The World of Tomorrow

Pendragon, Research Center

"We Have Already Produced 8.5 Thousand Knightmare Frame's And 8.5 Thousand For The Reapers With 5 Different Classes" Reported A Soldier To Lloyd. "Very Well, Make Haste With It We Still Have The Avalon To Build" Lloyd Said. "YES SIR!" Said The Soldier
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The Socialist Republic of Britain

Capitol Building, Oxford

DM Alastair had arrived at the Capitol building with the two Rising Empire representatives. He then got a message from Prime Minister Kord to inform the ministers to come to the conference room for a meeting. "Excuse me gentlemen, the Prime Minister calls for a meeting with the ministers." DM Alastair said. He then walked off to the conference room


Capitol Building Conference Room

All the ministers walked into the room where the Prime Minister was. "Ah, gentlemen, take a seat." Kord said. "I have called you here today to discuss the identity of our nation." "What do you mean by that?" Alastair asked. "What I mean is that our nation spans so much territory that it would be ridiculous to call ourselves a republic now. What I'm saying is that we need to change our nation name, any ideas?" Kord responded. The room was silent for quite a while when IM Aran spoke. "How about The Order Empire?" Aran suggested. The room filled with voices. "That will do quite nicely. We would also want a new flag, get the flag designing team on that. From this day forward this nation will be known as The Order Empire!" Kord said. "Also, sir, two representatives from one Rising Empire are here." DM Alastair said. "You handle them, the Eclipse Empire has called for a meeting between the New World Alliance and I must attend." The ministers left the room.

Capitol Building, Oxford

Alastair walked up to the Rising Empire representatives. "Alright gentlemen, it looks like I will be the one meeting with you. If you follow me to the conference room." Alastair said as he motioned them to follow. Kord could be seen walking past them to catch his flight to wherever the NWA meeting is being held.

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Communications Center

MM Torrad was in charge of the communications center until Alastair returned. "Incoming transmission, sir. Looks like it's from the Canadian area." A com operator said. "Put them through." The operator patched them through. "Ello, this is MM Torrad of the Order Empire. You might have previously known us as the Socialist Republic of Britain."


Mediterranean Sea

"Ah, well then. You could send a representative to Oxford, the Capitol of the Order Empire. Yes, we identified as British but our leaders had the nation's name changed." The captain said over to the craft.



Project: Eclipse 100%

The O-12 fighter jet is developed. It utilizes lasers as its main weapons. It is armed with rapid fire laser guns and drops a concentrated ball of energy as its bomb. It is just like a regular bomb but it's radius is slightly larger and vaporizes anything in the radius. It has a steel armor covering it which is slightly thicker than planes in the past. It is also fusion powered. All fighters are being converted to this model.

Other Important Stuff:

The SRB is now known as the Order Empire and a new flag is being designed.

(Did I miss anyone?)
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Random Events

Eclipse Empire

Event: 'Rumors of an mysterious and very advanced empire'

An unbelievable rumor has spread rapidly across the Eclipse Empire. Rumor has it that there is a mysterious and yet a very advanced empire. Very advanced than the Eclipse Empire. Second by second, hour by hour, and day by day. People are talking about this unbelievable rumor. Although it is considered hilarious to Emperor Byron's government, few days before the rumor became a trend in the Eclipse Empire.. most of the Eclipsian troops were wiped out in the northernmost military base situated in the northernmost territory of the Eclipse Empire which it is located in the middle of the Siberian lands. Locals in the area had reported that they have seen big "flying ships" landed on the military base and start killing the troops. The unknown forces wear a golden armor and a heavy golden helmet similar to the Manchurian Elite Army but doesn't have a Manchurian insignia on the center of its is assumed that they are the main force. The bullets of the unknown forces were lasers which it's quite surprising but in the end most of the Eclipsian troops and the unknown forces have died in this battle but locals saw twin generals and the elite army who walk out on the "flying ship" and killed the remaining Eclipsian forces in the area, the twin generals and the elite army had go back to their ships and fly to the space, after that, the locals could saw a few capsule landed in the area where the Eclipsian troops were massacred, as the capsule opens, the unknown infantry which wears golden armor are back once again (the knights) however without the twin generals. The unknown infantry had created outposts in the area in search of a nearby settlement and most of the locals were hiding in their houses. The terrain is pretty much a forest. @Loyal Guardian




Empire of Manchuria and the Siberian Principality

Event: 'The leak of Project: Shuyi'

In the underground Harbin, the secret project which is "Project: Shuyi" is almost complete. A project that can kill most of the country's population. A finest biochemical warfare that will use by the Manchurians. As the project was almost finish. A Manchurian doctor who is secretly against Emperor Dowan Cixi grabs one of the bioweapon that contains infected flea & infected rats and goes outside. As he goes outside, he pulled the trigger and the infected flea and infected rats were spread across the imperial heartland of Manchuria. Days later, the bubonic plague rapidly spread across the heartland of Manchuria, the southern part of the Siberian Principality, and will soon spread to Mongolia. Millions of people had died from this bubonic plague creating a so-called "Second Black Death"..this time, situated in Manchuria. The imperial government of Manchuria was collapsed and most of the people in the imperial heartland were infected (including the Singaporean Diplomats), the Manchurian Emperor was nowhere to be found and the Empire of Manchuria collapsed..creating states that secede to the Empire; Manchurian Provisional Government of Korea, Manchurian Provisional Government of Shandong, , Fukuoka City-State, Shanghai City-State, Military Government of Mongolia, and Military Government of Kamchatka. @RedLine


Singaporean Federation

Event: 'Suspicious activities in Manila'

As the Singaporeans had occupied Philippines for a month now. There were suspicious activities in the capital of the Philippines; Manila. There was a man who were selling an armband to the ordinary Filipinos that had a Filipino insignia; white and red. Sometimes in the night, people tend to go to other people's houses in sort of "meeting". Nothing much is happening but the Singaporean Authority in Manila are going curious about this people tend to go to other people's houses. @Alteras





~ Empire of Manchuria is collapsed.

~ Eclipse Empire faces a new threat.

