The World of Tomorrow


Adam waves it off and gives out a warming smile. "Oh its all fine mrs.Chun, the Okinawa Island is all yours to keep under your control. However I would like to ask if we are allowed to base a military naval/air base within that island with a very small force. For in case any eastern powers are to approach and we have at least a place to react and such. Also the alliance, we the United Japan would be humble to join in and accept it. Also since both our countries interest lies in the old chinese lands, we should later with your leader and I should have a meeting to see how we will split the land and help the people within these lands.


Several soldiers in gas mask and hazmat equipment approach the Singaporeans with greetings. "Nice to see some more help arrive here. Go ahead and follow me and let me get you to Dr.Charles and Dr.Toro."


Progress: Disease research at 47%, project Titan is at 70%, and JSDF special forces have infiltrated korean and manchurian territories and finding info of the status.


The infantry swarmed the city and those without ammunition used bayonets. Snipers were on nearly every stable roof top, and the sewers were set on fire. The tanks roamed over high up rubble, and easily fended off any mutant attack. Several nests of bandits were responded to with gun fire or being rammed by tanks. Gunfire could be heard everywhere in the city, especially to the east. Apparently some Fourth Reich soldiers survived the war and had the dumbass idea to hide in nizhnevartovsk! However there were too few of them to be able to hold off the hundreds of soldiers coming at them. The mutants were destroyed from the east, survivors either fled east or north... Everything in the city that had moved was shot at, and mercy was ignored that week. Later they celebrated with the finest of vodka and wine, and exploration parties found citizens trapped under rubble, or hiding in bunkers. Alexander and Jennifer both agreed about trying to restore the city. Heather was healing the wounded.


A prototype weapon was made. It was tested in a very over heated room against a plate of hardened metal. After the seventh shot the armour succumbed to the environmental heating. It was then tested against five vodka bottles, piercing three of them. It was light and similar to the mp-5. Even using parts of the mp-5 to make it silent.


The mp-3 Will take a month to mass produce a couple hundred, but since it is essentially a modified mp-5, the maintenance shouldn't be that hard. As due to the design, it could use weapon parts of pistols or mp series weapons to repair it easily. It will replace the bastard gun. Which overheats too much and isn't built to survive. Thus the guns will be dismantled and reused as parts. It has thus been added to the list of objects to stock the arsenal with.

40,000 Mp-3s. Two months. [Highest priority weaponry.]

70,000 regular, heavy, and Armour piercing bullets. three months.

42 mosin nagant series. A few weeks...

10 duplet shotguns. A week. [Literally easiest to make.]

And nizhnevartovsk restoration. Two months and a half.

Seven months I believe.

This would be 11 million.
Prime Minister's Office

He followed the man to his office, sat down, and took the steaming teacup with a finger.

"Of course. Thank you - it has been a long time since anyone of my nation has tasted British tea, and I am happy to say that it is perhaps the best tea I have tasted."

He took a sip from the cup, and looked the man in the eyes.

"I am come here on an important mission. With the revival of the Hamuis, British, and several other states comes the need to re-establish and re-connect with one another. Although our borders are close, it is not of the Hamuis' interest to violate the territorial integrity of another state in Europe. We would like, with due decisiveness, exchange permanent embassies in our respective capitals. In addition, a non-aggression pact for 3 months shall serve us well in continuing to revive our British-Hamuis relationship. And, a trade treaty will allow both our nations to exploit the Mediterranean for commerce and cash.

What do you say?"


Chesapeake Bay - Disputed Territory

A man rushed to the chambers of the standing commander of the resistance. He knocked on the door.


The man hesitated. Perhaps this little thing was not worth the woman's wroth. It was early in the morning - the sun barely shined on the tower that housed the men and women inside. Byris had been called off - the flank had been deemed suicidal, and they were living comfortably on their massive food stores.

"What do you need, dammit?"

The man's voice croaked.

"There are a few men outside. Soldiers, it seems. They've gotten closer than most of their other troops. And they're carrying those rifles."

With the fluttering of a suit jacket being put on inside the room, a voice ringed out. "And?"

"They've been saying something, commander.
They want to talk to you. They have a deal."

"Spit it out. What is it?"

"They haven't said."

A silence. Suddenly, the woman burst out of the room, fully dressed, knocking the door - and the man, out of the way.

"Alright, then. Let's see what those Cascadian bastards want."


Unknown Lab - Tunis

A few sounds echoed from inside.

"Our projects are going swimmingly, Johnson. Our H.S.J.s have been completed in record time, and the infantry soldiers have already been equipped with them. Satellite technology is improving at a rapid pace, and the ship will be finished in 60 days. And men have arrived at several military bases throughout the nation as our new military unit."

