The World of Tomorrow

Kazami42 said:
[They could of, but you didn't make them despite me literally implying being next to the door.]
Natasha stopped massacring the troops for a second to take off her damaged ragnite pendant, she stabbed it and it started leaking a strange fume which made her look sick. Her stabbing it made it spew out more. She then stared at the officer. Only giving him a middle finger before the pendant exploded open releasing the natural gas from within it. Creating a large cloud of lethal gas surrounding them. The cloud hindering the two on different levels. Natasha was getting weaker due to its effects. Alexander however occasionally coughed from it, but still stood up normally.
(You said they were hidden near the door.)

The soldiers ran deeper into the vault and took cover. Some just held their breaths and ran through the cloud. Some even had gas masks that they donned. The soldiers on the outside opened up into the cloud of gas, drenching it with automatic fire.

(PTK for at least one of them? Or at the very very least they surrender to avoid being shot to bits? Sir Alec Guinness voice You cant win Gallia.)

Meanwhile, Jens Solberg addressed the country.

"People of the Nordic Union, and of the world, I am here to announce officially that an attack on the Nordic Union has occurred. Some sort of force has assaulted the Svalbard Seed Vault. Most of the force is currently dead, with the rest soon to be either killed or captured. There have been... several Nordic losses. We will find out who did this and hunt them down. We believe it was either a well trained terror cell or a raid coming from another nation. I will keep the public up to date with any developments."


The Socialist Republic of California

Rattler tanks with soldiers on them would be patrolling the blood stained streets. Bodies of the dead littered the destroyed capital, Summaist men, civilians, and Californian soldiers lay dead in the streets. President Romanov would walk through the the streets, the rubble and gravel crunching under each step. Clean-up crews would patrol the streets with flat-bed trucks, picking up bodies.

Romanov would walk back to his destroyed mansion (which the area around it was now a refugee camp) and stand there, watching the soldiers run around and medics treat the wounded civilians and soldiers. News crews would try and interview him for a statement on the attack. He'd take a bullhorn from one of his officers and step up on some crates "The attacks today has shocked the nation and the world. These Summaists consider themselves a 'political party' but they are now just a terrorist organization. They are a threat to The Socialist Republic of California and will be dealt with accordingly. All Summaist sympathizers will be arrested and sentenced to public execution when captured. We as a nation, no, as a world should stay united against this Summaist threat. That is why I am inviting all nations to my personal mansion in Kingston, Jamaica to discuss the matters of the Summaist threat."

He'd step-off of the crate and walk into the command tent that was guarded by two heavily armed Peacekeepers. He'd speak to his second in command, "Send the invitation to all nations, big or small." "Even Cascadia Mr. President?" Responded the man. "We're in hard times Santiago. Sometimes you must do what's best for the entire population." He'd look over at him. "Invite Cascadia."

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Albion (If I forgot somebody add yourself in)
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Lordvader59 said:
(You said they were hidden near the door.)
The soldiers ran deeper into the vault and took cover. Some just held their breaths and ran through the cloud. Some even had gas masks that they donned. The soldiers on the outside opened up into the cloud of gas, drenching it with automatic fire.

(PTK for at least one of them? Or at the very very least they surrender to avoid being shot to bits? Sir Alec Guinness voice You cant win Gallia.)

Meanwhile, Jens Solberg addressed the country.

"People of the Nordic Union, and of the world, I am here to announce officially that an attack on the Nordic Union has occurred. Some sort of force has assaulted the Svalbard Seed Vault. Most of the force is currently dead, with the rest soon to be either killed or captured. There have been... several Nordic losses. We will find out who did this and hunt them down. We believe it was either a well trained terror cell or a raid coming from another nation. I will keep the public up to date with any developments."

[Yes I did.

so basically the walls. Because I am interested in what will transpire, You can capture them. However since they are related, if you killed one, the other would make themselves explode. Which depending how many times they get shot, can be a small explosion, or not. Thus would render Svalbard and it's massive reserves and seeds, and such void. And I only started using them actual RP so their death would be a absolute no.
They attempted to use their high reflex and speed to escape but became incapacitated by lethal ragnite gas. Eventually the crystal dried up due to being so small and it was safe to breath in. However anyone who remained during its duration without a mask, or in safe zones would have been killed either by suffocation, or severe inner problems such as destroyed lungs. [Which is also suffocation.] Their flames died, and they passed out unharmed. The ship had left, and hunter and the remaining soldiers would use fuel from the other squads zodiacs to get enough fuel to return to the ship, beyond the border zone. It slowly started to become day again. The zodiac crews would occasionally check if they were followed and even pretend to be going towards poland owned russia if so. [i'm also gonna use this post for self story. Anything below the line isn't related to any of this.]


[self story post for this page.]

The creation of ragnite weapons have been concluded. Ragnite Lance's, mostly for anti tank personnel. Are created. With a current total of 200 Lances produced, 50 hidden away by the empire. And 200 ragnite swords named claymores. [Don't know if I said anything else for the project, but I'll go with it.]

Construction has moved on a batomys class tank.


Picklesoldier said:
The Socialist Republic of California

Rattler tanks with soldiers on them would be patrolling the blood stained streets. Bodies of the dead littered the destroyed capital, Summaist men, civilians, and Californian soldiers lay dead in the streets. President Romanov would walk through the the streets, the rubble and gravel crunching under each step. Clean-up crews would patrol the streets with flat-bed trucks, picking up bodies.

Romanov would walk back to his destroyed mansion (which the area around it was now a refugee camp) and stand there, watching the soldiers run around and medics treat the wounded civilians and soldiers. News crews would try and interview him for a statement on the attack. He'd take a bullhorn from one of his officers and step up on some crates "The attacks today has shocked the nation and the world. These Summaists consider themselves a 'political party' but they are now just a terrorist organization. They are a threat to The Socialist Republic of California and will be dealt with accordingly. All Summaist sympathizers will be arrested and sentenced to public execution when captured. We as a nation, no, as a world should stay united against this Summaist threat. That is why I am inviting all nations to my personal mansion in Kingston, Jamaica to discuss the matters of the Summaist threat."