~ Bubonic plague spreads across Manchuria to the southern territories of Siberian Principality.

~ Korea, Mongolia, Shandong, Fukuoka, Shanghai, and Kamchatka became new countries.

~ Suspicious activites in Manila.

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Agent141 said:
Capitol Building, Oxford
Alastair walked up to the Rising Empire representatives. "Alright gentlemen, it looks like I will be the one meeting with you. If you follow me to the conference room." Alastair said as he motioned them to follow. Kord could be seen walking past them to catch his flight to wherever the NWA meeting is being held.

@Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian
"As You Wish" Lelouch Said. He And Schneizel Followed Alastair.


Pendragon, Imperial Navy Command Building

"Sir! I have Reports!"Said A Navy Officer. "What Is It?" Replied Clovis. "The Empire Of Manchuria Has Collapsed Due To An Outbreak Of A Disease, And One Of Our Allies, The Siberian Principality Has Also Been Affected" Reported The Soldier. "If That Is So, Send A Medical Division Towards The Siberian Principality, Establish A Pandemic Outpost In The Area, Only Distribute Food Inside, Cleanse The Citizens Before They Enter, And They Must Do Their Best To Help The Siberian Government To Contain It Before It Spreads" Ordered Clovis. "Yes Sir!"The Officer Said.


Pendragon, Research Center

"We Have Finished Project Knightmare And Reaper, Sir!" Reported A Soldier. "Good! Focus On The Avalon, The Government May Send Us New Assignments Soon" Said Lloyd

Project Knightmare And Reaper Are Finished
Singaporean Federation

Port of Singapore, Singapore

News of the collapse of the Manchurian Empire reached the Federation. The death of the Governor of the 2nd District of the Singaporean Federation Kasey Samson devastated the people. She died in quarantine on the ship back to Singapore. Thankfully, the ship left port before the plague reached port and caused total anarchy. To avoid the spread of the disease, she was cremated. Her ashes were placed in a pot in a casket. As the casket was brought down the ship and brought to the Federation Parliament, many Singaporeans wept. She was known for her relaxed position in politics and generosity to the poor. With her death, many feared the collapse of the Samson House. Inspiring eulogies were made commemorating her life.

Federation Parliament, Singapore

News of Kasey's death shocked the parliament. Many spent the days praying her soul would rest. Many more visited the Samson House to pay their respects to the family. Her ashes were stored away. The MPs lamented having to vote a new Governor for the 2nd, 3rd and 6th Districts. Kasey kept people satisfied and prevented Gov Chang from harming the Federation. The vote would be made in the coming months.

Manila, Philippines District, 6th District of the Singaporean Federation

Rumors were floating around. Several local law enforcement were getting worried. The Governor of the 6th District of the Singaporean Federation hadn't been elected yet. No moves were made to prevent this. However local businesses were getting worried and held many local meetings to address this.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron sat back as he read the report, details, and even pictures of the aftermath. His government thought that something this absurd couldn't have happened, but he was a logical person and these reports were to detailed to not be true. The High Minister walked in and saw the emperor with bags under his eyes, something he has only seen once or twice before. "My Emperor, what shall we do? The government says to the people these are false rumors and yet we know that they are very much true." The High Minister said worriedly. Emperor Byron did not respond for a bit, then he sharply did. "Cancel the NWA Summit in Solaris. Send a broadcast that can and will be reached to all other nations in the world, tell them that an unknown invader not only threatens us but the entire world. If we fall to these invaders then so shall they, it is better to unite as one to defeat this threat." Emperor Byron said nonchalantly. "A-anything else, Emperor?" Once again the emperor was slow to respond, but he once again did it briskly. "Send out the order to begin modification of all military equipment." Byron said calmly, and with a hint of tiredness. "But my emperor, that will ruin our economy for quite some time!" The High Minister said fearfully. "Some times you have to put all of your cards on the table and hope you strike lucky." Emperor Byron put his head down on the desk. "Now relay my wishes to the appropriate station." He said waving off the High Minister. "Very well, my emperor."

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"To all nations, no matter who is at war with who, a new threat has emerged. This threat not is dangerous to the Eclipse Empire, but it is a danger to all of you if we fall. These unknown invaders fought our troops in our northwest garrison, initially our forces were winning and then they massacred them all. Emperor Byron would like to say to the people of the Eclipse Empire that these rumors are indeed true and that this situation should be taken very seriously. The Emperor would also like to say to the other nations of the world, no matter if you are at war with on another, no matter if we are hostile to one another, no matter if we are different from one another, to bear your arms against this unknown advanced empire and fight with us! If you still choose to not fght against this threat that could wipe us all out, then the Emperor has stated three things that might change our mind. Firstly, his threat effects all of us and if we fall it will come for you. Secondly, do you wish that another apocalypse happens after we had just begun to rebuild the world. Lastly, we are all human no matter the differences of consciousness as we share the same anatomy, the same structure, and the universal desire to live and protect the only home we know. Thank you for listening to this broadcast by the Imperial Eclipsian Government." The broadcast was sent to all channels, and to every nation discovered or not.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Domini Regum @wulfle @RIPSaidCone @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @Charlie12520 @RedLine @general ostruppen @Emperor Ploppa
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Pendragon, Department Of Defense Building

The Doors Of The Office Of The Secretary Of Defense Opened And A Soldier Came In. "Sir! The Knightmare Frames And Reapers Have Been Finished" Reported The Soldier. "Yes, I Know" Maximillion Said While Playing With A Pen. "Umm, Why Have You Called Me, Sir?" Asked The Soldier. Maximillion Put Down The Pen, And Stared The Soldier Right In The Eye. "As You Can See, We Have Made Those Things, But We Cant Easily Deploy Them, So Here Is A Folder That Consists Of Blueprints, Start Building 6 Of The Stations And 1,000 Of The Aircraft." He Said. "Yes, Sir!" Replied The Soldier. "Here Is Another Folder, Give It To Lloyd" Max Added. "Right Away" The Soldier Replied Then Left The Room

Project OBW And Project Deployement Has Commened(ETA- 1 MONTH)
"Cholera jasna, jak oni nawet padli pod ich wpływem, to my możemy mieć przerąbane." President exclaimed, walking around his room

{Damnit, if they fell under their attack, we could be fucked!}

"Strenghten our bourders, we need to keep our integrity" He exclaimed, looking at the intercom.