The man wore a lab coat, and hunched over a large, aluminum table. Another man hung behind him, a foot taller and perhaps 30 pounds heavier than himself.

"You call your work speed 'swimmingly', grunt? No, no, no no no. 60 days for a jetpack invented 2000 years ago? One of your mice could've done a better job."

"But, sir-"

"Hush. You know nothing."

"Our scientists have been working very hard, and-"

"Shut up, grunt. I've been in this field for seventy years. I have memorized the formulas for every hybrid alloy on the planet. I have sought out the secrets to biology, chemistry, and twenty other fields. I have traveled the planet, and worked for every government, every military organization, and every level 7 lab. You know nothing. While you and your men scuttle around to reinvent the jetpack, I'm here discovering the secrets of pure invisibility and the atomic power of light."

The talk of the men outside permeated the silence that suddenly filled the room.

"Let me tell you what you will be doing for the next few months. You will work on implementing our laser technology into advanced forms of weaponry for our aircraft and ships. You will work to find a smoother national transport system. And you will find the secrets of advanced coilgun technology.

Make it good. I'll see you in a week."
The people of the CAF roared in approval at the PM's inauguration speech. With himself in power, he looked upon the weakened lands of his people and the poor military. He decreed first that he would rebuild the infrastructure, farms, mills, and factories to bring them to a better standing. He also signed an act bettering the military of their people while reducing it's size.

New project

New buildings: 0%

Reducing military: 0%

Making military better: 0%
Pendragon Imperial Palace, Office Of The Chief

Since Schneizel Is Away, Lelouch Has Been Left In-charge Of The Reports That Are Passed Through The Emperor. He Was Checking The Interface And Noticed That The Military Spent Millions Of Dollars, Trying To Suppress The Criminals In The Empire, He Then Thought Of A Good Plan And Called For Jeremiah, Jeremiah Then Entered The Room. "Jeremiah, I Want You To Implement The Imperial Police, Assign 20 Thousand New Recruits On The Police, And Scatter Them Throughout The Rising Empire, And Provide Them With The Needed Military Assets.". "As You Wish" Jeremiah Then Left And Did What Lelouch Bid Him To Do.


Setting Up The Police(2 Months)

-Setting A New Office At The Pendragon, And Establishing Stations Throughout The Empire, And Providing Assets For Them.
Wickedkent said:
Suzaku Then Studied The Map For A Minute. "Okay, We Will Start Building Immediately As Soon As You Give Us Your Conscent, However Any Classified Operations That Will Be Done On The Base Will Remain Classified. The Rising Empire Will Send The Equipments That We Have Promised Before Along With The Materials For The Base, And We Are Also Selling Sutherland Class Frames For Only 2 Million Each."
"Alright. I think that's enough from our side." The diplomat exclaimed, smiling at Suzaku
JJKab said:
"Alright. I think that's enough from our side." The diplomat exclaimed, smiling at Suzaku
Suzaku Smiled "Thank You, We Will Begin Construction Immediately, And I Will Head Over There Now To Oversee It" Suzaku Then Exited The Building And Stopped Just As He Went Outside. He Tapped His Earpiece And Contacted The Capitol, He Then Boarded His Shuttle And Headed To Moldova.

Dozens Of Transport Aircrafts Flew Over Moldova, 2 Separated From The Rest Of The Group And Head Towards Poland To Unload The Promised Equipments. The Base For The European Military Command Would Be Located 80 Miles Northwest From Chisinau, 2 Aerial Military Stations And 24 Galaxy Transport Ships Headed To The Designated Spot, Tons Of Materials Were Unloaded From The Transport Crafts And The Station And Suzaku Oversaw The Construction.


Rising Empire European Military Command Was Established At Moldova.

The Remaining Military In The Eclipse Empire Relocated To The New Base.

EMC Is At Code Red Due To The Aliens.

Republic of Cascadia


Cheaspeake Bay, Disputed Territory

The small CDF impromptu envoy that had been sent was simply a group of well-rounded soldiers who were better at speaking than most, as the nearest diplomat was all the way back in Austin now. Once the obviously aggressive and unjustifably hostile woman had walked into sight, they fixed their uniforms down neatly. "Morning, on behalf of the CDF we've been informed by our superiors that since you have been deemed impossible to have a discussion with, their words not mine. That we will require formal communications with your government and thus someone more mentally stable and sound of mind than you. Those were our words, failure to provide us with a communication line with your government will not result in hostility but will merely prolong this useless dispute." The CDF envoy then left with, "Send a messanger to our lines once you've thought about your decision." They then quickly made their way back to behind the CDF barricades.


