The World of Tomorrow

JJKab said:
"Well, before you establish yourself as a state, we wanted to establish what bourder would satisfy you... Or just accept the previous Finnish-Russian-Estonian one as a bourder?"
"We simply ask for all the territory that once comprised the nations of Finland, Sweden, and Norway, the Baltics may remain in Polish hands."


Nordic troops landed in a helicopter at Svalbard Seed Vault. They opened the door and began looking over the specimens. At the back of the vault, they found a secret lever. This lever was pulled and it opened up a huge garage. In this garage was parked various fighter jets and tanks. The sergeant immediately went to his radio. "Command, this is Task Force Valkyrie, we've found something you should see." (IM gonna pm you the specs of the tanks, this is so I can have a balanced start as before this I only had a handful of armored vehicles. It was in my CS that this discovery would happen.)
Lordvader59 said:
"We simply ask for all the territory that once comprised the nations of Finland, Sweden, and Norway, the Baltics may remain in Polish hands."

Nordic troops landed in a helicopter at Svalbard Seed Vault. They opened the door and began looking over the specimens. At the back of the vault, they found a secret lever. This lever was pulled and it opened up a huge garage. In this garage was parked various fighter jets and tanks. The sergeant immediately went to his radio. "Command, this is Task Force Valkyrie, we've found something you should see." (IM gonna pm you the specs of the tanks, this is so I can have a balanced start as before this I only had a handful of armored vehicles. It was in my CS that this discovery would happen.)

Polish diplomate agreed to the proposal, and soon he made his way towards the mainland


Nordic Union is recognized by Poland.

JJKab said:
Polish diplomate agreed to the proposal, and soon he made his way towards the mainland


Nordic Union is recognized by Poland.

"We thank the Poles for their cooperation." Jens was driven across town to the old capital building. He pulled a phone out in the car and got on the phone, ordering his political advisers to come to Helsinki. Then, a call came in on the other line. Jens picked it up and recognized the voice of Aaron Carlsson, the head of the Union's military. "Jens."

"Yes, what is it Aaron?"

"We've found something. Relics of the old nations! At the bottom of Svalbaard."

"What, Aaron, what?"

"Tanks! Aircraft, and some armored personnel carriers too."

"Take them out of there and ship them around the nation at once. Send one model of each to Helsinki for my personal inspection."
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Gov Khey Lim put down the Vodka glass. Zeph spoke up, "The Singaporean Federation also supports the Order Empire's proposed investigation. We understand that deaths during a ceasefire should have been grounds for retaliation, however the fact that both parties are still at this table means that both nations value peace. Peace deserves everything."
After a few hours of using trains to literally bash through hordes, eventually everyone made it to the meeting. Victor was sitting down bored, having put the map on the table an hour ago. Some people where closer, but still late. Victor and Natasha were waiting an entire hour doing nothing but waiting, but eventually they took their seats and noticed the map. Jennifer noticed it.

"A map of the river?"

Natasha nodded her head. "Yes."

Heather was a bit sick but gave Natasha the medical note off her upper chest. Natasha took it and started reading it. "Mm? What's this......" she was surprised but then started squinting at it. "Goddamn it." Victor continued. "We plan on using the new warship if it works, to cross the sea into northern areas. There will be something of actual use to us there, as the islands as I refer to them. Are full of trees, at this point it's probably be entire jungles. It'd be perfect to test the ship."

"Besides some history we don't know anything about the islands. As you refer to them as... all we know is, is that there was a global seed bank, and the other 'islands' were mostly civilian based." Victor then replied. "This country needs food, it needs its own states as well. So what is this seed bank?" Natasha called in her personal scribe and scholar. The scribe walked up to her. "How can I help you madam?" She was still holding around seven books at the time. "Svalbard global seed vault please, Victoria." She looked around, until finding and pulling out a piece of paper for a project of the world's history. Natasha took it. "You are free to go now. Sorry for making you wait an hour." Her scribe left happily.

