The World of Tomorrow

The fleet soon notices the ships approaching and slow down, waiting for them to arrive.

When the patrol ships get there, they see that the reports were correct. The ships were extremely low tech and ancient compared to the ones they were in. There didn't even seem to be any sort of communications that they could hail.

Then a flash of light starts to appear from the crow's nest at the top of the ships. The computers on the ship soon translate it from Morse code. It seems to be that they were asking if they were friends or foe.

Far East Outpost, East Chinese Territory, Eclipse Empire

The garrison at the outpost had gotten bored very quickly. The civil war was now nowhere near them and they had to guard a, while strategically important naval position, near empty base. The only things there was the some sixty troops guarding the place, a few T-99 Tanks, and a single corvette along with three patrol boats. The head of the garrison had his helmet off, resting his head on his hand, looking quite bored. He jolted at the sound of the perimeter alarm going off. When he looked to see the breach it wasn't on land, but rather at the sea. He sent an order to have the four ships docked there, along with fifteen men, to go out and investigate. The sailors of the ships got onto their respective ships and the fifteen soldiers got onto the corvette, named IENS Polar, and headed off to the breach. The quickly sailed to the area and when they arrived they were a little confused when they saw wooden ships. At first they thought it might have been a fishing fleet from another nation, however that didn't look the case. The corvette approached and stopped at a slight distance while the three patrol boats went ahead. One soldier went on each boat and as they approached the ships they noticed movement, to which they were alerted and raised their guard. One of the soldiers called out. "Hey, there anyone in there?"


Open Waters

The 2 patrol ships saw the eclipse ships. A radio signal was sent out to eclipsian corvette. "This is Singaporean Federation Shanghai Patrol ship S-107 and S-108 to Eclipsian Corvette IENS Polar. I guess you guys are here to check out the new people. We got reports from japan that they came in from the east. We're opening light communication with them, and if possible, we'll board the ship with you guys. Over." The captain got up onto the deck and started flashing the message "Friendly. Them Too."

@Loyal Guardian@Vaaxius

The remains of the CAF government replied. "We are going to lose this quickly without aid, the majority of our military and the entire west of the country is taken over. We are fighting a guerrilla war until aid comes. If you do not save us, then the Summaist may take africa. Help, please"

Capetown, Singaporean Africa

The message was read to Gov Chang. "Ugh, let the government officials in Pretoria. Authorize an impromptu Sea to land bombardment from Sao Tome and Principle." The order was sent to Sao Tome and Principle Naval Base, which replied, "Alright, but this is on you, governor. We don't have the resources to do this." Rockets started flying and hitting the western coast of CAF for 15 minutes. "And that's about all we can do. No missiles here. Just some rocket artillery strapped onto a bunch of boats."


Southern China, East Chinese Territory (i ain't gonna try to type or pronounce the name of the place lol)

Hayden put down his salute while Centauri spoke to the man. "It's no problem, trust me having to wait to strike while the order isn't there is a pain. Anyways i thank you for sending your troops, with them it shall be much easier taking Burma and India. Our two nations have fought together before, and now we fight together again. It's almost as if luck and fate want our nations to be the greatest of allies ain't it? Anyways my troops are ready to move out, and from the sound of so are yours, shall we begin this offensive?"


Sri Lanka Naval Base

Admiral Umberion had his small fleet dock at the naval base. The ships were now being resupplied and a Singaporean engineer team approached Umberion. He told them to take good care of his ships and aid his men in the resupplying and arming. After that he walked towards to where he thought Admiral Belcher might be and when he arrived he was glad to see the Singaporean admiral.

"Belcher, it is good to see you old friend. How are things going?" Umberion said in a casual manner. After all, he considered the Singaporean to be a friend of his.


Xiguangbanna, Southern China

"Well, maybe luck and fate decided to at least give us this much. Let us begin the offensive." General Jain turned around to the makeshift command center of tents. The head operator yelled a single syllable and the camp went quiet. "Commence the Indian Offensive. Majulah Singapura. Majulah Eclipsum." "Majulah Singapura. Majulah Eclipsum." And the operators returned to their work. Vehicles began moving and soldiers marching.

