The World of Tomorrow

Districts of Asia

Makasaar, Sulawesi Island, 1st District

Inside, the National University of Singapore had set up a command center. Operators are running around frantically. The parliament was dismantled. 1st Gov Zhang Qi Wei was given veto power over the seven districts.

"Sir, we have established contact with Shanghai and Governor Chun." The operators all stopped and looked up to Gov Zhang. "Open the line." The screen pulled up with a blurry image of Gov Chun. The background was filled with people running around, carrying files and equipment. "Good evening Gov Zhang." "Same to you Gov Chun, how is the 7th District?" "7th District? Wait... did Gov Chang's plan go through?" "Yes, and the 5th District has been split into two, Hong Kong and Shanghai." "What?! I'm the 7th Governor now?!" "No, you are the 5th Governor, ruler of the 5th District, Southern China." "Ruler?! Wait, did the Parliament really disband?" "Yes, we are the Districts of Asia now." "What about Prime Minister Jeanes?!" "He has died." Governor Chun paused for moment. "Th-the 7th District has regained control. Shanghai is destroyed, by the Greater Shanghai Area is still operating. The aliens are not here." "Very well." 1st Gov Zhang waved his hand and the video closed down.

"Sir, aliens have begun invading Korea and Japan." "Mobilize our fleets and forces in Kyushu Island. Authorize the release of the Sentosa Battleships." "Sir? The treaties established in the First Wor-" "We are no longer the Singaporean Federation." "Very well sir, authorizing the deployment of the Sentosa Battleships for the invasion of Korea and Japan." "Deploy the skippers as well. And find away to apply the hihi'irokane to larger ships."

The map pinged as more dots appeared on screen. "Rising Empire forces are entering the Pacific Ocean and Airspace. They want to help Districts." "Tell them to aid in the invasion of Japan and Korea."


The Sentosa Battleships have been deployed and will reach Kyushu Island in one month. Research has begun on application of the Leidenfrost Effect using the hihi'irokane in larger ships.


Leidenfrost Effect - 0%
SVALBARD: [unrelated, because we all know what happened last time when the aliens invaded.]

Due to the alien invasion, and the Nordics doing nothing. It was believed that they were just stalling for time, and since there was no way now to recommunicate with the imperials they did not think much about the aliens. Instead the svalbard front would of continued as it were earlier. Since the entire island was attacked by aliens, and nothing was heard. It was suspected that they were dead. So thus 20,000 eclispians, 17 claymores, and 4 valkyrur would advance into the little remaining land north and claim it under the Atlantic federation.

@Lordvader59 [in case you survived there when the aliens came.]


the claymores and valkyrur in severny, which originally were returning back to the imperials. Would of been sent to the gallian capital. Where they would wait until further orders. They were currently nearing the city. Some claymores left from Svalbard again to return home as well. Those would of been sent back to the redline.


The goddess would be taking her time relaxing, trying to calm down her temper. She had lost it entirely when what some would call: "higher beings" invaded her entire home. She was leaning on a wall in her sisters chair until some soviets and valerie would of gathered up to the windows. Curious, she looked out her miniature window in the wall, a literal slit in the wall. And saw that yet again, the aliens had one hell of a death wish. "Ugh... it's THEM again..." she would leave and go to the front door, her gathered claymore and valkyrur force arrived. Her 8 claymores including two more, and the 3 valkyrur, including 2 more which were stuck on severny. Before they could say anything, she did it for them. "Yes, yes. I know... THEY have returned yet again, terror in the country, Yes. I want two valkyrur south, two east, one west. I want three CMs west, three CMs east, two here in the north, and two south. I'll be there shortly..." she said to them annoyed. "I call grabbing their guns!" "I call taking their rockets!" "I am gonna steal their teeth!" Several group ups said out loud. "ALRIGHT TROOPS! MAKE YOUR GODDESS PROUD, GIVE THESE STUPID SONS OF BITCHES HELL!" 

The windows would be opened, the doors would be opened and rushed out of, and the multiple floors and even roof would be filled with defending soldiers all firing at Grenshu infantry, the initial surprise eliminating the twelve units outside. "Welp, since we are all still here..." crystal would just go 40% and fire ragnite beams into the air at the large enemy aircraft. At the sight of this, the other valkyrur would begin shooting at one of the Corvettes she was also shooting when they went to 40% as well. However unlike the goddess, they wouldn't be nearly as powerful but would still be as deadly. The beams would of been focused towards its propulsion point, and thus the ship would fall out of the sky much quicker than last time. The others would begin firing at one of the four other remaining Corvettes, and with all three of them, except just firing in random spots. They achieved the same affect as other ship. They couldn't gang up on the others as they left the area for other parts of the nation. Considering the ships were large, it wasn't exactly that hard to aim for them either. This was of course, when the Grenshu realized they had fucked up.

In other parts of the nation, the soviets or at least the redline in particular would be fighting the Grenshu infantry. The west was losing, the south had the most in military garrison against the Grenshu, and the east would just be a stalemate. With all fronts being equally disadvantaged due to the mass amounts of alien bodies still laying about everywhere. Making it harder to traverse certain areas.


The west side would of made it into the redline border of the south, which is one of the reasons why it wasn't losing much. The Grenshu were lucky enough to disable two IS-0s, but they were swarmed before they could do much else. With one of the tanks losing both a track/tread and the ability to rotate the turret. Besides the crew having been flung about, they were perfectly fine. The east side would of cleared a path from some Grenshu landing there, and would begin entering the siberian line.


[Crude drawing.]


The Grenshu storming in took the first district. [Which if put into a straight line to the drawbridge, it would be 500+ acres, may be hundreds more aka why there is a + there. Do not blame me for not calculating, It is seven AM... I wrote this and made the map when it was still three. ]  Some positions still remained supreme inside the enemy territory due to having heavy emplacements and defenses set up prior, in a matter of fact several months prior. The constant barrage of mini-rockets with ragnite mortar shells also prevented infantry from storming in, especially due to the gas effect of some shells that were in horrible condition. Of course gassing a few of themselves in the process. The eastern district would continue holding firm due to the emplacements, infantry, and vehicles. They also had heavy katyusha launchers in the east, and central districts, with the central one being littered with them. They could also fire more, and some kept their original arsenal instead of miniature yet still highly explosive and splash damaging rockets for very long ranges. They would constantly kill dozens or more of grenshu infantry on the other side, and would be even more deadly to bigger groups.

The garrison inside of the central district [Still figuring up names so meh.] Would now begin raising the bridge. Besides the nuclear sirens in the background which has been blaring for a entire month, the bridges alarm system would go off. Some soldiers and aliens were still on the bridge as it started rising, however the soldiers either escaped, or were on the side going into the central district. The same side which would have two disabled tanks, and one destroyed tank. [Here is a nice video for you. Except the bridge is a bit longer than that but meh. Like I said, X Gonna give it took ya. ] 

A Grenshu soldier would of kept holding onto the bridge, but only to be crushed by a destroyed tank falling into him. The garrison inside the citadel and around it just kept emplacing defenses, while they waited for whatever the Grenshu had. The Russian queen would now be a few miles away from the capital, but would begin firing heavy long range shells into the city. Killing 20, wounding fifteen. It would fire again and destroy a house, another one would throw a alien to the ground, another one would actually kill five more, another one hit into the water, another one hit the wall and bounced off into a allied emplacement wounding 10, another one landed directly onto a Grenshu soldier and killed fifteen more. The goddesses were dealing with the enemy aircraft, and sent 3 Corvettes down into the river. "Go back to the citadel, I will be fine." The Imperial goddess said. "very well." she would then sprint to the bridge, and seeing it crossed and avoiding Grenshu fire. the goddess just jumped into the river, swam to the otherside, climbed up to any land she could, then jumped several stories up into the air, she couldn't jump high enough to go over the wall, but she did jump high enough to grab onto it and climb up. a few soldiers pointed guns at her thinking it was a alien, but she raised herself up and her head was revealed from the wall. "what?... it's just me." she would climb up. "oh, sorry my lady.." "it is fine." she would then help place defenses.

The batomys tank and it's ghetto team arrived to the capital. "It seems like they are doing well." 'non' said. As she is usually nicknamed. "Well considering they somehow blew open the front gate, they must of finally of broke the coating off. That or the RQ blew it open by accident. Let's go say hello to the queen." Victor said before moving the tank again. 

They would go on to attack the gate and open fire on the Grenshu there, which would then return it and disable two of the various tanks rushing towards them. The disabling caused one of the tanks to turn to the left and crash into another one, and the driver was rendered unconscious. The batomys main cannon battery was fired, and made a large booming sound due to the nature of the weapon itself. It in turn when crashing the shell into the ground, It killed 25 grenshu and ripped the arms off of three others, and one of their legs. They would begin being shot at with rockets, however besides ripping apart weaker outer layer, and damaging armor coated in ragnite. There was no damage to be spoken of. However in the engine room, there was alot of the steam. But they kept it maintained. The tanks would then begin crossing the bridge into the city. The Grenshu would destroy one tanks engine and cause a fire, but everyone bailed and hid under the tank. They didn't worry about it exploding because they fired their last shell ten minutes ago. The worse it could do is ruin the tank. The panzer-7 was designed for firepower and to defend the crew, and it does so very well. The Grenshu would keep firing at the batomys tank but they still wouldn't be capable of inflicting damage onto it, it was simply too armored. The main cannon would fire again, and kill 15 more while they continued forwards. The Grenshu in front of them being thrown down by the ram, and then squished under the tracks. The various machineguns mowing down whatever they see, and the valkyria just sitting down casually in the open ontop of it would occasionally fire a pistol at them. The CMs also ontop would fire submachineguns into the aliens as well.

The tank would of course have to open up the three ragnite radiators on it after firing the main cannon to vent steam and other exhausts. A alien fired a rocket into one of them which critically damaged it. [Again, I believe their explosives are vastly more powerful than ours.]. The glass was damaged, but that was of no concern except to those near it. The radiator itself however was vastly unstable due to it. The machineguns killed the rocketeers except one, which shot and blew up one of the three. Making it to where it takes longer for the main gun to cool down, but not much else. It also put more strain on the engine, and so to leak out steam it just filled the engine room again. It threw theiemer and Kelsey about though. "Gah! Goddamn it, What is happening out there? Are you a fucking demon?!?!?" Kelsey yelled as she returned some bolts on the engine. "DAMN IT, YAAAH!!" She bashed a wrench into the engine before the radiators would retract again. The machinegun would fire again, but as it killed the last Grenshu there with a rocket, he destroyed the turret/damaged it from working. "Give them hell girls." Victor said to those ontop of the tank through intercom. "Roger that!" They would then jump down from the tank instead of using the ladder, they would begin slaughtering Grenshu infantry as if they were nothing when they upped themselves as precaution to 27%.


[I've worked on this for a entire night. Just let me edit it when I wake up later, or when I make another post about it. Until then I'll just write something here. But let's be honest here, we already know what is about to go down.]

The line would be held. "Troops! You will hold this line for the motherland! This line must continue to be held at every single cost, This is all that mother russia asks of you." A commissar said. A few placements of 5 CMs, and 3 valkyrur hidden somewhere among the lines. The lines would aim into the fog during the rainy storm. Since they have been attacked once before, it'd happen again. "Wait for it..." those who didn't check before, made sure the safety was off. "Wait for it...." A shadow could be seen in the far distance. A machinegunners nests would readjust. "And..." Another group of shadows appear. "OPEN FIRE! KILL THEM ALL!" The machinegunners would fire again. Any Grenshu who got close and survived the machineguns would be met by soldiers firing AP rounds. They all fired them due to their power, but those without weapons to fire such large calibers would just fire normal bullets at them.

@Loyal Guardian


[Everything will be added to the overview later.]

