The World of Tomorrow

JJKab said:
"Oh, alright. Now I see, why yo---"

The Chairman of the Parliament spoke into the microphone, officially beginning the Parliament meeting.

Soon, Polish president stepped onto the main stand in the middle of the big room, and spoke

"Panie I panowie.. .Z wielkim niepokojem odzywam sie do was, gdyż na naszej wschodniej granicy... Dwójka kombatantów przekroczyła naszą granicę.... Nie udało nam się dowiedzieć, kim oni byli... Była to dama i męs Lecz wiemy jedno... Mamy sąsiada na zachodzie. Więc... Proponuję ustawę o wysłaniu korpusu zwiadowczego, żeby zbadał te tereny, i nawiązał komunikację z możliwym narodem"

{Ladies and gentlemen... With great concern I speak to you, because on our eastern bourder... two armed men crossed our bourder... We couldn't establish who they were... A man and a young lady... So... I offer a new act, in which we'll send a scouting team to check those areas, and establish relations with possible nation" THe president stepped down, waved away by countless claps, except by the Summoist party members, who kept quiet.
[Lmao. SumMOIST.]

"Well that was quick. Usually people would argue for about five hours before getting something at least proposed." She just stood there silently, Her hands in front of her in a civilized manner.

Kazami42 said:
[Lmao. SumMOIST.]
"Well that was quick. Usually people would argue for about five hours before getting something at least proposed." She just stood there silently, Her hands in front of her in a civilized manner.

"It's just the president... Wait untill you'll see---"

"Protestuje! To narzuca nam wol? tego chama!-"

"Zamknij sie, chcesz znowu Ruskich na karku?! 123 Lata pod ich okupacj? nie wystarczy?y?"

"Zgadzam sie z pos?em Jaruzelskim"

"Cholera jasna, chaos, panowie, C-H-A-O-S"

The man looked at the girl, and raised his eyebrow

"Told ya"

Few hours have passed

"Proponuje przerw? w obradach"

{I am proposing a pause in this meeting}

This passed, and everyone moved to their own business

The man went to the toilet, leaving the girl alone, and the president was casually sitting in his chair, sipping his tea.
JJKab said:
"It's just the president... Wait untill you'll see---"
"Protestuje! To narzuca nam wolę tego chama!-"

"Zamknij sie, chcesz znowu Ruskich na karku?! 123 Lata pod ich okupacją nie wystarczyły?"

"Zgadzam sie z posłem Jaruzelskim"

"Cholera jasna, chaos, panowie, C-H-A-O-S"

The man looked at the girl, and raised his eyebrow

"Told ya"

Few hours have passed

"Proponuje przerwę w obradach"

{I am proposing a pause in this meeting}

This passed, and everyone moved to their own business

The man went to the toilet, leaving the girl alone, and the president was casually sitting in his chair, sipping his tea.
Due to not wanting to be seen as suspicious, She just hummed to herself waiting until she had to use the bathroom. In which she did. Afterwards, she walked up to the mirror and washed her hands. She then left and returned to where she was standing in before. She thought about the night, in which she quickly shook her head. Not enjoying the night whatsoever. She looked at the sunlight.
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Kazami42 said:
Due to not wanting to be seen as suspicious, She just hummed to herself waiting until she had to use the bathroom. In which she did. Afterwards, she walked up to the mirror and washed her hands. She then left and returned to where she was standing in before. She thought about the night, in which she quickly shook her head. Not enjoying the night whatsoever. She looked at the sunlight.
President was quietly sipping his tea, when something caught his eye. A girl was standing quietly, which he seemed not to recognize. He stood up slowly, and approached her, with a friendly expression

"Well, we have a freshman here, I guess." He smiled, his hands hid in his pockets of his dress pants.

"Welcome to Poland... and I'm sorry about the meeting what it looks like..." He exclaimed
JJKab said:
President was quietly sipping his tea, when something caught his eye. A girl was standing quietly, which he seemed not to recognize. He stood up slowly, and approached her, with a friendly expression
"Well, we have a freshman here, I guess." He smiled, his hands hid in his pockets of his dress pants.

"Welcome to Poland... and I'm sorry about the meeting what it looks like..." He exclaimed
She continued to smile and continued with her natural russian accent. "It's fine, I've literally seen worse in drunk parties. So you have the cute sum problem as well?" She looked at the 'cultists' followed by doing her cute expression with her hands besides her face.
Kazami42 said:
She continued to smile and continued with her natural russian accent. "It's fine, I've literally seen worse in drunk parties. So you have the cute sum problem as well?" She looked at the 'cultists' followed by doing her cute expression with her hands besides her face.
"Yeaaaah.... We do happen.. Young lady, if I may ask, what is your mission - if I may ask that - to here? Everyone here wants some changes, I suppose you might as well... Or are you simply an observer?" The president said, looking briefly at one of the members of the Summaist party, before switching his look back at the young woman
JJKab said:
"Yeaaaah.... We do happen.. Young lady, if I may ask, what is your mission - if I may ask that - to here? Everyone here wants some changes, I suppose you might as well... Or are you simply an observer?" The president said, looking briefly at one of the members of the Summaist party, before switching his look back at the young woman
She put her hands back down in a civilized manner. "Observing."
Kazami42 said:
She put her hands back down in a civilized manner. "Observing."
"Alright then... If you have anything to say, you can step up at anytime" The president exclaimed quietly, nodding, as he went back to his seat, and sat down, as the room began packed once again.
JJKab said:
"Alright then... If you have anything to say, you can step up at anytime" The president exclaimed quietly, nodding, as he went back to his seat, and sat down, as the room began packed once again.
She politely stood there observing everything. Occasionally staring at the 'cultists' and waving at them even. With cute gestures as if to politely mock them but not be threatening or seen as bashing them. Before stopping because she got bored of it.
Kazami42 said:
She politely stood there observing everything. Occasionally staring at the 'cultists' and waving at them even. With cute gestures as if to politely mock them but not be threatening or seen as bashing them. Before stopping because she got bored of it.
The "Cultists" what the girl called the Summoits, didn't respond at all.

After few more hours, the Sejm has agreed on the act, and everyone began to disperse. The man which came with Violetta came back, smiling

"Alright, my lady, will you handle your way back to wherever you live?" He asked politely
JJKab said:
The "Cultists" what the girl called the Summoits, didn't respond at all.
After few more hours, the Sejm has agreed on the act, and everyone began to disperse. The man which came with Violetta came back, smiling

"Alright, my lady, will you handle your way back to wherever you live?" He asked politely
"Yes." She smiled and left. Memorizing the location before leaving the site. She would then explore the city, Before finding a hotel. She entered one and asked the receptionist if she could stay there for a week.
Kazami42 said:
"Yes." She smiled and left. Memorizing the location before leaving the site. She would then explore the city, Before finding a hotel. She entered one and asked the receptionist if she could stay there for a week.
The receptionist nodded, giving the girl a key for the room "51" and directing her to the location. He wished her good stay, with a warm smile.

