The World of Tomorrow

Portland, Cascadia

"Trust me. We were happy to hear that we weren't the only nation on the planet. Even if having so many others does bring its risks." White said thoughtfully as the limousine drove down the highway. The luxurious high rises of downtown Portland surrounding them on all sides. "Always good to hear that people are making friends. My government is actually interested in forging alliances with both of you." He smiled as the limousine kept going, driving through even more major skylines. White sat back and stretched his arms as the other two made small talk. They eventually did arrive at the meeting area. Which was the Presidental Residence just outside downtown Portland. Multiple Cascadian monuments and memorials, museums and other large buildings of culture and history near the Presidential Residence. Somewhat similar to the way Washington DC was laid out before the war. This scenery beong vastly different to the bustling downtown area. Here was much more peaceful. President Jefferson stepped out from the huge, white mansion and smiled with a wave. Body guards in suits all around her. "Welcome!" She said excitedly as the limousine and its escorts pulled up to the mansion. "I'm glad you could make it on such short notice. I really should make plans in advance." She chuckled as her body guards opened the limousine doors up for the foreign officials. "I hope Secretary White's been treating you both well." She gave a handshake to both Alistair and Bryon upon them getting out of the limousine. "Well lets not waste time. I'm pretty sure that all three of us have places to be." She smiled brightly and gestured for the others to follow her inside.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian

Sierra Listening Post, Northern Cascadian Border

"Roger. We'll be tracking your journey to our airspace to ensure you arrive safely. Have a nice flight, out." Six F-15's would fly alongside the Rising Empire's envoy and their jets. The pilots giving them instructions on where to go. The destination being Portland.


Project Interior:

Project Newway: 75%​
Last edited by a moderator:
Portland, Republic of Cascadia

"Indeed i am, the youngest emperor to be elected as a matter of fact. I was elected when i was twenty, now i have reigned for almost four years." Byron said to Alastair. The two continued their small talk, even talking about a friendly match up between their countries National Football Clubs (@Alteras there's something for your Update letter, also put in Pineapples as well). They stopped talking once they arrived at the Presidential Residence. A car pulled up behind the limo and Byron's guard stepped out wearing his power suit and walked up to the emperor after exchanging hand shakes with the president. "So you are President Jefferson, well it is a pleasure to meet you," Byron said giving a kind smile.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141
They soon arrived at their destination. Alastair and his two bodyguards stepped out of the limo along with Emperor Byron and his bodyguard. After exhanging handshakes with President Jefferson, Alastair followed her inside.


Project: SS 27%
Nondescript railroad. Mexico

The worker licked his lips and dug the nail into the metal, taking his hammer and hammering it down. The supervisor grinned "Well, tat's the last o' it. Get over here, we'll open a nice bottle of, uh, kampahgney. I bought it off a vendor from the States." The men cheered and whooped, grabbing the wooden tankards from nearby and whooping and hollering.

Mexico City

Felix was taking a walk through the beautiful garden of the city when a man rushed up to him. "Uh, sir. Urgent news, it looks like the ruins of the most important railroads have been fully repaired. We'll get some trains going soon." The president stroked his stubble and nodded. "Good. We'll need to ferry some people to the east and get them going to the Carribean. Get started on that, yes?" The man nodded, visibly sweating, and wiped away his sweat ith a cloth. "Y-yes sir."


New tank: 15%

Armor: 35%


Rebuilding infrastructure: 100%

New infrastructure: 13%

Colonizing Carribean: 1%

Presidential Residence, Cascadia

"Yup. Thats my name don't wear it out." She replied in a casual, even joking tone as she walked down the long, fancy looking hallways. With various paintings of former Cascadian presidents hanging up around the hallways. Cascadian flag poles stood in the corners of many rooms and the Residence was somewhat busy with staff and security. President Jefferson soon led the men to a nice looking balcony at the back of the mansion. Looking over the huge and beautiful garden round back. Three seats had been prepared with a table and glasses of fine, Cascadian beer had already been poured for all three of them. The president sitting down as she gestured for the other two to do the same. "So obviously I invited you two here to talk politics and diplomacy and all that. My basic ideas would be a Cascadian embassy in both your capital cities and you can establish your own embassies in Portland. A defensive pact between us and the Order Empire would also be nice. In return for lucrative trading between us as our military is a defense force and so we can't join your wars. So to make up for it we'll offer good trade deals. Now that Cascadia owns the East Coast of the US. We can open up Atlantic trade routes via freighter and plane." She said, taking a sip from her glass as she stretched her arms. "What do you two gentlemen think?" She smiled.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141
Presidential Residence, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Byron took a small sip of beer, he noted that it was good, but due to his personal choices he did not indulge himself. "I can agree to these terms, afterall i did say i would respect your isolationism, as long as it stands of course." He said giving her a smile. "However, as Alastair may know, i have called for the first NWA summit. In which i plan on making a proposal to extend the alliance to a few invitees, and i don't mean to spoil the surprise, but one invitee i was thinking of was thing country."