Cascadian-Singaporean Communication

The Republic of Cascadia made official communication from government to government, informing the Singaporeans that they had finished their proposal plan for the trade route. The trade route between their two nations would go from San Francisco and Los Angeles mostly it would then go past the Hawaiian islands, making sure not to intrude on Rockian waters and would then traverse through South East Asia before arriving in the Port of Singapore. The simple question was whether or not the Singaporeans would agree to the trade route proposal, the Cascadians have also proposed the construction of a Cascadian Embassy in the Federation's capital city, with the offer being put foward for a Singaporean Embassy in Portland if accepted.


Cascadian-Eclipsian Communication

The Republic of Cascadia has simply asked the Eclipse Empire if it would be acceptable for both nations to set up their Embassies in both Eclipsim and Portland respectively at the moment, the Republic has stated that they do have a team of diplomats ready to fly to Eclipism to start the Embassy as soon as possible.

@Loyal Guardian

Portland, Cascadia

Project Newway has been officially completed, and has been revealed to be an immense military "futurisation" as it is being dubbed by the CDF, this includes a line of new state of the art transport-gunship aircraft. The AHL-177 Hawk, which will be designed to carry 15 troops along with an armored vehicle hoisted onto the bottom of the aircraft, it will go at a top speed of Mach 2 without an armored vehicle hooked on and for safety reasons it will only be able to go at 95MPH with an armored vehicle hooked on. Whilst carrying only troops inside however it can go up to Mach 2 unassisted due to the new CIN-8 Hydrogen Cooled Engine developed my AMG Transport Dynamics, it is to be the fastest transport aircraft in the world. It will also be able to act as a gunship with 8 missile pods carrying 20 missiles each, 4, 75 caliber Misriah Browning machine guns and 4 automatic turrets designed to lock onto enemy targets via IFF tags, manual weapons will be controlled by the co-pilot's helmet, similar to the Apache helicopter where wherever the pilot looks the turret on the front aims, only when the helmet is activated however. The helmet will allow for unprecedented accuracy.

Along with the AHL-177, the CDF having ordered 10,000 of these to replace their older rotor helicopters. Project Newway has also resulted in the development of the M188 Striker Automated Turret, a 80 caliber machine gun which uses advanced computer targeting systems to lock onto enemies via use of IFF tags, thermal imaging, electronic outling from the target, radio tracking and a new automated system which detects anomalies in the air, to prevent cloaked targets from moving past. The M188 is to be installed into every Cascadian military installation within two months along with every armed aircraft, and vehicles. The M188 will also be Anti-Air compatable. Misriah Armory has also announced the development of the LL-119 Defense Weapon, using the Railgun technology that the CDF already operates with on it's tanks, the LL-119 will be installed as a defensive weapon on Navy ships to shoot down enemy missiles with complete accuracy and much faster than the missile can go, with the LL-119 firing at Mach 14 speed, the Navy has found a way to combat the damage a weapon firing at this speed would do to the coils by lining the weapon's barrel with Helixite, an element found in Oregon in the first years of Cascadia's existence, this element has been proven to absorb shockwaves from fast moving objects, making it perfect for the LL-119, allowing the weapon to fire as many times as it pleases and not damage itself harshly.

The LL-119 is to be installed onto every ship in the CNDF within 4 months, and due to the speed of the projectile, it will be scientifically impossible to defend against or assault on, it will be using the same tracking technology as the M188, in-order to allow it to take out up to 55 projectiles at once, taking only a few seconds at most to move to the next targets, the CNDF has fitted the turret with flexible carbon fibre foundations to allow it to move as quickly as it does, being able to move in a full 360 circle in less than 5 seconds. Project Newway has also paved the way for the CADF's fighter jets, with the CIN-8 HC Engines being fitted onto every fighter jet in the CADF's arsenal, allowing them to go as fast as Mach 6, faster than any other aircraft on the planet as of now, however a large flaw in this is that the integral structure of these jets was not designed to handle such speeds and so the CADF will have to spend the next 3 months refitting the armor onto every jet.




Cascadian-Rockian Communication

"This is the Republic of Cascadia contacting the Kingdom of the Rockies. We are here to question on behalf of our government on a proposal to build a Cascadian Embassy in your capital city for easier communication, we will allow a Rockian Embassy to be built in Portland if you accept our Embassy."

@Fishman Lord

Denver, Cascadia

Meanwhile Denver has been fully rebuilt, with a population of 649,000 as of now. Like the pre-war population, given the population boom in Cascadia due to both government benefits to families, encouraging couples to have more children to continuously keep raising the population, along with the territorial grabs of both Texas and Mexico, the Cascadian population has now reahced 138.8 million, allowing the government to spread it's people out more over the land it currently has, with plans to begin populating the East Coast already in place, Dallas and Las Vegas near completion in their reconstruction with plans to reconstruct Chicago now beginning, New Orleans is also to be reconstructed to house the Texan population more.

