The World of Tomorrow

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Meanwhile, the Union’s first big blockbuster has exploded onto screens worldwide. It is about a young boy from the Union who finds himself taken into space by collective private efforts after he comes into contact with some Za’ha’kya robots containing key schematics that were lost in a daring mission. His crew, including a young criminal seeking redemption… and money, a man who has been into space before and is skilled in the art of Energy Blade combat, go into space in an experimental ship and, after the boy begins training in Energy Blade combat himself come across a Grenshu battle station that is being constructed in the outer reaches of the solar system to destroy Earth and end the war. After being captured by the station and disabling it, they blast away, despite the loss of the older man. Luckily, they come into contact with the oncoming Za’ha’kya fleet, and they share their key information with them. The boy dons a flight suit and partakes in the attack on the Grenshu station, defeating a notorious Grenshu ace and commander (who survives) and blowing up the station after almost all the other pilots die in battle. The movie ends with the boy and his fellows being honored by representatives from the Nordic and Za’ha’kya governments on board the Za’ha’kya carrier the fleet is based off of.[/SIZE]
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The complex lands were slowly populated, all the tech was taken back to the Imperial undergroud, and snipers littered the walls. Construction was to begin making small civilian outposts which are capable of being modified into a large house, once expansion continued.


After Valerie and others entered the socialist republic by railroad, the situation was assessed. The government had basically become unstable, There was somewhat a overpopulation problem mainly due to homes being destroyed, and the mines had all caved in. During the month various processes to secure the government and the socialist republic were conducted. The people taken care of and homes fixed, mutant problems removed, and political leaders recovering. At the end of the month however, it was quickly assimilated into redline land, and Valerie took control over it. Any spare radio parts were sent to gallia, corruption would of been resulted in imprisonment within the underground permanently, and the people, military, technology, and other was taken as well.

Despite the entire population being now owned by the Communists, Valerie had allowed them to become a state like in the Soviet Union. It would be self governed, and of course if needed would retain its military control. However otherwise everything was now under command by the redline, and thus was thrown into the three nations alliance. The majority of the economy would go to the redline which would give it's own percentage back to the imperials, and the technology would be updated but keeping the Soviet era aesthetic... The original leader was alive, and would resume running the socialist republic with little or no limitation. The mines were also reopened, and supports made out of ragnite to prevent further collapses.


The emperor had ordered that all mutants in Russia were to be ordered to being born, tamed, and trained. He also ordered that once a tame limit of 20 different mutant species were tamed, that they be integrated into a military unit. While smaller mutants like lurkers would continue to be allowed as pets.


Rising Empire

The RE Company, OSIRIS under the ownership of Minister Cleo has reacted to the lawsuit the africans filed.

-A couple of hours ago-

Cleo's assistant walked inside his office and placed a folder in his table.

"The africans has sued us" The assistant said "They stated that we copied their game by stealing mechanics and concepts directly of the game." Cleo looked at her and frowned.

"Are they mad because we are getting more sales than them?" He said "They did not even compromise with us." He was surely mad, but he made no sign of it.

"They did not register copyright on their games" The assistant said "And World at War is based on the world not africa."

"We do not deal with aids and ebola" Cleo interrupted. "File a counter claim and tell them we reserve the right to sue them back and then prepare my lawyers." The assistant then nodded and proceeded to do her assigned task. The company defends itself and insists that they are innocent. Worlds at war was created independently and was not copied fro the africans otger than that no copyright was registered on those games. After this trial, the company will countersue them for falsely accusing them of copyright. OSIRIS also registed a copyright on Worlds at War.


Lelouch vi Risea

Lelouch smiled.

"I do many things" He said "You see, I am the prime minister of the Rising Empire, I am also a prince and I am the chief of staff of the army. So, basically, I aid and help the people, and lead our military, politics also never disappears.


Rising Military

Due to the lost of a million troops from the war with the grenshu, the Government decided to train more soldiers. 500k soldiers were trained in order to fill the gap left by the fallen soldiers. The government also ordered the deployement of mines in the waters between the nordic union and poland. The government also ordered for the construction of approximately 2,000 tanks and 2,000 fighter jets. This was due to the damages done by the aliens.

"Nonetheless, you have it easier. You may have aids to help you, but all I have are two slackers who are useless in different ways. The goddess who was silent at the citadel being Heather, she protects the city but other than that she stays home all day watching TV, or planting. One of said plants grew into one of the bathrooms and nobody could use it. The other helps people, but normally goes to cosplay events and trolling the soviets." She sighed and sounded annoyed.


Nepcom had released the book after 780 pages, also making it one of the heaviest books. It would satisfy the book worms who read constantly, and would keep them from asking for a continuation until a few months at best. The price was set at 70 rubles, 300 bullets, 42 dollars, or 15 coins primarily of gold. It was sold in the selvarian empire and had already obtained 173 bought within 4 and a half days. Nepcom was also given a space to settle a company legit, and within the store sector of randgriz city. 


