The World of Tomorrow

The CAF have begun work on a new set of bombers for the Nigerian guard.
NWA Summit

Hearing the others, Kord spoke up.

"We too wish that this situation remains peaceful as it can, but, the Rockies, they're a long time friend of ours, and we shall not standby and watch a nation get destroyed. We've known they for almost 4 years, we know they meant no ill will, they were simply defending their territory." Kord started to tear up a little. "There must have been loads of innocent people on that base when it were attacked. People with lives back home..." Kord paused, eyes watery with tears. "People with a family." He wipes his eyes with his arm, creating a darkened line along his uniform sleeve. "Innocent people were killed, destruction of military property, and they
receive no help whatsoever from any outside world contact. Instead, they get attacked, adding insult to injury." Kord said, almost in a yelling voice while also gripping something in his pocket. "We cannot, and will not standby while this happens, we declare full defensive support and full arial support for the Rockians." Kord sat when finished, to the point of tears after that speech. He pulled the object out from his pocket, a silver necklace. He flipped it open. Inside, a picture of a little boy and girl. Kord's vision filled with a blinding light.

@Loyal Guardian @Alteras @Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Fallout Bunker, 24 years prior

The blinding light cleared, revealing a metal room, a bedroom, with a window, on the other side a hallway. (Think Vault 101 from Fallout without the
rad-roaches and all that other stuff.) Kord was lying on a bed, slowly being shaken by someone. "Kord. Kord! Wake Up!" a familiar voice said. Kord looked over and saw a girl. No notable features other than a silver necklace around her neck. "What is it, Amelia?" Kord asked, sleepily. "Come on! It's time breakfast, mom and dad said to get up." She said. "Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming." Another bright flash.

Kord was running around the hall of the bunker. He and his sister were playing tag. "You'll never catch me!" Amelia yelled over to Kord, who was hot on her tail. "You sure about that, sis!" Kord yelled back. Amelia slipped around a corner and into a one of the rooms there. "Oh! You think you're slick, do y-" Kord was cut off by the sound of an explosion. "Amelia!" Kord ran around the corner and into the room where the bomb went off. Amelia was lying on the floor. Kord knelled down beside her and shook her. "Amelia! Amelia! Stay with me! Please..." Yet another bright flash.

Kord was once again lying on his bed, rolled into a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. They had just gotten back from the hospital. The results were grim. Amelia had died from her injuries. Kord heard the door to his room open. "Go away." Kord said over his sobs. "Son..." Kord
recognized the voice as the one of his mother. Kord looked over his shoulder and saw his mother sitting on edge of his bed. "Amelia, she wanted you to have this... before." She didn't finish the sentence. She handed Kord a silver necklace. He flipped open the lid. There was a picture of him and Amelia inside. Another bright flash. (And that's my take on a sad character backstory.)

Present Day, NWA Summit

Kord returned to reality, face lined with tear tracks. He was escorted out of the building by the Black Watch.

Iberian, Italian, Central European Provinces

New groups were formed in the Iberian, Italian, and Central European Provinces. Fascist groups formed in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula, while Stalinist Communist groups formed in the Central Europe Province.

Other Stuff:

Draft 200k troops


Character Development

Fascist and Stalinist Communist Organizations Form

The Order Empire joins the Canadian war in defense of the Rockies

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Agent141 said:
NWA Summit
Hearing the others, Kord spoke up.

"We too wish that this situation remains peaceful as it can, but, the Rockies, they're a long time friend of ours, and we shall not standby and watch a nation get destroyed. We've known they for almost 4 years, we know they meant no ill will, they were simply defending their territory." Kord started to tear up a little. "There must have been loads of innocent people on that base when it were attacked. People with lives back home..." Kord paused, eyes watery with tears. "People with a family." He wipes his eyes with his arm, creating a darkened line along his uniform sleeve. "Innocent people were killed, destruction of military property, and they
receive no help whatsoever from any outside world contact. Instead, they get attacked, adding insult to injury." Kord said, almost in a yelling voice while also gripping something in his pocket. "We cannot, and will not standby while this happens, we declare full defensive support and full arial support for the Rockians." Kord sat when finished, to the point of tears after that speech. He pulled the object out from his pocket, a silver necklace. He flipped it open. Inside, a picture of a little boy and girl. Kord's vision filled with a blinding light.