Ragnite munitions project: 97%

Grenades, landmines, smoke shells, canister tubes, certain but large bullets, and shells such primarily as artillery were either repurposed, modified, or created for ragnite usages. They would of been manufactured immediately after, but the ones which only required to modify/repurpose was capable of being in the arsenal much quicker.


Ocean goddess project: 10%

Half of the keel, and the lower hull would be completed. Construction would carry on into the keel and hull.


Mass expansion project: 100%.

The north would be taken, and the trenches and foxholes would be ready. The siberian line would be stronger than ever before.


Seed Project: 70%. [Should be 9 months. -6.]

The successfully modified plant would thrive, and would be considered complete. It spread about multiple seeds, and it grew like wild fire. A scientist would take it up to the surface and plant it directly in a pot on a window sill. This was done in the event that it'd spread too much and overfill the deep underground.


Ragnite weapon construction: 40%. 

This project would mass produce ammo or misc for ragnite purposes. It would also repurpose/modify rounds in the arsenal.


Project: Helghast, Phase one: 10%. [Military, Government change, colonization.]

Some lands of gallia taken by the imperials would be kept for themselves. This would thus allow their project to have a quicker start than usual. Scientists were currently creating military uniforms for the imperials.


So far the war the Grenshu has launched hasn't exactly been in their favor. An entire army, including three Destroyers, in a single battle. The Grenshu commander then authorized the massive deployment of troops and ships to the onto the planet. Three billion of the force was deployed to defend East Siberia. 100 Million were sent to the Nordic Union. The African Empire, and Redline Empire 250 Million troops were sent. In the Order Empire and Rising Empire 300 Million troops were sent. In Cascadia and the Eclipsian Federation 500 million troops deployed onto their lands and began massive offensives. Manchuria, Korea, and Japan were all swiftly invaded and quickly dismantled after a detachment force from East Siberia conquered them. The Kingdom of the Rockies, Districts of Asia, SRC, and Germany so far have been left relatively alone but soon they may be attacked as well. Varmander Vestan hasn't had any new reinforcements sent in due to their country falling.

@Agent141 @Alteras @RIPSaidCone @Loyal Guardian @Albion @Lordvader59 @Wickedkent @Kazami42 @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @LoneSniper87 @Picklesoldier

Varmandr Vestan

While the war on the Grenshu started to wane, the VFO quickly mounted a surprise attack on the United States of Varmandr Vestan and the Katrina State. Immediately the Katrina state was taken, and a small amount of the USVV was taken. The attack was condemned by the USVV, and immediately all troops not fighting Grenshu, which had mostly been killed, were sent to fight the VFO. Fighting on the ground was fierce, but the USVV started pushing against the Fascist forces, with aide from numerous civilian militias. Help was requested by the Unites States of Varmandr Vestan from the AE. @Albion


Varmandian Fascist Order's War of Unification

(AKA the Varmandian Fascist Order's War of Aggression)

Battle 1: Surprise attack by the VFO, Katrina State falls and USVV gains land

Battle 2: USVV counterattack, VFO starts losing ground

Battle 3: Multiple civilian uprisings against the oppressive rule of the VFO.


Project Turn: (4%) 

More alien ships, bodies, and weapons were headed into the ECF headquarters, so many that they had to start piling bodies and weapons outside of the facility. Autopsies were underway and guns were being taken apart piece by piece, as were the ships. It was hard to understand, but it was being documented fully.

Project Cauliflower: (50%)

The Droids were complete, with different classes being set up. All the Varmandian states had to do was start mass-production, which would take about a month in non-war situation, but two in this situation. The scientists started working on other ways to update different things.


Sniper droid (Can hit targets up to a mile away with the new S-1 Coilgun)

Pilot droid (Able to pilot almost any plane/helicopter)

Tactical droid (Able to do quick operations that require absolute precision)

Heavy droid (A heavily armored variant of the Main Battle Droid. Very hard to take down, but slower than other droids)

Main-battle droid (Basic infantry droid, capable of piloting tanks and other motorized vehicles as well. Equipped with Kit-Cat Laser Rifles)

K-15 Spy droid (Tactical droid equipped with intelli-skin, making it invisible to everything but Sonar)

15/2 Helldroid (Droid made purely to strike fear into the enemy. Able to hide nearly everywhere and strike in a blink of an eye. Armed with a special Electrified Katana and a automatic laser pistol, and made to look terrifying. Capable of running 130 MPH on flat surfaces and jump 30 feet)

DD1 Super Droid (Super-heavy class droid, capable of taking up to 150 laser rifle shots without penetration of armor, and capable of jumping 50 feet and running 150 mph on flat ground. Armed with a dubbed automatic anti-life Coilgun and able to call in the Hive, 500 Mouse drones. Also available is the option for total cloaking from everything but sonar, but it's normal size makes even that hard. The downside is the cost, being 25 billion for each)

(NEW) Project Future: (0%)

Project Fire was created by the Varmandian Fascist Order as a last-case measure. Plans for a self-sufficient base capable of housing 300,000 on the moon were made so that in case of VFO falling, they could have a place to operate.
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Order Empire

With the alien threats in Italy and Iberia quelled, the Ordarian army continues to send reinforcements to France. In Britain and France, Ordarian forces are forced on the defensive, although they both were already on the defensive to begin with. In France, the army and airforce continue to bombard the city. In Britain, Minister of the Armed Forces Torrad has ordered a defensive wall to be built between London and Oxford, called the Oxford Wall (Just think of the Atlantic Wall but on land). The Ordarian navy surrounds Denmark, bombarding coastal alien positions. Meanwhile in the Minister Council bunker, armed with the knowledge gained from the Eclipsians, they decide to launch 5 of the remaining 10 cruise missiles at the destroyer's belly. They also ordered that all aircraft withing the range of the destroyer to target it's belly.

The war continues to rage on, a total of 500k Ordarian soldiers have been killed.

@Loyal Guardian

Industrial Centers

Industrial centers nationwide have gotten a new project to work on; the production of 50k G-72 tanks and 50k O-12 Fighters/Divebombers. Expenses for these are expected to be 75 billion (If my math is correct), bringing the national GDP down to 1.325 trillion US. Construction is expected to finish in a month.

Research Centers

Project Entwicklung is nearing completion as alien technology analyzed so far (very little) are being retrofitted to Ordarian weapons and armor. Project Virgo, being halted for a long time, was cancelled altogether. Progress on Project H is going well. Alien tech analyzation continues.

Meanwhile, alien prisoners taken in are split into 4 groups and put into 4 separate rooms. Once inside, the doors were sealed shut and they were exposed to various gases. The first group was exposed to chlorine gas, the second to phosgene gas, and the third to mustard gas. The scientists will observe the results and determine which gas is most effective against them, if any.

@Loyal Guardian(How the Aliens react to the gases)

Project Virgo (Cancelled)

Project Entwicklung: 95%

Project H: 25%

Alien Tech Analyzation: 5%

Alien Experimentation: Ongoing

Tank and Aircraft Production: Complete in 1 month
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A few rag-tag Nordic soldiers met the Gallian advance. "Hold your fire. The Grenshu are our enemies now. If we keep fighting amongst ourselves, we'll be overrun. We ourselves have taken seven major attacks."

Pending for Agent.
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Order Empire

Ordarian forces are doing somewhat well in Britain, using guerrilla tactics to combat the aliens. The forces in France are also implementing guerrilla tactics to combat the aliens. Forces from the Communists and Fascists are giving speeches to Government soldiers, inspiring them and raising morale. The Ordarian airforce around the nation are bombing important alien infantry positions and targeting any alien aircraft.

In Iberia and Italy, the Ordarian Navy bombard alien positions close to the coast. In related news, The Ordarian navy is bombarding London. The infantry also formed defensive lines to keep the aliens from moving further inward.

The Ordarian army and airforce surrounded alien occupied Paris and began bombing/shelling the city.

Alien corpses and technology continue to be taken to the labs. Additionally, Genshu prisoners are also being taken to labs to be experimented on to try and find a weekness that they could exploit.

Battle Maps:

@Loyal Guardian

Minister Council Bunker

"Alright Chaps, we're managing to hold them back for the time being." PM Kord said to the others. "Any suggestions on what we should do next?" "I suggest that we check on everyone else, and see how they're doing." MDA Alastair said. The others agreed to this. "Alright then, Alastair open communications with all other nations." Alastair walked to a console and opened coms. Microphones appeared at each of the ministers' seats. Kord was the first to speak. "Hello, Prime Minister Kord of the Order Empire speaking on behalf of the minister council. Are you chaps alright?"

@Loyal Guardian@Alteras@Albion@Lordvader59@RIPSaidCone@Domini Regum@Kazami42@Wickedkent@Fishman Lord@Everyone Else

Varmandr Vestan

Only the Unites States of Varmandr Vestan replied.

"Doing fine, kicked most of the aliens of Odin's fine land, but bastard Fascists attacked us... 200 Grenshu prisoners escaped, bet they'll be a problem. Once we finish the disgraces to the All-Father, we'll be set to produce the Droids
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Varmandr Vestan

Only the Unites States of Varmandr Vestan replied.

"Doing fine, kicked most of the aliens of Odin's fine land, but bastard Fascists attacked us... 200 Grenshu prisoners escaped, bet they'll be a problem. Once we finish the disgraces to the All-Father, we'll be set to produce the Droids

... "You mean to tell us that your nation is fighting amongst itself as the GRenshu are on your very doorstep?"

@Domini Regum
Pendragon, Rising Empire North America

They were discussing in the Council Room about foreign and domestic things which also included the alien invasion. They were assessing the damages done by the aliens, it was big and it created a dent in the Empires economy.

The Council Room Main Interface turned online and the logo of the Singaporean Federation appeared. Schneizel ordered the officers to patch the message through. They requested that the Fleet the Rising Empire has sent to aid Singapore would instead be sent to japan and korea to help them in retaking both of the countries.

"What has happened?" Schneizel asked "Korea and japan has been taken?" He stood up and slammed both of his hands in the table.
"What in the gods name is-" He was cut off when the alarms turned on. The Logo of the Singaporean Federation in the Main interface disappeared and was changed to the map of the world. Hundreds and if not, thousands of red dots appeared around the world. The second wave has begun. The council looked at it in shock. Officers poured in the Council Room and reported the situation. Lelouch stood up.
"Status Report on the Empire" Lelouch commanded. The screen zoomed and showed the Rising Empire. The Screen has been divided into two, one side showed the RE Mainland and the other, Europe. Like the world map, thousand of red dots appeared.
"How many are there?!" Max asked in a surprised voice. 
"The Intelligence Department Estimated 300 Million, 200 In the canadian islands and 100 in poland. An officer reported. The council looked at him shocked.
"Say that again officer" Cornelia said "Lying to the Royal Family has consequences. Now, tell the truth."
"He is telling the truth" Clovis said "I just received information directly from the department." Cornelia then looked at the officer who was shaking in fear.
"I apologize" She said. 
"Prepare the conference room" Schneizel said "I shall make a speech." The officers nodded and exited the room to relay their orders. 
"I have sent a message to Jeremiah, he requested reinforcements" Lelouch said "Which I did give, I ordered A million troops to immediately depart to poland. If we add all troops together then there would be  2 million and a half soldiers in Poland."
"H.A.R.A.S.A. Has cancelled their operations and went back to poland, right?" Max asked. Lelouch nodded in answer to his question. The officer earlier came back in.
"Sir, the conference room has been prepped." He said. Schneizel nodded and walked towards the room in a calmed way.

