The World of Tomorrow

Pavle and Thomas were still in minor prison. They were escorted back to the training area except this time, Thomas had planned of something. "I have a plan to get out." Pavle looked around. "What is it??" He pointed to the forest zone. "During these ungodly 'trainings', I've been sneaking out and busting a few holes into the wall. All we need to do is break down the wall and get back to our stations." He nodded. "What do we need to do?" He raised up the gun and pointed at its stock. "Beat a hole through the wall. After our great escape, I can simply just have someone forge our release in the first place."

The ridiculous training took place, however the guards just fired artillery at the prisoners again and relentless machine gun fire. Thomas had escaped into the forest biome and pavle stayed to make it seem like they weren't escaping. Thomas had came back. "Alright come on." They tried sneaking away and then sprinting through the forest. Thomas continued beating the loosened with pavle stood behind a tree waiting. He saw some 2nd squad members such as Kevin doing the same thing. "Kevin? why the fuck are you here?" He stopped trying to kick down the wall and silently ran up to them. "I was framed for stealing a candy bar!" He heard someone running. "HEY! Where the hell do you think you're going?!?" Pavle looked back and saw a angry Leila running towards them. He looked at Thomas. "Break the wall faster damn it!" He looked back in front of him and shot Leila in the eye. "Ow!" She shot back while still holding the whip. He shot her in the head again. "Gah! You little bastard!" She sprinted at him only to get shot in the knee and fall over. Hitting her head on a rock and passing out. "Threat neutralized!" He turned around at Thomas. "Move!" Pavle sprinted into the hole and bursting through it. Falling over in the process.

They all sprinted down the hall to the stairs, hearing screaming because Leila woke up and dragged them back after whipping them. They continued running until they got up the stairs, pavle kept shooting fake rounds at Leila and then ran off again. He ran into a guard and knocked him out by bashing him in the skull with the rifle. They continued running until eventually making it to a elevator, where pavle kept shooting Leila in the feet until she tripped again. Instead crawling after them. Only to be retaliated with being shot in the face again. The elevator opened and they entered it, going back to the third floor.

They all tried to breathe again besides Thomas. "When these doors open, I'm getting the hell out of here." They nodded, and the elevator doors open they all separated. Thomas ran up to Natasha, explaining the false imprisonment and the torture that came with it. He then ran off when he heard Leila running around looking for them. Shortly afterwards Leila herself was imprisoned.


The eastern campaign continued on, it was nearing its second phase of completion which eventually would lead to all of no mans land being theirs. Heather was lying down on the back of the tank, Staring at the sky bored. Occasionally she would pull out a rifle and shoot at some mutants which did attack however otherwise the tanks had it under control. They were going to surgut where Alexander was stationed, preparing to invade nizhnevartovsk from the mutants. Then eventually they will populate the in-between of glazov - Surgut during a long period of time preparing.


The north east tank only found one family of five. They escorted them to glazov. Their job was completed. They also marked the route they went on a map for future use.


Alexander was on the outskirts of surgut clearing out the small mutant population. The mutants were not as powerful here as on the way to surgut. Thus meaning there would be more on the right side of the ob river... they slowly entered the city and fired upon the mutants there. They stopped after reaching the center of the city and explored the ruins. Most of the other large cities they encountered where nuked to the point of being only craters, however surgut survived. A nuke however detonated in the ob river in-between surgut and nizhnevartovsk. Leaving surgut on this side at least, still mainly intact.

