You have permission to land." The plane landed and a limo picked them up and brought them to the prime minister's office.

@Fishman Lord

Pendragon, Greenland

"Singapore would like to open trade. Regardless of what we do here, that will happen. What we're here is to evaluate your stock market and decide if it is safe to open stock trading with your nation. Don't worry, we just want to make sure that the national bank to adjust it to meet the business cycle."



The boats approached the harbor. People were standing on the piers ready to resupply the ships. As the ships came into dock, many of the workers were surprised, shock, or in total and complete fear at the appearance of the serpens. The fleet was anchored. A car pulled forward and 5th Governor Chun Shun Liao climbed out and headed toward the ships. Arthur Lee ran out from his patrol boat and handed the translator to one of her aides.


(still pretty busy, will get back to the philippines rebellion in a moment.)

The main leader of the fleet, Ven'Ren approaches the Governor and respectfully bows. The rest of the sailors started bringing down crates of artifacts that were found in the ruins of refugee camps on the islands during the Great War.

"Ahhh, it's a honor to meet such a powerful person. I expected no less from a fellow female."
Her aide whispered into her ear and she smiled. "The same for you as well, Ms. Ven'Ren, to be entrusted with a fleet to explore the world. I am Governor Chun Shun Liao of the 5th District of the Singaporean Federation. It is a pleasure to meet new people, even those of a different race."


She smiles and has one of her men open up a crate filled with pre war books and items.

"I've heard artifacts tell tales better than any picture or story. I hope these aid in telling those tales."

"Greeting Emperor Bryon" He said with a smile "I have contacted you for a reason, and that reason concerns the security of the Rising Empire. Our Surveillance Sattelites found out that the Rockians have amassed their troops and ready for a possible war, in reaction the Rising Empire did the sams. Border guards were tripled and the Soldiers at the one disputed islands are at Red Alert. Along with our concerns, Emperor Schneizel wishes to give you and your empire gifts. 1,000 Knightmare frames that are made specially for the Eclipsian Empire, they are also called The 'Eclipsian-Class' Frames and for your gift, he wishes to give you a personal Knightmare Frame. The frame is far more superior than the normal ones. The last one is that Emperor Schneizel wishes to give you 3 Tanker ships full of liquid sakuradite.


Szhneizel nodded and smiled.

"The rising empire would like to open trade with your country" He said "As for the evaluation, you may continue."


"Greeting Emperor Bryon" He said with a smile "I have contacted you for a reason, and that reason concerns the security of the Rising Empire. Our Surveillance Sattelites found out that the Rockians have amassed their troops and ready for a possible war, in reaction the Rising Empire did the sams. Border guards were tripled and the Soldiers at the one disputed islands are at Red Alert. Along with our concerns, Emperor Schneizel wishes to give you and your empire gifts. 1,000 Knightmare frames that are made specially for the Eclipsian Empire, they are also called The 'Eclipsian-Class' Frames and for your gift, he wishes to give you a personal Knightmare Frame. The frame is far more superior than the normal ones. The last one is that Emperor Schneizel wishes to give you 3 Tanker ships full of liquid sakuradite. You can refit them if you wish"

EE class frame


Eclipsian Imperial Frame




Szhneizel nodded and smiled.

"The rising empire would like to open trade with your country" He said "As for the evaluation, you may continue."

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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I thank you for your gifts, it is most generous. As for my own frame i would need some instructions on how to use them." He said nervously laughing. "As for Rockians we are aware of the situation, which may have been provoked by us in a attempt to restore the terms of the peace treaty signed in Portland. If a war is to brew i would like for you to meet me in Eclipsim. Until then, take care." After that he turned off the communications panel.


The Eclipse Empire

Today shall remain a hallmark in Eclipsian history. For nine months (yes i looked back and checked) the empire faced its biggest challenge, a civil war that encompassed every mind and body within its borders. Now finally the last active rebel soldier was killed in Nicosia during the Invasion of Cyprus. The Indian Offensive successfully reached all objectives and recaptured Eclipsian Asia. The Greek Offensive had reached Athens and in a quick, brutal, siege the rebel leader Argus Panas was killed by General Io himself. Thanks to massive civilian uprisings in the Middle East, Eclipsian and Redline forces were able to capture the region much quicker than if they had not risen up. Finally the joint invasions of Crete and Cyprus were swift thanks to lessons learned from the Vestan War. Thanks to paratroopers and naval invasions on multiple beaches, Summaist and Greek forces were overwhelmed and finally beaten in the advance.

