The World of Tomorrow

The convoy came across a mutant horde and fired upon them. They fired for five minutes nearly overheating their guns, the horde kept coming but so did the power of mother Russia. A truck/turret car went over to a wounded mutant and rammed it, causing it to rip apart. The wagons were then hooked up to the trucks in the event more came, and the guards jumped into the wagons, they speeded away to kemeski. Kevin was with them and radioed to the area that they were coming. @RedLine
Pendragon, Command Center

Odysseus Was Sitting In One Of The 3 Chairs Which Are Exclusive For Him, Schneizel , And Lelouch Only, Unless They Are Given Permission. He Is Talking With Lloyd In One Of The Interface "This Weapon, FLEIJA... I..Authorize The Making Of It". "Thank You, It Will Be Done In 2 Months, Research And Production Of 5." Lloyd Replied Then The Connection Was Cut.

Odysseus Then Relaxed On His Chair And Look At One Of The 5 Giant Interfaces In The Room. "Contact Suzaku". "Yes Sir!" An Officer Replied. The Middle Interfaced Turned On And Showed Suzaku. "Status Report" Odysseus Said. "I Have Talked With The Emperor Of The Eclipse Empire Regarding About The Attacks. I Have Sent 20 Knightmares And 5 Main Battle Tanks Towards The Base To Scout And See What We Are Up Against, While The Main Forces Are 5 Miles Away." Suzaku Reported. "Good, Take Care Of It And Give The Eclipse Empire Your Full Support". Then The Interface Went Black.

Odysseus Called For A Soldier And Told Him "Send The Medical Division To The Siberian Principality Right Away, The NextGen Equipments And 200 Soldiers To Give Military Aid.". "Right Away!" Replied The Soldier

Siberian Principality


2 Galaxy Transport Ships Arrived At An Airbase Near The Capitol And Unloaded The Equipments, 20 Gunships Also Landed For Military Assistance, While The Medical Division Is Already At The Affected Areas To Provide Medical Aid.


Eclipse Empire

Meanwhile At The Unknown Empire Territory, The 5 Tanks Were Checking The Area, While The 20 Knightmares Were On The Sky With Their Factsphere Activated, And The Blaze Luminous Ready. They Scanned The Whole Area And Found Nothing.

5 Miles Away

The Army Was Prepared, Ready To Head Inside The Territory If The Scouts Report Anything Unusual. The Knightmare's Were On The Air, All Remaining 80 Including The Lancelot.



@Emperor Ploppa
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Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio officer on duty heard the transmission from the King of Hamuis. He then decided to respond. "Our forces secured the area, however alert is high as they only had a small garrison force. They are a threat as they possess a technological level that we or the world has not seen before, we assume that there are more of them. In the mean time our military was given a huge boost in technology that heavily dented our economy, but they are now nearly on par with there tech. Your more than welcome to send scouts, but an army would be best advised as we have built a very large complex in the area." After he sent the message, the officer relayed border control to allow the scouts passage.


Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

A mysterious looking car entered the closed off area. The soldiers wearing their new power armor halted them. "This is military governed land, state your business or we will have to ask you to turn back."

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Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

A mysterious looking car entered the closed off area. The soldiers wearing their new power armor halted them. "This is military governed land, state your business or we will have to ask you to turn back."

A soldier replied. "You get your ass handed by valkyrur wannabe motherfuckers, you expect nobody to do anything about it? We got .50s here, now do ya wanna buy my shit or not?"
Kazami42 said:
A soldier replied. "You get your ass handed by valkyrur wannabe motherfuckers, you expect nobody to do anything about it? We got .50s here, now do ya wanna buy my shit or not?"
Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

"If you came here to sell us caliber weapons then your wasting your time. We've upgraded, albeit very hastily, to laser weaponry. However if your from the Redline, which i assume you are, then your more than welcome to stay and fight with us or return home." The soldier said to the other.
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

"If you came here to sell us caliber weapons then your wasting your time. We've upgraded, albeit very hastily, to laser weaponry. However if your from the Redline, which i assume you are, then your more than welcome to stay and fight with us or return home." The soldier said to the other.

