The World of Tomorrow

He would scream in agony. "Please, just let me go home! Why are you sick Gallians doing this!"

"Because. I," she hit him again. "AM NOT" she hit him again. "A GALLIAN!" She would hit him one final time. "If I was a gallian I would not be allowed to torture you right now. There is no sympathy, there is no hope, and there is no care here. I do honestly feel sorry for you, and that you have been mislead about them. However now is all which matters and you can't fix the past. I will not be called a gallian, I am not a gallian, I do not work nor go near a gallian, and I sure as hell don't wear white and blue. I will never be with them, and I will not be lowered to their equality standards. I will not accept to be called by their name, and I shall not stand for this disrespect." She would hit him twice while still smiling. "Now what am I?" @Lordvader59
"Because. I," she hit him again. "AM NOT" she hit him again. "A GALLIAN!" She would hit him one final time. "If I was a gallian I would not be allowed to torture you right now. There is no sympathy, there is no hope, and there is no care here. I do honestly feel sorry for you, and that you have been mislead about them. However now is all which matters and you can't fix the past. I will not be called a gallian, I am not a gallian, I do not work nor go near a gallian, and I sure as hell don't wear white and blue. I will never be with them, and I will not be lowered to their equality standards. I will not accept to be called by their name, and I shall not stand for this disrespect." She would hit him twice while still smiling. "Now what am I?" @Lordvader59


She would readjust her collar. "Damn boy." She would leave the cell and be heard opening another one. She would return back to the original cell with 12 other people with her with varying height and apparel. Some would have orange jumpsuits, some would only have orange jumpsuit pants with or without a white tank-top shirt, white bandanas, And a uncountable assortment of tattoos. She would then look back at the man, "Apologize to your queen. Now."
She would readjust her collar. "Damn boy." She would leave the cell and be heard opening another one. She would return back to the original cell with 12 other people with her with varying height and apparel. Some would have orange jumpsuits, some would only have orange jumpsuit pants with or without a white tank-top shirt, white bandanas, And a uncountable assortment of tattoos. She would then look back at the man, "Apologize to your queen. Now."

A look of realization comes over him "I'm... sorry... please... don't kill me. I just wanna go home."

(Edit: Is the man bound?)
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A look of realization comes over him "I'm... sorry... please... don't kill me. I just wanna go home."

"Oh I don't want anyone to die, I just wish to train them." A devilish grin could be seen on her face. "Who is the original queen of the continent?" She asked.
"Oh I don't want anyone to die, I just wish to train them." A devilish grin could be seen on her face. "Who is the original queen of the continent?" She asked.

"There is no... queen of a continent. I don't know what continent I'm on. I have people back home, who care about me, a family. They will pay a ransom, assuming that's what you want."
"There is no... queen of a continent. I don't know what continent I'm on. I have people back home, who care about me, a family. They will pay a ransom, assuming that's what you want."

 "I have no use for money, I make my own". She would then look at anither occupant in the cell. "What's your opinion?"
"My opinion is that we don't have much a choice."

she would stop smiling. "Nobody likes a downer." Another woman in the group could be heard saying: "Come on boys! It's time for a gangbang!" And thus they dragged away that one person. She would ignore that and look back at the other guy. "Well this has been fun, I'll be back later." She abruptly leaves as a random person would bring in normal food for the prisoners and then leave.
The Empire has put into plans the Betterment of Society Act, which reorganizes the schooling system, focusing on the sciences in the hopes of making a generation of scientist so that they may catch up with the other nations. In other news, a second Act has been passed increasing the funding of the building of the Magrail comapnies, the Automotive industries, and the armaments industries in case the VV - Cascadian war comes upon their soil. The Third and final act is to begin the process of building a small mining fleet to analyze and mine the asteroid belt, which, within three years time is expected to produce somewhere in the vicinity of 1.3 trillion dollars for the gdp, which will then be used to improve the nation as a whole.
don't know how to delete rn so im just editing this away.
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Southern Mexico, Republic of Cascadia

An army of almost 3 million arrived in Southern Mexico, meeting with Cascadian troops and leaders. They socialized somewhat, talking about sports and cultural things about their countries. General Centauri and General Frios were in charge of the army. Rear Admiral Zhang, the first Chinese-decent to take up a military command during major operations, was in charge of the fleet. A few hundred transports, 250 Corvettes, 120 Frigates, 80 Destroyers, 5 Aircraft Carriers, and 2 Jovian Sky Platforms were sent to the coasts to assault important positions.