She then read it out loud:

"The Svalbard Global Seed Vault (Norwegian:Svalbard globale frøhvelv) is a secure seed bank on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen near Longyearbyen in the remote ArcticSvalbard archipelago, about 1,300 kilometres (810 mi) from the North Pole.[4] Conservationist Cary Fowler, in association with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR),[5] started the vault to preserve a wide variety of plant seeds that are duplicate samples, or "spare" copies, of seeds held in gene banks worldwide. The seed vault is an attempt to insure against the loss of seeds in other genebanks during large-scale regional or global crises. The seed vault is managed under terms spelled out in a tripartite agreement between the Norwegian government, the Global Crop Diversity Trust(GCDT) and the Nordic Genetic Resource Center (NordGen).[6]

The Norwegian government entirely funded the vault's approximately NOK 45 million(US$9 million) construction.[7] Storing seeds in the vault is free to end users, with Norway and the Global Crop Diversity Trust paying for operational costs. Primary funding for the Trust comes from organisations such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and from various governments worldwide.[8]" she concluded. "But a Norwegian presence probably doesn't exist there. Since it's a seed bank, it'd hold endangered, forgotten, or lost seeds. And some with food."

Alexander thought of something and then interrupting Jennifer before she could speak. "After the experimental naval ship is built, and if it even works right. We could just fit a ragnite generator inside of it, and armour it up. Then if it still works, I could take some friends of mine to investigate it. Of course, the gallians will have to pay for it, and they'd be unmarked. If there's a hostile presence, we would fire upon them. We need the food, so why let possible savages own them? Hell, they might not even know how to use the majority of seeds, and other seeds are only usable under extensive scientific containment. I just need to be paid 48,000 in both bullets, and golden coins and I will be on my way..."

Jennifer shook her head. "Preposterous. I will not pay you anything for using my ship, and I refuse to allow you to terrorize the natives, like they are the native Americans. Instead, we should be peaceful and respect any living culture there. We could probably trade gold for the vault and quickly move the more needed seeds, to use as their intended purpose. Of course the empire currently still shouldn't be known to exist, but I can still fly my flag on my own ship."

Heather was having a migraine from surgery and sleepy. She groaned long enough to get everyone's attention. "Why not both?... have unmarked soldiers and a unmarked ship, but be peaceful and respectful if possible? I mean the island is full of national parks and trees, they could probably have worse than those living plant things and bio masses in the metro and Moscow. Though I prefer if we used this tactic instead for our homeland instead of exploration."

Victor was thinking as Natasha was staring at the map. "I agree with Heather, but for randgriz. Since even the crazy rocket-tank girl couldn't even handle them at this point, Maybe both crazy girls could do it with a warship. However, I agree with Alexander entirely on this subject. We should attempt to stealthily head cross to Svalbard, and during the cover of darkness have a exploration party use small silent boats to the coast. Then enter the vault and take the seeds and return to the ship. After that, the ship will return and when out of possible viewing range, will be allowed to raise its true colors and flag. We could also make the ship even darker by having very dark sheets onboard, which could be rolled over the deck to hide it."

Alexander smirked.

"Ahh, very well then. I just need my money now." Jennifer shook her head. "I'm not paying you a single damned thing." Alexander looked over to Catherine. "The queen won't give me my money." She put a gold bar on the table. "Be a dear, and help me fix this economical issue." The spy shrugged and then put a sleeping dart in her rifle. Jennifer stood up and tried taking out a sword, but she got shot. She continued moving albeit shambling to her, but then she kicked her down the stairs onto the table. Where she shot her again and knocked her out.

Victor nodded and clapped his hands. "Seems like a deal then. Meet back here next week, and we can discuss the name of the warship. As for the queen there, tell her after she wakes up." He left the room and returned to his own. He sat down in a chair and watched a recording of mythmore. A TV show about busting myths with explosives, or booby traps. Mainly with the claymore land mine. Alexander took some of jennifer's money.

