The World of Tomorrow

The Order Empire

Capitol Building Conference Room, Oxford

"You are welcome to invest in our corporations. We only have one major corporation right now, Fusion Inc. They make everything from personal entertainment devices to military equipment."


Capitol Building, Oxford

"Welcome sir, I am Prime Minister Kord Segard of the Order Empire. Follow me to my office so we can begin talks. Care for some tea?" Kord said to the diplomat.


Communications Center

The com center had recieved a transmission from the Eclipsians stating that the NWA meeting has been put forward. "This is Military Minister Torrad of the Order Empire, the Prime Minister is currently having talks with foreign diplomats. I'll forward him the message once he is done. We have also sent reinforcements your way, they should be there by now."

@Loyal Guardian


Project SS has begun
Mexico City

Felix looked over the city as the sun began to set. His hard work was paying off. Mexico was a formidable power now, no longer weak and sniveling. But first, they had to treat with others. Even the pretenders to the American nation, the Cascadians. He turned to his right hand man. "I want scout planes to check the area. I want force reports on the Cascadians and the Colombians. Contact the Colombians. If we are to execute our plans, we need to be able to focus everything on it. And get to it quickly. I want this project done before the month is out. Got it?" The man nodded, and pivoted on his heel, walking away. @Domini Regum

Guadalajara, Mexico

"Hey man, you seen the axle? we need to hook it together and this windmill will finally be complete, and then we can finally get friggin paid!" Josef nodded his head and passed the axle, and the other worker placed it in place. "I'm glad we got this president tho, y'know? We can finally make mexico prosperous again, y'know?" Matthew nodded his head, wiping his pale arm on his face. "I heard that there's tons of new factories getting worked on for metal and food or somethin. It'd be nice to be fed better." The workers examined their work, and the axle began to turn as a breeze picked up. "Well, it works. Let's go see the supervisor, yeah?"


Fourteen new windmills finished, three new large farms plowed, twelve factories underway.
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Communications Outpost - Tunis

The officers stood in a circle, dressed in green and blue suits. They were of the highest levels in the Hamuis government; commanders, scientists, and advisors to the king, the man who stood in between them all. A silence drifted over the board, like a peaceful wind in summer, as the sun slowly crawled its way into the blue sky behind them. They were on a balcony made of white marble, whose greco-roman columns stood tall and mighty above the cliff just below. In their center stood a communications device. Radars, speakers, and antennas dotted the piece like a chess board. Together, just now, they had made a decision. An important one. One that would serve as a shield for generations to come, as a sword against oppression and dictatorship, and as a place where all the world's leaders can have a big voice - even if their nation is small.

Charles walked forward, and took the mic with his hands.

"Greetings. There have been several recent incidents that have called for increased international talks and communications, but without a platform to facilitate them, increased international communication is impossible. That is what the Hamuis government aims to solve now.

We have formed a great assembly of nations, called the World Congress. It is here, at the coastal town of Orosei (in eastern Sardinia), where the first meeting shall begin. If you wish to attend, please send a diplomat here soon. The First Congress will begin in 6 months."

He lowered the mic. The next era of diplomacy had begun.

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa (Aliens aren't invited, but...) @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Pat @Jonvaljon

(Wow, what a large group of peeps we got here! :3)
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Charlie12520 said:
Communications Outpost - Tunis

The officers stood in a circle, dressed in green and blue suits. They were of the highest levels in the Hamuis government; commanders, scientists, and advisors to the king, the man who stood in between them all. A silence drifted over the board, like a peaceful wind in summer, as the sun slowly crawled its way into the blue sky behind them. They were on a balcony made of white marble, whose greco-roman columns stood tall and mighty above the cliff just below. In their center stood a communications device. Radars, speakers, and antennas dotted the piece like a chess board. Together, just now, they had made a decision. An important one. One that would serve as a shield for generations to come, as a sword against oppression and dictatorship, and as a place where all the world's leaders can have a big voice - even if their nation is small.

Charles walked forward, and took the mic with his hands.

"Greetings. There have been several recent incidents that have called for increased international talks and communications, but without a platform to facilitate them, increased international communication is impossible. That is what the Hamuis government aims to solve now.

We have formed a great assembly of nations, called the World Congress. It is here, at the coastal town of Orosei (in eastern Sardinia), where the first meeting shall begin. If you wish to attend, please send a diplomat here soon. The First Congress will begin in 6 months."

He lowered the mic. The next era of diplomacy had begun.

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa (Aliens aren't invited, but...) @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Pat @Jonvaljon

(Wow, what a large group of peeps we got here! :3)
Communications Center

The com center had gotten another transmission, this time from the Enlightened Kingdom of Hamunis. "This is Military Minister Torrad of the Order Empire. The Prime Minister is busy meeting with one of your diplomats I believe and the Diplomatic Minister is at a meeting with other foreign diplomats. I'll forward this to them once they are done. We'll see you at the meeting."

Charlie12520 said:
Communications Outpost - Tunis

The officers stood in a circle, dressed in green and blue suits. They were of the highest levels in the Hamuis government; commanders, scientists, and advisors to the king, the man who stood in between them all. A silence drifted over the board, like a peaceful wind in summer, as the sun slowly crawled its way into the blue sky behind them. They were on a balcony made of white marble, whose greco-roman columns stood tall and mighty above the cliff just below. In their center stood a communications device. Radars, speakers, and antennas dotted the piece like a chess board. Together, just now, they had made a decision. An important one. One that would serve as a shield for generations to come, as a sword against oppression and dictatorship, and as a place where all the world's leaders can have a big voice - even if their nation is small.

Charles walked forward, and took the mic with his hands.

"Greetings. There have been several recent incidents that have called for increased international talks and communications, but without a platform to facilitate them, increased international communication is impossible. That is what the Hamuis government aims to solve now.

