The World of Tomorrow

JJKab said:
"Poland? Welp, we reemerged pretty recently, so... Western Russia is partially claimed by us. Belarus, Ukraine, Moscov, Novogrod, you name it, we claimed it. That's all, really"
Meanwhile, at the incoming World Congress, Polish President decided he would participate himself at the upcoming event, as he ordered his plane to be prepared, as well as an escort.

(Where it'll play out? The congress? @Agent141 )
She noticed the avoidance of a pure answer, and continued on. She was also amused by his pronunciation of Moscow. "What happened to Moscow then? And who leads the polish if I can ask that?"
Kazami42 said:
She noticed the avoidance of a pure answer, and continued on. She was also amused by his pronunciation of Moscow. "What happened to Moscow then? And who leads the polish if I can ask that?"
"Welp. Moscov... Fell down. Good ol' Kremlin with it. Also, our President it's on his way out to the World Congress" The soldier told the girl

"Speaking of you, you both seem to be a bit tired. Do you need anything, food, water?" He asked, approaching the girl.
JJKab said:
"Welp. Moscov... Fell down. Good ol' Kremlin with it. Also, our President it's on his way out to the World Congress" The soldier told the girl
"Speaking of you, you both seem to be a bit tired. Do you need anything, food, water?" He asked, approaching the girl.
Vanessa just stopped smiling. The surrounding attitude being of extreme disapproval, and negativity. The aura of 'attitude' in the air making Kevin disturbed.


"No... I'm fine."
Kazami42 said:

"No... I'm fine."
"Aight then.. I guess you're good to go" The soldier said, flashing the small smile, as he decided to leave the two.

"Good luck out there" He said, walking back to their outpost which wasn't too far back
Vanessa and Kevin left silently until getting out of sight, and returned home afterwards. "Sorry." Vanessa ignored Kevin and walked to her home changing her clothing, and then returning to the emperor while Natasha was getting dressed and preparing to leave. Her train for the tunnel is currently getting a slow engine check. "Oh, hi Vanessa." Natasha waved to her as she left. Max was sitting down on the throne, having recently finished reading the new book.

"We came back from the west." She said after she knelt down and stood up again. "People do exist there, still. But apparently Western Russia is now considered Poland. My home is gone, and there is something called a world Congress." Max thought for a second before continuing on with the conversation. "We sent Natasha and a few others to it, and we know about Moscow. Something blew it up. However word of that does not spread outside of this room, understood captain? Yet there is one more thing I require of you two. Alexander was thrown into prison and we can't break her out for this event, since you use to be her co, you will have to disguise yourself as her to continue it on. We made some similar looking boots which will make you look taller." Catherine/Vanessa nodded and left.


The scientists cleverly started making scenes around who they suspected to be their new subjects to see if they'd react negatively, especially to first contact with the new ore. Thus causing more people to become imprisoned making their jobs easier to "catch them all!".


Misa is helping her father test new ideas. Meanwhile groups of scientists have stalked specific individuals and started making disappearances of their victims. They have taken Kelsey peron for experimentation, however besides severe sickness, she didn't react very well to the ore like Heather would of. Thus they let her go after putting her on drugs. They mistook her for one of their subjects due to her masochist nature.

[Now until someone posts here about the scheduled event, I'll be off modifying my overview.]
The CAF representative waited patiently for the man to finish, mulling over what he was going to say. His orders was to make sure that they and the Hamui's would not have border conflicts. He listened to the man speak and nodded his head.

(I don't know if I can propose my thing yet...)
Singaporean Federation

Orosei, Sardinia

Gov Khey Lim got up, put away the vodka, and went up to the Rising Empire and Rockies. "Gentlemen, will you be willing to come to Singapore or the NWA Summit to open negotiations regarding the Canadian Islands? I realize that this seems inappropriate and slightly out of taste considering the hellish boredom we just went through, but I think it would be for the best to end this as quickly as possible."

