The World of Tomorrow

LoneSniper87 said:
"Look, we saw your footage of the two prisoners!" Yells Burkov to the ships. "Whoever caused you this trouble will surely be coming to get them by force! Consider me your way out, i take them off your hands so when they come looking they will find your prisoners are gone and off somewhere in the Siberian wasteland!" He motions for the men to lower there weapons. "We have no quarrel with you! We are merely here to help!" @Lordvader59
"Siberia? We have the prisoners in an equally defensible position. Your concern is appreciated, but we need to know who did this. Please, leave."
"You'll find out when they come knocking on your doorstep! Sorry if i sound rude but you can play this off like they were taken and killed off-site! Say whatever the hell you want, You give them to us, you lose a lot of problems!" Burkov gets angry at this guys ignorance, "IM DOING YOU A FAVOR HERE, AN OUTREACHING HAND IN THE NAME YOUR COUNTRY NOT GOING TO SHIT OVER A POINTLESS WAR!" He sighs and calms a bit. "Look you want us to leave, fine, but when we do, trust me sooner or later Hell will be unleashed on your doorstep and countless lives will die that could've been saved."
JJKab said:
@Lordvader59 (Transmission was sent, just sayin' )
LoneSniper87 said:
"You'll find out when they come knocking on your doorstep! Sorry if i sound rude but you can play this off like they were taken and killed off-site! Say whatever the hell you want, You give them to us, you lose a lot of problems!" Burkov gets angry at this guys ignorance, "IM DOING YOU A FAVOR HERE, AN OUTREACHING HAND IN THE NAME YOUR COUNTRY NOT GOING TO SHIT OVER A POINTLESS WAR!" He sighs and calms a bit. "Look you want us to leave, fine, but when we do, trust me sooner or later Hell will be unleashed on your doorstep and countless lives will die that could've been saved."
"Wait... do you know who it was? You sound an awful lot like you know that it was a nation." The ships moved up, cutting off their escape.
"I don't know they were, but logically they came from somewhere right? And with this message you sent whoever it was won't be happy" Burkov raises his hands as a sign of nonagression, the others do the same. "Look, you have every right to be suspicious, i wont get angry at that, but if you truly want us to leave we will go." @Lordvader59
LoneSniper87 said:
"I don't know they were, but logically they came from somewhere right? And with this message you sent whoever it was won't be happy" Burkov raises his hands as a sign of nonagression, the others do the same. "Look, you have every right to be suspicious, i wont get angry at that, but if you truly want us to leave we will go." @Lordvader59
"Very well, you may leave." They pulled away, leaving an escape route open, but kept their weapons trained.
Burkov nodded, pulling the zodiac out from the dock and back to where they came, Walker pulls out a radio once they are out of sight, "Commisar commence your assualt. He didnt let us in. But expect heavy resistance, they have that place fortified with artillery and a strong naval presence." He says as they speed back toward the mainland. @Kazami42 @Lordvader59
JJKab said:
The pilots both agreed, that supplying the russians with bullets isn't the brightest idea, so they decided to offer food and water as a viable trading supply.

It was it, the election day. During the elections, many Summoist parliamentars were boycotting the elections, but they continued on as normal. Here are the results

-Rulling party- Order and Peace- 54% of votes

-Socialistic Union- 16%

-UBB- 5%

-Summoist Party.........


Thus, the Summoists decided to rebell against the Polish President, and a self proclaimed country- Summaist Order of Poland, was proclaimed, and immidietely, armed coup sprung in almost all of Upper Poland, Prussia, small amount of Silesia, and majority of Western Pomerelia.

(Size of the rebellion)

View attachment 326963

Immidietely, Polish President cancelled all of his meetings with anyone, and made his way back to Lublin.

Via the Communication Centre, a distress message was sent to all the nations Poland had the diplomatic relations

"To every single ally of Poland. We, the 4th Republic of Poland, ask you for help. A major military coup caused by Summaists sprung up in some of our regions, and if We don't cooperate to destroy them, the sovereignity of Polish Nation as a whole will be endagered, as well as a world peace! We ask everyone- don't ask- We PLEAD YOU! FOR GOOD..... co jest?! Kurwa ma----"In the background, altillery fire was heard, and sirens, as the transmission was cut short. As it turned out, it was aired from Danzig, the area where Summaists were making their major attack.


