The World of Tomorrow


"Like i said Albert my hands are tied right now. I truly don't want this, because if i were in charge right now none of what is happening would be happening. If i wanted war i would be up front with you, however personally war is something i don't want. Also i should correct you quickly. I am head of state but as of now i am currently not in charge of the country until i return. Now i can send a message to a head councilman who is on my side and have them put to a vote whether or not the Council will officially go to war, as the military branches seem to be doing there own thing right now." He opened his wrist device and sent the quick message until looking back up and speaking. "So right now i think it would be best if i head back to my nation and try to solve this. I further apologize for this, and thank you for the meal Catherine."

With that Byron and everyone else went to the airport as quickly as they could and got on their flight. They soon then lifted off and headed towards the Eclipsian Federation, with Byron hoping he can solve all of this peacefully.

@Fishman Lord @RIPSaidCone


[SIZE= 16px]At first the navy was a bit cautious. After analyzing the situation, the fleet knew they had better armament and had superior technology compared to the defenders. However there were more Defenders than anticipated, even so the head of the fleet gave the most risky and dangerous order: Open Fire. Following that a rain of hell began bombarding and focusing fire on all major defense locations like supply areas and large amounts of guns. The marines didn't go out yet and were instead aiding in the targeting of the targets.
@Fishman Lord[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Sinai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The commander of the home defense sighed and looked at the nearest officer and nodded. He then looked forward and sent a message. "If you had politely declined our request then i would have no problem at all. We would have dispersed and left without question. But now you have brought this upon your selves, prepare for action." After that massive artillery provided by the main army fired across the Sinai and Red Sea, with Titans and A.S-A.A.U being deployed. Supply centers, bases, and other important targets were attacked within the range of the artillery.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]
The Commanders have begun returning fire and the railgun anti air guns have begun shooting down any enemies that fly over. @Loyal Guardian

Africa has requested the combination of the rockian and African fleets. @Fishman Lord
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Eclipsian Elections

The Ordarian people are split on which party to vote on. It wasn't a surprise, however, when Communist leader Jonathan endorsed the People's Eclipse Party and communist party members started voting for them. Same story with the Fascists and Democrats, the Fascists endorse the Eclipsian Nationalist Party and the Democrats endorse the Liberal-Democrat Party. The Social Democrats are a bit more torn on this. Party leader Kord has not endorsed or denounced any of the parties. Half of the Social Democrats vote for Liberal-Democrat Party the other half for the People's Eclipse Party.

(Ordarian Parliament diagram for reference):

Ordarian Election Diagram.jpg

Blue: Ordarian Social Democrat Party

Red: Ordarian Communist Party

Black: Ordarian Fascist Party

Yellow: Ordarian Democrat Party

@Loyal Guardian
(quick post)


The soldiers fired back with all they had. They had been on the island for a while and so had many fortifications set up, and the men knew the terrain like the backs of their hands. The Eclipsians made no headway into the island, but weren't forced totally retreat yet.

@Loyal Guardian

Seas off of Africa

The Rockian Royal Navy and the African Navy have merged, and are now on the hunt for the Eclipsian navy. They are ready for battle and with combined intelligence will be able to find the Eclipsian navy soon. A call to Varmandr Vestan, asking them to join, has been sent.

@Albion@Domini Regum

Sinai Desert, Foxhole B72

            Cpt Abaeze grunted, sitting in his foxhole, covered in dirt. His graphene armor had helped against the damned Eclipsians, but he was growing weary. Abayomi popped another ration and dug in, sitting back. A sudden halt in the artillery made them look at each-other in surprise. Abaeze deployed the railgun in case any Eclipsians were coming, but it appeared they were just reloading. He heard artillery begin again and counted back mentally. Then he saw the explosions were rocking Eclipsian positions and sighed in relief. He heard a whirring and lifted the camo to look up. He saw a small patrol team of Watersnakes - which were being pounded by the Eclipsian anti aircraft. Three went down a mile out between the two armies positions, but the final two made it and began dropping massive amounts of thermobaric bombs. The craft got hit pretty hard - the deflectors were the savior there - but he saw then that a great explosion rocked a few encampments before sucking inwards, sending enemies flying or ripping their lungs from their heads. "Christ, that's brutal shit." He turned to Abayomi, who was watching with concern. "Looks like we cleared a few of those encampments. That's a couple less artillery positions we have to worry about, at least." Then he quieted down when he saw the Eclipsian artillery begin to line up their guns and fire. "Goddamnit, I'm going to get tinnitus from this shit, even with my earplugs." Abayomi nodded his head. Then he called out the position of some moron who thought he was a hero, charging towards their ranks. Abaeze opened fire and with a single slug cause the man to explode like a watermelon when it's hit with a bat. "Brutal shit man, but those fuckin' Eclipsians deserve it. This is our land." Abayomi muttered in agreement and grabbed the zoom-finder peering down range. "Fuck, another artillery salvo en-route." Abaeze grunted at that, and cursed when one of the strikes hit nearby. "Fuckin' Eclipsians, if they weren't so inaccurate they might just hit us." Abayomi nodded, and they returned to watching. 

@Loyal Guardian
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With the Eclipsians on their way, the island was heavily fortified and prepared. When they arrived a message was sent. "You are trespassing on Rockian territory. Leave immediately or prepare for battle." All guns were loaded and the island was ready to fight..

@Loyal Guardian


King Albert stood up as he recieved the news. "Goddamnit, Byron, what is wrong with your country? You are trying to invade Tasmania, what the hell? If this does not stop, it's war Byron, and I don't think that even a person like you would want that."

@Loyal Guardian@RIPSaidCone


A delegation was sent to speak with the Africans about an alliance against the Eclipsians. "These hypocrites have exercised power for too long. We must stand and say that we will be bullied no longer, and strike a blow that will not soon be forgotten." Vestan and the Nords were also called to war.

@Albion@Domini Regum@Lordvader59

Eclipsian Elections

Rockian citizens were voting en masse for the Imperial Party, hoping to get monarchy restored and get another nation with similar values on the earth.

@Loyal Guardian

Research Facilities

Research continued. (everything is short, i know, just trying to get something out)


With the Rockian delegation finally in the city, they were ready to get this diplomatic meeting done with.



Project Julius: 60%

Battlesuit Upgrades:70%

(everything else is so short that there's no point in including it here.)

[Don't mind the detail, just writing it all for realism. Your main post will be the last, or last two paragraphs if you wanna skip the reading.]

