The World of Tomorrow

Lordvader59 said:
Jens was outraged. He went to the press and realeased the following statement:
"Just as it emerges into the world, the Union faces it's first trial. This "Summaist" movement sounds like a great idea, but simply isn't possible. The Union will not fall to these rebels, and government resistance efforts will soon commence unless the rebels disperse for now. Once the Union is stable and on it's feet, then we may look ahead."
The CAF has once again sent a trade offer for large quanitities of grains, fruits, and vegetables for minerals of the nordic union.
Northern Korea

Markus looked down at the man, begging for his life on his knees. Leveling his sidearm, Markus fired two shots into the mans chest, and turned away as he crumbled to the ground, blood gurgling from his dying lips. Wiping sweat from his head, Markus turned his attention back to the rest of the field around him.

The once peaceful plain territory, its lush grass, once untouched, now lay stained with blood, and burned in some place. Wild flowers, once blooming strong across the many hills, now lay crumpled under corpses. Spread out as far as the eye could see, dead bodies lay spread in a scene of pure slaughter. Walking among the bodies, Korean soldiers looked for any signs of survivors, and the few they found were quickly executed. Most of the bodies were being carried into large piles, where they were to be burned.

This Summaist movement in the Korean Empire had struck suddenly and without warning. What they lacked in training, they made up for in numbers and a seeming willingness to die for their cause. Given this, Markus had decided to grant them there wish. The Summaists followers were fanatics, not trained soldiers. They followed the loudest voices in a crowd, not officers trained in battle. Markus had ordered all Korean forces to pull back, give ground to the fanatics. Slowly, they were drawn away from the areas they had the advantage in, cities and urban areas, places where they could fight without hindrance, but Korean forces had to restrain themselves, to minimize civilian losses.

Over the course of several days, Korean forces fought a running battle with the fanatics, eventually, drawing them to the field where they had met their match. As they camped for the night, Korean helicopters made surprise raids against their forces. Thrown into dissaray, the fanatics were caught off guard when Korean tanks and infantry suddenly appeared around them, and a horrific slaughter occurred. Thousands of Summaists had been killed, while only minimal losses were sustained to the Korean military divisions.

Even now, word was being sent back to the people, word that the traitors, who had hoped to destroy Korea once more, after all the people had sacrificed to rebuild it, were defeated. With that message, special forces were being sent as well, to help clean up any lasting pockets of fanatics within the cities and towns.


Summaist movement decimated

Small portions of southern china along the Korean border are taken. (From previous post)
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JJKab said:
"Cholera jasna, słyszałeś to"
{God damnit, you heard that?!}

' 'Pewnie, że tak. Dobra, lecimy dalej, musimy się upewnić, że nie są wrogo nastawieni. Spróbuję się z nimi skontaktować"

{Of course, Yeah. Aight, we're going further, we have to make sure they're not hostile. I'll try to contact them}

The 2nd pilot turned on his receiver, and spoke into it, on a open transline.

"This is a scouting division from the 4th Republic of Poland. We're coming here in peace, we do not wish harm. We'd like to contact whoever owns these lands"
Heather used a radio in the citadel tower. "If you threaten my people or my land, I'll fill your ass with more deeper holes than Moscow. I won't allow someone to treat my people like the native Americans of America. Now you can try to land outside, and wait five minutes for the drawbridge and the bridge itself to lower, and allow you through the oversized districts to here with escort. Or if your plane can land on water, the harbour. But I'm going to rewuire you be strip searched before entering." Heather was armed only with a simple pistol, But it was designed to where it shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger.


[Alright, let's see what we got today.]

@Agent141[/URL] @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Eclipse Empire/Order Empire


(A Greek soldier in his makeshift uniform in front of a convoy of combat personnel. Thanks to the Emperor's delayed reaction to the rebels, they have become a organized and uniform military force.)

Despite official military presence in Eclipsian Europe, they have only served as a defensive measure and have only been used as last resort. Even then the soldiers retreat early to avoid casualties and loss of further equipment to the Greek rebels. The rebels, after an evacuation of all Eclipsian equipment, have taken over the rest of Greece. Athens was their biggest struggle, losing nearly 50,000 men in the process, but they eventually took over the city and the citizens praised their presence. Then with the Fall of Thessaloniki the Golden Dawn Republic captured the hearts of the citizens and the Eclipsian flags all across the province were torn down and burned. If the situation wasn't bad enough, the Summaist Organization is supporting the Greek rebels in the rest of Eclipsian Europe. To tie in with this, Summaist Operatives have seized the provincial buildings of some provinces and have taken them over entirely. Even though the Eclipsian soldiers evacuated, some of their equipment was left behind and is now in control of the Summaists. With the complete control of Greece and beyond to the Summaists taking over strategic provinces, the Eclipsian Civil War has officially began.[/CENTER]

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 (I tag you because you sent troops)



(Summaists meeting in a unknown location in Poland. Similar secret meetings happen all over the world between Summaists.)

The Summaist Movement is growing rapidly, and even if it suppressed, it has made enough impact to remain as a ideology. Their first big move was the Eclipse Empire which, while a country they absolutely despise, is one they recognize to be their biggest threat. Thanks to their trigger of the Eclipsian Civil War, the other Summaists have followed suit. A few countries, mainly Poland and the CAF, have been spared due to the Summaist Parties growing presence. However other countries were not so lucky. Along with Communist and Fascist rebels the British now have to deal with Summaist rebels, who have seized much of Iberia. Reports also indicate that all three rebel groups are working together, thanks to Summaist diplomacy, and have launched a large offensive in the Order Empire. The Summaists have invoked a civil war in Singapore in areas with high Summaists support that is mainly in the eastern portions of the federation, however the Singaporean Federation insists this is a resistance rather than civil war. In other countries, mainly in Cascadia, the Hamuis, and the Scandinavians, very large coups have started and they have approached near success. In Cascadia the President, while secure, is in danger as Portland is slowly being conquered and the presidential residence has just started to be sieged. In the Hamuis all major cities have been attacked and the capitol is heavily under siege with the king in grave danger as all air support has been cut and his residence is being assaulted repeatedly. Not only that but Hamuis countryside has been taken by Summaist rebels. And in Vadmr Vestan Summaists have begun a very large scale offensive all across the country and have seized large portions of land, beginning the Vestan Civil War. In Madagascar many bombings and shootings have occurred at important buildings and on military personnel. Summaist Rebels have seized some land in Rockian Australia and the Rockian mainland countryside. On the disputed Canadian Islands all combatants have been subject to not only Summaist raids but Northern Star raids as well, who are still disguising themselves, and it seems the two are working together. In the Redline Empire Summaists rebels have attacked all positions in each faction of the empire and have now begun to taken some land above and underground. However this offensive is slow and being fought against very hard as the Redline Empire is the only country to have successfully spy against their Summaist Organization. In Korea the Summaist battle their military to gain control of the newly found country and have very slowly pushed the front lines. In the Socialist Republic of California the Summaist rebels have already taken over small islands and areas of Cuba and very shockingly they have begun to assault the presidential residence in the capitol, which is being attacked as well. This mass offensive by the Summaists have boosted their morale and party strength in Poland and the CAF, and have made them a huge worldwide threat. This large scale offensive has been named the Summaist Revolt of the Summaist Offensive, with the latter being preferred. Now the world must brace for the worst as the Summaists have struck the first and catastrophic blow.​

@Lordvader59 @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Domini Regum @JJKab @Albion @LocoBlock @Charlie12520 @Loyal Guardian @Kazami42 @Picklesoldier @ArisenMoon
[Prior to the ship leaving.]

