The World of Tomorrow

Ellesmere Island

The some 80,000 troops on the island were having second thoughts about staying to fight in the war. They had been disavowed and they had no supplies, not to mention the fact that they were slowly being surrounded. While they had the tech advantage they did not have the home field advantage. With no support from the Eclipsian Government and only relying on Riser intelligence. After taking a few casualties, the troops realized they were fighting an uphill battle with little chance of success. The leader of the contingent force, Major Thalassa, discussed with his Lieutenants about discussing a surrender. The next day the army's encampment raised the white flags. Fire coming from that area was halted as the Rockian troops allowed the disavowed Eclipsian army to return to the shore where a few ships were waiting for them to be picked up. They then returned home, expecting to be discharged of service. They were not aware, however, of the current Civil War.


Unknown Location

The room was barely lit up, with only a TV screen lighting up the room. In the middle of it was a table where five outlines were sitting down. Then the screen turned on to reveal another figure. The people in the room sat up and gave a salute.

"Greetings Supreme Leader!" They all said, before being waved by the hand form the man in the screen.

"I want a report. Would the head chairman stand and give me a summary of the events that happened." As he said that a man stood up.

"Yes Supreme Leader. Our simultaneous attacks on the world have mostly failed. The current holdings we have are in the Philippines, the Order Empire, Rockian Australia, Vestan, and the Eclipse Empire. However the Singaporeans and Rockians are currently dealing with our operatives and have nearly won their struggles. In Vestan our operatives gain more followers and soldiers by the day and victory is in our grasps, in the Order Empire our operatives have allied with the communists but failed with the fascists, in the Eclipse Empire we have allied the Golden Dawn Republic but that alliance is expected to be short lived as Eclipsian troops have begun to fight back. Overall, the attacks have failed and we have been labeled as a hostile threat."

For a while the room remained silent, confusing the people at the table. After a minute of silence the man in the screen spoke.

"Very well. I want all of our operatives return back to our holdout and begin armed training. We can consider our attempt as a lesson. We have learned that just the police forces in their countries are strong, so we need to train them in military combat. Thankfully some of our senior followers are former military men, so we will have them train our operatives. Besides that tell the operatives in Vestan, Order, and Eclipse to launch our offensives."

@Fishman Lord @Wickedkent @Agent141 @Alteras @Domini Regum
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The CAF has begun a new project in which they send out a radio signal attempting to contact nations they have not met twice a day at 12 and 00 every day sending greetings from the CAF.
Lordvader59 said:
(You realize conscripting EVERYONE 16+ would be a blow from which your economy would never recover)
[Only if conscripted into the actual military which is a daily basis thing. I don't need to pay deadmen or inside-country-only militias. I just need to pay off the weapons and ammo. And rockets. And military. Besides, militias are usually just a gang or more of people who wish to defend their country should the need arise. Their families of course would need to be paid due to deaths though. I can still pay that off, would take a time to economically recover however depending on how much was used.

"the police have special powers to enforce certain regulations, like traffic regulations, that civilians don't have. And the military can engage in combat operations on foreign soil representing their country. But all citizens have general powers to repel invasions, suppress insurrections, and enforce the laws, the three duties of the Militia, just like the military and police. They just don't do it on a full-time, paid basis."

In other words: I am not a economical suicider.]


JJKab said:
"Gallian Empire....? So... we're here to establish any sort of diplomatic relations, as well as a possible trade route. We got permission from our general to do that."
The first pilot said, sitting back down, looking at the girl
"Meh fine. Here we use coins and specific types of bullets as currency. Anything else we don't use, and thus if you want to trade with us don't expect us to use paper."

Lordvader59 said:
Prison, Sweden:
The Russians were lead out of their cell with tons of guns pointed at them and into an underground bunker. There were no lights, or air conditioning. After another two hours in the heat and the dark, they were led into another room. This one had lights, but not air conditioning. Nordic soldiers stood outside an on the back wall. Another man entered the room, an interrogator. They were both strapped down onto tables. "Now, I can be your greatest ally or your greatest enemy. It all depends on your willingness to speak. Now, I want a simple answer, who was responsible for the attack on Svalbard."
They remained silent. Refusing to speak and simply just staring at the interrogator. They did not mind the heat whatsoever. In fact it looked as if they didn't even know it was hot in the room.