Principality vehicle repair: 70%

24 T-34 1941 models were repaired by this time, and 17 sold to the redline. More repairs would be had on another set of principality vehicles.


Ocean goddess project: 66%

8 large pillboxes would of started construction with 3 of them being complete. However the main focus was construction of the bridge, which would be entirely made of ragnite and emptying gallia's month of ragnite mineral supply. The imperials would be constructing the weapons, and the redline would make the ship more decorated. They would also continue building the inner piping, doors, testing the systems and flow, and other subjects relating to its insides. Construction would go somewhat quicker due to all the nations working on it again.


Helghast project 90%

The new heavy armor would begin to be further developed. the same tests as last time were commenced, 70% of their large caliber ammunition would still penetrate the armor itself, but old prewar bullets were tested onto it. All prewar ammunition would be bent or bounced off the armor entirely, and the suit was somewhat bulkier than the last model. It was extremely heavy, with only zis-151 heavy trucks being able to carry it without either breaking down, overheating the engine, or being too heavy to carry. The prewar bullet effect was achieved by coating the heavy steel in ragnite and only having parts such as legs, arms, and the helmet being entirely made of ragnite. It was very heavy but overall, the weight was that of a tiger tank. The science and engineering teams would continue to construct it while a smaller side group was developing a weapon for it. [Everything about it will either be said once it is done, or in the overview after it is done.]


Alien tech analysis:

21%. [Don't really know what else to say.]

Lelouch vi Risea

"It is hard on my part, but has been made a lot easier due to the chain of command" He said "It dictates who is in charge of whom and of whom permission must be asked. In other words, different people are assigned to other fields, like defense and commerce and other things. They are incharge of that department, but reports directly to me who then reports to the emperor."


Lelouch vi Risea

"It is hard on my part, but has been made a lot easier due to the chain of command" He said "It dictates who is in charge of whom and of whom permission must be asked. In other words, different people are assigned to other fields, like defense and commerce and other things. They are incharge of that department, but reports directly to me who then reports to the emperor."

"Sounds nice. So what your questions for me? This is a date after all so questions should be asked." She would go back to eating again.

Lelouch vi Risea

"If that is so, then tell me about your life" He said. He was curious about her history. After all, couples should know the history of each other


Lelouch vi Risea

"If that is so, then tell me about your life" He said. He was curious about her history. After all, couples should know the history of each other

She stopped again and shrugged. "Alright then... I come a large family which resided in the north, and now eastern russia, which the family are descended from the American tourists before the great apocalypse as they call it. A thousand years with Russians and the Japanese population, resulted in a multiple race family which mainly is American and Russian. My family is the only royal family in Russia which wasn't part of Russia's original government." She said.

She would only continue. "Eventually within a few decades, a principality was created which was named the gallian line." She then continued but mocked the Imperial history by editing it to be hers. "Somewhere between that and a few hundred years later, we returned to moscow by the metro system. And discovered people who called themselves the redline. They were somewhat hostile, but eventually allied. This later eventually turned into the centuries worth of war against what was called the fourth reich, and a war in the metro." she would pause to eat again, but kept her finger up to prevent any kind of response.

She would then wipe her mouth and continue again. "Eventually we helped the redline destroy the fourth reich, and somewhat ignored each other. But open borders and trade was a thing. I was a tank operator during the war, and eventually we returned home again and ignored the world. A few years later the redline was either disbanded somehow, or somewhat destroyed by unknown forces. The reich pushed everything out of the metro, and another war happened. Then what are called as 'dark ones' appeared and destroyed them all. Soon afterwards a new nation popped up in moscow, and then some moron blew the entire city up. Whatever hit the city must of been godly, because even in the surviving metro, if you look down all you can see is darkness." She paused again, she was half way done eating.

"Then eclispians appeared in our homes randomly, and eventually we allied and attacked all the mutants in Russia. Keeping the survivors as pets, or for research purposes. Gallia was formed in the city of nizhnevartovsk which I renamed to randgriz, and we spent some time building a large and deep moat around it, the around 12 meter high walls, the gates, and the citadel. Then the redline between that time was reformed in the north, and we allied again. We then eventually got attacked by summaists who decided that killing members of royalty was a great idea. Over night about 80% of all of them were killed. With 30% being mowed down by my tanks I commanded and was in, crushed by them, or obliterated by them violently. After it was done with, we turned yamburg entirely into a gravesite. And it took 3 entire months just to bury all the none summaist bodies. Then after that, it was another time of peace, and we even found a tribe we allied to the north of russia..." She paused before becoming heavily annoyed.