The soldier chuckled. "Hahah, you think my ass is gonna stay here to get blown apart by some medieval boyscouts? Think again mate. We also have food, water, armor, and anti tank guns here. But since you guess you didn't want em we will go then." He chuckled again. "Hahah I ain't dying today."
Enemy Territory

The Tanks Were Slowly Moving, Then They Saw 1 Signal In The Thermal, They Proceeded Cautiously, Then Another 2 Appeared, The 5 More, Then About Like 2 Dozen More Appeared, They Were Surrounded, A Beam Came Out And Destroyed The Leading Tank, Then Another Came Out And Destroyed The Tank In The Last, The Remaining 3 Were Pinned. "Shit! We Have Been Ambushed! Contact The Frames And Report-" A Captain Said But His Tank Exploded. "OPEN FIRE!" Screamed Another. Then The Tanks Opened Fire, Letting Out Shells, And Firing Missiles Towards The Enemy, They Took Out A Few. But They Got Wiped Out.

"What Was That?" Asked A Frame Pilot. "I Am Picking Up A Lot Of Therm-" Then His Framed Exploded. "BLAZE! Screamed A Captain, Then The Other 19 Activated Their Blaze Luminous Just In Time, As They Saw A Barrage Of Rockets Exploding On The Shield. "Scatter! Equip Your Guns And MVS's" Ordered Another. The Frames Deactivated Their Blaze, Scattered And Equipped Their Weapons. One Shot At An Enemy And Destroyed It, But Got Destroyed By An Enemy Behind It. A Frame Rushed Towards An Enemy And Sliced It With His MVS, But Got Destroyed. "Retreat!" Said A Pilot, And They Did So, But Another 5 Got Destroyed While Retreating. The Remaining 12 Retreated Towards The Main Force.

5 Miles Away

"Sir, The Scouting Units Have Been Ambushed, 12 Are Currently Retreating, Half Of Them Are Injured." Reported A Soldier. "Damn It, They Got Them In Surprise, But Not Now, Let Us Make Our Allies Proud And Retake This Part" Commanded Suzaku. "Advance!"

The Whole Army Advanced Towards The Territory Knowing What They Are Up Against.

Suzaku's Frame Flew Very Fast As It Has A Speed Of Mach 1, He Reached The Territory First, Equipped 2 Of His MVS's And The Hadron Cannons In His Shoulder. "I Must Weaken The Enemies Before The Whole Army Arrives." He Muttered To Himself, He Scanned The Whole Area And Got The Data Of Where The Enemies Are Located. He Rushed Into A Group Of Them And Sliced Them With His Sword, He Saw Another 3 In A Buildings Rooftop And Fired His Hadron Cannon Into Them, A Laser Was Heading Towards Him, But He Activated His Blaze Luminous With Seconds To Spare, The Shields Held Out The Lasers, He Resumed On Destroying Another 5 With His Cannon, He Saw Enemy Aircrafts And He Sliced The Wings Of 3 Aircrafts Making Them Crash Into More Enemies. He Destroyed A Total Of 50 Ground Units And 3 Planes In A Time Of 5 Minutes. "It Seems, They Have Arrived." He Thout To Himself, "He Contacted A Colonel In The Army, The Colonel's Face Appeared In One Of Lancelot's Interface. "I Took Out A Few, You Will Begin To Clear The Area." "Yes Sir" Replied The Colonel. The Airforce Destroyed The Aircrafts Of The Enemy And Gained Air Superiority, And Cleared The Enemies In The Rooftop, While The Frames Supported The Ground Troops, The Ground Troops Did Well, Destroying All Of The Ground Troops.


A Part Of The Enemy Territory Has Been Liberated

Casualties Of 5 Tanks, 8 Frames, 3 Planes, And 10 Soldiers.
Chita, near the border

The once peaceful city became the center of immigration. Thousands of people from the south of the border quickly overfilled regulations and some even attempt trying to push through the fence lines to cross the border. The fences are covered with military personal wearing hazard suits patrolling it 24/7. Anyone seen climbing over the fences faced beatings, tazing's, or worse shot.

Several Ka-60's fly by the city. Commander Ivan looked out the side window to observe the chaos below. His face was expressionless.

"Seems that the mob is getting worse by the minute. Those reports that we got earlier were not kidding about it being a problem."

Sitting across from the commander was Cpt. Roman who sat with his legs crossed and arms folded in.

"To think that this would happen in just a few days. I heard that the only reason we are here in the first place is because we are low on high ranking staff. What gives?" asked Roman.