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141
RIPSaidCone said:
Sierra Listening Post, Northern Cascadian Border

"Roger. We'll be tracking your journey to our airspace to ensure you arrive safely. Have a nice flight, out." Six F-15's would fly alongside the Rising Empire's envoy and their jets. The pilots giving them instructions on where to go. The destination being Portland.


Project Interior:

Project Newway: 75%
The Avalon And Their Escort Landed On The Airport, Schneizel Exited The Craft Along With 5 Royal Guards Equipped With A Concealed Pistol And A Royal Sabier.
Alexander had left to the surface to aid in getting rid of the mutant population. Jennifer climbed out of the giant hole and attempted cleaning her uniform off, but there was still dirt embedded into it. She walked back to the main station to get changed.


Pavle looked up from where he was sitting down. There was a guard that came from an opposite direction, that was on the other side of the cell bars, with said bars being the only thing keeping them away from each other. The guard opened the cell. "Follow me." Pavle, Thomas, and the unknown soldier stood up in a line and followed the guard to a room with fake foliage, and a fake sky. The guard opened the gate letting them and a few groups of others into the area, before quickly sealing it shut afterwards. "I didn't know we had this before...." pavle looked around.

He looked down when he heard a whip smacking against something. "Oh god, what fresh sweet hell is this?" He looked at a girl that was beating the shit out of someone with a long whip. After three minutes she stopped. And looked at the crowd. "Now whom is going to be the lucky few I'll teach today?" She started rubbing her chin thinking. And then she pointed at the crowd.

"You two! The one with the uniform, and the one with the dark hair! Come here to your queen!" Pavle looked around and stopped. There was no escape... He then uttered out something. "Why me?!?" He just stood there while everyone else stepped out of the way.

They didn't have much of a choice and walked up to her. "State your name, and previous occupation." Pavle stared at her. "Drawer, Scavenger, Squad leader. Joseph Morozov." Thomas was next. "Engineer, Inventor, Lead designer. Thomas Theimer." She then pointed at the ground. "Give me 30 push ups." They got on the ground and started counting. She hit them both with the whip. "SLOWLY!" She walked around them in a circle. "22.... 23.... 24...." she walked up to pavle and then whipped him again "Hey! You did th-" she whipped him again. After they were done she ordered them on all fours besides each other, where she then stood on ontop of both of them. "And now we are going to the second area, a desert environment with some additions." She pointed to a opened gate door leading into a obviously large area.

After they entered the woman jumped off of them and walked to a armory next to the door. "For this session, we are going into the forest to learn about ambushing the enemy." She walked out with a few rifles and pointed to a box next to the gate. They walked up to it to see clips of harmless ammunition which can't kill someone due to the heavy modifications on the rounds. She made two groups of fifty, one as the enemy and one as the allies. They took turns fighting in different environments, watching the woman even brutally tackle a few minor insubordinate soldiers.

After that was done with, they left back to the main hall however orders today prevented her from continuing on. They were returned to their cells but only after pavle was beaten again for trying to escape. He over heard a guard call her Leila. Before more whipping could be heard in the background.


Alexander was in the new tank produced by Thomas. She was in the Gunners side, and had one of the spare engineers she found drive it. She was testing out the new weapon systems on it as well. After a hour, the tank and five trucks found hordes of mutants in the night. Alexander still had to manually reload due to it being a basic main cannon still. She sat down in a side chair and pulled the hatch closed. In front of her was a small circular singular binocular device, which was used by both the machine gun and the main cannon. In front of her directly was the machine gun, and next to her if she looked over the gun itself, would be a seat or two where additional loaders would be or a spotter or second gunner.

She leaned the gun back and loaded a single large shell before lowering the gun and closing its loading port/hatch. She then looked through the what was referenced as 'spotter' and aimed while the headlights got in view. She even wore a nice tank crewman helmet for the hell of it today.