They would of been met by three maids except wearing protective armor such as knee, elbow, pads, military boots, a war helmet, a black bullet proof vest, and black pants with a revolver holster on the left leg. But it was different for the each of them, one having it raised up to her thigh to get quicker, and another one didn't even have one. They were only identifiable as maids due to the cliché looking maid uniforms they were forced to still wear. Two had long rifles with bayonets attached to them, and the main one wearing a red armband had a submachinegun.

"You are a team of diplomats yes? Then come." Being all she said before continuing, the other two would wait behind them to make sure they didn't attempt to pull out a gun. Regular security measures. They would continue walking for ten minutes before getting past the gate and the main door, they would continue walking straight, in a large hallway with red carpets, some banners, flags, and portraits, then after another ten minutes would go past one set of large wooden doors, past a gift shop ran by a guy in a sweater, and through another set of large wooden doors.

The main officer would of stopped, the inside of the room being the main hall, and the biggest structure. There were large pillers on both sides holding the second floor up, 7 meters higher up than the floor, statues of the nations leaders. The room overall looked bland besides that due to everything being white, with no different colors, flags, banners, portraits or such around. There was three thrones further into the room with the center one being the biggest, where there was only a single person. She wore a dress, had white/silver hair, a big Lance in her hand, her eyes glowed red, and unlike the last visit she seemed perfectly normal. She was obviously bored, and had her right elbow on the throne with her fist against her face.

She would notice them, and the officer would reply. "They appear to be representatives, found them roaming around the wasteland." They would then leave.[SIZE= 16px]nd like the last person they met besides the maids, she spoke with a ethereal voice. "So you have come to my nation, what is it that you wish to speak then?" She could be heard better from her distance due to the echo that the large area had.[/SIZE]


Principality vehicle repair: 80%

[SIZE= 16px]101 T-34 1941 models were repaired by this time, with 80 of them sold to the redline. They would then move on to other vehicles.[/SIZE]


Ocean goddess project: 77%

The pillboxes were all finished. The insides of the ship would continue to be fleshed-out, with watertight doors added in multiple key sections, and a few for crew quarters areas. One specific room of interest aboard the ship was the primary barracks, which would hold a armory, room for military personnel and some vehicles, and a firing range in a specifically designed room deep within the ship. The bridge was 30% completed, it was dark blue and had a slight glow to it. The barracks in the center of the ship would also be a water tight room, and would be 20% completed. 


Helghast project 97%

The heavy armor would begin the final phases, which are:

Human conditions,

Weapon designations,

And minor add-ons.

[SIZE= 16px]The project team creates new weapon systems from older ones, one being a form of grenade. It was basically ragnaid except without the built in effects to allow it to be used as a medical item. Instead if equipped and turned clockwise, instead of healing, the cylinder top would open and could be used as a large flare or light. However due to it being also a weapon, turning it counter clockwise would enable the contents to not only open up, but begin spinning. During this time, if turned further counter-clockwise, it will enable it to be a large gas weapon. While turning it clockwise will simply revert it back to normal, but turning it afterwards would prove difficult. If no action is taken, it can be used like it's regular ragnaid counterpart, except the explosion would be further spread out. As once detonated, the grenade would be capable of not only fragmentation damage, but also spew out gas. The gas would instantly become ignited from the explosion, and carry the blast further. Like if a grenade were to go off underwater.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]the minor add-ons would be that the helmet has a better light and nightvision, the user can easily remove the helmet by themselves if necessary, and the suit is now capable of running instead of walking, except it isnt as fast as regular human walking due to the weight. So human users which is primarily the target users will have to deal with it. Further human conditions would be allowing them to turn the helmet with their head, and if the suit is shot at, then a small beeping sound would emit in reaction. The suit however would also need power for some of its systems, so three tubes on the lower back of the suit would be filled with ragnite. The suit would then beam it to part of the back, and the it would activate the effects by using the liquid and combination of heat. Some systems such as nightvision, jumping, and aided walking systems to allow the user a easier time to maneuver would be some of them. The suit was considered fully finished, but kept in development to modify the "backpack" of the suit. The tubes mentioned above were coated out of ragnite, and even though it was vastly easier to destroy with constant fire than ragnite, the coating would allow it to be durable. with the .42 caliber rifle round being able to destroy one of the tubes in three shots. They ran out of testing prewar ammunition, but estimated it'd take more.[/SIZE]

The project slightly slowed due to the lead scientist's absence.


Alien tech analysis:

33%. [Don't really know what else to say.]


Nepcom would begin modifying gallia's primary tower under supervision of kiyoshi. 



The Imperial expansion into the Grenshu complex would begin. Various hazmat units and construction workers would begin creating small tents for hazmat units, so the plague could be studied safely, while the rest or more lethal strains could be destroyed by fire crews. All personnel in the complex were armed with flamethrowers, and elite units such as claymores would be armed with ragnite flame throwers and ragnite gas weaponry. This would allow them to clear out specific areas of infection entirely. Gas would be deployed in more hostile areas, and then ignited with flame to eradicate hostile mutant species and infection alike. They also started removing Grenshu bodies.



Project:SCP. 20%...

Construction would begin on the facility. Nobody besides the leadership, scientists, and future personnel were notified of the facility, with only the emperor and the lead scientist knowing of its exact location. Work would first begin on the walls, towers, gate, digging through the mountain side to the other side, constructing large surface tunnels up parts of the side of the mountain, and foundations important such as generator rooms.

They would primarily focus on the digging, generator rooms, walls, and gate with the supervising being by Clem, Leila peron as lead guard, or spare claymore units. In the meantime however, all but one claymore unit would be busy. They were sent up the mountain, and another half on flatland to cut down trees. Their swords of the same name would be used to cut down multiple trees in quick succession with a single swipe, with the trees then being sent home to be reconfigured into something more helpful. The ragnite swords didn't break nor dent from it as well, which allowed them to not even bother using their power. Nonetheless some scientists aware of their condition they may still have would request being away. The scientists job at that moment was to discuss with the engineers and developers, and oversee facility construction. They would also check multiple times per day soil, weather, and other environmental stats to ensure better facility strength.

Occasionally the emperor would of visited to discuss her plans, there was rarely if any arguing ever heard from either of them, and overall was civilized discussion. They primarily discussed about nuclear armaments for facility safety should it fail to prevent a catastrophic disaster. A week later a new large room would appear in the center of the facility, which simply looked like a silo. It would be the last thing to complete, and should be ignored until then.