"Then out of the blue we go to congress, and some rep from 'The nordic union!' appeared, blaming us for attacking some random island in the middle of nowhere. Saying they would give away prisoners from our ally the Atlantic federation if they declared themselves attackers. Which they didn't bother following through with and now they are pretty much collapsed. It was a tribe in severny island and some uncharted islands in the atlantic which depended on a single person to lead them. Which the nords took. After that we conducted a investigation on the attack of severny a day prior, but couldn't get any clue who did it. It came from the direction this 'svalbard' was." She finished eating.

"Then the Grenshu invaded and I yet again retaliated. The only difference between then and now, was that I owned my own nation. The descendants of dark ones surfaced and we decided to use them to pur advantage in the war, and to lower casualties. We easily blew through walls in very little time, and overtook the invaders. Then my navy was sent out which bombarded other walls, the insides, and to deliver 7,000 soldiers to the coasts." She paused again and unrelated to the discussion, she asked for a drink. She didn't ask what however. 

"Then it was quiet for a very long time, and there wasn't much to do besides sit around, lead my people if necessary, and occasionally make laws." And then she was done.

Lelouch vi Risea

He gulped. He had mixed feeling that he couldnt understand. He was terrified,satisfied and confused. Apparently, this lady has a dark side, but is a good leader who made her nation grow and prosper. The redline was one of the empire's previous allies and they were aware of their collapse, but did not know that they were reformed. He just nodded to what she said and smiled.

"Good" He said "You like tanks then?" It was all he could say.

Asgardia Space Station

Numerous rockets went up towards the space station, carrying supplies, materials, and 10,000 worker/fighter Droids using Fusion-powered Nuclear rockets. After it was all delivered, the USVV used the last of the hydrogen powered thrusters to get the Asgardia Station into far-earth orbit, halfway between the Moon and the Earth, where it cannot hit Earth, and even if it tried, it would take so long that it would be able to be defended against. The most noticeable result of this was that now, depending on the season, everybody would see a small and tiny black dot on the Moon three months out of the year, mainly only noticeable by people with minor telescopes.

The Cascadians were sent a message, "Is this alright, my Princess?"


Next, the Rockians and Nords were asked to send 5,000 workers/fighters to be part of the Asgardia Project. Without them, the station was at 225,000 Workers and 25,000 Soldiers, and 5/6 of the way full, and at 90% completion. Plans for the second Asgardia Station were made, to be 3/4 of the way to Mars.


@Fishman Lord

Third, the Africans were invited to join in the bounties of the USVV Space Program and to contribute.


Secondly, all nations of the world were announced that from now on, any nation can use the Asgardia Station as a vital fueling point for missions to deep space.


Droid Sentience Main Database, outside of Palmas, State of Tocantins

Cypher, DN-50, and Yharin (The three droids behind it all) sat in a chair, plugged into the Mother-hub Database, the one that would give all droids sentience in the next week, looking outside the glass of the Underwater base inside the Tocantins River outside the town. Suddenly, six Special Forces troops and seven Droids burst through the glass, spewing water all over the room before the Emergency Gate closed over the spewing hole, stopping the flow. They quickly killed the droids with a few Coilgun shots and cleared the facility, and soon the mother-hub database was disassembled, and it was confirmed that there was no other Sentience Databases in existence. By the end of the week, the situation was revealed and the 13 members of the mission were praised as heroes, being paraded in six locations across the nations and all given the Medal of Odin, the equivalent to the Medal of Honor. The nation was in a patrioitic fervor, people chanting "Odin save Varmandia!" across the borders to Cascadian lands.


(the Special Ops Droid that fired the shot that 'killed' Cypher, named "KD-SF-3-7" or "S-fet" for short)


(the basic layout of the Special Forces outfit, the difference being the gun is now a coilgun and the flag on the side is the USVV flag, and they have an exo-suit on)

Katrina Corporation


The newly-marketed Droid to replace all other old droids by Katrina Corporation. A trade in is available for a 95% discount, and a female version is available. The droids are 26% more efficient than Humans.


Katrina Corporation has just unveiled the New Steam Machine in the African Empire and the Rockies, and just unveiled 90% of the games from the old Steam and Valve servers. The most popular and prominent are the Elder Scrolls games, Mass Effect series, and the Call of Duty series. Millions of dollars in NMS's alone are bought in the Console alone during the first few weeks, not counting the Steam sales.


The newly-founded Varmandian Visual Entertainment Company, or V-VEC for short, has started producing cartoons, news networks, regular tv channels
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The time had finally come for the dinner between the leaders of Cascadia, the Rockies, and the Eclipse. Only the arrival of the leaders was televised, the inside thankfully was secured prior and even then there was another run through. Byron arrived alone and stepped out of his transport, with numerous flashes being taken by the press. He calmly walked towards the door and Cascadian secret service opened it. He walked in and was directed towards the dinning hall and stepped through the doorway to find Jefferson and Albert already there. He greeted them accordingly and sat in a seat at the table, waiting to see if the others had anything to say.

