The World of Tomorrow

[QUOTE="Mitch Neon]"ok...wait are you guys the ones a hundred clicks north of us" the minister said, remembering when one of the scouts reported a wall like object near here

No answer at this point.
the minister waited for a response...and when he got none he signed off "well time to start expanding

"so you have set up the expansion party" Mitch asked the minister

"yes...and we will be heading to capture the city of Omsk, and the land from here to there"

and the expidention started
[anyone else have this annoying ass pop-up saying: "we could not confirm certificate". When trying to access RPnation now?]

The emperor, and empress continued planning for the svalbard stealth mission. They even tallied how much seeds they'd require, if only a few were taken to help the innocent people. However in the same time, Alexander was in the barracks. She was there to recruit specific people for the mission. [Was gonna write a speech but meh. Maybe later.] She had people lined up, and already had people ready on standby for her. She had Leila, herself, Jennifer, pavle, Natasha, And if hunter was healed by the time of the svalbard stealth mission, she would attempt to bring him along as well.

She was very picky about whom she would bring. Natasha has a strangely quick speed, Hunter has better senses and could be considered one with nature, and pavle could easily hunt, make fire, or do traps and hide in the wild if needed. She wasn't allowed to instantly shoot up any possible hostile life form she could find, but the entire purpose of her idea was just gathering supplies.

[Now, while I attempt fixing this URL crap, I'll be editing my overview to continue fleshing out the essentials we own. Like maps and knives. And fixing grammar..]
"we have claimed, and secured Omsk, and are currently setting up borders in between here and there" the minister radioed to Mitch, from the station they set up in Omsk...the current state of Omsk was rubble, but with the people they met on the way (aka more population), and the food shortage, they are sure to turn this place into a residential/food produce zone

Omsk and the land between Omsk and the capitol has been claimed

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Tunis - Hamuis Port

As the diplomats arrived on the harbor, men in black suits stood awaiting them, as they were given orders to escort the diplomats to the Hamuis capital. Swiftly, and in a hurry, the diplomats found themselves in the throne room of the Hamuis King, Charles. The throne room was quite opulent, a long hall decorated with silks, silvers, and gems. As the diplomats walked forward, they were bordered by tall, marble pillars and walls covered with an oriental carpet.

When they arrived at the throne itself, Charles smiled warmly and greeted them. He looked a bit worse for wear, perhaps from the turmoil that had found itself in his country. "Greetings, my Singaporean friends. What would you like ask of our court today?" @Alteras

Tunis - The Auditorium

The room was tense, and the damp salty smell of the Mediterranean hung over it like gas. Communists and Fascists have stood in his place, yet he was the most radical of them all. He was the man sent to give the argument of Summaism, the argument for a world order and government. As the cameras rolled in the background, their click-click-clicks breaking the silence of the room, the man stood and began.

"Greetings, my friends. I have come today to bring you the idea of something that will bring peace and prosperity to every part of the world. That idea is Summaism. Now, you may have heard of rumors about us, but those are simply tall tales. Summaism will bring about a world government. An entity that is the best way to captivate and distribute the world' resources, find and combine the world's best men and women, and..."

The man continued, responding to questions and rebutting his opponent's arguments. The debate lasted for over 5 hours, and finally, the moderator called for the ending statements, which were swiftly given by both sides. However, while the men onstage held steadfast to their opinions, some spectators were fully convinced by either side. The movement, along with Fascism and Communism, would grow. @Loyal Guardian (AI)

Capital of the Cascadians - Head of State's Office

A package arrived at the Cascadian capital, a box covered with gift wrapping and ribbons measuring a foot on each side. Hidden inside, atop a hill of colorful silks, was a steel cube surrounded by the most lavish and rare snacks of Northern Africa. A note rested aside the gifts...

"Greetings, my Cascadian friends. Inside this little box is a small gift to help improve our relationship with one another. You will find some small snacks prepared by our chef, as well as a small tablet. I have taken great care in ensuring that these snacks have arrived in their pristine and original condition, and I hope that you will enjoy them as you work today. The cube, on the other hand, is one of our finest technological pieces. It is simply a retractable tablet. You can utter a key word - the default is Connection, and it will unfold into a screen. Please, enjoy.





