The World of Tomorrow


He chuckled.

"There will be an instruction video on the Frame, so it may aid you. You can also ask the pilots of the knightmare frames that you have bought or just simply ask Suzaku. He and half of his troops will stay at your lands to aid in rebuilding and such. As for the rockian problem, if ever a war breaks out. I and Schneizel will immediately head to your Capitol to talk." He said "At the moment, the Rising Empire is ready to mobilize it's army."

@Loyal Guardian


He smiled.

"The Stock market has a separate building" He said "It is at the Economical Section of the Pendragon. We will escort you there."

Naval project 5%.

The gallian harbor was at work on creating several warship variations, including a new ship. All warship classes were to be built with regular resources and teams, the new ship will be constructed with the more heavier cranes, resources, and work force. A currently-in-testing second generation from the science labs would help with the construction. The gallians ordered 5 warships. The plans for ship modifications were being thought up, and scientists were at the scene to keep their eyes on both the project, and the second generation.


The nuclear warhead repairs project: 55%.

The Soviets completed maintenance. All there is left to do is reactivate the silo enough to open the silo doors, Rewire the targeting coordinates, Reconfigure the launch sequence, and then clear debris around the missile. However while a team gets to work on that, The ICBM is recolored and painted.

The nuke is colored in gallian ocean scheme similar to WWII stylizations, The warhead is painted red, the entirety of the lower portion is colored green, and gold-looking stripes are painted on the sides. The original flag of the redline/CCCP is painted onto it, the gallian line flag is painted to it, and the Imperial flag is painted onto it. Since the gallian line flag has never been seen on the surface, and The imperials never displayed themselves, It'd be impossible to identify unless someone from the governments and the regions were discovered. They started to paint Alexander with her face half hidden, and the empress onto it. Both painted with silver hair, red eyes, and fictitious shark teeth.

Sentences and quotes are written in both English, Russian, "Old northern", and Japanese. They are written by officers, generals, royalty, Soldiers, some quotes of citizens, And Government leaders. Some quotes not relating to nords in any aspect.

Some of these include:

"From heartland to heartland, the valkyrie March." 

"To you with love, We sing every song." 

"For the empress, For the premier, For the year, We sing her song."

"Axis rest in hell!"

"The valkyrur's regards."


Infantry machinegun project: 30%.

Theimer and his engineering units get to work on machineguns for infantry, They created a suitable chamber, and box-mags. Though some machineguns will have to be mounted due to their recoil. The machinegun of the current generation is based on and uses a dshk machinegun with box mag. The current designs run off of small rounds like pistol rounds, but are capable of being carried. More designing and modification will have to go into it.


Ragnite munitions project: 5%.

Going only off of basic ragnite properties currently discovered, the explosive contents are more widely known and easy to make without much work. While one team continues to study the uses of ragnite and it's properties, and writes it as a element on the element chart. Another team goes to use liquid ragnite to create explosives.


Heather continued to live in the citadel, she helped raise her youngest sister and brother. She didn't leave the citadel often anymore because she got pregnant, And pavle kept getting kicked out. He kept finding new ways to break in, mainly due to Heather. To the point where the royal guardsmen turned it into a betting game. Guessing when he'd break in again. Some guards even got rich off of it, And thus Jennifer got annoyed and prevented Heather from using communication services without being watched. This in turn often lead up to even ten guards at once watching her just pick up a phone.

This ended however when all their attempts failed. 


[ooc, Still waiting on Mr. Vade.]


Summary thing.

Making more warships.

Painting on the nuke, and writing sentences and quotes on it.

Making a machinegun.

Researching ragnite.

Character development/self story.

Still waiting on vade for svalbard, but he's waiting for someone to reply to him.

Random Events


Order Empire, Fourth Polish Republic, Vadmr Vestan, Central African Federation, Singapore Federation


(The remaining government forces of the C.A.F are desperately trying to hold onto their remaining possessions in the western corner of their country. However their attempts are proving futile as they are being overwhelmed by Summaist numbers. Picture above shows a Summaist bombing of C.A.F positions, taken by Singaporean photographers.)


With the recent defeat in the Eclipsian Civil War, the now expected defeat in Iberia, the eventual defeat in Poland and Vestan, the Summaist are on their last legs. The only place where they have proven successful is in the Central African Federation where they killed the Prime Minister, gained most of the military's favor, and obtained enough equipment to fund an army. They are nearing victory and the establishing of their own ground, and the world is eyeing the situation. The remaining Summaists in the world have decided that it would be best if they went to the C.A.F to prepare for one last hold out. The only area that defined this mass exodus was the Summaists in the Philippines as they were starting to beat back the Singaporeans. So with this near universal decision most of the remaining Summaists flocked to the C.A.F to begin a final stand. With this move the Iberian Rebellion, Vestan Civil War, and the Polish Insurrection all came to a near sudden stop as their Summaists fled to Africa.

@Agent141 @Alteras @JJKab @Albion @Domini Regum

Mongolia and Siberian Principality


(Ruins of a city somewhere in the lands once belonging to the Siberian Principality. Photo taken by a group of travelers wandering into the land.)


With no recent activity from the Siberians and Mongolians, many wondered what happened to them. Maybe they had gone completely isolationist, maybe after the Siberian-Manchurian War the Siberians went into hiding to rebuild itself, or maybe they had just packed up and did a mass exodus. Their fate was recently discovered to be where the governments of both nations fell after the Manchurian Plague fully killed off much of their population before becoming nonexistent as no new hosts appeared. What was found of them were small bands of survivors living in the ruins, with some bands being large enough to take control of half a city. With this discovery their fates had been sealed and the land lay open for new nations to begin anew or expansion.

@Agent141 (Since one is AI and the other a player who hasn't done anything in two months, i feel as if its time to take off his blob of blue)

Eclipse Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies


(A city somewhere in the Levant Province. As the pictures shows heavy fighting occurred in that area and it left the city devastated. Currently the city is now encompassed in OP Mercy that is in charge of rebuilding the country after the civil war, which is expected to be mostly completed in a month or two)


After the civil war in the Eclipse Empire the country surprisingly gained more national unity and the reign of Emperor Byron was now viewed more positively after defeating the Summaists. The country wanted to keep to itself for a bit so it could recover for the conflict, however recent tensions may prevent that. Due to the Eclipsians proclaiming that the Rockians broke the Treaty of Portland and the Rockians denying these claims, tensions between the two nations is now at a boiling point. Now a recent brawl between departing Rockians and Eclipsians have raised tensions even higher. Nobody was killed or severely injured, but the brawl between leaving Rockian soldiers and stationed Eclipsian soldiers, both of which were out of gear, has lead to controversy. It isn't known who started the fist fight between the two groups, as the only video footage was in the middle of the fist fight. Eyewitness testimony is also proving erratic, further adding more controversy and opinions on who started it all. 

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian
(Btw waiting for interaction and pm me if ur interested in a Hellsing Ultimate anime rp. If you dunno what that is it is on YouTube and you can watch it)
(Oh boy, its been a while. lets do this!)

Sri Lanka Naval Base

Admiral Belcher and General Jain met at the Naval base. Troops returning back home from their allied victory with the Eclipsians. Head operators of the two fronts met together in a conference room filled with high ranking officials. "Sri Lanka Naval Base Head Operator Mao reporting for debriefing." "Forward Command Head Operator Shang reporting for debriefing." "You may begin."

