The World of Tomorrow

Varmandr Vestan

The Eclipisan generals listened to the Vestan surrender. This had been the second time the Vestans had surrendered to the Eclipse, the first being when they took Rome and the threat of invading their homeland. After listening to the terms of surrender, it was mostly agreeable to them, however they would have liked to added one thing.

"This is General Frios, commander of the Eclipsian Federation forces and the arbitrary leader of the combined efforts of out forces. Your peace terms are mostly agreeable to us, however you invaded our land through cyberspace which is something we don't tolerate. As such we would like to take Patagonia, the rest of former Argentina, the Falklands, Uruguay, and Rio de Janeiro. To clarify we won't be taking the land between Uruguay and Rio, simply the city and its surrounding areas. Beyond that we accept your terms of surrender."

@Domini Regum @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord

The council of Thousand released a reply.

"We would like to negotiate a deal where we would keep most our land, we would be willing to almost everything else you could throw at us..."

Vestanian protests in former Varmandr Vestan areas (With exclusion of Baja Bay) , supported by the rapidly growing Vestan Freedom Association (VFA)

(Sorry, my editing skills suck.)

(Supposed to be a picture of a South American holding a FREE VESTAN sign, although it won't load)

@Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone 
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The council of Thousand released a reply.

"We would like to negotiate a deal where we would keep most our land, we would be willing to almost everything else you could throw at us..."

"I'm sorry, but that land is final. Either we have it or we continue our advance. The only thing we might give up is Rio, beyond that our demands our final.
"I'm sorry, but that land is final. Either we have it or we continue our advance. The only thing we might give up is Rio, beyond that our demands our final.

After another hour, and a bit of gritting teeth, the VV agreed, although they would like to allow citizens free passage into the new Vestanian lands.
The Cascadian Defense Force, Department of Foreign Affairs and Senate had begun communicating over what their response would be to the proposed surrender, this was all quickly put to rest as President Jefferson had enacted her rarely used executive authority and had taken control of what their response would be, Simmons of Foreign Affairs keeping close to her to give his own advise on the situation as Cascadia responded.

"Your surrender will not be accepted unless you accept our demands. Cascadia shall take northern Brazil, all of Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guinea."

CDF troops in captured allied areas have completely ignored the protests so far, only surveillancing them to ensure that they don't bring any harm to nearby civilians.

@Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord
The Cascadian Defense Force, Department of Foreign Affairs and Senate had begun communicating over what their response would be to the proposed surrender, this was all quickly put to rest as President Jefferson had enacted her rarely used executive authority and had taken control of what their response would be, Simmons of Foreign Affairs keeping close to her to give his own advise on the situation as Cascadia responded.

"Your surrender will not be accepted unless you accept our demands. Cascadia shall take northern Brazil, all of Central America, Colombia, Venezuela, Guyana, Suriname and French Guinea."

CDF troops in captured allied areas have completely ignored the protests so far, only surveillancing them to ensure that they don't bring any harm to nearby civilians.

@Domini Regum @Loyal Guardian @Fishman Lord

The council of Thousand wearily accepted, although they say that the Cascadians must allow VV citizens to travel into the new homeland, and that key things from taken lands could be transported into the new territory.
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She respectfully bows and smiles at her hosts.

"It's such an honor to be treated well by your nation. I hope our relations stay like this for a long time."

She then heads to her room for the night.
General Frios, Centauri, and Rear Admiral Zhang meet in a board room in the Falklands to create a draft treaty. Of course they sought to encompass all the demands by all sides, but try to make it in lean towards the alliances favor while not being to strict to the Vestans despite what they did. After an hour of talking they were able to come up with a rough draft for the treaty and sent it to the participants of the war.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier

Treaty 2.png
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Nordic union

"That would be great."


Manilla, 6th District

Gov Samson took a sip of her tea. "The Singaporean Federation would like complete and total access to all captured mainframes, computers, and electronics in Varmandr Vestan. We would also like unimpeded access to all of Varmandr Vestan's computer systems for the foreseeable future." She paused for a moment to take another drink. "While it may seem that we are piggybacking off the successes of the allied forces, we believe that this is a reasonable counter to any hacking that may have damaged our systems. We also understand that there maybe a need to... guide the new government that will run Varmandr Vestan. As such, Singapore would like spearhead that effort, seeing as a control from any of the belligerents may lead to... difficulties in the future. Consider this payment of any debts from the Summaist Wars."