Meanwhile, two military airplanes took off from Warsaw Military Airport at Okecie, the only place that was good enough for human life. They began making their way towards East of Poland.
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Radium Hot Springs

Several entrepreneurs had gotten an audience with the king. "We have been doing research on the Old World, and have found something that can mutually benefit us." The king was interested. "Go on." "We found something called a 'stock market', where companies could sell tiny portions of themselves to benefit both the company and the investors. If the Kingdom were to open an international stock exchange with a small tax, it would benefit all of us, and bring an excellent revenue stream to the Kingdom." The king realized how useful this could be. "We shall do this. You are dismissed." Soon, the Radium Stock Exchange(RSE) had opened, and several large companies had already been listed. The allies of the Rockies had also been notified, and any nation or company that wished to participate, with the hopefully temporary exception of the Rising Empire.

@Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone

Satellite operations center

"The satellite has finally been converted. Using limited resources, we have recreated the Interenet. The only websites that have opened so far are radiumse.krk for the RSE, windermerenews.krk, a third party news website, and a forum called oldworld.krk. It is growing very quickly, and a few people are accessing it from the border areas of Cascadia."



The men had made much progress. Almost all of the island had been captured, and the fighting was getting more and more optimistic each day. Soon, the Canadian Battlesuit troops would drive the last of the Rising Empire off of the island.




International stock exchange opened.

Internet recreated.
Radium Hot Springs

Several entrepreneurs had gotten an audience with the king. "We have been doing research on the Old World, and have found something that can mutually benefit us." The king was interested. "Go on." "We found something called a 'stock market', where companies could sell tiny portions of themselves to benefit both the company and the investors. If the Kingdom were to open an international stock exchange with a small tax, it would benefit all of us, and bring an excellent revenue stream to the Kingdom." The king realized how useful this could be. "We shall do this. You are dismissed." Soon, the Radium Stock Exchange(RSE) had opened, and several large companies had already been listed. The allies of the Rockies had also been notified, and any nation or company that wished to participate, with the hopefully temporary exception of the Rising Empire.

@Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone

Satellite operations center

"The satellite has finally been converted. Using limited resources, we have recreated the Interenet. The only websites that have opened so far are radiumse.krk for the RSE, windermerenews.krk, a third party news website, and a forum called oldworld.krk. It is growing very quickly, and a few people are accessing it from the border areas of Cascadia."



The men had made much progress. Almost all of the island had been captured, and the fighting was getting more and more optimistic each day. Soon, the Canadian Battlesuit troops would drive the last of the Rising Empire off of the island.




International stock exchange opened.

Internet recreated.
Communications with the eclipse has failed. The eclipse have failed to reply [Again.] @Loyal Guardian


The ship was constructed. After working for so long with so much funding. However for a week it was not in use despite in order due to reinforcing the generators. Some of the economical safes had to be opened to save the imperial economy. Hunter was revived, and everyone went to the ceremony celebrating the creation of the ship, and new naval class of it. Breaking a vodka glass on it. Hours afterwards, hunter, Natasha, Jennifer, and Alexander, With a crew of a few hundred. Departed from the city into the expanded OB river.


Natasha, before having left. Was given a gift from Maximilian. She was given a heavy machinegun called the Ruhm. It was barely able to be carried by anyone else. A note with a heart on it was on the barrel, it read:

"To you with peace and love. Obliterate those who tempt to kill you first!" It had a long mount, Long range, and was designed to be fed either with drums, or manually fed belts of ammunition.



The ship continued down the river eventually entering the kara sea. Some people were offloaded onto nearby islands to explore. And if suitable, would be inhabited within the month. The remaining 150 crewmen were settled inside of the ship. It stayed close to the west coast in the event it was needed to blindly bombard the land. However it eventually entered the north west and slowed it's speed. It deployed the fabrics and hooked them together, And the spetsnaz, including Natasha were by this time heading to Svalbard. Natasha landing upon a very dark and barren short cliff, which she started to climb manually. Instructing the troops where they can safely climb up. Only two of the thirty troops sent would stay and watch the zodiacs. The ship would remain in range for the engines to move them half way back to the ship, before draining it's fuel.

The ship itself however, would remain in the 'border zone' a zone which theimer came up with, that would void instant radio wave systems to track it. The fabrics/sheets would help protect it as well, however as long as the ship did not venture further into the border. Then normal military application would fail to get a exact location of the ship. The captain was writing a captain's log.

"Captain's log: Day 7.

It has been 7 days since the red October/redline left the harbour. The islanders were sent out earlier during the day, The majority heading out to severny island. We will soon be in range to deploy the spetsnaz to svalbard. We have deployed our sheeting, which was said to keep us invisible during the night. I was also told that it could keep us safe from bouncing off radio waves of certain yields. So if we venture too close to the island somehow, and there is a presence there. We can remain at the border, or else we will be detected by something.

The heavy anti aircraft guns were a late, but possibly handy procedure to add as well. At least two having more than five - six barrels prepared for rapid fire sequence, and the shells of most designed to spread flak. However at least in this operation, I doubt it will be of much use."

@Lordvader59 [it is time Mr. Vader. I summon thee.]


After the machinegun, and the design of a Lance and sword. The ragnite weapons research department would now make a hundred, if not more. Replicating a actual working design. The sword being the easiest due to only requiring to be smelted, hammered, designed, and cooled. Taking a period of time, but a few could be made within a week. The failed designs of smelting ragnite itself would be used for armor for vehicles at a later date. Theimer considered turning at least some of the deformed weapons into shields for more melee oriented troops.


Due to all of the scientists now returned to their posts, and given funding. They continued their project. They replicated their results with Heather with a total of 7 people in a single room. Out of them, one went insane, one died, two fought each other to the death, and two were perfectly fine. In fact, despite there being a one way glass. The subjects could somehow sense the ragnite on the other side, and thus approached the window. The subjects were shown to be in harmony with ragnite to a disturbing degree, and thus was capable of ignoring some of the tests.

However strangely enough, while around the ragnite, and with no history of having been in contact with any physically. They appeared to be in a trance. Either not caring, incapable, or refusing to speak. Incapable of displaying alot of emotion on the outside, Running around their room when ragnite was in various locations around it at once causing mass confusion, And other strange behavior. The subjects tested upon that were in the same category were depicted as: "Class A personnel."

On subjects with history of either outbursts, depression, or Happiness they would either kill each other wanting to live, Be distrusting but not harmful, or React exactly like Heather did. When the same tests were conducted onto them like the class A personnel, Specifically the multi-ragnite theory. Depressed subjects would be finally aware of their situation and demand freedom or help, the happy subjects would hide or act perfectly fine, and the aggressive subjects would attempt helping each other to bash through the walls or other things such as climbing out. The same effect happened to happy subjects. Except without the aggressiveness. They were called: "Class B personnel."

The final subjects they tested upon were instantly called " Class C Personnel." Which could consist of any of the above persons. However the difference is: they were never subjected to ragnite whatsoever, and or have a specific rejection of it. Upon first testing, the aggressive subjects would be aware of their situation, some capable of speech. However their bodies were in a form of trance. Which for the other classes of personnel, was uncommon. The depressed subjects would go into a coma or die, Happy subjects would be driven insane, In harmony subjects could be in the result of the formers.

After weeks of testing and finally having the tests of the last personnel begin. It was obvious some traits were added or removed from the surviving subjects. Happy subjects would be more extremely calm or insane, the ones that did not become murderers were spared from death. The depressed subjects would be insane, or classified as insane due to their new extremely happy personas, The aggressive subjects became shy, or deviant, and the in harmony subjects could be any of the formers.

