The World of Tomorrow

Portland, Cascadia

Chairman Shi and his advisors were sitting in a restaurant. They finally finished an extensive evaluation of Cascadia's economy. "Far more complex than Rockies and Risers." "Definitely, multiple sectors showing great growth." "Strong film and music industry." "Las Vegas was restored." "So has many of their other cities." "I'm in favor of stock trading." "I as well." "Same." "Very well, it's been decided." A message was sent to President Jefferson that Singapore will open stock trading. Another message from Singapore read that Singapore Airlines (SIA) will open routes to major cities.


Singapore, Federation Parliament

Governor Chang Yu Hong was called back to the parliament for an investigative hearing. 1st Governor Zhang Qi Wei sat at the gavel. "Governor Chang Yu Hong of the 7th District of the Singaporean Federation, Singaporean Africa, please come to the stand." She walked up. She hated being here. She use to control this body of old fools, but now they wanted revenge. "Now begins the hearing for the trade of Singaporean Africa territory." A man stood up. "Gov Chang, please explain to the federation why you have negotiated a deal to sell Singaporean Africa's territory north of Namibia." A moments pause and she spoke. "It simply isn't worth it." Murmurs from the parliament. Another man stood up. "What do you mean it isn't worth it!" "It is no longer in our best interests to maintain such territory. In the past few years, no changes have been made to Singaporean Africa's society north of Namibia. Likewise, holding that territory offers us no advantage." "But you yourself lead the war to take Oroguay's territory! And now you simply deny it's worth?! How dare you waste young's lives for your selfishness." Several cheers from the parliament could be heard. "No lives were lost in the taking of northern Oroguay's territory. The war only occured in Capetown. You can read the war report from a few years ago if you truly believe that we fought anywhere else." The man sat down. A woman to his right stood up. "What about our military assets in Sao Tome and Principle Naval Base?" "The CAE has allowed us to retain our military base given that we allow them to run politics and local economy." "Will this affect our naval bases at Cape Verde and the Canary Islands?" "No." She sat back down. Another person further in the back stood up. "In previous economic reports, there has been a increase in mining in the district. How will this be compensated?" "No compensation needed. That territory never had special resources we couldn't find elsewhere." "But wouldn't there be a decrease in production." "Unlikely. I have agreed to a trade deal with the CAE, ensure Singapore, and Eclipse, continued business. That is, after all the fundamental clause of the Shanghai Arrangements." The members became quiet. The Shanghai Arrangements was a deal that PM Jeanes made bypassing their heads. Regardless, it gave them power over the 7th District. Gov Chang smiled. Couldn't even come up with any good questions I see. A man stood up. "What do we get from this deal." "130 Billion Singaporean Dollars." The room stunned. 1st Gov spoke up. "If there are no more questions, this committee is dismissed." He banged the gavel. Gov Chang turned to face Gov Zhang with a smile. He returned with a pleading look that begged her to stop doing this.
The African Empire has declared war on the Madagascarians, in the hopes of the continued unification of Africa. Multiple cruisers have already been sent out, transporting multiple motorboats that hold men, as well as the Valkyries quickly moving forth into their capital and eliminating key anti aircraft positions and defenses. Some 17 Valkyries out of 300 were killed in a skirmish in the forest near Antananarivo. The Valkyries were marching swiftly to take over the enemies artillery positions.

The Trade deal offer has been repeated. @JJKab @RIPSaidCone@Agent141 @Loyal Guardian
Ragnite munitions project: 50%.

The shells were completed, and when not fired from artillery or a heavy mortar, the shells could be fired up to seventeen miles away. Work would then move on to ragnite grenades. unlike the redline edition in the previous war, this would be done by using medical products with grenade features. The ragnite mortar shells would be kept by the imperials only.


Naval project: 51%.

The rig warship was completed. The ship was kept in the shipyard of gallia and was only fitted with a single gun at the bow with three barrels. Thus ending the work on ships which were being built on day one. The project then moved on to another destroyer variant. After that would be a frigate, and finally after that will be the larger ship.


Mass expansion project: 20%.

More camps would be constructed in the newly taken land. This would ensure that the territory would be more occupied over time.


Engineering project for ragnite missiles: 25%.