Conference Room

Dozens of cameras were pointed at Schneizel, he was standing on the podium, the Speech was live, the entire Rising Empire Citizens were watching him.
"Greetings citizens of the Rising Empire" He said with a proud voice "As you know we are facing a nation crisis, well it is not only to our country, but to the world. The Safety of you citizens and the preservation of this Empire is our top and outmost priority, but hard times has befall upon us, thus we, the government must make a drastic action, in order to achieve this. We request for all able man, 16 years of age and those above to join the military, elderly are excluded in this, those who join will be properly trained and be given with proper armor. This is optional and not mandatory, but do remember this, we are doing this to protect our country, friends and family.

If you are somehow interested, then please pack your bags and register in the nearest military outpost or settlement. We move forward with guns in hand for our cause is noble and our power is pure!" 

The people who were watching cheered. Many men walked towards the nearest outpost to be drafted. The military counted 25,000,000 in total.

The Military was immediately deployed when the first sign of alien ship appeared in the radar of the RE. All Anti-Aircrafts were activated and begun firing at the alien ships when they went inside the range of the AA's. Thousands of aircrafts were now on the air and engaged combat with the enemies. Frames were deployed from their carrier. The Rising Army in Katowice, Poland were being defeated, many aircrafts and aircrafts were destroyed, and soldiers killed. The commander who was desperate launched a F.L.E.I.J.A. Warhead towards the alien without the conscent of the Royal Family and not thinking of the casualties his own troops would suffer. Many aliens were killed but half of the forces there were killed due to the reckless action.


[SIZE= 9px]F.L.E.I.J.A. Warhead exploding.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 9px]Rising Troops being eliminated by the F.L.E.I.J.A. Warhead.[/SIZE]

The Battle in Poland Warsaw is not the same with Katowice, the soldiers were putting up a fight, even though they were outnumbered 50 to 1. Viceroy Jeremiah himself has joined the battle along with Commander Suzaku, which boosted the morale of the troops. Hundreds of Goliath-Class AA Guns were placed around Warsaw which was really helpful in taking out the alien ships. The Knightmare Frames also supported the Ground Forces either from the ground or air, they also took care of the flying alien ships who would descend to a lower altitude.

The Empire also deployed a million soldiers towards the Queen Elizabeth islands to engage with the aliens there.


[SIZE= 9px]Air Superiority Fighters deployed to engage air-to-air combat with the alien ships.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]Summary:[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]1 Million troops in queen elizabeth Islands[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]2.5 Million Troops in Poland.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]500,000 Soldiers were killed in Europe thus makes the total soldiers 2 Million.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]The 3 Fleets sent to singapore changed course and are now heading to japan and korea to aid the Singaporeans in retaking the lands and keep pressure to the aliens from the east.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 9px]F.L.E.I.J.A. Warhead launched in Katowice without Concent from the Royal Family.[/SIZE]

In the last week, the United States of Varmandr Vestan had gained much ground. The Grenshu were mainly out of USVV and VFO territory, but the many still attacking were held back by the new Droids, especially two Super-Droids, proving very dangerous to most Grenshu troops.


Varmandian Fascist Order's War of Unification

A.K.A Varmandian Fascist Order's war of Aggression

Update: United States of Varmandr Vestan gaining more ground against the Fascists, Grenshu being held back on both sides.

Central America, Cascadia

Fortunately for the sake of the CDF's chain of command, the remaining Grenshu forces in Nevada that had been apart of the first attack wave had been wiped out prior to the arrival of the second attack wave. Allowing for easy movement around homeland Cascadia and Mexico, Las Vegas had been retaken a week prior to the arrival of the 2nd attack wave with around 234,000 Cascadian casualities, all of which being military in origin. Civilian casualities have remained at 124 dead directly from Grenshu forces and 2,348 indirectly, this being via means of being killed during widespread looting in Las Vegas during the 1st attack wave or being killed by building collapse or damage, car accidents in evacuations and during sieges also count as part of this. Cascadian Defense Force troops in southern Mexico now number at 5.9 million with 35,000 M1A3 Abrams tanks, 8,700 F-38's and numerous other combat elements to support. All Grenshu forces in Mexico have been forced to retreat back into Central America due to a swift shock and awe attack from the CDF Southern Command based in Texas, major evacuations have taken place in southern Cascadian land to the north, effectively making an exodus in Central America, the power of the CNDF has been used to the utmost extent to secure southern America from Grenshu advances with regular bombardments and airstrikes on Grenshu locations, keeping them pinned far from major cities and towns whilst military grade supplies are being shipped in for the organization of the Southern Milita, a new branch of national defense authorized by the South Cascadian Caucus in Colombia.


The Southern Milita will be a state-funded defense force, using a mixture of funds from South America and the federal government in homeland Cascadia to set up a standing military to defend from any kind of attack and to hold it off until CDF reinforcements can arrive. As of now the CDF has put a plan in place to either pay off or cut the Milita's equipment down for scraps after the war in-order to pay for the costs of equipping such a large force as the size of it now is only temporary. Standing at around 6.5 million troops, these Militamen will not be trained as well as your standard Cascadian soldier or National Guardsmen but will be equipped well, again not as well as the majority of the active-duty military or National Guard but well enough to be considered effective troops, they will be equipped with M8A2 railgun rifles just like any other Cascadian soldier but the rest of their equipment will be rather basic, enough to protect them and aid them in combat but not as advanced or refined as normal CDF armor to keep costs relatively low for this new force. For the time being a force of 2 million National Guardsmen and 10,500 M1A3 tanks have been activated within South America to defend and hold off the Grenshu advance until the Southern Milita is combat capable


Portland, Cascadia

Meanwhile in the nation's capital, the National Guard's ordered arrival of armored vehicles and aircraft has arrived. 21,000 M1A3 tanks, 9,600 F-38 fighter jets, 60,000 humvees, 23,000 AHL-77 Hawk transport & gunships, 13,400 M10 Bradleys, 8,700 IAV Strykers Mark 5's, 6,800 AH-94 Alsin attack helicopters, 2,300 A-12 Thunderbolt III's and 3,500 PAC 4 PATRIOT anti-air systems have all been delivered to the Guard to further expand it's combat, rescue and defensive capabilities. These forces have remained within Cascadian territory to defend against any possible Grenshu attacks whilst the active-duty CDF directly fight against them, minus the 2 million Guardsmen in South America being an exception who have recieved 10,500 M1A3 Abrams for their role in fighting against the Grenshu from this newly delivered stockpile. Meanwhile new orders have already been placed to further expand the CDF due to the freedoms allowed by the Federal Defense Act for an expanded budget as Cascadian unemployment goes to 0% for the first time in history, due to the remaining unemployed being put into work in factories, 10,000 additional M1A3 tanks, 3,400 F-38 fighter jets, 4,500 AHL-77 transport and attack gunships, 4,500 M1010 Paladin artillery vehicles and 5,600 Avenger anti-air vehicles have been ordered for the coming months to reinforce the nation's defense.


A national propaganda effort has begun to keep morale up during the invasion in the population, similar to that of World War 2's American propaganda. With posters and cartoons depicting the Grenshu as ugly, small and fat alien creatures facing off against tall, strong and brave Cascadian troops of all backgrounds to show Cascadia's diversity and more caring nature compared to their invaders who are seen regularly in these artist depictions brutalizing their own troops. Whether or not they actually do this doesn't matter to the Department of Defense who has regularly been sending out this propaganda. Using the power of Hollywood this propaganda has been extremely effective, with new blockbuster movies coming out all centered around heroic Cascadian soldiers fighting off against these invaders.


As part of the nation's new defense boost, the Early Warning & Attack Characterization System has been upgraded with new features to make it 100% accurate, small, undetectable sensors are so far being placed all around the Pacific and Atlantic. As far away as 2,200 miles from Cascadia's coastlines, only 200 miles less than Hawaii's distance as to give the CNDF plenty of warning time in the event of an approaching naval force. The same has been done in the Atlantic, the number of these sensors is expected to be approaching the 5 million mark in each ocean and they are designed to be highly sensitive to anything larger than a small fisherman's boat as to prevent random occurances from setting them off, the gulf of Mexico and Carribbean sea are also being filled with these sensors to ensure total coverage from the oceans. In Utah meanwhile the construction of the Fort Pines Warning Array has begun, the exact location being classified, it will be a large array consisting of over 35 independent antennae to connect to a series of CADF run radar control stations scattered all over Cascadian territory in unknown locations, the number of these stations expected to total around 950 for complete coverage of Cascadian and surrounding territories, these stations and antennaes will operate together alongside the ocean sensors to be able to detect any approaching military force via land, air or sea from as far as 3,500 miles away in every direction. Instantly informing the CDF command of it.


Undisclosed Location, Cascadia

President Jefferson sat at a recreation of the Oval office, when in reality she was deep underground in one of many bunkers she could've been sent to depending on her location at the time. A camera in-front of her as the red light turned on, Jefferson starting. "My fellow Cascadians, as you very well know. We have come under attack, but not from terrorists, hackers, wannabe rebels or even another nation. But an extraterrestrial force known only to us as the Grenshu. I chose to speak with you today as many of you have raised concerns on our nation's future, and I share your concerns. Many of you fear that we'll lose this war and be forced into subjugation from an alien race, turned into slaves for them. Others fear that we'll simply be wiped out and our resources used for their gain, I'm hear to dash these fears. For that will not happen, I am ensuring you all now, today. In the year 3256 that none of that will happen, we will crush these deluded fanatics into the ground with a firepower that only God can imagine. We will not spare them, or agree to any form of ceasefire, your government promises you that we will not stop until every single Grenshu invader stupid enough to remain on Cascadian soil has been killed. Your children and their children will be proud to grow up knowing that their parents, their uncles, their aunties and their teachers had all at some point fought for not only their nation, but their species against an invading alien enemy."

"And you can do that by living your lives, by not panicking, by letting your government and our brave men and women do their jobs without interruption and by sparing resources. Recyling more than you usually do, handing in old scraps and materials to local Military Materials centers that will be opening in your towns and cities, the more we band together and help one another. By working in factories, keeping the economy healthy with your businesses, small and large and being the best citizen you can be. The more we do this, the more of a chance we have against these invaders. President Franklin Roosevelt had a quote once. "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself." And that holds true even till today. Keep that quote close and remind everyone you can with it to help them get through this invasion just like you are. So support your neighbors, your communities, friends and families. Support your nation and most of all support Humanity. Your government has given you the tools to do so, snf now you must help us build our way to a better, alien free future. Thank you, and god bless the Republic of Cascadia." She smiled her election-winning smile and nodded to the camera happily as it turned off. Her speech finished as she got up from her chair, feeling significantly better than she had prior to the speech.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Stockholm, Sweden[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The battered men of Delta squad, of R company, Trife battalion, 2nd division hid on a rooftop. With them, was the potential key to Nordic and maybe even Human victory. The squad commander, Sergeant Kenneth Ansalderson, held a suit of Grenshu power armor in a stairwell. All of a sudden, the radio operator’s backpack spoke “Delta squad, move the suit into position.” Kenneth didn’t know who said it, but it was good enough for him. Looking amongst the members of his squad, he dragged the armor into the open. This, however, alerted a Grenshu drone, which had been patrolling the area. It flew over to the squad, and several lights began flashing as it sent around a message to all nearby Grenshu forces. It’s main cannons began to glow, charging. Corporal Johan Barheiss, the heavy-weapon’s expert responsible for the squads Carl Gustaf, tried to bring his weapon on view, but the thing fired, sending him flying to the side, wounded, but not dead. The remaining soldiers opened fire on the drone, but their bullets pinged harmlessly off. Just when death seemed certain, a missile hit the back of the drone, causing it to explode. A JAS 40 flew over, and then turned around. Realizing what this meant, the men cheered. This lone fighter was the hope of the Union. It flew over once more, and the power armor was ripped from the building, snagged by the electromagnet of the Super Gripe. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Then, the 40 made one more pass, dropping cluster bombs upon the Grenshu who were now sitting in one building opening up on Delta Squad.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Aaron received word of the successful retrieval within moments, and there was much jubilation amongst Nordic High Command. It was immediately taken to the research lab, and analysis began. Despite all odds, Project: Exonaut could begin.[/SIZE]
Ordarian Research Centers

