The World of Tomorrow

The Order Empire

Prime Minister's Office, Oxford

Kord was doing some paper work when one of the staff burst in. "Prime Minister! Germany is rebelling. They demand independence." the staff member said. Kord was silent for a while. "Prime Minister?" "Let them go." Kord said. "Excuse me, what?" "Let. Them. Go. They're not worth the trouble right now." With that, the staff member left with his orders.


West Germany is released.
@Loyal Guardian

Project SS is competed. The Black Watch special units are created. 10,000 have been trained. Every 10,000 troops cost 600 billion to maintain. 90% of the maintenance cost goes into the suits (540 billion).

Their armor is made of many layered Ordarium Plates, making them very much bullet proof and very resistant to lasers. The armor is powered by fusion cores. The armor has a built in gas mask, rebreather, and internal environment controller.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbda52ea9_PowerArmor.jpg.b048b1f1f7348b46b9adc7e009193a0f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144128" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbda52ea9_PowerArmor.jpg.b048b1f1f7348b46b9adc7e009193a0f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The Black Watch are equipped with improved laser rifles that can pierce through all metals currently known to mankind. One shot takes up one whole fusion battery's energy source and have to reloaded after every shot. The troops refer to them as Laser Muskets due to this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbda5f9b5_LaserRifle2.png.85c997f9ab627d87a59abd59d1496c2a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144130" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/57a8cbda5f9b5_LaserRifle2.png.85c997f9ab627d87a59abd59d1496c2a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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People in the streets of Berlin were roaring with applause. A few weeks ago Poland released and recognized East Germany. With expectations that the Order Empire would release the Western portion, when the didn't they increased their attacks on British patrols and raids on British stations. Then when news that the Brits release West Germany, both councils immediately united and created the Second German Republic. They soon elected Eric Rödl, the political leader of the resistance, as the first president. May his term be progressive and wise.

@Agent141 @JJKab

Somewhere is the Disputed Canadian Islands

The Northern Stars had decided that the attack on the KotR airfield was not enough. They then decided to conduct two more simultaneous attacks. They sent two teams into Rising Empire territory, dressed as Rockian soldiers, two destroy different targets. One was a small Naval base holding some Knightmare Frames and a barracks. The two teams did the same procedure as they did with the KotR, except much more discrete as security was improved. The team at the barracks left without much trouble and planted their evidence, however the team at the naval base was discovered. With most of the explosives taking place, the group agreed to sacrifice themselves for the cause and detonated their explosives and so did the barracks after they got word. The barracks was destroyed with almost all of the soldiers stationed in it killed and the naval base team destroyed the Frames and many soldiers at the base, with their bodies being destroyed in the process. Once again the evidence was found and reported to Rising Imperial high command.

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

Greek Province

The Greek protesters began to grow furious. The government had not given so much so a single word about their rebellion. The leader of the rebels/protesters, Argus Panas, declared "That if the government does not hear us now, they soon shall. We will unleash a mighty roar like the great Talos, and they shall cower!" The next day the protests stopped and suddenly attacks on Eclipsian patrols, bases, and police stations began simultaneously. Argus declared the Golden Dawn Republic as the independent authority over Greece, stating that the new country will defeat their oppressors with the conviction of Fascism. The Greek War for Independence has begun.

@Loyal Guardian

(OOC: Sorry for not putting this whole thing up sooner, but i was playing with friends on Xbox and i really couldn't turn away until now)
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Republic of Cascadia


Portland, Cascadia

After the first meeting of the World Congress, President Jefferson made her way back to Portland to get on with the usual business. The reconstruction of New Orleans and San Diego have been completed as well with the repopulating process beginning already, to be finished by the end of the month. Meanwhile the Department of Education has announced the opening of the University of Mexico in Mexico City, this is to serve as the Province's main source of higher education to come complete with many, many dorm buildings for students and state of the art facilities and equipment to assist with the learning environment. The Department of Education has recieved additional funding to begin providing schools and colleges with more advanced tools like holographic pads and such to make learning more enjoyable since holograms have proven to be popular among younger generations in Cascadia. Mexico City Airport has been refurbished and repaired to begin housing flights to and from other cities across Cascadia, highways and railways are also being repaired to connect other Mexican cities with the rest of Cascadia.