There were some mutant population in the area, but they would either be scared away when shot at during hunts, tamed and returned to golden heart, or killed. This would be done on a hourly basis to prevent construction from halting. The imperials would build the walls and gate, while the gallians build the generator rooms, and the watch towers/guard towers/towers. The others including a very small team of the lead scientist's own creation would focus on digging.

[SIZE= 16px]The fleet was pounding the island hard, with so much force and taking so little losses that eventually the defenders would fall. However naval command has received satellite imagery of a Rockian and African combined fleet inbound. As such the fleet commander made the tough decision to retreat his fleet and meet with the rest of the navy at the staging area. Before they left they fired one last heavy bombardment that devastated portions of the Rockies defensive measures, but didn't totally destroy them. An hour after the fleet when to go meet with the other navy, with some being detached for a new temporary assignment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Sinai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]With increasing African incursions the Home Defense increased it's defensive measures to make sure they would not enter the encampments anymore. As an added measure army officers were deployed on the line to further secure security. While the incursions didn't stop over night, the number dwindled down slowly and it soon become practically zero as all African attempts to cross the line was met with gunfire and death on their men. The only time a African incursion has actually gone through was halted by army officers who killed them all, thanks to the Ganymede suits being as they are. Soon a small Eclipsian fleet arrived at the Red Sea and began doing it's own bombardment on African positions, which helped decrease the bombardment period from the Africans and also split the African targeting between multiple positions. The challenge to hit the fleet was that the ships were almost constantly moving and were hitting the African positions hard. Eventually the Home Defense gathered a sizable chunk of forces and suddenly pushed across the Sinai, clearing every foxhole they found and killing everything African troops as they pass them, taking some losses of course. Within the first few days much of the Sinai was already theirs and with the aid of artillery and naval bombardment nearly all attempts by the Africans to reinforce was halted. Eclipsian artillery pushed further up and soon the Home Defense Force secured the Sinai, halting just beyond Suez Canal. After multiple African attempts to break the line failed, the commander of the army sent a message to his African counterparts.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]"I say once again that could have been avoided with a simple polite no, but you wanted this. Our only goal was to take the Sinai and Suez Canal, and we have now obtained that goal. I now ask you and your forces to stop your advancement, and of course mine will do the exact same. Now i won't promise sunshine and rainbows between our countries after this, but i do want to say that Sinai was our only goal and beyond that we could care less. So i ask both of our forces to stand down and halt our fighting. I understand that this is somewhat hypocritical, but this is a chance for us to end this engagement."[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]


  • Naval engagement ends at Tasmania
  • Sinai and Suez is captured, with a Eclipsian call to end the conflict

    Eclipsians lost 550,000 men in the push while taking 1,000,000 injuries

[*]Horizon reaches 62% completion
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"The fuck is that?" A random gallian asked. This was followed with hunter raising binoculars, zooming into the maximum setting, and viewing droids. He lowered them after spotting one. "A guy in a robotic suit? Nonetheless, the whistle must be blown and the bells rang if needed. Keep your eyes on them as much as the snipers, and keep your whistle closer. They won't be able to shoot you since you are in cover." After that he kept his MP-4 in hand, But otherwise continued regular island expansion. 

Franz Josef Land

The Radioman got done, and gave the Droids their orders.

"No response... We can't take chances, so get ready for war."

The droids drawn there weapons, searching for heat signatures and moving closer.... A few minutes later, a few tanks and 5 APV's moved in to help as they moved in closer, machine purpously making whirring noises to try and intimidate the enemy, as a few corvettes and 2 submarines were patrolling nearby....

Asgardia Station

The 300,000 people on the station, recently painted with the name "Asgardia" on the side, were in a mass celebration, at the 100% completion of the first Asgardia Station, and the first resources started arriving for the Second Asgardia Station, set 3/4 of the way between the Moon and Mars, and a transmission was sent to the Martians to announce that they would soon have a neighbor as the first Scout Ships arrive at the proposed station site @namama. Also, a plan for a more efficient Space-faring vehicle was underway. Three basic plans were set up, and planned to be assembled at Asgardia, a fighter, a resource transport, and a troop/fighter transport.

(Hauler, followed by smaller Hauler Ships)




(Ship/troop transport)

All them would be finished and assembled by (Page 89), on the first Asgardia Station. The first to be made would be the Hauler, on (Page 88), and the other ones would be finished on (Page 89). All would be powered by Fusion Reactors, and able to hit speeds faster than any craft before it.
in the midst of the night, 10 Cephyr mines were deployed just south of the Suez, blocking the way there until the fleet could attack. The men continued to fire from the other side of the Suez, where two destroyers had taken up place and begun bombarding enemy positions. Multiple men have also sprung up from their buried foxholes and attacked the back of the Eclipsians army. The Eclipsians have suffered massive casualties - while the Africans did lose 70k and wounded 330k Sentinels, the Eclipsians lost 2.5 million men, mostly injuries., severely weakening their armies and allowing for constant attacks by artillery, anti-tank, and aircraft. @Loyal Guardian The Emperor has begun training 500k more sentinels, armed with Graphene armor and railguns to fend off the enemies in the name of the liberty of the African people. Fervor amongst the populous continues to swell at this time, and citizens in the Sinai peninsula have taken up arms and attack any supply lines that come for the Eclipsian army. While many died, some 50 thousand out of 80 thousand, they captured quite a few trucks and are now more heavily armed and have begun forming together, taking out guerrilla operations against supply lines and sniping Eclipsian artillery positions. one group of these young men captured an artillery position for an hour and hammered the Eclipsians nonstop with their own guns. Quite a few sentinels escaped and joined the Guerilla Army, giving them training and pointers, making it even more difficult to find them for the Eclipsians.
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Indian Ocean

"Sir, the Eclipsian fleet is here. We found the bastards." The Admiral stood up. "I must adress the men. My Alsh is good enough for a speech." Alsh was heavily corrupted English that developed in the Rockies after the war, and was the primary language before the English Restoration of King Jacob. However, Alsh remained the equivalent of Latin within the Kingdom. The Admiral walked to the deck and addressed the men in this powerful language. "Mahan,  Solures, Corrades. Baddel dis caod dezed de farecher o de artorl. Tas caod maken Rocking de trao artorl ulterpover. En idis ovall en yar ehindes. Uis er de farecher o de artorl. Uis er de mahan wo cheng evertung. Uis tekem dis opraton en tank de hiyr pours verit. Elkipse Refedrian hev bolid uis, kuld uis comfrendin, en atri te roun uis. Nu, uis tekem de ravin. GLORI TE ROCKEN!" The men all raised their fists and screamed, "GLORI TE ROCKEN!" The speech was short but powerful, and the ships sailed to war. The battle that followed would be one of the great battles of history. The Eclipsian and the Rockian Admirals were both the best their fields had to offer, geniuses of naval warfare. The Rockians were the stronger in naval tech and developement, but the Eclipsians were better in the air. The battle raged on and on, bombs dropping, men shouting, ships sinking as the conflict dragged on. In the end though, one victor prevailed. With the arrival of the African fleet, the Rockians beat the Eclipsians, and a great cheer rose up from all the ships. The Air Force was heavily damaged, ships had sunk, but the combined forces had pulled themselves to victory and severely crippled the Eclipsian fleet. Repair ships travelled from ship to ship as the men celebrated.