[SIZE= 16px]Of the three groups, the only one that showed real effectiveness was the Phosgene Gas. However, to the dismay of the scientists, the gas did not kill them. However it did leave them incapacitated for a few minutes before they fully recovered, angrily one might add. When tests were done on a captured Battle Suit with the gas, the results further dismayed the scientists. It seemed that all the gases tried left little to no effect on the suits, however the Phosgene gas did at first show promise but was quickly snuffed.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Poland & Canadian Isles[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu forces in Poland numbered 200 million (its inverse) and they began to march across much of the land. Once again they reached major cities and quickly besieged them. Within the first week alone Riser casualties were 4 to 1. Despite the bomb exploding in Katowice, Grenshu forces deployed reinforcements in suit and captured the city. Not only that but the Grenshu around Warsaw had enough of the troublesome city. Corvettes, while taking on fire, began to deliberately target AA positions and this was proving successful. Scout Ships and Drones were also beginning to decimate the defensive areas currently holding back the Grenshu, which allowed troops to flood into the city. Not even half a month has passed and 70% of Poland is now under Grenshu control.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In the Canadian Isles, a similar situation happened. Riser forces were being severely pushed back and any Frame sent to intercept Grenshu were destroyed by their tanks, rockets, and Drones. This is the first instance of Grenshu Tanks being deployed into battle. After about half a month, much of the Canadian Isles has been captured with the exception of the areas closest to the Riser heartland.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Wickedkent[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Order Empire[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]During the Battle of the Oxford Wall, Grenshu forces nearly began to push back the Ordarians which would have surely led to a siege of Oxford. However, just like in the Battle of the Basin, the Destroyer was targeted in the belly. The missiles hit and even though there were some minor explosions, the ship did not go down. The Ordarian aircraft were also targeting the area with everything they had, but they were being counterattacked by Grenshu Drones and only a few every actually hit the Destroyer's belly. Despite the Order Empire's failure to down the Destroyer, they were able to drive it away so it could be repaired. This is turn opened the window for a Ordarian counteroffensive.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In France the 150 Million troops began to spread out from Northern France and despite the Order Empire's best efforts to quell them, the Grenshu pushed the line beyond Paris proper and began to push steadily out. However heavy fighting ensued and casualty rates were equal, but the Oradarians were outnumbered and Northern France was nearly captured. However the special exclusion was Brittany, which remains under siege and the only place where casualty rates are higher for the Grenshu.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Agent141[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Southern Cascadia[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The shock and awe attack by the Cascadians surprisingly worked again the Grenshu forces. However these forces, at the time, were not effectively supplied and had no tanks or heavy air support. In short, while the offensive worked and temporarily stopped an early Grenshu advance, Cascadia had mainly won on the factor of poor supply timing by Grenshu forces. This time however, they are now fully supplied and their army is ready.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In South America Grenshu forces swarmed Guardsmen and obliterated any resistance that was in front of them. The Casacdian tanks did prove as somewhat a rival to there's, but Grenshu had the edge in maneuverability and firepower and their tanks were being taken down one by one: In almost 5 to 1 difference in Tank destruction. Other than that the force that was sent to stall the Grenshu advance was simply overpowered by sheer numbers. This was enough to allow Grenshu forces in Varmander Vestan to link up with other Grenshu forces, now splitting VV into three.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Domini Regum[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In Central America the Grenshu waited for the precise time to strike. A week after the shock and awe move, Grenshu forces suddenly began a massive push across the Cascadian front line. Despite their soldiers having strong enough rifles to deal some damage to Grenshu power armor, Grenshu forces heavily outnumbered them and simply had better equipment. One thing the Cascadians did have over the Grenshu was their fighters, which quickly destroyed drones and a large squadron of them was narrowly able to take down a Destroyer. However things have changed. Drone's have now become more accurate, more aware of the battlefield around them, increased weaponry, and increased armor. Basically the Drones have nearly become on par with the Fighters, with the destruction ration being decreased from 14 to 1 has now changed to 5 to 1. Coupled with the fact that the Drones can easily be made by Grenshu forces, and air superiority is basically there's with a few exceptions. While anti-air was helping pick off a few Drones, Corvettes and Frigates have now been able to accurately target those positions. However they were still being shot down, so Drones began aiding in air cover and escort to prevent Cascadian Fighters from getting to close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px](aight i pooped out for now)[/SIZE]
The enemies are prishing quickly. Estimates now are roughly 37 million for them, four hundred thousand of the soldiers.

A few rag-tag Nordic soldiers met the Gallian advance. "Hold your fire. The Grenshu are our enemies now. If we keep fighting amongst ourselves, we'll be overrun. We ourselves have taken seven major attacks."

Pending for Agent.

"The island invaders? We killed them all. Now where are they?" A annoyed looking woman said, staring at them with her silver eyes. Her face was that of resting bitch face. @Lordvader59



The machinegunners, katyushas, and infantry continually fired at the aliens. With every three Grenshu killed, one would of killed one soldier in the line. There would be three heavy katyusha launchers on the southern border, central line, and one on the northern edge. With five light katyusha with 20 mini-rockets. Each throughout the line. now at this point, for every ten aliens they gunned down, five soldiers would be killed, and two wounded every time. A single rocket was capable of being fired at the line, and when it detonated it killed seven, and wounded three. Snipers would begin loading their heavy AP rounds and firing at their heads. There would be 100 snipers in the line, including 10 from gallia and 5 from the imperials. The claymore units would be Manning the katyusha's and using their abilities to quickly reload them. Some having trained in agility for quite some time, and capable of moving quicker than the human eye can register. The the valks would fire at larger groups of them, which if they didn't die instantly from the sheer power and recoil of being hit with it equally/obliterated, then it would most certainly damage them. They were all at 29% and beginning to have strain, however with this low power being used, they could continue to fight on for a long duration. In total so far, 500 were killed and 200 humans were killed. It didn't help the Grenshu that now the Russian queen, the heaviest gun they have and soon will be copying her weapon systems for the new ship. Would be soon stationed there, with her heavy shells obliterating the ground with visible craters, her shells being armed with ragnite and thus not only explosive, but large fragmentation and possible ragnite gas could destroy them. The shells being taller than a small house or so being more than capable of the job.



They would continue holding the north, the soviets having the most prewar anti tank rifles and some advanced weaponry. The military would storm the southern fields with heavy trucks, and ZIS-151s. After the palace/the north was secured, the claymores holding it would travel to the south. The valks and claymores being the units preventing the Grenshu from gaining land east and west. The north would be hard to take control over due to its massive militarization, and the south were mostly barren plains with no real cover for anyone. Which made their power even more effective at lower power due to nothing too thick to prevent their ragnite beams from going through instantly. The goddess would travel to the west to finally reclaim it. She would be on her way there with a zis-151 convoy of 5. Carrying 140 personnel over. The east was easily fended off, and the south would be losing ground until reinforcements arrive. Which another convoy of 8 was sent. They also sent a battalion to hunt down the Corvettes taken down in this and earlier invasion.



The aliens kept trying to find a way to the citadel while the batomys tank and remaining tank regiment invaded. The defences included a APCT, with both a machinegun and heavy tank turret with rocket launching capabilities, 50 of them, all of gallia's machineguns, and 40,000 defenders. The batomys tank would clear paths through the Grenshu as if they were absolutely nothing until one decided to climb up the ladder, only to be met with a ragnite sword going straight through the helmet. "Firing!" The tank would fire it's main battery again and kill 30 Grenshu. It was heading to the eastern district which continued to hold its own. The Imperial goddess was in the middle of the Grenshu continually destroying their drones, Corvettes, and a scout ship. One corvette crashed into a apartment building, and another crashed near the citadel. The scout ship crashed into one of the barracks, and the two drones would of crashed into the eastern district. As they continued flying around the large city despite critical damage.


The tanks would continue flooding into the city as the Russian queen kept bombarding the Grenshu. Being inaccurate due to very long range away, but very deadly. The eastern district would have convoys of all three of their APC types moving about the city, not being able to earlier until the imperials arrived. The Grenshu kept firing rockets at the batomys which continued doing nothing. The ladder was bent in places, the outer layers had holes in them, some of the steel coated with ragnite had been blown apart. But the gunner position, entire front of the tank, and the engine was too heavily armored to be pierced. The several reinforced walls with ragnite, followed by ragnite coated steel, and finally the outer layer was all that was needed. After venting exhaust for another few minutes, she fired again and killed 10. A random apcr convoy killed 30, and the barrage from the central district killed overall 170. Another two were ambushed with one of them entirely destroyed.


The gallian goddess was aware of there being a arsenal underneath the citadel tower, she had previously commanded the city guard to make her aware of it. She entered the citadel and went to her tower, she got one of the guards to follow her and she went down stairs. She then turned around when reaching a code door leading into a room. "Give me the code." She asked. "But lady it's f-" the guard in a maid outfit and war helmet was interrupted. "Give me the code." She asked to her again, seeming to the guard as if she was emotionless she wasn't. "Err. Yes my lady..." the guard gave her the code to open the door, 1337. "Why is the code leet? Are we visiting the MLG room?" She asked, but got no response. She looked around the room, just saw metro weapons laying about, a I.O.U on a old refrigerator, and some rockets. She turned on the light and in the far corner of the room was these jutting out parts which looked out of the ordinary. "What is that?" Kiyoshi asked. The guard over and she pulled out a oversized sniper rifle with a flexible mount. "It is a GSSR-42. It was invented quite awhile ago, and then locked up here. It was used to kill demons before being put in storage. That is what I know of from what a scribe kept blubbering about..." she said as Yamazaki pulled out a crate of them by herself, it being filled with 19 more and had no top. "What does it shoot? And is it even working?" She asked and was followed by the guard showing her a ridiculously sized bullet. "It fires what is known as a .80. it is way bigger than the .50. the gun can hold five of them inside of it, and it is made from ragnite back when it was thought to be rare. Otherwise it can be a front line rifle with 50 shots. Though it has to be mounted to use effectively with any bullet bigger than a .60+." She took a gun and loaded the bullet into it, she aimed it at a practice wall and shot the gun. It Left a humongous crater in the wall. "Holy fucking shit! And this was used to kill what now?!?!?" She said. "Uhh... My lady, are you ask-" she was interrupted. "No time for it now, we must give these to the soldiers." [And don't be jelly, I've had these for quite awhile and nobody bat a eye.]


She grabbed the crate and started dragging it with her up the stairs. After she got up she walked up to a few soldiers. "Use these to blow their fucking head off." She gave them the rifles. "Yes my lady! Right away!" He looked at everyone else. "Well come on now, she said to use them to blow their fucking head off. Let's do it!" They randomly cheered as one of them hid away with one, and went to go into the tower remnants to start sharpshooting them at range. After everything was ready and scouts reported them using their crash ships to jump over, they entered their defenses. Inside the citadel all of the maids and the guards forced into being maids just equipped gear. one couldn't get her vest on. "what do we do about these?!?" She asked when a soldier said they had to leave. "leave it!" And with that the maids would run around the citadel until forming again at the front door. The guard from before arrived to kiyoshi outside with 300 armed maids. "We are ready to fight my lady!" She said. "Why are you we-.... Get to the defenses." The guard nodded and they ran off, some went back inside the citadel to open windows and use as cover, others hid behind sandbag barriers, others were on the top of the long stairs and aiming down after getting prone. Jennifer in her personal tank, a katyusha tank rolled in front of the citadel. She climbed out of the hatch "So the aliens have invaded our homes.... Well, nonetheless they cannot possibly win against the valkyrur." She would then look at some soldiers armed with GSSR's "So I see you found my gun nest. Excellent, Those weapons will aid us in erasing this threat from our homeland."