She told the other squad mates and then prepared to fire. "Don't fire until we get closer, I want to test out the treads." 400 lurkers roared in the night and charged after them. "Hold." The mutants got closer and at this point would be only a mile and a half away. "Light these ungodly fucks up!" She pressed the red button on a small vertical cylindrical handle and the cannon fired the shell out toward the lurkers, going through one and hitting the ground before detonating. Killing 10 of them, she then had the loader manually reload while she grabbed the machine gun handles with both hands and started firing on the lurkers. The trucks also opened fire covering a wide area.

The lurkers kept charging at the mobile vehicles while they continued firing upon them. Some started reloading and thus the survivors finally got close enough to attack. Most went for the actual tank and got ran the fuck over. The truck Gunners tried reloading while others kept firing. The mutants attacked the exposed drivers and pulling one out, a gunner was ripped out and all the vehicles shot at that specific truck killing a majority. "Load mortar shell!" They started loading a shell and fired directly in front of them killing 30 more. The lurkers climbed ontop of the tank after surrounding it and the crew held on to the hatches to keep them closed. Alexander looked around and grabbed a light machine gun and pointed it upwards as the mutants pulled it open. She fired at them but they kept coming. After twenty died, one finally managed to rip her out of the tank. However she pulled out a customized viper E.


And shot it twice into the head and jumped up back onto her feet. She ran back to the tank as the remaining lurkers pulled open the hatches and pulled the crew out. The trucks fired upon it. The crew were strewn about the tank. One was mauled to death with her chest ripped open, one was shot and mauled but Alexander killed it, the driver and loader/co gunner killed theirs. She walked up to her crewmate sitting up against the tank that got mauled and shot. "You'll be alright." She took out a radio. "We need a medic over here!" A medic climbed out of the turret of a truck which had a medical symbol and modified for three. A driver, the regular gunner, and a rear gunner. She opened her medical case and laid it down on the ground. "Don't worry, I'll have you fixed up in no time." She injected the tanker with morphine and started operating on her to get the bullets out. "No one else is going to die today, Just stay with us." Another medic noticed the other crew and got out of the rear position of the medical truck, and healed the survivors. One had a ripped up arm and leg, and another had a ripped up leg and chest. "Thank you commander..." after ten minutes the survivors entered the tank and the bodies of wounded or dead also ontop of the tank. The medical truck very close by with a substitute gunner while the two medics were on the back of the tank healing the wounded. They occasionally fired upon demons but eventually made it to allied lands.


Natasha was in the council room with victor, they were cleaning it up together after the previous meeting which a group of loan sharks tried stealing money from Alexander, and were thus killed afterwards. They were cleaning the blood and removing the bodies so nonchalantly. After they were finished Natasha asked him a question. "What did Alexander do to Heather?" Victor pulled off a piece of flesh from his uniforms shoulder and cleaned it off. "Nothing, she was just fixed." Natasha crossed her arms. "You don't just spawn red eyes out of nowhere. Now answer my question. And how is she beneficial? What do both of you want with her?" Victor turned around and faced her. "She is fine, but I expect Alexander wants her weaponized" Natasha was annoyed. "I told you I didn't want our daughter being a lab experiment! Why would she do this to her?" Natasha stomped the ground. "She also has a blood type we could use and modify. She would be the perfect medic." Natasha shook her head. "I don't want her used for war." Victor walked up to her and put his hand on her shoulder. Looking her in the eyes. "Natasha, we care for her equally. She is blessed with a gift that will help for generations to come. I understand your reasons to be outraged... But she won't be tested on further by Alexander. We will put a end to it." Natasha smiled. "Now go and rest. Like a few others we know, You aren't... you. You're not normal when you haven't rested. You've worked hard enough." She nodded and left.
Pendragon Imperial Palace

An Officer Rushed Into Lelouch's Office. "Sir, 2 Months Have Passed Since The Start Of Project Escort, It Has Been Finished And Now We Have 3 Lorge Class And 6 Aerial Battleship." "Good, You Are Dismissed" Lelouch Said
RIPSaidCone said:

Presidential Residence, Cascadia

"Yup. Thats my name don't wear it out." She replied in a casual, even joking tone as she walked down the long, fancy looking hallways. With various paintings of former Cascadian presidents hanging up around the hallways. Cascadian flag poles stood in the corners of many rooms and the Residence was somewhat busy with staff and security. President Jefferson soon led the men to a nice looking balcony at the back of the mansion. Looking over the huge and beautiful garden round back. Three seats had been prepared with a table and glasses of fine, Cascadian beer had already been poured for all three of them. The president sitting down as she gestured for the other two to do the same. "So obviously I invited you two here to talk politics and diplomacy and all that. My basic ideas would be a Cascadian embassy in both your capital cities and you can establish your own embassies in Portland. A defensive pact between us and the Order Empire would also be nice. In return for lucrative trading between us as our military is a defense force and so we can't join your wars. So to make up for it we'll offer good trade deals. Now that Cascadia owns the East Coast of the US. We can open up Atlantic trade routes via freighter and plane." She said, taking a sip from her glass as she stretched her arms. "What do you two gentlemen think?" She smiled.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141
Alastair sat down and took a sip from his glass. "That sounds good. Speaking of trade, we have a company that sells a few things that your people can use. Here's a list." Alastair handed her a list of available products.

Fusion Incorporated Products

D-15 Laser Rifle

Combat Armor

O-12 Laser Fighters/Dive-Bomber


Presidential Residence, Portland

"I'm delighted to hear that you agree with our proposition. And we appreciate you respecting our cautious nature to the outside world, we only do it out of concern for our people of course. I'm sure both of your nations are lovely. Us joining your alliance? Well I'm sure we'd be a good contribution to it and more than willing to join if given the opportunity." President Jefferson looked over to Alastair from the Order Empire as he spoke, nodding as she took the list of products. Smiling, "This sounds great, the 0-12 Laser Fighters and Dive Bombers sound most interesting. I'd be interested in aqquiring one of each model to test first to see how they operate if you'd be willing?" She questioned curiously.

"In return Cascadia would like to ask if you would both be interested in having the Cascadian News Network establish TV stations in your capital cities. To let our citizens be more open minded about what's going on in the world, they'd act like a typical news channel. Reporting on events in your nation or events in our nation that relate to yours and such. It would promote international interaction, speaking of which, Cascadian Airlines. Our commercial airline for the country has expressed it's interest in beginning flights from Portland, Seattle, Salt Lake City and San Francisco to your capital cities and any other major cities that your nations may have. It would help benefit your economies with tourism from our citizens and it'd benefit our economy by generating one of our major companies a good deal of money. Again it'd help international interaction, along with that Cascadian Shipping has contacted me about opening trade routes to both of your nation's major ports. So what'd you think?" She asked happily. Taking another small sip from her drink and checking her smartphone briefly.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian

Portland International Airport, Portland, Cascadia

The Rising Empire's envoy was greeted by a Cascadian diplomat and a small escort of police officers as the envoy was escorted from the runway to inside the airport. And then to a convoy of vehicles waiting outside. "Welcome to Portland, gentlemen. On behalf of my government we're happy that you took the time to visit." They then got into the vehicles and drove off.


Somewhere on Cuba

The people had just gotten there and were enjoying a nice picnic and looking about the area. they had enough food and most of the supplies to build their city were here, but it would take a few months to build their towns. But in the meantime, they were enjoying a happy day and a new life.


New Infrastructure: 24%

Colonizing Caribbean: 14%


New armor: 50%

New tank: 19%

Presidential Residence, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Byron lifted up his right wrist and a small holo-screen appeared, a technology that had just become widespread replacing the phones and pads of Eclipsian officials and citizens. He tapped away on it and shook his head and smiled. "Well i can most definitely agree to the tourism, as for the media outlet i will agree to it if you agree to at least one of my two points. The first is a more reasonable one, allow us to establish our media outlet, the Eclipsian Broadcast Company, in your nation as well. The second is you allow us to build a small base in your territory. Now i respect your sovereignty and policy stance, however my interest in this continent is high and all i am asking for is to build a deployment base somewhere where i can't bother your citizens." Byron said with a friendly smile before putting his wrist down, making the screen disappear, and looking at Alastair. "Also since you have a force stationed in my territory how about we do a military exercise as a friendly gesture before the summit?" Byron asked the British representative.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The head scientist had been working his ass off for PROJECT: Zeta, which is now nearing its halfway point. In his report he discussed how well the project and prototypes were going, but complained that this order to rush the project was putting a heavy strain on the scientists. He then sat back in his chair and relaxed, the first time in weeks, and began to think to himself that while the project would heavily boost the commercial and militaristic value of the empire, this heavy rush to complete it is jeopardizing the project itself.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • The meeting with the Cascadians is going very well
  • PROJECT: Zeta reaches 50% but may fail in the end due to the order to rush it
  • During the meeting with President Jefferson, Byron authorized the continuation of the Eastern Campaign.
Portland, Republic of Cascadia