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

[i'm too tired right now to make a full post for anything else]
Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Orosei, Sardinia

Gov Khey Lim got up, put away the vodka, and went up to the Rising Empire and Rockies. "Gentlemen, will you be willing to come to Singapore or the NWA Summit to open negotiations regarding the Canadian Islands? I realize that this seems inappropriate and slightly out of taste considering the hellish boredom we just went through, but I think it would be for the best to end this as quickly as possible."

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

[i'm too tired right now to make a full post for anything else]

Schneizel chuckled and stood still, not looking at anyone he them sighed.

"I will participate in the NWA summit" He said "But, i need to freshen up and go back to the Rising Empire"​
Back at the city of randgriz, the stalkers brought up from the underground metro were busy handling citizens. A bunch of loyalists were pissed of that their Queen didn't come home in time. Jennifer was eventually able to go back to the citadel and fix the situation with her presence. She also made a policy that overseas meetings will probably take more time than originally thought. Natasha stayed with alex in the royal medical ward, Natasha pulled on what she thought was a wig, but she actually pulled her hair. When she woke up, after being pumped with so many drugs... she couldn't remember what happened. Which is probably for the best.


The science team continued farming large dosages of the populace, Before testing would begin.

A week later, everything turned back to normal. Due to having to hijack just to get to and from, The imperials and gallians agreed that they needed better transportation besides water proof tank rides. They got Förster and Thomas together to use their departments for transportation. The gallians wanted a warship, and the empire wanted aircraft. So thus they invaded the imperial library for prewar reference. They decided to go with the warship and pour all of their funding into it that was possible. The entire engineering and science unit were then quested to create a naval ship, the harbour with all of its cranes and resources would aid in perfecting the hull as necessary.

The project was called the: "Imperial Cruise".
World congress

"Sure, I'll come." The Duke gathered up what he had and prepared to leave. "I am not looking forward to this. But I suppose I have to come."

@Wickedkent @Alteras
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A week later, President Romanov would order that all Weaponized Locusts were to be moved to a secret bunker to be 'destroyed'.

Also, he'd make a speech about the events that happened at the World Congress. He'd speak in such a way that he made the destroying of the WMDs seem like it was for the greater good of the nation. The citizens praised Romanov for his 'patriotism'.

He'd also start to build rocket trucks from old blueprints that were found while searching the old prison known as Guantanamo Bay Naval Base. The new rocket trucks will be known as Hornets' Nests.


Order Empire/Fourth Republic of Poland


(German Nationalists protesting for German Independence in Berlin)

Recently a uprising in British and Polish controlled German territories has sprung up by most of the citizens in their respective countries. However both sides agree to the same goal: Complete and Total German Independence. The protests were small at first, and were easily dealt with, but in time they grew larger and it couldn't be contained. Now nearly all of the citizens from both Polish and British Germany, respectively, have united to that one cause. Recently however the protests have been gaining less attendance in favor of more drastic measures, an armed rebellion. The rebels proved that they are a huge threat after they successfully raided a weapons compound in the Order Empire and Republic of Poland, both attacks occurred nearly simultaneously. Now the rebellion is a threat to both countries, and with strong leadership and coordination, it seems their goal may actually be reached.​

@Agent141 @JJKab

Kingdom of the Rockies/The Rising Empire


(A cliff side view from the disputed Baffin Island. However it hides a Rising Imperial base inside the mountain that's not far from Rockian front lines)

The ceasefire for the Northern War is unsteady and cold (pun intended), where it could seemingly break any minute. There have already been many near misses and troops on both ends are nerve racked, knowing that any second the war could be back on. To capitalize on this unsteady atmosphere, an anarchist group called The Northern Stars has done something

dastardly. They posed as Rising Imperial troops and crossed through the front lines undetected and trespassed on a Rockian air base. There they put bombs on many of the planes and control tower, however at that point they had been detected. They then planted evidence that it was seemingly the Rising Empire and just after they crossed the fence, two of them being fatally injured after being fired at, they detonated the explosives killing many at the air base. The Rockians found the planted evidence and reported the whole event to high command.​

@Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Eclipse Empire


(Greek Nationalists/Fascists rally in Athens)

Many of the Greek citizens in Eclipsian Greece have grown quite fond of their new rulers, however that is starting to change. Recently Nationalist uprising all across the province have burst out nowhere, and they only seem to get bigger and larger every day. Eclipsian police have been order to just keep the protests civilized, however some of the protesters have thrown rocks and even Molotov's at the police. Police intelligence has found out that these protesters are also Fascist and have sworn they will continue until they are all dead. The emperor is still hesitant to use excessive force, as the last rebellion was internationally condemned for the way it was handled. Police have now begun to arrest protesters, but this only makes the mob angrier and they have now cited an armed rebellion, which began with multiple attacks on Police stations across the Province.

@Loyal Guardian
@Agent141[/URL] @JJKab

Kingdom of the Rockies/The Rising Empire


(A cliff side view from the disputed Baffin Island. However it hides a Rising Imperial base inside the mountain that's not far from Rockian front lines)

The ceasefire for the Northern War is unsteady and cold (pun intended), where it could seemingly break any minute. There have already been many near misses and troops on both ends are nerve racked, knowing that any second the war could be back on. To capitalize on this unsteady atmosphere, an anarchist group called The Northern Stars has done something

dastardly. They posed as Rising Imperial troops and crossed through the front lines undetected and trespassed on a Rockian air base. There they put bombs on many of the planes and control tower, however at that point they had been detected. They then planted evidence that it was seemingly the Rising Empire and just after they crossed the fence, two of them being fatally injured after being fired at, they detonated the explosives killing many at the air base. The Rockians found the planted evidence and reported the whole event to high command.​

@Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Eclipse Empire


(Greek Nationalists/Fascists rally in Athens)

Many of the Greek citizens in Eclipsian Greece have grown quite fond of their new rulers, however that is starting to change. Recently Nationalist uprising all across the province have burst out nowhere, and they only seem to get bigger and larger every day. Eclipsian police have been order to just keep the protests civilized, however some of the protesters have thrown rocks and even Molotov's at the police. Police intelligence has found out that these protesters are also Fascist and have sworn they will continue until they are all dead. The emperor is still hesitant to use excessive force, as the last rebellion was internationally condemned for the way it was handled. Police have now begun to arrest protesters, but this only makes the mob angrier and they have now cited an armed rebellion, which began with multiple attacks on Police stations across the Province.

@Loyal Guardian
As soon as Polish president arrived in Lublin, he got informed about the German people's rebellions. Hr knew that they wouldn't be happy with the resolution World Congress proposed, so all he could think of was releasing East Germany and hoping Britain would do the same.

In the speech later that day, Jacob announced that Polish troops would retreat behind Oder-Neisse line, which once was Polish, German bourder, and he also announced that this was "for overall happiness between German and Slavic people". He also told them that Poland "will recognize the German new government, respect it" as well as "Establish diplomatic relations with them.


Polish forces retreat behind Oder-Neisse line, which soon'll become new Polish - German bourder

Governmental rights are handed to the people of Germany

East Germany is proclaimed.
Northern Command

"Sir, the Rising Empire has broken the ceasefire. They have bombed a temporary airbase and several planes." The general was shocked. "But... Why? It will only lose them allies and make us angry. Well, I guess it worked. We must counter. Contact the King."

Radium Hot Springs

"They did WHAT? The rat bastards! And they have the BALLS to claim we're the aggressive ones!" The King calmed down a bit. "This changes things. We can't break the ceasefire or the Eclipse Empire will begin bombarding us, and from what we learned at the conference, they may well be the current world superpower. No... The peace talks will continue. But their leader must be present, not a diplomat, the leader must come himself. And the location will be moved to a more remote, secure location, perhaps Alaska, so that their soldiers can't attack it. Send this to them. The talks shall also only allow Rockians and Greenlanders, as other parties may be biased and have their own goals in mind. Send that message to them, and if they don't comply, they have officially broken the ceasefire." The king sighed and sat down. "Fucking BASTARDS!"