The aliens after 30 minutes eventually started using their ships to climb over and get in. 9,000 would of got across, and would then be marching or whatever they do towards the citadel. The defenders just waited for them until they saw their shadows in the fog that rolled in hours earlier. The aliens would get closer and in the same time the defenders would wait. The aliens would begin shooting at them, but they continued to wait. "ATTACK!" After hearing that, everyone started firing at the Grenshu. The sniper in the tower being the first to fire, and as the goddess said, and he muttered to himself: "Blew it's fucking head off." He would then fire another one into ones throat, another shot into ones chest but it didn't die, he shot again and killed it, and fired the final .80 round at another one in the knee, blowing half of its leg off. He then started to slowly reload the weapon. Some Grenshu would be able to take cover, but other than a somewhat still standing ruin of some small sheds, the rest were out in the open. The various heavy machinegunners fired at certain ones until they got mowed down by the large bullet caliber, or someone else killed them. Riflemen just fired single AP rounds but the majority had the smaller and first gallian nagant, and thus couldn't fire as large rounds. Jennifer would have the tanks machineguns and turret fire at them, but also the large rockets ontop of her tank. They would reign down and kill 400 either just by splash damage, or direct hits. It didn't help the Grenshu much that there were soldiers with twenty GSSRs, and Everytime one would be hit killed, someone else albeit less effectice would just pick it up and begin using it.



KARA SEAS: [ok I believe I dragged this on for enough.]

The boarding party would continue through the ship, some squads being ambushed by the aliens but eventually they were overrun or killed. So far 50 have died from it. They would go up to the control deck. By this time 120 have died as a whole. They reached a sealed door and started to attempt ripping it open by going back to the ship and getting a tow. They would of attached a rig system onto the door to attach the tow and waited. However in the same time, three ships primarily the rig would be using multiple rows to tow it and the fighter back to the mainland. The remaining ship would go hunt down the red October again.



The aliens believed to have reinforced themselves in the south of now Imperial territory. But they were definitely not safe. With the newly developed ragnite weaponry, they were more advanced than their two other allies of gallia and the redline. The alert systems put in place would of warned them of surface intruders, and the traps on the surface in glazov would kill the unaware Grenshu as well. From log traps, to sending out mutants such as hordes of lurkers to them. Though the latter being ineffective and mostly for distraction. In glazov 20 died due to traps, and in imperial lands overall 30 died. But unlike the metro's and city of moscow, they haven't set up alot of traps on the surface. They had a scout use hidden cameras outside the revolving platform to spot the Grenshu positions, the spotter detected a few hundred or more above, he would stop moving the camera when a alien walked by.


He would turn around. "A few hundred above, mostly at a distance away. A few dozen directly above. Engage protocol 7.3.0A." a woman that followed him up nodded her head and spent several minutes climbing down. She would then go into the radio room of golden heart and inform the operators that a foreign unidentified force was above them. They in turn informed the Imperial territories. Several hours later 200 metro trucks [think it was called APCT in the overview.] armed with heavy machineguns, the rest of the panzer 7s on the surface not in the siberian line, 30,000 conscripts, 20,000 Imperial soldiers, [also consisting the metro soldiers and devastator units.] two IS-0s, and a destroyer train was sent around.


The IS tanks, 100 metro trucks, 10,000 conscripts, and 5,000 Imperial soldiers would be sent to glazov while the remaining 20,000 conscripts, 15,000 Imperial soldiers, and the destroyer train would wait on the revolving platform. Canisters of ragnite would be covertly sent up to the surface near the platform by slender but wide tubes that would help the platform vent steam when it was still in earlier construction. To none the wiser outside, it appeared simply only as a exhaust falling apart and being launched a few feet in the air. The canisters being somewhat small in size, but containing large ragnite crystals. They were purposely cracked so when exploding it'd spread over a wider effect, and due to the size of the crystals it would have more fragmentation floating around in the air. There were fifteen launched up to the surface... 5 larger canisters were also shot up to the surface with liquid ragnite. After several minutes of them being launched above the platform, they were detonated. Filling 40 acres with a constant ragnite gas, any animal life would die near instantly of inhaling it if not suffer due to being ripped apart from the inside, the intense heat burning the area and some trees, and the shards in the large clouds filling the area numbering in the tens of thousands. Ripping apart whatever they come into contact with. After exactly 10 minutes, the liquid ragnite canisters were detonated as the platform began to rise. The flames engulfing the entire area, a wild fire being prevented due to the tree in the area being mostly alone.


The flames and the gas together increased the heat, and the shards big enough to prevent being disintegrated would not only be super sharp, but also overheated due to some liquid on it. Making it more destructive. The canisters were opened one after the other every five minutes. Once all the shards and gas dissipated, the platform would open and begin rising again. The soldiers were now firing upon the Grenshu which were at the moment rendered helpless. At the same time, the division sent into glazov would fire at the Grenshu, the city inhabitants which were hiding earlier all jumped out or opened the windows and laid down hellfire upon the countless Grenshu within. Some had AP some didn't. The citizens which couldn't be evacuated still there would also be firing shotguns into them. Laying down the law.



More important projects.


Several thousand Grenshu bodies and weaponry were stored inside the deep under-country base. [I had to make a identification for it.] The best scientists of the empire would begin a autopsy on the dead bodies in sterilized white rooms. They would be in the lowest of the science deck floors in case they didn't actually die. Which would mostly be unlikely. The scientists would use ten bodies at the start, with them having enough technology/equipment to go up to 200 if need be. [I won't really begin doing weapon research and then eventually reengineering until later or after the alien invasion.]



AMR-1 would continue to try and interrogate their alien prisoners. 


Imperial projects.

THE THIRD GENERATION, AND ROBOTICS: [and no, not your androids or killer drones that seem to be a trend. Or at least at the moment.]

The imperials requested a third generation be created, it didn't matter the gender the more the merrier. They also requested some prewar documentation from AI research for later use. The scientists and doctors would begin work. This would normally take two months to gather and then test and train, but the third would have to be done as to isolate the genders if need be, and have protective rooms and different cells in case they did not get along. It would also take that long due to requiring ragnite weaponry for them, they ran out of claymore stylized swords, but still had a few dozen Lances as they called them left. The librarians would also go through their records to try and find old AI documents for the scientists.


[Robotics not officially a project because it is just looking for papers. It will be much later however, so I can experiment making small robotic animals and such for entertainment or working.]
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Varmandr Vestan

The Vestanians were overwhelmed, outnumbered and nearly destroyed. All hope was nearly lost.

But then General Jameson stepped up to the challenge.

He formally annexed the last VFO position and brought the armies together, and called for volunteer groups to use armed guerrilla fighting, especially in urban and jungle areas. To help, they airdropped guns/other weapons near known rebel spots.

He then launched an all-out attack on Grenshu positions, pushing them North and opening up a few supply lines between the three nations.

Grenshu Base of Operations, South America

As mortar shells were heard from a distance, 50 men stood outside the city, armed with the most advanced VV tools availabe. A Super-Droid sat beside them.

And then they heard it, a yelling. The attack had begun...

Hundreds of Thousands of citizens attacked as the VV SF raged in, and within a day taking half the city...

@Loyal Guardian
Radium Hot Springs

King Albert walked out from the Rock Palace and onto Darien's View, a platform built for addressing the city by King Darien II. The crowd before him cheered for their king, until he held up his hand for silence. He took a deep breath, and began to speak. "My people, today is a dark day in our history. As you all know, a force known as the Grenshu have descended upon our planet, and have killed many people. The Grenshu appear to want to conquer our planet to add to their interstellar empire. They have ships and numbers which could destroy our way of life. However, as Rockians, you know that we never go without a fight. We as a people have had conflicts with others, from the power-hungry, warmongering Eclipsians to the treacherous, cowardly Risers. But until the Grenshu have either been defeated or have defeated us, we must unite with former enemies to fight this greater force. This time fills us all with fear, but we must press forwards and rise above, as our nation always has. We are Albertans, we are British Columbians, we are Canadians, we are Australians, we are New Zealanders, we are Polynesians, we are Chileans, Alaskans, Kamchatkans, and many more, but above all we are and always shall be ROCKIANS!" The crowd cheered wildly and the King returned into the Rock Palace.

The entire Kingdom

The King's speech was heard

all around, and it brought all together.  Even the now tiny Summaist Party of Australia temporarily ended hostilities. In preparation for the invasion that would inevitably come, defenses were set up all around the nation and all population centers were heavily fortified, especially Kamchatka and Alaska due to their proximity to the Siberian Complex.

@Loyal Guardian

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Work on Project Posiedon continued. With use from lasers and Grenshu technology, a device was finally created that could draw in water, split the hydrogen from the oxygen, and release the oxygen into the controlled environment. However, there were still some kinks with pressure and the device.


One of the aliens captured was discovered to have been a translator who had researched the dictionary sent to the Grenshu, and so knew basic English. She was interrogated, and eventually some basic translations were made.


King Albert delivers speech, raises morale of nation.

Preperation for Grenshu attack.

Project Posiedon: 70%

Alien Translation: 20%
Eclipsian Federation

[SIZE= 16px]The Grenshu have been making unprecedented gains in the western portion of the country. Every force outside of the mainland, save for 200,000 to defend the Falklands, was redeployed back to the mainland. An army of 1 million quickly pushed back Grenshu forces in the Solaris Pocket and the city was captured within days. One surprising factor that lead to this was the surrender of half of the defending force, some of which showed signs of defection. However this number was small, only about ten (all Eruceermorane), but their information could prove pivotal and the chance to convince the remaining Grenshu forces in Eclipsian camps. Elsewhere much of the United Republics of Anatolia and Arabia fell under Grenshu hands. Much of the Balkans and Greece also fell, save for a small area of former Yugoslavia and Athens. Then, nearly simultaneously, the Grenshu launched two offensives. The main offensive was the Great West Offensive, when nearly all forces pressed against Eclipsian lines, and the Battle of the Falklands in which Grenshu attempted to seize the strategic pair of islands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Falklands[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Battle of the Falklands kicked off with a bang, literally. Numerous Corvettes fired at the island in a attempt to rid of the anti-air systems that would prove difficult for the Grenshu. However this attack failed as all Titan-AA's had been placed in man-made canopies and were hidden in either camouflage or underground, with slits above them to fire at enemy positions. The Grenshu then landed forces on the island, that numbered about 5 Million. Naval forces that were stationed at the islands began to fire at enemy air and ground positions. The troop landing itself was was to the point of disaster as the determined defenders used their positions to rain hell-fire against incoming troops. Even so the sheer number was enough to land enough troops onto the islands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]Battle of the Falklands.png


  • Red: Grenshu

    Rectangle: Ship Group
  • Diamond: Troop Placements
  • Pentagon: Command Center

[*]Blue: Eclipsian

  • Circle: Naval Group
  • Oval: Main Base

[SIZE= 16px]Grenshu forces launched numerous attacks on the installation, but to no avail. In fact the defenders had taken almost no casualties while the Grenshu took many. The ship groups were about to initiate a bombardment to destroy the installation, but numerous Titan-AA's fired at the sips which in turn destroyed much of the ships and prevented the bombardment. Despite the destruction of nearly two ship groups, the assault on the island continued. What aided the defenders the most was the naval support they were receiving just off the island. The Grenshu sent Drones and Scout Ships to destroy the force, but due to their positioning and aid from the island prevent the total destruction of the fleet with save nearly one naval group where the remaining joining the other two groups.[/SIZE]