- Singaporean Diplomats are escorted into the palace

- Summaism spreads within the Hamuis Kingdom with little official resistance

- The Cascadians are given a gift
NWA Summit

"Yes, we will allow an investigation of the attacks." The new diplomat was much calmer than the previous. "Our men killed by the Rising Empire are dead, and there is nothing we can do about it. However, we hope that using them for the investigation makes their deaths not futile." The diplomat say up straighter. "However, what the previous diplomat said still stands. The ceasefire has been officially broken, and shall continue to be broken unless the investigation states otherwise. The Rising Empire has not submitted to our generous terms, and so the war continues."

Baffin Island

"Men, the ceasefire is over. Get in your planes, load up your guns, and BLOW THE HELL OUT OF THOSE TRAITORUS BASTARDS!" A cheer came up from the men and the orders were followed. Soon, bombs were falling, ships were bombarding, and bullets dropped like hail. The ceasefire was over, and the men were fighting with more vigor than ever before.

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Alteras
NWA Summit

"Great to hear that, we'll have a group of troop transports sent over there to investigate at once." Kord tapped away at his phone, ordering the deployment of troop transports to investigate the Victoria Island incident. "2 dozen troop transports are headed for Victoria Island, a count of 600 troops. The helicopters are blue with a yellow star, so your men don't shoot them down."

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @Alteras
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More mutants build up near the gallian capital in the forties. However that is not enough to hinder military operations. a group of 22 redline, and 26 gallians head north to take Drovyanoy - Yamburg. Equipped with turretcars, and trucks. Sent by Jennifer with the emperor's approval. 15 of those sent being elite spetsnaz units. Armed with gallian nagant-28s , two Gatling gunners, and everyone else armed with kar-3s, The odd PPSH with drum, and the new mp-3s. Going the average 50 miles per hour, They head north with 6 trucks, 6 people in each of them. With two turretcars of two. They listen to the red army choir during their venture.
Singaporean Federation

Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

"Hmm, we should definitely uphold our commitments. As of right now, Shanghai is attempting to recover from the Manchurian Plague. We already have some men there assisting United Japan in humanitarian aid. While it is certainly under Japanese occupation, we believe we can force Tokyo to put it on the table in the current state it is in. Ah, and the other part of the arrangements. We heavily advise against any immigration or business openings in Shanghai. While it certainly violates the arrangements, Singapore wants to purge any diseases in Shanghai and weaken their position in any negotiations. Once it comes into the Federation's folds, we'll uphold the arrangements."

@Loyal Guardian

Tunis, Hamuis Kingdom

"Thank you for granting us an audience on such short notice. The Singaporean Federation would like to hold an African Caucus. While the main governing body is in Southeast Asia, both the Singapore and Capetown believe that we should engage in African politics while we hold African land. We have already invited and recieved Central African Federation's response, we await yours."


Sulawesi Island, National University of Singapore

The Sentosa Battleships have returned. Construction began on a permanent storage. Expected completion, 3 months.

NWA Summit, Solarim, Eclipse Empire

No, this is slowly falling apart. Zeph thought to himself. Gov Khey Lim received a text from SIG HQ say that fighting resumed at the islands. He told Zeph. Zeph spoke, "At the very least, limit the fighting to those islands only. I also ask that the NWA Nations and invitees refrain from aiding any side until the investigation is over. Is there any chance that we can still proceed with the peace talks?"

@Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Wickedkent

Singapore, Singaporean Federation

Rumors were about of a new and violent religious group. Many believe it's originating from newly gained territory. Others point to the increased military activity in the Philippines, the 6th District. Regardless, many Singaporeans believe it can be calmed. Their philosophy hasn't changed since the 1900s, success comes from acceptance.

@Loyal Guardian
Mitch sat in an office chair, thinking to himself..."we are making progress...and more is to be made" then Mitch took out a type wrighter, one he found searching the rubble of his "office", and began typing a report of the countries welfare, thanks to reports he has gotton from various officals

Residential increase: 12%

Military score increase: 7%

Industrail increase: 10%

commercial increase: 22%

Food increase: 30%

Government increase: .2%

Population: 2196

Military population: 615
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"My men are still ordered to refraim from attacking yours.." Schneizel said with a serious tone "Hmmm... Ceasefires, meant to be broken.."

Schneizel then pressed his intercom and spoke a few words and nodded.

He was speaking to Suzaku of the rising empire army. Schneizel ordered his troops to return fire as they have been attacked. The blockade still continued over queen elizabeth islands making any rockian troops unable to pass, but they still have troops at the Ellesmere islands from before the blockade has been put up.

