The World of Tomorrow

Franz Josef Land

The troops stationed in the Franz Josef Islands were told to stand down, and received a transmission from General Hiragh.

"The USVV cannot withstand war with these peoples, and the only island that the Russians own is that tiny, triangular island in the centre... Let them have it..."

The news was released that the USVV would be letting the Russians have the small island that was now known to be owned by them for a while, but states that the other islands were not previously owned and seen as open to be taken by any nation.

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent

Naval Blockades

Strangely, the USVV fleet wasn't seen in the Western Blockade, but 1/4 of the VV navy was on the Eastern Blockade, waiting.

Asgardia Station

5 people were sent in a small space-ship to the Rising Empire's spy satellite. It wouldn't be set to arrive for the next five days, but it's mission was to hijack it and wave the VV flag in front of the satellite, and keep it glued there so the only thing that the Risers could see was the , but only if war was approaching.

Asgardia Station

The plans for the second Asgardia Station were set up, 3/4 of the way to Mars, but the only thing that was there so far was a floating, gigantic Asgardia flag in it's place, possibly close enough for the Martians to observe... @namama
Hunter would of accepted he request to help defend the island from the invaders, the only condition being that 2/5ths of any enemy technology, should a attack fully transpire. Would be theirs for analysis.


After the Grenshu war was over with, and various attempts having failed prior. The emperor now had full attention to history, and had a final solution planned. He memorized what the scribes said months ago, and checked maps which were available. After having confirmed the location existence, he entered golden hearts communication rooms, and they had just enough reach to broadcast in the European area. General Joseph huxinfold was there and saluted him. "At ease general, there is a long problem to solve, and i intend to end it once and for all. Enable the sensors, And hand me the microphone." He ordered to him. "Yes my lord." Joseph replied.

5 minutes later, he held the microphone and pressed the button to speak. "This is the emperor of the now named selvarian empire, And we understand that more than a year ago a svalbard incident occurred between you and a tribe. Nonetheless the loss of their leader caused their destruction and another captured as well. The truth there is that they are Imperial citizens sent to svalbard with a tribe to get food to help their people live. I demand that you return them to svalbard immediately." He would pause before continuing.

"You will have them returned ALIVE, And then you can leave with all 700 of your own people the tribals captured before their destruction and integration into the empire. Otherwise it will be considered a act of war, and your people will nolonger be well fed nor cared for in any capacity. You have a month to comply." He obviously didn't care if anyone knew the empire existed. It was nearing the time to appear publically anyway.


"Greetings, Selvarians,  I am willing to make this exchange, however, I want you to withdraw your troops from Svalbard and let it return to the Nordic Union."
Meanwhile, another naval construction program had begun. It called for 10 full sized fleet carriers to be known as the Finland class. Another 50 destroyers were also in order.

Also, the Nordic Union was fully collaborating with the VV, devoting it's scientists to helping them in return for the resulting tech. The first 500 Exonaut suits were also done, and another 4,500 were ordered.