Battle of the Falklands.png

The Grenshu over the past week or so  have relentlessly assaulted the installation, which still holds strong. Titan-AA's have been targeting ships left and right while troops on the ground are using A.M.I.R Rifles and Rockets to take down the Drones. However one ship group diverted off from its position and swung around to engage the naval groups. Despite aid from the island, much of the ships were destroyed and all remaining assets were pulled into the island's shipyard. This left the pressure on the Titan-AA's, which began to solely focus fire on the ship groups. Despite that move the Titan's were now starting to fall, the defenders are starting to take casualties, and are taking constant Grenshu [SIZE= 16px]harassment. The only upside was the fact that the defenders were doing so well that another infantry placement by the Grenshu had been eliminated.[/SIZE]

Battle of the Falklands.png

The ship group behind the island was becoming a bother. The three ship groups to the west have fallen just out of range, which in turn puts them out of range for their weapons, but the group to the east was dealing heavy damage to the back of the base and remaining naval group. Coupled with the fact that Grenshu infantry are making continuous assaults on the base, the defenders on the island are losing morale. The Titan-AA's fired their shots at the ship group, but only two were taken down. Then, in the middle of the night, the remaining naval group headed out of the ship yard and surprised attacked the Grenshu ship group. Despite being outgunned and [SIZE= 16px]out manned, they were able to take out the ship group but at the cost of themselves, save for one ship: the EFS Polar.[/SIZE]

Battle of the Falklands.png

[SIZE= 16px]It was nearing the end of the month. The defenders numbers had gone down to 100,000 and all, save for one, naval assets have been destroyed. The Eclipsian commander then went for one last assault. Seeing the fact that the remaining three ship groups have moved closer to the island, he pointed all Titan-AA's towards them and began to fire every round they had. To prevent Drones from blocking the shots, A.M.I.R Rifles began shooting at the Drones along with rockets. This act of desperation proved to be effective as two and a half ship groups remaining were eliminated, with the remaining retreating towards the command center. Along with this the Eclipsian troops did a slow charge across the island to expel the invaders. Nearly all forces were lost, but the remaining Grenshu were killed, captured, or retreated back to the command center. (note this took place over a week and a half).[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px] [/SIZE]Battle of the Falklands.png

Battle of the Falklands

October, 3256


Belligerent 1:

  • Eclipsian Federation

Belligerent 2:

  • Grenshu Empire

Outcome: Pyrrhic Eclipsian Victory

  • The Falklands remains in Eclipsian hands
  • Nearly all assets, save for the Titan-AA's, were eliminated
  • Nearly all Grenshu forces are defeated
  • Grenshu forces in Eclipsian-Rockian South America stall advance
  • Only 20,000 of the Eclipsians remains
  • The Falklands not reinforced, due to the Great West Offensive
Expedition Convoy

 The Nordlam Convoy planted it's flag the settlement they were in, claiming all land south that was free for Nordlam. They radioed back the territory expansion and thier scavenging finds. They were told to hold position for reinforcements.

New territory

Ammo mass production and new production if ammo types- 25%

Kevlar production and armor types- 30%

T-34-85 repair- 38%

Cascadian 3rd Fleet, Carribbean Sea


In response to the Grenshu invasion of southern America and Central America, the CNDF has been mobilized in bulk to begin a series of devastating aerial and naval bombardment campaigns on all Grenshu forces and encampments in the area. The 1st, 2nd, 5th and 6th Fleets covering the entire western coastline of Central America and the 3rd, 4th, 7th and 8th Fleets covering the eastern coastline of Central America. Despite this mass contribution of forces, the rest of Cascadia's coastlines remain defended due to the intense size of the CNDF, within two weeks of constant, neverending bombardment due to how well supplied the CNDF is, an incredibly large percentage of Grenshu troops have been killed from these campaigns alone, along with 5 frigates, 7 corvettes and 2 extra destroyers. Any and all attempts of another offensive into Cascadia have been crushed by a reinforced line on the Mexican border, due to the deaths of two million Cascadian troops in southern America, a mass recruitment surge has been reported. An additional 3.2 million signing up for the National Guard in honor of those that have died, meanwhile another industrial surge has been ordered by the federal government. To replace lost equipment, 14,500 new M1A3 Abrams have been ordered alongside 8,700 new F-38's. Cruise missiles from all eight fleets along both coasts of the bottleneck area have destroyed 80% of all Grenshu bases and installations set up in Central America and 77% in South America, this is for Cascadian territory only however. Bombing runs from B2 Spirits, too high for Grenshu AA and other weaponry to target accurately have destroyed an additional 5% of both in less than a week, leaving the Grenshu invasion force vastly disorganized and undersupplied as attempts to resupply them have been foiled by an overwhelming air superiority from the CNDF's carriers, multiple Grenshu attempts to sink the aircraft carriers in both oceans have failed disasteriously, resulting in even more aircraft loss for the Grenshu. Only 15% of remaining Grenshu installations in total still exist, with these being the victim of daily air raids as well, forcing the main Grenshu forces into hiding for the most part.


Cascadia has publicly celebrated these campaigns, titled Operation: Freedom's Strength and the population has rejoiced as the Grenshu are subject to a series of revenge attacks over the occupation of Cascadian land and murders of two million Cascadians, in Grenshu occupied territory they have been harrassed consistantly by rebel cells, a majority of the population has taken arms against them. The Southern Milita has reformed and surfaced as an organized resistance movement, being well supplied and with around two thirds of their personnel being well trained, these troops training the other third as they continue ambushing Grenshu convoys and conducting guriella warfare style attacks on them. The entirety of the population in occupied territory is in great support of the Southern Milita, which has taken to setting up various installations, outposts and bases within the thick and incredibly large Amazon rainforest, shooting down any Grenshu aircraft in the area as a warning and a sign that it is incredibly dangerous. Cascadian airdrops have kept them constantly supplied as the CNDF and CADF ensure air superiority over large quantities of occupied territory.


Close monitoring and surveillance of occupied territories has begun, the NIA seeing attempts of Grenshu forces using cities as cover so that the CNDF won't bombard their forces. Only to inform the CNDF of this and for the Grenshu's retreating forces to be pounded into the ground before they even reach the cities to use them as hostages essentially, so far they have ceased attempting this tactic as it has only led to more Grenshu deaths and equipment destruction. The Pentagon, after seeing how devestating Grenshu forces can be when fully prepared and supplied have given standing orders to all CDF forces to immediately engage any supply vehicle or aircraft approaching occupied territory and so far the Grenshu have gone 2 weeks without resupply. Artillery near the border has destroyed all Grenshu fortifications along the Mexican border, ensuring that no further advance can be made into Cascadian territory. As of now, around two and a half weeks after the inital Grenshu occupation and invasion of south and central America, not only has the CDF successfully stalled any form of advance or resupply from the Grenshu for the time being, but have vastly weakened their forces and secured air dominance once again over the majority of occupied territory.


Northern Amazon Rainforest, Cascadia


"Matthews, you got anything?" Sgt. Davis asked quietly as the young militiaman went up in-front of the main group, holding his hand up in a clenched fist to signal them to stop. Which they did, the other 18 militiamen and their armed jeep stopping as they kept their weapons raised and knelt down, flashlights on as they searched the surrounding area. It was a usual boiling night in the jungle, the ground was damp and muddy as their boots squelched against it, the jeep had no problem in traversing the terrain however as the gunner kept his eyes glued to his surroundings, a wet, thick sound emitting as multiple pairs of boots pressed down on the soft surface below. They'd all been supplied with less advanced Cascadian armor and equipment but well known for it's incredible effectiveness, weapons and armor included as the soldiers kept their eyes open. "Matthews?" Davis asked again, a little louder but still in a whisper kind of shout as the young millitaman turned around to the rest of his team and nodded slowly, giving the all-clear with his hand as the group continued moving. />"Python Actual, this is Central. Do you have the enemy encampment in sight, over?"</ Sgt. Davis' radio went off as he held it, the group stopping again as he gave his answer, still looking around for any signs of Grinch, the given nickname for the Grenshu. Due to their names' similiarity with Grinch and how ugly they looked underneath their armor. />"Affirmative, Central. We appear to be on the outer perimiter of the facility, requesting permission to advance and engage. Over."</ Davis replied, the squad turning off their flashlights as they awaited the signal, the moonlight had kept their lights relatively unnoticeable but given how close they were to the base now. It was deemed dangerous to keep them on, all the militiamen switching to nightvision as they went onto their bellies and hid in bushes, weeks of fighting Grinch had made them rather adept at jungle based warfare. />"Only engage when Python 1-1 gives the all-clear, over."</ Central replied, Davis nodding to his men as they readied their weapons, their Sargeant giving one last response. />"Copy, Central. We'll check in with 1-1, Davis, out."</


/>"1-1, this is Actual. What's the status of the enemy patrol, over?"</ Davis asked quietly as a Grinch drone flew overhead on it's usual routine and landed at the relatively small but important enemy facility, it was the headquarters of the Grenshu's anti-insurgency operations for Cascadian occupied territory. The biggest threat to the Militia's own operations and so it had to be taken out. />"Actual, this is 1-1. Their switching the guards, it's go-time." The other unit on the opposite side of the facility reported in as Davis gave one affirmative nod to his men, the militiamen preparing their big surprise as Python 1-1 began attacking the main entrance of the facility, gunfire lighting up on the other side, filling the previously quiet jungle with sound as birds flew away in every direction as two militiamen prepared the M990 Javelin, one of the more high-tech pieces of equipment they'd been supplied. Firing the rocket launcher as the missile went high up into the air before crashing down onto the base, destroying the drone that was parked on it's roof, eliminating the base's air support as it's alarms went off. The other militiamen firing their assault rifles and machine guns onto the guards below. "Gentlemen, I don't care if these god-fearing, delusional Grinchies throw their shit at you, you will not show them anything else other than your warface. Have you got me!?" Davis yelled over the fire in his usual gruff, commanding tone. The squad firmly replying with an enthusiastic, "Sir, yes sir!" More militiamen approached from the south as Python 1-2 moved in for the kill, until the entire base had been surrounded. Davis leading the charge with his own team as they ran down the small, muddy, bush covered hill that overlooked the Grenshu base. Some soldiers nearly slipping as they ran down it, sprinting to cover as they continued firing.


The firefight had lasted for over an hour, even later into the night as Python reported 9 casualities, 11 wounded with one jeep needing immediate repair. However the Grenshu's anti-insurgency headquarters had been knocked out along with all their records on the rebellion, the Militia and it's supporters. Two high-ranking Grenshu officers has also been taken prisoner in the attack, being taken for questioning by the Militia as they took all they could from the base, information, technology, weapons and everything that wasn't strapped down before destroying the base and disappearing back into the jungle. Upon arrival at the Bird's Nest, the Militia's main headquarters in the Amazon. Extending deep underground, it being a former Vestanian military bunker that had been found and repurposed after the war, Python was given great applause and a feast was held due to the success of the mission. The CDF was informed and a congratulations was given, alongside additional rations being airdropped in for them, Sgt. Davis was given a medal for Outstanding Leadership and Python unit itself was awarded the Significant Group Achievement trophy which is given for great tasks accomplished by an entire unit in the middle of a battle or operation.