"That sounds good. I'll have Fusion Inc. produce one of each item and have them shipped to you." Alastair took out his smartphone while listening to Byron speak. "That is not in my hands to authorize that, but I can tell the Military Minister about it so he can authorize it." Alastair tapped away at his phone while occasionally taking a sip from his glass. He turned to President Jefferson. "The models are being shipped right now, along with some instructions. You can expect them in a few days."

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian

Project: SS 30%
Heather was transferred to the military as a militant medic. She is to be the seventh squad's personal: "Medical Savior." She was given her own personal special snowflake status by being given her own patch on her uniform, which was a White winged soldier wearing a white dress. However any scholar that knew what a valkyrie was would instantly tell what it meant. She introduced herself to the squad however most were terrified, others agitated, while the remaining few welcomed her. They all somewhat got over it because she's one of the few females not shot yet.

She walked into the barracks and sat down on a bed, taking her things out of a suitcase she was given. Pairs of clothes, And a shark tooth necklace. She had a black crate at the food of her bed she opened which had photos of her family, herself, a rifle, a medical suitcase, and extra room she filled in. She closed the box and then sat down on the bed. She waved at a few soldiers playing poker. They tried stared at her and then continued playing the game. "Go back to being a royal hoe!" Said one guy in the corner. She looked at someone that was walking by. "Hello." The soldier ignored her presence. She looked down and frowned, not only in disappointment but also because of being saddened. "Are you alright?" She looked up at a man looking at her. "No. Everyone is a fucking prick." She crossed her arms.

"That isn't true. It's just you are new here. That and most know what you did with their superior." A girl walked by holding a rifle. "We should get going. The commander wants us on the surface." She noticed Heather and the patch on her uniform. "Why don't you come with us too?" She tilted her head. "But we are not even in the same regiment..." the man just waved at the girl as she left. Then looked back at Heather. "It isn't during a time of war, so it doesn't really matter... oh, that was O'hara and I'm Kurt. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to her in a hand shake fashion. She shook his hand but still kept silent. "I'm Janet. And I guess so, nothing else to do around here..." She got up and opened the crate taking out the big as medical box and rifle. She put the rifle around her arm and held the box. "Okay, let's go." They walked out of the barracks.


Jennifer was on the surface in glazov. She was helping with the expansion and cleaning. She walked out of the building and then started looking to the north. A guard walked up to her. "Commandant keslionko, the expansion is going going slowly but surely. I don't why it's taking so much time for your goal however when it was supposed to be a two month job... Also, the eastern campaign is going swell as well. But Alexander has requested your assistance..." she turned around. "Very well, Tell the soldiers I will be arriving to eastern glazov tomorrow. We will work on clearing the east with a few tankers." The guard nodded. "Yes ma'am." The guard ran off towards eastern glazov.


Alexander had called for a militant meeting with her own regiment, which most were in the seventh squad as instructors or reserves. She walked back and forth in front of the line of soldiers. "A few nights ago, we went to clear out some mutants from the east. It was past midnight and as you very well know, they're more aggressive at night... during the charge we eradicated them and one of their nests. However in the process we lost three people, and I lost two of my crew. I call you all forth today, to see who would be capable of replacing them. So that is why I'm going to make all of you go through another training for it. With you being probably teamed with someone who won't listen to you. The lucky few that don't chicken out or ruin their own tank will be the replacements. Is that understandable?" The soldiers stomped the ground to attention and saluted. "YES COMMISSAR ALEXANDER!" They were mixed into teams. The Imperials, the Gallians, and the Redline.

