The World of Tomorrow

(Anyone available? A little bored, and my country is in a stable situation)

"Thank you. To uphold our end, your government and businesses within your nation shall be granted mining rights and economic benefits within our nation. We would like to propose mutual embassies to solidify our alliance."



"We appreciate the help you will be giving us. This is a time of turmoil, and we must be careful who to trust. I hope that this relationship lasts and benefits both our great nations."


Ellesmere Island

Another 4,000 men had landed on the island. Now all 5,000 were pushing as hard as they could to take the place, and full on combat with the enemy was taking place. Along with the men, 10 tanks had been with them, and they were using them to the best of their ability.


Bunker System

Workers were beginning to try to replicate the Canadian power armor. As they already had some to work off of, progress was quick and would hopefully be usable in the war.

Testing Range

The current form of the A.M.E.N. was basically a big gun. While impressive looking, it would be no more effective against a mech than an average artillery piece or tank. However, the frame was complete and real work could begin.




Assault on Ellesmere

Begin work on replicating Canadian battlesuits

A.M.E.N. is 5% complete


"We appreciate the help you will be giving us. This is a time of turmoil, and we must be careful who to trust. I hope that this relationship lasts and benefits both our great nations."


Ellesmere Island

Another 4,000 men had landed on the island. Now all 5,000 were pushing as hard as they could to take the place, and full on combat with the enemy was taking place. Along with the men, 10 tanks had been with them, and they were using them to the best of their ability.


Bunker System

Workers were beginning to try to replicate the Canadian power armor. As they already had some to work off of, progress was quick and would hopefully be usable in the war.

Testing Range

The current form of the A.M.E.N. was basically a big gun. While impressive looking, it would be no more effective against a mech than an average artillery piece or tank. However, the frame was complete and real work could begin.




Assault on Ellesmere

Begin work on replicating Canadian battlesuits

A.M.E.N. is 5% complete
Schneizel Was Standing On The Command Platform Of The Royal avalon With Lelouch "Ellesmere... Set The Imperial Aerial Armada's Course Towards Resolute, Tell The Navy To Make A Blockade So No Other Enemy Forces May Pass, Behind The Blockade Would Be The Aircraft Carriers, Now For Ellesmere... Send 200 Air Superiority Fighters, Gaining Air Superiority Is Essential, And 6,000 Troops With 50 Main Battle Tanks." The Staff Stood, Looked At Schneizel And Said "YES SIR!" Lelouch Then Laughed "So What's Their Next Plan Of Action?".


A Full Tanker Of Liquid Sakuradite Arrived At A Port In Cacadia

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Pavle was walking around the station. He went to exhibition and sat down on a chair while drinking carrot juice. He was watching misa and Amanda playing that new 'game' burning challenge. It was spectacularly a tie.


Alexander had used her wing of construction workers to rebuild the satellites and towers in the city. While Jennifer had used part of her workforce to maintain the refineries and docks/ports. Alexander felt tired and thus only watched the people work, and Jennifer worked along with them. Once the city was built, and the additional structures still being built there was completed. Including the city moat by using well placed explosives to enlarge the river around the city and its walls. It would be decided who would reign over the city.


Natasha was exploring the new city. Nothing in particular, but she did make food for the citizens and wounded.


After the last event many weeks later. There can usually be one scientist looking person walking around. However the science team evolved/got smarter in their stealthy stalking, by often dressing as scholars or doctors. Convincing a small few to follow them to the lower levels. They knew there mostly would be regular people, however they would be damned if they didn't try to confirm it.
The nation has been working hard on new radio stations. The completed ones have been used to broadcast messages to all nations of the world with a greeting of friendship. However, the message to the Cascadians is different. it reads: The CAF greets you, the descendants of America! Our people would like to send the PM to greet you and speak of trade deals. please respond to the following radio signal. A string of numbers followed.



New Buildings: 15%

Reducing military: 30%

Making military better: 10%

Republic of Cascadia


Presidential Residence, Portland

President Jefferson nodded, saying to Schneizel. "I'm glad you understand, and it's been a pleasure talking with you." The two then shook hands and Jefferson politely escorted Schneizel to the exit where a limousine picked him up, taking him back to the airport where his plane was still waiting. She then returned to Byron and smiled, "Most understandable, well I won't keep you waiting here. Best be on your way if you wish not to be late, and it's been great having you here, I'm so happy we could get so much worked out between our nations in such a short amount of time." The two then exchanged their farewells before Bryon left also, leaving President Jefferson to her own work again.