@Loyal Guardian

Sri Lanka Naval Base

As Admiral Umberion entered the command room, the head operator ceased talking and saluted the admiral. She returned back to work. Admiral Belcher, perplexed by her actions looked around until he saw Admiral Umberion. He got up while Umberion was talking and walking towards him. "Haha, Umberion! it's great to see you again. Not much has happened. After the Oroguay War, only action we saw was 100,000 soldiers get their butts frozen in the Rockies. How about you? Any exciting tales?"

@Loyal Guardian
Main Communications Center, Oxford, Britain

Hearing the response, Alastair spoke into the microphone again. "Ah, well, nice to meet you Mensa, it's always good to hear from a new nation now and then. We recognize your sovereignty. Oh and I have to warn you, stay clear of the Iberian Peninsula, not safe at the moment, some rebels that's all."


Iberian Peninsula

Naval and Aerial bombardment continues and the land forces are met with a summarian offensive. The Order troops dig in to repel the attackers and trying to minimize casualties. Meanwhile some of the planes are now bombing important positions on the summarian offensive.

@Loyal Guardian
Project batomys 100%.

The tank was completed on the new tank design, and had ragnite plating and coating on the more important decks such as the command center, the generators/radiators, and the tracks. The tank was to be demonstrated sometime soon.


Economic project 100%.

The surface was scavenged and a few thousand was obtained from prewar artifacts, maps, books, and miscellaneous things by selling them to the scholar association.


Nuke repair project 33%.

The Soviets would proceed to replace destoyed innards of the nuclear weapon, and would add panels to the boosters and begin maintenance on the boosters.


A random guy with a note was sent to the socialist republic. It asked if they needed anything, as soon as it was sent the courier would as quickly leave. It'd have a phone number on the end of it. @High Moon
(Now we can do the fun RP stuff)

Okinawa Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

"Errr... sir? you should look at this." "What is it?" "A message from the Japan Squadron. They sent us a picture." In a blurry mess, the vague shapes of ships. "Where was this?" "They got it from a fishermen who came into port. He was fishing up north. He said they were headed west?" "Hmm, send 2 patrol ships from the Shanghai Fleet to stop by them?" "Umm... sure." Ships were sent to meet the fleet.


Nordic Union Airspace

Gov Khey Lim's plane entered Nordic Union Airspace from the west. (And so begins Governor Khey Lim's search for the greatest bottle of vodka)


Greenland Airspace

Chairman Shi and his advisors' plane entered Rising Empire Airspace.


Schneizel was informed that one of the High Authorities of Singapore is coming to talk with him. He nodded and ordered his men to get some aircraft to escort them towards the Pendragon airspace and to prepare to open the Transparent Blaze Luminous that is always surrounding and active around the Pendragon. The soldier bowed and left Schneizel alone in the throne room. The Aircraft of the Singaporean Chairman was escorted by 5 Air superiority fighters and 1  Caerleon-Class air Battleship. The Blaze Luminous Shield opened a small part of it where the Aircrafts could pass. They landed at the Pendragon Landing platform and was greeted by Schneizel,Lelouch,Max and Anya.

Another rope ladder was lowered in the direction of the Singaporean Federation ships, the snake like crew could be seen preparing the ship for the guests that were coming aboard
Burma Province, Eclipse Empire

With the Singaporean general's official commencement of the offensive, the troops on the front lines began to push against the Summaist rebels quickly without giving them a chance to recover. The main goal of the offensive was to retake the Indian Province, however they had to get through the Burma Province. The terrain allowed for plenty of traps and mines to be set along the trails, however both armies were prepared for this and avoided most of the mines and traps. Despite this a few of their vehicles and infantry were victims of the mines. They pushed forward and they had finally reached the capitol of the Burma Province, Rangoon. Once they had reached there a heavy artillery barrage hit the city and under the cover of night stealth operatives moved into the city to take down any significant enemy defense positions. By the next day the city was in their hands and what was thought by some military analysts to be a long battle, only lasted a day and a half. After regrouping, rearming, and resting for a day or so the army pushed out once again and by the next day they had already reached the Indian Province's borders. All of this coincided with the other Eclipsian offensives across Eclipsian Asia and the naval invasions of Southern India.


