The World of Tomorrow

Republic of Cascadia


Chesapeake Bay, Cascadian Outlands

The 85% of the community, now Cascadian alligned were taken to the nearest CDF outpost to be processed, documented and officially granted Cascadian citizenship before being put onto the first plane to Austin, Texas where they would be signed up for the CascadiaJobs program to get them to work as soon as possible, giving them a wage and a new living, government benefits were also being prepared for their new citizens to make their transition into Cascadian life as easy as possible. With the new citizens now gone and looked after, the local CDF were able to focus their attention on the troublemakers and borderline invaders.

The CDF set up a defensive position around the building where the Hamuis had gathered themselves in, as it hadn't been the Cascadians that had forced them into it, as that was just a stupid idea and asking for trouble. The CDF troops kept a close eye on the Hamuis, that was until they begun throwing rocks and shouting at them, then the soldiers simply got into their humvees and watched from there. The rocks pinging off the side of the heavily armored vehicles with no effect. The Black Hawk helicopters and unmanned drones kept their eyes hovering over the entire area, making sure that nothing was happening still.

Simmons went back to the CDF Airbase to catch up on some rest as he was no longer needed in the area. Whilst the CDF Lieutenant kept an eye over the situation, the Cascadians made no attempt to talk to the Hamuis, simply ignoring their yelling and protesting. They did however make it so that the Hamuis could not leave their community, they could go to the other buildings in their small village but they could not go any further. No matter how long the Hamuis kept up their protest, the CDF would not leave until their mission was complete. Which was getting the Hamuis to leave their territory willingly.


Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The Cascadian grew were packing up their stuff as their government had agreed to begin setting up official communications between the two countries immediately, plans for a trade route between the two was also nearing competion, with the proposed plans ready to be sent soon. As When Zeph arrived the Cascadians would greet him. "Our government's setting up communications with your government and we're preparing a proposed trade route as we speak."


Seattle, Cascadia

"Well that's a very tempting offer. I will talk to the Senate about it, and we will see what they vote on. You must understand that the Cascadian people would be completely against joining a war we have no business in, as we are a peaceful and harmonious people. But nevertheless, I do feel sympathetic to you and your people and I will see what I can do." The governor replied.

@Fishman Lord

Portland, Cascadia

President Jefferson announced today that the reconstruction of Los Angeles was going much quicker than anticipated due to the flow of hardworking Texans that had been conditioned for hours upon hours of work by their previous government, even when their Cascadian employers said that they could take breaks and have lunch, many of the Texans continued to work as it was what they were used to and in many cases even enjoyed. This has all proved to be very beneficial to the reconstruction of LA and Denver. Meanwhile Project: Newway is over halfway completed and is nearing the end of it's development, likewise with Project: Interior. The CADF expansion has been completed and the CADF is now capable of fielding hundreds of new F-22's, modified with the latest Cascadian weapons systems and stealth technology. The CDF is still on high alert over the new news of a viral outbreak in Asia and an unknown fighting force in the North, along with the Canadian War.​
Pendragon, Research Center

A Soldier Approached Lloyd. "Sir, All Projects Has Been Finished!". Lloyd Looked Back And Replied "Wonderful! Inform Odysseus". "Right Away!".


Project OSW, Project Avalon, Project Fleija, And Project Deployement Has Been Finished.

@Loyal Guardian (Avalon Has Been Finished, 2 Were Made, One Was Sent Towards Your Capitol)
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Military personnel gathered at the airport in wait for the new Avalon ship, which was gifted by their ally the Rising Empire. Soon the ship came into view and the soldiers were actually semi-impressed with the ship, seeing as how both countries have managed such feats. When the ship landed a small ceremony was held in accordance with the ship transfer. Afterwards the Rising Imperial staff on board was given transport by a willing transport ship back to their homeland. After they left the ship was taken to a nearby ship yard and was modified to have the same technology as the ship but have it look more "Eclipsian", as was stated in the transfer ceremony. It took weeks to transform the ship to look like an Eclipsian ship, but it finally was completed. The name was not changed out of respect for the Rising Empire, however the class name was renamed Avalon E-Class.


Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

During the remodeling of the Eclipsian Avalon, the radio officer had been given an order to send a message to the members of the NWA. "To the leaders of the Singaporean Federation and The Order Empire, the 1st NWA Summit has been put forward once again. The venue is still in Solaris, however please be aware of the heightened military presence in the area."

