The World of Tomorrow

Chesapeake Bay - Disputed Territory

As the Cascadian men relayed their message, some corvettes arrived in the harbor. They had first scouted the North American coastline for any further contacts, and had discovered unclaimed land in the Carribean.

The situation was not dire, but it was perhaps the time to ask for Charles' opinion indeed. After a while inside, the woman emerged with a message.

It read, "Greetings. I am Charles, King of the Hamuis. I apologize for this disturbance - we had not realized this territory was claimed. However, we do not have the resources to ship these men and women back to our lands. Would it be alright if they settled in the Carribean?

In place of our leave, I will be sending a formal diplomat to your nation. We will be pleased to establish proper diplomatic channels, and look forward to a prosperous and mutually beneficial relationship.

Good luck with everything, my friends."


Hamuis Capital - Central Government Building

The man sat in his chair as he finished speaking into the phone. The situation in the Americas had been dealt with. However, a new emergency had arrived at his desk. A war.

It was early in the morning, and Charles had just finished his morning breakfast. He had nearly choked on the dry, African khobz. Luckily, an advisor had been standing by, speaking of the newly founded World Congress. Some members on Earth still had not responded - hopefully they would do so soon.

The call to arms still lay upon his desk. It was a defensive war, and the Rising Empire was a newfound ally. The decision was easy - he would send aid immediately. He wrote back.

"It is unfortunate that we find ourselves in times of war so soon after we have returned as a species. However, the Kingdom of the Hamuis would be happy to honor our alliance and accept this request. We will be formally declaring war on those that have done so to you. We will send ten thousand Hamuis Snipers to your lines. Command them as if they were your own. Their weapons are powerful - a rifle that can eliminate an enemy aircraft in a single shot from far, far away. But they are useless in melee combat. Do not place them on your front lines, and do not let them be swarmed. We will send a military expert to facilitate your decisions.

Good luck, and may light forever shine upon our two nations."

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

British Capital - Oxford

"Of course. We will allow these goods into our nation, but it will be our companies that will accept them personally. That is everything we would like to propose. Is there anything you would like to ask us?"


Sahara Desert - Sapientia Cities

The men had arrived on time. The head commander of the Sapientia had been responsible for colonization efforts for the last two years, and everything was going swimmingly. Now, those three cities had become properly settled and ready for integration. The man called Charles, and he agreed to begin formal incorporation of the territories. He would extend west of his Sudanian territories, and push his claims on the land extending to the Atlantic.


Summary of Action

Established Communications with the Cascadians

Accepted call to arms in the Rising-Rockies War

Incorporation of all lands west of Sudan
JJKab said:
"Hmmm... So like a Blitzkrieg.... huh? Cholera jedna działa... {God damn thing works..}. Welp, We just follow the orders, we were told so at least." General exclaimed, tilting his head, as he looked at the map.
Greenland, Rising Empire

"Yes well, as long as your forces are mainly assisting in the islands, then i am sure we will win this. However satellite imagery shows the enemy force is strong and prepared, so expect a challenge. However if push comes to shove we will just use Orbital Bombardment on their cities to make things go faster." Umberion then saw a notification appear on his wrist device and then tapped on it to summon the holo-screen. He then smiled and looked up. "Well i would love to continue our little chat, but i have to begin taking command of the forces that will be assisting you in the islands campaign." Umberion then put away the holo-screen and walked out towards his forces. Io on the other hand had begun the launching the aircraft and directing them to strike valuable targets in Quebec.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • The last of the Zeta Satellites have been launched, put the Eclipse Empire ahead in space mastery.
  • General Io begins the bombing campaign of Quebec.
  • 20,000 Men are sent towards the islands campaign.

@Fishman Lord
Communications Center

"To all nations joining the Greenlanders: this is not a war we started. We claimed this territory and fought long and hard for it, until these fools walked onto the islands we had fought tooth and nail for. We never even declared war, that again was the fools in their Arctic wasteland they call a nation. Please reconsider your position against these aggressively expanding warmongers." @Charlie12520 @Loyal Guardian

En Route to the Conference

"Due to recent circumstances, we request that Singapore begin providing true ground assistance with troops for this war. We understand the magnitude of this request, and know it is a hard decision, but our nation must unite Canada and fight off these people who stole land that we had claimed and occupied."



"Part of our deal was operations such as air strikes against our enemies. As the Eclipsian fleet is still heading here, could you harass their ships and sink as many as you can? We will aid you with our own navy and Air Force, but we must try and stop that fleet."


A.M.E.N. Testing Grounds

Progress was good. The actual gun had begun development, and it was showing good progress against vehicles. The device, once finished, would cripple any mechs or similar things thrown at them.


All of the Canadian-Armored troops had landed. Each man in one fought like a hundred, and could perform feats far beyond any normal human. The Rockian navy of twenty advanced missile cruisers had arrived and were bombarding the enemy from afar with high-impact missiles. The battle was in full swing.




A.M.E.N. at 15% completion

The city was constructed.

The city comes with its own dock/harbour/whatever the fuck this is.

this is the north district, It contains it's own harbour and is still somewhat not explored. All the buildings are simple houses, some apartments, schools, mansions, Airfields, and manufacturing depots.
imma just call it the citadel.