Ivan sat back into his seat and proceeded to light a cigarette with a small lighter. After taking a big breath he removed it from his mouth and breathed out a large smoke stack.

"Have you not heard yet? General Matvey Vojislav and General Victor Feliks both have died on the field of battle. Once the army figured out it was a bio weapon attack, both generals had already contracted the virus and died within moments later."

Roman was shocked at the news. Those two were hardly foolish enough to die so easily. Roman looked down and thought if the same would happen to him. Fear soon overwhelmed him. He knew that he had to keep up in order to protect the country and fear was not going to stop him. He snapped out of it and stood focus. Ivan watched the transformation and rewarded Roman with a smile. The helicopter had hit the floor. Both of the men opened the side door and stepped out walking towards the officer in command. Ivan took out his hand out to shake with the officer.

"You must be Commander Ivan correct?" asked the officer.

"Correct, and this here is Cpt. Roman." replied Ivan while gestured his hand at Roman.

Roman took out his hand as well and shook hands.

"Its good to meet you." said Roman.

"And to you as well. You gentlemen are just in luck. The mob outside is getting more agitated. I don't know when they will start to get violent. But I have a feeling it may be soon. Come, let me show you the front lines"

All three men begun to walk down the beaten roadway to reach the gates. As they were walking Roman looked around and noticed a few things. One of them was that the buildings were covered with wooden planks and steal cages to discourage anyone who wanted to enter. Another was that the streets were filled with more military personal than citizen's.

"What happened with all the citizen's in the city?" asked Roman.

"Most of them fled up north to avoid the war and bio weapon. The only few that stay are those who have no choice in the matter or just really loved their home. At the very least its the least of our concerns." shrugged the officer.

When the group of three got closer to the gates, a number of troops ran by to help reinforce.

"Oh-no. It seems it's already starting. Let's not get any closer." said the officer.

When the troops got near the gate they pulled up their gun's and aimed at the mob of angry people. The guards in the front were holding riot shields trying to hold back the pushing people. This went on for a minute until the mob started to knock down the front line guards. To react, the guards in the back shot out tear gas into the crowd of people to get them disperse. Screams and yelling soon erupted after the first few canisters been shot out. They quickly ran up to support the front line in beating and arresting anyone who kept still in the area or pursed to fight back. Chaos had been unraveled. Roman watched in shock of what was developing in front of his eyes. The conflict lasted half an hour before things got under control.

"These conflicts are happening more frequent by the day. This was the 5th one today. We have limited troops here and leadership is running thin. I don't know how much longer we can stay firm."

Ivan finished his cigarette and dropped it on the ground. He stomped on it to extinguish the flame.

"Have no fear's, while I'm here I will do my best to hold down the fort. Right now I need to make some call's. Where is the command center?" asked Ivan.

The officer then showed the two gentlemen to the command center.


Darkness started to dawn the city. Lights in the FOB flickered on with an amber color. Much news of the events that happened in the south had kept every solider on edge. Morale was at a all time low. The officer in command had been overseeing the communications division for much of his time. As the officer was going to call it a night, something radio'ed in. It seemed that a convoy from the east was coming into the city. The officer notified all squads to keep a look out for the convoy and cover it if a pack of mutants attacks it. Much of the supplies in the city had been almost diminished for the past several weeks with the consideration of abandoning the city altogether.


Myrkuta, Airbase

Artyom and Koychev watched as the 2 transport ships from the rising empire landed with plenty of equipment to supply what's left of the Siberian army. Artyom walked over to the commanding officer.

"I wanted to thank you and your government for sending us some supplies and medical aid to our nation in need. Without you we would be in a much worsen state. Our first batch of resources should be arriving in the next week or so in order to repay such generosity."



Project Kilo has been completed. The first Siberian satellite has been launched into space.

(OOC: Sorry for the lack of detail for today's post. I'm just tired today. I'll post a better one tomorrow. Thanks.)
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Singaporean Federation

Federation Parliament, Singapore

Three new Governors were appointed. Claire Samson, deceased Kasey Samson's younger sister, would serve as the Governor of the 6th District of the Singaporean Federation, the Philippines District. Claire Samson is practically the complete opposite of Kasey, taking a stricter attitude. While their political philosophies were the same, their methodology often contrasted, taking hard stances and not compromising. Lawrence Hummel, brother of Admiral Riley Jacobus Hummel, would serve as the Governor of the 3rd District, the Indonesian District. He is loved by the Indonesian District, especially for his works moving many resources to the 5 original districts in times of need. Kristen Jeanes, sister of PM Zeph Jeanes, would serve as the Governor of the 2nd District of the Singaporean Federation, the Malaysian District. Her persona was deemed similar to Kasey Samson and a good protector of the Federation. As the 2nd Governor of the Federation, she holds the ultimate responsibility of protecting Singapore and serving Malaysia.