[SIZE= 16px]The Rockian-Afrian navy had been landing decisive blows on the Eclipsian navy. However they failed on one important aspect, they didn't spread out along the coasts where the remaining Eclipsian ships were. Instead they opted to focus their efforts on Gujarat which, to their credit, is a important naval center but not many ships had docked there. The Eclipsian forces had many other important naval centers as such much of the ships that were being made were completed on schedule. After their completion and supplying them, all ships not on Gujarat filed out and headed towards there. Before Rockian and African ships could detect the approaching Eclipsian fleet it was to late, at that point nearly all exits were blocked except for the coast.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The following day heavy naval action took place and for the first time the Rockian-African navy found themselves outmaneuvered and outnumbered. Rear Admiral Zhao had been put in charge of the giant Eclipsian fleet. The fleet was then aided by the Mobile Sea Platforms, aka the former Jovian Sky Platforms that were converted for navy use, who moved in and further blocked any escape by the enemy fleet. Within just one day the entire Rockian-African Fleet was completely surrounded by all sides and being pushed towards the coast, within the range of artillery and the Coastal Batteries.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]For the first time in the conflict the Eclipsian Air Force, who had just received fresh models, took to the skies and aided the Eclipsian fleet. E-5's vastly out sped and outnumbered their Rockian counterparts [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]and, while they were shot down, were able to inflict heavy damage onto Rockian and African ships. The B-105 Bomber's were already high in the air when they began to drop their bombs, out of range of most enemy anti-aircraft. While seventy-five percent of the bombs missed their targets, those that did hit caused heavy damage to their targets. After the air force decimated the Rockian-African aerial capabilities, and even sinking a few ships, they returned to land to rearm and resupply.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]During the massive aerial action the Eclipsian Navy further encircled and moved in on the Rockian-African Navy, further pushing them to the coast which allowed them to get hammered even more by the Coast Batteries. By this point a sizable portion of the enemy navy had been eliminated with numerous other ships being damaged. Submarine and Anti-Submarine Warfare also took place under the waters where both sides fully had their submarines engaged. Through sheer numbers the Eclipsian Submarines were able to eliminate many Rockian, the only submarine holder of the enemy fleet, submarines.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Soon very little of the Rockian-African Navy was left. They were completely outnumbered, encircled, outgunned, grounded, and hammered by artillery and Coastal Batteries. Soon the remnants of the fleet were only a mile or two away from the Gujarati Coast, taking immense damage from the Coastal Defense. Further action continued until the end of the day when only eleven percent of the original Rockian-African fleet was left. At that point the remaining ships surrendered to the Eclipsian fleet at dawn of the next day, when only nine percent of the original fleet was left.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]Zhao accepted their surrender stating, "Unlike you and your leaders, we shall allow you to leave as a act of mercy." Afterwards the now small Rockian-African fleet retreated, with some being heavily damaged, between Eclipsian ships where sailors cheered at their victory. Despite the massive victory at the Battle of Gujarat, the largest naval action in human history, the Eclipsian fleet suffered large amounts of casualties as well. In total about twenty-five percent of the initial fleet was sunk while a further ten percent were heavily damaged. However thank's their close proximity of a naval center all ships were repaired and rearmed and the ships that were completed and couldn't make it out were added to the fleet.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]After the battle the Eclipsian Council, in a now unanimous agreement, ask for white peace with the Rockies and Africans stating that if the conflict drags on further then more lives will be lost over retrospective trivial events and issues.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@Fishman Lord @Albion[/SIZE]
Rising Empire

The Admiral who was put in-charge of the western blockade has requested more reinforcements. He stated that the VV Navy has sent more ships and is now visible. He asked for orders on wether to engage or not. He was told to stand down and await confirmation to engage from Admiral in the Franz Josef Island. The Coastal Defenses of the Siberian Islands was also prepared and was now aiming at the VV Ships

Another fleet was sent to the Franz Josef Island.  It consisted if the ff:

1 Aircraft Carrier

15 Destroyers

7 Battleship

7 Missile Cruiser

3 Submarine

30 Corvette 

Commander Anna in Iceland has been put in a standby. The navy asked for Commander Suzaku, but he is occupied at the moment. Suzaku has been tasked on protecting the Prime Minister and the Gallia Queen.

Ships in the western blockade including the reinforcement:

3 Aircraft Carrier

15 Battleship

6 Submarines

70 Destroyers

100 Corvettes 

15 Missile Cruiser

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum
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Franz Josef Islands

The admiral agreed on the share of technology. Even though they have no interest in VV technology as they believed they are inferior to the Riser Technology, but nonetheless they will accept what would be given if the VV Commander would be arrogant enough to attack their troops. The Admiral was mostly interested on the droid as they must gather intel about it.

Warsaw Settlement

6 Maids knocked and went inside Lady Jennifer's room. They woke her up as it is already morning. They were to prepare her for the breakfast with Lelouch and possibly go somewhere else. Lelouch was to brief him on what was about to happen, but he decided he must wait for the right time.



All the happenings outside and inside the empire was reported to the Emperor. It included the situation of the eclipsian war, the situation of the fleet in Franz Josef Islands and the situation between Lelouch and the Gallian Queen, Jennifer.

She would wake up to the knocking, sit up, rub her eyes, asked the maids to wait, took a shower, braided her hair this time, and then looked at them "Let's go then." She would follow the maids.


Franz Josef Land

The troops stationed in the Franz Josef Islands were told to stand down, and received a transmission from General Hiragh.

"The USVV cannot withstand war with these peoples, and the only island that the Russians own is that tiny, triangular island in the centre... Let them have it..."

The news was released that the USVV would be letting the Russians have the small island that was now known to be owned by them for a while, but states that the other islands were not previously owned and seen as open to be taken by any nation.

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent

Naval Blockades

Strangely, the USVV fleet wasn't seen in the Western Blockade, but 1/4 of the VV navy was on the Eastern Blockade, waiting.