Seattle, Cascadia

"We too hope that our friendship can mutually benefit both nations and that once this war of yours is over that our two nations can continue a steady and calm relationship that proves to benefit both of our nations' people."

@Fishman Lord

Norfolk, Cascadia

The city of Norfolk, technically the largest city on the east coast of the country. As it had been somewhat rebuilt to accomedate the dock workers and their family, Norfolk's docking and shipping areas had all been refurbished and done up once more to promote business across the Atlantic rather than restricting it to the Pacific, the city had a small population of 2,100 which were mostly dock workers and ship crews but some had their families as well. Upon arrival of the Rising Empire's shipment of Sakuradite, it was taken by the CDF and flown to a remote facility somewhere in Wyoming for testing and studying.

Cascadian-African Communications

A CDF Listening Post on the East Coast, in Florida had picked up the radio signal originating from Africa, the government had been informed quickly to register the contact. Whilst the Listening Post was authorized to give a response, "Greetings CAF, this is the Republic of Cascadia. Your PM would most certainly be allowed to visit our nation for negotiations as soon as possible."

RIPSaidCone said:

Cascadian-African Communications

A CDF Listening Post on the East Coast, in Florida had picked up the radio signal originating from Africa, the government had been informed quickly to register the contact. Whilst the Listening Post was authorized to give a response, "Greetings CAF, this is the Republic of Cascadia. Your PM would most certainly be allowed to visit our nation for negotiations as soon as possible."

The reply is lightning fast. The workers tell the Cascadian operators that the African PM will be leaving soon and a thanks.

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"I would be happy to come with you to Singapore. I wish if I could have tonight and morning to prepare my belongings and making sure things are settled before I go." He then gets up and bows to Mrs.Chun and says his goodbyes. Afterwards he left the room with his bodyguard and left to head towards the industrial area by foot. It was currently still under repairs and some of the facilities were up and running. He met with his head of reconstruction Mr./Professor Truit a black 48 year old man who his ancestors were from the U.S that ended up bunkering down here. He had his usual construction clothing on and also wore a lab coat which was from his great great great great grandfather.

"So hows the progress Mr.Truit."

"Oh the usual, I just watched a documentary about how they fix steelwork together last night. Riveting! OHOHOHOHOHOHO"

Adam wasn't sure how to respond to that but Mr.Truit did love his bad jokes. He just gave out a meek smile and got down to the serious stuff. Truit noticed and got himself together.

"Well the steelwork I just mentioned are up and running at 76% and should be at full capacity by the end of the year, We also managed to search for the old mining facilities and are currently in the process of being back into function."

Adam nodded in approval and walked along with him to inspect the rest of the industrial zone.


The soldiers made sure to give all the hazard equipment and such to the SHAF soldiers before they entered. Afterwards they were led to Dr.Charles tent which they found him sitting near a table with all sorts of equipment lying around, in the middle of testing with several samples of different blood types, along with infected blood samples. He looks up and see's the soldiers and writes down some notes down quickly and gets up from his chair. he clasped his hand together and rubbed them together.

"Greetings! You all must be my extra help."

Singaporean Federation

Federation Parliament, Singapore

"Thank you, we will gladly accept the embassy and send crew to establish an equivalent embassy in the Rockies. Now come, we must hurry. The NWA Summit doesn't occur in Singapore, but rather in the Eclipse Empire." Zeph got up and guided the diplomats to the car to the trains station.

@Fishman Lord

Old Bukit Timah Railway Station, Singapore

Zeph and the Rockies Diplomats arrived at the train station. The routes have changed to include the Eclipse Empire Railway lines that were recently built by the Federation. A dedicated Bullet train line went straight from Singapore to Bangkok to New Delhi and to Eclipsum. They boarded the train and it took off to Bangkok.

@Fishman Lord

Tokyo, United Japan

A private jet arrived to bring Gov Chun and Adam to Bangkok.

@general ostruppen

Shanghai, United Japan Occupation

A man stepped forward. He was lean and tall with black hair. "Indeed we are. I am Professor Chen, Head of the Medical Department of the National University of Singapore. These three here are my assistants and the others are from the medic corp. How can we help?"

@general ostruppen

Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

The two men walked into a small cafe and entered a closed room. "Now, to discuss the territories of China and Manchuria."

@Loyal Guardian
Guangzhou, Singaporean Federation

"Well per the Shanghai Agreements you have claimed land inside of old China, and so do we. To avoid a border conflict that treaty was signed and ratified. Now of course you will be getting most of the coastline and some more land in the interior, but we will get most of the interior. I believe that is broadly what was agreed upon." Frios said after they sat down in their respective chairs.