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @Alteras @RIPSaidCone
Schneizel was sitting at his command chair when he got a verg urgent call from the Capitol. Max was calling him to report something very important.

"Yes?" Schneizel asked "What do you want to say brother?"

"A KotR base in the disputed islands blew up" Max reported

"And?" Schneizel replied "What does it have to do with us?"

"They said it was us" Max said with a serious voice "The soldiers that planted the bomb had a Rising Empire Uniform"

"Preposterous!" Schneizel exlaimed "Those are not our men!"

"Thats the point.. They are not ours" Max replied "We did a face recognition and found out that they were not one of ours"

Schneizel's expression signified that he was angry

"Do they intend to frame us?" He said with an angry voice "Are they that desperate to get those territory even if they sacrifice their own men?!?!"

"That may be possible" Max replied "I will tell our allies about this situation"

"Very well.." Schneizel said "We will talk about this in the upcoming NWA summit.

(@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @JJKab )
Undisclosed location, Lapland.

Jens sat in front of a camera and microphones broadcasting to the news and radio stations in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. "People of the Scandinavian Nations, as most of you may know, we have been under Polish rule for long enough. They were helpful in rebuilding our civilization, but it is time for the Nordic Nations to walk free as one independent Nordic Union. So, I ask the Polish government to let our nation walk away free. Please, allow the people to stand free."

Lordvader59 said:
Undisclosed location, Lapland.
Jens sat in front of a camera and microphones broadcasting to the news and radio stations in Finland, Sweden, and Norway. "People of the Scandinavian Nations, as most of you may know, we have been under Polish rule for long enough. They were helpful in rebuilding our civilization, but it is time for the Nordic Nations to walk free as one independent Nordic Union. So, I ask the Polish government to let our nation walk away free. Please, allow the people to stand free."

Polish president heard about the broadcast sent to him, as he smiled lightly.

"At leaat they're not rebelling.... Send a diplomat to Stockholm. I'm going to respond."

With that said, Jacob walked into his recording room, and sat down in front of the camera and microphone.

"Dear people of Nordic Union. I watched your transmittion and I am more than glad that you're

not rising up in a violent matter. We understand your quest for independence, so this is what I am going to offer. My trusted diplomat is heading to the Stockholm. He will talk in my name, and he'll listen to your demands. When he'll come back with those, I'll discuss it with my parliament in an express way.

Thank you for understanding."
Heather was bored, walking around the citadel. she entered a field surrounded by walls to the east, which was apparently a nearly endless field of flowers. She had just finished helping to heal Alexanders nose. She also went back to the metro to visit pavle. However the tunnel boring event continued on in underground izhevsky. Pavle took a destroyer-train down the line, while several troops were stationed at the unbreakable wall aiming rifles, submachineguns, Shotguns, flamethrowers, and a metro-mini-gatling gun. The train at this point was well over 40 miles per hour, and continued speeding in a straight line.

A bell can be heard ringing in the far distance. Eventually followed by squeals of train wheels. The soldiers step away from the tracks, and then check their weapons. "If there is anything hostile on the ender end, send it back to hell!" A guy pumping a shotgun could be heard preparing in the distance. A light from high up down the tracks could be seen, someone was holding a lantern outside the train so it could be visible from the darkness. The train at this point then rushed past the troops and rammed the earth on the other side. The train pierced through, and the fifteen troops stationed inside exited the train. Screams could be heard from the darkness and gunfire until suddenly ending.

The soldiers on the other side however were prepared, and after seeing something of a height lesser than a human they all shot at it. They flashed a light onto it and had shot a ungodly used spider. "Oh shit." Two quickly pulled out a lighter and ran to the torches, the spider bugs jumping ontop of one and literally eating his face off and or ripping it off. The other however was about to be lunged on before she lit a torch and beat the shit out of it. The other soldiers were also attacked and had tried getting their flashlights, or old prewar antique phones which don't work. The spiders lunged onto them and repeatedly but them, but most had their masks on. Aiding in their protection for a time. A soldier shot the spider off the commander and took out a antique phone, it was called an iPhone. He turned on a strobe light mode, scaring off only a few. The others took out military, and or multi use flashlights and burned the spiders with light.

