The World of Tomorrow

Somewhere in the Eclipse Empire

Byron and his guard had left the congress a few hours ago and they were just about to reach Eclipsian air space. However they would have to go through the long way in order to reach their nation safely. The normal path would have just been through Europe and straight into Cascadian air space, however due to the multiple Summaist Revolutions, his personal guard and High Minister Draco created a safer path. This path saw them make a turn north while over the Atlantic ocean, fly just beyond Nordic air space enter in through tradition Russian lands, land somewhere in the Siberian Province, and arrive in Eclipsim via an armored convoy.

They had reached the last leg of his little journey, arriving in the West Turkmenistan Province. He was exhausted, only running on about three to four hours of sleep. He could only think of his bed, he had been begging for a peaceful sleep. However that won't be accomplished until the civil war is over, at that point will he release a sigh of relief. As he was dozing off he was tapped on the shoulder of his adviser and he shook his head a bit before looking at her. Before she could speak he felt his transportation turn in a direction, nearly the opposite way of Eclipsim.

"Ms. Sao, why are we turning?" He said in a groggy voice, rubbing his eyes at the same time.

"My Emperor, I regret that I must say this but......... Eclipsim is currently under Summaist attack."

Byron said nothing after this. His face showed stillness, but on the inside he was filled with shock, sorrow, and rage. "My Emperor, military leaders are asking for your order."

"Eradicate them all....." With these words uttered from the Emperor's mouth, a whole new stage of the war was about to be fought.

Eclipsim, Capitol Territory, Eclipse Empire

Eclipsim has always been a hub for tourism, business, and opportunities. Many flocked to the great city for its prospect of fortune. This, along with technological advancement, made Eclipsim one of the great cities of the world. It was the heart the Eclipse Empire and it's people looked to its great structures almost as if they were deities, if the people believed in such a thing. However when the civil war happened the city also became a refugee center, where people attempted to avoid the Summaist rebels. This also included Summaist sympathizers, who meet with the lucky Summaists not caught still hiding within the city. Ever since the Winter of 3254 the city has been a target of Summaists, just waiting for their chance. Then they struck....... They timed their surprise attack within the city to coincide with the Emperor's arrival in order to assassinate him. However they were off by a few hours as the Emperor was still in the Siberian Province when the attack commenced.

Within the first few hours of the attack the Summaists reached the palace and attempted to take it over. However they were only armed with pistols, very few rifles, and knives. The guards were equipped with Ganymede Suits, A.M.I.R Rifles, S-6 Sword Rifle, and three T-99 Hover Tank reinforcement. Within thirty minutes of the gunfight most of the attackers were dead and the rest captured. In a vain attempt to arm themselves with better weaponry, the Summaists raided the police armory to gain some of the weapons there. Police forces in the empire were outfitted with advanced kinetic bullets unlike high-power laser rifles used by the military. Despite the slight technological setback the location stood in police hands, despite being nearly taken over. The armory was relieved by military reinforcement who rapidly killed the remaining attackers. The rest of the night saw some small explosions on street corners, some skyscrapers, and inside ground-level buildings. Large gunfighters to retake streets and Summaist hit-and-runs.

The next day saw combat die down as many of the Summaists were killed or captured and the city secured. At 4:32 PM, the last Summaist was declared dead. Despite this declaration it is most likely Summaist sympathizers still were alive somewhere in the city. After the battle some of the cities iconic structures were scarred, some slightly while others very noticeably. The main armory was badly damaged while the skyscrapers still had gaping holes in them, some still burning. The palace was scarred, with some areas having burn marks and bullet holes. Many of the street corners, vehicles, and ground-level floors were burned out, exploded, or had a large amount of bullet holes in them. This great city took a huge tool from the battle as it was devastated from the attack. The Summaist took massive casualties as all were either killed or captured and, after hearing Emperor Byron's order, the captured were executed. Eclipsian losses were minor with no military deaths, and about a dozen police were lost. About three military service members were wounded with the police having about two dozen or so wounded. However what took a real toll were the civilian losses. Nearly two thousand civilians lost their lives and over five thousand were injured. The attack on the city temporarily shook Eclipsian morale, however after news off Emperor Byron personally execute a Summaist with his Impanted ability after his arrival, the country rallied even more. The attack was hoped by the Summaists to decrease morale, but instead it was raised to as every civilian in the country rallied behind the Emperor's call to "Eradicate them all". Within Summaist held territories civilians rose up in arms and began to fight against the Summaists to rid them from their nation. This forced Summaists to fight on multiple fronts, something the military took advantage of.
Plane to Guangzhou

Gov Chun and her aides left the World Congress. She was on the phone with Zeph. "Yes, we have permission. Mmhmm, yes, I'll begin doing that. Oh, and tell Khey to stop by the Norwegians. Yes, they're a new nation. Yes, you too." She hanged up the phone. "Tell the pilot to change course for Shanghai."

Radium Springs, Kingdom of the Rockies

Chairman Shi Chun Lin of the Monetary Authority of Singapore finished his dinner with his advisors. Down the street was the stock exchange that had just closed for the day. "Well? any thoughts?" "Emerging market, stable economy, industry is strong in multiple sectors, I don't see any problems." "There is one, it's a market for a population of less than a million! If we open trading with them, they might get swamped by Cathlyn Bank or Malayan Capital or someone else!" "I don't see a problem with that, it'll boost both of our economies." "That's not the point. If they go to war, or if there's an epidemic, or that anarchy group really does destroy them, we lose traders, investors, an entire market." "We could stay buoyant by maintaining trade in Africa. The metal sector is a market all on its own." Text came in on the Chairman's phone. Everyone went silent as he read it. He turned it off and faced his advisors. "News from the World Congress, Rising Empire has also opened a stock market. Gov Chun and Minister Sinclair wants us there." Everyone got excited as they finished up dinner. They headed for their cars to the airport. "Oh and send a message to the royal head, tell them that we'll open trade."

@Fishman Lord@Wickedkent

Singaporean Federation Parliament, Singapore

Zeph got off the phone with Chun. He walked to the parliament and stood before the other members of parliament. Governor Zhang Qi Wei of the First District (Singapore) knocked the gavel three times and called for order. "Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes, if you will." "Thank you governor. Members of Parliament. I stand here before you with the hopes that we can restore order to the world. As you know, the Philippines, our sixth district, is under attack. By my power, I have enforced martial law, but I haven't declare war on our own. I shouldn't and mustn't declare war on our own, and yet a district remains in chaos. Therefore, I ask of the parliament to grant full military action against those who fool our people and turn them on themselves. I ask of the parliament to declare war on the Summaists!" Many MPs stood up clapping and cheering. Those who couldn't instead repeatedly slammed their canes into the ground. Gov Zhang slammed the gavel until the room returned to order. "Prime Minister Zeph Jeanes, please continue." "Thank you governor. I also ask the members of parliament to also think of our allies. The Eclipse Empire is facing the Summaists as well, under the leadership of Emperor Byron. He has aided us and offered more in our ambitions. We must repay him and aid him in such dire times. I ask of the parliament to let us aid the Eclipsians in their fight against the Summaists!" As Prime Minister stepped off the podium and walked toward Gov Zhang, the MPs were clapping and cheering. Gov Zhang slammed the gavel. "We shall begin voting procedure." They began pressing buttons for their votes. After two minutes, Gov Zhang knocked the gavel again. "In an unanimous vote, the Parliament of the Singaporean Federation hereby declares war on the Summaists and authorize military action in the 6th District of the Singaporean Federation, Philippine Islands." The entire floor exploded in cheers. Reporters began running to begin press release. War on the Summaists have begun.