A cough from Mao and she started off. "Over the past few weeks, our forces invaded Eclipsian Asia territory. The goal was to aid the Eclipsian Army in their war against Summaists and Rebels." Shang continued in perfect sync. "This was achieved on two fronts, a naval invasion from Sri Lanka to Rameswaram to Madurai to the rest of India, and a land front with the allied army starting from Xiguangbanna into Burma and the rest of rebel territory. Our land forces aided Eclipsian General Centauri and Major Hayden." "Sri Lanka was visited by Eclipsian Admiral Umberion, who also participated in the invasion of India. The Sri Lanka Naval Invasion was performed by 50,000 soldiers, 40,000 of which have survived and is still with us." "The land army originally consisted of 175,000 soldiers, 25,000 of which have been reassigned to aid in the African Front. Out of the 150,000 operating soldiers, only 20,000 have died." "The civil war ended favorably for allied nations. We will be leaving 1000 soldiers to aid the Eclipsians in their transition. They will return in two month's time. Our participation is in accordance to the New World Alliance and our relationship with the Eclipse Empire." The two took a deep breath and as one said, "As such, our combined offensive is... Victorious!" The room erupted in cheers.

The two operators bowed and left the room. Admiral Belcher and General Jain smiled at each other and shook hands. "Let the celebrations begin!" Jain bellowed.

@Loyal Guardian (Just to let you know I left 1000 troops in your territory)


"Of course. You're in Shanghai, we'll treat you to the best that Chinese food has to offer." She led them to a nearby dining hall. Food was laid out across several tables. Servant walked around refilling drinks and alcohol.



"Reinforcements have arrived!" "Oh thank goodness!" cried 7th Gov Chang. "How many?" "25,000, we've also been given 100 tanks and 300 armored vehicles to man." "Great! Have them go to the border and tell them to begin marching the line forward to protect the last of the CAF."

@Albion@Loyal Guardian

Manila, Philippines

Governor Samson was pacing around the room. General Qi and Admiral Hummel sat facing each other, silent and contemplative. Gov Samson turned around and slammed the table. "HOW HAVE YOU FOOLS NOT STOPPED THEM?!" "They move as citizen under our watch." "WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THEIR WEAPONS?!" "It is unknown, most likely there is an underground market, the same one that has evaded us for over a millennium." "THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE WEAPONS! WE'RE UNDER MARTIAL LAW!" "Ah, I guess we could arrest those who hold weapons." "HOW HAVE YOU NOT!?" "The Philippines constitution hasn't been ratified by all districts, so we didn't know which laws still applied." "NONE OF THEM! GET YOUR ASSES OUT THERE AND KILL ANYONE WITH A GUN." The two sighed. "MOVE!" The two men got up and walked out the room.

As they returned to the command center, Their head operator reported to them. "SIG HQ has given us another 25,000 soldiers and the right to seize any and all vehicles. That brings our total to 50,000" "Thank you." Qi said. She turned around and went back to work. General Qi faced Admiral Hummel. "I guess we have our work cut out for us." "Its never easy to fire on civilians, but we must end this rebellion." "With haste." "With care." The two nodded and Admiral Hummel returned to his fleet. Both men increased police searches and patrols. They also began to house men in towns. Any convict the encountered was quickly killed. Any household with a gun was arrested. More nymph mines were released as patrols became more frequent.

@Loyal Guardian

[ @Lordvader59 ]


The ceremonies are being prepared, they will proceed to be ready at the end of the week.


In the socialist republic of tuvan-altai.

[ Tagging. @High Moon]


(Btw waiting for interaction and pm me if ur interested in a Hellsing Ultimate anime rp. If you dunno what that is it is on YouTube and you can watch it)

[I may, or may not be interested. :3.]

The minority of squad 422 is sent to the republic of nordlam to help with their raider problem. It consists of 50 people, a IS-0, a ZIS-151 filled with gallian nagant weapons and ammo, and a APCT armed with a flamethrower and machinegun. The republic was notified before the unit was sent.
Radium Hot Springs

Another reply was sent. "Stop this.  This is escalating and it's going to boil over at some point, so here is our final message. You argue that the Risers didn't know that we had the islands, but look at any efficient legal system, and it will say that ignorance is not an excuse. They have humiliated us, murdered our citizens, burned and destroyed far more of our land than we ever did to theirs, stole land from us while we were at war, and other crimes beyond counting. We don't want an apology, we want what we goddamn worked for, but as the Big Ol' United States of Eclipsia has bias towards one party and won't let their little pet be sad, that won't happen. So here's the deal: you forget it. You leave us alone and we do the same. You save thousands of lives and are seen as someone who kept the peace. We leave their little icy wasteland alone, and you stop crying over your little island. The Rockian men who got in a fistfight return home, as they fought for you and should be allowed to see their families. If you don't accept this, you can declare war. But you have to do it. We won't attack you. If war is happening, you get to decide. You decide how many people die, how many lose their homes, how many starve and freeze. If a war is happening, you get to press the goddamn button. Ball's in your court, but whether we're playing catch or dodgeball is up to you."

@Loyal Guardian


The Rockian ambassador recieved a message and immedeatly contacted the Cascadian government. "Hello, this is the Rockian ambassador. War with the Eclipse Empire is possibly about to begin. Meeting very urgent."



The suit manufacturing was complete. The Rockians had finally mastered the Non-Newtonian elements and made teleportation possible. Vehicles could be destroyed from within, assassinations made easy and

almost uncatchable, spying a piece of cake. The Rockians had a trump card.

The Kingdom

The Kingdom was ready for war. Troops were very strategically placed, cities were ready for very long sieges and assaults, navies patrolled the waters, and everyone held their breath as they waited for the Eclipse Empire to make it's move.



Teleportation complete.

Nation prepared for war.
(Oh boy, its been a while. lets do this!)

Sri Lanka Naval Base

Admiral Belcher and General Jain met at the Naval base. Troops returning back home from their allied victory with the Eclipsians. Head operators of the two fronts met together in a conference room filled with high ranking officials. "Sri Lanka Naval Base Head Operator Mao reporting for debriefing." "Forward Command Head Operator Shang reporting for debriefing." "You may begin."

A cough from Mao and she started off. "Over the past few weeks, our forces invaded Eclipsian Asia territory. The goal was to aid the Eclipsian Army in their war against Summaists and Rebels." Shang continued in perfect sync. "This was achieved on two fronts, a naval invasion from Sri Lanka to Rameswaram to Madurai to the rest of India, and a land front with the allied army starting from Xiguangbanna into Burma and the rest of rebel territory. Our land forces aided Eclipsian General Centauri and Major Hayden." "Sri Lanka was visited by Eclipsian Admiral Umberion, who also participated in the invasion of India. The Sri Lanka Naval Invasion was performed by 50,000 soldiers, 40,000 of which have survived and is still with us." "The land army originally consisted of 175,000 soldiers, 25,000 of which have been reassigned to aid in the African Front. Out of the 150,000 operating soldiers, only 20,000 have died." "The civil war ended favorably for allied nations. We will be leaving 1000 soldiers to aid the Eclipsians in their transition. They will return in two month's time. Our participation is in accordance to the New World Alliance and our relationship with the Eclipse Empire." The two took a deep breath and as one said, "As such, our combined offensive is... Victorious!" The room erupted in cheers.

The two operators bowed and left the room. Admiral Belcher and General Jain smiled at each other and shook hands. "Let the celebrations begin!" Jain bellowed.

@Loyal Guardian (Just to let you know I left 1000 troops in your territory)


"Of course. You're in Shanghai, we'll treat you to the best that Chinese food has to offer." She led them to a nearby dining hall. Food was laid out across several tables. Servant walked around refilling drinks and alcohol.



"Reinforcements have arrived!" "Oh thank goodness!" cried 7th Gov Chang. "How many?" "25,000, we've also been given 100 tanks and 300 armored vehicles to man." "Great! Have them go to the border and tell them to begin marching the line forward to protect the last of the CAF."