@Loyal Guardian @Alteras @Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Fallout Bunker, 24 years prior

The blinding light cleared, revealing a metal room, a bedroom, with a window, on the other side a hallway. (Think Vault 101 from Fallout without the
rad-roaches and all that other stuff.) Kord was lying on a bed, slowly being shaken by someone. "Kord. Kord! Wake Up!" a familiar voice said. Kord looked over and saw a girl. No notable features other than a silver necklace around her neck. "What is it, Amelia?" Kord asked, sleepily. "Come on! It's time breakfast, mom and dad said to get up." She said. "Alright, I'm coming, I'm coming." Another bright flash.

Kord was running around the hall of the bunker. He and his sister were playing tag. "You'll never catch me!" Amelia yelled over to Kord, who was hot on her tail. "You sure about that, sis!" Kord yelled back. Amelia slipped around a corner and into a one of the rooms there. "Oh! You think you're slick, do y-" Kord was cut off by the sound of an explosion. "Amelia!" Kord ran around the corner and into the room where the bomb went off. Amelia was lying on the floor. Kord knelled down beside her and shook her. "Amelia! Amelia! Stay with me! Please..." Yet another bright flash.

Kord was once again lying on his bed, rolled into a ball, sobbing uncontrollably. They had just gotten back from the hospital. The results were grim. Amelia had died from her injuries. Kord heard the door to his room open. "Go away." Kord said over his sobs. "Son..." Kord
recognized the voice as the one of his mother. Kord looked over his shoulder and saw his mother sitting on edge of his bed. "Amelia, she wanted you to have this... before." She didn't finish the sentence. She handed Kord a silver necklace. He flipped open the lid. There was a picture of him and Amelia inside. Another bright flash. (And that's my take on a sad character backstory.)

Present Day, NWA Summit

Kord returned to reality, face lined with tear tracks. He was escorted out of the building by the Black Watch and replaced by Diplomatic Minister Alastair.

Iberian, Italian, Central European Provinces

New groups were formed in the Iberian, Italian, and Central European Provinces. Fascist groups formed in Italy and the Iberian Peninsula, while Stalinist Communist groups formed in the Central Europe Province.

Other Stuff:

Draft 200k troops


Character Development

Fascist and Stalinist Communist Organizations Form

The Order Empire joins the Canadian war in defense of the Rockies

Schneizel stood up with an angry face.

"So you cannot even wait at your own investigation?" He Shouted "Such.. Aggressive actions...If you would excuse me"

Schneizel stormed out of the room with an angry face. After he went out of the room, Lelouch followed him and they both boarded the Royal Avalon back to their Empire.

Schneizel contacted all of his allies, excluding those who support the Rockians.

"Greetings friends, we the rising empire would need your support in this war they called 'The second canadian war'. The Order Empire has joined in the fight in defense of the rockies without even waiting for their own investigation to finish. Preposterous I say, but what is done is done... We need your help.. Help us as we have helped you in the past and would continue helping you in the future... We do not force you to comply, it depends on your decision to aid us.. God bless."

(@Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @JJKab @Charlie12520 @RedLine @Alteras )​
Solaris, Eclipse Empire

"This is bad...." Byron thought. The summit was meant to bring peace and unity, add more members, and solve this conflict without more bloodshed. Instead everything was falling at the seams. He knew very well that his image outside the empire, and even inside, was fleeting and somewhat unpopular. Only a few nations viewed his country his favorably, and the ones that do they support the other side of this war. He had to make a tough decision, and no matter how he looked at it, whatever he chose was going to set the empires destiny in stone. Will the Eclipse Empire rise even further or fall to the point of no return, that was the sum up of what he had to chose. These Summaist are plotting a large scale rebellion and the Greeks are rapidly taking over the European Provinces, and although the line has halted by the arrival of a containment force, they still pose a huge threat. However if he decided to keep his alliance with the Rising Empire the NWA would breakup and a world war may once again start, and his nation would have to fight on multiple fronts. Not to mention the fact that if the alliance was kept he would have to fight the very powerful Order Empire, a country who is one par with the Eclipse Empire as the two strongest countries in the world. Now if he broke the alliance he would also be fighting another strong country as the Rising Empire is also significantly advanced and could also be considered on par with the Order Empire and the Eclipse Empire.

After much deliberation within his own head, he stood up.

"Before i state my response, i came to it with much conflict and with a nation and world to keep in mind. We have a great respect for the Rising Empire, they came the most when the unknown invaders attacked and have been the source of some Eclipsian advancement. The reason why I joined their side was because they had been their for us and we had not been there for them, while trying to avoid the bias fact that we hardly knew about the Rockians. However what has happened now is a clear indicator of what I, the leader of my nation and millions of people, must chose. This choice was a very hard one to make, but i feel it is one that must be done.

