The World of Tomorrow

Republic of Cascadia


San Francisco, Cascadia


It was another clean and productive day in San Francisco, one of the two major port cities for Cascadian pacific trading with the Singaporeans and Eclipsians, although their trading with the Eclipsians had gone down a little since the start of the civil war for political reasons it would return to normal when things had stabilised in the country of course. The Golden Gate Bridge had been fully restored years ago out of sentimental value and it being a famous landmark and the skyscrapers deflected the sun's rays in a rather majestic manner with their glass panels. More celebrations were had with news that the last remaining Summaist supporters had been found and arrested by the SFPD early in the morning in one of their many raids against Summaists in the past month since the Portland attack, but now they were clean of them. The Cascadian Senate had passed a law allowing for police departments all across the country to maintain larger, more effective stockpiles of weaponry with the CDF even supplying some, Cascadians were now very content and even happier with the militarization of their police as it made them feel safer after the Portland PD so valiantly protected the capital from the Summaist terrorists. Meanwhile the CDF had had one of it's annual training exercises in the Nevadan desert, showing off how extremely well trained even the most basic CDF soldier was, comparing to at least two or three of most other country's soldiers due to the defensive nature of the CDF.

With recent developments in the Eclipsian Civil War the CDF felt that it was neccessary to recieve additional funding and support from the government to bolster it's strength, as of now it is suspected that the CDF rank as the third strongest military in the world due to highly trained personnel, technology that is only inches behind the Eclipians and British, hometurf advantage and extremely well rounded knowledge in defensive manouvers and vast numbers of all forms of equipment. However President Jefferson felt that in-order to make the population feel more secure with the recent Summaist victories in Asia that the military bolstered itself. As of now an additional 2,300 M1A3 Abrams have been ordered alongside 1,900 new AHL-177 Hawk gunships. All troops in the CDF have been equipped with the immensely strong 199 Power Armor, and 540 MIM-4's have been ordered, these highly advanced anti-air batteries being almost indefensible against. The CDF has also begun production of a new model of fighter jet designed to ensure air superiority however all details have remained classified for security reasons, another military project has begun but this is a defensive tool more than a weapon.

Portland, Cascadia


"So the two projects have began?" President Jefferson asked curiously as she looked over some documents sitting behind her desk, two high-ranking generals of the CDF sitting in their own respective seats in-front of her desk with their hats held by their sides. Both generals nodded, Jefferson smiled in response, "That's always good. And they'll be completed soon I'm assuming? Given the priority you've put on them and all." She asked again, the generals both replying with a, "Yes ma'am." Causing Jefferson to nod once more in response, happy with the responses. "That's great. What about Project Gamma Delta, is that still proceeding?" The Generals both nodded with slight smiles at that one, "In-fact ma'am it should be done relatively soon." The President seemed particularly happy at hearing that as she stood up and patted herself down, walking to the front of her desk and sitting on it with her arms folded in a casual manner. "Well then, I think that's all I need to know for now. Great job, guys." She smiled and gave both Generals a pat on the back as they left the room.

The 107 Summaist rebels that had been put on death row were executed today, the majority of which's families had denied the opportunity to go and see them before they were executed as most of the Summaist rebels had been disowned by their families soon after they were found to be apart of the movement, Cascadians were fiercely loyal to their country and to each other and so that if news came about that someone had went out of their way to try and attack their own country and to attack other Cascadians well they were shunned by the rest of the population and no longer considered Cascadian. It was needless to say that the country was very strongly tied to one another and united, that was the basis of Cascadia after all, compassion for your fellow man, loyalty and understanding and if violence did come around that it was to be done with mutual respect and honor. A cowardly terrorist group attacking people's homes and streets was seen as downright pathetic in other words. The majority of adult Cascadians did have firearms in their homes believe it or not as self-defense was highly regarded in Cascadia, background checks by the government and the National Gun Club made sure they were strictly Cascadian loyalists however for security reasons, guns from pistols, shotguns, submachine guns, sniper rifles, hunting rifles and even assault weaponry were in the hands of perfectly capable and extremely patriotic Cascadian citizens.

The CDF had been given orders to raise the Readiness Alert Level of all armed forces in the country to Readiness Two due to the Eclipsian Civil War and tensions in Canada, the Republic of Cascadia had to ensure it's safety by preparing in advance. The Southern Command had heavily reinforced the southern border and had taken the opportunity as the VV to their south was very busy and falling apart to take the rest of Mexico into Cascadian hands, making it theirs and looking after the very little VV population that were there. Mexico's border had been heavily reinforced and satellite reconnaisance was at an all time high. However Cascadia itself was still business as usual minus the odd news report on military activity by the CDF, festivals were still going on and most Cascadians didn't even notice it.

Korean Peninsula, International Waters


A small carrier group of the CNDF had been deployed to the Korean Peninsula in response to the friendly gesture from the newly formed Korean nation, the Republic of Cascadia had taken an interest in it and in Asia though due to the once lucrative opportunities it had provided nations in the Pacific trading wise before the war. The navy task force was there on a solely peaceful mission of communication but obviously was very well defended and armed to the teeth with highly advanced naval weaponry which was somewhat what Cascadians specialised in. An AHL-175 Sparrow which was an advanced transport craft used by the CDF had taken off from the deck of one of the Cascadia-class Amphibious Assault Ships, the deck crewman waving his lights as it was cleared to take off. (I'm aware it's landing in the picture, t'was the only one I could find however) The Sparrow aircraft then proceeded to fly towards Korean controlled airspace, identifying itself via it's radio to the Koreans on the ground as a Cascadian military aircraft on a diplomatic mission to the Korean government.