@Loyal Guardian





@Fishman Lord

The radio would play that and she sighed. "I'll give you 15 katyusha launchers, and flamethrower equipped gallian rex tiger tanks, but I demand them be back."

LoneSniper87 said:
"Ok" Ryan nods, putting the second cigar back in the box. He takes a puff, looking away from the General, then turning back. "Would you like to the city? It isnt much but people here are happy."
"A tour? If you want."

Lordvader59 said:
Boats surrounded the zodiac quickly. "This area is off limits, leave or you will be sunk."

Meanwhile, the first footage of the attack was being circulated on tvs. Security, body, and scope cameras caught the whole attack, from the initial pipe bomb attacks to the final capture of the assailiants. The footage was once more shown around the world accompanied by messages meant to inspired hate for the attacker.
Maximilian only got enraged. He turned around and changed the phone dial. He remembered a book he read a year or more ago. Some shit called the history of europa. He had the commissar Valerie go find it. "GODDAMN IT" A radio operator finally got on the line. "Yes?" The operator said. "FIRE THE NUCLEAR WARHEADS.!" The operator sighed. "The stupid bastards in Congress banned those." She said. "FUCK THE CONGRESS, WE ARE INVISIBLE!" He waited for a response. "Well there is one experimental nuke russia was playing with before the nuclear war. But it is in the abandoned tunnels." She said looking for a map. "Send in some subjects and soviets to fix the damn thing." The emperor demanded. He then got another idea. "We own a heavy radio at severny now?" The operator would respond with a yes. "This will halt their execution if they are not stupid. Do it. And make a tape." Severny island would be attacked and recorded.

A radio somewhere in severny island activates, a American was sent. "This is the Atlantic federation. We were looking for food and nobody said you existed there. We had the local tribals help us."

LoneSniper87 said:
"I don't know they were, but logically they came from somewhere right? And with this message you sent whoever it was won't be happy" Burkov raises his hands as a sign of nonagression, the others do the same. "Look, you have every right to be suspicious, i wont get angry at that, but if you truly want us to leave we will go." @Lordvader59
The commissar would now be looking at the "history of europa" book trying to find the nords. It has turned into a find Waldo situation. However the ships were already deployed valkyria for the beginning ships. They aimed their ragnite shields to prevent weak points or others being shot. They would of been stabbed by a claymore and have awakened. A army of them amass towards Svalbard. Svalbard being their final test of their abilities. The claymores had their claymore swords, but also ragnite rocket-esque Lances, gallian sniper rifles, or AK-74s. The valkyrur armed with their own personal unique Lances. @Lordvader59

@JJKab[/URL] @Kazami42

Atyrau, Volga Province, Eclipse Empire

The city was the next to be conquered by the offensive from the Caucasus. Most of the civilians had already fled from the incoming rebels, who had moved unchecked in the province since the start of the offensive. However the city held strategic importance for both sides. For the Summaists it was a place where they could fuel their "military" as the city was a huge oil center and it is a great starting point to launch an attack on Eclipsim. For the Eclipsians it held importance as it was a great place to launch an attack into Summaist held territory, its resources, and its positioning from Eclipsim. With these reasons both sides massed many troops to the city. Both sides knew that this could very well decide the war, or at least show how it could go for a while. Then at the crack of dawn the city roared with gunfire, explosions, and screams of the remaining civilians inside the city. After three days of intense fighting the Summaists had pushed into the city and had conquered most of it. Despite the recent change of mindset of the soldiers, the Summaists pushed harder than ever.

After the fourth day of fighting the Summaists had controlled eighty percent of the city and the military forces there began to wonder if they could stop them. Just as the leader of the army, General Frios, debated to retreat received a message from the emperor to hold his ground. Following his orders he had the bombers, who had made little bombing runs due to the proximity of friendly forces, to all launch at the same time and "Blow them to whatever sewer drain they belong to". The ground force retreated further back to avoid the bombing, as such the Summaists began to push forward. They didn't get very far when their entire front line was decimated with the aerial bombings of the bomber force. The ground force launched a massive counter attack that pushed them to the city center before being stopped by Summaist entrenchments. Furious fighting occurred for the next three days as the "hugging tactic" was used by the Eclipsians so the Summaists couldn't make any large movements. The only time this was broken was when bomber squadrons came in to strike enemy positions, but eventually the Summaists drew back as well to avoid such things.