Sri Lanka Naval Base

A few days before those events however was the meeting between the Admirals of both nations. At that time the offensive had just began and the troops had only begun moving.

"Well same here. Except we had 300,000 men freezing there asses off in Greenland. Looks like even both ends had some trouble with weather huh?" He said with a smile. Despite being "enemies" during the Second Canadian War, he still considered Belcher that ally he made back in Oroguay. "So how about this invasion, when ya going to make it happen?"


Open Waters

The crew of the Polar saw the ships with Singaporean designation and soon got their transmission. "This is the IENS Polar, we read you loud and clear. These things seem to be speaking a different language than us, so light communication might be possible. However the three men about to board their ship has a possible way communicating, but you light communication might be necessary. Over."

With the transmission sent and the ladders sent down to the men, they climbed the ladders only to find these snake like creatures. They could hear a completely different language and could most definitely not understand them. However from the body language and movements they could see excitement. Their suits is what probably excited them most, to them they were so advanced looked beyond their own knowledge of science (picture of the suits at the bottom). They tried their own little light communication attempt before the Singaporeans could come. The leader of the three man then flashed his helmet flashlight saying "Hello. Any Books?"

@Alteras @Vaaxius

Eclipsian Civil War

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Eclipsian Civil War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic-Redline Empire

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers

Ganymede Power Armor.jpg
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European Military Command


They were advancing and retaking the territories that the rebels took. They were arresting everybody who tries to resist as Suzaku thought that killing them would be pointless. Some enemy were just armed with weapons that could do little to no damage to them, but Suzaku are not underestimating them. 

Rising gunships were flying over the skies. Suzaku insisted that they would be the Advance units so they could suppress any resistance before the Main Eclipsian Army arrives. Schneizel ordered him to make sure that there would be only little casualties on the side of the Eclipsian Empire.

@Loyal Guardian(I made my troops Advance, if that doesnt bother you)
@Loyal Guardian

One of the sailor nods and slither s into a cabin, coming back with a few books.

Each one was encased in a wooden box to protect it from the elements. Some seemed to be in Russian and others in Japanese. They then notice how some words sounded familiar, then it starts to make sense.

The mutants were talking in a mixture of both languages. They could decipher what they were saying if they had someone that spoke Russian or Japanese.
Eclipsian Europe

The Risers pushed forward before the Eclipsian army to avoid the Eclipsians taking as much casualties as possible. As General Io's army pushed towards the Black Sea to receive a special equipment sent over by the main army. Within a few days the allied forces had captured all of the European Provinces except for the Greek Province. When Io's army reached the Black Sea's coast, their new equipment could be seen approaching them. Two Jovian Sky Platforms had made their way across the Black Sea and were now in Io's hands. The fleet that transported these platforms was then ordered to blockade New Constantinople in preparation for the battle there. The Sky Platforms then made their way towards the Greek border, ready to launch the final offensive on the Golden Dawn Republic.

@Wickedkent @Agent141(since your forces are in Eclipsian Europe as well)

Open Seas

The men noticed the books were in Russian or Japanese, or some kind of combination of both. They took the books that held the combined language. The leader of the team opened the first book and opened his wrist device, which projected a holographic screen, which in turn made the serpent-like people even more astound. His fellow team member rapidly flipped the pages while the holographic screen rapidly scanned the pages and deciphered the words in quick succession. They did this with the next few books that had their language and soon they deemed they had enough words that they could have a reasonable conversation with them. Now he could speak into his device, the words would be translated to the serpents language, then they could read it and speak back to them in their own tongue, which the device would translate their words back into English for the man. He then asked a simple question. "Who are you, and where did you come from?"

Radium Hot Springs

A message was sent to the Eclipse and Rising Empire. "Generally, the aggressor pays reperations in a war. The Eclipse Empire needs to learn when to mind it's own damn business when it comes to foreign wars. For further reading, we have sent a history of the Vietnam War, Korean War, Iraq War, War in Afghanistan, and other such classic tales of a 'peacekeeper' in foreign lands. We signed your damn treaty, now back the hell off." True to their word, all of these histories were sent to the Eclipsians.