Portland, Presidential Residence

President Jefferson raised a brow curiously at what Schneizel said. "What is a Sakuradite? Also what are Knightmare Frames?" She took another sip from her drink as her phone buzzed, recieving a text. Quickly responding to it before looking back towards Schneizel.


Cascadian-Order Communication

The Republic of Cascadia has sent a similar message to the Order Empire, with a request to build a Cascadian Embassy in Oxford and a Order Embassy in Portland, along with sending the Order Empire a map of the proposed trade route, which would go from Norfolk, Cascadia on the East Coast to the Order Empire, the Cascadians have said that the Order can have their proposed trade port be any of their coastal cities.



Project Newway: Complete

Military Futurisation: Complete

Denver Reconstruction: Complete

Dallas Reconstruction: 65%

Las Vegas Reconstruction: 60%

Chicago Reconstruction: 5%

New Orleans Reconstruction: 5%


990 MIM-4's Complete

1,011,900 New Reserve Troops

890,000 New Active-Duty Troops


Attempts to Gain Communication with Hamuis Government

Continues Discussion with Rising Empire
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RIPSaidCone said:
Portland, Presidential Residence
President Jefferson raised a brow curiously at what Schneizel said. "What is a Sakuradite? Also what are Knightmare Frames?" She took another sip from her drink as her phone buzzed, recieving a text. Quickly responding to it before looking back towards Schneizel.

Schneizel Looked At President Jefferson "Well, Sakuradite Is A Very Dangerous Material,When It Is At It's Raw State,. We Use The Sakuradite To Power Up Our Knightmare Frame's, In An Event Of A Huge EMP The Frame's Would Not Be Affected. As For The Frame's.. Please Check This" Schneizel Then Handled President Jefferson A Tablet, The Tablet Played A Video Of A Lancelot Albion In Action, Destroying 12 Test Tanks With Ease. "That, Is A Knightmare Frame,the Frame In The Video Is Called Lancelot Albion, The Best Frame We Currently Have."
Singaporean Federation

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The group walked into the lobby. A line of servants greeted them. A man walked forward. "I am Admiral Riley Jaccobus Hummel, the Owner of the Raffles Hotel. It is an honor to have you here. If you'll follow me." They walked into a conference room with a large screen. On the screen was a map of the Singaporean Federation. They were seated and snacks was brought out. Admiral Hummel spoke up, "Unfortunately Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes is currently occupied with other issues. He should be joining us shortly. Otherwise we can go ahead and begin."


Federation Parliament, Singapore

"If you like, you can stay here and join us to the NWA Summit for further discussion regarding your recommendation into the NWA."

@Fishman Lord

Port of Singapore, Singapore

25,000 men boarded ships and left for the Kingdom of the Rockies.

Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

"And I suppose you're General Frios. It's good to meet." The men shook hands.

@Loyal Guardian

Shanghai, United Japan Occupied Territory

SHAF followed the men.

@general ostruppen

Tokyo, United Japan

"If that's the case, would you like to join me in travel back to Singapore. We'll be able to settle the Okinawa Island problem, any conflicting interests with Prime Minister Jeanes, and attend the NWA Summit," offered 5th Gov Chun.

@general ostruppen

Headquarters Signals and Command System, Singapore

Minister of Finance Erin Sinclair heard the message. The estimated route was put on screen. With a smile, she responded, "This Minister of Finance Erin Sinclair. Singapore approves of the trade route. Do note that upon entering the South China Sea, all ships must contact the Grand Singapore Port Authority for safe passage. I'm certain that Singapore will approve of the embassies. We'll go ahead and send people over."


"We accept this offer. There is a diplomatic block near the Royal Palace where you can have the embassy, however due to a massive nuclear war that happened a while ago, it's rather barren right now."



"Of course. We shall be happy to sit in on this NWA summit."



The war was won. Canada had disappeared from the map, and the nation was theirs. Cheers went up as the last of the bunker systems was taken. The King of the Rockies reigned supreme over the realm.

@wulfle (just in case)


The WAAAAAAR! is won!


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded at what Schneizel said to her about the Sakuradite. "I see, well Cascadia would certainly be interested in purchasing some of this Sakuradite from you." She said, taking the tablet once it was handed over to her and watching the footage of the Knightmare Frame and the test tanks. "Well that does look interesting but we would probably have to pass you up on that offer, we are very interested in Sakuradite however if you'd be willing to sell us some. We can pay well."