@Loyal Guardian

Headquarters Signals and Command, Singapore

MWE Chen stood before generals and admirals. "We've been given full authority to bring the Philippines back into our folds. We've also been given permission by Emperor Byron and the Parliament to open a campaign in Eclipsian Asia. Admiral Hummel will be in charge of the naval blockade in the Philippines. General Qi will be in charge of the land campaign. Admiral Blecher will be arriving in the Sri Lanka Naval Base to prepare an offensive with the Eclipsians. General Jain will command the land campaign for that as well. For now, we don't need any 5 stars in the command. That will be all. Majulah Singapura!" "Majulah Singapura!" Operators began recalling troops from the Rockies and from the Oroguay Campaign. They also began ordering recruitment centers to be built in multiple cities. A message was sent to the Eclipsians that they would like the land forces to join.

@Loyal Guardian

(Ran out of steam, Khey's Trip to Vodka-land will have to wait for another day.)
Radium Springs, Kingdom of the Rockies

Chairman Shi Chun Lin of the Monetary Authority of Singapore finished his dinner with his advisors. Down the street was the stock exchange that had just closed for the day. "Well? any thoughts?" "Emerging market, stable economy, industry is strong in multiple sectors, I don't see any problems." "There is one, it's a market for a population of less than a million! If we open trading with them, they might get swamped by Cathlyn Bank or Malayan Capital or someone else!" "I don't see a problem with that, it'll boost both of our economies." "That's not the point. If they go to war, or if there's an epidemic, or that anarchy group really does destroy them, we lose traders, investors, an entire market." "We could stay buoyant by maintaining trade in Africa. The metal sector is a market all on its own." Text came in on the Chairman's phone. Everyone went silent as he read it. He turned it off and faced his advisors. "News from the World Congress, Rising Empire has also opened a stock market. Gov Chun and Minister Sinclair wants us there." Everyone got excited as they finished up dinner. They headed for their cars to the airport. "Oh and send a message to the royal head, tell them that we'll open trade."

@Fishman Lord@Wickedkent



Lelouch's Shuttle arrived at the pendragon. His Avalon landed at the Royal Air Base, a couple kilometers away from Pendragon. He was about to walk inside his room when one of the officers approached him.

"What is it?" Lelouch asked with an annoyed face. He was very tired from the trip and only got a couple minutes of rest.

"We just got word..." The Officer panted. "That.. that... That the Singaporeans wishes to open trade with us" Lelouch smiled and nodded.

"Okay, send back a reply. The Rising empire would gladly open trade with them" Lelouch Replied. "Now go back to work.. Im tired and need to rest." The Officer saluted and left him alone. 

((I am impossibly confused how we interact, the world congress confuses me as well,))


Zac sighed as the man elevator rose up from the ground, the huge metal doors above him opening. Before long, he was at the top, his when where already rushing around, there mechs on and securing the huge perimeter they should hopefully use, he walked off of the elevator as it went back down shortly after, he looked around and saw a large metal door opening in the ground, rocks and dirt fell into the chamber most likely hitting whatever was about to rise, 2 of the squad generals came to him, "Sir, perimeter secure, we have radio confirmation the planet is already much safer than we anticipated," Zac nodded before they went off yelling order's he couldn't care less about.
Radium Hot Springs

"My liege, the Singaporeans have agreed to open trade." The King was pleased. "Excellent. Now, we have another thing to deal with, the idiots of the Rising Empire. We have one last thing to show them who truly rules the north, and to make sure they remember."



As the troops began to leave, they destroyed all the land possible. Land was burned, resources blasted to bits, the whole island ruined as much as possible. Anything not destroyed quickly had a resource installation created, legal thanks to the economic rights. Ellesmere was rendered as useless as possible by the Rockian troops, and then they left.



Knowing the Rising Empire might try to return the favor, resource installations were created as quickly as possible all over the Rockian islands, and troops were sent to protect them.

New Zealand

The last of the Summaist fortresses was destroyed, and the southern holdings were safe again. Pro-monarchy and anti-Summaist propaganda was everywhere to try and prevent this again, and troops were stationed all around the islands to put down Summaists and independence movements.

Testing Base, Quebec

The teleportation suit was becoming more slim and able to teleport farther, but there were still some difficulties. One test subject had disappeared into thin air, into space-time or some remote area. These setbacks were being worked on.


Trade with Singapore.

Scorched Earth tactics on Ellesmere.

Protection of Rockian Islands.

Teleportation 40% complete.
The Diplomat had returned and was clearly angry at the Order's next meeting. The leader was listening before stepping forward. "We must unite this nation under a strong leader and a central government to provide support for other Summaist organizations so that the world might finally be united. As such," The Chief of Military stepped forward, "We must striked fast and kill the Prime Minister, and take control of the government. I will lead the Country with you as my advisors." He smirked and waved his hand dismissively at them.


The Prime Minister was just settling in when he heard a commotion outside. Confused, he went to get up when the door burst open and multiple men, many of them his personal Nigerian Guards, snatched him up, dragging him before a video camera. They began to speak. "This is the price for our peoples unity! We must destroy the separate nations and unite as one nation! Glory to Terra!" With that, the PM turned his head only to be met with a handgun. The last thing he thought of was his wife.


The Construction of new infrastructure and reorganization of the military into a compact but experienced fighting force has just finished with a coup d'é tat upon the government, as the majority of the country has become a mix of fascist and summaist. The only remnants of the CAF are in the far southeast.
Jennifer, Maximilian, and Valerie returned home. Work would continue onwards, Valerie would now be the new premier of the redline, Jennifer would fix or remove laws, And Maximilian would proceed to send ships to severny island. The gallians would use their new ship to investigate the island as said.


The unpopulated lands of northern russia has been cleared, and the lands are populated with citizens now. It is empty land with occasional fields of grass. Soviets, imperials, and gallians experience what it must of been like prewar. The empire begins plotting what to do with it, and people are sent out to find survivors.


[Since projects tab in my overview is fucked, Everytime I update it I will keep track of progress from my posts.]

The batomys project: 70%.

The batomys class super-heavy tank begins having its wires, engine, and radiators/generators put inside of it, it also has its interior and command center be constructed.