Project "Można Można" has been sped up, as it was already 34% done.
Pendragon, Operations Room

Euphemia, Clovis, Cornelia, Odysseus, Maximillion, Suzaku, Lloyd, Nonnete, And Gino Were Present At The Operations Room.

"We Have Just Recieved A Transmission From The Eclipse Empire, It Is Regarding About A Random And Sudden Attack That Wiped All Of The Forces They Have Sent North" Reported Clovis. "We Are Still Making The Things That Max Has Proposed For Easy Deployment For The KMF And Reapers, So We Cant Easily Deploy Our New Weapons" Said Lloyd. "But We Can Still Deploy It" Said Maximillion. "Well, Yes We Can, But I Have Something That Needs Approval" Said Lloyd. "Speak Up" Said Euphemia While Smiling. "We Can Install Wings On The Knightmare's, By Redesigning The Float System Of The Avalon And Knightmare VTOL" Lloyd Said. "Thats A Great Idea!" Said Cornelia While Looking At Odysseus. "Okay, I Approve Of It." Said Odysseus. "So What Is Our Action About The Attack On Eclipse Empire." Asked Nonnete. "We Help Them, Of Course, Since They Are Our Allies" Said Suzaku. "Well, He Is Right" Said Gino. "So What Will We Deploy?" Asked Clovis. "100 Type 1 Reapers, 25 Type-3's, 200 In An Elk Suit, And 1,000 Other Soldiers, For The Ground" Said Oddyseus. "100 Gunships, And 25 ASF-30'S For The Air, Excluding The Transportations" Said Cornelia. "I Also Recommend 50 FTR-8 And 50 HTT-6" Said Max. "I Will Also Volunteer To Come With My Knightmare" Said Suzaku. "We Have Already Installed Wings In Your Knight In Advance" Said Lloyd. "Very Well, That Would Be It." Said Odysseus. "I Will Contact The Eclipse Empire Regarding About Our Actions" Said Clovis

@Loyal Guardian

Suzaku's Knightmare Frame

Lancelot Albion



100 Type 1 Reapers, 25 Type-3 Reaper's, 200 In An Elk Suit, 1000 Soldiers, 100 Gunships, 25 ASD-30'S, 50 FTR-8 AND 50 HTT-6 Were Deployed Towards The Eclipse Empire Led By Suzaku.

Manchurian Provisional Government of Korea




The collapse of the Manchurian Empire left many Koreans devastated. The Manchus help the Koreans to rebuild their country. As one of the successor states of the Empire of Manchuria, the Manchurian authority in Korea still rules the Korean Peninsula but the authority claims that the Korean Peninsula is now independent and one of the successor states of Manchuria. The Korean Specialized Infantry of the Grand Imperial Army of Manchuria became the main force of the provisional government. As the nation of Korea is reborn once again, they face many problems. The bubonic plague in the north and the Japanese in the south. The anti-Japanese sentiment is increasing in the Korean Peninsula because of Manchurian propaganda and its potential expansion to Asia. The Koreans are trapped between the plague and Japs. This is the Manchurian Provisional Government of Korea, their capital is Seoul, and their insignia is adapted from the imperial Manchurian banner and the color background represents the Korean people. Their territory is comprise only the Korean Peninsula.

Kanggye, Northern Korean Peninsula, Korea

Kanggye, the northernmost city of Korea, is heavily quarantined and heavily armed by the provisional government of Korea. After the outbreak of the bubonic plague in the Imperial Heartland, about 6 million uninfected Manchurians arrived in the city of Kanggye and the city is heavily populated right now. The situation is getting worse as the people from the Imperial Heartland flooded the northern Korean Peninsula.

"We don't want more people from the Imperial Heartland to flood Korea! What if they are fucking infected with plague?!" the mayor of Kanggye said. "Relax, sir, the city is heavily quarantined and heavily armed, don't worry, we have scanners, if they are infected, we kill them and burn their corpses." Commander Li said. "I don't know why you survive, Commander, but I'm glad you are alive with your crew, we need communication crews." the mayor replied. "Well, you could say that, may-.." the conversation interrupted when a Korean soldier approached Commander Li.

"Sir, it is claim that the Imperial Heartland is no longer safe due that the plague spread rapidly and the Emperor is still nowhere to be found. I assumed that..he..he is dead, sir." the Korean soldier sighs. Commander Li said, "We will pray for him but right now, our focus is to protect the Korean Peninsula from the plague. I want you all to be united against the plague, understood?" the Korean soldier simply nods.

The mayor looks at the Korean soldier and he said, "I want you to contact the Border HQ that the people from the Imperial Heartland will not enter Korea anymore, if there are people recently arrive in the order after the orders, kill them all, it is the order of Governor Jin!" the Korean soldier nods and left.


The Border between the Imperial Heartland and the Korean Peninsula

The border is pretty much heavily defended by the Korean army. The order from the mayor of Kanggye had reached the border HQ and the order has been implemented. As people recently arrive in the border, the Korean soldiers aim at the civilians from the Imperial Heartland and start shooting at them, killing dozens of civilians. Pretty much that the innocent civilians retreated to the nearby towns in the Imperial Heartland.


Korean Communication Systems, Seoul, Korea

Formerly known as the South Korean Communication System of Manchuria. They receive a transmission from the Eclipse Empire. They read the transmission, after that, pretty much that the people are actually surprised that someone attacked the Eclipse Empire; the most advanced nation in the world. The people didn't believe the so-called rumors.

After that, they had receive couples of transmissions from Shanghai in China and Fukouka in Kyushu. The transmission said that General Kim and General Jong had swear allegiance to the new country and their large armies are heading back towards the Korean Peninsula.



~ The provisional government control all of the Korean Peninsula.