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron returned from Cascadia and was informed of the Rising Empire's message properly. He then went towards the Communications Center to give his response personally. "To whom is receiving this, make it into a public announcement for all of your soldiers and citizens. The Eclipse Empire sees your as a trusted and powerful ally, and we have done many things to solidify that friendship. Now i hear your forces are fighting a powerful foe and that your request for our aid will push you out of this stalemate (OOC: At least i think its a stalemate, which is why i am putting what i am putting). So here is my response, you have Eclipsian backing economically and militarily."

@Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The head scientist plopped back into his chair and let out a big sigh. "Its finally over....." With his sigh of relief, the hastened PROJECT: Zeta had been completed and the products of such results were put on production lines. At first the project put out civilian applications like wider broadcasting range and civil care. Later stages showed more militaristic products, such as new set of infantry gear and military vehicles. The first two were actually very easy to complete for the researchers and only took about a month and a half. However what took the longest was the launching of the Zeta System, a range of satellites that can be used for civilian and military means. With the Zeta System complete the satellites were sent to be produced and are expected to launch in the coming months. (OOC: I'll post the weapons and such later in the Overview).

Current Goals, Projects, and Accomplishments

  • PROJECT: Zeta has been completed.
  • The NWA Summit, and subsequently the World Congress, is about to begin.
  • The Eclipse Empire joins the war between the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies on the Rising Empire's side. (I would like to call the war either the Second Canadian War or the Northern War)
@Wickedkent[/URL] @Fishman Lord
Royal Avalon, Near Resolute

Schneizel Was Watching The Message In One Of The Royal Avalon's Interface, He Then Looked At Lelouch And Said "Broadcast It To The Public, I Am Happy That We Got The Eclipse Empire On Our Side". "Indeed, I Am Too, and for the message it has already been broadcast to the public". "Very Well, Continue To Head Towards Resolute.".

Pendragon Research Center

Lloyd Was Testing On Something When A Soldier Approached Him. "What?". "Sir! The Construction Of MADS Has Been Finished". "Good, Deploy It Then".


Rising Empire Got Help From The Eclipse Empire

Rising Empire Blockade Is Being Formed

Rising Empire's Imperial Aerial Armada About To Arrive At Resolute

Rising Empire's Army Engaged With The Army Of The Kingdom Of Rockies'

Mid Air Defense System Has Finished And Is Being Launched
The PM has now boarded his plane and begun his flight west.


(I actually don't know where this meeting is taking place. is it in Portland?)
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Yet again, another scout team went through the tunnels. They took a simple hand cart with them, a flamethrower and machinegun attached to it. There were four people on it: Amanda was the scout leader. She had returned to the station simply because she nearly got into a fight with the gunner, over poisonous substances. The train would go around the empire clearing it of mutants again, and making others hide away in the shadows to leave them alone for awhile. The train departed and the heavy blast door opened, they set alight a few lurkers on the other side and went on with the journey.


The city continued to be worked on, they started on both reconstruction and the creation of a large Parliament. They plan to use it as the capital of the city. Alexander already started plotting to use it for her personal gains of exploration and existence. While Jennifer planned on making it her capital city.

------ [yay, more violence! > :D ]

Heather was bored out her mind and still thinking about herself. She sighed and sat up on her bed stretching. Heather got up and went to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, Washed her face for a few seconds, and then she brushed her hair and tied it in pigtails even with a specific hat. Attempting to copy a Baker she saw once. She had attempted to change her appearance and be a different person, believing it to help her once however that failed as she only got more insults. She stared at the mirror after pulling some pins out of her hair, letting it flow down. She sighed again and with that she left outside. "Hey! Y-" before the soldier could say anything, Heather just pointed at him in a Angered fashion.


"You're the little fuck that did this! You've got these people to bully me since day one, and had a laugh out of it? Well laugh at this!" She ran up to the soldier rammed him into the wall, repeatedly punching him in the face. "I have had enough of this shit!" She started to knee him in the gut five times and then while holding him up kicked him in a..... crude. Spot. "This is what bullies like you deserve, I'M NOT DONE WITH YOU YET!" She held him back up against the wall and started punching him in the face again and bashing his skull against the wall. She then slapped him and he fell over in a coma. She spit on him and then used the telephone to report a crime. Shortly afterwards she put some of her belongings and others into his locker besides the bed, and then waited for the guards to arrive. Shirtly dragging the unconscious man away. Heather smiled and then left outside, to resume healing injured soldiers and citizens but in the stations infirmary.