A response was sent to the Korean government in advance of their diplomatic task force obviously, it stated as such. "Dear to the successors of Korea. We were most pleased to see someone praising our swift response to the Summaist threat and hope and assume that you have done the same. We have sent a small diplomatic task force of naval ships to the Korean Peninsula to establish formal person-to-person communication with your government. A small team of diplomats will be arriving at your capital shortly to discuss our relationship in more detail and to inquire into Asia's current state and to see if there are nations present there whom we are unaware of, unlike the Eclipsians and such. We wish you the best of luck and hope that our nations can get along in the future, best regards the Republic of Cascadia."


Territorial Gains:

Rest of Mexico


2,300 M1A3's ordered

1,900 Hawk Gunships ordered

540 MIM-4's ordered

Every soldier in CDF equipped with power armor


Project: Gamma Delta - 35%

Project: Foxtrot 38 - 10%

Project: Papa Sierra - 10%


107 Summaists executed

Police militarization begins

Last of Summaist movement removed (In Cascadia)

Borders reinforced, more security


Establishes contact with Korean government​

(Busy, busy

:P )​
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The interrogator sighed. This was going nowhere. He picked up a phone. "Mr, President, they wont tell who sent them." He paused while Jens said something over the other line. "Alright, sending the images." He snapped, and assistants quickly cleaned up both girl's faces and took pictures of them. After they were taken, they were sent to the capital.

After printing the images, Jens took them outside, briskly walking to the podium on the capital steps.

"People of the New World, as you know, it has been some time now since the unprovoked attack on Nordic soldiers by an unknown force. Well, I am here to announce, that the attacking force was not wiped out like many speculated. There were indeed, two prisoners of war taken during the raid." Stopping, he held up the pictures of the girls for the gathered cameras to see. "Now, I must address the world's nations. If any of you sent these two and their escorts, they have received no permanent harm. However, this can no longer be promised. I give any world government 48 hours to identify these two and take responsibility for this attack. If no one claims them, they will lose their provided rights as prisoners of war and be put to death as terrorists." Televisions all over the world would broadcast those stories and those pictures.


Finished, Jens walked back into the capital. Two big matters were on his mind now. First, the elections were upcoming. Polls predicted a landslide win for him and his supporters, but did schedule a meeting with his campaign staff to plan. Next, the developing industry. Quickly, he brought in the Acting Minister of Infrastructure.

"Any progress?"

"Much, actually. We have set up enough factories for civilian commodities and basic military equipment, factories for vehicles are nearing completion," the Minister, a tall woman with glasses, replied."

"Great news, please do keep me posted."

"As you wish, sir."

The next item of Nordic concern was founding a navy. Air patrols over the North Sea were now almost constant, but to prevent another naval invasion, a navy was a must. Luckily, the Union still had some pre-war shipyards intact. Several small ships armed with .50 caliber machine guns and miniguns were completed, about 20 in total. Some 10 others also had rockets that could be used on other ships or ground targets. However, the Navy's main project was restoring 3 old Destroyers that had been found. Work on their propulsion, missile, and CIWS systems were still underway, but it could be used in desperate times, as it's 5" guns were operational. Talks of an aircraft carrier hadn't come to fruition due to the ability of land based craft to cover the entire North Sea. 15 ships, including 5 rocket ships, were to be stationed at a makeshift port on the Svalbard island. More coastal artillery was also added, as 20mm miniguns to sink small ships. Radar was used now both to spot large ships at a distance and smaller ships up close. Other similar coastal defense systems were being set up along the West coast.
LoneSniper87 said:
"Alright, but heavy weapons will not be necessary, being a small country desperate for supplies should be enough cover, ill assemble a squadron and have them meet you at your location in a few hours. Keep the radio, ill keep you updated on anything that should arise." He sets down the walkie, standing to look out at the town.
Walker nods, "i must ask you leave any weapons you have inside the car, sir, his building is the largest one you'll see." With that Walker waves the cars through, then him and his men walk in after. @Kazami42
The Soviet commissar heard a nearby radio spouting out the Nordics message. She was pissed off, and took out another radio that she owned and informed the imperials before shutting it off. She then replied to the radio aggressively. "Change of plans, that was them. Apparently hostile tribals were a nation trolling Svalbard. Someone will probably be there, they will be informed." She kept the radio and pretended to smile, trying to genuinely be kind and waved at the soldiers. She had the Soviets emplace a flagpole to signal the location to gather at.

The trucks rode in, and parked. Some soldiers left the trucks to guard them, otherwise they played cards. Pavle left his weapons and went to find the nordlam leader. The commissar informed him over radio about the empress and premier.


