The World of Tomorrow


The unknown being's scout ships had remained in orbit, constantly keeping above some of the world's major cities. All communication sent to them has since been unresponsive except for the once instance where they were able to send a visual message to us. After over a week of them remaining in low-orbit, the scout ships and some of the main fleet began to move. Without warning, or at least to humanity, they suddenly launched strikes all over the world through the air. Major cities like Portland, Las Vegas, Eclipsim, Oxford, London, Solaris, Pendragon, Singapore, Shanghai, <Insert VV Capitol here>, and Radium Hot Springs were all attacked simultaneously. Cities affected by the Eclipsian-Rockian War, namely the Australian cities, were also attacked.

[SIZE= 16px]The attacks were mainly from the air and, while air defenses and jet fighter support were doing some damage to the scout ships, dropped some troops from the ships themselves or from an orbital drop. Soon military's all over the world were buzzing over what to do about the attacks. Troops from every country respective military arrived at the cities and began to combat the invaders. After days upon days of battling, despite having little air support due to a near aerial lock-down, ground troops were slowly pushing out the invaders. A few days later most of the cities were secured, and humanity began to rise in confidence that they could beat this threat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However that all changed when Frigates, Corvettes, and three Destroyers began to approach the surface to combat humanity and land more troops. The frigates were dropping more scout ships from their hangers while taking the brunt of anti-aircraft fire, which in turn allowed the scout ships approach the surface, even though some were lost in anti-air craft barrage, and drop more troops. The Corvettes were the main major air support that many fighters, bombers, missiles, and VTOLS were sent to take down in hopes of destroying their main major aerial support. While this was somewhat working for many cities around the world, despite taking major losses, the cities were the three Destroyers arrived were a different story. London, Las Vegas, and Solaris's skylines when looking up was covered by the massive alien Destroyers. From those destroyers more troops landed and began to severely push back human troops. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]All three cities then organized a massive counteroffensive against the invaders, which then began to nearly work. However a large amount of salvos from the looming Destroyers stalled the offensive, devastated much of the cities, and invading troops pushed the human troops out the cities. While a string of minor victories from determined human forces were able to stall a major enemy offensive, the overall victories in those areas was a invader victory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The other cities of the world that had been attacked had varying outcomes. The VV Capitol, Shanghai, African Capitol, Oslo, Warsaw, and Paris were all captured by invading forces. Cities like Pendragon, London, Radium Hot Springs, and Oxford were still being attacked and each of them vary on how the outcome will be, but it seems that all but Radium Hot Springs and Oxford will fall. The remaining cities like Portland, Eclipsim, Singapore, and the Australian cities were able to drive of the invading force by slaying a good amount of invading troops at the expense of their own, and even shooting down a few Frigates and two Corvettes which are located in Portland and Eclipsim.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Despite a large amount of victories across the board, and landing a good amount of their forces on Earth, the High Admiral of the Grenshu fleet was actually surprised that the inhabiting species of this planet did well in defending against and staving off their forces. He made a personal evaluation, after getting reports of what some of the inhabiting species military garb looked like, and put them somewhere between the Xichung and Warobatar. However that was being modest. In response to the inhabiting species surprisingly valiant and somewhat successful defense against them, he ordered more troops be landed and that more Frigates and Corvettes be deployed. He also ordered that they are to find out about any knowledge about their most dominant language and begin advancements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Now Grenshu forces begin to move across the world, aiming to take as many major looking cities as possible and forcing the inhabitants to remote areas. One of the areas about to be attacked, is The Falklands. And even though most of them believe this will be an easy war, the High Admiral knows that if these inhabitants, or Humans as he recently learned, play their cards right that it will be a difficult war for both of them. The beginning of the invasion created a pseudo-ceasefire for the Eclipsian-Rockian War as both sides worked together to drive off the alien forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87[/SIZE]
The Socialist Republic of California

Shocked by the sudden attacks, the SRC proposed a temporary truce to all the countries they were on bad terms with. As for the African Empire, the SRC asked for all of the land taken to be given back and a temporary (possibly permanent) cease fire of all troops.
The AE agrees and retreats back quickly, the Valkyries and the Sentinels working together to tak back Lagos, with massive salvos of artillery and air force strikes against them. As well as guerilla fighting in all the terrain to slow the advance.

At Svalbard, there was only one station left undamaged. They used it to recommunicate and inform nearby people - units. In the same time, one of the CM commanders had returned. After flipping it back on, they would turn it to the highest possible setting.

"This is the queen of the Atlantic federation. After several days of hard fighting, and our loses. We have successfully regained svalbard from the invaders. We have reclaimed one of our many homes from this 'nordic union' who occupied our lands. We took hundreds if not more of them prisoner for this very reason. We have however fed them well. I officially reclaim this land as Atlantic Federation territory, and demand the invaders to submit to our demands for their crimes of war. That is all." She would then end the broadcast. It would of been sent to nearby locations and even be translated. Some units stationed there would be returned home.

@Wickedkent @Lordvader59 @JJKab @LoneSniper87 @Agent141 @Loyal Guardian


The search for the red October would continue. They found another piece of the ship, a empty life boat. It was pointing at the northeastern direction and thus the Natalia and Belarus would go north east of the kara seas.


The hunt for the last escapee would continue into glazov, they suspected their target blended into the population, and thus would be more difficult to find. However the officer, Natasha[SIZE= 14px]. Ordered that every blonde haired individual be questioned.[/SIZE]


The sounds would of been heard in now redline territory. It has spread from gallia to the redline, and the people went into hiding as well. The only thing remaining are some soldiers to run towns and cities, but mostly everywhere was seemingly abandoned in redline territory. The sounds would of become more intense and thus Valerie got pissed about it. After a day of investigating a new threating-sounding screech would be in the air. She would of instantly of had someone sent to reactivate the nuclear alarm system.


The gallian capital would continue to resume their daily lives. However the sound heard in the kara seas could be faintly heard again. Jennifer would stare at her maid walking by. "Can you shut off the recording please?" She asked. "But my lady, your computer isn't even on?" The sound would be heard again but wouldn't end. The next few days later she would go to the citadel tower annoyed again but rather quickly. Going into the tower only after getting a maid to activate the sirens. After turning a knob and flipping switches, and the static ended, she would contact the eclipse again.

"Oh, so how about now? Is it a higher priority now?" A new sound would be heard. 

"Ugh..." by this time the redline guy sent earlier, and the gallian maid would have successfully and intentionally triggered the russian nuclear alert system. The only problem was, was that like some countries the system was rigged to eachother. So now every siren in Russia which wasn't deconstructed or destroyed would just blare away. Which also included the majority of gallia. Blaring for a second time. " besides this annoying alien threat outside, anyone over there going to congress? That is, if those paranoid bastards even go through with it.. anyway, I sent this to ask if you could help out with us building possibly the largest vessel since the Bismarck." She would then leave and turn on radio-voicemail. She would be travelling to Imperial territory underground for a unrelated meeting. @Loyal Guardian


Another meeting which was scheduled at golden heart would commence yet again. This would contain the recently returned Vanessa/Catherine, Jennifer, Heather, Victor, Valerie, hunter, and leila peron. It would also include the recently added generals, and naval admirals - captains.

"First order of business, svalbard. Discuss." Victor said. "Your invasion on the island was a complete steamroll. The ultimate power of claymores and a single valkyria, but all combined and with additional units made the offensive even easier. It was even more of a massacre due to the lack of defensive counter measures done by the nordic union. The island was taken near-instantly. We took hundreds if not more prisoner, and sent a hundred back here. The most casualties in the invasion was not of enemy resistance, but due to environmental damage. They did keep the skies but they only have one airfield on the island now, and thus won't be able to supply them forever." Valerie said. "How about the empress?" He asked.

"They haven't sent her back yet, and overall I believe they are just stalling. However I do not believe that they understand what they are dealing with yet." She replied. It was only met with a stare. "How is the surface? I heard about screeching in the skies." Victor noted. "Yes, It originated in the kara seas. It then spread to gallia and the redline." Jennifer said. "We also now have our own fruit supply due to trade with some African explorers, No need to bother you with it again." Valerie said with a grin. "How many people at Svalbard do we have left?" Victor asked to Valerie. "23 died, mostly due to environmental damage. No valkyrur were officially killed, and a few thousand others dead as well." Valerie said grimly. "The north seas, there were some ships docked there but one went missing. Have you found them yet?" Victor would then look at Jennifer and Yuri. "No, but we have found traces of where they might of gone. The Belarus and Natalia is currently hunting for the red October to the north east. The sounds also appear to be louder in the seas than what was heard in gallia earlier. Constant and never ending unexplainable sounds from the skies, and louder than firing a gun for the first time next to your ear." Yuri commented.

"Have you found historical reference of nordic lands Valerie?" He asked her. "Yes, I can confirm my earlier statement of Sweden, Finland, Norway. Since they were on svalbard they probably owned that too. But now since they lost that, They have no nearby island to launch aircraft from. Meaning they'd have to fly over polish airspace and probably be attacked for it most likely, or go the long way around. However they believe gallia invaded them, which means if they do attack, we can do a joint operation against them. Gallia can use it masses of tanks and the new navy, and you can use your reinforcement tactics on them or whatever. Since I'm already a ally of gallia, I would also help them defend themselves. But of course, this is all only if they do attack. I can also confirm those territories as theirs, as the south is owned entirely by poland and they are also bordered by someone else." She answered. "And the prisoners?" Victor asked.

"The prisoners have been... taken care of. Do not worry." Leila said.

"Finally, Heather. It has been a few months since you were first pregnant? Have you come up with a name yet?" He asked. "I don't even know how many, or what gender. But yes I have." He nodded, doing a face similar to that of the "not bad" meme a thousand years ago. "I want the redline and gallia to gather all available 'high ranking' valkyrur and claymores. I will enact the 'goddess project'. This project will give the countries outside of imperial control, gallia and the redline. To not have their own, but it will give them a protector. They may wish to gain control of your government probably, but they otherwise will just mostly be your guardians. You will respect them, and they may respect you." He ordered. "You all are now dismissed." They would all over time begin to leave. Heather left the empress's "newer" children with the emperor to look after.