@Alteras @Agent141

Pendragon, Athena Office

Lloyd Was Sitting On His Chair Doing Paper Works, Then He Saw Odysseus Come In. "What Do you Need?". "I Just Wanted To Inform You That The Avalon Has Been Delivered To The Eclipse Empire" Replied Odysseus. "Good, If thats the case, we must begin the construction of the carleon class battleship and logre class battleship". "Mm hmm" Said Odysseus Then Exited The Room

Project Escort Has Commenced(ETA: 1 Month)
Heather stuck her head out of her covers and sat up with her eyes widened. She believed she was going insane.... A telephone started ringing to the side of her bed, and she picked it up. "Hello Heather, could you come down to floor 7 and help us?" Heather returned back to normal. "Oh yeah.. sure. Hold on for a minute." She looked around and got her clothes and she put them on, she also hid her hair in her clothing and a hoodie. She put away the phone and went on the elevator to the seventh floor. The additional 8,9, and 10 buttons missing.

She finally entered the 'depot' and walked through the reception office. She entered a empty dark room with her head hanging down and her hands in her pockets. She started being gently poked with a brush. "Hey get out, we aren't buying your drugs kid." She took the brush away. "It's me Thomas..." he stared at her eyes which he definitely hasn't seen this way before. "Eeghhh, the fuck happened to you?" [TBH when I see this guy/referenced, All I can think of is Markiplier for some reason...] She sighed. "I don't even know either... So what did you need help with again?" Heather said. "Oh yeah, the barrels. We need help getting rid of the waste, and then testing the tank. But I don't think anyone would be too happy with that." Heather shrugged. "Meh, the people in glazov are gallian anyway. It wouldn't be much harm, especially since they would think it was one of theirs due to the color scheme." They slowly dragged ten barrels of waste to the elevator, two being carried by Heather. "You appear stronger than usual?" Heather put the barrels down and activated the elevator. "I don't know why, for whatever reason I feel different. I did have a severe nightmare but I don't think that means anything..."

once the elevator stopped at floor 3, They left to a engine house and Heather made sure no one was outside. She got a hand cart ready and she helped him get the barrels on. She then heard something a ways off, and ran to a side room seeing a guard sleeping, and Alexander talking with someone. She motioned for Thomas to hide somewhere, in which he went underneath the utility train. His uniform made him blend in so well. "Hey, I don't remember there being a blanket here..." Alexander said before shrugging and walking away, Natasha investigating closer and even poking Thomas on the back. "Leave it alone, some poor bastard that got drunk might of just left it there to take a piss or something." She backed away from it and they walked off into the distance. Heather got out of a locker, and Thomas clawled out. They got onto the hand cart, and Heather started pulling the lever back and forth.

"So how has your day been?" Heather said. "Just fine, we haven't been caught yet. However your sister never visited for whatever reason. She usually just leaned against the elevator sometimes with a box of needles though." Heather ignored that last part. "Interesting enough." They continued on until they stopped in a tunnel with water about 7 stories below. And she started throwing the barrels off that got damaged due to the waste, while keeping others to be used again. They started going back again, and then Thomas left to get the tank to the revolving platform and she went with him. They entered a dark hanger-esk room with a giant blue-red curtain covering most of the rooms. They walked up to the seventh room in the hanger. He was obviously exited but didn't appear physically to be. Unlike his other creations over the years, he didn't keep a clipboard and he memorized it.

"The Edelweiss is a single turreted design, it thus makes it more accurate. There are two hatches on the turret, one on top as part of the cupola for the commander and another at the rear of the turret for loading ammunition, disposal of used shell cartridges and as an escape route." He opened the door but didn't move the curtain.

"Frontal armor protection is expected to be great for its thickness with the rounded glacis and the vehicle enjoys decent all around protection. There is room enough for a dedicated driver and dedicated wireless operator, and a few soldiers for a surprise attack. It has been modified to waterproof the entire unit for submerged fording. The engine is currently equipped with an 800 horsepower (597kW) turbine engine. I kept some of what they call RGN-42, which is much more effective to use..." He took a moment to breathe.

"A pair of drive sprockets at the front of the tank propel each tread and there are six road wheels on each side. Its suspension is a form of torsion bar given the layout. Though while it may enjoy unparalleled speed the unit may suffer mobility issues with its weight versus the width of its treads on softer ground. But since the surface is hardened mostly like before the war, that shouldnt be a problem whatsoever so ignore it." He went to open the curtains, but five seconds of pulling the curtain to the side he just tugged it off.