They also continued shooting at them and proceeded ever so slowly forwards. Until reaching the train and then shot the ceiling collapsing some lose rocks onto them. The following collapse had opened up the loose earth into a cave system filled with ragnite. The troops had to deploy their masks however since some ruptured during the collapse, and they don't want to risk being naturally gassed. "Whoa... did we find?.." pavle finished repeatedly stabbing four of the spiders and jumped out of the train. "We found a entire store of ragnite! The empress should be pleased of hearing this... probably." Another seventh squad ranger replied. "Also found a cave of killer spiders the size of Dimitri's mother." "Hey, shut up you bastard!" They entered and begin examining, some even broke off small fragments to keep for themselves.

Pavle took out his radio and pressed the button. "здравствуйте? [Hello?]" Natasha was in the council room looking over service records. She heard the radio and removed it from a belt she was wearing and answered it. "Yes?" She let go of the button. "Ahh, Yes hello empress! It's pavle." She replied back to it. "Oh. Hello morozov, what do you want today?" She sounded bored, and tired altogether. "We breached the earth which prevented our tunnelling. We fought some spiders, had minor casualties. But we found a cave of ragnite under izhevsky. It goes all th-" She was amazed and quickly pressed the button responding. "GUARD IT! I'll be there soon then." Pavle was also surprised and a few soldiers were behind him curious and heard that. "OH, err, yes empress!" He did sudden hand signals, but people were already running around. They were pulling out tape, wood, metal and sand bags hastily making fortifications, pavle was helping out with the sandbags and lights, and a few others scrambled about to go further down the line to prevent its use.

He heard Heather in distress and then ran up back into the cave seeing her wrapping herself in a ball, not responding well to the ragnite very much, and having fought five spiders herself earlier and not noticed.. "Shit, shit, shit!" He then picked her up and carried her out of the cave. He laid her down to the side of the train and pulled out a medkit. "You'll feel a bit of a tingling." He opened the small orange contained pulling out a syringe, and stabbing it into her neck. Injecting anti poison and various chemicals into her body. She was twitching a bit and foaming. "WHAT THE FUCK?!?" He got back on the radio hastily. "Empress! Empress help!" She replied. "What is it now? Did you forget something to eat? I could br-" she was interrupted. "Janet is injured! She is foaming I-I I don't even fucking know!" She was surprised. "GUARD IT! Get the hell out of there and prevent wanderers entering it! I'll be there soon." She got up and sprinted out of the door. Knocking down a few scribes bringing in more records, she apologized while leaving. A scribe that tried giving her records personally as asked tried cstching up, but Natasha was far faster than the personal scribe was.


Jennifer returned to the cells in the citadel dungeon. She walked up to Alexanders cell. She looked out the bars are Jennifer. "Oh hi. You back to fuck up again?" Jennifer was unlocking the door. "The polish occupy your home, and possibly one of our friends blamed themselves for blowing it up." Alexander screamed and then covered her ears when Jennifer kept explaining it. To see what would happen. She finally stopped and opened the cell door and walked in. Alexander was ignoring her presence, so she kicked her in the back and then grabbed her collar and slapped her to get her attention. "CALM DOWN." She then took out a piece of paper she used prior to write down numbers on, which was then rendered useless later but she didn't throw it away. She cleaned the tears off of her and made her stand up. "Now go back home to your family, have someone help you get over it. It is ok." She let her leave the cell and gave her back the hat. "And don't terrorize our own people again, or else public decision is going to force me to humiliate you. And I honestly am not looking forward to that."