@Loyal Guardian

Hihi'irokane Research (Start of a new month)

Leidenfrost effect 30%

Generator 40%
Manila, Philippines

Umberion took a sip of the same tea, looked up, and spoke. "In the old system that would pretty much be granted immediately. However things are different now for us. In the event of war the commanders sent to lead the effort are put in complete charge of organizing a peace deal for our country, with government acceptance of course. Not only that but i'm not apart of the general's cabinet that is head of the armed forces, Io and Frios are on that. And it just so happens that one of those two is in charge of not only the Eclipsian war effort, but also the de facto and arbitrary head of the allied effort. In all practicality i have no say in whether you can have access to those things and aid the new Varmandr Vestan. Ms. Samson i understand your concerns, trust me i share them, however i have no power in those topics anymore unless i was the one in charge of it. Now i can send a message to Frios asking if you would like to take control over that authority, but i'm sure he'll accept. He is a understanding man." He said in a serious tone, something he actually rarely does.

General Frios, Centauri, and Rear Admiral Zhang meet in a board room in the Falklands to create a draft treaty. Of course they sought to encompass all the demands by all sides, but try to make it in lean towards the alliances favor while not being to strict to the Vestans despite what they did. After an hour of talking they were able to come up with a rough draft for the treaty and sent it to the participants of the war.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier

View attachment 167452

Varmandr Vestan

For 16 hours, the newly called 'Passage of Hlodyn's children' was happening. 345 of the 355 million Vestan citizens had started coming back to the homeland, spitting on foreign troops and cursing as the buses left.  most of the millions that had stayed were for VFA purposes.

Soon after, President Henrik stepped down and a democratic vote was held for a new government. Two days into the polling, General Chris was ahead in the Fascist party, with 65% of the votes, using long-running hate of the Eclipsans to his advantage  but with two more months to campaign, any party could take control.
Manila, Philippines, 6th District

After a moment of thought and another sip of tea, Gov Samson said, "A message would be good. I understand how this may affect the new federation hierarchy of command, but a message would be good."

@Loyal Guardian


(I totally forgot about my chairman)

Chairman landed in cascadia and he and his advisors was guided to the stock market for evaluation.


Office of the Grand Port Authority of the Singaporean Federation, Singapore

A message was sent to the Kingdom of the Rockies requesting that sealanes open from the Southeast Region to South American Territory.

@Fishman Lord
The CAE has declared war on the Hamuis to Unite Northern Africa. The army marches quickly through their lands.

Along with the war is the renaming of the Nigerian Guard, now renamed the Sentinels as well as a new spec-ops platoon called the Valkyries. The Valkyries have been quickly moving up the Nile to get ready for a surrounding move of a large portion of Hamui forces. Many men have been lost in the process as well. The Sentinels are mobilized from Lagos and begin the march up Morocco.


Reactors: 5%

Farms: 11%

Research: 6%


Project Industrialization: New Factory Technology to make the assembly line more efficient. 3%

Project Dragon: New Attack Planes with light bombing capabilities and intercept capabilties.

New Arms Factories: 5%

Magrails: 5%

Self Driving Cars: 13%

There is a new Project as well; The mass industrialization of the Urban cityscape. Almost no pollution. Estimated 500 factories in the first year, many in the new Hamui territory. hereforth referred to as Project Workforce. 1%

Spending for the year: 600 billion

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The scavenging team had officialy left the southern border of the country, trucking along 30 miles off the border. They stopped for a night, then at dawn kept going. They stopped at once they reached what looked to be an abandoned military outpost. After searching they found multiple weapon maintenance, vehicle maintenance, bullet making, and CQC tactics books. Also the armory was hardly touched for being a military base, having a few automatic AN-94 assualt rifles, 5 AK-74U submachine guns, 2 Dragunovs, and about 10 different handguns, varying from magnums to semi-automatics, to varying calibers. Also finding about a clip full in each weapon, then a couple boxes of ammunition, some full, others half or a few spare rounds. They found a working and non rusted All-terrain off-roader, and a non operational but useable tank, a relic T-34-85 from the Pre-war. They hauled everything back and reported back a couple days later, not encountering anything, not even animals.
Page 66:

The forces in svalbard gave the eastern invaders, Juno. The go ahead to proceed only a few miles ahead. Taking more land and getting closer to the remaining nordic inhabitants. Also due to all the time spent, the in resting CMs and valk units would awake and return to their duties, others would patrol the vault to prevent the occupants from escaping. They were informed of events since-passed.

the CM commander would respond again. "It's been a few days son, You still haven't followed through in any capacity or attempt to reply further. If you truly wish to follow with your prewar war honor, Then i would suggest you actually do so instead of bidding your time." @Lordvader59 [you also need to start the world Congress sometime.]