Asgardia Station

5 people were sent in a small space-ship to the Rising Empire's spy satellite. It wouldn't be set to arrive for the next five days, but it's mission was to hijack it and wave the VV flag in front of the satellite, and keep it glued there so the only thing that the Risers could see was the , but only if war was approaching.

Asgardia Station

The plans for the second Asgardia Station were set up, 3/4 of the way to Mars, but the only thing that was there so far was a floating, gigantic Asgardia flag in it's place, possibly close enough for the Martians to observe... @namama

It was already too late, the vestans put their robotic inhuman feet upon russian soil, threatened Russian troops, and talked shit while doing it. They ordered that they abandon the islands besides one small embassy the size of a single house as a show of peace, otherwise retaliation will resume. The ships got closer and the islands were now in view in the far distance.


"Greetings, Selvarians,  I am willing to make this exchange, however, I want you to withdraw your troops from Svalbard and let it return to the Nordic Union."
Meanwhile, another naval construction program had begun. It called for 10 full sized fleet carriers to be known as the Finland class. Another 50 destroyers were also in order.

Also, the Nordic Union was fully collaborating with the VV, devoting it's scientists to helping them in return for the resulting tech. The first 500 Exonaut suits were also done, and another 4,500 were ordered.

"It has been a year now, and all attempts earlier had failed. It is far too late to be giving back the island to you now."


Rising Empire

The Admiral who was put in-charge of the western blockade has requested more reinforcements. He stated that the VV Navy has sent more ships and is now visible. He asked for orders on wether to engage or not. He was told to stand down and await confirmation to engage from Admiral in the Franz Josef Island.

Another fleet was sent to the Franz Josef Island.  It consisted if the ff:

1 Aircraft Carrier

15 Destroyers

7 Battleship

7 Missile Cruiser

3 Submarine

30 Corvette 

Commander Anna in Iceland has been put in a standby. The navy asked for Commander Suzaku, but he is occupied at the moment. Suzaku has been tasked on protecting the Prime Minister and the Gallia Queen.

@Kazami42 @Domini Regum



Principality vehicle repair: 82%

Whatever helicopters the siberian principality had would begin to be repaired. [Will ask agent, and then edit this post to add it in. If the Serbs didn't have helicopters for whatever reason, I'll change it to aircraft.]


Ocean goddess project: 85%

The pillboxes were all finished. The insides of the ship would continue to be fleshed-out, with watertight doors added in multiple key sections, and a few for crew quarters areas. One specific room of interest aboard the ship was the primary barracks, which would hold a armory, room for military personnel and some vehicles, and a firing range in a specifically designed room deep within the ship. The bridge was 60% completed, it was dark blue and had a slight glow to it. The barracks in the center of the ship would also be a water tight room, and would be 70% completed. the ship would also feature four torpedo bays, with four ontop of the bow if needed. Depth charge racks would also start appearing on the sides and stern of the ship.


Helghast project 100%

The heavy armor would begin the final phases, which are:

[SIZE= 15.12px]Weapon designations...[/SIZE]

The armor was officially completed. It was essentially power armor but more realistic than depicted in video games. It ran off of liquid ragnite for its more advanced systems, and the backpack could also be used for storing rows of ammunition. A new weapon was also created for the armor, a large sniper rifle which the scope could be more easily accessed by the helmet. It was basically a larger version of the GSSR-42 elite sniper rifle, except it was bigger and could thus hold more ammunition, it could also have a small flamethrower attachment and a shotgun attachment on the under barrel and side, along with a laser sight on the left side. The weapon could also be used left handed without any repercussions.

After the suit was completed and the weapon types, more than one suit would be ordered. For every 15 suits[SIZE= 16px] that existed, it would cost 520,000 to maintain. The price was because that the armor could not rust, and regular problems such as engine failure was easily preventable with the system added to it. [/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]The handheld minigun would be 22,000, and[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px] the sniper rifle would be 42,000.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]A suit with a sniper rifle and ragnaid would be 560,000 to keep per 5 of them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]a suit with regular armament would be 542,000 to keep just 15 of them.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]what was ordered was both at maximum. Which would be 1,102,000.[/SIZE]


[SIZE= 16px]7 suits could be made within the month.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px][/SIZE][SIZE= 15.12px]--------------------[/SIZE]

Alien tech analysis:

42%. [Don't really know what else to say.]


Nepcom would begin modifying gallia's primary tower under supervision of kiyoshi. 



More Grenshu bodies would begin to be removed, more plague areas would require more flames or containment to keep from spreading again, and the outpost would begin to be built.



Project:SCP. 40%...