We have formed a great assembly of nations, called the World Congress. It is here, at the coastal town of Orosei (in eastern Sardinia), where the first meeting shall begin. If you wish to attend, please send a diplomat here soon. The First Congress will begin in 6 months."

He lowered the mic. The next era of diplomacy had begun.

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa (Aliens aren't invited, but...) @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Pat @Jonvaljon

(Wow, what a large group of peeps we got here! :3)
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"The Eclipse Empire accepts your request to convene in the 1st World Congress. As for the representatives we shall send High Minister Draco, the closest adviser to Emperor Byron, to the meeting."

Red: Alexander of course.

Blue: Natasha.

Grey: Heather.

Green: Jennifer.

Gold: Victor.

It was meeting day, everyone threw out their bias and entered the council room. Everyone found their seat and sat down waiting. Jennifer and Heather were on the left of the table, While Alexander and Natasha were on the right. Heather wore a hoodie but she stood up. "Janet take off that hoodie." "No." "Now come on Janet, take it off. There is no reason to be hiding yourself." "No, I don't feel like it..." Heather kept her head down. "General, mind helping me out here?." Jennifer shook her head negatively. Natasha shrugged it off and was bored. She waited for someone to say something relevant to her.

"We need to unify the empire. It simply won't last if we don't do anything about it. I propose we spread north, we can build a city capable enough to survive these conditions." Alexander smirked with her arms crossed. "We don't need to go north sweetie. We need to go east. It is more suitable for our people." "That wouldn't be acceptable. Our people need as much care as anyone else. The north provides food, Water, And a great view. It'd be easier to defend, and we could hold enough people there for enough time to decide where to place our first city." Alexander scoffed at her comment sounding innocent in the process. "We need to go north, it is safer there!" She laughed. And slightly raised her voice despite still sounding quiet."No, let the grown ups decide where to be. If we go east, then we get more land. People won't be compacted underground, and we could produce our own supplies whenever we want to." Jennifer raised her voice but remained calm. "That is a idiotic decision. You're just in for the money and the land. Think about any community on the surface you'd be tampering with. Your decision is bad, and you should feel bad."

"Enough. You both are correct however also wrong. We will go east and give crystalina whatever she needs, but we will also go north. We will need to mine there. However we can expand there when people are more settled." Alexander smiled while Jennifer Sighed. "As you wish, emperor." "I always get my way." Jennifer and Alexander exchanged displaying their middle finger at each other. "Heh, you wish." Jennifer was disgusted by that very thought. Alexander then leaned beside natasha and annoying her. "How bored are you? We can play a game to fix that." Natasha turned the side. "No Alexander." She poked her face.

. "Oh come on now, you like spending time with me." "Fine." Heather raised her head up. "I agree with kes... we should go north instead." Alexander stopped smiling. "Why? Do you not believe in your sister in her ability to save humanity?" Heather shook her head. "I believe you are a basic bitch, that wants to look good for her mother. That got fucked over during a war causing her to become desperate, and wanted me out of the picture to regain what you believe you have lost.." "Janet!" She jumped up and focused on her. "You don't call your sister out!" Alexander just stared at Heather Angered. She stood up walked around the table throwing her hoodie down. Revealing her original hair color as she dyed it.

Alexander went back annoyed and staring at her. "You giving up so early? You and your sibling rivalry, you'll never be as loved as me." Alexander was surprised but then became enraged displaying her teeth as if to grit them. Pavle at this time had entered the room. Alexander stood up and then lunged over the table grabbing Heather by her hair. "YOU FAKE BITCH!" Heather tried escaping but before she could, Alexander pulled out a contact lens that had the exact color or her old eyes. Heather pulled herself off and tried covering her left eye. Natasha and everyone but victor being surprised.

Janet, why are you covering your eye? Show me." She shook her head. Pavle then had asked her. She looked down to the side, and uncovered her eye. Pavle walked back into a wall extremely surprised. "Nonononono, wait! It's alright, I might be different but I still care!" She quickly walked up to pavle and holding his hand staring at him desperate. "Janet! What happened? Who did this to you?" Pavle ran off when she got distracted and she fell to her knees crying. She covered her face. Natasha ran up to her hugging her and caressing her hair. "It's alright, it's alright. I'm here for you. " Heather got up and Alexander walked up to her. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this to happen." "SHUT UP! This is your fault!" Heather ran out of the room. "Don't worry, she knows you didn't mean it." She went looking for Heather. Heather was running around but couldn't find pavle, so she went back to her room and locked the door. The meeting was thus ended prematurely. "I have a task for you Alexander. I want you to use the military to visit the surface while you do digging operations. Once you clear out the mutants, I want you to make a outpost to the east 10 miles away of solikamsk." She nodded and left.


The next day Natasha was allowed into Heather's room. "It wasn't her fault Heather, she didn't know what she was doing." Heather sighed. "I know, I overreacted but... I don't know what to do now." Natasha walked up to her. "What happened to your eye?" Heather looked up at her. "I don't know. I just woke up one day and everything was different. My hair is changing back to normal slowly, but this isn't even my color. It dyed it." Natasha looked around and gave her eye lenses. "We don't want anyone to know this yet, it isn't safe. If you remember how this happened you tell me? But I'm sure joseph will apologize. It's just he hasn't seen anything like this before and you running up on him." Heather nodded but still a bit sad. "Okay." Natasha left the room and closed the door. She was walking around the hallway until pavle surprised her. "Hi." Heather jumped, but she calmed down and turned around. She scratched her head. "Hi..." pavle grabbed her hand and kissed it. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to run out on you. You just... surprised me." Heather took back her hand and looked at it, then back at him. "Oh, that's fine. he smiled
again. "Want to go back to exhibition? I can't get anything expensive this time but i-" Heather stopped him. "It's alright. I'll buy the wine." They walked together to exhibition.