@Albion@Loyal Guardian

Manila, Philippines

Governor Samson was pacing around the room. General Qi and Admiral Hummel sat facing each other, silent and contemplative. Gov Samson turned around and slammed the table. "HOW HAVE YOU FOOLS NOT STOPPED THEM?!" "They move as citizen under our watch." "WHERE ARE THEY GETTING THEIR WEAPONS?!" "It is unknown, most likely there is an underground market, the same one that has evaded us for over a millennium." "THEY SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE WEAPONS! WE'RE UNDER MARTIAL LAW!" "Ah, I guess we could arrest those who hold weapons." "HOW HAVE YOU NOT!?" "The Philippines constitution hasn't been ratified by all districts, so we didn't know which laws still applied." "NONE OF THEM! GET YOUR ASSES OUT THERE AND KILL ANYONE WITH A GUN." The two sighed. "MOVE!" The two men got up and walked out the room.

As they returned to the command center, Their head operator reported to them. "SIG HQ has given us another 25,000 soldiers and the right to seize any and all vehicles. That brings our total to 50,000" "Thank you." Qi said. She turned around and went back to work. General Qi faced Admiral Hummel. "I guess we have our work cut out for us." "Its never easy to fire on civilians, but we must end this rebellion." "With haste." "With care." The two nodded and Admiral Hummel returned to his fleet. Both men increased police searches and patrols. They also began to house men in towns. Any convict the encountered was quickly killed. Any household with a gun was arrested. More nymph mines were released as patrols became more frequent.

@Loyal Guardian

Yen'Ren sits in one of the seats and gets comfortable. She then politely waits for food to start being served, a small smile on her face.
Rio de Janiero
Celebrations were heard around the nation as the last of the Summaists had been killed in Cordoba. After a brief period of searching, Martial law was lifted, and the announcement came.

Thousands gathered to hear president Henrik speak his last speech on the Capitol Floor before the end of his presidency, and it was broadcasted nationwide.

after a few minutes of speaking, he announced his last plan.

He cleared his throat and looked into the crowd. "And now, I am officially announcing the Safeguard Doctrine, helping Vestania take an active role in world politics, and securing ourselves as the technologically advanced power we are! As such, we are wishing to expand the New United Nations, and declare official war on the Central African Summaists, because the Summaists are no better than ISIS in the old world! And we promise to any of those CAF men listening, you will be liberated!"

The crown erupted into cheers again, and Henrik laughed. "Thank you, Vestania! And may the next president be well!"

Later that day, polls showed that the declaration of war against Summaist Central Africa was at only 75% approval

Abidjan, CAF

Within 24 hours, half the Vestanian fleet was outside of the city, and 300,000 troops stormed in with 20,000 losses.
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Republic of Cascadia



Portland, Cascadia

The Department of Military Innovation and Research, the CDF's main development and research branch was very proud to announce the completion of 3 new projects, project Papa Sierra, project Gamma Delta and project Foxtrot 38. The first two have so far remained classified to all those outside CDF high command and have been stashed away for possible use later on, only if neccessary of course. Foxtrot 38 however has been unveiled as the Cascadian Defense Force's dominant role in aerial warfare, the F-38 has been developed. It being highly praised as the most advanced fighter jet ever developed, it has been equipped with the MK55 Targetting System, a helmet connected to the MK54 Radar System of the jet which the pilot wears, allowing him to spot enemy fighter jets from up to 55 miles away, and to track them with the helmet's visor. Making a surprise attack against the jet nigh impossible, even if stealth technology is used, the very moment the jet comes into view of the pilot, the helmet will lock onto it and never let go until the jet is at least 110 miles away. The F-38 has been dubbed as the fastest military aircraft to have ever been developed as well, reaching hypersonic speeds. The CDF boasts that it could fly from Iceland to New Zealand in 3 hours at the most, obviously it would still have to be refueled but this was used as a way to let people imagine how fast it can go. This makes the jet impossible for missiles and gunfire to hit at even cruise speed, the F-38's moderate speed being much faster than most jets' maximum speeds. Hypersonic AIM-150 missiles have been fitted onto the aircraft, ensuring that no other aircraft can outrun or outmanouver them and the XX-1 Railgun has been installed as the jet's turret, which can lock onto up to 12 targets at once, both ground and air and eliminate them within seconds of one another with very little difficulty.


President Jefferson personally visited Fort Stanley airfield in Colorado to see the jet in person alongside many CDF officials and senators. All of whom have agreed to put the jet into mass production, the F-38 is also a VTOL aircraft. Allowing it to take off like a helicopter, eliminating it's need for runways. Allowing for more to be stationed in airfields and on aircraft carriers, toughened armor on the jet gives it an increased resistance to most laser fire. A heat-resistant coating being put over every aircraft upon production, the Cascadian Aerial Defense Force was clearly overjoyed at the development and has ordered 9,450 of them to be produced as soon as possible given recent global tensions. The actual components of the F-38 have remained highly classified, it being given stealth technology in-order for it to go undetected by even the strongest, most advanced radars for up to 10 minutes at most. It has so far been needless to say that the F-38 stands as the world's strongest, most advanced fighter jet.


Upon the media and public asking President Jefferson and the CADF why such an advanced fighter jet would be needed, President Jefferson gave her answer which consisted of the fact that despite Cascadia being a peace loving nation that it needs to still defend it's borders and to exhibit such a strong military force that the majority of nations would not think of picking a fight with them. An intimidating, unbeatable aircraft like the F-38 would simply act as a deterent for any organization or nation that wished to cause harm to Cascadia. Although she quickly reassured the public that Cascadian foreign relations have remained as healthy as they always have and that this military build-up was merely because of the Senate and CDF's concern of global tensions. Meanwhile the CNDF has recieved 2 new Gerald R. Ford class aircraft carriers into service today, the CNF Paul John. Stewart, named after a former president of Cascadia and the CNF Derek Stanley. Ferguson a former CNDF admiral. These two new aircraft carriers are already being deployed on active patrol on Cascadian coastlines. A new recruiting drive has been instated by the CDF to raise numbers on Senate request, with an additional 450,000 troops going into training. The CGDF has recieved it's latest order of 6,300 M1A3 Abrams tanks, 540 MIM-4 anti-air vehicles and 650 M1010 Paladin artillery vehicles, all of which have been deployed.


Cascadian-Rockian Message

"This is Mr. Simmons of the Department of Foreign Relations. We'd be more than happy to discuss your..situation with the Eclipse Empire. As we are as keen on defusing the situation as you are."


Cascadian-Eclipsian Message

"To Emperor Bryon, President Jefferson is most keen to discuss the matters between the Rockians and Rising Empire with you as soon as possible. As rising tensions have not gone unnoticed by our people."


F-38 In-Production

Gamma Delta Completed

Papa Sierra Completed

Two new aircraft carriers constructed

450,000 new troops in training

Communications with the Rockians
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Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

"Trust me a war is the last thing i want. However if it is needed to reinforce the peace established in Portland, then so be it, as ironic that sounds. You violated the treaty by denying access to full economic rights in new Riser land, and as the broker i cannot allow that. I am on their side not because they are my ally, but because they were the victim in that particular event. Now were you the victim of the war caused between you two, you have a case on that and you are most likely right. Then in turn you used your hatred and discontent of the outcome and peace that followed by razing former occupied lands, which i shall say again violates the treaty. If you refuse at least an apology then it shall be war between our nations." Byron said in a calm voice.

He was then notified that a transmission from the Cascadians was received and it seemed they wanted a direct reply. He opened up his minor communications terminal and replied.