LoneSniper87 said:
"Sir we have an incoming transmission from the scouting party you sent out" one of the advisors told Ryan as we walked into the room, seeming frantic, "Can you patch them through?" Ryan asks, remaining calm as he picks up one of the scavved walkies we have. "Sir we heard gunfire from the west! Artillery it sounds like! Should we turn around?" Ryan remains perfectly calm at the news, unsurprised at the sounds of fighting, he actually smiles a bit, cause it means there are people. "Continue heading west, Sergeant. Let me know when you make contact with anyone. Keep it friendly." "Yes sir." The sergeant says before ending the transmission. Ryan sets the walkie down and leans back in his chair, taking out a cigar to celebrate the chance at finding others, he lights it and puts it in his mouth. @Kazami42
[i'm just gonna say this is during or after the celebration. Because otherwise you'd probably be shot.]

Some katyusha launchers with spare rockets fired up into the skies for no particular reason. Landing and hitting a far away land in the coast of yamburg safely away from Soviet, gallian, and imperial troops. With occasional gunshots fired in the air as well. Anyone traveling in would mostly see hordes of Soviet troops either wearing normal uniforms, tanker uniforms but with infantry symbols, or trench coats. During this time it was several hours already into the celebration and some vehicles and troops were leaving to go home.

Meanwhile those trucks Heather sent were still going east, and found a town. They would proceed driving to it.


[And since it is page 49, I shall make this post my one post.]

The frame of the batomys was constructed, and work would continue on developing tracks and ragnite hull plating.


Few more projects were ordered by the emperor. The empire succeeded in saving it's country with its strong in command. However, bodies still littered russia. It was such a problem that mass graves couldn't even be considered. Flamers couldn't burn all the bodies, and nobody wanted to pollute the ocean.

He signed a document he personally made to bury all the soldiers in izhevsky, And yamburg. The two largest locations in imperial control that has caves filled with ragnite. He also made another document to make some of the vehicles ragnite powered, as yamburg was also a oil location which was devastated by the short war. Which means to save oil long term, some tanks would be required to run off of ragnite. However it could also be used to work the guns.

And finally, he would disband the militia again, only reenacting them should the need arise. And would have the Soviet and imperial scholars and economists make a economical recovery. Which from the weapons and ammo used, would take six months. However the economy was still in a good state, especially due to the multiple governments and the multiple currency types. However the worse in economical standards were the gallians, as they lost multiple tanks in yamburg. However the parts were scavenged and sent home, and whatever left of the tanks were used as monuments. However if it were to be scrapped, it'd cost more for the gallians than considered reasonable.


Scientists created ragnaid. A canister of ragnite which upon turning a knob at their base, Makes the inner ragnite glow brilliantly. It is volatile however, but safe enough to be carried by soldiers now. And finally the experiments were a success. It was now time for the units final tests, they would go through a two series of end tests. A fighting procedure, and then a final test with a high fatality rate. Only the resilient will survive.

The first half of the test was starting, it would test them fighting against Leila peron versus her team of claymores and singke valkyria. It lasted for weeks without halt, no mercy granted to either side. Often with claymores literally being thrown about like Ragdolls, or valkyria having endless stalemates. It ended on the 17th with the subjects actually winning this time. However it would be short lived since automatically the final test would occur. Claymores were either in a group of three, or alone. Valkyria alone. In large rooms with two heavy gates blocking escape if closed. They had to fight against ten waves of mutants.

The first being extremely easy, the second being a horde of lurkers, the third - sixth being lurkers, and librarians, the seventh would be demons, the eighth would be a rask, which was in a fully awakened state, capable of morphing it's body and shape. The ninth would be to fight groups of them, and the tenth would be themselves if they had started to fully awaken like a rask. As if the surface war, mutilation, ragnite, and extremely painful surgery operations and experimentation wasn't enough, they had to literally fight what they are created from, and if some begin to turn, they have to kill them as well. Of course there is a exception to the resilient rule, in which those resilient but also extremely shy somehow survived. Though not alot. And others committing suicide.

Out of the thousands imprisoned a year prior, only a few hundred were released for testing. And out of that, only 47 claymores would live, and 10 valkyria. Since the scientists learned of how to operate such tests properly to gain what they wished for, they would use it on the rest of the prisoners. Which would take some months for a single large claymore generation, and a year to gather a large group of true valkyrur. However, should need be. The scientists would give away unfinished subjects to the imperials and yggdists. Which is the normal fate they succumb to, and have to learn their abilities by themselves, or willing go back for testing.



Talking with the polish.

The empress and her daughter do not fear the interrogator.

Attempting first contact with the eastern Russians.