Valerie, Natasha's assistant. Stands on a stage with the emperor and pavle who returned from glazov earlier... There is a podium and microphone there, he will let Valerie speak after the speech. There is a second podium as well, where pavle is, and is making his own speech but in English... The emperor speaks first. "Hello my fellow people, for several centuries we have lived underground and helped each other thrive upon the land. Recently, we have stormed the surface in a glorious Soviet rush tactic that gained us the upper hand on the mutants. We lost Moscow... BUT, we gained glazov, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk also known s randgriz now, and the surrounding towns, citied such as izhevsky, and bonded through it all. Yes, Moscow was destroyed. But we gained more than we lost. And we captured the mutants as well. Victory is truly ours once again, I shall now let Valerie speak her peace." He stepped down casually and sat down on a wooden chair. Valerie got up.


"Today is a sad day. There is this new cult, Called the summarist? sumMOIST? Meh fuck it, sumMOIST. They have attacked the surface, despite taking only land with literally nothing in it, and taking the rubble of perm which is currently a sniper training facility. Idiots. They killed many innocent families and guardians of the people. They have grown in number. Two of my family were executed in front of me.... but they lack the three essentials to keep them alive. Intelligence, Tactics, And common sense. They lack intelligence due to invading the empire, a thriving multiple government culture. One of which is heavily bonded. They lack tactics, because if anyone besides me knows, Is the underground is a deathtrap to invaders. Friend and foe alike. Both from us and natural course. And mutants but we don't speak about that... and finally, the bastards lack common sense. Invading us, with thousands of loyal citizens and troops? With what? A few hundred people? We have known the land far longer than these dolts. I say fuck the peace, To ensure our safety thry must be eradicated at every single cost!"

Pavle was the last to speak. The emperor also gave him a medal and promotion to general for his service and undying loyalty.

"COMRADES!" Several redline troops running around the entire station at this point. "The summaist cult will not stand! They have killed our people, ruined our land, and proceed with a false hope to take the motherland! For every single one of ours they take, we will take two of them! We shall regain our land from these evil bastards, And make them rot in hell with the Nazis! Blood for blood! FOR TONIGHT, WE DINE, IN HELL!" The thousands of people watching, listening, or at the event cheer and repeat "blood for blood!" Until it echoed. Gun gangs or merchants cleaning rifles and guns repeated it, the engineers were motivated, The scientists became deviant over it. Angry mobs literally armed with pitchforks, mosin nagant, And flashlights begin marching.

Alexander was the next to bear witness. She was in a room of four people and one of them notified her. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. "No no no no no!" She then calmed down. She slammed her fist into the wall, breaking it. "I let these stupid bastards have a chance, I even let them live. But this is too much. They dare desecrate our land we worked to death for? Killing innocent families? Low life savages!" She turned around and pointed at the Soviet guard. "SEND IN THE WHOLE GODDAMN MILITARY! THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE MERCY FROM ME!" She punched the wall again. "SEND IN THE JUGGERNAUTS, THE FLAMERS, NONNA! EVERY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE OF THE UNION!" She took out her arm. But three people ran up on her, trying to hold her down or threaten her. "Freeze bitch!" She onky retaliated by kicking one in the balls, throwing the other, taking out her heavy revolver. She turned around but got shot in the shoulder. She however shot him in the head, obliterating it in the most spectacular fashion. She then killed the last two as well. "KILL EVERYONE!" The guard nodded and left.

Jennifer was next. She owned parts of the affected zones of the metro, and everything on the surface. As a retaliatory attempt, she didn't even speak to her own personnel. She just signed a large document enforcing the military and militia to use armoured battalions.

The emperor was casual in the entire affair. He was like the bad guy from so many films, or a pimp. He took the phone besides him and ringed up the scientific ward. "Hello?" He then replied with a bad guy sounding smooth voice. "Engage projects claymore and valkyria early. It is gonna be a red winter." He put the phone down. The scientists were baffled. "What does that mean? We don't have that many in stable conditions!" Förster slapped the scientist. "To hell with stability. You heard the emperor. Send out the girls! Let them use their bare hands to Mutilate these bastards!" The scientists looked at cameras, and selected the most stable individuals, mostly women. They formed up the first generations. 47 of them exactly. All they had at the moment. 10 "valks" and 37 others. They were not finished with the testing stages, the majority of which could kill themselves or each other by awakening at this point, so they are only issued mosin nagant and gallian-nagants. The majority of which don't even have powers of any kind besides healing, and faster speed. They were sent up the elevator with good wishes, and promise of no more experimentation should they return.

Mutant handlers with even some of the new mutant generations they have tamed are sent in bulk throughout the metro.

Tanks storm the surface in as many numbers as a singke street can handle,

Katyusha launchers are in lines of ten, the highest number used is 20, all stationed at randgriz or glazov.

Hundreds of two man FT-40 Light tanks are used as borders.

IVAN with his mobile arsenal, targets population centers of supposed summaists.

ZIS styled trucks are in conveys of 10 that all carry 25 soldiers each across the land.

A stalemate inbetween Yamburg and central russia itself is bombed into no man's land, with a constant never ending stalemate. Trenches are made.

The yggdist monks storm any locations of summaist conspiracy in bulk.

What the people call "claymores" can only be occasionally seen roaming alone, or with a squad of five through even allied towns and cities. Destroying everything summaist related, people being afraid run away, people thought to be summy, or attack the claymores are quickly dragged into the darkness never to be heard from again.

The redline go over the top and deploy ragnite crystals in metro lines, or send in Flamer or Gatling pstrold to kill summaists they come across. The crystals severely damaged and are expected to gas the enemy. Meanwhile multiple tunnels are rendered temporarily uninhabitable due to flamers due to the flame taking out oxygen. They will be reinhabited and oxygen will return after the conquest.

'Nonna' with a Gatling gun, usually the tallest woman in any squad she is assigned to. Enter known summaist locations and massacre all of the inhabitants.

Some metros are blocked by hermetic doors or large vault doors to seal in summaists, or to block out imperial governments.

Lordvader59 said:
All of a sudden, a call came in on an emergency line. Jens quickly picked it up.

"Mr President, this is Colonel Angker, commander of the Svalbard garrison. Some reactivated radar signatures have picked up a single naval contact. (Rolled a D6, rolled 6, if you guys don't work on rolls, which is totally reasonable, then let's assume close enough to deploy the boats is close enough to be sighted by radar.)

"Deploy two aircraft, fit one with a communication suite to make contact."

"Yes sir, I'll pass the message on to the nearest airbase."

Shortly afterwards, two JAS 40 Super Gripen would take off from an airbase on Norway's west coast. They would make their way to the radar signature, spotting the ship. The gunner in the plane with the communication suite would begin transmitting. "Greetings unidentified vessel, I must inform you that you have entered the territorial waters of the Nordic Union. Please, identify yourself or we will have to fire upon you."