Lordvader59 said:
The interrogator sighed. This was going nowhere. He picked up a phone. "Mr, President, they wont tell who sent them." He paused while Jens said something over the other line. "Alright, sending the images." He snapped, and assistants quickly cleaned up both girl's faces and took pictures of them. After they were taken, they were sent to the capital.
After printing the images, Jens took them outside, briskly walking to the podium on the capital steps.

"People of the New World, as you know, it has been some time now since the unprovoked attack on Nordic soldiers by an unknown force. Well, I am here to announce, that the attacking force was not wiped out like many speculated. There were indeed, two prisoners of war taken during the raid." Stopping, he held up the pictures of the girls for the gathered cameras to see. "Now, I must address the world's nations. If any of you sent these two and their escorts, they have received no permanent harm. However, this can no longer be promised. I give any world government 48 hours to identify these two and take responsibility for this attack. If no one claims them, they will lose their provided rights as prisoners of war and be put to death as terrorists." Televisions all over the world would broadcast those stories and those pictures.


Finished, Jens walked back into the capital. Two big matters were on his mind now. First, the elections were upcoming. Polls predicted a landslide win for him and his supporters, but did schedule a meeting with his campaign staff to plan. Next, the developing industry. Quickly, he brought in the Acting Minister of Infrastructure.

"Any progress?"

"Much, actually. We have set up enough factories for civilian commodities and basic military equipment, factories for vehicles are nearing completion," the Minister, a tall woman with glasses, replied."

"Great news, please do keep me posted."

"As you wish, sir."

The gallian princess Heather, and the imperial emperor Maximilian were enraged. They didn't respond, but instead prepared a brilliant yet rash escape. Should they find where they are.


The imperials were pissed off, the citizens that heard it as well were equally pissed. Maximilian ordered the Soviet commissar Valerie to reform squad 422. He also informed her of some troops arriving. He had then contacted Heather with this predicament.


Heather heard the TV, and then radio from the emperor. She then looked at the poles and asked a simple question, in the most innocent way she could."I'm interested in those two women. Do you know of anyone referred to as Nordics? I'd be interested in buying those two women from them." She smiled genuinely. @JJKab


The emperor, the first time actually speaking to another country. Asked the eclipse with something. "Those broadcasts are fake. While we were attacking the summaist's, we got attacked from the kara sea by what one calls jets. We tried defending ourselves but they stole the empress. Can you at least send something to help? We have 48 hours." @Loyal Guardian
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"Ryan is out assembling troops at the moment, but he will see to you shortly" an advisor told Pavle, asking him as well to wait outside the office. Ryan shows up back at his office about ten minutes later, he escorts Pavle inside, Ryan sits at his desk, "please sit, sir. Whats your name?" He spoke in russian. Meanwhile the team he set up, consisting of the Sergeant Burkov, Captain Walker, and a few others assemble near a Humvee, Burkov dressed as a wealthy person and and the rest as mercenaries. They get into the Humvee and head to the rally point. @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
"Ryan is out assembling troops at the moment, but he will see to you shortly" an advisor told Pavle, asking him as well to wait outside the office. Ryan shows up back at his office about ten minutes later, he escorts Pavle inside, Ryan sits at his desk, "please sit, sir. Whats your name?" He spoke in russian. Meanwhile the team he set up, consisting of the Sergeant Burkov, Captain Walker, and a few others assemble near a Humvee, Burkov dressed as a wealthy person and and the rest as mercenaries. They get into the Humvee and head to the rally point. @Kazami42
He walked into the room. "Pavle morozov, General of the Red Army." Pavle sat down on a chair.
"Glad to make your aquantaince, General." He extends a hand out to him. "Now im not very diplomatic, be warned, but from a strategist's and leader's point of view i see a way we can both benefit from this crisis of yours"

The Humvee makes its way to the big flag erected, stopping and its passengers get out. Captain Walker heads over to the commasir, "Commasir, we have our team here. Anything new?" He says in Russian. Burkov looks around, "where is the zodiac located?" He says trying to cut straight to buisness. @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
"Glad to make your aquantaince, General." He extends a hand out to him. "Now im not very diplomatic, be warned, but from a strategist's and leader's point of view i see a way we can both benefit from this crisis of yours"
The Humvee makes its way to the big flag erected, stopping and its passengers get out. Captain Walker heads over to the commasir, "Commasir, we have our team here. Anything new?" He says in Russian. Burkov looks around, "where is the zodiac located?" He says trying to cut straight to buisness. @Kazami42
Pavle shook his hand. "And that is?"

The commissar would now have the number 422 on her right chest written at a angle. There would also be 47 blonde women, and 12 people with red eyes and silver hair. Wearing citizen clothing like they wore before going under intense experimentation. The commissar pointed to the obvious coast, where around fifty were floating in with fuel. She picked up one of the many on the coast, which have glowing blue crystal looking rock appearing out of it. "We will be going to severny island, in the kara sea. Go to the edge of the island, and then deploy again. These girls have supreme prowess and if a need ever arises, they will display a spectacular show. Just don't be hit by the Lances those twelve are carrying, or you literally will be obliterated by pure accident. I won't be coming because I am needed here, but my soldiers, and these women are already instructed of their orders, so that isn't a problem. Especially since we copied polish colors." Some of the ships begin departing.
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"Well you are missing to of your leaders i heard, the commisar i spoke with was filling in for them, im working on getting them back, and in exchange for my country's services i would like an alliance between our nations, sound fair General?"

