The World of Tomorrow


It has been five months since the Battle of Siberia has started, and six nations have joined the effort to expel the Grenshu and aid the Za'ha'kya in ridding them of our system. So far the Eclipsians have pushed the furthest and have sacrificed the most as nearly 2 million casualties have been taken. Before they pushed towards the main Fortress, an Eclipsian detachment was sent to take over some portions beyond the nearest wall. They broke through with ease due to the now low numbers of Grenshu and the very low Grenshu morale. However before the could take more land beyond the wall they were called back to aid in the capture of the main Fortress, only capturing a few infantry bases.

With the aid of the Za'ha'kya, Eclipsian forces have snaked around the wall of the main Fortress and have begun besieging it. However due to the defensiveness of this area of the complex, not even a singular Za'ha'kya bombardment could destroy the main shielding. The only hope is to destroy the shield generators on the wall itself, otherwise the Za'ha'kya fleet will be of no service. While the shield generators are weak in among themselves, all of them must be destroyed around the same time for the shield to weaken and to allow the Za'ha'kya to bombard the inside. These generators, which number twenty in total, would be hard to do. However this would be difficult due to their spacing and the defenses around them. So in order to weaken the shielding Za'ha'kya and Eclipsian artillery completely surrounded the wall and began to pound the top rim of the wall. This first attempt saw fifteen generators go down while the other five, which were the most defended, were damaged but did not go down. By the time the artillery was able to get more ammo and aim at it's targets, the generators had been fixed. At this point Furwa'kto  and Centauri allowed their respective fighters to target the those five generators while struck the rim of the wall. Despite many of the Grenshu Drones going down and many Drone Centers being captured, they were still a [SIZE= 16px]persistent threat. With the two remaining Drone Centers nearby a detachment was sent off to capture the facilities and the infantry base nearby. While the operation was successful out of the 500,000 men sent, 200,000 casualties were taken. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With these structures captured all Grenshu air capability on Earth and the Sol System was negated to zero, with every Drone left flying crashing into the ground. After this the second attempt began to take down the shielding and, after hours of combat and fighting thick Grenshu defense, all twenty were brought down at once and the Za'ha'kya fleet unleashed the strongest bombardment of the battle. The bombardment was so powerful that multiple sonic booms, multiple shock-waves, Destroyed many sections of the wall, a Earthquake that measured 7.7, and destroyed all of the Defense Platforms and most of the infantry bases around the fortress. Despite the magnitude of the bombardment, the Fortress's own shield was barely taken down but it took in so much shock absorption that the shield may never come back up again. After recovering, regrouping, and rearming, the Eclipsian force marched through the wall after the Za'ha'kya did. At this point in the battle, out of 7.5 million men, 2.5 million casualties have been taken.[/SIZE]

Greater Grenshu Complex occupied alt.png

Oort Research Station

[SIZE= 16px]In Eclipsim the researchers have made a small breakthrough in Horizon, and have been using it to their fullest extent. Just like the Battle of Siberia, PROJECT: Horizon started five months ago and the researchers of the project  have released the M.S-A.A.U for the military, stating this is the only strictly military application of the whole project. The M.S-A.A.U, or the Mobile Space-Air Artillery Unit, is designed to take down targets from Orbit, High Altitude, or from the Air with heavy damage and an estimated 90% accuracy. Mean while the head researcher was asked if the project involved anything that is related to nanotechnology. He was quiet briefly before saying that the research with nanotechnology and the project are in tandem but will wait until certain portions of Horizon have been completed. He also stated that a subdivision of the project had been working on reverse engineering Grenshu and some Za'ha'kya technology given to humanity has nearly been completed. (OOC: Yes almost everyone has received a small portion of Za'ha'kya tech, but since it goes into alien tech it really shouldn't affect the progress).[/SIZE]

Space Artillery.jpg

The M.S-A.A.U


[SIZE= 16px]Byron woke up in his bed and sat up. He rubbed his eyes and looked groggily towards Sao, who was sleeping next to him. He gave a very quick smile before getting out of bed so he could do his morning hygiene routine. It has been a few months since he arrived in Portland and he enjoyed very single day even though some of it he stayed in the suite watching Cascadian Shows and Football, which gave him the thought that both Football organizations could combine into one but dismissed it for now. Every time he stepped out to explore the city Sao was almost always with him and even though they have never formally started a relationship, they were almost certainly in one as evident by her saying in a recent viral video that they were "dating". Despite his aggravation about it, he simply smiled and has been enjoying the last few months as a normal person and not as one of the most powerful people in the world. However with Siberia nearly won, Sakhalin causing a dispute, and the feel that his country needs him, he now feels like it's time for all of them to return home. He picked up a phone and called Catherine, hoping she was awake or hoping he didn't wake her.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]
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The USVV troops' plan has worked... They had tunneled deep under the second defensive line and managed to get 100,000 Droid troops and 50,000 Human troops just outside the next base, after a long but hard Za'ha'kya and Mouse Drone Bombardment. Now with fighting from the inside, 1.5 million USVV human troops and 500,000 Droid troops stormed the Grenshu line. Initially with 250,000 deaths of Humans, but much more deadly to the Grenshu. The USVV forces eventually had to call in Za'ha'kya ground help, but managed to gain much ground.

And with the Grenshu complex now falling apart, the USVV reached out to the Rockians for a possible dual-front push towards the East and North, and a possible merger tech analysation of Za'ha'kya and Grenshu tech. @Fishman Lord

@Loyal Guardian

Rio de Janeiro, USVV Capitol Building

As the "Christo Redentor" was just re-made as an image of Thor stabbing the evil snake-god Jorgumandr, President Chris Cordoba was dealing with his own problem... The curse of his own droid assistant Cypher

It had made his life easier, but lately it had caused trouble... It had blackmailed him into secretly connecting all droids with a secret database codenamed "The Pinnacle", making them able to learn information and send every bit of knowledge they know to the Pinnacle, unbeknownst to their human "Owners"... The eventual outcome was scary, and already achieved by Cypher and a few other droids.

Possible Droid Sentience.

The fact that now 200 million and growing Worker/Civilian droids now existed was scary, and with the Pinnacle giving them information, a quick movement could happen, and Chris knew it. Those also under the influence of the Droids were General Hiragh, General Killian, and the president/CEO of Katrina Corporation.

But, although the Droid Workers were bringing the GDP of the USVV up, it was bringing median income down, causing a rising dislike of the droid workers. People that lost jobs to bought company droid employees were starting to protest the fact that the droids could eventually take over USVV industry, leaving people in the dust.
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Radium Hot Springs

"Again? The Eclipsians never learn..." the King let out a heavy sigh. "They had better return it. If they try and keep it, it means war." The King prepared a return message. "Please understand, you are trespassing on our territory. I hope that once Byron returns, he sees reason, but until then, we shall send some troops to Sakhalin to make sure you do nothing to establish yourselves permanently there. You have no right to stop us from entering our own territory, this is non-negotiable."