Changi Airport, Singapore

"You have permission to land. We'll send you an escort to bring you to the Federation Parliament."

@Fishman Lord

Gardens by the Bay, Singapore

"Well, if that is all, MWE Chen can escort you back to your ship." The three got up and MWE Chen escorted the captain back to his ship. PM Zeph headed back to the Cascadians to finish talks.

@Charlie12520 @RIPSaidCone

Tokyo, United Japan

5th Gov Chun met with Adam again. She sat down. "So, I have contacted my people and they agree to an NAT and a trade agreement."

@general ostruppen

Headquarters Signals and Command, Singapore

They received the Eclipsian message. MWE Chen came back to the communications room and heard the message. He replied to the Eclipsians and sends the same message to the Khey Lim, "Singapore understands the Eclipse's concern. We will certainly aid the Eclipse. That being said, we believe the best way to address this is to convene at the NWA summit and bring more nations into the fold. Singapore specifically recommends United Japan and Kingdom of the Rockies to take seats at our alliance." The message ends. "New orders for the surveillance satellite! Begin scanning large portions of the continent for large energy. We're looking for something more advanced than the Eclipse, so use them as a threshold!"

@Loyal Guardian

Oxford, Britain, The New Order?

Khey Lim received the message and relayed the message down the hall to the PM Kord and DM Alastair. "Singapore understands the Eclipse's concern. We will certainly aid the Eclipse. That being said, we believe the best way to address this is to convene at the NWA summit and bring more nations into the fold. Singapore specifically recommends United Japan and Kingdom of the Rockies to take seats at our alliance."


Deployment of Nymph Mines in celebes sea complete. Commencing deployment in the South China Sea.





Bagong Kataastaasan Kagalanggalangan Katipunan ng Anak ng Bayan, also known as the Neo-Katipunan, is a secret underground rebel faction that was form after the Singaporeans occupied the Philippines. The founders were unknown their members are many. The faction is based on the National Capital Region of the Philippines; mainly in Manila. Now, ordinary Filipinos are supporting the faction in order to kick the Singaporeans out of the country and establish the Philippines as an independent country. The Singaporean Authority is unaware of Neo-Katipunan's existence.

Military Base, Manila, Philippines, 6th District of the Singaporean Federation

After that meeting, there would be 60 Filipinos are disguise as "recruits" and then they entered the military base. Their objective is go to armory. Once they go to armory, they grab most of the weapons and left the building. Six armored vans with machinegun on the top came in and start killing the Singaporean soldiers. The recruits reload their weapons, they aim and they fire to the soldiers..killing half of the Singaporean soldiers. It was a surprise attack but some recruits died while fighting. The recruits escape the military base heading towards Pampanga.

RedLine said:
Myrkuta, Airbase

Artyom and Koychev watched as the 2 transport ships from the rising empire landed with plenty of equipment to supply what's left of the Siberian army. Artyom walked over to the commanding officer.

"I wanted to thank you and your government for sending us some supplies and medical aid to our nation in need. Without you we would be in a much worsen state. Our first batch of resources should be arriving in the next week or so in order to repay such generosity."

"You Need The Resources More Than We Do, You May Keep It. The Medical Division Are Giving Medical Attention In The South, And 20 Gunships With 10 Soldiers Each Will Support You In Your Borders Or Anything, If You Need More Help Send A Message To The Pendragon Communication Center." Said The Officer
RedLine said:
Chita, near the border

The once peaceful city became the center of immigration. Thousands of people from the south of the border quickly overfilled regulations and some even attempt trying to push through the fence lines to cross the border. The fences are covered with military personal wearing hazard suits patrolling it 24/7. Anyone seen climbing over the fences faced beatings, tazing's, or worse shot.

Several Ka-60's fly by the city. Commander Ivan looked out the side window to observe the chaos below. His face was expressionless.

"Seems that the mob is getting worse by the minute. Those reports that we got earlier were not kidding about it being a problem."

