The World of Tomorrow

The African Empire has recruited 600k men along with 4000 infantry personnel vehicles, 400 air drones, and 40 attack planes, though they will need to train for at least a month before they will even know how to use a rifle properly. When the men and the vehicle/aircraft are done, many will be stationed in the VV bases given to the AE as well as along the Sinai border, being trained to handle the desert and working as border guards. 

The African Empire is starting a slow effort to increase the amount of Laser Rifles and better armor in the military, though the process is estimated to take at least a year. The adding of laser usage for the rest of the military would take much more money. The estimated overall military spending increase is about 60 billion.

As well as that, a new census has been decreed to determine the increase in population from the Hamui.

The AE has stated al of these new projects are to keep the peace amongst the new citizens while police stations are restored to working order. The AE also wishes to increase relations with all nations.

And finally, the AE has requested access to multiple bases of the VV for more training on foreign soil; the AE plans on making sure the men can handle  the Amazon if war should return to the VV.

New news: TejX has attempted a launch. upon reaching 100m, the spaceship exploded. Reportedly, the Gelda Baboon technicians had gotten into the Tej storage and got drunk. One Greek Orthodox man with a fat chin who is reported to have a claim on Athens living in Ethiopia claimed that the baboons were the best technicians in the country. The man was arrested and repatriated to the Eclipse Federation.
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The AE has offered to take Singaporean Africa in exhange for military and naval access to the bases that are being taken in the deal.


Also, the AE has requested access from The Eclipse Federation for an exploration mission to map out the fabled lands of 'Rosja'

@Loyal Guardian
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Ragnite munitions project: 70% 

Ragnaid was easily configured to be turned into a "damage as far as you can throw" weapon. A few minor modifications made the core a bit unstable but that was the intention. However a side affect would be that anyone with a weak immune system would shit themselves when using it for medical purposes. Due to this, it was considered as a laxative as well. The final phase of the project would then continue:

To create weapons to spew ragnite flames, containers for liquid ragnite, and ragnite gas weapons mainly for traps and defense. Essentially due to it appearing as either a rock, or a crystal it usually would explode into flame, it would be difficult to identify. As the effects are nearly similar. Except one can kill with fragmentation, heat, and flames while the documented cases of mature ragnite ripping open on its own would have heat, a flame appearance, and usually visible gas which would also carry parts of the ore within it.


Naval project: 69%.

The ship had all three nations constructing it, with only a few already working on the next. The keel was constructed along with lower halves of the hull, and the bow. Some piping was also created already, and all that was left for the beginning stages was to finish the hull, implement the engine, and then finish the pipeline.


Mass expansion project: 40%.

Reinforcements sent would help create larger camps, explore the lands, and recruit survivors. The survivors would be greeted, given homes, and given supplies. However those infected with diseases would be killed and then later given proper burial like the rest. Any survivors would be informed of this because there would not be any cure. The soldiers wouldn't be affected due to their gas masks and protective materials


Engineering project for ragnite missiles: 60%.

370 missiles would be completed by this time. The goal should be reached in two months.


Seed Project: 15%. [Should be 9 months. -1.]

Testing would come up with answers. Four seeds tested would show that one could be planted right now, while the others required more exotic or warmer climates. The fourth and a few from inside the box would be useless as it was long gone. Other seeds were put inside of sterilized rooms to prevent surface exposure. As it'd render them all useless. They put three seeds inside one room each besides each other. One would be put under normal conditions with artificial sunlight, proper hydration, and would be planted in none irradiated soils. The second would be given a hotter artificial climate, proper watering for climate, and proper artificial sunlight. The third would be under normal conditions but would be tested with radiation.


The yggdism religion has finally broke into redline territory, and is attempting to recruit members from their population. Anyone accepting would be taken to their primary cathedral in imperial territory.


The search for the red October on the kara seas continues. There is nothing found however.