They were split up as well, the imperials go north. After three hours they circled around east. The Gallians encountered a lone truck which they shot with a null/dud which exploded dirt up implying they blew them up. The continued east. "Well this is a nice drive isn't? Just going through the night, nothing to wor-" The lead tank got shot twice from the front. By a redline panzer. Two more panzers emerged from the sidelines. "Surprise motherfuckers!" They fired nailing two more gallian tanks. "Shit!" Redline kept firing more fake rounds. "Load armor piercing round! Evade!!" The new main tank turned to the side dodging a heavy mortar round. It started aiming at the redline. "Target locked!" The tank got hit in the engine compartment. "FIRE!" The tank fired a AP shell upwards towards a heavy cover of smoke, aiming for the center. The shell flew through the smoke and hit in-between the cannon, and the rotor. It wasn't considered dead, but it was considered useless. "Two on the right, 137 yards." The remaining five tanks aimed to the right. "Loaded and aimed." "Got em." "Aimed." "Target locked." The redline fired again and missing. "FIRE!" The gallian tanks opened fire on the remaining redline tanks, one getting spammed with three direct hits and the other a critical hit to where it's ammunition storage would be. The lead commander climbed out of the hatch and saw a cliff. "Yuri, get me to that cliff." The commander looked around. "Three of you on me, another will be bait. Proceed once we are in position." The Gallians proceeded onto the mountain, slowly climbing the steep inclines. Eventually they made it and looked over and saw a panzer down below, and five tiger-Xs. "Aim and load. Proceed." A lone gallian tank drove forwards into the line of sight and they waited.

"Gallian tank spotted! Open fire!" The tanks lead their shots and blasted out their track and engine. "Finish him off!" The Gallians on the cliff finished aiming. "Ready." The commander nodded. "Make it rain on these hoes!" They started firing, including the one stranded tank. One tiger X was taken out. "They're on the cliff! Fire!" The imperials shot up on the cliff, however the panzer kept firing upon the stranded tank due it being incapable of aiming high enough to attack the ones on the cliff. The panzer shot the gallian tank up enough to consider 3 of the 5 crewmen dead. But was shortly destroyed when the driver manned the gun and killed it. A gallian tank was having problems on the cliff however. "The gun is jammed, it won't fucking work! Gahh!" They got shot by the imperials. However they kept firing back and destroyed them besides a single tank. "Kill that tank!" The imperials reloaded. "30 yards on the cliff, to the left side. Fire!" They shot another round and 'destroyed' them. "Reload! Aim for the engine!" They finished reloading. "FIRE!" The two remaining tanks 'destroyed' the remaining Imperial tank. "Hah! We are the true MVPs bitch!"

After the session was over with, everyone who lost went back to a resupply depot to rearm with actual ammunition for tomorrow's mutant hunt. Everyone else went back to the camp they started at. They lined up again infront of Alexander. There was the gunner of both tanks, the commander, The Other commander, and the driver of the 'main' The only male of the group being the driver.

"You did well today... of course sadly your entire crew can't come with you but I'm sure you already said your farewells." She looked at her watch. "Name, rank, and occupation?" She pointed at the driver. "Yuri frost. Sergeant. Tank driver and engineer." She then pointed at a random gunner that was close to her height. "Amanda Jackson. Captain. Both a soldier and tanker." She pointed at another gunner. "Kelsey Peron. Specialist. Tank gunner and front line engineer." She pointed at the woman near her own height. "You, tall girl. You're next." Alexander waited. "Nonna. Major. Tank commander, Rifleman." Alexander rubbed her chin. "Strange name but alright." She pointed at the midget. Then pointed it out. "You. [squiggly line here.] Name, rank, occupation, AND age. Don't question it." *She called her a midget in northern script.* She crossed her arms looking at her. "Katyusha. Major first class. Tank commander. 18." Alexander stared at her suspiciously, but then shrugged. "Get on the tank let's go." Alexander entered the tank while she had most of the others sit down on the back. They left to the main station to get an official promotion to her command entirely.

[sorry for late posting, was busy doing sciency things.].
RIPSaidCone said:
Portland International Airport, Portland, Cascadia
The Rising Empire's envoy was greeted by a Cascadian diplomat and a small escort of police officers as the envoy was escorted from the runway to inside the airport. And then to a convoy of vehicles waiting outside. "Welcome to Portland, gentlemen. On behalf of my government we're happy that you took the time to visit." They then got into the vehicles and drove off.

Schneizel And His Escorts Arrived At The Presidential Palace, He And His Guards Exited The Vehicles They Were In. The Diplomat Led Them Inside The Presidential Residence, And Into A Room, The Door Was Opened For Him, And The People Inside Looked At Him. "Im Sorry that i am late" he said while smiling.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Loyal Guardian
Command Center, Radium Hot Springs

"We have taken the Saskatchewan province. The kinetic bombardment was successful. If we continue to push, we shall win this war with only a few road bumps." The king was glad. "Continue the offensive. We shall be victorious."