The digging through the mountain has succeeded, and the walls were taller. The gate was completed, and work would then move on to the inner facility, where large structures would reside, including a large barracks and vehicle room, armory, and the main facility. Three towers were completed.
United States of Varmandr Vestan

The announcement came quickly, and hard. It was said that the Russians and the Risers had threatened the very structure of the USVV, and disowned the All-Father's plan... And that would not fly... Within a week, 400-million droids were put on Factory Work, producing planes, ships, tanks, and other essentials, and 100 million were designated for making other droids. 700,000 Droids were expected to pump out each month, and steps were made to ensure that Humans would get enough money on the workforce to not get kicked out.

Rising Spy Satellite

The Astronauts reached the satellite, and instead of disabling it, they bolted on a USVV flag over the camera, blocking it's view except for a dark visage of the white and gold, with a happy "Down to Hel!" slogan painted by it. They left it like that for two hours, before plain painting the camera Black

Western Blockade

Over the Horizon, the entire navy of the USVV rose over the horizon, and they stopped a while away in an offensive position, pointing their guns over towards the Rising Empire, and a transmission was sent... "If you want to avoid a war, the best thing to do would be let our men out of there..."


A massive influx of troops was sent to Siberia, on the Rising border. 1.3 Million troops and 400,000 Droids started working on building heavy defensive positions by the border.


Thousands of patrol ships were put on patrol, getting ready for the inevitable invasion...

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent
Eclipsian Federation

[SIZE= 16px]Despite the victory at Gujarat, the navy was ordered to return to the coasts to rearm, refuel and repair. The Mobile Sea Platforms were ordered to be put into defensive formation in strategic positions across the sea lines between the Arabian Peninsula and Gujarat, allowing them to fight any naval force that attempts to break through their line and fight any enemy naval force that engages another Sea Platform. Rear Admiral Zhao was given the rank of Admiral and was given they Naval Star, the highest award that can be given for navy personnel, for his actions. Afterwards he asked if the navy could once again expand it's numbers to gain the decisive edge in the war on the water. The action was approved as well as another aerial and tank expansion. In total 800 Transports, 300 Corvettes, 280 Frigates, 190 Cruisers, 180 Destroyers, 100 Battle Cruisers, 300 Submarines, 50 Hospital Ships, 5 Aircraft Carriers, 2500 E-5 Multi-Fighters, 1600 B-105 Bombers, 400 VTOL MK4s, and 3600 T-99 Hover Tanks.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]In other news the election is finally over. The final results came out and it was close, as well as surprising. In the end the Liberal-Democracy Party retained 30 seats, the Citizens Party with 30 seats, the Imperial Party with an surprising 18 seats, People's Eclipse and Eclipsian Nationalist Parties both have 6 seats, Heylik Worship Party with 4 seats, and the United Progressive and Republic Party both drop down to 3 seats. In the event of a tie in the council seats between two parties vying for presidency a nation wide presidential election is held. Once again a very close call is expected between incumbent Bryon Solas and Citizen's Party nominee Sahel Daji from the Persian Republic. As such the council is once again allowing nations from outside the Federation to vote in the election.[/SIZE]

@Agent141 @RIPSaidCone @Fishman Lord @Albion @Wickedkent @Lordvader59 @Domini Regum 
Coast of Australia

"Fuck, glad we got away from that." The majority of the Rockian-African fleet was here. "Bastards thought we were all there. Poor Gujarat division, was a bad idea to get so close to the coast." About a sixth of the navy was at gujarat during the battle. The rest had been in other areas doing long range bombardment or in deep seas for safe repairs. "We better retreat, crank the production to fuckin' maximum. Motherfuckers will rue the day they screwed with us."

@Loyal Guardian

Radium Hot Springs

The Rockians had flocked to vote in the Eclipsian presidential election. They were almost unanimously voting for a previously unknown Imperial candidate. While he might not win, it would certainly add in a third major runner in the election.

@Loyal Guardian

Research Facilities

The Battlesuit Upgrades were complete. Better accuracy, stronger armor, good interface, great communications, ammo, speed, it was all there. The Battlesuits were now at a level to be competitive with Eclipsian Ganymede suits. Work on Project Julius continued as well, with the ships making great progress.

Vancouver Island Shipyard

Using the Vestanian worker droids, ships were being pumped out to compete with the Eclipsians. 200 Haidas, 3 Tritons, 5 Quebecs, 40 Edmontons. 60 Duchess Evelines, 100 Oceanias, 50 King Orsons, and 60 Commonwealths. 1000 MATVs, 200 Hellhammers, and 1500 SAV-2s were produced alongside. Additionally, 500 Queen Caitlyns, 500 RCK-1s, and 100 Pacificas. 