That project from two or three years ago I never started, finally got started.

Some personal projects and goals were set, such as burying bodies, recovering the economy, and making some of the vehicles ragnite powered.

Some more science fucked up shit.

Ragnaid is invented.

The final tests for claymores and valkyrur begin. The high fatality rate, the fact alot of them are scarred for life due to experimentation, horrors war, and mutilation. Does not help with the final tests. In which some include having to murder their own friends and family to survive.

Science notes will be added to the overview.
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The humvee came across the celebrating soviets(it was actually a bit after the battle, so closer to the start of your celebrating) and stopped a good few feet away, a man wearing a scavenged all grey uniform with the old U.S. flag on it. "Hello! We have come on behalf of Ryan Conners, Lead Chairmen of the Republic if Nordham! We come in peace! If your commanding officer would like to speak with him we have a direct line to him!"

Republic of Nordham

"Sir there are some vehicles of an unknown country nearing the city, what are your orders?" A worried advisor asks Ryan, still working on a cigar, "keep an eye on them, when the get close to the city we will have a patrol stop them, they could be a diplomatic convoy, so for now just observe." "Yes sir" he says as he rushes off.
Korean/Chinese Border

General Izoto slowly drummed his fingers along the arm of his folding chair, waiting and watching as the Chinese patrol came closer and closer to the border. Spread out in two massive lines on either side of the tent, the 300 tanks of the First Assault Legion hummed quietly, the barrels of their main cannons aimed in the distance, but ready to target this new force at a moments notice. Behind the tanks, the infantry brigades milled about, mostly relaxed, but each carrying their weapon, standing at the ready for any possible threat.

Rising from his chair, Izoto straightened the jacket he was wearing, a solid white uniform with three red stripes running diagonal across his front, and red gloves. Walking forward, he was quickly flanked by twenty soldiers, as he walked across the border to meet the Chinese force.


(I am so sorry for such a delayed post, but summer band has started for me, so I am away from the house from 8-6 CST everyday. Sorry for the delay.)
LoneSniper87 said:
The humvee came across the celebrating soviets(it was actually a bit after the battle, so closer to the start of your celebrating) and stopped a good few feet away, a man wearing a scavenged all grey uniform with the old U.S. flag on it. "Hello! We have come on behalf of Ryan Conners, Lead Chairmen of the Republic if Nordham! We come in peace! If your commanding officer would like to speak with him we have a direct line to him!"
Republic of Nordham

"Sir there are some vehicles of an unknown country nearing the city, what are your orders?" A worried advisor asks Ryan, still working on a cigar, "keep an eye on them, when the get close to the city we will have a patrol stop them, they could be a diplomatic convoy, so for now just observe." "Yes sir" he says as he rushes off.
The Soviets continued partying. Only some had stopped and noticed. They stare blankly at the man, the majority of them not knowing English. [if he is speaking English.] The only person that noticed him that actually cared was a woman in black and red commissar uniform. Which was also the scholar uniform as well.

[because apparently all my commissars are now scholars. But now as I look at the picture, that does actually look like a soviet commissar.] She was followed by a taller woman with a Gatling gun, and a woman shorter than she was. Wearing a tanker ushanka which looked absolutely ridiculous and oversized for someone like her to wear. "What do you want?" The commissar said.

Meanwhile the trucks entered the outskirts of the city.
"As i said, miss, we come from the Republic of Nordham, out east from here, we have come to scout out for other countries and maybe form some alliances, we have a direct line with the Head Chairmen if you want to speak with him.(English is a go to but they know russian, not that i can type it, ill have "russian:" in front of whatever im saying in russian.)

The trucks are stopped by twenty men with weapons ranging from scavved M4s and pre war snipers to hanguns and revolvers, Captain Walker approaches the lead car and taps on the window, his rifle slung along his waist, he motions for the other soldiers to stand down for now.
LoneSniper87 said:
"As i said, miss, we come from the Republic of Nordham, out east from here, we have come to scout out for other countries and maybe form some alliances, we have a direct line with the Head Chairmen if you want to speak with him.(English is a go to but they know russian, not that i can type it, ill have "russian:" in front of whatever im saying in russian.)
The trucks are stopped by twenty men with weapons ranging from scavved M4s and pre war snipers to hanguns and revolvers, Captain Walker approaches the lead car and taps on the window, his rifle slung along his waist, he motions for the other soldiers to stand down for now.
[Yeah, I can but it's just I don't bother. I usually have people figure out if my people are speaking Russian or not.] "Very well, take me there. But know this, the little one is armed with a bayonet mosin, and the giant will obliterate you should this be a trap." Katyusha, the 'little one' got upset over that and kicked her in the foot.