The home of royalty, the citadel is sported with hundreds if not thousands of rooms, goes up to 42 meters high, and with the tower it goes beyond that. [Not exactly a good place to be for someone afraid of heights.] It comes with long corridors and hallways, entire rooms dedicated to specific things, a basketball court. The tower functions of a room only used by the royalty, but also functions as a radio tower. They use a single oversized bridge to enter and exit the city.

the great vasel bridge leads to the south west district of the city, where it is mainly a farming and agricultural center.


After the final wall around the city was built and most citizens and soldiers from underground moved there and the radio, and cameras started airing live, people started choosing who to have as the city rulers. The beautiful charismatic Jennifer keslionko, who if voted her family rules over the city. Or the equally stunning, terrifying, Imperial general 'alexander'. After a few days, it was pretty clear who would win this. They stood at podiums like the days of old, while everyone watched them. A man standing between them with a microphone opened a letter: "And the family they want to form the new country is....." The man ripped open more of the letter just to read it. "Blistering trolls..... the family is...." Alexander stared at her watch and sighed. "17,000 for keslionko, 15,000 for Alex." Alexander just stared. "What..." Jenn' just smiled at the response. She then threw a tantrum, she did everything. Even picking up the heavy podium and throwing it down the stairs. "Calm down, or you'll probably lose more than a city." Alexander walked away. "Fuck off."

Since the keslionko family rules the city, she has decided to not only make a flag for the new nation, but also give it a name. She was fond of the word gallian. Most of the citizens in the city were from the gallian line. She walked back to her podium for a speech.

"If there is anyone out there who still doubts that the world is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our family, tonight is your answer.

It's the answer told by lines that stretched around Armies and churches in numbers this nation has never seen; by people who waited three hours and four hours, many for the very first time in their lives, because they believed that this time must be different; that their voice could be that difference.

It's the answer spoken by young and old, rich and poor, Imperial and Monarchy, black, white, Latino, Asian, Native American, gay, straight, disabled and not disabled – Imperials who sent a message to the world that we have never been a collection of Red lines and Blue states: we are, and always will be, the gallian empire.

It's the answer that led those who have been told for so long by so many to be cynical, and fearful, and doubtful of what we can achieve to put their hands on the arc of history and bend it once more toward the hope of a better day.

It's been a long time coming, but tonight, because of what we did on this day, in this election, at this defining moment, change has come to Gallia.

I just received a very gracious call from Janet rastotzna. She fought long and hard in this campaign, and she's fought even longer and harder for the country she loves. She has endured sacrifices for both the empire and gallia that most of us cannot begin to imagine, and we are better off for the service rendered by this brave and selfless leader. I congratulate her for all she has achieved, and I look forward to working with her to renew this nation's promise in the years ahead.

I want to thank my partner in this journey, who campaigned from her heart and spoke for the men and women she grew up with on the lines of Gallia and rode with on that train home to golden heart.

I would not be standing here tonight without the unyielding support of my best friend for the last four years, And while she's currently no longer with us, I know my grandmother is watching, along with the family that made me who I am. I miss them tonight, and know that my debt to them is beyond measure. You made this happen, and I am forever grateful for what you've sacrificed to get it done.

But above all, I will never forget who this victory truly belongs to – it belongs to you...

It was built by working men and women who dug into what little savings they had to give five coins and ten bars and even twenty bullets to this cause. It grew strength from the young people who rejected the myth of their generation's apathy; who left their homes and their families for jobs that offered little pay and less sleep; from the not-so-young people who braved the bitter cold and scorching heat to knock on the doors of perfect strangers; from the millions of people who volunteered, and organized, and proved that more than two centuries later, a government of the people, by the people and for the people has not perished from this Earth. This is your victory.

I know you didn't do this just to win an election and I know you didn't do it for me. You did it because you understand the enormity of the task that lies ahead. For even as we celebrate tonight, we know the challenges that tomorrow will bring are the greatest of our lifetime – wars, a planet in peril. Even as we stand here tonight, we know there are brave people waking up in the deserts and the mountains of the north to risk their lives for us. There are mothers and fathers who will lie awake after their children fall asleep and wonder how they'll make the mortgage, or pay their doctor's bills, or save enough for college. There is new energy to harness and new jobs to be created; new schools to build and threats to meet and alliances to repair.

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep. We may not get there in one year or even one decade, but gallia – I have never been more hopeful than I am tonight that we will get there. I promise you – we as a people will get there.

There will be setbacks and false starts. There are many who won't agree with every decision or policy I make as Queen, and we know that government can't solve every problem. But I will always be honest with you about the challenges we face. I will listen to you, especially when we disagree. And above all, I will ask you join in the work of remaking this nation the only way it's been done in gallia for two-hundred and twenty-one years – block by block, brick by brick, calloused hand by calloused hand.

What began twenty-one months ago in the depths of winter must not end on this autumn night. This victory alone is not the change we seek – it is only the chance for us to make that change. And that cannot happen if we go back to the way things were. It cannot happen without you.