After a further four days of stalemate in the city center, due to the "wave" movements made by the combatants, General Frios came up with a counterattack. All previous counterattacks failed due to enemy entrenchments and the lack of sufficient air support. Frios ordered all bombers to launch and strike at the entire front line of the enemy force. When the Eclipsians fell back, so did the Summaists. Frios then ordered the army to charge into Summaist lines, which after some talking to, they did just that. The bombers stayed in the sky but never dropped any bombs as the army made their push. The pilots in the air could now clearly see what Frios was doing. When Summaist forces fell back a bit to avoid the bombings, they also left their entrenchments, leaving a huge hole in their defenses. So when the army rushed their forces they had no entrenchments to protect them. The bombers then retreated and were replaced with fighters as the army viciously collided with an unprepared Summaist force. The Eclipsians ferociously fought back against the Summaists as they began to push them further out the city. The next day.........

Summaist forces had been driven out of the city and the area as a whole.

The Battle of Atyrau was hailed as one of the greatest battles ever fought since the world had recovered. General Frios was praised for his brilliance in the battle and was promoted on the battlefield by General Io himself to become the second high general in the military, after Io. The battle as a whole lasted for twelve days and is seen as probably the most decisive battle of the war so far, and possibly for its entirety. Some international figures have even called it "Eclipsian's Stalingrad", in reference to a great battle fought long ago in the same area. It was the largest battle of the war thus far and it is the first major Eclipsian victory. The battle boosted the morale of the Eclipsian Armed Forces and Eclipsian Citizens, giving hope that the war could be won. the battle caught international attention, as many countries didn't want to send a their military to fight a force that not even the Eclipsians could fight in a fair battle. After this battle, those nations began to consider that the war could be won. In the following days of the victory at Atyrau a massive offensive was launched to reclaim the empire, and with a inspired Eclipsian force, the Summaists had finally gone on the defensive...... except in Solaris.

Solaris, Solaris Province, Eclipse Empire

The Eclipsian forces rallied and pushed the Summaists back after Atyrau. However there were only two places were this new offensive did not affect: Eclipsian Europe, which has become a stalemate in the Slavic Province, and Solaris, which the Summaists thought that if they could win there then it would shatter the offensive. Solaris held importance for the Eclipse Empire as it was to be named the capitol if Eclipsim ever fell, it was another gate way into Siberia, and if it fell then Eclipsian morale would decrease. Just like with Atyrau, both sides massed forces at the city. Just after the last civilian ship left a massive explosion outside the city kicked off the battle. General Revus was sent to the city to lead the forces defending it. The Summaists pushed hard into the city and, after three days of fighting, had reached the center where many important structure were located. This coincided with the cut off of Solaris from the rest of the empire.

Following their reach into the center they began to destroy important Eclipsian structures, angering Revus. He order his forces to attack the front lines directly, which failed horribly. His army then decided to entrench themselves in the center of the city. The following day, a Summaist assassination team sneaked past the front lines and killed Revus just before being killed by his guard. With the loss of Revus the Summaist forces pushed Eclipsian troops to the city edge. With the battle looking to be lost, a Sergeant named Hayden rallied his battalion and attacked the front lines. Surprisingly they broke though and the rest of the army followed suit and shattered the front line as well, even breaking the Summaist entrenchment which was so notorious for fending off massive counterattacks. It was later revealed that when Hayden's battalion attacked the front line, Summaist forces believed that it was the whole army attacking and fell back to their defensive lines.

For the course of the next two days Sergeant Hayden led the Eclipsian army in reclaiming to city. On the first day he led the army in retaking eighty-seven percent of the city, steamrolling over any Summaist force they encountered. The second day he led a very dangerous operation to reconnect Solaris with the rest of the empire and reestablish supply lines. The operation was a success and with Solaris now connected back to the empire, reinforcements arrived and supplies were given to the exhausted soldiers. Then on the next day, the Summaist forces wavered and began to retreat. With that the battle ended in another major Eclipsian victory.

The Battle of Solaris lasted for just over seven days and was a hallmark in the war. The Eclipsian offensive had now begun in Solaris and the battle heavily increased the fleeting morale of the soldiers in the area. The battle also bolstered support for the Eclipsians, seeing as how if they can come back from the brink of defeat, then the civil war could very well be won. The actions at Solaris also saw the rise of a great leader. Sergeant Hayden was given many honorable medals for his actions, most notably the Eclipse Star which is the highest medal anyone in the empire can receive. He was also swiftly promoted to Major and was given command of the army. The battle also saw the fall of a great. General Revus, while a tempered man, did many great things for them empire. He expanded its northern and eastern borders borders, aided in the Mutant Crusade, and valiantly defended the Solaris Province until his demise. After the actions in Atyrau and Solaris, the war completely turned into the Eclipsians favor.