Pavle looks at the soldier and spoke Russian. "Hello there! And who should you be?"
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The Sergeant spoke in russian, "I'm Sergeant Burkov from the Republic of Nordham, accompanied by Corporal Smith, Corporal Mason and Private Allen." Allen walks over to the commisar and hands her the walkie. "Talk to him, line is open." Burkov climbs out of the gunner's turret and walks to face the commisar, "Bear in mind the Chairmen is not much for diplomatic talk. He is a military man but a strong leader, he has saved our country from doom more than once." Burkov takes his rifle and tosses it into the Humvee, leaving him with only a sidearm. "We have no intent of attacking you, miss. Take this action as a sign of peacefulness. If we were to attack we would have sent more than one vehicle, but even then we wouldve been crushed by your surperior military."
LoneSniper87 said:
The Sergeant spoke in russian, "I'm Sergeant Burkov from the Republic of Nordham, accompanied by Corporal Smith, Corporal Mason and Private Allen." Allen walks over to the commisar and hands her the walkie. "Talk to him, line is open." Burkov climbs out of the gunner's turret and walks to face the commisar, "Bear in mind the Chairmen is not much for diplomatic talk. He is a military man but a strong leader, he has saved our country from doom more than once." Burkov takes his rifle and tosses it into the Humvee, leaving him with only a sidearm. "We have no intent of attacking you, miss. Take this action as a sign of peacefulness. If we were to attack we would have sent more than one vehicle, but even then we wouldve been crushed by your surperior military."
She shrugged. She held down the button. "This is commissar Valerie Yushkova of the Soviet Union, what is it?"
Ryan looks at the walkie, picks it up and answers, "Hello Commisar Yushkova, im glad my men were able to contact you, they are unarmed, right?" He asks, looking around the room.

Captain Walker taps on the window of the lead car again, "open up, i need to speak with you" he says in english then russian. @Kazami42
LoneSniper87 said:
Ryan looks at the walkie, picks it up and answers, "Hello Commisar Yushkova, im glad my men were able to contact you, they are unarmed, right?" He asks, looking around the room.
Captain Walker taps on the window of the lead car again, "open up, i need to speak with you" he says in english then russian. @Kazami42
"If you mean unharmed, yes."

Pavle looks out the door with a lowered window. "I will greatly accept to speak, but if you want me out standing in the snow, in this uniform. You are outright a madman. I'm not going to spend eight hours cleaning snow out of my pockets and pants."
Walker smirks, now talking in full russian, "amen to that, now why are you here, sir?"(thanks for catching my grammer errors)

"Good, they were ment merely to pass over the phone, i guess. Hm?" Someone else walks into the room, thier voice heard in the walkie. "Sir we have approached the vehicle at the western gates. They seem to be friendly." Ryan gives a quick nod then goes back to the commisar, "Well Commisar Yushkova, I'm Ryan, im not one for that formal crap. I want to form an alliance, while we have little land we have plently of farmland, and my personal help is i can help maximize your resources and military." He says staring at the Dragunov on the wall. @Kazami42
Kazami42 said:
[Only if conscripted into the actual military which is a daily basis thing. I don't need to pay deadmen or inside-country-only militias. I just need to pay off the weapons and ammo. And rockets. And military. Besides, militias are usually just a gang or more of people who wish to defend their country should the need arise. Their families of course would need to be paid due to deaths though. I can still pay that off, would take a time to economically recover however depending on how much was used.
"the police have special powers to enforce certain regulations, like traffic regulations, that civilians don't have. And the military can engage in combat operations on foreign soil representing their country. But all citizens have general powers to repel invasions, suppress insurrections, and enforce the laws, the three duties of the Militia, just like the military and police. They just don't do it on a full-time, paid basis."

In other words: I am not a economical suicider.]


"Meh fine. Here we use coins and specific types of bullets as currency. Anything else we don't use, and thus if you want to trade with us don't expect us to use paper."

They remained silent. Refusing to speak and simply just staring at the interrogator. They did not mind the heat whatsoever. In fact it looked as if they didn't even know it was hot in the room.

[i'm just gonna say this is during or after the celebration. Because otherwise you'd probably be shot.]