So let us summon a new spirit of our patriotism; of service and responsibility where each of us resolves to pitch in and work harder and look after not only ourselves, but each other. Let us remember that if this apocalypse taught us anything, in this country, we rise or fall as one nation; as one people.

Let us resist the temptation to fall back on the same partisanship and pettiness and immaturity that has poisoned our politics for so long. Let us remember that it was a man from this line who first carried the banner of the empire to the golden heart – a party founded on the values of self-reliance, and national unity. Those are values we all share, and while the Party has won a great victory tonight, we do so with a measure of humility and determination to heal the divides that have held back our progress. As a man once said ''We are not enemies, but friends…though passion may have strained it must not break our bonds of affection.'' and to those, and those beyond our understanding whose support I have yet to earn – I may not have won your vote, but I hear your voices, I need your help, and I will be your servant too.

And to all those watching tonight from beyond our shores, from parliaments and palaces to those who are huddled around radios in the forgotten corners of our world – our stories are singular, but our destiny is shared, and a new dawn of Gallian leadership is at hand. To those who would tear this world down – we will defeat you. To those who seek peace and security – we support you. And to all those who have wondered if gallia's beacon still burns as bright – tonight we proved once more that the true strength of our nation comes not from our the might of our arms or the scale of our wealth, but from the enduring power of our ideals: democracy, liberty, opportunity, Monarchy, Imperalism, and unyielding hope.

For that is the true genius of Gallia – that we can change. Our union can be perfected. And what we have already achieved gives us hope for what we can and must achieve tomorrow.

This election had many firsts and many stories that will be told for generations. But one that's on my mind tonight is about a woman who fought her war in nizhnevartovsk. She's a lot like the millions of others who stood in line to make their voice heard except for one thing – " Jennifer paused and thought of something.

"Selvaria rastotzna is over 106 years old.

She was born just a generation past a underground biological war; a time when there were no cars on the road or planes in the sky; when someone like her couldn't fight or speak for two reasons – because she was different and because of the heritage of her past.

And tonight, I think about all that she's seen throughout her century underground – the heartache and the hope; the struggle and the progress; the times we were told that we can't, and the people who pressed on with that creed: Yes we can.

At a time when people's voices were silenced and their hopes dismissed by racism, she lived to see them stand up and speak out and reach for the ballot, Fight in wars, And Speak their mind. Yes we can.

When there was despair in the dust bowl and depression across the land, she saw a nation conquer fear itself with a New Deal, new jobs and a new sense of common purpose. Yes we can.

When the bombs fell on our harbor and tyranny threatened the world, she was there to witness a generation rise to greatness and a empire was saved. Yes we can.

She was there for the empire when she found it in peril on the year 3033 , the fires in golden heart, a riot in the bloc, and a preacher from golden heart who told people that "We Shall Overcome." Yes we can.

A man touched down on the moon, a wall came down in Berlin, a world was connected by our own science and imagination. And this year, in this election, she touched her finger to a screen, and cast her vote, because after 106 years in The redline, through the best of times and the darkest of hours, she knows how the empire can change. Yes we can.

Gallia, we have come so far. We have seen so much. But there is so much more to do. So tonight, let us ask ourselves – if our children should live to see the next century; if my future daughters should be so lucky to live as long as her, what change will they see? What progress will we have made?

This is our chance to answer that call. This is our moment. This is our time – to put our people back to work and open doors of opportunity for our kids; to restore prosperity and promote the cause of peace; to reclaim the imperial Dream and reaffirm that fundamental truth – that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people:

Yes We Can. We shall help our people, and we will overcome the darkness. and with the help of our co-heir janet, we will achieve this great goal. Thank you, God bless you, and may the valkyrur Bless the great gallian empire." She walked away to her new home and invited Heather to live there to get past the bullying as a princess. Which once Heather found the invitation she was surprised and confused. However she knew this wouldn't kick her out of mandatory military service since she was put in anyway.


Gallia sent out a radio broadcast locally after airing the previous one. Anyone in the closest proximity of nizhnevartovsk [now getting a new name.] Could hear it. "Hello, this is the empire of Gallia. Welcome to the new age."

[And since the rising empire is so advanced, they could probably hear it too.]

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @RedLine @JJKab
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Republic of Cascadia


Portland International, Portland, Cascadia

Mr. Simmons from the Department of Foreign Affairs had been ordered to go to Portland International Airport to greet the incoming African Prime Minister, along with two other diplomats that had been sent to make a good impression and a limousine had been pulled in to use for the greeting, once the PM's plane enters Cascadian airspace it would be greeted by two escort F-15's with a friendly message stating that they're there to lead the way.


Listening Post; Foxtrot, Cascadian East Coast

The Republic of Cascadia responded to the Order Empire's message positively, stating that they would begin the preparations for the first commercial container ship to be sent to Plymouth, this first ship would contain basic materials such as log and food like steak made to freeze for commercial purposes IE restaurants or supermarkets, it has also begun organizing a team of 10 diplomats to be sent to Oxford by the end of the month.