After the tests, more specifically the multi-ragnite test. Depressed subjects would become extremely discomfortable, happy subjects would be in a trance, aggressive and aggressive to happy would be extremely confused and more reasonable, Shy subjects would hide away, insane subjects would experience sudden and random bursts of insanity, and other subjects would appear to become extremely random in behavior as well. Mostly in trance with awareness, or try killing the others. However one result which was developed was all subjects either bonded and worked together, or finally acknowledged each other's existence.

The other subjects, the "first generation" that underwent the rask operations. Most of them also had the special ragnite traits. And were thrown in with the other subjects without informing them. Most killed themselves, each other, or nothing at all. Testing, mostly physical abuse and psychological would go on from there. The results being reused on new subjects.


Pavle was in Moscow, he was taking a normal stroll through the city on foot, waving and smiling at residents. People were on scaffolds, working, walking, talking, or playing games like chess and checker. He was about to turn around. Meanwhile a scout at the furthest edge away of glazov, protecting the border. Had seen something strange. "The fuck is that?" Another soldier he was talking to previously shrugged, as the scout then walked to the edge of the abandoned concrete pillbox and used high powered binoculars to see what the dot in the vast distance was. He zoomed in. "What the...."

The binoculars were zoomed in again, and eventually came into greater resolution. And still in the distance, but recognizable. He saw a plane. He thought his high tolerance to vodka had failed until a prewar siren they were cleaning the rust off of spun up like a generator. The soldier looked out and to the side despite the siren above him. He turned around seeing another soldier run in that was also using binoculars, however more primitive. "PLANE SON!" They then all looked up as the siren started to slowly ring. The scout took out a radio. "This is Kurt, we got some serious shit!" The siren then started to block his voice before growing louder.

Back at glazov a few miles away, Some prewar sirens also randomly start turning on, catching pavle's attention as people panic and are escaping. However he stopped wondering what it was. A few soviets bashed the remaining sirens to turn them on as well. He slowly turned his head behind him until his radio clearly said plane before being filled with siren noises. "OH SHIT" The sirens then started their ear destroying echoing rampage. People on the scaffolds were wuickly climbing down, jumping into Windows, or risking it and jumping to the ground, People walking by this time already stormed shelters, People playing their chess and other games attempted escaping, and some even physically beating others:


Pavle sprinted to a building and jumped through the window. The streets were empty, the sirens echoed even inside to the underground especially through television, Surgut had the fishermen jump into the river or hide in the woods to remain hidden. However if the planes went further despite that, or sent someone. They would find the gallian capital which was pretty much fucked when trying to hide due to the obvious post-war construction. Instead of hiding, hundreds of soldiers lined up on the walls, some with machineguns, and if threatened would let loose. Otherwise they were ordered to fire only if they got close and fired first, or if a bomb or bomb bay could be seen moving.

In glazov, even the tanks were made to look destroyed. The crewmen temporarily sealed the hatches, and trucks were instructed to bash into walls, each other, or buildings to seem dead as well. The sirens echo could be heard by the red October which was currently still, yet only. In hearing range. Departing back to the karan border. The troops, despite being of various clothing scheme but mostly gallian in origin. Were evacuating people inside of the citadel as the sirens blared there as well. Some militiamen including snipers in the area, and willingly wearing their uniform despite being a citizen, or not in war time were also staring at the sky. @JJKab


Trying to communicate to the eclipse keep failing epically.

The ship has a public ceremony, with all leaders being there. They do the tradition of smacking bottles against the ship, and eventually she departs into the OB river. People celebrate, and probably even praise the empire for creating a new class of naval ship.

Before the ship left, Natasha was given the heavy machinegun named the Ruhm. A note with a heart on it was quoted as saying: "To with peace and love. Obliterate everyone who tempts to kill you!"

The ship continued into the kara sea, some spetsnaz were deployed to the islands such as severny island. It then entered the "border zone" a zone named by theimer which basically means the border between safety and protection of radar. It deployed it's zodiacs, And began circling the area and making trips around the kara sea. It deployed it's sheets and fabrics which would help protect against most yields of radio waves if it entered the border zone by mistake. The zodiacs would use their fuel only to return to the ship, in which half way it would be drained of fuel. The captain writes a long captain's log, and details the ships anti aircraft weaponry.

Creation of ragnite Lance's and swords continue. However some swords or Lances are extremely deformed by mistake. And will be reconfigured at a later date for armor or other.

Scientific research resumes on unfortunate subjects.

The planes from Poland triggered pre-war sirens throughout glazov - nizhnevartovsk/randgriz area. Glazov - surgut have people hiding and or evacuated, randgriz has uncountable amounts of soldiers on the cities very high walls. Trucks still driving especially in thr glazov area intentionally crash into buildings, walls, or each other to appear dead while tank crews seal their hatches, and have rubble and dirt covering them. Randgriz evacuated it's thousands of citizens into the citadel/castle.

The empress, including a few others and some spetsnaz climb up a high Cliffside of Svalbard, as it usually is never guarded. She plans to use her agility, mainly speed to quicker get into the vault and then escape.


If you wanna hear the creepy ass siren I used for the poland scene, here it is. [media]
Capital Building, Oxford

DM Alastair was walking down the hallway. "Avez-vous vu Kord?" ("Have you seen Kord?") Alastair said to IM Arran as he past him. "Je pense qu'il est enfermé dans sa chambre." ("I think he's holed up in his room.") Arran then walked off down the hallway, while Alastair walked to Kord's room. He entered the room Kord was lying on his bed. "Go away." Kord said without looking. "But I-" "Go. Away." Alastair put the Com Center message and letter from Bryon on his desk and then promptly left the room. A few minutes later, Kord fell asleep.

Kord got up. He noticed the papers on his desk. He sat down at his desk and opened the message from the Com Center. It was from Poland, asking if he had time for a meeting. Kord notified the com center to respond to the Poles that he is available for a meeting.


Kord then opened the letter. He read it. After which, he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.

Greetings, I am responding to this letter you sent me. I respect and understand your decision. I consider the Rockies to be a long time friend. Even though the Rising Empire is a friend of ours too, we had to support the Rockies, else they'd be pretty much annihilated. We would remain on the defensive in the Canadian war on the side of the Rockies. We would have no part in aiding the Rockies attack the Rising Empire. We will withdraw military interference in the war if the investigation results in solid proof that the Rising Empire did not attack first, but we will continue to send aid to the Rockies even if the Rising Empire did not attack. I will order 10,000 troops to be sent to you to help you with your internal problems.

-PM Kord

@Loyal Guardian

Rockian Canada

Order Military forces of 100k men and 300 G-72 tanks have landed on the ground and are helping reinforce Rockian military bases. Meanwhile 200 O-12 Laser Fighters/Dive bombers patrol the skies. (Go to my Overview tab if you want to learn more about the infantry equipment and tank and plane models.)

@Fishman Lord
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Agent141 said:
Capital Building, Oxford
DM Alastair was walking down the hallway. "Avez-vous vu Kord?" ("Have you seen Kord?") Alastair said to IM Arran as he past him. "Je pense qu'il est enfermé dans sa chambre." ("I think he's holed up in his room.") Arran then walked off down the hallway, while Alastair walked to Kord's room. He entered the room Kord was lying on his bed. "Go away." Kord said without looking. "But I-" "Go. Away." Alastair put the Com Center message and letter from Bryon on his desk and then promptly left the room. A few minutes later, Kord fell asleep.