Explored inside of buildings and abandoned outposts which appeared to be freshly constructed. Alexander enabled the radio on her tank and informed any people living here what they were doing, and trying to retake Russia. She also informed them of some supply carts for family's and was being sincere. However no one appeared. She instructed some soldiers to take some additional supplies with them, and to explore the city while some of the tanks are maintained due to some punctures in the treads which need to be dented out or replaced. Groups of soldiers with food began slowly exploring the city for any people living there that survived the mutant population of surgut. Alexander then marked on a near straight line she took to get to surgut and informed the gallians on the radio. As simply driving through large rivers, mountains, and such would waste their time and resources. She expected that after a month of getting here, and clearing out entire thousands of hordes. It would still take some time for reinforcements to arrive. However occasionally small groups of lurkers would enter surgut and attack the people.
Mexico City, Mexico

Felix was talking to his generals in the war room. "Are all the men in position?" He queried, taking a sip of his water. "Not yet. in a day's time, all of the needed men will be in position to lance forward into the Colombians. We have nearly built the airfield that will paradrop men into their capitol." The president nodded, stroking the stubble. "Good. Tell the men, the first one to enter their capital building will get a bottle of my finest champagne." The general nodded but faltered. "Uh, sir. Most of the things needed to build the Leviathan are complete, we just need to figure out how to build a few fusion reactors on there and the laser's core. We figure it can go up to 50km up, well beyond any current anti aircraft weapons, but any laser like that would take AT LEAST a month to recharge, likely two. But on the bright side, our estimates of destruction range is two to eight kilometers in diameter. We reckon it'll take four to five months just to research it and another six to build. That is all." With that, the president smiled warmly, shook his hand, and exited.

Projects: New infrastructure: 28%

Colonizing the Carribean: 35%


The Leviathan: 40%

Breakthrough with new Armor: 98%

New tank: 32%
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Portland, Cascadia

Alastair looked at Emperor Schneizel. "Oh, nothing much. We were just discussing trade and alliances." Alastair looked at his phone then looked at President Jefferson. "The shipment is almost here, expect it in a few hours." Alastair one more looked at his phone and took a sip from his glass. "Oh and we have another corporation. They sell building materials, refined metals, and various components. Here's a list if you want." Alastair took out another peice of paper and handed it to President Jefferson.

Order Industries Products




Ceramic Tiles






Fusion Battery

Fusion Core

@RIPSaidCone @Wickedkent

Project: SS 40%
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Schneizel Then Chuckled. "Cant Wait To See It!". He Then Looked At The President. "I Would Consider The Trade Agreement And Alliance, But.. Your Country Must Supply Ours Monthly With Resources". He Then Rested On The Chair And Looked At Alaister. "What Is This Fusion Battery, Core And Ordarium". He Then Touched His Earpiece. ", It Seems That There Are Huge Military Activities South Of This Country"

@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian
Presidential Residence, Portland, Republic of Cascadia

Byron nodded his head at what Jefferson had to say. "Well you can surely expect Eclipsian assistance if a war like that ever happens." He then turned his attention to Alastair, who had just presented the list to them. "So Mister Alastair, how would you feel about the same deal with the Cascadians for our countries. We are after all very strong allies, so having extra tourism and media would be nice to add on top of it."

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141

Chinese Interior

General Frios was in his tent, talking with a few of his officers in a friendly conversation. During the conversation one of the Sergeants walked into the tent and saluted the men, in turn Frios saluted back. "What's the problem Sergeant?" He asked. "Sir we have detected multiple signals from nations born out of the collapse of Manchuria. Most notably Mongolia, Shanghai, and Korea." The man reported. "So those three survived huh? Notify the Singaporeans, we have conquered whats left of China anyways. I want to meet a representative from their country to discuss territory negotiations." After that the Sergeant saluted and went to deliver Frios's message.


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded and took the list from Alistair, looking over it and smiling slightly. "The fusion core and fusion battery sound good. I'm sure my scientists would be pleased to inspect it further before we purchase it. Another sample for each?" She asked curiously. "And I'm happy to hear that the shipment will be here soon." She looked over to the Emperor of the Rising Empire, remembering something. "Ah yes that reminds me, our reconnaissance of our southern border have revealed a rather suspicious appearing nation in Mexico. Emperor Bryon, Cascadia would be willing to allow Eclipsian military operations near the area as long as they're overseen by CDF officials. For security reasons obviously." In response to the Rising Empire's leader, Jefferson said. "Our country supplying yours monthly? I hope you're not implying that we give you more resources than you give us of course."