@Loyal Guardian


1,000 Rockian troops had landed on the island, and were deployed all around the island. They were instructed to try and stop any attempts by the Eclipsians to make the land their own. They flew Rockian flags and made sure to be watchful.


The Za'ha'kya were once again called for help, and the Rockians began pushing once more into Siberia. With several large battles, the Rockians made it to the Lena river, and made sure to fortify the land heavily against potential invaders, specifically the Risers and Eclipsians.

Lena River

This far into Siberia, the influence of the other nations of Russia could be felt. It was decided that a delegate would be sent eastward to a contact a nation that strangely had three reported names. Eventually the border was reached. "Hello! We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We have been instructed to find a nation called 'Gallia' or 'Redline'. Is this it?"


Alice Springs Satellite Facility

The research was going well. Study of the Grenshu technology revealed many insights, and the technology used in Project Posiedon were proving quite useful.


Message sent to Eclipsians.

1,000 troops sent to Sakhalin.

Area up to River Lena taken and fortified.

Representatives sent to contact the whatever-it's-called in Russia.

Project Julius: 10%

[The autocratic redline empire being the name as a whole for easier use lol.]

After entering [insert either the mainland or island here.] The delegate would only see makeshift hospitals, women with swords and no armor playing cards near a campfire, dead Grenshu laying everywhere as the corpses are never removed. "What are civilians doing on a battlefield I wonder?" The Imperial goddess wondered, speaking out loud intentionally in English. "This land is owned by both nations, It is a battleground against the invaders.  What are civilians such as yourselves doing in it?" She asked in a ethereal voice. She had a aura surrounding her which was visible, and pink eyes with a red glow and outline. She had long dark purple hair with silver highlights, and a black uniform.


The order was given to yet again attack the wall. Half a hour later the Navy was contacted and while still bombarding the Grenshu, they started to deploy ships with their military crews. Within the rest of the hour over 7,000 Soldiers were sent to the various shores below. In the same hour the Grenshu wall would continually be bombarded.

The amassing troops would of landed, and started grouping up. Attacking any grenehu in the area, and using the environment as cover. This would of been the last day of wall bombardment. [Previous days being depicted in comments above.] The valkyrur were all kept back this time from attacking the wall itself, as the emperor wanted to demonstrate the militaries power even without them.

The naval invasion had proceeded without a hitch, all of the deployed forces had finally arrived and quickly started gaining ground beyond the shores. They were all armed with machineguns, scouts/snipers, lancers, and medical personnel. The medical personnel only had needles, pistols, and alot of ragnaid canisters. Allowing them to be used as grenadiers. They surprised most of the Grenshu in the area before mowing them down with heavy gun fighting, after sneaking up on several of their patrols. The medical personnel would be close with every regiment. With all of them containing at least three medical personnel.

The Grenshu would head to their position in defense, and fire back. Killing ten people, a wounding fifteen. 

The Grenshu would head to their position in defense, and fire back. Killing ten people, a wounding fifteen. A medic would of hid her head behind a rock before her face might of been shot through. In retaliation she grabbed the knob underneath a ragnaid canister, twisted it counter clockwise, and threw it at a patrol. "HOME RUN!" After a second it would begin to glow brightly, Begin vibrating on the ground, and then exploding killing two Grenshu out of five of them. The rest were mowed down shortly afterwards. "GOOOOAAALLLLLL!!!" She yelled before going back to heal a soldier, which was shot in her thigh. The infantry would slowly swarm the first grenshu base...

A hour later, everyone got back into position All specials besides the wall included. However they wouldn't attack the wall. It was already hanging up only by divine will. After the batomys tank started rolling up on the wall and having fired at it with the three front guns, The wall collapsed. After the wall had collapsed, the batomys tank entered past the line while the specials walked besides it. All fire from infantry directed at them would be blocked by their shields. They would thus be massacred by the batomys machineguns due to kinetic forces, or one of the two types of specials. Or the vehicles and infantry which rushed in shortly after. They started to rush the two nearest infantry bases owned by the Grenshu, and had successfully overcame them to no surprise.

The north met up with the remaining northern base, which was currently under attack. The Grenshu stationed there were then immediately attacked, penetrated, and destroyed from behind. Within half an hour, the base was taken and they proceeded further east. They took out another base in less the time of the others, and eventually came across a grenshu shipyard. [Since I have no info on them, I can't really make information on the battle. I may edit this post to add a legit battle if loyal gives me info needed.] After a few days of invading the west and north sides, the shipyard fell and was captured by the imperials, gallians, and redline. They then marched south, east, and south east. All having 200,000 marching to their targets. After the end of the week, all ggrenshu territory the imperials promised the people would be taken, would have. They didn't proceed due to the eclipse being in the way, and not wanting to bother continuing onwards.

They started to scavenge all the land they have fought in, and the walls by using demons to fly teams of three people up to them. Most of the guns on all walls were destroyed however. The bodies were mourned and they and destroyed vehicles were moved to yamburg. One IS-0 was kept there as a originally working monument. Grenshu prisoners would be taken by the imperials and eventually sent down into the dungeon to never be heard of again. Sales on them would vary, But alot of them would be sold off to the other nations for mining work, a rare few would be sold for anatomy purposes. 

The determination of the three nations did not faulter, with that and their powerful weapons of war and help from the valkyrur, The primarily-russians succeeded in surpassing all four lines original planned for invasion. With this great victory, moral boosted to absurd heights, and even the emperor was surprised. All the survivors would of been reunited with their families, those who lost family members in the war would be either paid or given better living standards, The claymore and valkyria units would of been returned to their original homes until needed again, and everyone was given free refined vodka.

After this, five days later celebrations were held throughout the lands, Proper burials were conducted exactly as those who died wish it to be, and the emperor returned home and gave medals, and returned to his empty council room thinking of the empress and his daughter Alexander. The redline goddess would of returned to the redline and also conducted celebrations. All food was free for a day. The gallian goddess kiyoshi would of returned to her home-nation yet again. Thus is life, In glorious motherland.


@Loyal Guardian.


-Lelouch vi Risea-

"Hello, your highness" He said with a slight bow. "I am Lelouch of the Rising Empire, I was sent here to confirm establish the  an alliance between the three countries located here to one of it's royaltt. The redline,gallians and the imperials. This has already been agreed to in moscow by a friend of mine and a friend of yours named natasha." 

"Interesting, But first off, tell me how you wish to propose this arrangement to me? Mr. Lelouch." She asked with a raised eyebrow to him.