The Eclipse Empire will no longer support the Rising Empire in this war, we will have all of our forces return home. Just like the Republic of Cascadia, we will follow a temporary policy of Isolationism as to better our country and maybe even the world. We will still, however, trade with other nations and hopefully have friendly relations with them. With all of that said, this summit is officially over as declared by the host. I hope that this conflict can be resolved peacefully and reasonably, and that no matter the outcome, we all come out of this with great bonds."

With that Emperor Byron was escorted out the building and was on his was back to Eclipsim. Everything he said was live and everyone around the world could see it, especially The Northern Stars, who were pleased that the Eclipse Empire left the war. He sent the order to Io and Umberion's army to return home to deal with internal problems and ordered that all spies within the Summaist Organization find out who these people are and their plans. He sent a message to PM Kord and PM Zeph.

"You two are leaders of the two closest nations to the Eclipse Empire and i also consider you two to be personal friends. I know that you might want me to consider joining the war on your side, and i very well could have done that, however i had to come up with a neutral compromise as to not outright backstab the Rising Empire. I also have great internal struggles to deal with and i hope that both of you could send forces to aid me in these upcoming conflicts, even if its just a small expeditionary force. With that said, i hope our alliance holds and that all of our nations prosper.


@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
Rzeczypospolita Polska

Polish forces abandoned the islands the two powers were fighting over, as the polish Sejm decided over the neutrality of Poland for the war.

They were right, hence a new movement in the parliament has rose, gaining small amounts of seats in it. They call it Summaist Party for Order Of World, at least that's what it became in Poland.

During one of the meetings, there had to be called a liberum veto, effectively ending the meeting, from one of the right wing politicians, as one of the SPOOW members was agressive towards the president, and there was a need for him to be moved to jail.

The elections were coming up, and they would happen in two next months, so this new movement would have devastating effects on it. Along with it, a new candidate has been proposed, that has been openly criticising Order Empire's and Poland's movement of creating a German Republic. He was openly hostile towards Eclipse Empire, and was, quote:

"We need to get rid of that cancer we have to our east, and also conquer what's blocking our way to conquer the whole Europe and Asia."

This was times of troubles for Poland, and during those two months, Polish current government needed as much support from other nations as possible, as to not fall under the new ' ' Anarchistic' ' movement

Meanwhile, the current president decided it would be a good idea, to make his way to Oxford, and possibly discuss the matter with it's current president.

His plane, along with two others, were waiting at the airstrip in Świdnik, but before he flew away, he ordered his communications team to try and contact British capital, and ask them if the president has time for a meeting.

@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Alteras
NWA Summit

The Rockian diplomat was as surprised as everybody else. "We thank the Order Empire for it's help, and we hope this leads to a greater alliance in the future. We shall not target civilians or cities in this war, we will only attack military installations and personnel. We will now be continuing the war until further notice, as a movement within our nation demands vengeance for our men. The Kingdom hopes the Rising Empire shall see reason and settle for our generous terms."

@Agent141 @Wickedkent @Alteras @Loyal Guardian


The same jet pilots who had flown here oh so long ago had returned. "Did you ever think we'd do the first journey again?" The other pilot chuckled. "Back then, there was no 'Rising Empire' or 'Cascadia'. It was just us, The Order Empire, although I guess it was called Britain back then, and a world of oppurtunity." The men looked down at the abandoned Manchurian military installations and tiny villages with no government. "I guess it's true. We never checked for ourselves, but I guess Manchuria's gone. The King always wanted to expand across the pacific. Send a message." A few hours later, the island had been officially claimed and the pilots had landed to become the Counts of North and South Sakhalin. (Please tell me if Sakhalin has already been claimed, and I'll delete this part)

Ellesmere Island

The men were truly ready. Tank companies rolled out, the navy sailed through the now non-hostile Eclipsian navy to bombard the coast, and planes began bombing the Rising Empire military. With the Eclipsians no longer there, they were making much more real progress.




Sakhalin claimed.
The ship had it's bow reinforced, weakened frame reinforced with ragnite, and bridge constructed. Along with the help of their subjects and vehicles, they began to create and emplace the guns upon it. Everyone went to a meeting about its name, and everyone agreed upon: The redline, code named October.


The princess had some royal soldiers guard the citadel tower. Despite not knowing exactly what's in the locked portion of it, she believed it to be left alone. Jennifer would return eventually, so she wouldn't have to worry about creating any laws. However she sneaked pavle into the mansion.


Alexander was displeased with the thought of cultists around her sacred land. She could be debated to of temporarily lost it in this situation, whatever it is. She signed a document which forced the summaists to either leave or be imprisoned. She also ran out of the drug known as "smile" months prior.