Seattle, Cascadia

The city was the host of the 14th Annual Everyday Watcher competition, a large and very popular art & photography show where from the ages of 16 to 25 people from all over the country submit their best artworks or photographs and have them judged with two seperate competitions for art and photography. The winners of both competitions recieve a $925,000 check and a large trophy in their name. This year's attendence was 297,568 people daily with 19.4 million regular viewers online. It has been such a success due to the intellectual and cultured attitude of most Cascadians who enjoy peaceful, thought-provoking and friendly competitions. Seattle has seen a 26% increase in profit as Cascadia's economy continues to blossom due to effective management, increasing population and large quantities of resources. The Cascadian Football League's annual games have begun starting with the Salt Lake City Hornets against the Dallas Bulls in the Apex Stadium in Portland.


The Cascadian Embassy in Oxford has been established alongside the Embassies in Singapore, the Kingdom of the Rockies and Eclipsim. Regular commercial shipping between Cascadian companies and the Order Empire, Eclipise Empire and the Singaporean Federation has also started with Los Angeles, San Francisco and Norfolk profiting greatly from this trade. The city government of Seattle has allowed the first convoy of commercial trucks to arrive in the Kingdom of the Rockies as the Cascadians start the trading between themselves and the Rockians
Natasha put Heather on a medical bed, the medic walked by looking at a clipboard of over a few hundred wounded from spiders, or other things. "Ehh? Who is it this time? I'm busy dealing with the electric brothers over there, and lousy bastards who played Russian roulette with a knife." Natasha stares. "Help Janet, she's been hurt by a spider infestation! I know you're her friend, help her damn it!" The medic continued squinting at the clipboard, attempting to read strange names, some of which are English and Russian combined. "Sorry, I'm... still figuring this out, and de everyone else bitten by a spider. Did you know one of these people lost a entire face, and still lived? What is this hell?"

Natasha adjusts, if not ripping off. Parts of Heather's clothing. Displaying various bites, scratches, and Large eye sized lumps filled with poison. Heather still awake and groaning as if she had a very horrid eating experience. Fina just lowered the clipboard from her face slowly, looking highly disturbed. "I thought you said a spider did this?..." she nodded as the medics eye twitched. "Oh uhh ok." She looked around. "Put her in the isolation room in the event whatever this is, is contagious." She looked at another medic. "Get me a hazard suit, and a scalpel STAT." The medic nodded and rushed away.


In the metro, bored guards and citizen militia alike are sitting around in the dark with nothing to do. With only a baseball bat, football, and hockey sticks laying around for entertainment, and they already having blown up empty bottles. They create a new sport. This new sport is named: solaskinya for the time being. There if only twenty people so far, so there's ten on each side. One guy acts as a combat goalie, whose prime job is to prevent a goal while also attacking if needed. He is the most armoured. You have various foot soldiers who act as line invaders, or defenders. Distracters, and finally the decimators. Whom are to play all roles if need be. The first round plays like football, except without the really high pieces yet. Then round two is similar to baseball, where you attempt to stop the football, block other players, or if need be. Smack the shit out of them. And then finally the winning team gets hockey sticks and has to beat the other team, literally. To win the game. If the "beaters" are defeated, the game either continues, duels can be held, or the other team wins. Depending on time, and or score.


Parts of the frame - hull for the new warship is laid down, and built upon. Further construction resumes, and everyone begins working on the project.
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Solaris, Eclipse Empire

The final delegations have arrived, and the immediate tension in the room could be sensed. The World Congress had just ended and the fate of two countries, and possibly world balance, was on the line. Delegations from the Kingdom of the Rockies and the Rising Empire had come here to attempt a peace treaty to avoid war, despite the attacks on each other that severely broke the ceasefire . As the respective diplomats sat down, with Eclipsian guards on stand by in case of an event, Emperor Byron stood up.