A day later, the emperor was given a list of young women. Some having returned from Svalbard with memory loss, or young kids. After some time of slowly looking through entire sheets of these random characters, He chose 4 of them. He also chose 5 claymores to be under their rule respectively. Gallia would have Heather, But mainly another. The second 'goddess' would be a woman previously known as "Kiyoshi "StormTrooper" Yamazaki:" [Yamazaki kiyoshi] a young woman with only basic leadership skills. She would be gallia's "goddess". 

The third is "Crystal "benefactor" Aynsleyova" the red goddess. And also the sister of Valerie. She would be the redline guardian, and administrate the great north. And the last:

"Yuma Tesla[SIZE= 14px] "Helghast" Visari" the Imperial goddess. All of which hold the most power of their generation, class, and rank. Which is one of the factors which granted them the title of a goddess. [I'm parodying hyperdimension neptunia here.][/SIZE]

[SIZE= 14px]----------------------------------------------[/SIZE]

Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

Very tough times were brewing for not only the Federation but the world. A Second Eclipsian Civil War was on the horizon, but the military still had its forces out in the Pacific. A large unknown fleet has positioned itself from between here and the moon, and on the moon directly. While no satellites had a visual, it can be easily assumed that these unknown beings were construction something on there. The Eclipsian Council sent a visual message of all of the Eclipse's accomplishments, as well as the accomplishments of other nations, and the history of the world before and after the old world ended.

Byron saw this as an opportunity to preserve national unity and a way to end the war with the Rockies. He addressed the Council and pleaded for them to end the war and to preserve the nation as an unknown threat may attack. The council has since gone into deliberation, as a bigger threat may actually be enough for them to sign a white peace with the Rockies.

@Fishman Lord

Santiago, Chile

(Ya know i can technically ignore this, but i'll amuse you)

There were some pockets of Eclipsian troops at the edge of the city fighting on. Despite the defensive measures set up by the Rockian troops, the Eclipsians far outnumbered them, not to mention the fact the Eclipsians had air superiority. A large operation was conducted to retake the city. After a few days of fighting the Rockians, while putting up a valiant and brilliant defense, surrendered to the Eclipsian troops. All surviving Rockian troops, including the General, was rounded up and sent to the shores of Chile. There they were met with boats and all of them were put on the boats, some of them forcefully, and were sent back to the Rockian homeland.

@Fishman Lord


The offensive had gone well. The Eclipsians were able to capture the hearts of most of the citizens they passed, they were able to arm some of the Australasian rebels, and they had pushed the Rockies back severely. However there were three pockets remaining in Australia that would prove to be very difficult. The cities of Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane were heavily fortified and it would take great sieges to capture them. Even though the Eclipsians had the numbers and some of the populations favor, almost every other factor they were outclassed in. This especially went towards Air and Naval support, both of which was highly achievable due to the Cascadian blockade.

@Fishman Lord


Zhao once agaon responded to the Rockian admiral's message. "I'm afraid to say that my forces are here to say, we are willing to continue this standoff until the war concludes or something bigger has happened."

@Fishman Lord

Grenshu Fleet

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu commander was receiving multiple transmissions from the inhabiting race of the planet. After ordering his deck to look at them and give him the basic summary. After seeing this world's inhabiting race's accomplishments and its history, he simply ordered them to reply in the same method. As such they sent back a transmission to all over the planet showing pictures of the races belong to their empire, ships they possess, their ships in battle, a picture of one of their Fortresses, one of a small moon cracked with the culprit most likely being them, a picture of the Grenshuorn home world, and their flag.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87 [/SIZE]

Eclipsian-Rockian War

April, 3256 - Ongoing

Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Australasia
  • Chile

Belligerent 2:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Republic of Cascadia

The emperor only remained at golden heart, preparing for the ultimatum. It was nearing the time for the empire to show itself once again to the surface of the world. The redline didn't respond, instead they just hid more people, and replaced them with cardboard cutouts attached to RC cars to simulate actual people. Even the red army were inside of houses, and would only exit should the RC cars or cut outs remain unharmed.


Despite it being several months early than even the least expected, Heather went into labor. A maid noticed her while walking down one of the very long hallways inside the citadel. She had asked her to take her to the hospital because she "felt weird". She was taken to the hospital and was at that time being rushed down the hall dramatically. Pavle was next to her. "Are you okay? What is wrong?" He asked to her. "Oh nothing, I am fine. It is just I feel weird. Is this supposed to be normal?" She asked out. Pavle just shrugged while Fina, now a doctor was heavily confused. "What the hell is even wrong with you?!?" She asked. Though this was normal for a woman which could 'regenerate' though there was still some pain despite being more annoying to her than painful.

Fina despite being heavily confused, wasn't exactly fully phased by this. She was a nurse when this same thing happened to the empress. She would be taken to a medical room to give birth, but alot of the doctors and nurses were phased at how little she reacted negatively. Even pavle didn't know what the hell was happening. The most negative thing she reacted with, was being exhausted from this entire experience. Her mother felt the same way, but Heather simply over dramatic with it. Even hyperventilating to the point where she should of passed out earlier. "Congratulations! You have two sons and a daughter!" The umbilical cords were cut. Fina and pavle just stood there dumbfounded.


Ragnite munitions project: 85%

They cracked open matured ragnite ore, they used machines to do so as it has been documented that in fact, mature ragnite gas burns through gas masks like heavy radiation, or can still bypass some protective clothing. The test room would of been filled with it near instantly and wouldn't dissipate for another hour and a half. They started documenting it, and it's effects.


Naval project: 100%


Ocean goddess project: 0%

The final ship, the warship-class frigate was completed.  It would also be sent out into the kara seas to find the red October. Now, the largest ship would have the construction overseen from all three nations, gallia would construct it's center and stern hulls, and some of the bridge and all smoke stacks, the redline would construct the bow hull, port holes, and parts of the bridge and assemble the gun pieces, and the imperials would construct the guns,the rest of the bridge, coat parts of it in ragnite, create the keel and more sensitive areas of the ship in ragnite plating, create the innards, decks, engine, and rudder, and would also construct the communications array upon it. It will be a joint effort, and the second generation of claymores and valks will help greatly with it. If not for them and these three nations, it would most likely take more than a year and a half to complete half of it. Construction would be moved to a hidden location.


Mass expansion project: 80%.

They spread further south and east. They would continue fighting the diseases there, recruiting the surviving populace, and any surviving vehicles that the old siberian principality owned would be flamed, and then returned to one of the three nations/countries and be repaired afterwards. This however would most likely take a year if not less. They started making camps, and this was as far as they would go. Or at least, for now anyway.

---------------------------------[SIZE= 14px]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------[/SIZE]

Seed Project: 35%. [Should be 9 months. -4.]

The genetic engineering failed. By modifying the gene pool, the plant died near instantly. Surviving plants would have this error corrected.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DURING ALIEN ATTACK:


The unknown being's scout ships had remained in orbit, constantly keeping above some of the world's major cities. All communication sent to them has since been unresponsive except for the once instance where they were able to send a visual message to us. After over a week of them remaining in low-orbit, the scout ships and some of the main fleet began to move. Without warning, or at least to humanity, they suddenly launched strikes all over the world through the air. Major cities like Portland, Las Vegas, Eclipsim, Oxford, London, Solaris, Pendragon, Singapore, Shanghai, <Insert VV Capitol here>, and Radium Hot Springs were all attacked simultaneously. Cities affected by the Eclipsian-Rockian War, namely the Australian cities, were also attacked.

[SIZE= 16px]The attacks were mainly from the air and, while air defenses and jet fighter support were doing some damage to the scout ships, dropped some troops from the ships themselves or from an orbital drop. Soon military's all over the world were buzzing over what to do about the attacks. Troops from every country respective military arrived at the cities and began to combat the invaders. After days upon days of battling, despite having little air support due to a near aerial lock-down, ground troops were slowly pushing out the invaders. A few days later most of the cities were secured, and humanity began to rise in confidence that they could beat this threat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However that all changed when Frigates, Corvettes, and three Destroyers began to approach the surface to combat humanity and land more troops. The frigates were dropping more scout ships from their hangers while taking the brunt of anti-aircraft fire, which in turn allowed the scout ships approach the surface, even though some were lost in anti-air craft barrage, and drop more troops. The Corvettes were the main major air support that many fighters, bombers, missiles, and VTOLS were sent to take down in hopes of destroying their main major aerial support. While this was somewhat working for many cities around the world, despite taking major losses, the cities were the three Destroyers arrived were a different story. London, Las Vegas, and Solaris's skylines when looking up was covered by the massive alien Destroyers. From those destroyers more troops landed and began to severely push back human troops. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]All three cities then organized a massive counteroffensive against the invaders, which then began to nearly work. However a large amount of salvos from the looming Destroyers stalled the offensive, devastated much of the cities, and invading troops pushed the human troops out the cities. While a string of minor victories from determined human forces were able to stall a major enemy offensive, the overall victories in those areas was a invader victory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The other cities of the world that had been attacked had varying outcomes. The VV Capitol, Shanghai, African Capitol, Oslo, Warsaw, and Paris were all captured by invading forces. Cities like Pendragon, London, Radium Hot Springs, and Oxford were still being attacked and each of them vary on how the outcome will be, but it seems that all but Radium Hot Springs and Oxford will fall. The remaining cities like Portland, Eclipsim, Singapore, and the Australian cities were able to drive of the invading force by slaying a good amount of invading troops at the expense of their own, and even shooting down a few Frigates and two Corvettes which are located in Portland and Eclipsim.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Despite a large amount of victories across the board, and landing a good amount of their forces on Earth, the High Admiral of the Grenshu fleet was actually surprised that the inhabiting species of this planet did well in defending against and staving off their forces. He made a personal evaluation, after getting reports of what some of the inhabiting species military garb looked like, and put them somewhere between the Xichung and Warobatar. However that was being modest. In response to the inhabiting species surprisingly valiant and somewhat successful defense against them, he ordered more troops be landed and that more Frigates and Corvettes be deployed. He also ordered that they are to find out about any knowledge about their most dominant language and begin advancements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Now Grenshu forces begin to move across the world, aiming to take as many major looking cities as possible and forcing the inhabitants to remote areas. One of the areas about to be attacked, is The Falklands. And even though most of them believe this will be an easy war, the High Admiral knows that if these inhabitants, or Humans as he recently learned, play their cards right that it will be a difficult war for both of them. The beginning of the invasion created a pseudo-ceasefire for the Eclipsian-Rockian War as both sides worked together to drive off the alien forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87[/SIZE]

The emperor remained calm, as a countdown timer would be initialized. They would also send their goddesses to the other nations/countries.