~ The provisional government implemented to kill the people from the Imperial Heartland who recently arrive in the border.

~ Most of the northern cities are heavily quarantined and heavily armed.

~ General Kim and General Jong swore allegiance to Korea and left Shanghai and Fukouka.

~ The Korean Communication Systems receive the Eclipsian transmission.

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History is rewritten

Days after the initial invasion of the Manchurian armies in Siberian territory.

Fighting has be in the advantage of the Siberian forces when the battles first started. With the Manchurian armies composing mostly infantry made it easy to overrun with combinations of armor, airstrikes, and artillery. Airspace was dominated by the Siberian air force with not much resistance giving big pay way to destroy enemy supplies and strategic sites. However it was good to note that their was some enemy planes in the area but were quickly destroyed due to the overwhelming number of aircraft hosted by the Siberian Principality. In the Sea of Okhotsk, the Siberian navy crushed any opposing ships that challenged their might, they soon went down to the coast lines of Korea and China to fully dominate the seas with the help of nearby aircraft having blockades formed. From a military standpoint, the Siberians manged to push back the invading forces into their own territory and started to take up land in northern Manchuria. While a victory was almost certain, tragedy struck. Rumors of their leader disappearing had said something has happened.

Bio hazard warfare had been used as a last resort. While spreading through out Manchuria and the southern parts of the Siberian border during the fighting, no one initially knew what it was. Then out of no where, millions died. Both military and civilian. With the news of a so-called "2nd Black Death" panic erupted. Much of the Siberian forces took heavy loses and were forced to retreat into its own borders. Orders came to kill anyone who contracted the disease in order to quarantine the area while taking anyone who's not infected. It was so bad that regions collapsed in Mongolia and the eastern region of Kamchatka. All contacts within those places were lost. The Prince was notified shortly after, devastated the country was he had to do something. He and his government declared a National Emergency and to deliver a speech.

"My fellow citizen. Today is a day to grieve for all the lives that just been lost. Today is a day we cannot ignore much longer. After the reports of an invasion, we combated this enemy force and crushed their pathetic armies and send them back where they came from. Humiliated they decided to resort to bio weapons, the lowest form of war. While killing themselves in the process, they also damaged our regions in Mongolia and Kamchatka. We lost contact with those still alive in those areas. At the moment, the threat of war has passed. But the threat of the virus still lingers. But do not fear. We just got in contact with some of our allies. They are willing to support us in medical aid and food until we pull through this mess. I want everyone to keep in mind for all the help they have given us on such short notice. We will become strong once again! We will find these coward men and bring them to justice! We are the Siberian Principality!"

After the speech many of the population had cheered for they had hope in the future of the country. However, some became uncertain.

Myrkuta, Capital palace, The Prince's Office

Dark clouds formed around the city. Rain poured as if it knew that the nation had a tragedy. Artyom briskly paced in his office thinking the next step of taking care of the recent events that just occurred. A transmission came through, Artyom paused to take a look at the transmission.

".......this broadcast by the Imperial Eclipsian Government."

The transmission ended. Artyom stood for a few seconds. Not only a virus is killing millions at the moment, but news of a new threat has risen up. This Eclipse Empire has great fears with these new enemies. It would explain why they are searching for help in the first place. Artyom fell back into his chair and sat silent. The Siberian Principality had just lost its people, land, and military resources and is in no shape to fight or support this other empire. Sadly, as much as Artyom wanted to help, there was no way he could.

@Loyal Guardian


New Projects:

-Project Excalibur

-Project Revenant


-Mongolia and Kamchatka regions had collapsed and formed into a new government.

Military Forces:

-All forces retreated into Siberian territory

-Infantry losses = 90% (Due to heavy exposure to the bio weapon)

-Mechanized losses = 30% (Due to some exposure/abandonment)

-Aircraft losses = 3%

-Naval losses = 2% (Due to engagement of enemy fleet)

Civilian Population:

-8 Million dead


-Tons of factories lost making production slower

-Rebuilding troop losses
The plague

For a few days no actions or engagements were made since the attack of the small naval fleet in Shanghai. 8 of their ships were confirmed sunk and the japanese fleet retreated afterwards. Admiral Hitogi was curious on why there were no pursuits, no enemy ships patrolling the yellow sea. Nothing was coming there way at all. Hitogi quickly decided to dispatch patrol ships (Disguised as civilian ships) and find out what was going on in the north and west. A week passed and the patrol ships came back with numerous reports of some sort of plague spreading across manchuria and korea. Even reports of massive shootings of civilians were reported near the korean border lines in order to keep the infected out. The admiral was horrified and quickly got a line through the main land of japan. Adam was informed and quickly ordered for "Operation Mother Bird" to be executed.

With that the main fleet spared 1 battleship and 10 light cruisers to guide 20 convoy ships to head towards the manchurian land that was close to the korea border line. When they landed they quickly setted up camp and unloaded the medical equipment. The troops were each given gas mask and suited up for the plague, along with one research team, and several other teams of doctors. On the first day no one came, but on the second day a few came and they were brought in for treatment. Then within the following days it started with a few people, then groups, then more came. By the end of the month there were more than 298,000 people both manchurian and korean that were brought in. Many of course were very skeptical of them at first when word of japanese soldiers were landing and they believed it to be an invasion. However word got out that they hadn't been moving since they landed and that they were treating civilians which convinced that it was better to get some sort of treatment and humane treatment then to get shot or die in some ditch. Several more camps are being set up along the coast to help expand room for more infected people and non-infected. The man in charge of the operation was Dr.Charles who was from a underground bunker community of other foreign ancestor. He wasn't japanese obviously and he stated that he was middle eastern and could speak about 5 different languages. His bunker also included all sorts of medical equipment, research, and books on most of everything about the medical world and such.

He was currently examining a patient who showed signs of early stages of the bubonic plague, and beside that patient who's skin was covered in pus black spots from head to toe, barely breathing. Another doctor came by and greeted him.

"Mornin Charles *Grabs the check board containing the two patients info* how we lookin?"