Meeting started, members: Alexander/Lydia, Heather, Vanessa, Maximilian, Natasha, and Jennifer.

Plotting of the islands north of Russia.

Natasha called in a scribe/Scholar for info on Svalbard global seed vault.

Natasha read the research done on the Svalbard global seed vault.

It was agreed to visit Svalbard and defend the homeland from the return of mutants.

Alexander made a suggestion about just going there with an unmarked ship and troops, and take the vault. If populace exists and are hostile, they will be invaded.

Jennifer disagreed and instead made a suggestion about peacefully trading.

Maximilian accepted Alexander's idea, but added onto it.

Alexander tried acting like a loan shark to get some extra money from the queen for her suggestion. And called aid of a spy to knock her out, she then stole Jennifer's money.

The current general idea, is once the ship is complete they create very dark sheets connected to the rails of the ship. During the night they will stay away but close enough to the island for stealth travel by silent transport ships, and they will attempt sneaking into the vault for its seeds. They will return to the ship before light, or hide in the vault until it is dark again to return to the ship. Then once they return from invading the vault they will fire upon the outskirts of randgriz capital city of gallia, and clear out some of the surface mutants. As per Alexanders suggestion, more armour and a ragnite generator and engine will power the ship, increasing its construction time to around next year, or the end of the year.
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Random Events

Kingdom of the Rockies/Rising Empire


(A picture of a pristine view of Victoria Island, one of the few places to be left alone from the Great War and had a small community there ever since until recent hostilities. Now the area is heavily militarize by the occupation of KotR forces)

The progress at the NWA Summit was being updated live for anyone who could. This however have allowed The Northern Stars to be aware of the situation at hand. With peace now being seen as a viable option, the members of the anarchist group were outraged. With the recent capture of equipment from both KotR and the Risers, they could now look more like either side. Seeing that the Rockians were more easy to aggravate, they decided to launch a large attack on one of the Rockies bases on Victoria Island. Posing as Riser troops, they launched a attack on the base, leaving just under two dozen dead and a large hole in a wall via the explosives. This came at a cost however as the group nearly lost the same amount, yet they still left evidence and even a body of a captured and killed Riser soldier (OOC: To clarify they put the soldier back in the armor and made his wounds identical to those on the armor) . The attack was then reported to high command, and after reading through reports and evidence, was sent to the Rockian diplomat at the NWA Summit.​

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

Eclipse Empire


(Eclipsian police forces doing their best to keep protesters at bay during the very early stages of the Siege of Athens. Currently rebels have taken over the outskirts of the city while police and Pro-Eclipsian forces still hold the remainder of the city, but are not expected to hold out if the situation continues)

Ever since the Greek War for Independence officially began, the Imperial government has done little to do anything about the rebels. Do to this situation, people are calling into question Emperor Byron's authority and important decision making. The Greek rebel leader, Argus Panas, announced that due to Eclipsian weakness the Golden Dawn Republic shall take over as the authority over all of Eclipsian held possessions in Europe. The situation seems very dire, a new Fascist entity is now rising in Europe and rebel forces have now taken over a majority of Greece with the exception of a military base in Western Greece, a few outposts in Thrace, and Thessaloniki.

@Loyal Guardian



(A pre-war picture of Earth, showing how beautiful the planet was before the war. It would take over a thousand years before the world to return to a state similar shown in the photograph. Found in Cardiff University Archives)

Despite recent tensions, the world has experience a rebirth if you will. Human population is rising is steady numbers,
technological advances by the Order Empire and the Eclipse Empire bring hope and wonder to many, and relative peace has been achieved. With all of this progress, new movements are bound to happen, with some already occurring. However these have been mainly independence demonstrations, until recently. A new movement called Summaism has been forming, and its followers are growing in large numbers. This movement calls for the abolishing of all the worlds governments, a united world order, and one appointed Supreme Leader of Earth. The founders of the movement call for Summaist Parties or Organizations in all existing entities so as to gain political grounding. This has worked, and now every nation has one of these political parties or organizations. It is unknown where, how, or who started this new ideology but one thing is certain, the movement is gaining traction and a worldwide rebellion is on the list of potential scenarios.​