130 missiles were created with 20 of them being ragnite based. More engineers were capable of being freed from the naval project and they would be used to run the heavy machines to manufacture more. However it might take six and a half months to complete the project nonetheless.
The Socialist Republic of California

Although the Summaist threat was gone, there was bigger problems brewing in the Socialist Republic. A Revolution!

The people were unhappy with the way their government was run, they wanted elections, a congress, they wanted democracy. The Revolution started in Jamaica and spread to the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the islands around them.

President Romanov was outraged by the actions of his citizens. He ordered a full scale attack on the Democratic Union occupied area. He'd march 100,000 troops into the Dominican Republic and land 200,000 troops in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The revolutionaries were mostly untrained civilians. The armies marched easily through the front lines when landing, they'd march another 10 miles inland and set up a defensive line.
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Two weeks later, the constant pounding of artillery and the assaults in the night-time had reached the final skirmish, with a Valkyrie assault of 138 supported by 13 Longarrow Armored Perssonel Carriers and 50 Sentinel Veterans. The heavily - albeit makeshift-ly fortified city had taken many fights and quite a few skirmishes to take the first few rings of protection. With a roar of, "The Phoenix Rises!" the men assaulted the final ring. The final assault has begun.
It was night two of their hunt to return their people. The first night was ended with no results, however they would continue north. Some of the party went north east or north west, but primarily in the direction of the city. They would continue heading north to the city because last night they went west and found nothing, so thus the only survivable option would be to head towards the city. After the first hour a scout said she found someone in a jumpsuit running around. The vehicles would continue to speed towards him. It was the prisoner and after being identified a officer would command them to get the machinegun ready.

After they got closer, and far more enough than needed. A command was yelled. "OPEN FIRE!" The machinegun operator, including seven rifleman would repeatedly fire at the prisoner and even firing at the corpse. After being confirmed dead, they would continue north to find the others. "Alright that solves our first problem, Let's go ahead and get the girls now." They would even go as far as drive over the corpse to save a mere second. 


The first warship sent out to guard the kara seas went missing one night on patrol during a heavy fog. The radio operator would have also stopped broadcasting and the captain on it has also not been seen or heard of. Because of this, another destroyer was sent out to find her sister ship, with help of one other. This operation was conducted by the naval office of gallia, and it was called: "The hunt for red October."

Random Events


Africa's Unification


(Southern Africa, still under Singaporean control, seen by a Eclipsian observation satellite)


The Central African Empire's dream of uniting Africa has, for the most part, come to fruition. Much of Africa is now under their control and now they are seen by many to be a potential superpower candidate if they can pull off the correct procedures. However this dream came through mostly conquest and bloodshed, which in turn has members of the international community publicly in a uproar. While they do praise the peaceful deal made between them and the Singaporeans, they cite that they only did it to avoid war with the entirety of the NWA and "good" relations, but even those comments are controversial. Even so the destruction of two nations has led many, although none are world leaders, to denounce and call them warmongers. The issue has become a topic of debate and diplomatic struggle, as people are now asking the worlds most influential leaders to choose a side.


Independence Movements


(One of many independence rallies in the world, this one in particular is for Scotland in the Order Empire)


Ever since the world began anew national identities have been remade or even created. A perfect example of this is the reemergence of the British and Poles, and the newly founded Eclipsian identity. However some countries and people weren't able to stake their claim in the new world. As such an unprecedented wave of independence and merger movements have sprouted all over the world. Many thought this might lead to multiple independence wars and such given the scale, however most if not all have expressed they will remain peaceful as long as possible. Australia-New Zealand, Scotland, France, Italy, Mexico, India, China, Greece, Chile, Argentina, and the Philippines are just some examples of independence movements. Some merger movements like ones in Singaporean Africa, Karelia, British America, Cascaidan-Rockian-Eclipsian South America, Canadian Isles, Eastern and Southern Poland are some examples.


Spacial Anomaly


(A satellite image of the Martian surface, found in the archives of Stanford University)


The Moon Expedition is nearing its launch date. Many are awaiting the launch and ready to witness history. However many in the scientific community are now worried that the launch may be in jeopardy. Not because of any technical or personal failures, but because of the anomaly picked not that long ago. As predicted the multitude of objects are approaching Earth at irregular speeds, decreasing at one point and increasing at another. They now finally admit that these objects may be of intelligent origin, citing that their irregular movement and signals they're giving off is to unnatural to belong to a group of asteroids. They also have now brought up important evidence in the form a satellite picture aimed at Mars, these objects current location. The picture shows a few of these objects for the first time and while they look somewhat similar to asteroids, they say the glow and even the shape doesn't match normal asteroid configuration. They have asked the ESA to cancel the launch.