Ragnite munitions project: 30%.

The missile from earlier was completed to be more hallow and modifiable. It had its schematics sent to the redline and gallia for them to engineer themselves. They continued work on mortar shells and grenades. With better improvement in the shell than the grenades. The shell could be fired normally, but it would contain ragnite. It didn't achieve effect but once hitting, it did ignite a small blast radius with blue fire for a few seconds before quickly dying off. All work would now be focused upon the mortar shells.


Naval project: 42%.

The rig ship would have its weak points coated in ragnite. Of course it would not be as durable as it would if it was armor made of ragnite, but it's durability would be increased nonetheless. Ragnite was, as no surprise. Flame resistant. A panel in each deck would prevent fire from going to supplies easily. A small line in the door ways/hatches would help the ship survive fire damage internally. They went onto finishing the bridge, and placing armor on the bow and stern. The keel would be coated in ragnite, something different than the other ships as the keel was already created. They only needed to add in emergency procedures and piping, add defense systems, And find another suitable captain. As the ship was being built alongside the previous ship for quite awhile, the only things incapable of being done was emplacing or making guns, parts of the hull, and the bridge. The other two ships however would be entirely untouched besides the frame work. As all engineering was needed for the other ships, and work would take incredible lengths of time to make the frame of the third. Thus not much was done besides the lower hull of the larger ship, and the deck layout. With fewer ships left to construct, some spare units woukd be returned to construct the larger ship. As the remaining other two would not be as large, or be as big as the rig version.


The sandbags would continue to be emplaced in glazov in key locations including it's main street. Afterwards their camp outside the city would be fully set up with tents, and they would be refueled there. They would also reside there unless needed elsewhere. 


The queen would remake a new law, which stated that citizens would have to be trained in basic military training again. A law which was ignored prior to an extent after the city was rebuilt. She also called for a occupation force to head into unpopulated lands of siberia to the east. Which would slowly head east and populate lands they stopped at. They would have some supplies, 30 soldiers with 10 of them having flamers, A few volunteers to help make the process faster, and a truck with a wooden cart of more materials. This would be a project named Conquered Valkyrie, and it'd last until siberia was claimed by gallia and her allies and other countries, or if blocked by another country. It would be a military project. Small amounts of reinforcements would be given every month to continue the spread. She got the imperials and redline with her as well. Thus a entire force of 1,000 were sent, some of them included the next generation of Imperial troops such as the CMs and some valks. however valk population would remain at a all time low since they either go hiding or refuse to join the program. Since gallia liked the nordlams, and the SRTA probably were interested, they would offer to trade land with them if they wanted it. They sent a broadcast informing them of this mass expansion, and of a trade to cede land to others if they were interested in it. @LoneSniper87 @High Moon
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Varmandr Vestan, first new Governmental Debate

It went smoothly at first, but eventually three contenders to lead the VV nation sprung up.

The first one was the Varmandian Fascist Order, with former General Jakob at it's head. It preyed upon the hate of the Eclipsans and Cascadians, promising to bring back the old lands and more.


(Flag of the VFO)

The second was the New Order of Odin, promising a new, but modern, Odinist chiefdom nation, trying to appeal to the 90% Odinist majority.


(Flag of the New Order of Odin)

The third was the Party for the Formation of the United Odinist States of Varmandr Vestan, promising freedom and the creation of a more liberal state to rival the eclipsans in good time, but also fixing the economy, promising a 3 trillion GDP within 10-15 years.


(Flag of the United Odinist States of Varmandr Vestan)

After the debate, the three were considered the strongest opponents in the race to control Varmandia, and it was broadcasted by government in each town and refugee camp.
CDF troops in captured allied areas have completely ignored the protests so far, only surveillancing them to ensure that they don't bring any harm to nearby civilians.

In areas of CDF occupation, it was almost completely empty. Cities lay empty, and farmlands started to go bad. Most Civilians there did not work, but an influx of 1 million displaced VV people started migrating North.