Construction was slow, but the Autocratic empire's factory was building more light FT-70 tanks [At least I think that was the number....] and tiger-Xs. They also had finally acquired enough ragnite to create a powerful enough radiator for its main gun [the batomy.]. Theimer and his students started work on it. He was also funded by the redline for ragnite based weaponry. The emperor also requested a new form of machinegun personally.


The north expansion was completed. The casualties were 5 of the men sent due to low mounts of mutants during the beginning stages of winter. The vehicles still had to be towed home, but eventually they made it back to desert-esque lands again to return home. Camps were made there, people sent, and people already in the area recruited as citizens for free supplies.


The scientific experimentation was carried out. The scientific plans for the ship hull and design were done. They returned to golden heart and took the people they imprisoned months prior for scientific evaluation. Most people were not of specialty they were looking for, and instead were sent home. The ones unlucky enough to be regular, but experience what was needed to make them seem like what the scientists were looking for, would die from experimentation. That only left a few hundred people to experiment upon through various tactics.

The lead scientist was aware of the medical experiment months prior, of using rask organs and flesh to help with surgery. The result being people who healed faster, better strength, and some resistance to heavy temperature. They would first begin creating a generation through this medical procedure, and they abducted Fina and her sisters to aid them. Förster informed the emperor, and he funded the project entirely. However the medical procedure only required dead rask bodies, and surgery. However it was noted that some will eventually go over a certain bar/limit, or eventually succumb to insanity or death. They are also tasked with creating a cure for natural ragnite gas. They also have no more resources to create the "smile" drug. Which prevents people from being their normal self, With a constant never ending chill, and calmness.


The north of Drovyanoy - Yamburg is now expanded upon.


Now creating a bazooka, And a single machinegun. [1st priority of course.]

The batomy, [second overall priority. Until the ship, and bazooka is done.]

Scientific research. [3rd priority until the batomy, and ship is finished.]


The ship is STILL under construction, but not for long if everything goes accordingly.

Heather/The princess ordered some royal soldiers to guard the citadel tower.

Alexander went through months of not having the medical drug of: "smile"injected into her. Thus she returned to her normal state and signed a document imprisoning all the organization if in redline territory, if they refuse to leave the territory.

The Autocratic redlines main factory is ordered to produce ragnite-based bazookas, A single heavy machinegun, and the batomy.

The north has been expanded into.

Scientific research begins on special individuals they had captured months prior, while others are given to quick medical experimentation. They are also tasked with creating a cure for ragnite gas in the event ragnite over matures and cracks. They are also incapable of creating more of the "Smile" drug. Which made special individuals extremely calm, or happy.

Will be added to the overview.
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Republic of Cascadia


Austin, Cascadia


"You are inciting public violence and acting disorderly. Disperse immediately or we will forcefully disband your gathering." A police loudspeaker sounded as line after line of police officers with riot shields and batons approached the group of violent Summaist protesters who had taken to the streets after a high-ranking Summaist leader in Cascadia was shot and killed by a Cascadian loyalist after making a speech mocking and insulting the Cascadian way of life. The Summaist movement in the country was still very, very small due to the immense loyalty the vast majority of the population had towards the government with everywhere where there was a Summaist gathering a counter-protest ensued with the majority of these stand-offs being peaceful between the Cascadian loyalists and the Summaists but on occassion violence would break out due to one or two bad apples stirring it up, police were successfully able to shut these down before they got out of hand.

News teams were on the scene both Cascadian, Eclipsian and from the Order Empire to report on the clash between Texas State Police and Summaist rioters, twenty minutes or so would pass of the Summaists continuing to vandalise property and loot in some instances before the police charged into the crowd batons raised and shields up, K9 German Shepherds were unleashed on the crowd in bulk, tear gas and pepper spray were also used to great effect. Cascadian police were well displined and civil for the most part however there came a point where talking and cooperating with a protest was simply impossible and the Summaists had reached that point, 59 Summaists were arrested and sentenced to 55 days community service for destruction of public property, civil disorder and intent to harm others. After repeated acts of civil disobedience from isolated groups of Summaist followers, President Jefferson made a speech officially stating that the Cascadian law and political system did not recognise the Summaists as a party. Much to the celebration of most of the country, Summaist protests and demonstrations have significantally went down in frequency as have their public announcements since the government's decision and the Cascadian people have made their loyalties very clear on the matter.