He'd step-off of the crate and walk into the command tent that was guarded by two heavily armed Peacekeepers. He'd speak to his second in command, "Send the invitation to all nations, big or small." "Even Cascadia Mr. President?" Responded the man. "We're in hard times Santiago. Sometimes you must do what's best for the entire population." He'd look over at him. "Invite Cascadia."

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Albion (If I forgot somebody add yourself in)
Despite probably not able to send a message due to limited radio range, one was sent anyway. Saying that if it were possible, someone would arrive eventually.


A cure for ragnite gas was developed, a injection. Along with it, they made ragnaid. A better version of the medical capsule used by soldiers or medics. It is simple, you twist the cap and or take it off depending on whst type it is otherwise it becomes a grenade. And you can inject it into yourself. The scientists will continue researching on making this a larger scale product. However, even more experimenting has begun. With 5 valkyria, and 10 claymores returning from war above. They were taken in for experimentation as well. However they stopped with unnecessary harm or psychological trauma experiments, on the experienced units unless required. Despite their somewhat disappointment, they agreed.

They, and a few others which didn't leave lab get provided fine enough results to begin phase two of the process. These experiments usually ended up in placing them into a temporary trance.
Kazami42 said:
so basically the walls. Because I am interested in what will transpire, You can capture them. However since they are related, if you killed one, the other would make themselves explode. Which depending how many times they get shot, can be a small explosion, or not. Thus would render Svalbard and it's massive reserves and seeds, and such void. And I only started using them actual RP so their death would be a absolute no.

They attempted to use their high reflex and speed to escape but became incapacitated by lethal ragnite gas. Eventually the crystal dried up due to being so small and it was safe to breath in. However anyone who remained during its duration without a mask, or in safe zones would have been killed either by suffocation, or severe inner problems such as destroyed lungs. [Which is also suffocation.] Their flames died, and they passed out unharmed. The ship had left, and hunter and the remaining soldiers would use fuel from the other squads zodiacs to get enough fuel to return to the ship, beyond the border zone. It slowly started to become day again. The zodiac crews would occasionally check if they were followed and even pretend to be going towards poland owned russia if so. [i'm also gonna use this post for self story. Anything below the line isn't related to any of this.]


[self story post for this page.]

The creation of ragnite weapons have been concluded. Ragnite Lance's, mostly for anti tank personnel. Are created. With a current total of 200 Lances produced, 50 hidden away by the empire. And 200 ragnite swords named claymores. [Don't know if I said anything else for the project, but I'll go with it.]

Construction has moved on a batomys class tank.


Despite probably not able to send a message due to limited radio range, one was sent anyway. Saying that if it were possible, someone would arrive eventually.


A cure for ragnite gas was developed, a injection. Along with it, they made ragnaid. A better version of the medical capsule used by soldiers or medics. It is simple, you twist the cap and or take it off depending on whst type it is otherwise it becomes a grenade. And you can inject it into yourself. The scientists will continue researching on making this a larger scale product. However, even more experimenting has begun. With 5 valkyria, and 10 claymores returning from war above. They were taken in for experimentation as well. However they stopped with unnecessary harm or psychological trauma experiments, on the experienced units unless required. Despite their somewhat disappointment, they agreed.

They, and a few others which didn't leave lab get provided fine enough results to begin phase two of the process. These experiments usually ended up in placing them into a temporary trance.
Two gas masked soldiers quickly dragged each outside. As they waited for a helicopter, they were kept under constant armed guard by 2 dozen soldiers. A Helicopter soon arrived and they were loaded on board, headed for the mainland. Once more, they were kept under constant armed guard by the other 10 men in the helicopter. Furthermore, everyone but them had parachutes and JAS 40s were flying around ready to shoot the heli down. They were kept sedated and taken to a military base in an undisclosed location in Northern Sweden, landing in Norway and moving via armored convoy. They were kept in a heavily guarded cell while special underground cells were being dug out.

@Kazami42 (those 2 are kept sedated until further notice, should be in the morning if not tonight.)
Lordvader59 said:
Two gas masked soldiers quickly dragged each outside. As they waited for a helicopter, they were kept under constant armed guard by 2 dozen soldiers. A Helicopter soon arrived and they were loaded on board, headed for the mainland. Once more, they were kept under constant armed guard by the other 10 men in the helicopter. Furthermore, everyone but them had parachutes and JAS 40s were flying around ready to shoot the heli down. They were kept sedated and taken to a military base in an undisclosed location in Northern Sweden, landing in Norway and moving via armored convoy. They were kept in a heavily guarded cell while special underground cells were being dug out.
@Kazami42 (those 2 are kept sedated until further notice, should be in the morning if not tonight.)
[Got back, Was listening to music, and fixing some errors.]

They woke up in a cell keeping silent. Alexander could sense the guards outside and thus didn't attempt trying to use her powers or awaken. It'd take too long, or be too noisy. She sat down besides Natasha and meditated as well.
Singaporean Federation

NWA Summit, Eclipse Empire

After Kord and Byron left, Zeph and Khey Lim got up. "The NWA Summit is done." They turned around. "Give me some of that vodka." Khey Lim opened the bottle handed it Zeph. He tilted the bottle bottoms up for an instant and left the alcohol burn through his system. The two got into a car provided by the Eclipse Empire and headed to a hotel. Zeph raised the bottle and gazed into it. "Khey, this vodka is better than those stupid islands. It doesn't risk the deaths of hundreds of thousands, it doesn't risk the death of a nation, it doesn't risk the unity of an already broken world. It promises sustenance, warmth, escape from the horrors." Khey looked at him weird. Zeph liked to drink, he knew that, but he never drank to ignore, that was a declaration of defeat. "Perhaps the world should be more like this bottle of vodka, granting a way from the evils of the world." Khey took the bottle out of his hands. "From the world into hell, it promises." Khey placed the bottle in his suitcase and locked it. He turned to face Zeph and looked him straight in the eyes. "Zeph, get a hold of yourself. Now is not the time to abandon the world for your selfish desire for peace." But at that point Zeph was already drunk from the strong alcohol concentration. He slumped to one side and was knocked out. Khey Lim sighed. "Lightweight." They arrived at the hotel and he dragged Zeph into his room.