Economical recovery and rearmament 80%.

The redline, and imperial economy is back to normal due to imperial currency vaults, but the project was demanded to be spread out for another month. To gain more profit. The rearmament is also completed.


Nuclear warhead repair 25%. 

The Soviets resume repairing the nuclear weapon. They finished replacing the panels, fixing or rewiring the circuits, And getting rid of rust on the lower section. They now are adding parts and panel sections to the nuke which wasn't fully built prewar.


Song for the scene:

The imperial soldiers, The valkyrur and claymores. Along with the 80,000 eclipsian prisoner battalion, and some Soviet soldiers not in redline attire was off to Svalbard over night. Some boats being used for food purposes for the prisoner battalion, the ships would be sailing to svalbard on their own. Thus the only problem was food for the prisoner battalion, which was easy to do by having a valkyria stuff her Lance into the water and kill the fish by zapping them essentially. And filling some spare boats with fish, only feeding them if the need would arise.

The claymores were armed with their ragnite swords of the same name, and mosin nagants. The valkyrur were armed with their ragnite shields and lances, and The prisoners were armed with mp-3s. very few were armed with anti-tank Lances, and the rest being armed with pre-war AK-74 variants. The claymores and valkyrur, being mostly not of military origin when experimented upon, Of course don't have any markings or symbols of their origin. They were also the first generation considered in a "finalized" form, so they of course wouldn't receive one. Being mostly of imperial and Soviet origin, they had a strong belief for their "mother", had a liking to the Soviet premier like patriotic American rednecks to America itself, or both, as the empress cared for all of the people.

In the invasion, there would be twelve valk' units, considered as the heavy units. They would command a large squad of claymores and prisoner units. One valkyria would usually be considered commanding 10 or less claymores, and in this event several thousand prisoners. They might not all be horrid people, but nonetheless the valks inspired fear into them prior.

There would be medium considered units known as claymores, There are 47 of them. The ones ranking in the 10s would command other claymore units and prisoners. Those in the 15s would control prisoner units. The rest were considered normal soldiers. Their ranks are also the same number as there is how many of them... thus should higher ranks be killed, a unit similar or remotely close to their "level" if you will would become their replacement. Unlike actual military ranks, their promotions and such are not affected by rank. [Like private - private first class.].

The invasion had started at day, and they were in position. Once it hit later on before night, The invasion would fully commence, so either by night or day they would approach the island. The ships only continued speeding while commissars, some being valkyrur or claymores would give speeches to their troops and friends. Reading a script given to them by the imperials. Claymores would be bunched up in groups, but there would also be many of them spread throughout the large amounts of ships. The commissars/commanding officers usually wore trench coats and ushanka hats like a stereotypical Soviet commissar, or a officers cap. They also had microphones and their script. There would be three divisions taking part. The beginning stages and assault by sword/squad 422, The support-second-and-third wave selv/squad 372, and the northern party of Juno/squad 101.

The speech would have some words changed depending on squad and their origin. Like gallians reading the same script say gallian instead of soviets. For lowering post characters, I'll post the Soviet one.

The speech:

"Comrades of the Soviet Union! Today, Is the day of judgement. An unknown enemy has been found and stationed at Svalbard, and a great attempt to save our people was foiled. These terrorists took our premier, took our empress, And plan to execute them today. They paid us with their suffering, tears, and sweat to make us who we are today. And in turn, we shall avenge them with the victory of svalbard." The speech would end for a minute.

"The threat mocks us, and wishes to demoralize us. But today comrades, We will show them the gates of hell, Rain fire upon them, and destroy them at all costs. The terrorist threat in svalbard must be removed, We will show them the might of mother russia!" Another pause, as they near towards Svalbard.

"Forward against the enemy! Up into the unremitting battle, comrades for our mother, for our great country!! Not one step back! Cowards and traitors will be shot! Do not count days, Do not count miles, count only the number of them you have killed. Kill the Barder, this is your mothers prayer. Kill the barder, this is the cry of your Russian earth. Do not waver! Do not let up! Kill! Death to the enemy, Make them suffer like we have suffered! FOR THE MOTHERLAND!"

The valks would place their shields covering them and their ships, with their Lances already held high. Everyone's weapons were checked, and the radio communications were functional. In the event it'd be needed, The red October would be on standby at the edge of the borders of severny. Otherwise it'd just guard the island for investigation.



Alexander and Natasha was still locked away. They would wait for their execution, or be escorted to where they would be executed at. In the event their plan would go wrong, they already said their farewells to each other. In the meantime they would continue to remain calm, and meditate.



The summary. [One below this text is broken.]

The delegations returned home.

The unpopulated lands of northern russia [above me.] Have been populated.

A month away from finishing the batomys project.

The economy has recovered quickly.

The redline continues repairing the nuclear weapon.

Sent thousands to svalbard.

The valkyrur, Natasha and Alexander plot attempting to escape execution.

Schneizel was sitting at his throne in the throne room when Max, the Minister of defense walked towards him.

"The rockians have left the ellesmere islands" He Said "But they burned the lands and destroyed every resources they came into" Schneizel chuckled and then looked at Max.

"Barbaric actions of Barbaric people" He Chuckled "Let us just get going with everything else and ignore them, We do not want to start another war" Max nodded.

"Our economy has been growing well" Max Replied "Do we have any new projects?"

"Of course we do" Schneizel Said with a smile "but.. We need help making it.. and who is better than our dear friends from the Eclipsian Empire?"

"They may or may not help us" Max Said With a sigh "They are still facing the summaists and the civil war.. Their forces are occupied and resources spent.. The stability of their economy is complicated." Schneizel frowned then stood.

"And we would just relaxe here and let that happen?" Schneizel said "Send more troops at the European Military Command and have them reinforce the forces that are currently helping the Eclipsian.. make sure commander Suzaku and Emperor Bryon are aware of this."




Troops Sent to the Eclipsian Empire










Current Troops At The Eclipsian Empire











@Loyal Guardian-Needs Reply

@Fishman Lord-No need for a reply
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

It hadn't been long since the attack on the country's capitol. The fires had been put out but the scorch marks, bullet holes, and explosion holes in skyscrapers were still there. They left a reminder that even if the Eclipse Empire was the strongest nation on Earth militarily, they were not completely invulnerable. This thought was being ignored temporarily by soldiers and civilians signing up for the military, as they were confronting the Summaists themselves and wanted to 'Eradicate' them all. The attack on the capitol only made the entire empire angry. If the EAF (Eclipsian Armed Forces) were relaxed and easygoing before, then this time they were filled with rage and a commitment to rid of any enemy that stands in the way of the empire,

Byron was walking through the streets of Eclipsim, stepping over broken glass and burned papers. Despite the attack a civilian initiative garnered so much manpower to rebuild the city, that the streets were bustling with people. Byron had ordered the military to aid the populous to aid in the rebuilding the night before, and as such the rebuilding project was expected to be completed somewhat soon. As he was walking through the streets his adviser walked up to him, barring her tablet.