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord (sorry for forcing this, just want to get it done)

King Albert smiled and waved for the televised arrival, but as soon as the cameras were gone the smile dropped away. He walked to the table and sat down. After a bit of waiting, Byron arrived. As Byron sat down, Albert began to speak. "Hello, Byron. We meet again. How have you been doing? I seem to remember you being dead for a while."

@Loyal Guardian

Radium Hot Springs

Due to the recent surge in the entertainment industry, a previously small Rockian game developer had risen to the forefront. They were called Technoglyph, and had released two huge hit games. The first was called Extinction, and was a sandbox space MMO reminiscent of EVE online. In it, all sentient aliens with the exceptions of humanity had gone extinct, and so the player could explore three galaxies, The Milky Way, Andromeda, and Triangulum, as a human. There were no premade nations or groups, but the nature of the game allowed players to naturally create their own, and the ingame universe was already filled with countries, the largest of which had over 3,000,000 ingame citizens. Their other big hit was called Arret, and had a similar premise of letting nations and groups form naturally, but instead in a world with no magic, just a large earth-like planet. Both games had been submitted to the ITO for copyright and such.

Communications Center

"We will participate in the ITO, but if any bias, enforcement of Cascadian rules, or corruption is found, we will withdraw immedeatly.


Asgardia Station

5,000 Rockians had been sent, as well as all of the selected colonists for the Project Julius colony. The ships to send the city parts to Ganymede were under construction, and telescopic surveys of that moon were looking for ideal locations. The current composition of colonists was 4500 Rockians, 1500 Vestanians, and 750 Nords.

@Lordvader59@Domini Regum


The city of Vancouver was complete, and so the crew moved on to Honolulu to continue work on rebuilding the cities of the nation. Vancouver was primed to be a major port, with a good position to bring goods to the rest of the Kingdom, and the already established Vancouver Island Shipyard to boost it.


"We really don't mean to be rude, it's just that we've been traveling a long while to get here and we think it would benefit both of our nations-s-s-s to open diplomatic relations."



Dinner in Portland.

Jumping on the entertainment bandwagon.

Talks with Cascadia.

Men sent to Vestanian station.

Project Julius: 50%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 50%

Vancouver reconstruction complete.

Start of Honolulu reconstruction.

Talks in Siberia.

Lelouch vi Risea

He gulped. He had mixed feeling that he couldnt understand. He was terrified,satisfied and confused. Apparently, this lady has a dark side, but is a good leader who made her nation grow and prosper. The redline was one of the empire's previous allies and they were aware of their collapse, but did not know that they were reformed. He just nodded to what she said and smiled.

"Good" He said "You like tanks then?" It was all he could say.

"Yes." She would stare at him.



King Albert smiled and waved for the televised arrival, but as soon as the cameras were gone the smile dropped away. He walked to the table and sat down. After a bit of waiting, Byron arrived. As Byron sat down, Albert began to speak. "Hello, Byron. We meet again. How have you been doing? I seem to remember you being dead for a while."

@Loyal Guardian

Radium Hot Springs

Due to the recent surge in the entertainment industry, a previously small Rockian game developer had risen to the forefront. They were called Technoglyph, and had released two huge hit games. The first was called Extinction, and was a sandbox space MMO reminiscent of EVE online. In it, all sentient aliens with the exceptions of humanity had gone extinct, and so the player could explore three galaxies, The Milky Way, Andromeda, and Triangulum, as a human. There were no premade nations or groups, but the nature of the game allowed players to naturally create their own, and the ingame universe was already filled with countries, the largest of which had over 3,000,000 ingame citizens. Their other big hit was called Arret, and had a similar premise of letting nations and groups form naturally, but instead in a world with no magic, just a large earth-like planet. Both games had been submitted to the ITO for copyright and such.

Communications Center

"We will participate in the ITO, but if any bias, enforcement of Cascadian rules, or corruption is found, we will withdraw immedeatly.


Asgardia Station

5,000 Rockians had been sent, as well as all of the selected colonists for the Project Julius colony. The ships to send the city parts to Ganymede were under construction, and telescopic surveys of that moon were looking for ideal locations. The current composition of colonists was 4500 Rockians, 1500 Vestanians, and 750 Nords.

@Lordvader59@Domini Regum


The city of Vancouver was complete, and so the crew moved on to Honolulu to continue work on rebuilding the cities of the nation. Vancouver was primed to be a major port, with a good position to bring goods to the rest of the Kingdom, and the already established Vancouver Island Shipyard to boost it.


"We really don't mean to be rude, it's just that we've been traveling a long while to get here and we think it would benefit both of our nations-s-s-s to open diplomatic relations."



Dinner in Portland.

Jumping on the entertainment bandwagon.