Charles checking his glove and opening the first patients mouth focused on getting a sample but listening and speaking, "Nothing much Toro....All patients have so far shown signs of very similar cases of fever, black lymph glands, headaches, weakness in the muscle tissues, and my favorite new symptom I just found *Turns the patients head and then the other side, "Hallucination."

Toro looked at Charles with curiosity and confusion, "Wait one of the symptoms are hallucinations?.....That's new."

"Yeah your tellin me.....But luckily our ancestors were kind enough to have data left behind about the bubonic plague, however this one is not in any records whatsoever. It still has the same transmission method of rats and fleas like the good ol days. It's weird tho that this disease would cause hallucinations, none of the bubonic plagues ever went down to the mental lane."

Toro goes over to the second patient and straps on some gloves before beginning examination. "You think this was man-made or something?"

"No Idea....Maybe.....*Opens the patients eyelid and examines the eye's* well bonus for us this disease has one weakness."

"What might that be?" As toro looked to him.

"The Fever of course, documents have shown a better understanding of the symptom and many diseases have the fever. It's like obtaining one of the keys to the many locks on a door. However each lock unlocked leads to a hint to the next code."

The two of them went silent for awhile and thus gathered whatever new info and data they could write down.

PROGRESS: Disease being researched, estimated research of cure 8-12 months or longer as long as no interruption is proceeded.

20,000 JSDF troops and several medical/research teams have been sent to find a cure and help/protect the local population regardless of who they are or where there from.

Helicopters are to air drop supplies and such, ships are not allowed to dock and health inspections and regulations are strict.

The Meeting part 2 and the message to the world.

Reports were coming in that the occupied manchurian land in japan was surprisingly going smoothly and barely any casualties were reported, especially the enemy. Enemy troops were laying down their weapons and surrendering with no protest. Within a few days the region was under japanese control and teh governor there was replaced. Afterward the POWS were given the choice to either stay and live freely as citizens or return home which most stayed while others left for manchuria. Reports were coming about a nation more powerful then some eclipse faction, Adam took heed to that message and reported troops to be on the lookout and to not engage or show hostility if meeting with whomever this faction is. Then Adam tired with all this work and paperwork signed the Project Titan to commence and then he asked for Miss chun if she would wish to discuss about the situation in manchuria and the trade agreement to be signed.....Man he's tired.


PROJECTS: Project Titan to be done within 12-14 months
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Republic of Cascadia


Chesapeake Bay, Cascadian Outlands

Simmons simply left as the woman was speaking. Having little time for her delusion as he ordered the CDF to advance on the small town. A small detachment of around 140 soldiers entered the town and begun ordering the citizens to begin moving out of the ruined buildings and basic structures, the people complying with no threat needed. The soldiers looked saddened and almost angered that this unknown foreign party would have these poor people live in such basic and disgusting places. Acting in a protective manner to the people regardless of whether or not they identified as Cascadian. Which more and more of them were beginning to out of the kindess of the soldiers, the aid convoy that had been organized soon arrived and now a majority of the people were attracted to the convoy, seeing the large packages of tinned food and bottled water. Blankets and medicine were also readily available as Cascadian Red Cross members arrived, only around 15 of them but enough to hand out the supplies. Simmons had ordered this to be done as quickly as possible as a sign of Cascadian hospitality, along with influencing more of the community to move over to Cascadia.

Within the next twenty minutes nice, freshly cleaned clothing of all sizes and fashion was delivered by the Red Cross and CDF as Simmons smiled smugly at his success. Meanwhile the little children that were within the town were interested in the sight of the Abrams tanks and humvees, the soldiers were more than happy to let them sit on it and even hold onto the M2 Browning turret on-top, which was obviously unloaded of it's ammunition and set to safety before the children were allowed to touch it. A few M-35 transport trucks arrived, the soldiers loading the citizens into them carefully and gently. The CDF was used to having to be cautiously nice and polite around new people to make the best impression on them. By the end of the Cascadian Aid mission, it was safe to say that 80%-85% of the town had moved to the Cascadian side. With the new Cascadian loyal citizens out of the way the Abrams tanks rolled closer to the unknown nation's base. Away from the civilian structures as some of the CDF infantry surrounded it. The CDF Lieutenant ordering over a loudspeaker. "This is the commanding officer speaking. You are to pack away your equipment and resources and leave this area immediately."


Oxford, Order Empire

The Cascadian diplomatic envoy in Oxford made the proposition to the newly renamed nation for a trading deal and a Non-Aggression Treaty. As a sign of goodwill the Cascadian diplomats and pilots there gave the Empire's delegates and those sent to meet the Cascadians some Cascadian treats such as Forest Caramel, a Cascadian exclusive chocolate which was a delight to the tastebuds and Oregonian Special, a popular brand of beer among Cascadians.


Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The Cascadian crew and technically the diplomatic envoy to the Singaporeans made contact with the Cascadian government. Giving them the coordinates of their location and the specific details of what they had been discussing with the Singaporeans, along with making them aware of the Singaporean acceptance of their trade deal and NAT. Needless to say the Republic of Cascadia was more than happy to hear this news.


Danzing, Poland

The Cascadian envoy in Poland has requested for a Non-Aggression Treaty with the Polish alongside a trading deal with them. As a sign of goodwill Cascadian treats have been given to the Polish also to show their good intentions and kind nature.


Portland, Cascadia

Upon hearing the Eclipsian message of the advanced, new empire. President Jefferson ordered the Cascadian Senate to have a meeting discussing this message. After a debate that lasted a few, long hours. It was decided that the CDF would not be deployed to fight against this unknown enemy, due to the Cascadian Constitution prohibiting the military's deployment on offensive procedures unless the nation is directly threatened. The CDF has also activated it's failsafe Communication Disguise, effectively making it so that no nation would be able to trace Cascadian communications back to their homeland, making it impossible for this new advanced Empire to find Cascadia's location. Keeping with the government's isolationist policy. The CNDF, CADF and CDGF have all been put on high alert in-case of an attack and the Attack Characterization System, an array of 25 satellites that detects an enemy invasion force has been activated to watch out for any possible attack.