Just like with the Quebec Campaign, a massive aerial bombarding took place over important targets and troop movements. Their were only three differences from the Quebec Campaign: Vestan air defense was proving to be a tad bit stronger than Rockian, the Rockains were their allies, and this plan was not scrapped in favor of peace. The campaign, which was called the Amazon-Andes Aerial Campaign, was a massive success as it only took a entire week to destroy important military installations, factories, and troop trails. Then...... the command was made. Three million Eclipsian soldiers stormed in from the north, taking massive swaths of land. Within just another week Eclipsian troops had already taken Central America, Northern Colombia, Lake Maracaibo, and the Greater Guiana area.

Thanks to the Amazon-Andes Campaign, Eclipsian and allies air force units were able to secure initial air domination. An important battle was the Battle of Maracaibo, where elements of the Eclipsian navy heavily bombarded enemy naval and infantry positions. Coinciding was the Eclipsian Air Force striking artillery batteries and boldly attacking anti-air positions, which resulted in the loss of a few Eclipsian fighters and bombers. Then the infantry made beach heads from the lake and came in from land. It was a near encirclement and within three days the entire area was under Eclipsian control.

Soon after the battle a contingent force was sent to the Galapagos to meet with Rockian forces. This was a historic moment as the two countries, once bitter enemies, greeted each other with open arms and friendship. There plans were drafted to invade the Chilean and Ecuadorian coasts, while at the same time launching an aerial campaign to make sure that southern Vestan lands wouldn't prove to be a challenge.

And finally, to secure naval and trade dominance, Eclipsian naval forces blockaded most of the Brazilian coasts. Multiple attempts were made to break it, but the technological superiority of the Eclipsian navy showed and was able to fend off the attacks. All of these events happened within two weeks, and military analysts see the war to end soon unless the Vestans can pull out a large enough offensive to stall the Eclipsian-Cascadian-Rockian forces. Either way, the massive offensive lead to a moral boost in the allied forces and gave confidence to them as even if the Vestans can mount a counter-offensive, victory is almost 100% guaranteed.

Not only that, but the Vestans tried to claim that it was all an accident prior to these events. This greatly angered the public of the Eclipsian Federation, which promoted the offensive to happen early.

@Domini Regum @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord 

Second Vestan War (Vestan War for Rockies and Cascadia)

December, 3255 - Ongoing

Vestan War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Republic of Cascadia
  • Kingdom of the Rockies

Belligerent 2:

  • Vadmr Vestan
The Empire, recogizing the fall of the VV is eminent, has offered a trade deal quietly to the Eclipse Empire.

 @Loyal Guardian

The Empire is also beginnng to build a massive array of solar panels.


Reactors: 1%

Farms: 2%

Research: 1.5%

New Arms Factories: 1%

Magrails: 1%

New Self Driving Cars: 1%

Estimated project cost for the year: 500 Billion
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Northern Brazil

/>"November Actual, this is Romeo 5-1. Flight of two F-38's on station, orbiting east, 29 miles, at angels 15. Standard ordinance package designation: Whisky Sierra 01, over."</

/>"Romeo 5-1, November 2. Confirmed flight of two F-38's, you are to continue pressing eastwards towards a Victor Hotel in the tall, red bricked three story tall apartment building, how copy?"</

/>"Interrogative, Actual. Repeat description of Victor Hotel, over."</

/>"I say again on description, a red bricked apartment building with three stories. Call contact on a four lane highway to your south, over?"</


/>"An enemy convoy proceeding northwards on said highway towards downtown, consisting of 8 enemy tanks and 4 infantry squads, call contact?"</