"What do you want Miss Sao?"

"I am here to give you a report, me Emperor."

"Very well, go ahead." He said as he, her, and his guards began walking.

"The Rockians appear to have used scorched earth policies on a few islands and the areas that weren't burned they built economic stations to get the resources for themselves. Additionally the Rising Empire and the Singaporean Federation have begun to deploy forces to begin a campaign to aid us. The Rising Empire would like to know where to begin and the Singaporeans are awaiting for our land forces to reach them." With that she closed he tablet, put it down, and looked at him.

"With the Rockians i can't get angry at the economic installations, as they still have to give half of their gains to the Risers and vise versa. However with the scorched earth policy, that is unacceptable as it violates the treaty by not allowing the Risers to conduct business, settlement, and mining on those areas. If they don't issue an apology and aid the Risers in rebuilding that land then its a Casus Belli for me to declare war via breaking the treaty. As with Singaporean forces tell them that i'll be sending elements of the Far East Army and the Solaris Army led by General Centauri and Major Hayden, they can conduct the campaign when both forces unite and are ready to strike. As with the Risers i want them to aid allied forces in Eclipsian Europe and begin pushing back the Greeks. From there i would like them to invade Anatolia and aid the civilians in those provinces that rose up against the Summaists to fight them back. Those are my replies and send them to their appropriate recipients please. Oh and also i want the full authorization of usage of the Jovian Sky Platforms."

"As you wish, my Emperor."

With that the Emperor had arrived at the palace and stepped inside. Thankfully the inside of the palace had been left unscathed, except for a few bullet holes here and there but those were being worked on. He arrived in his chamber and it was just the way he left it. He then sat down in his chair, which he opted for rather than a throne, and pulled out a book he had read a million times but never gets old to him, Sun Tzu's Art of War.

@Alteras @Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Southern China, East Chinese Territory

If things had all gone according to plan, the territory would have been merged with the Chinese Province while the rest would have been conceded to the Singaporeans appropriately. However the civil war all prevented that and now they had to fight off the Summaists before anything could be done. The elements of the Far East Army and Solaris arrived at their designated arrival point with Singaporean General Jain. When they arrived General Centauri greeted the allied general with a hand shake.

"Greetings General Jain, I am General Centauri and this is the Hero of Solaris Major Hayden."

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir." Hayden said saluting the Singaporean commander.


Slavic Province and Eclipsian Waters

General Io greeted the Riser commander with a grin. With these reinforcements they can begin pushing the enemy back and once again retake Athens. Io made some small talk with the Riser general before rallying his troops to begin the offensive. Meanwhile Admiral Umberion was with the Eclipsian Fleet blockading the southern coasts of the empire to prevent any Summaists leaving or entering. He had received word that Admiral Belcher was at Sri Lanka, and had a small portion of his fleet make way for the naval base to meet with the Singaporean Admiral.

@Wickedkent @Alteras

Eclipsian Civil War

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Eclipsian Civil War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic-Redline Empire

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers
It was quiet over the North Sea. Too quiet. A Nordic air patrol zipped almost silently through the skies. Then, they saw it. Shielded by a bank of clouds, they got the Invasion armada in their sights. One pilot frantically grabbed his radio. "The Gallians are coming back in force! I repeat, the Gallians are coming back in force!" The pilot then gave details of the armada in terms of ship number and size.
   "Oh... god." The commander of the Svalbaard Garrison had personally received the message. Immediately, he turned to his aides. "Get the seeds to the mainland. NOW!" A portion of the garrison immediately went to work putting the seas into bags and loading them upon helicopters to be taken under aerial escort to Norway.

   Meanwhile, back at the fleet, the pilots decided to make their run. They fired off missiles and dropped smart bombs on the troopships. When they hit, dozens if not hundreds of Gallian troops are sent to a watery grave. The garrison commander had contacted the president, who now stood on the steps of the capital with the media. Jens Solberg's face was solemn. \

  "We now have words that the Gallians are invading Svalbard with an armada. Therefore, we have no alternative. An emergency session of the Nordic Congress has been held, and as of now, the Empire of Gallia and the Nordic Union are engaged  in a formal state of war. However, we need help. We are willing to trade large quantities of oil for military aid in the coming struggle, and to the people of the Union, I say this. You loved this country enough to cede from Poland, now let's see if you love it enough to defend it from the Gallians. 

Schneizel recieved word from Suzaku that the Eclipse Empire wishes to send them to the European part of tge Empire to aid the other forces. Schneizel gave them a green-light and wished them good luck. He then kept looking at the Blueprints of something important that he wishes to discuss with the Emperor of the Eclipse Empire. Something that is more powerful than the Royal avalon, a thing that would bring them farther to space, both in distance and understanding. Schneizel stood up and pressed a button in the arm of his throne. With that an Interface appeared infrong of him. He contacted Emperor Bryon. Schneizel had to share his plans with him and surprise him with a gift.

@Loyal Guardian
Command Center, Oxford

Military Minister Torrad was having a meeting with his top commanders discussing the Summarists and the Eclispsian Civil War. The meeting was rather quick. They had decided to send more aid to the Eclipsians in the form of 139,000 Regulars,       600 G-72 Tanks, and 500 O-12 Aircraft. As for the Summarists, 1 million regulars will be sent to the Iberian Province and the navy will bombard their coastal cities. The navy will do the same in rebel hold Eclipsian Europe.

@Loyal Guardian

Order Empire Tacticle Map.png

Red: Summarists

Blue: Order Empire
It was quiet over the North Sea. Too quiet. A Nordic air patrol zipped almost silently through the skies. Then, they saw it. Shielded by a bank of clouds, they got the Invasion armada in their sights. One pilot frantically grabbed his radio. "The Gallians are coming back in force! I repeat, the Gallians are coming back in force!" The pilot then gave details of the armada in terms of ship number and size.
   "Oh... god." The commander of the Svalbaard Garrison had personally received the message. Immediately, he turned to his aides. "Get the seeds to the mainland. NOW!" A portion of the garrison immediately went to work putting the seas into bags and loading them upon helicopters to be taken under aerial escort to Norway.

   Meanwhile, back at the fleet, the pilots decided to make their run. They fired off missiles and dropped smart bombs on the troopships. When they hit, dozens if not hundreds of Gallian troops are sent to a watery grave. The garrison commander had contacted the president, who now stood on the steps of the capital with the media. Jens Solberg's face was solemn. \

  "We now have words that the Gallians are invading Svalbard with an armada. Therefore, we have no alternative. An emergency session of the Nordic Congress has been held, and as of now, the Empire of Gallia and the Nordic Union are engaged  in a formal state of war. However, we need help. We are willing to trade large quantities of oil for military aid in the coming struggle, and to the people of the Union, I say this. You loved this country enough to cede from Poland, now let's see if you love it enough to defend it from the Gallians. 