A week later Alexander invited her back, pavle and Heather entered the room, and Jennifer was arguing with Alex about the future. Victor was sitting down reading 'The valkyria chronicles:The bond of war. Written by Morgan Freeman.' Alexander waved at them. "Hello!" Heather waved back. "I was just arguing with keslionko here." Heather looked at jennifer and waved. "So you invited us here for?" Alex smiled. "You had a fun time down there yes?" Heather raised her eyebrow. "What?" Alexander was surprised. "The red eyes, the markings left on you which are still healing." Heather realized this but didn't say anything. "Oh yes, I enjoyed scaring the children." Alexander pointed at the door. "Stop lying, you probably don't even want the empress knowing." Heather was annoyed. "You just want her to equally consider, or consider only you as her favorite." Alexander growled at her. "YOU JUST CARE ABOUT THE ATTENTION!" Jennifer didn't enjoy chaos but she contributed. "The tank I told you about which you liked and started producing, I didn't make it."

Victor lowered the book and looked at her pulling his fake reading glasses down. "In fact Heather did it herself with Thomas. Then after arresting him, I built the rest myself." Alexander stared at her. "HE DID WHAT?" she sat back down and sighed. "Welp I guess there is no reason to hide it.
Amusement time!", She smiled. "Janet, pavle when in his studio during his free time of course. He and a few others in the empire draw lewds, but he draws them of you without attempting to get consent." Heather was pissed and slowly looked at pavle. "No no no, I stopped before our date!" She tried grabbing him and missed when he stepped out of the way. "GET THE FUCK OVER HERE!" She charged after him. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" He sprinted off.


RedLine said:
The officer took a few minutes to look at the variety of items. A squad of solider's helped with unloading the gift's from the trucks and loaded into a separate transport vehicle to be delivered into the FOB.

"I'm afraid we will not be buying today. As much as these weapons and ammo look, we are in no serious need of them. Your gift is more than enough. Since you and your men have come a long way you are free to stay for as long as you need or bypass towards other lands. Just be sure to notify me before you go anywhere. I'll be at the communications tent dealing with some business if you need me." said the officer.
RedLine said:

"We have to go, but we will be back in a few months. If you need anything ask." He gave a small radio to roman before reentering his vehicle. "Good luck man." They started to leave.


Charlie12520 said:
Communications Outpost - Tunis

The officers stood in a circle, dressed in green and blue suits. They were of the highest levels in the Hamuis government; commanders, scientists, and advisors to the king, the man who stood in between them all. A silence drifted over the board, like a peaceful wind in summer, as the sun slowly crawled its way into the blue sky behind them. They were on a balcony made of white marble, whose greco-roman columns stood tall and mighty above the cliff just below. In their center stood a communications device. Radars, speakers, and antennas dotted the piece like a chess board. Together, just now, they had made a decision. An important one. One that would serve as a shield for generations to come, as a sword against oppression and dictatorship, and as a place where all the world's leaders can have a big voice - even if their nation is small.

Charles walked forward, and took the mic with his hands.

Greetings. There have been several recent incidents that have called for increased international talks and communications, but without a platform to facilitate them, increased international communication is impossible. That is what the Hamuis government aims to solve now.

We have formed a great assembly of nations, called the World Congress. It is here, at the coastal town of Orosei (in eastern Sardinia), where the first meeting shall begin. If you wish to attend, please send a diplomat here soon. The First Congress will begin in 6 months."

He lowered the mic. The next era of diplomacy had begun.

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa (Aliens aren't invited, but...) @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Pat @Jonvaljon

(Wow, what a large group of peeps we got here! :3)

The transmission was heard and the empress and a few others notified. the only reply long after was in Morse code, it simply read: "3 will arrive, from the east." And then coordinates as to where to pick up the diplomats.


East expansion, 5 months.

North mining and semi expansion, 4

East outpost construction, 2 months. [After cleansing.],

Mutant cleansing. 3 months.

Sorry didn't add it before, and I am eating so I am not editing the overview right now.

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Myrkuta, Capital palace, Prince's Office

The broadcast was simple but insightful. The Kingdom of Hamuis clearly knew what were they doing when they sent the message throughout the world. A world congress was to be needed in order to deal with the number of key events. Communication was always lacked between nations known and unknown. You can even say it was the key problem of creating this events in the first place. Now that a world congress was rising up, it would be put to rest. Artyom sent back a personal transmission.

"Grettings Kingdom of Hamuis,

Your request to send a diplomat to the world congress in Orosei has been granted. Since I would have to deal with much here in my nation, I am willing to send my minster of foreign affairs, Tosya Loboda. He will be flying to the city by plane and spending a few nights at the local hotel. He will be there in the 6 months following. I thank once again for the invitation and hope to see results.

Sincerely, Prince Artyom Yurchenko."


After that a knock was at the door.

"Come in!" said Artyom as he pressed a button to exit the program.

The door opened to reveal a single business man. The man wore a black suit and red tie. He was bald and wore tinted sunglasses. As he walked over to the prince he bowed.

"My good prince, I am a representative from 'Silver Horn' Industries. I would only ask a few minutes of your time." said the man.

Artyom's face looked surprised.

"I was aware you guys were coming sometime next month, no?"

"Project Romeo has been done earlier than expected, I'm here to relay the results."
said the man faceless.

Artyom directed the man to the empty chair with his hand.

"Let us discuss it then. Here, sit." offered Artyom.

The man sat in the chair and brought up a briefcase to his lap. He clicked the following number code that locked it closed. The case opened up. From Artyom's perspective he could not see what was inside the case. The man reached in the case and grabbed out several papers. He placed it on the prince's desk. Each paper had a 'Confidential' watermark embedded into its contents. Some papers had tables of data and pictures with much writing on it.