[Ok problem resolved. I spoke with alteras and attempted to speak with agent, I'm still waiting on him. However as said. I have no problem with this post, It happens. However the ship is slowly returning, so I'm not voiding this post. It can still be valid but at a later time.]

The spetsnaz climb up the cliff during the night. There is some squads formed. Hunter will take five troops with him, he is considered in tune with nature and thus ordered to explore the wooded areas. Alexander would lead a team of five as well, to scout the east, and Natasha will use her quick speed to head directly to the vault silently. As she is faster than the others, And silent due to not carrying any gear on her. The two left behind spetsnaz units keep the zodiacs In check and holds the ropes deployed by the spetsnaz. They prepare for a quick escape, and deflate other zodiacs and having them in others. Thus to prevent clutter. However they are placed to the sides of the boat ready to inflate at a moment's notice.

Alexander keeps her team closest to the Cliffside but not directly on it. Hunter and his team attempt to get closer towards the vault, while Natasha just sprints there without halt, occasionally hiding behind trees. She notices a garrison of troops walking by, and climbs up into the tree, hiding in the brush without moving.

The princess gives a hardy hello to Polish planes.

The imperials, soviets, and gallian forces invade sumMOIST's.

Tunnels are void of oxygen due to flamethrowers, and will be given oxygen and be reinhabited at a later date.

The scientific experiments, although rarely seen by anyone. Are set rampant throughout the surface, and even occasionally seen walking through town streets and city streets. These experiments drag people into the darkness never to be heard from again.

A crazy soldier called IVAN is sent out to the surface.

'Nonna' makes it rain on the sumMOIST's with her personal heavy Gatling/minigun.

sumMOIST's and imperials use hermetic doors to seal each other in or out.

Mutant handlers are spread throughout.

Yggdist war monks invade any sumMOIST location in bulk.

Katyusha launchers are now in effect.

A no man's land is created in central russia - Yamburg.

Shit tons of tanks are used as borders.

The spetsnaz covertly sneak onto Svalbard.
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The Rising Empire
Canadian War

The Rising troops were losing ground, they were starting to fall back when a large number of Eclipsian troops emerged and helped them push back and reclaim the land the Rockians took. Along with the Eclipsian troops, the whole Rising Aerial Armada along with a thousand air superiority fighters led by Emperor Schneizel himself, arrived at ellesmere island to gain air superiority and provide support to the ground troops.

Royal Avalon

Schneizel was at his command chair giving out orders to the soldiers and making up Tactics on how to win this war when Max appeared in one of the large interface.

"Brother, a new group called the Summaist appeared" He said with a worried face.

"Summaist you say?" Schneizel said as he sat at the command chair.

"Yes.. They have launched large scale offensive all over the world, they call it the 'Summaist Revolt of the Summaist Offensive'.." Max Replied. Schneizel was shocked at what he said, but kept a serious face.

"And what of our allies?" Schneizel said

"They have also been affected" Max Replied "The cascadia capitol is being taken over and the summaist are marching towards the presidential residence.. The same can be said for the hamuis and the Socialist Republic of California.. The eclipsian empire is on a civil war, with the summaist supporting the opposing side." Schneizel then slammed his fist at the chair.

"Send soldiers to all of our allies to help suppress this so called 'Summaist'.. and re-activate the European military command, so they may assist all of our allies in europe..." Schneizel said. He may be fighting a war, but he cannot ignore the problems of his allies.


Help Being sent to all Rising Allies.

Rising Aerial Armada along with a thousand ASF has arrived at Ellesmere islands.

@Agent141 @Charlie12520 @Loyal Guardian @JJKab @RIPSaidCone Tell me if i have missed someone)

Kazami42 said:
Heather used a radio in the citadel tower. "If you threaten my people or my land, I'll fill your ass with more deeper holes than Moscow. I won't allow someone to treat my people like the native Americans of America. Now you can try to land outside, and wait five minutes for the drawbridge and the bridge itself to lower, and allow you through the oversized districts to here with escort. Or if your plane can land on water, the harbour. But I'm going to rewuire you be strip searched before entering." Heather was armed only with a simple pistol, But it was designed to where it shoots as fast as you can pull the trigger.

[Alright, let's see what we got today.]

[Prior to the ship leaving.]

Valerie, Natasha's assistant. Stands on a stage with the emperor and pavle who returned from glazov earlier... There is a podium and microphone there, he will let Valerie speak after the speech. There is a second podium as well, where pavle is, and is making his own speech but in English... The emperor speaks first. "Hello my fellow people, for several centuries we have lived underground and helped each other thrive upon the land. Recently, we have stormed the surface in a glorious Soviet rush tactic that gained us the upper hand on the mutants. We lost Moscow... BUT, we gained glazov, Surgut, Nizhnevartovsk also known s randgriz now, and the surrounding towns, citied such as izhevsky, and bonded through it all. Yes, Moscow was destroyed. But we gained more than we lost. And we captured the mutants as well. Victory is truly ours once again, I shall now let Valerie speak her peace." He stepped down casually and sat down on a wooden chair. Valerie got up.


"Today is a sad day. There is this new cult, Called the summarist? sumMOIST? Meh fuck it, sumMOIST. They have attacked the surface, despite taking only land with literally nothing in it, and taking the rubble of perm which is currently a sniper training facility. Idiots. They killed many innocent families and guardians of the people. They have grown in number. Two of my family were executed in front of me.... but they lack the three essentials to keep them alive. Intelligence, Tactics, And common sense. They lack intelligence due to invading the empire, a thriving multiple government culture. One of which is heavily bonded. They lack tactics, because if anyone besides me knows, Is the underground is a deathtrap to invaders. Friend and foe alike. Both from us and natural course. And mutants but we don't speak about that... and finally, the bastards lack common sense. Invading us, with thousands of loyal citizens and troops? With what? A few hundred people? We have known the land far longer than these dolts. I say fuck the peace, To ensure our safety thry must be eradicated at every single cost!"

Pavle was the last to speak. The emperor also gave him a medal and promotion to general for his service and undying loyalty.

"COMRADES!" Several redline troops running around the entire station at this point. "The summaist cult will not stand! They have killed our people, ruined our land, and proceed with a false hope to take the motherland! For every single one of ours they take, we will take two of them! We shall regain our land from these evil bastards, And make them rot in hell with the Nazis! Blood for blood! FOR TONIGHT, WE DINE, IN HELL!" The thousands of people watching, listening, or at the event cheer and repeat "blood for blood!" Until it echoed. Gun gangs or merchants cleaning rifles and guns repeated it, the engineers were motivated, The scientists became deviant over it. Angry mobs literally armed with pitchforks, mosin nagant, And flashlights begin marching.

Alexander was the next to bear witness. She was in a room of four people and one of them notified her. She covered her ears and closed her eyes. "No no no no no!" She then calmed down. She slammed her fist into the wall, breaking it. "I let these stupid bastards have a chance, I even let them live. But this is too much. They dare desecrate our land we worked to death for? Killing innocent families? Low life savages!" She turned around and pointed at the Soviet guard. "SEND IN THE WHOLE GODDAMN MILITARY! THEY WILL NOT RECEIVE MERCY FROM ME!" She punched the wall again. "SEND IN THE JUGGERNAUTS, THE FLAMERS, NONNA! EVERY SPECIAL SNOWFLAKE OF THE UNION!" She took out her arm. But three people ran up on her, trying to hold her down or threaten her. "Freeze bitch!" She onky retaliated by kicking one in the balls, throwing the other, taking out her heavy revolver. She turned around but got shot in the shoulder. She however shot him in the head, obliterating it in the most spectacular fashion. She then killed the last two as well. "KILL EVERYONE!" The guard nodded and left.