The redline would continue their RC car practice, not leaving the buildings they were in until confirmed safe. The palace would of already of been evacuated, and the redline territory would of continued to look as dead as uninhabited siberia. Inside of gallia, the nordic union scare made all lands owned by gallia looking empty, but still defended. The capital city of gallia would have the same amount of defense as when poland visited. Except it would be even heavier-defended with the addition of snipers, every tank type, the gate houses closed, sandbags everywhere, and militarized checkpoints in all four districts of the city. The entrance, the inside of the city in the farm lands, the absurdly long bridge to the other side, the gallian capital itself, and the north side containing the harbour. The gallian goddess would have also made it into the city prior to this. She would live inside of the citadel, also where she would be praised like a actual god.

Due to the lack of alien presence in Russia, the three ruling powers had easily moved their militaristic forces into key locations of glazov, randgriz, the north west palace, the east, newly conquered territory, svalbard, severny island, and the ships in the kara seas were notified about the assault as well. Claymore and valkyrur units returned from Svalbard, or are of the recent generation and not used for ship construction efforts were sent to the redline and gallia. The four goddesses of europa/russia was Angered by their assault upon the world. the red goddess would of formed up a squad of claymores, while the gallian goddess would of combined the valkyrur, her claymore guard, and the normal military into the squad known as: "Hell's valkyrie.." Gallia would of also of informed the nordlams and the socialists.

@LoneSniper87 @High Moon
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The unknown being's scout ships had remained in orbit, constantly keeping above some of the world's major cities. All communication sent to them has since been unresponsive except for the once instance where they were able to send a visual message to us. After over a week of them remaining in low-orbit, the scout ships and some of the main fleet began to move. Without warning, or at least to humanity, they suddenly launched strikes all over the world through the air. Major cities like Portland, Las Vegas, Eclipsim, Oxford, London, Solaris, Pendragon, Singapore, Shanghai, <Insert VV Capitol here>, and Radium Hot Springs were all attacked simultaneously. Cities affected by the Eclipsian-Rockian War, namely the Australian cities, were also attacked.

[SIZE= 16px]The attacks were mainly from the air and, while air defenses and jet fighter support were doing some damage to the scout ships, dropped some troops from the ships themselves or from an orbital drop. Soon military's all over the world were buzzing over what to do about the attacks. Troops from every country respective military arrived at the cities and began to combat the invaders. After days upon days of battling, despite having little air support due to a near aerial lock-down, ground troops were slowly pushing out the invaders. A few days later most of the cities were secured, and humanity began to rise in confidence that they could beat this threat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However that all changed when Frigates, Corvettes, and three Destroyers began to approach the surface to combat humanity and land more troops. The frigates were dropping more scout ships from their hangers while taking the brunt of anti-aircraft fire, which in turn allowed the scout ships approach the surface, even though some were lost in anti-air craft barrage, and drop more troops. The Corvettes were the main major air support that many fighters, bombers, missiles, and VTOLS were sent to take down in hopes of destroying their main major aerial support. While this was somewhat working for many cities around the world, despite taking major losses, the cities were the three Destroyers arrived were a different story. London, Las Vegas, and Solaris's skylines when looking up was covered by the massive alien Destroyers. From those destroyers more troops landed and began to severely push back human troops. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]All three cities then organized a massive counteroffensive against the invaders, which then began to nearly work. However a large amount of salvos from the looming Destroyers stalled the offensive, devastated much of the cities, and invading troops pushed the human troops out the cities. While a string of minor victories from determined human forces were able to stall a major enemy offensive, the overall victories in those areas was a invader victory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The other cities of the world that had been attacked had varying outcomes. The VV Capitol, Shanghai, African Capitol, Oslo, Warsaw, and Paris were all captured by invading forces. Cities like Pendragon, London, Radium Hot Springs, and Oxford were still being attacked and each of them vary on how the outcome will be, but it seems that all but Radium Hot Springs and Oxford will fall. The remaining cities like Portland, Eclipsim, Singapore, and the Australian cities were able to drive of the invading force by slaying a good amount of invading troops at the expense of their own, and even shooting down a few Frigates and two Corvettes which are located in Portland and Eclipsim.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Despite a large amount of victories across the board, and landing a good amount of their forces on Earth, the High Admiral of the Grenshu fleet was actually surprised that the inhabiting species of this planet did well in defending against and staving off their forces. He made a personal evaluation, after getting reports of what some of the inhabiting species military garb looked like, and put them somewhere between the Xichung and Warobatar. However that was being modest. In response to the inhabiting species surprisingly valiant and somewhat successful defense against them, he ordered more troops be landed and that more Frigates and Corvettes be deployed. He also ordered that they are to find out about any knowledge about their most dominant language and begin advancements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Now Grenshu forces begin to move across the world, aiming to take as many major looking cities as possible and forcing the inhabitants to remote areas. One of the areas about to be attacked, is The Falklands. And even though most of them believe this will be an easy war, the High Admiral knows that if these inhabitants, or Humans as he recently learned, play their cards right that it will be a difficult war for both of them. The beginning of the invasion created a pseudo-ceasefire for the Eclipsian-Rockian War as both sides worked together to drive off the alien forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87[/SIZE]

Rising Empire

The sudden attack of Pendragon has shocked the Empire. Pendragon was the mini government city of the Rising Empire were most high authorities were located, if it were ever to fall, the Rising Empire would collapse.

The Pendragon Blaze Luminous immediately activated to prevent entrace and damage to the government building. While the Imperial Aerial Fleet, the entire forces of the Royal Air Base, Pendragon Defense Forces and half of the Royal Guards were fighting the aliens outside of the Blaze Luminous. They were ordered to hold them off until more forces from other bases arrives. 

All Civilians were already evacuated to the public bunkers and all cities blaze luminous were activated. Each of the cities defense force was fighting the aliens outside of the luminous.

Schneizel was sweating as he watched the live videos. He was nervous for the first time in his life. Lelouch and Max was next to him, they were as shocked as him. The officers around them were running around, the entire room was busy. Schneizel assessed the damages done by the aliens with the help of max and lelouch, they were successfully fending them off and the Blaze Luminous did their job on protecting the cities and the Pendragon. Schneizel suspected that the morale of his troops outside the luminous were getting lower although Suzaku and Anna were with them. He looked at Lelouch and they both nodded. Both of them and a couple of Royal Guards walked towards the Landing Platform. Their Frames were waiting for them, with his signal a small hole in the Pendragons Blaze Luminous opened which was big enough to let them through. The troops morale was raised when they saw both of them joining the battle.

Floor Alpha, Pendragon Research Building, Rising Empire

The research team were ordered to hasten up the research and construction of the RSS. They thought it was impossible to complete it on a short time since they started from scratch, but there would be a possibility that the ship would be completed much earlier if they could get their hands on one of the aliens ships thus they requested for a single ship to be brought to them for further research.


@Loyal Guardian
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The unknown being's scout ships had remained in orbit, constantly keeping above some of the world's major cities. All communication sent to them has since been unresponsive except for the once instance where they were able to send a visual message to us. After over a week of them remaining in low-orbit, the scout ships and some of the main fleet began to move. Without warning, or at least to humanity, they suddenly launched strikes all over the world through the air. Major cities like Portland, Las Vegas, Eclipsim, Oxford, London, Solaris, Pendragon, Singapore, Shanghai, <Insert VV Capitol here>, and Radium Hot Springs were all attacked simultaneously. Cities affected by the Eclipsian-Rockian War, namely the Australian cities, were also attacked.

The attacks were mainly from the air and, while air defenses and jet fighter support were doing some damage to the scout ships, dropped some troops from the ships themselves or from an orbital drop. Soon military's all over the world were buzzing over what to do about the attacks. Troops from every country respective military arrived at the cities and began to combat the invaders. After days upon days of battling, despite having little air support due to a near aerial lock-down, ground troops were slowly pushing out the invaders. A few days later most of the cities were secured, and humanity began to rise in confidence that they could beat this threat.

However that all changed when Frigates, Corvettes, and three Destroyers began to approach the surface to combat humanity and land more troops. The frigates were dropping more scout ships from their hangers while taking the brunt of anti-aircraft fire, which in turn allowed the scout ships approach the surface, even though some were lost in anti-air craft barrage, and drop more troops. The Corvettes were the main major air support that many fighters, bombers, missiles, and VTOLS were sent to take down in hopes of destroying their main major aerial support. While this was somewhat working for many cities around the world, despite taking major losses, the cities were the three Destroyers arrived were a different story. London, Las Vegas, and Solaris's skylines when looking up was covered by the massive alien Destroyers. From those destroyers more troops landed and began to severely push back human troops.

All three cities then organized a massive counteroffensive against the invaders, which then began to nearly work. However a large amount of salvos from the looming Destroyers stalled the offensive, devastated much of the cities, and invading troops pushed the human troops out the cities. While a string of minor victories from determined human forces were able to stall a major enemy offensive, the overall victories in those areas was a invader victory.