"As you see here, our researchers have discovered a new metal beneath *Undisclosed location* rocky terrain's. They named it 'Edraethil'. The metal is found deep underground in Russia, Asia, and traces of it in the world's ocean. Other locations may appear, but were not studied into it. However to excavate it is more of the issue. It's hidden under the surface of the earth's mantle and is extremely hard to obtain. The rare metal is shiny when refined. It has a high melting/boiling point making it also difficult to reshape it. What's interesting about the metal is it is highly malleable but very strong. The rare metal can withstand a number of explosions and gunshot's without making a single dent into it. Though, over time it will start to break apart if it is constantly hit. It's semi-conductive when it comes into contact to electricity or open flames. We are still undergoing test of the new metal and further information will be released once the results come in. I will send you details by email."

explained the man.

"What does Silver Horn plan on doing with this new metal?" asked Artyom while shifting through the papers.

"Our company is willing to supply the government with the metal if it meets its single condition."

"That being?"
questioned Artyom.

"To hand over all military based project's past and future to Silver Horn Industries. Our company is willing to do both the research and production of these projects with it paying most of the expenses."

Artyom settled the papers down and thought for a moment. The man's face could not be read. Artyom did not know what the company was trying to pull here, but the deal sounded really good to not turn down. This would help lay off some of the research and outsource the production to the company. Making it easier to multi-task and such.

"I will agree to under a certain condition. That for the first year the government will oversee all progressions of all projects. This will act like a moderator for the time being. If we see something we do not like, the deal's off."

"Then it's settled. Thank you for your cooperation. I will give my boss the good news."

The man got up and filled his briefcase back up with the papers he gave out. He bowed to Artyom, turned and walked out of the office closing the doors behind him.


-Project Romeo is completed.


-Silver Horn industries appears

-New metal appears (info of the metal will be in overview tab)
Agent141 said:
The Order Empire

Capitol Building Conference Room, Oxford

"You are welcome to invest in our corporations. We only have one major corporation right now, Fusion Inc. They make everything from personal entertainment devices to military equipment."

"Very Well, We Would Like To Invest To This Fusion Inc., We Must Go Now, Please Send Us The Rest Of The Information About This Investing, How Much For The Max Market Share We Can Get" Said Schneizel. The 2 People Exited the Building, Rode A Car To The Airport, And Rode Their Shuttle Back To The Empire.


The Officers In The Com Room Were Monitoring Any Signal That Will Pass The Empire Or Near It, Then They Recieved A Message.

"Sir, A Message!" Said An Officer. "Play It" The Commanding Officer Said. So It Played The Whole Message. "Notify The Emperor As Soon As They Arrive.".

Pendragon Royal Helipad

Lelouch And Schneizel Exited The Shuttle, And Were Welcomed Back By Odysseus. "Welcome Back, Brother". "Thank You, Meet Me At My Office Soon When I Am Finished Refreshing Myself" Schneizel Responded. "And Me Of Course" Lelouch Said While Smiling At Schneizel.

Pendragon Imperial Palace, Royal Office

Odysseus And Lelouch Entered, Schneizel Was Waiting For Them. "Give Me Status Report". "Everything Is Here In This Folder" Odysseus Said And Placed It At His Table. Schneizel Took His Time And Read Through All Of It. "Good, You Made Wondrful Decisions While I Was Away". "Thank You, And We Have Just Received A Message From One Of Our Allies, The Hamuis, Saying That There Is The First World Congress" Said Odysseus. "Very Well, Me And Lelouch Will Attend It, Tell Them Though That We Would Like To Contribute To The Security, As Great Leaders Would Be There. When Will Euphemia Return?" He Said. "After She And Clovis Would Be Done Negotiating With The Singaporeans." Odysseus Replied. "I Also Recieved Information About A New Empire In Mexico" Said Lelouch. "Okay, If There Are No More, Both Of You Are Dismissed" He Replied.

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Charlie12520 said:
Communications Outpost - Tunis

The officers stood in a circle, dressed in green and blue suits. They were of the highest levels in the Hamuis government; commanders, scientists, and advisors to the king, the man who stood in between them all. A silence drifted over the board, like a peaceful wind in summer, as the sun slowly crawled its way into the blue sky behind them. They were on a balcony made of white marble, whose greco-roman columns stood tall and mighty above the cliff just below. In their center stood a communications device. Radars, speakers, and antennas dotted the piece like a chess board. Together, just now, they had made a decision. An important one. One that would serve as a shield for generations to come, as a sword against oppression and dictatorship, and as a place where all the world's leaders can have a big voice - even if their nation is small.

Charles walked forward, and took the mic with his hands.

"Greetings. There have been several recent incidents that have called for increased international talks and communications, but without a platform to facilitate them, increased international communication is impossible. That is what the Hamuis government aims to solve now.

We have formed a great assembly of nations, called the World Congress. It is here, at the coastal town of Orosei (in eastern Sardinia), where the first meeting shall begin. If you wish to attend, please send a diplomat here soon. The First Congress will begin in 6 months."

He lowered the mic. The next era of diplomacy had begun.

@Fishman Lord @JJKab @Agent141 @Alteras @Emperor Ploppa (Aliens aren't invited, but...) @Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @RedLine @general ostruppen @Pat @Jonvaljon

(Wow, what a large group of peeps we got here! :3)
The polish government accepted the proposal, and decided it'd send out it's General, Jacob Dolecky out.

(Sorry, drowning in responses from other RP)
Pendragon, Royal Office

Schneizel Was In His Office Doing His Job, Approving New Laws, Signing Papers, Then Max Came In.

"Brother, I Have A Proposal" Max Said Then Handed Him A Folder.

Schneizel Read Through All Of It. "What A Great Plan, I Approve Of It But We Need Permission Of The Countries" Schneizel Said. "I Will Contact The British About It, Tell Euphemia To Include This In Her Proposal For The Singaporean, And Colonize Madagascar" Max Replied. "Good, You Already Thought It All Out" Schneizel Replied.

Pendragon, Communication Center

Max Ordered The Officers And They Contacted The British First Then The Empress. Message To The British.

Rising Empire Government

Hello, I Am Maximillion L. Smirin Of The Rising Empire, The Rising Empire Would Like To Request To You, The British Government, To Allow Us To Establish An "European Military Command" So We May Deploy Our Forces Fast From The Bases, It Would Be Benefetial When A Country Is In Need, As We Can Deploy Forces To Aid Right Away."