@Loyal Guardian@Albion

Vancouver Island Shipyard

5 million worker droids had been purchased from Varmandr Vestan and had been put to work here, building more ships and planes. 100 Machetes, 50 Haida-classes and 75 Edmonton-classes had been produced, and more were on the way. In addition, 1.5 million citizens had been levied and were being trained.

@Domini Regum

Research Facilities

Project Julius and the Battlesuit Upgrades both continued, despite the war. The Battlesuit upgrades especially were seen as possibly valuable to the conflict.


Having been raised in a monarchy, all three diplomats went into a kneel and bowed. "We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We were sent here to make contact with this nation, and have travelled many miles to get here."



Victory against the Eclipsian fleet, Eclipsian fleet crippled.

5 million worker droids purchased from Vestan.

100 Machetes, 50 Haida-classes and 75 Edmonton-classes produced.

1.5 million citizens levied.

Talks in Russia.

Project Julius: 65%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 80%
Vancouver Island Shipyard

5 million worker droids had been purchased from Varmandr Vestan and had been put to work here, building more ships and planes. 100 Machetes, 50 Haida-classes and 75 Edmonton-classes had been produced, and more were on the way. In addition, 1.5 million citizens had been levied and were being trained.

@Domini Regum


Although the Worker Droids were sold at a discount, they still cost roughly $2,000 a model, and the USVV asked to have 1/50 of all Military Planes produced with Droids, for making the Droids more cheaper in future buys.

[SIZE= 28px]Cascadian Aerospace Defense Command, Classified[/SIZE]


>> Attack Characterization System online... <<

>> NTWRK-TK829-281-473-MX-449 <<


>> Loading RCSWW <> WIRE | CONFIRMED <<



The Satellite's view skims away from the Cascadian mainland and over to the Indian Ocean as multiple blue lines pan over the satellite imagery, two large groups of multiple red dots now appearing as they approach one another.


/>"Sierra Bravo, we're reading two large groups of bogies in your sector, please confirm."</

/>"Roger, we're trackin' em now."</

/>"Do you have the identities of those bogies, Sierra?"</

/>"Affirmative, identifies of bogies as followed. Echo November, Romeo November, Alpha November."</


The Satellite's view would then zoom in on the approaching red dots, showing the outlines of ships flanking each other at high speed.


/>"Requesting additional information, what's the situation, Sierra."</

/>"Romeo and Alpha Novembers are flanking Echo November and are conducting combat manouvers, permission to notify Echo November."</

/>"Negative, Sierra. Rules of Engagement prohibit interfierence in conflict, Echo November is currently aware, stand-by and await further orders."</

/>"Roger. Standing by."</


Background chatter would then be heard from Command's side. "Notify the Joint Chiefs, we have a situation." As the ships on one side begin flanking the group of ships that they had been pursuing.


/>"Sierra Bravo, your orders are to report every one mike on the movements of both naval forces. Any large developments are to be sent straight to the Pentagon, understood?"</

/>"Affirmative. Rerouting STL-09 and 08 to monitor their behavior, we believe engagement has occured. We're seeing heavy arms fire from both sides."</

/>"Copy, Sierra. Understood, you are to remain in contact with the Pacific Naval Command until engagement has ended. I want all this data recorded."</

/>"Already on it, Command. Sierra Bravo, out."</


[SIZE= 28px]The Pentagon, Outer Portland[/SIZE]


"God damn it, what the hell is happening?" General Morshower near-yelled as he and the other Joint Chiefs were escorted down the busier than usual corridor, people in suits and military formal attires running around with documents and other files in their arms, discussing things at their computers as the room was filled to the brim with the noise of people talking over one another, all discussing various different things but all relating to the same topic. The new war, the Joint Chiefs got into the elevator and were taken down to the War Room, entering through the large wooden doors as the junior ranking officers, the lower star generals and admirals all saluted respectfully, standing around the table and taking their seats as the Joint Chiefs sat down. General Morshower taking his seat near the front of the long table that was surrounded by large monitors on the walls all showing news reports on the subject, or military satellite views on the current conflict. "Gentlemen, this is something our neutrality cannot ignore. We will need to address this." The 5 star General spoke as he rested his hands on the table in-front of him, the other Admirals and Generals nodding in agreement as the two wooden doors opened and everyone at the table immediately stood up straight from their chairs, President Jefferson walking in a hurried pace as she patted her suit down and sat at the front of the table. Nodding to the military leaders as they sat back down along with her. "My apologies for being late. I got held up by the press, wanting to get an official statement on this. General Morshower. What's the situation?" She asked as Morshower stood up and went over to the largest monitor at the front of the room for the room to see.


"Not too long ago, Eclipsian naval forces retreating from Tasmania were intercepted and destroyed by a joint Rockian-African task force. This task force has been confirmed to consist of both their entire naval might, from the numbers of the Eclipsian forces that were present in the battle we can estimate that around a half or at most three quarters of the Eclipsian navy was sunk. Rockian and African forces in the area have also been devestated in the battle but are maintaining their combat strength. Ma'am I suggest we respond with an immediate military strike, destroy both of their navies at the same time." The General suggested, President Jefferson nodding at the General's talk and then pausing as she considered his proposal. "The Rockians are our allies as well and the Africans are good trade partners with us." She responded with, Morshower wasting little time in a response. "The Eclipsians are our strongest ally and this is a blatant spit in the face to our friendship with them, this is a move made by the Rockians to solidify their presence in the Pacific, if we allow them to get away with stunts like this then they will do it again." President Jefferson sighed as she rubbed at her forehead, considering this whole thing over. "We must maintain Cascadian military supremacy and our nation's soverignity and interests, we'll remain diplomatic but..the military will need to be expanded to deal with these new tensions."