The other cities of the world that had been attacked had varying outcomes. The VV Capitol, Shanghai, African Capitol, Oslo, Warsaw, and Paris were all captured by invading forces. Cities like Pendragon, London, Radium Hot Springs, and Oxford were still being attacked and each of them vary on how the outcome will be, but it seems that all but Radium Hot Springs and Oxford will fall. The remaining cities like Portland, Eclipsim, Singapore, and the Australian cities were able to drive of the invading force by slaying a good amount of invading troops at the expense of their own, and even shooting down a few Frigates and two Corvettes which are located in Portland and Eclipsim.

Despite a large amount of victories across the board, and landing a good amount of their forces on Earth, the High Admiral of the Grenshu fleet was actually surprised that the inhabiting species of this planet did well in defending against and staving off their forces. He made a personal evaluation, after getting reports of what some of the inhabiting species military garb looked like, and put them somewhere between the Xichung and Warobatar. However that was being modest. In response to the inhabiting species surprisingly valiant and somewhat successful defense against them, he ordered more troops be landed and that more Frigates and Corvettes be deployed. He also ordered that they are to find out about any knowledge about their most dominant language and begin advancements.

Now Grenshu forces begin to move across the world, aiming to take as many major looking cities as possible and forcing the inhabitants to remote areas. One of the areas about to be attacked, is The Falklands. And even though most of them believe this will be an easy war, the High Admiral knows that if these inhabitants, or Humans as he recently learned, play their cards right that it will be a difficult war for both of them. The beginning of the invasion created a pseudo-ceasefire for the Eclipsian-Rockian War as both sides worked together to drive off the alien forces.

@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87

Varmandr Vestan

As soon as more alien ships come down, the fire started. The VV fired off 1/3 (200,000) of the Mouse drones at the incoming ships, especially the Frigates' supposed weak spots, and all available Anti-Air forces.

The VV troops waited in defense around the cities as the drones headed towards the alien ships, hoping to take one down. Until then, they kept defending against the invaders, gaining ground in some areas and losing ground in others. D-1 Drones transported troops quickly to each area, mitigating some destruction and extensiveness against defense.

And, as it was predicted that the Aliens knew english, top heads of Vestanian state started speaking in the Old speak, a mix of Portugese, Spanish, and the Viking runic language.

((Also remember, @Loyal Guardian, I sent them a english dictionary with pictures with each word))

The Socialist Republic of California

Shocked by the sudden attacks, the SRC proposed a temporary truce to all the countries they were on bad terms with. As for the African Empire, the SRC asked for all of the land taken to be given back and a temporary (possibly permanent) cease fire of all troops.

The Varmandr Vestan agreed to this, and requested that the SRC join the ECF for a time to more effectively combat the aliens, as long as the AE agrees.


Also, an extension to all willing nations of the world the the ECF was extended



The 20,000 VV troops in Poland were activated to help the poles defend against the attack, and help out by watching over cities with the Poles permission.


Other Stuff

All shot down alien ships were sent to the top ECF scientists, aswell as Alien bodies and equipment still intact. With the new funding for the program, they started trying to re-create it and use it as their own, being dubbed secret Project Turn.

Project Turn: (2%) 

hundreds of Scientists started studying intact things, especially ships. They found advanced programming that they sent over to Project Cauliflower to use in the drones.

Project Cauliflower: (38%)

Vestanian scientists used the re-coded advanced code to put in the humanoid drones. All they had to do now was get them ready for battle, which was still a large task.


(The newly-approved heavy assault class mech)
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Radium Hot Springs

"GO GO GO! GET THE FUCKERS!" The sounds of warfare exploded across the cities as the aliens attacked. Several days of battle had been devestating, destroying buildings and killing many people. However, due to the city already being fortified in preparation for war and the city being in a good position, the aliens were eventually fought off. The final offensive was when twenty teleportation agents managed to sabotage and force three ships to crash. Meanwhile, the King has been teleported to Bunker City One in eastern Canada.

@Loyal Guardian

Communications Center

A message was sent to Eclipsim. "Due to other circumstances, we find it paramount that the war end immedeatly with a white peace and the World Congress to be held as soon as possible."

@Loyal Guardian



People were in utter chaos. The highways were cleared out for emergency evacuations. The battle was over, but the damage was done. The government began a mass evacuation to Sri Lanka, Kyushu, Bangkok, and Capetown. Any and all concerns about the rockian-eclipse war was gone. All naval forces were redirected to aiding in the evacuation. No contact has been made from Shanghai. The National University of Singapore allowed their students to take refuge in Sulawesi. They will continue on their projects. Many of the highest ranking was shuttled away to Hong Kong and Hanoi in hopes of being able to survive without the power of the First District. The merger of Africa was held on delay to accommodate for refugees.

Skipper - 50%

Production methods - 70%

Las Vegas, Nevada

During the very beginning phases of the alien attack on Las Vegas, the Central Emergency Response Agency or CERA had been mobilised under federal order to begin mass evacuations from the city and surrounding counties. In total over 603,000 people had been evacuated from Las Vegas itself and 1.1 million people from the surrounding counties, civilian casualities had been very limited due to the effectiveness of both local militas and the Las Vegas Police Department in holding off the inital attackers until the CDF arrived in full force. Due to the fact that Fort Collins, a CADF airfield was in the area, the invading force's air support had been cut down to dangerously low numbers, forcing them to fight solely on the ground where Cascadian soldiers fought superior to them in terms of morale and fighting capabilities, despite the technological advantage, the shock and awe tactic of a sudden invasion had done nothing to break the Cascadian will to defend their home and in-fact had only made the soldiers and population angrier as a whole, CDF troops fought for every inch of ground in Las Vegas and soon enough enemy casualities began vastly outnumbering Cascadian casualities in the battlefield. However due to superior numbers overall and the arrival of the destroyer, the CDF was eventually forced to retreat from the city and set up a defensive line on the county border of Clark County, surrounding Las Vegas with troops and heavy equipment to contain the enemy force. The alien advance in Cascadia was stopped dead in it's tracks at Las Vegas.


Portland, Cascadia

The Battle of Portland had been far harsher on the enemy side than Las Vegas had been, attacking the capital head on had been a suicidal move and enemy forces had been cut by half within the first four days of fighting. President Jefferson, her cabinet and all military and civilian government figures had been sent to a multitude of different bunkers, the Senate building and Presidential Residence had all been evacuated whilst the Pentagon's staff retreated to their underground War Room, one of the deepest and well defended locations on the planet. With underground networks leading to various other hidden locations in-case of a breach, civilian casualities had yet again been very low as to what had been intially expected with the CDF taking on the role of fighting the invaders directly whilst the emergency services, Portland Police Department, paramedics and ambulances and the Fire Department had been directed to begin evacuations underground to the Subway system and out of the city, CERA has so far set up 10 different evacuation camps in both Nevada and on the outskirts of Portland to house the evacuees and those who may have lost their homes during the fighting, structual damage in Las Vegas has been high whilst Portland came out relatively undamaged.


As for the shot down enemy ships, the CDF had quarantined them and set up research posts around them, not wanting to move them in fear of damaging or changing anything about them. Scientists have begun researching the on-board technology and 239 Grenshu personnel have been taken prisoner, these aliens having been the only surviving crew members and troops of the ships. All together 4,900 Grenshu troops have been taken prisoner, all of them being taken in for questioning. Cascadian interrogation of the Grenshu forces has been unforgiving and void of mercy, those who do not cooperate are shot on the spot and their bodies presented to their comrades. Entire platoons are executed in-front of their fellow soldiers for a single member of said platoon acting out against Cascadian guards, the National Intelligence Agency has sent the higher-ups of the captured Grenshu to Black Sites, classified locations that not even most government officials know of. Here they are subject to intense torture and brutal beatings by operatives, the government being of the opinion that they do not qualify for Human Rights and so have proceeded to do as they wish to the captured Grenshu, ones that are willing to cooperate however are treated like kings and given various human luxuries. Constantly being monitored by the NIA still to ensure that it is not some trick, 4 Grenshu have attempted to trick the Cascadians so far, all four being swiftly shot for it.


[SIZE= 22px]Las Vegas[/SIZE]

The Grenshu forces that were currently occupying what remained of Las Vegas had established a base of operations in the city for ground ops in the area, however all attempts at breaking the Cascadian defensive line, even with air support from the ships above have been eliminated quickly, the F-38 proving itself to be on par or even superior to many of the interceptor aircraft that the Grenshu deploy. A group of Grenshu soldiers were patrolling an abandoned, destroyed street, littered with empty taxis and the like. Discussing something with each other in their own language, looking around vigilantly to check for intruders, the squad leader ordered his troops to stop as he had heard something, sending the scout up ahead to check if there were still any Humans left roaming around, or if any had attempted to sneak in. However before the leader could even ask the scout what he had seen, the alien soldier was on the ground with a puddle of green blood surrounding him, the squad set up a permieter and held their weapons high, looking around for any signs of hostile contact. Agh! Another Grenshu soldier dropped to the ground, his neck had been twisted.


All soldiers opened fire in random directions, whatever was doing this clearly couldn't be seen with regular eyes. The leader activated his thermal scopes, but even then there was nothing to be seen, they tried every means of detection under the radar but still nothing. It was only when a large, dark figure appeared out of nowhere that they saw what it was. It was a large, immensely bulky human male in a full body suit, raising his rifle as he fired through the remaining forces, the Grenshu rifles having no effect on his armor as the rounds were just absorbed or pinged off it, but it wasn't like any armor the Grenshu had ever seen. It wasn't metallic or chunky, it was almost as if it was apart of the body of the man inside even though it wasn't, the man flexed his arm as he effortlessly picked up an entire taxi and threw it onto the remaining Grenshu soldiers who had tried to run, being crushed under the weight of the vehicle as the squad leader drew his final breaths.