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Wickedkent

Salt Lake City, Cascadia

AMG Transport Dynamics have finished the construction of the 4,900 M1A3 Abrams tanks, these tanks are to be deployed to CDF bases all over Cascadia now. Along with the order of 11,000 Humvees for the transport of troops, 980 F-22's and 700 M109 Paladins. 20 new factories belonging to Misriah Armory have also been constructed, with the other 25 that have been constructed belonging to AMG Transport Dynamics. Meanwhile the training of the new recruits to the CDF is nearing completion, with the 1,011,100 new Reserve troops to be ready for deployment by next month. All will be fully equipped and trained, along with the 890,000 active-duty recruits. A bill passed in the Cascadian Senate allowing the raising of the CDF's budget from 73.3 billion CSD to 168.7 billion CSD. This still only being 4.55% of the overall country's GDP. The ML-199 CD Uniform is also progressing along nicely, the M12 is also proceeding smoothly. Meanwhile Project: Interior has been completed, still remaining classified however as it is rolled out into position by the CDF. Project Newway is expected to finish next month and LA is expected to be fully reconstructed by next month.


Project Interior: Completed

Project Newway: 90%

LA Reconstruction: 95%

ML-199 CDU: 45%

M12 IAV: 20%

4,900 M1A3s: Completed​
Presidential Residence, Portland

"Fusion cores are used to power our vehicles and fusion batteries are used to power our rifles. Ordanium is a metal that was recently found by our government. It is stronger and more durable than titanium. It is costly to mine and refine." Alastair said to Schneizel. Alastair turned to listen what President Jefferson had to say. "The fusion cores and batteries will be in the shipment when it gets here. Actually, I have a sample of Ordanium right here." Alastair said. He took out a small metal plate that had a blue hue to it. "Here you go." Alastair handed the metal to President Jefferson. Alastair then turned to Byron. "That sounds good." Alastair checked his phone. "The shipment has arrived at the airport." he then said to President Jefferson.

@RIPSaidCone @Wickedkent @Loyal Guardian

Project: SS 46%
Mexico city, Mexico.

The president was worried about the leviathan. it was a large, easy to attack battleship. Perhaps he should scrap it. He wwas shook out of his thoughts by an aid. "Sir, the general wishes to see you." He nodded thoughtfully and headed to the war room where they often met.


He arrived and nodded at the general. "What is it?" He queried, looking at him with a questioning face. "Well, sir... It's regarding the Leviathan. One of the miners in the central lands found a small amount of a very important material. It appears that the material can be made to go invisible, causing anything behind it to become transparent as well. We did some testing on it, and anything behind it doesn't show up as a heat signature... In fact, it's impossible to detect if you don't know exactly what you're looking for. However, while there is only a few hundred grams on Earth, we have discovered that the asteroid belt has large quantities of the stuff. The lab guys are calling it Atlanticum because it disappears. Of course, we're not sure if all of the detected asteroids actually have the stuff, but a few key ones we are absolutely certain have them." The president nodded, taking it all in. "How long would it take to build a mining rig?" The general did a bit of math in his head. "Three months to build and launch, four for mining an return. Seven months total." The president nodded and smirked.

Omega Company, V territory.

The company was making their way through the jungles, capturing land and cities as quick as possible. The invasion had only begun today and already they had made it fifty kilometers in. There was word among the other soldiers that the paratroopers that had been dropped on the enemy capital had won, but it was still uncertain. however, the going was swift and most villages or towns surrendered, though some still put up a fight.


New infrastructure: 63%

Colonizing Caribbean: 50%

Mining Rig: 2%


New Tank: 46%

The Leviathan: 45%

New material: 1%
in an astounding press conference, the president of mexico has declared that the order empire can have their entire fucking empire because fuck you cascadia you condescending prick.
RIPSaidCone said:
Presidential Residence, Portland
President Jefferson nodded and took the list from Alistair, looking over it and smiling slightly. "The fusion core and fusion battery sound good. I'm sure my scientists would be pleased to inspect it further before we purchase it. Another sample for each?" She asked curiously. "And I'm happy to hear that the shipment will be here soon." She looked over to the Emperor of the Rising Empire, remembering something. "Ah yes that reminds me, our reconnaissance of our southern border have revealed a rather suspicious appearing nation in Mexico. Emperor Bryon, Cascadia would be willing to allow Eclipsian military operations near the area as long as they're overseen by CDF officials. For security reasons obviously." In response to the Rising Empire's leader, Jefferson said. "Our country supplying yours monthly? I hope you're not implying that we give you more resources than you give us of course."