Chesapeake Bay, Disputed Territory

Upon arrival of the presumably Hamuis affiliated corvettes, the CNDF ships in the area had begun monitoring their movement to detect any anomalies or suspicions, none were found however but the ships kept their guard up for security purposes. Overall the Cascadian response was polite and formal, as per usual.

The CDF soldiers talked among themselves whilst they awaited the Hamuis response, discussing what they thought about their mission with the general agreement being that they were bored of standing around doing nothing but watching a group of people who did the same as them, which was nothing.

With the letter being given, the CDF Lieutenant had wasted no time in reading it's contents, overall he seemed pleased at what had been written and quickly relayed the information back to the Department of Foreign Affairs in Portland for orders on what to do next.

Within minutes the Department of Foreign Affairs had given their response, "We are most pleased to see this from you, in return for such understanding we must only do the same. We would like to offer your people a ride on our transport vessels to their homeland. We would be more than happy to spare the resources to do you a favor, however if not then we would wonder why but would still have little issue in helping you rebuild your small community in the Carribbean this time."

"With Our Kindest Regards to the Hamuis People."


Seattle, Cascadia

"Unfortunately the Cascadian Senate is not willing to sacrifice our alliance with the Eclipse Empire over a war that we have no involvement in. Our people would simply not allow it, however we are good friends with the Eclipsian people and we shall try our best to persuade them out of a war with you."

@Fishman Lord

Portland, Cascadia

The reconstruction of Dallas and Las Vegas have both been completed. Returning them to their previous bustling metropolis states as they had been pre-war, President Jefferson visited both cities and congratulated the new mayors of both cities for their win in the elections, Las Vegas has been restored to a tourist hotspot with all of it's former casinos and hotels being rebuilt and better than ever, Las Vegas International Airport has also been rebuilt, Cascadian Airlines inviting tourists from around the globe to fly in. Meanwhile Dallas has been used to house all of the new Texan workers that had previously been living in shacks in the countryside, and is also a financial center now. These two cities being symbols of Cascadian hardwork and economic strength.

Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The Cascadian government wasted little time in getting a message sent to the Eclipsian government involving the war that they had joined against the Rockians, in attempt to prevent bloodshed on both sides. "Dear good friends of the Eclipise Empire. As you obviously know there is in-fact a war between the people of the Rising Empire and the Rockian Empire, and it is in our greatest interests as both passivists and people of understanding to try and persuade you from causing unneccessary bloodshed on both the Rockian people and some of your own. We hope you make the decision that you feel is right, and whatever one you make this will not affect our relationship. Kindest Regards, the Republic of Cascadia."

@Loyal Guardian

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@Charlie12520[/URL] @Loyal Guardian

En Route to the Conference

"Due to recent circumstances, we request that Singapore begin providing true ground assistance with troops for this war. We understand the magnitude of this request, and know it is a hard decision, but our nation must unite Canada and fight off these people who stole land that we had claimed and occupied."



"Part of our deal was operations such as air strikes against our enemies. As the Eclipsian fleet is still heading here, could you harass their ships and sink as many as you can? We will aid you with our own navy and Air Force, but we must try and stop that fleet."


A.M.E.N. Testing Grounds

Progress was good. The actual gun had begun development, and it was showing good progress against vehicles. The device, once finished, would cripple any mechs or similar things thrown at them.


All of the Canadian-Armored troops had landed. Each man in one fought like a hundred, and could perform feats far beyond any normal human. The Rockian navy of twenty advanced missile cruisers had arrived and were bombarding the enemy from afar with high-impact missiles. The battle was in full swing.




A.M.E.N. at 15% completion

Royal Avalon Bridge

Scheizel's Face Was Serious, They Have Just Intercepted A Broadcast From The Kingdom Of Rockies "They called for help first, now.. Where are their so called 'allies'.. And In Response To That Action, The Rising Empire Alsi Called For Their Allies" "Mm-hmm. I just got reports that the enemy navy is bombarding our troops from the coast, and their soldiers fights like barbarians" Lelouch Reported.

"Well Then, Time To Show Our Strength To Them... Deploy As Many Aircraft As We Can, We Must Gain Air Superiority On Every Island, Send A Fleet To Destroy The Enemy Ships, And 1000 Vincent Ward Frames Along With Suzaku To Support Our Troops In Ellesmere Island, Another Fleet At Baffin Bay." Schneizel Ordered. "Okay, The Imperial Aerial Armada Will Stay At Resolute."

Icelandic Listening Post

"Sir, We Have Just Intercepted A Message From Somewhere In Russia" Reported An Officer "Send It Directly To Director Gino, We Cannot Disturb The Others" Ordered A Commander. "Right Away".


A Fleet To Baffin Bay

A Fleet To Ellesmere Islands

Air Superiority On The Whole Northern Islands

1000 Vincent Ward Frames Along With Suzaku Was Sent To Reinforce The Troops At Ellesmere

Broadcast Was Intercepted
Singaporean Federation

Bangkok, Singaporean Federation

The train stopped for supplies. Zeph thought for a long time. He looked up at the Rockies diplomats and said, "Singapore shall send reinforcements. These are the last resort." He looked down and sent a message on his tablet. Looking back up, Zeph resumed, "I intend to pursue a war of words before a war of weapons. Is the Kingdom of the Rockies willing to pursue this as well?"