Some katyusha launchers with spare rockets fired up into the skies for no particular reason. Landing and hitting a far away land in the coast of yamburg safely away from Soviet, gallian, and imperial troops. With occasional gunshots fired in the air as well. Anyone traveling in would mostly see hordes of Soviet troops either wearing normal uniforms, tanker uniforms but with infantry symbols, or trench coats. During this time it was several hours already into the celebration and some vehicles and troops were leaving to go home.

Meanwhile those trucks Heather sent were still going east, and found a town. They would proceed driving to it.


[And since it is page 49, I shall make this post my one post.]

The frame of the batomys was constructed, and work would continue on developing tracks and ragnite hull plating.


Few more projects were ordered by the emperor. The empire succeeded in saving it's country with its strong in command. However, bodies still littered russia. It was such a problem that mass graves couldn't even be considered. Flamers couldn't burn all the bodies, and nobody wanted to pollute the ocean.

He signed a document he personally made to bury all the soldiers in izhevsky, And yamburg. The two largest locations in imperial control that has caves filled with ragnite. He also made another document to make some of the vehicles ragnite powered, as yamburg was also a oil location which was devastated by the short war. Which means to save oil long term, some tanks would be required to run off of ragnite. However it could also be used to work the guns.

And finally, he would disband the militia again, only reenacting them should the need arise. And would have the Soviet and imperial scholars and economists make a economical recovery. Which from the weapons and ammo used, would take six months. However the economy was still in a good state, especially due to the multiple governments and the multiple currency types. However the worse in economical standards were the gallians, as they lost multiple tanks in yamburg. However the parts were scavenged and sent home, and whatever left of the tanks were used as monuments. However if it were to be scrapped, it'd cost more for the gallians than considered reasonable.


Scientists created ragnaid. A canister of ragnite which upon turning a knob at their base, Makes the inner ragnite glow brilliantly. It is volatile however, but safe enough to be carried by soldiers now. And finally the experiments were a success. It was now time for the units final tests, they would go through a two series of end tests. A fighting procedure, and then a final test with a high fatality rate. Only the resilient will survive.

The first half of the test was starting, it would test them fighting against Leila peron versus her team of claymores and singke valkyria. It lasted for weeks without halt, no mercy granted to either side. Often with claymores literally being thrown about like Ragdolls, or valkyria having endless stalemates. It ended on the 17th with the subjects actually winning this time. However it would be short lived since automatically the final test would occur. Claymores were either in a group of three, or alone. Valkyria alone. In large rooms with two heavy gates blocking escape if closed. They had to fight against ten waves of mutants.

The first being extremely easy, the second being a horde of lurkers, the third - sixth being lurkers, and librarians, the seventh would be demons, the eighth would be a rask, which was in a fully awakened state, capable of morphing it's body and shape. The ninth would be to fight groups of them, and the tenth would be themselves if they had started to fully awaken like a rask. As if the surface war, mutilation, ragnite, and extremely painful surgery operations and experimentation wasn't enough, they had to literally fight what they are created from, and if some begin to turn, they have to kill them as well. Of course there is a exception to the resilient rule, in which those resilient but also extremely shy somehow survived. Though not alot. And others committing suicide.

Out of the thousands imprisoned a year prior, only a few hundred were released for testing. And out of that, only 47 claymores would live, and 10 valkyria. Since the scientists learned of how to operate such tests properly to gain what they wished for, they would use it on the rest of the prisoners. Which would take some months for a single large claymore generation, and a year to gather a large group of true valkyrur. However, should need be. The scientists would give away unfinished subjects to the imperials and yggdists. Which is the normal fate they succumb to, and have to learn their abilities by themselves, or willing go back for testing.



Talking with the polish.

The empress and her daughter do not fear the interrogator.

Attempting first contact with the eastern Russians.

That project from two or three years ago I never started, finally got started.

Some personal projects and goals were set, such as burying bodies, recovering the economy, and making some of the vehicles ragnite powered.

Some more science fucked up shit.

Ragnaid is invented.

The final tests for claymores and valkyrur begin. The high fatality rate, the fact alot of them are scarred for life due to experimentation, horrors war, and mutilation. Does not help with the final tests. In which some include having to murder their own friends and family to survive.

Science notes will be added to the overview.