Victory however, almost always comes at a cost. The civil war left a scar on the nation as a whole. The capitol was attacked and damaged which was thought impossible at that point in the war, much of the countryside has battle scars filled with artillery holes and scorch marks, the economy of the country would have gone under if not for quick reforms and allied funding, and some of the nations finest men were killed in the conflict. In total over 4.5 million people died and 6 million people were injured, 92% of which was non-Eclipsian. In total there were 10.5 million casualties and millions of square miles were affected by the civil war. These combined make the Eclipsian Civil War the deadliest and most destructive conflict since the world began a new, marking it into human history. The war also gave the Greeks more respect as they effectively rose up against the empire and nearly took control of Eclipsian Europe, despite the fact that little to none Eclipsian forces were deployed into Europe until the start of the civil war. As a result the Greek Province's system was changed and renamed the Autonomous Province for the Greeks.

However despite all the death and destruction many around the empire joined together and commenced the civilian started project OP Mercy, which aims to completely rebuild the cities and countryside affected by the war. This garnered the attention of the imperial government and soon military forces aided the civilians in rebuilding the land. A week after the war Emperor Byron held a mass funeral for those fallen and there he thanked all the nations that aided the empire during what can be called the darkest time in the nation's history. It is also there that he honored two men who who heroically served their nation in desperate times, General Frios and Major Hayden, both of whom were young and fresh minds that brought a sense of new leadership.

Afterwords Byron meet with his generals Frios, Centauri, Io, Umberion, and Hayden as a guest and a filler for the now dead Revus. He told the men that current tensions with the Rockies could very well lead to war, so he instructed them to prepare the army once they have had a rest and relaxation period. Their break should coincide with the near complete rebuild of the empire next month. They then left the room, hoping no such thing would happen.

After the war and these events the Eclipsian Armed forces stand at 2.5 million active troops and 4.5 million reserve troops, along with a fresh batch of Implanted that number 500,000 strong. In total there are 7.5 Million men and women serving in the armed forces, making them the largest army in the world. Despite these staggering numbers the near fleeting economy, which is still being aided by foreign business markets and trade from Singapore, Cascadia, and the Risers.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Fishman Lord @RIPSaidCone (i tag you cause business and trade stuff)

Eclipsian Civil War

November, 3254 - August, 3255

Eclipsian Civil War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic Red-Line Empire
  • Kingdom of the Rockies (minor)

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers

"We are having a bit of a... troubled situation with the Eclipse Empire and I am afraid that war could happen very soon. While we hope this is not the case, if it does come to that we would like to know where you would stand. You are in the NWA with them, however you also have a separate alliance with us. We will try to stop the train barreling towards us, but if we can't, we would truly appreciate your support."


Communications Base

"Hello to our friends in the Order Empire. We are mobilizing due to the threats of the Eclipse Empire. We hope you understand our peril."


Radium Hot Springs

"THAT"S NOT WHAT WE WANT A GODDAMN APOLOGY FOR! WE WANT AN APOLOGY FOR THE MENTALLY UNSTABLE LUNATIC WHO RUNS THAT FROZEN WASTELAND WHO DECLARED WAR AND KILLED THOUSANDS OF MEN RATHER THAN ADMIT A MISTAKE! WE WANT AN APOLOGY FOR THE ECLIPSIANS WHO SUPPORTED THEM! WE WANT AND APOLOGY FOR WEEPING FAMILIES WHOSE FAMILY MEMBERS THE RISING EMPIRE SLAUGHTERED! WE WANT AN APOLOGY FOR THE ISLANDS THAT WE OWN THAT THEY BURNED AND RUINED!" The man began to calm down. "And we want an apology for a leader who is so weak and so uncharismatic that eighty thousand of his troops would abandon him in the middle of civil war simply because of a slight disagreement. If you declare war, we will show you the true meaning of a feudal levy. We can raise millions if we want, and they will fight hard and loyally for their king. This isn't worth a war, but we'll fight to the last breath of air if you make it one."