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Wickedkent
Schneizel Chuckled. "Dear No, In Exchange For Military Equipments Of Course". He Then Tapped His Earpiece A Couple Of Times.

Pendragon, Chief Office

Lelouch Was Sitting On His Chair Checking His Computer, When He Recieved A Message From Schneizel Using A Morse Code, Giving Him A Go Signal, He Then Called For An Officer. "Send A Message To The Eclipsians And Cascadians About Forming A joint Company, That Makes Military Assets But Focuses On Knightmare Frame's.

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian

The troops were approaching the capitol. The western part of Ontario had been mostly taken, as well as all of the disputed arctic territory. Troops had landed in Quebec and were taking that as well. One last offer to let them surrender had been sent, and the king would be merciful.

While mining from the north, miners found a strange object from medieval times. A near fossilized object resembling a Lance. They sent it down to the science floors and after a week it was confirmed to be around from the 14th century. The only problem with identifying it earlier was because it didn't have any resemblance to any faction existing during that century in Europe. It also was made of a strange material... It would be a perfect decoration as it's too damaged in certain areas to be used as a weapon of any form.

Upon hearing rumors of this circulating from the miners, max called the science team. "Hello?" Asked a scientist. "So you found something while mining yes?" The scientist looked behind him at a group carefully trying to exactly date it and see what is on it. "Yes, while mining to expand, and to try getting more of this strange ore. We found a weapon which appears to be a knights Lance. Despite it appearing like a regular training Lance, it is made of what appears to be a extremely refined ore. Sadly it can't be used, but we finished looking at it." The scientist scratched his head. "When you're done with it, send it to the empresses room."

"Yes sir." They put up the phone. He also called engineering. "Hello?" Thomas replied. "Hello Tom, We were thinking about increasing our arsenal. Got any ideas?" Max looked at his watch. "We are going to need a few days if not weeks making plans, then after prototyped are made. Month or two to mass produce them. But yes." Max stopped looking at his fancy watch. "We also need to construct some new armour. A simple vest and shoulder pads won't be enough if bullets fly through it. Something similar to the gallian idea, and keslionko's 2nd squad." Thomas thought for a second. "Don't worry, I've got this." They put up the phone again. And after a hour went to get the Lance. He returned to his civilized looking house/room and put the Lance above the fire place but underneath the flag. He sat down in a comfy chair, and resumed reading POTV:BF by Sean Connery and Morgan freeman again.


Alexander and Jennifer pushed across to the other side of the ob river in the outskirts of nizhnevartovsk. From telling the horde of thousands of lurkers, fifty demons, and several other creatures. There were most likely no survivors besides a few remaining Reich and bandits in the city. The mutants roared and charged at them. "Alright, here they come. Ready the anti tank guns!" Alexander went back into the turret as soldiers climbed up ontop of the tanks emplacing anti tank rifles on the turrets. "Readying the anti tank guns!" A soldier yelled as the infantry hid beside the tanks. They spent months getting here, and they would be damned if they had to retreat from here.

"Alright troops! Don't let up to these abominations! The city shall be ours, and so will a blight future!" Said kes. The troops finished emplacing the guns on the lines of tanks. "Anti tank gun ready!" "Ready!" Said multiple times. "Do not retreat! If you so take much as ten steps back you will be obliterated along with these bastards! We must take the city back, it houses food, water, a port/dock, Plenty of housing and endless opportunity for the future of the empire!" Alexander said as she grabbed the handles of the machine gun in front of her and looked down the sights. Demons roaring in the skies heading towards them as well. "We have the entire Imperial arsenal here! There is no way we can lose. Keep your determination strong, and keep your hail of hellfire stronger!" The mutants had gotten ever closer to the line of ten Tigers, and four panzers, and the new Edelweiss Alexander took command of.