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @Domini Regum @Alteras @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Charlie12520 @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Albion @LocoBlock @ArisenMoon @RIPSaidCone @Picklesoldier
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@Fishman Lord[/URL] @Wickedkent

Eclipse Empire


(Eclipsian police forces doing their best to keep protesters at bay during the very early stages of the Siege of Athens. Currently rebels have taken over the outskirts of the city while police and Pro-Eclipsian forces still hold the remainder of the city, but are not expected to hold out if the situation continues)

Ever since the Greek War for Independence officially began, the Imperial government has done little to do anything about the rebels. Do to this situation, people are calling into question Emperor Byron's authority and important decision making. The Greek rebel leader, Argus Panas, announced that due to Eclipsian weakness the Golden Dawn Republic shall take over as the authority over all of Eclipsian held possessions in Europe. The situation seems very dire, a new Fascist entity is now rising in Europe and rebel forces have now taken over a majority of Greece with the exception of a military base in Western Greece, a few outposts in Thrace, and Thessaloniki.

@Loyal Guardian



(A pre-war picture of Earth, showing how beautiful the planet was before the war. It would take over a thousand years before the world to return to a state similar shown in the photograph. Found in Cardiff University Archives)

Despite recent tensions, the world has experience a rebirth if you will. Human population is rising is steady numbers,
technological advances by the Order Empire and the Eclipse Empire bring hope and wonder to many, and relative peace has been achieved. With all of this progress, new movements are bound to happen, with some already occurring. However these have been mainly independence demonstrations, until recently. A new movement called Summaism has been forming, and its followers are growing in large numbers. This movement calls for the abolishing of all the worlds governments, a united world order, and one appointed Supreme Leader of Earth. The founders of the movement call for Summaist Parties or Organizations in all existing entities so as to gain political grounding. This has worked, and now every nation has one of these political parties or organizations. It is unknown where, how, or who started this new ideology but one thing is certain, the movement is gaining traction and a worldwide rebellion is on the list of potential scenarios.​

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @Domini Regum @Alteras @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Charlie12520 @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Albion @LocoBlock @ArisenMoon @RIPSaidCone @Picklesoldier
[Gonna have one hell of a time with the crazy yggists.] Sirens are continuing throughout surface and underground cities, reinforming the citizen population how their leaders and governments saved and helped them throughout the mass centuries. Anyone who attempts to become a form of terrorist or hostile would continue as always to be taken by spies from the empire, and thrown in the dungeon or a deep dark part unused of one of the silos. And to have them be re-educated by Leila Peron. Failure results in being used as experimentation or entire exile to the vastly hostile outside of the metro. As it has always been since the years of 2037.
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NWA Summit

The diplomat paused as a transmission came in through his earpiece. He paused in shock, then began to shake in fury. He stood up. "The Rising Empire knows no limits. They try to steal our lands, they murder during ceasefires, and now they slaughter our men DURING PEACE TALKS." The diplomat was angrier than he had been during the entire talks. "I have just been informed that just under two dozen men, including my son, have been murdered by the Rising Empire. Even as we discuss peace, they kill and maim. No more. They have officially broken the ceasefire. If their troops do not exit our islands and submit to our terms, the Rising Empire shall rise no more, and instead fall and burn to the ground." The diplomat sat down and began to shudder from both sobbing and fury. He was escorted out of the room and was replaced by an only slightly less angry man.