Burkov and the men get into a zodiac, heading where they we told, then redeploying and heading toward the island, Walker admired the incredible show of power these people had, they approached the dock slowly, not wanting to show any aggression. They waited on the boat for anyone to come by and clear them. @Kazami42 @Lordvader59
LoneSniper87 said:
"Well you are missing to of your leaders i heard, the commisar i spoke with was filling in for them, im working on getting them back, and in exchange for my country's services i would like an alliance between our nations, sound fair General?"
Burkov and the men get into a zodiac, heading where they we told, then redeploying and heading toward the island, Walker admired the incredible show of power these people had, they approached the dock slowly, not wanting to show any aggression. They waited on the boat for anyone to come by and clear them. @Kazami42 @Lordvader59
[Well Vader is offline, so this is gonna take awhile. I gotta write this month's post too, we blew through page 49 like a sugar rush.]

Pavle nodded his head, smiling. "Very well. We will also send you ten katyusha launchers so it isn't one sided."

A claymore still getting use to her bodily experimentation holds her neck collar on, as she puts her right hand down it to scratch her neck. The soldiers would notice that these kind of women, mocking polish colored uniforms. All had silver eyes. While another woman, one of the twelve holding a oversized Lance but in the water to simulate currently fishing. Had the water under the ship glowing blue, originating from the top of the Lance that is currently under the water. Some fishes actually dying and rising up to the surface, she collected them and placed them on the boat.

One of the two types of women placing one of the blue ores into the engine, it cracking because of it and the engine now running better and sounding different as well.


The red October was docked at the southern ridge of severny island, closest to Poland but having no intention on firing or doing anything negative to them. Using their radar to track any pre-existing exhaust or trails in the area, while it's crew were legitimately fishing and only occasionally coming up with anything. It didn't have the fabric sheets rolled over it, and it was a enormous ship the imperials consider a medium size.


Thousands of bodies are moved and buried in yamburg and drovyanoy, along with other designated locations. With much more still littering russia.


The first phase of economical recovery has passed. Some of the gold in the vast vaults converted into one of the more used currencies. A few hundred was gained due to using only small pieces of gold.


[Reposting just in case loyal doesn't see. Because I forgot to tag him, and editing a tag in seems to do nothing.]

The emperor, the first time actually speaking to another country. Asked the eclipse with something. "Those broadcasts are fake. While we were attacking the summaist's, we got attacked from the kara sea by what one calls jets. We tried defending ourselves but they stole the empress. Can you at least send something to help? We have 48 hours." @Loyal Guardian


Tracks and track plates were added to the batomys. The hull would soon be added.
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"If its all the same with you General, i feel confident my men will do this quietly, but in case keep them on standby."

'Another day, another 9 hours of getting yelled at by dad for not working hard enough while he sits in his ass "guarding the place"' Jack thought to himself as carried hay bales to the cows in their stalls. Jack was waiting until he turned 18 then as soon as he could enlisting in the army, maybe become an engineer. But for now all the 16 year old was hay bales and a pipe dream. @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
"If its all the same with you General, i feel confident my men will do this quietly, but in case keep them on standby."
'Another day, another 9 hours of getting yelled at by dad for not working hard enough while he sits in his ass "guarding the place"' Jack thought to himself as carried hay bales to the cows in their stalls. Jack was waiting until he turned 18 then as soon as he could enlisting in the army, maybe become an engineer. But for now all the 16 year old was hay bales and a pipe dream. @Kazami42
"Mm? No you wouldn't be using them, you would have them."
Ryan nods, glancing up at the dragunov, then back down to the General, "Tell me a little,about yourself, or maybe a bit about your country?"
LoneSniper87 said:
Ryan nods, glancing up at the dragunov, then back down to the General, "Tell me a little,about yourself, or maybe a bit about your country?"
"We existed since 2033. In the metros of Moscow, we fought a war with the fourth Reich which lasted until we destroyed them in 3251, A religious cult Called yggdism appeared in 3000, which believes people, mostly women with red eyes and silver hair are Goddesses, we got kicked out of Moscow by the Reich in 2040. We returned to Moscow in 3251 and discovered all of Moscow was literally a sinkhole, spanning into the earth for miles down, we created refined vodka which is basically the most perfect alcoholic beverage, said vodka increases some skills like concentration depending on how much of it is consumed and by who, we created an empire, and now some unruly douchebags stole our women... that's pretty much it besides the mutants, and paranormal beings."
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"Interesting, we arent nearly as interesting..." Ryan says with a grin, pulling out two cigars, "care for a cigar? Surprisingly enough we can grow tobacco due to some greenhouses we fixed up. Ryan lights his and puts it in his mouth. "Well im nothin special, i was your average military man, the original ruler was put down and i stepped up when none of them higher ups did."
LoneSniper87 said:
"Interesting, we arent nearly as interesting..." Ryan says with a grin, pulling out two cigars, "care for a cigar? Surprisingly enough we can grow tobacco due to some greenhouses we fixed up. Ryan lights his and puts it in his mouth. "Well im nothin special, i was your average military man, the original ruler was put down and i stepped up when none of them higher ups did."
He denies. "No, I don't smoke sorry. I made a promise with the princess. That, and i'd stop drawing lewds of her. Otherwise she would throw me into the dungeon with Leila peron again, a crazy soldier who is sadistic, and believes alot of men need 'training' To be perfect. Which is actually being whipped nearly to death, and her 'training' usually consist of using guns that fire toy rounds, which hurt like hell. She got thrown in prison a year back, but instead of being beaten she made her own gang. She believes to be the 'queen of the continent' and even asked the Nazis we did capture to bring her their leader, so she could whip him into shape."
(it seems that my country is the only one that is unaffected by the actions of the summaists, other than the one at the northern canadian islands @Loyal Guardian )