Sitting across from the commander was Cpt. Roman who sat with his legs crossed and arms folded in.

"To think that this would happen in just a few days. I heard that the only reason we are here in the first place is because we are low on high ranking staff. What gives?" asked Roman.

Ivan sat back into his seat and proceeded to light a cigarette with a small lighter. After taking a big breath he removed it from his mouth and breathed out a large smoke stack.

"Have you not heard yet? General Matvey Vojislav and General Victor Feliks both have died on the field of battle. Once the army figured out it was a bio weapon attack, both generals had already contracted the virus and died within moments later."

Roman was shocked at the news. Those two were hardly foolish enough to die so easily. Roman looked down and thought if the same would happen to him. Fear soon overwhelmed him. He knew that he had to keep up in order to protect the country and fear was not going to stop him. He snapped out of it and stood focus. Ivan watched the transformation and rewarded Roman with a smile. The helicopter had hit the floor. Both of the men opened the side door and stepped out walking towards the officer in command. Ivan took out his hand out to shake with the officer.

"You must be Commander Ivan correct?" asked the officer.

"Correct, and this here is Cpt. Roman." replied Ivan while gestured his hand at Roman.

Roman took out his hand as well and shook hands.

"Its good to meet you." said Roman.

"And to you as well. You gentlemen are just in luck. The mob outside is getting more agitated. I don't know when they will start to get violent. But I have a feeling it may be soon. Come, let me show you the front lines"

All three men begun to walk down the beaten roadway to reach the gates. As they were walking Roman looked around and noticed a few things. One of them was that the buildings were covered with wooden planks and steal cages to discourage anyone who wanted to enter. Another was that the streets were filled with more military personal than citizen's.

"What happened with all the citizen's in the city?" asked Roman.

"Most of them fled up north to avoid the war and bio weapon. The only few that stay are those who have no choice in the matter or just really loved their home. At the very least its the least of our concerns." shrugged the officer.

When the group of three got closer to the gates, a number of troops ran by to help reinforce.

"Oh-no. It seems it's already starting. Let's not get any closer." said the officer.

When the troops got near the gate they pulled up their gun's and aimed at the mob of angry people. The guards in the front were holding riot shields trying to hold back the pushing people. This went on for a minute until the mob started to knock down the front line guards. To react, the guards in the back shot out tear gas into the crowd of people to get them disperse. Screams and yelling soon erupted after the first few canisters been shot out. They quickly ran up to support the front line in beating and arresting anyone who kept still in the area or pursed to fight back. Chaos had been unraveled. Roman watched in shock of what was developing in front of his eyes. The conflict lasted half an hour before things got under control.

"These conflicts are happening more frequent by the day. This was the 5th one today. We have limited troops here and leadership is running thin. I don't know how much longer we can stay firm."

Ivan finished his cigarette and dropped it on the ground. He stomped on it to extinguish the flame.

"Have no fear's, while I'm here I will do my best to hold down the fort. Right now I need to make some call's. Where is the command center?" asked Ivan.

The officer then showed the two gentlemen to the command center.


Darkness started to dawn the city. Lights in the FOB flickered on with an amber color. Much news of the events that happened in the south had kept every solider on edge. Morale was at a all time low. The officer in command had been overseeing the communications division for much of his time. As the officer was going to call it a night, something radio'ed in. It seemed that a convoy from the east was coming into the city. The officer notified all squads to keep a look out for the convoy and cover it if a pack of mutants attacks it. Much of the supplies in the city had been almost diminished for the past several weeks with the consideration of abandoning the city altogether.


Myrkuta, Airbase

Artyom and Koychev watched as the 2 transport ships from the rising empire landed with plenty of equipment to supply what's left of the Siberian army. Artyom walked over to the commanding officer.

"I wanted to thank you and your government for sending us some supplies and medical aid to our nation in need. Without you we would be in a much worsen state. Our first batch of resources should be arriving in the next week or so in order to repay such generosity."



Project Kilo has been completed. The first Siberian satellite has been launched into space.

(OOC: Sorry for the lack of detail for today's post. I'm just tired today. I'll post a better one tomorrow. Thanks.)
They just casually drove through the land while the radio played this:

[/media] and another vehicle playing the combination of Russian and perhaps English equivalent of it. The trucks shot down the only demon following them, and they stopped at a checkpoint. "Hello? Anyone there?"
The Order Empire

Capitol Building, Oxford

PM Kord soon learned that the meeting between the members of the NWA was halted for the time being. He instead went out to greet a representative from the Enlightened Kingdom of Hamuis.


Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford

DM Alastair walked into the conference room with the two Rising Empire representatives.


Communications Center

While MM Torrad was waiting for a reply, he recieved a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. After the message, MM Torrad ordered 500,000 troops, 1,200 tanks, and 500 planes to assist the Eclipse Empire. Commander Alfie would be in charge of the forces sent. Torrad also initiated the draft of 5% of the population.

@Loyal Guardian

Financial Building

IM Arran was looking over the recent economy of the empire. He noticed that the GDP has decreased a bit over the events of the last few months. IM Arran decided to create a government controlled corporation known as Fusion Incorporated. It is a corporation that produces and sells products, both military and personal entertainment devices, to foreign nations, as long as they are peaceful.


Forces are sent to aid the Eclipse Empire

Fusion Incorporated is founded

5% of the pop is drafted (2.1 Million)
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Agent141 said:
Conference Room, Capitol Building, Oxford
DM Alastair walked into the conference room with the two Rising Empire representatives.

Schneizel And Lelouch Sat On The Seats Reserved For Them. "Shall We Begin?" Schneizel Said While Smiling.
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Wickedkent said:
Schneizel And Lelouch Sat On The Seats Reserved For Them. "Shall We Begin?" Schneizel Said While Smiling.
"Let's" DM Alastair said. "We are open to trade and possibly an alliance with your people."
Agent141 said:
"Let's" DM Alastair said. "We are open to trade and possibly an alliance with your people."
" We Would Like That, Infact That Is The Only Reason Why We Are Here. About The Trade, Which One Would You Like? Raw Materials? Processed? Maybe Military Equipments, We Have Tons Of Those. He Gave The Minister A List Of The Equipments The Empire Owns, Choose And We Shall Provide, However The Designs Would Be Classified." Lelouch Said
Wickedkent said:
" We Would Like That, Infact That Is The Only Reason Why We Are Here. About The Trade, Which One Would You Like? Raw Materials? Processed? Maybe Military Equipments, We Have Tons Of Those. He Gave The Minister A List Of The Equipments The Empire Owns, Choose And We Shall Provide, However The Designs Would Be Classified." Lelouch Said
"Hmm, I have been noticing a few shortages of some recourses here. We could send you some military equipment, laser rifles and all that good stuff. We could also ship you some personal entertainment devices for your citizens to enjoy. All provided by Fusion Incorporated. I would recommend the Playsystem, or if you are on the move, the FPad would do nicely."
Agent141 said:
"Hmm, I have been noticing a few shortages of some recourses here. We could send you some military equipment, laser rifles and all that good stuff. We could also ship you some personal entertainment devices for your citizens to enjoy. All provided by Fusion Incorporated. I would recommend the Playsystem, or if you are on the move, the FPad would do nicely."
"We Dont Need Anything Yet, We Can Provide You Resources As We Are Rich With Them, For Cash That Is." Said Schneizel.

Pendragon, Speakers Office

Nonnete And Lloyd Entered The Office. "We Need More Money" Demanded Nonnete. "We Cant Earn More Unless We Trade" Replied Odysseus. "We Can Mass Produce Ordered Equipments If I Can Make My Own Company, Athena Incorporation. "Feel Free To Do Anything You Want, We Must Boost Our GDP Up." Replied Odysseus


New Trade Partner And Ally: Order Empire

Athena Inc. Has Been Created
Wickedkent said:
"We Dont Need Anything Yet, We Can Provide You Resources As We Are Rich With Them, For Cash That Is." Said Schneizel.
Pendragon, Speakers Office

Nonnete And Lloyd Entered The Office. "We Need More Money" Demanded Nonnete. "We Cant Earn More Unless We Trade" Replied Odysseus. "We Can Mass Produce Ordered Equipments If I Can Make My Own Company, Athena Incorporation. "Feel Free To Do Anything You Want, We Must Boost Our GDP Up." Replied Odysseus


New Trade Partner And Ally: Order Empire

Athena Inc. Has Been Created
"Excellent, you can start shipments immediately. I believe we are now allies. May our two empires grow and prosper."
Agent141 said:
"Excellent, you can start shipments immediately. I believe we are now allies. May our two empires grow and prosper."
"Good! We Can Also Invest In One Of Your Companies, Then We Can Earn A Certain Percentage Of That Company's Income" Said Schneizel.
Pendragon, Throne Room

Jeremiah And Odysseus Entered The Room, But The Throne For The Empress Was Empty. "Where Is The Empress?" Jeremiah Asked A Royal Guard. "In The Royal Garden, Sir!". "Lets Head There Jeremiah" Said Odysseus As They Head Towards The Garden.