The teams while still going towards Svalbard, would continue to their paths. Sword remained in the southeast, Selv now approached the south in number, and Juno would be attacking from the east but it will still take time to reach that position. The ship operators would load another ragnite ore into the engine after the first one starved, And proceed speeding. 7 larger boats were hit killing 60 eclipsians and 10 soviets. The air attacks would be retaliated with the valkyrur in the front of the assault firing their Lances into the sky. Firing blue beams into the clouds. Any aircraft low in the clouds would be targeted next, and those relatively close to the beams would be destroyed by them.

The beams viewable from the distance of the ships, alerting them. Claymores and valks not firing in the sky would pay attention to the skies, Should they see bombs or vehicles they would fire a short distance in front of where they saw it, and fire at a angle. In a attempt to catch whatever deployed it. In the south, they proceeded north while some units proceed to head southwest to attack the north east. Claymores and valks watching the skies closely, they would fire upon any disturbances.

The speeches would continue.

"We near ever closer to the island! The enemy shall be destroyed, And we shall teach them the error of their horrible ways. For every one of us they take, you will take two of theirs! But they will learn today! The good shall triumph over the evil, and the svalbard occupants will be destroyed. Show mercy comrades! Take as many as you can, and kill everyone else!"

The ships would continue moving towards Svalbard, and the landing parties prepared themselves. They checked their weapons one last time, and the hungry units were fed. Ammo was given to those in need, and ragnaid was distributed to medical claymore units.

@Lordvader59 [tagging you anyway despite the quote, because I think sometimes it fails to notify someone now.]


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

It hadn't been long since the attack on the country's capitol. The fires had been put out but the scorch marks, bullet holes, and explosion holes in skyscrapers were still there. They left a reminder that even if the Eclipse Empire was the strongest nation on Earth militarily, they were not completely invulnerable. This thought was being ignored temporarily by soldiers and civilians signing up for the military, as they were confronting the Summaists themselves and wanted to 'Eradicate' them all. The attack on the capitol only made the entire empire angry. If the EAF (Eclipsian Armed Forces) were relaxed and easygoing before, then this time they were filled with rage and a commitment to rid of any enemy that stands in the way of the empire,

Byron was walking through the streets of Eclipsim, stepping over broken glass and burned papers. Despite the attack a civilian initiative garnered so much manpower to rebuild the city, that the streets were bustling with people. Byron had ordered the military to aid the populous to aid in the rebuilding the night before, and as such the rebuilding project was expected to be completed somewhat soon. As he was walking through the streets his adviser walked up to him, barring her tablet.

"What do you want Miss Sao?"

"I am here to give you a report, me Emperor."

"Very well, go ahead." He said as he, her, and his guards began walking.

"The Rockians appear to have used scorched earth policies on a few islands and the areas that weren't burned they built economic stations to get the resources for themselves. Additionally the Rising Empire and the Singaporean Federation have begun to deploy forces to begin a campaign to aid us. The Rising Empire would like to know where to begin and the Singaporeans are awaiting for our land forces to reach them." With that she closed he tablet, put it down, and looked at him.

"With the Rockians i can't get angry at the economic installations, as they still have to give half of their gains to the Risers and vise versa. However with the scorched earth policy, that is unacceptable as it violates the treaty by not allowing the Risers to conduct business, settlement, and mining on those areas. If they don't issue an apology and aid the Risers in rebuilding that land then its a Casus Belli for me to declare war via breaking the treaty. As with Singaporean forces tell them that i'll be sending elements of the Far East Army and the Solaris Army led by General Centauri and Major Hayden, they can conduct the campaign when both forces unite and are ready to strike. As with the Risers i want them to aid allied forces in Eclipsian Europe and begin pushing back the Greeks. From there i would like them to invade Anatolia and aid the civilians in those provinces that rose up against the Summaists to fight them back. Those are my replies and send them to their appropriate recipients please. Oh and also i want the full authorization of usage of the Jovian Sky Platforms."

"As you wish, my Emperor."

With that the Emperor had arrived at the palace and stepped inside. Thankfully the inside of the palace had been left unscathed, except for a few bullet holes here and there but those were being worked on. He arrived in his chamber and it was just the way he left it. He then sat down in his chair, which he opted for rather than a throne, and pulled out a book he had read a million times but never gets old to him, Sun Tzu's Art of War.

@Alteras @Wickedkent @Fishman Lord

Southern China, East Chinese Territory

If things had all gone according to plan, the territory would have been merged with the Chinese Province while the rest would have been conceded to the Singaporeans appropriately. However the civil war all prevented that and now they had to fight off the Summaists before anything could be done. The elements of the Far East Army and Solaris arrived at their designated arrival point with Singaporean General Jain. When they arrived General Centauri greeted the allied general with a hand shake.

"Greetings General Jain, I am General Centauri and this is the Hero of Solaris Major Hayden."

"It is a pleasure to meet you sir." Hayden said saluting the Singaporean commander.


Slavic Province and Eclipsian Waters

General Io greeted the Riser commander with a grin. With these reinforcements they can begin pushing the enemy back and once again retake Athens. Io made some small talk with the Riser general before rallying his troops to begin the offensive. Meanwhile Admiral Umberion was with the Eclipsian Fleet blockading the southern coasts of the empire to prevent any Summaists leaving or entering. He had received word that Admiral Belcher was at Sri Lanka, and had a small portion of his fleet make way for the naval base to meet with the Singaporean Admiral.

@Wickedkent @Alteras

Eclipsian Civil War

Winter, 3254 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipse Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Singaporean Federation
  • Rising Empire
  • Autocratic-Redline Empire

Belligerent 2:

  • Golden Dawn Republic
  • Summaist Rebels and Followers

A hundred FT-40S, 7,000 soviet troops, and 7 katyusha tanks are sent to help the eclipse, with the 5,000 soldiers from the gallian army. The vehicles are still in winterized state, so some still have plows or have their wheels replaced with tracks. They were also given a letter from the imperials asking if they would want their people back or not.

@Loyal Guardian

Republic of Cascadia



Cascadian Senate Building, Portland

"And that is why I firmly believe that additional funding should be given to the CDF to expand operational capabilities and to help them in their research of future and current military projects." Senator Breitman of Texas announced to the other senators in the large room, with the World Congress over the Senate building was now being used for it's regular functions. It was the annual Senate gathering and President Jefferson was in attendance as always overseeing the democratic process. The people of the southern states had been increasingly keen on expanding the military despite it already being one of the world's most powerful. With Senator Breitman and the fellow Senators of the southern states putting forward the vote to increase funding towards the CDF. Senator Harper of California stood up next, "I agree with the good Senator on his proposal, with the amount of wars in the world increasing by the day seemingly it would be most called for to strengthen our national defense, for a worst case scenario." Some quiet clapping could be heard echoing around the room from various senators at the proposal and President Jefferson stood up, patting her suit down. "I appreciate the thought that the two good senators here have put into our country's safety and we shall put it to a vote." Sitting back down as the room started collecting their voting papers and taking some time in discussion to think over their decision.