Kord got up. He noticed the papers on his desk. He sat down at his desk and opened the message from the Com Center. It was from Poland, asking if he had time for a meeting. Kord notified the com center to respond to the Poles that he is available for a meeting.


Kord then opened the letter. He read it. After which, he grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.

Greetings, I am responding to this letter you sent me. I respect and understand your decision. I consider the Rockies to be a long time friend. Even though the Rising Empire is a friend of ours too, but we had to support the Rockies, else they'd be pretty much annihilated. We would remain of the defensive of the Canadian war on the side of the Rockies. We would have no part in aiding the Rockies attack the Rising Empire. We will withdraw military interference in the war if the investigation results in solid proof that the Rising Empire did not attack first, but we will continue to send aid to the Rockies even if the Rising Empire did not attack. I will order 10,000 troops to be sent to you to help you with your internal problems.

-PM Kord

@Loyal Guardian

Rockian Canada

Order Military forces of 100k men and 300 G-72 tanks have landed on the ground and are helping reinforce Rockian military bases. Meanwhile 200 O-12 Laser Fighters/Dive bombers patrol the skies. (Go to my Overview tab if you want to learn more about the infantry equipment and tank and plane models.)

@Fishman Lord

Kazami42 said:
Communications with the eclipse has failed. The eclipse have failed to reply [Again.] @Loyal Guardian

The ship was constructed. After working for so long with so much funding. However for a week it was not in use despite in order due to reinforcing the generators. Some of the economical safes had to be opened to save the imperial economy. Hunter was revived, and everyone went to the ceremony celebrating the creation of the ship, and new naval class of it. Breaking a vodka glass on it. Hours afterwards, hunter, Natasha, Jennifer, and Alexander, With a crew of a few hundred. Departed from the city into the expanded OB river.


Natasha, before having left. Was given a gift from Maximilian. She was given a heavy machinegun called the Ruhm. It was barely able to be carried by anyone else. A note with a heart on it was on the barrel, it read:

"To you with peace and love. Obliterate those who tempt to kill you first!" It had a long mount, Long range, and was designed to be fed either with drums, or manually fed belts of ammunition.



The ship continued down the river eventually entering the kara sea. Some people were offloaded onto nearby islands to explore. And if suitable, would be inhabited within the month. The remaining 150 crewmen were settled inside of the ship. It stayed close to the west coast in the event it was needed to blindly bombard the land. However it eventually entered the north west and slowed it's speed. It deployed the fabrics and hooked them together, And the spetsnaz, including Natasha were by this time heading to Svalbard. Natasha landing upon a very dark and barren short cliff, which she started to climb manually. Instructing the troops where they can safely climb up. Only two of the thirty troops sent would stay and watch the zodiacs. The ship would remain in range for the engines to move them half way back to the ship, before draining it's fuel.

The ship itself however, would remain in the 'border zone' a zone which theimer came up with, that would void instant radio wave systems to track it. The fabrics/sheets would help protect it as well, however as long as the ship did not venture further into the border. Then normal military application would fail to get a exact location of the ship. The captain was writing a captain's log.

"Captain's log: Day 7.

It has been 7 days since the red October/redline left the harbour. The islanders were sent out earlier during the day, The majority heading out to severny island. We will soon be in range to deploy the spetsnaz to svalbard. We have deployed our sheeting, which was said to keep us invisible during the night. I was also told that it could keep us safe from bouncing off radio waves of certain yields. So if we venture too close to the island somehow, and there is a presence there. We can remain at the border, or else we will be detected by something.

The heavy anti aircraft guns were a late, but possibly handy procedure to add as well. At least two having more than five - six barrels prepared for rapid fire sequence, and the shells of most designed to spread flak. However at least in this operation, I doubt it will be of much use."

@Lordvader59 [it is time Mr. Vader. I summon thee.]


After the machinegun, and the design of a Lance and sword. The ragnite weapons research department would now make a hundred, if not more. Replicating a actual working design. The sword being the easiest due to only requiring to be smelted, hammered, designed, and cooled. Taking a period of time, but a few could be made within a week. The failed designs of smelting ragnite itself would be used for armor for vehicles at a later date. Theimer considered turning at least some of the deformed weapons into shields for more melee oriented troops.


Due to all of the scientists now returned to their posts, and given funding. They continued their project. They replicated their results with Heather with a total of 7 people in a single room. Out of them, one went insane, one died, two fought each other to the death, and two were perfectly fine. In fact, despite there being a one way glass. The subjects could somehow sense the ragnite on the other side, and thus approached the window. The subjects were shown to be in harmony with ragnite to a disturbing degree, and thus was capable of ignoring some of the tests.

However strangely enough, while around the ragnite, and with no history of having been in contact with any physically. They appeared to be in a trance. Either not caring, incapable, or refusing to speak. Incapable of displaying alot of emotion on the outside, Running around their room when ragnite was in various locations around it at once causing mass confusion, And other strange behavior. The subjects tested upon that were in the same category were depicted as: "Class A personnel."

On subjects with history of either outbursts, depression, or Happiness they would either kill each other wanting to live, Be distrusting but not harmful, or React exactly like Heather did. When the same tests were conducted onto them like the class A personnel, Specifically the multi-ragnite theory. Depressed subjects would be finally aware of their situation and demand freedom or help, the happy subjects would hide or act perfectly fine, and the aggressive subjects would attempt helping each other to bash through the walls or other things such as climbing out. The same effect happened to happy subjects. Except without the aggressiveness. They were called: "Class B personnel."

The final subjects they tested upon were instantly called " Class C Personnel." Which could consist of any of the above persons. However the difference is: they were never subjected to ragnite whatsoever, and or have a specific rejection of it. Upon first testing, the aggressive subjects would be aware of their situation, some capable of speech. However their bodies were in a form of trance. Which for the other classes of personnel, was uncommon. The depressed subjects would go into a coma or die, Happy subjects would be driven insane, In harmony subjects could be in the result of the formers.

After weeks of testing and finally having the tests of the last personnel begin. It was obvious some traits were added or removed from the surviving subjects. Happy subjects would be more extremely calm or insane, the ones that did not become murderers were spared from death. The depressed subjects would be insane, or classified as insane due to their new extremely happy personas, The aggressive subjects became shy, or deviant, and the in harmony subjects could be any of the formers.

After the tests, more specifically the multi-ragnite test. Depressed subjects would become extremely discomfortable, happy subjects would be in a trance, aggressive and aggressive to happy would be extremely confused and more reasonable, Shy subjects would hide away, insane subjects would experience sudden and random bursts of insanity, and other subjects would appear to become extremely random in behavior as well. Mostly in trance with awareness, or try killing the others. However one result which was developed was all subjects either bonded and worked together, or finally acknowledged each other's existence.

The other subjects, the "first generation" that underwent the rask operations. Most of them also had the special ragnite traits. And were thrown in with the other subjects without informing them. Most killed themselves, each other, or nothing at all. Testing, mostly physical abuse and psychological would go on from there. The results being reused on new subjects.