@Alteras @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent @Agent141
Jens then sighed. "Well... it's time to address the word." He walked outside, where several press team had assembled. Then, looking at the cameras, he cleared his throat before speaking. "Greetings, nations of the New World! I am Jens Solberg, the acting president of the new Nordic Union. We are the nation that will become what the Old World's Scandinavian nations dreamed of. A superpower amongst the world. I hope to, assuming I will win the upcoming election for our first president, lead this country and help lead the world into a new golden age, even greater then before the war!" The press teams applauded. "We are a new nation, and I am certain our fair share of hard times are ahead. However, we will triumph time and time again, with the hardiness of the land we inhabit and those people who inhabited it! Scandinavia will be a true great nation, that will stand the test of time!" The message would be carried out, with (assumedly) many news stations on both TV and Radio carrying it, with it making headlines around the planet. Jens walked back inside the building to thunderous applause. People were already working overtime on cleaning and fixing the old building's many flaws. Sitting down at his desk, he called Aaron Carlsson. "Aaron, have the bases and cities across the Union been occupied?"

"Yes, Mr. President, and the deployment of the Svalbard vehicles is underway."

"Good to hear, begin deploying to secondary targets."

"Yes, Mr. President."

"Oh, and Aaron. Cut the formalities, I've known you for many years."

"Alright, Jens, if you wish."

With that order, the Nordic Military, now with the Svalbard APCs, began to occupy power plants and other infrastructure and industrial sites. This occupation would, of course, be temporary. Svalbard was attached with a garrison to protect the valuable food there. Old Coastal artillery pieces were also in the process of being taken to the island. Across the nation, recruitment posters began to go up, seeking to grow the Army to a size appropriate for a nation.

@Agent141 @JJKab @Alteras @Kazami42 @ArisenMoon @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum @Wickedkent @Picklesoldier @Albion @RIPSaidCone
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NWA Summit

Kord remained silent as the Rockian shouted in rage and left the room and watched as his replacement came in. "Right... Well..." He turned to the Rockian. "Sir, we would like to investigate the goings on occurring in your lands. And while we wish to remain neutral in this conflict, we will be sending aid to help you cope with the losses." Kord said then drinking from his wine glass.

@Alteras @Loyal Guardian @Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Conference Room, Oxford

The rest of the ministers were having a meeting of their own regarding the so called "Summaism Organization." "Well should send two dozen spies to infiltrate this organization." Infrastructure Minister Arran proposed. "Mhm, but first we should find where this organization operates, or locate and have our spies attend their meetings." Diplomatic Minister Alastair said. "And in the case of the organization being armed, I'll have the army mobilized and strike their most important positions if we can triangulate them." Military Minister Torrad said. Everyone spoke at once in agreement. "So, it's settled, let's send out the spies."

@Loyal Guardian
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Romanov would walk out of his presidential mansion and to the podium just outside. He'd quiet the audience of about 100 thousand or so and begin to his speech.

"It has come to my attention that many citizens do not like our way of life. That... that they want a diffrent political system than what our forefathers fought with their lives for. And to this I say shame on them. Our way of life is too important to just be thrown away. I am declaring these 'terrorists' an enemy of the state. Anyone caught conversing with the terrorists will be sentenced to public execution. That is all." The crowd had cheered, many citizens did not want this threat to come into their own country, little did they know, it already has.

Romanov would put his law into effect and employ 100 thousand more Peacekeepers and employ 50 thousand international spies called Seekers. Also, he'd put a new project into effect called Project Cleansing. This project will take 2 months. (Details in overview post)
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With the military handled, Jens turned to resources. Oil. To run a country, Oil was a must have. There was some oil in his current territory, but there was the more to be had. The North Pole, an uninhabited region, had immense oil stockpiles. Therefore, it must be Nordic. Before the war, multiple Scandinavian nations claimed the North Pole, therefore, the Union would take it. Jens decided he'd not go and announce this, instead, Aage Henrikson, the new head of the Nordic Union Department of Resource Management, would. Aage stepped out of the capital building to the press teams, still waiting for more information. Taking the podium, he began. "Greetings, people of nations worldwide. The Nordic Union is announcing that, to secure resources in it's dawning hours, it will be claiming the North Pole of the world. It is uninhabited, so the nations of the world should have no objections." With that, he exited back into the building. Upon entry, he ordered surveyors to go to the North Pole to begin looking for the oil deposits there.
The hull of the new warship was enlarged and stretched. It was a proper ship hull now. Engineers and scientists alike continued working with it, and with the people given rask flesh for their wounds, they were also sent to build on the ship. They aid mainly in holding frames or armour plating, when the vehicles required for it were operating elsewhere. During this testing phase, spare scientists kept a eye on the subjects and the ship. Taking notes whenever possible. Work had just started on adding reinforcement, and the inner corridors/hallways.