A half hour later and all the votes had been put in, another five minutes and the votes had been counted and recounted. With the proposal's result being announced by Jefferson herself, standing up once more with the results in hand. "The result is as followed, 21 opposing and 79 in favor. The proposal will go through." Cheering erupted from the winning side and the senators exchanged hands and thanked one another for voting in favor, no bad sentiment was held towards those who had voted against and after a few more domestic topics were talked about and voted upon the Senate gathering was over. An additional influx of funding would be sent to the CDF relatively quickly, with President Jefferson and the Joint-Commanders of the CDF, those being the highest ranking members of all 3 branches gathering at the Presidential Residence to discuss where said funding would go to, more meetings were held and it was quickly decided where the funding would go with the CDF confirming it.


A new order of 1,270 M1A3 Abrams tanks was placed, along with 550 new M1010 Paladin artillery vehicles, the M1010 being a vastly upgraded and high-tech model of the pre-war M109 Paladin. The CDF has announced the construction of 18 new military bases in the south of Cascadia, six of said bases being in Cascadian controlled Mexico, 12 new airfields will accompany this, 5 of these being in Mexico. 980 new F-15 Advanced's have been ordered and the CNDF will be reinforced with 2 additional Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers, 25 Arleigh Burke class destroyers, 10 Tincondergoa class advanced missile cruisers and 2 new naval installations will be built to accomedate more CNDF forces. Given the industry boom in Texas these new orders aren't expected to take too long, the Cascadian economy benefiting greatly off of the fully reconstructed transportation network that the old US had used before the war, allowing for much easier transportation of goods cross-country. The large amount of cities being rebuilt has also greatly benefited the economy, the middle class growing in size drastically and poverty dropping to unprecedented levels. President Jefferson's popularity has gone through the roof with these statistics.


A Message

"To the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies. It is my honor to inform both of your nations' governments that the Republic of Cascadia has realized the great prosperity and strength that could come from an allied North America and we would like to invite you to the idea of a possible friendship between us three, we are aware that the relationship between your two countries is vastly damaged and strained from the war and the Rockians scorched earth tactics but we would like to attempt to fix that. A military understanding between our three nations would ensure our continent and our people's safety. An economic pact would bring vast amounts of wealth and would provide a strong backbone to the relationship between our countries. We know that you both have a strong dislike for one another but think of the possibilities that could come from a better, friendlier relationship. We are not trying to make you become friends or allies but we would like you both to think of the great benefits that could come from a North American alliance or at least friendship treaty of some kind. Thank you for your time."

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((Gotta keep it short, no time))


Tactical encirclement and attack of the Summaist-held lands with 300,000 troops, and 90% of the Varmandian Navy

Half of Summaist lands are re-taken with 200,000 armed troops and 500 tanks, at the expense of 20,000 troops.

An offer of a temporary joint effort to militarily and economically take out any Summaist lands, wherever they might be to the Eclipse Empire @Loyal Guardian

Staging points for future attacks on Summaist rebels being made

Spies sent to infiltrate the Summaist lands and sneak out innocent Varmandian citizens (the route taken nicknamed the "Varmandr Railroad")


A small fleet of ships start sailing towards mainland China, trying to make contact with them. The ship we're like that of the other nations, instead they were more exotic and ancient looking, the tech on them the equivalent of medieval Europe right around the ending of the Dark Ages and the discovery of gunpowder.

It would take a few days to weeks to get to the mainland, depending on the weather at the time.

Total Serpens Manpower, 2,500 in total with most of them being soldiers and the rest acting as sailors. Surveillance from the nation controlling China will detect the fleet in around a few hours to within a week.

(This is my first post here! Go ahead and look at their page to see what they're like)
(Open to @ArisenMoon,  @general ostruppen,  @Alteras, @Loyal Guardian
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Capetown, Singaporean Africa, 7th District

7th Governor Chang Yu Hong was sitting in her office filing paperwork. An aide burst in. "Turn on the TV! Something is happening in CAF." Slightly confused, Gov Chang grabbed the remote, turned it on and flipped the channels until it reached the CAF broadcasts. In a horrifying 2 minutes, they saw the execution of the Prime Minister of the CAF. She flopped back on her chair. "Shit shit SHIT! Send troops to the border! Contact any and all parts of the CAF and see who's isn't Summaist! Increase the security staff at the Capetown Port Authority!" "But ma'am, a large portion of our troops have left for Sri Lanka." "DAMNIT!" She turned around and faced the map. She took out a pen and drew a straight line where the old Namibia northern border was. "Send troops to hold this line and the border to the east. Don't let anyone pass this line! Any damn refugee that comes our way, send them to Luanda! Contact the Sao Tome and Principle Naval Base and the Maldives Naval base! Have them release nymph mines!" "Right away ma'am!"

The aide ran out of the room. Those idiots! Letting them into their country and not foreseeing this. The remaining government of the CAF was contacted. Troops were sent to hold the Namibia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique borders. Sao Tome and Principle Naval base and the Maldives Naval Base begin planting nymph mines around the CAF waters.


Sri Lanka Naval Base

Admiral Belcher was going over the equipment list in the Command Center. An operator turned around and said, "Incoming Eclipsian Fleet. They say they were sent by Admiral Umberion to aid us." Admiral Belcher smiled. "Let them dock and prepare for resupply. Send a cargo ship with 1000 Nymph mines and an engineer team to Admiral Umberion." Admiral Belcher returned to his work preparing 50,000 for the land invasion.

@Loyal Guardian

Xishuangbanna, Southern China, East Chinese Territory

The allied armies met at Xishuangbanna, a small town at the border of the 5th District of the Singaporean Federation and the East Chinese Territory of Eclipse Empire.

General Jain saluted as well. The two relaxed. "The pleasure's all mine. We have 75,000 troops ready to go. Another 100,000 just came back from the Rockies and are undergoing training again to get use to the environment. Sorry we couldn't come earlier, those politicians would've been on me for months on end."

@Loyal Guardian

Manila, Philippines, 6th District of the Singaporean Federation

25,000 men landed at the Port Authority. Throughout the islands nymph mines and patrol ships prevented movement. As the men setup command at the Manila City hall, Gov Samson and General Qi met. "Hello Governor" "Greetings General." The two turned and an operator pulled forward a map. "Local Allied Militia have repulsed summaist attack in Mindanao. I authorized the port authority to fight them in the Visayas. As for Luzon, Manila is still under allied control, however we keep getting waves of attacks from neighboring towns. Mimaropa has also repulsed attacks and have not seen any more since the nymph mines were released." "Thank you gov, we'll begin our attack soon."