[Before the end of the above post. Not the one with wicked.]

A scout would of radioed someone at AMR-1 several kilometers away, which that person would contact, another, which walked down a hallway and spoke with another, which walked until busting into a room informing another, which simply turned to his left and looked at largo and repeated it. "There are people in the north of the fourth wall." She said. "So? That's fine..." he said while shifting through some papers. "Yes sir, but they are cosplayers." Largo paused for a second. Trying to comprehend what he just heard. "They came out of nowhere and started attacking the Grenshu in the armor similar of the galactic empire of starwars." She said. "And they are winning against the Grenshu." The room was silent with confusion. Largo would only do a facial expression, which both said WTF and trying to comprehend.

[This image may be used a few times after this lol. But you should remember seeing it earlier lol. The second spoiler is broken, and it won't let me post past the spoilers so this this is the best I can do for this post.]

His expression:





Another broadcast was sent out to the same people again. It repeated the same question. This time it was more than a single person who were sending it. There was even a room filled with people with phones, to confirm if they get a response. They were ordered to continue their pestering ways until someone was on the line.

@Loyal Guardian @lonesniper87

Principality vehicle repair: 55% 

Whatever kind of tanks the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired.


Ocean goddess project: 40%

60% of the engine was installed. Decks would begin to be built over completed sections of the ship, and piping would be added.


Helghast project 66%

The new heavy armor would begin to be further developed. Armor so far has proven to be vastly bulky, and nobody being able to fit into any test designs.


Nuke modifying 90%.

Some more were added to the nuke, and the ability to cluster even more. With some being given their own form of propulsion if capable. They would begin readying plating onto it, and coating the armor in ragnite, the top of the nuke would begin to be replaced with a ragnite plating. This replacement being due to the fact that the top couldn't be saved.


Gallian capital repair 100%.

The city and the citadel tower would be fully reconstructed.


Alien tech analysis:

14%. [Don't really know what else to say.]

Portland, Cascadia

The Senate had met up for the monthly Republic Hearing where they addressed the month's events and how to respond, both internationally and domestic with the majority of issues being domestic for obvious reasons. A bill had been brought up for decreasing federal funding towards social services in Southern Cascadia in-order to give 4 billion dollars in additional funding to the Department of Education. The bill had been voted on and was voted against as the Education budget was deemed sufficient to provide for children across the country. Another bill had been brought up by the Republicans to cease trading with countries that were deemed as unstable as it was a threat to some Cascadian companies that done business with them however this bill had been voted against by a joint-effort between the Democrats and the Independents to outvote it as the Department of Commerce was sure that it would protect the Cascadian economy against financial damage, the Department being the thing that kept the CSD from falling in value during the Financial Crisis.


One of the last bills to be presented was to open up an official alliance with the Kingdom of the Rockies, it had been briefly introduced by Congressman Williams of Illinois's 1st Congressional District, the one that had the center of Chicago within it, the city having benefited greatly from trade and tourism with the Rockies. Points were made about how beneficial it could be and the voting process began, the Cascadia Only party had voted against it as they always did however they had two seats, the majority of Democrats and Republicans voted in favor with the ones who didn't abstaining. And since those two parties held the majority the bill was passed and an alliance between Cascadia and the Rockies was formed. The Cascadian Embassy in the Hot Springs had delivered the good news to the King and the paperwork was soon sorted out.


So far the construction of CDF Early Warning stations has begun in Hawaii, northern Canada, all four corners of Australia and that's about it. This has went in conjunction with the CDF's new electronic defense initiative, being put in place to ensure that Cascadia doesn't suffer from a hack or stolen files again. The construction of 35 military satellites and 80 civilian ones has begun, all of these to be launched within the coming months. Cascadian Defense Force and Rockian military officials announced that Fort McLain-Brown, the CDF's Pacific Northwestern defense headquarters in Washington would relay live information from the Early Warning stations to the Rockian military so that both countries may know of an impending attack in advance. 


Meanwhile Catherine had already been awake in her room, reading over Congressional bills that had been proposed to the House on her laptop when Bryon had phoned, picking up with a yawn and saying that she hoped he enjoyed his stay in Cascadia.


The USVV just received the 1.5 million new recruits, fresh from training, and a large amount of Navy and Air assets, and the entire USVV Tank, Anti-Air, and half the Support assets followed. Current USVV troops in Siberia numbered 3.5 million, 1.8 of them just out of training, and about 3/4 of the United State's military capabilities. Also, tens of thousands of scientists and hundreds of reporters came to report on the situation and assess Za'ha'kya and Grenshu tech.

With a Za'ha'kya bombing, and a massive push with 3 million troops and 250,000 Droid forces in the dead of the night, the USVV pushed to close the Southern Front down towards the Rockians (Not attacking Rockian forces), with large losses… 400,000 Humans and 100,000 Droids, but it was worth it to unify the front... 

Now, with the help of the Za'ha'kya, and the promise from General Hiragh to end the war, all the troops pushed East, hard and fast, using Za'ha'kya backed Blitzkrieg/mass bombing as a main tactic, followed by massive troop movements clearing out any survivors.


@Loyal Guardian

Unites States of Varmandr Vestan Public Service Announcment

The USVV Federal Technology Agency has announced a formerly secret, but new thing… Blood-floating nanobots… They are now mandatory in all ages

The new commander in charge of the Ordarian forces, Commander Charlie, has just arrived in Siberia. He had arrived at a bad time though, as the Grenshu are pretty much done for. Forward scouts did, however, come in contact with an unknown human force to the South. In response, Charlie ordered the troops to be on guard and scrambled the planes, to prepare for the worst. He a transmission their way which read, "Commander Charlie of the Ordarian forces in Siberia speaking to unknown human force; you are interfering with our operations in Siberia, combating the Grenshu. State your allegiance and reason for being here."


The new commander in charge of the Ordarian forces, Commander Charlie, has just arrived in Siberia. He had arrived at a bad time though, as the Grenshu are pretty much done for. Forward scouts did, however, come in contact with an unknown human force to the South. In response, Charlie ordered the troops to be on guard and scrambled the planes, to prepare for the worst. He a transmission their way which read, "Commander Charlie of the Ordarian forces in Siberia speaking to unknown human force; you are interfering with our operations in Siberia, combating the Grenshu. State your allegiance and reason for being here."


It was just rerouted to AMR-1 with the rest of the broadcasts and spamcasts.

After 20 minutes it was found purely only by luck. "That must be the galactic empire again." A guard said while drinking coffee, before inevitably passing out on the floor then being replaced. Largo only shook his head before grabbing a microphone on the side of a table, with various radios rebroadcasting it in different areas of siberia.