A Southern Militiaman

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Casualty Rates


[SIZE= 18px]The Grenshu Invasion of Earth has left much disaster in its wake. The world is scarred and forever changed by their arrival to out planet. This will forever remain a hallmark in our history for as long as we endure, but this invasion shall be remembered by the Grenshu as well. Never had they encountered a race such as us in their inter-galactic quest for domination. We are race that is divided, scattered, and nowhere near close to unity yet to them we are ferocious, tenacious, determined, and unprecedentedly strong. The higher ranks within their deployed forces know that unless we are defeated right here and now, we may never be defeated again, as our defense for our remarkable planet has proven to be vigilant. This is further evident by all the losses in this battle.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]The Grenshu, now being called the Grinch, have taken an unheard of toll for invading just one planet. They had 9 Billion Troops, 1 Capitol Ship, 14 Destroyers, 1800 Corvettes, 2700 Frigates, and 3200 Scout Ships. As of this moment they have lost 2 Billion Troops [Includes Captured, Killed, and Missing], 5 Destroyers, 566 Corvettes, 1013 Frigates, and 1495 Scout Ships. Compare that to the innumerable Drones they have lost and produced, and this is becoming a war that some Grinch are starting to question.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]For us Humans the rates are high. We have lost 192 Million people, military and civilian alike, and the numbers are steadily rising. The invasion has also left an impact on nations. The Polish Republic, Singaporean Federation, and some ares of entire countries have gone into disarray and collapsed. Others like Varmander Vestan and the Rising Empire are on the brink of collapse and complete occupation. This fate has already happened for Korea, Japan, and Manchuria.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]Some countries though are showing that they are more than capable of fighting back against the invading force, despite recent invasions by the enemy. The Republic of Cascadia has, in a sense, made a comeback and has awed the Grenshu with a successful militia campaign. In the Eclipsian Federation a historic battle took place that saw the destruction of an entire Grenshu army, fleet, and command in which some of the invaders have defected towards humanity. In the Redline Empire, the materials used and patriotism exhibited used by their forces have shown to effective against the Grenshu numbers. And in the Order Empire, despite recent losses, they have begun to assault enemy positions and are prolonging costly sieges.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]The Grenshu Invasion of Earth, also called the Battle for Earth or the Terran War of Independence, has left both sides in utter shock as historic moments are unfolding before our very eyes. This is so far the deadliest and destructive war humanity has fought that far surpasses World War II, and the battle isn't even half fought. May our race fight off these invaders and secure a future for ourselves[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px].[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]"They push. We push. Every once and a while, we push hard enough that the light breaks through the clouds and the world beyond the war glimmers. Behind every one of our gunsights is a human being. We are those people. [/SIZE]


[SIZE= 18px]If history only remembers one in a thousand of us, then that future will be filled with stories of who we were and what we did. But until that day comes, we will stand, we will look death in the eye and we will fight!" - General Hayden, post-Battle of the Basin.[/SIZE][SIZE= 18px]   [/SIZE]
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The ranks of the soldiers are increased by seven million men, many volunteers and others conscripted. They are armed with the average soldiers uniform and a rifle, and have begun training. They will be ready for basic deployment under an officer in two months. All else is as well as possible in these trying times; a massive evacuation of all southern civilians has begun, all of them on an exodus to Addis Ababa or Lagos. The men on the front have stopped the suicide charges and are instead picking off the Grinches, with large scale attacks from in the trees taking out many enemies at once. the estimated casualties on the African side are now 750k soldiers, most wounded, and about 12 million civilians. the remaining 13 million civilians are moving north now. The Grenshu estimates are now somewhere between 60 and 70 million, though the casualty rates are slightly increase on the Grenshu side due to the current tactic. The soldiers are making pushes now, getting behind the front lines via the trees and then once on the savanna setting up anti tank and machine gun positions, killing any Grinches that pass by.

@Loyal Guardian
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After the conscription there was a massive battle, deemed the battle for Namibia. The fate of this battle would determine the control of Namibia.


The battle began with a splintered group of men in the north and the navy group who would dissapear for some strange reason. The battle was quite even seeming and the men agreed it would likely be a winnable offense. And so the offensive began with battlegroup right, a column of mechanized infantry attacking the right column with a swift and mighty attack, though most of the group died.


The battle groups quickly grouped together while the Air force engaged the 43 frigates, 17 corvettes, and 121 scout ships with a massive seeming force of 1000 fighter jets and attack planes. The left Grenshu position was overrun by the grouped together Marco battalion, who lost 5400 men with the assault but crushed them. 


The Air forces engaged, with a massive assault by the Dragon and Strykr attack jets, with just over 500 aricraft being lost but entirely destroying the enemy airforce, save for a single frigate that escaped swiftly.  In the meantime, the forces of the Africans closed in, and with the Robert's Hammer Battalion on the right and the Marco Battalion on the right, with Battlegroup Delta in the north supporting and the 493 aircraft still standing from the south, it was a bloodbath


The result of the battle was an African victory, though the casualties were roughly 40k and 507 fighters being lost in the battle, as well as 5000 mechanized vehicles and 435 tanks destroyed. The battle was deemd a Heroic Victory. African soldiers joined together at the end to sing the national anthem and salute the Phoenix, for giving them strength. 


@Loyal Guardian
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After the platform raised, the Grenshu disabled, and then some being murdered by the imperials. They took cover behind bushes, in the train, and or broken trees. They continued firing at the Grenshu, while some units would recover others after removing their weapons and surrounding them. Devastator units with their Gatling guns with heavy caliber rounds would mow down the nearby reinforcements that heard and came over to help. The bullets just utterly destroying most of them. There were 200 devastators here, and 100 at glazov. "You guys, on me!" They nodded their heads. A squad of ten regular troops with Uboinik and duplet shotguns would flank around them along with another team. The team going right were killed by the Grenshu, but provided enough of an distraction for the imperials to sneak behind them. They would get as close as possible to them, and those with duplet would unload both barrels at once into their helmets. The Grenshu fired into the heavy vests of the devastators they saw, wounding five and killing one of them. The destroyers "aa cannon" on the back would be directed towards the infantry, which would also devastate them as well. The kinetic force of five barrels hitting their armor at once, and the shells being longer than half a arm but considerably small despite that fact was even capable of knocking them over.


The glazov retaliation was much quicker due to it being a entire city with tall apartment buildings. They had a field day with the Grenshu there once they got deep enough. The inhabitants blocked them in and surrounded them, preventing them from obtaining reinforcements or any method of escape. Soldiers appeared from the sewers, the windows, the roof tops, and some even hiding inside of large mailboxes. The hiding tactic had worked flawlessly in the favor of the inhabitants there. The Grenshu believed it was abandoned and would probably use the resources there, but they were quickly thwarted. "Give up now you ugly bastards, maybe you will survive this day if you do. We could turn you into a nice taxidermy otherwise!"


REDLINE: [just going to end the east and south now.]

The redline and soviets [Same thing but not all are soviets.] Continued their advances, they were determined to retake their lands. 5,000 sent to reinforce the west earlier, 10,000 sent east, and a shitton of conscripts to the south. the Grenshu in the east started to become irrelevant since the few soldiers that survived in the dozens in a single outpost surrounded, kept detailing the Grenshu positions and giving out coordinates for the katyusha launchers. They even called some on themselves which killed half of the survivors. However once a ZIS-5 convoy arrived with 100+ soldiers, they eventually retook the land and sent the wounded to the hospital. They also shot down a corvette in that area. In the east, the goddess herself blew up the final corvette. They would also of expanded further into abandoned gallian lands to flank the Grenshu in the east, south, and west. This only left the western flank which by this time was low for the Grenshu, with the redline having conscripts now horde them all and break the stalemate with katyusha launchers, they broke through and got the land. There were only very few Grenshu survivors.



The capital of gallia was still under siege, but Grenshu forces were prevented from being reinforced. The batomys and her bombardment saved one convoy, and freed the eastern district. The north east edge of the first district forces would of gained land south of them, but quickly be thrown into another stalemate. The coastal defense of the eastern district would reunite with the military, and now militarized vehicles, APC types, Countless infantry, and katyusha launchers would be moving around the entirety of the city. The batomys would destroy two of the Grenshu taken bridges, then cross over the northern one back into the first district and head to the drawbridge. It was however for the first time ever during the war, Halted. The Grenshu had blocked their path with countless numbers of their soldiers, but that wasn't what was stopping them. The right track malfunctioned due to a loose bolt during the construction process, and would have to be rescrewed in at a later date. However her main artillery battery would fire in front of them, killing 42 of them. The side machineguns killing all of those trying to get up or near the ladder, and the back cannon killing those trying to get a shot from behind. As the name implies, the rolling fortress kept rolling. But now it is stationary AS a fortress. The emperor had underestimated how tough the armor was, and decided to relax in the tank. They couldn't get out, without being seen and they couldn't move the tank. The only positions which mattered now was the left side and the main gun. after five minutes of relaxing he was done and sighed before grabbing his sword and unsheathing it. "What the hell are you doing?!?!?" Yuri asked. "This sword one way or another is going to kill a invader, we also need to see what went wrong with it." He would then get out of the tank and casually climb down the latter, and walking up to a alien taking cover and about to shoot the back cannon. He just stabbed the alien to no avail until he started smacking the shit out of it with his sword. "Ladies!" He called out. Before the alien could strike back, the alien saw eyes glowing in the dark of a ruined house. Yellow eyes in fact, and more started appearing. He would only snap his fingers before they all just dashed at the alien beating the shit out of him. They started pulling and trying to rip the alien apart together before they were interrupted. "Rip off his helmet please." They nodded and altogether ripped it off, but they did it in a manner which didn't rip the alien's head off in the process. He then repeatedly slashes it's face, and stabbed it in the head. He cleaned the blade and sheathed it. "That is all." He then left back up into the tank, as the girls found another target which tried running away, the same would happen except they held him up. A valkyria later fell from the sky and penetrated him with her sword. It going straight in and through.


The citadel defenders continued fighting against the mass Grenshu force. Another katyusha barrage killed 273, the snipers killing 50, and the royal guard humiliating and obliterating 300. Ironically enough, they were in the numbers of 300. They continued firing and killing the Grenshu, with only a few dozen being killed back due to well defended the citadel is naturally. The goddess of gallia would fire at the advancing troops with "beams" and kill them as well. The Grenshu after five hours dwindled to 500. Jennifer also had brought in a IS-2. [Will be explained in the project section, trust me I forgot. Trust me m8, I am a doctor.] They would continue firing at the Grenshu until a rocket would fly into a random window and blow apart a room. "Hey! We spent six hours fixing that fucking room!" A royal guard said, with a demented enraged expression upon her face. "GIRLS! AFFIX BAYONETS!" She yelled. "Wait wha-.." they would all jump out of hiding, some didn't have bayonets and just charged at the Grenshu anyway. Yelling filling the air. The most terrifying sight imaginable had come to fruition. Women, In maid uniforms, With guns, Charging en masse, All pissed off. For a human, this very sight would make a man piss himself twenty times over while a sight to see for others.


The aliens would of started lowering the drawbridge to get reinforcements, but it was already too late, The IS-2, The 300 maids, and some regular soldiers were retaliating. They tried firing back, but the main maid would leap towards a alien soldier and bash his helmet with the butt of her gun, repeatedly beating the hell out of the alien until some friends arrived to help, with one actually killing it by firing a AP round from her gallian nagant 42. The bridge would be lowered, and as the other soldiers dealt with survivors, the royal guard just charged the bridge. They would surprise the Grenshu and try stabbing, slashing, beating, or shooting into them. The latter being the most effective. Some soldiers accompanied due to the Grenshu being defeated. The tank would kill 1 every shell loaded. Though one maid would of been shot and instantly fell on her back dying her lover, the goddess and friends besides her while the others attacked she was blinded by rocket fragmentation, and blood running down her mouth, clothing, nose, and right leg. "Are you alright?!?" He asked, thinking she was fine. "Shut up you idiot! Can't you see she is dying???" A tall girl with black hair said annoyed. "Oh! Yes, I am fine! O-" She coughed when trying to get up, she just stared at the sky. "I-I can't move..." she was missing her left leg, though it wouldn't matter much since she was rendered paralyzed. "The sky is pretty..." she said, despite being incapable of seeing. She talked to herself but slower "I can hear the birds singing... Yay" She just said. Despite there not being any alive nearby. "Emilia?" He asked. "It's going to fine...." she coughed. "We can still be together forever, just like we promised!" She coughed again twice. "Forever together!" She just continued repeating that from then on, no matter what was said. She had lost hearing and couldn't hear them whatsoever. A medic was there and was tending to her, but ended up confused when she went silent. The medic believed her to be dead, but in reality she just fell into a coma with her eyes still open, she was still smiling. They had started crying.