No effects today

Portland, Cascadia

As growing concerns of international stability arise over tensions between various countries. Congressman Wembley of Nevada's 1st Congressional District has brought up a proposal agreed on by a large segment of the Republican party to restrict all forms of outsourcing and company relocation as trade lines grow worldwide and with Cascadia at the heart of it, it has in the Congressman's words, "Put us in a very delicate position in the world economy and in a position that we must take very seriously in-order to be responsible enough with it to prove economic security to our allies and neutral nations alike." The vote was passed on later during the day and was voted through by both Democrats and Republicans en-masse and was sent to the Supreme Court to be passed into law, going into effect much faster than most laws as to not give any shadier corporations the time to relocate. President Jefferson herself greatly signalled her approval for the law as a means of protecting Cascadian jobs and keeping the nation's economy into a more secure, more predictable state. Allowing for easier management and future planning.


At the same time, President Jefferson and the State Department extended formal invitations to the state leaders of the Rising Empire, Eclipsian Federation, Order Empire and Autocratic Redline to come to Portland for an important international security meeting and to discuss something that officials from the Department of Defense had proposed to President Jefferson and the Joint Chiefs not too long ago, after the first battle of the Indian Ocean between Eclipsian and joint African-Rockian forces. It was announced that details on the meeting would be withheld from the public until it had actually been discussed but that it could prove vital to fixing world relations and securing the balance of peace. President Jefferson has stated that she has an immense amount of confidence in this proposed idea and hopes that the other invited nations will think the same.


Along with this and plenty of justification for the CDF, Department of Defense and Congress to all use. Further military improvements and expansions have begun, including more development projects. The CDF has begun a round of climate training for its personnel and logistical exercises as well. Training the Transportation Corps on how to quickly and efficiently transport supplies through various terrains, deserts, dense woodland, muddy grassland, tundra and other heavily snow covered areas. Mountain valleys and torn up roads, the CADF and other mechanized units of the CDGF also participated in this logistics exercise to train on how to defend and watch over logistical convoys and transportation operations. As part of further expansion movements, the CDF has ordered an additional 11,250 MIM-05 PATRIOT anti-air systems, 3,200 F-38's, 5,670 A-12 Thunderbolt III's, 5,900 M10 Bradley's, 4,340 Stryker MK5's, 55 B-15 Knights, 30 B3 Spirits and 1,500 Humvees. The Cascadian Naval Defense Force however will add an additional 550 Arleigh Burke Mark 2 class destroyers, 690 Oliver class guided missile frigates, 585 Tinconderoga mark 2 class guided missile cruisers, 250 Cascadia class guided missile destroyers and 460 Zumwalt mark 2 class guided missile cruisers. Along with as many as 15 additional Jefferson class aircraft carriers. As part of a new Urban Defense Initative, plans are being put in place for immensely large military facilities to be constructed outside of major metropolitan areas, these facilities will be home to fast responding F-38 aircraft, entire battalions worth of National Guard troops, tanks and aircraft along with hundreds of Railgun anti-air equipment and early warning systems. There will be at least 12 of these facilities on the outskirts of every major city and they will be armed to the fullest extent with defensive and offensive capabilities.


Cascadia invites 4 nations to Portland

Congress approves bill to ban outsourcing

Large CDF expansion approved and underway

Training exercises taking place

New defense initiative being put into construction
Rising Empire

The Emperor accepted the invite and is now heading towards Cascadia. 


A Defense Councilor proposed a plan and was accepted by the majority of other members. His plan was to construct space fighters in order to protect their satellites in space or to carry out missions. 1000 ships is expected to be created in 3 months.

The Rising Empire Central Space Command Personnel was furious because of the VV Soldiers covering their satellite's camera and painted it black. Because of this, they had to enable the secondary camera. They reported this to the higher ups who was also enraged by this action. They realised war is imminent and decided to produce more military arsenals. 500 Thousand soldiers were also trained. 

5,000 Main Battle Tanks

5,000 Vincent Ward Class Knightmare Frames

2,000 Gareth Class Knightmare Frames

3 Aircraft Carrier

200 Destroyers

100 Battleships

120 Cruisers

5 Mantis-Class Submarines

5 Razer Class Submarines

200 Corvettes 

300 Patrol ships 

150 Amphibious ships

2,500 Air superiority fighters

1,500 Attack gunships

1,000 Transport Aircraft

700 Chinooks

750 Wicked-Class Bombers

3,500 SAM Tanks

2,500 Transport and Artillery Class

2,500 Mjolnir AA

750 Goliath Class Anti air

750 Axis Class Anti air

25 Carleon class Air Cruisers

8 Logres class Air Battleship

7 Avalon

Western Blockade

"Your soldiers will be allowed to leave, but you may not enter" said the Admiral. They were pointing their guns at each other. 