@Loyal Guardian@Wickedkent


The teleportation was complete. The only step left was to begin manufacturing it. The Rockians had used science to defeat science.



Teleportation at 95%.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

It had not been long since the civil war ended and now Byron got a reply from the Rockies, he answered.

"I don't know if you listened to the report that the Order Empire gave, but the Rising Empire wasn't the ones who broke the ceasefire. A terrorist group called the Northern Stars so if you are going to blame anyone for the slaughter and subsequent slaughter, blame them. As for the mistake in the claiming, like i have said i'll try to see if they would agree to the public apology for that. What's done is done and the peace had been made. However you broke that peace deal by committing scorched earth on the land that should have been the Risers rightful land by treaty, and then you swiftly build over the land you didn't burn to full control the economy on that area. As you may have heard your civil war has ended and our troops and homeland are recovering fast at unprecedented levels, our military is at staggering numbers, and they are fully prepared to fight on multiple terrain. However i would like to avoid a potential war, so i shall ask again as the broker of peace and the one who wants to keep the peace. Please aid the Risers in rebuilding the land you burned and issue an apology for what happened, in return i shall formally apologize and have the Risers apologize for the mistake that they made. However the peace treaty shall still stand since it has already been signed by both parties. The choice is up to you, until then."

Byron then decided to send a message to the Order Empire and Singaporean Federation, predicting that the Rockians might try to gain their favor.

"To my dear allies within the NWA, i would like to inform you of recent events. As you may or may not know, recently the Kingdom of the Rockies has launched a scorched earth policy in Riser land as proposed in the Treaty of Portland and then proceeded to build economic facilities on the lands not burned, effectively blocking them full rights to the islands effected. By doing this they violate a few terms of the treaty by not allowing the Risers the full economic rights in to the area. The reason why i have taken these actions as i was a broker to the treaty that was signed, therefore i feel as though i should take action. I understand your relationship between the Rockians is important to you, however this is a situation between the broker and the signatory. I am hoping we avoid war, considering the fact we have just gotten out of a very deadly one, but their arrogance and refusal to aid in the rebuilding of the land and an issued apology to the Risers is a boiling point. As you may know, the breaking of a treaty is a Casus Belli for the one who brokered, so i would like to avoid this potential war as much as possible."

@Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Alteras
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Chun walked over to the crate and peered inside. Her face was that of disbelief. She looked up back at Ven'Ren. "I thought these were lost! The University library and Singapore museums are the only place we know of that still retain such things." She looked over as more crates are started to be brought down. "No, keep these treasures of a lost era with you until you reach Singapore. We don't have the proper equipment to preserve all these here in Shanghai. You must be starved, eat with us while the staff here prepares your ship for the next voyage."


Pendragon, Greenland

"Thank you, if you'll excuse us." The group began to walk away and then stopped. The chairman sheepishly turned around and said, "Where is your stock market?"



As the diplomats talked to Zeph Jeanes, an aide brought in a message from the Eclipse Empire. He read through it, took a sip of water, and leaned back. "I urge you to avoid war. I don't care if you open a cold war or don't even acknowledge the eclipse or the risers, just don't send boys and girls toward their death. If war breaks out, we shall remain neutral and maintain trade. We'll provide humanitarian aid where needed, but we will never be an offensive force for you."

@Loyal Guardian@Fishman Lord

Headquarters Signal and Command Systems, Singapore

With the end of the eclipsian civil war, the Indian offensive was completed. Troops began to withdraw, leaving only 10,000 to aid in transition and repair. 25,000 was sent to aid the Philippines effort and another 25,000 to Capetown to prepare for a march into CAF land.

@Loyal Guardian

(Way too tired to get back to roleplaying the phillippines rn)
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"I thank you for your gifts, it is most generous. As for my own frame i would need some instructions on how to use them." He said nervously laughing. "As for Rockians we are aware of the situation, which may have been provoked by us in a attempt to restore the terms of the peace treaty signed in Portland. If a war is to brew i would like for you to meet me in Eclipsim. Until then, take care." After that he turned off the communications panel.