Cascadian Central Communications Post

"This is the Cascadian Central Communications Post, listening to you loud and clear. We're happy that you thought our proposed trade route was acceptable and we'll begin informing our commercial trading companies of it immediately. We've noted that and will inform our shippers of this as well. This all sounds good, we'll prepare our team of diplomats to be sent to Singapore."


Cascadian-Rockian Communications

"We're pleased that you have accepted our offer and we'll begin forming a group of diplomats to send to your Kingdom immediately. We'll be happy to take the diplomatic block and we'll make our Embassy look quite nice to help out with the barren look."

@Fishman Lord
Glazov had been considered turned into a military base and Victor ordered the new ore to be named ragnite. Pavle and Heather wrote notes to each other and Natasha came up with a way to make vegetables and corn taste better, by combining it with hotsauce. Thus a new competition in exhibition was created: "competitive burning.". It is a sport recommended to be armed with milk.


Heather was healing the final injured soldier, he had his arm ripped to shreds, a bullet nearly through the chest, and his stomach nearly ripped open. She was now moving on to his arm again after injecting him with more morphine. She grabbed a needle and thread, and gently inserted the needle into his arm, pulling it out the other side of the wound and slowly and carefully repeating the process, while another medic helped her. "I also have another wound medic.." Heather smiled. "Where?" Fina asked. "Down below." He chuckled as she was confused. Heather gritted her teeth. "Let me handle this." The medic stepped away while Heather stared at the soldier. "Since I have a rumor started, let's make it worse." She stared at the soldier in eyes, as he was confused. "VALKYRIE PUNCH!" She punched the wounded man in the 'grondel-area.' He then rolled off the side of the table incapable of breathing as the medic's eyes were widened. A soldier about to enter the tent had abruptly turned around and left. "Don't worry, after a few months he'll recover." Heather walked out of the operating tent as she considered her day over. Pulling her gloves off and putting them away before doing so.
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Alteras said:
Raffles Hotel, Singapore
The group walked into the lobby. A line of servants greeted them. A man walked forward. "I am Admiral Riley Jaccobus Hummel, the Owner of the Raffles Hotel. It is an honor to have you here. If you'll follow me." They walked into a conference room with a large screen. On the screen was a map of the Singaporean Federation. They were seated and snacks was brought out. Admiral Hummel spoke up, "Unfortunately Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes is currently occupied with other issues. He should be joining us shortly. Otherwise we can go ahead and begin."
Euphemia And Clovis Sat On A Chair, Euphemia Smiles At Admirel Riley "Well, The Reason We Are Here Is That Our Empire Would Like To Have An Alliance With You And Make A Trade Agreement, And A Request To Establish A Base In Singapore So We May Support The Neighbouring Countries Of There Are Problems."

RIPSaidCone said:
Presidential Residence, Portland
President Jefferson nodded at what Schneizel said to her about the Sakuradite. "I see, well Cascadia would certainly be interested in purchasing some of this Sakuradite from you." She said, taking the tablet once it was handed over to her and watching the footage of the Knightmare Frame and the test tanks. "Well that does look interesting but we would probably have to pass you up on that offer, we are very interested in Sakuradite however if you'd be willing to sell us some. We can pay well."

"Of Course, Sakuradite Costs 500k Dollars For Every Pound Though." Schneizel Said
Pendragon Operations Room

Lelouch And Odysseus Rushed Inside The Room, They Noticed That The Kingdom Of Rockies Were Mobilizing There Army For A Ground Assault. Lelouch Then Laughed "They Want To Claim The Northern Islands Also...Ladies And Gentlemen, For The First Time, We Will Be At... Code White." The Staff Looked At Lelouch In Shock, All Of Them Then Stood And Responded, "YES SIR!"

Odysseus Looked At Lelouch "Didnt the Kingdom Of Rockies Just Finished A War?". "They Did, Most Of Their Resources Are Are Spent On That War, And We Will Use That To Our Advantage." Odysseus Then Looked Back To The Giant Interface "Mobilize The Army, Airforce, And Navy, Halt The Construction Of The EMC And Recall Suzaku And His Army. Inform All Departments Of The Empire, Including The Emperor And Empress, Prepare The Whole Military For Operation Enclosed." Lelouch Then Smiled "Now What Will Be Their Next Action". Odysseus ' Face Turned Serious "If Ever They Attack, Commence Project Enclosed.

Cascadia, Portland

Schneizel Then Recieves A Message From The Capitol "Dear God, It Seems We Are At War, Allow Us To Have Military Presence On Cascadia."