"To our friends the Cascadians, a peace talk between me and the Rockian leader would be fine. However i suggest that the Risers are included as they were the receiver of the event that happened. I shall come to Portland however i must stress that things are delicate and the meeting will only have two outcomes, establishment of peace  or further bloodshed."

Emperor Byron then secretly ordered the military on full alert as a potential invasion or being invaded was heavily possible. This extended to the reserves, who were now fully active bringing the army to an active 7.5 million men. More ships, aircraft, and a Sky Platform was ordered. The Mech Forces and Avalon-E's, who were kept shut down for the civil war, were activated and put on high alert. Byron also ordered the Intelligence Agency to begin espionage on the Rockies to find any weak points. Finally Emperor Byron ordered the commencement of PROJECT: Everest, of which the specifications are not known.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Wickedkent
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The building's corridors were stainless,clean as if it hadn't ever been abondoned it was also decorated with portraits of people important,Genghis Khan,Lenin,Stalin,Galiyev,Atatürk,Timur,Mehmed ect. along with countless banners belonging to the tribes that had fallen to the Tuvan state.''What do you think of the display Comrade Pavel? The Portraits are all made by the Finest Art Students of the Kyzyl Academy.'' he said and sounded proud with it.and in the end of the corridor stood one door.A guard standing by it opened it for the General Secratary.inside was a grand room with spoils of conquest litering the walls and a Grand Chair just infront of a massive Tuvan flag.Ak-ool took his steat then gestured pavel to take a seat on one of the chairs opposite of his.''Let us speak of Diplomacy then comrade.'' he said.

The building's corridors were stainless,clean as if it hadn't ever been abondoned it was also decorated with portraits of people important,Genghis Khan,Lenin,Stalin,Galiyev,Atatürk,Timur,Mehmed ect. along with countless banners belonging to the tribes that had fallen to the Tuvan state.''What do you think of the display Comrade Pavel? The Portraits are all made by the Finest Art Students of the Kyzyl Academy.'' he said and sounded proud with it.and in the end of the corridor stood one door.A guard standing by it opened it for the General Secratary.inside was a grand room with spoils of conquest litering the walls and a Grand Chair just infront of a massive Tuvan flag.Ak-ool took his steat then gestured pavel to take a seat on one of the chairs opposite of his.''Let us speak of Diplomacy then comrade.'' he said.


Pavel looked at the portraits. "Ahh, glorious Stalin. Rest in piece." He would continue following Ak-ool and then respond. "Well at least you have them. The only portraits we own are drawn by select few people, and most of it is of the previous premier." He continued following him. After taking a seat on the right, he heard him say that line. He thought to himself. *"Oh shit. Diplomacy?"* He would then look at him still smiling, but screaming internally. "Ahh Yes, indeed. So you need resources for the mines and the TSR? Comrade Ak-ool?"
Ak-ool chuckled a bit.''That is what we say to the public yes but we have more in mind.'' he said.''You see comrade,Tuva is not exactly the best Nation,we have limited resources other than a few gold and coal mines and even then we don't have the necesarry equipment extract my War coun...Ministry of Defense has devised a plan to Librate Northern Siberia. and For that Our Glorious Red Army needs equipment.and who else would supply a Revolutionary state other than our Communist Comrades in West.'' he said.''Ofcourse in return we will give you something every one would love to have...Gold.Enough to re-eastebelish the Gold standart for the Ruble Comrade.'' he added.

The CAF, with assistance from the other countries, is slowly but surely pushing back. The remains of the army are mostly the highly loyal Nigerian Guard and a few loyal men who were pending on the Nigerian Guard. The estimates of remaining men are somewhere around 50k remaining men, most of whom are armed with laser rifles, There are roughly 500 Stryker class heavy bombers and 1200 Elysian class fighters remaining of the air fore, and the Navy was completely wiped out after a massive bombing run by the Rebels. The majority of the Mechanized vehicles and tanks were in the Nigerian Guard and have joined up with our forces, leaving us with 1200 heavy tanks and 7500 Mechanized vehicles.

The Remains of the nation are largely in the Mauritanian region west of the old Capital of Nigeria. 

Bamako, Mauretania Region

The army, now supported by the Vestanians and Singaporeans and led by wise military tactician Abayomi Chahine is planning the last push. the majority of the Mechanzied trucks are fitted with sand tracks, which means an assault through the Saharan alongside the majority of the tanks will attack from the north of Nigeria, likely cutting off tens of thousands of Summaists from supply, thus allowing a quick blow from the west and east to crush them, then a regrouping and a swift movement east to Lagos, the old Capital. Should this work, the Capital will be reclaimed along with the majority of the population, who are currently displeased with the death of the old Prime Minister, which will allow a quick conscription of forces from the west to allow a swift and decisive attack on the Capital fort of the Summaists in Kinshasha, which is currently being fortified. Should the attack go well, the men can swiftly move in and crush the Summaist Resistance once and for all. It is hoped that if the attack on Abuja be very successful, the other nations of the world will send expeditionary forces or volunteer forces to assist the CAF.
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Ryan watched as the reinforcements frim his newfound allies came in, he walked to their commander, directing them to escort and defend a just now leaving construction party. Ryan walks back to an armory, taking stock of weaponry. He picks a really banged up AK-47 up, pulling back the slide and watches it jam. He holds it in one hand and takes,it up to his office, setting it down on his desk and taking it apart, proceeding to clean it.
((Not a lot of time, so yeah))


A patriotic call for rebuilding of affected Vestan cities, predicted to finish in two months.

the mass attack with 200,000 forces to the surrounding countryside with assistance from AA guns,50 fighter jets, and 200 tank units. Losses: 4,000 troops and 5 tanks.

 Also, the donation of 40,000 advanced troops to the CAF positions, 500  tanks and 200 special hacking units.


He separated from the Group and went to his office. He sighed an thought about the recent happenings. War and death everywhere. He then looked at his window and turned it to an interface. He checked the current status of the army and frowned. He called for Lloyd.

"Hello, Lloyd" He said "Is the mass production of the Vicent-War Class finished?" 

"Yes it is" He said "They are ready to be deployed."

"Good. Deploy 5,000 to the military and keep the 15,000 as reserve" Lelouch replied "I also want a mass production of all our aircrafts and tanks"

"Got that" He replied "I have a question. When will that thing be created?"

"Soon, very soon" Lelouch replied with a smile "It would take 2 years at most to produce 2 of them, the main and it's sister." Lloyd nodded and his face disappeared from the interface. Lelouch stood and waved his hands. The blueprints of the Ship was shown. He then sent a message to Emperor Bryon.

"Greeting Emperor Bryon. We have a project to propose. A project that would take us farther in space, both in distance and understanding. A space frigrate, capable of combat and research. We would like to make them together with you, as you are the most advanced Empire in Earth and would be essential in making this."


Estimated time of completion- 6 Years or so.

@Loyal Guardian
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Ak-ool chuckled a bit.''That is what we say to the public yes but we have more in mind.'' he said.''You see comrade,Tuva is not exactly the best Nation,we have limited resources other than a few gold and coal mines and even then we don't have the necesarry equipment extract my War coun...Ministry of Defense has devised a plan to Librate Northern Siberia. and For that Our Glorious Red Army needs equipment.and who else would supply a Revolutionary state other than our Communist Comrades in West.'' he said.''Ofcourse in return we will give you something every one would love to have...Gold.Enough to re-eastebelish the Gold standart for the Ruble Comrade.'' he added.


He looked around himself before taking out a ridiculously small box with photos inside of it. "Welp never thought I'd ever have to use this thing." He took out some small photographs of random symbols, and takes out another box. Proceeding to open that one and take out more relevant, yet folded up photos.