/>"Approximately 0.5 clicks from that highway to the east there will be a three story tall apartment building, call contact?"</


/>"You are cleared to level that building with extreme prejudice, copy?"</

/>"Solid, engaging apartment building with main cannon, Romeo 5-1 out."</

Audio taken from a radio transcript between a JTAC controller on the ground and two F-38 fighter jets that were in the area that had been ordered to eliminate a VV holdout in a small city in Northern Brazil. The mission was a success and all enemies were destroyed in the gun run, events like this were now common place throughout northern Brazil as a force of 2.1 million Cascadian troops supported the Eclipsian force in multiple roles, the CNDF secured the seas and dozens upon dozens of highly advanced Portland class submarines ensured that the Eclipsian fleets were safe from VV attack, the F-38 played a very important role in securing the skies over Vadmr Vestan meanwhile Cascadian casualties were very low given the quality of medical equipment that the CDF regularly had with their forces on deployment, many accounts of expertly trained Cascadian platoons beating enemy forces twice their size from sheer training alone whilst the M1A3 Abrams serves as the backbone to many of their crushing advances on the enemy, piercing through any kind of armor that the enemy tanks attempt to field against them with ease. Cascadia has taken a large section of northern Vadmr Vestan now and is temporarily fortifying it whilst they prepare with their Eclipsian and Rockian counterparts for the future advances into enemy territory.

A fleet of 80 or so Portland class submarines has been rumored to be patrolling the South American coastlines now, sinking Vestan ships left, right and center as they attempt to get to the Cascadian and Eclipsian fleets blockading them. These hunter-killer subs have proven themselves worthy of a notorious reputation among the enemy forces and have so far already claimed a few dozen ships. The real number of submarines in the area though is unconfirmed as the CNDF prefers to keep it withheld for good reasons, the Cascadian people have been in full blown celebration of their campaign against the country that believed it could steal from them and get off scott free, with President Jefferson hosting a party for government officials and celebrities alike in her Presidential Residence to celebrate the ongoing success of the campaign. The Cascadian response has been very efficient so far, blending an aggressive, shock & awe approach whilst maintaining strong supply lines and fortifications in the territory already captured.

The Cascadian Defense Force has by far proved it's worth on the global scale as a fierce, heavily armed, technologically advanced and expertly trained fighting force capable of any kind of operation against another world power. It has also proven the Cascadian Senate's belief of maintaining government funding towards the CDF despite Cascadia being a peaceful nation and has fueled patriotism to the Republic and it's armed forces, all Cascadian troops that have so far been killed in battle have been immediately flown back to Cascadia for a funeral with full military honors. General Wyoming and General Summers of the CDGF have been in cooperation with Generals Centauri and Frios of the Eclipsian Army, with the CNDF and Eclipsian Navy requiring less communications due to the lower threat of a Vestan naval counterattack. Although Admiral Hampton has kept a direct line to Rear Admiral Zhang in the event that it is needed, 6 aircraft carriers, 200 Arleigh Burke II class destroyers, 190 Tinconderoga mark 2 missile cruisers, 80-100 Portland class submarines, 95 Cascadia class guided missile cruisers and 50 Zumwalt Mark 2 destroyers have all been deployed as part of the Cascadian naval contribution. Although so far the Cascadian advance has slowed as the CDF begins to entrench itself.

@Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum

Vestan War

December, 3255 - Ongoing

"Recent Cascadian gains"


(Territory gain has slowed down on the Cascadian side as of now)
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A great offensive of 500,000 troops was launched. The coast was bombarded, and men poured onto the beaches. Gunfire was heard for hours, and laser flashes were seen through the night. Eventually, Chilean Patagonia and Santiago were captured, however the rest was putting up fierce resistance. A message was sent to the Eclipse Federation and Cascadia, discussing what each nation would gain from this war.

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone@Domini Regum
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Locomotive repair project: 50%.