The panzers finished angling themselves. "Panzers ready." Soldiers got their trucks, motorcycles, and various other weapon platforms and systems ready.

a truck gunner pulled a massive bolt connected to the double machine gun barrels cocking it. The mutants got even closer. "OPEN FIRE YA GLORIOUS BASTARDS! LET THEM HEAR OUR SONGS, AND LET US SING THE GREAT DAKKA!"

[/media] the Tigers fired first, with the panzers and their mortar systems firing second. They used the last of their napalm-esk ammunition to create a line of fire in front of them. The night was filled with several flashes of light and the deafening sound of hundreds of heavy weapons firing.

The rocket system on Jennifer's tank kept reigning hail upon the mutants as well as demons. "LOAD FASTER!" The soldier kept loading it as quickly as they could every time a rocket/missile launched. The demons came in and tipped one of the panzers over. "FUCK!" The crew abandoned the tank and fired at the demons with their pistols. The trucks killed a few demons before one crashed into two of them also flipping them over. "Die you ugly bastards!" A truck gunner nailed three more. The lurkers kept getting killed in the hundreds due to relentless machine gun fire. Some of the rockets hitting parts of the city. Some advancing tanks getting crushed by the buildings built prior to the great apocalypse.

"KEEP FIRING DAMN IT!" Heather is on the back of Jennifer's tank crouched down, firing her rifle at the mutants. Hundreds more die while only a few people still have ammunition loaded. The remaining few demons reappeared. "They're coming back!" A demon picked up two soldiers and another one landed eating one in half. The tanks killing it instantly. They keep firing leaving only a couple hundred left alive hours later. The lurkers eventually passed the line and clawed, bite, ripped, chewed, and stomped a few hundred soldiers as well. However a few well placed grenades killed them all. The firing stopped when mutants were out of sight. It was dawn. Alexander and Jennifer climbed out of the tank to see ahead of them. Heather was by this time tending to the soldiers that seemed like they were going to die, thrn the other medics arrived to help.

Alexander smiled. "Today is the day we will retake the motherland! Look at the corpses of our enemy! They have fallen beneath us, and are nolonger of any threat!" She looked at the few hundred still alive soldiers. "Come on comrades! Display your bravery and courage! You will need it. They have taken many of our lives but today is the day we avenge our fallen comrades!" She pointed at the city ruins. "FOR VICTORY, ATTACK!!!" The soldiers charged towards the city "RAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" as the tanks also drove past them. Entering the city and reigning hell upon their enemies. They took half of a skyscraper and started using it as a temporary base. Storing their ammunition and fuel for the tanks.



New armour,

New weapons.


Nothing new.

Republic of Cascadia


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded at what Alistair had to say to both of them about their products, they definitely sounded interesting that much was for sure. "I'm sure my nation would be interested in obtaining some of this Ordanium, if you can provide us with a cost then we would be more than happy to discuss a deal surrounding obtaining some Ordanium once we have fully tested this sample of course. To make sure that it is effective." She smiled and went to inspecting the plate, nodding as she handed it to one of her bodyguards, who then took it away. Looking to Emeror Schneizel now, "What form of military equipment?" She asked.

@Agent141 @Wickedkent


In a quick and swift turn of events, the formerly hostile nation of Mexico has given up it's land. Upon overhearing the communications from the press conference, the CDF was instantly authorized to annex the land via peaceful means. However to ensure that the former Mexican military did not interviene, the Cascadian Red Cross followed the CDF into Mexico and begun handing out supplies to the various malnourished citizens of the country, whilst setting up Aid Camps for those who really needed the help. The CDF was allowed to focus on more pressing matters as the civilians were being looked after by the Red Cross. Eight CDF battalions surrounded the capital city, with news that their government had already shut itself down, the military inside surrendered. Allowing the CDF to enter with little resistance.