Pavle was in Moscow, he was taking a normal stroll through the city on foot, waving and smiling at residents. People were on scaffolds, working, walking, talking, or playing games like chess and checker. He was about to turn around. Meanwhile a scout at the furthest edge away of glazov, protecting the border. Had seen something strange. "The fuck is that?" Another soldier he was talking to previously shrugged, as the scout then walked to the edge of the abandoned concrete pillbox and used high powered binoculars to see what the dot in the vast distance was. He zoomed in. "What the...."

The binoculars were zoomed in again, and eventually came into greater resolution. And still in the distance, but recognizable. He saw a plane. He thought his high tolerance to vodka had failed until a prewar siren they were cleaning the rust off of spun up like a generator. The soldier looked out and to the side despite the siren above him. He turned around seeing another soldier run in that was also using binoculars, however more primitive. "PLANE SON!" They then all looked up as the siren started to slowly ring. The scout took out a radio. "This is Kurt, we got some serious shit!" The siren then started to block his voice before growing louder.

Back at glazov a few miles away, Some prewar sirens also randomly start turning on, catching pavle's attention as people panic and are escaping. However he stopped wondering what it was. A few soviets bashed the remaining sirens to turn them on as well. He slowly turned his head behind him until his radio clearly said plane before being filled with siren noises. "OH SHIT" The sirens then started their ear destroying echoing rampage. People on the scaffolds were wuickly climbing down, jumping into Windows, or risking it and jumping to the ground, People walking by this time already stormed shelters, People playing their chess and other games attempted escaping, and some even physically beating others:


Pavle sprinted to a building and jumped through the window. The streets were empty, the sirens echoed even inside to the underground especially through television, Surgut had the fishermen jump into the river or hide in the woods to remain hidden. However if the planes went further despite that, or sent someone. They would find the gallian capital which was pretty much fucked when trying to hide due to the obvious post-war construction. Instead of hiding, hundreds of soldiers lined up on the walls, some with machineguns, and if threatened would let loose. Otherwise they were ordered to fire only if they got close and fired first, or if a bomb or bomb bay could be seen moving.

In glazov, even the tanks were made to look destroyed. The crewmen temporarily sealed the hatches, and trucks were instructed to bash into walls, each other, or buildings to seem dead as well. The sirens echo could be heard by the red October which was currently still, yet only. In hearing range. Departing back to the karan border. The troops, despite being of various clothing scheme but mostly gallian in origin. Were evacuating people inside of the citadel as the sirens blared there as well. Some militiamen including snipers in the area, and willingly wearing their uniform despite being a citizen, or not in war time were also staring at the sky. @JJKab


Trying to communicate to the eclipse keep failing epically.

The ship has a public ceremony, with all leaders being there. They do the tradition of smacking bottles against the ship, and eventually she departs into the OB river. People celebrate, and probably even praise the empire for creating a new class of naval ship.

Before the ship left, Natasha was given the heavy machinegun named the Ruhm. A note with a heart on it was quoted as saying: "To with peace and love. Obliterate everyone who tempts to kill you!"

The ship continued into the kara sea, some spetsnaz were deployed to the islands such as severny island. It then entered the "border zone" a zone named by theimer which basically means the border between safety and protection of radar. It deployed it's zodiacs, And began circling the area and making trips around the kara sea. It deployed it's sheets and fabrics which would help protect against most yields of radio waves if it entered the border zone by mistake. The zodiacs would use their fuel only to return to the ship, in which half way it would be drained of fuel. The captain writes a long captain's log, and details the ships anti aircraft weaponry.

Creation of ragnite Lance's and swords continue. However some swords or Lances are extremely deformed by mistake. And will be reconfigured at a later date for armor or other.

Scientific research resumes on unfortunate subjects.

The planes from Poland triggered pre-war sirens throughout glazov - nizhnevartovsk/randgriz area. Glazov - surgut have people hiding and or evacuated, randgriz has uncountable amounts of soldiers on the cities very high walls. Trucks still driving especially in thr glazov area intentionally crash into buildings, walls, or each other to appear dead while tank crews seal their hatches, and have rubble and dirt covering them. Randgriz evacuated it's thousands of citizens into the citadel/castle.

The empress, including a few others and some spetsnaz climb up a high Cliffside of Svalbard, as it usually is never guarded. She plans to use her agility, mainly speed to quicker get into the vault and then escape.


If you wanna hear the creepy ass siren I used for the poland scene, here it is. [media]

All of a sudden, a call came in on an emergency line. Jens quickly picked it up.


"Mr President, this is Colonel Angker, commander of the Svalbard garrison. Some reactivated radar signatures have picked up a single naval contact. (Rolled a D6, rolled 6, if you guys don't work on rolls, which is totally reasonable, then let's assume close enough to deploy the boats is close enough to be sighted by radar.)

"Deploy two aircraft, fit one with a communication suite to make contact."

"Yes sir, I'll pass the message on to the nearest airbase."

Shortly afterwards, two JAS 40 Super Gripen would take off from an airbase on Norway's west coast. They would make their way to the radar signature, spotting the ship. The gunner in the plane with the communication suite would begin transmitting. "Greetings unidentified vessel, I must inform you that you have entered the territorial waters of the Nordic Union. Please, identify yourself or we will have to fire upon you."

Kazami42 said:
Communications with the eclipse has failed. The eclipse have failed to reply [Again.] @Loyal Guardian

The ship was constructed. After working for so long with so much funding. However for a week it was not in use despite in order due to reinforcing the generators. Some of the economical safes had to be opened to save the imperial economy. Hunter was revived, and everyone went to the ceremony celebrating the creation of the ship, and new naval class of it. Breaking a vodka glass on it. Hours afterwards, hunter, Natasha, Jennifer, and Alexander, With a crew of a few hundred. Departed from the city into the expanded OB river.


Natasha, before having left. Was given a gift from Maximilian. She was given a heavy machinegun called the Ruhm. It was barely able to be carried by anyone else. A note with a heart on it was on the barrel, it read:

"To you with peace and love. Obliterate those who tempt to kill you first!" It had a long mount, Long range, and was designed to be fed either with drums, or manually fed belts of ammunition.



The ship continued down the river eventually entering the kara sea. Some people were offloaded onto nearby islands to explore. And if suitable, would be inhabited within the month. The remaining 150 crewmen were settled inside of the ship. It stayed close to the west coast in the event it was needed to blindly bombard the land. However it eventually entered the north west and slowed it's speed. It deployed the fabrics and hooked them together, And the spetsnaz, including Natasha were by this time heading to Svalbard. Natasha landing upon a very dark and barren short cliff, which she started to climb manually. Instructing the troops where they can safely climb up. Only two of the thirty troops sent would stay and watch the zodiacs. The ship would remain in range for the engines to move them half way back to the ship, before draining it's fuel.

The ship itself however, would remain in the 'border zone' a zone which theimer came up with, that would void instant radio wave systems to track it. The fabrics/sheets would help protect it as well, however as long as the ship did not venture further into the border. Then normal military application would fail to get a exact location of the ship. The captain was writing a captain's log.

"Captain's log: Day 7.