Jennifer was next. She owned parts of the affected zones of the metro, and everything on the surface. As a retaliatory attempt, she didn't even speak to her own personnel. She just signed a large document enforcing the military and militia to use armoured battalions.

The emperor was casual in the entire affair. He was like the bad guy from so many films, or a pimp. He took the phone besides him and ringed up the scientific ward. "Hello?" He then replied with a bad guy sounding smooth voice. "Engage projects claymore and valkyria early. It is gonna be a red winter." He put the phone down. The scientists were baffled. "What does that mean? We don't have that many in stable conditions!" Förster slapped the scientist. "To hell with stability. You heard the emperor. Send out the girls! Let them use their bare hands to Mutilate these bastards!" The scientists looked at cameras, and selected the most stable individuals, mostly women. They formed up the first generations. 47 of them exactly. All they had at the moment. 10 "valks" and 37 others. They were not finished with the testing stages, the majority of which could kill themselves or each other by awakening at this point, so they are only issued mosin nagant and gallian-nagants. The majority of which don't even have powers of any kind besides healing, and faster speed. They were sent up the elevator with good wishes, and promise of no more experimentation should they return.

Mutant handlers with even some of the new mutant generations they have tamed are sent in bulk throughout the metro.

Tanks storm the surface in as many numbers as a singke street can handle,

Katyusha launchers are in lines of ten, the highest number used is 20, all stationed at randgriz or glazov.

Hundreds of two man FT-40 Light tanks are used as borders.

IVAN with his mobile arsenal, targets population centers of supposed summaists.

ZIS styled trucks are in conveys of 10 that all carry 25 soldiers each across the land.

A stalemate inbetween Yamburg and central russia itself is bombed into no man's land, with a constant never ending stalemate. Trenches are made.

The yggdist monks storm any locations of summaist conspiracy in bulk.

What the people call "claymores" can only be occasionally seen roaming alone, or with a squad of five through even allied towns and cities. Destroying everything summaist related, people being afraid run away, people thought to be summy, or attack the claymores are quickly dragged into the darkness never to be heard from again.

The redline go over the top and deploy ragnite crystals in metro lines, or send in Flamer or Gatling pstrold to kill summaists they come across. The crystals severely damaged and are expected to gas the enemy. Meanwhile multiple tunnels are rendered temporarily uninhabitable due to flamers due to the flame taking out oxygen. They will be reinhabited and oxygen will return after the conquest.

'Nonna' with a Gatling gun, usually the tallest woman in any squad she is assigned to. Enter known summaist locations and massacre all of the inhabitants.

Some metros are blocked by hermetic doors or large vault doors to seal in summaists, or to block out imperial governments.

[Ok problem resolved. I spoke with alteras and attempted to speak with agent, I'm still waiting on him. However as said. I have no problem with this post, It happens. However the ship is slowly returning, so I'm not voiding this post. It can still be valid but at a later time.]

The spetsnaz climb up the cliff during the night. There is some squads formed. Hunter will take five troops with him, he is considered in tune with nature and thus ordered to explore the wooded areas. Alexander would lead a team of five as well, to scout the east, and Natasha will use her quick speed to head directly to the vault silently. As she is faster than the others, And silent due to not carrying any gear on her. The two left behind spetsnaz units keep the zodiacs In check and holds the ropes deployed by the spetsnaz. They prepare for a quick escape, and deflate other zodiacs and having them in others. Thus to prevent clutter. However they are placed to the sides of the boat ready to inflate at a moment's notice.

Alexander keeps her team closest to the Cliffside but not directly on it. Hunter and his team attempt to get closer towards the vault, while Natasha just sprints there without halt, occasionally hiding behind trees. She notices a garrison of troops walking by, and climbs up into the tree, hiding in the brush without moving.

Meanwhile, near the Vault, Nordic FOB Vertigo:

The soldiers at the island were on high alert, with the knowledge of the nearby intruders. Patrols were making sure nothing from the ship arrived to assail the vault. There was a roadblock set up in front of the vault, manned by Union troops and a few light artillery pieces. Several watchtowers with machine guns and snipers surveyed the land around the vault. So far, all was well.

@Kazami42 (I'll give you first move)

Republic of Cascadia



A temporary panic filled the streets of Portland as civilians sprinted in-doors upon government instruction as heavily armed police officers and SWAT teams filled the streets of Portland, the Summaist rebels hadn't been considered anywhere near strong enough to warrant a military intervention and so the Portland Police Department was given full permission to do whatever was necessary to wipe out the remaining Summaist supporters. The Police vastly outnumbered and outgunned the Summaist forces due to the fact that purchasing weaponry in Cascadia was considerably more difficult than in the old America as the background checks were very efficient, and anyone who was affiliated with the Summaist party or a friend of anyone in the Summaist movement was denied access to buy any kind of weapon for security reasons. President Jefferson had been moved by her bodyguards into a deep underground bunker far beneath the Presidential Residence in the rare event that the Summaists actually got through however sniper teams on the roof of the Residence had very little problem in taking out entire groups of Summaist attackers and the Secret Service whilst being outnumbered by the Summaists were insanely better trained and equipped than them. All in all the attack on the Presidential Residence had been wiped out within half an hour of it beginning and the remaining Summaists had been arrested by nearby police.

The Summaists were pushed to the point of extinction within 4 hours of fighting with police forces simply due to the fact that they were limited to handguns, baseball bats and shotguns at the very best whilst the Portland Police Department had access to helicopters, armored vehicles, tear gas, kevlar, fully automatic weapons, sniper rifles and much more than the Summaists could ever provide. Any Summaist attempts to raid CDF bases were crushed fully by the already put on maximum readiness CDF forces meanwhile all CNDF ships had been ordered to sail away from harbor until the Summaists had been wiped out to prevent them from attempting to steal from the ships or damage them in anyway. The police had been given orders to stop at nothing to crush the wannabe rebellion. The Summaists had been the brutal mistake of pushing too far into Portland too quickly despite being untrained with barely any weapons to their name and with only a fanatical belief on their side they were quickly wiped out. 298 Summaists were killed by the police with 987 being arrested after surrendering with 107 of those being arrested being sentenced to death for treason and intent to harm government officials whilst the rest of the arrested Summaists have been given life sentences in high-security prisons for treason on it's own. Overall the failed Summaist assault on Portland had lasted 5 and a half hours and had resulted in no dead police officers, 9 injured officers, 27 injured civilians and 2 dead civilians who had been killed by Summaists. The leader of the Summaist movement in Cascadia was shot dead by a SWAT sniper later in the night, the Republic of Cascadia has also sent it's thanks to the Rising Empire but has stated that it never required any help.​

One Hour Post-Failed Attack, Portland

In response to the barbaric attack against Portland and the Cascadian people, the Cascadian Senate has decreed that identifying as a Summaist is now illegal by law and punishable by up to 5 years in prison, actively going out and trying to spread the Summaist word is punishable by 25 years in prison with low chance of parole and acting violently on behalf of the Summaist belief is punishable by life in prison with no chance of parole. President Jefferson gave this speech.