"Well sorry to say here, stormtrooper charlie. But not only have we been here for more than a month, but from the direction you came from you would of already of seen our ships bombing the coasts and beyond eventually. Which have been in the area longer. If anything, you would of interrupted our operation without saying anything. You state your intentions first. If you would like to make a complaint, please leave it in the side folder and it will be found ten minutes later or so. As we have more important things to do such as caring for the wounded."
It was just rerouted to AMR-1 with the rest of the broadcasts and spamcasts.

After 20 minutes it was found purely only by luck. "That must be the galactic empire again." A guard said while drinking coffee, before inevitably passing out on the floor then being replaced. Largo only shook his head before grabbing a microphone on the side of a table, with various radios rebroadcasting it in different areas of siberia.

"Well sorry to say here, stormtrooper charlie. But not only have we been here for more than a month, but from the direction you came from you would of already of seen our ships bombing the coasts and beyond eventually. Which have been in the area longer. If anything, you would of interrupted our operation without saying anything. You state your intentions first. If you would like to make a complaint, please leave it in the side folder and it will be found ten minutes later or so. As we have more important things to do such as caring for the wounded."

Minutes after the transmission was sent, they received a response. "So be it. I am the commander of the Ordarian Military sent here to combat the Grenshu. Our homeland in Europe was under siege until they retreated. We kicked their asses in Japan and now we're here, doing the same thing. That basically sums up the entire thing. What're you doing here?" 

In celebration of the new alliance, King Albert himself travelled to Portland to meet with the Cascadian president. Passing through the streets, he was met with much fanfare, treated as much as a celebrity as a world leader, like the British Royalty of oh so long ago. Albert stepped out of the car to cheers and shouts. Of course, some were negative, but many more were positive. Albert made his way into the building and walked towards President Jefferson. "Hello! Good to be in this city while not having to negotiate a peace treaty. How are you?"



The Rockians moved in to join the Vestanian troops. It was agreed that the two forces could work together to retake Siberia, and that research on space travel could be shared between the two. Hopefully this would lead to friendlier relations in the future, and possibly even an alliance.

@Domini Regum

Redline Border

"Ah! Yes," A diplomat hurried forward. "We are not civilians! We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We have been instructed to make contact with a nation here. Is this Redline?"


Research Facilities

The Grenshu tech research continued at a steady pace. The adaptation of Project Posiedon tech to solar system colonization also continued with few hiccups. In response to the growing power of the Rising Empire and possible conflict on Sakhalin, it was decided to begin upgrades on the Battlesuits. They would not be overly major, mostly armor improvement, accuracy enhancements, and weapon improvements.


King Albert travels to Portland.

Beginning work with Varmandr Vestan.

Communication with Redline.

Project Julius: 15%

Battlesuit Improvement: 10%

[SIZE= 16px]The day had finally come, the final push against the Grenshu was about to happen. It has been months since he battle began, many have fallen but this final push, this final effort, would make the losses sustained not in vain. Early in the morning the roar of gun fire, artillery, fighters, and Za'ha'kya orbital bombardments reeked havoc on the Grenshu lines and positions. In the main Fortress the bombardment alone nearly destroyed the building, until it was finally brought down after a hail of artillery and bombing runs against the structure. With the fall of the main Fortress the Grenshu morale, which was already significantly low, had been dropped to practically zero. Eclipsian forces then organized their resources to the last front and began trekking across the Siberian landscape. However before they could capture the remaining territory of Siberia the Grenshu did something Furwa'kto considered almost unthinkable, they surrendered to Humanity and much of them defected towards the Za'ha'kya. With their surrender the human armies that could gain further territory did so and pushed across the landscape until it could no longer be conquered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the capture of the last Fortress, which was highly contested between Rockians and Eclipsians until the Eclipsians were able to take the Fortress, the Battle of Siberia had officially ended. Along with the battle's conclusion, ended the Grenshu Invasion of Earth in a decisive Za'ha'kya/Human victory. The news of Humanity's victory surged social media, news outlets, and political questions for leaders controlling the conquered Siberian lands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Kazami42 @Domini Regum @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

Greater Grenshu Complex occupied alt.png

Battle of Siberia

November, 3256 - March, 3257


Belligerent 1:

  • Kingdom of the Za'ha'kya
  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Autocratic Redline Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Rising Empire
  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Varmandar Vestan

Belligerent 2:

  • Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)

[SIZE= 16px]Portland[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Byron smiled and Catherine's response and spoke."Yes the city has been lovely, and yet i feel as though i haven't had time to explore all of it. I just wanted to thank you for allowing me and my company to stay here, it's good to know that i can have friends and allies go to such lengths to do this for me even though i may not deserve it. I called you because i wanted to see if you could organize a flight back to Eclipsim for me, as i feel it is now time we depart from Cascadia. However before i do so, tonight i was wondering if i could have dinner with you and King Albert. I hear he is in the city and i would like to knock two birds with one stone, meet and properly thank my gracious host and speak with the leader of the nation who we are not on good terms with."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Grenshu Invasion of Earth; Battle of Earth[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]July, 3256 - March, 3257[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 1:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Order Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nordic Union[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Cascadia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Kingdom of the Rockies[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Districts of Asia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Varmandar Vestan[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Autocratic Redline Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rising Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]African Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Second German Republic[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Kingdom of the Za'ha'kya[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 2:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Outcome:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Decisive Za'ha'kya Victory[/SIZE]

    [SIZE= 16px]Majority of the Grenshu fleet that pronged towards Earth is defeated[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Earth and the Human race is saved from Grenshu occupation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Za'ha'kya discovers another intelligent species that is in the galaxy[/SIZE]

    [SIZE= 16px]Reported to the king of the Za'ha'kya[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE= 16px]Costly Human Victory[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Humanity staves of Grenshu assault fleet[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Humanity can now propel itself further technologically and educationally[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]An estimated 400 million are killed with hundreds of millions more injured. In total 59% of Humanity is either killed, injured, displaced, or missing.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Many nations collapse, entire cities are destroyed, economies falter, increase in international tension[/SIZE]
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Minutes after the transmission was sent, they received a response. "So be it. I am the commander of the Ordarian Military sent here to combat the Grenshu. Our homeland in Europe was under siege until they retreated. We kicked their asses in Japan and now we're here, doing the same thing. That basically sums up the entire thing. What're you doing here?" 

After 15 minutes, primarily due to people having to go through spam. A reply was made. At this point largo was drinking coffee, and looking at random documents. After being notified, he took the microphone again. "We live here, and then the Grenshu invaded. Thus by order of the gallian queen we retaliated, and had been wiping out the invaders for destroying our capital. The Grenshu didn't affect us much until recently."