It has been 7 days since the red October/redline left the harbour. The islanders were sent out earlier during the day, The majority heading out to severny island. We will soon be in range to deploy the spetsnaz to svalbard. We have deployed our sheeting, which was said to keep us invisible during the night. I was also told that it could keep us safe from bouncing off radio waves of certain yields. So if we venture too close to the island somehow, and there is a presence there. We can remain at the border, or else we will be detected by something.

The heavy anti aircraft guns were a late, but possibly handy procedure to add as well. At least two having more than five - six barrels prepared for rapid fire sequence, and the shells of most designed to spread flak. However at least in this operation, I doubt it will be of much use."

@Lordvader59 [it is time Mr. Vader. I summon thee.]


After the machinegun, and the design of a Lance and sword. The ragnite weapons research department would now make a hundred, if not more. Replicating a actual working design. The sword being the easiest due to only requiring to be smelted, hammered, designed, and cooled. Taking a period of time, but a few could be made within a week. The failed designs of smelting ragnite itself would be used for armor for vehicles at a later date. Theimer considered turning at least some of the deformed weapons into shields for more melee oriented troops.


Due to all of the scientists now returned to their posts, and given funding. They continued their project. They replicated their results with Heather with a total of 7 people in a single room. Out of them, one went insane, one died, two fought each other to the death, and two were perfectly fine. In fact, despite there being a one way glass. The subjects could somehow sense the ragnite on the other side, and thus approached the window. The subjects were shown to be in harmony with ragnite to a disturbing degree, and thus was capable of ignoring some of the tests.

However strangely enough, while around the ragnite, and with no history of having been in contact with any physically. They appeared to be in a trance. Either not caring, incapable, or refusing to speak. Incapable of displaying alot of emotion on the outside, Running around their room when ragnite was in various locations around it at once causing mass confusion, And other strange behavior. The subjects tested upon that were in the same category were depicted as: "Class A personnel."

On subjects with history of either outbursts, depression, or Happiness they would either kill each other wanting to live, Be distrusting but not harmful, or React exactly like Heather did. When the same tests were conducted onto them like the class A personnel, Specifically the multi-ragnite theory. Depressed subjects would be finally aware of their situation and demand freedom or help, the happy subjects would hide or act perfectly fine, and the aggressive subjects would attempt helping each other to bash through the walls or other things such as climbing out. The same effect happened to happy subjects. Except without the aggressiveness. They were called: "Class B personnel."

The final subjects they tested upon were instantly called " Class C Personnel." Which could consist of any of the above persons. However the difference is: they were never subjected to ragnite whatsoever, and or have a specific rejection of it. Upon first testing, the aggressive subjects would be aware of their situation, some capable of speech. However their bodies were in a form of trance. Which for the other classes of personnel, was uncommon. The depressed subjects would go into a coma or die, Happy subjects would be driven insane, In harmony subjects could be in the result of the formers.

After weeks of testing and finally having the tests of the last personnel begin. It was obvious some traits were added or removed from the surviving subjects. Happy subjects would be more extremely calm or insane, the ones that did not become murderers were spared from death. The depressed subjects would be insane, or classified as insane due to their new extremely happy personas, The aggressive subjects became shy, or deviant, and the in harmony subjects could be any of the formers.

After the tests, more specifically the multi-ragnite test. Depressed subjects would become extremely discomfortable, happy subjects would be in a trance, aggressive and aggressive to happy would be extremely confused and more reasonable, Shy subjects would hide away, insane subjects would experience sudden and random bursts of insanity, and other subjects would appear to become extremely random in behavior as well. Mostly in trance with awareness, or try killing the others. However one result which was developed was all subjects either bonded and worked together, or finally acknowledged each other's existence.

The other subjects, the "first generation" that underwent the rask operations. Most of them also had the special ragnite traits. And were thrown in with the other subjects without informing them. Most killed themselves, each other, or nothing at all. Testing, mostly physical abuse and psychological would go on from there. The results being reused on new subjects.


Pavle was in Moscow, he was taking a normal stroll through the city on foot, waving and smiling at residents. People were on scaffolds, working, walking, talking, or playing games like chess and checker. He was about to turn around. Meanwhile a scout at the furthest edge away of glazov, protecting the border. Had seen something strange. "The fuck is that?" Another soldier he was talking to previously shrugged, as the scout then walked to the edge of the abandoned concrete pillbox and used high powered binoculars to see what the dot in the vast distance was. He zoomed in. "What the...."

The binoculars were zoomed in again, and eventually came into greater resolution. And still in the distance, but recognizable. He saw a plane. He thought his high tolerance to vodka had failed until a prewar siren they were cleaning the rust off of spun up like a generator. The soldier looked out and to the side despite the siren above him. He turned around seeing another soldier run in that was also using binoculars, however more primitive. "PLANE SON!" They then all looked up as the siren started to slowly ring. The scout took out a radio. "This is Kurt, we got some serious shit!" The siren then started to block his voice before growing louder.

Back at glazov a few miles away, Some prewar sirens also randomly start turning on, catching pavle's attention as people panic and are escaping. However he stopped wondering what it was. A few soviets bashed the remaining sirens to turn them on as well. He slowly turned his head behind him until his radio clearly said plane before being filled with siren noises. "OH SHIT" The sirens then started their ear destroying echoing rampage. People on the scaffolds were wuickly climbing down, jumping into Windows, or risking it and jumping to the ground, People walking by this time already stormed shelters, People playing their chess and other games attempted escaping, and some even physically beating others:


Pavle sprinted to a building and jumped through the window. The streets were empty, the sirens echoed even inside to the underground especially through television, Surgut had the fishermen jump into the river or hide in the woods to remain hidden. However if the planes went further despite that, or sent someone. They would find the gallian capital which was pretty much fucked when trying to hide due to the obvious post-war construction. Instead of hiding, hundreds of soldiers lined up on the walls, some with machineguns, and if threatened would let loose. Otherwise they were ordered to fire only if they got close and fired first, or if a bomb or bomb bay could be seen moving.

In glazov, even the tanks were made to look destroyed. The crewmen temporarily sealed the hatches, and trucks were instructed to bash into walls, each other, or buildings to seem dead as well. The sirens echo could be heard by the red October which was currently still, yet only. In hearing range. Departing back to the karan border. The troops, despite being of various clothing scheme but mostly gallian in origin. Were evacuating people inside of the citadel as the sirens blared there as well. Some militiamen including snipers in the area, and willingly wearing their uniform despite being a citizen, or not in war time were also staring at the sky. @JJKab


Trying to communicate to the eclipse keep failing epically.

The ship has a public ceremony, with all leaders being there. They do the tradition of smacking bottles against the ship, and eventually she departs into the OB river. People celebrate, and probably even praise the empire for creating a new class of naval ship.

Before the ship left, Natasha was given the heavy machinegun named the Ruhm. A note with a heart on it was quoted as saying: "To with peace and love. Obliterate everyone who tempts to kill you!"

The ship continued into the kara sea, some spetsnaz were deployed to the islands such as severny island. It then entered the "border zone" a zone named by theimer which basically means the border between safety and protection of radar. It deployed it's zodiacs, And began circling the area and making trips around the kara sea. It deployed it's sheets and fabrics which would help protect against most yields of radio waves if it entered the border zone by mistake. The zodiacs would use their fuel only to return to the ship, in which half way it would be drained of fuel. The captain writes a long captain's log, and details the ships anti aircraft weaponry.