He Said To The President


Clovis Recieved A Message From The Capitol "Sister, I Believe I Must Leave, The Empire Needs Me, Farewell Admiral And Euphemia"

Moldova, EMC

Suzaku Recieved A Message From The Capitol, He Then Was Shocked. "LISTEN UP! The Empire Is At War And Code White Has Been Inflicted, We Also Are Being Recalled, Let Us Make Haste". The Whole Army Then Went Back To The Rising Empire.

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"Thank you. Apparently another nation is eying the northern isles of our nation. Since the war with Canada ended before our bargain was necessary, would you be theoretically willing to aid us for similar terms this time?"



"We are experiencing tension in our northern areas. We have been in the negotiations for an alliance for a while, so would Singapore be willing to make it official and aid us? We know it's a hard request, but we would be in your debt and would offer something in return."


Royal Palace, Radium Hot Springs

"We win a great victory, and already these fools dare to claim our land?!" The King was furious. "We must strengthen our authority. People question my strength as a measly king, so my rank must be improved to lead a a nation so great. I shall be crowned and coronated as soon as possible. Send out a broadcast inviting all world rulers. I shall be Emperor of Canada and the Pacific, Lord of Mountain and Sea."

@All of the Nations (someone please help me, I've lost count)

Baffin Island

"Alrighty boys, one pretender gone, one to go! These boys may have an army, but they can't stand a chance against a toughened Rockian soldier! We are to fortify the lands and fight tooth and nail for EVERY! GODDAMN! MILLIMETER! FOR THE KING!" The men let out a cheer and began moving out.

Ellesmere Island

The force sent here was a small one, a thousand men to show that they held it. When they heard that there was war, they moved out. Only a thousand, but they were attacking the enemy garrison all the same.


Conquered Canada

"Attention all new citizens. There is to be a draft of Canadian men and women fit for duty. Please report to your local recruitment office."

The Bunkers

The soldiers had found some Canadian battlesuits. These were top-notch, built to fight in the rough terrain and made one man fight like a hundred. This was a lucky find. More could be salvaged, and they could be outfitted on an elite force. This would help.

Military lab, remote Australia

"The mech... What do we do about the mech?" A scientist had an idea. "A long range, heavy firepower artillery gun could take it out fairly easily. It would need to be specially designed and outfitted, but it could work. We'll call it the Anti-Mech Empowerment Nest, A.M.E.N."




Send invitations to Royal Crowning

Gain 100,000 recruits

Assault on Ellesmere

Outfit 1,000 troops with Canadian battlesuits

Begin developement of A.M.E.N.
Pendragon Operations Room

Lelouch And Odysseus Was Sitting On The Chairs At The Command Platform, Odysseus Then Stood. "They Have Made An Action. Listen Men! Broadcast This Message To All Of Our Allies."

Our Fellow Allies, We Are In Need Of Your Assistance, The Kingdom Of Rockies Have Declared War On Us, And Are Now Preparing A Ground Assault On Our Empire, We Have Tried To Help Some Of You When You Are In Need, And I Would Request That You Would Help Us In This.

Lelouch Then Looked At Odysseus "Quite A Speach You Made There, Since They Have Made A Move, Let Us Commence Operation Enclosed". "Then We Must" Odysseus Then Sat Back. Lelouch Then Briefed The Staff At The Operations Room, And Pointed Out Every Possible Front Lines, And Battlefields. "We Must Secure The Queen Elizabeth Islands First".

A Fleet Were Sent To The Queen Elizabeth Islands.


Broadcast For Help To All Allied Empires




"We are experiencing tension in our northern areas. We have been in the negotiations for an alliance for a while, so would Singapore be willing to make it official and aid us? We know it's a hard request, but we would be in your debt and would offer something in return."


Royal Palace, Radium Hot Springs

"We win a great victory, and already these fools dare to claim our land?!" The King was furious. "We must strengthen our authority. People question my strength as a measly king, so my rank must be improved to lead a a nation so great. I shall be crowned and coronated as soon as possible. Send out a broadcast inviting all world rulers. I shall be Emperor of Canada and the Pacific, Lord of Mountain and Sea."

@All of the Nations (someone please help me, I've lost count)

Baffin Island

"Alrighty boys, one pretender gone, one to go! These boys may have an army, but they can't stand a chance against a toughened Rockian soldier! We are to fortify the lands and fight tooth and nail for EVERY! GODDAMN! MILLIMETER! FOR THE KING!" The men let out a cheer and began moving out.

Ellesmere Island

The force sent here was a small one, a thousand men to show that they held it. When they heard that there was war, they moved out. Only a thousand, but they were attacking the enemy garrison all the same.


Conquered Canada

"Attention all new citizens. There is to be a draft of Canadian men and women fit for duty. Please report to your local recruitment office."