After The Message, Max Contacted Euphemia Regarding About The Plans. Max Also Ordered A Fleet Towards Madagascar To Colonize It, Forces Were Also Deployed From the Queen Elizabeth Islands To Claim The Rest Of The Canadian Islands.


Effects: Operation Military Command And Operation South Expansion Has Commenced.

Madagascar About To Be Claimed.

Rest Of The Canadian Islands Has Been Claimed.
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Republic of Cascadia


Seattle, Cascadia

The Cascadian government has sent a letter to the Rockians stating that the Cascadian Senate, upon being talked to by President Jefferson had been persuaded to support them in their war against the "false" Canadians as they have been called by some of the Rockians. With no official name for the other nation the Cascadians have simply taken to referring them as the "other Canadians" which has caused confusion admittedly when discussing the two nations in Canada. The Republic of Cascadia has sent a diplomatic envoy to the Rockian capital to discuss the terms of their deal, with the Cascadians offering lucrative trading with them along with a Friendship Pact, to ensure that the two never get on harsh terms, the Cascadians have also offered to in-directly support their operations against the other Canadians with satellite surveillance and intelligence reports on the enemy movements to assist the Rockian military in their war.

@Fishman Lord

The World Congress - Response

The Cascadian government was delighted and incredibly excited to hear about the Hamuis' idea of a organization similar to the old-world UN but with slight differences. The idea of international diplomacy did excite them as it meant that conflict would not be the answer to everyone's problems anymore. The Department of Foreign Affairs sent an immediate response saying that they would send a small team of 8 diplomats to the first World Congress meeting to discuss the topics at hand and to possibly meet any nations that they hadn't already met before.


Cascadian-Rising Empire Message

Using a multitude of various old pre-war frequencies, the Cascadians were able to get a message through to the Rising Empire. A nation that they had just been made aware of due to some regular reconassiance with their satellites. The message was as followed: "This is the Republic of Cascadia. Attempting contact with the Rising Empire, we are a nation located in North America and are attempting to establish friendly relations with unknown nation. Please respond if you recieve this message."


Portland, Cascadia

"Ma'am the satellite images of the border and the major cities of this new nation have been taken as you requested." A CDF general spoke calmly to President Jefferson with, the President nodding as she rubbed at her forehead. "What about the simulations I had CENTCOM run for us?" She questioned curiously. "Given the mass industrial and infrastructual expansion, simulations indicate that the probability of hostility is high. Especially given the current profile we have on the nation, peaceful contact is strongly advised against." The General replied, Jefferson nodded in response. Sighing as she leaned back in her chair. "You've got the funding you need, General. I want those projects done before they try anything, understood?" She asked, the General nodded. "Of course ma'am, you know to call if you require anything else." She smiled slightly, "Alright, dismissed." The General saluted her and left the office soon after.

The CDF has kept it's expansion plans a secret for the time being, having redirected a large portion of the Texan contractors from the LA and Denver reconstruction to it's new projects, along with hiring an additional 15 science teams and drafting the former Texan military scientists in to help the development of their latest projects. The CNDF has finished it's construction of two new Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers, each coming with 75 improved, Cascadian F-18's each. Meanwhile Project: Interior is nearing completion, still remaining highly classified as well as Project: Newway. The LA and Denver constructions are still going along fine despite the relocation of workers to the CDF expansions and the CDF has also ordered a new recruitment drive for nationalists, recruiting an additional 679,000 people into the active duty and 341,000 into the Reserves. All to be fully trained and equipped within months.

The Department of Commerce has begun construction of multiple "Emergency Highways" for government and military use only that connects major cities together along with both the Northern and Southern borders. Along with an order of 4,900 M1A3 Abrams tanks, these tanks being the extremely high tech and efficient Cascadian varients of the old M1A2 used by the US. Each M1A3 carries a MK-4 Railgun cannon, 135mm in size designed to rip through any material with ease due to the electromagnetic energy that it uses to propel itself through all kinds of armor, the shell itself flying at a stunning 5,634 miles an hour, the shell being packed with more explosives than the pre-war tank shells would have due to the Cascadians' knowledge on compacting things. The tank does have some drawbacks, mainly the speed of it the armor however is high level, Graphine armor designed to be immensely light whilst still being able to take great amounts of damage. This new order of tanks is to be constructed rapidly by the 45,000 Texan workers contracted to build these vehicles.

Cascadian Defense Force officials have also authorized the heightening of the alert level on the Attack Characterization System. Allowing them to detect large military movements and formations close to their homeland from their array of military satellites and ground-based radar. 700 M109 Paladin artillery vehicles have been ordered along with the reinforcing of the Cascadian National Guard, 890,000 men will be drafted into the service. All to be fully equipped and trained unlike poorly conscripts, the CNG will only have to operate under extreme circumstances such as wide scale military invasion and the draftees will overall have a relatively easy life to make them feel more comfortable with the draft. To let them get into the life of a soldier faster. 980 F-22 Raptors have been ordered along with 11,000 Humvee vehicles for transportation purposes. The Department of Commerce has authorized the construction of 45 new factories for military and commercial use, to be constructed within two months.

Cascadian-Mexican Border

The CDF battalion stationed near the southern border due to the previous contact with the VV had noticed the unknown reconnaisance planes flying overhead, within moments two F-15's had been sent to intercept the plane. Noticing that it seemed to be a simple recon plane the F-15's did not open fire but kept a safe distance, with the following message going out. "Attention unidentified aircraft, you are flying over Cascadian airspace. Divert your course or you will be fired upon." Meanwhile a message was sent back to Austin to notify the CDF Southern command of the event.