"That... that is a tank." Heather remarked. "Yes. Yes it is." Heather climbed onto the tank. "Who drives and who guns?" Thomas waved his finger at her. "Now now, Heather. It is only a test drive. There is no ammunition yet either, but I will drive the tank." They were about to enter the tank until Heather heard some walking. "Are you walking?" Thomas stuck his head out. "What? No." Heather turned around and looked into the dark room. She saw Jennifer standing there with her arms crossed and staring at them. "The fuck you want?" Jennifer looked to the side at the tank, and then back to them. "Nice tank you have there. So nice of you to give it to me." Heather crossed her arms. "It ain't yours." Jennifer pointed at it. "It has our color, Same patterns as well.. I can use it to one up your sister, and I could find for more. But such a shame you won't be free to see it happen." Heather walked up to her and poked her. "Oh, so that's how it is now? I see. You see a helpless girl and a engineer hop into a big ass tank, and then you imprison them."

Jennifer didn't budge. "No, I see government property and militaristic incrimination." Heather looked to the side and and shook her head up in down and pretending to wipe her mouth. "Mmm, yeah I see how it is." Heather violently pushed Jennifer, causing her to fall over. Heather then took off her armour and utility belt. "Well come on then, if you're going to send me to prison you're gonna have to fight me." She extended her arms. "Come at me!" Thomas sat down on the tank and drinking milk. Jennifer stood up and pulled out handcuffs from her gun holster and walked up to her. Heather went to punch her only to have Jennifer step aside and cuffing her hand. Jennifer o most got her until Heather banged her head into Jennifer, but then she grabbed Heather at the back of her head and threw her into the ground. She got ontop of Heather and cuffed her. "Now play nice Heather." She got up and started walking up to Thomas. "I know the law, I follow the law, I am innocent of this crime." He kept his arms in the air in the event she would pull out a gun.

As she climbed up the tank and arrested him, Heather stood up and broke the cuffs off. "Fine." She focused on Jennifer and turned around as Jennifer was walking with Thomas to leave. She stopped and made him sit down and walked over to Heather. "Don't make me do this to you Heather." Heather charged into Jennifer knocking them both down. Thomas got up and watched the two 'fight' however it was more like the girl on the bottom couldn't move. Jennifer kicked Heather off of her and got back up again. Heather didn't feel like fighting today and then gave Jennifer the finger. Jennifer ran after her and wondered why she kept escaping. Jennifer tried to subdue by her in the face, but she stepped to the side and kicked her on the back unamused. "WHY WILL YOU NOT STOP?" She ran towards Heather again and jumped into the air and kicked her, making Heather stumble and fall behind the tank. Jennifer then started walking up to her but Heather was annoyed. Heather stood up and she pulled her hoodie off and went to fight her, she was imagining how to beat Jennifer and she touched the RGN on the tank.

Her hair turned white, she didn't realize she was starting to 'flame on' like in her dream. "Oh shit" Thomas and Jennifer kept a large distance away from Heather. "What? You wanted me, come and get me." Jennifer did the only reasonable thing she could think of at the time and dropped the cuffs and a key and kept her hands in Heather's view. "Alright Heather, just calm down. Nobody will know what happened here, trust me on that." Jennifer walked away and Heather smirked. "Guess she isn't that tough." She held her hand out to Thomas. "No thanks, I'm good." Heather then noticed she was on fire and tried putting it out, she took her vest off but the flames weren't on it afterwards. She started screaming and running around the room, and rolling across the floor. Thomas undid his handcuffs, and called for any medic that was in the area on floor 3 closest to the elevator. Three triplets ran into the room and noticed Heather had collapsed onto the floor, she had made herself pass out by holding her breathe. "Don't worry, you'll be just fine!" They dragged Heather away to the hospital, however Thomas continued with his test as this was the last day until Alexander would visit.

Disease and the agreement

Adam listened closely as the news of the disease has spread across the chinese border, korea, and the siberian front. The research for a cure was in the process and progress was shown, certain antibiotics were found to have slowed down the advancement of phases within the patient's. This gave enough time for those infected to live longer but having to endure more of the pain. More refugee's were reported to be pouring in and the ten camps that were set up were already packed full, maxing out to more than 300,000 refugees. For now no more refugees would be accepted, however they were given the antibiotics and a small amount of supplies. There were also orders to send out small forces to find out the situation of the manchurian government and see if any new nations being on the rise. All scouting parties are to avoid any fights and are only to find info.