@Fishman Lord

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

MWE Chen received the message. Looking at the map, he could guess who the enemy is. He summoned all generals, admirals, and operators. "From this point forward, we are in a Cold War state. Our enemies, the Rising Empire and their allies. Our allies, the Kingdom of the Rockies. I want a full report of our current forces." The head operator stood up. "As of this moment, We currently have 25,000 men stationed in Singaporean Africa, 10,000 protecting the Northern Federation Borders, and 25,000 about to arrive at the Rockies Capital. One Yamato Class Battleship, One Sentosa Class battleship, and 50 patrol boats are currently docked at the Rockies. They were originally escorting the Second and Third Trade Fleet, and currently are on standby. One Sentosa Class battleship is outside the Philippines Island. Lion Squad Fighter Planes are currently at the Maldives Naval base."

MWE Chen thought for a moment. Generals and Admirals discussed how to mobilize troops to former Canada. MWE Chen finally spoke up. "Move the Yamato and the Sentosa battleships through the Panama Canal. Once those 25,000 men arrive in Canada, have them immediately begin training. Send the Lion Squad to the Canary Islands. Send 1000 Nymph Mines to attempt to blockade the territory in question. And get me a satellite view of the enemy forces."

The image pulled up. He instantly recognized Eclipsian Forces with Rising Empire Mechs. There were forces in rank away from the two. "Contact the Eclipse Empire." Operators responded. A mic was put in front of Chen. "This is the Singaporean Federation to the Eclipse Empire. It has come to our attention that your forces are deployed in the former territory of Canada. While we usually don't interfere with the expansion of other nations, this was an immediate concern. Your forces are aiding in the destruction of one of Singapore's closest allies. To our understanding, this conflict is a regional conflict. As such, Singapore has turned a blind eye. We ask that the Eclipse Empire do the same. We also ask the Eclipse Empire to aid the Singaporean Federation in bringing the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies to a table of debate. We currently bring diplomats of the Kingdom of the Rockies to the NWA Summit. Singapore hopes the Eclipse Empire shares the same sentiments of diplomacy and invite the diplomats of the Rising Empire to the NWA Summit as well. That is all."

@Loyal Guardian

The message was sent. "Open a line with the Rising Empire!" Operators scrambled to open a new channel. MWE Chen picked up the mic. "This is the Singaporean Federation to the Rising Empire. We wish to bring the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies to a forum to discuss any disputes between the two nations. The Kingdom of the Rockies has sent diplomats to the NWA Summit. We expect the Rising Empire to send diplomats as well to settle this war in a peaceful manner. Likewise, Singapore wishes the two nations form a truce with respect to the upcoming World Congress. That is all."


Oxford, Order Empire

Gov Khey Lim boarded a plane to the Eclipse Empire.
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Byron had just sat down inside the conference hall in Solaris. One of his guard walked up and informed him that the Singaporeans have sent a transmission to them. He looked at the message and just stared at it blankly, he then told the guard his reply.

"On normal occasion i would rethink my decision on entering this war, and most likely exit it. However it is my understanding that the Kingdom of the Rockies started this war when the could have settled it with diplomatic means in the first place. Not to mention the fact the Rising Empire is a strong, supportive, and trusted ally of the Eclipse Empire and i wish to do the same favors in return. You and the British are also very great allies to us, hell you are our closest allies, and i also wish to do the same in return the two of you. So as a compromise of judgement i will order the bombing campaign of Quebec and the naval invasions of their territory to be held off, however my forces will continue to be stationed there until these two nations have agreed to settle this, one way or another."

The guard saluted and turned to go relay the order, then Byron stopped him. "Before you leave Sergeant, i also want you to send a quick message to the Rising Empire on sending one of their diplomats to the NWA summit." The guard once again saluted and went to relay the messages.

@Alteras @Wickedkent


  • Bombing Campaign of Quebec is halted
  • Naval Invasions of Quebec and the former Northwest Territories are halted
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Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Bangkok, Singaporean Federation

The train stopped for supplies. Zeph thought for a long time. He looked up at the Rockies diplomats and said, "Singapore shall send reinforcements. These are the last resort." He looked down and sent a message on his tablet. Looking back up, Zeph resumed, "I intend to pursue a war of words before a war of weapons. Is the Kingdom of the Rockies willing to pursue this as well?"

@Fishman Lord

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

MWE Chen received the message. Looking at the map, he could guess who the enemy is. He summoned all generals, admirals, and operators. "From this point forward, we are in a Cold War state. Our enemies, the Rising Empire and their allies. Our allies, the Kingdom of the Rockies. I want a full report of our current forces." The head operator stood up. "As of this moment, We currently have 25,000 men stationed in Singaporean Africa, 10,000 protecting the Northern Federation Borders, and 25,000 about to arrive at the Rockies Capital. One Yamato Class Battleship, One Sentosa Class battleship, and 50 patrol boats are currently docked at the Rockies. They were originally escorting the Second and Third Trade Fleet, and currently are on standby. One Sentosa Class battleship is outside the Philippines Island. Lion Squad Fighter Planes are currently at the Maldives Naval base."