After that it was confirmed by Executive Order under the Federal Powers Act of 3145 that the CNDF, CDGF and CADF were all to begin a new period of rapid expansion to counter the new global tensions. Eight entirely new naval fleets were ordered, 9,800 new M1A3 tanks, 4,500 F-38's, 3,900 M1010 Paladin artillery vehicles, 210 SSN submarines for the Submarine fleet and an order of 250 November Whiskeys, meanwhile the Air Force will also be recieving 3,500 AHL-77's, 2,500 AH-94's and 5,600 F-18 Advanced models for coastal interception and naval warfare.



The Republic of Cascadia has officially condemned the conflict and has called for it to be ceased.

Cascadia has also cut off the Rockian connection to the Attack Characterization System.
Cascadian commercial shipping has been ceased in the Indian Ocean and Red Sea.

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Indian Ocean

[SIZE= 16px]Much of the fleet had been devastated, however the Rockies and Africans over estimated the losses of the Eclipsian fleet. While the fleet had taken a large quantity of losses, the portion of the Eclipsian navy had been over estimated. Much the fleet that was intercepted were the Transport Ships, with some large naval escort as well. In total 1200 transports, 150 corvettes, 90 Frigates, 50 Cruisers, and 80 destroyers. The battle took a toll on the fleet however new ships were on the way, refilling the losses that were taken. After the battle all remaining Eclipsian ship retreated to ports along the Persian Gulf, while at the same time providing defense for the coastline in tandem with the Coastal Batteries. They navy soon would gain 500 Transports, 200 Corvettes, 95 Frigates, 120 Cruisers, 98 Destroyers, 90 Battle Cruisers, 200 Submarines, and 4 Aircraft Carriers. The air force also has received 800 E-5 Multi-Fighters, 475 B-105 High Altitude Bombers, and 300 VTOL M4.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Sinai[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The Eclipsian push to capture the peninsula had proved to be to much for the army. As such they decided to retreat towards the Eclipsin border and heavily fortify their positions in the event of a African counter attack. On their retreat they implemented scorched earth and planted mines and traps along random points in their retreat, as to avoid them being in obvious areas. When they reached their positions they began to heavily fortify the border, with the artillery ready to halt a African counter attack.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]

Oort Research Station

Horizon reaches 65% progress. The scientists then agreed that the first prototype of S.C.R.E.E.N is to be put into testing to see it's capabilities such as durability, flexibility, and power usage. (remember that S.C.R.E.E.N is still top secret)

Beijing, Chinese Republic

Byron and his company landed in Beijing and soon he was approached by a head councilmen, who tells him that the council has voted in favor of ending hostilities as long as there is white peace. Byron then ordered the councilman to send a white peace deal towards the Africans and Rockians, telling them that the assault on Tasmania was due to a mistake in mapping and poor military leadership and that the assault on Sinai was based on a old and false claim that we no longer hold or want.

@Fishman Lord @Albion
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      Rising Empire

The africans has sent a message to all nations and is calling for help. The Royal Family already knew that their opponent was the eclipse empire. They just ignored the request for help as the Africans are actually nothing to them and would not benefit them if they help them.


The Emperor was informed about all of this. He wished to help the Eclipsians as they have been good friends with the Rising Empire, but his Advisors insisted that they must not. They said that the eclipsians are already winning the war and president Byron haa called for peace. The Emperor understood and decided to keep it's neutrality.

CIAA Headquarters, Kiev, Ukraine

They have begun the espionage operation. The Small Fleet of naval ships were already in position and the Carleon Class Air Cruisers are heading towards the nordic border. Team Charlie and Team Delta are already in position, they are awaiting the arrival of Team Alpha and Bravo. Team Echo is already inside the enemy lines, but they are still not yet spies of the Rising Empire unless activated. 

The CIAA hackers were still trying to hack the Nordic Military Database. They were trying to get past their Cyber Defense System. 


The Central Space Command was ordered to position some satellites to russia. The order came from Lelouch. He wants to monitor and observe the situation of Queen Jennifer's nation and aid them if possible. 

1 Satellite was positioned above Franz Josef Island. This was because the Archipelago was unoccupied in the Empire's Record. Two naval fleet including an avalon, 1 logres class and 2 carleon class. After hours of scanning the area they noticed that there are multiple people on the islands. They zoomed in and noticed some droid and armed soldiers trying to engage with other hidden soldiers. They guessed that the droids belong to the VV and the hidden soldiers to the russians. CSC relayed the information to the Ministry of Defense. Maximillion heard of the situation and decided to aid the russians as he is afraid the marriage of Lelouch and Jennifer would be jeopardized. The Fleet encircled the island and messaged the VV commander.

"This is the Rising Empire Navy and Aerial Strike Squadron 4." Said the admiral in charge "Do no harm to the Russians. If you do so then face an attack from us. They are peaceful and they are a valuable ally to us"

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum
1 Satellite was positioned above Franz Josef Island. This was because the Archipelago was unoccupied in the Empire's Record. Two naval fleet including an avalon, 1 logres class and 2 carleon class. After hours of scanning the area they noticed that there are multiple people on the islands. They zoomed in and noticed some droid and armed soldiers trying to engage with other hidden soldiers. They guessed that the droids belong to the VV and the hidden soldiers to the russians. CSC relayed the information to the Ministry of Defense. Maximillion heard of the situation and decided to aid the russians as he is afraid the marriage of Lelouch and Jennifer would be jeopardized. The Fleet encircled the island and messaged the VV commander.

"This is the Rising Empire Navy and Aerial Strike Squadron 4." Said the admiral in charge "Do no harm to the Russians. If you do so then face an attack from us. They are peaceful and they are a valuable ally to us"

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum

Franz Josef Land Situation Room

The first warning was from the Asgardia Station's Earth Watch Initiative, and it saw a spy satellite over the Islands, and the second was the more noticeable fleet circling the central island. General Hiragh was sent to the Situation Room to deal with it.

After a brief halt, the USVV Commander Responded. "The USVV, with all due respect, owns these islands as her own, and will proceed to act upon all land as it is truly hers. Any action against USVV Military Forces will be handled with the utmost harshness, and dealt with swiftly. As we speak more USVV Troops from Siberian Positions are en-route to defend the newly-liberated islands. Again, we do not want war and the Russians have not responded to our requests, prompting our march.... We give you 24 hours to get the Russians onto open negotiation, before open retaliation...." 