2 days later

Zeph woke up with one of the worst hangovers he's ever had. "Agh! Wha?" The sun was shining bright through the large windows. In the room adjacent to his, Khey Lim was eating brunch. Zeph slogged his way through the doorway. "Morning idiot." "Wha- Kheee? Huh?" Khey Lim got up and grabbed a bottle. "Here drink this." Zeph eventually got the cap off and plugged it into his mouth. He swallowed a few mouthfuls and started screaming. "Agh! Wha-" Khey Lim slammed an ice bucket on his head and knocked him out. 2 hours later Zeph woke up. "WHAT THE FUCK! WHERE AM I? WHAT IN GOD'S NAME DID I DRINK?" Khey Lim was finishing up lunch. "The Eclipsians made a more potent version of our Pocari Sweat." "WHAT?" "Extremely good for clearing your systems. I'm actually quite surprised they've managed to do this. It would've taken the University another 20 years before they perfect their version of it." "What the fu---" "Perhaps a bit too potent, restroom is on your right." Zeph rushed into the restroom and vomited. After 2 solid minutes, the weakened Zeph got out of the restroom. "foooooood" "On the table." Zeph crawled into the chair. After 10 minutes of shoving food into his mouth, Zeph got dressed and sat before Khey Lim. "What did I miss?" "2 days of sightseeing, it was fun!" "Anything else you would like to brag about?" "The vodka is from some nation in Russia, gave it to a local bartender, made the best drink I've had in a long time." "Sure whatever, go buy a crate of it, anything else?" "Emperor Byron sent a letter." Zeph took the letter out of his hand and read it. He immediately got a pen and paper and began to write a letter back.

To Byron,

Thank you for your decision. I understand the difficultly in which you make your choice. It is my hope that we continue to remain allies even if the world fails again. As of now, the New World Alliance is the most powerful trio of nations. Let us keep our friendship. As a leader of Singapore and as a friend, I shall continue to support and aid you. I am currently unaware of my military standings, however rest assured that we will come to your aid if anything occurs in Asia.


Zeph Jeanes

Prime Minister of the Singaporean Federation

@Loyal Guardian

The two departed the hotel. Zeph returned to Singapore and Khey returned to his office in Oxford.

Oxford, Order Empire

"A crate he said." Khey smiled. He sat down and placed the vodka bottle on his table. He swiveled around in his chair and reached for the phone. "Prepare a flight to Moscow."

Singapore, Singaporean Federation

It has been a few months since Jeanes came back to his office. He slowly read through the reports. The summaists have grown into a such a pain in the Philippines. He decided it was time to take care of the 6th district as a whole. He wrote a public statement. "Due to growing conflict in the Philippines, the daily lives of those civilians have been disturbed and threatened. Unfortunately local law enforcement has been unable to properly address it. Therefore Philippines has been stripped of its status of a district of the Federation and will be a military zone. All Singaporeans are advised to leave the area immediately."

@Loyal Guardian

He gave it to an aide and continued through the pile of papers. Looks like the Rockies opened a stock exchange. He wrote a memo to the Monetary Authority of Singapore. Another paper, the railway through the Eclipse Empire is finally complete. He wrote a message to the Polish requesting to building a railroad through their nation. Another paper, the Rockies made a server. He wrote a memo to the Ministry of Communications and Information to check the internet lines.


Radium Springs, Kingdom of the Rockies

A message came in requesting permission to review the RSE and the Rockies economy for a risk assessment.

@Fishman Lord

Nymph Mine Deployment around the area nearing completion

Permanent storage of Sentosa Battleships Complete.

(And i've run out of steam to type some more, probably more tomorrow.)
Central Europe Province

The Communist Organization and the Summarist Organization had launched an uprovoked attack upon the people. The Fascists Organization is abstaining from the conflict, as of currently. (I'm putting this in because you didn't respond to my post in the OOC.) Both groups are now under heavy fire from the military, the police, and loyalist citizens armed with kitchen knives and prewar pistols. The uprising is expected to be crushed in less than a week.

The Canadian War

Hearing of the emergence of the renegade Eclipse Troops and Rising Empire troops on the offensive, MM Torrad orders the deployment of 500 O-12 Laser Fighters/Dive-bombers to combat them along with 500k regular troops. MM Torrad also orders the production of 1000 O-12 Fighters/Dive Bombers.

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent
Agent141 said:
Central Europe Province
The Communist Organization and the Summarist Organization had launched an uprovoked attack upon the people. The Fascists Organization is abstaining from the conflict, as of currently. (I'm putting this in because you didn't respond to my post in the OOC.) Both groups are now under heavy fire from the military, the police, and loyalist citizens armed with kitchen knives and prewar pistols. The uprising is expected to be crushed in less than a week.

The Canadian War

Hearing of the emergence of the renegade Eclipse Troops and Rising Empire troops on the offensive, MM Torrad orders the deployment of 500 O-12 Laser Fighters/Dive-bombers to combat them along with 500k regular troops. MM Torrad also orders the production of 1000 O-12 Fighters/Dive Bombers.

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent

Schneizel was angered by the recent actions of the Order Empire. Lelouch did his best to come him down, Schneizek gave up and sat back on his seat. He glared at Lelouch.

"Send a Transmission to the Prime Minister of the Order Empire." He said with a serious voice. Lelouch nodded and passed his orders to the operators. The screen showed Schneizel.

"Greeting Prime Minister of the Order Empire. I know that you already know me. I have sent this transmission regarding the matters of the Canadian war. Please do not forget that we are allies and trade partners. Have your empire lost their honor? Betraying an ally.. The case for the Eclipse empire was special, as they did not have any relationships with the rockians. I hope you would reconsider in participating in this war, just like the eclipse empire."​
Wickedkent said:

Schneizel was angered by the recent actions of the Order Empire. Lelouch did his best to come him down, Schneizek gave up and sat back on his seat. He glared at Lelouch.

"Send a Transmission to the Prime Minister of the Order Empire." He said with a serious voice. Lelouch nodded and passed his orders to the operators. The screen showed Schneizel.