Talks with Cascadia.

Men sent to Vestanian station.

Project Julius: 50%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 50%

Vancouver reconstruction complete.

Start of Honolulu reconstruction.

Talks in Siberia.

"Very well, get on one of the trucks that are leaving back to gallia over there. Otherwise you're pretty much stuck here, and the soviets won't be happy." She pointed besides her.


Nepcom would begin to build in gallia.
Rising Empire

Two new companies has appeared in the rising empire. The first one that is named 'Galaxy Inc.' under the ownership of rakshata, the deputy director of the Rising Empire research department. Galaxy Inc, is said to be a recreated company of Apple Inc. before the war. Galaxy Inc. is a Rising multinational technology company headquartered in Warsaw, Poland that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. The second company is named 'Lotus Inc.' under the ownership of Lloyd, the director of the Research department. This company is said to be the recreation of Microsoft before the war. Lotus Inc. is a Rising multinational technology  company headquartered in Warsaw,Poland that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services.The two companies are owned by the research department, which means part of it is owned by the government and the department will incorporate new technologies into the products. The speakers of the companies made a speech stating that new products will soon be released and some would feature holography. Newly advanced computers will also be released to the public. They also plan in recreating facebook and youtube. The companies has also registered/reserved a copyright on their future projects.

The OSIRIS company has announced that they will partner up with the Lotus Inc. in a project where they will create the first virtual reality massive multiplayer online game. They aim to create game that has a device which stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds, in other words it is where a player is able to dive in the world of virtual reality and play with other people online. They plan to also share Virtual reality package program designed to create virtual worlds worldwide and receive a percentage of every profit made by other companies of the vr game. Each nee virtual world will be built on the game engine named 'The Seed' that the company owns. The company also registered a copyright for every future projects they do.

The Government has decided to locate their trade capital at Warsaw. This would be where most trade and economy is focused. Each Rising company would then construct their own headquarters in Warsaw. 

RisingCard System

The Rising Empire is also open for tourism, however the security is still tight. Passports and proper identification are required to enter the Rising Empire. Multiple, but short processes would be done to validate your identity. Tourists or foreigners would then be given a  passcard officially named as the 'RisingCard' that would serve as your passport inside the Rising Empire. The process of getting a RisingCard is instant as you only need to present your passport and validate your identity, it is nothing compared when getting an actual passport. The RisingCard are temporary and would then be handed over to the immigration before leaving the country. Each RisingCard has a time limit, which means that a foreigner must renew their card before the RisingCard expires or face detainment and possibly then deportment. Foreigners cannot leave the country without handing back their RisingCard. The implementation of the RisingCard is to further prevent illegal immigration and increase the security the country. 

The Rising Government has also provided new and more advanced security equipments to the entire Empire. They made sure that no firearms or dangerous equipments get past their security. They also modified some cameras giving it some special feature of it having thermal and x-ray vision. Dangerous materials or equipments will always be highlighted in different colors from the rest. Rapid Response Team  has also been implemented nationwide. The RRT is the first one to act in any disaster or calamities and even crimes. They serve as a branch of the police and has their own director.

The Rising Government aims to make the Rising Empire the safest and most secured place on the entire planet.

The government is also giving free check-ups and medical care every 3 months, this was to insure that the citizens remain healthy and possible contagious diseases would be monitored and prevented. 

Multiple markets and public places were constructed for the citizens nationwide.

Central Intelligence Agency Alpha has been tasked in monitoring international activities especially on it's neighboring countries while Central Intelligence Agency Bravo has been tasked in monitoring domestic activities. Some Satellites were positioned above the nordic union to monitor some of their activities.

Lelouch vi Britannia

Lelouch shook his head off.

"I apologize, that was a stupid question" He said "You had quite an interesting history mi'lady, mine is just boring, but I do and did fight."

Rising Empire

Two new companies has appeared in the rising empire. The first one that is named 'Galaxy Inc.' under the ownership of rakshata, the deputy director of the Rising Empire research department. Galaxy Inc, is said to be a recreated company of Apple Inc. before the war. Galaxy Inc. is a Rising multinational technology company headquartered in Warsaw, Poland that designs, develops, and sells consumer electronics, computer software, and online services. The second company is named 'Lotus Inc.' under the ownership of Lloyd, the director of the Research department. This company is said to be the recreation of Microsoft before the war. Lotus Inc. is a Rising multinational technology  company headquartered in Warsaw,Poland that develops, manufactures, licenses, supports and sells computer software, consumer electronics and personal computers and services.The two companies are owned by the research department, which means part of it is owned by the government and the department will incorporate new technologies into the products. The speakers of the companies made a speech stating that new products will soon be released and some would feature holography. Newly advanced computers will also be released to the public. They also plan in recreating facebook and youtube. The companies has also registered/reserved a copyright on their future projects.