The Socialist Republic of California

Although the Summaist threat was gone, there was bigger problems brewing in the Socialist Republic. A Revolution!

The people were unhappy with the way their government was run, they wanted elections, a congress, they wanted democracy. The Revolution started in Jamaica and spread to the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and the islands around them.

President Romanov was outraged by the actions of his citizens. He ordered a full scale attack on the Democratic Union occupied area. He'd march 100,000 troops into the Dominican Republic and land 200,000 troops in Montego Bay, Jamaica.

The revolutionaries were mostly untrained civilians. The armies marched easily through the front lines when landing, they'd march another 10 miles inland and set up a defensive line.

When the VV heard about the revolution, they immediately thought about picking a side.

They eventually settled on secretly aiding the Revolutionaries, by using drones to para-drop enough guns and a few Commanders to train the Revolutionaries. Since the VV was in dire straits, they could not spare any monetary funding or direct funding.
Ever since the world began anew national identities have been remade or even created. A perfect example of this is the reemergence of the British and Poles, and the newly founded Eclipsian identity. However some countries and people weren't able to stake their claim in the new world. As such an unprecedented wave of independence and merger movements have sprouted all over the world. Many thought this might lead to multiple independence wars and such given the scale, however most if not all have expressed they will remain peaceful as long as possible. Australia-New Zealand, Scotland, France, Italy, Mexico, India, China, Greece, Chile, Argentina, and the Philippines are just some examples of independence movements. Some merger movements like ones in Singaporean Africa, Karelia, British America, Cascaidan-Rockian-Eclipsian South America, Canadian Isles, Eastern and Southern Poland are some examples.

The Varmandr Vestan formally supports the dissidents in South America, giving 50 million  a month to the groups, reasons undisclosed.
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"Upon further inspection of subject designate; Sierra, civilian designate; Star. Unsettling experimentation on deep psychological and physical levels has been revealed, Cascadian Defense Force officials ranked Major and higher in the immediate vicinity of the research post have been briefed on the transfer to more secure holding grounds. Complete discretion of existance of subject Sierra is ordered via commanding officer, General Wyoming, Mark. Detailed analysis of the subject indicates advanced mental and physical growth and development, months ahead of what a child of her age should currently be at, this will be studied further upon transfer to new facility. No direct traces to Vestanian involvement have so far been found, however we can confidently state that due to the evidence of the facility's existance in Vestanian territory, the advancement of the technology within it and the clear amount of funding invested into it and it's experimentation that it was indeed a Vestanian government ran operation. National Intelligence Agency agents on scene have confirmed through thorough investigation of the site that the likelihood of it being a rogue group or terrorist organization is nigh impossible. Further tests will be ran on the subject to ensure that she does not pose an immediate security threat to the Republic of Cascadia and it's allies. Doctor. Bradley McAlson has been drafted from San Francisco to work on site in the new facility, NIA officials will be briefed at 07:00 tomorrow morning."


With arrangements made, Star was transferred from the research post in Central America to a highly secure research facility in a classified location. National Intelligence Agency officials were put in-charge of investigation on the facility and have taken everything that remained in the facility for intense study and investigation, the mother was taken into NIA custody for brief questioning however her memory failed to be of any use and she was transferred to a Psychatric hospital for psychological evaluation and care if needed. The utmost caution was taken when handling the child, all personnel in contact with the child were to wear hazmat clothing and decontaminate themselves before and after contact with Star. Monitoring equipment of all kinds, biological, radiological, chemical and so forth were all set up in Star's room to keep a track on anything that might be emitting from the child, with such experimentation done to her, there couldn't be any risks taken. The CDF very well anticipated that this could be a trojan horse and have taken the liberty of setting up strong security wherever Star is at all times, no important equipment or personnel were allowed near her for safety purposes and she was put in a soundproofed room. Star was still cared for like an ordinary baby would be but with much more caution for obvious reasons. Star is now currently being tested to determine how advanced her intelligence is via basic puzzles designed for 1 year old children.

Subject "Star" passed the intelligence quiz faster than expected, and with little difficulty.

Now three months old, Star was already walking and starting to speak simple words, showing curiosity to everything, but no ill affects were evident to herself or others.