"Greeting Prime Minister of the Order Empire. I know that you already know me. I have sent this transmission regarding the matters of the Canadian war. Please do not forget that we are allies and trade partners. Have your empire lost their honor? Betraying an ally.. The case for the Eclipse empire was special, as they did not have any relationships with the rockians. I hope you would reconsider in participating in this war, just like the eclipse empire."​
The com center got the message and told the Prime Minister to come over. Once Kord was over there, the crew played back the message.

"I can understand you are mad about our actions in the war. We considering leaving the war, the investigation is showing signs of a group not belonging to any nations framed you for the attacks. Nothing solid yet. But, we would remain in the war with reduced military presence and interference from us. We would only attack forces invading the Rockian homeland, we have no intent of attacking enemy forces outside of the Rockian homeland." Kord turns away from the microphone and leans toward a crew member. "Make sure to tell MM Torrad that." He returned his attention to the microphone. "We would remain in the war so long as those renegade eclipse troops continue to attack the Rockians. We will full withdraw military support for the Rockians if they are no longer a factor in the war, as it would easily defeat the Rockian armed forces. And like I said at the NWA summit, they are long time friends of ours and we won't standby and watch them be annihilated. I would also personally apologize for my... behavior at the summit. The loss of innocent life triggered something inside of me that... laid at rest for most of my life. I wish not to speak of this any longer."
AGustOfWind said:
Socialist Republic of China, Chungchan

The rioting had continued, despite all oppression against the protesters by the 214th battalion and General Bingwen's leadership, the rioting continued as Chungchan delved into absolute anarchy.

General Bingwen knocked on President Wei Fong's door, as he looked out the window at the chaos in Chungchan.

Wei sighed, "Come in!" General Bingwen came in, "Sir, I'd like to request the use of lethal force against the protesters."

Wei said, "Permission granted... Try to kill as few as possible, I just want these riots to end. We cannot have these riots tearing the country apart already, I won't allow it."

The General nodded.

Moments later, rapid bullet fire was heard. And a tank rolled into the city. Protesters were relentlessly cut down by the military, as they went on a full-blown offensive. Within minutes, 100 lie dead, with only 2 being part of the 214th battalion. The riots had ceased, and now became nothing more than remnants of crime being Commited throughout the city, as the remainder of the protesters dispersed in horror.

Wei felt a feeling of absolute evil come over him, What have I done... God forgive me... He repeated again, and again in his head.

Now, Chungchan was to be put under Martial Law until the unrest died down.

The 214th battalion began to pull out of the city, as the 215th arrived to take their place.

Meanwhile, Wei Fong had been alerted of the Korean forces, and immediately had a small scouting force be sent to the general vacinity of the area. And perhaps make contact with them.
Agent141 said:
The com center got the message and told the Prime Minister to come over. Once Kord was over there, the crew played back the message.
"I can understand you are mad about our actions in the war. We considering leaving the war, the investigation is showing signs of a group not belonging to any nations framed you for the attacks. Nothing solid yet. But, we would remain in the war with reduced military presence and interference from us. We would only attack forces invading the Rockian homeland, we have no intent of attacking enemy forces outside of the Rockian homeland." Kord turns away from the microphone and leans toward a crew member. "Make sure to tell MM Torrad that." He returned his attention to the microphone. "We would remain in the war so long as those renegade eclipse troops continue to attack the Rockians. We will full withdraw military support for the Rockians if they are no longer a factor in the war, as it would easily defeat the Rockian armed forces. And like I said at the NWA summit, they are long time friends of ours and we won't standby and watch them be annihilated. I would also personally apologize for my... behavior at the summit. The loss of innocent life triggered something inside of me that... laid at rest for most of my life. I wish not to speak of this any longer."

Schneizel smiled and nodded.

"Worry not.. There will be no attacks on the Rockian motherland.. We are just defending what was invaded" He said with a serious voice "and for the remaining eclipsian troops.. We- we will take care of them." The transmission then ended and Schneizel sighed. He looked at lelouch and nodded.

"Order the remaining eclipsian troops to withdraw" He said "Use force if need be.. and I want the rising empire to mass produce frames.. Install float system to the current ones" Lelouch smiled and nodded.​
Republic of Nordham: Northeast Old Russia

Ryan sat there at his desk, studying a series of maps, he looks up at his advisors, "do we have any vehicles we can spare? Id like to make contact with any nation here." Points to the rest of Russia to the west. "Sir we dont really have any vehicles to spare." One of the advisors, the one he appointed to look after the welfare of the citizens, said. "Well lets use one of our humvees as a scouting vehicle. See if we can make contact. About five men..." Ryan goes quiet, doing some calculations. "Have the men and humvee out of here before the hour is up." The advisors nod and leave me alone, Ryan sighs and stands up, looking at my rifle i have hung up on my wall, more a trophy then a weapon now. According to some book on weapons, this specific rifle was a Dragonauv. Ryan heads out of his home, which isnt much nicer then the others, just larger. Most of the houses out in the more industrial part of the capital were originally ruins repaired and made livable, cant say the same for the farmers on the outskirts of the capital. 2 armed guards flanked him as he walked the town, smiling at how far along it is. How we have finally set up a trade system withing the city and are in the process of establishing secure trade routes within the country. But still the country had its problems, raiders attacking workers on the trade routes due to lack of a sizable military, and not being able to amass a sizable army due to lack of vehicles and proper weaponry, "i should send a party out to find some weapons or maybe a few more cars..." He says to no one in particular.
The retaliatory strike against the terrorists had gone well. They repeated history, and invaded russia at winter. Overnight, nearly all surface lands, including half of glazov and some tunnels were taken by the sumMOIST axis. Killing thousands of innocent men women and children without provocation. In return, The entire Soviet arsenal including over one million men marched to war overnight.

The gallian empire rushed glazov and izhevsky with heavy tanks such the gallian Rex, creating a border in yamburg with thousands of them.

The imperials sent their new super soldiers, the valkyria and claymores upon the unsuspecting summais- [sorry.] SumMOIST regions. Making hundreds of them disappear in the night in glazov and drovyanoy.

The Soviet Union, also known as the redline, the primary military of the imperials. Unleashed pure Soviet wrath. Their anger over the destruction of Moscow, and the lose of their empress only encouraged their anger. They had finally found a target to deal with to unleash their hatred.