It was Pastor. Cascadia's long since classified project, a supersoldier capable of inhuman feats of strength, stamina, endurance, speed and everything that a human could possibly do, even somethings that humans couldn't do. Pastor's real name was Ray Martinez, a Staff Sargeant in the Cascadian Ground Defense Force who had been chosen for the Project for his intense, almost fanatic loyalty to the Republic of Cascadia, her government and her people, not to mention his already stunning physical performance and love for warfare, no experimination had been done to Pastor himself, it was the suit itself that did it all, using advanced Nano-fibers developed originally by the Vertex Corporation and a Coltan-Titanium exo-skeleton to ensure peak durability in all fields of battle. The suit itself being able to withstand a direct hit from a nuclear warhead 3 times out of 5 in simulations, having dual-intake UV/HEPA filters that allowed the ability to breath through any kind of chemical or biological attack, essentially an advanced gas mask, the armor itself has been described as liquid, being able to form and morph around object impacts in-order to send armor to the places that need it most and deflect essentially anything. Monocular stereopsis and range finding allows for Pastor to see for up to three miles as clear as day if he so chooses, eye implacements have been given to him to ensure that he can adjust to the sight. VerDef Mark 1 electronic defense systems ensure complete protection from EMP or other anti-electronical weapons or occurances whilst also giving the ability of having 6,000 remote channels integration in the armor so that Paster can access any communications or video network, civilian or military with only a second's worth of time to wait. However access codes are required to access networks prohibited to Pastor and need outside interfierence to work, the suit's ability to hack however can counter this within a half hour or more.


As for powering the suit it is able to use either solar energy with it's constantly renewable batteries or hydrogen filled batteries, all the suit wearer having to do being to fill the batteries up with water. The batteries then recyling exhaled carbon dioxide from the suit wearer his or herself back into oxygen, and can also utilize the process of hydrolysis to break apart water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen, using the hydrogen to help power the suit, and giving the oxygen to the wearer to be inhaled if the wearer is underwater or in an environment where there is limited or no air. If the wearer is underwater then no refill of the batteries will be required, both types of batteries can last for up to 928 hours straight before being needed to recharge. It contains thrusters allowing for easy movement in zero gravity environments or underwater, the suit's torso also contains a built in defibrillator to revive the wearer after their heart stops, this isn't a guaranteed success but works for the most part. The suit also contains the ability to fully cloak from both human sight and thermal vision, being able to remain like this indefinitely unless the wearer is hit with a projectile, it contains thermal and night vision, going as far as to be able to detect heat sources through thick walls and structures and for long distances.


The suit's abilities also extend to incredible shows of strength, being able to lift something as heavy as a truck with relative ease and run as fast as a sports car if needed, other abilities included are a form of power jump and slma, being able to jump as high as twenty meters and slam into the ground with an incredible force with no damage done to the suit. However this drastically reduces the suit's energy reserves when used for a long period of time, and so Pastor has been trained in perfect use of the suit and to only use it's abilities when necessary, the suit's visor is connected to the Cascadian Defense Network, being able to analysis enemy threats, how dangerous they are, their weak spots and tactics in seconds. This is of course if the CDF already knows them, personal profiles on nearly every single person on the planet can also be brought up by accessing facial recongition software, the visor is also valuble in providing a live feed of battlefield data, important objectives, areas where enemy forces are present and a connection to all CCTV networks and other monitoring equipment in the area, allowing for Pastor to see what he's heading into beforehand.


However the most powerful and advanced suit to ever be created comes at a large cost, 75 billion CSD for the suit alone. Research for it would add a few extra billion onto that but the Vertex Corporation had payed for those expenses in return for the defense contract, only one suit is in existance and for good reason, it has been designated as too dangerous to be given widespread and far too expensive. Only the most trusted soldiers of Cascadia were even considered for the role of taking it, essentially becoming one man armies if accepted. However Sgt. Martinez was chosen out of all of them for his unbeatable dedication to his mission, and unbreakable resolve to do defend his country. Pastor, his callsign now being one of the most if not most dangerous human being alive. With the suit on of course, Pastor had agreed however to keep it on at all times until directed otherwise, the suit being comfortable enough to sleep in as a design feature for long running missions and so he can live in it. 


As of now, Pastor has killed vast quantities of Grenshu troops, destroyed sizeable amounts of armored and aerial support as well before disappearing from their sights. Not to be seen again as he had been ordered to pull out of Las Vegas and return to base as the Grenshu command had become agitated at the loss of such a large number of troops without them even knowing who or what had killed them all, President Jefferson has personally briefed Pastor on his mission to defend the Republic at all costs. Pastor had wholely agreed and as of now is in a highly classified location training for his next engagement, CDF forces outside of Las Vegas have built up their defenses, particularly their Anti-Air as to be prepared for a possible counterattack from the Grenshu. As of now the invading force is unaware of Pastor's existence.


[SIZE= 18px]Pastor - Cascadia's Hero[/SIZE]

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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The battle at Eclipsim, it its initial stages, was devastating as military forces had to break through a perimeter of Grenshu forces to get into the city. Thankfully the line was thin as deployment had just begun and Eclipsian troops broke through the lines. When they arrived the quickly exterminated most of the Grenshu forces in the city. After evacuating the city and all important [SIZE= 16px]politicians, military forces in the city numbered just over a million. Relentless assault after relentless assault, the Eclipsian soldiers didn't back down. For the first time in active combat, aside the civil war, Implanted forces were put on front lines and aided in the counterattack against Grenshu forces. Titan-AA Systems were put on many districts in the city and they heavily aided in the destruction of many Scout Ships, some Frigates, and a small amount of Corvettes. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian troops then drove of the invaders and captured remaining Grenshu survivors. The survivors were beaten, technology scavenged and researched privately, and any information gotten out of them was considered vital. Most didn't comply, so they were executed, and the one's that did were given better treatment than others. What information they did get out of them was enough to know that a important factor of winning this war was to cut off any communication they have to their empire. When asked where this was, they simply were able to convey that their were two places that it was possible. Using inference Eclipsian Command figured that they either had a facility or ship in charge of communications, both of which hey thought were in outer space. They made an announcement to all of the nations about their hunch.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Albion @Wickedkent @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier (i tagged people who have been more respondent to the invasion[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Solaris, Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The city of Solaris nearly had the name outcome in Eclipsim, Titan-AA Systems were about to be set up and troops were beginning an offensive. However the showing of an alien Destroyer quickly put an end to all of that. The mass amount of Frigates, Scout Ships, and Corvettes and the Destroyer was enough to drive out the Eclipsian forces, but not before a final attempt was made to retake the city. The counteroffensive, led by none other than the Hero of Solaris himself, was aimed at retaking the city. The remaining Titan-AA Systems concentrated fire on the Destroyer while E-5 Fighters and B-105 Bombers took care of the Scout Ships and Frigates sent in. Discovering a hole in the Destroyer, presumably its hanger, some Titan-AA's were aimed there hoping it was a structural weakness. The ground troops on the other hand, while pushing back the Grenshu, were being exhausted themselves.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In the end Eclipsian troops were slightly pushed back but were able to hold the line after numerable Grenshu attacks. The troops then looked up at the skyline and saw the small outline of the Destroyer hovering over the city like a watch tower. Little do they know is that the Titan-AA's did do serious damage when it struck the hanger bay, since it was open, and that the ship was immobile and most of the weapon systems were down. If Eclipsian troops had known that, they could have focused air assets on other enemy air and retake the city, possible destroying the Destroyer in the process.[/SIZE]
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Eclipsim, Eclipsian Federation

The battle at Eclipsim, it its initial stages, was devastating as military forces had to break through a perimeter of Grenshu forces to get into the city. Thankfully the line was thin as deployment had just begun and Eclipsian troops broke through the lines. When they arrived the quickly exterminated most of the Grenshu forces in the city. After evacuating the city and all important politicians, military forces in the city numbered just over a million. Relentless assault after relentless assault, the Eclipsian soldiers didn't back down. For the first time in active combat, aside the civil war, Implanted forces were put on front lines and aided in the counterattack against Grenshu forces. Titan-AA Systems were put on many districts in the city and they heavily aided in the destruction of many Scout Ships, some Frigates, and a small amount of Corvettes. 

Eclipsian troops then drove of the invaders and captured remaining Grenshu survivors. The survivors were beaten, technology scavenged and researched privately, and any information gotten out of them was considered vital. Most didn't comply, so they were executed, and the one's that did were given better treatment than others. What information they did get out of them was enough to know that a important factor of winning this war was to cut off any communication they have to their empire. When asked where this was, they simply were able to convey that their were two places that it was possible. Using inference Eclipsian Command figured that they either had a facility or ship in charge of communications, both of which hey thought were in outer space. They made an announcement to all of the nations about their hunch.

@RIPSaidCone @Agent141 @Alteras @Fishman Lord @Albion @Wickedkent @Domini Regum @Picklesoldier (i tagged people who have been more respondent to the invasion

Varmandr Vestan

The drones were successful, and highly destructive to enemy forces. Drones only destroyed enough flying tools on the Frigates to cause them to crash, and with a yell, the attack commenced to take back the city.

It was a long and hard fight, and it took a week to get done, but finally the invaders were kicked out. Any remaining Grenshu were put in a heavily armed prison, with all suits, weapons, and tech found (Including ships) going to Project Turn.


The Varmandr Vestan replied to the Eclipse report. Grenshu stolen plans had revealed a picture of two large ships flying towards earth, although the words were not understood.
Pendragon, Rising Empire

The aliens were taken care off. All alien ships at pendragon were either shot down or captured. The Pendragon itself sustained no damage in the attack thanks to the blaze luminous that was protecting it. The ships captured were taken to one of the underground landing bays of pendragon for further research.

The construction of the RSS is going well and has now been expected to be completed at a much early time thanks to the alien ships that were reverse engineered. The Defense Department also sent a proposal to construct Knightmare frames that are compatible in space fighting.

A reply was sent to the EF that the RE would participate in taking this source of communication for the aliens.