Within the next hour Adam met with Gov Chun and was happy to hear the news. "Thats great! I'm glad to hear that, looking forward to work alongside with the singapore federation."



The trucks pulled up to the first checkpoint. The checkpoint had a small bunker/tower hybrid with fences blocking off large portions of the city. As for the gate itself, it was a single roadblock surrounded with sandbags with static machine guns hiding behind it. A guard pops out of the bunker wearing military clothing and a gas mask and approaches the convoy.

"You must come from the east right?" asked the guard.


Myrkuta, Airbase

"Very well. At the moment we are in no need of gunships or military personal. However if we do require their assistance we will come and get them to help out. As for everything else, no more can be done. The rest will be under control for the meantime. Good luck to the fight against the invading aliens. May you victories be sweet." replied Artyom while giving a smile.

RedLine said:

The trucks pulled up to the first checkpoint. The checkpoint had a small bunker/tower hybrid with fences blocking off large portions of the city. As for the gate itself, it was a single roadblock surrounded with sandbags with static machine guns hiding behind it. A guard pops out of the bunker wearing military clothing and a gas mask and approaches the convoy.

"You must come from the east right?" asked the guard.


Myrkuta, Airbase

"Very well. At the moment we are in no need of gunships or military personal. However if we do require their assistance we will come and get them to help out. As for everything else, no more can be done. The rest will be under control for the meantime. Good luck to the fight against the invading aliens. May you victories be sweet." replied Artyom while giving a smile.

Kevin nodded. "We have gifts."
RedLine said:
Myrkuta, Airbase

"Very well. At the moment we are in no need of gunships or military personal. However if we do require their assistance we will come and get them to help out. As for everything else, no more can be done. The rest will be under control for the meantime. Good luck to the fight against the invading aliens. May you victories be sweet." replied Artyom while giving a smile.

"Okay, Call Me If You Need Help" Said The Commanding Officer Then Walked Towards Their Temporary Residence.

Pendragon Pond

Odysseus Was Sitting Besides The Pond Watching The Fishes, And The Birds In The Trees. Maximillion And Lloyd Approached Him. "Brother, The Avalon Was Delivered To The Eclipse Empire" Max Said. "Good" He Said While Watching The Fishes. "And We Have Something To Propose" Lloyd Said And Handed Odysseus A Folder. He Flipped The Pages Of The Folder And Watched Every Papers Carefully "Amazing, I Approve Of It.". Max And Lloyd Left Odysseus Alone In The Pond.


Eclipse Empire Has Received The Avalon

Project ALB Has Commenced

"You came at a fucking bad time. Everything has went to shit after the last time you guys came. You better come inside. We would need to scan you guys for any virus you may have contracted over the last few days."

The guard gave the 'ok' sign to a fellow comrade who lifted the roadblock.

Singaporean Federation

District Hall, Manila, Philippines District, Singaporean Federation

6th Gov Claire Samson had finished setting up her office. A messenger came in. "There has been an attack on a 6th district military base. Half of the base was killed. Survivors report about 60 men. They stole of our weapons." Samson stood up in shock. "Was this a high priority base?" "No." She started moving for the door. Agh, this election should've happened years ago. If this district is already fighting, there is a massive problem. She walked to the Office of Law Enforcement. The room was empty. AGH! They haven't even set up office?! Is our only law enforcement Local and Port Authority?! She moved backed to her office. "Call the military base." After a few moments someone got on the line. "Gov Samson, thank you for calling us." "Cut the courtesy, what's going on?" "We were attacked." "I know you were attacked, what can you gain from the enemy." "Well, they are all local Filipinos. And they're all wearing red armbands." Agh, this is a nationalistic revolt. "Do you know where they went?" "Judging from the trail of wrecked cars, yep. We'll expand our search and send a PSA." The call hanged. Claire looked at the messenger. "Fortify the Port Authority. Get me eyes in the sky. We're classifying this as a terrorist situation. And get me a Sentosa Battleship." All the commands were approved and the Sentosa Battleship began its movement from Sulawesi to the Philippines.

@Emperor Ploppa

Raffles Hotel, Singapore

The Cascadian crew was escorted to their ship. "Oh and one more thing, when you enter our waters, you'll have to follow our instructions. Our Port runs a tight operation so we're constantly changing our plans to make the most efficient use." Zeph said goodbye to them and left.