@Wickedkent@Loyal Guardian


Research continued at a good speed. Soon, a select few would be able to travel around the world in less than ten minutes.

Communications Center

The Cascadian message was recieved. "While we appreciate it, what the Rising Empire did was more than a war. It was a personal insult to our Kingdom's claims and sovereignty. The war is over, but that does not mean they are forgiven."




Research at 70%
Open Waters

One of the patrol ships approached the nearest boat. One of the sailors, in blue camo and a black beret, climbed up the ladder and saw the eclipsian's flipping through the book. He looked around and saw the snake-like being. In a bit of a shock, he slowly shuffled his way to the eclipsians. He heard them finish the translation and decided to radio the patrol ship. "Kanzaki, get me the programmable translator. Yes, the one the eclipsians gave us a few years ago." After a while, another sailor, also in blue camo and a black beret climbed up the ladder and, in much the same way, shuffled to the group while staring at the Serpens. He handed the translator to the eclipsian and he returned it with the translation programmed in.

@Vaaxius@Loyal Guardian

Pendragon, Rising Empire

The chairman and his advisors approached the group. "Hello, I am Chairman Shi Chun Lin of the Monetary Authority of Singapore. These are my advisors. Thank you for having us on such short notice."


(In a bit of rush, wanted to get at least this much in before I go offline again)
@Loyal Guardian

The officer's eyes widen as he kneels before him.

"Al'Sni's vanguard... We're honored to be in your presence.... I am Zen'Vus of the Twin flags fleet.... We came from the Kuril Wastelands in search of other civilizations on orders from the Empress."
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron was out of himself lately, and he knew it. Once word had reached to him about the downfall of the CAF he scoffed and said to himself, "The fools, we tried to warn them." before being interrupted by his main adviser.

"Yes Miss Sao?"

"My Emperor, the Kingdom of the Rockies has sent us a reply."

"Not that our little message needed one, let me see please." He stretched out his hand and she gave him her tablet. As he read it he just gave out a sigh, he already knew about those wars. "Tell them that that in each case the foreign peacekeeper was the superpower, and that in most of them the superpower got the last laugh. It is safe to say that we are currently the world's strongest military, despite this civil war, which is going to end by next summer at the latest."

"Anything else, My Emperor?"

"Tell them this: That even though we are a foreign power, the Risers are our ally. Your move to disallow them any gains from those lands simply violates the treaty, the one i brokered to end that blasted war. Therefore i have a perfect Casus Belli to declare war on your kingdom if you do not aid the Risers in rebuilding that area. If you refuse to do so, i can guarantee that the Summaists won't be the only ones i'll eradicate under my reign. You know it yourself, i am the world's current superpower militarily. I think it would be wise of you to dismiss your pride and hatred for the Risers and simply stick to peace."

@Fishman Lord

Open Waters

The officer raised a brow in his helmet. He thought the Kuril's were a complete wasteland, the main reason why the empire didn't set up an outpost there. When he saw the Singaporeans bring him the device he thanked them and continued to speak to the serpents.

"I see. Well i come from the Eclipse Empire and my comrades here in blue are from the Singaporean Federation. Both of our countries are allies and we are glad to meet a unique people such as yourselves. The Singaporeans specialize in economy and such while we specialize in technology and military."

@Vaaxius @Alteras
@Loyal Guardian

"It's an honor to meet such a blessed nation.. Tell me, how did you earn the favor of Al'Sni? What offerings did you make to her?"

The way he were saying Al'Sni and how referred to him at first must have meant that Al'Sni was a god they worshipped.

"But that's besides the point... May we be lead to your lands so we might tell the Empress of your wonders?"
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Open Waters

The sailor named Kanzaki was even more shocked. He is a Japanese navy officer, who served in the Taipei expansion before the collapse and regime change to United Japan. He changed his allegiance to the Singaporean Federation when it happened. His childhood was spent reading books about the superpower that japan use to be. When he heard "Kuril Wasteland." He was surprised. His books described the Kuril Islands as islands covered in green and some vegetation. The other sailor was concerned about more important things though. He looked at the eclipsian officer and radioed back. "They, ummm, how should I put this... umm, are snake people..." Silence over the radio. "And they want to see the Eclipse's and Singapore's land..." More silence. "You're joking right?" "No sir. They also speak japanese-russian kind of a language..." A sigh could be heard over the radio. The captain decided to radio the IENS Polar. "You heard all that right? Please tell me that my men are joking and you guys see humans."