The diplomat landed. "We are under attack by another Canadian government. We request that you help us in exchange for trade and business rights."



"So, if we offer economic benefits and spoils of war, would you be willing to support the war effort?"





Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded at what Bryon said. Considering her response for a brief moment before replying with, "Your own media outlet in Portland would be fine of course, it's only fair but as for the military base unfortunately I just can't allow that, it goes against my country's and my people's beliefs and it would just both feel and be wrong to let it happen, I hope you can understand where I'm coming from. And I hope that our nations can still get along regardless but my people and their beliefs will always come first. I'm more than happy to allow an Embassy and a media outlet in though." She smiled and nodded, looking over to the Order Empire's representative, Alistair now. Pleased by this news. "Thats just great to hear. I'll inform the CADF about the models shortly, we'll test them and give our answer on whether or not we're going to buy them afterwards." Just then the doors to the balcony opened and Catherine (Jefferson) looked over to the newly arrived envoy. Looking at her phone before looking back up. "You must be from the Rising Empire. Welcome, please sit." She greeted happily as one of her bodyguards walked over with a chair in his hands, putting it down at the table before walking off. "I'm glad that you could join us regardless.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Wickedkent


The CNDF had been given the order to begin revising over their training and tactics practise, in the Cascadian owned section of the Gulf of Mexico in particularly. As satellite surveillance had detected unknown craft landing on Cuba with what appeared to be construction beginning soon after. The CNDF Strike Group in the area has been put on surveillance alert until further notice, whilst CDF South Command has ordered further surveillance of Mexico. Meanwhile both Project: Interior and Project: Newway are nearing completion. With the CDF personnel expansion also going well, the CDF has ordered the construction of 1,235 PAC-6 Advanced PATRIOT systems for defensive purposes. The reconstruction of Los Angeles should be finished by next month and Denver the month after, Dallas and Las Vegas are progressing nicely.

Seattle, Cascadia

The Governor nodded with a smile. "The details of our agreement will be in a document that my secretary is typing up as we speak. All you'll need to know will be in there. But as long as we receive a non-aggression treaty, a trading deal and even an alliance. Then we would be happy to provide intelligence reports on enemy movement and other help, no Cascadian boots shall be on the ground however. Our people would be outraged if they caught news of Cascadian soldiers dying for another country's war. I shall discuss with the Senate on the possibilty of airstrikes however. As long as it builds a good and friendly relationship between our two nations."

@Fishman Lord
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The next day Heather was on the surface. She was still ignored by everyone else besides the person calling himself Kurt, and Vanessa. She heard a woman yell. "STAND TO ATTENTION!" There were only 20 people there, but they all stood up. Others being busy and unable to line up like everyone else because of it. A extremely and heavily modified Tiger-X, mods based on the edelweiss. rolled up.

The general climbed out of the turret. The tank making her appear.... smaller. "Hello men! I have come personally to speak with you." She looked at them. "Today is the start of our great aftermath for reclamation. As planned we will be heading east and clearing out the no mans land, and take those lands for ourselves again. We will make this country great again even if it means one charge at a time." She points at the right of her. "You ten will invade the south east, should be easy due to the population not being as high there." She points at five more people. "You five will take a small tank to the north east. There are no mutants in the area there, but if there are people alive you will bring them here so we can rehabilitate them peacefully." She points at fifteen others. "You will be with me heading directly east. Where we will eradicate them from killing our people."

She looked down and noticed Heather and her uniform altogether. She pointed at her. "Janet, I see the men have convinced you to come up today? How about you come with me, you would be more useful here." She sighed and then nodded. She looked at her soldiers again. "Let's get moving, nobody else is going to save us being eaten alive." She went back into her tank after giving Heather headphones. As the tank outside is very loud and so is its weapons systems.
Singaporean Federation

Federation Parliament, Singapore

Zeph looked at the diplomat for a moment. "Okay, Singapore will aid you however she can. While we're at it, we might as well solidify this alliance." Zeph lifted the phone and called SIG HQ. "I have sent orders send a fleet to your kingdom. I would like your kingdom to consider something. A while back, Eclipse, Britain, and Singapore formed an alliance called the New World Alliance. I would like to recommend your nation to a seat with us. Will the Kingdom of Rockies consider this offer?"

@Fishman Lord

Changi Airport, Singapore

MWE Chen stood before the diplomats. "Welcome to Singapore. I am Minister of War and Expansion Jimmy Chen, of the Singaporean Federation."