The pilots both agreed, that supplying the russians with bullets isn't the brightest idea, so they decided to offer food and water as a viable trading supply.

It was it, the election day. During the elections, many Summoist parliamentars were boycotting the elections, but they continued on as normal. Here are the results

-Rulling party- Order and Peace- 54% of votes

-Socialistic Union- 16%

-UBB- 5%

-Summoist Party.........


Thus, the Summoists decided to rebell against the Polish President, and a self proclaimed country- Summaist Order of Poland, was proclaimed, and immidietely, armed coup sprung in almost all of Upper Poland, Prussia, small amount of Silesia, and majority of Western Pomerelia.

(Size of the rebellion)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_15-8-27.png.417d5e790632476890e659c3d85f6070.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147778" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_15-8-27.png.417d5e790632476890e659c3d85f6070.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Immidietely, Polish President cancelled all of his meetings with anyone, and made his way back to Lublin.

Via the Communication Centre, a distress message was sent to all the nations Poland had the diplomatic relations

"To every single ally of Poland. We, the 4th Republic of Poland, ask you for help. A major military coup caused by Summaists sprung up in some of our regions, and if We don't cooperate to destroy them, the sovereignity of Polish Nation as a whole will be endagered, as well as a world peace! We ask everyone- don't ask- We PLEAD YOU! FOR GOOD..... co jest?! Kurwa ma----"In the background, altillery fire was heard, and sirens, as the transmission was cut short. As it turned out, it was aired from Danzig, the area where Summaists were making their major attack.


@Loyal Guardian





@Fishman Lord



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JJKab said:
The pilots both agreed, that supplying the russians with bullets isn't the brightest idea, so they decided to offer food and water as a viable trading supply.

It was it, the election day. During the elections, many Summoist parliamentars were boycotting the elections, but they continued on as normal. Here are the results

-Rulling party- Order and Peace- 54% of votes

-Socialistic Union- 16%

-UBB- 5%

-Summoist Party.........


Thus, the Summoists decided to rebell against the Polish President, and a self proclaimed country- Summaist Order of Poland, was proclaimed, and immidietely, armed coup sprung in almost all of Upper Poland, Prussia, small amount of Silesia, and majority of Western Pomerelia.

(Size of the rebellion)

View attachment 326963

Immidietely, Polish President cancelled all of his meetings with anyone, and made his way back to Lublin.

Via the Communication Centre, a distress message was sent to all the nations Poland had the diplomatic relations

"To every single ally of Poland. We, the 4th Republic of Poland, ask you for help. A major military coup caused by Summaists sprung up in some of our regions, and if We don't cooperate to destroy them, the sovereignity of Polish Nation as a whole will be endagered, as well as a world peace! We ask everyone- don't ask- We PLEAD YOU! FOR GOOD..... co jest?! Kurwa ma----"In the background, altillery fire was heard, and sirens, as the transmission was cut short. As it turned out, it was aired from Danzig, the area where Summaists were making their major attack.


@Loyal Guardian





@Fishman Lord

Rising Empire European Military Command
The Military officer has received the transmission from their allies and quickly ordered the troops at the base to aid them. The Capitol already granted them permission to do anything, so that they could help their allies in europe. Gunships were sent towards poland along with 200 Heavily armed and 800 Lightly armed soldiers.

"Ok" Ryan nods, putting the second cigar back in the box. He takes a puff, looking away from the General, then turning back. "Would you like to the city? It isnt much but people here are happy."
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio operator saw the transmission. Given the current situation in the empire he was told not to answer any outside transmissions unless it was a recognized entity that would help. He saw that it was the same frequency as the Redline Empire. So even though that they most likely didn't classify as such, he decided to listen. After listening to it he sighed and gave a response.

"Your situation seems very dire. You have our sympathies, however we are facing a dire situation as well. It seems that even though most of the world took care of their Summaist rebellions, ours was a little more extreme. As such, we are currently enveloped in a civil war and our forces for the first time have lost a battle when they had government support. I fear that fighting these Summaists and Greeks will require all available forces, not to mention we now have a draft in place. However we have helped you in the past and i am sure the emperor would consider aiding you, i will send your request to him."

Suddenly he saw that the Pole's were asking for assistance, he groaned and picked up the transmitter for a response.