After the Soviet locomotive was eventually sent back for repairs multiple teams that weren't busy on the naval project would repair the train and do slight modification to allow it to be powered by ragnite which is very simple, and very similar to coal. It would take another month to be finished, as all that was done this month was replacement of the brakes and modifying the fuel source a slight bit.


Ragnite munitions project: 20%.

The next phase of ragnite testing had begun, while another science team handled with the Lance accuracy problem. They were testing ragnite based mortar shells and grenades. Work would begin.


Naval project: 32%.

The returned svalbard "special units" would be reallocated to help with the naval project. A warship class was nearly completed, with all that was remaining was the four side pillboxes and emergency systems and hoses and piping, and work could then be moved on to the other four ships. The second most focused on warship class was the rig version. The ship with a extended hull. It would be used for transportation, but would have some weapons on it for self defense. It was basically the longer version of the red October by a small bit. 


Nuclear repairs project: 100%.

The nuke was completed and the silo was repowered again. The nuke would be kept under guard and remain "unarmed" unless a situation demanded the use of such force.  


Pavle spent his time working at the exhibition Inn as it was now called. Only occasionally having to return to military duty, but Valerie assigned him there to spend more time with Heather. When she was capable of being smuggled out of the citadel. While hunter spent his time on the surface helping convoys to proceed moving through sparsely populated land. The emperor was watching a DVD TV Series on a TV. It was called the office, and was translated into Russian prewar. He finds the russian translation humorous as the majority of it is out of context or broken Russian.
Ryan stepped out of the truck as the workmen unloaded and started to finish up the road. He walked to the tank that escorted them, climbed up the side, and knocked on the commanders hatch. @Kazami42
Ryan stepped out of the truck as the workmen unloaded and started to finish up the road. He walked to the tank that escorted them, climbed up the side, and knocked on the commanders hatch. @Kazami42
Ryan stepped out of the truck as the workmen unloaded and started to finish up the road. He walked to the tank that escorted them, climbed up the side, and knocked on the commanders hatch. @Kazami42

A large sound of something steel and heavy moving could be heard until the hatch opened. Kurt poked his head out and then his body after looking around. He then noticed Ryan and looked at him. "Yes?"


At Svalbard.

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"How has the past escorting been, tanker?" Ryan asked, his AK hanging down by his waist. "Easy pickings for advanced soldiers like your country has, I'm am very grateful for your prescence." He told the man that opened the hatch. "What is your country like?" He asked. @Kazami42
"How has the past escorting been, tanker?" Ryan asked, his AK hanging down by his waist. "Easy pickings for advanced soldiers like your country has, I'm am very grateful for your prescence." He told the man that opened the hatch. "What is your country like?" He asked. @Kazami42

"Which one? One is full of grass and trees, and the other is filled with industrialization. If you mean the one I'm from specifically, then." He smiled. "I am from gallia. It is the largest country that owns large amounts of land, and a variety of post-war and some rare few prewar locations. We have the deserts and some canyons, and we have small lush fields to the east. The deserts are used as training locations, along with some small forest areas. Alot of prewar cities such as izhevsky were entirely destroyed, or still have some ruined buildings up, which are used for sniper training. The capital though is in prewar nizhnevartovsk, Now renamed as randgriz. It is home of the citadel."