Cascadian-Eclipsian Message

"The Department of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of President. Catherine Jefferson of the Republic of Cascadia invites the leader of your grand nation to our capital city of Portland for a formal first meeting between our two governments. We would be honored if you were to show up, as this would allow our two nations to engage in more friendly and civil talks. Working on our relations would do a great deal of good for both our peoples and we hope that you accept our offer."

@Loyal Guardian

Cascadian-Order Empire Message

Using the current known frequencies of the general Order Empire area, such as the ones they had used to contact their diplomatic envoy. The Cascadians sent a message to the Order Empire as followed: "Greetings from the Republic of Cascadia. On behalf of our government, we would like to invite your leader or other significant government officials to our capital city of Portland to further our relations with each other. We would be most delighted if you attended as Eclipsian officials and their leader should also be in attendance. From us to you, our best wishes to the future of your nation."


Chesapeake Bay, Disputed Territory

The CDF forces surrounding the small Hamuis community retired for the night, with many nightwatch guardsmen checking up on the Hamuis settlers every now and again to make sure that they didn't try to do anything. And of course they didn't, only ever talking with each other or socializing in some other manner, or just getting on with their everyday lives. The CDF had nothing to really worry about as the protest was peaceful and so they weren't threatening or harsh to the settlers for the rest of their time there. As the two still stand off with each other over the tiny piece of land in Virginia. However one day a CDF soldier shouted over to the Hamuis group, yelling. "Whoever's in charge here. We have a proposition for you and whatever government you represent."



Military Expansion Ordered and Ongoing

45 Factories Construction

Los Angeles Reconstruction: 80%

Denver Reconstruction: 60%

Project Interior: 80%

Project Newway: 70%


Contacts Eclipsians

Contacts British

Contacts Rising Empire

Offers Support to Rockians

Sends Envoy to Rockies

Accepts Invitation to World Congress

Offers Deal to Hamuis in Chesapeake​
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Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio officer saw the message from Cascadia and replied back. "This is the Eclipse Empire responding to your message and we would be honored to send an official to your country. I am most sure that Emperor Byron would love to pay a visit. You can expect him soon." After the message was sent Byron was notified of the transmission and got on one of his personal planes with a three fighter jet escort. They then took off towards Portland.

Echo Listening Post, Cascadian West Coast

"This is CDF listening post; Echo. Taking control of communications from our end until you arrive safely in Portland. Proceed on the course we have provided your pilots with." The listening post would then proceed to digitally send a journey route from Eclipsim to Portland International Airport, calculating the fastest time it would take to arrive. Whilst a small team of professionals got the Presidential Residence ready for the formal get together by decorating it nicely and with flags.

@Loyal Guardian
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Mexico City

Felix was enjoying a nice cup of coffee and some chocolates when the leading General of his Armed forces arrived. "Sir, our remilitarization and rebuilding goes well. Many new factories are being built, and when they are finished, we can begin work on the Recon Hangar satellite. Erm, in other news, we have made contact with the Cascadians. Our recon crafts returned contact of course, telling them they were no harm and just doing recon work before leaving."

The President considered this lightly. He thought for a minute and then turned. "Good. Now I want a few hundred farms, mills, forges, factories, and mines built all around our lands. I want as much material as we can get for our next project," He said, placing a blueprint down.


The general examined the tank. "It will be difficult to build the first few, but when we do, our military will be greatly improved. sir.


New tank: 1%




Rebuilding infrastructure: 50%

New infrastructure: 10%


Returned contact to the Cascadians.
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RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Seattle, Cascadia

The Cascadian government has sent a letter to the Rockians stating that the Cascadian Senate, upon being talked to by President Jefferson had been persuaded to support them in their war against the "false" Canadians as they have been called by some of the Rockians. With no official name for the other nation the Cascadians have simply taken to referring them as the "other Canadians" which has caused confusion admittedly when discussing the two nations in Canada. The Republic of Cascadia has sent a diplomatic envoy to the Rockian capital to discuss the terms of their deal, with the Cascadians offering lucrative trading with them along with a Friendship Pact, to ensure that the two never get on harsh terms, the Cascadians have also offered to in-directly support their operations against the other Canadians with satellite surveillance and intelligence reports on the enemy movements to assist the Rockian military in their war.

@Fishman Lord

The World Congress - Response

The Cascadian government was delighted and incredibly excited to hear about the Hamuis' idea of a organization similar to the old-world UN but with slight differences. The idea of international diplomacy did excite them as it meant that conflict would not be the answer to everyone's problems anymore. The Department of Foreign Affairs sent an immediate response saying that they would send a small team of 8 diplomats to the first World Congress meeting to discuss the topics at hand and to possibly meet any nations that they hadn't already met before.


Cascadian-Rising Empire Message

Using a multitude of various old pre-war frequencies, the Cascadians were able to get a message through to the Rising Empire. A nation that they had just been made aware of due to some regular reconassiance with their satellites. The message was as followed: "This is the Republic of Cascadia. Attempting contact with the Rising Empire, we are a nation located in North America and are attempting to establish friendly relations with unknown nation. Please respond if you recieve this message."


Portland, Cascadia

"Ma'am the satellite images of the border and the major cities of this new nation have been taken as you requested." A CDF general spoke calmly to President Jefferson with, the President nodding as she rubbed at her forehead. "What about the simulations I had CENTCOM run for us?" She questioned curiously. "Given the mass industrial and infrastructual expansion, simulations indicate that the probability of hostility is high. Especially given the current profile we have on the nation, peaceful contact is strongly advised against." The General replied, Jefferson nodded in response. Sighing as she leaned back in her chair. "You've got the funding you need, General. I want those projects done before they try anything, understood?" She asked, the General nodded. "Of course ma'am, you know to call if you require anything else." She smiled slightly, "Alright, dismissed." The General saluted her and left the office soon after.