Siberian Border

Trooos amassed a couple of miles from the VV-Rising Border. They were to prepare for an invasion by the VV. Commander Kallen was sent to the Rising Siberian Lands.

@Domini Regum
USVV Military Order

(not a lot of time...)

In the recent times, the USVV had made a massive order for the Droid workers.  It was projected to finish in 3 months. (Numbers are how much are being built, and don't call BS because there's literally 400 million Droid working on them 24/7. Also remember that all of these are piloted by droids.)


2,500 K100 Allizi's [upgraded /w high-power laser cannons, piloted by Droids]

Fighter Jets:

1,800 Katrina SF1's [much faster version of the OSF]

2,900 Katrina SF2's [Heavy Attack variant of the OSF]

2,500 Katrina SF3's [covert Variant of the OSF]

10,500 Katrina OSF's [advanced, beefed up version of an F-16, piloted by Droids]

Transport Aircraft:
5,100 Valkyries' [upgraded, Faster versions of the Falcon, piloted by drones]

3,000 Falcon 2's [upgraded, slow, but large, transport ship, piloted by drones]

15,000 D-1's (Drone transport craft. Extremely fast but lightly armed.)

Bomber Aircraft:

2,500 AKZ high altitude bomber

400 Vikings [Variants of the AKZ bomber, meant to fly lower but longer]

Attack Aircraft:
4,100 Killer Transport Gunship [armored, armed, semi-advanced gunship capable of transporting somewhat big numbers of troops and equipment with medium speed.]

4,690 K10 Dogs [Advanced, heavily armed attack helicopter ]

1,200 Breaker Hogs [Looks like an advanced Warthog, and is armed more heavy and faster]

1,200 AC-500's [futuristic AC-130's, armed more heavy and more advanced.]


5,800 "Driver Dan's" (Nickname) [Basic transport vehicles, heavily armored, fast, agile and can be equipped with turrets.]


1,580 M2 Bradley's 

2,000 Strikk APV's [Heavily armed, dangerous APV's]

Anti-Aircraft Vehicles:
5,000 MAAG tanks 

Special Vehicles:

3 Million Mouse drones (Small, powerful Kamikaze drones. Capable of tearing a hole in the most armoured tank)


Naval Vessels:
10 Aircraft Carriers

20 Rio class destroyers

30 Sao Paulo class guided missile cruisers

20 Varmandr-class missile destroyers

60 Shadow class SASM's [Stealth submarines, designed to be almost invisible when equipped with Intelli-Skin ]

29 Strike-class SSBN submarines [Ballistic-Missile Launching Stealth Submarines]

15 Ægir class cruisers 

35 Freedom class littoral combat ships [Designed to be fast, and specialize in Submarine Engagement]

200 Amazonia class patrol ships [intended for coastal patrol mainly, with moderate capabilities against Air and Sea
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[SIZE= 16px]Despite the dangers and only returning home not that long ago, Vice President Draco returned to Portland in place of Byron. Byron could not leave the country during a time of tight and close elections, which are expected to end soon. He landed in Portland and walked down the runway and terminal, all of which were familiar to him. As he arrived at the entrance of the airport he was escorted into a car and was soon taken to the meeting area.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]@RIPSaidCone[/SIZE]

Prime Minister Kord's plane touched down at Portland's airport. He stepped out of the plane, along with his escort of 4 Blackwatch soldiers. He had never been to Portland before, so one of his escorts, who had been there before, had to lead him to the meeting area.



Work on Stellar Nations is going smoothly. It is expected to be released next month.

Research Centers

After almost a year analyzing the Grenshu tech, they finally finished and the tech is ready to use. The Ministers have ordered for the regular gear to be refitted and improved with the technology in a project called Project Umbau: Phase 1. Another project, named Project Raum, has also begun. Project Raum seeks to build a space station where future spacecraft are to be produced. It will be poised halfway to the moon.

Project Calrissian is completed and the first cloud city is poised over the site where the Oxford Wall once stood. Other cloud cities are expected to go up soon.