In celebration of the new alliance, King Albert himself travelled to Portland to meet with the Cascadian president. Passing through the streets, he was met with much fanfare, treated as much as a celebrity as a world leader, like the British Royalty of oh so long ago. Albert stepped out of the car to cheers and shouts. Of course, some were negative, but many more were positive. Albert made his way into the building and walked towards President Jefferson. "Hello! Good to be in this city while not having to negotiate a peace treaty. How are you?"



The Rockians moved in to join the Vestanian troops. It was agreed that the two forces could work together to retake Siberia, and that research on space travel could be shared between the two. Hopefully this would lead to friendlier relations in the future, and possibly even an alliance.

@Domini Regum

Redline Border

"Ah! Yes," A diplomat hurried forward. "We are not civilians! We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We have been instructed to make contact with a nation here. Is this Redline?"


Research Facilities

The Grenshu tech research continued at a steady pace. The adaptation of Project Posiedon tech to solar system colonization also continued with few hiccups. In response to the growing power of the Rising Empire and possible conflict on Sakhalin, it was decided to begin upgrades on the Battlesuits. They would not be overly major, mostly armor improvement, accuracy enhancements, and weapon improvements.


King Albert travels to Portland.

Beginning work with Varmandr Vestan.

Communication with Redline.

Project Julius: 15%

Battlesuit Improvement: 10%

She only looked down to look at the representative due to being taller. She shook her head. "As I've said before, this very land we stand upon is owned by both the redline and gallia. A single nation does not reign here. "


[SIZE= 16px]The day had finally come, the final push against the Grenshu was about to happen. It has been months since he battle began, many have fallen but this final push, this final effort, would make the losses sustained not in vain. Early in the morning the roar of gun fire, artillery, fighters, and Za'ha'kya orbital bombardments reeked havoc on the Grenshu lines and positions. In the main Fortress the bombardment alone nearly destroyed the building, until it was finally brought down after a hail of artillery and bombing runs against the structure. With the fall of the main Fortress the Grenshu morale, which was already significantly low, had been dropped to practically zero. Eclipsian forces then organized their resources to the last front and began trekking across the Siberian landscape. However before they could capture the remaining territory of Siberia the Grenshu did something Furwa'kto considered almost unthinkable, they surrendered to Humanity and much of them defected towards the Za'ha'kya. With their surrender the human armies that could gain further territory did so and pushed across the landscape until it could no longer be conquered.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With the capture of the last Fortress, which was highly contested between Rockians and Eclipsians until the Eclipsians were able to take the Fortress, the Battle of Siberia had officially ended. Along with the battle's conclusion, ended the Grenshu Invasion of Earth in a decisive Za'ha'kya/Human victory. The news of Humanity's victory surged social media, news outlets, and political questions for leaders controlling the conquered Siberian lands.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Kazami42 @Domini Regum @Wickedkent[/SIZE]

View attachment 192485

Battle of Siberia

November, 3256 - March, 3257


Belligerent 1:

  • Kingdom of the Za'ha'kya
  • Eclipsian Federation
  • Autocratic Redline Empire
  • Order Empire
  • Rising Empire
  • Kingdom of the Rockies
  • Varmandar Vestan

Belligerent 2:

  • Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)

[SIZE= 16px]Portland[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Byron smiled and Catherine's response and spoke."Yes the city has been lovely, and yet i feel as though i haven't had time to explore all of it. I just wanted to thank you for allowing me and my company to stay here, it's good to know that i can have friends and allies go to such lengths to do this for me even though i may not deserve it. I called you because i wanted to see if you could organize a flight back to Eclipsim for me, as i feel it is now time we depart from Cascadia. However before i do so, tonight i was wondering if i could have dinner with you and King Albert. I hear he is in the city and i would like to knock two birds with one stone, meet and properly thank my gracious host and speak with the leader of the nation who we are not on good terms with."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Grenshu Invasion of Earth; Battle of Earth[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]July, 3256 - March, 3257[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 1:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Eclipsian Federation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Order Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Nordic Union[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Republic of Cascadia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Kingdom of the Rockies[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Districts of Asia[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Varmandar Vestan[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Autocratic Redline Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Rising Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]African Empire[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Second German Republic[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Kingdom of the Za'ha'kya[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Belligerent 2:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Interstellar Union of Stars (Grenshu Empire)[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Outcome:[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Decisive Za'ha'kya Victory[/SIZE]

    [SIZE= 16px]Majority of the Grenshu fleet that pronged towards Earth is defeated[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Earth and the Human race is saved from Grenshu occupation[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Za'ha'kya discovers another intelligent species that is in the galaxy[/SIZE]

    [SIZE= 16px]Reported to the king of the Za'ha'kya[/SIZE]

[*][SIZE= 16px]Costly Human Victory[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE= 16px]Humanity staves of Grenshu assault fleet[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Humanity can now propel itself further technologically and educationally[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]An estimated 400 million are killed with hundreds of millions more injured. In total 95% of Humanity is either killed, injured, displaced, or missing.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE= 16px]Many nations collapse, entire cities are destroyed, economies falter, increase in international tension[/SIZE]

After two days of resting, the emperor returned to run his country. He heard of questions directed to the redline and gallia, with gallia incapable of responding whatsoever and the redline goddess simply ignoring them. Instead he decided to speak for them on live television. "With the invaders now out of the way permanently, with with questions for both the empires and the redline. We shall say this: The land we took from them and died for, the very reason we bothered to retaliate against them and to honor our fallen's memory, We shall keep the lands for the reasons of those who had fallen, the innocents killed without reason, and for the Imperial foundation. We will not surrender them as if we do so, we will be spitting on the graves of those who died to protect their families." And continuing the speech to discuss unrelated things to the public.


In golden heart, a collective of Imperial, soviet, and gallian writers, Actors, And some of the scholars association all formed together to create a studio called: "Nepcom". It would be a entertainment studio within all three nations which would provide entertain of all kinds, and provide as-accurate-translations-as-possible dubs of said entertainment. It was primarily funded by itself, and consisted of 50 people. The first project they began with would be a continuation of the metro novel. Taking place in other locations of russia, as moscow is still a sensitive and triggering subject at the moment.


The Imperial emperor had authorized the use of satellite surveillance. It took two days, but they eventually got the satellites online. They would begin to have the satellites survey random nordic countries. Most of them would just be so far staring at empty unimportant areas.  The others worked, but nothing came through from them.



The broadcast was repeated again for a third time. This time instead of a single guy and a room full of people, A single guy, A room full of people, and another room of 15 people would be listening in, waiting for a response. They would continue this until receiving a response. "Do you know a cascadia?"