The CDF has kept it's expansion plans a secret for the time being, having redirected a large portion of the Texan contractors from the LA and Denver reconstruction to it's new projects, along with hiring an additional 15 science teams and drafting the former Texan military scientists in to help the development of their latest projects. The CNDF has finished it's construction of two new Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers, each coming with 75 improved, Cascadian F-18's each. Meanwhile Project: Interior is nearing completion, still remaining highly classified as well as Project: Newway. The LA and Denver constructions are still going along fine despite the relocation of workers to the CDF expansions and the CDF has also ordered a new recruitment drive for nationalists, recruiting an additional 679,000 people into the active duty and 341,000 into the Reserves. All to be fully trained and equipped within months.

The Department of Commerce has begun construction of multiple "Emergency Highways" for government and military use only that connects major cities together along with both the Northern and Southern borders. Along with an order of 4,900 M1A3 Abrams tanks, these tanks being the extremely high tech and efficient Cascadian varients of the old M1A2 used by the US. Each M1A3 carries a MK-4 Railgun cannon, 135mm in size designed to rip through any material with ease due to the electromagnetic energy that it uses to propel itself through all kinds of armor, the shell itself flying at a stunning 5,634 miles an hour, the shell being packed with more explosives than the pre-war tank shells would have due to the Cascadians' knowledge on compacting things. The tank does have some drawbacks, mainly the speed of it the armor however is high level, Graphine armor designed to be immensely light whilst still being able to take great amounts of damage. This new order of tanks is to be constructed rapidly by the 45,000 Texan workers contracted to build these vehicles.

Cascadian Defense Force officials have also authorized the heightening of the alert level on the Attack Characterization System. Allowing them to detect large military movements and formations close to their homeland from their array of military satellites and ground-based radar. 700 M109 Paladin artillery vehicles have been ordered along with the reinforcing of the Cascadian National Guard, 890,000 men will be drafted into the service. All to be fully equipped and trained unlike poorly conscripts, the CNG will only have to operate under extreme circumstances such as wide scale military invasion and the draftees will overall have a relatively easy life to make them feel more comfortable with the draft. To let them get into the life of a soldier faster. 980 F-22 Raptors have been ordered along with 11,000 Humvee vehicles for transportation purposes. The Department of Commerce has authorized the construction of 45 new factories for military and commercial use, to be constructed within two months.

Cascadian-Mexican Border

The CDF battalion stationed near the southern border due to the previous contact with the VV had noticed the unknown reconnaisance planes flying overhead, within moments two F-15's had been sent to intercept the plane. Noticing that it seemed to be a simple recon plane the F-15's did not open fire but kept a safe distance, with the following message going out. "Attention unidentified aircraft, you are flying over Cascadian airspace. Divert your course or you will be fired upon." Meanwhile a message was sent back to Austin to notify the CDF Southern command of the event.


Cascadian-Eclipsian Message

"The Department of Foreign Affairs, on behalf of President. Catherine Jefferson of the Republic of Cascadia invites the leader of your grand nation to our capital city of Portland for a formal first meeting between our two governments. We would be honored if you were to show up, as this would allow our two nations to engage in more friendly and civil talks. Working on our relations would do a great deal of good for both our peoples and we hope that you accept our offer."

@Loyal Guardian

Cascadian-Order Empire Message

Using the current known frequencies of the general Order Empire area, such as the ones they had used to contact their diplomatic envoy. The Cascadians sent a message to the Order Empire as followed: "Greetings from the Republic of Cascadia. On behalf of our government, we would like to invite your leader or other significant government officials to our capital city of Portland to further our relations with each other. We would be most delighted if you attended as Eclipsian officials and their leader should also be in attendance. From us to you, our best wishes to the future of your nation."


Chesapeake Bay, Disputed Territory

The CDF forces surrounding the small Hamuis community retired for the night, with many nightwatch guardsmen checking up on the Hamuis settlers every now and again to make sure that they didn't try to do anything. And of course they didn't, only ever talking with each other or socializing in some other manner, or just getting on with their everyday lives. The CDF had nothing to really worry about as the protest was peaceful and so they weren't threatening or harsh to the settlers for the rest of their time there. As the two still stand off with each other over the tiny piece of land in Virginia. However one day a CDF soldier shouted over to the Hamuis group, yelling. "Whoever's in charge here. We have a proposition for you and whatever government you represent."



Military Expansion Ordered and Ongoing

45 Factories Construction

Los Angeles Reconstruction: 80%

Denver Reconstruction: 60%

Project Interior: 80%

Project Newway: 70%


Contacts Eclipsians

Contacts British

Contacts Rising Empire

Offers Support to Rockians

Sends Envoy to Rockies

Accepts Invitation to World Congress

Offers Deal to Hamuis in Chesapeake​
Communications Center

The com center had gotten a transmission from the Republic of Cascadia. "This is Military Minister Torrad of the Order Empire responding. I will notify Diplomatic Minister, as the Prime Minister is at a meeting with a foreign diplomat." Torrad responded to the transmission. He notified DM Alastair. Alastair left to the airport to fly to the meeting location.

Portland Airport, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Emperor Byron's plane landed on the runway along with his fighter escorts. After landing his planes doors opened and he walked outside. As he walked through the airstrip he saw a line of officials waiting for him.

Foxtrot Listening Post, Cascadian East Coast

"Roger, this is CDF listening post; Foxtrot. Taking control of official communications from our end. We'll make sure you safely arrive in Cascadian airspace. We'll be awaiting your Minister's visit. Open this channel again if you wish to add anything else, until then. Out."


Portland International Airport, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Two F-15's that had been in-charge of escorting the Eclipsian plane and it's own escorts to Portland Intl. flew over the airport as they went to return to their own airbase just outside the city. As the plane landed many Portland Police Department officers gathered round to keep the media away from the foreign officials, many Cascadian news channels had turned up to report on the formal meeting. With many reporters trying to ask the Eclipsians questioned, only to have the police officers tell them to give the diplomats some room. The Cascadian Foreign Secretary, Daniel White stood with a smile. "Welcome to Portland."