He displayed photos of guns first, then vehicles currently available second. 

[Pretend this is a gallery instead of a spoiler. Also there will be dialogue in here...]


"We own 42,000 AK-74s, They are modified to load in 50 rounds. Because of this, and the bigger caliber of rounds. The magazine is a slightly larger. The bullets are protected by glass, and is also one of the two things keeping the bullets inside of it precisely. These cost 700 to buy."


"We own currently 300 Gatling guns, all hold 500 rounds and is capable of being carried. It is mainly recommended for heavy troops or to be mounted first though. These cost 1,000 to buy."


"We own quite a lot of Uboinik shotguns, They load around five shells and the shells can be attached to the gun. These cost 300 to buy."


"We own alot of these as well. We own multiple variations, from regular Pipebombs, to sticky Pipebombs, and even up to sticky incendiaries. These cost 70 to buy."



"We only own one of these, We made it but lended it to the gallians. 








30 - 32T

Top speed

60km/h area

Engine power

800hp (597kW) at 2800rpm




Theimer 40-88mm KwK cannon
Theimer 12.7mm tank machine gun
Mortar Rounds
Specially crafted smoke rounds

It is called the Edelweiss. It has a very large gun styled like a 88, but due to the tanks size it is longer and wider. The ropes on it hide detachment points in which if the gun is broken, they can be detached to continue using. It lacks a hull machinegun for armour purposes, but multiple can be mounted on the roof and the turret has one. It owns a ragnite engine which makes the tank lighter and somewhat more fuel friendly. But on some tanks they require radiators on the back to vent steam. We can't give you this one permanently, but you can use it. It costs 42,000 to buy."


"We own a thousand or so of these, I don't quite remember. We call them ZIS-151s and are bigger and can carry more than the ZIS-5 replicas we own. The driver cabin was designed to be slick, and have bullet proof glass. It has a ragnite engine and only needs to be fed a ragnite ore twice for every 215 miles. They are the most fuel-friendly vehicle we own. These are 8,000 to buy 10."


"This is the recent entry to the IS series of heavy tanks. We found a effective way to keep designing heavy tanks, make them lighter, but still keep them effective and heavily armoured. Due to their new engines and radiators it is lighter than usual, and slightly faster than a regular heavy tank. But it has quite a large barrel and is equally as wide. It can't be used as a artillery piece, but it is capable of firing larger shells. Though it doesn't have a big gun like the Edelweiss so it can't fire mortar shells, and it is not effectively designed to fire smoke rounds. It, like the Edelweiss. Lacks a second machinegun in the hull for armour purposes, but it does have a inside rack for machineguns, or one can be mounted on the top. We have 17 of these with 7 of which we can sell. These are 17,000 to buy."

"We have a multiple-resource-currency between rubles, Gold, and high caliber bullets. Some yggdist cultists accept blue glowing ores called ragnite for currency. I am not one. This is all we have at the moment, or at least what I have on me anyway, that we can give. You can pay for them now or later, we also accept credit cards." He proceeded to pull out a credit card reader. "Though due to mining operations we already have a abundance of resources such as steel and other metals. And the high prices of the vehicles above are because they come with fuel. Only the trucks however have a engine designed for multiple forms of fuel such as regular oil."


Ryan watched as the reinforcements frim his newfound allies came in, he walked to their commander, directing them to escort and defend a just now leaving construction party. Ryan walks back to an armory, taking stock of weaponry. He picks a really banged up AK-47 up, pulling back the slide and watches it jam. He holds it in one hand and takes,it up to his office, setting it down on his desk and taking it apart, proceeding to clean it.

Kurt and his forces would proceed to escort them, the APCT goes ahead, The tank remains to the side, and the truck remains behind them. 


["Wars/Battles would be under moderator supervision, as to prevent either side from being carried away. One combatant would have to wait for the other combatant to respond in order to continue. If one of the combatants are inactive for 3 days or more, the other one may continue.~agent"]

The svalbard invasion force of sword proceed to svalbard. They near ever closer to the island but remain farther away, they begin readying themselves for the beach/cliff assaults. At this time some more of the third landing party of Juno would be in position in the east they would slowly float towards Svalbard but would wait for the rest of their party. The landing party of selv would now have occupied more of the western side of the island. Unlike Juno and some of sword, they wouldn't take any prisoners except of high ranks. All parties would remain alert of the skies due to their last attack. In precaution, all valkyrur would have their Lances held high. Selv would have 5 of them, sword would have 4 of them, and Juno would have 3. Their flames capable of being seen through the fog of war, but the flame would only be on/surround them instead of engulfing them and close by surroundings of them. Making them appear as if they're glowing rather on fire.

Some ships would move to other sides, or if need be they would go to other parties. Selv would consist of 44,000 including 5 valkyrur/Valkyries, and 20 claymore units. Sword would have 4 of them including 30,000 and 20 claymore units. All while Juno would have 6,000 including 3 valks and 7 claymore units. The closest to svalbard is sword and they are one of the two bulks of the invasion. With Juno acting like a terrorist cell to obtain as many prisoners as possible. The second closest is selv, which at this point have thousands of units to the lower west and south west, with the closest units having closed in on the direct west. Food would be given to the disavowed eclipsian soldiers, and the other troops would also eat this days rations. By this time it would only be about time before the cliffs and beaches would be hit. Some valk' units or claymores occasionally would dive for more food and place them in crates of ragnite, only protected by multiple layers of cloth from touching them. The claymores would spend longer and gather more fish, only some of them freezing from the temperature due to some of them with a lack of full temperature control.



Infantry machinegun project: 38% complete.

The first prototype is tested on the range, the gun over heated after a constant fire of 28 rounds. Also in this endless barrage, The kick was so intensive that it could knock over a elephant. This was taken into consideration and the gun would be worked on for both recoil and overheating. Otherwise work would continue as per usual.
Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

A summit with the Empire's leaders was called. The governors from each province, the general's cabinet, the ministers of each province's, the high minister, and the Emperor himself was apart of this meeting to discuss national issues. First off was the Eclipsian Space Agency, or the ESA, and their funding. Currently funding only enables them to send satellites for military, communications, and entertainment usage with very little satellites in orbit doing scientific research. The summit decided to increase funding for the ESA and announce the commencement to send men and women to the Moon to build a permanent research station and launch pad. All international bodies were invited to send their own astronauts if they wanted to take part in this expedition. It was also announced that the long term goal was to have permanent research stations on Mars.

Next was the current economic situation. While the economy has recovered from the civil war better than expected, it lasting effects have many believing that the economy of the nation shall be forever tainted from the conflict. The current economic system was different in every province but was still overlooked by main government so things didn't get out of hand. Now the system is somewhat collapsing as the provinces are desperately trying to balance themselves, with only a few being successful. In the empire an outdated law didn't say, allow, or specify the need for a unitary currency and with each new emperor came a new currency. The only one to refuse to introduce such a thing was Emperor Byron but this still had three different currencies being used by the provinces, meaning the each province had its own currency to use. The summit agreed upon that a unitary currency was to be established and so the Eclipsian Kar was established as the country's official currency.