Portland, Cascadia

The cities of New Orleans and San Diego have both been completely repopulated and rebuilt now. With the government being able to focus on reconstructing more pre-war cities across Cascadia now, the city of Phoenix in Nevada is currently being rebuilt as of now as is Kansas City, the plan being to continue going westwards until the entire former United States is reconstructed. The birth rate of Cascadia has skyrocketed alongside it's economy with the addition of all these newly rebuilt cities, trade inside Cascadia has never been higher in value and tourism between the cities has grown exceptionally in recent months. Meanwhile the CDF has grown in size yet again due to an emergency budget meeting in the Cascadian Senate to debate on whether or not to continue CDF expansion, the vote was put to a yes due to recent events and tension in Canada.

Meanwhile the ML-199 CDU is now being rolled out to every soldier in the CDF, having recently been completed this new armor is an upgraded varient of the Mk-4 Graphine armor currently used on Cascadian tanks, with unlimited possibilities of adding new layers to the armor and it being extremely lightweight this new armor has been field tested and proved to be absolutely indespensable to Cascadian soldiers, with it being able to withstand some of the strongest laser shots and being near impenetrable for conventional bullets it is being mass-produced and every Cascadian soldier will have this armor by the end of the month.



New military uniform/armor developed.

San Diego & New Orleans rebuilt.

Rebuilding Phoenix & Kansas City.

Summaist Movement severely hampered.

Police contain minor rioting in Texas.
[scroll all the way down to the button to see your message Mr. Kab.]

The emperor was plotting. He let Natasha go get others for a meeting, in which she did but not until giving the Congress recording to alexander. And he continued playing a recording of the last few meetings which Vanessa was apart of. He viewed a map of Russia. He then turned around after hearing the door shut. Where Alexander, jennifer, and Natasha are. He turned off the recording.

"There was a fire earlier, Probably an explosion. Where our southern neighbors somehow blew themselves up. The siberians have not responded, and the eclipsians gave up on their friends to the west. We personally don't blame them, but it is a douche move to be blunt. From what Vanessa has stated, with Moscow being destroyed, Perhaps the eclipse faking it to protect the polish, and the polish being our closest neighbors. We must instantly believe them to be hostile."

Jennifer was staring at a map. "The NWR did in fact somehow destroy itself. I was looking forward to dealing with them. However the polish could be a threat. I would suggest sending a spy over to them, to gather information on their intentions."

Alexander crossed her arms, displeased. "I say we make a line at glazov with the Russian queen. Prepare glazov, And send in our new 'superwomen' if they are hostile. If they attempt to invade, We rush the stupid bastards with the Soviet Union. Otherwise, we can politely ask them for russia and see if that'll work. We also need to deal with the east now. The disease should by this time not exist there, We can safely border them."

Natasha looks down at a map, placing her finger on glazov. "We should send in Catherine. She could attempt scouting out their territory, and if more time than scheduled takes place without her return. They can be considered hostile entirely. We should ask the eclipsians for help if they do attack since we did ally a year or so prior. We never got into any wars they know about, so we appear friendly entirely."

Max sat down on a golden chair/throne. "Inform Vanessa we are sending her in then. In the mean time, Prepare to enable the mandatory defense conscription and glazov. Alexander will remain at glazov unless the spy returns unharmed. if hunter is revived, he will be on standby in glazov as well if anything happens. If the polish are indeed a threat to the empire, Conscription will be entirely enacted for the defense of this country. The red army will prepare in glazov with any gallian forces still stationed there, the gallians will be on reserve, and we will prepare to deploy our troops. We will then attempt scavenging any Russian technology they own."

They agreed. Victor then looked at Natasha. "I want you to keep your radio tuned here. If anything appears to be out of order, I want you to turn the ship around, fire upon the polish, and then gather onboard troops to invade. You will have ragnite stored on the ship for the generator, or as shells if necessary. You will be fine as hordes of FT tanks and some Tigers will storm the north upon calling you." She nodded her head.

Natasha called for her assistant to inform the populace and glazov of possible invasion.


Valerie, Natasha's scholar, assistant, and personal scribe. Had a microphone and propaganda posters in golden heart. She continually sprouted propaganda, except about the militia. Redline soldiers and supporters also posted propaganda over the course of twelve hours. However it is not a attempt to gain troops. People resume their normal everyday lives, some asking to be painted and then buying the portrait.


The empress contacts the eclipse. "Hello? I'm here to ask about something important." @Loyal Guardian


Vanessa was yet again sent into polish territory, her hair allowed to be longer, Unarmed seemingly, Wearing civilian clothing.

she entered nizhny novgorod. She walked up to anyone there which was mostly of polish descent at best. Asking any of them a simple question. "Hello. I am trying to find a way back to miasto stołeczne Warszawa. I am supposed to be there to conclude some business. But on the way back my ride ditched me here." @JJKab

A meeting is held.