(current war situation)

Eclipsian Civil War:

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation (limited)

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Eclipsian Summaist Organization

View attachment 326984
After the troops had arrived, it was a few hours in. Around 35 hours left. The book only had a section detailing "Nordic" which was apparently the shorter version of Nordic countries. The prisoner battalion would be sent by the Soviet Union to the closest Nordic position from severny island. Unless they were all badasses, it was doubtful alot would of returned.

Offering to help poland obliterate the sumMOIST's.

Pavle may be going on a tour.

The final countdown has been initiated, and repairs of a experimental nuclear weapon has been engaged.

Creating a fake kara sea nation.

Operation: 4th of July is in full effect.

Valerie plays "where's Waldo?" In a history book.

Eclipse prisoner battalion sent to attack the nords.

Congress will be ignored this one time, The nuclear weapon in the abandoned silo will be looked over and repaired by the Soviet Union.

[Will be asking agent how long that'd take.]

The more enraged the emperor gets, the more severe attacks will be considered.
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Kazami42 said:
The radio would play that and she sighed. "I'll give you 15 katyusha launchers, and flamethrower equipped gallian rex tiger tanks, but I demand them be back."
Polish Army was slowly progressing, awaiting for the ally's help.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-42-11.png.88111589495c87e04a066bf25b1d223b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147871" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-42-11.png.88111589495c87e04a066bf25b1d223b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Current status of Polish Army, while waiting for their Allies)



  • upload_2016-8-2_22-42-11.png
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Kazami42 said:
The radio would play that and she sighed. "I'll give you 15 katyusha launchers, and flamethrower equipped gallian rex tiger tanks, but I demand them be back."
"A tour? If you want."

Maximilian only got enraged. He turned around and changed the phone dial. He remembered a book he read a year or more ago. Some shit called the history of europa. He had the commissar Valerie go find it. "GODDAMN IT" A radio operator finally got on the line. "Yes?" The operator said. "FIRE THE NUCLEAR WARHEADS.!" The operator sighed. "The stupid bastards in Congress banned those." She said. "FUCK THE CONGRESS, WE ARE INVISIBLE!" He waited for a response. "Well there is one experimental nuke russia was playing with before the nuclear war. But it is in the abandoned tunnels." She said looking for a map. "Send in some subjects and soviets to fix the damn thing." The emperor demanded. He then got another idea. "We own a heavy radio at severny now?" The operator would respond with a yes. "This will halt their execution if they are not stupid. Do it."

A radio somewhere in severny island activates, a American was sent. "This is the Atlantic federation. We were looking for food and nobody said you existed there. We had the local tribals help us."

The commissar would now be looking at the "history of europa" book trying to find the nords. It has turned into a find Waldo situation. However the ships were already deployed valkyria for the beginning ships. They aimed their ragnite shields to prevent weak points or others being shot. They would of been stabbed by a claymore and have awakened. A army of them amass towards Svalbard. Svalbard being their final test of their abilities. The claymores had their claymore swords, but also ragnite rocket-esque Lances, gallian sniper rifles, or AK-74s. The valkyrur armed with their own personal unique Lances. @Lordvader59

After the troops had arrived, it was a few hours in. Around 35 hours left. The book only had a section detailing "Nordic" which was apparently the shorter version of Nordic countries. The prisoner battalion would be sent by the Soviet Union to the closest Nordic position from severny island. Unless they were all badasses, it was doubtful alot would of returned.

Offering to help poland obliterate the sumMOIST's.

Pavle may be going on a tour.

The final countdown has been initiated, and repairs of a experimental nuclear weapon has been engaged.

Creating a fake kara sea nation.

Operation: 4th of July is in full effect.

Valerie plays "where's Waldo?" In a history book.

Eclipse prisoner battalion sent to attack the nords.

Congress will be ignored this one time, The nuclear weapon in the abandoned silo will be looked over and repaired by the Soviet Union.

[Will be asking agent how long that'd take.]

The more enraged the emperor gets, the more severe attacks will be considered.