The soldiers emerging from the forest in multiple directions would run after the sprinting figure. It would have to adapt it's path and run right instead as some soldiers appeared from the side. The soldiers however, would fail to tackle or shoot it. It would continue on until a soldier behind a tree would appear, and as quickly smacked his rifle into the figures face like a baseball bat. He approached it and identified it as female but only after hitting her again to make sure she was unconscious. "Surprise." He would pick up and carry the body and walk out. Emerging from he forest and having everyone pointing guns at him thinking he was the figure. He was smoking a cigarette, holding the woman. He was also holding his gun with one hand. "What?" He would then walk across the path to the other side.

He would then walk through the other part of the forest with the woman to get to a vehicle. Once done with that goal he would return her back to base. He would disappear into the treeline, with none of the two being seen afterwards. A search team would go out and find the missing soldier the figure dragged away earlier.
And finally, the AE has requested access to multiple bases of the VV for more training on foreign soil; the AE plans on making sure the men can handle  the Amazon if war should return to the VV.

The VV agrees, and asks if widespread joint-training sessions could be held with both nations on both continents.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

"Oh no it's completely fine, i expected it to be a long shot anyways." He said as they walked towards the building. "And to be honest i do know that they are protective of their land, any nation would be. However our values have never aligned, he is a fiefdom and we're a newly founded Federation with democratic ideals that support humanism. And even though i know we started it first, their embargo on us is something our nation doesn't really tolerate. Catherine i'm sorry to say this but the council and our military leaders have already agreed to war and with this new government my vote, even though i have some backing, isn't enough to stop the declaration. I support their independence, but not like this." Byron then opened the door and as they walked into the room he sat down and spoke. "Greetings representatives of the Republic of Cascadia, it is an honor to have you here. Eclipsim is glad to have you in her presence. Now i have called you here for a multitude of reasons, however the primary point is militarily. I have discussed this in detail with Miss Jefferson, and even though we have come to an conclusion, i still thought i should bring it up. As you know the Rockians are fighting the Australasian independence fighters, and that the Eclipsian Federation is in full support for their independence. I asked for military assistance, however as President Jefferson has said, that is very likely out of the question. Therefore i won't pursue the topic further, but i should note that a declaration of war will come sadly. The remaining issues i would like to talk about involve trade and commerce." As Byron was speaking of this, a very large incident happened.


((Byron's Appearance for Reference)) 

Open Seas

Admiral Umberion and General Centauri had been in charge of overlooking the embargo. After hearing word that the Rockians had blockaded Eclipsian ports, and the fact that the majority of the council and even civilian populous support war, they decided to activate their forces. As such, they ordered all defensive measures and aerial assets to be activated at blockaded ports to attack the Rockian fleet. The Jovian Naval Platforms also aided by firing their salvos at the Rockian fleets, which proved to be very effective. The Battle of the Ports was a quick, yet eyeopening, battle that quickly drove off the Rockian Navy from Eclipsian port cities. At the same time Eclipsian naval forces began bombarding major island chains and land forces on minor islands. Targets like Hawaii and the Galapagos were left alone except for precise naval bombardment on important targets. Land forces deployed in Patagonia then began to push into Chile, quickly taking over Rockian lands. Even though the Rockians were the most technologically advanced foe they had met, Eclipsian equipment still surpassed theirs numerically and effectively. Even though there was no issue of war, the councilmen of the Eclipsian Federation said that the war would have passed in debate anyways so the action was inevitable. To them it was a Informal-Formal Declaration of War. They also asked the Order Empire and Singaporean Federation for assistance or remain neutral. They said that it was in their opinion that the Rockies had not allowed the freedom of speech, expression, cultural spreading across the regions. As such, the Eclipsian-Rockian War began.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

(Note i made this through the Eclipsian perspective, to the Rockies its vise versa)

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Rockian Loyalists

Varmandr Vestan

Hard choices were going to be made. The Rockies lie weak, and the VV war machine was just getting back on it's feet. 

If they entered the war, they could get revenge on the warmongering nation. If they didn't, the Vestanian's odin-bound honor was broken, and the Eclipsans would reap all the benifits.

With a nation-wide poll to enter the war or not, the People voted heavily, with a 95-4-1 majority to enter the war, stay neutral, or provide weapons to other nations.