Federation Parliament, Singapore

The Rockies planes landed and was brought to the Parliament building. Zeph met up with them in a conference room. "Hello gentlemen, how can I help you?"

@Fishman Lord

Headquarters Signals and Command, Singapore

"Ummm... The Rising Empire is headed towards us. I mean, its nice that they told us ahead of time, but we really can't turn them down huh..." "Doesn't seem so. Let MWE Chen know. Route them to the Changi Airport. And send a response to the Eclipse Empire's invite." They sent a response to the Eclipse Empire stating that PM Zeph would be able to join.


Tokyo, United Japan

5th Gov Chun spoke to Adam. "You seem to be worried about something. What is it?"

@general ostruppen
Adam sighed and looked at the govenor with tiresome eye's. "Well not sure if you hadn't heard but there has been a pandemic thats broken in manchuria and is rapidly spreading. The JSDF have been mobilize to help the civilian population and have set up 5 recovery camps, were currently in the process of finding a cure with our best doc and he managed to find ways to slow down the diseases from quickly killing the infected, to give them time and endure the pain hoping to see the cure come in time. So far there hasn't been any hostile action against our forces thus far, we could use your assistance if your willing to lend out a hand. Also we've sent out a small JSDF special task force to korea, basically undercover and figuring out whats been going on, including in manchuria and shanghai. Thats about it tho."

RedLine said:
"You came at a fucking bad time. Everything has went to shit after the last time you guys came. You better come inside. We would need to scan you guys for any virus you may have contracted over the last few days."

The guard gave the 'ok' sign to a fellow comrade who lifted the roadblock.

The vehicles entered and then parked to the side, everyone exited the vehicles with only a few people changing their mask filters. "Alright then."
Singapore, Changi Airport

The Royal Shuttle Along With The 6 Air Superiority Fighters And The 5 Knightmare Frame's Landed At The Changi Airport. Euphemia And Clovis Exited The Shuttle Followed By 2 Guards Who Also Exited Their Frame.

Gardens by the Bay - Singapore

The captain responded.

"Of course. Thank you for your kind hospitality."

And with that, he headed with MWE Chen towards the shoreline. From there, he would return to Tunis to await further assignment.

@Alteras (if need respond)

Order Capital Building - Oxford

Seeing the man arrive, the diplomat began to speak.

"Greetings. I am a diplomat from the Enlightened Kingdom of the Hamuis. We would like to establish a trade treaty with your nation, as well as a non-aggression pact to create a time for further diplomatic talks."

He smiled at the man, and wondered if British tea was still in stock.


Sweden - Area of Halmstad

The man climbed aboard the helicopter alone, leaving his Hamuis escorts behind. He sat in the leather seat, and stripped on the seatbelt. He looked out at the barren, frozen Swedish lands. He wondered what the Polish head of state would be like - he was somewhat nervous now. He would get it over with.

"I am ready. Let us go to the capital."


Eclipsian Lands - Area of Forest

The men, having seen nothing of the sort before, panicked. There were 5 men, and then there were 9 enemies. There were 5 pieces of conventional laser weaponry, and then there was a damn lightsaber taken straight from the movies.

One, quite figgity and hyper, took a reaction shot at one of the weaker enemies with a pistol.

Another simply packed up and ran.

Another hid behind a tree and threw a rock at the lightsaber-wielding-jedi-guy.

Another, perhaps the captain of the group, shouted something and flung himself towards that jedi guy in a maniacal American football tackle.

The last one simply stood there with a dead look inside his eyes.

One might say that the mission was not going entirely well.

@Emperor Ploppa

Chesapeake Bay - New Cairo

As the Cascadians retired for the night, the men and women inside the complex gathered around a small fire on the concrete floor. There were small whispers, some of violence, some of peace, and some of desertion throughout the building. A few had scrambled outside into the houses of the small village, which the Cascadians seemed to have conceded to them. They promised that they would resist arrest, and if the Cascadians decided to, there'd be a high chance of escalating violence.

As the moon rose, the men and women waited.

@RIPSaidCone (We can just let this rest here for a bit, probs)

The scanning for each person took several hours. A number of blood sampling and data was extracted from the bunch. The military doctor oversaw the process while heavy understaffed making it take longer. When the results finally came in, it reported that they were all clean. The commanding officer came to see the convoy knowing there was no more danger lingering.