@Loyal Guardian
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The AE assault was largely succesful, with AA placements destorying any supply drips and constant assaults yielding the cities. With that, the AE began translating the miner project into making a small fleet of space fighters, and with it, certain Valkyries were trained for space fighting.
Ryan heard of these attacks and ordered all research be done on weaponry, ammunition, better armoring for troops and transports, and finishing the T-34-85. He radioed his allies. "Do you require any assistance? I will spare what I can but it may not be much my friends," he said over the radio, hoping a message came through. His army amassed, forming up and loading into the few helicopters, tanks and jets they had. In case of attack the underground settlements were prepared for use once more. Since Kevlar was already in a development phase and needed just work in manufacturing in a fast and efficent manner, it would hopefully be quicker now.

T-34-85 repair- 50%

Mass production of AK-47's and Colt M1911's- 0%

Mass production of ammunition for all weaponry available and explosive and tracer rounds- 0%

Mass production of Kelvar- 20%

Development of better armors- 0%


The unknown being's scout ships had remained in orbit, constantly keeping above some of the world's major cities. All communication sent to them has since been unresponsive except for the once instance where they were able to send a visual message to us. After over a week of them remaining in low-orbit, the scout ships and some of the main fleet began to move. Without warning, or at least to humanity, they suddenly launched strikes all over the world through the air. Major cities like Portland, Las Vegas, Eclipsim, Oxford, London, Solaris, Pendragon, Singapore, Shanghai, <Insert VV Capitol here>, and Radium Hot Springs were all attacked simultaneously. Cities affected by the Eclipsian-Rockian War, namely the Australian cities, were also attacked.

[SIZE= 16px]The attacks were mainly from the air and, while air defenses and jet fighter support were doing some damage to the scout ships, dropped some troops from the ships themselves or from an orbital drop. Soon military's all over the world were buzzing over what to do about the attacks. Troops from every country respective military arrived at the cities and began to combat the invaders. After days upon days of battling, despite having little air support due to a near aerial lock-down, ground troops were slowly pushing out the invaders. A few days later most of the cities were secured, and humanity began to rise in confidence that they could beat this threat.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]However that all changed when Frigates, Corvettes, and three Destroyers began to approach the surface to combat humanity and land more troops. The frigates were dropping more scout ships from their hangers while taking the brunt of anti-aircraft fire, which in turn allowed the scout ships approach the surface, even though some were lost in anti-air craft barrage, and drop more troops. The Corvettes were the main major air support that many fighters, bombers, missiles, and VTOLS were sent to take down in hopes of destroying their main major aerial support. While this was somewhat working for many cities around the world, despite taking major losses, the cities were the three Destroyers arrived were a different story. London, Las Vegas, and Solaris's skylines when looking up was covered by the massive alien Destroyers. From those destroyers more troops landed and began to severely push back human troops. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]All three cities then organized a massive counteroffensive against the invaders, which then began to nearly work. However a large amount of salvos from the looming Destroyers stalled the offensive, devastated much of the cities, and invading troops pushed the human troops out the cities. While a string of minor victories from determined human forces were able to stall a major enemy offensive, the overall victories in those areas was a invader victory.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The other cities of the world that had been attacked had varying outcomes. The VV Capitol, Shanghai, African Capitol, Oslo, Warsaw, and Paris were all captured by invading forces. Cities like Pendragon, London, Radium Hot Springs, and Oxford were still being attacked and each of them vary on how the outcome will be, but it seems that all but Radium Hot Springs and Oxford will fall. The remaining cities like Portland, Eclipsim, Singapore, and the Australian cities were able to drive of the invading force by slaying a good amount of invading troops at the expense of their own, and even shooting down a few Frigates and two Corvettes which are located in Portland and Eclipsim.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Despite a large amount of victories across the board, and landing a good amount of their forces on Earth, the High Admiral of the Grenshu fleet was actually surprised that the inhabiting species of this planet did well in defending against and staving off their forces. He made a personal evaluation, after getting reports of what some of the inhabiting species military garb looked like, and put them somewhere between the Xichung and Warobatar. However that was being modest. In response to the inhabiting species surprisingly valiant and somewhat successful defense against them, he ordered more troops be landed and that more Frigates and Corvettes be deployed. He also ordered that they are to find out about any knowledge about their most dominant language and begin advancements.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Now Grenshu forces begin to move across the world, aiming to take as many major looking cities as possible and forcing the inhabitants to remote areas. One of the areas about to be attacked, is The Falklands. And even though most of them believe this will be an easy war, the High Admiral knows that if these inhabitants, or Humans as he recently learned, play their cards right that it will be a difficult war for both of them. The beginning of the invasion created a pseudo-ceasefire for the Eclipsian-Rockian War as both sides worked together to drive off the alien forces.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141 @Alteras @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Kazami42 @Wickedkent @JJKab @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum @Navitic @Vaaxius @Picklesoldier @LoneSniper87[/SIZE]


The Ordarian army surrounds Oxford and Paris while remaining forces in Oxford start fighting back. The Ordarian airforce starts bombing important alien positions. (Just remember that my bombers don't use conventional bombs, they use a ball of energy that disintegrates anything in this radius. And before you start saying this came out of no where, I've had this since before the site update.) Anti-Aircraft defenses are ordered to shoot down any and all alien aircraft. The Minister Council meeting is cancelled and is forced to flee underground in a bunker.

In other news, the Communists and Fascists start arming themselves and start aiding the government in their quest to get rid of the aliens. Even though the Communists and Fascists have less of an armory than the government, they fight with more heart than government troops. They take much pride in victories, so much that they sing The Internationale and Die Horst Wessel Lied respectively after each one.

Any technology left behind by the aliens are being recovered and being sent to the research labs to analyse them. The government, communists, and fascists start taking prisoners. Even alien corpses are being taken to research labs so autopsies can be performed.

@Loyal Guardian(AI)

Research Centers

Scientists are working round the clock to finish Project: Entwicklung and to get Project: H going, the introduction and production of Hydrogen bombs and missiles to be used against the aliens. Along with those, recovered alien technology is being analysed and autopsies are being performed on alien corpses.

Project: Virgo 70% (Still Halted)

Project: Entwicklung 80%

Project: H 5%

Alien Tech Analysation: 10%

Alien Autopsy: 10%
[since the lack of military detail, I have no idea if they have shields, lasers, or what their specifications are. So thus I have to make my own conclusion don't I? All I know is, is they have advanced battle armor, alot of ships, and rockets. Meh, good enough for me.]


Due to the lack of aircraft owned by anyone, and the risk of the Siberian plague. All planes, jets, or other related flying mechanism friend or foe will be fired upon if it does not have proper clearance. If any should pass the gallian city and it is human in origin, chances are that it will be near-instanteously destroyed or critically damaged.


No personnel will be allowed out or into a defensive zone unless given clearance, or ordered to.


The capitals shall be held, or else retreating units will be tortured or killed.



Islands such as the one next to the left side of severny would be invaded by the alien force. Despite heavy retaliation, the aliens broke through. They would have killed everyone except for those hiding, or the few that escaped. Some soldiers killed were shot through the eye, lost the middle of their chest, lost some limbs, half or all of a head, or all of them combined.


Several alien ships would appear in gallia, alot of its land being taken besides the capital and alot of the camps guarding them being defeated and retreating to towns to evacuate them, cities to defend them, or the capital. The forces outside of gallian territory, such as squad 422 taking land of siberia would use the mountainous - forest terrain against the aliens. Alot of gallia military and militia members were trained in the post apocalyptic wastes of Russia when they still were entirely wastes. Not only do they have a home advantage, but they own various advantages including those of the military. Every single citizen in gallia would be given a gun and rushed into the militia, and the children too young to use weapons [like six year olds.] Would be instead thrown into business as government child labor. Though unlike the absurd Americans when they did it, the children would actually gain rewards for any type of work. Months of food, thousands of dollars for their family, etc.


The places not taken by the aliens are the capital city of gallia, glazov, and the recently conquered land in Siberia. The Imperial goddess, already in her "mode" entered the citadel to speak with the gallian goddess. She would get past the guards, and be allowed in by them due to being notified by the imperium for her. "Hello zaki." She said to her. "That isn't my name! Now what is it that you want?" Kiyoshi asked.  "I was sent here to help you. It seems like you are already having fun without me?" Kiyoshi only shook her head. "We are doing just fine here without you. Now if you do not mind, please get out of my chambe-" as an alien fleet arrived, the citadel tower top was obliterated. Disabling the wide range radio services. "AHHH!" Kiyoshi squealed. "Sure you are... now let's go outside and say hello." Yuma said as she started to leave. Kiyoshi was annoyed by her, but agreed and ran out with her. They stopped after some running time and bashed through the door leaving the citadel. They looked to the skies where multiple alien vessels were assaulting, and they destroyed the top half of the tower. Yuma was angry at the aliens because the gallians played some music she actually liked. Kiyoshi would also transform into her mode, being outraged by the attack. "Now then, shall we begin?" She asked yuma. "Yes, let's show them what happens when they ruin our day."

Thousands of gallian soldiers and katyusha tanks and launchers on the walls would fire down upon landing enemy troops, as thousands of guns and machineguns fired at them and the skies.



They would continue to wait out underground, but they would offer ragnite weaponry to the other nations for money. They would also of sent their goddess to gallia to help them.