Alien Tech Analyzation: Complete

Project Calrissian: Complete

Project Umbau: Phase 1: 5%

Project Raum: 4%
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United States of Varmandr Vestan

The announcement came quickly, and hard. It was said that the Russians and the Risers had threatened the very structure of the USVV, and disowned the All-Father's plan... And that would not fly... Within a week, 400-million droids were put on Factory Work, producing planes, ships, tanks, and other essentials, and 100 million were designated for making other droids. 700,000 Droids were expected to pump out each month, and steps were made to ensure that Humans would get enough money on the workforce to not get kicked out.

Rising Spy Satellite

The Astronauts reached the satellite, and instead of disabling it, they bolted on a USVV flag over the camera, blocking it's view except for a dark visage of the white and gold, with a happy "Down to Hel!" slogan painted by it. They left it like that for two hours, before plain painting the camera Black

Western Blockade

Over the Horizon, the entire navy of the USVV rose over the horizon, and they stopped a while away in an offensive position, pointing their guns over towards the Rising Empire, and a transmission was sent... "If you want to avoid a war, the best thing to do would be let our men out of there..."


A massive influx of troops was sent to Siberia, on the Rising border. 1.3 Million troops and 400,000 Droids started working on building heavy defensive positions by the border.


Thousands of patrol ships were put on patrol, getting ready for the inevitable invasion...

@Kazami42 @Wickedkent

[Meh, It won't save you anyway. Prepare to be super nepped.]

Yuri shook his head. "They are not leaving, we shall declare this an act of war. Inform the fleet, we are going in." He ordered casually. "Yes sir." The lieutenant would transmit a morse code broadcast on their own channel, followed by a voice over on the end. "*The invaders will not leave the islands, the invaders have threatened the lives of gallia and the redline stationed upon the island,* Begin procedure 483,1-alpha." [SIZE= 16px]Moments afterward, all the ships started targeting their armaments. The RNS Natalia and RNS Red October would go left, the rest of the fleet went right. Any ships patrolling the Russian island would instantly become fired upon by every battery upon the ships.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]The RNS blanc had the AA guns loaded with ragnaid and aimed into the air, after a minute the ragnaid was launched and then the spare three AA guns would begin firing at them all. Most of them would of been destroyed and glowed in the air. Causing a irregular spot of the sky to become dark blue. this alerted the infantry upon the island. "Is that normal?" One of the workers pointed at the sky. "Not at all." A soldier replied. A sniper noticed it as well. "Ahh, invaders? I know how to get rid of them." She then aimed down the sights with her gssr-42 on max zoom possible. "Where are you?" She kept looking around before spotting a droid. She immediately pressed the trigger, the gun emitting a ungodly loud pounding noise and the very large bullet hit a droid in the face, Immediately causing it's head to explode. She then pulled the bolt back causing the bullet to fly out, and pushed it forward again. She looked at the side of her at a small wall of redline soldiers. "OPEN FIRE!" They would mount their anti tank rifles which shot somewhat smaller bullets that a AT gun usually shot, and started shooting as well.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]this caused a island chain reaction, which in a 360 defended wall of troops, every single one of them started to fire. A heavy machinegunner would be rapidly firing towards the enemy position, with five bullets fired per second. The large anti tank rifles, and GSSR-42s had such loud sounds that it sounded like smaller artillery, which was the case for all high powered weapons[/SIZE][SIZE= 16px]. On the sea however, the RNS vert, RNS blanc, and RNS Belarus would begin firing upon the coasts. They could fire on the island itself if they were closer however. Ship alarms filled the air, and by this time every gun on the ships were manned.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]----------[/SIZE]

The anti-tank rifles, and heavy sniper rifles filled the air with ungodly booming, amongst with the ships firing upon the coasts. It was so loud in their upper-coastal outpost that people had to yell just to clearly hear each other. "That is my call. I must go now, my people need me." hunter would of just left the tent to go towards a nearby defensive line.



"Very well, the war-torn rock is yours.

You can begin populating it after you return them."

"I am certain the necessity of a withdrawl from Svalbard can be made apparent to you. It is Nordic Land, return it."



[Didn't see rips post.]

Valerie of the redline, and Joseph huxinfold of the empire took some guards with them and asked the eclipsians if they could take them to Portland. They used gallia's current communication system after somewhat halting the modifications of it, and informed kiyoshi as well.

@Loyal Guardian
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Valerie of the redline, and Joseph huxinfold of the empire took some guards with them and asked the eclipsians if they could take them to Portland. They used gallia's current communication system after somewhat halting the modifications of it, and informed kiyoshi as well.