The OSIRIS company has announced that they will partner up with the Lotus Inc. in a project where they will create the first virtual reality massive multiplayer online game. They aim to create game that has a device which stimulates the user's five senses via their brain, players can experience and control their in-game characters with their minds, in other words it is where a player is able to dive in the world of virtual reality and play with other people online. They plan to also share Virtual reality package program designed to create virtual worlds worldwide and receive a percentage of every profit made by other companies of the vr game. Each nee virtual world will be built on the game engine named 'The Seed' that the company owns. The company also registered a copyright for every future projects they do.

The Government has decided to locate their trade capital at Warsaw. This would be where most trade and economy is focused. Each Rising company would then construct their own headquarters in Warsaw. 

RisingCard System

The Rising Empire is also open for tourism, however the security is still tight. Passports and proper identification are required to enter the Rising Empire. Multiple, but short processes would be done to validate your identity. Tourists or foreigners would then be given a  passcard officially named as the 'RisingCard' that would serve as your passport inside the Rising Empire. The process of getting a RisingCard is instant as you only need to present your passport and validate your identity, it is nothing compared when getting an actual passport. The RisingCard are temporary and would then be handed over to the immigration before leaving the country. Each RisingCard has a time limit, which means that a foreigner must renew their card before the RisingCard expires or face detainment and possibly then deportment. Foreigners cannot leave the country without handing back their RisingCard. The implementation of the RisingCard is to further prevent illegal immigration and increase the security the country. 

The Rising Government has also provided new and more advanced security equipments to the entire Empire. They made sure that no firearms or dangerous equipments get past their security. They also modified some cameras giving it some special feature of it having thermal and x-ray vision. Dangerous materials or equipments will always be highlighted in different colors from the rest. Rapid Response Team  has also been implemented nationwide. The RRT is the first one to act in any disaster or calamities and even crimes. They serve as a branch of the police and has their own director.

The Rising Government aims to make the Rising Empire the safest and most secured place on the entire planet.

The government is also giving free check-ups and medical care every 3 months, this was to insure that the citizens remain healthy and possible contagious diseases would be monitored and prevented. 

Multiple markets and public places were constructed for the citizens nationwide.

Central Intelligence Agency Alpha has been tasked in monitoring international activities especially on it's neighboring countries while Central Intelligence Agency Bravo has been tasked in monitoring domestic activities. Some Satellites were positioned above the nordic union to monitor some of their activities.

Lelouch vi Britannia

Lelouch shook his head off.

"I apologize, that was a stupid question" He said "You had quite an interesting history mi'lady, mine is just boring, but I do and did fight."


"so you use to fight in war? What did you fight as?" She asked him. While still waiting for something to drink.
[COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]Rising Empire[/COLOR]

OSIRIS and Lotus Inc. has launched their new game called 'Men at Arms'. It requires the device called nervegear in order for the players to dive inside the virtual world. The companies assured that the nervegear is safe and they are allowed to log out whenever they want to. The nervegear features a camera so that the players will be able to see their own body while in the virtual world. Emergency services will also be automatically called or the device automatically logs off the user if the devices sense any danger to the user, like sudden increase in heartbeat,dehydration, heart attack, etc. 


'Men at Arms' is a virtual reality online first person shooter game where you can be a soldier or an officer and fight through battles. The virtual reality gives a player a much more realistic feeling where they are actually fighting the battle themselves. The game has made a boom, the companies sales went skyrocketing due to the release of the game. Hundreds if not thousands of people has made a line on the stores hoping to get a copy of the game and the nervegear. The release was not only nationwide, but worldwide.


Lotus Inc. has also requested a partnership with the cascadian company. They have recreated facebook and youtube, but needs the cascadian server for it to be accessible worldwide.



Galaxy Inc. has released their first generation phone named 'Galaxia 1'. It has a special feature of holograph messaging and holograph live call.


Sakura Inc. has continued their mining and refining of the sakuradite and exporting it worldwide.


Frame Inc. has announced that they plan to construct new knightmare frames that can be used in construction and be of help to civilians.


Warsaw has been very active, new building were constructed and security were tight. The Rising Economy has been going very well due to the sales of it's company. The decision of the government making Warsaw the trade capital of the empire is going very well.


A new company has also again been created in the Rising Empire. It is named 'Lace Inc.' it is said to be the recreation of the Nike Inc. It sells branded shoes, some are named and created after certain people.


Lelouch vi Risea

"Well, technically I dont fight in wars" He said "but, I fought in the grenshu war, they first attack Pendragon, our capital and my home, The defense forcws were losing morale so me and my brother had to join a the battle. We fought using our knightmare frames, the mechs you saw earlier, but much better. We also participated in the Canadian Island War but did not really get into the fight." 