The yggdist religion - cult, the only allowed but still highly secret cult known by the empire. Had recently discovered reports of other religious zealots known as summaism organization. They both believed in things, but their differences were that, Yggdism believes in paranormal beings, descended from the great dark ones. While the other organization believed in a one man owned universal government. The yggdists search out in secret these people, often dressed in white or black robes. Acting as peaceful priests. They attempt to infiltrate the cults, and or possibly convert them. Two people involved, whether yggdist or not. Is Vanessa the spy, and the gallian queen Jennifer keslionko.
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"And you know no limits in framing us" He sighed "Investigate all you want"

He then pressed a button im his earcom and began to speak lightly that no one may hear

"Shoot anyone that approaches or leaves our base" He said "No one must get within 10km of any base.. Use the Frame's sensors if you must"

(@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Alteras)​
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

Emperor Byron had heard both sides of the argument. Of course given the situation, the Rockian diplomat may have been putting on a show to get pity, but his reactions seemed genuine. Now of course he would have to receive the report himself by his army in order to verify it, but if it was real then he would recall his army and end any Eclipsian participation in the war. Just as he was about to announce this his wrist device got a notification, two in fact. One discussing the situation in Greece and the other about some new movement. He thought that these were more important and took focus to these, but he did stand up to say one thing.

"Now i don't know if these attacks are true, but if so you can tell your leaders that all Eclipsian equipment and manpower will be taken out of the region."

He then sat back down and looked at the messages, and both startled him. He was shocked to learn that the Greeks had already taken over most of the province and have begun to push into Eclipsian Europe, and the fact that this new movement called Summaism was gaining traction. He ordered that reinforcements were to be sent to defend the front lines and to the Western Greece Base and Athens. He also authorized the usage of spies inside this new organization to see what their true intentions are.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent

Kingdom of the Hamuis - A Time of Silks and Poisons


When King Charles returned, he found a Kingdom that he could barely remember. Everything was structurally intact - the roads, the houses, and the farms lay where they were, standing and unbroken. But there was something hidden deeper, within some inhabitants of those buildings divided them. With the World Congress completed, the people of the Kingdom could finally take a look on where their nation lay on the world stage - and to most, it was appalling. Wars were fought over honorable causes, but the Kingdom of the Hamuis sat out, twiddling its thumbs. A unified Hamuis Africa was far from completed, with only a barrier of a few weak countries and an imperialist nation. And most of all, the advancement of science (that the Kingdom stood for) was supposedly exceeded by some other nation. The infectious thirst for recognition and hunger for respect for their nation consumed these men and women. Bloodshed was on the horizon, and with many others, they would be the ones to die for it. Perhaps their hearts had pulled back, battling furiously with their conscience, but their brains won the tug of war.

Tunis - The Auditorium


(A man debates national policies at the Auditorium. The Hamuis find themselves at the stage to resolve deep political divisions in place of armed rebellion, and these debates often symbolize the opinions of the nation. The queue to appear onstage has recently gotten much, much larger, as the viewership of the debates swells.)

Everyday, Hamuis around the Kingdom flock to their TV screens to view the public debates at the Auditorium, where persuasion and charisma will highlight issues, win elections, and sometimes bring about radical ideological revolution. Today was seemingly the day for the latter, with two unidentified men arriving and dominating the debates, one calling for Fascism, and the other for Communism. Both argued that, with the commitment to cultural and religious purity in the nation, each ideology is the next step. Currently, most of the Hamuis remain as loyalists for the monarchy, but thousands have gathered to the ideological extremes, with millions in between. The population remains ripe for a political struggle, especially with foreign influences, as Charles works around the clock to find a compromise.