The next issue was the factor of current relations with the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies. The summit members reviewed the evidence and bickered many times on what should be done with the situation. Emperor Byron was to go to Portland soon, however the actions at this summit would decide everything before the Portland meeting even took place. After many hours of fighting and arguing it was decided to be put to a vote. It was either go to war with the Rockies and maintain the Riser Alliance or end the Alliance with the Risers and attempt to normalize relations with the Rockies. The 97 men and women voted on what the resolution should be. It was 48-47 in favor of war until High Minister Draco voted against war. With the decision split 48-48 the vote rested on Emperor Byron's hands, who was very conflict about the situation. On one hand he is a person who honors alliances and agreements, while on the other he wants to avoid war as much as possible. After reviewing the prospects, he voted against war making the decision 48-49 in favor of the latter. With that a transmission was sent to the Risers that the alliance has been terminated and a another transmission was sent to the Rockians apologizing for everything done and stating they would like to normalize relations. The reserves were put off active duty and the Mech Force was deactivated, open trade with the Rockies was established, and the Eclipse Empire requesting to join the Rockies stock market. An invitation to join the NWA was also sent.

The next day the summit then moved to see if the government it self needed to change. While the current system has allowed democratic elections within the empire, it also allowed for some corruption to spread on the minor levels which can later effect the upper levels. It was then decided a referendum was to be established asking the empire's citizens if a new government system was wanted. The Referendum asked this:

To the citizens of the Eclipse Empire, your government would like to ask you if a government change is desired for you. Here are your following options:

  • Remain the same government as is now
  • Reform the government as a Unitary Republic
  • Reform the government as a Democratic Republic
  • Reform the government as a Federation
  • Reform the government as a Constitutional Monarchy

The later results showed a three way split between the constitutional monarchy , unitary republic, and federation. A second referendum as asked with those three and with the current system and it was narrowed down to a Federation and Constitutional Monarchy. A third and final referendum was inconclusive, as it was a practical fifty-fifty split so a vote within a second summit two weeks after the first was to decide the fate of the country. Having to choose between these two, in a shocking turn the vote was 59-38 in favor of a Federation. And so the Eclipse Empire's twenty-four provinces was cut down do eight federated states, with the Religious Province still being an autonomous area and the size of it increase. The empire's flag was changed as well. And lastly the Eclipse Empire was no more and the Eclipsian Federation was born with Emperor Byron, now President Byron, remaining as its leader. Not only that, but the newly founded federation took the chance by claiming and taking over the territory formerly belonging to Mongolia. Soon after the Shanghai Agreements were honored and the appropriate amount of land was given to the Singaporean Federation.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Albion @Kazami42 @High Moon @Wickedkent @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @VenomSlayer @AGustOfWind @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87


  • Eclipsian Space Agency given more funding
  • ESA planning for major mission to the Moon and later on Mars, asks for International aid
  • A unitary currency is established, the Eclipsian Kar, improving the economy and businesses increase
  • War with the Rockies is narrowly avoided by a 49-48 decision
  • The Riser-Eclipsian alliance is terminated and all projects with them end
  • Trade, attempting to establish friendly relations, and joining the Rockies stock market with the Rockies is started
  • the Rockies are invited to the NWA
  • The Shanghai Agreements are fully committed
  • The Eclipse Empire is officially and peacefully replaced by the Eclipsian Federation, with Byron still head of government

View attachment worrrr.png

(What the world should currently look like right now @Agent141)

Eclipsian Federation.png

(The new flag of the country, with each star representing each of the federated republics and the red sun representing the eclipse)

Eclipsian Republics.png

(Map of the current republics within the Eclipsian Federation)
Socialist Union of Tuvan-Altai,Kyzyl

''You see comrade Pavel,I think you didn't get me.'' said Ak-ool with a slight frown.''So I will make it plain and simple for you.Tuvan-Altai requires Steel and Iron and the Red Army needs Heavy weaponary such as Tanks ,and Gold will be the way we will pay for those necesities.'' he said.''Now you better bring our terms of Trade to your Premier,and don't forget to tell we as the Communist Party of Tuva would like to expand our effrots of co-opperation with your Goverment.such as opening of Embassies.'' he said.


Socialist Union of Tuvan-Altai,Eastern Border


The Horde of Horseman fallowed the General as they made their way towards the unknown regions of old USSR.fallowed by a few working Trucks that were carrying Prisoners who were to be deported to new areas.

(Libration/Colonization of Siberia begins)
Radium Hot Springs

An attendant with a smile on his face burst into the room. "War has been avoided! The Eclipsians have decided to avoid war and have even proposed trade!" King Albert sighed with relief. "That is very good. Tell them that Eclipsian businesses are perfectly allowed to list on the RSE, and they can have fishing rights on the Australian coast. If they wish to further negotiate, we are perfectly open to talks." All of the nobles who had been in the capitol for the past month were allowed to return home, as the nation was no longer in a state of emergency. The King turned back and checked the digital world map that had all alliances, wars, claims, trade deals, and other such things marked. He looked at it and realized that the Eclipsian-Rising alliance was no longer active. He pondered this, and decided that this would definitely play into future negotiations.

@Loyal Guardian


Ships with Rockian colonists were sailing north, to claim the Kamchatka peninsula. The ships landed, and many camps and other makeshift settlements were set up. Rockian flags were set up and fortifications protected vulnerable areas. A radio message was sent out to all nearby nations stating that this land was Rockian.

@High Moon@Loyal Guardian@Alteras@Anybodyelsenearby


The last of the radiation had been removed and it was finally time to begin rebuilding the cities of Old Canada. Colonists were moving in, everything was being rebuilt, and the city was beginning to look alive again. Calgary was not to be given to a Duke or Count, and instead would remain part of the Royal Demesne of the King. These would be the true cities of tomorrow, as Radium Hot Springs was simply too confined by the Rockies to ever grow truly large.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

The last of the ships created for the possible war with the Eclipse Empire had been completed, and while there was no war to fight, they would still be kept and added to the navy. The Rockian Navy was finally powerful enough to hold a strong grip on the seas.



Nation taken off of full threat mode.

Kamchatka claimed.

Begin rebuilding Canadian cities, particularly Calgary.

20 new cruisers, 15 new battleships, 5 new aircraft carriers.
Socialist Union of Tuvan-Altai,Kyzyl

''You see comrade Pavel,I think you didn't get me.'' said Ak-ool with a slight frown.''So I will make it plain and simple for you.Tuvan-Altai requires Steel and Iron and the Red Army needs Heavy weaponary such as Tanks ,and Gold will be the way we will pay for those necesities.'' he said.''Now you better bring our terms of Trade to your Premier,and don't forget to tell we as the Communist Party of Tuva would like to expand our effrots of co-opperation with your Goverment.such as opening of Embassies.'' he said.


Socialist Union of Tuvan-Altai,Eastern Border


The Horde of Horseman fallowed the General as they made their way towards the unknown regions of old USSR.fallowed by a few working Trucks that were carrying Prisoners who were to be deported to new areas.

(Libration/Colonization of Siberia begins)

"I'm just the guy that was sent to send you the message earlier comrade Ak-ool, I have no diplomatic-abilities. I apology if I did offend you in any way, But it can't be expected of a messenger to be able to speak diplomatically. But I will inform the premier of your request for you." If allowed, he would say his farewells and depart.


Radium Hot Springs

An attendant with a smile on his face burst into the room. "War has been avoided! The Eclipsians have decided to avoid war and have even proposed trade!" King Albert sighed with relief. "That is very good. Tell them that Eclipsian businesses are perfectly allowed to list on the RSE, and they can have fishing rights on the Australian coast. If they wish to further negotiate, we are perfectly open to talks." All of the nobles who had been in the capitol for the past month were allowed to return home, as the nation was no longer in a state of emergency. The King turned back and checked the digital world map that had all alliances, wars, claims, trade deals, and other such things marked. He looked at it and realized that the Eclipsian-Rising alliance was no longer active. He pondered this, and decided that this would definitely play into future negotiations.