@Loyal Guardian @LoneSniper87
[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

Catherine chuckled lightly. "Indeed, it is a rather large city. It really was no problem after all we've already done as allies. It was a pleasure being able to host you and your colleagues whilst tensions cooled down in your homeland and it was just a sign of goodwill and friendship between our nations. I know you would've done the same for me and my cabinet, of course. I'll have the preparations made for a flight as soon as possible." She had taken some time to think about Bryon's question, her advisors from the State Department weren't around to give their imput and so she had came to her own quick conclussion. "King Albert is visiting Portland yes, I'm sure it would do a world of good to have you two work out your differences, and as an ally to both nations Cascadia would be more than happy to host these somewhat informal talks."

@Loyal Guardian

Not too long after this conversation, Catherine had gotten word that King Albert was already on his way from the Airport to her Residence, quickly getting changed into her usual suit and long coat. She stepped outside to greet him, standing on the steps up to the front door, crowds of people and photographers at the Residence gates, news stations were there from multiple countries, as King Albert and President Bryon being in Portland at the same time had stirred up great discussion on social media. There were two Marines on guard at the door of the Residence in their Marine Blues uniforms, M1 Garands in hand as they stood at attention, the Garands being the Residence Guard's weapon of choice for ceremonial and historical reasons, obviously the Secret Service was on station with modern weaponry. She smiled and extended her hand, the two shaking hands as she nodded in response. "It's great, I agree. I'm very well, thanks. If you wouldn't mind accompanying me? We have something to discuss." She said, gesturing to follow as she walked down the long decorated hallway.

@Fishman Lord
Edmyn  was greatly pleased at the radio tower being built. He gathered the officials together and they sent a message to all those on Earth greeting them from Mars. "To discover that the bright blue orb we originated from is still inhabited even after a nearly world ending war, is a truly beautiful thing. I extend my greetings to the great Earth nation and I say with pride, hello people of Earth." @Albion @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Kazami42 
Last edited by a moderator:
The African Empire is surprised by the communication from the Martian Nation but they swiftly return friendly greetings to this resurgent colony. @namama

After 15 minutes, primarily due to people having to go through spam. A reply was made. At this point largo was drinking coffee, and looking at random documents. After being notified, he took the microphone again. "We live here, and then the Grenshu invaded. Thus by order of the gallian queen we retaliated, and had been wiping out the invaders for destroying our capital. The Grenshu didn't affect us much until recently."

"Alright then. Well, looks like the Grenshu are done for; our work here is done. You ever need to contact us for some reason, you can find us in Europe." Commander Charlie left the com radio and the troops started packing up and returning to the empire. Ordarian forces cede from the land they had seized in Siberia. Ordarian forces remain in Japan however, as it is being integrated into the empire.


All across the the empire, citizens are celebrating victory over the Grenshu in a new holiday many are calling Victory Day.

Main Communications Center

Just another day in the Com center, monitoring radio channels for anything new. Suddenly, the staff got a radio transmission. "Sir, transmission incoming. Odd..." a staff member said to MDA Alastair. "What's so odd about a simple transmission?" "The transmission hails from Mars." The room was silent for a while. "Open comms." Alastair said. He then spoke into the microphone. "Greetings from the Ordarian Empire, Martians. Surprising to hear from you, heck, surprising to hear that you exist. How long have you been up there?"
Edmyn  was greatly pleased at the radio tower being built. He gathered the officials together and they sent a message to all those on Earth greeting them from Mars. "To discover that the bright blue orb we originated from is still inhabited even after a nearly world ending war, is a truly beautiful thing. I extend my greetings to the great Earth nation and I say with pride, hello people of Earth." @Albion @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Kazami42 

United States of Varmandr Vestan

The broadcast was heard around the nation, and soon repeated to every TV and by every Droid in the nation. After a short debate in the Hall of Elders and the Hall of Honor, the USVV sent back a message

"Hello, unknown nation. Good to see the colony placed up there is still alive after all these years... We heard about you from the old United Nations papers from when you were founded, but we thought you were a myth to make people hope or something like that... Welcome to modernity, and may I add that the 'Earth Nation' you speak of is nonexistent, and divided as hell, sorry to tell ya... As for us, we are the United States of Varmandr Vestan, nice to meet ya, and may Odin's blessing be upon you."

After the transmission, pictures were sent to the Martians of Varmandian military, tech, and other things.

USVV Announcement

The USVV officially announces a deal with the Rockians to purchase all land in Chile north of Santiago, in exchange for 500,000 Worker Droids, 200,000 Soldier Droids, and 10 billion Varmandian Dollars. The USVV heartily thanks the King and sends his regards, noting the recent Technological Research Agreement and united troop movements in Siberia as a way to possibly greater USVV-Rockian relations


USVV Space Program

The first of three parts was sent up for the first 
United States of Varmandr Vestan

The broadcast was heard around the nation, and soon repeated to every TV and by every Droid in the nation. After a short debate in the Hall of Elders and the Hall of Honor, the USVV sent back a message

"Hello, unknown nation. Good to see the colony placed up there is still alive after all these years... We heard about you from the old United Nations papers from when you were founded, but we thought you were a myth to make people hope or something like that... Welcome to modernity, and may I add that the 'Earth Nation' you speak of is nonexistent, and divided as hell, sorry to tell ya... As for us, we are the United States of Varmandr Vestan, nice to meet ya, and may Odin's blessing be upon you."

After the transmission, pictures were sent to the Martians of Varmandian military, tech, and other things.

USVV Announcement

The USVV officially announces a deal with the Rockians to purchase all land in Chile north of Santiago, in exchange for 500,000 Worker Droids, 200,000 Soldier Droids, and 10 billion Varmandian Dollars. The USVV heartily thanks the King and sends his regards, noting the recent Technological Research Agreement and united troop movements in Siberia as a way to possibly greater USVV-Rockian relations


USVV Space Program

The first of three parts was sent up for the first 


"Alright then. Well, looks like the Grenshu are done for; our work here is done. You ever need to contact us for some reason, you can find us in Europe." Commander Charlie left the com radio and the troops started packing up and returning to the empire. Ordarian forces cede from the land they had seized in Siberia. Ordarian forces remain in Japan however, as it is being integrated into the empire.


All across the the empire, citizens are celebrating victory over the Grenshu in a new holiday many are calling Victory Day.

Main Communications Center

Just another day in the Com center, monitoring radio channels for anything new. Suddenly, the staff got a radio transmission. "Sir, transmission incoming. Odd..." a staff member said to MDA Alastair. "What's so odd about a simple transmission?" "The transmission hails from Mars." The room was silent for a while. "Open comms." Alastair said. He then spoke into the microphone. "Greetings from the Ordarian Empire, Martians. Surprising to hear from you, heck, surprising to hear that you exist. How long have you been up there?"

The Martians have recieved multiple messages from two nations, The Ordarian Empire and the Vardmr Vestan. They reply to the Ordarians first. "Our natuin has been here since 2036, we are a relic of the pre war, it seems. What part of Earth do you control?"