Plotting is commenced.

It is unknown whether or not the polish is friendly, A spy was sent to investigate them.

People resume their normal everyday life.
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Kazami42 said:
[scroll all the way down to the button to see your message Mr. Kab.]
The emperor was plotting. He let Natasha go get others for a meeting, in which she did but not until giving the Congress recording to alexander. And he continued playing a recording of the last few meetings which Vanessa was apart of. He viewed a map of Russia. He then turned around after hearing the door shut. Where Alexander, jennifer, and Natasha are. He turned off the recording.

"There was a fire earlier, Probably an explosion. Where our southern neighbors somehow blew themselves up. The siberians have not responded, and the eclipsians gave up on their friends to the west. We personally don't blame them, but it is a douche move to be blunt. From what Vanessa has stated, with Moscow being destroyed, Perhaps the eclipse faking it to protect the polish, and the polish being our closest neighbors. We must instantly believe them to be hostile."

Jennifer was staring at a map. "The NWR did in fact somehow destroy itself. I was looking forward to dealing with them. However the polish could be a threat. I would suggest sending a spy over to them, to gather information on their intentions."

Alexander crossed her arms, displeased. "I say we make a line at glazov with the Russian queen. Prepare glazov, And send in our new 'superwomen' if they are hostile. If they attempt to invade, We rush the stupid bastards with the Soviet Union. Otherwise, we can politely ask them for russia and see if that'll work. We also need to deal with the east now. The disease should by this time not exist there, We can safely border them."

Natasha looks down at a map, placing her finger on glazov. "We should send in Catherine. She could attempt scouting out their territory, and if more time than scheduled takes place without her return. They can be considered hostile entirely. We should ask the eclipsians for help if they do attack since we did ally a year or so prior. We never got into any wars they know about, so we appear friendly entirely."

Max sat down on a golden chair/throne. "Inform Vanessa we are sending her in then. In the mean time, Prepare to enable the mandatory defense conscription and glazov. Alexander will remain at glazov unless the spy returns unharmed. if hunter is revived, he will be on standby in glazov as well if anything happens. If the polish are indeed a threat to the empire, Conscription will be entirely enacted for the defense of this country. The red army will prepare in glazov with any gallian forces still stationed there, the gallians will be on reserve, and we will prepare to deploy our troops. We will then attempt scavenging any Russian technology they own."

They agreed. Victor then looked at Natasha. "I want you to keep your radio tuned here. If anything appears to be out of order, I want you to turn the ship around, fire upon the polish, and then gather onboard troops to invade. You will have ragnite stored on the ship for the generator, or as shells if necessary. You will be fine as hordes of FT tanks and some Tigers will storm the north upon calling you." She nodded her head.

Natasha called for her assistant to inform the populace and glazov of possible invasion.


Valerie, Natasha's scholar, assistant, and personal scribe. Had a microphone and propaganda posters in golden heart. She continually sprouted propaganda, except about the militia. Redline soldiers and supporters also posted propaganda over the course of twelve hours. However it is not a attempt to gain troops. People resume their normal everyday lives, some asking to be painted and then buying the portrait.


The empress contacts the eclipse. "Hello? I'm here to ask about something important." @Loyal Guardian


Vanessa was yet again sent into polish territory, her hair allowed to be longer, Unarmed seemingly, Wearing civilian clothing.

she entered nizhny novgorod. She walked up to anyone there which was mostly of polish descent at best. Asking any of them a simple question. "Hello. I am trying to find a way back to miasto stołeczne Warszawa. I am supposed to be there to conclude some business. But on the way back my ride ditched me here." @JJKab

A meeting is held.

Plotting is commenced.

It is unknown whether or not the polish is friendly, A spy was sent to investigate them.

People resume their normal everyday life.