Creation of ragnite Lance's and swords continue. However some swords or Lances are extremely deformed by mistake. And will be reconfigured at a later date for armor or other.

Scientific research resumes on unfortunate subjects.

The planes from Poland triggered pre-war sirens throughout glazov - nizhnevartovsk/randgriz area. Glazov - surgut have people hiding and or evacuated, randgriz has uncountable amounts of soldiers on the cities very high walls. Trucks still driving especially in thr glazov area intentionally crash into buildings, walls, or each other to appear dead while tank crews seal their hatches, and have rubble and dirt covering them. Randgriz evacuated it's thousands of citizens into the citadel/castle.

The empress, including a few others and some spetsnaz climb up a high Cliffside of Svalbard, as it usually is never guarded. She plans to use her agility, mainly speed to quicker get into the vault and then escape.


If you wanna hear the creepy ass siren I used for the poland scene, here it is. [media]

"Cholera jasna, słyszałeś to"

{God damnit, you heard that?!}

' 'Pewnie, że tak. Dobra, lecimy dalej, musimy się upewnić, że nie są wrogo nastawieni. Spróbuję się z nimi skontaktować"

{Of course, Yeah. Aight, we're going further, we have to make sure they're not hostile. I'll try to contact them}

The 2nd pilot turned on his receiver, and spoke into it, on a open transline.

"This is a scouting division from the 4th Republic of Poland. We're coming here in peace, we do not wish harm. We'd like to contact whoever owns these lands"
Agent141 said:
Capital Building, Oxford
DM Alastair was walking down the hallway. "Avez-vous vu Kord?" ("Have you seen Kord?") Alastair said to IM Arran as he past him. "Je pense qu'il est enfermé dans sa chambre." ("I think he's holed up in his room.") Arran then walked off down the hallway, while Alastair walked to Kord's room. He entered the room Kord was lying on his bed. "Go away." Kord said without looking. "But I-" "Go. Away." Alastair put the Com Center message and letter from Bryon on his desk and then promptly left the room. A few minutes later, Kord fell asleep.

Kord got up. He noticed the papers on his desk. He sat down at his desk and opened the message from the Com Center. It was from Poland, asking if he had time for a meeting. Kord notified the com center to respond to the Poles that he is available for a meeting.


Polish president received an affirmative from communication center, and soon, a flight to Oxford was inbound, with four polish planes protecting a private jet of Jacob.

The matter was tough, and he needed an ally. After that, he would come to the Eclipsians.

@Loyal Guardian
The Socialist Republic Of China

President Wei Fong had just awoke from his nap. He awoke to the smell of fresh green tea in the air. He inhaled, and exhaled. Above his head, hung on his wall was a Socialist Republic of China flag. With the subtle breeze coming through his window, the flag moved like a wave moves during a full moon.

He stretched, and then rolled over to his side, still groggy, and sleepy. Grabbing the cup of tea, he was about to take a sip, but the tea burnt his lip. He grunted from the slight pain.
Damn it, I'm going to have to have a talk with whoever made this tea. He thought. He blew on the tea, and took his first sip. He sighed a sigh of relief, and refreshment. His home was in the capital of Jillin, Changchun. Unbeknownst to him, there was a riot brewing. Just a few miles from his home. He kicked the blanket off of him with his legs, as he heard a gunshot. He was startled by this, but he sighed, and continued on. He stumbled out of his bed, rubbing his eyes with his right hand. While he held his cup of tea with his left. He walked over to his newly crafted mirror, it had the design of dragons on the side, gold. The heads were at the top.

He looked into the mirror, and grabbed a nearby comb. Combing his hair ever so slightly.

Before walking over to his wardrobe, and grabbing out a fresh suit and tie.
Today's the day. He thought.

Random Events

Second Canadian War


(A frozen coast line Ellesmere Island, an area once filled with natural beauty, is now devastated by war. This specific area is currently home to a large fight between the Risers and the Rockians)

Ever since the restart of the war both sides have taken large casualties, but the Rockians have been making a slow and steady advance. The war could have been larger and deadlier if the Eclipse Empire had not left the conflict, which some well known international figures have praised Emperor Byron's decision in the name of hopeful peace. However some of the army that was stationed on the island, which numbered 300,000, thought that his decision was hypocritical. So a contingent force of 80,000 deserted and joined the Risers, along with all of their equipment and some more. The force is large, coordinated, well trained, and technologically advanced however they have been disavowed by the Emperor in a attempt to avoid joining the war officially. Even so they are a force that should not be messed with, and they have already made steady advances in the front lines on Ellesmere Island in the name of the Rising Empire.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Eclipse Empire/Order Empire


(A Greek soldier in his makeshift uniform in front of a convoy of combat personnel. Thanks to the Emperor's delayed reaction to the rebels, they have become a organized and uniform military force.)

Despite official military presence in Eclipsian Europe, they have only served as a defensive measure and have only been used as last resort. Even then the soldiers retreat early to avoid casualties and loss of further equipment to the Greek rebels. The rebels, after an evacuation of all Eclipsian equipment, have taken over the rest of Greece. Athens was their biggest struggle, losing nearly 50,000 men in the process, but they eventually took over the city and the citizens praised their presence. Then with the Fall of Thessaloniki the Golden Dawn Republic captured the hearts of the citizens and the Eclipsian flags all across the province were torn down and burned. If the situation wasn't bad enough, the Summaist Organization is supporting the Greek rebels in the rest of Eclipsian Europe. To tie in with this, Summaist Operatives have seized the provincial buildings of some provinces and have taken them over entirely. Even though the Eclipsian soldiers evacuated, some of their equipment was left behind and is now in control of the Summaists. With the complete control of Greece and beyond to the Summaists taking over strategic provinces, the Eclipsian Civil War has officially began.​

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 (I tag you because you sent troops)



(Summaists meeting in a unknown location in Poland. Similar secret meetings happen all over the world between Summaists.)

The Summaist Movement is growing rapidly, and even if it suppressed, it has made enough impact to remain as a ideology. Their first big move was the Eclipse Empire which, while a country they absolutely despise, is one they recognize to be their biggest threat. Thanks to their trigger of the Eclipsian Civil War, the other Summaists have followed suit. A few countries, mainly Poland and the CAF, have been spared due to the Summaist Parties growing presence. However other countries were not so lucky. Along with Communist and Fascist rebels the British now have to deal with Summaist rebels, who have seized much of Iberia. Reports also indicate that all three rebel groups are working together, thanks to Summaist diplomacy, and have launched a large offensive in the Order Empire. The Summaists have invoked a civil war in Singapore in areas with high Summaists support that is mainly in the eastern portions of the federation, however the Singaporean Federation insists this is a resistance rather than civil war. In other countries, mainly in Cascadia, the Hamuis, and the Scandinavians, very large coups have started and they have approached near success. In Cascadia the President, while secure, is in danger as Portland is slowly being conquered and the presidential residence has just started to be sieged. In the Hamuis all major cities have been attacked and the capitol is heavily under siege with the king in grave danger as all air support has been cut and his residence is being assaulted repeatedly. Not only that but Hamuis countryside has been taken by Summaist rebels. And in Vadmr Vestan Summaists have begun a very large scale offensive all across the country and have seized large portions of land, beginning the Vestan Civil War. In Madagascar many bombings and shootings have occurred at important buildings and on military personnel. Summaist Rebels have seized some land in Rockian Australia and the Rockian mainland countryside. On the disputed Canadian Islands all combatants have been subject to not only Summaist raids but Northern Star raids as well, who are still disguising themselves, and it seems the two are working together. In the Redline Empire Summaists rebels have attacked all positions in each faction of the empire and have now begun to taken some land above and underground. However this offensive is slow and being fought against very hard as the Redline Empire is the only country to have successfully spy against their Summaist Organization. In Korea the Summaist battle their military to gain control of the newly found country and have very slowly pushed the front lines. In the Socialist Republic of California the Summaist rebels have already taken over small islands and areas of Cuba and very shockingly they have begun to assault the presidential residence in the capitol, which is being attacked as well. This mass offensive by the Summaists have boosted their morale and party strength in Poland and the CAF, and have made them a huge worldwide threat. This large scale offensive has been named the Summaist Revolt or the Summaist Offensive, with the latter being preferred. Now the world must brace for the worst as the Summaists have struck the first and catastrophic blow.​