25,000 Soldiers advanced with 2,500 Frames to attack the Rockian soldiers at Ellesmere.

Schneizel then looked at the council infront of him.

"I did not break the ceasefire" He proclaimed "It was not I who resumed the war, but these insolent rockians... They cannot even wait for the investigation. They attacked us and we shall retaliate"

(@Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Agent141 )​
The trucks continued driving north out of imperial territory. They shot up a few mutants on their way out with heavy machineguns. They continued north and mapped it out. After clearing it out of any mutant threat, they'd first send in the military to make camps. Then they'd become populated by people.


After a week of the imperials attempting to sending spies into the organization, and the yggdism sending spies and monks, the seemingly currently peaceful organization ended up in the redline. Alexander was sitting down on a chair, in front of a nice unique wooden table doing paper work. Pavle returned from attempting to visit Heather and epically failing. He had noticed what Alexander calls cultists in the outskirts of their owned territories on the way back. "Alexander." She looked up at him. "Yes pavle? What is it?"

Pavle pointed behind himself at the door. "Those cultists are in the tunnels near our territory. I personally don't mind them existing but I heard someone say the name of their organization in here." Alexander quit grinning. And instead gritted her teeth. "Want me to send in some spies like everyone else is doing?" She shook her head in a negative fashion. "I didn't spend two years making my own government, so some wise bastard could break it down. But I'm not rash or an idiot. Peacefully tell them not to be public with it whatsoever. That should stop some rumors breaking into the nation." Pavle just shrugged and went out. Sending people to legitimstely ask the 'cultists' to stop. [ @Loyal Guardian tagging just in case lel. ]
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Canadian Islands - Disputed Area

Hearing of the resuming of violence, Charles has recalled its Snipers from the isles.

Tunis - Hamuis Kingdom

"Of course we will attend such a conference. Where and when would you like to hold it?"

Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Byron sat back, he had not expected the ceasefire to be broken. He then collected himself and replied.

"While i want the situation to remain peaceful, the Eclipse Empire is and ally of the Rising Empire and vise versa. In fact besides the allies in the NWA, they are a close second as a dear trade and military partner. As much as i want to have my forces leave, we came here for a reason, to aid our ally. If the war is back on then the bombing campaign shall resume."

With that he sent a quick message to General Io and Admiral Umberion to resume their participation in the war.

Southern Greenland

Having received the emperors orders, Io and Umberion ordered their forces to resume their participation in the war. All of their Bombers and Fighters, who had been left on the airfields since the ceasefire began, were started once again. They took off and began to bomb important targets in Quebec and, to a lesser extent, over Rockian controlled islands. The Quebec Campaign has resumed, with an invasion coming very shortly.

@Alteras @Agent141 @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
In the Nordic Union, all was beginning to fall into place. A recruitment order had gone out to raise the number of troops in the Nordic Army to 500,000. A navy was also needed, as were missiles and rockets. Some ships and factories had been brought back online, but foreign equipment would be needed. So, another transmission was sent out to the world's nations.

"Greetings, Nations of the new world. The Nordic Union needs foreign machinery to get our industry up and running. In return, we will offer barrels of oil from our newly acquired land in the North Pole."

The CAF has returned communications offering 20 good factories worth of machinery in exchange for a fair amount of oil. They also want to trade other things, such as raw minerals in exchange for food from the vast farms of central Africa.

(Btw, im pretty sure central africa would serve as a great place for crops, right?)
Communications Center

Hearing the transmission, DM Alastair responded. "This is Diplomatic Minister Alastair of the Order Empire. We might be interested, we're not really reliant on oil, but we can use those to trade among other things. We have a few military equipment available for purchase, we'll fax a list to you."

D-15 Laser Rifle

Combat Armor

O-12 Laser Fighter/Dive-Bomber


Rockian Base, Victorian Island

The helicopters touched down and troops poured out. They surrounded and secured the perimeter of the base with the orders of no one gets in, no one gets out. Anyone found inside would be questioned. The investigation had officially begun.