USVV Troop numbers in  Franz Josef Lands

5,000 Droid Troops

1,000 Human Troops

10,000 Worker People

10 Corvettes

5 Stealth-attack submarines

150 Stealth Fighters

15 Attack Helicopters

1 Aircraft Carrier

1 Destroyer
It began. Cephyr mines deployed in any place possible, transport ships bringing food and fuel and men with camo covers under night. They landed due east of the Sinai on the Arabian Peninsula in a small port town called Duba and began marching onto the mainland, where they deployed positions and prepared for any enemy counterattacks. Soldiers have been gathering near the Suez as well as supplies, armaments and other things. Graphene armor is being mass produced, and soldiers are getting new railguns every day. Men are picked off often and soldiers are massing in the land-point and at the canal, along with mechanized vehicles, tanks, and aircraft - which are all being mass-produced. Africa has shown it will not back down in the face of the enemies after such a grievous insult, but other than the landing at Duba, little actual conflict is going on, though Rockian men are beginning to reinforce African forces. The Africans marched east and began fortifying positions just four miles away from Eclipsian lines, this time setting up bunkers and concrete positions and a wall from rubble and the like of African homes.
Citizens along the Sinai peninsula have been moved west and the wall is being fortified, gun positions, anti air, anti tank guns - the whole lollapalooza. The men have been provided with mortars as well. @Loyal Guardian

The landing was quite harsh on casualties, with 400k of the 600k men sent east dead, though the rest have fortified the town and the surrounding area and dug in, while they clear Eclipsian resistance.

However, it is a different story on the sea. Some 100 ships were sunk and many are still needing repairs, but the battleships are continuing to hunt down any stray Eclipsian ships - supply or military. The Africans are producing new ships as well to replace lost ones.
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[SIZE= 16px]A daring African naval invasion had just taken. It barely succeeded while all Eclipsian assets were pulled out before the port fell. The Eclipsians had not even taken on 100k casualties while many Africans died in the assault. As such heavy artillery bore down on African lines and naval positions, destroying the line and a few ships in the process. Suddenly 600,000 Home Defense troops pushed onto the port. Just as quickly as it was taken, the Eclipsians retook the city dealing a heavy blow to the Africans. In total only some 150k casualties took place, with about 45k deaths, while African lost all 600k men and nearly all the ships.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Albion[/SIZE]
The 600k men were clearly only conscripts, old men and willing volunteers. It appears their deaths will not be missed. The trading of artillery and other fire between the two nations will likely continue. Soldiers continue to fire at the Eclipsians but little else is happening. Some small drone strikes are being attempted with tiny drones armed with two small cluster bombs filled with caltrops are being flown over the no-mans lands where they drop the bombs to effectively stop incursions from the Eclipsians, although this hampers the African assault capabilities as well. @Loyal Guardian

Albert, in Rockian tradition, is now in full military getup, including medals, coat, and all. To quell tensions temporarily, a press conference has been quickly held in Portland. "To be clear, we are not the instigators of this conflict. The Eclipsian invasion of Tasmania was unprovoked and shows the truly dangerous instability of their nation. They killed our men, and their apologies do not change that. At this time, we currently do not intend to end the war with the Eclipse Federation. Every time we fight with no conclusion, it sets the stage for a future conflict. We must end this cycle somehow, and we intend to do it. We understand the worry of Cascadia, we truly do, but my nation has lived under the threat of the Eclipsians for too long and I do this for my people and for my nation. Thank you." With that Albert turned to return home and work out this goddamn war.


Indian Ocean

With new satellite data showing the Eclipsian casualties, it was decided a second strike would be needed before the Eclipsians could reinforce. The navy pursued once more and even from a good distance the Oceanias were able to pound the enemy with missiles. The navy, Using it's good range, is now staying out of range of the coastal batteries while launching powerful missile bombardments from a distance. The Eclipsian navy and the naval production areas are being targeted in a way so that no productions or repairs are possible.

@Loyal Guardian

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Ships continued to be pumped out, with 40 Oceanias , 50 King Orsons, 25 Commonwealths, and 100 Haidas being created and sent to the fleet. 200 RCK-1s and 100 Queen Caitlyns were built as well.


500k Rockian men were sent to assist. They were almost all levied men, with lower level equipment nad training, but they did help reinforce the bulk of the African force.


Project Julius: 70%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 90%

Press conference in Cascadia.

Another naval engagement.

Ships and planes built.

500k men sent to assist in Sinai/Suez.
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Franz Josef Land

The Radioman got done, and gave the Droids their orders.

"No response... We can't take chances, so get ready for war."

The droids drawn there weapons, searching for heat signatures and moving closer.... A few minutes later, a few tanks and 5 APV's moved in to help as they moved in closer, machine purpously making whirring noises to try and intimidate the enemy, as a few corvettes and 2 submarines were patrolling nearby....

Asgardia Station

The 300,000 people on the station, recently painted with the name "Asgardia" on the side, were in a mass celebration, at the 100% completion of the first Asgardia Station, and the first resources started arriving for the Second Asgardia Station, set 3/4 of the way between the Moon and Mars, and a transmission was sent to the Martians to announce that they would soon have a neighbor as the first Scout Ships arrive at the proposed station site @namama. Also, a plan for a more efficient Space-faring vehicle was underway. Three basic plans were set up, and planned to be assembled at Asgardia, a fighter, a resource transport, and a troop/fighter transport.

(Hauler, followed by smaller Hauler Ships)


(Ship/troop transport)

All them would be finished and assembled by (Page 89), on the first Asgardia Station. The first to be made would be the Hauler, on (Page 88), and the other ones would be finished on (Page 89). All would be powered by Fusion Reactors, and able to hit speeds faster than any craft before it.

The enemy marching was spotted by snipers and the bells and whistles blown. The 9,573 already on the island would hear them ring, and immediately halted whatever it was that they were doing. Instead they would take cover behind rocks, trees, and anything else which could be considered cover. 