@Loyal Guardian@Vaaxius

(Decided to prioritize this small RP since we have more than 2 people)
Open Waters

The captain of the IENS Polar saw the transmission and sighed. "That's a negative S-107 and S-108 my men have confirmed the occupants of those ships are indeed serpent-like people who have human level intelligence." The officer on the wooden ship was still speaking to the serpents.

"Al'Sni must be a god you worship. From the sound of it already it is one that his of high respect and honor. However the Eclipse Empire is an Atheistic nation, we don't believe in deities or religious teachings. However thanks to the reign of our current emperor he has shown us that everybody is entitled to their own opinion. Therefor we shall respect your god's the same as you might. As for coming to our lands that wouldn't be a wise choice unless you want to take risks. Currently we are experiencing a civil war and despite the fact we are winning and are going to win, it would be a bit dangerous for foreign envoys to come into our lands at present. However if you wish to trek forward then we can arrange for someone to pick you up in a military convoy, take you through former front lines, and reach to one of great cities Solaris and if you wish to our capitol, Eclipsim. However our capitol and Solaris was recently attacked so they may not be in the pristine condition she once was. But here are pictures of their skylines before their respective battles. The first is of Eclipsim and the next Solaris.

@Alteras @Vaaxius



Another officer slithers over to him, but evident by the clothing and slightly raised cloth around thr chest, it was female.

She looks at his radio with amazement, slightly poking it before restraining herself. She softly bows and smiles at him.

(Just FYI, females are higher on their hierarchy)
@Loyal Guardian

The officer looks at the pictures with amazement then back at him.

"You don't worship any gods? Not even the forces of nature? Then how do you ensure a good harvest or a safe voyage to your destinations?"
Open Seas

The officer looked at the Singaporean and smirked inside his helm, then back towards the serpent he was talking to.

"None at all, although we do have a special province created for people of faith to live in. As with forces of nature Meteorology helps us predict storms and such, however nature is a force we know as one should not trifle with or they might get bit. With harvesting we have farmers, producers, and safe-genetic engineering (OOC: That's right i said it!) to get our food supply. And thanks to technological advancement we have vehicles that hover off the ground, even common ones. Our air travel is the fastest and safest in the world, hell we literally have floating sky platforms. And we have ambitions to set up permanent stations on the Moon and Mars soon. Like i have said before, even without the need to believe in deities we have accomplished and gone through many trials and still come out on top or step out making the wisest decisions."

@Alteras @Vaaxius 
Open Waters

Kanzaki handed her a spare radio set, pointed to the talk button, and switch the line to private line. He then turned on his own radio and tuned to the same frequency. In his dazed state, he decided that he might as well interact with them and faint later, if that was even possible. The other sailor, Lee, was talking with the Eclipsian officer and the Serpens. "Here is a picture of Singapore. As he has said, the eclipsians have a, umm, remarkable amount of knowledge of the world and its workings. Singapore on the other hand, celebrates multiple gods, but most commonly ?? (Budai), the Laughing Buddha, a deity of wealth and contentment." Back on the patrol ship, the captain radioed back to the Shanghai fleet and the Okinawa Naval Base. A voice came in from the Shanghai Fleet. "This is Governor Chun. Let them come to Singapore." The captain was surprised by the call, and let the sailors on the ship know. Lee received the message and said, "My superiors have decided to let you come to Singapore."


@Vaaxius@Loyal Guardian
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@Loyal Guardian

He nods in understatement and respectfully bows.

"Once your civil war ends, may we open trade with your nation? The Empress would adore having allies beyond our borders."


The woman nods and speaks to the sailors, letting them all know what was happening. 

"May the Three bless your people and nation. We are honored to be allowed to see your great city. My name is Ven'Iris if you wish to know."