Most land owned by the redline would of been taken due to regrouping occupants elsewhere, or being empty. They all would be stationed in the redline surface capital, and the red goddess would be pissed at this point. She would go into "valk mode" and exit the palace. She would dodge a rocket being shot at her, and dodge another one by bashing it with her sword-shaped Lance. "YOU DARE INVADE MY LAND YOU FUCKING COWARDS? WELL COME ON THEN, SHOW ME YOUR MOVES BITCHES!" She would only walk towards them, dodging their lasers, blocking them with her sword-shaped Lance, or healing herself from any shot that did hit her. She approached one and would take it's punch, and in return stabbed it in the head and allowing herself to feed her flame. Giving her more power, and engulfing the area around her in a flame-like shield. Which also would burn the alien she just murdered from the inside. "YOU FUCKING IDIOTS, YOU CANNOT EVEN HANDLE MY SWORD? YOU THINK THIS A FUCKING GAME?" She would then lunge up to another one, she would of stabbed it through the chest but it didn't die. She would be punched by it harming her, but in return she jumped up, kicked the alien and ripped her sword out from inside of it, and then upper sliced it where it's balls would be if it was a human male. "this is not how you treat a lady. AND FOR THAT YOU WILL DIE!" Before finishing it off, she would be shot at twice, both hitting her. She would turn around with a enraged expression while the alien in front of her would of died on its own. "JUST DIE!" She would raise her sword up above her, before quickly aiming down at the alien, shooting a very large beam of ragnite into it. By this time her forces of 8 claymore guards, and 2 valkyrur would now of joined the battle. They would proceed to utterly slaughter the alien invading force together, and then the Soviet military would emerge from their dwellings and charge them as well. "CHAAAARRRGEEE!!!" Could be heard from a commissar firing a pistol, and then blowing a whistle.


The ships would continue going north east. The captain would look around through the bridge of the Belarus with binoculars. "Is there anything even out here?" He asked to a lookout. "Unclear sir." She said. "Well damn it, we have been looking for half a month now. And considering the red October had a crewman which ate alot, everyone there is probably fighting to the death already." He said. "Oh come now, lighten up. We will find that ship and we will bring it back home. If anyone on it actually died, we can bury them as well for respect." Yuri said to the captain. "Yes admiral."


The Natalia, Belarus, etc [lost track.] would continue travelling northeast into unknown lands. They would be in a nearly perfect single file line, with their multiple AA weaponry aimed high into the sky. Then the "Grenshu" appeared with a corvette and [insert fighter here] [And I don't know how many weapons, so you can obviously see your flaw. Prepare to meet cringe here in a second.] They had started to fire their laser at the Belarus, however the ragnite built plating was immune to laser heat, however the parts which were only coated in ragnite seemed similar, but over time would begin either melting, glowing, or being destroyed entirely by constant blasts. In retaliation all ships fired at them with their vast amounts of AA, artillery from the Belarus, the main cannons, and the mounted machineguns for docking or boarding purposes. Of course some weaponry were ineffective in even going to or damaging the ships. "EVERYONE KEEP FIRING AT IT, DO NOT STOP UNTIL YOU HAVE RAN OUT OF AMMUNITION!" Yuri ordered. [Also, did I mention you never said what their specifics were?] The rigship would have all twelve of its AA weapons, and it's one main heavy battery target the corvette along with all weapons from the Belarus. The other ships would be firing upon the fighter, and it would crash into the ocean.

"DIRECT FIRE UPON THE ENEMY LARGER VESSEL!" Yuri ordered. With their power combined, all 9 cannon batteries, all 42 AA guns, 18 machineguns, and any other misc self defense weaponry were firing at any and All locations of the corvette. Some ships which had some raw few submarine depth charges would load them as ammunition to slam into the ship. Though most of them missed and exploded underwater. After a hour of fighting and some damage to two of the ships, and one missing half of the bottom of the bridge, the corvette was eventually taken down. They would continue to fire into whatever fired back at them, and a horde was sent out in many zodiacs to board the enemy ships.



The aliens would habe marched into gallian and redline land, but some of the returning claymore units and valkyrur would be stationed there. Fighting would of gone on for five hours, two people lost or got shot through the eye or lost limbs, others lost the middle halfof their chest, and only some claymores would of died. The aliens in battle armor would fight against the tall and powerful valkyrur in melee combat, mainly due to their ragnite Lances obliterating them at range. Suffice it to say, the valkyrur won nearly every time, and those that didn't would eventually be aided by nearby units. Very little ground would of been lost in this invasion besides the bombarded prior, north east half of the island. Which would be charged by the island garrison.



The aliens would of invaded svalbard as well. They would take all of the coasts from the imperials, but the mainland would be held by eclipsian soldiers. The valkyrur units would remain at nordic union borders while the remaining claymores on the island which didn't leave would begin going to the coasts. The bulk of their invasion would be targeted the most. The bulk of the alien invasion would be fought with the most claymore units. They would fight against the aliens in melee, but some of the aliens were still stronger than the CMs currently fighting them. One would even stab their fist inside one of them, raise her up, and then quickly kill her by ripping her insides out. They would still gain land, and thus Clare, who had returned days prior. And a friend Would then go beyond their "10% power" to defend the island by orders, and for their friends. Their body was slowly beginning to deform the higher they went. They would go to  3[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]0%, their face distorts also gaining sharp teeth. At this point while fighting in melee combat against a alien, Clare would also be attempting to bite them. In which she did with one that had damaged armor on the neck, and ripped it's neck open. Her friend would attempt biting through their armor to no avail. But then more powerful aliens would emerge. This was the seventh hour of fighting...[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]at 50%, their body distorts, more muscular and color changes. They would overpower another alien and even break his arm. Clare would then proceed to snap the foes neck which was then exposed after being shot by multiple eclispians and eventually breaking the armor. They still had to go up higher and higher. their friends tried to stop them, but it was too late for that now. At 80%, their bodies begin to Awaken and the human mind is overpowered except for clare, succumbing to predatory instinct and loss of self-awareness. Despite Clare somewhat still capable of keeping some self control, it didn't prove to help her much. They would begin sprinting or even lunges towards anyone near them, mostly the aliens. And relentlessly attack them. They were stronger, and deadlier to everyone around. With other units often having to recieve aid to escape, remaining away from eye sight, or having to make eclipsian units run away from the two. The two girls would have the attention of higher ranked officers, with one of the affected being an officer of a CM squad as well. They would now fight on par with the alien invaders, while losing themselves. They would take a very short time murdering weaker aliens, and be relentless to others. One fight with the two of them against one alien even went on for twelve minutes in melee before they ripped it's head off and stabbed into it repeatedly. Three others would try getting close to them but also away, talking to them in an attempt to return them back to normal.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]But Clare's friend, who was named Jessica. Couldn't control herself, and just kept going higher. She reached 90% a level higher than previously recorded. Jessica's skin started to turn black, parts of her hair started falling off, her limbs started stretching, her voice was more echo-like as if hundreds are speaking when she does, and her eyes went black too. She would stop being predatory-like and exhibited some intelligence afterwards. She would extend her arm to the side when a group of aliens ran towards her, and instead they were pushed away as if the air carried them. She would then pick up a few spikey rods from the ground from destroyed buildings and throw them into the aliens. She turned into a rask at this point. Clare would of lunged at another CM which was close to Jessica, though it was not her intention. She would repeatedly claw her until another punched her in the back of the head and knocked her out. She slowly returned back to normal, and her pale skin started returning back to its original color. However Jessica couldn't be saved at this point. Apologizing to her friends, and asking them to remember her not like this. She kept on repeating it until she went to 110%, the maximum and fully awakened. She grew taller, she was the height of a one story house including the rooftop. [/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]She would appear as if she was melting but she wasn't. Her hair was longer, and her right arm had turned into a  tentacle-looking limb. She would use this against the aliens and even stretch her arm further than she was tall to strike them. Even picking one up and crushing it. There were no more alien invaders on that side left. However, Jessica would just begin attacking eclipsian soldiers instead. Killing a dozen of them either by holding them and slamming them into trees, slamming them into the ground, or chewing on them. When attacked by CMs Jessica's hair would act like her right arm, and slap them away. "GAH, god damn it!" A eclipse soldier yelled after having a unconscious CM thrown into him, and her sword stabbing his leg. They would proceed to fight Jessica for another hour and gain more casualties from it. However jessica would be surprised by three CMs jumping up behind her and stabbing and slicing into her neck, back of the head, and forehead. All would be thrown off, and two swallowed whole, with one of them actually chewed on. This would proceed to happen three times. Clare would of woke up and saw this happening, but she only assumed that Jessica was actually from the aliens. Not knowing it was actually her. She would pick up her sword and sprint up to her, cutting her from her right leg, lower back, spine, and then forehead. She would prove to be a annoyance to Jessica with how she couldn't hit her back, and thus survivors of her rampage would begin attacking her from all sides. She would of lasted longer or even of had won, if Clare didn't actually wake up. She would attack Jessica and stab at her eyes preventing her from seeing. This allowed them all to attack her, cut into her, and on some sides even through her.[/COLOR]


[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]She would eventually collapse to the ground helpless as even the surviving eclipse and very low amount of surviving soviets melee'd the shit out of her. Clare would then stand infront of her, "what do you alien bastards have to say for yourselves?" She said to her as she started to raise her sword. "I'm sorry..." after that, she would slice the now weakened and unprotected Jessica's throat. Killing her slowly, but the mass amounts of wounds inflicted onto her killed her much quicker than that. She would then look around the battlefield, and the unconscious and even corpses of those that remained here to fight off east. She would then look at a group up of survivors, this one mainly being of CMs. One had a bandage over her face and a arm caste, another one lost her left leg, another two lost half of their right arms and given makeshift eye patches from cut out bandages. They were all next to a camp fire and drinking. "Where is Jessica?" She asked them. They would point the best they could at the giant corpse several feet away. She would look and then look back. "I don't get it..." they would only respond with shaking their heads as one walked up to her, taller than she was. "Teresa? Do you know?" She asked. She only looked saddened. "I am sorry... but that is her over there." She pointed at the corpse. "We couldn't bring her back, but she saved us all from whatever these demons are." She would widen her eyes before looking back to Teresa. She would then hug her and cry...[/COLOR]

Ryan heard of these attacks and ordered all research be done on weaponry, ammunition, better armoring for troops and transports, and finishing the T-34-85. He radioed his allies. "Do you require any assistance? I will spare what I can but it may not be much my friends," he said over the radio, hoping a message came through. His army amassed, forming up and loading into the few helicopters, tanks and jets they had. In case of attack the underground settlements were prepared for use once more. Since Kevlar was already in a development phase and needed just work in manufacturing in a fast and efficent manner, it would hopefully be quicker now.