Victor and Natasha were in the council room, Natasha got back from visiting the new city briefly and they were reading. He had Natasha stare at a map for five hours while he read another book. The book was: 'The possibilities and history: The races of europa. ~Morgan freeman. 2020 edition.' with a additional add onto it by misa to current times. Max however had Natasha stare at a map for five hours, in a attempt to figure out where more stores of ragnite was. She couldn't take her eyes off the islands north from central Russia, north of imperial territory, and central Russia. She couldn't tell if there was a chance of there being any, but she wondered what was there. However considering there was in central territory, and went in random direction. There'd be something. All she knew was, was that he wanted ragnite for a "Peaceful Experiment concerning civilian technology." Since mining was occurring still in the north and east, she decided she would go north with a few more miners and look over the mining. "I am going north." She stood up and started walking out. "That's nice dear, don't forget to wear a helmet." He went back to reading.
The Order Empire

Communications Center

The Communications center had received the message from the Republic of Cascadia. They accepted the embassies and the ambassador will be there by the end of the month. The proposed trade route was accepted, the trade port would be Plymouth, UK Providence.


Order Airspace

DM Alastair and his guards had recently departed to the NWA submit taking place in the Eclipse Empire.

@Loyal Guardian

Conference Room

"Yes that sounds good. Oh, and speaking of trade, here's a list of products from our companies that can be useful to your nation." PM Kord said as he took out 2 pieces of paper and handed it to the diplomat.

D-15 Laser Rifles

Combat Armor

O-12 Laser Fighter/Dive-Bomber





Ceramic Tiles






Fusion Battery

Fusion Core



The Shipment has arrived in Cascadia.

Project SS: 55%

The new flag design is completed

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb403e2ae_Flag(12).png.e105cdcee6b04cd5ec14cd1a9240a954.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="138546" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_06/57a8cb403e2ae_Flag(12).png.e105cdcee6b04cd5ec14cd1a9240a954.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • Flag (12).png
    Flag (12).png
    7.3 KB · Views: 40

Rzeczypospolita Polska

Polish president was notified, that the British flag was changed. He was a bit amazed at it's design, so he decided to also implement a new flag. Works began day after.

Project "Can, Can" is complete, as Polish 1st satellite is being shot from Vilno's Launch Pad, making establishing contact with other nations a lot easier


Works on new Polish flag has begun

Polish satellite has been shot to the space (Poland can into space)
"""""Pendragon Operations Room

Lelouch And Odysseus Was Sitting On The Chairs At The Command Platform, Odysseus Then Stood. "They Have Made An Action. Listen Men! Broadcast This Message To All Of Our Allies."

Lelouch Then Looked At Odysseus "Quite A Speach You Made There, Since They Have Made A Move, Let Us Commence Operation Enclosed". "Then We Must" Odysseus Then Sat Back. Lelouch Then Briefed The Staff At The Operations Room, And Pointed Out Every Possible Front Lines, And Battlefields. "We Must Secure The Queen Elizabeth Islands First".

A Fleet Were Sent To The Queen Elizabeth Islands.


Broadcast For Help To All Allied Empires


Polish general received the message from the Rising Empire. He turned on his microphone, and responded

"This is General Jacob. Our supporting army consisting of 100.000 soldiers, 50 tanks and 100 airplanes is coming to aid you" And with that said, the ships with said army, around 10 of them, were sent to the Rising Empire's territory
JJKab said:
"""""Pendragon Operations Room
Lelouch And Odysseus Was Sitting On The Chairs At The Command Platform, Odysseus Then Stood. "They Have Made An Action. Listen Men! Broadcast This Message To All Of Our Allies."

Lelouch Then Looked At Odysseus "Quite A Speach You Made There, Since They Have Made A Move, Let Us Commence Operation Enclosed". "Then We Must" Odysseus Then Sat Back. Lelouch Then Briefed The Staff At The Operations Room, And Pointed Out Every Possible Front Lines, And Battlefields. "We Must Secure The Queen Elizabeth Islands First".

A Fleet Were Sent To The Queen Elizabeth Islands.