@Loyal Guardian


Ships with Rockian colonists were sailing north, to claim the Kamchatka peninsula. The ships landed, and many camps and other makeshift settlements were set up. Rockian flags were set up and fortifications protected vulnerable areas. A radio message was sent out to all nearby nations stating that this land was Rockian.

@High Moon@Loyal Guardian@Alteras@Anybodyelsenearby


The last of the radiation had been removed and it was finally time to begin rebuilding the cities of Old Canada. Colonists were moving in, everything was being rebuilt, and the city was beginning to look alive again. Calgary was not to be given to a Duke or Count, and instead would remain part of the Royal Demesne of the King. These would be the true cities of tomorrow, as Radium Hot Springs was simply too confined by the Rockies to ever grow truly large.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

The last of the ships created for the possible war with the Eclipse Empire had been completed, and while there was no war to fight, they would still be kept and added to the navy. The Rockian Navy was finally powerful enough to hold a strong grip on the seas.



Nation taken off of full threat mode.

Kamchatka claimed.

Begin rebuilding Canadian cities, particularly Calgary.

20 new cruisers, 15 new battleships, 5 new aircraft carriers.

The message was quickly disregarded. As the imperials, gallians, and soviets currently have better things to do.


Eclipsim, Eclipse Empire

A summit with the Empire's leaders was called. The governors from each province, the general's cabinet, the ministers of each province's, the high minister, and the Emperor himself was apart of this meeting to discuss national issues. First off was the Eclipsian Space Agency, or the ESA, and their funding. Currently funding only enables them to send satellites for military, communications, and entertainment usage with very little satellites in orbit doing scientific research. The summit decided to increase funding for the ESA and announce the commencement to send men and women to the Moon to build a permanent research station and launch pad. All international bodies were invited to send their own astronauts if they wanted to take part in this expedition. It was also announced that the long term goal was to have permanent research stations on Mars.

Next was the current economic situation. While the economy has recovered from the civil war better than expected, it lasting effects have many believing that the economy of the nation shall be forever tainted from the conflict. The current economic system was different in every province but was still overlooked by main government so things didn't get out of hand. Now the system is somewhat collapsing as the provinces are desperately trying to balance themselves, with only a few being successful. In the empire an outdated law didn't say, allow, or specify the need for a unitary currency and with each new emperor came a new currency. The only one to refuse to introduce such a thing was Emperor Byron but this still had three different currencies being used by the provinces, meaning the each province had its own currency to use. The summit agreed upon that a unitary currency was to be established and so the Eclipsian Kar was established as the country's official currency.

The next issue was the factor of current relations with the Rising Empire and the Kingdom of the Rockies. The summit members reviewed the evidence and bickered many times on what should be done with the situation. Emperor Byron was to go to Portland soon, however the actions at this summit would decide everything before the Portland meeting even took place. After many hours of fighting and arguing it was decided to be put to a vote. It was either go to war with the Rockies and maintain the Riser Alliance or end the Alliance with the Risers and attempt to normalize relations with the Rockies. The 97 men and women voted on what the resolution should be. It was 48-47 in favor of war until High Minister Draco voted against war. With the decision split 48-48 the vote rested on Emperor Byron's hands, who was very conflict about the situation. On one hand he is a person who honors alliances and agreements, while on the other he wants to avoid war as much as possible. After reviewing the prospects, he voted against war making the decision 48-49 in favor of the latter. With that a transmission was sent to the Risers that the alliance has been terminated and a another transmission was sent to the Rockians apologizing for everything done and stating they would like to normalize relations. The reserves were put off active duty and the Mech Force was deactivated, open trade with the Rockies was established, and the Eclipse Empire requesting to join the Rockies stock market. An invitation to join the NWA was also sent.

The next day the summit then moved to see if the government it self needed to change. While the current system has allowed democratic elections within the empire, it also allowed for some corruption to spread on the minor levels which can later effect the upper levels. It was then decided a referendum was to be established asking the empire's citizens if a new government system was wanted. The Referendum asked this:

To the citizens of the Eclipse Empire, your government would like to ask you if a government change is desired for you. Here are your following options:

  • Remain the same government as is now
  • Reform the government as a Unitary Republic
  • Reform the government as a Democratic Republic
  • Reform the government as a Federation
  • Reform the government as a Constitutional Monarchy

The later results showed a three way split between the constitutional monarchy , unitary republic, and federation. A second referendum as asked with those three and with the current system and it was narrowed down to a Federation and Constitutional Monarchy. A third and final referendum was inconclusive, as it was a practical fifty-fifty split so a vote within a second summit two weeks after the first was to decide the fate of the country. Having to choose between these two, in a shocking turn the vote was 59-38 in favor of a Federation. And so the Eclipse Empire's twenty-four provinces was cut down do eight federated states, with the Religious Province still being an autonomous area and the size of it increase. The empire's flag was changed as well. And lastly the Eclipse Empire was no more and the Eclipsian Federation was born with Emperor Byron, now President Byron, remaining as its leader. Not only that, but the newly founded federation took the chance by claiming and taking over the territory formerly belonging to Mongolia. Soon after the Shanghai Agreements were honored and the appropriate amount of land was given to the Singaporean Federation.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Albion @Kazami42 @High Moon @Wickedkent @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @VenomSlayer @AGustOfWind @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87


  • Eclipsian Space Agency given more funding
  • ESA planning for major mission to the Moon and later on Mars, asks for International aid
  • A unitary currency is established, the Eclipsian Kar, improving the economy and businesses increase
  • War with the Rockies is narrowly avoided by a 49-48 decision
  • The Riser-Eclipsian alliance is terminated and all projects with them end
  • Trade, attempting to establish friendly relations, and joining the Rockies stock market with the Rockies is started
  • the Rockies are invited to the NWA
  • The Shanghai Agreements are fully committed
  • The Eclipse Empire is officially and peacefully replaced by the Eclipsian Federation, with Byron still head of government

View attachment 159930

(What the world should currently look like right now @Agent141)

View attachment 159940

(The new flag of the country, with each star representing each of the federated republics and the red sun representing the eclipse)

View attachment 159949

(Map of the current republics within the Eclipsian Federation)

Valerie from the redline itself sent a broadcast to the eclipse, asking what the requirements were.


More ragnite mining underneath izhevsky would continue. With a average of 3,000 miners, 1,000 armed guards, and 4,000 standby units to evacuate the tunnel should it collapse or a mining issue would occur. Valerie planned to eventually go to a prison to get prisoners to work, And thus less good people would have to risk death.


The landing party of Juno finally formed up. They would then proceed to head east, they would be the last on svalbard. The island was effectively encircled on the south-west, south-east, East, Some parts of the west, And the south. The final stages of phase one of the plan was commencing. Over the radio all units were told to proceed to the mainland. [I'll wait until after Saturday. I want a fair fight.]




[Accidentally posted early.]

Talking with the SRTA,

The message by the rockians was ignored,

Asked the eclipse about their space project,

Ragnite mining,

Continued the assault and invasion of svalbard. [It'll wait until after Saturday.]