@Lordvader59 @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Domini Regum @JJKab @Albion @LocoBlock @Charlie12520 @Loyal Guardian @Kazami42 @Picklesoldier @ArisenMoon @RIPSaidCone
Last edited by a moderator:
The CAF has made a decision to continue to allow the Summaism supporters in the Parliament on one point: if the new world order somehow comes to fruition, it must be a democracy.
@Agent141[/URL] @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Eclipse Empire/Order Empire


(A Greek soldier in his makeshift uniform in front of a convoy of combat personnel. Thanks to the Emperor's delayed reaction to the rebels, they have become a organized and uniform military force.)

Despite official military presence in Eclipsian Europe, they have only served as a defensive measure and have only been used as last resort. Even then the soldiers retreat early to avoid casualties and loss of further equipment to the Greek rebels. The rebels, after an evacuation of all Eclipsian equipment, have taken over the rest of Greece. Athens was their biggest struggle, losing nearly 50,000 men in the process, but they eventually took over the city and the citizens praised their presence. Then with the Fall of Thessaloniki the Golden Dawn Republic captured the hearts of the citizens and the Eclipsian flags all across the province were torn down and burned. If the situation wasn't bad enough, the Summaist Organization is supporting the Greek rebels in the rest of Eclipsian Europe. To tie in with this, Summaist Operatives have seized the provincial buildings of some provinces and have taken them over entirely. Even though the Eclipsian soldiers evacuated, some of their equipment was left behind and is now in control of the Summaists. With the complete control of Greece and beyond to the Summaists taking over strategic provinces, the Eclipsian Civil War has officially began.[/CENTER]

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 (I tag you because you sent troops)



(Summaists meeting in a unknown location in Poland. Similar secret meetings happen all over the world between Summaists.)

The Summaist Movement is growing rapidly, and even if it suppressed, it has made enough impact to remain as a ideology. Their first big move was the Eclipse Empire which, while a country they absolutely despise, is one they recognize to be their biggest threat. Thanks to their trigger of the Eclipsian Civil War, the other Summaists have followed suit. A few countries, mainly Poland and the CAF, have been spared due to the Summaist Parties growing presence. However other countries were not so lucky. Along with Communist and Fascist rebels the British now have to deal with Summaist rebels, who have seized much of Iberia. Reports also indicate that all three rebel groups are working together, thanks to Summaist diplomacy, and have launched a large offensive in the Order Empire. The Summaists have invoked a civil war in Singapore in areas with high Summaists support that is mainly in the eastern portions of the federation, however the Singaporean Federation insists this is a resistance rather than civil war. In other countries, mainly in Cascadia, the Hamuis, and the Scandinavians, very large coups have started and they have approached near success. In Cascadia the President, while secure, is in danger as Portland is slowly being conquered and the presidential residence has just started to be sieged. In the Hamuis all major cities have been attacked and the capitol is heavily under siege with the king in grave danger as all air support has been cut and his residence is being assaulted repeatedly. Not only that but Hamuis countryside has been taken by Summaist rebels. And in Vadmr Vestan Summaists have begun a very large scale offensive all across the country and have seized large portions of land, beginning the Vestan Civil War. In Madagascar many bombings and shootings have occurred at important buildings and on military personnel. Summaist Rebels have seized some land in Rockian Australia and the Rockian mainland countryside. On the disputed Canadian Islands all combatants have been subject to not only Summaist raids but Northern Star raids as well, who are still disguising themselves, and it seems the two are working together. In the Redline Empire Summaists rebels have attacked all positions in each faction of the empire and have now begun to taken some land above and underground. However this offensive is slow and being fought against very hard as the Redline Empire is the only country to have successfully spy against their Summaist Organization. In Korea the Summaist battle their military to gain control of the newly found country and have very slowly pushed the front lines. In the Socialist Republic of California the Summaist rebels have already taken over small islands and areas of Cuba and very shockingly they have begun to assault the presidential residence in the capitol, which is being attacked as well. This mass offensive by the Summaists have boosted their morale and party strength in Poland and the CAF, and have made them a huge worldwide threat. This large scale offensive has been named the Summaist Revolt of the Summaist Offensive, with the latter being preferred. Now the world must brace for the worst as the Summaists have struck the first and catastrophic blow.​

@Lordvader59 @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Domini Regum @JJKab @Albion @LocoBlock @Charlie12520 @Loyal Guardian @Kazami42 @Picklesoldier @ArisenMoon @RIPSaidCone
Jens was outraged. He went to the press and realeased the following statement:

"Just as it emerges into the world, the Union faces it's first trial. This "Summaist" movement sounds like a great idea, but simply isn't possible. The Union will not fall to these rebels, and government resistance efforts will soon commence unless the rebels disperse for now. Once the Union is stable and on it's feet, then we may look ahead."

The Summaist uprising had begun. Fortunately, it was still very limited and they had only captured some coastal land far from civilian populations. The personal levy of the Viceroy of Australia were dealing with the extremists.


The Canadian Battlesuit troops had not expected the Eclipsians to appear, but were dealing with it. As the Eclipsian navy had stayed loyal, the troops had no way to escape and were surrounded by Rockians on both land and sea. Bombardment of the coast forced them inland, only to be cut apart by Battlesuit troops. However, it was still a major setback to finally capturing the final strategic points and ending the Rising Invasion.

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Radium Hot Springs

No one but Albert had noticed. The king had been slowly going insane for a long time now, but only Albert had noticed. He was worried. If his brother went any farther, he would lead the nation to ruin, especially with Summaism on the rise. So he did what he needed to to save millions of lives. The following morning, the king was found dead. It looked like it was suicide. In a small ceremony, Duke Albert of Alaska was crowned Lord of Sea and Stone, Heir to Canada, Master of the Mountains, King of the Rockies. A new reign had begun, but there was trouble. As soon as she had found out that the king was dead, Princess Alexis had gone missing, and would likely claim the throne at some later point.



Summaists being dealt with, nasty bastards.

The king is dead, long live the king!

Princess Alexis has gone missing, and may show up later trying to claim the throne.

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