The Bunkers

The soldiers had found some Canadian battlesuits. These were top-notch, built to fight in the rough terrain and made one man fight like a hundred. This was a lucky find. More could be salvaged, and they could be outfitted on an elite force. This would help.

Military lab, remote Australia

"The mech... What do we do about the mech?" A scientist had an idea. "A long range, heavy firepower artillery gun could take it out fairly easily. It would need to be specially designed and outfitted, but it could work. We'll call it the Anti-Mech Empowerment Nest, A.M.E.N."




Send invitations to Royal Crowning

Gain 100,000 recruits

Assault on Ellesmere

Outfit 1,000 troops with Canadian battlesuits

Begin developement of A.M.E.N.
A transmission came from a unknown source and designation, a man with a thick Chinese accent replied with a simple: "fuck off."


Max has asked the science organization to find any people similar to Heather. Thus in turn despite there being no one, they send out science teams to hunt for signs or people who act strangely to ragnite besides being purely sick from its radiation. Upon finding a specific small amount, they will wait for further orders from the emperor. He hopes to 'help' these people for imperial aid. Such as construction, doctors, and scholars. Despite the books saying the race is all but died out, Heather and Natasha being a example of these peoples existence. Despite Natasha protesting against herself from doing anything. He knows they are rare to a extent, but he knows this can be done. He asked them to be friendly to them as best of their ability to do so. To prevent them from becoming hostile.


Alexander and the empire in general celebrates their massive victory over the mutants. Partying until they drop. [media][/media]


Jennifer after the party was with Alexander. They were still hammered but able enough to continue helping make the city. However them 'accidentally' making out was recorded. Of course upon realizing their error they went back to fighting. However Jennifer passed out after having her head slammed into a wall. Alexander fell off a scaffold and passed out that way.


Heather was in the barracks practicing her shooting down range. She still feels awkward and even confused still about what has happened to her prior to all of this. Constantly thinking it over and over again. Being broken out of her thinking loop by being surprised by Kurt. "You don't seem to be well, what is the problem?" He asked her. "Oh. Nothing... I." She looked to the side. "It's alright. Don't stress yourself now. There is always time to reflect, but it shouldn't be while firing a gun." She nodded. "I'm going to sleep." She walked past him back to her bunk at golden heart. Having headaches, what appear to be visions of herself, and rarely nightmares. She laid down in bed and covered herself, before going to sleep.
Singaporean Federation

Federation Parliament, Singapore

Zeph spoke up. "We'll be leaving on a train to the NWA summit very soon. We'll accept the alliance. As for the aid, our units won't be effective, since they'll be fighting in a vastly different environment. Instead, we would like to approach this alliance as a supplier. We understand the lack of resources and funds in your nation after your last war, so we would like to instead be the production your nation needs. We control a larger mass of territory with far more resources than just Australia. Don't worry about debt, that can be handled with normal economics. I think that trading 25,000 cannon fodder for a production force of millions would better aid you."

@Fishman Lord

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel nodded. After Clovis left the room and after Hummel thought for a while, MWE Chen spoke up. "While we can certainly agree to a trade agreement and a possible alliance in the future, we must refuse the building of a military base in Federation waters, at least in the Southeast Asian Region. If we do form an alliance here in this session, we won't be able to send men. Right now we're currently too spread out to summon an effective force to anyone else. However, we'll be able to trade goods and weapons to aid your nation. As you can see on this map, we control large amounts of resources. Our 7th District alone, Singaporean Africa, has an economy and production scale that rivals the rest of the Federation."

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Alteras said:
Singaporean Federation

Federation Parliament, Singapore

Zeph spoke up. "We'll be leaving on a train to the NWA summit very soon. We'll accept the alliance. As for the aid, our units won't be effective, since they'll be fighting in a vastly different environment. Instead, we would like to approach this alliance as a supplier. We understand the lack of resources and funds in your nation after your last war, so we would like to instead be the production your nation needs. We control a larger mass of territory with far more resources than just Australia. Don't worry about debt, that can be handled with normal economics. I think that trading 25,000 cannon fodder for a production force of millions would better aid you."

@Fishman Lord

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

Admiral Hummel nodded. After Clovis left the room and after Hummel thought for a while, MWE Chen spoke up. "While we can certainly agree to a trade agreement and a possible alliance in the future, we must refuse the building of a military base in Federation waters, at least in the Southeast Asian Region. If we do form an alliance here in this session, we won't be able to send men. Right now we're currently too spread out to summon an effective force to anyone else. However, we'll be able to trade goods and weapons to aid your nation. As you can see on this map, we control large amounts of resources. Our 7th District alone, Singaporean African, has an economy and production scale that rivals the rest of the Federation."