(Umm... nukes? Also... swordsmen? Lancers?)
Lordvader59 said:
(Umm... nukes? Also... swordsmen? Lancers?)
[*A nuke* Which I detailed with the eclipse at the start of the RP when I joined. Plus they aren't just swordsmen and lancers. To the eye it is.]

[Gonna turn this post into a project post hold up.]

The bodies continued to be buried. Yamburg is known as: "the beautiful coasts of the dead."


The batomys tank continues having its armor built.


Some heavy tanks are now ragnite powered, Conserving fuel.

[That should prevent this from being entire ooc. And i didn't make it in my last post.]
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Kazami42 said:
[*A nuke* Which I detailed with the eclipse at the start of the RP when I joined. Plus they aren't just swordsmen and lancers. To the eye it is.]
(Plus... I'm just warning you now a naval invasion will be just next to suicidal.)
While flying over the Summaist territory, making sure no one was chasing them, a sudden shock shook the whole country President Jacob ?l?zki died, due to a sudden explosion at his private jet, probably caused by the Summaist terrorists at land. As the news shook the country, almost half the army that was on Summaist side turned against them, resulting in several coups inside the "Order".

The true battle was on.

The news spread all over the world.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-52-14.png.f296d4aa4cf215628f9dc6b731a462bb.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147874" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_22-52-14.png.f296d4aa4cf215628f9dc6b731a462bb.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-8-2_22-52-14.png
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Lordvader59 said:
(Plus... I'm just warning you now a naval invasion will be just next to suicidal.)
[You'll be surprised comrade. There is a reason why even the Soviets are afraid of them.]

The Soviet Union was pleased, at the summoist suffering.
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Burkov and his men arrive at the mainland and head back to Nordham.

Ryan stands and motions for the general to follow him, he walks around the main part of the capital, showing him the few factories and commercial areas we have. "And further out is farms and whatnot. We are currently working on better trade routes between cities in the country."

Inter-Country trade routes: 60%(from already being started before rp. Raiders significantly slowing progress.) @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
Burkov and his men arrive at the mainland and head back to Nordham.
Ryan stands and motions for the general to follow him, he walks around the main part of the capital, showing him the few factories and commercial areas we have. "And further out is farms and whatnot. We are currently working on better trade routes between cities in the country."

Inter-Country trade routes: 60%(from already being started before rp. Raiders significantly slowing progress.) @Kazami42
"We can spare 20 trucks for you to use to quicken the process. They are quite easy to modify."
"Transportation is not the problem General, we have a raider problem. Everytime we go out to continue on the roadways, they attack the workers and so,etimes kill them. So they work very sporadically." Ryan says as he burns out the cigar. @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
"Transportation is not the problem General, we have a raider problem. Everytime we go out to continue on the roadways, they attack the workers and so,etimes kill them. So they work very sporadically." Ryan says as he burns out the cigar. @Kazami42
"Why don't you send in the military to deal with them then?"
Kazami42 said:
[You'll be surprised comrade. There is a reason why even the Soviets are afraid of them.]
The Soviet Union was pleased, at the summoist suffering.
(Elite troops cant do much if they get massacred by aircraft, coastal defense, and ships before they even hit the beach.)
"Well i do not have the military to spare. Im stretched thin as it is. If i could id wipe every raider out of this country but i cant go scouring for every little cesspool to root them out and kill them."
LoneSniper87 said:
"Well i do not have the military to spare. Im stretched thin as it is. If i could id wipe every raider out of this country but i cant go scouring for every little cesspool to root them out and kill them."
"Well the troops with me, around 124 of them already. You could use them to help you if you want. We don't have much to do currently as it is."
Would you all mind if I maybe got my aircraft and etc production on faster then it would realistically take. This is... not very realistic at all.
[welp, I'm gonna use these two posts ya did for my projects.]

Body removal was completed. Yamburg was a beautiful land of the dead, With the most buried there. The people who died defending their country shall be remembered, and their names engraved inside of the citadel.


The batomys continues having plating put onto it.


It will be another few months for the economy to recover. However some bullets were gained from surface scavenging.


The generators and or radiators on vehicles are now being reinforced.


The Soviets are sent back into their old metro lines in the abandoned metro, they walk past a few soldiers who are respectively still burying some Soviet troops down here. They enable the lights in the tunnel, and begin removing damaged or rusted plates along with wiring. [Of the nuke.]
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