"We are very saddened to hear that you are facing a large scale Summaist revolt as well, however we are experiencing the same but on a larger level. Currently we are in a civil war and only in very special cases are we to send outside aid to other countries. We need all available military forces to fight the rebels as for the first time our military has lost large battles when under government support. Now, as much as i want to ask for Polish aid, it would be wrong of me to ask you the same request as i just denied yours. If any authority hears this, the Eclipse Empire will not be sending aid."

Royal Palace, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron looked at the request and gave a heavy sigh. "Why at a time like this....." He thought. He read it over and over again, debating inside himself if he should send a contingent force. He first thought about send the Implanted, but they were a essential need to fight the civil war despite the progress made by the rebels at the face of the Implanted. He then thought about the some 80,000 returning home after their treachery. He then smiled and looked at High Minister Draco to give his thought.

"Tell the Redline Empire that we will send a contingent force of 80,000 led by Major Thalassa."

"But my Emperor, they are traitorous scum that deserve to be discharged."

"I know that very well, however i would like to give them a second chance. Tell Thalassa that if he succeeds in whatever the Redline wants then he and that force have been redeemed."

"Very well, i shall inform them of their task."

With that a force of 80,000 was sent to the Redline to meet with their emperor.

@JJKab @Kazami42

Atyrau, Volga Province, Eclipse Empire

The city was the next to be conquered by the offensive from the Caucasus. Most of the civilians had already fled from the incoming rebels, who had moved unchecked in the province since the start of the offensive. However the city held strategic importance for both sides. For the Summaists it was a place where they could fuel their "military" as the city was a huge oil center and it is a great starting point to launch an attack on Eclipsim. For the Eclipsians it held importance as it was a great place to launch an attack into Summaist held territory, its resources, and its positioning from Eclipsim. With these reasons both sides massed many troops to the city. Both sides knew that this could very well decide the war, or at least show how it could go for a while. Then at the crack of dawn the city roared with gunfire, explosions, and screams of the remaining civilians inside the city. After three days of intense fighting the Summaists had pushed into the city and had conquered most of it. Despite the recent change of mindset of the soldiers, the Summaists pushed harder than ever.

After the fourth day of fighting the Summaists had controlled eighty percent of the city and the military forces there began to wonder if they could stop them. Just as the leader of the army, General Frios, debated to retreat received a message from the emperor to hold his ground. Following his orders he had the bombers, who had made little bombing runs due to the proximity of friendly forces, to all launch at the same time and "Blow them to whatever sewer drain they belong to". The ground force retreated further back to avoid the bombing, as such the Summaists began to push forward. They didn't get very far when their entire front line was decimated with the aerial bombings of the bomber force. The ground force launched a massive counter attack that pushed them to the city center before being stopped by Summaist entrenchments. Furious fighting occurred for the next three days as the "hugging tactic" was used by the Eclipsians so the Summaists couldn't make any large movements. The only time this was broken was when bomber squadrons came in to strike enemy positions, but eventually the Summaists drew back as well to avoid such things.

After a further four days of stalemate in the city center, due to the "wave" movements made by the combatants, General Frios came up with a counterattack. All previous counterattacks failed due to enemy entrenchments and the lack of sufficient air support. Frios ordered all bombers to launch and strike at the entire front line of the enemy force. When the Eclipsians fell back, so did the Summaists. Frios then ordered the army to charge into Summaist lines, which after some talking to, they did just that. The bombers stayed in the sky but never dropped any bombs as the army made their push. The pilots in the air could now clearly see what Frios was doing. When Summaist forces fell back a bit to avoid the bombings, they also left their entrenchments, leaving a huge hole in their defenses. So when the army rushed their forces they had no entrenchments to protect them. The bombers then retreated and were replaced with fighters as the army viciously collided with an unprepared Summaist force. The Eclipsians ferociously fought back against the Summaists as they began to push them further out the city. The next day.........

Summaist forces had been driven out of the city and the area as a whole.

The Battle of Atyrau was hailed as one of the greatest battles ever fought since the world had recovered. General Frios was praised for his brilliance in the battle and was promoted on the battlefield by General Io himself to become the second high general in the military, after Io. The battle as a whole lasted for twelve days and is seen as probably the most decisive battle of the war so far, and possibly for its entirety. Some international figures have even called it "Eclipsian's Stalingrad", in reference to a great battle fought long ago in the same area. It was the largest battle of the war thus far and it is the first major Eclipsian victory. The battle boosted the morale of the Eclipsian Armed Forces and Eclipsian Citizens, giving hope that the war could be won. the battle caught international attention, as many countries didn't want to send a their military to fight a force that not even the Eclipsians could fight in a fair battle. After this battle, those nations began to consider that the war could be won. In the following days of the victory at Atyrau a massive offensive was launched to reclaim the empire, and with a inspired Eclipsian force, the Summaists had finally gone on the defensive...... except in Solaris.

Solaris, Solaris Province, Eclipse Empire

The Eclipsian forces rallied and pushed the Summaists back after Atyrau. However there were only two places were this new offensive did not affect: Eclipsian Europe, which has become a stalemate in the Slavic Province, and Solaris, which the Summaists thought that if they could win there then it would shatter the offensive. Solaris held importance for the Eclipse Empire as it was to be named the capitol if Eclipsim ever fell, it was another gate way into Siberia, and if it fell then Eclipsian morale would decrease. Just like with Atyrau, both sides massed forces at the city. Just after the last civilian ship left a massive explosion outside the city kicked off the battle. General Revus was sent to the city to lead the forces defending it. The Summaists pushed hard into the city and, after three days of fighting, had reached the center where many important structure were located. This coincided with the cut off of Solaris from the rest of the empire.