The Soviet Union unleashed flamers in the metro, voiding oxygen wherever they go. They sent 'Nonna' with her special Gatling gun into peaceful sumMOIST regions, massacring thousands, They sent mutant handlers throughout glazov and yamburg, they unleashed their katyusha launchers in bulk in their half of central russia - yamburg and drovyanoy creating no man's land, They made trenches in the heavy snow of winter spread throughout, hundreds of men, in conveys of ten ZIS trucks storm perm and drovyanoy.

The skies are forever darkened by hundreds of rockets launched by the Soviets, Every single man, woman, and child of 16+ were conscripted into the military, Thousands with bayonets storm drovyanoy and reclaim it as their own. The sumMOIST and soviets play chicken with hermetic vault doors, attempting to stop their inevitable fall. Trains storm the surface full of vehicles, men, and supplies. The Russian queen is deployed to yamburg in a attempt to end the stalemate. The summaist/sumMOIST organization using imperial and gallian tanks against the Soviets to very little avail.

Then, as if a prayer was answered by a supreme god. A entire line formation of valkyria were finally sent to yamburg. Armed with new ragnite lances and shields which were originally failed weapons. All in their awakened state, red eyes, silver hair. Only fifty of them at the time. Demanded a long time ago by the Soviets, with volunteers of those Angered by their leaders disappearance. This was the summaist's final stand against the Soviet Union, a land of the people, union of lands. Their flame capable of being seen from far distances. It was finally time to get rid of the sumMOIST threat from mother russia.


The entrenched troops were kept in a stalemate due to heavy fire and artillery by the remaining crews. Several tanks, trucks, craters, bodies, limbs, Gore, weapons, and ruined dead trees being all that covered the land besides the occasional view of heavy snow. Some troops on both sides falling in craters to drown by snow or mud. "WE NEED REINFO- GAHHH" a katyusha launch destroyed the Soviet trench line. A Soviet katyusha site was given orders. "0918504! 0019580! 9075499! 0003789!" Katyusha launchers aimed towards the skies, Jennifer and her katyusha tank, the Russian queen, and the Red October now standing by. The radio man acknowledged. "Coordinates in position.... OPEN FIRE! GIVE THESE BASTARDS HELL!"

Large batteries can be heard in the far distances, and off the coast. Multiple barrages scattering across yamburg. Some of the oil deposits there having been destroyed in the process and oil ignited, causing great spills followed by spectacular flames. After three hours the barrages ended, the night got darker and silent. The valkyria finally advanced, their heavy marching being the only thing quelling the silence. They going in front of the trenches, and dealing with heavy rows of endless machinegun fire. Most were not in their full awakened states and died in battle, but the line didn't fall. Eventually they fought melee face to face with the terrorists.

Both fighting fiercely. Some using their powers to use the Lances to fire ragnite based flame at long distance, Going through five buildings, Twenty heavy tanks, and into a battalion of men away before dissipating. The heavy use of their power causing some to instantly fully awaken and lose their minds, being spared such a fate by claymore reinforcements that kill those who turn. All being knocked out over time. With still thousands of sumMOIST's armed with heavy machineguns.

It was silent at the trenches. A commissar, Kurt. Rose up out of the trench with only a pistol equipped. He aimed in the air, it was time to attack. He shot into the air, and over 77,000 troops got out of the trenches and charged towards the emplacements. The tanks couldn't aid them, having already charged to form this trench line, and most being destroyed. The troops had affixed bayonets. Their roars of rage voiding the silence. The sumMOIST on the other side saw a singke line of a few hundred people. They waited. However more appeared from out of the foggy distance. More and more appeared, and then the Soviet, gallian, and imperial flags being carried by various troops. Their roars could be heard getting closer.

The sumMOIST's were surprised and opened fire. However it wasn't enough, Heather who was dragged into the war was the first to use her powers. Having been placed in a trance. She walked past the trenches by herself earlier and went missing. Beams of light could be now seen blowing some parts of trenches up, including continuous bombardment after the katyusha were reloaded fully. Hundreds of soviets were mowed down. But even more sumMOIST terrorists were literally obliterated. "SEND IN ALL TNE RESERVES! NOW!" The blockade for soviets was finally destroyed. Hundreds of trucks, tanks, and katyusha launchers followed suit with the Soviet charge.

The entire might of the Russian empire was deployed against the sumMOIST organization. They rolled, bayonet charged, shot, and obliterated the sumMOIST organization in yamburg, ignoring unhelpable environmental damage. And a few hundred troops sent to the central West of Russia. Taking it from sumMOIST's as well despite not being owned by either. And taking mutants such as demons from there. The battle went all the way until day. However, the flags waved supreme over the land. Millions celebrated. Central - Western russia was finally rid of this cultist threat. And Heather as knocked out and after awaking was out of her trance and celebrated...


Three hours after the Soviet charge of millions of soviets against the sumMOIST organization threat, which threatens the world. And destroying them in yamburg with heavy environmental damage, with hundreds of katyusha launchers and tanks. Heather was curious about the east. So she sent five ZIS trucks of 25 men each towards the east, the main truck in the convey equipped with a snow plow to drive through the heavy snow. They were sent east to investigate it, and if nothing was there, they would leave. The only government advisor from either government being pavle in the event someone friendly was actually there. @LoneSniper87


Video that also details this summary even shorter:

Video was also used as a scene of invading yamburg.

Detailed introduction of the Soviet Union versus the sumMOIST global terrorist threat.

Russians are immune to snow.

Craters, tanks, trains, bodies, limbs, Gore, snow, trenches, weapons, blood, and a wasteland is all that can be seen in imperialist central russia, especially in yamburg.

Some trenches hit are turned into craters or sinkholes, and anyone inside of them either drown by mud or snow.

A line formation of fifty valkyria test subjects lined up, and eventually March into yamburg to fuck up some sumMOIST bastards. Like the claymores they are only the first generation and not a finished product, and thus if not all. Many of them would be killed.

A radio operator informs a katyusha launcher site, the warship-red October, tank katyusha launchers, And other heavy long distance bombardment to cause severe environmental damage.