(You totally didn't copy and paste the "Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa" from Polish Wikipedia xD )

Polska, Novograd Voivodeship

A citizien, a highly educated one, was walking on the street on a small town right by the Polish North East bourder. When he was checking the date on his phone, a girl walked up to him, and asked him about Warsaw. Clearing his throat, he spoke:

"Dziewczyno, Warszawa? Jak chcesz, żeby ci wyrosła trzecia noga, to prosze bardzo. Jak chcesz sie dostać do polskiej stolicy w celach biznesowych, to prosze ze mną. Udaję się do Lublina na zebranie Sejmu, jak chcesz, to możesz się ze mną zabrać" The man said, looking at the girl, a bit suspiciously

{Girl, Warsaw? If you want to have a third leg, then you can go. If you want to get to the polish capital in business plans, come with me. I'm going to Lublin for the meeting of Parliamentary, if you want, you can come with me}
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JJKab said:
(You totally didn't copy and paste the "Miasto Stołeczne Warszawa" from Polish Wikipedia xD )
Polska, Novograd Voivodeship

A citizien, a highly educated one, was walking on the street on a small town right by the Polish North East bourder. When he was checking the date on his phone, a girl walked up to him, and asked him about Warsaw. Clearing his throat, he spoke:

"Dziewczyno, Warszawa? Jak chcesz, żeby ci wyrosła trzecia noga, to prosze bardzo. Jak chcesz sie dostać do polskiej stolicy w celach biznesowych, to prosze ze mną. Udaję się do Lublina na zebranie Sejmu, jak chcesz, to możesz się ze mną zabrać" The man said, looking at the girl, a bit suspiciously

{Girl, Warsaw? If you want to have a third leg, then you can go. If you want to get to the polish capital in business plans, come with me. I'm going to Lublin for the meeting of Parliamentary, if you want, you can come with me}
[Does not know anything polish. Lol.]

She stared before shrugging. "Guessing it got blown up then? Alright. Was not told of there being a new capital, but that might just be my memory. It is not as great as it once was, But that isn't my fault." She would harmlessly attempt following the unnamed man.
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Kazami42 said:
[Does not know anything polish. Lol.]

She stared before shrugging. "Guessing it got blown up then? Alright. Was not told of there being a new capital, but that might just be my memory. It is not as great as it once was, But that isn't my fault." She would harmlessly attempt following the unnamed man.
The man lead the girl to the airport, the Novogrod National Airport. There, they sat in the plane, and took off, heading towards Lublin. The man soon pulled out a newspaper, and began to read it.

It read



But the most important one was:


{Big meetup of Parliament i.c of unknown movement on our east border}

As the man turned the page, the case where the last intrusion of territory by some people (you should know who ;) ) could potentially hint new neighbours on Polish Eastern bourder
JJKab said:
The man lead the girl to the airport, the Novogrod National Airport. There, they sat in the plane, and took off, heading towards Lublin. The man soon pulled out a newspaper, and began to read it.
It read



But the most important one was:


{Big meetup of Parliament i.c of unknown movement on our east border}

As the man turned the page, the case where the last intrusion of territory by some people (you should know who ;) ) could potentially hint new neighbours on Polish Eastern bourder
She was looking out a window, and cleaning her nails. She talked to her second personality in her head, But otherwise continued cleaning her finger nails and checking them. She cleaned them with a soft ended toothpick. "So, how is the Ukraine doing?"
Kazami42 said:
She was looking out a window, and cleaning her nails. She talked to her second personality in her head, But otherwise continued cleaning her finger nails and checking them. She cleaned them with a soft ended toothpick. "So, how is the Ukraine doing?"
"Ukraine? Welll, there is no point in asking me. If you want, the Parliament sitting is open for anyone to see, and possibly ask questions to the president or the minister of foreign affairs, so.... You can ask them..." The man said, as he looked at the girl, and smirked lightly

"I gotta tell you, the meeting will be big, because earlier some girl and a guy entered from east, and pretty much scared the shit out of our governers. We don't even know who is south of us, but we will get to find out. I thiiiiink after this meeting an expedition of two planes will head out of our airport, and head East."
JJKab said:
"Ukraine? Welll, there is no point in asking me. If you want, the Parliament sitting is open for anyone to see, and possibly ask questions to the president or the minister of foreign affairs, so.... You can ask them..." The man said, as he looked at the girl, and smirked lightly
"I gotta tell you, the meeting will be big, because earlier some girl and a guy entered from east, and pretty much scared the shit out of our governers. We don't even know who is south of us, but we will get to find out. I thiiiiink after this meeting an expedition of two planes will head out of our airport, and head East."
"Ok. Fair enough I guess. I just wondered because a friend of mine use to live there. She worked as a miner there... She was really short though." She continued looking out the window, occasionally staring at the paper for no more than a few seconds.
Kazami42 said:
"Ok. Fair enough I guess. I just wondered because a friend of mine use to live there. She worked as a miner there... She was really short though." She continued looking out the window, occasionally staring at the paper for no more than a few seconds.
Soon, they arrived at Swidnik International Airport, and got out. The man called a taxi, and it soon arrived, the car looking pretty modern.