The Eclipse Empire

Today shall remain a hallmark in Eclipsian history. For nine months (yes i looked back and checked) the empire faced its biggest challenge, a civil war that encompassed every mind and body within its borders. Now finally the last active rebel soldier was killed in Nicosia during the Invasion of Cyprus. The Indian Offensive successfully reached all objectives and recaptured Eclipsian Asia. The Greek Offensive had reached Athens and in a quick, brutal, siege the rebel leader Argus Panas was killed by General Io himself. Thanks to massive civilian uprisings in the Middle East, Eclipsian and Redline forces were able to capture the region much quicker than if they had not risen up. Finally the joint invasions of Crete and Cyprus were swift thanks to lessons learned from the Vestan War. Thanks to paratroopers and naval invasions on multiple beaches, Summaist and Greek forces were overwhelmed and finally beaten in the advance.

Victory however, almost always comes at a cost. The civil war left a scar on the nation as a whole. The capitol was attacked and damaged which was thought impossible at that point in the war, much of the countryside has battle scars filled with artillery holes and scorch marks, the economy of the country would have gone under if not for quick reforms and allied funding, and some of the nations finest men were killed in the conflict. In total over 4.5 million people died and 6 million people were injured, 92% of which was non-Eclipsian. In total there were 10.5 million casualties and millions of square miles were affected by the civil war. These combined make the Eclipsian Civil War the deadliest and most destructive conflict since the world began a new, marking it into human history. The war also gave the Greeks more respect as they effectively rose up against the empire and nearly took control of Eclipsian Europe, despite the fact that little to none Eclipsian forces were deployed into Europe until the start of the civil war. As a result the Greek Province's system was changed and renamed the Autonomous Province for the Greeks.

However despite all the death and destruction many around the empire joined together and commenced the civilian started project OP Mercy, which aims to completely rebuild the cities and countryside affected by the war. This garnered the attention of the imperial government and soon military forces aided the civilians in rebuilding the land. A week after the war Emperor Byron held a mass funeral for those fallen and there he thanked all the nations that aided the empire during what can be called the darkest time in the nation's history. It is also there that he honored two men who who heroically served their nation in desperate times, General Frios and Major Hayden, both of whom were young and fresh minds that brought a sense of new leadership.

Afterwords Byron meet with his generals Frios, Centauri, Io, Umberion, and Hayden as a guest and a filler for the now dead Revus. He told the men that current tensions with the Rockies could very well lead to war, so he instructed them to prepare the army once they have had a rest and relaxation period. Their break should coincide with the near complete rebuild of the empire next month. They then left the room, hoping no such thing would happen.

After the war and these events the Eclipsian Armed forces stand at 2.5 million active troops and 4.5 million reserve troops, along with a fresh batch of Implanted that number 500,000 strong. In total there are 7.5 Million men and women serving in the armed forces, making them the largest army in the world. Despite these staggering numbers the near fleeting economy, which is still being aided by foreign business markets and trade from Singapore, Cascadia, and the Risers.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Fishman Lord @RIPSaidCone (i tag you cause business and trade stuff)

Eclipsian Civil War

November, 3254 - August, 3255

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic Red-Line Empire
  • Kingdom of the Rockies (minor)

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers

[Sorry that I didn't actually participate with legit posts. I was busy trying to fix the photos in my overview.]

70 FT-40S, 5,769 soviet troops, 7 katyusha tanks, and the 2,000 soldiers from the gallian army went to go back home. 30 FT-40S, 2,341 soviet troops, and the 3,000 soldiers from the gallian army died, and had no vehicles to return the bodies. Soldiers literally have to drag the corpses back home, while a few dozen could be put on the vehicles.

After eventually returning home, the bodies were buried in yamburg as honorary memoriam. As yamburg use to be a location where russia got priceless oil, and obliterated the summaist threat. A long overdue ceremony, and award ceremony would be held in a week.

Ven'Ren nods and has the crate resealed.

"Very well. The Lore Keepers of the temples back in the Kuril Wastelands also have copied some literature that couldn't be preserved in its original form. If all goes well, plenty of shipments will be sent to your leaders. I'll even save a crate for you, if you want."

She softly smiles at her.

"And yes, I would love some food. But be sure to make sure my men are fed? They need a good meal, they've been eating silk wolf jerky and hardtacks for too long."

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