"Gentlemen it is a pleasure to meet you here and to have you in our country. Our officials and citizens are proud to have hosted such esteemed and honorable men. Before i begin i want to make it clear that peace is top priority, followed by the expansion of the New World Alliance. The first issue i would like to address is the expansion of the alliance, and if somehow becomes entangled with our peace attempts, then they will be dealt with as a single entity."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
North of the Korean/Chinese Border

Since the plague that swept through the area, the old city, whose name was long forgotten, had remained nearly entirely empty, until recently. Three weeks ago, hundreds of Korean soldiers and technicians had stormed the city, and the few remaining citizens within were either relocated, or, in the case of military relation, executed. Despite being along the coast, the city was mostly useless. The only true use the city had, was the factories it contained. Dozens of factories, once used by the old Chinese nation, and then by its successor state, were know controlled by the Korean empire.

Standing on the balcony within one of the facilities, Samuel wiped sweat from his forehead. His blond hair, usually standing up on its own, was drenched to his face due to sweat. When the factories had come back to life, Samuel had been taken by surprise how hot they could get. Already, several dozen workers were suffering from heat related sicknesses. Samuel had penned orders for fans and other coolant systems to be installed quickly.

Down below, conveyor belts, crewed by a few workers, were pushing out pieces of metal, of certain shapes and sizes. In other factories, the same process was being repeated, and in others, the final stages in Samuel's plan was coming to fruition. Despite his hatred of them, he had to admit, the Chinese truly had ingenious minds for war...
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

"I understand your sentiment and concern. However a proper peace treaty should be signed in territory not of the two main parties, as to avoid leverage from state to another. After all they could ask the same of you, but then we would get no where in solving this."

Byron then focused his attention on the Rockies claims of a ceasefire break. "Now like i have mentioned, i would preferably like to talk about the expansion of the alliance, but i feel this should at least be addressed first. Now our nations, especially those involved in the Second Canadian War, know of the event that happened in Rockian controlled territory while the ceasefire was still barely holding. Under normal circumstances, i would have had my main forces return and only keep peacekeepers there. However i have received a report from one of my generals, that had incriminating evidence backing it, that your forces recently attacked Rising Imperial bases killing dozens of men.

Now i would like to purse that further, however i would like to save that for later. As for the expansion of the alliance i propose that any of the three entities already in the NWA avoid an invitation two the two parties here who are at war, as to prevent accusations of favoritism and bias.

With that said i would like to extend an invitation to the Fourth Republic of Poland and to the Republic of Cascadia. These nations have been great allies to us individually, allowing trade and free passage through their lands. Poland, whilst dealing with recent secessionist movements, is still a valuable ally to us and Cascadia, while being an isolationist country, has proven her worth with a strong economy and a capable military."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
Jens smiled. He immediately got up and began to run around the room of the bunker, yelling to advisors with the hope to set up a stable Nordic Union. His first stop was to a telephone in the next room where he called Poland, requesting their Embassador meet him in Helsinki. Then, he ran outside and boarded a private aircraft to Helsinki, where he talked on the phone with various Nordic leaders to set up a government and military.

Singaporean Federation

Solaris, Eclipse Empire

PM Zeph Jeanes and 4th Gov Khey Lim nodded their heads. "We would also like to invite United Japan, but they seem occupied at the moment."

@general ostruppen
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Polish president was looking over the current situation in the eastern territory of his country, noticing how the agroculture was growing in New Kresy area, yet major cities were industralised. Eeeeexcept for Moscov.... Which still was in ruins after Polish-Union War. This was an interesting area, hence 3/4th of the city was levelled by Eclipse's sky platforms. Hence he stepped onto the honours of being a Polish President, it were over... 3-4 years... Poland grew in size immensely... But.. The parliamental and Presidential elections were coming... As for the presidential, Jacob wasn't worrying... The parliamentar were troubling... You see,the party now ruling is "Order and Peace" with over 70% of seats.... 20% is for "Polish Socialistic Union" and 10% for "Byelarussian-Ukrainan-Balticia"... Jacob was worried, because hence the last uprising in Southern Ukraine... The support for the PSU was growing, and now the people would choose

-57% PSU

-33% OaP

-BUA would receive the rest of votes. PSU demanded that the current president has to step down from functions, as well as establish a more socialist type of government.