Tokyo, United Japan

5th Gov Chun looked down. "We heard. One of our fellow governors died to the plague while in quarantine." She looked up. "Singapore has a small force in Fuzhou and can mobilize to Shanghai. We also use to be the world leader in medical science. We'll aid you as much as possible. I have also been informed that the Singaporean Federation would like to extend an invitation to United Japan to join the New World Alliance. Of course this must be confirmed with the other two nations in this alliance, however, it would greatly benefit the both of us should United Japan join us."

@general ostruppen

Manila, Philippines, 6th District of Singaporean Federation

A small force of 100 men was prepared. The Singapore Special Operations loaded into jeeps and drove to the enemy camp. The Sentosa Battleship arrived at port.
The Order Empire

Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Alastair was on his phone when someone entered the room. It turned out to be a representative from the Rising Empire. Alastair went back on his phone to check the shipment progress "The shipment is making good time. It's already a quarter way here." Alastair said.


Finance Center

Alastair was looking over the estimated costs of Project: SS. He estimated it was going to take out a good chunk of the GDP. He then created Order Industries, a corporation that produces cars, building materials, and refined metal.


Project: SS 35%

Order Industries is formed
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Portland, Republic Of Cascadia

Schneizel Entered The Room And Looked At The People Sitting There. "Ah! You Must Be The President" He Then Looked At Another Guy. "Minister Alaistair, I Believed We Have Met Not So Long Ago, And I Guess You Are Emperor Bryon. I am emperor schneizel from the rising empire" he then sat on a vacant chair. "Now what did i miss?"

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Loyal Guardian

Changi Airport, Singapore

A Man Came To Them And Greeted Them, Then They Shaked Hands. "I Am Prince Clovis Of The Rising Empire, And This Is Empress Euphemia"

Presidential Residence, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

"Very well, thank you for the consideration." Byron said to Alastair before typing on his holo-screen quickly before turning his attention to Jefferson. "Yes, i knew that the last proposal would be a longshot, but i thought i should make it just in case." He said smiling a bit before taking a small sip of the beer. He then turned his attention to Emperor Schneizel. "Indeed i am, it is an honor to meet the leader of one of our allies. I do thank you for your gifts to us, and you can expect one being delivered to your country very soon." Byron said shaking his hand, whispering the last part into his ear.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Wickedkent

Chinese Interior

One of the Eclipsian army's pushed forward into old Chinese territory, helping any survivors while taking the land for the empire. The leader of the army, General Frios, had already pushed halfway through the empty territory. Inside his tent he summoned one of his officers. "I want you to send a message to the Singaporeans that with Manchuria collapsing we are now free to expand. All land that has Singaporean claims shall be turned over to them after our conquest." After that the officer saluted and went to relay the order.

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • Emperor Byron and Emperor Schneizel meet in person.
  • PROJECT: Zeta is at 60% completion
  • The Eastern Campaign is heading towards success, with much of the Chinese Interior being conquered.

Republic of Cascadia


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson smiled once more at Alistair, pleased to hear this information clearly. "That's great news, can't wait to see what you've got to offer us." Looking to the Emperor of the Rising Empire next and giving a nod, "Indeed, I'm President Catherine Jefferson. Pleased to meet you." She gave in greeting, it was nice to see the representatives all knowing each other and being on friendly terms. Finally Bryon had begun speaking and Jefferson listened in, giving a nod or two as he spoke. "It's no problem, happy to consider it. Well there's no harm in asking at least, and I just love bringing people together. Seeing you all getting along, this is why we need more international cooperation."

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent

Salt Lake City, Cascadia

Meanwhile Misriah Armory, one of the leading Cascadia defense R&D companies has announced the beginning of development for it's latest product for the CDF. The ML-199 Combat Dress Uniform, a new design of camouflage meant for hotter environments such as the desert or more humid areas and a medium green colored advanced combat body armor, the exact materials and designs used for this new body armor are remaining highly classified for security reasons of both the company and the military itself. But it has been said to use the latest developments in both Cascadian civilian and military technology, AMG Transport Dynamics, another major company in Cascadia has also announced it's new contract with the CDF to produce a new transport and assault vehicle for the Cascadian Ground Defense Force, designated as the M12 IAV. Nothing else has been said on these this however.


Project Interior: 90%

Project Newway: 80%

ML-199 CDU: 10%

M12 IAV: 5%


Los Angeles: 90%

Denver: 85%​
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