"To my fellow Cascadians and people of the world, we have been attacked where our people felt safest. In the hearts of our major urban centers and humble countryside towns by a fanatical terrorist organization that some may know as the Summaist movement. The news of a swift and brutal Cascadian shutdown of all Summaist movement activity in our nation may come as a surprise to our friends and allies abroad as we are known for our peaceful, loving nature but at the core of every Cascadian is the ability to stand up for what we believe in. History is an important subject to know, many good countries of the old world fell into darkness and evil by following these kinds of movements and their usually charismatic leaders, the most infamous case of this being Germany in the 1930's. Picture a world controlled by a single man, one man. A single man with no one to watch him, with no authority to answer to, power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Cascadia had to stand up for itself to defend it's rights from these mad men who would most enjoy taking away our very freedoms in place of a new world order, to have one man rule over our entire planet. The Republic of Cascadia has the utmost respect for freedom of speech and the power of democracy but when a movement turns to violence to force people under it's cause. That's when me, my government and my people simply cannot allow it. I encourage the Polish and CAF governments to remove their Summaist parties as soon as possible to prevent more attacks like this. Thank you for listening."

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Alteras @ArisenMoon @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Wickedkent @Albion @Charlie12520

Nevada Regional Prison, Cascadia

All Summaist prisoners have been sent to the Nevada Regional Prison in the middle of the Mojave desert, it was a quick transfer as was the entire process to ensure that nothing happened whilst the prisoners were being transported. They have been seperated from the rest of the prison's population to ensure that they don't attempt to convert any prisoners to their cause and for their own safety, prison guards have no chance of being persuaded after the attack on Portland as the entire Cascadian population has a vendetta against Summaist supporters, in-fact in the very little time the Summaists have been in the prison 9 of them have been beaten up other prisoners who had managed to sneak past guards solely to beat Summaists up, unsurprisingly the prison guards haven't punished any of the prisoners who have repeatedly attacked Summaist prisoners.

The rest of Cascadia has taken to show it's support for the Portland Police Department who bravely fought against the Summaist rebels and successfully crushed their attempt at a takeover, the city of Portland itself came out of the brief conflict relatively undamaged minus a few shattered windows, broken doors or bullet holes in a few walls, if anything the attempted takeover has done nothing but make the Cascadian population more loyal to their country and patriotism has seen a recent surge, President Jefferson's approval polls have gone through the roof and she has been pretty much guaranteed a reelection meanwhile anti-terrorism teams have been deployed to cities and towns around the country to route out and arrest the remaining Summaist members in hiding, however there are suspected to be very, very little amounts of still loyal Summaist supporters after seeing the shock & awe destruction of the rest of their movement in Portland by the police. The government is persuading remaining Summaists to simply drop their cause and return to their normal lives and contribute to society once again.​
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In the streets of Chungchan, there was protest. Signs bearing things saying, "We demand freedom!" "Give me democracy or give me death!" "No more marxism!" "Fuck President Wei Fong!" Among other things were on signs.

A man knocked on Wei's door, "Excuse me sir, may I come in?"

Wei replied, "Come on in." He sat in his chair, hunched over a pile of paperwork, several empty tea cups were on his desk.

The man was a widely respected General in the Army.

"There are riots throughout the streets, I'm sure you've been made one hundred percent aware of this fact..." He continued, "I'd like for no other than my battalion and I, the 214th, to take control of this issue. The police quite obviously aren't doing much to stop it, all that's happening to them is them being burnt up by Molotovs."

President Fong scratched his chin, and sat up a bit more straight, "I'd prefer if we didn't use fo-"

The General replied, "No worries sir, we can handle it."

President Fong sighed, and gave the go ahead for military involvement in stopping the riots.

Molotov cocktails were being thrown onto buildings, shops were being broken into, people were mugged. The city of Chungchan had delved into anarchy. A nearby military base allowed for the soldiers to arrive quickly.

As the force of 2,500 walked through he streets, they smugly looked at the police. Laughing at their incompetence. Even with the 214th battalion there, the protesters refused to back down. Even going as far as to take guns from the soldiers, and attempt to shoot them.

The civilian protesters set up a line, using debris and trash cans to hide behind, as they were shot at with rubber bullets. The protesters threw Molotovs from behind the cover, as they slowly tried to gain more ground.

General Bingwen of the 214th battalion, demanded that the soldiers switch from rubber bullets to full-on ammunition. Of course, they listened.

A single bullet was fired up in the air, and the protesters knew what was up. They couldn't believe it, but they knew.

It had only been a few hours since the riots had started.

President Fong was unaware of this, he was doing some paperwork related to what had happened in the country a few months ago, where similar, less severe riots occurred.

The protesters grabbed wooden boards with nails on them, and charged 214th lines, hitting soldiers on the head. Riot shields were placed in the hands of the soldiers as to set a perimeter between them and the rioters, and hope that they wouldn't have to use their weapons.

They would repeatedly smash the riot shields with pipes.

All around them buildings were burning, as shop owners attempt to put out the fire manually. Citizens not participating in the riots were ordered to "return to their homes." The streets were filled with absolute chaos. Molotovs continued to be thrown in the direction of the 214th soldiers. Some occasionally getting lit on fire. Before using a stop drop and roll tactic. Some were burned more than others.

It seemed like political unrest was at an all-time high in the Socialist Republic of China.
Northern Korea

As the last of the bodies of the fanatics were being carried away to be burned, Markus sat quietly in a tent his men set up for him, drinking from a glass of water, while he listened to the message from a place called Cascadia. Smiling, Markus raised his glass in the air, giving the Cascadians a silent salute for their quick action against the Summaists. "At least one other nation sees the true threat these fanatical b@stards pose." Finishing the glass, he turned and refilled it, before sending for a runner.

As the man arrived, Markus quickly gave him orders. "Send a message to this Cascadian government, and tell them they have my praise for dealing with the Summaists in their lands, such as we have. Perhaps they can assist us in dealing with the remaining elements within our borders..."

Lordvader59 said:
Meanwhile, near the Vault, Nordic FOB Vertigo:
The soldiers at the island were on high alert, with the knowledge of the nearby intruders. Patrols were making sure nothing from the ship arrived to assail the vault. There was a roadblock set up in front of the vault, manned by Union troops and a few light artillery pieces. Several watchtowers with machine guns and snipers surveyed the land around the vault. So far, all was well.

@Kazami42 (I'll give you first move)

Hunter took out his specially designed MP-4. The first refined edition of the mp-3 which was longer and had a weapon mount. "Take out the lights." They aimed at any lights on the guard towers. The remaining spetsnaz soldier would fire at any lights missed. They all used their mp-3s. Silenced weapons as well. Crafted by the great theimer himself. Natasha would climb out of the tree after the patrol left. She would then proceed to stay out of the light areas, and then hide inside of a bush. The spetsnaz then fired onto the lights. Attempting to make it seem like a electrical malfunction.