(Zen is male, Ven is female. And yes, I'm making this up as I go on.)
General Secratary Ak-ool had returned to Kyzyl as soon as posible after the World Congress and now was overseeing construction of a new Coal mine.''The Five year plan is going well Comrade Kök-ool,soon we will have enough coal to heat all the Apartment complexes in our Glorious nation.'' said the Old Leader to his second in command.Then they heard the sound of a car engine,and since working cars were a rarity this would mean some one important was old Lada car had came to a stop at the construction site and Two Soldiers along with a foreigner exited from it.''Comrade Ak-ool!'' The Soldiers Saluted.''At ease Comrade.'' said the Old Leader.''This trespaser claims to have been sent by the Red Liners.'' The soldier informed.''Red Liners? by Lenin unhand the man.Detaining our fellow Comrades is not...polite.'' said Ak-ool,and the Two soldiers relased the man.''You see this Comrade?'' he said pointing at the construction site.''This is the future of Tuva,coal to supply homes and factories with heat and energy,but for that we need to expand our mining Industry.and we lack the materials to do so such as steel and eplosives,and ofcourse we need more metal to repair the Vein of Siberia,the Trans-Siberian Railroad.Tell me Comrade,do you get where I'm going?'' he asked to the Redliner.

Open Seas

"Then this seems where we part ways. I think our nation would love to have your Empress or a different envoy visit our nation after the civil war, and even open up trade and aid you advance further in the world. I hope you enjoy Singapore, from what i hear its a marvelous city." He then closed the holographic screen and turned towards the sailor. "In the event that you need to communicate with them further and more efficiently, here's the data on their language i was able to collect from their books." He then took out a small data chip and gave it to the sailor and proceeded to put another one back in. "Take good care of it as it contains knowledge of their grammar, puncture, and wording. Well at least the basics of it." With that the officer did a universal goodbye signature before he and his two men climbed down the ladders  and back to their patrol boats, rendezvous with the IENS Polar, and then left the area with such speed that further stunned the serpents.

@Alteras @Vaaxius
Open Waters

The two sailors waved good bye to the Eclipsian and turned to face the officers. Lee plugged the data chip into the translator. "I am Arthur Lee and this is Ren Kanzaki. We'll guide your ships into Shanghai first for resupply. What is the name of your nation again?"


Sri Lanka Naval Base

(I might as well finish up this arc before we return to the offensive)

Belcher gestured to the map on screen. "We plan to begin when our land forces meet up with yours. Until then we're plan-" The head operator interrupted, "Incoming transmission sir! From Xiguangbanna Forward Command." "Play it through." All the operators paused to listen to the transmission. "This is Xiguangbanna Forward Command to SIG HQ and Sri Lanka Naval Base. We have declared the start of the Indian Offensive and have begun our march. Please match our progress and commence naval invasion of India." Belcher nodded to the head operator, who turned around and spoke into the microphone. "This is Sri Lanka Naval Base to Xiguangbanna and SIG HQ. We understand and shall open our theater as well. Majulah Singapura." "Majulah Singapura." The line ended. Operators started scrambling to their stations. Belcher faced Umberion again. "Let us once again march into battle victoriously. Majulah Singapura, Majulah Eclipsum." With that, he waved to the head operator, who sounded the alarm, commencing the invasion of India.

@Loyal Guardian

Philippines, Singaporean Federation

Patrol ships were sent across the Visayan Islands, hunting down Summaists. Those who tried the escape where killed in the gunfire, or exploded from the nymph mines. Those who surrendered were taken to Manila. The hunt would continue for 2 more months, searching through the thousands of islands in the archipelago. In Luzon, 25,000 soldiers began spreading across the island from Manila, entering towns and villages killing those who resisted. As they combed the islands, they saw several try to sail north into open waters. Nymph mines exploded, downing several ships. Only 2 made it out of the region. The Philippines was effectively back in Singaporean control, but would remain under martial law for another 3 months.

@Loyal Guardian

Southern China

As the armies continued their march. A call came in from SIG HQ. General Jain listened, hanged up the call, and went to talk to General Centauri. "Unfortunately, Command decided to send 25,000 of the 100,000 soldiers we were training to Singaporean Africa, to safegaurd against the collapse of the CAF Government. That only leaves us with 150,000 Singaporean soldiers to work with. I hope you understand this."

@Loyal Guardian

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