And like that, within 75 hours, all adult Vestanian people that voted in favor and weren't doing essential jobs (Such as farming, political jobs, and others) had been "drafted" to work in factories. Guns pumped out, and a defense line was made with Chile, with constant bombings taking place. A draft was set up, raising the military by 2.5 million, with 1.5 million trained people and 2 million in reserve not yet activated.

With the surprise bombing and invasion of Chile, thousands of Mouse drones (Now mass-produced) were targeting tanks, motorized vehicles, and heavily defended areas. They were small and hard to shoot down, and even one of them packed a hell of a punch. With this, the VV gained a bit of Northern Chile, and with the advantage of knowing the area, proved a hard enemy to kick out.

On an other note, the war was a kick-start to the rather sluggish VV economy ((think like America when they joined WW2.))

The AE was told that this was a war they didn't need to join unless they wanted to.


@Loyal Guardian

@Fishman Lord
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The AE has joined the VV in the DOW on the Rockians. The AE has stated that they will not stand for the suppression of the Australians.

 Woe to All who face them.

Battle Plans:

Varmandr Vestan

In a move to try and open up the Rockian war on as many fronts as possible, the VV asks the Rising Empire to join in on the war, proposing much land to be gained and a trade deal between the BRICS member states.

Radium Hot Springs

"Dear God. What do we do?" The King paced back and forth. "We allow the areas to be more independent, and yet this war continues." A general spoke up. "My liege, we have devised a plan to survive." "What is it, then? We don't have much time." The general stood up and began manipulating the map. "Well, we can't defend all of Australia. That is certain. However, we can assume that Alice Springs can stay safe, and Perth is very well defended. We must focus on these two areas, and the rest must fend for themselves. However, we have succesfully retaken Auckland, and I believe that with some hard work the rest of New Zealand can be taken as well. Now, we are still in control of Sakhalin and Kamchatka, which will make excellent advance points for our Air Force. I suggest a bombing campaign, as we can reach into their territory and they will be too occupied with everything else to fully deflect it. As for ground troops, they must stay in defensive positions. The invaders in Chile have just hit the Andes, which will hold them off for a good bit. The only offensive going on right now is New Zealand, which can be sustained." The general sat down. "Very good. All in favor of this plan?" The plan was approved.

New Zealand

After several battles, the Rockians have retaken the North Island. They have taken defensive positions and are waiting for further orders.

@Loyal Guardian


"It is wonderful to be back in Singapore. However, it saddens me to say that I can't enjoy it, as major events have recently brought me much worry." They continued to walk. "I suppose that I must get straight to it. The Eclipse Federation has declared war on the Kingdom. Singapore is our only ally, with the possible exception of Cascadia. We need your help. Please, the Eclipsians will destroy us. I know it is far too much to ask, but we must ask anyway."


Vancouver Island Shipyard

The submarines and aircraft carriers had been sent to harass the Eclipsian Navy with torpedoes and bombs, while the rest of the navy continued to regroup and prepare. Work on Project Posiedon continues.


Execution of plan against Eclipse.


Project Posiedon: 30%

Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Upon hearing of the Eclipsian aggression and somewhat informal declaration of war on the Kingdom of the Rockies, President Jefferson and her advisors left the Council meeting without another word. Another half hour and her plane was leaving the country, en-route back to Cascadia as the Secretary of Defense, Admiral Hampton of the CNDF and the Joint-Chiefs of Staff all had a video conference debating on how to respond to the Vestanian, African and Eclipsian gangup on the Rockians. As of now the entire CDF was put to it's highest alert, in-fact being mobilised and authorized to be combat ready if any of the three nations came within 100 miles of Cascadian territory.


The Department of Foreign Affairs sent a message on Jefferson's behalf, it came as followed. "To the Eclipsian Federation, we would not like to see a decrease in our relationship however you have turned the Cascadian population against you. They see your invasion as a justification for warmongering, using humanitarian excuses as a reason to wipe out a country that everyone knows you have hated for a while now. President Jefferson has expressed her most sincere disappointment and sadness at your decision to invade, as she and our government itself have been put into an awkward situation because of yourself and the Rockians' aggression to one another. However we will serve our people and if they are against your decision, then we are against your decision. President Jefferson has ordered us to inform you that she wishes that you will change your mind and make the right decision for everyones' sake so that we can return to our healthy friendship."