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Kazami42 said:
Hunter took out his specially designed MP-4. The first refined edition of the mp-3 which was longer and had a weapon mount. "Take out the lights." They aimed at any lights on the guard towers. The remaining spetsnaz soldier would fire at any lights missed. They all used their mp-3s. Silenced weapons as well. Crafted by the great theimer himself. Natasha would climb out of the tree after the patrol left. She would then proceed to stay out of the light areas, and then hide inside of a bush. The spetsnaz then fired onto the lights. Attempting to make it seem like a electrical malfunction.





The soldiers not only had night vision, but heard the sound of bullets hitting the lights. Within seconds, alarms began sounding throughout the compound. The patrols began honing in on any gunshots that had been heard (A suppressed gunshot is still rather loud, loud enough for any potential nearby patrols to hear.) Machine guns on the tower would use ballistics to estimate the direction the bullets that hit the lights came from. With this knowledge, they would open fire on any possible cover positions in the general area the shots came from. Some towers got a better idea then other. The vault was put on lockdown, with the entire garrison mobilized and out hunting or defending the vault. Jens, still taking questions from the press about the coup, was pulled inside by national security advisors to be briefed on the situation.

"We have reports of gunshots at Svalbard, I have taken all steps to act as if there is an invasion. Svalbard has much valuable cargo and still some military vehicles inside."

"Any tanks?"

"Some, Mr. President."

"Turn the tank's armaments on the doors, if there indeed is an intrusion and they get into the garage, they will be slain."

Lordvader59 said:
The soldiers not only had night vision, but heard the sound of bullets hitting the lights. Within seconds, alarms began sounding throughout the compound. The patrols began honing in on any gunshots that had been heard (A suppressed gunshot is still rather loud, loud enough for any potential nearby patrols to hear.) Machine guns on the tower would use ballistics to estimate the direction the bullets that hit the lights came from. With this knowledge, they would open fire on any possible cover positions in the general area the shots came from. Some towers got a better idea then other. The vault was put on lockdown, with the entire garrison mobilized and out hunting or defending the vault. Jens, still taking questions from the press about the coup, was pulled inside by national security advisors to be briefed on the situation.
"We have reports of gunshots at Svalbard, I have taken all steps to act as if there is an invasion. Svalbard has much valuable cargo and still some military vehicles inside."

"Any tanks?"

"Some, Mr. President."

"Turn the tank's armaments on the doors, if there indeed is an intrusion and they get into the garage, they will be slain."

[Fair enough, lmao.]

Hunter and his squad mobilized out. They continued staying in or some behind the treeline they spread out and one even hid in a tree. Natasha was then attempting sneaking past but there was still low baring lights. She would then crouch and remain in the night, circling the location rather quickly until finding another but more stable building to hide behind. Hunter would continue sneaking around, and only one other spetsnaz unit was still in range of one of the towers. They would then shoot at those stationed inside, while the spetsnaz still hidden or in bushes would take shots at patrols. Hunter had deemed the residents hostile, and allowed them to be shot at.
Kazami42 said:
[Fair enough, lmao.]
Hunter and his squad mobilized out. They continued staying in or some behind the treeline they spread out and one even hid in a tree. Natasha was then attempting sneaking past but there was still low baring lights. She would then crouch and remain in the night, circling the location rather quickly until finding another but more stable building to hide behind. Hunter would continue sneaking around, and only one other spetsnaz unit was still in range of one of the towers. They would then shoot at those stationed inside, while the spetsnaz still hidden or in bushes would take shots at patrols. Hunter had deemed the residents hostile, and allowed them to be shot at.
The Nordic troops now realized they were facing a hostile force. The Nordic government ordered full aerial over watch of the island to keep the air and seas clean. The patrols began to run back, under fire to the barracades of the FOB. As they fell back, they shot at the soldiers they could see. Any soldiers they couldn't see were marked with smoke. All of a sudden, a garrison commander had an idea. Infrared sights were brought up from the vehicles to spot the spetz. The sights were used in junction with the snipers to began taking accurate shots at the squads.

Lordvader59 said:
The Nordic troops now realized they were facing a hostile force. The Nordic government ordered full aerial over watch of the island to keep the air and seas clean. The patrols began to run back, under fire to the barracades of the FOB. As they fell back, they shot at the soldiers they could see. Any soldiers they couldn't see were marked with smoke. All of a sudden, a garrison commander had an idea. Infrared sights were brought up from the vehicles to spot the spetz. The sights were used in junction with the snipers to began taking accurate shots at the squads.
The spetsnaz threw Pipebombs at them after cooking them for a few seconds. Hunter shot three infantrymen, a single spetsnaz soldier was shot in the left arm. Natasha however took out a explosive incendiary Pipebomb and threw it at a nearby tower. She then started shooting at another tower with her modified heavy machinegun. Somehow she wasn't detected yet until that point. Her strength enough to keep the gun accurate on its own in eight round bursts.
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Kazami42 said:
The spetsnaz threw Pipebombs at them after cooking them for a few seconds. Hunter shot three infantrymen, a single spetsnaz soldier was shot in the left arm. Natasha however took out a explosive incendiary Pipebomb and threw it at a nearby tower. She then started shooting at another tower with her modified heavy machinegun. Somehow she wasn't detected yet until that point. Her strength enough to keep the gun accurate on its own in eight round bursts.
The Nordic troops quickly got a sense of where the enemy was. The snipers, those who had survived the pipe bombs, began picking off Spetsnaz, sending 3 down. Those in the tower climbed down under the suppressing fire of their comrades, rejoining the main front barricade. The Union began to dig foxholes behind the cover, but in a system where troops could still stand up and shoot. Any spetsnaz near the front gate would be pinned down by the immense volume of fire from, by the estimate of any more tactically knowledgeable of the Russians, at least a platoon sized element, probably multiple.

Meanwhile, over the North Sea:

Nordic fighter aircraft scoured the ocean for whatever ship bore these invaders upon the lands of the Union. Two aircraft with smart bombs now flew over the island, standing by for any air support orders. The fighters were armed with anti ship and anti air missiles. One also had a communication suite.

Lordvader59 said:
The Nordic troops quickly got a sense of where the enemy was. The snipers, those who had survived the pipe bombs, began picking off Spetsnaz, sending 3 down. Those in the tower climbed down under the suppressing fire of their comrades, rejoining the main front barricade. The Union began to dig foxholes behind the cover, but in a system where troops could still stand up and shoot. Any spetsnaz near the front gate would be pinned down by the immense volume of fire from, by the estimate of any more tactically knowledgeable of the Russians, at least a platoon sized element, probably multiple.
Meanwhile, over the North Sea:

Nordic fighter aircraft scoured the ocean for whatever ship bore these invaders upon the lands of the Union. Two aircraft with smart bombs now flew over the island, standing by for any air support orders. The fighters were armed with anti ship and anti air missiles. One also had a communication suite.

The remaining two, and hunter moved again. Two using trees as cover, and hunter using a broken down tree to continue firing on snipers, while the spetsnaz continued firing on soldiers on the ground. One of them threw another Pipebomb, killing two more. Natasha fired a barrage of 20 bullets at the Nordic units in cover. A stray bullet earlier having pierced the ragnite pendant she wore. The racket was enough to get its own attention from Alexanders squad. Which she left the machine gunner at the cliff, and took the rest with her. Two armed with silenced ak-74s, one armed with a gallian-nagant 28 one armed with only a bolt rifle gallian-nagant 32 [if i remember the name right.], Alexander armed with the GN-28 as well.