The Response

"It is unfortunate for me to convey this message to your nation. However it is my duty to inform you that the Senate of the Republic of Cascadia has declined the motion of deploying Cascadian military forces to attack an enemy that we know nothing of and have no quarrels with. We respect your decision to attempt to unite the nation's of the world and it is indeed a most noble and respectable cause, but it is against the Cascadian belief to fight wars we have no reason for being in. We wish you the best of luck and we would be delighted to continue trading with your great nation." ~ The Cascadian Department of Foreign Affairs to the Eclipse Empire.

Cascadian Happenings

The CDF has recieved another boost in funding alongside Healthcare and Education, allowing for the construction of multiple elementary schools, high-schools, colleges and even kindergartens in Texan lands, teaching the Texan children with the Cascadian Educational System rather than the imperialistic, aggressive Texan one. The parents have remained content with their children learning Cascadian ideals as the parents themselves have taken to accepting their new government with open arms as they have been provided with jobs and more luxurious and happy lifestyles. Hospitals and clinics have also been constructed and opened in every major Texan population center, using advanced Cascadian medical technology to cure and heal Texans, this technology unrivalled by any other country in the world due to Cascadia's passivist goals in technology and research.

Cascadian Defense Force officials have announced the recruitment of another 210,000 people into the Active-Duty service, and 146,000 into the Reserves. Already in the middle of fully training and equipping them, Cascadian soldiers have been well known for being some of the most well trained and disciplined soldiers anywhere. With each and every soldier being fully equipped with the most advanced life support and medical technology, along with relatively average and high tech weapons such as the M5A1 Carbine, a more accurate and more powerful variant of the M4. And Graphine MK3 body armor, capable of stopping almost any projectile from long or short distance due to the material it is made of. President Jefferson visited San Francisco to announce the 31st Annual Cascadian Beerfest, which on average attracts 1.9 million tourists from around Cascadia over the one week period it lasts.

With a new force of hardworking and strong Texans, who have quickly become very loyal to their new government. Due to it's kind and forgiving ways, the reconstruction of Los Angeles and Denver has never gone faster. With both cities nearing completion much quicker than anticipated. Meanwhile the reconstruction of Dallas, San Antonio and Las Vegas has begun, with plans to give the new Texan population luxurious cities to live in rather than the shacks of times gone past already in the works. The highways and railways connecting Austin, Denver and LA to the rest of Cascadia and each other have also been completed. Meanwhile the Cascadian economy has boomed in worth once again. With the economy rising each and every day. Unemployment has hit 0.2% with the President's new CascadiaJobs program, granting every adult Texan work in the Cascadian economy in return for good pay and benefits. Whilst allowing them to contribute to Cascadia by helping in the construction of all it's new projects.


210,000 New AD (Active-Duty) soldiers

146,000 Reserve soldiers


Cascadian Senate Declines Eclipsian Request for War

Majority of Hanuis Community Flees to Cascadia

President Jefferson Introduces CascadiaJobs

Isolationist Policy Continues


Los Angeles Reconstruction: 75%

Denver Reconstruction: 45%

Dallas Reconstruction: 10%

San Antonio Reconstruction: 10%

Project Newway: 45%

Project Interior: 55%​
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A radio operator had heard the broadcast and ran to the council room. Alexander was bored, Natasha was in a constant loop of thinking about Heather, and Max was also bored. The operator opened the door because Natasha put a sign up saying: 'If you bust down this door, you will die.' after he opened " door, the operator bowed and stood up again holding a piece of paper. "Emperor! There was another one!" Everyone was confused. "Another one of what?" Alexander said first. The operator repeated the broadcast on a recording.

Alexander shrugged. "And what the fuck do you want us to do about it? Does someone expect us to roll over for them an-" She was interrupted by hearing a snap noise, Victor had clicked his fingers making her silent. "This can be beneficial to us general." She spoke up. "We can't just leave and make money off of this! We would be discovered." He then looked to Alexander. "Send out a few bartering wagons, disguise the soldiers with citizen attire. They probably would like our heavy caliber rounds anyway. We also need to check on the Siberians pavle found earlier." The operator ran off to do so, And got three wagons filled with crates of .50s and 'some' food. Going up to the surface with three turret cars. One wagon and turret car going to the eclipse, and two wagons and turrets going east. [RedLine won't be tagged yet as they'd have to travel there.]

@Loyal Guardian.


The scientists try and wake up Janet for more testing however she refuses to wake up. One scientist walked in and held her left eye open and flashed it with a small flashlight. The scientist writes notes as one holds her eye open, and another putting eyedrops into her eye to see if the color changes. Which it doesn't.
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Old Testing Base, British Columbia

The scientists filed into the room. "It's not as advanced as the Australian base, but it has all the necessary equipment to operate the satellite. This one is a lot more isolated and even most government officials don't know the location. But I warn you, this is our last prepared shot and it will take anywhere between a week and a month to get another one loaded." The king was truly angry. "Then let's make it count. I'm sure that they have scuttled off into their rat-holes in the Capitol by now, so let's take their second-most populated city. ALRIGHT GUYS, YOU KNOW THE DRILL, NO COUNTDOWN THIS TIME! WE CAN'T GIVE THEM TIME TO REACT. GO! GO! GO!"

The final loaded shot began it's descent to the Canadian city.

Eastern Border

The troops were marching in. The Canadians would hopefully be expecting an attack on the claimed land, so the troops were hoping to gain an advantage by doing a full assault on the home turf.



"If you help us, we would be happy to manufacture and share the procedure of a Kinetic Bombardment Satellite with you, as well as any trading or mining rights you may want in our land."



A Rockian plane flew over the city and sent a message. "Due to new diplomatic developements, the Kingdom of the Rockies must urgently speak to the Singaporeans."





Second satellite launch.
Chesapeake Bay - New Cairo

The Hamuis were angry. And the patriotic Texans, whom made up the remaining 15%, and hated the propaganda presents given by an invading warmonger, were even angrier. The Cascadian troops had shoved them inside a hastily fortified capital building within the small town, threatening them with their massive guns and tanks. It was a square, perhaps no more than 200 meters on each side, and rose only 15 flights of stairs, as the upper half had cracked and fallen off. There was almost no space to move. It had indeed been a logistical miracle that the Cascadian men had threatened the Hamuis into the building in the first place, without any fights whatsoever, but the Hamuis were not to take anymore of this treatment.