Royal Garden

Jeremiah And Odysseus Spotted The Empress Smelling Flowers Along With Cornelia, Euphemia Saw Them And Waved Her Hand, And Bid Them To Come Nearer. "What Are You Doing Here?". "We Have Found At That Theres This Empire In The South East As-" Said Odysseus But Got Disturbed. "Sure I'll Go!" She Said With A Smile On Here Face. "Okay, We Will Send Clovis With You And A Few Guards." Replied Odysseus.

Royal Airbase, Near Pendragon

The Empress Boarded The Royal Shuttle Along With Clovis, Escorted With 6 Air Superiority Fighters, And 5 Royal Guard Knightmare Frame's. They Head To Singapore To Negotiate With Their Leaders. Odysseus Has Already Sent A Head-ups That They Will Arrive Soon.

Charlie12520 said:
Sweden - Area of Halmstad

Their comms rang with the sound of contact. The Poles were here, in Scandinavia. What happened to Europe?

The diplomat responded hastily.

"Greetings, I am a diplomat representing the Hamuis empire. We would like to enter a formal diplomatic channel. If you wish to communicate our requests of an alliance, as well as a trade treaty, you may do so."

"You're waaaay away from the capital, my friend... I'll send them over, you stay here"


"Bring them to our capital. Make sure they're not armed." The officer of the soldiers told them


"Alright, you're coming with us to Lublin. Our president wants to see you" He exclaimed, calling in the transport, which was a civilian helicopter.


'An Unknown Empire'

Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

[Eclipse POV]

In the southern province of Siberia, most of the 'alien' outposts were destroyed by the army of the Eclipse Empire. The goal was complete, it seems that this empire showed strength against unknown forces. They use the Blitzkrieg strategy to destroy the unknown forces which is also one of the common strategies used by the unknown forces, after the battle, the forces simply retreat to further north of the province. The video message from the man was directly sent to the [CLASSIFIED] using a hologram and the remaining forces have no comment. After Frios executed the captured soldier, the golden mask were destroyed, revealing it to be a human. After the video message was sent, a very strong radiowave hit the large Eclipse army causing them..either to scream, get dizzy or got knocked out (only those who are exhausted after the battle), meanwhile..those who aren't exhausted after the battle are able to stand up from the radiowave coming from the sky.

@Loyal Guardian

[Rising Empire POV]

Most of the starfighters were destroyed by enemy air forces and had gained air superiority and the [CLASSIFIED] can't reinforce the remaining force simply because it is a useless planet located in the another and yet far galaxy. The remaining forces were wiped out from the ground troops. After the battle, a very strong radiowave also hit the armies of the Rising Empire causing them..either to scream, get dizzy or got knocked out (only those who are exhausted after the battle), meanwhile..those who aren't exhausted after the battle are able to stand up from the radiowave coming from the sky.



[Hamuis POV]

It was sunset. The survivors from the Eclipsian attack were walking in the forest, they were very vigilant and very cautious. Suddenly, the survivors encountered the 'scouts' face to face. There were 9 survivors that face the scouts. One of them grab their lightsabers with golden shields and one of them grab their laser pistols and aimed it to the scouts. The survivors didn't say anything.




~ All of the unknown empire's outposts were destroyed by the joint coalition of Eclipse Empire-Rising Empire

~ All of the remaining unknown forces were scattered across the Siberian province.
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[oh boy, I might have to dedicate this post ENTIRELY to research. oh god.]