T-34-85 repair- 50%

Mass production of AK-47's and Colt M1911's- 0%

Mass production of ammunition for all weaponry available and explosive and tracer rounds- 0%

Mass production of Kelvar- 20%

Development of better armors- 0%


[COLOR= rgb(58, 58, 58)]There wouldn't be a response, because the aliens destroyed the communications tower. the only thing they could hear are radio transmissions in areas affected by the aliens which were losing. in which the majority of them had soldjers begging for reinforcements before being killed. Only a few would be heard through static which was the opposite, but would be in locations too far away to be heard exactly.[/COLOR]



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The Republic of Poland has collapsed, it's president and vice president were killed during the alien attack on warsaw, half of it's army has been crushed and the rest are either fighting the aliens or hiding in their bunkers. Citizens who were not in the public bunkers were left alone to fend for themselves.

Pendragon, Rising Empire

Schneizel and Lelouch was back at the command center, they were exhausted from the fight, but has not yet rested. They vowed to only rest after all of the aliens at the RE were eliminated. They were relaying orders when an officer stood up and approached him.

"The Republic of Poland has collapsed. Its leaders killed and half of its army destroyed" He reported "The European Military Command is currently awaiting for orders." Schneizel looked at him with a serious face and then sighed.

"They were our allies, yet we couldnt do nothing for them. We were too busy fighting the aliens that we forgot to help them" He said with a saddened expression. He then looked at everybody in the room and took a deep breath.

"The Rising Empire will now take over the remaining lands of the Republic of Poland. Have the EC contact the remaining forces of the republic so they could establish a joint force to fend off the aliens. Send half of the Imperial Aerial Armada with Suzaku to the poland, also have Blaze Luminous generators loaded in the Avalon so it could be placed on the cities after they are secured." The officers nodded and went on to relay his orders. Lelouch approached Schneizel and smiled.

"Bold move" He said with a smirk.

The Republic of Poland

Thousands of RE aircrafts now filled the air, the fighters engaged air to air combat with the alien ships while the others gave support and transportation to the land forces. The remaining citizens were evacuated back to the EMC base. After a few days, the RE has retaken Warsaw. Half of the forces of the EMC were destroyed in the process.

The RE Capitol contacted the Acting president of the republic to discuss matters. The Republic agreed to let the RE have their lands as they are now incapable in repairing it and do much more due to their economic crisis, with the help of RE they would be able to stand back up. The Republic also proposed that they would like to be an Autonomous/Dependent state which the Empire agreed.


The RE Claims the Republic of Poland

The RE agreed for the Republic of Poland to be an Autnomous/Dependent state of the RE.

Republic of Poland has most of it's cities retaken.
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The AE has claimed the RoP's military for itself 


The Rising Empire

The Rising Empire denies the request of the AE claiming the entirety for the RoP's military due to AE not being part in the treaty and not being related to RE in any way.

Multiple Blaze Luminous generators were installed at numerous cities all over the RoP in order to prevent further damage of the infrastructures.

The Reinforcements along with suzaku has arrived at the EMC. 

All RoP civilians has transferred citizenship and registered to the RE's database.A total of 25,847,638 people were accounted for. Shelter, food, water and clothes has been provided to the civilians who have lost their homes.


Civilians has transferred citizen and has been registered to the RE's database.

Relief assistance were given to the citizens.

Suzaku and the Aerial Imperial Fleet Support Division has arrived.

Blaze Luminous generators were installed to multiple cities.

The RE denied AE rquest.

So far the Battle of Earth has been relatively indecisive. So far multiple factors have affected how the current situation looks. On one hand humanity has suffered many defeats yet some strategic victories, like the Battle of Portland and Battle of Eclipsim, while in the meantime inflicting decent casualties to Grenshu forces yet still taking in many of their own. On the other Grenshu forces had gone into this completely unaware of the full capabilities of humanity, severely underestimating them, and even after their defeats they still feel as though they will come out on top.

Now Grenshu forces are launching new offensives all across the planet, in a effort to get humanity out of major populated areas and force them into more rural ones. Two most major offensives were aimed at the two entities that the Grenshu commander considered to be a threat, which we know as the Eclipsian Federation and Republic of Cascadia. In the Eclipse the Grenshu launched the Steppes Offensive that aimed to take over the area around Solaris and move into Siberia, and in Cascadia the Nevada Offensive was launched in a effort to split their forces. On both ends the Grenshu deployed forces that outnumbered the defenders 3 to 1 and sent in numerous Scout Ships, Frigates, some Corvettes, and two Destroyers on each offensive. On both offensives they have sent in fighter-like drones controlled via by one of the Capitol Ships near the Moon to aid in aerial combat.

@RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian

[SIZE= 16px]Elsewhere the Grenshu launched other attacks on major cities. In Poland, now controlled by the Rising Empire, multiple ships attacked major cities throughout the former country, including the recently attack Warsaw. The multiple battles opened up on the Polish Offensive was just enough to split Riser forces, even the shielding set up by the Risers was beginning to crack. In Varmandr Vestan the Grenshu laucnhed multiple offensives across the country side in an effort to capture the country and take over Cascadian South America. In the African Empire multiple cities were attacked and bombarded, leaving African forces split on where to go efficiently. The situation also worsened for the Africans after the complete take over of Singaporean Africa by the Grenshu and they began to push from there. In the Order Empire the Grenshu began to push out of Paris and London in an effort to take down another threat they feared could do damage. With the recent failure at Oxford, Grenshu forces decided to deploy more troops and craft into Paris and London. The Destroyer in London was then ordered to be sent over Oxford to destroy the city, while Paris forces began to take over the areas around Paris. However the Destroyer sent to Oxford got stuck in between by determined Orderian/British forces when they attacked them with numerous anti-aircraft fire, once again unknowingly, hitting its weak-point in the hanger/belly of the ship. And in Russia Grenshu forces were sending in more troops to fight the determined humans (I tried reading your post, but like Alteras i need a summary)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion @Domini Regum @Agent141 @Wickedkent @Alteras @Kazami42[/SIZE]


Grenshu Invasion of Earth; Battle of Earth; Terran War of Independence

July, 3256 - Ongoing


Belligerent 1:

  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • [SIZE= 16px]Order Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Singaporean Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Varmandr Vestan[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Cascadia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Autocratic Redline Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rising Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]African Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Socialist Republic of California[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]2nd German Republic[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nordic Union[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Nordlam[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Mesa[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 2:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)[/SIZE]
The AE's saving grace was the jungle. Massive guerrila assaults and the use of fabian tactics - keeping the high ground, destroying supply lines, picking off foragers or small parties. In the mean time, 50% of the AA are allocated to the jungles to attack supply lines while the rest attack supply runs for the cities while the sieges of the cities continue, with lagos being fervently retaken and Adis Ababa being attacked constantly 

 Summary; guerilla warfare, fabian tactics, small groups picking off enemies while the army prepares the main assault.

@Loyal Guardian
The soldiers stationed outside of Nordlam officially claimed the land they discovered for Nordlam, and they had found good things in the past couple days. They found rifles, handguns, shotguns, a few snipers, a bunch of ammo as well. They found more Kevlar vests and helmets, as well as one semi-intact Juggernaut class Personal Defense armor. They found an MK32 grenade launcher with 3 rounds left chambered, one being a dud. They set up a settlement and a military base, waiting for engineers and other civilians to make the town the soldiers named 'Hopeville' as it held so much good stuff, but it will be officially named 'Markovsky'.

Markovsky development- 10%

Kevlar mass production- 22%

Mass production of Ak-47's, M1911's, and ammo- 2%

T-34-85 repairs- 50%

Tracer round production- 3%

Better armor development- 5%

Some scientists found by combining Kevlar and a material like steel make the Kevlar much more duarble while keeping flexible, the applications for this could be used for full body armor sets that are like a second skin in maneuverability.
Also, in an effort to gain the upper hand, all funding has been allocated to building and repairing the Grenshu Ships shot down (that are repairable, anyways,) 

With Oxford now secure, the Ordarian military on stationed on Britain can now focus their efforts to London and other alien occupied. Meanwhile, the Ordarian army stationed in France are now receiving reinforcements from the nearby provinces of Iberia and Italy. The Ordarian airforce continues to pound important alien positions. More Anti-Aircraft guns are being built in cities around the empire (My Anti-Aircraft guns use lasers instead of conventional bullets BTW. We gave up bullets a LONG time ago). The Ordarian Navy are bombarding important coastal alien positions. Meanwhile, the Ministers are discussing what to do about the Destroyer.

@Loyal Guardian

Council Bunker, Oxford

"It seems the... whatever the hell that is, has been stalled." Minister of the Armed Forces Torrad said. "I suggest we launch 50 of our missiles at it." "But our Hydrogen Missiles aren't ready yet." Minister of Research and Development Axel said. "I meant our cruise missiles, well use the Hydrogen Missiles when they're finished and produced." MAF Torrad responded. "Right, we should aim the missiles at that... thing's weapons." Minister of Diplomatic Affairs Alastair said. "Sounds Good." Prime Minister Kord said. "I don't care as long as we hit the damn thing." MRD Axel said. "It's bigger than all of our cities, it's gonna be damn hard to miss something of that size." MAF Torrad said. "Then it's settled, Torrad, launch the missiles." PM Kord said. MAF Torrad turned to a console, punched in the launch codes, and pressed the launch button. 50 cruise missiles are launched at the Destroyer.

@Loyal Guardian

Research and Development Centers

Project Entwicklung has been slightly set back because some of the alien technology has been incorporated into the project. Project: H is progressing well, using Hydrogen Bomb information from before the war and adding onto it, the research team is making progress. Speaking of, alien technology analyzation continues and the alien autopsy is yielding some information about the aliens. All alien corpses captured are some sort of reptilian species, with four eyes but without a tail.

Project: Virgo 70% (Still Halted)

Project: Entwicklung 75%

Project: H 15%

Alien Tech Analyzation: Ongoing

Alien Autopsy: Ongoing

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