Some of the Mexican population were unhappy of the Cascadian presence in their nation, as was expected given the amount of propaganda CDF troops found being played all throughout every major city, all promising lies of unimaginable wealth and glory upon invading the Republic of Cascadia. In response the CDF begun playing their own messages stating of how the Mexican government had been lying to their people, and that the only thing they wanted to fight for was a stretch of desert with no resources to speak of. And that the only reason their old government had even wanted to go to war was to distract their people of how neglected they actually were.

The Mexican owned territory, south of the border has officially become Cascadian territory. With Cascadian officials well aware of how it was supposed to go to the Order Empire, and in return they have offered the Order Empire 25% of the resources they have gathered from the Mexican government and it's military for free, as a token of friendship. A program is now in place to make all Mexican citizens official Cascadians by the end of the month, starting with the elections of their Province representatives to the Cascadian Senate as to give them their own voice in the Republic of Cascadia. The Mexican military is now being integrated into the CDF, becoming apart of CDF South Command, taking 4 million troops from the Mexican military and integrating them into the CDF, putting aside the other 4 million and all of the Mexican military's weaponry into Warehouses for reserve storage, the Texan military has been redirected to CDF East Command now. Meanwhile all current projects in Mexico have been taken for research by the Cascadians, the large Mexican infrastructure is now being used to help benefit the Republic. Highways and railways are now in construction to connect Mexico to the rest of the Republic of Cascadia now, and trade has already started.

Territory Gains:

All Mexican Owned Territory


Project Newway: 96%

Denver Reconstruction: 90%

Mexico-Cascadian Transport: 20%


Offers Order Empire 25% of Mexican Resources

Accepts Sample of Ordanium

Meeting at Presidential Residence Going Well​
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RIPSaidCone said:

Republic of Cascadia


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded at what Alistair had to say to both of them about their products, they definitely sounded interesting that much was for sure. "I'm sure my nation would be interested in obtaining some of this Ordanium, if you can provide us with a cost then we would be more than happy to discuss a deal surrounding obtaining some Ordanium once we have fully tested this sample of course. To make sure that it is effective." She smiled and went to inspecting the plate, nodding as she handed it to one of her bodyguards, who then took it away. Looking to Emeror Schneizel now, "What form of military equipment?" She asked.

@Agent141 @Wickedkent


In a quick and swift turn of events, the formerly hostile nation of Mexico has given up it's land. Upon overhearing the communications from the press conference, the CDF was instantly authorized to annex the land via peaceful means. However to ensure that the former Mexican military did not interviene, the Cascadian Red Cross followed the CDF into Mexico and begun handing out supplies to the various malnourished citizens of the country, whilst setting up Aid Camps for those who really needed the help. The CDF was allowed to focus on more pressing matters as the civilians were being looked after by the Red Cross. Eight CDF battalions surrounded the capital city, with news that their government had already shut itself down, the military inside surrendered. Allowing the CDF to enter with little resistance.

Some of the Mexican population were unhappy of the Cascadian presence in their nation, as was expected given the amount of propaganda CDF troops found being played all throughout every major city, all promising lies of unimaginable wealth and glory upon invading the Republic of Cascadia. In response the CDF begun playing their own messages stating of how the Mexican government had been lying to their people, and that the only thing they wanted to fight for was a stretch of desert with no resources to speak of. And that the only reason their old government had even wanted to go to war was to distract their people of how neglected they actually were.

The Mexican owned territory, south of the border has officially become Cascadian territory. With Cascadian officials well aware of how it was supposed to go to the Order Empire, and in return they have offered the Order Empire 25% of the resources they have gathered from the Mexican government and it's military for free, as a token of friendship. A program is now in place to make all Mexican citizens official Cascadians by the end of the month, starting with the elections of their Province representatives to the Cascadian Senate as to give them their own voice in the Republic of Cascadia. The Mexican military is now being integrated into the CDF, becoming apart of CDF South Command, taking 4 million troops from the Mexican military and integrating them into the CDF, putting aside the other 4 million and all of the Mexican military's weaponry into Warehouses for reserve storage, the Texan military has been redirected to CDF East Command now. Meanwhile all current projects in Mexico have been taken for research by the Cascadians, the large Mexican infrastructure is now being used to help benefit the Republic. Highways and railways are now in construction to connect Mexico to the rest of the Republic of Cascadia now, and trade has already started.