The Hamuis were a united people. They were proud of their previous state in North Africa, and they were proud of the groundbreaking innovations it produced. They had beginnings as a disunited people, sandwiched between the Christian Europeans, and the Muslims in the middle east, and struggled to find their national identities. It was the era of raising tensions from both sides - and all too soon, the North African governments found itself attacked from two fronts. The North African states were nearly pushed to extinction. It was the birth of Maximilian Wistleton that changed everything. Born in the center of Tripoli, he was a genius for his age. His scientific intelligence raced beyond even the brightest minds of the day. It is said that, during the siege of his city, he had made a small adjustment to the laser weapons used by the common soldier. This adjustment - a set of small mirrors inserted into the stock of the weapon, essentially saved the acting capital, and the war.

It was when the North African states had marched and pushed the Middle Eastern and European forces back when they discovered the horrible slaughter of their civilians. Millions of people were killed as part of an economic war against the states, hundreds of thousands more than those killed on the field. It sent the states into a horrific shock. It was now, perhaps too late, that they realized that they could become another people, neither Muslim nor Christian, neither Middle Eastern nor European. And so came the creation of a unified state, and the creation of the Hamuis culture. Together, they would ride onto victory. Together, they would create the scientific breakthroughs of the Earth for ten centuries. Together, they would survive and prosper.

By the Cascadians, they had been given a choice: Join them or leave them. But the united Hamuis were strong together - they would not leave their friends to some warlord, or the seas behind them. They had no choice but to resist, and now together, they surely would.

The 950 Hamuis inside the town were not entirely hostile to the Cascadians before, but they certainly were now.

The Sagientia were made up of poor and middle-class men. Many of them had arrived seeking new fortunes. Some still wore the rags manufactured in the Hamuis Kingdom, and the others basic clothing. There were small Hamuis children as well, the sons and daughters of the immigrants; some of them wept from fear of the Cascadian guns outside. They were not military men, and so fighting was pointless. They would not fight; they would simply resist the outside troops. If the Cascadians were to massacre unarmed citizens, then so be it. They had brought large amounts of food for the new colony, enough for a year (in case things went badly, so that people did not need to die). They would wait.

The fortifications were weak - a few hastily erected wooden walls with small holes surrounding the building. Some small bumps littered the walls outside. It would serve as a symbolic meaning of the resistance.

Some men climbed to the high floor, and shouted at the men outside. Some flung open the door and poured into the space between the wall and the building. Some shouted from their windows. Some threw sticks and pebbles, but they did little to the armored troops outside. One had brought along his camera, too. And the Texans were eager to join as well.

They would wait for the Cascadians to respond, and remind them that neither guns nor men can control the Hamuis people.


(Respond to everyone later, gotta eat! <3)
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio officer heard the message sent by the Rising Empire. Once he received word that they would aid them, he was glad that the empire had at least one willing ally. "Very well, land your commanding officer at Eclipsim, our emperor will be there shortly." He knew, however, they would be too late for the first battle.


The officer also heard the Cascadian message, to which he made a quick reply. "We here at the Eclipse Empire respect and honor your isolationism, however i shall note the dire situation that threats not only us, but the world. If this threat poses a challenge, even to us, then you sill surely stand no chance in hell against them. So as a personal request and as a citizen of the empire, i plead you to aid us in this protection of not only our home but yours."


Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

They knew that the enemy force was small, as only a few outposts were set up along with the capture of a settlement. However to be on the safe side the army massed in nearly 300,000 men with numerous military equipment. When they were just outside what they thought was their detection range, they launched the newly remodeled aircraft and the ensuing aerial battle was intense. Enemy and Eclipsian ships were being knocked out left and right, mostly fighter crafts. However thanks to the overwhelming power of the new bombers, the enemy aircraft was all but destroyed and the enemy infantry had to bog down to avoid incoming fire. At that point Colonel Frios, who had been selected to lead the army, ordered the infantry to push forward. Despite the enemy being bogged down, some were able to fire at Eclipsian troops, only to get chewed up by fighter planes. After a few hours of intense fighting, the same outcome occurred at every outpost and at the settlement. The enemy sent in a few ships to check out what happened, but were quickly shot down but anti-aircraft fire and Gemini Units. The battle ended in the morning light, revealing the fires on the land. Frios then sent a video message towards the area where the crafts came from, say the following words. "We do not know who you are, nor do we know why you attacked us. I shall warn you only once, you are facing off against the strongest military force of this world and we also have powerful allies. We only lost a few dozen compared to your few hundred, we lost a few dozen aircraft while you have lost ones numbering in the hundreds. If you think that I, this army, this nation, this world is going to sit back and watch you take us over then you've got another thing coming! You picked the wrong enemy to fight, now your going to pay for that mistake." Frios then pulled out his standard issue hand cannon and shot one of the captured enemy in the head.

@Emperor Ploppa
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The officer also heard the Cascadian message, to which he made a quick reply. "We here at the Eclipse Empire respect and honor your isolationism, however i shall note the dire situation that threats not only us, but the world. If this threat poses a challenge, even to us, then you sill surely stand no chance in hell against them. So as a personal request and as a citizen of the empire, i plead you to aid us in this protection of not only our home but yours."