Star was one of them.

She was born a few days after her mother was liberated from a Scientific operation in Columbia, where she was experimented on for a short period of time.

Now, she was going over the Panama canal... North...
Portland, Cascadia

The Portland Stock Exchange was a gleaming white building that represented the rest of the city in all of it's modern glory. Inside it was what one could expect from any stock exchange. A large Cascadian flag hung in the back of the room and the lroom itself was pretty large and very noisy, filled with investors from all over the country competing for their stocks and shares, large TV screens darted all over the room showing various stocks. A small escort of Department of Commerce members showed the Singaporean Chairman and his advisors around, telling them about how prosperous and stable the country's economy and overall state was. Ensuring that their investments would be well secured in Cascadian companies and projects, noting that the economy was already growing steadily and was continuously healthy and overall pointing out the many positive's it had like any salesman would.


Las Vegas, Cascadia


The now once again bustling metropolis of Las Vegas was business as usual as the last of the major casinos was unveiled and opened for the public. The city pulling in tourists from all over Cascadia and standing as a major entertainment center, but at the same time maintaining it's own uniqueness from Los Angeles. The Department of Commerce reached out towards the Eclipsian Federation, Kingdom of the Rockies, Singaporean Federation, Order Empire and Nordic Union, opening up offers for those countries' major airlines to begin flying trips from their cities to Cascadian cities to promote tourism, in return allowing Cascadian Airlines to begin flying from Cascadia to their own countries, all major cities in Cascadia are already home to major airports as national travel between cities is already very prominant in Cascadia for obvious reasons and tourism inside the country itself is still very alive, however a boost from foreign tourists would greatly improve profits in most Cascadian cities.

@Loyal Guardian @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Lordvader59

Cascadian-British Message

"This is the Department of Foreign Affairs contacting the Order Empire, on behalf of the Republic of Cascadia we would wish to request something of your nation. We would like to see if you are at all interested in selling us the land you have in the former north-eastern United States, it doesn't appear to be used for anything and we would like to incorporate it into our lands. We're open to anything you might want in return for it."


South American Cascadia

The CDF had been ordered to begin patrolling the Panama Canal as large numbers of refugees began migrating to the north, presumably towards Mexico and the homeland of Cascadia itself, due to the large number of these refugees Cascadia had decided to deter them from flocking north and instead remain in the south to tend to the farmlands and cities. The refugees were given temporary food, housing, water, new clothing and medical assistance whilst the government figured out where to put them. A number of large aid camps were established south of the Panama Canal where the refugees had been rounded up to be registered by name, date of birth, occupation and blood-type, the Cascadian government being very efficient in ensuring that they didn't move any further north of the Canal as that would cause logistics problems in the future.

However during one of these blood tests an irregularity had come up in one of the refugees, a young girl by the name of Star supposedly had been noted as having an irregular biology to the majority of the refugees. Upon further testing it was noted that whatever the irregularity was, it was presumably manmade, further investigation by the National Intelligence Agency showed that her mother had been liberated from a somewhat shady experiment in Colombia. Star was detained by CDF personnel and sent to a holding camp to be examined further, this holding camp was a former VV military installation that had been modified by the CDF to become a temporary research post on captured Vestan technology as a sort of payback to the Vestan hack. The Department of Defense was informed of Star's existance and their interest had been peaked, discussions were held soon after on how to proceed.

In the now Cascadian lands, citizens were encouraged to work via government benefits and welfare. Increased wages and free-public housing for the unemployed or homeless were also set up, the children of these areas were now fortunate enough to be inducted into the undoubtedly superior Cascadian education system which was for the most part unbias in the way that it taught history including the Vestan war, only teaching the truth that it was in-fact the Vestan government that brought the war upon themselves and had payed the price for testing other countries' patiences. The CDF did not openly show themselves in civilian areas, not wanting to be seen as oppressive or intimidating and normal police forces were used to maintain law, free healthcare proved very beneficial to the new Cascadian citizens with many people who had been refused medical assistance under the old Vestan law being given it. Public opinion of Cascadia changed drastically over the next few weeks with millions of citizens returning to work and realizing that it was barely any different to before, and in-fact that it was much better in many ways.