Portland, Cascadia


"Don't stand idle, stand with our friends!" A rioter chanted through a loudspeaker as a large crowd began cheering and chucking rocks and bricks at a long line of riot officers with their shields up, the line of officers making an intimidating march down the street, bashing the front of their shields with their batons as they approached slowly. Thousands of protestors took to the streets of Portland in a mass protest against the Eclipsian Federation and BRICS alliance, the message being against the Cascadian government's stance of standing idly by as their ally is invaded by three different nations. After a few hours however, the amount of riot police on scene had provoked the protest into a full blown riot, police cars were lit on fire and put on their sides, Eclipsian, Vestanian and African flags were burnt and Portland Police Department officers were attacked with bricks and bottles, the riots had been contained to the outer areas of Portland, mainly the smaller commercial and housing areas, downtown and other large, important areas of the city had been spared from the violence. The riot had been very fueled, with stores being looted at some points and petrol bombs being thrown from time to time, the violence had only really stopped after around 789 arrests were made and the police had arrived in full force, with armored trucks, water cannons and tear gas, no deaths or severe injuries had been caused however local hospitals were flooded with minor injuries such as bruised limbs, glass in arms etc. President Jefferson made a statement upon her arrival back in Portland, stating that an emergency session of Congress would be held to debate on how to respond to the situation and that the protestors' cries would be heard and responded to by their government.


Congress had voted in favor of a military threat to Vestanian and African military assets in the Pacific, Atlantic and near the Rockian homeland. But had voted against a military threat towards the Eclipsians, instead debating further on it and agreeing that military tracking and monitoring of their movements and an encouragement for them to stop the war would be preferable, in the end and with advise from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Department of Defense. Congress had voted on authorizing priority one communications with both the Singaporean Federation and Order Empire. The Pentagon maintaining an open channel with the Rockian government as to be constantly informed on the situation.


The Pentagon, Cascadia

In a final response after endless hours of debating in Congress and the Senate. Then communication between government departments and President Jefferson and her advisors, a final compromise had been come up with. Department of Defense officials announced today that Cascadia would stand by the Kingdom of the Rockies, the CNDF deployed the 1st and 2nd Fleets from the Pacific Coast to intercept Eclipsian ships in the Pacific, not to engage however. Both fleets had set up a defensive line around the remaining Rockian held territory in Australia and New Zealand, with smaller strike groups being deployed around the Pacific to track Eclipsian movement. A message was sent from the Pacific Naval Command to the Eclipsian Navy, stating that any further aggression against the Kingdom of the Rockies would be met with a harsh response, warning that the CNDF was indeed a naval force superior to their own.


Meanwhile the 3rd and 4th Fleets had been deployed into the Atlantic to intercept African ships heading to the Rockian mainland, cutting them off from the east Rockian coast and sending a similar warning to the African Empire. Stating that the Republic of Cascadia would have little difficulty in destroying their invasion forces if they attempted to go past the Cascadian fleets that had been sent to cut them off. At the same time the entire CDF was given orders to fire only if fired on or if the Eclipsians or Africans continued to engage Rockian positions, a standing order was issued that any BRICS allied aircraft, ship or other military asset that was within 100 miles of any Cascadian territory was to be tracked, monitored and if seen showing signs of aggression or still approaching Cascadian territory, to be destroyed.



[SIZE= 18px]Singaporean Federation[/SIZE]

As the Cascadian diplomatic team discussed the topic of the Nymph mines with the Singaporeans, Simmons of Foreign Affairs had sent a message to Secretary Hall to inform the Singaporean Chairman that an emergency meeting with the Singaporean leader and his trusted officials was to be held as soon as possible over the topic of the Eclipsian-Rockian war and the BRICS alliance.


Order Empire

The Cascadian Embassy in Oxford had sent out 4 diplomats to the Ordorian government's headquarters to begin their own emergency meeting discussing the same issue as the one in the Singaporean Federation, the Department of Foreign Affairs informing both nations of the importance of these meetings in advance of the diplomats arriving.


Anti-BRICS and Eclipsian protest/riot in Portland due to Rockian War.