Euphemia Smiled "Thank You. As For The Alliance, You Dont Need To Aid Us, As It Is Optional." She Then Pressed A Button And It Showed The Global Map In The Screen. "I Believe I Have Not Told You Where The Empire Is, The Rising Empire Is Located Here Through Here" She Said While Pointing It Out.
Wickedkent said:
Euphemia Smiled "Thank You, But You Dont Need To Aid Us, As It Is Optional." She Then Pressed A Button And It Showed The Global Map In The Screen. "I Believe I Have Not Told You Where The Empire Is, The Rising Empire Is Located Here Through Here" She Said While Pointing It Out.
"Very well then. If that's it, then we can conclude this session. While we may not have formed an alliance today, we can in the future." Admiral Hummel stood up and led Euphemia out with her guards. MWE Chen looked at the map and smiled.

Alteras said:
"Very well then. If that's it, then we can conclude this session. While we may not have formed an alliance today, we can in the future." Admiral Hummel stood up and led Euphemia out with her guards. MWE Chen looked at the map and smiled.

MWE Chen Led Her Along With Her Guards Back To The Shuttle, Euphemia Turned Back, Smiled, And Waved Goodbye To MWE Chen, The Shuttle Doors Then Closed And The Shuttle Along With The Knightmare Frame's Went Back To Greenland.

Presidential Residence, Portland

"We'd still be willing to buy a couple of pounds of it at first, we can certain afford it after all." President Jefferson said with a smile, after a few more moments Schneizel spoke up again after recieving a message, with what he said Jefferson shook her head almost instantly. "I simply can't allow you to have a military presence in Cascadia under any circumstances. It's in our constitution to not allow it." She responded with calmly.


Seattle, Cascadia

"This is the Department of Foreign Affairs responding to Rockian message. We have been informed by our government that it would be acceptable for us to begin supplying your nation with materials and financial aid to assist you in your war. Our diplomatic envoy has arrived in your capital city and we are setting up our Embassy in your capital as we speak."

@Fishman Lord
RIPSaidCone said:

Presidential Residence, Portland

"We'd still be willing to buy a couple of pounds of it at first, we can certain afford it after all." President Jefferson said with a smile, after a few more moments Schneizel spoke up again after recieving a message, with what he said Jefferson shook her head almost instantly. "I simply can't allow you to have a military presence in Cascadia under any circumstances. It's in our constitution to not allow it." She responded with calmly.


Seattle, Cascadia

"This is the Department of Foreign Affairs responding to Rockian message. We have been informed by our government that it would be acceptable for us to begin supplying your nation with materials and financial aid to assist you in your war. Our diplomatic envoy has arrived in your capital city and we are setting up our Embassy in your capital as we speak."

@Fishman Lord
Schneizel Stood "I Understand, The Shipments Will Start As Soon As I Arrive At My Empire, I Must Leave Now, Thank You For Your Time." He Then Shaken Hands With The President And Left The Building, He Rode Back To The Airport, Then Boarded The Royal Avalon, And Immediately Headed Back To The Rising Empire.
Wickedkent said:
Pendragon Operations Room
Lelouch And Odysseus Was Sitting On The Chairs At The Command Platform, Odysseus Then Stood. "They Have Made An Action. Listen Men! Broadcast This Message To All Of Our Allies."

Our Fellow Allies, We Are In Need Of Your Assistance, The Kingdom Of Rockies Have Declared War On Us, And Are Now Preparing A Ground Assault On Our Empire, We Have Tried To Help Some Of You When You Are In Need, And I Would Request That You Would Help Us In This.

Lelouch Then Looked At Odysseus "Quite A Speach You Made There, Since They Have Made A Move, Let Us Commence Operation Enclosed". "Then We Must" Odysseus Then Sat Back. Lelouch Then Briefed The Staff At The Operations Room, And Pointed Out Every Possible Front Lines, And Battlefields. "We Must Secure The Queen Elizabeth Islands First".

A Fleet Were Sent To The Queen Elizabeth Islands.


Broadcast For Help To All Allied Empires


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

A communications officer read the message and then gave a quick reply. "This is the Eclipse Empire responding to your message. I shall relay your request to the Emperor once he returns from his diplomatic trip. Until then i wish you luck."

Presidential Residence, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Byron saw a notification appearing on his holo-screen and stood up. "Pardon my interruption, but i shall be taking my leave. The NWA Summit will be starting soon and i want to arrive on time. I wish you all prosperity and good fortune. Miss Jefferson is has been an honor." Byron said bowing to her before he left the building with his guard.


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