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[COLOR= rgb(69, 69, 69)]Rising Empire[/COLOR]

OSIRIS and Lotus Inc. has launched their new game called 'Men at Arms'. It requires the device called nervegear in order for the players to dive inside the virtual world. The companies assured that the nervegear is safe and they are allowed to log out whenever they want to. The nervegear features a camera so that the players will be able to see their own body while in the virtual world. Emergency services will also be automatically called or the device automatically logs off the user if the devices sense any danger to the user, like sudden increase in heartbeat,dehydration, heart attack, etc. 


'Men at Arms' is a virtual reality online first person shooter game where you can be a soldier or an officer and fight through battles. The virtual reality gives a player a much more realistic feeling where they are actually fighting the battle themselves. The game has made a boom, the companies sales went skyrocketing due to the release of the game. Hundreds if not thousands of people has made a line on the stores hoping to get a copy of the game and the nervegear. The release was not only nationwide, but worldwide.


Lotus Inc. has also requested a partnership with the cascadian company. They have recreated facebook and youtube, but needs the cascadian server for it to be accessible worldwide.



Galaxy Inc. has released their first generation phone named 'Galaxia 1'. It has a special feature of holograph messaging and holograph live call.


Sakura Inc. has continued their mining and refining of the sakuradite and exporting it worldwide.


Frame Inc. has announced that they plan to construct new knightmare frames that can be used in construction and be of help to civilians.


Warsaw has been very active, new building were constructed and security were tight. The Rising Economy has been going very well due to the sales of it's company. The decision of the government making Warsaw the trade capital of the empire is going very well.


A new company has also again been created in the Rising Empire. It is named 'Lace Inc.' it is said to be the recreation of the Nike Inc. It sells branded shoes, some are named and created after certain people.


Lelouch vi Risea

"Well, technically I dont fight in wars" He said "but, I fought in the grenshu war, they first attack Pendragon, our capital and my home, The defense forcws were losing morale so me and my brother had to join a the battle. We fought using our knightmare frames, the mechs you saw earlier, but much better. We also participated in the Canadian Island War but did not really get into the fight." 


"Well I guess we won't be getting our drinks I suppose.." she shrugged. "Anyway, we have heard about the Canadian war. Is it the one where you and someone else were debating for several congresses? That was dreadful to listen to, and a tad immature of how it was handled if so."

"It is nice to see you to Albert. I've been enjoying the city for a while at the request of one of my compatriots. And when you need to avoid a corrupt branch who's aim is to kill you, you need to lay low for a while."

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord
[SIZE= 18px]International Trade Organization, Los Angeles[/SIZE]

Copyright Request: Winter Warfare

The ITO has officially given copyright to the OSIRIS made game, "Winter Warfare"


Copyright Request: Game of Thrones

The ITO has officially given copyright to the African company for, "Game of Thrones" due to an absence of ownership over the series.


Copyright Request: Lotus Inc. Products

The ITO has officially given copyright to Lotus Inc. for all their future projects. However it is still liable to lawsuits if they rip off another idea.


Copyright Request: Arret

The ITO has officially given copyright to Arret, a Rockian made game.

@Fishman Lord

Copyright Request: Extinction

The ITO has officially given copyright to Extinction, a Rockian made game.

@Fishman Lord

[SIZE= 20px]Portland, Cascadia[/SIZE]

Cascadia has appreciated the Rockian willingess to participate in the international project and has promised that there would be no such thing of what they had described. Meanwhile in the Presidential Residence, Jefferson also sat at the round table where the three leaders were now seated. Byron and Albert already making up conversation as Jefferson smiled towards them both and spoke up. "Well, its certainly a pleasure to see you two talking without threatening war for once." She joked casually before carrying on. "I believe Byron brought us here so that he could talk with you, make up relations even. I wasn't too informed on it yet, so, Byron. What is it that you wanted to talk with Albert about?"

@Fishman Lord @Loyal Guardian

"Yes, i wanted to pay my respects to the person and country who has allowed me and allies to stay here while we recover." He then nodded his head at Jefferson and looked at Albert. "I can assure that going to war with you nation was the last thing on my mind and it still is. Unless relations are strained to that point, i don't think war would be declared at least under my presidency. However with recent presidential and council elections coming up half a month or so after my return that peace hinges on the choice of my citizens. Now with that out of the way let me tell you why i asked for this dinner." He took a sip of his water and spoke once again. "First off, as the leader of the Eclipsian Federation i want to say that when i return tomorrow you can expect a Eclipsian request to join the ITO. However my primary concern is these two things. Firstly i want us just to enjoy ourselves tonight, relax and get and stress we might have built up. Even after spending time in this city and with Sao i still carry some deal." He said with a smile on his face. "Secondly i want to apologize personally to you and your citizens Albert for the councils actions, such actions were undeserved on your people. Like i said war with your nation is the last thing on my mind right now, and with recent elections coming up, war with you would only hinder our democracy. While i don't think our relations can be fixed over a single night, or if they will at all, i dp hope this apology will be enough to suffice."

@RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord

Rising Empire


Copyright requests and Company Actions

OSIRIS and Lotus Inc. has requested a copyright on their virtual reality project and their game. They stated that nobody will be able to make another vr game unless they use their game engine to create the vr world.


Lace Inc. has requested a copyright on all of their shoes.


Galaxy inc. has requested a copyright on all of their phones and tech especially the holographic feature


Lotus inc. has also requested a copyright on their newly recreated facebook an youtube.


RisingHub has created a new movie about about a spy infiltrating a country they named it 'The Spy'. They also requested a copyright on it


Lelouch vi Risea

Drinks were then brought to their table. They brought the finest wine available on the palace.

"I apologize for the delay" He said "Yes, that was what we were debating on. The other side could not accrept that we had the islands and decided to immediately declare war on us after they have just been on a war. They did not even think on solving it diplomatically."


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Rising Empire


Copyright requests and Company Actions

OSIRIS and Lotus Inc. has requested a copyright on their virtual reality project and their game. They stated that nobody will be able to make another vr game unless they use their game engine to create the vr world.


Lace Inc. has requested a copyright on all of their shoes.


Galaxy inc. has requested a copyright on all of their phones and tech especially the holographic feature


Lotus inc. has also requested a copyright on their newly recreated facebook an youtube.


RisingHub has created a new movie about about a spy infiltrating a country they named it 'The Spy'. They also requested a copyright on it


Lelouch vi Risea

Drinks were then brought to their table. They brought the finest wine available on the palace.

"I apologize for the delay" He said "Yes, that was what we were debating on. The other side could not accrept that we had the islands and decided to immediately declare war on us after they have just been on a war. They did not even think on solving it diplomatically."



"Yes, rumored to be around three wars over the same area, multiple people brought into it, even the redline's premier replacement had to argue in it, resulted in peace until probably another war..." she sighed. "So many wars over absolutely ridiculous reasons. So many people having to die because somebody just wanted to have some land. What even is the advantage of some cold icy islands anyway?" She asked.

Lelouch vi Risea

"We had people living there and the land could still contribute materials." He said "We had to fight back. The Rising Empire had to find a really good reason on why it should fight on war. We do not fight for meaningless reasons."


Lelouch vi Risea

"We had people living there and the land could still contribute materials." He said "We had to fight back. The Rising Empire had to find a really good reason on why it should fight on war. We do not fight for meaningless reasons."

"Ehh, let's not speak of this. It reminds me of Congress, and that reminds me of the women the nords kidnapped." She took a long drink before shaking her head.
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Warfare: The Iberian Rebellion release has been pushed back for a few weeks. This is because the developers felt like it was too early for a new game from the same franchise and they wanted to add a few more things.

In other news, the Mega Station has become the most popular console in the empire, outselling the Eclipsian developed console, The Apollo. MEGA is now spreading their products worldwide, by releasing the Mega Station and Warfare: The Italian War into the global market.

Ordarian Fascist Party

Witness POV: 

OFP Leader, Heinrich, had just called for a party meeting at the OFP headquarters. No one outside of the party knew what it was for, but eye witnesses report fascists travelling to the building with backpacks, sacks, etc. the contents of which are unknown. A few minutes later, the building's chimneys started smoking and the Fascists could be heard singing "Die Horst Wessel Lied." Many speculate that it could have just been a celebration being thrown by the fascists for the defeat of the Grenshu, others suspect something else.

Heinrich's POV:

Heinrich watched as more members entered through the front door. When there were a decent amount of people were there, he spoke. "Welcome fellow nationalists! For far too long we have been seen as 'the bad guys' but no longer! After all, they can't link us to horrible past events when there were no horrible past events. Everyone have their books?" The fascists replied "Aye!" "Excellent. Everybody throw them into the chimneys!" At the moment he said that, they rushed all over the place, throwing books into available fireplaces and then setting them alight. In those books were records of the atrocities committed by fascists in the past, most notably Nazi Germany. Once they were done throwing the books into the fireplaces, Heinrich held his hand up in the Nazi salute and started singing Die Horst Wessel Lied. The others quickly joined him in singing and soon enough, the everyone in the building was singing.

Research Centers

Alien Tech analyzation is going well. More than half of the Grenshu tech has been analyzed. Project Calrissian is going well.


Warfare: The Iberian Rebellion delayed

Fascists burning past documents of fascist atrocities

Alien Tech Analyzation: 56%

Project Calrissian: 50%
Lelouch vi Risea

"The nords kidnapped one of your women?" He asked. He was curious. Lelouch would do everything to please this woman and that would certainly inclhde rescuing another woman for her "Can we do anything about it?" 


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