Siberian Province, Eclipse Empire

They knew that the enemy force was small, as only a few outposts were set up along with the capture of a settlement. However to be on the safe side the army massed in nearly 300,000 men with numerous military equipment. When they were just outside what they thought was their detection range, they launched the newly remodeled aircraft and the ensuing aerial battle was intense. Enemy and Eclipsian ships were being knocked out left and right, mostly fighter crafts. However thanks to the overwhelming power of the new bombers, the enemy aircraft was all but destroyed and the enemy infantry had to bog down to avoid incoming fire. At that point Colonel Frios, who had been selected to lead the army, ordered the infantry to push forward. Despite the enemy being bogged down, some were able to fire at Eclipsian troops, only to get chewed up by fighter planes. After a few hours of intense fighting, the same outcome occurred at every outpost and at the settlement. The enemy sent in a few ships to check out what happened, but were quickly shot down but anti-aircraft fire and Gemini Units. The battle ended in the morning light, revealing the fires on the land. Frios then sent a video message towards the area where the crafts came from, say the following words. "We do not know who you are, nor do we know why you attacked us. I shall warn you only once, you are facing off against the strongest military force of this world and we also have powerful allies. We only lost a few dozen compared to your few hundred, we lost a few dozen aircraft while you have lost ones numbering in the hundreds. If you think that I, this army, this nation, this world is going to sit back and watch you take us over then you've got another thing coming! You picked the wrong enemy to fight, now your going to pay for that mistake." Frios then pulled out his standard issue hand cannon and shot one of the captured enemy in the head.

@Emperor Ploppa
Hundreds Of Aircraft Landed On An Airbase. Vehicles, Troops, And Reapers Were Unloaded. Fighter Jets Passed Over The Sky. Suzaku Brought 100 Knightmares With Him With Wings Installed On Each. He Exited His Shuttle And Went To Meet With The Emperor.

@Loyal Guardian
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Wickedkent said:
Hundreds Of Aircraft Landed On An Airbase, Vehicles, Troops, And Reapers Were Unloaded. Suzaku Brought 100 Knightmares With Him With Wings Installed On Each. He Exited His Shuttle And Went To Meet With The Emperor.
@Loyal Guardian
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron stepped forward to meet the man, "Welcome to Eclipsim. Mr. Suzaku am i correct?"
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron stepped forward to meet the man, "Welcome to Eclipsim. Mr. Suzaku am i correct?"

"Yes, You Are. May I Ask About The Status?" Suzaku Replied.

"So How,When, And Where Will We Fight Them?"
Wickedkent said:
"Yes, You Are. May I Ask About The Status?" Suzaku Replied.
"So How,When, And Where Will We Fight Them?"
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"This unknown force has taken a small amount of land in our empire. Our forces have already been sent to that area and last i heard we were recapturing the area. We know nothing of their tactics, however they are weak to our Blitzkrieg strategy. If you want you can send your forces at or near the location, which is located in our Siberian Province. I will give you the coordinates."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"This unknown force has taken a small amount of land in our empire. Our forces have already been sent to that area and last i heard we were recapturing the area. We know nothing of their tactics, however they are weak to our Blitzkrieg strategy. If you want you can send your forces at or near the location, which is located in our Siberian Province. I will give you the coordinates."

"Thank You, I Will Send 20 Knightmare Frames 5 MBT-3's As An Advance Unit Then The Main Force Will Proceed With Air Support. Have The Locals Been Evacuated?" Asked Suzaku.
Wickedkent said:
"Thank You, I Will Send 20 Knightmare Frames 5 MBT-3's As An Advance Unit Then The Main Force Will Proceed With Air Support. Have The Locals Been Evacuated?" Asked Suzaku.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Some left when the base was originally attacked. Most were trapped inside however and many were killed. However the survivors have been evacuated and so has the settlements within a five mile radius. Our forces have quickly build a large complex in a defensive location and it has very high security and defenses."

@Emperor Ploppa (I tag you so you can know of the base)
@Emperor Ploppa[/URL] (I tag you so you can know of the base)
"Thank Your The Information" He Said. Suzaku Ordered 20 Knightmate Pilots And 5 Tank Crews To Scout The Base That Was Attacked. After They Left Suzaku Ordered The Remaining Troops To Position Thereselves 5 Miles Away From The Base.
Mediterranean Sea - 1st Scout Ship

The captain spoke.

"Very well. I shall drop off my diplomat there as soon as possible. Good luck on your journeys."

And with that, he pulled away into the deep blue water of the Mediterranean. He sailed for a couple days - passing by Tunis to replenish food supplies onboard, and reached Oxford. There, he dropped off a diplomat.

The diplomat was of a strange nature. He, unlike most Hamuis, smoked a pipe, a thousand-year old tradition. He did not come in black suits like the others, but a big, swaggering blue suit topped with light brown leather shoes and belt. He was happy he marched towards the Order's capital. He was excited, after all.


Tunis Government Administration - Communications Center

A message from the the Eclipse Empire has arrived. Charles listened closely with his advisors.

"... Thank you for listening to this broadcast by the Eclipsian government."

This was a problem indeed. He trusted his ally, perhaps there really was a threat. But a global one? One that he needed to send Hamuis troops towards? There was a problem, another problem, within the broadcast. It had been hopelessly vague. What enemy did he speak of? How were their troops dressed and equipped? What actions have the Eclipse government taken already?

Charles decided that he would help his ally. But first, he must know how many troops to send (or, perhaps, sacrifice).

He would a group of Hamuis scouts. They were little more than grunts with green armor, as Tunis did not have much interest in external affairs. They had been given basic training - they were told how to identify troop numbers, how to stay undetected, and how to deal with the enemy if they were caught. However, despite their lack of experience, they still had three objectives to complete.

1. Identify the total amount of troops, aircraft, and navalcraft in the foreign empire.

2. Identify their capabilities on the field.

3. Identify civilian populations.

He spoke into the mic awaiting him.

"Greetings. We will assist in your defense, as we have an alliance to hold. But first, I must determine the exact threat the enemy presents, even if it is indeed a global threat already. I have sent some scouts to determine this. They will arrive in your territory in a small car. Please, let them pass. When they do, they will arrive in the affected area, and do what is necessary in the forest. Thank you, and good luck."

As his small group of 5 scouts rode into the sunset, he could not help but wonder at the amazing pace the world had recovered. It was almost an ethereal presence, being the King of the Hamuis, and doing diplomacy with real friends and enemies likes centuries ago. He was the first king to lead his men out of the nuclear holocaust into a new world, and he wondered just how long he would stay there.

@Emperor Ploppa @Loyal Guardian

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