Sardinia, Cagliari, Presidental Palace

The two large oak wooden double doors opened wide with the following of a loud screeching creek. Chattering within the council room had ceased immediately with complete silence as those waiting inside watched anxiously as to who was entering. Revealing beneath the outer frames stood Giovanni holding a beautiful handcrafted white and black cane in one hand whitelist leaning on it. Alongside him were two fully uniformed soldiers pushing the door wide open for him. As the soldiers completed their task they stood back against the doors, saluting him with respect. Giovanni casually stepped into the room, tapping his cane on the floor as he went further in. Passing by them he stood for a mere moment to glance back at them.

"Thank you, gentleman, for escorting me in. Please be sure to close the doors behind me." he said smiling.

As he faced back into the middle of the room, the soldiers turned to shut the doors leaving them with the sound of a loud thud. The council room had been always a place to discuss important matters of state. The room was fitted in the center with a long marble table, holding as much as ten people. In the middle of the table were numerous of small plants adding in a sense of decor. For every seat had the standard setup. A single glass of water beside a black fancy pen held in a special stand purposely made to hold it. In front, a black and gold name holder possessed the names for those seated in that chair. While the rest were in a similar fashion, one chair on one of the ends was a bit different. For this chair looked more like a king's throne rather than a simple seat. It contained red cushions and its main structure was made out of black oak wood. As for the rest of the room, large towering windows made up one side of the walls, letting sunlight dance into the room. A set of doors opened to the balcony, viewing the blue sparkling sea. Giovanni scanned the entire table. Everyone who was accounted for had shown up. This pleased him well. He then walked forward to sit in his own empty chair. When sat, he placed his cane on the edge of the table and proceeded to lay back for better comfortability. Silence still had blanketed the open air. Rising more forward to meet his councilmen he began the first words.

"The council is now in order." he declared in a loud booming voice.

"Today, I would want to discuss some key issues that have been hovering around for some time. So it's best we start off now."

He glimpsed to his minister of finance.

"Mr. Fazio Vellucci, our golden hand, what is the situation with our finances?" asking in a questionable tone.

Fazio calmly lifted his black folder and opened to a page where it listed every in's and out's, the money went.

"Mr. President, by calculating our total expenses up to date, we only pay 11.330 billion euros out of the 57,027,695,094 we get from local trade, commerce, and tax dollars. From these statistics alone, we are able to expand whatever needs we require for the state's best interests." he noted.

Giovanni was quite happy to hear of it. It meant Mensa would be able to develop further of its current influence and strength.

"Thank you, minister." Giovanni replied.

Fazio nodded and closed his folder firmly, wrapping up the subject. But before Giovanni could switch to the next topic, the minister of R&D had spoken up.

"Mr. President, if I may. Seeing that we have extra funds to spare, I would want to propose research for a low-orbit satellite dish into space." he announced.

Everyone in the room was taken a bit back by surprise. Small chattering began to flow through, discussing the idea. Giovanni lifted his eyebrow in intrigue. The thought of the proposed research seemed all the more interesting in that regard.

"And what purpose will it serve?" he asked.

The chattering died down soon enough. Ezio cleared his throat to better speak his reasoning.

"It will serve mainly as a communications platform. However, it will be used more for government purposes. With it, we can scan the mediterranean sea or even Europe for that matter and see any movements that we wish to track. Another note, as our earlier reports suggest, we are surrounded by new upstart nations that have taken control over the mainlands. Right now, we have not made any contact with them. Rather it's best to assume we know nothing about them. So it would be in the best interest to examine the land around us and see what is happening around the world." concluding his response.

Mummers of agreement faintly were going around. Giovanni closed his eyes and placed his hands together, thinking of the approach. He opened his eyes.

"Very well. I approve this proposal. Take anything you need to complete it."

Giovanni turned to the next person.

"While we are on the matter, Ambassador Tito. I have a task of you I wish for you to pursue. Contact these new nations and let them know of our presence. Seek any information about any relationships between nations and look to our cause. Whatever you say is up to you. I trust this to be your hands?"

"Yes, Sir. It will be done, Mr. President." Tito answered with confidence.

Giovanni smiled. He knew Tito can be accounted for. His trust lied deeply with him ever since they met. Giovanni faced to the remaining council members.

"The rest of you I want to set up defenses set up on both islands and sea. Fleet Admiral Italo, I want you to send patrol boats for daily patrols on the waters. If anything out of ordinary appears, I want to be the first one to know about it. General Dario, I want you to have the men trained and ready for any sort of action. When the time comes, I want us to be prepared. General Sansone, I want monitoring of Mesnaian airspace. Anything entering it is to be questioned for entrance or shot down, no exceptions. Director Vissia, I want agents ready to move once we find out who our neighbors are. And lastly our minister of defense, Mr. Amleto, I want you to see observe all defense protocols. Make sure nothing gets out of hand."

Giovanni's mouth was getting dry. He grabbed the nearby glass of sparkling water to drink. After a quick sip, he wiped off the remaining drops from his mouth with a red napkin he had in his front pocket. He spoke once more.

"Just before we are done for today, I will be issuing a national project for the training of new recruits. 79,402 to be exact. As well as the construction of the international trade center. With that said, we will have our next council meeting next month. See to your duties."

Finishing his final words, the council members stood up from their seats one by one and in an orderly fashion left the room. When the last person left, Giovanni stood up from his seat and walked over to the doors leading to the balcony. Opening the doors we walked out to the rails and stared off into the distance. He took in a deep breath. The smell of coastal waters filled his nose. Mensa had made its moves.

New Research Project initiated

Low-Orbit Satellite Dish

New National Projects initiated

Recruitment of 79,402 troops

Construction of the Mesnaian international trading center

Greetings sent to all nearby foreign nations.

Mensaian airspace and mediterranean waters are now monitored/patrolled.
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(Now we can do the fun RP stuff)

Okinawa Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

"Errr... sir? you should look at this." "What is it?" "A message from the Japan Squadron. They sent us a picture." In a blurry mess, the vague shapes of ships. "Where was this?" "They got it from a fishermen who came into port. He was fishing up north. He said they were headed west?" "Hmm, send 2 patrol ships from the Shanghai Fleet to stop by them?" "Umm... sure." Ships were sent to meet the fleet.


Nordic Union Airspace

Gov Khey Lim's plane entered Nordic Union Airspace from the west. (And so begins Governor Khey Lim's search for the greatest bottle of vodka)


Greenland Airspace

Chairman Shi and his advisors' plane entered Rising Empire Airspace.

Main Communications Center, Oxford, Britain

Just an average day at the Com center, everybody monitoring the nearby radio waves and Diplomatic Minister Alastair supervising them, until one of the com staff had detected a message coming from the nearby Sardinia and Corsica. "Sir" the com staff member said, "the Italian com center is picking up some radio waves coming from the islands of Sardinia and Corsica." DM Alastair walked over to his station. The message was a greeting from a nation existing on the islands in question. DM Alastair turned on a mic and spoke. "Greetings, I am Diplomatic Minister Alastair of the Order Empire. We're responding to your greeting you sent, is there anything you need?"