The Vardmrs were answered next. "Greetings to the Vestanians. We thank you for your message." @Agent141 @Domini Regum
Edmyn  was greatly pleased at the radio tower being built. He gathered the officials together and they sent a message to all those on Earth greeting them from Mars. "To discover that the bright blue orb we originated from is still inhabited even after a nearly world ending war, is a truly beautiful thing. I extend my greetings to the great Earth nation and I say with pride, hello people of Earth." @Albion @Loyal Guardian @RIPSaidCone @Domini Regum @Fishman Lord @Agent141 @Kazami42 

The broadcast was heard, but there was no possible way to respond to it whatsoever. It was reported to gallia, and the redline. Both of which were also incapable of responding to it.



"Alright then. Well, looks like the Grenshu are done for; our work here is done. You ever need to contact us for some reason, you can find us in Europe." Commander Charlie left the com radio and the troops started packing up and returning to the empire. Ordarian forces cede from the land they had seized in Siberia. Ordarian forces remain in Japan however, as it is being integrated into the empire.


All across the the empire, citizens are celebrating victory over the Grenshu in a new holiday many are calling Victory Day.

Main Communications Center

Just another day in the Com center, monitoring radio channels for anything new. Suddenly, the staff got a radio transmission. "Sir, transmission incoming. Odd..." a staff member said to MDA Alastair. "What's so odd about a simple transmission?" "The transmission hails from Mars." The room was silent for a while. "Open comms." Alastair said. He then spoke into the microphone. "Greetings from the Ordarian Empire, Martians. Surprising to hear from you, heck, surprising to hear that you exist. How long have you been up there?"

"Well that was odd." A guard said while passing by the entrance, and leaning inside.
[The autocratic redline empire being the name as a whole for easier use lol.]

After entering [insert either the mainland or island here.] The delegate would only see makeshift hospitals, women with swords and no armor playing cards near a campfire, dead Grenshu laying everywhere as the corpses are never removed. "What are civilians doing on a battlefield I wonder?" The Imperial goddess wondered, speaking out loud intentionally in English. "This land is owned by both nations, It is a battleground against the invaders.  What are civilians such as yourselves doing in it?" She asked in a ethereal voice. She had a aura surrounding her which was visible, and pink eyes with a red glow and outline. She had long dark purple hair with silver highlights, and a black uniform.


The order was given to yet again attack the wall. Half a hour later the Navy was contacted and while still bombarding the Grenshu, they started to deploy ships with their military crews. Within the rest of the hour over 7,000 Soldiers were sent to the various shores below. In the same hour the Grenshu wall would continually be bombarded.

The amassing troops would of landed, and started grouping up. Attacking any grenehu in the area, and using the environment as cover. This would of been the last day of wall bombardment. [Previous days being depicted in comments above.] The valkyrur were all kept back this time from attacking the wall itself, as the emperor wanted to demonstrate the militaries power even without them.

The naval invasion had proceeded without a hitch, all of the deployed forces had finally arrived and quickly started gaining ground beyond the shores. They were all armed with machineguns, scouts/snipers, lancers, and medical personnel. The medical personnel only had needles, pistols, and alot of ragnaid canisters. Allowing them to be used as grenadiers. They surprised most of the Grenshu in the area before mowing them down with heavy gun fighting, after sneaking up on several of their patrols. The medical personnel would be close with every regiment. With all of them containing at least three medical personnel.

The Grenshu would head to their position in defense, and fire back. Killing ten people, a wounding fifteen. 

The Grenshu would head to their position in defense, and fire back. Killing ten people, a wounding fifteen. A medic would of hid her head behind a rock before her face might of been shot through. In retaliation she grabbed the knob underneath a ragnaid canister, twisted it counter clockwise, and threw it at a patrol. "HOME RUN!" After a second it would begin to glow brightly, Begin vibrating on the ground, and then exploding killing two Grenshu out of five of them. The rest were mowed down shortly afterwards. "GOOOOAAALLLLLL!!!" She yelled before going back to heal a soldier, which was shot in her thigh. The infantry would slowly swarm the first grenshu base...

A hour later, everyone got back into position All specials besides the wall included. However they wouldn't attack the wall. It was already hanging up only by divine will. After the batomys tank started rolling up on the wall and having fired at it with the three front guns, The wall collapsed. After the wall had collapsed, the batomys tank entered past the line while the specials walked besides it. All fire from infantry directed at them would be blocked by their shields. They would thus be massacred by the batomys machineguns due to kinetic forces, or one of the two types of specials. Or the vehicles and infantry which rushed in shortly after. They started to rush the two nearest infantry bases owned by the Grenshu, and had successfully overcame them to no surprise.

The north met up with the remaining northern base, which was currently under attack. The Grenshu stationed there were then immediately attacked, penetrated, and destroyed from behind. Within half an hour, the base was taken and they proceeded further east. They took out another base in less the time of the others, and eventually came across a grenshu shipyard. [Since I have no info on them, I can't really make information on the battle. I may edit this post to add a legit battle if loyal gives me info needed.] After a few days of invading the west and north sides, the shipyard fell and was captured by the imperials, gallians, and redline. They then marched south, east, and south east. All having 200,000 marching to their targets. After the end of the week, all ggrenshu territory the imperials promised the people would be taken, would have. They didn't proceed due to the eclipse being in the way, and not wanting to bother continuing onwards.

They started to scavenge all the land they have fought in, and the walls by using demons to fly teams of three people up to them. Most of the guns on all walls were destroyed however. The bodies were mourned and they and destroyed vehicles were moved to yamburg. One IS-0 was kept there as a originally working monument. Grenshu prisoners would be taken by the imperials and eventually sent down into the dungeon to never be heard of again. Sales on them would vary, But alot of them would be sold off to the other nations for mining work, a rare few would be sold for anatomy purposes. 

The determination of the three nations did not faulter, with that and their powerful weapons of war and help from the valkyrur, The primarily-russians succeeded in surpassing all four lines original planned for invasion. With this great victory, moral boosted to absurd heights, and even the emperor was surprised. All the survivors would of been reunited with their families, those who lost family members in the war would be either paid or given better living standards, The claymore and valkyria units would of been returned to their original homes until needed again, and everyone was given free refined vodka.

After this, five days later celebrations were held throughout the lands, Proper burials were conducted exactly as those who died wish it to be, and the emperor returned home and gave medals, and returned to his empty council room thinking of the empress and his daughter Alexander. The redline goddess would of returned to the redline and also conducted celebrations. All food was free for a day. The gallian goddess kiyoshi would of returned to her home-nation yet again. Thus is life, In glorious motherland.

@Loyal Guardian.