Lordvader59 said:
Jens smiled. He immediately got up and began to run around the room of the bunker, yelling to advisors with the hope to set up a stable Nordic Union. His first stop was to a telephone in the next room where he called Poland, requesting their Embassador meet him in Helsinki. Then, he ran outside and boarded a private aircraft to Helsinki, where he talked on the phone with various Nordic leaders to set up a government and military.
Meanwhile, Polish diplomate got the info that he was expected at Helsinki. His plane, escorted by two fighter jets, made their way there. In Scandinavia, Polish Armed Forces were evacuating the whole land area, moving to Baltics.
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Solaris, Eclipse Empire

"Now that we have our nominations, I assume then we can begin speaking about the current situation in the Canadian Islands." Byron cleared his throat a bit, drank some water, and stood up. "Now i think we all can attest that the situation between the Kingdom of the Rockies and the Rising Empire is very delicate and tense. I would personally lick to say thanks to their respective representatives for coming here to discuss a peaceful solution, and if not, a way to solidify the current ceasefire. However establishing a peace treaty is essential if we want to avoid any continuation of bloodshed. Now i can assure the Rockian diplomats that i understand their concern for having a treaty be signed in their own territory, however that would give you leverage and it would be an unbalanced peace deal. This is why we must have it in a more neutral location in order for it to be fair, unbiased, and reasonable."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Zeph stood up. "I would like to assure and remind all parties that while we will certainly suggest amendments and revisions to the peace treaty between the Rockies and the Risers, we shall act only as a mediator and should have no direct influence over your decisions." Gov Khey Lim handed Zeph a glass of vodka. "psst, PM Jeanes, you should try this."
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Kord listened to the others. "If it's security you're worried about, I think we got that covered." Kord said. A Black Watch soldier stepped up behind them. "Introducing the Black Watch, the newly developed Order special forces. Their armor are state of the art designs, built in gas masks, rebreathers, and internal environment controllers. Very durable and very, VERY, expensive. " He said and hitting his fist against he soldier lightly after saying all that. "We could lend a few to oversee the signing, but have to be under our command and they reserve the right to refuse any commands given by any other commanding force other than us." After all that he took out some Franko-Italian wine and poured himself a glass.
JJKab said:
Polish president was looking over the current situation in the eastern territory of his country, noticing how the agroculture was growing in New Kresy area, yet major cities were industralised. Eeeeexcept for Moscov.... Which still was in ruins after Polish-Union War. This was an interesting area, hence 3/4th of the city was levelled by Eclipse's sky platforms. Hence he stepped onto the honours of being a Polish President, it were over... 3-4 years... Poland grew in size immensely... But.. The parliamental and Presidential elections were coming... As for the presidential, Jacob wasn't worrying... The parliamentar were troubling... You see,the party now ruling is "Order and Peace" with over 70% of seats.... 20% is for "Polish Socialistic Union" and 10% for "Byelarussian-Ukrainan-Balticia"... Jacob was worried, because hence the last uprising in Southern Ukraine... The support for the PSU was growing, and now the people would choose
-57% PSU

-33% OaP

-BUA would receive the rest of votes. PSU demanded that the current president has to step down from functions, as well as establish a more socialist type of government.

Meanwhile, Polish diplomate got the info that he was expected at Helsinki. His plane, escorted by two fighter jets, made their way there. In Scandinavia, Polish Armed Forces were evacuating the whole land area, moving to Baltics.
Jens met the diplomat at the airstrip, as meanwhile Nordic troops began occupying military installations. Little did they know a huge discovery was on the horizon. Jens invited the diplomat to sit at a table in the airport, and pulled out a brief case. "So, you wish to talk about borders? What is there to discuss?"

"Perhaps the conference should be held in the disputed islands? Baffin, perhaps? While those islands are our sovereign territory, the good people at the Rising Empire seem to have forgotten how to read a map and have been defiling our land." The diplomat cleared his throat once more. "Now, I heard an accusation of an attack on Rising Empire land. As far as I am informed, this is completely false, however, even if it were true it would be justified as we were attacked first. Let the record show that it was the Rising Empire who broke the ceasefire, if anyone."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Byron personally did not appreciate the man's tone and attitude to the whole situation, and he would feel the same if the Rising Empire official did the same. However he prevented this thought from escaping his head, and remained professional and attempted to be as unbiased as possible.