The majority of citizens hadn't fled back to their "homeland" and had no much minded their new nationality as it wasn't brought up much by either the government or the people themselves. It was business as usual minus the Cascadian flag now flew over their townhalls rather than the incompetent flag of the past. Cascadia has gained a population of 106.5 million people from their newly gained lands in South and Central America and as such have greatly utilized them as they continue to pass down more perks and treats as being new Cascadian citizens, improving the relations between their new citizens and the government as people continue to return to work and slowly begin to accept their new government happily and willingly.

[I did a calculation to get that new population boost btw, the total population of Central & South America IRL is 430.1 million, the captured countries I took from VV makes up 31% of the total population of IRL South & Central America together, I put in the percentage calculator how much 31% of 345 (VV's population) is and it gave me my answer so don't try call BS, I done this mathematically. Also since they're my citizens now you can't control them and make them all leave and not work.]

@Domini Regum
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The recent gain of Chile and the Galápagos truly solidified the Rockies' position as masters of the Pacific. Due to all of the islands and coastal areas controlled by the Rockies, ships would have to take very convoluted and inefficient routes to avoid Rockian waters. In addition to this, the Rockians had partial control of two of the three passages between the Atlantic and the Pacific: the Magellanic passage and the Northern passage. To take advantage of this, the Rockians passed the Pacific Trade Act, forcing ships of nation not allied with the Kingdom to pay an extra 20% of cargo value as a toll to sail through Rockian waters. As of the signing of this law, only Singapore was exempted from the toll as a full ally, and all other NWA members only had to pay 10%. 


The Rockians had decided that the world could know about the teleportation suits. To show off, a Rockian diplomat teleported in front of the leader of Cascadia. "Good evening. I am a diplomat from the Kingdom of the Rockies. We respectfully request that your crews head northwards to assist in the Canadian Reconstruction, as was promised."



"So, why have you brought me here?" The King asked as he and an engineer walked. "We have a revolutionary new technology that will help us become a truly great power." They stopped for a moment. "Most of the world has been claimed, and it is best not to meddle in Siberia more than we already have. However, there is one more frontier here on Earth: the seas. We have blueprints to build underwater cities, and if you help us, those blueprints can be put to action. It will be long and hard, but it shall be revolutionary." After much consideration, the proposal was accepted.


Project Posiedon: 5%


Implementaion of Pacific Trade Act.
Patagonia, Eclipsian Federation

Much of the population had left, although some had stuck around in the new territory. The Eclipsian Council (Similar to a Parliament or Congress) passed The 9th Republic Act, formally recognizing the new territory as the Patagonian Republic. The remaining civilians moved to Buenos Aires, which was under some construction to fix damaged buildings. The Patagonian Republic quickly gained the nickname "The Military's Republic" as the new territory would be used for civilian and military tests, military training sites, and a new source of military and civilian production.

Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

While the transition of alliances from Riser to Rockian was a good choice as seen by the most of the public, the new trade act they passed was something that angered Eclipsian politicians and civilians. Even though the Federation's tax was halved because they were a member of the NWA, it was still very displeasing to them. Even if the Federation was exempted from the tax, it still did not excuse the fact that it was seen by many in the Federation as unfair to any other nation. As such President Byron announced that as an act of protest over the act, they would be cutting off all trade with the Rockians until the act was either repealed or the Eclipsians were fully exempted.

The Cascadian proposal to increase tourism between their countries was accepted by the Federation. Now both nations should expect an influx of tourism to their borders. It was also proposed to the Cascadians that an foreign exchange student program should be offered for students in both of their respective countries. It was also proposed that the two nations have military exercises together to increase the two forces teamwork and unity on potential battlefields.

In other news the heads of the military and the president have announced that the Jovian Sky Platforms, the very things that helped the Eclipsians take a huge step forward as the strongest nation on the planet, were to be permanently deactivated. Out of the some twenty that were built ten had already been scrapped and the other ten were put into the reserves, two of which participated in the Second Vestan War. Nine of the remaining ten were to be turned into large scale naval platforms and the remaining one, which is the most notorious for the actions it participated in, was to be turned into a museum to show the public what conditions were like on the platforms. Of course all important components were removed and everything valuable on it was taken away, with the exception of a few for historical purposes.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord
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Portland, Cascadia

The sudden teleportation into President Jefferson's office by a Rockian diplomat had not been taken lightly or as a simple message delivery, in-fact it had been taken as a direct breach of national security. The presidents' secret service being the most displeased at the event. Cascadia has sent a warning to the Kingdom of the Rockies stating that if they ever do anything like that again that they would face negative consequences. However Cascadia has not openly announced this teleportation incident to the public. The government has denied the Rockian request to send construction crews to assist in their reconstruction projects because of the incident. Instead requesting that a sample of the material used to create the stealth suit be sent to Cascadia so that they may develop countermeasures against it, stating that only then would they be willing to send their support to the Rockies and return relations to normal.