@Loyal Guardian
Portland International Airport, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Diplomatic Minister Alastair's plane and escorts landed at Portland's airport. He and his escort pilots got out of their planes and walked towards a group of officials.

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian
Portland, Republic of Cascadia

"I thank you for you hospitality and for allowing me to visit, despite your foreign policy stance." Byron shook the mans hand. He turned around to his guard and told one of the guards to accompany him. "Now then, may you escort me to your president?" He said politely with a smile. He turned around and saw what appeared to be an Order Empire official.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141
It has been three days later. Pavle was still hiding from Heather. He was writing in his journal. "If I die today, tell my squad: They get 100 pounds of free bullets." Heather raised up the piece of metal he was hiding under and he screamed. "I finally fucking found you!" Pavle backed away from her into a small room where he ran off. He finally reached the barracks and sealed the door. The soldiers were curious before looking back to the entrance, where Heather was there. She started walking up and as the soldiers blocked her, she threw them into the wall.

She went up to the door intently staring at it. Her eyes wide and smiling. "Come out and accept your fate motherfucker." She began banging on the door with her first. Pavle kept silent in the event she would go away. She banged the door harder. "I know you're in there. I can sense it!" Pavle started screaming because he remembers this exact event happening to him prior. She started clawing the door. "Come on pavle, what's the matter? Afraid of me probably going to rip your fucking guts out?" She took a rifle from a bed which hasn't been used in awhile and started banging at the door with the stock. "I'm coming for you pavle!" She then kicked down the door and aimed the gun into the darkness.

Pavle was hiding to the side of the door and tripped her. "DOES NOT WANT." he ran out of the room. Heather followed him and eventually lunged onto him forcing him to the ground and beating him repeatedly. She then dragged him away to the dungeon and threw him into a cell. "You will learn your lesson soon enough you bastard, your new superior is coming now." She walked away. Pavle waved to Thomas and another soldier awkwardly. Pavle sat down. "Well it can't possibly be that bad?" He heard walking come down the hall. "Alright boys, stand to attention! You're about to learn a valuable lesson for the new world." Pavle's eyes were wide. "Shit."


Alexander was in the east tunnels with a pickaxe and ordered her soldiers to commence digging. Jennifer arrived and kept annoying her, so since nobody was around that'd tell on her. She caught Jennifer by surprise, threw her on her knees and slapped her repeatedly. "STOP ANNOYING ME!" She forced her to hold a pickaxe and kicked her down a hole where mining was taking place. "Now get back to work!"
Portland International Airport, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Secretary White looked over to the Order officials as they arrived at the airport, their own escort of Cascadian F-15's flying overhead soon after. He smiled towards them and called out, "Welcome to Portland, gentlemen. I hope your flight was comfortable. I'm sure you've met the Eclipsians before." He said, shaking Emperor Bryon's hand with a bright, happy smile and escorting the two groups of foreign officials towards the airport building itself. Portland Airport was immensely busy with tourists heading to other parts of Cascadia and people heading away on business trips to other parts of the country roaming around everywhere. "I hope you enjoy your stay here, gentlemen. We've prepared you your own hotel rooms in the Portland Hotel, it's a 5 star resort. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. But for now let's get down to business."

A limousine and multiple police patrol cars and motorcycles were waiting outside, the limosine having two Cascadian flags hanging off the front of it and the Department of Foreign Affairs logo on the side of it's doors. Secretary White opened the door for the foreign officials. "This limousine should be big enough for all of us, well in you go. Manners and all." He said politely and casually.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian
RIPSaidCone said:
Portland International Airport, Portland, Republic of Cascadia
Secretary White looked over to the Order officials as they arrived at the airport, their own escort of Cascadian F-15's flying overhead soon after. He smiled towards them and called out, "Welcome to Portland, gentlemen. I hope your flight was comfortable. I'm sure you've met the Eclipsians before." He said, shaking Emperor Bryon's hand with a bright, happy smile and escorting the two groups of foreign officials towards the airport building itself. Portland Airport was immensely busy with tourists heading to other parts of Cascadia and people heading away on business trips to other parts of the country roaming around everywhere. "I hope you enjoy your stay here, gentlemen. We've prepared you your own hotel rooms in the Portland Hotel, it's a 5 star resort. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. But for now let's get down to business."

A limousine and multiple police patrol cars and motorcycles were waiting outside, the limosine having two Cascadian flags hanging off the front of it and the Department of Foreign Affairs logo on the side of it's doors. Secretary White opened the door for the foreign officials. "This limousine should be big enough for all of us, well in you go. Manners and all." He said politely and casually.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian
"Oh yes, the flight to here was wonderful. It's good to see another nation sprawling in the ruins of the world. We have met the Eclipsians before, in fact, we are allies." DM Alastair said. He then followed the secretary. He followed him outside where a limo was waiting. The secretary held the door open for them. Alastair got in.

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian

Project SS: 20%
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RIPSaidCone said:
Cascadian-Rising Empire Message
Using a multitude of various old pre-war frequencies, the Cascadians were able to get a message through to the Rising Empire. A nation that they had just been made aware of due to some regular reconassiance with their satellites. The message was as followed: "This is the Republic of Cascadia. Attempting contact with the Rising Empire, we are a nation located in North America and are attempting to establish friendly relations with unknown nation. Please respond if you recieve this message."

A Communication Center Recieved The Transmission And Passed It To The Pendragon Communication Center. "This Is The Rising Empire, We Hear You, We Will Send A Representative There Soon, And Then You Will Speak Further". Schneizel Was Notified About The Message And Volunteered To Go there himself. He boarded the avalon along with 5 royal guards as he wanted to try it out and headed to the cascadian territory escorted with 5 Air Superiority Fighters.
Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Inside the limo with Alastair and White, Byron was sitting on the other side of the limo. He was about to pull out a book he brought, but decided against it and tried to make small talk. "So Alastair i hear that your a high ranking official within your nation, what position would that be again?" He asked as they near the meeting area.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141

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