MWE Chen thought for a moment. Generals and Admirals discussed how to mobilize troops to former Canada. MWE Chen finally spoke up. "Move the Yamato and the Sentosa battleships through the Panama Canal. Once those 25,000 men arrive in Canada, have them immediately begin training. Send the Lion Squad to the Canary Islands. Send 1000 Nymph Mines to attempt to blockade the territory in question. And get me a satellite view of the enemy forces."

The image pulled up. He instantly recognized Eclipsian Forces with Rising Empire Mechs. There were forces in rank away from the two. "Contact the Eclipse Empire." Operators responded. A mic was put in front of Chen. "This is the Singaporean Federation to the Eclipse Empire. It has come to our attention that your forces are deployed in the former territory of Canada. While we usually don't interfere with the expansion of other nations, this was an immediate concern. Your forces are aiding in the destruction of one of Singapore's closest allies. To our understanding, this conflict is a regional conflict. As such, Singapore has turned a blind eye. We ask that the Eclipse Empire do the same. We also ask the Eclipse Empire to aid the Singaporean Federation in bringing the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies to a table of debate. We currently bring diplomats of the Kingdom of the Rockies to the NWA Summit. Singapore hopes the Eclipse Empire shares the same sentiments of diplomacy and invite the diplomats of the Rising Empire to the NWA Summit as well. That is all."

@Loyal Guardian

The message was sent. "Open a line with the Rising Empire!" Operators scrambled to open a new channel. MWE Chen picked up the mic. "This is the Singaporean Federation to the Rising Empire. We wish to bring the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies to a forum to discuss any disputes between the two nations. The Kingdom of the Rockies has sent diplomats to the NWA Summit. We expect the Rising Empire to send diplomats as well to settle this war in a peaceful manner. Likewise, Singapore wishes the two nations form a truce with respect to the upcoming World Congress. That is all."


@Alteras[/URL] @Wickedkent


  • Bombing Campaign of Quebec is halted
  • Naval Invasions of Quebec and the former Northwest Territories are halted
Emperor Schneizel Was Watching The Message That The Singapore And Eclipse Empire Have Sent. He Looked At Lelouch "Well Then.. Shall We Settle This Diplomatically?"

"If You Wish So" Lelouch Responded

"Okay, Halt All Offensive Actions... Tell Suzaku To Fall Back To Alert And Tell Gino To Closely Monitor The Movements Of The Enemy, Any Offensive Move From Them And This Diplomatic Talk Will End Instantly" Schneizel Said With A Serious Face And Stood "Both Of Us Shall Go To This NWA Summit To Talk About This. Set Course To The Designated Location".


All Military Movements In Canada Has Stopped

Schneizel And Lelouch Heads To Participate In The NWA Summit.

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Alteras
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Chesapeake Bay - Disputed Territory

After a few moments of tense waiting, the woman finally brought out another sheet of paper. She held it up high, and began.

"It is alright. There is no need to offer transport - I think our forces have already been a large interruption in your normal affairs. Our Sapientia will pack up, board our ships, and head for the Carribean immediately.

We hope for you the best."

The message was short, and to the point. Even before she finished, many in the camp had already begun to pack up their things and head home. Some Texans opted to stay with the Cascadians, but the rest boarded the ships to a new world. They set sail at dawn of the next day, the sounds of Hamuis horns rang all over the bay. They had refurbished it, and it was ready for its future Cascadian occupants.

As the ship sailed towards the sun, a figure appeared on the stern. It took a look at the quickly vanishing land, and she waved.


Hamuis Communications Center - Tunis

It had been a confusing day for the H. Snipers that arrived at the battlefront, expecting to see bullets, death, and war, but actually seeing none of it. The commanders had told them that a truce was called, but didn't inform them of why. This had been reported up the Hamuis military ladder - even Charles had been notified. The Rockies had previously petitioned to end the war - perhaps a peaceful solution had been reached? The serving general of the forces decided to send a message anyways.

"To the Eclipse Empire, the Rising Kingdom, and the Rockies...

We would like to inquire on why the battle had stopped. Although we value the pursuit of peace over war, we would like our military forces to be adequately used as well. As a co-belligerent, we would like a chance to participate in any peace deals, if there are any.

Thank you, and good luck."

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord

Summary of Action

New Cairo is abandoned - 5 Sapientia sail to the Carribean

A message is sent to some participants in the war

Petition to join peace summits
After an interesting flight and a good spectacle show of two F-16's, the PM's plane finally arrived at the PIA. When the PM finally touched down, he stopped for a moment to take in the beauty of the city. After a few moments, he followed the limousine driver to his car and entered, feeling the fine leather in his hands and smiling. The car sped off, and the Prime minister made small talk with the diplomats while the car zoomed towards its destination.

[kind of bored at the moment and need to plan more things to do. so in the meantime I'm going to try interacting with the world.]