Indian Ocean

"Sir, the Eclipsian fleet is here. We found the bastards." The Admiral stood up. "I must adress the men. My Alsh is good enough for a speech." Alsh was heavily corrupted English that developed in the Rockies after the war, and was the primary language before the English Restoration of King Jacob. However, Alsh remained the equivalent of Latin within the Kingdom. The Admiral walked to the deck and addressed the men in this powerful language. "Mahan,  Solures, Corrades. Baddel dis caod dezed de farecher o de artorl. Tas caod maken Rocking de trao artorl ulterpover. En idis ovall en yar ehindes. Uis er de farecher o de artorl. Uis er de mahan wo cheng evertung. Uis tekem dis opraton en tank de hiyr pours verit. Elkipse Refedrian hev bolid uis, kuld uis comfrendin, en atri te roun uis. Nu, uis tekem de ravin. GLORI TE ROCKEN!" The men all raised their fists and screamed, "GLORI TE ROCKEN!" The speech was short but powerful, and the ships sailed to war. The battle that followed would be one of the great battles of history. The Eclipsian and the Rockian Admirals were both the best their fields had to offer, geniuses of naval warfare. The Rockians were the stronger in naval tech and developement, but the Eclipsians were better in the air. The battle raged on and on, bombs dropping, men shouting, ships sinking as the conflict dragged on. In the end though, one victor prevailed. With the arrival of the African fleet, the Rockians beat the Eclipsians, and a great cheer rose up from all the ships. The Air Force was heavily damaged, ships had sunk, but the combined forces had pulled themselves to victory and severely crippled the Eclipsian fleet. Repair ships travelled from ship to ship as the men celebrated.

@Loyal Guardian@Albion

Vancouver Island Shipyard

5 million worker droids had been purchased from Varmandr Vestan and had been put to work here, building more ships and planes. 100 Machetes, 50 Haida-classes and 75 Edmonton-classes had been produced, and more were on the way. In addition, 1.5 million citizens had been levied and were being trained.

@Domini Regum

Research Facilities

Project Julius and the Battlesuit Upgrades both continued, despite the war. The Battlesuit upgrades especially were seen as possibly valuable to the conflict.


Having been raised in a monarchy, all three diplomats went into a kneel and bowed. "We are representatives of the Kingdom of the Rockies. We were sent here to make contact with this nation, and have travelled many miles to get here."



Victory against the Eclipsian fleet, Eclipsian fleet crippled.

5 million worker droids purchased from Vestan.

100 Machetes, 50 Haida-classes and 75 Edmonton-classes produced.

1.5 million citizens levied.

Talks in Russia.

Project Julius: 65%

Battlesuit Upgrades: 80%

"Very well..." she said to them. "The queen isn't here, and the guardian is off repairing the tower, so I am all you get to speak with today. Do any of you wish for a drink?" She asked.


      Rising Empire

The africans has sent a message to all nations and is calling for help. The Royal Family already knew that their opponent was the eclipse empire. They just ignored the request for help as the Africans are actually nothing to them and would not benefit them if they help them.


The Emperor was informed about all of this. He wished to help the Eclipsians as they have been good friends with the Rising Empire, but his Advisors insisted that they must not. They said that the eclipsians are already winning the war and president Byron haa called for peace. The Emperor understood and decided to keep it's neutrality.

CIAA Headquarters, Kiev, Ukraine

They have begun the espionage operation. The Small Fleet of naval ships were already in position and the Carleon Class Air Cruisers are heading towards the nordic border. Team Charlie and Team Delta are already in position, they are awaiting the arrival of Team Alpha and Bravo. Team Echo is already inside the enemy lines, but they are still not yet spies of the Rising Empire unless activated. 

The CIAA hackers were still trying to hack the Nordic Military Database. They were trying to get past their Cyber Defense System. 


The Central Space Command was ordered to position some satellites to russia. The order came from Lelouch. He wants to monitor and observe the situation of Queen Jennifer's nation and aid them if possible. 

1 Satellite was positioned above Franz Josef Island. This was because the Archipelago was unoccupied in the Empire's Record. Two naval fleet including an avalon, 1 logres class and 2 carleon class. After hours of scanning the area they noticed that there are multiple people on the islands. They zoomed in and noticed some droid and armed soldiers trying to engage with other hidden soldiers. They guessed that the droids belong to the VV and the hidden soldiers to the russians. CSC relayed the information to the Ministry of Defense. Maximillion heard of the situation and decided to aid the russians as he is afraid the marriage of Lelouch and Jennifer would be jeopardized. The Fleet encircled the island and messaged the VV commander.

"This is the Rising Empire Navy and Aerial Strike Squadron 4." Said the admiral in charge "Do no harm to the Russians. If you do so then face an attack from us. They are peaceful and they are a valuable ally to us"

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum

Franz Josef Land Situation Room

The first warning was from the Asgardia Station's Earth Watch Initiative, and it saw a spy satellite over the Islands, and the second was the more noticeable fleet circling the central island. General Hiragh was sent to the Situation Room to deal with it.

After a brief halt, the USVV Commander Responded. "The USVV, with all due respect, owns these islands as her own, and will proceed to act upon all land as it is truly hers. Any action against USVV Military Forces will be handled with the utmost harshness, and dealt with swiftly. As we speak more USVV Troops from Siberian Positions are en-route to defend the newly-liberated islands. Again, we do not want war and the Russians have not responded to our requests, prompting our march.... We give you 24 hours to get the Russians onto open negotiation, before open retaliation...." 


USVV Troop numbers in  Franz Josef Lands

5,000 Droid Troops

1,000 Human Troops

10,000 Worker People

10 Corvettes

5 Stealth-attack submarines

150 Stealth Fighters

15 Attack Helicopters

1 Aircraft Carrier

1 Destroyer

The R.N.S. Natalia would be in range to receive both broadcasts. The fleet admiral Yuri was simply standing on the bridge with his arms crossed, "arrogance isn't always bliss now is it?" He shook his head. "Send out a broadcast Lieutenant." He said. "Yes admiral." After three minutes it was done. "Alright 'USVV', you do realize you are simply going to assault a small populace which had no communications yes? And you do not even have a legitimate claim here, they've been here ever since the Grenshu invaded. That is quite a considerable amount of time before you ever got here." He put his fists on his hips and continued. "Your hostility has been recognized, and now it will be dealt with. You have less than a day to leave them alone, or every single one of you that do not die will meet extensive prison sentences. We may not be capable of seeing each other, but I'll just let you know that the royal navy is already in range. If you do not back off, you will be destroyed." He had the lieutenant end the broadcast.

Numbers in both the sea and land:



70 snipers 5 armed with the GSSR-42,

50 heavy machinegunners,

3,000 riflemen armed with primarily the gallian nagant-42 long rifle, with .42, capable AP rounds,

4,000 sub machinegunners armed with Mp-3s and Mp-4s,

1,000 heavy anti tank personnel armed with ragnite Lances, anti tank rifles,

1,000 workers armed with pistols and rifles for self protection.


RNS Belarus, a heavy ship, armed with one 406mm gun, two back 305mm guns with the furthest back being single barreled, four side pillboxes filled with long range heavy artillery batteries two pillboxes on each side, 12 rapid fire AA weapons, 4 ontop of the pillboxes.