Edited the post to add the summary.
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Republic of Cascadia



Los Angeles, Cascadia


Los Angeles, a city that stood testament to Cascadia's economic strength and ability to reconstruct entire cities from before the war, with LA standing almost the exact same as it did before the war started. Of course with some modifications done to the city planning in-order to solve many of the city's previous problems such as bad traffic, sewage and water pumping issues, with all those issues fixed the city blosomed like never before and expanded greatly despite only being rebuilt a few years ago. The Port of Los Angeles now exported and imported millions of tonnes of goods from countries all over the globe. It stood with a growing population and now the center of the reemerging international entertainment industry. Hollywood had already been producing movies for Cascadian audiences but were now looking out to foreign markets, for maxmimum profits of course, many of Cascadia's wealthy celebrities had chosen to live in the Hollywood or Beverly Hills to keep tradition in the film industry and new Cascadian companies such as Williams Inc. took prominent roles in the production and directing of new, blockbuster movies. The film companies had begun to reach out towards Singaporean, British and Eclipsian entertainment providers and government departments in-charge of entertainment overseeing for permission to begin showing their triple A films in their cinemas, along with these new Cascadian films that come out the government was able to retrieve many copies of iconic movies from the old world such as Star Wars and other beloved movies which have quickly become popular in Cascadia. Meanwhile the video game industry has begun booming in certain parts of Los Angeles alongside Seattle as new companies begin developing highly detailed games of all genres. New video game consoles such as the Iberia II and the Detax have also been released, being vast upgrades to the current generation gaming consoles, Alcaware and Xallea the two companies that developed these consoles have reached out to foreign markets as well to begin selling their consoles and Cascadian video games to their audiences as well. Music companies and producers are popping up all over Los Angeles as the city experiences a cultural boom with it fully fledged and continuing to expand. Cascadian music producers and developers, well known for making absolutely amazing music of all genres have also began expanding towards international markets.


Portland, Cascadia


Meanwhile in Portland, the government was more than happy to announce that the Portland Stock Exchange [PSX] has officially been opened to international investment, allowing Cascadian investors and companies to begin looking into foreign markets and their opportunities. Cascadian investors have in-particularly been interested in Singapore due to it's stable economy and the trust that Cascadian shipping companies have already put into the country by exporting and importing from them, Cascadia's dominant industries, technology, healthcare, entertainment and fashion have come out as the most lucrative compared to foreign companies around the same ideas, investment has been surprisingly low towards the Kingdom of the Rockies but that has been suspected to be solely because of their recent hostile tensions and warring state and that investor confidence will be restored in the Rockians within the next few months if all goes well with them and their economy. The economy of Cascadia has boosted once again with the opening to more international trading and investment opportunities however the Cascadian government has put somewhat strict regulations in place for both their own investors and foreign ones. This includes them retaining the right to shut down foreign investment and Cascadian investment in other nations at a moment's notice if they suspect that the foreign nation in question cannot provide an economy stable enough to protect Cascadian profit, along with this the government also retains their right to deny certain countries investment opportunities depending on relations with them. This is all to protect the solid stability of the economy and to ensure that it isn't put off-balance by anything.


The CDF has recieved its latest order of an additional 25 Arleigh Burke class two destroyers today, with an additional two aircraft carriers still in construction to add to the previous two constructed months ago, it has also announced the commencement of two new projects. Project Sitran and Project Malmiers, nothing has been reveiled about them for obvious reasons and they are expected to be two more astounding additions to the Cascadian armory. The F-38 having already proved it's dominance in the skies over any other fighter jet or aircraft. As of now Cascadia's population has been on the rise rapidly given government welfare plans in-place for families with more than three children, it has continued growing at an increased rate every year, from 24% last year which has jumped to 38% this year. President Jefferson has stated that government measures for population growth will continue until a stable, and effcient population has been reached where it will be encouraged to drop back down to reasonable, standard levels of growth, meanwhile the Vertex Corporation has announced it's latest phone. The Zali One, a portable hologram in the shape of a phone, so that the user can carry it conveniently and anywhere that he or she wishes to, given the expansion of international trading and business the Vertex Corporation has began exporting it's new phone to stores across the world.



Portland Stock Exchange [PSX] Opened to the world.

Government regulations put in-place for investment.

Los Angeles takes international music, film & gaming distribution/production.

New holographic phone on sale around the world.

Cascadian film companies reach out to Eclipsians, British, Singaporeans and Rockians.
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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Byron stepped out onto a podium and looked down at the papers. Previously when he was Emperor he wore a robe-like outfit, but now he was in a suit and tie which is something he wasn't to fond of. However he pushed aside his personal opinion to look the part as President. He had come out into the public, something he rarely did in the former empire. to give a public speech. He had been taught these things before, but never had to use them that much. He took a calm breath and began to speak.

"To the citizens of the new Eclipsian Federation, i would like to say what an honor it is to be this new nation's first president. I know this still extends my former rule as the last emperor of the old empire, but i promise to uphold this office with dignity, honor, and integrity. Recently we have come out of a deadly civil war, in fact the deadliest conflict since the world became a new, and now we have the perfect opportunity to eradicate the remaining militant Summaists left in the world. Despite all the changes the Ministers Summit made our military is still the most advanced, most largest, most capable, and most strongest force in the world. These Summaist think they could take us down? Well they were ill prepared to fight the full Eclipse war machine that it activated, even though that activation nearly cause a Third Canadian War. However i want to use my forces to finally rid this Earth of militant Summaists by formally declaring war on the Fascist/Summaist Government of the CAF. They can soon expect a rain of hell onto their followers and soldiers as the full might of the Eclipsian Federation bears down on them."

The crowd roared with applause and as he left the stage he thought that being President might not be half bad. Soon afterword he sent 1.5 Million soldiers and appropriate amount of equipment through the Hamuis border and on the way they swiftly defeat the Summaists on the countryside. Soon afterwards they reached the near middle of the former CAF and flooded forces through, killing every Fascist and Summaist they encountered. The Eclipsian army soon already had split the CAF in two and began to push East and West and hope to end the Summaist Revolt very soon.

Not only that but 1 million men sailed from the Bohai Bay and through Singaporean waters towards the Philippines. They then landed forces all over the archipelago and the massive army, led by Admiral Umberion, quickly captured its objectives and meet with small elements of the Singaporean force. The army within days was able to accomplish what the Singaporeans couldn't do, secure much of the archipelago and push forward deep into Summaist held territories. Umberion knew that permission was most likely needed to have his army enter Singaporean territory, however he figured they wouldn't mind and plus Byron's order to "Eradicate them all" still applied until the Summaist Revolt ends. Eclipsian analysts predict both the interventions in Africa and the Philippines will end quickly in favor of Eclipsian and allied forces.

Oort Research Station, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The head scientist was looking over the current project details. He pushed up his glasses and sighed. He knew that the country had the capability of doing this on it's own, but the project's mission was a long shot at best. An intercom came on in his office requesting that he come to the lab to look over new elements. He put the papers on his desk and walked out the doors towards th lab. The papers read Solas Drive-Experimental Prototype.

Helios Communications Center, Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The radio officer had been ordered to release details of requirements to the international bodies if they wished to join the ESA on the new Moon Expedition. He then opened up the channels and sent the message.

"To the international bodies who wish to aid the ESA in the upcoming mission, we would like to release the requirements for said mission so you can chose the appropriate astronauts. These men or women must have extensive knowledge in the fields of mathematics, astronomy, and architecture for building constructs a space-like atmosphere. They also must have 20-20 vision and a high reaction speed. Some prescriptions are allowed, but must be sent to the ESA for it to evaluate the eye sight of said persons. They also must have high physical and mental durability. If potential candidates have a history of vertigo, sleep-related illnesses, and mental issues like PTSD they shall not be considered even if they fit all the previous requirements. That is all and i hope the international governments accept the Eclipsian invitation to join this mission."

After he was done he changed the communications channel towards the Cascadians and sent them a message directly.

"To the Cascadians, film and entertainment leaders around the Eclipsian Federation have agreed to the Cascadian proposal to extend your film and entertainment industry towards us however the government of the federation would like for us to do the same with you, but in a more minor form."

@Alteras @Albion @Kazami42 @Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Charlie12520   

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