(That's not what I meant. All 16+ year olds in service means none at work. No 16+ year olds at work means no income generated, no income generated=economic suicide)

"Alright... we're doing things the hard way." Both had rags placed over their face. Quickly after that, ice cold water was poured onto the rag, giving each the feeling that they were drowning. Ice cold and boiling water was alternated. After each jug of water was poured, the question was repeated. "Who sent you to Svalbard?"
LoneSniper87 said:
Walker smirks, now talking in full russian, "amen to that, now why are you here, sir?"(thanks for catching my grammer errors)
"Good, they were ment merely to pass over the phone, i guess. Hm?" Someone else walks into the room, thier voice heard in the walkie. "Sir we have approached the vehicle at the western gates. They seem to be friendly." Ryan gives a quick nod then goes back to the commisar, "Well Commisar Yushkova, I'm Ryan, im not one for that formal crap. I want to form an alliance, while we have little land we have plently of farmland, and my personal help is i can help maximize your resources and military." He says staring at the Dragunov on the wall. @Kazami42
She started speaking Russian as well. "The empress and premier would of been pleased to hear that. However they have gone missing. Still don't know the bastards that took her though. But if we find them and they harm either one of them, I'll enjoy gutting them a-fucking-live and recording it for history. Well we have plenty of dead rubble cities, if you want to build walls we could send some tanks to bring over the rubble. If you have a factory for that. We have multiple."
@Wickedkent[/URL] @Loyal Guardian


"Why is it that you brought me here?" King Albert asked. The scientist replied, "We have found something amazing, beyond amazing. Follow me." They walked to something showing off a small nugget of some strange orange metal. "We call them Non-Newtonian Elements. They seemed like just a pretty metal at first, but then we did some tests. You'll be amazed." The scientist moved on then pressed some buttons on a control panel. The orange metal glowed brightly for half a second, then disappeared for a few seconds, and reappeared on the other side of the room. The King's jaw dropped in amazement. "It seems to not follow the normal laws of physics. You didn't notice because we didn't show, but it carries things from the close surrounding area with it. It is beyond rare, but think of the uses. Spies teleporting around enemy facilities, never being seen. Troops zipping all around the battlefield, killing enemy officers and dropping grenades in the middle of clustered formations. Your majesty, this may be one of the most amazing discoveries of all time, and you have the ability to use it."



Discovery of Non-Newtonian Elements.

Rising Empire
Jason chuckled as he observed the I.F.F., the rockians are trying to regain air superiority, but Schneizel doubts that will happen. The current knightmare frames had Float systems installed now, all 10,000 of them and they are currently mass producing a few more frames for Land support and possible make a new prototype. Along with the floating frames, the entirety of the Rising Aerial Armada is at Ellesmere island.

The Fleet was busy eliminating the jets of the rockians. Schneizel then received word that the rockians intend to flank them. He Chuckled and looked at Lelouch.

"Who will be flanked?" He asked with a smile "Us? or them?" The I.F.F. showed that the whole ellesmere islands were surrounded by Rockian troops. Their attempts were futile, large fleets of Rising ships and 200 thousand troops then suddenly appeared and surrounded the Island, the reinforcements were led by Suzaku,Kallen and anya, along with their Knightmare frames. Their main objective was to push the Rockian troops away from Ellesmere.

The rockians were too occupied on trying to claim Ellesmere islands with such force that they did not notice the Rising Empire was securing the other islands. The Rising empire has claimed almost all of the northern islands.

(@Fishman Lord )

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"You're leader was captured? Thats sad to hear. if you have an idea where they could be ill send in a team to get them, nothing large, they wouldnt expect a small country to come by and attack, play it off like a country in desperate need of supplies. We take your leaders and give them back as you give us the "ransom" of an alliance, sound fair commisar?" He leans back in his chair, relived the other end isnt hostile.
Kerman, Persia Province (Eclipsian Side)

After the Summaists took over the provincial building in Tehran Western Iran fell under control to the Summaists. They would have had all of Persia if the Eclipsian military had not moved in to secure the Eastern portion of the province. Ever since the fall of Tehran, Kerman was made the temporary capitol of the province as it has become an important economic node in the empire. Despite a line of fortifications around the city, Summaist forces are only a mile away from the city. Eclipsian forces were always on guard, but despite that they were unprepared for the sudden assault on the city. The city was attacked on two fronts, forcing the defense force to split. Large scale gun fights broke out on the outskirts and they seemed to be slowly moving into the city, scaring the population of the city. Despite massive bombings by the air force and multiple counterattacks, the Summaists were still pushing forward or they had halted in a formidable defense. The next day the military called for all remaining civilians to leave the city further into Eclipsian held territory, making many inside the city think that the military was losing the battle.