RNS Red October medium ship, armed with x2 305mm naval gun in the front, x1 203mm naval gun in the back, 4 heavy machineguns in the pillboxes, 12 rapid fire AA weapons, 4 ontop of the pillboxes.

RNS Natalia medium ship, same as the Belarus except only with 305Mm guns, 12 AA weapon types primarily rapid fire, 4 ontop of the pillboxes.

RNS vert, Heavy frigate-type ship of warship class [my own invented design.], same armament as Belarus, except armed with a depth charge rack.

RNS Blanc, Transport-type warship class. 22 aa gun types primarily rapid fire, A single triple barrel 406MM front gun, Most reinforced ship.

10,000 personnel sent to the island within the ships, not counting as ship personnel:

2,000 redline anti mutant/tank troops armed with anti tank rifles, Machineguns, 20 devastator units with heavy armor and modern Gatling gun which fires 500  12.7x108mm rounds per box magazine.

5,000 workers not armed,

1,000 riflemen with some heavy snipers with the snipers having the other five GSSR-42s,

1 valkyria,

10 claymores,

990 submachinegunners with mp-3s.

MEGA is now working on a new game, this time not in the Warfare franchise. The new game is titled Stellar Nations. The player assumes control of a preset nation created by developers and take control of the galaxy as selected nation. If players don't want to play as a preset nation, they can create their own and play as that. Players can also share their creation to the community, so other nations can play as it. The game is heavily based off the pre-war game, Stellaris.

MEGA, seeing how easily another company can copy a game concept, has requested copyright rights on all MEGA products, both current and future products.


Research Centers

Alien Tech Analyzation is going well. Alien tech is expected to be fully analyzed by next month. Project Calrissian is doing well and the first cloud city is expected to come up next month as well.

Alien Tech Analyzation: 86%

Project Calrissian: 84%
Rising Empire

The Broadcast was sent live to the Office of the Defense Minister. Max heard of it and was furious on how stubborn the VV is. He ordered a blockade to be established at Iceland to prevent the VV from reinforcing their troops at the Franz Josef Island. Another blockade was also established at the Siberian Islands preventing access from the East. The VV has no other way to reinforce their troops. 

Franz Josef Islands

The Admiral chuckled. The Vestan Commander was arrogant. He decided that he must meet up with the russians. He also ordered his troops for any incoming Russian Reinforcements. The Admiral has used the Avalon to transport himself to the Russians. He sent a message before he headed off to the russians.

"The russians outnumber you. We outnumber you." He said "Russian reinforcements are coming. Yours will not, the Rising Navy has set up a blockade in Iceland and in the Siberian Islands. Retreat from the island or face destruction."

The Avalon landed at the russian F.O.B. He announced that they have come peacefully and wished to aid them in this battle. He also stated that Their country and his are allies. 

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum


500 Knightmare Frames

7.5k Troops

2 aircraft carrier

40 Destroyers

10 Battleship

1 Avalon

2 Carleon Class

1 Logres Class

450 Air Superiority Fighters

50 Attack Helicopters

12 Missile Cruisers

80 Corvettes 

250 Main Battle Tanks

4 Submarines
Rising Empire

The Broadcast was sent live to the Office of the Defense Minister. Max heard of it and was furious on how stubborn the VV is. He ordered a blockade to be established at Iceland to prevent the VV from reinforcing their troops at the Franz Josef Island. Another blockade was also established at the Siberian Islands preventing access from the East. The VV has no other way to reinforce their troops. 

Franz Josef Islands

The Admiral chuckled. The Vestan Commander was arrogant. He decided that he must meet up with the russians. He also ordered his troops for any incoming Russian Reinforcements. The Admiral has used the Avalon to transport himself to the Russians. He sent a message before he headed off to the russians.

"The russians outnumber you. We outnumber you." He said "Russian reinforcements are coming. Yours will not, the Rising Navy has set up a blockade in Iceland and in the Siberian Islands. Retreat from the island or face destruction."

The Avalon landed at the russian F.O.B. He announced that they have come peacefully and wished to aid them in this battle. He also stated that Their country and his are allies. 

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum


500 Knightmare Frames

7.5k Troops

2 aircraft carrier

40 Destroyers

10 Battleship

1 Avalon

2 Carleon Class

1 Logres Class

450 Air Superiority Fighters

50 Attack Helicopters

12 Missile Cruisers

80 Corvettes 

250 Main Battle Tanks

4 Submarines

Hunter would of accepted he request to help defend the island from the invaders, the only condition being that 2/5ths of any enemy technology, should a attack fully transpire. Would be theirs for analysis.


After the Grenshu war was over with, and various attempts having failed prior. The emperor now had full attention to history, and had a final solution planned. He memorized what the scribes said months ago, and checked maps which were available. After having confirmed the location existence, he entered golden hearts communication rooms, and they had just enough reach to broadcast in the European area. General Joseph huxinfold was there and saluted him. "At ease general, there is a long problem to solve, and i intend to end it once and for all. Enable the sensors, And hand me the microphone." He ordered to him. "Yes my lord." Joseph replied.

5 minutes later, he held the microphone and pressed the button to speak. "This is the emperor of the now named selvarian empire, And we understand that more than a year ago a svalbard incident occurred between you and a tribe. Nonetheless the loss of their leader caused their destruction and another captured as well. The truth there is that they are Imperial citizens sent to svalbard with a tribe to get food to help their people live. I demand that you return them to svalbard immediately." He would pause before continuing.

"You will have them returned ALIVE, And then you can leave with all 700 of your own people the tribals captured before their destruction and integration into the empire. Otherwise it will be considered a act of war, and your people will nolonger be well fed nor cared for in any capacity. You have a month to comply." He obviously didn't care if anyone knew the empire existed. It was nearing the time to appear publically anyway.

Franz Josef Islands

The admiral agreed on the share of technology. Even though they have no interest in VV technology as they believed they are inferior to the Riser Technology, but nonetheless they will accept what would be given if the VV Commander would be arrogant enough to attack their troops. The Admiral was mostly interested on the droid as they must gather intel about it.

Warsaw Settlement

6 Maids knocked and went inside Lady Jennifer's room. They woke her up as it is already morning. They were to prepare her for the breakfast with Lelouch and possibly go somewhere else. Lelouch was to brief him on what was about to happen, but he decided he must wait for the right time.



All the happenings outside and inside the empire was reported to the Emperor. It included the situation of the eclipsian war, the situation of the fleet in Franz Josef Islands and the situation between Lelouch and the Gallian Queen, Jennifer.

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