Algerian Sahara - National Spaceport


(The HMS Lighter launches from its spacepad. This launch, and the many that followed it, will bring thousands of Hamuis onto the moon for colonization. This stunning scientific achievement was worked on for a year, and its completion is a symbol for the coming era of blossoming Hamuis science.)

Thousands of men and women gathered around the HMS Lighter as it found its way into the atmosphere, towards the moon. The Lighter is the first ship of the Hamuis Space Program to successfully breach the atmosphere, carrying 20 Hamuis citizens to the moon with the materials needed to found a colony. Through the challenges of this project, the Hamuis scientists have learned much, but especially regarding materials science. The creation of the Zyleron sheets, named after the lead scientist, was difficult, but the new lightweight, strong sheet resistant to radiation will be implemented in Hamuis crafts in the future.

Egyptian Military Base - Cairo


(A XM7000 aircraft takes off from the Hamuis military base in the Sinai. The XM7000 is just one of the 6 types of new crafts for air and water in the Hamuis arsenal. As with the Space Program, this project was worked on and off for over a year, with completion on the same date. A quota has already been established for production.)

Today, thousands of Hamuis citizens turn out to see the liftoff of several XM7000 aircrafts. This fighter jet is equipped with laser weaponry and the advanced stealth technology prototyped a few months ago. Its laser weaponry is quite advanced - a rotating gun that automatically loads its pellets, while its stealth technology makes it completely invisible on all current forms of radar until it fires. This fighter jet comes along with 5 other new models of ships and planes to be produced in the Hamuis navy and airforce - more details about these models will be likely to be leaked as production increases. The current government plans to use these new armaments on securing the airspace and waters around Hamuis homelands.

(OOC Post #1871, Pg 75)
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It was noon, mayhaps. Thousands of people gathered by their TVs and watched the Vice Prime Minister address the auditorium.

"There has been recent growth in a movement for a unified world government that has been gaining support. Many countries are likely going to suppress these people, but I say that that is an infringement upon the basic rights that we still hold from the Americans who colonized one of our first union members, the Republic of Liberia. The Liberian Republic is one of the relics of America - along with the Cascadians - and is believed to be one of the most free lands, and we still hold all freedoms from them in our constitution. So, I say, why suppress people over their ideology? The Central African Federation will allow this party to join our Parliament. After all, the Central African Federation is perhaps the most free nation on this earth." The Speech is met by cheers from much of the population of the country (who can afford TVs) bar the Fascist supporters and Communists.

Also of note, the CAF have recieved a broadcast from the Nordic Union and have requested to talk for a trade agreement. In other news, the downsizing and upgrading of the military is moving steadily and a new material - Africum, as it is being deemed by CAf scientists - has been found. It appears to be an excellent source of energy, with one kilo being about 1 gigawatt. However, it appears that the material is rather deep and hard to mine due to the proximity to the bedrock.
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[i haven't done anything radical to the new religion though. All I've done is sent spies to Infiltrate the organization through peaceful ways. The exiling people and such thing was literally only meant for actual terrorists or anything not the religion.

Anyway, back to RPing.]

While Jennifer is away attempting to be 'integrated' by the organization to see what their agenda is, Heather is left to run the capital of gallia. Jennifer had already dealt with most of the current problems within the city, and criminal activity rate somewhat went down due to anyone being capable of dealing with them if needed or possible. Usually the actual dangerous criminal activity is by groups larger than three.