"Welcome friends. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience. We had just recently had some problems going on in this part of the world and it has not been going well for us. I was told you guys had gifts for us. Not sure what we did to earn it to begin with." laughed the officer.


(OOC: I know I said this was my last, but I just wanted to post this before I forget.)
RedLine said:

The scanning for each person took several hours. A number of blood sampling and data was extracted from the bunch. The military doctor oversaw the process while heavy understaffed making it take longer. When the results finally came in, it reported that they were all clean. The commanding officer came to see the convoy knowing there was no more danger lingering.

"Welcome friends. I am truly sorry for the inconvenience. We had just recently had some problems going on in this part of the world and it has not been going well for us. I was told you guys had gifts for us. Not sure what we did to earn it to begin with." laughed the officer.


(OOC: I know I said this was my last, but I just wanted to post this before I forget.)
"Yes, two entire wagons of free shit. Though for certain things like the heavy anti tank guns, most of the food, and the ammunition for the heavy gun you'll have to pay for it." Kevin took curtains off the wagons which were tied down, revealing wagons filled with supplies, one nice and tidy, cover in food baskets and ammunition crates including the ATGs. Another one with different ammunition types but not in crates in the hundreds, with WWII Soviet weaponry, made in the form to be realistic to that setting. With most of the guns being buried in bullets. The wagons having flags of the union, the more tidy one being from the redline and gallians, the second from all three governments.

"Pistol casings and pistols are free, easy to replace and repair anyway. Rifles and their clips are 50 bullets, a gold bar, basically any currency which can also be used as some form of everyday appliance, with mosin clips being 10 bullets each. Of course said bullets need to be heavy and or high quality to be valid currency. Sub machine guns are 60 bullets, and their ammunition is 10 for every five bought or you could spend a gold bar on it. Grenades are 30 bullets, and Food besides the fruit are free, the fruit are 30 bullets. There is a free anti tank gun/rifle and a circular drum for it for you too. If the currency shines in the sky, that means it is a powerful ally."
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Pendragon Treasury Building

Nonnete Was Signing Papers At His Office When Jeremiah Came In, He Look At Nonnete And Said. "Hey, Athena Inc. Has Produced 200 Sutherland Class Knightmare Frames, We Were Thinking If We Could Sell Them To Other Countries". "Yeah, Sure, Give Me The Papers And I Will Sign Them, What Is The Price?". "20 Million For Each, However It Is Not Fixed, So It Can Be Negotiated.". "Okay" Nonnete Signed The Papers Jeremiah Gave Her. Jeremiah Exited The Room And Went To The Communications Center And Told The Officers To Announce To The Whole World That 200 Sutherland Class Are For Sale.


200 Knightmare Frames Are For Sale

Sutherland Class(Inferior To The Vincent Ward The Rising Empire Uses)



  • 1x Assault Rifle (????????, Asarutoraifuru) (Commonly-used weapon)

  • 1x Jousting Lance (Commonly-used weapon)

  • 2x Shoulder-mounted "Sattel Waffen" (Saddle Weapon) Missile Launchers (Located on each side of the cockpit)

  • 1x Giant Cannon (??????, Oogata Kyanon)

  • 1x Torso-mounted Antipersonnel Machine Gun

  • Chaos Mine(s) (??????, Keiosu Bakurai, lit. Chaos depth charge) (carried in its hips)

  • Stun Gun(s) (?????, Sutangan) (LEAST-used weapon)

Price: 20 Million Each(Not Fixed)

Additional Information: Float Systems May Be Bought For 2m Each

Wickedkent said:
Pendragon Treasury Building
Nonnete Was Signing Papers At His Office When Jeremiah Came In, He Look At Nonnete And Said. "Hey, Athena Inc. Has Produced 200 Sutherland Class Knightmare Frames, We Were Thinking If We Could Sell Them To Other Countries". "Yeah, Sure, Give Me The Papers And I Will Sign Them, What Is The Price?". "20 Million For Each, However It Is Not Fixed, So It Can Be Negotiated.". "Okay" Nonnete Signed The Papers Jeremiah Gave Her. Jeremiah Exited The Room And Went To The Communications Center And Told The Officers To Announce To The Whole World That 200 Sutherland Class Are For Sale.