Upon further study of Subject Sierra's former facility, a symbol of an Eagle was found in multiple locations, and evacuation plans to Honduras in Central America.
The African Empire has announced that they are still willing to offer trade deals to all.
(Hey, can we maybe not have an alien invasion? It doesn't really seem like the right path right now, maybe a global economic crisis that forces us to think more than militarily?)


(Also, I didn't actually mean that he teleported right in front of the leader. He still teleported and did the procedures, I just worded it really badly. Can you please uphold your end of the deal?)

The Rockian diplomat sighed. "We are quite disappointed over the fact that you will try and cheat us over a simple mistake. Here is our offer: we repeal the Pacific Trade Act towards Cascadia, you give us what was promised, and we continue our good relations."


Vancouver Island Shipyard

Colonists had begun to be selected, and blueprints were being finalized. A mass air production device was also being created.


Even though Cascadia was refusing to uphold the deal, progress continues. Most of downtown was complete, and now work began on the surrounding area and suburbs.


The Australian Independence movement was being slowly removed. New Zealand's independence movement was already very small, as they had joined the Kingdom willingly. Just to be sure, a representative of each area was added to the court to voice their regional concerns.



Project Posiedon: 10%

Continue Reconstructon.

Suppresion of independence movements.
Varmandr Vestan Updates

A new Secret project has started, called Project Cauliflower

It focuses on creating new drone technologies, including some unexpected.


The Mouse drone, smaller than a man's forearm, but packed with C6 (The more explosive cousin of C4) and can fly up to 3,000 feet and dive-bomb at speeds faster than 200 mph. Scientists are trying to get it to go faster.

Others to come.
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It was the next day, the operation would continue with no results for an hour. It was cloudy but it didn't rain. The only thing heard for throughout the mission were jeeps speeding across the land. "I'm bored, when will we find them again?" Said a random soldier wearing a militarized football helmet. He didn't get a response. They would continue on for half a hour through a wooded area. They waited for a scout to return and then one did. "I did not find anyone. But I did find footprints in a muddy puddle, and broken tree branches not too long ago. If we proceed north west we could possibly catch up to the escapee." The scout said. "Well done battle bitch. Alright troops let's roll out!" A officer said before they started advancing, moving and climbing over dead trees, and moving through swampland.


[Oh shit, I just realized what I had forgotten.]

One more project was enacted. It would be called project: end world hunger. The project would consist of the most advanced scientists in gallia, the redline, and the imperium to conduct research, manipulation, and reconstruction of svalbard vault seeds. They would do this by modifying the most of the gathered seeds, and they would believed to be capable of introducing one additional gene into its pool which would be capable of making it reproduce other seeds asexually. Similar to a tree. But first they will have to go through genetic and research hell just to ensure the seeds even grow.


It was the third day of trying to find the red October. They had found nothing but a empty life vest, and one of the ship's hidden nameplates floating in the middle of the kara seas. They had started investigating but otherwise found no results. Nearing 4:35 PM, one of the ship radio operators were tuning into randomized stations. He would continue to continue switching through them until 5:17 when a strange sound which couldn't normally be picked up without radio equipment, Was happening in a unknown direction with a unknown altitude, latitude, or distance. The transmission would be listened to by the radio operators of gallia, the ship hunting the red October, and the rig ship in the kara seas. 

During the broadcast, it could also be faintly heard beyond the radio from the skies. The radio operator of one of the ships in the kara seas also hunting for the red October. Believed that the ship was damaged, bending, and or sinking to a horrific death and as protocol the operator sent out a immediate SOS. The Natalia started sailing off to the believed to be sinking ship Belarus shortly after, and the ship alarm went off. While in randgriz the broadcast was recorded for later inspection, as the scientists were currently to busy to pay attention to it. These sounds were as per usual, not even referred to outside any of the three nations.
The African Empire has announced that they are still willing to offer trade deals to all.

The VV upped the deal a little bit.