She was annoyed after hearing jets in the distance flying about and away. "Damn it, what the fuck is taking so long?" She looked behind her. "Follow me boys." She said despite two being women. They take the east path this time around. Taking additional time, however she would use the scope on the rifle to scout ahead to determine to go in a location or not. They eventually found a treeline despite being smaller than the other, but were in position for Alexander to look around. Even though she was on the other side, Alexander could somewhat see Natasha. She continued looking around until seeing the front gate at a angle.

She smirked. "Is this what is taking so damn long? They're just a bunch of boyscouts." She looked at her squad. "Everyone disperse and spread, use the environment. Your guerrilla tactics will aid you." They begin to enforce a tactic known as: 'hit-and-run' in which they will fire at the enemy, and then move to another location. However the two snipers, begin firing on the Nordic units that actually pose a threat. Both killing two, and the other spetsnaz fire at them as well. With one of them jumping out of a bush and stabbing a single patrol unit in the head. However there was still a large majority of Nordics remaining. The spetsnaz soldier then moved to another location. Alexanders squad arriving in a short time due to being close by.
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Kazami42 said:
The remaining two, and hunter moved again. Two using trees as cover, and hunter using a broken down tree to continue firing on snipers, while the spetsnaz continued firing on soldiers on the ground. One of them threw another Pipebomb, killing two more. Natasha fired a barrage of 20 bullets at the Nordic units in cover. A stray bullet earlier having pierced the ragnite pendant she wore. The racket was enough to get its own attention from Alexanders squad. Which she left the machine gunner at the cliff, and took the rest with her. Two armed with silenced ak-74s, one armed with a gallian-nagant 28 one armed with only a bolt rifle gallian-nagant 32 [if i remember the name right.], Alexander armed with the GN-28 as well.
She was annoyed after hearing jets in the distance flying about and away. "Damn it, what the fuck is taking so long?" She looked behind her. "Follow me boys." She said despite two being women. They take the east path this time around. Taking additional time, however she would use the scope on the rifle to scout ahead to determine to go in a location or not. They eventually found a treeline despite being smaller than the other, but were in position for Alexander to look around. Even though she was on the other side, Alexander could somewhat see Natasha. She continued looking around until seeing the front gate at a angle.

She smirked. "Is this what is taking so damn long? They're just a bunch of boyscouts." She looked at her squad. "Everyone disperse and spread, use the environment. Your guerrilla tactics will aid you." They begin to enforce a tactic known as: 'hit-and-run' in which they will fire at the enemy, and then move to another location. However the two snipers, begin firing on the Nordic units that actually pose a threat. Both killing two, and the other spetsnaz fire at them as well. With one of them jumping out of a bush and stabbing a single patrol unit in the head. However there was still a large majority of Nordics remaining. The spetsnaz soldier then moved to another location. Alexanders squad arriving in a short time due to being close by.
All of a sudden, the officers in charge of the garrison had a ridiculously simple idea. All patrols were ordered back, and, under the cover of the main garrison at the gate, into the vault. With utmost care, all units and material were brought into the vault, the snipers, still harassing the spetz, were amongst the last to go in. With all units inside, the heavy vault doors, resistant to the nuclear blasts of the Great War, were sealed. With all personnel accounted for underground, guarding the only door, the ok was given to initiate aerial bombardment. Two more fighters flew overhead, and, in a single pass, 10 bombs were let loose. 3 of said bombs were cluster bombs, 2 napalm charges, and the rest just smart bombs.

Korean/Chinese Border

Stretched out in a long line, three divisions of Korean tanks sat waiting, their engines humming. Behind them, hundreds of infantry soldiers walked about, the agitation and nerves plain to see. The First Assault Legion, made up of three hundreds tanks, 500 assorted other vehicles, and nearly 5000 soldiers. A force strong enough to capture large swaths of land on its own, sat stalled by a simple border...

General Mayu Izoto put down the phone, ending the call he had been having with the capital. When the First Assault Legion had set out on its mission, there had been no Chinese nation, the lands ripe for the taking. Now, though... If Korea continued its plan to capture the the old Chinese lands, then they risked becoming war mongers in the eyes of the rest of the world, men and women driven only to take lands. For now, the general had been ordered to stand his forces down, and patrol the border.


Markus finished writing the official "greetings" he was about to send to this new Chinese government. In the simplest terms, it informed them that Korea did not recognize the new regime, and that any actions near the Korean border, or near the Korean shores, would be seen as a terrorist act by a militant force. As he wrote the last lines, he read them over twice, before nodding to himself. Sending the letter down to the radio sector, Markus now left it to others to continue on.

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Lordvader59 said:
All of a sudden, the officers in charge of the garrison had a ridiculously simple idea. All patrols were ordered back, and, under the cover of the main garrison at the gate, into the vault. With utmost care, all units and material were brought into the vault, the snipers, still harassing the spetz, were amongst the last to go in. With all units inside, the heavy vault doors, resistant to the nuclear blasts of the Great War, were sealed. With all personnel accounted for underground, guarding the only door, the ok was given to initiate aerial bombardment. Two more fighters flew overhead, and, in a single pass, 10 bombs were let loose. 3 of said bombs were cluster bombs, 2 napalm charges, and the rest just smart bombs.
Natasha sprinted to the forest, and quickly dragged hunter AWAY. Alexander also sprinted off. The remaining units were the only ones captured. A napalm strike hit the east, and burned two spetsnaz soldiers. The sniper escaped however gaining severe burns on his left arm and lower right leg. The smart bombs hit the surface and blew everything up, and the remaining units of hunters squad was obliterated by cluster bombs. With around only two spetsnaz still alive, which one was a soldier who got shot in the arm earlier. The other napalm basically burned the surroundings in intense heat, And got rid of the bodies, or killing the wounded. Survivors ran around frailing about in severe pain.

The only ones capable to return was Natasha and Alexander. Alexander leaving her sniper rifle behind but keeping her revolver, because the heat alone would be enough to melt parts of the gun. With Natasha keeping hers due to being coated, and parts of it built with ragnite. "They used sticky fire! Well fuck it, we need this shit more than they do. I know you don't like doing it, but here we go." Natasha turned around. "What?" Alexander stabbed Natasha in the chest, And Alexander then stabbed herself in the upper-Right of her chest. Both collapsing on the ground.

After two minutes, They were revived and groaned. Natasha having the worst of it due to being stabbed horrifically by Alexanders sword. Slowly healing from it and thus still bleeding for only a few seconds. They slowly and painfully stood up, and then spent a few more seconds recovering. A blue flame engulfing them. However Alexander was only using the vast minority of her power just to have the flame alone with nothing else. Same with Natasha despite having no say over the matter. They were then capable of walking through the napalm but still feeling the heat of it and sweating. They approached the vault, but didn't even knock on the door. So it'd appear they had died. They remained hidden, waiting for the door to open.
ArisenMoon said:
Korean/Chinese Border
Stretched out in a long line, three divisions of Korean tanks sat waiting, their engines humming. Behind them, hundreds of infantry soldiers walked about, the agitation and nerves plain to see. The First Assault Legion, made up of three hundreds tanks, 500 assorted other vehicles, and nearly 5000 soldiers. A force strong enough to capture large swaths of land on its own, sat stalled by a simple border...