The sky is blocked out by hundreds of katyusha rockets, warship shell bombardment, and other.

Valkyria units use all of their power to fire beams of light into the summoist organization, before going insane or fully awakening. And thus having to be killed by claymore units that also have the same predicament.

The first valkyria, Heather. Fucks the summoist bastards up.

Thousands if not more soviets get out of their trench lines and charge the remaining summoist location.

The blockade made by sumMOIST's are destroyed, allowing all the tanks, katyusha launchers, and ZIS trucks to follow suit in the Soviet charge.

Soviets appeared out of the fog of night one by one, their roars voiding the silence, with affixed bayonets.

SumMOISTs with several heavy machine gun emplacements mow down only a few hundred soviets.

sumMOIST's get raped by tanks, trains, soviets, bayonet charges, and everything else imaginable at once. The flags of all three governments are waved and a mass celebration occurs.

Troops were earlier sent to the uninhabited parts of Russia in the west of nizhnevartovsk/randgriz.

A convoy was sent to further eastern russia in curiosity.

Overall: You fuck with mother russia, Mother russia fucks with you. Now get the fuck out of my country, you sumMOIST motherfuckers.
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Polish pilots decided to turn around, and comply to the first instructions

"Alright, we'll land and cross the bourder on ourselves.... One crazy nation that was stationed in Moscov killed our two friends... we hope you're not descendants of them" He said quietly to the receiver.

"It was, "Union of the Hallelujah" or some other, I don't care, they murdered our people...." He finished talking, clearly pissed off. The second pilot followed on closely, as they approached the designated spot to land. Their planes weren't equipped with water landing gear.
JJKab said:
Polish pilots decided to turn around, and comply to the first instructions

"Alright, we'll land and cross the bourder on ourselves.... One crazy nation that was stationed in Moscov killed our two friends... we hope you're not descendants of them" He said quietly to the receiver.

"It was, "Union of the Hallelujah" or some other, I don't care, they murdered our people...." He finished talking, clearly pissed off. The second pilot followed on closely, as they approached the designated spot to land. Their planes weren't equipped with water landing gear.
[Oh shit. Let me make something for this.]

Heather let them land, and escorted them into the citadel with five gallian guards with gallian-nagants. She instructed them to wait there for her, for about half a day and gave them a room to share. While she quote: "Take care of some shit in yamburg" a parody of the once famous Vladimir Putin meme she once found a poster of, which said "Let me take care of some shit in the Ukraine." The rooms, like every royal location. Were designed for perfect, yet militarily safe standards. With every room having a large oversized bed with a curtain over it, with gold usually hidden around the room.

[Just do something with that, and then we can start off as normal.]
Kazami42 said:
[Oh shit. Let me make something for this.]
Heather let them land, and escorted them into the citadel with five gallian guards with gallian-nagants. She instructed them to wait there for her, for about half a day and gave them a room to share. While she quote: "Take care of some shit in yamburg" a parody of the once famous Vladimir Putin meme she once found a poster of, which said "Let me take care of some shit in the Ukraine." The rooms, like every royal location. Were designed for perfect, yet militarily safe standards. With every room having a large oversized bed with a curtain over it, with gold usually hidden around the room.

[Just do something with that, and then we can start off as normal.]
The second pilot laughed lightly, noticing the poster. He knew about the Russia's annexation of Crimea... he read about it. The first pilot sat down, and waited patiently

"Jak myślisz, co się z nami stanie?"

"Nie wiem, może wszystko będzie okej? Wciąż... to Ruskie... mogą z nami zrobić wszystko.. Masz swoją broń, młody?"

"Zostawiłem, tak jak mi kazali"

"Dobrze. Nie chcemy żadnych problemów..."

{Short convo}

)What's gonna happen with us?

Idon'tknow. They're ruskies. They can do everything to us. You got weapons, kid?

Left them in the plane, like they told me

Good, not wanting any problems)
The CAF has refused the californians offer for a meeting, stating that they are okay with new parties in their government.

(I'm thinking this is actually going to lead to my downfall, but fuck it, gotta stick to my countries morals. Maybe itll turn into a galactic republic situation.
JJKab said:
The second pilot laughed lightly, noticing the poster. He knew about the Russia's annexation of Crimea... he read about it. The first pilot sat down, and waited patiently
"Jak myślisz, co się z nami stanie?"

"Nie wiem, może wszystko będzie okej? Wciąż... to Ruskie... mogą z nami zrobić wszystko.. Masz swoją broń, młody?"

"Zostawiłem, tak jak mi kazali"

"Dobrze. Nie chcemy żadnych problemów..."

{Short convo}

)What's gonna happen with us?

Idon'tknow. They're ruskies. They can do everything to us. You got weapons, kid?

Left them in the plane, like they told me

Good, not wanting any problems)
Heather returned after the event, Covered in blood on her school uniform, wearing a ushanka, Her vest - skirt with some bullet holes inside of it, And her cleaning her face off with a wet towel. "Sorry about that long period of time, Had to deal with a rebel problem permanently. So what is it that you want?" She asked innocently. Her blue eyes from previously were now red, and her hair having turned silver. The only blood she can't get off of her, is from parts of her vest.
Kazami42 said:
Heather returned after the event, Covered in blood on her school uniform, wearing a ushanka, Her vest - skirt with some bullet holes inside of it, And her cleaning her face off with a wet towel. "Sorry about that long period of time, Had to deal with a rebel problem permanently. So what is it that you want?" She asked innocently. Her blue eyes from previously were now red, and her hair having turned silver. The only blood she can't get off of her, is from parts of her vest.
One of the pilots stood up, and looked at the woman

"We hail from the 4th Republic of Poland, and appareantly we border your country. We wanted to establish diplomatic relations with your nation. If that's possible. We did not know we had a neighbour on our eastern bourder, so we had to check" He exclaimed, eyeing the woman down. She was pretty... bloody, to say the least
JJKab said:
One of the pilots stood up, and looked at the woman
"We hail from the 4th Republic of Poland, and appareantly we border your country. We wanted to establish diplomatic relations with your nation. If that's possible. We did not know we had a neighbour on our eastern bourder, so we had to check" He exclaimed, eyeing the woman down. She was pretty... bloody, to say the least
"We suspected that you existed though. Two people randomly entered glazov, saying that a guy with a gun spoke to them. Then our patrol returned from that abandoned city with them..." She shrugged. "In a land with odd weather conditions, Surrounded by either soviets or crazy people, and mutants. Things like this is normal occurrence. I am princess Heather, One of the rulers of the military called the Soviet Union and princess of the gallian empire."
Kazami42 said:
The retaliatory strike against the terrorists had gone well. They repeated history, and invaded russia at winter. Overnight, nearly all surface lands, including half of glazov and some tunnels were taken by the sumMOIST axis. Killing thousands of innocent men women and children without provocation. In return, The entire Soviet arsenal including over one million men marched to war overnight.
The gallian empire rushed glazov and izhevsky with heavy tanks such the gallian Rex, creating a border in yamburg with thousands of them.