Following their reach into the center they began to destroy important Eclipsian structures, angering Revus. He order his forces to attack the front lines directly, which failed horribly. His army then decided to entrench themselves in the center of the city. The following day, a Summaist assassination team sneaked past the front lines and killed Revus just before being killed by his guard. With the loss of Revus the Summaist forces pushed Eclipsian troops to the city edge. With the battle looking to be lost, a Sergeant named Hayden rallied his battalion and attacked the front lines. Surprisingly they broke though and the rest of the army followed suit and shattered the front line as well, even breaking the Summaist entrenchment which was so notorious for fending off massive counterattacks. It was later revealed that when Hayden's battalion attacked the front line, Summaist forces believed that it was the whole army attacking and fell back to their defensive lines.

For the course of the next two days Sergeant Hayden led the Eclipsian army in reclaiming to city. On the first day he led the army in retaking eighty-seven percent of the city, steamrolling over any Summaist force they encountered. The second day he led a very dangerous operation to reconnect Solaris with the rest of the empire and reestablish supply lines. The operation was a success and with Solaris now connected back to the empire, reinforcements arrived and supplies were given to the exhausted soldiers. Then on the next day, the Summaist forces wavered and began to retreat. With that the battle ended in another major Eclipsian victory.

The Battle of Solaris lasted for just over seven days and was a hallmark in the war. The Eclipsian offensive had now begun in Solaris and the battle heavily increased the fleeting morale of the soldiers in the area. The battle also bolstered support for the Eclipsians, seeing as how if they can come back from the brink of defeat, then the civil war could very well be won. The actions at Solaris also saw the rise of a great leader. Sergeant Hayden was given many honorable medals for his actions, most notably the Eclipse Star which is the highest medal anyone in the empire can receive. He was also swiftly promoted to Major and was given command of the army. The battle also saw the fall of a great. General Revus, while a tempered man, did many great things for them empire. He expanded its northern and eastern borders borders, aided in the Mutant Crusade, and valiantly defended the Solaris Province until his demise. After the actions in Atyrau and Solaris, the war completely turned into the Eclipsians favor.

(current war situation)

Eclipsian Civil War:

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation (limited)

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Eclipsian Summaist Organization

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccf080054_EclipsianCivilWar.png.d8bc520abe96aaba00a8de97e34cbe8b.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147785" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccf080054_EclipsianCivilWar.png.d8bc520abe96aaba00a8de97e34cbe8b.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Eclipsian Civil War.png
    Eclipsian Civil War.png
    171.2 KB · Views: 28
Northern Islands

The Rising Empire was attempting a landing, however, due to the heavy fortifications of the islands and the hard work of the Battlesuit troops, they were making very little progress. Ellesmere had been secured by the Rockies, however 50,000 men had died. All of the islands except for Devon and the northern half of Baffin had been secured. A call for peace conferences was sent to the Rising Empire.


Radium Hot Springs

"The world is in turmoil, my liege. The Summaists have risen up across the world, and the Eclipse Empire is in a full blown civil war. Poland may have the largest uprising right now, and has asked for our help." King Albert thought for a moment, then replied. "We can't spare much right now, but we will help. Send 1,000 men and 200 Battlesuit troops to aid Poland. The Eclipse Empire was sensible and kind enough to leave the war against us, and they were only helping their ally in the first place, so as a token of future cooperation, send 500 men and 100 Battlesuit troops to aid in their civil war." The King stood up and walked back to his chambers, where he saw his pregnant wife Caitlyn Roscoe sleeping. Despite all of the bad things going on, the King cracked a smile.

@JJKab @Loyal Guardian

Radium Stock Exchange

Investors yelled prices and looked at the giant screen showing the value of listed companies. Currently the largest was OLDW, which was the Old World Corporation, the first new search engine and current largest internet company. The Singaporeans had been invited to come and see what went on here, and so they were shown everything about how this place worked.


Military Command

"We must update the Battlesuits. They are old and inefficient against newer technology. The rest of the world uses laser technology, but we stick with older projectile tech. While this has some advantages, we must update to compete. Fortunately, we won't have to research it, as they are common in the rest of the world and we can get them from arms dealers." The lead general contemplated this, then agreed. "Very well, we shall upgrade."

Research Lab, Quebec

The Non-Newtonian Elements were being mastered. A man wearing a very odd-looking suit teleported around a test room. This was good, but they needed to make the suit less obvious and have the teleportation go farther. Further work would be needed.



Most of the islands secured.

Call for peace conferences.

Sending some small aid forces to Poland and the Eclipse Empire.

Introduced Singapore to the RSE.

Updated the Battlesuits to use laser weapons instead of projectile weapons.