Territory Gains:

All Mexican Owned Territory


Project Newway: 96%

Denver Reconstruction: 90%

Mexico-Cascadian Transport: 20%


Offers Order Empire 25% of Mexican Resources

Accepts Sample of Ordanium

Meeting at Presidential Residence Going Well​
Schneizel Looked At The President. "Equipments Or Military Assets, Tanks For Example, Gunships, Guns And Armors Maybe? Sakuradite? Or Maybe Knightmare Frames..." Schneizel Then Smirked As He Said The Last Word.
Singaporean Federation

Changi Airport, Singapore

MWE Chen gestured to a limo. "If you'll follow me." They got in the limo and drove to the Raffles Hotel. The news media was in total chaos. Not only was this the third royalty to visit Singapore, but they came in in flying mechs.


Shanghai, United Japan Occupied Territory

The Singaporean Humanitarian Aid Force (SHAF) arrived from Guangzhou. They were shocked by the smell and the sight of the civilians dying.

@general ostruppen

Tokyo, United Japan

5th Gov Chun spoke up, "I was just just told that Singapore has withdrawn from Kyushu. However, we would prefer to keep the Okinawa Islands since we've already developed it to our tastes. I don't know if this will help you with your decision to join the NWA, but we would've had to told you anyway."

@general ostruppen

Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation Territory

3rd Gov Hummel arrived at Guangzhou. He was sent to meet the Eclipsian General, but he was unsure where they were. A reply message was sent saying to meet in Guangzhou.

@Loyal Guardian

Manila, 6th District of the Singaporean Federation, Philippines

"Is the battleship here?" "Yes ma'am." "Have we found the enemies." "We have, we sent them a message to surrender." "Fire up the Laser and evacuate the expected line of fire." "Ma'am?" "Just do it, I want to put an end to this."

@Emperor Ploppa

Nymph Mines finish deployment in South China Sea. Beginning Deployment in Indian Ocean.
Alteras said:
Changi Airport, Singapore
MWE Chen gestured to a limo. "If you'll follow me." They got in the limo and drove to the Raffles Hotel. The news media was in total chaos. Not only was this the third royalty to visit Singapore, but they came in in flying mechs.

Euphemia And Clovis Followed Minister Chen Inside The Limo, They Arrived At The Raffles Hotel, And Walked Towards The Hotel Followed By The 2 Royal Guards, While The Remaining 3 Were In Their Frame's Guarding The Vicinity.

Pendragon Imperial Palace, Office Of The Chief

Lelouch Was Checking The Folder That Contained The Information About The Atmospheric Land Battleship, As He Flipped The Pages He Saw The Total Cost For It, He Frowned. "This Amount Of Money Should Have Been Used On Defense, And Improving The Equipments Of Our Military" He Muttered.

Lelouch Then Turned His Chair Around Facing The Window, He Then Pressed A Button On His Chair And Turned On The Interface System Of The Window, He Contacted Lloyd, It Then Showed Lloyd In The Research Center. "Lloyd, Halt The Development Of The ALB". "Wha-, Why?" Lloyd Frowned. "It Is Too Expensive, Make This Instead". Lelouch Then Sent The Information Regarding About The New Thing Through The Interface. "Okay, We Will Work On That" Lloyd Said Then The Interface System Was Turned Off.


Euphemia And Clovis Arrived At Raffles Hotel

Project ALB Was Halted

Project MADS Has Commenced
Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

General Frios arrived in the city, along with his guard, to meet the Singaporean representative. When he arrived at the federal building he saw a man wearing diplomatic attire. "Can i assume that your Governor Hummel?