@Fishman Lord

San Francisco, Cascadia

The massive amounts of shipping from Cascadia's pacific coastal cities has been unaffected by the Rockian taxing, with commercial companies already taking routes that didn't go through Rockian territorial waters when on route to Singapore and the Eclipsians. Having major ports on it's atlantic coast helped in this regard also as trade with the British and Europe has continued normally as well, the Department of Commerce announced a rule change today as well, putting a 5% tax on use of the Panama Canal, stating that it was just to cover the costs of running the canal's opening and the wages of the workers on site and that it'd still be cheaper than to use the alternatives that have been given.

Las Vegas, Cascadia

The open tourism between the Eclipsian Federation and the Republic of Cascadia will no doubt bring beneficial amounts of wealth to cities in both countries, being a mutual gain. The Department of Foreign Affairs has said that it will consider the two Eclipsian requests but that more discussion would be required with the Senate and Department of Education beforehand to check for potential candidates and to see if it would be acceptable for the Senate, the CDF has held off with military exercises for the time being as they wish to maintain the same level of discretion and secrecy on their interior workings from the outside world. As such they have respectfully declined the offer, stating that they appreciated the sentiment however and formally thanked the Eclipsian military for their assistance in the invasion of Varmander Vestan, adding on that the war was proof that the two nations' militaries already worked spectacularly together. The CDF also informed the Eclipsians of the teleportation incident involving the Rockians.

@Loyal Guardian
@RIPSaidConeIt's a little dumb to say trade is totally unaffected, as it would be difficult and expensive to try and avoid every island in the Pacific. Besides, even if you could, it would use a ton more fuel and would put you in more dangerous waters.


"We find it frankly rather unfair to deny what was promised due to a rather minor diplomatic incident. The only countermeasure is scarcity, and so we simply cannot afford to give away our most rare and precious resource. We fought damn hard for your war, and so we expect you to uphold your end of the deal. We truly wish to keep friendly relations, and if this were an assassination attempt, one of us would be dead. We can't afford to spare any of the elements, but we will send you a detailed document explaining all of their properties in the interest of good relations. We truly hope you understand this misunderstanding and uphold your end of the deal."

(The Pacific is a very big place, and territorial waters aren't as big as you might expect them to be for an ocean the size of the Pacific. It's actually very easy to navigate past them. Wouldn't use that much more fuel, probably less expensive than whatever you're taxing and the Pacific isn't all that dangerous for the most part.)

Cascadian-Rockies Message

"It is not unfair in the slightest, you broke our trust as partners by violating our soverign territory. We are underreacting, all things considered. The fact in itself that you teleported directly to the most important person in our country without prior warning or notification solely to deliver a message shows that you have little regard for our relations as you didn't stop to think what the reaction would be. We will accept the document happily, however the Kingdom of the Rockies gained a large amount of territory and more access to the Pacific from the war with relatively little harm done to yourself, this should be repayment enough, surely? If things go smoothly we will send our support once we develop the technology to cancel out your ability to teleport into our territory as this will restore our trust. We know you will understand why we are responding like this, it is not a minor diplomatic incident but a massive breach in our security and you would most likely react the same if we teleported an official into your leader's office without any notification beforehand. We are more than willing to repair our relations and restore our friendship once the proper measures have been set in place."

@Fishman Lord
Varmandr Vestan

In the second month of polling, the New Odinist faction had dwindled to 2% of the population, due to the fact that they would actually hurt the VV more than help it by not cooperating between non-odinist nations.

The new two contenders were tied, the United Odinist States of Varmandr Vestan (Vestania, for short) and the Varmandian Fascist Order. The two got in heated debates often, leaving the VV public confused and often in fights.

Online debate by UOSVV and VFO

Conversation start: Noon

VFO: "The obvious choice is us, for we, can become strong again, even stronger than Cascadia"

USVV Two hours Later: "No, we must prosper. We cannot undertake wars"

VFO: No response yet

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