After all the civilians left the city Eclipsian Armed Forces had free rain to push. Despite making a massive counterattack that nearly drove the attackers out of the city, the Summaists rallied after reinforcements arrived and began to push into the city once more. The next day Summaist forces had pushed Eclipsian forces to the city center. It was then decided that all of the bombers and fighters at the nearby air field were to make one last bombing run before retreating further into the province. The massive aerial attack decimated much of the Summaist forces, and the buildings they were in, and ground forces once again pushed forward. Despite the effect the aerial attack had on the Summaist forces, they had heavily fortified their positions and stalled the ground forces for another day. Some more air support came in, but not enough to aid the ground troops from being pushed further back. After another intense day of fighting....... Eclipsian forces retreated from the city to regroup and defend Mobile Base Neso from impending attack.

The Battle of Kerman lasted five days and is considered an important battle as it is the first time Eclipsian forces that had been supported by the government was defeated in battle. The Summaists took massive casualties mostly due to the massive counterattack and aerial bombing while the Eclipsians took moderate casualties. The battle was also the first time a Implanted had been killed in combat, making some in the military think that not even the Implanted could fight against this enemy effectively. Many factors contributed to Summaist success in the Battle of Kerman: The element of surprise, contacts in the city, numerical superiority, and fanatical morale and spirit. Even so the Eclipsians had technological superiority, air supremacy, and elite military training. In the aftermath of the battle it was revealed that the soldiers on the ground attempted to avoid the Summaists to prevent as much casualties as possible. If it had not been for that decision the the battle would have gone in the Eclipsians favor. After this report came out the government made the policy that all soldiers are to do their best in battle, even if it means casualty rates increase. This battle was apart a massive offensive by Summaist forces and was the longest and most notable of the offensive.

Pristina, Slavic Province

The city of Pristina had been under attack from Golden Dawn and, recently, Summaist forces for weeks. Most of the civilians in the city refuse to leave as it is their home. The city was about to fall until British and Eclipsian forces arrived, relieving allied forces in the city. The siege was then broken and the combined force pushed the attackers further out of the city. However after multiple airstrikes and mortar strikes the allied troops had to retreat to the city outskirts of the city after their three day offensive. Once again a massive offensive cut the city off from supply lines and had it shelled constantly. After a further two days of fighting Eclipsian and British forces temporarily broke the siege to help the remaining civilians escape the besieged city. Portions of the both sides also left to escort the civilians into safe Polish territory. The remaining forces were once again cut off and besieged. They held off for a further four days before allied air support came in to finally relieve them, allowing them to escape. The next day the covering forces were overrun and killed, but not before they killed hundreds of Greek and Summaist soldiers.

The Battle of Pristina lasted eight days when allied reinforcements came to city's aid. This battle is considered to be a very important battle in the civil war as it was the first that outside aid actively participated in a battle and the first time both enemy factions worked together. This battle also showed British forces and public that the war with just the Greeks, the main combatant of the fight, was hard enough. So imagining the fact they had to fight a active Summaist force made some of the British military and public think that Eclipsian Europe can't be saved at this current time. However it also showed the coordination of the allied forces and their willingness to work together, despite recent tensions in Canada. In a way the battle also strengthened the bond between the British and Eclipsian forces and it made them more determined to defeat the Greeks and Summaists. The end of the battle also coincided with the fall of the Bulgarian Province and the taking of almost half of the Slavic Province, putting most of Eclipsian Europe into Golden Dawn hands.


(current war situation)

Eclipsian Civil War:

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation (limited)

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Eclipsian Summaist Organization

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccdcba13b_EclipsianCivilWar.png.fc0295f157018c50cfe8714b1e67ed76.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="147629" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/57a8ccdcba13b_EclipsianCivilWar.png.fc0295f157018c50cfe8714b1e67ed76.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Lordvader59 said:
(That's not what I meant. All 16+ year olds in service means none at work. No 16+ year olds at work means no income generated, no income generated=economic suicide)
"Alright... we're doing things the hard way." Both had rags placed over their face. Quickly after that, ice cold water was poured onto the rag, giving each the feeling that they were drowning. Ice cold and boiling water was alternated. After each jug of water was poured, the question was repeated. "Who sent you to Svalbard?"
[Oh. But I have a dedicated manufacturing unit? Which leads the mining parties and one of the economical zones. Due to people buying from them. However that isn't 16+ of the entire population, just 16+ of the Soviet/redline population which is also some of the imperial population. So there would still be workers. In both manufacturing, medical, and regular jobs such as shops. As the Soviets don't have control over alot of imperials unless they willingly join by themselves, and don't have control whatsoever of the gallian population. But I see where you'd get that, from looking over the post I did neglect to add that...It'll be fixed after i add the event to my overview history tab.]