The emperor sent out two unmarked scouts to the surface, they are to explore the west and were given one use radio equipment to report themselves if needed. The scouts consist of Vanessa O'hara wulfstan, and Kevin. They are not to use the system as it was sealed, thus they must traverse the surface.

"Goddamn heat." Kevin was agitated by how hot the weather was.

They had travelled from glazov for a day.


------ [from this point on, it is self storyline.]

Natasha went to the mining sector. After the mining there was completed, she marked down on a map a darkened tunnel and left to the east. Due to having a horrid feeling from the northern site. She entered a circular tunnel still being dug by the valkorov tunnel boring/digging machine. She wore a yellow construction workers helmet, and a vest she barely fit into. As it was mandatory to be worn in working hours... It was dark and lights were not implemented yet. Work on the walls were only recently done by the machine, it was also modified to place down track segments by Thomas and misa.


Pavle was there guarding the miners from harm. "Hello empress." He just saluted and then stopped When she looked at him. "I'm just here on business." She walked down the tunnel while pavle just shrugged. The valkorov finished digging in the outskirts of izhevsky, however turned left to be temporarily maintenance due to being stopped from going any further. Natasha stood there with her fists on her hips annoyed. "Why have you stopped digging? This isn't acceptable." She said while still being calm. A light flashed over the valkorov as someone looked over. "Sorry empress, but something on the other side of the wall keeps hindering the engine. We can't spin the cutter head." Thomas said.

She walked up to the wall and poked at it. Thomas walked up to her. "Yeah, it's soft and easily breakable. But yet we can't get through..." she thought for a second while looking back at the tracks. "Would a train work?" Thomas just shrugged at this point. "I'll be back." She left and upon passing pavle, told him to radio the station for a battering ram.


Alexander was in the new city, however she was annoyed by how she didn't get her way. She was given her own room but due to acting up she was kicked out for a week. She later put graffiti on the citadel walls, over various nights stole shop keepers money, and tackled a news reporter in front of a photographer after posing for the camera. The royal guard soon stalked her trail for two weeks, where she put even more graffiti around the city, stealing, and then framing it on innocent people despite most of her crimes having twenty witnesses. She also threatened of rebellion and a week later not only tried assassinating Jennifer indirectly, but tried getting her army to war with them. However not even four days in the war was halted and prevented as well.

She was later imprisoned in the citadel's dungeon. She was stripped of her uniform, and given a orange jumpsuit with the number: #0001 on it. She heard someone walking towards her, and went to see who it was. "How does it feel being locked up, Alexander?"

Jennifer said as she stopped in front of the cell. "You're the one that should be in here. You credit stealing bitch... I got us here in the first place." Alexander was agitated when she saw Jennifer smile at that. "Yeah? Well now you're a terrorist convicted of stealing, graffiti, mugging, and threats. I'm also keeping your hat. Fits me better than it does you."

Alexander went up to the bars trying to grab her. "You're only making it worse for yourself. Tomorrow will be your trial, try not to kill yourself for your crimes before then? I'll deal with you later." She walked away as Alexander gave her the finger. "Sure, ya beady-eyed bitch." She went back to plotting and did agree that a war would be useless at this point in time.


The few ZM mp-3s manufactured have been given to the military, and their special ops branches. Security of the 'metro' since the last incident has been upped. Where several nests of stalker units hide in various tunnels in varying numbers more than before, watching over the tunnels and ready to kill mutants or shut the blast doors. However some abandoned tunnels have also been littered with traps or sealed doors as per regulation.

Heather notified the family about Alexander being arrested.

The flag for gallia is still being made, and a new uniform for the queen is also being developed.
Kazami42 said:
[kind of bored at the moment and need to plan more things to do. so in the meantime I'm going to try interacting with the world.]
The emperor sent out two unmarked scouts to the surface, they are to explore the west and were given one use radio equipment to report themselves if needed. The scouts consist of Vanessa O'hara wulfstan, and Kevin. They are not to use the system as it was sealed, thus they must traverse the surface.

"Goddamn heat." Kevin was agitated by how hot the weather was.

They had travelled from glazov for a day.


------ [from this point on, it is self storyline.]

Polish bourder post at Moscov identified two unknown units, trespassing the Polish Bourder. Two armed soldiers with visible Polish emblems approached the two. They were aiming their guns at the trespassers

"Hey, you two. Who are you. Identify yourself, or go away" One of them exclaimed, while the other notified the main office of the event.
JJKab said:
Polish bourder post at Moscov identified two unknown units, trespassing the Polish Bourder. Two armed soldiers with visible Polish emblems approached the two. They were aiming their guns at the trespassers

"Hey, you two. Who are you. Identify yourself, or go away" One of them exclaimed, while the other notified the main office of the event.
[Actually, they would be in nizhny novgorod or Kazan. The only cities of Russia to the east in your territory closest to me. Your guys probably have great eyesight in that case. The blue man group would be proud.]