The hospital ward continues healing mutant injuries sustained this week, a few hundred people. The attacks were very agitated and aggressive towards the systems, so much that most lines are clogged with wounded. More guards are stationed near blast doors, hermetic doors, and other forms of gates. Meaning the entire total of defenders protecting the entrances of the metro are heavily armed, and in the total of 7 guards near most gates and entrances. Most imprisoned people such as Leila, and the Alexander are released from prison.
JJKab said:
Polish president heard about the broadcast sent to him, as he smiled lightly.
"At leaat they're not rebelling.... Send a diplomat to Stockholm. I'm going to respond."

With that said, Jacob walked into his recording room, and sat down in front of the camera and microphone.

"Dear people of Nordic Union. I watched your transmittion and I am more than glad that you're

not rising up in a violent matter. We understand your quest for independence, so this is what I am going to offer. My trusted diplomat is heading to the Stockholm. He will talk in my name, and he'll listen to your demands. When he'll come back with those, I'll discuss it with my parliament in an express way.

Thank you for understanding."
"We thank the Polish government for seeing reason, but we would like to enquire what there is to discuss. We would like autonomy for the areas that were once the nations of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Perhaps we could work out a plan of cooperation between our nations."
Lordvader59 said:
"We thank the Polish government for seeing reason, but we would like to enquire what there is to discuss. We would like autonomy for the areas that were once the nations of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. Perhaps we could work out a plan of cooperation between our nations."
" We would like to establish our official bourder. Our diplomat'll arrive shortly"
Singaporean Federation

Orosei, Sardinia

After the two men walked out, Gov Khey Lim picked up his stuff and walked out the building. He boarded his plane and told the pilot to actually bring them to the NWA Summit. "Hmm, this vodka tastes good. I should let Zeph try some."

Eclipse Empire

Train arrived.

@Loyal Guardian

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

"mmhmm, yes, I'll send it to the parliament for confirmation." MWE Chen hanged the call with Gov Khey Lim. "All operators! Recall the Sentosa Battleships for permanent storage. Have the fleet in Radium Springs stay at port." Operators clamored to recall the ships.

Federation Parliament, Singapore

There was heated debate whether or not to follow the Mandate of the First World Congress. Eventually, 2/3s of the members of parliament agreed to it and passed it as law.

Capetown, Singaporean Africa, 7th District of the Singaporean Federation

7th Gov Chang Yu Hong begrudgingly accepted her position. All power was stripped from her and yet she sits as a doll being controlled by her enemies, something she prefers to do to others. Good news is that Zeph agreed to grant her powers back if she followed his orders. I guess I'll play the waiting game. Her first order was to summon an African Council to open trade. She sent some diplomats to the CAF and the Hamuis.

@Charlie12520 @Albion

Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

Admiral Riley Jaccobus Hummel returned from the restroom. "Sorry about that. Now, where were we?"

@Loyal Guardian
The CAF has recieved a request from the singaporeans for a diplomatic discussion, and the CAF accepts to meet at a set location.
Natasha ran down the tunnel and bashing through some obstacles, jumping over crossbeams, and sliding under the semi-derailed train. Heather continued profusely foaming until Natasha slid next to her, stabbed her in the heart with a large needle, and injected drugs into her. Heather continued acting strangely and twitching, but not as severely. Natasha picked her up. "Don't worry, I'm here now. I'll get you some help!" She then ran off to the medical ward.


The the queen made a new law. It states anyone who attempts to rob a store, the employee or CEO is more than capable of handling the situation if required. Two days afterwards, there was two incidents of shootings. One where a robber was shot through the neck, and another which resulted in a criminal being literally obliterated by heavy explosives.


Few scientists which are left with free time before eventually being recruited in the project, begin calculating the number of people they've taken. Preparing for further experimentation.
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

A diplomat welcomed the Singaporean group to the city. "Welcome to Solaris, we do hope you enjoy your stay and may progression be accomplished at the NWA summit." The man said to PM Zeph.


Guangzhou, Singapore Federation

"I believe we were talking about the Shanghai Agreements. See we have recently taken the rest of China after the fall of the Manchurian Empire, so in respect our leaders made i was thinking we would honor these agreements." Frios said to Admiral Hummel.


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