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian
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"sir...yes....hmm...yes we are ready...ok....ok, got it" and with that, the minister got off the radio with Mitch, and spoke to the newly found expidetion party

"your objective, is to go and capture Tatarsk, and we will secure the land from there to here" the minister said, and the party was off, using ne of the military brand vehicles.
The construction of the ship continued on. However one of the test subjects went into sudden insanity, and had to be detained with another being executed when trying to use part of a steel beam as a makeshift weapon. She was buried on the highest point, over looking the city. Armed guards are now stationed at the construction site for the subject's and worker's well being. The sirens on the surface in the city connected to the main radio station, proceed playing the [Arstotzka] theme.


This weeks meeting was rescheduled due to imperial plotting. Maximilian, Natasha, Jennifer, and Alexander continue adding onto the plan as a contingency. In the event the water is more choppy, or natural disaster.


Winter has come to [PARTS OF.] mother Russia. Many people run to hide, others rejoice due to tradition, and others use their preparations. The northern detachment had arrived to Drovyanoy and Yamburg. The winter helped with taking out the mutant population there which didn't retreat underground or left. However the turret cars in the heavy snow now have to be towed to drive properly. It however wasn't exactly expected due to Russia having a odd weather system after the apocalypse.

[Well at least affecting me anyway lol. I added parts of as ooc in the event that isn't allowed. Some rps have differing rules for weather conditions. I sent a PM to agent asking.]
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NWA Conference

"Even after what these people have done? You disgust me." The diplomat sighed. "I suppose the attack can wait, but when the Rising Empire is found guilty, which they certainly will, we shall destroy that threat to our good nation." The diplomat was angry, but stayed calm. "Due to the threat they pose, anyone wearing a Rising Empire uniform shall be shot on sight. Stay the hell away from us."

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @Alteras @Agent141

Ellesmere Island

After hearing the news, the men slowly retreated. The bases were heavily fortified, patrol planes maintained air surveillance, and minefields were laid down. The islands under Rockian control were ready for a very long siege, and could defend against massive armies.

Radium Hot Springs

The king knew what to do. "We have something that they still can't fully counter. The Canadian battlesuits are finally ready for full deployment, and troops using them can fight off groups ten times their size. Perfect for any environment, excellent firepower, superhuman strength. Armor as many troops as possible with them."




50,000 men using Canadian battlesuits deployed in the islands, and 25,000 in Quebec.
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Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Well if we establish border control then nothing would get done. Secondly our policy is to not let go of territory we earned unless we lose a war or its beneficial to us in the long run, so we won't let go for some rebels. Not to mention they are Fascist so that would be a problem for everyone. As for military forces, the last time we did that with a rebellion we were internationally condemned so we are trying to avoid that unless we absolutely must."

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The engine parts and piping were completed for the ship. They moved on to building the decks, and continued building the bridge/citadel. Some large black sheets were placed upon the ship which could be rolled on or off the deck and bridge, which allowed it to be camouflaged during the night. The fabric is designed to absorb waves, mostly radio waves from the outside. However that wasn't the main intention. They could cover the ship if required during the night to keep it hidden.

Then to trick infrared, they would use the most common tactic known. Which is to mix any hot gasses emitted by the main source of heat which is the engines exhaust with cold air to dilute the signature and make it harder to pick out the ship from the background warmth. The fabric on the ship is also to be attached sideways onto the others, or railings. So thus if something with radio waves do attempt tracking it, then it will have a reduced chance of a signal actually returning. A tactic used multiple times before the war.


More extensive plotting has occurred, and a new plan has arised. Some teams of people will be sent with the ship in the kara sea, to be dropped off on connecting parts such as severny island, and Bolshevik island. However due to this plan, the ship will also be equipped with more uninflated ships similar to the zodiac milpro. Which of course the majority will have to be manufactured with the ship. Increasing the time of its mission. The zodiacs would be capable of sending spares to said islands to explore them, while still being capable of returning home without the ship albeit much slower if close by, or be capable of returning to the ship. Next week is when a meeting will occur.

Highly recommended to actually read the message this time to understand but alright:

Black sheets that can attach to other sheets and or rails are implemented, they would be deployed during night, while the ones on the bridge/citadel and smoke stacks will be angled.

The engine and piping is completed and work continues on the other essentials, and plating.

Ship would be used to carry even more soldiers to explore islands in the kara seas.

Ship time is increased because of having to create inflatable small ships. The majority of said ships going to the additional crew to go to other islands in the kara seas, and be able to return home or wait for the ship to return.

Imperial plotting continues, so they can obtain the supplies for their people.

Ship naming event to occur in a week.

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