Vanessa stared at them. "Hmm? But who are you? We use to live here. We went into the forest for some food and camped there for seven months." She pointed at a rabbit she shot at earlier.
Kazami42 said:
[Actually, they would be in nizhny novgorod or Kazan. The only cities of Russia to the east in your territory closest to me. Your guys probably have great eyesight in that case. The blue man group would be proud.]
Vanessa stared at them. "Hmm? But who are you? We use to live here. We went into the forest for some food and camped there for seven months." She pointed at a rabbit she shot at earlier.
Rzeczypospolita Polska

"You just entered the territory of the Republic of Poland. Can you specify exactly from what country you came from?" The soldier asked, gesturing for his buddy to lover his gun

Polish Flag has been completed, and will be posted in few short minutes. (If I can get it to work)
(Flag has been implemented and is now located on my Army Overwiew. Take a look and rate. Done it myself. :) )
JJKab said:
Rzeczypospolita Polska
"You just entered the territory of the Republic of Poland. Can you specify exactly from what country you came from?" The soldier asked, gesturing for his buddy to lover his gun

Polish Flag has been completed, and will be posted in few short minutes. (If I can get it to work)
Vanessa and Kevin stare at each other. Then back at the soldier. "But isn't this Russia?" Her gun was behind her neck and she was holding it with her hands if resting them. She looked to the side at Kevin and spoke Russian. [Not gonna bother writing it in legit Russian tho.] "What are you smug about, you little bastard?" She smiled. Kevin understood 0% of it. He only studied italian. ".......Da."
(хат аре ыоу смуг абоут, ыоу литтле бастард? :) (Not from russia, translated)

Polish soldiers looked between them, one of them chuckled

"No, didn't you hear about the war that ended all wars.... technically?" He asked the two

"Russia got erased from the existance and her territories are mostly unclaimed. There is a Siberia on the eastern part of it, and no one claimed the middle part. Western is claimed by us, and what I saw, maybe by your nation
JJKab said:
(хат аре ыоу смуг абоут, ыоу литтле бастард? :) (Not from russia, translated)
Polish soldiers looked between them, one of them chuckled

"No, didn't you hear about the war that ended all wars.... technically?" He asked the two

"Russia got erased from the existance and her territories are mostly unclaimed. There is a Siberia on the eastern part of it, and no one claimed the middle part. Western is claimed by us, and what I saw, maybe by your nation
Vanessa scratched her head. "But like I said we were born here. We Have no idea what you're on about... And what is this war and nation you speak of?"
Kazami42 said:
Vanessa scratched her head. "But like I said we were born here. We Have no idea what you're on about... And what is this war and nation you speak of?"
"We don't really know much about it... But can you tell me: Do you live somewhere where there is some sorts of leader? I got authorized to speak to anyone who might be a leader of a new organization" The soldier explained, while the other made his way back towards their jeep they came in to make notes to the base.
JJKab said:
"We don't really know much about it... But can you tell me: Do you live somewhere where there is some sorts of leader? I got authorized to speak to anyone who might be a leader of a new organization" The soldier explained, while the other made his way back towards their jeep they came in to make notes to the base.
Vanessa was annoyed and amused. "Do I look like a soldier to you?" Both of her personalities said out loud as she moved her hands down her body. "Do I look like I have armor? Do I look like I have a military patch? " She placed both of her hands together and beside her head as if looking at something very adorable. "You cute little thing... believing us to be from elsewhere."
Kazami42 said:
Vanessa was annoyed and amused. "Do I look like a soldier to you?" Both of her personalities said out loud as she moved her hands down her body. "Do I look like I have armor? Do I look like I have a military patch? " She placed both of her hands together and beside her head as if looking at something very adorable. "You cute little thing... believing us to be from elsewhere."
"Oh... Alright then... Tell me, do you belong to a group? Or anything at all? We need all the information we can get, so we can avoid attacking your home"

"Besides, If you wanna go, then you can proceed on. Just we were curious about your whereabouts, that's it"
JJKab said:
"Oh... Alright then... Tell me, do you belong to a group? Or anything at all? We need all the information we can get, so we can avoid attacking your home"
"Besides, If you wanna go, then you can proceed on. Just we were curious about your whereabouts, that's it"
She thought of something. "Hey... you said something about a Poland? Can I know more about this Poland? And what of the rest of Western Russia?" She tilted her head smiling innocently.
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The Order Empire

Capitol Building Conference Room, Oxford

"Nothing at the moment." Kord said. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a flight to catch, don't want to be late to the World Congress." Kord stood up and walked out of the room. Kord went to Oxford airport where he boarded a flight to the World Congress meeting location.


Other Stuff:

The First Trade Shipment has departed for Cascadia carrying basic materials.

The Order Diplomats are almost at Cascadia.


Project SS: 75%

Prime Minister Kord heads to participate in the World Congress.
Kazami42 said:
She thought of something. "Hey... you said something about a Poland? Can I know more about this Poland? And what of the rest of Western Russia?" She tilted her head smiling innocently.
"Poland? Welp, we reemerged pretty recently, so... Western Russia is partially claimed by us. Belarus, Ukraine, Moscov, Novogrod, you name it, we claimed it. That's all, really"

Meanwhile, at the incoming World Congress, Polish President decided he would participate himself at the upcoming event, as he ordered his plane to be prepared, as well as an escort.

(Where it'll play out? The congress? @Agent141 )

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