@Loyal Guardian

[SIZE= 16px]The Eclipsian Federation sent a VTOL MK4 to land at the designated LZ. Even though a normal plane could have taken them, it was easier to send a military craft as civilian planes had no runway. As the two entered General Frios, the man who lead the original expedition into the Redline and helped clear it of mutants, greeted them with a smile. "Hello you two, it's an honor to once again be in your country even if brief. Pilot let's get to lift off!" After his words the craft hummed and soon shook a little as it lifted off the ground and quickly flew towards Portland. (I think this actually might have been the shortest post i have made in a long time) [/SIZE]
[SIZE= 16px]The Eclipsian Federation sent a VTOL MK4 to land at the designated LZ. Even though a normal plane could have taken them, it was easier to send a military craft as civilian planes had no runway. As the two entered General Frios, the man who lead the original expedition into the Redline and helped clear it of mutants, greeted them with a smile. "Hello you two, it's an honor to once again be in your country even if brief. Pilot let's get to lift off!" After his words the craft hummed and soon shook a little as it lifted off the ground and quickly flew towards Portland. (I think this actually might have been the shortest post i have made in a long time) [/SIZE]

"You do know that if you want to visit freely, you can? You and the empire are already allied as far as I know." Valerie said while smiling.
"You do know that if you want to visit freely, you can? You and the empire are already allied as far as I know." Valerie said while smiling.

"You aren't wrong, the landscape is now how it should be. Well you know besides all of that alien structures there. However a recent coup in our country forced me to leave for a while, but everything is fine now." Frios said smiling back at her.
"You aren't wrong, the landscape is now how it should be. Well you know besides all of that alien structures there. However a recent coup in our country forced me to leave for a while, but everything is fine now." Frios said smiling back at her.

"We could of helped if we knew what state the eclipse empire was in, but the aliens blew up the tower. So if anyone was capable of hearing what was going on in the world, it would of stopped after that. We had a somewhat similar event I suppose, except without much violence. My sister stole command of the redline, gallia has new leaders as well. But it is sad that the aliens killed one of our allies.. but I basically lead them now too."
"We could of helped if we knew what state the eclipse empire was in, but the aliens blew up the tower. So if anyone was capable of hearing what was going on in the world, it would of stopped after that. We had a somewhat similar event I suppose, except without much violence. My sister stole command of the redline, gallia has new leaders as well. But it is sad that the aliens killed one of our allies.. but I basically lead them now too."

"As long as you and your countrymen and women and safe and sound." Frios said sincerely. (okay this is the shortest post i have made)
"As long as you and your countrymen and women and safe and sound." Frios said sincerely. (okay this is the shortest post i have made)

She nodded her head. "Yes, and they are doing much better." She then started to become embarrassed. "And err... 'growing' much faster without a mutant or invasion threat." 
She nodded her head. "Yes, and they are doing much better." She then started to become embarrassed. "And err... 'growing' much faster without a mutant or invasion threat." 

"Ah so your people are having your own baby boom." He said laughing a little. "It's not that embarrassing you know, people our age are doing it all the time. Well unless they are busy with their jobs or are just compete shut ins." Frios said smiling just a tad.
"Ah so your people are having your own baby boom." He said laughing a little. "It's not that embarrassing you know, people our age are doing it all the time. Well unless they are busy with their jobs or are just compete shut ins." Frios said smiling just a tad.

She just remained silent and slowly raised up a history book.
She just remained silent and slowly raised up a history book.

Frios just sighed and lifted up his wrist device and began scrolling on the holo screen, just to pass the time and see if there was anything of importance. After a few hours the arrived in Cascadian airspace and were instantly given an authorization request. The pilot then answered the request. "This is VTOL MK4, call sign Jade 1-1, requesting permission to land in either public of private airstrip. Cargo is the Redline delegates for the meeting President Jefferson is holding." Frios looked towards the pilots direction and looked back at the two. "When we land we will be here for pick up and return you home, until then." 
Frios just sighed and lifted up his wrist device and began scrolling on the holo screen, just to pass the time and see if there was anything of importance. After a few hours the arrived in Cascadian airspace and were instantly given an authorization request. The pilot then answered the request. "This is VTOL MK4, call sign Jade 1-1, requesting permission to land in either public of private airstrip. Cargo is the Redline delegates for the meeting President Jefferson is holding." Frios looked towards the pilots direction and looked back at the two. "When we land we will be here for pick up and return you home, until then." 

"Ok." Being all she said. "But umm." She looked at joseph and back to frios. "He isn't part of my nation. He is from another." She shrugged.

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