In a move to gain an ally against the near-invincible superpower of the NWA, the VV offered the African Empire a seat in the New United Nations, now being changed to BRICS (Bilateral Rational Industrialized Confederation of States)
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he Moon Expedition is nearing its launch date. Many are awaiting the launch and ready to witness history. However many in the scientific community are now worried that the launch may be in jeopardy. Not because of any technical or personal failures, but because of the anomaly picked not that long ago. As predicted the multitude of objects are approaching Earth at irregular speeds, decreasing at one point and increasing at another. They now finally admit that these objects may be of intelligent origin, citing that their irregular movement and signals they're giving off is to unnatural to belong to a group of asteroids. They also have now brought up important evidence in the form a satellite picture aimed at Mars, these objects current location. The picture shows a few of these objects for the first time and while they look somewhat similar to asteroids, they say the glow and even the shape doesn't match normal asteroid configuration. They have asked the ESA to cancel the launch.

When the public heard about this, immediately it was thought to be the Gods.

Varmandian media outlets and the VV internet was buzzing, anticipating that the gods were angered at Man and were about to even the odds between nations, and bring Hlodyn's people to power once again.

The Religious Leaders soon capitalized on this, and used it to get the Varmandian economy working by uniting different political parties to start creating and building to impress the gods. Statues of Odin, Thor, and the entire Pantheon of gods were outside of almost every home in the VV, and workers were especially diligent to impress the gods when they landed.

Every VV
Vestanian Navy Corvette Operation

Leading Ship: FS Kraken

Other ships: 50

Location: Outside of Nunligran and Gambell

Load: Rebuilding tools, 75 Engineers, and 5,000 troops RTW (Ready to Work)

The ships sat outside the abandoned cities for two hours, and after a few hours of Drone exploration, the results came back: minimal human life detected.

With that, the cities were taken with no casualties, and rebuilding began. CCC (central Colonizing Corps.) requested 5,000 more troops and 5,000 more workers, which was approved by the Head General Cordoba quickly. Preparations were made to get VV citizens to the new colonies and start populating the area, although it would take 2-6 months until that would happen.
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Many of the Bantu faith are claiming that the strange signal in space is a Message from Ngai himself of the upcoming glory of the African Empire, which will lead the world into an era of greatness. the christian Majority believe it to be Aliens.

In the meantime, the Government has begun one of many reforms to make the country more efficient; the first is to establish a national post office, which will allow quicker mailing. The second is the increase of construction workers needed for the farms; as such, a million and a tenth of the army has been ordered to work on the farms for two months to increase the farm progress by an estimated 1.5%. This has lead to just a skeleton crew of men on the borders.
After remembrance of the lost colony of North Africa, the VV requested to trade the city of Tunis, which was previously a colony of the VV. 

The VV would be willing to offer Naval and Air bases in Porto Seguro, and Lima.

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French Province, Italian Province, and British Province (Scotland Area)

Loyal citizens start flying to these areas, forming rallies of their own to counter independence rallies. One of the most popular sayings used by these counter rallies is "The Government has protected you, kept your families safe, celebrated your culture at Culture Month, and this is how you thank them?!" This saying has convinced independence protesters to join the Loyalists, except in Scotland, because they weren't celebrated in Culture Month.

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

Main Communications Center, Oxford, British Province

"That would be appreciated, we've already started moving operations, the population of that area was wanting to join you anyway. Moving operations should take around a year, since those centers and factories have been there for quite some time now."


American Province

Moving operations continue and announcements have been made that in one year's time, moving will be complete and the population would become citizens of the Republic of Cascadia.

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

Research Centers, Nationwide

Progress on Project: Virgo has come to a halt due to spacial anomalies. All research is now focused on Project: Entwicklung. 

Project Virgo: 30% (Halted)

Project Entwicklung: 45%
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Berlin, Second German Republic

President Otto had been dealing with the Bundesrat's arrogance to implement a new military policy he wanted to add. With it Germany could once again become a great power, of course that would be a minor term considering the amount of superpower-level nations around him. When he had heard that protesters in the Western and Southern portions of Poland had wished to join Germany, he made a public announcement stating that it is the Poles decision to decide what to do but he would welcome them with open arms. Soon afterwards the Bundersrat agreed to have his policy implemented, which now allows the armed forces to expand allow the commencement of advanced military projects. When he returned to his office he sent a transmission to the Order Empire. "Greetings Order Empire, i am President Otto of Germany. I know that I've mostly kept my country out of international business, but i would like to change that today. Firstly i would like to buy Denmark from you, if you refuse then that's acceptable. I would also like to seek observer status in the NWA."