He then frowned. "Then the nords happened. The nordic union killed a guy as I heard in svalbard forcing some tribals to retaliate. They somehow lived long enough to cause them to napalm their own island, and then they returned to severny. After that they blamed the redline for the attack despite having zero evidence supporting it. Then they decided gallia was their enemy. Probably because of the queen saying she will declare war on them if two people die, before investigating severny was done with. Which apparently severny was attacked. After that they kept making late broadcasts and some other bullshit, asking for the world to give them military assistance to invade gallia. Now people are paranoid as the nords are, and we spread throughout the goddamn border. Of course I believe they were ignored because of how paranoid they are, as we haven't been attacked yet.  Now when I return home I won't be capable of seeing my friends because I'll probably be stationed near poland to ensure the union doesn't pass through. There somehow, or have to be at a military camp outside one of the cities to evacuate it if attacked. Which won't be fun because I won't be able to leave."
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"That is sad to hear, my friend. But with a country as large and with as many rescources as yours it is to be expected, right?" He told the tanker. "Maybe one day I will visit your country and I will get to see its beauty. Hell maybe I'll go over when I give up ruling and go train your armies." He said with a grin. The truck started moving forward to the next section of road to be built, Ryan held on as the convoy crawled forward. "My army, for what it's worth and how few we have, are fairly skilled in the ways of a sniper and soldier." The talk of deserts reminded him of when his parent's told him of when his far-off great-great-and so on-grandfather took part in 'Operation Scorched Earth' in what once was the Middle East, the realative specifically having fought in pre-war Afghan. @Kazami42
"That is sad to hear, my friend. But with a country as large and with as many rescources as yours it is to be expected, right?" He told the tanker. "Maybe one day I will visit your country and I will get to see its beauty. Hell maybe I'll go over when I give up ruling and go train your armies." He said with a grin. The truck started moving forward to the next section of road to be built, Ryan held on as the convoy crawled forward. "My army, for what it's worth and how few we have, are fairly skilled in the ways of a sniper and soldier." The talk of deserts reminded him of when his parent's told him of when his far-off great-great-and so on-grandfather took part in 'Operation Scorched Earth' in what once was the Middle East, the realative specifically having fought in pre-war Afghan. @Kazami42

Kurt would just use binoculars to look around. "Well do not fear, Gallia shall win should a actual conflict occur at this rate. You'll soon have your roads for supplies and be capable of sustaining yourself on a better scale, and thus be able to expand. There is empty land south of you, and below that are the socialist republic. We know this from the scouts we sent through siberia. You could trade with them." He would put down the binoculars. "When I'm done here I'm going to try and enlist to some other party if open, check on the siberians in the far east. Anything to get out of what hell it'd be just being stuck in a camp all day. A few others have decided the same as well."
The convoy moved once more. "This seems really quiet..." He said to the tanker. Then he saw it, the glint of a sniper's scope in the snow, rookie mistake. "Head down, now. 10 o'clock, sniper. Probably more nearby, light them up on my mark." He murmured so only the tanker could here, then he dropped to a safe side of the tank. "Light em up!" He yelled. Signaling the attack on the raiders, who immediatly popped up from the snow and charged the workmen. There were about 30, armed with rifles, handguns and shotguns. The workmen took cover or ran for a hiding spot. Ryan would peek out and fire a few shots every so often and pick one off at a time to prevent from getting shot. @Kazami42
The convoy moved once more. "This seems really quiet..." He said to the tanker. Then he saw it, the glint of a sniper's scope in the snow, rookie mistake. "Head down, now. 10 o'clock, sniper. Probably more nearby, light them up on my mark." He murmured so only the tanker could here, then he dropped to a safe side of the tank. "Light em up!" He yelled. Signaling the attack on the raiders, who immediatly popped up from the snow and charged the workmen. There were about 30, armed with rifles, handguns and shotguns. The workmen took cover or ran for a hiding spot. Ryan would peek out and fire a few shots every so often and pick one off at a time to prevent from getting shot. @Kazami42

Kurt would just lower down into the turret again, closing the hatch and making the driver instantly stop. Soldiers would take cover on the ground, beside the tank, or group up around the truck. He tried using the machinegun on the turret but it didn't work for whatever reason. "Goddamn it the gun is jammed or something." He bashed a nearby wrench hanging on the turret against it. The driver would respond. "Try the cannon, that still works." Kurt would then grab a lever on the underside of the gun and pull it towards him, and taking control of it himself. He would then look down a small tube in front of him, similar to the Edelweiss. And begin turning the turret towards the raiders. He raised his hand up. "Initiate overkill mode." 

They would aim at a group of them instead of one. "Engage." The tank would fire a shell at them, which would go through one, and kill two more. The loader would then proceed to load the cannon. While soldiers using the tank or trucks as cover would fire gallian nagants and submachineguns at the raiders. 

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