200 Knightmare Frames Are For Sale

Sutherland Class(Inferior To The Vincent Ward The Rising Empire Uses)



  • 1x Assault Rifle (????????, Asarutoraifuru) (Commonly-used weapon)

  • 1x Jousting Lance (Commonly-used weapon)

  • 2x Shoulder-mounted "Sattel Waffen" (Saddle Weapon) Missile Launchers (Located on each side of the cockpit)

  • 1x Giant Cannon (??????, Oogata Kyanon)

  • 1x Torso-mounted Antipersonnel Machine Gun

  • Chaos Mine(s) (??????, Keiosu Bakurai, lit. Chaos depth charge) (carried in its hips)

  • Stun Gun(s) (?????, Sutangan) (LEAST-used weapon)

Price: 20 Million Each(Not Fixed)

Additional Information: Float Systems May Be Bought For 2m Each

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"To whom this may concern, the Imperial Armed Forces of the Eclipse has expressed interest in these low class Knightmare Frames. The purchase is directly from the Imperial Eclipsian Army and they would like to but all of the frames. However they would like to make a few adjustments with the price and the frames themselves. First off the army wishes to lower the price of each frame from anywhere between sixteen and eighteen million, secondly we would like to modify each frame to fit Eclipsian standard look and arm them with our weaponry. Please respond to this in a quick and timely manner, we thank you for your time."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"To whom this may concern, the Imperial Armed Forces of the Eclipse has expressed interest in these low class Knightmare Frames. The purchase is directly from the Imperial Eclipsian Army and they would like to but all of the frames. However they would like to make a few adjustments with the price and the frames themselves. First off the army wishes to lower the price of each frame from anywhere between sixteen and eighteen million, secondly we would like to modify each frame to fit Eclipsian standard look and arm them with our weaponry. Please respond to this in a quick and timely manner, we thank you for your time."

An Officer Rushed Into Nonnete's Office And Told Her About The Transmission, They Rushed Back To The Communications Room, She Sent A Message Back. "This Is Nonnete, The Rising Empire Minister Of Treasury, The Rising Empire Would Agree On The Price Of 17,500,000 Million, And You May Modify The Knightmare Frame's Exterior As Soon As It Is Delivered To Your Country, And Would You Like Float System Installed? It Would Cost Another 2 Million Each"
Wickedkent said:
An Officer Rushed Into Nonnete's Office And Told Her About The Transmission, They Rushed Back To The Communications Room, She Sent A Message Back. "This Is Nonnete, The Rising Empire Minister Of Treasury, The Rising Empire Would Agree On The Price Of 17,500,000 Million, And You May Modify The Knightmare Frame's Exterior As Soon As It Is Delivered To Your Country, And Would You Like Float System Installed? It Would Cost Another 2 Million Each"
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio officer replied. "What is this Float System? I have a theory on it, but just in case i would like to ask what it is."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio officer replied. "What is this Float System? I have a theory on it, but just in case i would like to ask what it is."

"It Is A Modification Attached To The Back Of The Knightmare Frames And Would Make It Able To Fly, It Is The Same With The Float System Installed In The Avalon And The Lancelot Albion" She Replied.
Wickedkent said:
"It Is A Modification Attached To The Back Of The Knightmare Frames And Would Make It Able To Fly, It Is The Same With The Float System Installed In The Avalon And The Lancelot Albion" She Replied.
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"If that is the case, then it is not needed. We already have such a system, it is equipped on our Jovian Sky Stations. Now the army has agreed to the price of each frame, with the total cost being 3.5 billion. The money will be given to you once the frames have been delivered."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"If that is the case, then it is not needed. We already have such a system, it is equipped on our Jovian Sky Stations. Now the army has agreed to the price of each frame, with the total cost being 3.5 billion. The money will be given to you once the frames have been delivered."

"Very Well, The Frames Will Be Delivered Soon, If You Need More Frames Contact Us Back And We Will Reserve Frames For Your Empire" Replied Nonnete. 200 Knightmare Frames Were Loaded Into Several Transport Ships And Began Heading Towards The Eclipse Empire, A Tutorial Video Was Also Set In The Cockpit.

The officer took a few minutes to look at the variety of items. A squad of solider's helped with unloading the gift's from the trucks and loaded into a separate transport vehicle to be delivered into the FOB.

"I'm afraid we will not be buying today. As much as these weapons and ammo look, we are in no serious need of them. Your gift is more than enough. Since you and your men have come a long way you are free to stay for as long as you need or bypass towards other lands. Just be sure to notify me before you go anywhere. I'll be at the communications tent dealing with some business if you need me." said the officer.


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