President Jefferson leaves Eclipsim, Cascadia sends message to Eclipsians.

Emergency meetings to be held with Singapore and Order Empire.

Military deployment authorized by Congress towards African and Eclipsian invasions.

Defensive naval line set up around Rockian held Australia and New Zealand.

Two fleets sent to cut off African invasion force from Rockian homeland.

No direct military engagement.
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Secret Military Base

Varmandr Vestan

Interim President Caleb sat in the Emergency Meeting Room. His top 15 aides sat beside him on the circular table, all discussing the situation. In a few hours, President Caleb announced around the Vestanian nation that the Cascadians have intervened on the way of Justice and Odin's way, and even though they would hate it, they would have to try to get a temporary alliance with the Eclipsan nation to survive.

In an emergency broadcast, the Eclipsans were sent a message that if they (The Eclipsans) came to blows with the Cascadians, a temporary alliance with BRICS would be welcomed, and encourages them to tell the Cascadians to not intervene.

And, for now, the Chilean Offensive stopped and the VV advises the AE to stop until this is sorted out.

Numerous Towns

Varmandr Vestan

In hearing that the Cascadians burned flags, VV citizens rose Cascadian flags not 500 yards from the border, and shot them with flaming arrows. Signs were also raised saying "JEFFERSON STAY AWAY" and many other anti-Cascadia sayings.

The most extreme one was when a house was painted in Cascadian colours by the border and burned. Three people were committed with Arson and other charges for that.

@Loyal Guardian


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The queen of gallia, the premier of the redline, and the emperor  were all preparing to go to congress early. The emperor had selected a young woman, Clare yurakovna. One of the first generations to go to congress as the Atlantic federation. She accepted and thus would be heading to congress once it starts.


The emperor would request that the islands north of Russia already occupied by the gallians and redline have the native populace registered. And that a census be updated soon.


The svalbard occupants, while still waiting on the garrison. Would have some detachments go across their newly conquered lands to communication areas around the island. They were to attempt to repair it if necessary with anything found there or on the way, and then if still capable, use them to broadcast the nations territory.


There was a attempt to repeal the maid law made by hunter.

Short to say, the repeal did not pass.
Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Byron was literally slamming his head on the desk. He wanted to keep out of this war, as much as possible. In fact he wanted to avoid it all together. Draco and Sao agreed with him and they wanted to comfort him, however he ignored them. He was at a moral crossroads of sorts. He did in fact support the independence of Australasia and Chile, however a war with the Rockies was the very last thing he wanted. In fact he wanted no war, and instead wanted to focus on better relations after this whole situation was over, but now he knew that wouldn't happen.

He was being informed of the progression of the war, to which he would metaphorically throw up in his mouth. Eclipsian troops had already taken a majority of the minor pacific islands, plans were being drafted to invade Rockian Russia, and some Eclipsian troops had landed in Western Australia via aircraft. The bombardments of Hawaii and other major islands chains under Rockies control were halted after Cascadian intervention.

After any hours of worrying from Sao and Draco, Byron stepped out of his office ready to give a speech to the world. It would be televised to he entire world, with almost everyone in the world listening in.

"To the citizens of the Eclipsian Federation, Kingdom of the Rockies, Republic of Cascadia, and the rest of the world. I first would like to thank you for listening to my words, even they may mean very little by now...." He said looking away from the camera and microphone for a second. "Current the world faces a crisis and potential world conflict, that my nation is sadly the culprit of. I am ashamed to admit that, especially i since i have to do it against my nations popular opinion.

To the citizens of Cascadia know that i cherish our friendship, and it is one that i do not want to be ended. I am not associated with the BRICS alliance, and i am in fact against their aggression. Your people are more than kind to us and we were about to experience a shared grand period of prosperity. However the warmongering council have shunt that away from us and i am terribly sorry for that. I want you all to know, and i want everyone in the world to know, that with the new form of government i can not do much against a popular council vote. If i could, i would end hostilities right now, however i have no real authority in that unless i can convince the other council members.