Broadcast For Help To All Allied Empires


Polish general received the message from the Rising Empire. He turned on his microphone, and responded

"This is General Jacob. Our supporting army consisting of 100.000 soldiers, 50 tanks and 100 airplanes is coming to aid you" And with that said, the ships with said army, around 10 of them, were sent to the Rising Empire's territory
Schneizel Was Smiling As He Watched The Reply Of The Polish General "Another Ally On Our Side" He Said As He Sat Back On The Command Chair. Lelouch Was Sitting On Another Command Chair Just Next To Schneizel "I Can Already Imagine Us Winning". Schneizel Laughed "100,000 Thousand Troops, Thats Quiet Alot." Lelouch Then Looked At Schneizel "Let Us Do Our Best To Minimize The Casualties Of The Troops Our Allies Sent Us" "Indeed, We Must Be Careful".

Effects:Polish Army Arrived At Greenland And Was Positioned At Nuuk

Eclipse Army Has Arrived At Greenland(@Loyal Guardian Please State How Many)
Wickedkent said:
Schneizel Was Smiling As He Watched The Reply Of The Polish General "Another Ally On Our Side" He Said As He Sat Back On The Command Chair. Lelouch Was Sitting On Another Command Chair Just Next To Schneizel "I Can Already Imagine Us Winning". Schneizel Laughed "100,000 Thousand Troops, Thats Quiet Alot." Lelouch Then Looked At Schneizel "Let Us Do Our Best To Minimize The Casualties Of The Troops Our Allies Sent Us" "Indeed, We Must Be Careful".
Effects:Polish Army Arrived At Greenland And Was Positioned At Nuuk

Eclipse Army Has Arrived At Greenland(@Loyal Guardian Please State How Many)
(Aight. You have a full authorization from my side to controll my forces. One thing:

Could you check the overview? My strenght is there)
Greenland, Rising Empire

350,000 Eclipsian troops, 20,000 Tanks, and 6,000 Aircraft arrived on the island to assist their allies. Leading the army was none other than General Io, the most experienced and respect general the empire has to offer. Not to far behind was two Jovian Sky Platforms cabled to two aircraft carriers. Behind that was a fleet of 250 Transport Ships, 20 Frigates, 7 Neo-Battleships, 25 Hospital Ships, 90 Corvettes, 30 Destroyers, and the two aforementioned Aircraft Carriers. On top of one of the sky platforms was another Eclipsian military leader, Admiral Umberion. After their forces had arrived Io and Umberion made their way towards other allied leaders to convene with them.

@Wickedkent @JJKab

Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron arrived on time for the NWA Summit to take place. He was soon notified that the representatives from Singapore and the Order Empire would soon be arriving, along with a guest from another nation he was not aware of. This didn't bother him, as he thought adding more members to the alliance was his plan anyways, so an extra one wouldn't hurt.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord
Greenland, Rising Empire

As Eclipsian forces began to receive orders and invasion plans from Io, Umberion was told by one of his guard that Polish forces have also come to assist the Rising Empire as well. Umberion was also told that the Polish general wanted to meet with an Eclipsian leader, which he thoguth was sudden and unnecessary for now but went on with it. He then arrived at the Polish generals temporary office.

General Dolecky smiled, as Umberion walked into his office. He walked up to him, and extended his hand out for a handshake

"Ahhh, General Umberion. It's nice to finally meet you. So. May I know what is your strategy?" He asked, walking him to the strategic map of the Rising Empire, and their enemy.
JJKab said:
General Dolecky smiled, as Umberion walked into his office. He walked up to him, and extended his hand out for a handshake
"Ahhh, General Umberion. It's nice to finally meet you. So. May I know what is your strategy?" He asked, walking him to the strategic map of the Rising Empire, and their enemy.
Greenland, Rising Empire

"I believe we will have our ground forces invading Quebec, along with most of our aerial and naval forces. However we will send a small force of about 20,000 to aid in the island campaign, which also means a small amount of our aerial and naval forces will assist. As for our strategy we will first be securing air dominance, then destroy enemy supply lines and supplies in general, and then we send in our ground forces to begin a sweep of their territory."
[QUOTE="Loyal Guardian]
Greenland, Rising Empire

"I believe we will have our ground forces invading Quebec, along with most of our aerial and naval forces. However we will send a small force of about 20,000 to aid in the island campaign, which also means a small amount of our aerial and naval forces will assist. As for our strategy we will first be securing air dominance, then destroy enemy supply lines and supplies in general, and then we send in our ground forces to begin a sweep of their territory."

"Hmmm... So like a Blitzkrieg.... huh? Cholera jedna działa... {God damn thing works..}. Welp, We just follow the orders, we were told so at least." General exclaimed, tilting his head, as he looked at the map.

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