The imperials sent their new super soldiers, the valkyria and claymores upon the unsuspecting summais- [sorry.] SumMOIST regions. Making hundreds of them disappear in the night in glazov and drovyanoy.

The Soviet Union, also known as the redline, the primary military of the imperials. Unleashed pure Soviet wrath. Their anger over the destruction of Moscow, and the lose of their empress only encouraged their anger. They had finally found a target to deal with to unleash their hatred.

The Soviet Union unleashed flamers in the metro, voiding oxygen wherever they go. They sent 'Nonna' with her special Gatling gun into peaceful sumMOIST regions, massacring thousands, They sent mutant handlers throughout glazov and yamburg, they unleashed their katyusha launchers in bulk in their half of central russia - yamburg and drovyanoy creating no man's land, They made trenches in the heavy snow of winter spread throughout, hundreds of men, in conveys of ten ZIS trucks storm perm and drovyanoy.

The skies are forever darkened by hundreds of rockets launched by the Soviets, Every single man, woman, and child of 16+ were conscripted into the military, Thousands with bayonets storm drovyanoy and reclaim it as their own. The sumMOIST and soviets play chicken with hermetic vault doors, attempting to stop their inevitable fall. Trains storm the surface full of vehicles, men, and supplies. The Russian queen is deployed to yamburg in a attempt to end the stalemate. The summaist/sumMOIST organization using imperial and gallian tanks against the Soviets to very little avail.

Then, as if a prayer was answered by a supreme god. A entire line formation of valkyria were finally sent to yamburg. Armed with new ragnite lances and shields which were originally failed weapons. All in their awakened state, red eyes, silver hair. Only fifty of them at the time. Demanded a long time ago by the Soviets, with volunteers of those Angered by their leaders disappearance. This was the summaist's final stand against the Soviet Union, a land of the people, union of lands. Their flame capable of being seen from far distances. It was finally time to get rid of the sumMOIST threat from mother russia.


The entrenched troops were kept in a stalemate due to heavy fire and artillery by the remaining crews. Several tanks, trucks, craters, bodies, limbs, Gore, weapons, and ruined dead trees being all that covered the land besides the occasional view of heavy snow. Some troops on both sides falling in craters to drown by snow or mud. "WE NEED REINFO- GAHHH" a katyusha launch destroyed the Soviet trench line. A Soviet katyusha site was given orders. "0918504! 0019580! 9075499! 0003789!" Katyusha launchers aimed towards the skies, Jennifer and her katyusha tank, the Russian queen, and the Red October now standing by. The radio man acknowledged. "Coordinates in position.... OPEN FIRE! GIVE THESE BASTARDS HELL!"

Large batteries can be heard in the far distances, and off the coast. Multiple barrages scattering across yamburg. Some of the oil deposits there having been destroyed in the process and oil ignited, causing great spills followed by spectacular flames. After three hours the barrages ended, the night got darker and silent. The valkyria finally advanced, their heavy marching being the only thing quelling the silence. They going in front of the trenches, and dealing with heavy rows of endless machinegun fire. Most were not in their full awakened states and died in battle, but the line didn't fall. Eventually they fought melee face to face with the terrorists.

Both fighting fiercely. Some using their powers to use the Lances to fire ragnite based flame at long distance, Going through five buildings, Twenty heavy tanks, and into a battalion of men away before dissipating. The heavy use of their power causing some to instantly fully awaken and lose their minds, being spared such a fate by claymore reinforcements that kill those who turn. All being knocked out over time. With still thousands of sumMOIST's armed with heavy machineguns.

It was silent at the trenches. A commissar, Kurt. Rose up out of the trench with only a pistol equipped. He aimed in the air, it was time to attack. He shot into the air, and over 77,000 troops got out of the trenches and charged towards the emplacements. The tanks couldn't aid them, having already charged to form this trench line, and most being destroyed. The troops had affixed bayonets. Their roars of rage voiding the silence. The sumMOIST on the other side saw a singke line of a few hundred people. They waited. However more appeared from out of the foggy distance. More and more appeared, and then the Soviet, gallian, and imperial flags being carried by various troops. Their roars could be heard getting closer.

The sumMOIST's were surprised and opened fire. However it wasn't enough, Heather who was dragged into the war was the first to use her powers. Having been placed in a trance. She walked past the trenches by herself earlier and went missing. Beams of light could be now seen blowing some parts of trenches up, including continuous bombardment after the katyusha were reloaded fully. Hundreds of soviets were mowed down. But even more sumMOIST terrorists were literally obliterated. "SEND IN ALL TNE RESERVES! NOW!" The blockade for soviets was finally destroyed. Hundreds of trucks, tanks, and katyusha launchers followed suit with the Soviet charge.

The entire might of the Russian empire was deployed against the sumMOIST organization. They rolled, bayonet charged, shot, and obliterated the sumMOIST organization in yamburg, ignoring unhelpable environmental damage. And a few hundred troops sent to the central West of Russia. Taking it from sumMOIST's as well despite not being owned by either. And taking mutants such as demons from there. The battle went all the way until day. However, the flags waved supreme over the land. Millions celebrated. Central - Western russia was finally rid of this cultist threat. And Heather as knocked out and after awaking was out of her trance and celebrated...