Independence & Merger Movements

The French and Italian movements, while still there, have significantly decreased after realizing that British counter-protests were correct. The leaders of each movement then asked the empire if their provinces could instead receive higher autonomy instead while remaining loyal to the empire. However in Scotland they were pissed if anything to the British counter-argument. The Scots say its just an excuse to keep them under British rule, and that they will only accept independence and nothing less. They said that they will remain in peaceful protests unless British forces forcefully stop them.


In the Patagonian, Chinese, Greek areas, and Indian Republics of the Eclipsian Federation the protests, while still going on in large numbers, were being monitored and guarded by police forces. The reason for this is because Eclipsian residents in the republics have attacked the protesters, which nearly turned this into independence wars. However the main government passed a law stating that any loyal citizen to the federation is to allow protests to continue on, as long as they remained peaceful. Then President Byron met with the leaders of the movements to discuss a deal. After a few hours of talking, which some parts of it were actually friendly banter about sports and politics, they came to an agreement. The Patagonian Republic would receive greater autonomy, except for The Falklands which was to become a large military fort, just like the Heylik Republic. As for the Chinese and Indians, special areas in their respective Republics would be granted autonomy administered by the Republics themselves while being monitored by the main government. Greece would become its own separate republic.  Afterwards some minor protests were still going on, but the movements were mostly solved through peace and heavy autonomy offers.

@Loyal Guardian

In Australia many people were furious at the government's reaction. They said that their basic human rights and rights alone were being abused. They also said that the government itself was forcefully fighting them, however many of these claims couldn't be fully confirmed. The New Zealand movement only began to grow in response to the government. While they do credit the government for their new found prosperity, they believe it is time for them to experience a breath of fresh air and become their own nation. Soon afterwards the Australian and New Zealander movements forged together, calling it Australasia, and became a single movement for independence of the region. They don't claim the Singaporean portion of the geographical region, but has stated they would like to initiate talks with them of those set of islands in a peaceful manner. Soon afterwards, in response to what they call "government abuse", Australasia declared its independence from the Kingdom of the Rockies after giving a list of grievances. The leader of the movement has said that even if the Rockies complies with the grievances, their relations are forever strained and that independence is their only option. In Chile the situation was more or less the same. Even though the government hadn't come after them yet, they still feared the same thing would happen to them. Soon after the Australasians did it, the Chileans declared independence as well.

@Fishman Lord

In Mexico the protests had remained peaceful. Even though they know that they have experienced growth under Cascadia, they believe that their region should become independent due to cultural differences and related topics. However the movement has said that if the region could gain heavy autonomy, then they might accept that. To discuss this even further the leader of the movement has asked the President of Cascadia for a meeting between the two to discuss the issue.


In Southern and Western Poland the protests were only growing larger as the government was still in disarray after the Summaist Wars. Many people chanted German sayings and singing German songs for their support over a German Unification resolution. In Karelia the movement was largely successful as it was the northern most portion of the Polish Republic. And even though hey were most likely going to succeed, they faced a internal issue of themselves. The movement was split on either joining the Nordic Union or the Redline Empire. Even though the members of the movement know that the two nations didn't really have good relations, they had to decide on who it was they were to unite with. After much deliberation, the Nordic Union was chosen by a very narrow majority.

@JJKab @Lordvader59

In the remaining area of Singaporean Africa, many protests were calling for the complete merger of the area with the African Empire. They claim that the area had been acquired through conquest and greed, and that a union with the African Empire could finally unite the entire continent for the first time history and their cultures could be shared. They also said that the dream of African Unification was strong anyways and the Singaporeans should grant it, stating that Africa is far from their capitol as the main basis for that argument.

@Alteras @Albion

(I ran out of steam, so i left some movements out, but just know that most of the South American merger movements are gone except for the Cascadians, the Philippines are.... being the Philippines, and the Canadian Isles are a touchy topic.)
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Berlin, Second German Republic

President Otto had been dealing with the Bundesrat's arrogance to implement a new military policy he wanted to add. With it Germany could once again become a great power, of course that would be a minor term considering the amount of superpower-level nations around him. When he had heard that protesters in the Western and Southern portions of Poland had wished to join Germany, he made a public announcement stating that it is the Poles decision to decide what to do but he would welcome them with open arms. Soon afterwards the Bundersrat agreed to have his policy implemented, which now allows the armed forces to expand allow the commencement of advanced military projects. When he returned to his office he sent a transmission to the Order Empire. "Greetings Order Empire, i am President Otto of Germany. I know that I've mostly kept my country out of international business, but i would like to change that today. Firstly i would like to buy Denmark from you, if you refuse then that's acceptable. I would also like to seek observer status in the NWA."