Work on making the Non-Newtonian Elements useful, currently at 30%.
Last edited by a moderator:

Radium Hot Springs

"The world is in turmoil, my liege. The Summaists have risen up across the world, and the Eclipse Empire is in a full blown civil war. Poland may have the largest uprising right now, and has asked for our help." King Albert thought for a moment, then replied. "We can't spare much right now, but we will help. Send 1,000 men and 200 Battlesuit troops to aid Poland. The Eclipse Empire was sensible and kind enough to leave the war against us, and they were only helping their ally in the first place, so as a token of future cooperation, send 500 men and 100 Battlesuit troops to aid in their civil war." The King stood up and walked back to his chambers, where he saw his pregnant wife Caitlyn Roscoe sleeping. Despite all of the bad things going on, the King cracked a smile.

@JJKab @Loyal Guardian

Radium Stock Exchange

Investors yelled prices and looked at the giant screen showing the value of listed companies. Currently the largest was OLDW, which was the Old World Corporation, the first new search engine and current largest internet company. The Singaporeans had been invited to come and see what went on here, and so they were shown everything about how this place worked.


Military Command

"We must update the Battlesuits. They are old and inefficient against newer technology. The rest of the world uses laser technology, but we stick with older projectile tech. While this has some advantages, we must update to compete. Fortunately, we won't have to research it, as they are common in the rest of the world and we can get them from arms dealers." The lead general contemplated this, then agreed. "Very well, we shall upgrade."

Research Lab, Quebec

The Non-Newtonian Elements were being mastered. A man wearing a very odd-looking suit teleported around a test room. This was good, but they needed to make the suit less obvious and have the teleportation go farther. Further work would be needed.



Most of the islands secured.

Call for peace conferences.

Sending some small aid forces to Poland and the Eclipse Empire.

Introduced Singapore to the RSE.

Updated the Battlesuits to use laser weapons instead of projectile weapons.

Work on making the Non-Newtonian Elements useful, currently at 30%.
Wickedkent said:
Thus, the Summoists decided to rebell against the Polish President, and a self proclaimed country- Summaist Order of Poland, was proclaimed, and immidietely, armed coup sprung in almost all of Upper Poland, Prussia, small amount of Silesia, and majority of Western Pomerelia.
(Size of the rebellion)

View attachment 326963

Immidietely, Polish President cancelled all of his meetings with anyone, and made his way back to Lublin.

Via the Communication Centre, a distress message was sent to all the nations Poland had the diplomatic relations

"To every single ally of Poland. We, the 4th Republic of Poland, ask you for help. A major military coup caused by Summaists sprung up in some of our regions, and if We don't cooperate to destroy them, the sovereignity of Polish Nation as a whole will be endagered, as well as a world peace! We ask everyone- don't ask- We PLEAD YOU! FOR GOOD..... co jest?! Kurwa ma----"In the background, altillery fire was heard, and sirens, as the transmission was cut short. As it turned out, it was aired from Danzig, the area where Summaists were making their major attack.


@Loyal Guardian





@Fishman Lord

Rising Empire European Military Command
The Military officer has received the transmission from their allies and quickly ordered the troops at the base to aid them. The Capitol already granted them permission to do anything, so that they could help their allies in europe. Gunships were sent towards poland along with 200 Heavily armed and 800 Lightly armed soldiers.​


Polish forces have succesfully liberated small amount of land during the Skirmish of Królewiec, where some

25.000 traitorous soldiers were killed, and 30 tanks were destroyed, with Polish losses being 10.000 soldiers, and 50 destroyed tanks. However, Just at Pomerelia, battle of Gdynia was lost, resulting in cede small amount of land to the self proclaimed Order.

Some more land was lost in the South of Polish Republic,

(Battle of Cracov: 30.000 Polish losses, and 31 destroyed airplanes, and only 5.000 Order losses, and only 1 airplane shot down) and the troops of the Order are going towards Lublin. Heavy defence is being established.

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_17-45-5.png.32094300da77d06aa879bd186e480f97.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/upload_2016-8-2_17-45-5.png.32094300da77d06aa879bd186e480f97.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • upload_2016-8-2_17-45-5.png
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LoneSniper87 said:
"Well you are missing to of your leaders i heard, the commisar i spoke with was filling in for them, im working on getting them back, and in exchange for my country's services i would like an alliance between our nations, sound fair General?"
Burkov and the men get into a zodiac, heading where they we told, then redeploying and heading toward the island, Walker admired the incredible show of power these people had, they approached the dock slowly, not wanting to show any aggression. They waited on the boat for anyone to come by and clear them. @Kazami42 @Lordvader59
Boats surrounded the zodiac quickly. "This area is off limits, leave or you will be sunk."


Meanwhile, the first footage of the attack was being circulated on tvs. Security, body, and scope cameras caught the whole attack, from the initial pipe bomb attacks to the final capture of the assailiants. The footage was once more shown around the world accompanied by messages meant to inspired hate for the attacker.
"Look, we saw your footage of the two prisoners!" Yells Burkov to the ships. "Whoever caused you this trouble will surely be coming to get them by force! Consider me your way out, i take them off your hands so when they come looking they will find your prisoners are gone and off somewhere in the Siberian wasteland!" He motions for the men to lower there weapons. "We have no quarrel with you! We are merely here to help!" @Lordvader59

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