Three hours after the Soviet charge of millions of soviets against the sumMOIST organization threat, which threatens the world. And destroying them in yamburg with heavy environmental damage, with hundreds of katyusha launchers and tanks. Heather was curious about the east. So she sent five ZIS trucks of 25 men each towards the east, the main truck in the convey equipped with a snow plow to drive through the heavy snow. They were sent east to investigate it, and if nothing was there, they would leave. The only government advisor from either government being pavle in the event someone friendly was actually there. @LoneSniper87


Video that also details this summary even shorter:

Video was also used as a scene of invading yamburg.

Detailed introduction of the Soviet Union versus the sumMOIST global terrorist threat.

Russians are immune to snow.

Craters, tanks, trains, bodies, limbs, Gore, snow, trenches, weapons, blood, and a wasteland is all that can be seen in imperialist central russia, especially in yamburg.

Some trenches hit are turned into craters or sinkholes, and anyone inside of them either drown by mud or snow.

A line formation of fifty valkyria test subjects lined up, and eventually March into yamburg to fuck up some sumMOIST bastards. Like the claymores they are only the first generation and not a finished product, and thus if not all. Many of them would be killed.

A radio operator informs a katyusha launcher site, the warship-red October, tank katyusha launchers, And other heavy long distance bombardment to cause severe environmental damage.

The sky is blocked out by hundreds of katyusha rockets, warship shell bombardment, and other.

Valkyria units use all of their power to fire beams of light into the summoist organization, before going insane or fully awakening. And thus having to be killed by claymore units that also have the same predicament.

The first valkyria, Heather. Fucks the summoist bastards up.

Thousands if not more soviets get out of their trench lines and charge the remaining summoist location.

The blockade made by sumMOIST's are destroyed, allowing all the tanks, katyusha launchers, and ZIS trucks to follow suit in the Soviet charge.

Soviets appeared out of the fog of night one by one, their roars voiding the silence, with affixed bayonets.

SumMOISTs with several heavy machine gun emplacements mow down only a few hundred soviets.

sumMOIST's get raped by tanks, trains, soviets, bayonet charges, and everything else imaginable at once. The flags of all three governments are waved and a mass celebration occurs.

Troops were earlier sent to the uninhabited parts of Russia in the west of nizhnevartovsk/randgriz.

A convoy was sent to further eastern russia in curiosity.

Overall: You fuck with mother russia, Mother russia fucks with you. Now get the fuck out of my country, you sumMOIST motherfuckers.

(You realize conscripting EVERYONE 16+ would be a blow from which your economy would never recover)
Kazami42 said:
"We suspected that you existed though. Two people randomly entered glazov, saying that a guy with a gun spoke to them. Then our patrol returned from that abandoned city with them..." She shrugged. "In a land with odd weather conditions, Surrounded by either soviets or crazy people, and mutants. Things like this is normal occurrence. I am princess Heather, One of the rulers of the military called the Soviet Union and princess of the gallian empire."
"Gallian Empire....? So... we're here to establish any sort of diplomatic relations, as well as a possible trade route. We got permission from our general to do that."

The first pilot said, sitting back down, looking at the girl
Prison, Sweden:

The Russians were lead out of their cell with tons of guns pointed at them and into an underground bunker. There were no lights, or air conditioning. After another two hours in the heat and the dark, they were led into another room. This one had lights, but not air conditioning. Nordic soldiers stood outside an on the back wall. Another man entered the room, an interrogator. They were both strapped down onto tables. "Now, I can be your greatest ally or your greatest enemy. It all depends on your willingness to speak. Now, I want a simple answer, who was responsible for the attack on Svalbard."
"Sir we have an incoming transmission from the scouting party you sent out" one of the advisors told Ryan as we walked into the room, seeming frantic, "Can you patch them through?" Ryan asks, remaining calm as he picks up one of the scavved walkies we have. "Sir we heard gunfire from the west! Artillery it sounds like! Should we turn around?" Ryan remains perfectly calm at the news, unsurprised at the sounds of fighting, he actually smiles a bit, cause it means there are people. "Continue heading west, Sergeant. Let me know when you make contact with anyone. Keep it friendly." "Yes sir." The sergeant says before ending the transmission. Ryan sets the walkie down and leans back in his chair, taking out a cigar to celebrate the chance at finding others, he lights it and puts it in his mouth. @Kazami42

The Rising Empire force was proving a tough nut to crack. They were equal to the Battlesuit troops, however the Battlesuit troops had the advantage of being more used to the terrain and having naval advantage. As the near stalemate continued, a secret operation, Operation Desperado, was initiated. As the Rising/Eclipse Empire troops pushed inwards, they would have less troops on the coasts. This meant that there would be less defense from the back as they moved forward. Stage one of the operation was power in the air. Four personal levies were raised, the Calgary Noble Air Force, the Alaska Noble Air Force, the Hawaiian County Air Force, and the Banff-Jasper Elite Air Force, as well as the Radium Royal Air Force itself. This amounted to about 1200 KR-20 missile jets, which began engaging the Rising Empire planes. Stage two was the landing itself. When the word that the Rising Empire Air Force was busy was recieved, 100,000 Rockian troops, including 10,000 Battlesuit troops, landed and forced the enemies to fight on two fronts. The enemy was flanked, which was never a good thing except for the flanker.

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian


"Why is it that you brought me here?" King Albert asked. The scientist replied, "We have found something amazing, beyond amazing. Follow me." They walked to something showing off a small nugget of some strange orange metal. "We call them Non-Newtonian Elements. They seemed like just a pretty metal at first, but then we did some tests. You'll be amazed." The scientist moved on then pressed some buttons on a control panel. The orange metal glowed brightly for half a second, then disappeared for a few seconds, and reappeared on the other side of the room. The King's jaw dropped in amazement. "It seems to not follow the normal laws of physics. You didn't notice because we didn't show, but it carries things from the close surrounding area with it. It is beyond rare, but think of the uses. Spies teleporting around enemy facilities, never being seen. Troops zipping all around the battlefield, killing enemy officers and dropping grenades in the middle of clustered formations. Your majesty, this may be one of the most amazing discoveries of all time, and you have the ability to use it."



Discovery of Non-Newtonian Elements.
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