"Na ulice Unii Lubelskiej"

{To the Lublin's Union street}

The man nodded, waiting for the girl to sit down, before driving off, into a highway that connected the two cities. It was looking like the usual highway from before the Great War.
JJKab said:
Soon, they arrived at Swidnik International Airport, and got out. The man called a taxi, and it soon arrived, the car looking pretty modern.
"Na ulice Unii Lubelskiej"

{To the Lublin's Union street}

The man nodded, waiting for the girl to sit down, before driving off, into a highway that connected the two cities. It was looking like the usual highway from before the Great War.
She looked out the window. "Wonderful architecture you have here." She then looks around the taxi. "So what is the Parliament look like? A palace? A mansion? A prewar dome?"
Kazami42 said:
She looked out the window. "Wonderful architecture you have here." She then looks around the taxi. "So what is the Parliament look like? A palace? A mansion? A prewar dome?"
"Nope. It's an old City hall. We gather there, and we discuss matters there." The man exclaimed, showing the girl a picture of Lublin's City Hall

JJKab said:
"Nope. It's an old City hall. We gather there, and we discuss matters there." The man exclaimed, showing the girl a picture of Lublin's City Hall
"Interesting... so how old is it now? A century? And when will we be there is my only questions?" She continued to smile innocently.
Kazami42 said:
"Interesting... so how old is it now? A century? And when will we be there is my only questions?" She continued to smile innocently.
"We're almost there, the town is not so far from here. Do you mean the building? Welllllll, if you know that this building was built in 1828, theeeen... it's pretty old." As the man spoke, they drove in front of the City Hall building, and the man got out, waiting for the girl to get out as well

"We're late, ladies first" He smirked gently.
JJKab said:
"We're almost there, the town is not so far from here. Do you mean the building? Welllllll, if you know that this building was built in 1828, theeeen... it's pretty old." As the man spoke, they drove in front of the City Hall building, and the man got out, waiting for the girl to get out as well
"We're late, ladies first" He smirked gently.
"How sweet." She got out of the vehicle and closed the door. She then walked up the stairs and waited for the gentleman. "Well come on now, you won't make a lady wait will you?"
Kazami42 said:
"How sweet." She got out of the vehicle and closed the door. She then walked up the stairs and waited for the gentleman. "Well come on now, you won't make a lady wait will you?"
"I won't don't worry." The man said, as he walked with the girl towards the main hall. The hall where everything would be determined

"May I know from where you are?" THe man asked the young (spy) girl, turning his attention to her.

The hall was only half full, so they could talk a bit more
JJKab said:
"I won't don't worry." The man said, as he walked with the girl towards the main hall. The hall where everything would be determined
"May I know from where you are?" THe man asked the young (spy) girl, turning his attention to her.

The hall was only half full, so they could talk a bit more
She nodded. "I use to live in a shitty apartment blown to hell in Red square, moscow for 25 years. I left it before whoever came out of the metro started colonizing it. I visited the Ukraine for eight months, and then left to a made up post apocalypse city called grestin. Which was still in Moscow but the outskirts of it. I then left to live in a small village in the woods. Colonized by the japanese, And Russians."
Kazami42 said:
She nodded. "I use to live in a shitty apartment blown to hell in Red square, moscow for 25 years. I left it before whoever came out of the metro started colonizing it. I visited the Ukraine for eight months, and then left to a made up post apocalypse city called grestin. Which was still in Moscow but the outskirts of it. I then left to live in a small village in the woods. Colonized by the japanese, And Russians."
"Oh, alright. Now I see, why yo---"


The Chairman of the Parliament spoke into the microphone, officially beginning the Parliament meeting.

Soon, Polish president stepped onto the main stand in the middle of the big room, and spoke

"Panie I panowie.. .Z wielkim niepokojem odzywam sie do was, gdyż na naszej wschodniej granicy... Dwójka kombatantów przekroczyła naszą granicę.... Nie udało nam się dowiedzieć, kim oni byli... Była to dama i męs Lecz wiemy jedno... Mamy sąsiada na zachodzie. Więc... Proponuję ustawę o wysłaniu korpusu zwiadowczego, żeby zbadał te tereny, i nawiązał komunikację z możliwym narodem"

{Ladies and gentlemen... With great concern I speak to you, because on our eastern bourder... two armed men crossed our bourder... We couldn't establish who they were... A man and a young lady... So... I offer a new act, in which we'll send a scouting team to check those areas, and establish relations with possible nation" THe president stepped down, waved away by countless claps, except by the Summoist party members, who kept quiet.

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