Iberian Peninsula

Order troops are advancing through Iberia while naval and aerial bombardment continues.

@Loyal Guardian(Because you control the Summarists.)
The remains of the CAF government replied. "We are going to lose this quickly without aid, the majority of our military and the entire west of the country is taken over. We are fighting a guerrilla war until aid comes. If you do not save us, then the Summaist may take africa. Help, please"
(Now we can do the fun RP stuff)

Okinawa Naval Base, Singaporean Federation

"Errr... sir? you should look at this." "What is it?" "A message from the Japan Squadron. They sent us a picture." In a blurry mess, the vague shapes of ships. "Where was this?" "They got it from a fishermen who came into port. He was fishing up north. He said they were headed west?" "Hmm, send 2 patrol ships from the Shanghai Fleet to stop by them?" "Umm... sure." Ships were sent to meet the fleet.


Nordic Union Airspace

Gov Khey Lim's plane entered Nordic Union Airspace from the west. (And so begins Governor Khey Lim's search for the greatest bottle of vodka)


Greenland Airspace

Chairman Shi and his advisors' plane entered Rising Empire Airspace.


The fleet soon notices the ships approaching and slow down, waiting for them to arrive.

When the patrol ships get there, they see that the reports were correct. The ships were extremely low tech and ancient compared to the ones they were in. There didn't even seem to be any sort of communications that they could hail.

Then a flash of light starts to appear from the crow's nest at the top of the ships. The computers on the ship soon translate it from Morse code. It seems to be that they were asking if they were friends or foe.
Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

The communications center had been left relatively unharmed from the attack on the capitol, so it was in full use. The normal radio operator took his post and sat down. He only took one sip of his coffee when he saw that a transmission was inbound. He made a sigh of relief that the message wasn't intercepted or scrambled on it's way to the center. He turned on the communication channel and heard the message. He was half shocked and half delighted to hear that there was a new nation. He then began to respond to the message accordingly.

"This is the Eclipse Empire picking up your transmission. Seeing as how you are a new nation to use i'll give you an idea of who we are. Currently we span from the Balkans plus Sicily to the Chinese coast, we are currently the world's most powerful military force, and we are the most advanced nation in the world although we do have tough competition on that end. Sadly however we are in the midst of a civil war, but thanks to recent advances. we should win within months. Afterwards we may be able to send a diplomat towards your location, until then welcome to the new world." The radio operator then sent the transmission and laid against his seat. He was excited that he picked up a call from a new nation, although he did that years ago as well. He thought that was going to be a highlight of the day, little does he know another nation was picked up.


Far East Outpost, East Chinese Territory, Eclipse Empire

The garrison at the outpost had gotten bored very quickly. The civil war was now nowhere near them and they had to guard a, while strategically important naval position, near empty base. The only things there was the some sixty troops guarding the place, a few T-99 Tanks, and a single corvette along with three patrol boats. The head of the garrison had his helmet off, resting his head on his hand, looking quite bored. He jolted at the sound of the perimeter alarm going off. When he looked to see the breach it wasn't on land, but rather at the sea. He sent an order to have the four ships docked there, along with fifteen men, to go out and investigate. The sailors of the ships got onto their respective ships and the fifteen soldiers got onto the corvette, named IENS Polar, and headed off to the breach. The quickly sailed to the area and when they arrived they were a little confused when they saw wooden ships. At first they thought it might have been a fishing fleet from another nation, however that didn't look the case. The corvette approached and stopped at a slight distance while the three patrol boats went ahead. One soldier went on each boat and as they approached the ships they noticed movement, to which they were alerted and raised their guard. One of the soldiers called out. "Hey, there anyone in there?"


Southern China, East Chinese Territory (i ain't gonna try to type or pronounce the name of the place lol)

Hayden put down his salute while Centauri spoke to the man. "It's no problem, trust me having to wait to strike while the order isn't there is a pain. Anyways i thank you for sending your troops, with them it shall be much easier taking Burma and India. Our two nations have fought together before, and now we fight together again. It's almost as if luck and fate want our nations to be the greatest of allies ain't it? Anyways my troops are ready to move out, and from the sound of so are yours, shall we begin this offensive?"


Sri Lanka Naval Base

Admiral Umberion had his small fleet dock at the naval base. The ships were now being resupplied and a Singaporean engineer team approached Umberion. He told them to take good care of his ships and aid his men in the resupplying and arming. After that he walked towards to where he thought Admiral Belcher might be and when he arrived he was glad to see the Singaporean admiral.

"Belcher, it is good to see you old friend. How are things going?" Umberion said in a casual manner. After all, he considered the Singaporean to be a friend of his.


Iberian Peninsula, Order Empire

The Summaist forces were being pushed back severely. They had tried fighting back but they British forces were proving to be to much for them. Despite this they regrouped and launched one last offensive to stale out and inflict as many casualties as possible.

@Loyal Guardian

A strange language could be heard in response as a sailor peeks at them, but it wasn't human what so ever. The top half of the man was covered in scales and topped with a snake like head. They couldn't see what his lower half was like though.

The sailor calls out to the crew, causing a officer to see what he was in about. When he sees the boats, he let's out a hiss of surprise and yells at his men to start lowering a rope ladder for the humans approaching them.

The soldiers that were on the patrol boats couldn't understand a word of what they were saying, but they could tell that they were excited by their body language and tones.
Sardinia, Cagliari, Communications Headquarters

Tito was hard at work, ever since he left the council room he was completely occupied in sending greetings over radio transmissions to any nearby nations that he could possibly reach. But after a short while, someone had responded to his calls. He took a moment to listen to his responders. Nothing unusual about it. But when they asked what he needed, he did not know what they meant by that. Tito turned his microphone on.

"Salutations, Order Empire. My name is Tito Maiorana, Foreign Ambassador of the great nation of Mensa. We thank you for your utmost swift return of our call. We do not believe we require any assistance, however, I trust that you learn of our presence."


But as he finished his sentence, another call came through. Bewildered, he quickly changed channels to see who the incoming call was from. Listening closely to the call, Tito became more and more interested in this one. This... Eclipse Empire, was a supposed superpower. Nevertheless, Tito was quite skeptical about it. The remark of a civil war had him interested as well. Perhaps they are in some sort of crisis? He didn't know. But what caught his attention above all else was the mere mention of the occupation of Sicily. The thoughts of the homeland clustered in his mind. It was not the time for that, not yet anyway. Shaking it off, he readied his reply.

"Ciao, Eclipsian Empire. My name is Tito Maiorana, Foreign Ambassador of the great nation of Mensa. I thank you kindly for your call. I understand your nation's situation and pleased to hear that you will be sending a diplomat to our location. We thank you for your acknowledgment and hope to hear you sometime soon."

As he ended the transmission, he sat back into his seat awaiting for any more messages to return.

@Loyal Guardian

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