Eclipsian Empire, Rising Empire Temporary Base

Suzaku Was On His Tent Checking On The Recent Updates Of The Rising Empire, It Has Been Months And The So Called Aliens Have Not Made A Move, He Then Received A Call From The Capital, He Answered It And Nodded, Then Tapped His Earpiece.

Suzaku Then Walked Towards His Shuttle Where His Frame Is Kept, He Was Approached By A Curious Officer. "Where Are You Going Sir?". "I Just Got Orders From The Capitol, I Will Be Back In A Day Or So, Maybe More.". He Then Boarded His Shuttle And The Shuttle Headed Towards Ukraine. The Republic Of Poland Was Informed In Advance About His Arrival On Ukraine And The Reasons Behind It.

Wickedkent said:
Eclipsian Empire, Rising Empire Temporary Base
Suzaku Was On His Tent Checking On The Recent Updates Of The Rising Empire, It Has Been Months And The So Called Aliens Have Not Made A Move, He Then Received A Call From The Capital, He Answered It And Nodded, Then Tapped His Earpiece.

Suzaku Then Walked Towards His Shuttle Where His Frame Is Kept, He Was Approached By A Curious Officer. "Where Are You Going Sir?". "I Just Got Orders From The Capitol, I Will Be Back In A Day Or So, Maybe More.". He Then Boarded His Shuttle And The Shuttle Headed Towards Ukraine. The Republic Of Poland Was Informed In Advance About His Arrival On Ukraine And The Reasons Behind It.


Polish diplomate was on it's way to the Kiev's Airport, as he waited there for the aforementioned diplomate of the Rising Empire.

This was not mentioned in the media, as it was a military case.
JJKab said:
Polish diplomate was on it's way to the Kiev's Airport, as he waited there for the aforementioned diplomate of the Rising Empire.

This was not mentioned in the media, as it was a military case.
Kiev Airport

The Shuttle Arrived, Suzaku Exited It And Met With The Polish Diplomat, They Then Shaken Hands. "Lets Get To Business, I Believe The Republic Of Poland Has Been Already Informed About Our Request".
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Wickedkent said:
Kiev Airport
The Shuttle Arrived, Suzaku Exited It And Met With The Polish Diplomat, They Then Shaken Hands. "Lets Get To Business, I Believe The Republic Of Poland Has Been Already Informed About Our Request".
"Yes, quite indeed, we were. If not, we wouldn't be speaking" The diplomat lead the girl towards the terminal of the airport, soon walking her out, and leading to the nearest command post

"So. I wanna hear it all. Where do you want your base to be established?"
JJKab said:
"Yes, quite indeed, we were. If not, we wouldn't be speaking" The diplomat lead the girl towards the terminal of the airport, soon walking her out, and leading to the nearest command post
"So. I wanna hear it all. Where do you want your base to be established?"
Suzaku Smiled. "Anywhere In Ukraine, Maybe In Crimea? As Long As It Is Strategically Positioned, You May Choose."

OOC: Suzaku Is A Man Lol
Wickedkent said:
Suzaku Smiled. "Anywhere In Ukraine, Maybe In Crimea? As Long As It Is Strategically Positioned, You May Choose."
OOC: Suzaku Is A Man Lol
"I don't really know about the Crimean. We use it pretty heavily. I offer a bit west" The diplomate told Suzako, showing him a province map of Poland.

(Bourder with Moldova.)
JJKab said:
"I don't really know about the Crimean. We use it pretty heavily. I offer a bit west" The diplomate told Suzako, showing him a province map of Poland.
(Bourder with Moldova.)
Suzaku Then Studied The Map For A Minute. "Okay, We Will Start Building Immediately As Soon As You Give Us Your Conscent, However Any Classified Operations That Will Be Done On The Base Will Remain Classified. The Rising Empire Will Send The Equipments That We Have Promised Before Along With The Materials For The Base, And We Are Also Selling Sutherland Class Frames For Only 2 Million Each."

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