To the leaders of the African Empire and Varmandr Vestan, i shall warn you one time. Even though i am against it, this is a situation between us and the Rockies and it has nothing to do with you! I suggest you get out of this war or i swear to whatever gods you believe in that the entirety of the Eclipsian Federation will be brought upon you, so leave as i want nothing to be associated with you alliance. I know that may have sounded wrong, in fact very wrong, but i want to be honest.

To the citizens of the Rockies. I know our people have never gotten along, and i don't know if we ever will, but know that while i am against many of your decisions i am against many principles of this war. Like i have mentioned before, i am going to be blunt and honest with all of you. Personally i do want to see the Rockian Colonies fall apart and become their own independent nations, however a war to fight over them is something that should be avoided at all costs.

To the people of the Singaporean Federation and Order Empire. You are dear allies to us, and your leaders are people i consider to be very close friends. A conflict that would break up our alliance is something i never would want to see. It nearly happened one time, and it may very well happen now. However i want all of you to know that i cherish the relationship our nations have, and if that broke apart, then i don't know what i would do. A war with former allies is always bitter and undeserved, and it would further devastate us and every nation on Earth.

And to the leader of Cascaida herself. Catherine, i know you must be saddened and disappointed at our actions, but know i share those feelings with you. You are a close friend to me and if our friendship were cut by such a ridiculous reason then i would rather hide in a shell of shame and anguish. You and your people have been more than kind to me and my people, so seeing it flicker away like this is beyond my comprehension and conscious.

And now to my own citizens. I know you feel hatred for the Rockies, and to be blunt i resent them to, however they also have reasons to resent us as well. I know that i am against all popular opinion, but know that i am begging you to rethink your decision because it means life or death for this nation. If you truly are a patriot and love this country of ours and share the same united ideals, then you would end this high and support peace. I know that i am preaching to the choir, but to the councilmen i would also like to ask you to stop. However....... if you would rather seek mutiny and take over this nation, then fine by me. I am willing to fight a second civil war if it means this nation will prosper in the long run and our people will be known as more than warmongers.

Now to the rest of the world. You may have mixed feelings or you may even despise us, and those are opinions i can not change. I just want to ask all of you, to please know that this is not what i wanted nor do i want this to erupt into a world war. But if this whole thing goes south, then i want every other nation besides the two main fighters to remain out of this for as long as possible. I don't want to see anyone else get absorbed into this piety conflict and see more lives being risked for such a stupid reason to fight. I know morals and such are going to be in the way of that decision, and i am not asking you to stop them, but please try. Human life is precious and losing it in such a war would mean brilliant minds and people would be lost for no cause."

With that he walked off, still trying to hold back the flow of tears he built up. When he reach Draco and Sao, he laid his forehead on the nearest wall and began to slowly weep.

@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Domini Regum 

Multiple Fronts

A few hours before the speech was given

On the pacific front, Rear Admiral Zhao was recent put in charge of the fleet meant to support an invasion of New Zealand and Australia. When he arrived he was notified by Cascadian signals to stop his advance or face harsh action. He knew that while his fleet had superior technology, the Cascadian-Rockian force outnumbered his and that was all they needed. He sighed and replied. "I understand your concerns, however this is a conflict between us and the Rockies. I know you share a friendship, but this conflict does not involve you unless you support Rockian claims to these land in which the people clearly want more independence rather than some puppet government or mainland rule."

Further in the Pacific front a force was detached from the main force in the main Pacific to attack Kamchatka and Sakhalin. When the ships reached the target they began heavy bombardment and landed troops onto the shores and quickly began to fight the ground forces. However the recent build up of Rockian air forces was just enough to give them aerial dominance. As such Titan systems were deployed and troops were now being sent in with A.M.I.R Rifles, which once again enable them to get the advantage. By the time the speech was given, much of Kamchatka and almost all of Sakhalin was under Eclipsian control.

In Chile, the Andes was a obstacle to the troops. However their training in the much higher mountain range of the Himalayas enabled them to push forward faster. However when VV and African troops arrived, they completely blocked them off and told them to return to wherever they came from. While most of the troops had cleared the Andes, some important areas were still under Rockian control.

in Australia itself Eclipsian troops that had airdropped into the territory began to aid the Australasian rebels in pushing back the Rockian advance. Even though there few of them, they still were able to make enough of an impact on the front lines.