"First allow me to address the claims issue. From what i have read, you did indeed lay claim to them first, however put almost no effort to justify and strengthen that claim by completely settling the land. The Rising Empire did both, so i feel they deserve more credit, but that is my opinion. Now the first, and most fair way to solve this without a war, is to split the islands. The Northern Islands will be given to the Rising Empire while the Southern Islands will be given to the Kingdom of the Rockies.

As for the attacks on either side. Now it is common knowledge that there have been minor incidences before these events happened, and this was expected of an unsteady ceasefire. However these attacks do deliberately destroy the peace, albeit a very fragile one, that we created. I do condemn the Rising Empire for striking your lands without warning, but it was completely negated by your attack as well. Even if you did have a reason to strike back, a disciplined and composed leader would have held his men back to avoid a scenario like this.

So if we want to keep the peace, make it fair to both parties, we split the territory North and South. If anyone has a much better proposal, then please speak up."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
Surface and underground mutant attacks continue in their severity, they have returned to russia to terrorize the populace. Small towns and villages scattered throughout Russia are attacked every few weeks, some being more of a minor nuisance than an actual threat. The lurkers have continued their strange multi-breeding, birthing stronger, faster, somewhat more intelligent mutants. Bears in the areas further east, north, and west also have grown in number. Despite them mostly being friendly unless agitated, or wounded. More wounded if found, or can even be brought back. Are sent underground for health reasons.

After being spammed with reports by this, and the gallian queen being incapable of handling the situation with riot guards. Victor authorized the use of more riot, and military forces. Groups of ten, armed with bayonet shotguns are sent up to the surface every dusk. He also ordered some officers to get any free brewers to continue crafting "the perfect alcohol."


Pavle returned to golden heart, in the prime medical floor. He sat down on a chair as the receptionist was gone as well. However inside the medical room were people having to be amputated, people with no limbs, people ripped to shreds somehow still alive, people with shredded arms and legs only revealing bone, And multiple people being rushed into the same surgical room. The entire floor being so loud that most people yelling couldn't even be heard without some form of microphone system. Heather was also in the surgical room, and Alexander was as well due to her nose not healing properly.

Heather had to be 'cut open' to remove some of the more lethal amounts of toxin from her body. But the anaesthetic failed and continued doing so. Fina, wearing a hazard suit and a mask just in case. Just stared at Heather then back to the operation, despite having to continue on at this point Heather was screaming. Not entirely of pain, which she and most others in the same room coukd ignore due to overuse of relaxation methods. But being able to see inside of herself, and the toxin capable of messing with her nerves somewhat still making her feel pain despite it mostly being her imagination. Two others where comforting her during the process despite one of them feeling actual pain due to a lack of relaxation and other drugs administered, due to a lack of them at the moment.

The anaesthesiologist didn't quite understand how the anaesthetic wasn't working while others did. Since it kept failing, he administered more to the body to keep her from moving. Then helped her remain calm through asking some questions, Playing a card game, and keeping her attention. He couldn't help her with what she experienced, but he was capable of keeping her calm. Fina dragged a table to her that had a half of a dead rask on it, taken from the missile rampage from the surface liberation. There wasn't much missing from Heather besides some skin, so Fina only had to chop small parts of the rask off and place it inside of the larger toxic lumps. It would evaporate the toxin, and the skin would also become evaporated due to taking up the toxin. It would then be capable of being entirely evaporating or being removed from her body by regular means.

Heather was sown up again with various forms of heating, and closing of the wound without unnatural means and only then did the anaesthetic worked. She was removed with a note left on Heather's chest, informing Natasha that her medical fee would be over 17,000 dollars for hassles she did, and a extra thousand for the actual procedure. Meanwhile Fina used the rest of the rask to be inserted into a various testing group for what doctors and military higher ups called "Medical experimentation."