"EEEEEEMMMMMMMIIIILLLLIIIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" The medic just pumped her body full of ragnite and started attempting to close her wounds. She then started to drag her away, them being haunted by her face. "You let her die! You dunce! You let my best fri-" before she could continue, the man just took the rifle from her and kicked her away before shooting her. Her body collapsing to the ground with her eyes wide. In the same time, a maid tackled him, and wrestled him for the gun. The Imperial tank regiments crushing the north west, the gallian vehicles taking back the east and central to the gate. The royal guard charging the final Grenshu defense. They would win due to a sheer steam roll and survivors were "arrested for resisting arrest, attacking a officer, being armed and dangerous, and taking drugs." Which one of them had planted on the aliens. The IS-2 gunner was wounded by a rocket piercing in and the fragments hitting him, 'Nonna' would be the replacement gunner.


Some aliens would of left earlier from the gate before the imperials arrived, and some would by now of sneaked out also into the desert. They would be quickly followed by the royal guard. The maid "killed" earlier would be found by Imperial higher ups, and be secretly sent to the imperials medical ward underground. A note being left stating a fake death time. The ragnaid having prevented her from actually dying.




[The royal guard and IS-2 storming the gallian desert for Grenshu survivors.]

The royal guard, forced into being maids by hunter just to have them. And despite that fact, it being more calm and relaxing for them. Pursued the Grenshu who they believed had fled the scene. Not that far behind, they closely charge after them and display no mercy. The IS-2 would fire upon them, killing some while the charging infantry chased after them all. They met in melee combat when they realized they couldn't run, and the maids riding the IS-2 jumped onto some of them and started bashing them about, the charging infantry tackling or leaping onto others, and the result ending up in death for the Grenshu, or them being captured. This ended the fight for gallia, with the gallians being utterly victorious.



They continued firing at the Grenshu infantry, this time they somewhat got closer than before and for every five of them killed, they killed two of the defenders. Amanda heart was one of the first generations which had returned quite some time ago from Svalbard. The experimentation conducted on her broke her mental-state beyond any form of repair, and she has a permanent change of eye color which changed them to red. She has also come a long way from dawning the old Russian military uniform, and instead now wears a uniform similar to a claymore. She was one of the few sent to the siberian line held the most attacked part of the line, the central line. She strikes fear into those that question her, and her own allies while she brutally murders her foes. Due to her previously being ranked as 3, like how claymores are ranked for either power, amount of abilities, or intelligence. She did not have to use too much of her power to continually harass, cut through, and even at times sexually harassing the Grenshu forces. She would of gotten hit by a rocket once, but she just healed from it quickly due to the lack of damage done to her body since it wasn't a direct hit. Primarily due to jumping over it. She would beat the red goddess if she was in a competition against her in active-brutality. 


The northern edge would continually hold their own against enemy infantry, even putting a halt to their charge there. They would have 100 loses but the Grenshu would of sustained more. In the southern border, There was a heavy lack of any grenshu activity besides a occasional raid. Due to this, a heavier majority of vehicles were sent to the north and central line. In the central line they would still be fighting despite heavy loses by machinegun fire and barrages. In the final wave, A few drones would fight the line. There would be more than 5, if Amanda hadn't personally shot them down with her Lance which was shaped as a giant war axe. She would "speed up" behind a grenshu soldier which to him, she appeared as if she teleported however she did not. She just jumped high in the air, and dashed towards. "Haha, were you looking for me?" She said with a smile as she just slammed the lance-axe into half of its body. "Silly alien," she would stop acting kind. "You arrogant peasants can't possibly harm me, I am your God!" She would just rip it out of him afterwards, and jumped away when she heard a rocket fired at her. She would speed up in front of one and upper cut the alien in half, then dash to the one besides "it" and kicked it to the ground before raising her weapon up above her. "It is your fault for fighting me!" She would force it down, and cut through the alien's head. She would then look besides her to the left and fire a "beam" into three lined up Grenshu, obliterating two of them while somehow throwing the third without killing it. She would then look to her right and point at a grenshu soldier, and doing a gesture to make it come to her as she put away her weapon. "FIGHT ME!" She would only bring up her fists.


The Grenshu would of ran up to her but she would just put her hands down again, smiling as usual, and jumping backwards every time. She would then bash herself into the alien throw it to the ground. "Oh come on now, is that it? I have more fighting prowess with my chest than what you have shown me so far." And would continue mocking it. After getting up she would let it charge her, she just deviously smiled, elbowed it in the back, and went away. She would dash past the alien after it got up again, but in the process being stabbed in her upper back. "Gah!" She would pause and feel her back as she bled. This only pissed her off. She looked at the alien which was now running at her but prepared if she does anything, her expression being extremely enraged. "Why you little fucking bastard!" She would dash up to the alien, something of which it had not expected. She would then repeatedly knee it in the gut twice, punch it in the face three times, and then kicked it as hard as she could, throwing the alien several feet back. She was not having any of it, and just walked up to it as it started to get up, she would stomp it repeatedly, but not to kill it. "You fucking disgrace, I will not show you the mercy of death, I am taking you back home with me, and I'm making you my bitch! You will be my subject, and there is nothing you can possibly do to stop me... You will forever dread the very day you met me, and beg me for death!" She kicked the alien away again, and went back up to it. Ignoring everything around her. "You will never see the light of day ever again without my super vision goddamn it, i" a grenshu would of randomly appeared beside her, but without her even looking, she snapped the alien's neck. "Am the one for now on that will make you speak, I am the one who will tell you what to do, and I am now the witch that is going to break your very soul! Because you pissed this bitch off!" She crouched down, Grabbed the alien's head, and quickly and repeatedly smashed it's helmet into the ground. Causing severe trauma and hopefully it to be rendered unconscious. "You better not be fucking dead, or I'll rip you the fuck out of the 4th fucking dimension!" She grabbed the alien by the left leg, and peoceeded to drag it away back to the line. She used her weapon to deflect the alien shots, and after flicking them off she disappeared into the deep trenches. Soldiers on ladders firing rifles at the aliens would periodically stop to see what she was even doing, but didn't question it. The last she was seen, she propped the alien up on a table, and slammed the wooden door shut.



The ships would drag away the alien crafts back to the mainland, they also had a tow from one ship pry open the sealed door preventing them from getting in. They confirmed this as being the bridge due to there being no more decks to travel up to. The raiders would wait and reload, eventually the door was ripped open and ten guys standing in front of it aiming, would fire into the bridge with AP rounds, followed by a horde of them storming in. Everyone but the captain was utterly destroyed, and the captain being subdued when it's hand got shot repeatedly. "That is enough terrorism for you today, you're our property now." The admiral said. "Take him..Her.... It. To the brig!" And with that they were off. The ship would continue to be explored, more Grenshu captured or killed, and the ship was theirs now.


At Bolshevik island, the frigate still searching for the red October would find the ship just floating around there. Upon boarding the ship and investigating, the radio was destroyed, the engine was broken, and the food had been replaced with a endless amount of fish. What was more bozarre was the randomized food dishes with fish. Fish sticks, fish fins, fish mouth. The entire spectacle was bizarre. Everyone besides that was fine besides the few people who got sick over it. The captain was in a coma due to bashing his head on the engine one day. The frigate just started towing it back to the mainland.




[Some deaths being lower than usual due to the fact that the majority of soldiers have ragnaid, a healing canister. Like a medpack but if it was a ore inside of a tube. With or without ragnaid, there would still be wounded, as ragnaid doesn't make soldiers their own medics.]


Gallia invasion:

10,000 dead,

17,000 wounded in some way, shape, or form.


Redline invasion:

3,783 dead. [Also low because of the goddess and specials doing all the work at the time of the first wave, and the second wave being dealt with by both the military and them.]

10,000 wounded in some way, shape, or form.


Imperial accidental invasion:

30 dead.

100 wounded in some way, shape, or form.


Siberian line:

2,000 dead.

300 wounded in some way, shape, or form.


[All of these being current.]




[Everything will be added to the overview later.]

Ragnite munitions project: 100%

The rest of the ragnite series was completed. They would begin manufacturing them.

Principality vehicle repair: 10% [I forgot I even did this, but I'll just start at the beginning. I think I said I did this at around page 70.] A single IS-2 Was repaired and sent to gallia quite some time ago for whatever the fuck they were gonna use it for. Err.... plot convenience. [What were his vehicles again besides the APC looking vehicles?]


Ocean goddess project: 15%

The lower hull and the keel were completed, they would now begin working on watertight rooms throughout the ship, and the center-hull.



A large group of applicants, mainly still female. Would begin being turned, tested, and trained upon. The next phase would be to further that testing and training, and then finally test their mentality. They also tested this upon Emilia. She seemed to be a hybrid, she did in fact have some form of valkyria line in her, but she was incapable of self healing herself. She would be put into the claymore project as well.


Seed Project: 80%. [Should be 9 months. -7.]

More seeds started to be equally modified and tested under the same conditions of the other seed, they would be left alone to see what would happen.


Ragnite weapon construction: 70%. 

This project would mass produce ammo or misc for ragnite purposes. It would also repurpose/modify rounds in the arsenal.


Project: Helghast, Phase one: 15%. [Military, Government change,]

The project continued without flaw, the entirety of the empire was underground in a massive facility, and thus there would not be much distraction. The scientists made a basic infantry suit which consisted of a gas mask with ragnite coating to survive intense heat, a reinforced helmet, a vest constructed from the best fabric in the empire. The vest could survive a Magnum shot at close range, and had a backup front pack for additional oxygen. It also consisted of additional folding packs besides it which were lighter than the vest, but could hold ammo mags and function as a one use vest against melee. The uniform itself reused the redlines Soviet clothing plans Alexander made up herself, and can also be used as a sweater for the colder temperatures in Russia. The boots were entirely made of armour and would protect the feet from debris. It also features a shoulder mount that powers the mask, feeds and or exhausts oxygen if needed, and acts as a camera. The red armband would have the flag of the empire and a short description of:  

"Forward we march
To conquer those who defile the graves of our mothers and fathers
For the everlasting glory of the Emperor, king of kings"

There were only twenty made so far, and those who chose not to wear it for their older uniforms were allowed to do so. The government started coming up with a name besides "the empire", and scientists were moved to two groups, uniform creation, and weapons development with the engineers.

Infantry armor:


a basic infantry suit which consisted of a gas mask with ragnite coating to survive intense heat, a reinforced helmet, a vest constructed from the best fabric in the empire. The vest could survive a Magnum shot at close range, and had a backup front pack for additional oxygen. It also consisted of additional folding packs besides it which were lighter than the vest, but could hold ammo mags and function as a one use vest against melee. The uniform itself reused the redlines Soviet clothing plans Alexander made up herself, and can also be used as a sweater for the colder temperatures in Russia. The boots were entirely made of armour and would protect the feet from debris. It also features a shoulder mount that powers the mask, feeds and or exhausts oxygen if needed, and acts as a camera. The red armband would have the flag of the empire and a short description of:  

"Forward we march
To conquer those who defile the graves of our mothers and fathers
For the everlasting glory of the Emperor, king of kings"

[Lighter edition below. Essentially the same thing, only differences being that there is no front packs for oxygen and the ones that are there can only be used for storing ammo and the vest is lighter.]


NOTABLE: The uniform can survive in the deserts of russia, the cold temperatures of russia, and can survive Magnum rounds at close range. 

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