Communications to and or from the siberians went out so any attempt to socialize with them, From any form of the three imperial governments Is impossible at this point. Bored with nothing to do besides walk around, due to all the servants being away or in the sports arena she just waited. Before possibly dying of boredom, she attempts using the new radio from the large tower built when nizhnevartovsk was liberated to speak with anyone in the eclipse empire. Despite knowing only rumors of the polish by the emperor's spy, she felt that even the friendly and social gallian government would be attacked if she spoke to them. "Hello? Are you at least still alive?" @Loyal Guardian
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Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The radio operator saw that an incoming transmission was sent by the Redline Empire. He had thought that they were primarily isolationist, and that the government had already repaid war reparations from due to the Salvos of Moscow. When he listened to the message, he was a little surprised at the persons tone. He decided to answer, that would only be the polite thing to do.

"We read you loud and clear. To answer your question our empire is still alive. Although our Greek Province is fighting for their independence and winning, besides that though everything here is stable and secure."

He lied about that last part. He had heard of rumors that the Summaist Movement had seeped into the government and that some ministers secretly support the movement. Not to mention the fact that his friend up in security has said he's seen documents reporting similar happenings around the world. If all of that was true then the Eclipse Empire just won't have to deal with the Greeks, but a full on civil war. (OOC: That's right baby, a Civil War may very well happen in good ole' Eclipse!)

[Oh god lel.]

She sounded bored. "Well the queen is away from gallia, and the empress from the other empire is busy. So I'm bored here." She reached over the arm of the throne to a table, grabbing a glass of wine and drinking it. "And I have a high alcohol tolerance so I can't use that to have fun, so I'm trolling the radio." She continued drinking it. "So essentially a riot? Why don't you just reinforce a border with them, and attempt peacefully negotiating? Or send in a military police brigade if needed?"
"its time" the minister of foreign affairs said to Mitch, as he fumbled with some folders "we need to expand if we are to survive

"i know that" Mitch said, drinking a glass of wine "we need to send a radio signal first, so we don't envade other peoples territories"

"sir, we don't even know if there are any others"

"exactly...send out a transmission"

and with that, the minister was off, until he reached the bunker they arrived out of a year or two back, activated the radio, upped the frequency to include all of Russia "attention, is there anyone else out there, repeat, is there anyone else out there...we are looking to expand, and do not want to cause trouble with any other civilations, so if your out there please respond" and then the minister ended the transmission, and waited
[QUOTE="Mitch Neon]"its time" the minister of foreign affairs said to Mitch, as he fumbled with some folders "we need to expand if we are to survive
"i know that" Mitch said, drinking a glass of wine "we need to send a radio signal first, so we don't envade other peoples territories"

"sir, we don't even know if there are any others"

"exactly...send out a transmission"

and with that, the minister was off, until he reached the bunker they arrived out of a year or two back, activated the radio, upped the frequency to include all of Russia "attention, is there anyone else out there, repeat, is there anyone else out there...we are looking to expand, and do not want to cause trouble with any other civilations, so if your out there please respond" and then the minister ended the transmission, and waited

In the other radio facility, in redline territory underground. They responded in Morse code only, and cryptically.

"Gallian Empire.


Gallian federation.


Northern central, West Russia."
Kazami42 said:
In the other radio facility, in redline territory underground. They responded in Morse code only, and cryptically.
"Gallian Empire.


Gallian federation.


Northern central, West Russia."
As soon as the transmission came in, the minister responded, "ok we have decoded your message, and will not attempt to attack you, but we will need to know what kind of border to look for, so we don't accidently attack"
[QUOTE="Mitch Neon]As soon as the transmission came in, the minister responded, "ok we have decoded your message, and will not attempt to attack you, but we will need to know what kind of border to look for, so we don't accidently attack"

The radio operator just looked over to another, and he shrugged. The main operator turned more knobs and pressed more buttons before replying again. "Its surrounded by 12 meter high walls, and road signs."
Kazami42 said:
The radio operator just looked over to another, and he shrugged. The main operator turned more knobs and pressed more buttons before replying again. "Its surrounded by 12 meter high walls, and road signs."
"ok...wait are you guys the ones a hundred clicks north of us" the minister said, remembering when one of the scouts reported a wall like object near here

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