The scientists continued trying to wake Heather up and it failed. "We need her walking around to further our testing... She was our first promising subject." A scientist thought for a second and started rubbing his chin. "I have an idea..." he walked out of the room. The scientist walked into a side room and equipped his hazmat suit, he then entered 20334 into a number-lock and waited for the large vault door to open. Once it did open, he entered it walking past multiple tubes with people in most. He entered a doorway into a side room with more tubes with dirt, ore, and even animals. He walked to a box with a shining light upon it and opened it, where he took part of the modified ore only titled as: 'RGN-42' with him. He returned to Heather's cell and walked up to her. "Maybe it didn't work because her brain was active entirely, thus her mental process prevented any real results..." he went to place the ore on her but stopped. "It would probably be best to subdue the body first just in case. If this works beyond just waking her up from a coma, she would most likely kill us." A scientist injected the mental drug into Heather's neck.

The scientist instructed the others to stay away due to the effects harmful to them, and placed the ore on her forehead. She started screaming despite not being awake even, until she opened her eyes opened and she remained calm. The scientist looked over her. "She's....She is awake... SHE IS AWAKE!! SHE IS AWAKE!!!!"
The other scientists looked at each other and shrugged. They checked her brain functions and she wasn't actually fully awake and they became confused. They write notes down. "Subject to extreme torture, check. Subject to interaction, check. New check. Subject awake..." the scientist looked behind him at Heather on the other side of the reviewing room and shrugged. "Check." The scientist still in the room with Heather allowed her to sit up and then left the room. However every time they did this, she would wander about watching scientists work, or walking to the elevator. They locked her in her room where she walked in circles before standing in the exact center of the room.

The scientist and scientific lead just watched the camera. "What is she doing?" The scientist sitting down watching the live feed replied. "I don't know.... This is like a SCP type of deal, she has just... Stood there for exactly...." she looked at her watch. "Five hours." The lead just thought for a second "place her in the testing chamber, see what she does." A scientist walked into her room and walked with her there as she didn't retaliate. They tried getting her to do some paranormal type shit but she just stood there. However she was magnificent for healing and due to her blood would be beneficial as a form of medic. The scientist had another retrieve the rest of the first sample and gave it to her to see what would happen. The ore modifying her and turning her hair white-silverish blue. "Well that's certainly..... Interesting...." the scientist wrote more notes down. The scientist went to a safe distance and then thought of a idea. "Can you 'show' yourself?" Heather continued staring at the scientist, and then she started to concentrate. Her body generated a flame as if she was covered entirely in blue gasoline and set on fire. "Oh shit son! It's lit!" All the scientists were baffled and stared at her. Then simultaneously all started cheering out loud, some even applauding like it was a major achievement which it was.

She calmed herself down and got rid of the flames, and the scientist walked with her back to her room. He looked up to his left at the ore she kept on her upper chest. "Oh, I hope you don't mind but I'll need this back now. I know some of the other scientists are morally and ethically fucked, but you know I haven't done anything." She ignored him as this was the second time he said that. He then went to grab the ore and she seemingly fully woke up from her coma, her eyes looked to the side downwards at the scientist and as he went to remove the ore she slapped him. The force of her slap was enough to thrown him onto the floor and she began running off. She thought *I need to get rid of this, so it can't be used on anyone else.*. The scientist didn't bother getting up, and spoke on his radio. "WE GOT A RUNNER!" The scientist just sat up on the wall. Heather outran the guards because her sprint was faster than usual as she noticed, she busted through security and ignored the Taser shots. She got into the elevator and went up. She began to somewhat maniacally laugh. "I'm free... HAHHAHAHAHAH I'M FREE! YOU CAN GO SUCK IT MOTHERFUCKERS!" Before she could celebrate, the elevator stopped at level 8. The doors opened and there were fifteen people with tasers this time, and another with a needle. "Fuck." They all tased her and the scientist took her semi-slowness at this point into account and ran to her, injecting her with smile again. "Just sleep, just sleep. Everything will be okay." Heather tried fighting her, but the lead also choked her out in the process, knocking her out. "I believe we are done here, just condition her a little bit and send her back up to her room. Surprisingly enough, she wasn't stronger than her sister was..." they conditioned Heather and sent her back to her room.

Heather woke up by herself in her room, and looked around. She was in a comfy robe. She walked over to the bathroom and looked into the mirror feeling extremely tired still. She brushed her teeth, washed her hands, and when she closed the mirror she went to leave but she stopped. She held her right eye open. "M-my eye, why is it red?!?!?" She then noticed her hair was dark blue. "Why is it blue?!??!?" She screamed yet again. Unable to discern fiction with reality. However she wasn't degraded enough to be broken because of it. She ran to her bed and hid under it.

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