Independence & Merger Movements

The French and Italian movements, while still there, have significantly decreased after realizing that British counter-protests were correct. The leaders of each movement then asked the empire if their provinces could instead receive higher autonomy instead while remaining loyal to the empire. However in Scotland they were pissed if anything to the British counter-argument. The Scots say its just an excuse to keep them under British rule, and that they will only accept independence and nothing less. They said that they will remain in peaceful protests unless British forces forcefully stop them.


In the Patagonian, Chinese, Greek areas, and Indian Republics of the Eclipsian Federation the protests, while still going on in large numbers, were being monitored and guarded by police forces. The reason for this is because Eclipsian residents in the republics have attacked the protesters, which nearly turned this into independence wars. However the main government passed a law stating that any loyal citizen to the federation is to allow protests to continue on, as long as they remained peaceful. Then President Byron met with the leaders of the movements to discuss a deal. After a few hours of talking, which some parts of it were actually friendly banter about sports and politics, they came to an agreement. The Patagonian Republic would receive greater autonomy, except for The Falklands which was to become a large military fort, just like the Heylik Republic. As for the Chinese and Indians, special areas in their respective Republics would be granted autonomy administered by the Republics themselves while being monitored by the main government. Greece would become its own separate republic.  Afterwards some minor protests were still going on, but the movements were mostly solved through peace and heavy autonomy offers.

@Loyal Guardian

In Australia many people were furious at the government's reaction. They said that their basic human rights and rights alone were being abused. They also said that the government itself was forcefully fighting them, however many of these claims couldn't be fully confirmed. The New Zealand movement only began to grow in response to the government. While they do credit the government for their new found prosperity, they believe it is time for them to experience a breath of fresh air and become their own nation. Soon afterwards the Australian and New Zealander movements forged together, calling it Australasia, and became a single movement for independence of the region. They don't claim the Singaporean portion of the geographical region, but has stated they would like to initiate talks with them of those set of islands in a peaceful manner. Soon afterwards, in response to what they call "government abuse", Australasia declared its independence from the Kingdom of the Rockies after giving a list of grievances. The leader of the movement has said that even if the Rockies complies with the grievances, their relations are forever strained and that independence is their only option. In Chile the situation was more or less the same. Even though the government hadn't come after them yet, they still feared the same thing would happen to them. Soon after the Australasians did it, the Chileans declared independence as well.

@Fishman Lord

In Mexico the protests had remained peaceful. Even though they know that they have experienced growth under Cascadia, they believe that their region should become independent due to cultural differences and related topics. However the movement has said that if the region could gain heavy autonomy, then they might accept that. To discuss this even further the leader of the movement has asked the President of Cascadia for a meeting between the two to discuss the issue.


In Southern and Western Poland the protests were only growing larger as the government was still in disarray after the Summaist Wars. Many people chanted German sayings and singing German songs for their support over a German Unification resolution. In Karelia the movement was largely successful as it was the northern most portion of the Polish Republic. And even though hey were most likely going to succeed, they faced a internal issue of themselves. The movement was split on either joining the Nordic Union or the Redline Empire. Even though the members of the movement know that the two nations didn't really have good relations, they had to decide on who it was they were to unite with. After much deliberation, the Nordic Union was chosen by a very narrow majority.

@JJKab @Lordvader59

In the remaining area of Singaporean Africa, many protests were calling for the complete merger of the area with the African Empire. They claim that the area had been acquired through conquest and greed, and that a union with the African Empire could finally unite the entire continent for the first time history and their cultures could be shared. They also said that the dream of African Unification was strong anyways and the Singaporeans should grant it, stating that Africa is far from their capitol as the main basis for that argument.

@Alteras @Albion

(I ran out of steam, so i left some movements out, but just know that most of the South American merger movements are gone except for the Cascadians, the Philippines are.... being the Philippines, and the Canadian Isles are a touchy topic.)

South America

In a large movement of money, the Vestanian government gave 200 million to the Cascadian merger movement, giving them advice and stating that they would like for them to remain peaceful.

In Chile, the VV offered for the country to rejoin them, stating that it is the best form of protection and "only together can we rebuild South America"

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