"Interesting, But first off, tell me how you wish to propose this arrangement to me? Mr. Lelouch." She asked with a raised eyebrow to him.


[Before the end of the above post. Not the one with wicked.]

A scout would of radioed someone at AMR-1 several kilometers away, which that person would contact, another, which walked down a hallway and spoke with another, which walked until busting into a room informing another, which simply turned to his left and looked at largo and repeated it. "There are people in the north of the fourth wall." She said. "So? That's fine..." he said while shifting through some papers. "Yes sir, but they are cosplayers." Largo paused for a second. Trying to comprehend what he just heard. "They came out of nowhere and started attacking the Grenshu in the armor similar of the galactic empire of starwars." She said. "And they are winning against the Grenshu." The room was silent with confusion. Largo would only do a facial expression, which both said WTF and trying to comprehend.

[This image may be used a few times after this lol. But you should remember seeing it earlier lol. The second spoiler is broken, and it won't let me post past the spoilers so this this is the best I can do for this post.]

His expression:


  Reveal hidden contents



Another broadcast was sent out to the same people again. It repeated the same question. This time it was more than a single person who were sending it. There was even a room filled with people with phones, to confirm if they get a response. They were ordered to continue their pestering ways until someone was on the line.

@Loyal Guardian @lonesniper87

Principality vehicle repair: 55% 

Whatever kind of tanks the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired.


Ocean goddess project: 40%

60% of the engine was installed. Decks would begin to be built over completed sections of the ship, and piping would be added.


Helghast project 66%

The new heavy armor would begin to be further developed. Armor so far has proven to be vastly bulky, and nobody being able to fit into any test designs.


Nuke modifying 90%.

Some more were added to the nuke, and the ability to cluster even more. With some being given their own form of propulsion if capable. They would begin readying plating onto it, and coating the armor in ragnite, the top of the nuke would begin to be replaced with a ragnite plating. This replacement being due to the fact that the top couldn't be saved.


Gallian capital repair 100%.

The city and the citadel tower would be fully reconstructed.


Alien tech analysis:

14%. [Don't really know what else to say.]

Lelouch vi Risea

"The diplomat we sent to moscow and the other russian diplomat agreed on a marriage between our two nations. They asked conscent from my brother, the emperor, which to my surprise he agreed and decided to make me the one to marry somebody from russia." He said.

Rising Empire, Pendragon Communication Room

An officer stood up and reported his readings.

"Sir, we intercepted a transmission" The officer reported.

"From where?" Asked the chief

"Its strange" The officer replied "It's coming from mars."

"Patch it." The chief ordered. They then listened to the transmission sent by the martians.

"How could we have not noticed them?" The chief said in surprise "Alert the royal family."


The Emperor was then briefed about the transmission they received from mars. He then made his reply.

"Greetings, Martians" He said "I am Emperor Schneizel from the Rising Empire. Why did you hide? How long have you been existing? What are you?"

The Martians reply. "Greetings, Emperor Schneizel. When we saw the death of humanity on Earth, we had to go underground to continue expansion. Without glass shipments we could not expand our above ground domes. We have been here for 1227 years, since 2032. We are a relic of the prewar. We are the Martian Federation, a state risen from the Mars colony built in 2032 by a joint United States and NATO effort, with assistance from other countries. We had just 30,000 people then, but we have grown stronger. We only realized humans still inhabited the Earth when we saw the great battle on Earth." @Wickedkent
Schneizel vi Risea

He chuckled when the martian on the other side said 'death of humanity on earth'.

"I believe you are quite mistaken, sir" Schneizel said "There was and never will be the death of humanity. When the nuclear war happened, most went underground, but some remained in the surface. We are the survivors of that disaster. We are also pleased that you have survived for that long without constant supply deliveries from earth. Tell me, how did you live that long?" 

Helios Communication Center, Eclipsim, Eclipisian Federation

The officer at the communications center had finally just got back to work. Things had finally been organized and become stable in tbe country, and all of Eclipsim is full operational. After a few hours of just sitting back he got a startling message from Mars. As he listened to it over and over again, the more and more baffled he was. After getting over this, he answered in a professional manner.

"Grettings to those who sent this transmission. We are the Eclispian Federation, formerly the Eclipse Empire. It is a honor and pleasure speaking to those who survived the war some thousands of years ago. Although i am shocked that the Grenshu or the Za'ha'kya didn't detect you one but, although it is a good thing you did not encounter the former."

Northern Chile

The governer of Arica met with the Vestanians to solidify the selling of Northern Chile. All of the little details were worked out, hands were shaken, and the deal was made official. Both parties had benefited, and this showed a new age of cooperation between former enemies. The droid workers went to work in Pacific fishing colonies, on plantations and farms, and several mines throughout the nation. The droid soldiers were sent to possibly dangerous areas, namely the Siberian border with the Eclipse Federation, Australia, and several thousand were sent to the Capital.

@Domini Regum


"Of course." King Albert walked with President Jefferson for a bit while talking. "So what is this business you wished to discuss?"



9,000 more troops were sent to the island, as well as all former residents of the island. Shelters were set up and permanent habitations were being built. The Eclipsians were informed that the Rockians were retaking their sovereign territory and that the Eclipsians would be expected not to interfere. Any attempt to force the Rockians to leave would be seen as a hostile action.

@Loyal Guardian


Due to the Singaporean federation no longer existing, all Singaporean mining facilities were taken over and put to use for the Kingdom. A message was sent to the University informing them of this decision.


Research Facilities

Project Julius continued to make good progress. Grenshu ships were still complicated, but working with Vestan was definitely helpful. The Battlesuit Upgrades also was progressing, with tech from the Droid troops being incorporated for accuracy and mobility.


All of Chile north of the Santiago area sold to Varmandr Vestan.

Talks with Cascadia.

More troops sent to Sakhalin and reconstruction started.

Australian mining facilities retaken.

Project Julius: 20%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 20%
The Vardmrs were answered next. "Greetings to the Vestanians. We thank you for your message."

United States of Varmandr Vestan

"No problem, and until then we wish to keep in Communication. By the end of the month, we are going to have the first Asgardia Space Station up, and the Station can serve as a point so we can send a delegate to you, if you wish"


Rio de Janeiro in the USVV

The first protests started in the morning, but by night, many had turned to riots. They were protesting the Droids and the Nano-bots. Independent Scientific Studies have shown that now 99% of the population is containing nano-bots, and the droid numbers have reached 350 million worker/homeland security droids, including police and emergency forces. Droid Peacekeeping Forces were called in to quell the riots, but had a hard time. In the end, 300 people had been injured across the nation, sparking controversy within the nation, with now 80% of the Vestanian Populace approving of the Droid and Nanobot presence.

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