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

Eclipsian-Rockian War.png

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Republic of Cascadia

Belligerent 3:

  • Varmandr Vestan
  • African Empire
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Rising Empire

The Rising Empire immediately sent a reply back to VV stating that they will not join the war, joining it would be a waste of Resource and damage the stability of their economy.

@Domini Regum
( @Wickedkent wrong chat bud)\

"To the Redline Empire, i apologize but we can not aid you in the construction of a radio tower at this time. We are currently involved in a very large war, and we can not take away any resources from it."

( @Wickedkent wrong chat bud)\

"To the Redline Empire, i apologize but we can not aid you in the construction of a radio tower at this time. We are currently involved in a very large war, and we can not take away any resources from it."


She would of returned to the citadel tower, and play the message. Then she would turn off radio voice mail. "Alright. how about the broadcast part then? She asked."
She would of returned to the citadel tower, and play the message. Then she would turn off radio voice mail. "Alright. how about the broadcast part then? She asked."

"Once again, i don't think we can send anyone. I'm sorry we couldn't assist you at this time."
"Once again, i don't think we can send anyone. I'm sorry we couldn't assist you at this time."

"Ok then, sorry to bother you." She would then turn off the radio and return to her room in the citadel, she would get dressed in a sleeping dress [cannot be bothered to actually use the word.], And then go to sleep.
The African Empire cannot invade, their naval force too weak. resigning instead to pull out of the war with a white peace.

@Fishman Lord
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Uncharted Territory South of Republic of Nordlam

 A convoy of supply trucks and some military Jeeps went along the gravelly terrain, scouting for any sign of a past civilization or anything worth scavenging. The man leading this team, Alexander Samson, drove a supply truck and blasted a CD copy of Nickback's 'Animals' and had it on repeat. He hummed as he scanned the area for any glints or shining objects,
In the Meantime, the expedition has instead corssed the bosphorous and landed in crimea, then moving north for quite a time, then northeast. after that they plan to move east.

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Uncharted Territory South of Republic of Nordlam

 A convoy of supply trucks and some military Jeeps went along the gravelly terrain, scouting for any sign of a past civilization or anything worth scavenging. The man leading this team, Alexander Samson, drove a supply truck and blasted a CD copy of Nickback's 'Animals' and had it on repeat. He hummed as he scanned the area for any glints or shining objects,

 Being farther ahead of nordlam positions, The occupying force would send the nordlams a radio transmission. It asked if they wanted some land that was taken by the gallians, which was near nordlam. It also said to wear protective suits as the area beyond that in the east was filled what what was once known as the Manchurian plague.


In the Meantime, the expedition has instead corssed the bosphorous and landed in crimea, then moving north for quite a time, then northeast. after that they plan to move east.


[That would either be the nordic union or again the polish, but I'll spare you from repeatedly editing your comment I guess. But I'll just roll with it.]

In one of the hidden abandoned prewar bunkers outside the borders, a sniper would find unknown people heading towards them. "What the hell?" She would take a few minutes before using a radio to contact a very small force of defending military units. Several detachments stationed throughout the many borders due to the nords blaming war on them multiple times. "Send help! The nords might of gotten through and want to carry out hostilities!" Ten minutes later the expedition would of gotten closer, but any sign of life would be easily hidden by hiding in the bunker several yards away.

[Here is some music for the scene. ]

In the same time, that small detachment would of arrived from a nearby camp, 20 tanks, 2 trucks, and 50 soldiers walking besides them. And a single redline katyusha launcher in the far distance getting in range, but not firing yet. These vehicles would be seen one at a time coming up over the hill 100 yards away. It was a detachment consisting of both redline, gallian, and imperial units. They would proceed to slowly approach the unknown force. In the same time the katyusha was readied, and the soldiers would continue to walk alongside the vehicles.
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Alexander replied to the radio as he was in range. "Alright, I'll relay this back to the boss. And I'll inform him of the toxic warning." He turned the music back up and kept scanning the horizon
The expedition was surprised to see the detachment, but the ygreeted them warmly and asked where they were in relation to Russia.


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