General Mayu Izoto put down the phone, ending the call he had been having with the capital. When the First Assault Legion had set out on its mission, there had been no Chinese nation, the lands ripe for the taking. Now, though... If Korea continued its plan to capture the the old Chinese lands, then they risked becoming war mongers in the eyes of the rest of the world, men and women driven only to take lands. For now, the general had been ordered to stand his forces down, and patrol the border.


Markus finished writing the official "greetings" he was about to send to this new Chinese government. In the simplest terms, it informed them that Korea did not recognize the new regime, and that any actions near the Korean border, or near the Korean shores, would be seen as a terrorist act by a militant force. As he wrote the last lines, he read them over twice, before nodding to himself. Sending the letter down to the radio sector, Markus now left it to others to continue on.

Socialist Republic of China, Chungchan

The rioting had continued, despite all oppression against the protesters by the 214th battalion and General Bingwen's leadership, the rioting continued as Chungchan delved into absolute anarchy.

General Bingwen knocked on President Wei Fong's door, as he looked out the window at the chaos in Chungchan.

Wei sighed, "Come in!" General Bingwen came in, "Sir, I'd like to request the use of lethal force against the protesters."

Wei said, "Permission granted... Try to kill as few as possible, I just want these riots to end. We cannot have these riots tearing the country apart already, I won't allow it."

The General nodded.

Moments later, rapid bullet fire was heard. And a tank rolled into the city. Protesters were relentlessly cut down by the military, as they went on a full-blown offensive. Within minutes, 100 lie dead, with only 2 being part of the 214th battalion. The riots had ceased, and now became nothing more than remnants of crime being Commited throughout the city, as the remainder of the protesters dispersed in horror.

Wei felt a feeling of absolute evil come over him, What have I done... God forgive me... He repeated again, and again in his head.

Now, Chungchan was to be put under Martial Law until the unrest died down.

The 214th battalion began to pull out of the city, as the 215th arrived to take their place.

Meanwhile, Wei Fong had been alerted of the Korean forces, and immediately had a small scouting force be sent to the general vacinity of the area. And perhaps make contact with them.
Kazami42 said:
Natasha sprinted to the forest, and quickly dragged hunter AWAY. Alexander also sprinted off. The remaining units were the only ones captured. A napalm strike hit the east, and burned two spetsnaz soldiers. The sniper escaped however gaining severe burns on his left arm and lower right leg. The smart bombs hit the surface and blew everything up, and the remaining units of hunters squad was obliterated by cluster bombs. With around only two spetsnaz still alive, which one was a soldier who got shot in the arm earlier. The other napalm basically burned the surroundings in intense heat, And got rid of the bodies, or killing the wounded. Survivors ran around frailing about in severe pain.
The only ones capable to return was Natasha and Alexander. Alexander leaving her sniper rifle behind but keeping her revolver, because the heat alone would be enough to melt parts of the gun. With Natasha keeping hers due to being coated, and parts of it built with ragnite. "They used sticky fire! Well fuck it, we need this shit more than they do. I know you don't like doing it, but here we go." Natasha turned around. "What?" Alexander stabbed Natasha in the chest, And Alexander then stabbed herself in the upper-Right of her chest. Both collapsing on the ground.

After two minutes, They were revived and groaned. Natasha having the worst of it due to being stabbed horrifically by Alexanders sword. Slowly healing from it and thus still bleeding for only a few seconds. They slowly and painfully stood up, and then spent a few more seconds recovering. A blue flame engulfing them. However Alexander was only using the vast minority of her power just to have the flame alone with nothing else. Same with Natasha despite having no say over the matter. They were then capable of walking through the napalm but still feeling the heat of it and sweating. They approached the vault, but didn't even knock on the door. So it'd appear they had died. They remained hidden, waiting for the door to open.
Inside the vault, they felt the shaking of the ground and heard the explosions.

"Well." One soldier spoke "They're probably dead." He went to open the vault door.

"WAIT!" One officer barked "We don't know that, move out carefully."

The door began to swing open, the first thing out being the barrel of a machine gun. A whole platoon rushed out and began sweeping their guns around. All foliage between the vault and the barricades had been burnt out. The soldiers ran for the barricades, setting up a tight perimeter around the vault.

Lordvader59 said:
Inside the vault, they felt the shaking of the ground and heard the explosions.
"Well." One soldier spoke "They're probably dead." He went to open the vault door.

"WAIT!" One officer barked "We don't know that, move out carefully."

The door began to swing open, the first thing out being the barrel of a machine gun. A whole platoon rushed out and began sweeping their guns around. All foliage between the vault and the barricades had been burnt out. The soldiers ran for the barricades, setting up a tight perimeter around the vault.


Alexander and Natasha were preparing to let the door open until they simply rushed out past them, and somehow ignoring tall women set on fire right next to them. They looked at each other and shrugged. Alexander entered the vault, and then closed the door.

[This song plays during the following event.] [media]

Natasha just smirks deviously as she pulls a Pipebomb out of her clevage. And threw it in front of her, behind the soldiers. It exploded killing four of them, and she pulled out her sword. She begun twirling about, and or speeding to other soldiers in a fashion as if it were a dance competition. Even leaning backwards, and raising her arm up slicing a soldier in the head before standing up normally, She stabbed another one before turning around firing at two more with her machinegun. The heat generating from her flame tearing only tiny bits of their clothing off as well.
Kazami42 said:
Alexander and Natasha were preparing to let the door open until they simply rushed out past them, and somehow ignoring tall women set on fire right next to them. They looked at each other and shrugged. Alexander entered the vault, and then closed the door.

[This song plays during the following event.] [media]

Natasha just smirks deviously as she pulls a Pipebomb out of her clevage. And threw it in front of her, behind the soldiers. It exploded killing four of them, and she pulled out her sword. She begun twirling about, and or speeding to other soldiers in a fashion as if it were a dance competition. Even leaning backwards, and raising her arm up slicing a soldier in the head before standing up normally, She stabbed another one before turning around firing at two more with her machinegun. The heat generating from her flame tearing only tiny bits of their clothing off as well.
... (touche) Now the soldiers in the vault were all on high alert, and they began to run out by the dozen. Two dozen elite Nordic troops aimed their weapons at the two. One ran past and opened the door, causing the other platoon to aim, now blocking their exit. (They'd have reacted to the two, so your post is a bit.... void but I'm making it work with this post.

"Drop your weapons." The officer demanded.

Lordvader59 said:
... (touche) Now the soldiers in the vault were all on high alert, and they began to run out by the dozen. Two dozen elite Nordic troops aimed their weapons at the two. One ran past and opened the door, causing the other platoon to aim, now blocking their exit. (They'd have reacted to the two, so your post is a bit.... void but I'm making it work with this post.
"Drop your weapons." The officer demanded.

[They could of, but you didn't make them despite me literally implying being next to the door.]

Natasha stopped massacring the troops for a second to take off her damaged ragnite pendant, she stabbed it and it started leaking a strange fume which made her look sick. Her stabbing it made it spew out more. She then stared at the officer. Only giving him a middle finger before the pendant exploded open releasing the natural gas from within it. Creating a large cloud of lethal gas surrounding them. The cloud hindering the two on different levels. Natasha was getting weaker due to its effects. Alexander however occasionally coughed from it, but still stood up normally.
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