The girls continued refusing to answer. The boiling water did harm them, but they healed within minutes due to the lack of actual bodily damage. Alexander did speak, but only in mocking tones. "Give me a date first, maybe I'll tell you."


LoneSniper87 said:
"You're leader was captured? Thats sad to hear. if you have an idea where they could be ill send in a team to get them, nothing large, they wouldnt expect a small country to come by and attack, play it off like a country in desperate need of supplies. We take your leaders and give them back as you give us the "ransom" of an alliance, sound fair commisar?" He leans back in his chair, relived the other end isnt hostile.
"Fair enough. I am their replacement until they get back. We sent them to a far off island called Svalbard. They were sent to obtain the seeds from the global seed vault so we could feed the population. We did send some soldiers as well to nearby islands in the kara seas. We built a new ship designed well, and we added sheets which could be rolled over it. They didn't return, but I was informed that a heavy force was there. However it turns out the premier and empress were really special... they survived napalm strikes, Smartbombs, and cluster bombs. They disappeared and didn't bring back the food. And many unmarked troops were killed."
Ryan nods, making a note of this information. "I'd to borrow a ship, then. But until then if you are in need of food i'll see what i can spare. Now are those trucks outside my capital yours?"

Captain Walker looks at Pavle, "Why are you here? Do you wish to speak to the Head Chairmen?" He asks, rubbing his hands together. @Kazami42
ArisenMoon said:
Korean/Chinese Border
General Izoto slowly drummed his fingers along the arm of his folding chair, waiting and watching as the Chinese patrol came closer and closer to the border. Spread out in two massive lines on either side of the tent, the 300 tanks of the First Assault Legion hummed quietly, the barrels of their main cannons aimed in the distance, but ready to target this new force at a moments notice. Behind the tanks, the infantry brigades milled about, mostly relaxed, but each carrying their weapon, standing at the ready for any possible threat.

Rising from his chair, Izoto straightened the jacket he was wearing, a solid white uniform with three red stripes running diagonal across his front, and red gloves. Walking forward, he was quickly flanked by twenty soldiers, as he walked across the border to meet the Chinese force.


(I am so sorry for such a delayed post, but summer band has started for me, so I am away from the house from 8-6 CST everyday. Sorry for the delay.)
The scouting force walked along, as they saw a man approaching them. They were adorned in dirty, some ripped, re-colored Chinese soldier uniforms. All laughing amongst themselves. This was obviously not much of a professional group.

The soldier's guns weren't even off safety yet, they kept marching merrily along. Before they arrive directily in front of the man.
LoneSniper87 said:
Ryan nods, making a note of this information. "I'd to borrow a ship, then. But until then if you are in need of food i'll see what i can spare. Now are those trucks outside my capital yours?"
Captain Walker looks at Pavle, "Why are you here? Do you wish to speak to the Head Chairmen?" He asks, rubbing his hands together. @Kazami42
[Going to be back in a hour and a half. Maybe sooner.]

"We have zodiacs. You could use them to go across the islands of the kara seas, and bounce off the islands until reaching the closest point. And then just use some fuel of other zodiacs to get there stealthily. Though if you do go, I'd send unmarked soldiers, and heavy weapons. We are also preparing another expedition soon if you wanna go. And yes, yes they are."

Pavle looked at the soldier, which the soldier shrugged. "Well since someone actually exists here, yes I am."
Korean/China Border

Izoto looked over the men before him briefly, taking them in with barely concealed disgust. Despite being a new nation themselves, and wearing whatever they could find, the Korean forces atleast held themselves properly, as soldiers should. Shaking his head, Izoto halted his pace, his hands folding behind his back, while his escort spread out on either side of him.

"I do believe you were warned to not approach our border, China man..."

"Alright, but heavy weapons will not be necessary, being a small country desperate for supplies should be enough cover, ill assemble a squadron and have them meet you at your location in a few hours. Keep the radio, ill keep you updated on anything that should arise." He sets down the walkie, standing to look out at the town.

Walker nods, "i must ask you leave any weapons you have inside the car, sir, his building is the largest one you'll see." With that Walker waves the cars through, then him and his men walk in after. @Kazami42

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