Inside of the city of randgriz, capital of the gallian empire. More soldiers manned the walls as mutants surrounded them. Albeit not very durable nor overwhelming. Besides the initial fear, the populace continued living happy carefree lives inside of the city. Supplies from inside and outside continued flowing, however the queen demanded larger convoys in the event something worse happened. So if they get overwhelmed, they could save enough weapons, ammo, and other supplies to attempt fighting back, or waiting it out. The average size being two trucks, and three actual supply vehicles.

The Rockian diplomat was getting quite angry. "Put almost no effort to justify and strengthen that claim? ALMOST NO EFFORT?" The diplomat slammed his fist on the table. "WE FOUGHT FOR MONTHS! WE HAD MILITARY INSTALLATIONS AND MANY SKIRMISHES! THOSE ISLANDS WERE ONE OF THE MAIN CAUSES OF THAT WAR!" The diplomat was furious. "It is CLEAR to me that these talks cannot be held here. You have done no research and taken the Rising Empire's side on every issue. You are clearly a biased host and the talks must be held somewhere else."

The diplomat calmed slightly. "And to the implications that we 'overreacted', how would YOU respond if some of your citizens were killed UNDER CEASEFIRE?! Those were good Rockian men doing their jobs, and they were slaughtered by the Rising Empire. They broke the truce, they are responsible, and again, the local commanders have informed us that we did not even counterattack. Under the circumstances, where they MURDERED INNOCENTS, and we didn't counterattack. I wish we WERE the ones who set off those bombs, for the sake of Rockian men and women on the front, but we weren't."

"As for your solution, we cannot accept. Those are ours and we fought tooth and nail for every millimeter. However, we would be willing to offer the Rising Empire mining and economic rights in the area, as well as loosened migration policies. But the islands must remain Rockian territory."

@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Kord listened as the Rockian diplomat yelled in rage. Kord took a few sips from his wine. "Sir, if we may, we would like to investigate what the events that occurred, with your consent of course. If you do allow for that, troops deployed to investigate will not participate with any fighting going on between you and the Rising Empire. We would like to remain neutral in this conflict." He said and then finishing the wine from his wine glass. Kord picked up the wine bottle and refilled his glass. "Would you like some?" he asked the Rockian.

@Fishman Lord @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent
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Lordvader59 said:
Jens met the diplomat at the airstrip, as meanwhile Nordic troops began occupying military installations. Little did they know a huge discovery was on the horizon. Jens invited the diplomat to sit at a table in the airport, and pulled out a brief case. "So, you wish to talk about borders? What is there to discuss?"
"Well, before you establish yourself as a state, we wanted to establish what bourder would satisfy you... Or just accept the previous Finnish-Russian-Estonian one as a bourder?"

Schneizel just sat on his chair, his fists clenched trying to hold off his anger. Schneizel then looked at them after they finished talking and sighed

"I agree on the sharing part" He said "I would rather share the islands than fight for it"

(@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Agent141 )​
The emperor looked over a map which only had the northern parts still viewable upon it. He was curious of both the kara and Barents sea. As there were 'forms' of landmasses/islands in the middle of the ocean/seas. He drew a redline from the gallian capital, through the OB river, into the kara sea. He looked up at Natasha. "Gather the generals and inform them of a meeting. We must begin plotting how to take the north of the kara sea."
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

"If i have offended you in any way, i do apologize. To answer your question, if my troops were killed during a ceasefire, i would honestly be furious and break the ceasefire myself. That is my honest answer." Byron said somewhat toughly, like he was trying to hold it in. "Now i see the pros of your plan, however that would mean all that everything both nations put into would have been for not." Byron then took another sip of water and heard what Alastair and Schneizel said. "Despite the incriminating evidence against these two nations Mr. Alastair, you have full Eclipsian backing. And Emperor Schneizel, i appreciate your self sacrifice despite your beliefs. I know it must have been hard for you to say that, but you have taken the first step to truly accept peace." Byron then noticed that the device on his wrist was blinking. He opened to find that the Greeks were completely rebelling, and they had already taken over half of the province and they have begun to siege Athens.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

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